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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1905)
r 'V. THE "OREGON DAf LY JotlKNAi; PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENIOi,, JUNE 9. ISPS.' - a Z "i i 1 'J j .I i.i, ., ,ii ii . .... i. i .""" rrl ;- .! - 1 TODAyS DOINGS IN OREGON CITY 1 1 ,,: RAILfcOAD-FRANCIl GRANTED BY COUNCIL ; . Much Work in Way of , 4 " -Street Crossings. . . . Sil--Phrrt -W Th In(m 1 Oregon City. Juno . The city coun- cil la rluUr season last ulght passed ' ' the-.prdinnt"' granting perpetual . . . francklee to the Oregon & .California - railroad tor tha-uae f Railroad aVenue , for two aldlna-s and main track. As a 'condition ot this franchla the railroad t company wUl construct an underground A croearng for- pedestrlana . at Sixth and Fourth street, an overhead croaalng for .f pedeatrlans at Seventh and Klghtb streets and -an underground crossing for humi and foot passengers at Third 'street. The railroad a!so agrees to 5 fomplete what lit known aa the South End road. These -Improvements will i coat -about i5.00 and war It on them will t commenced aa soon aa the con trct provided for In .the ordinance ll signed- ' Uquof IkWnses Were granted to Kelly ! Rucontoh' and Loula D Perdusln. : f ' Council accepted tha' Invitation of the tournament committee to take part In - the Fourth of July parade) and appro, prlated ISO toward the expense. One thouaand feet, of bo wa pur. . chaaed for I SCO. . ' '. ' Tha balance ' due -' Jacob - -Wind for -revocation of aaloon licenae, 11S, wa ordered refunded. Grade were ordered established on Jackson' street" between ". Fourth and - Fifth. - and on Madison atreet. -between Seventh and Eighth.' -. - "'.- A grade waa ordered established on rr the alley east of Main atreet.-between i1Nlntn and Tenth, with tha expectation of making other improvements- ' - Tha uaual reports of the ctty ofneert , were made and tha asual : batch of monthly rlatraa wria allowed. - ti"". - The mayor appointed Maaort, Brant hni Chapman a committee to confer 5 with the tournament management on 7thp "bulldtng-of ajbandrtapdaiataoixoat - more than $109. - An ordinance waa paaaed eatabllahlng tr grade on Eleventh and Mos streets, ' An ordinance, waa paaaed assessing , , the coat of tha Third atreat Improve. "'meat. - ' -,';r-- Joaeph .Kuerten -- man eleoted water - iommlaaloner for the'enaulng year. -" .- The eprtng an Third atreet' waa ordered curbed and Ha drainage con trolled. . - ' A ' " ' i.i Tha new addition to tha Cataract boaa j company' houaa waa ordered paiirted. Tha recorded wai Instructed to adVeri a for "bids "forAtha Improvement of Ftmrtltnd Flfthatreeta from tha rall 'rad to tha rlvr,( v '.'- Tha propoaltloriv to tax meat peddler . US a month wa referred to a apeclal committee. -- ' j"-'' - JUDGE M'BRIDE'S AGE . - - - FIFTYSEVEN YARS y.-,' (ilperlal Dlapatck te The JowaaL) " j Oregon City, JUne I. Tha report has . been lnduatrloualy circulated that Judge ; Thoma A.'McBrld of the circuit court .. . of thi iitrtcrr"wno la prominently 4 mentioned a the ucceor to ihe' late Juda-e C B. Bellinger. I 0 year old. ' Friend or Jud MrWrlde knowlna tM the enlv ebleotion . to - hla appoint . men! that ha been raiaea, reel u inia r.ia an. lnjuatlce. . r- " i Judge McBrld la only BT yearaold ? and he la a vlgorou.jig many maw ef et-yeara. Tbla avear-old atorir ha been print - : edln all tha Portland newapaper and : Juaga McBrtde' friend hop that the '. -truth about - hi age will attain the aam publicity. : Ha ha received tha . Indorementof - viT'ttorny In nl dlatrlct. : ' - ; " To Kanf Jnly Thirteen th. " ' (Sfieetal Dlapatek te The JoartuL) li Oregon" City. June ' 8.---"UnleeB exec 'utlv clMnericjf shall Intervene Oeorge lauth will be executed at Salem Thura--" day, jTtry-Iti Judge McBrid ha-fixed . that data for the hanging. Bo far aa : known thl will be the first legal exe cution In a.atat on a day. other than Friday. -When aaked why he broke the - 'time - honored and traditional rule of having hangman' day on Friday, Judge ' McBrtde aald he never gave the matter a thought, but aelected July 11 ae being ; a few day after the required 10 day rmm have expired. He added that being on the ISth ahould eerv td make thl ' day aufflclently unlucky. - - ChUd Xxplres.- , (Special Dlseaub to The JonrasL) Oregon City. June . Annie Borhela, .v.. a a il ilea 1 1 p 1 1 1 1 I ill llllllll llni net of Molalla. died Tueaday niahr . after lingering Ulnea. The funeral -wrllxaliee THirTiriernoon at Jef- f eraon. ' . - ' MUCH. BUSINESS DONE ; BY COMMISSIONERS "Contracts for Bridge Work and -Other Improvements' in Clarke Let. --r (prW DlapaWb to-Tbe Joornal.) ' Vancouver, Waah., June . At yester-:- "day's session of the county cnmmleeion .ers more business was transacted than 1 usually the case in two day. l Th contract for renewing, th pier of the LeWiavllle - bridge' was awarded to'jZobert Webster at $8.75"" per cubic -yard f or-etthar aton r concrete end . S3 for other work necessary. It will - tak 70 cublo yards to ennatrurt the "' pler.: Ther "wrTIwo other -blddera. U J. Allen put In a bid of $7 per cublo yard and wanted. $1 10 .for -etn- work. " Vait Camp at bole put In a bid, oJtO&0 pef UbIo yaTd kriI 200fo extra work. " . Ui' : In tea, Schfllfng's Best fstrj no means the costliest tea? it'i a matter of taste. Of the fih "kindsTtEe one you like best u your tea.", 7 ' " "; . ; ' Yourgrpcer's ; moneyback. THE LATEST Nolr Tb Orama Cttr efar f te aaal M IwatM at H.wrll loom' ara etora. aM Mrntn eat, warn aKbaerlpttowfc -eoagplalBt Hmtm at, warn aKbaerlpttoa, -eoagnial iw-ttMBMata ea4 aw ftcwa will ae u4 aroaiatlr ertaaOfd to- METIIODISTSWILl - CONVENFAT CANBY Big Program Arranged for Epis- copaf ponference Meeting ' to Be Held:y; ' (Special Pintatrk te The Joaroal.) Oraron City. June $. Th camp metln of -Oregon Methodlat Episcopal conference will be held at Canby, In thl county, beginning June 29 and closing July 10. - Th dally programf- Morning prayera dally from f to o'clock; spe cial holinpfcft meeting dally, at I p. m. by Ref'.'liriX'ooa of Oregon City,'' eVeo-lna- aervlcea conducted by membera at th asaoclatloh, beginning at T:4S o'clock; Sunday afternoon service. Ittr-etiarg-of T. II Jonea of Amity.- Th opening' service will be, led by Rev. G. 1 Hamilton of Hlllsboro, The 11 a. m. services will, be conducted by the following clergymen: June 10. Rev. W. H iflllngahead. presiding elder of I he West Portland district: July 1. Rev. W H. Jieppe.-pnator' of Centenary church of Portland; July 2. Rev. I K Rockwell, presiding elder of i the Eaat Portland district; July I,. "RevEdward. Gittena of Lincoln; July" 4, Rev. T. B. Ford of Bunnyslde; July ., Rev. Clar ence True Wilson, pastor of Grace ehurch, Portland: July . Rev., Panlel I.; -Rurterr editor of the Taclflo Christian Advocate; July," 7, Rev. W. - H. ' Selleck Of Balem; July I, Prealdent J. H. Cola man of Willamette university: July t. KWhop '!. H. Moore. th-D.,' Portland; Rev.- R. E. Dunlap will-hay charge ot the muslo. . ,, -- - . - - . ' Th midyear examination for confer ence undergraduate will be held Friday, June 21. at 10. a.-'.sa. -- r- Th officer tf the Canby Camp Meet ing aaaoclatlon are: Prealdent, T. I Jonea; vlce-prealdent, C U Hamiltom secretary, Jr-Wodr-treas-ire)r,- R. a. jtuntep. -f TO SOON WED WOMAN -. , ..WHOSE LIFE HE -SAVED r " (SpeeUl Dlapatck te The Jooraal.) t Oregon City, Or.. June S. Mra. J. C Peel of Portland Ha laaued invitation tq tha marriage of her daughter, Mia Florence Kalnaford Peel,, to John Bran dow Lewthwait of Oregon City.-" Tha marriage will take" place at tn Cum berland Presbyterian ehurclt "Thursday evening, June H, at :S0 o'clock. Mrv and. Mr. LewthwaJt wlU realda In Oregon1 City and will be at home after July JLO . -i , - '- - : ' - Mora thgn tha Usual amount of ro; Uuaaea la wmen aroanaIg-approacTV0" " DU"a"""m. Ing marriage. About a year ago Mr, Lewthwaite, Miss Peel and ' another young woman were on' the Clackama river In a skiff. Tha river -was high and the wateu swift and treacherous. Th boat capsised and all three went under. After he saw that one young woman was hanging to. the upturned boat and-was temporarily safe, he saved Miss Peel front drowning after she had sunk and risen to the surface twice. He came pretty nearly being drowned b'T- lf,a Thl rf 1. thebea-1nnlng of the preuy romanoe : inai wih -reaca . li happy fruition next Thuraday, r PartrplaoeJciooL. "(tlScTar tUwUck ur The JoaraaL) -Oregon- CityrJuna- t.-Th ' poCflcT school af Park place will close tomorrow and . Interesting exercises will be held tomorrow night In the school building. After the exercise light refreshments will be served by-th Mothers' Tlub of the school. : Th following Eighth grade graduate will receive diplomas: Pending, Katie Bluner, Evelyn Lache, Emily Frenoh. - Halll Johnson, Victor Gault, Otto Purcella nd Otto Hott The program follow: Song, class: address, "J. C Zlnzer; salutatory, Glady-halleyTTcrtattonrHaUla John son; piano solo, Esther U'Ren; compo sition. Victor Gault; vocal solo. Mis Marie Frederick; class history. Otto Purcell; piano solo, Katie Bluner; class Ipoem, Glady" Shelley; ong, class; else propnecy, ji.miiy r rencn; vocsi soio, Ju liette Cross: presentation of diploma, Captain Smith; farewell aong. clasa. County Court Convene. -(Special Dispatch te Th Journal.). . Oregon City, June . I. County court convened this rooming st 11 o'clock-end wim-amaln Intseaslon two or three days. Bo fsr as known only routine business will coma hefnre th cnrt for consld- The Journal, dally 45o month, daily and Sunday 65o a month; delivered any where In Oregon City. NEWS OF (Nettre Tbe Taaeoaver erBce ef Iti Joeraal I loraud at Oil Mala itrwt, pboo Mala 3usl. wbrr aubecrlpttoM, eoapUlBts,' advartlMBMata as awa Items will be received aad sreaipU tuadod to.) . - -. It was decided to go ahead with the oonatructlon of Riverside drive, which will run from . tha garrison along the brow of the hlU to the deaf mute achool. Thus Vancouver people will be furnished with a moat picturesque -drive.- - ' There ha been a desire for aom lme by tha residents of Vancouver Heights to have two north and south streets or roads cut from 80 to 0 feet In width. The commissioners acted favorably on thla and the change was ordered made. The contract' for 'the construction of a ismall bridge over Xook wood creek was let to H. I Parsel for $160. : After hanging fire for some" time" the commissioners yesterday decided to commence condemnation proceeding to secure a right of way for the new Washmigal road; Thl wilt be welcome hew for the residents of the dlatrlct to be served. ' The Steelman -road near Brush Prairie wss ordered established, '-""-;""' aJg.r;itiil : Btrt: ' .'"I -T' (Bfwclal .IHapatck to Tbe Journal.) Vancouver, -Wash., June 8. A bill .-of sale was yesterday recorded In the au ditor's office transferring the plant of th Columbia Rlvnr. Paper company to tha Crown-Columbia Pulp A Pper" com pany, wtth headquarter In Ban Fran clano. While the Instrument transfer ting the property give a nominal con sideration. It Is understood' that the prlc w'na gond one. Tba.'h.w fom- Tany-TS" a consolidation of the -Crown Paper company and th local oompany. FW.- Ladbetter, former proprietor of th local plant, will be first vloa-presl-deot of th new company, tn rharg of the property which he eold. tj un derstood that tha'liew concern will at bnce Inoress the cspaclty of all three of th plant taken In,- FOR HIGH SCHOOL ttabbratrPrograUTrArrangBfjand . Twenty-Two Graduates Iq ' v ", .! "the Class. . - (Special Dlapatrh te Tbe JenraaL) ' ' Orenon Cltr. June The following program haa- been arranged for the clos ing, exercises ot --tha-Higb- schoot at Ehtveley' opera house, Friday evening: Invocation, Rev. P. K. Hammond: piano aolo,' "Tarantella," op. 2S (Uennerl. Ber tha . Frederick; chorus. 'Bnowdrops." Schumann Singing aoclety; reading. Robert of Slclly.'-VIaura Glathari aoio. When the Bird Go North Again" Amy Thomas; claa hlatory. Earl walkert vocal olo (a urd TC to Me,Bcotch folk song: (b) "AU Through th Night,' Welsh . folk song. Miss Imogen Hard ing; piano solo, Blavlache Tanse::-Na 1. Miss Martha Frances Draper; class poem, Edna Park; Instrumental sextet, Malcolm Telford, Wallace Telford, Wil. 11am Telford. Elsie Teford. Maxtne Tel ford, John Telford; vocal snhr-ta)' Thy- Name" (Mary Knight Wood), (b) "love, the Peddler (German); Miss. Imogen Harding; class prophecy,. Wava Har- ringtoo; valedictory LucUe Bacori; ehorua (a) "Ebb and Flow" Q. King) (b) "Cradle Bong (Brahma). Schumann Singing society;, presentation of diplo mas, Charlea Albright, -chairman board of directors."' There ar 22 members ot th gradu ating cla. . - r-::r : Xoal aaA Varsoaal. (Soeelal UUpatek t The iowmeU -Oregon City. June . Mlaa- Corllla SchonkwUer and Mia Warnlck of Cali fornia, are vialtlng Ml Myrtle Bchonk- tier. . , Tha ac-hool board of Oawego ha a- lected the following teacher: . Mlra Maud Zlmmtfmin, Mlaa Eunice Oarnetd. Mra. Van Horn. The principal 1 yet to be aelected. The board at OalL-Orov ha appointed " Mre. ElUabeth - Hay- huret rand MI - Annie - Tr Baftth 7a teacher. . i Examination of pupil tn the eighth grade of the public. achoola are In prog- rea tn au the acoooie in uiacsamaa county. . The public achool of Oregon City will cloa Friday. Mr. Minnie McKean. and Mra Charier Buchanan of Cornellua ar vialtlng Mra C. D. LatoureU. P.. J. Riding of Martin wai la the City yeaterday. .. Hon. C."B.-Moore or saiem waa to town yeaterday. -rr Mr. and Mr. Frank Actman of "Canby were In Oregon City yeaterday.- F. T. Griffith went to Newbrg jre terday on legal bualnesa.- H. 8. Moody" hn: gone tn Ha lent and Marriage licenses were issued yester day to Edward Btoller and Mis Annie Matthew and to C. H. Clausen and Ml Margaret Grooven.- -. " A ult waa Sled yesterday in the cir cuit court by Oeorge Zimmerman and W. J. Zimmerman against Joseph Hawkins and his wife for the poaseaalon of 14. acre pf land. Mrs.-Fi-O-.-Eby- returned home yester day afternpon from a visit of a week to friend In Taooma and Kelao, - Washing ton. te" given yesterquy aT ternoon at the Congregational church waa a financial 'and social aucceaa. Ttits wa the fl-ff --'"tr1"" by the Saturday club and tha attendance and patronage accorded., will probblymak baaaar of thl kind a regular feature of tha club's work. - " - ' ' -! Attorney E. II. Northrop of Portland waa In the city yeaterday. Fred Oldenatadt of. Stafford waa In Oregon City yesterday. ' Mr. Oldenatadt iltJ Is a pioneer farmer of Clackamas In tha circuit court' yeaterday decreet of divorce wera granted Robert L. Ed monson against Ellen Edmonson, C. rx Brown against C. K. Brown, Ida McNutt against R. D. McNutt .. .. Mr-and Mr.-Jr-eranranrTfTffar" quam ara In the city. William Strange, an employe of the Willamette -Pulp Paper mill, dislo cated hla arm at th elbow yesterday afternoon while at work at th milt." F. M. Bpati of Caru 1 in th city to day. ' ' , . , Mlea Ahnle Matthew and Edward Btoller, from Oak- Grove, were married at tha Congregational mans yesterday afternoon. Rev. E. 8. Bollinger bfflclat Ing. Mr. Fred K airman, from tha same Place. wa a witness Mr. and Mra Stotler will make their residence near Center in tha near future. The O. W. P. A Ry. Co. wll "- wnn irkTTrrg Vtry ZO minutes frotn 7:00 a. m. until midnight on SaturdayJ vuaewr-uregonTt-r-aay at tbe Lewis snd Clark exposition. Rond trip, n cents. - VANCOUVER ODD FELLOWS CLOSE " SUCCESSFUL SESSION rVJeetlng of Washington Grand Lodge at Vancouver Near- ing Its End 1 (Bpedar tlspatch te Tbe Joeraal.) A Vancouver. Wash., June . Yeater day" wound up th business In connec tion with tha annual conventions of the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs. While - the conventions do not close, until thl f. ternoon, today I being taken up with paying th delegates: Thl afternoon and evening a majority of those who hava been attending the sessions her will go to Portland to take part In tho parade., of the Oregon grand lodge of the I. p. O. F. , The eHlon-iet closing has been a varjeauoe tarn) -oner Th e people " of Elite Theatre Ct'g. A. BAOKR, Maneger. High Clau Vaudevllls CHAN (J or mocnaM mondat AND ... rrxji r tin ii i vi ... I Oc ADMISSION lOo (NO HtOHBB STlTTintg gATPBDSY ago itntDAT. For cleaw BHAVK or- an up-to-date hair cur fco to Hotel - Columbia ' Barber Shop J .a batxb nr oomraonoir. JLL MADS EN - Proprietor.. . .,i i ... - . 7( -j " Our Boys Sult go so fast that we can hardly keep up with the demand i , ., .. ' I. ' T-rNo " wonder r though for they are everything , boys'l suits should be. -. ' ' ' ' See our window display 'of -Boys Suits. . - C 1 Q C , Special.. , ;'f . :..POOp . The regular 14.60 and 11.00 kind. Boys'-Sailor Blouse. Vasha- . ' able Suits;.', - Zry x Special at...,. ...... Utw. , ,-Boys Fast Black Hose, in all .sizes. 7" A i Special at. , , , .. .. .'. ..1 Uw ' IfidHCLarHinGO Everything 'for Men and Boy s ; lpfj and 168 Third Street, ' y i - Near Morrison. - - Vancouver have turned out with tru hospitalltyr whleh-was-fully-appreci ated by the vlejtlng delegates and their friend.- 1 While some lmie nimcuny waa found in taking car of th large number attending, very few complaint were heard, a it waa evident that th local people wera doing their beat. ' CLARKE COUNTY MAN SERIOUSLY INJURED Buys Horse and : Attempts 16, Ride It Home but Receives " : . - Broken Arms. : (Bpeelal Diapatcb e The Joaroal.) -Vancouver, Waah., Jun . . O. ' W, Welher, who live near. .Minnehaha school waa thrown from a horae while oh hla way home from thl city yea terday. BothjrjnX-ta broken- and In ndier Ways h waa 'badly. Injured. He waa1 brought to thl ctty and th broken bone were at after1 much dif ficulty. While It 1 thought Welner wilr-urvtv-ii1-tnjurter ItWlir. b several month before h WUl again ba able to work. '' T For several day Indian hav been aelllng horae her for th aum of fS and upward. Hearing that It wis pos sible to secure a horse at a great discount In thi way, Welneream to thl city and made hi purchase. After leading th animal for aeveral mile on hi way horn he decided to rid tn teed, with the above result. aVt-tha Coartkoaa. - (Special Diapatcb te Tbe JooroaL): Vancouver, Waah., Jun t. Four transfer of. teal estate were recorded and on marriage license Usued yester day by Auditor BurnhamTh trans fers were ar followa: T Owen Mulligan to RobertLarer,-lot 5 -and t In block B0, west of Alain street, and lots 1, t, t and In block 10, and lot 7 and I In block to, of Portland addition, and lots 7 and ( In block of North Vancouver; consideration, fl. - P- Haiisch mil his wlft. I"t 4 I" west of Main street; consideration. Frederick W. Leadhetter and ila .wlfaJHJf JJ'acerjBir. w "-2 TO" ....... iiiilQ-xr Paparbmnanvall the -rrrrwn i uip t faper company, au me tide lands on the north bank of LaCama elmighi consideration,- Str - The marriage license wa Issued to w. F. Motley and Agnes Hughe of Port land. .. Columbia Xlsing. ' , "(Rpeciat Dlapatck t Tbe Journal. Vancouver, Wash., June S. During tha last week the Columbia river at this city haa riaen at the average rat of a foot a day. It 1 now higher than it ha been thl year and bid fair to go ae high a it was In 1. Eight feet will put It up to tha 1S99 mark. Old-timers do not look for a flood, "a th warm weather of February and March took away a' considerable amount of th now In th foothills.'. ' X,ocal and Parsonal. (Special Dispatch to Tha Journal.) ' Vancouver.' Waah., Jun f. Miss Ida Wllloughby visiting frlnd at Wood land. . ., - . . . The W. O. W. band will play at Elchenlnnb's hall thl evening. ,; Mrs. K. r Blerllng left for her home at Wenatchea,--Washington, to spend her vacation.. Mrs. sterling . will probably teach at this place again next year.. William Devlne left thl morning fori Portland, where he will work at It R. ftolln's brickyard. kjw-r Wllllam Moore and hla wife of Pen dleton, A. E. Sermon of Portland, B. I). Heary of Ehdlcotl, Waahtngton, Hoy Huggert of Topeka, Kanaa; p. H. Mnr- tin of Seattle, J. A. Selout of Ban Fran cisco, Slocaga .Qrant-of Hays, -Wash-lngtoo. and J. Seaman of Portland were registered at the Hotel Columbia yesterday.'',-"' ' - , Eight member of tha Portland Hunt club Visited Vsncouver thl morning and rode through tha garrison and along th Fruit valley road. Vancouver ha be come a favorlta resort for member of the Hunt club. - Tot the best Ice cream tn th city go to Rusk', 61 Main street. , Th Journal, dally 4 a month, dally and Sunday 5o a months delivered any where in Vancouver. - Seoeptlr. , Bibb Tou wouldn't think Bevmeur'a son had been through college, to hear h.lm 'talk, would youT ,. - Olhbs-No; I d never 'uspeet It. must have taken tn regular cours and liauuaico, . IIEXT.'MG IN CAPITAL OF lOVA Women's Missionary Conven- iIoJvEIcts -Of fleets tand z Chooses Des Moines. HOME MISSION WORK IN i i"- FLOURISHING CONDITION Final Reportf 'Received Today , and Adjournment Taken - Until Next Year. " (Special Dlapatek te Tbe Journal) i ' ' '."Albany, June I. Th moat Important work of th women' mlaalanary eon- vantlon yeaterday afternoon waa th election of officer for th coming year and th' (election, of Xea Molnea, Iowa, a th next place of meeting. Th offi cer chosen ar: President. - Mr. W. P. Whit of thl city, wife of tha paator of th United Prebytrlan churcn bare; firat vlc-preldentf-T Mies Margaret Mitchell. Pittsburg;, secretary, Mra. Mary W. Porter; treaaurer, Mr,. J. Js. HI1L Board of director: Mia K. J. Sloan, Mr. R. A. KUlott Mra. NWylK Btavenaon, Mr. K. U Wallace. Maga- sin committee: Mr. W. C. Hutchison Mr. George Moore. Mrs. H. C. Oeaa, Mrs. a M. Kelao. MIbb Elinor Colllna. Th committee on place of next meeting reported that Invltatlona had been re ceived to hold th next annual .meeting at PetrolU-Michlgan y -Chicago, Illlnota. and Iea Molnea. Iowa. ! Molne wa chosen a th plac of meeting for next year. ' i ' The report of th home mission work read yesterday afternoon show that th society owns an orphan' hom at Al legheny. - .Pennsylvania. In which to children are being cared for. A hospital owned by tha aoclety 1 being Increased and thoroughly equipped, and recently Andrew Carnegie endowed two rooms to be named after Ms wife and dnughtgr, he ; giving- 1.4a0 toward - equipping -the Institution. - in in, nom ror ns agea II persons ar being cared for and more room la being added ao that other ap plicants ' may . bei received. - - ' At th evening session the new offt- ccra.were presented to the convention. During th evening It wss announced that -4 las Emma Dean Anderson's pgs-. sage to India had been secured and ahe would aall for. her field of work .Sep tember . Bhe appeared before th con vention for a brief farewell addrea and was' -given a -warm reception. The final --report of the committee will b received . today. and, the. conven tion, will adjourn, ome- tlma-lhl after noon, when tha delegate- will leave. many ot them going to California, while a good proportion . of them will go to Portland and spend om time at ther exposition. lief.oj'O. Jleaying Tor Ihelteaau em home. WOMAN IS CONTENTED WITH HALF A MILLION (Joarsat Special Seevtaaj.t Chicago, June s. With tha return, to Chicago, Mrs. -Elisabeth V. . Aay and th relatives Ot th lata Pater L Klm- berly, the mining man, who left aa -v tata.valued at iio.uod.bvo, cam tn an nouncement that, ther wni no no wiu contest. ancTlharMf. Aaapr win get th 1500,000 leftirer'by th term-Tt Ktm- berly' will. - r--. .-. "- - : Tha will will ke probated ln Bharon, Pennsylvania. Executora wlll .. take char ga of -tha-estat--lnrmedtattri and Mrs. Assy get her half million without opposition. Mrs,; Asay Bald: .'Ther la nojeaaon why I ahould try to break Mr. Ktmberlg' will. H pro vlded me enough money to live th rest of mr life, and even If he had not X hav mean of my own. I lived aa Mr. KimbeHr'a-wif-formiTreara. I never used hi nam, except when we trav eled, and then he- registered tn aa hla wlf at hotel. In Now York and San Francisco and other cities I met all my best friend, who knew that I was not hi -wlf.""". " ' . CRUSHED BY CAVING BANK AT SUSANVILLE PLACERS :." . (Special Dlapatek te Tbe Journal.) Canvon City. Or., Jun . By being caught In a caving bank at th Buck Ouloh placers, near Buaanvllle, thi eounty, O. J. Tuckr wa fatally In jured Monday, dying a few hour after being releaaed from tha debrl.. Tucker wa on of th early cltlsen .of thl part of Grant eounty. Tha Buck ouicn placer ar in th I conslderaoie placer worn every spring, i . k .ihvim nia ar. In soma ef these th alluvium beda are deep, and-ttt necessary to bsrr great caution in operating th giant. CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY OF REVOLUTIONARY FIGHT (Journal Special Service.) Elisabeth. N. . Jejune I. Elisabeth held high carnival today in celebration of tha. l5th anniversary of .the battle rn,.K.fifAwn Vam t r.a nf the rle- bratlon Included a! mammoth parade of military and patriotic societies, rol lowed by th dedication of a handsome monument - commemorating - tne name. Th celebration conclude tonight with a naval demonstration, . In which launches and numerous other craft from all the near-by coast and river town will tak part. . - Oood sogds Oonvantton. " (Rpeetal Dlapatck te Tbe JonrnaJ.) . Pendleton, Or.. Jun I. Arrangement ara being perfected for the -National Good Roads contention to be held here next Monday. ' The national party"! expected to stop en rout to the. Lewi and Clark exposition. - A fund of $J00 haa been raised for the entertainment of the party. ' - A Companion A delightful little traveling compan ion, indispensable' to many who travel, are 'th ....VXittlav ComforUwa"-MHmi1 Anti-Pain Pills. By their Soothing In fluence upon the nerves of the brain and stomach, they prevent dlsslness, sick stomach and headache car sickness,- Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills cur all kind f pain 0"lca and sure, are perfectly harm leas, and do-not affect you In any way, except to soothe the nerve and cure pain. For real comfort never enter upon a Jo,urney without first aecurimr-'a' package of the "Little Comforters." ' - -,--- "l am pieasea q ' rKimmrna nr. Mll.a1 Antl.Paln Pill. Thev Tint onlv cured a chronla headache, but since. If my head show a disposition tn ache, one Tsblet stops it. I give hundreds of them tn sufferer on trains, snd derive much satisfaction from the relief they afford." M. H. CHART CSV Traveling Salesman, Bt. Ixmle. Ma ' Money back if first bottl falls . to benefit. L . ' - , 16 dose, a cents. xsvr soia in duik. NEVDliC'S ' rk OBITsTai. Iasa4 tha GOiNG-J,' OQINC U GONE III. WW Sat IV JUrnaaUe Wtfl THE LADIES OBJECT . a gaasaay aad Kicky kalr Iraaalag, er r that km raU at eailaaastarr ebeastaale te J tbe kalr. Tba aurked siafaiaaae fa galaty . dseeatag, parti ea Lwhr aae tbat avareaaaaa aweeeatv etHaaaa rsf krt.tM. )fJlc.StaaBs.lslUtPiaiECIIcytLIrN AwyUQATIOSrS) Al lm01TTSlanr JJaJSJOg MM09U. W. H. MAIUCELL CO. ;:rr: 121-12Q . Grand Avnuo .:,-r-'V The Friday and Saturday Bargain Days Ywwfll tlwgyg find betlr atyeiTier. SpecUls this week: IBcd Comforts at Special Prices Comforts worth $1.25 at.!..,f.............'...Q8o : : Comforts WQrth $1.50 at...-. $lOS. . . . Comforts worth $1.75' at..........$1.33 - : Bedspreads wortb 75c Good Iarft Spread, ready for as. : -Two new styles, with extension sole, Blucher styles, perfect fit-' ting stylesrmade of fin Dongola Kid. 1 - ' ; .-r-- Three styles of Kid and Box Calf Shoes Shoes of quality as well A good atyle. .' -l '. - You issaxs ZZXXXi Army MeVk's Restaurant ,. . omitaBXT wxtmm tiAXfixai.) 4-----.-' ---Largot and Handsonicst Modmte Price Restaarmt In the City. sons KaU 4103. Take lrao ta th AUakf Bnlldinff. , ,.t Cor. Third XOVZM SCXXX. rroprlor. zxxzzx For- modern " dental work. World-r- nowned apeclallata Lowat price consistent with flrst-olaa . work. . "T . Oo to tha . . NEW YORK DENTISTS rovmrx aars k oxkisov its. . Open day and night, from 1:10 a. ,m. until 10 p. m. - PIONEERS PICNIC . . AT BROWNSVILLE Many Old-Timers," Nativa, Sons ll and Daughters CatherJor.. , ' ',: . Big Reunion. : (Saeeial Diapateh to Tke JoornaL) -Albany. Jun S.-VThe pioneer' picnic, a three day' meeting of th Linn county pioneer, began at BrownvtIl yeaterday and will oontlnue-untll tomorrow night. Several thoussnd people, pioneer, ar camped near that towh. After a parade, addresses of welcome were delivered and responded to yarterday.. Thl afternoon Wr JC Y aUa otar vaUia-wfU-dell var- Ut principal address on - th oeoaalon of Pioneer' -' da y, and ' tomorrow - Natlw Sons' and Daughtars' day will be marked by air address by Walter U Too of ToXnJarf CknroK (Special 'Dlapatck te Tha Jooraat.t Corvallla. ' Or.. Jun I At It last masting held this week th board of trustees ot (h First Methodist church decided to alcept th plan offered for enlarging the church. Bid will be r. celvr-d immediately. The churcJv which I thav largest In Corvallla, la taxed for room and th Improvement wlU include tha raising of th structure and th building of a baaemenfc - - - f ' .ii. i i 1 i -- - O. a. O. Oradnatlom. ";'";""' (Spnetal Dlapatek te Tk Jearaal.) 1 Corvallla, Or., June I. Today . at Oregon Agricultural colleg begins th E-3ERPICIDE MS k BjaJrv.aT av It. Tw Uu l gergleMa. aaut ecaatalte fraav m. It i i.liMi. aba aaliMhCi avoartk Ta the aeals, nnt aaarart, aeopa raliiaf bair f gTL.'t Uk ,aaa gwea. aiur itcsi . - ' .- . .i.t- Can Decome An or Ofiicer Navy . It you are.i pifstvering moraljoun; -inaiv-bjstween the ages of 17 and 35 years possessing agoodcommon -school edncatron'andnpassing the nec. essary physical ejeamination.; Further particular? for four cents in stamps,( by jaddressing, ; : : : . z: ": 'm; iOKNFOR BUSINESS and Morrison Sis. - Headquarters for LilUalV Stockings and Trusses : LAUE-DAVIS ORUQ CO Thlra and Yamhill St a. annual graduating sxerclses of that institution. Th closing day will be nsxt Wednesday. Thl avening. in tho colleg chapel, will be held th final de bate in th series for th Oatch cup. Tha ubject "I , "What Is Ambition? 'Tl a Glorious Chest." Th affirmative will be argued by thee representatives of the Utopian society Miss Parsons, Miss Wright, Mis Hill: thstngatlv by th Soros-ia, . whose debaters are : Mix Agnes ,B week. Mlsa Pauline Davis . and Miss Edna Irvin. . The graduation recital of the piano department of O. A. .C. will tak place In th college chapel Saturday, T gradtiTri MtsalXipul Smith - Olan- rlll. . . '. - - ' '-;-.:'. delicious dentifrlc. Ft from acid and grit. Just the thing for those who -have art inclination for the niceties of everyday We. Ask your dentist. ' SB ra fM Kkt:1 - . . . i ... . '- '. - i' 1 ,'. ' - Vv"" - ',' 'h ; - 7. V r