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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1905)
TIIS 0nrG0!I DAILY JOEKrTAL, POPvTLAIID. JTHUKSDAVEVENIKa.JUTnS-Sr I ,JJJ T TOWN TOPICS Mirdlin Onil ' ' ."A Remanra of 'T" ,.. r ,. .j . tu,,. "Th. niuioers" . Lrrlc.......,.....7r'T'ns Prince of TVtei'tlwf- '.. 1-miilr. ...... ."Kacket Wife" Sier ' Vaudeville . Baker ........ VulirtWe , Oread ..Vaudeville ;- " ' . .'When th pioneers of Oregon iMn tl at the 'Armory June It for. their ' opening ; session -tvr la probable that more old residents will be present than at any previous gathering of -this sort. " Secretary Hlmes has been kept busy (or l week answering the hundreds of letter from Inquiring; pioneers. The opening; session at he Armory will bcdn at t o'clock June-IB; will be addressed by JI. H. Gllfry. and will adjourn at 6 1 , o'clock for .the banquet given by the woman's auxiliary. - A business meeting; and a campflr will ba held in the -evening. June IS la pioneer -day -at he fair, and those wearing; badges will be Admitted to the around - f res- between I and t o'clock in the afternoon. After an addresa sof welcome- ty- f reeiaeni Good th ploneera will spend the af ternoon m viewing th fair. . Other dey talls of th -program will be arranged by th committees xnis wee.- r- jt. A representatlTS of an. eastern" class factory .will visit Portland soon to In vestlgate conditions .relative to the glass manufacturing Industry. The Portland hoar of trsde recently furnished statis tics to the concern, and it 4s believed th sand snd other raw, materials for max-Inn- class ars hers 'in ample quantities. The board ' has received . Utters from , eastern manufacturers who are-considering the advisability of establishing branch factories here. .Action wss taxen - to co-operate with other bodies in per .- tltlonlng Congress to crests a depart ment of mines and mining. - - , There was a mistake somewhere. The warships did not arrive yesterday, but -'th Marblehead will b her Friday, snd perhaps the Boston and Chicago t th - same time. " When they coma our fleet "0f alert gasoline steamers wlllb in readiness. Our regular line to the Oaka seven miles lor 10 cntav-aff orda on of the most delightful river rides in Ore' ,. gon. -Boats -eapabl of -carrying up is 166 passengers may ds enansreo. " vorlts Boating; company, foot of IJorrl- -son-street, south- aids -otoridga, .l-.r.:, There are -four- pianos - lef t-of -th iTWrlsht bankrupt stock, and theae -sr th celebrated undeman ex eons pianos. whloh will be closed -out at manufac turers' cost. If people could realise what savlnr this - means "ther would . ber-lion left by this svenlng. Also r duntlon on niv" rexulaf Una of pianos. tor make room for a large sfilpment on tbs way." A. W. Meyer, 74 Sixth street, near Oak, - ; Th American ion. th only hotel upon the Exposition grounds, is now open. . Quests ar supplied with' pssses to Fair grounds, which used, as often, as they may wish. Street cars to th door. Ask. conductor for point of 'transfer. Restaurant open from 7 a. m. to 10 p. m. Regular meale, breakfast and Junch, 60 ' cents. Dinner, 11.00, Buffet snd billiard --room. Mrs.' J. T. McCready,-manager. . ' At the last meeting of th MllwaukU ' council a - license . wsS grsnted Isaao Gratton to open an "option"' clubhouse - st an annual llcensa M M00. Th club ... already has -v liquor-license.- for which 5 tt la navtnar 1400 annually. The revenue I ' derived fronnhe Oratton club and-' tha ther saloon Of -tha lu -amounts, to $1,S0A annually.; - ' ' y ' Taxpayers of th Lent school district last night decided to raise lt.00 by direct tax to build a six-room addition to th present four-room - structure. mtmrm mr-fTtA h- the taXDaVSra and the directors authorised the prepara-j tlon 01 Bpeciliusittme. m- wtiunaitiu ba ready for occupancy by th opening of th next,school year. . - John P. Young;, managing editor, of tha Ban Franclaco Chronicle, ia In th city. : Mr. Tounk has vlsitad all th -national fairaalne th exposltlonof ii? mnA hollavea tht seenlcsllv Port- land' has the most glorious of. them all. "V- ... . 1 - . 1 . . . m ffrtffi fn 1 ( f Ar. xe V 1 u m nla to Portland this lommer., ' i -Ths will of James Field was admitted to probate in the county court yester day. Field died- two years ao in Con necticut and the property consists of half a block on Tamhlll street between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets. - Phoebe Field, -tha widow, Is mad th bene ficiary during her life.t - .f A petition to construct and operate a waterworks system ln Woodmere was filed In th county court yesterdsy by R. A. Tsylor snd F. A. Knapp. ltle IB1 pniponeil tiyTH-lBefporatora to "conduct an eleotrlc? lighting' systemIn connection with th waterworks plant Another - echo of the , Tanner creek sewer scandal was heard yesterday when Frank Robertson brought suit sgalnst . Contractor R. M. rtlner for I2IS damages alleged to hav bean sustained through th excavation under, Robertson's build lngt at Alder and Seventeenth streets.-- Wedding Invitations and announce ments. - Tou. will appreciate the beauty of our old English and plate script ' styles when you see our ssmples. Prices no higher thsa th out-of-date stylet,. Alvin 8. Hswk Co 14 Third street. Gertrude Wright married W.fO. Wright last October, and yesterday began action for a divorce In the circuit court, charging cruelty and non-support and that Wright had made Improper ad vances to ber daughter. r ' ; An open meeting of Multnomah Pro . hlbttlon alliance will be held at th home of Stat Chairman-.!.. H. Amos, 863 Hawthorn avenue, tomorrow even Wfc, Plans for a reception and banquet -to bs given Charles R. Jones, chairman national Prohibition committee, will be and Cuffs Wt'Ta th' M8wnestN BhlrtaYatFroducadby KARLa WILSQN f Ilewett,Bradey&Co Setter and rnralshers.' . I4t WABHINOTON STREET. ' Near Grand Theatre. -ShirtsColIars- SIIAf DAniEYILL : DE SEE AT FAIR -V"-i' --, -' -: : VIsitoftoYfljDppprtunitxjr Learning , How .Fights ' . ;. Are - Won. ATTENDANCE INCREASES WITH GOOD WEATHER On Wednesday and Saturday Nights Display of Fireworks" - 'Will Be Made.. "' '.The sun burst radiantly upon Port land thla morning and particularly upon that portion 'of It which commands tbs most attention the Lewis and , Clark exposition. Good crowds arrived at the gates early and the Indications ar that today's attendance will be greater than that of yesterday. About 11,000 persons saw ths sights yesterdar. With the exception of open Ing day, this ' was the best attendance thus fsr recorded. The attendance last nlaht was good, and while a large crowd gathered around the bandstand to enjoy th muato of , Innes' players ; sverai thousand hit the Trail. , ' F. . K. Davidson, chief of th admis sions department, stated this, morning that "ths exposition attendance - is en tirely satisfactory to the management. Good weather is all we need for a good attendance," said Hr. Davidson, "and th weather Is very encourag ing. Qe Wa(lonti Quarq'"wiU ecute a-'series of maneuvers for ths benefit of exposition visitors commenc ing July 1 and lasting three days. If present plans go througn. - ' Adlutsnt-Oeneral llnser has taken UP wltb. Prealdent Ooode ths mstter of a state encampment at that time, and intends hsvlng S.000 troops engsge In a sham Battle on tua evening of July 31 One side will be intrenched on. the hills West of the expoaltlonwntl the at tacking force will start from the gov ernment peninsula. - r ' -' Another feature of th. encampment will be a review Of th troops, by Gov ernor Chamberlain and staff. -a . Wednesday "and Saturday nights ar scheduled ss fireworks nights snd un less rsln interferes a pyrotechnic dis play will be given at I o clock on theae evenings. -i V Elaborate . preparatlona are being rnade for the display on Saturday night Traveling Men's day. Few set -pieces wHlbe- used. but-Director of -Works Huber promises a stsrtling effect in the lighting of the entice shore line of the lake with -colored Ughta, and ths In troduction of new' Ideas in aerial .first works. .,---"- ' - - . - One of. th season's pyrotechnic sensations-will be a reproduction --of the Tall of Port Arthur, which ia being Tre-J parea. . . . '. . ., . .. ... dlsoussed. Chairman Jones eomes "to Portland to attend a conference called to consider plsns for a temperance-con greas to be held In connection -with ths Lewis and . Clark-:, iairr"Beptember-l to JS.- , . ,.. .. .' . .rj Jules Mersfelder. .whose .nam . to familiar among lovers of art all- aver 'th couhlry. arrived this morning from Ban Ftanolsco and wm pn rwir b mora here. Mr. Mersfelder Is a popular member of the Bohemian club and tha Frees club Of recent years ha has He- voted himself largely to Interior decora tlv work. , An Informal dlnnsr will be given to Wilbur S. TuDDer. vlce-presldent of the Conse ryatlyaXu Tnsnranoa eempany, at th Hotel Portland this evening by. representatives of the company In Or- gon. Mr. Tupper Is making a trip through th Pacific coat states.., Suit-for 88 against Edison Keith A Co. wss begun in the. ttU4aircult court yesterdsy-by-W-H.- O'Neill, who al- TeireS thatthls-sum-1srdua him for wsges from December,, 1004, to June, ISO. Take O. W. P. trolley ear from First and Alder streets to "Th Oaks" svery It minutes, from 1:00 p. m. 10-minut cars to Oregon City. Two-hour cars ts Estscada. - . Oregon . City " Boat tie round trip from Taylor street, t:80, :I0, 11:10 a. m., 1:J0. t:S0 p. m. From Oregon City 10. 11:30. 1:10. :80. t:10 p. m. ISo xoiind trip Bundays. ,. . , ReUabla plaea to borrow money on diamonds and Jewelry. Collateral Loan Bank. i9 Washington at. Established O. W. P. new smusement park: "Th Oaks. D'Urbano's Royal Italian band afternoon and -venlnga Cars every IS minutes f rem First and Alder streets. Oregon Law Collection Co.. 41T Fen- ton block. Collections made through all the I'nlted States. Bad tenants ejected. Bankruptcy matters. We ar still selling our 11.60 eye glasses for 11. : Consultation free, and every 'pair guaranteed. Metsger t Co., Ill Sixth street . Bankrupt atock of " jewelry or sale. Inquire at office of L L. Whit, trustee, Dekum building. .. ...... . , .... '.va.M. ( ' Moffett Hot Springs, 11. SO day: II and f 10 week; baths, 85o. Take Regula tor -liner ' : ? ...... .. . Fun at "Ths .Oaks." O. W. P.: cars every It minutes from First and Alder streets..; ... - Dr. Rlckenback, eye. ear. Allsky bldg. Ansley Prrntlnf Co., JSOjOsk. WHERE TO PINE. Ths ' Empire Is -th plaeli" ttf'go tot your fln meala ' Nea and clean. a With the B. k O. lTow. J" R' DtrsOTt;'-,farrnei'ly ' eonn;ted with tho -Chicago t Northwestern, hss been placed at the head of - th main tenance of way department of the Baltt more A Ohio railroad.. Th department has been -reorganised and divided into three districts snd Mr. Ilckon Is ap pointed chief engineer. " 1L K...Hal I mad engineer ef th main lln with headquarters at Baltimore, H. H. Tem pi is given the Pittsburg district and J. A. Splelman ths Wheeling district ', "Xs"a Clever may. " ... Again laat night "Tha Climbers was greeted by' aO' tudlence that filled th Belaaco theatre to Ita capacity. With' out question the production la th most beautiful ever offered by a atock com pany in the west Ths play Itself Is the cleverest of sll those plays which deal with American' society ' problems snd Clyde Fitch has given ho better example of his remarkable skill. ' . fl,i;iT--T0 GiIuD FL0U2F0.1 ITSELF British' Syndicate Erecting Plant at Hongkong With Eight "" Thousand Bags Capacity 7 BIG EXPORT TRADE WILL- BE LOST TO THE .CO AST Much of tha Wheat Required . Will, Koweyer Be Shipped -V From' Portland. ; r': Flour milling Interests of th Pacific coast will 'have strong opposition In th orient at -an early date, and very little of- tha. product will ba sent ther after th beginning of the year. A UrltJsu syndlcsts la establishing a flour mill plant near Hongkong that .will cost $1,000,000 snd will be cspsble of turning out 1,000 bags a day. -It will' have greater capacity than any mill in Cali fornia, Oregon or "Washington. Full details of the venture hav been senf to a number of the local shippers, who believe thst ths day of -big flour, shipments from this port to tha far east la nearlng an end. It is belleve.d. how ever, thst. the wheat .to run the plant will have to be procured - principally from Portland and the sound. But- tha members of the syndicate have given U out that they Intend, if possible, to buy the cereal in countries flying th British, flag. -That means they will mske an effort -to gel It from India, that is about the only wheat-pro ducing 'section over there that crows grain In great quantities. -.But taking one year with another it -Is stated by those locally interested that India eap pot b depended on to keep the big plant running,'' as crop failures there are e common occurrence,-!' - ------ ' So th . opinion Is prevalent among the local exporters thst th bulk of th raw' material will have to be procured On the pacific coast. Th That event th regular freighters leaving Portland for tu. far east will, carry -wheat Inatead of . flour.--Taking, away th markets of the orient from th Portland and Puget sound millers it is claimed -that they will be forced -to curtail their out put vory - materially. For It Is - th avowed Intention of the Hongkong mil lers to supply not only China with, flour but Japan sa .well. When the province of Manchuria is thoroughly developed gYaln for ths mill will be shipped from -"-Th-dtreetora af the rallllng-eorern In Hongkong are A. H. Rennle. man aging director; Sir Paul Chater, Messrs. A. J. Raymond, A. N. Moody and H. J. Gedge, while th company's banker a are the Chartered.. Bank of India Australia and China. . - - - For the pasr ir years A. HTRehnIa has been in the' employ ' of the Puget Sound - Milling company, - principally -owned and ftper&ted by T. Jl. JWllcaxof this city. - When asked this morning.' if Mr. Kennle was still In his employ, .Mr. Wilcox mere stated; . - . .. - "H has net yet aevered his connection with tlm mmiunv." . Further than thaCh decTinedTl talk on the; subject, 'explaining that- he had reasons for not making a publlo atate-- ment at thla tlma Aaked where wheat would ba procured to keep tha plant in the orient I lining. Mi. Wllcui saUT "Manchuria will soon - bs developed and' will undoubtedly- become .a great grain-growing country. - Many of the exporters whose attention hss been called to the matter are of tha opinion that Mr. Wncox saw a rare op portunity In' the far east to add to his milling Interests on this sloe of the x-acino, ana mum bib cusiuuiaij lore sight took advantage of it In this manner- he wilt- be In a - position - to control the flour-situation tnChlna and Japan.- COOS BAY BAR. aVC..Sart IBlsa.Thavlth,WatM Getting Shallow Thar. - Ti. C. ' Hart superintendent of this lighthouss district returned this morn ing from a two weeks' Inspection of the aids to .navigation down ths coast Hs mad th trip on th tndrMansantta, visiting Coos Bay, Slualaw, Umpqua and Caps Blanco. He states tnat th Slualaw bar Is In good shape, as a new channel has been opened by th shifting sands. H a does not agree with Captain Thomp son of tha. steamer F. A. Kllburn that Q"f Pr Kr t- bnnmlng rh"f I, and declares that it has a sufficient deptfi of water to accommodate th boat that go over It - . ' ' 'me- jnanzaniia ten mi morning ror er i to Portland for iedlcaLleatment Be fore she returns th tender will s(so go -to Gray's Harbor to change th position of the buoys. The steamer Homer, under charter to th lighthouss department to carry ma terial to- Alaska for the erection. of a new station at Eld red Rock, will leave San Francisco todsy for th north. . Sh will. stop at, Astoria for cargo, which will - ne iw- Trwm Trfrtlsnit - A large number of mechanics will also take paasag on her from Astoria. Sha Is expected, to reach th mouth of ths river on Monday. RISE IN RIVER. XovPaaget' ITeed B T eared This Year ;. from Sigh Water. Acoordlng td th weather bureau, th flvef at Portland wtir com Id a Stand on Sunday at a stage of 13.1 feet, almost two feet below the danger mark. How aver, water will Splash the lower floor of th Ash street dock at that stage, ss It Is not more than 14 feet above the low- water mark., The. forecast Issued this morning by the- bureau Is as fol lows: i Ths upper Columbia continues to rise Fair The -price of mill wood fuel will POSmVELT'advance on July 1. Save 20 In your Fuel BUI: : fey buylnir nowis This Is ths best and cheapest fuel now sold In this market , , Tr Banficld-Vcyscy Fuel Co. " 10 Third Street, Cdrner Oaav-" V . : Tel. Main SSI. . . Warning lowly at all stations xeept Umatilla, where a alight fall la noted'. The Snake shows a' rise at Lawlston this morn ing, while at Hi parte ths river con tinues to fall. Th Willamette at Port land will reach a Ug of It. feet Frt-ay-l -feet -Saturday,-.and eema to a stand Sunday at about 1J.S feet -. - MACHINERY FOR EUREKA. AUiaBo -iart wtthlTmrinr Tot '- Xetropolltaa Lumber Ooxepasy.. Tha steamer Alliance left last night for Eureka and way ports. In the cargo were a eouple-ef msmnioth?englnea for the Metropolitan Redwood Lumber com pany of Eureka. The steamer has been carrying machinery every trip - to. th asm port for th last two months. It Is ststed that tha logging! campa down that way. have only recently begun to conduct operstlons on sn extenslvs seal 'and by modern methods.' i - Because of a scarcity of sailors ths Alltana was forced to go out last, night with a small crew; the Kllbura was also sborthsnded when shs left for the south. Nearly, all th sailors ars fish ing near the. mouth. of the Columbia snd In Alaska. It Is with difficulty that tjie schooners plying, up and down the coast ar eupplied with men and fre quently they ar delayed her until sailors csn be shipped her from th sound, where there appears to be a aur plus. ' ,. .-''..::'.;'.'.' ALONG THE WATERFRONT, Having on board SO passengers and no freight the steamer Cascade arrived last night from San Franclaco. . After stop ping at the Oak street dock long enough to permit the passengers to disembark tha. stesmer went to St Helens to re ceive a shipment of railroad ties for San Francisco. ' . In tow of th Ocklahama the .schooner Beulah is .en route up the river to load lumber for a California port. - The work of fitting out th schooner Mabel Gale with a lumber cargo , wae started this morning at-the In man-Paulsen mill. - ' " Members Of the Port of Poftlshd com mission say that tha dredge Columbia Is doing In widening the chan nel at Swan ialsnd. When, operations are completed at that point sh will com up to Portland- harbor, wher she will be employed the greater part of the season. : - ,,,-. Thls afternoon . tha' tugboat George R. Vosburg left for ths Bunker Hill quarry to tow rock bargeaw.f rom - that point to th mouth of the rlvef. . R. L.JRlca has succeeded Engineer-Topet In the engine-room of th crsft "" The steamer Nortland sailed for Ban Franelsea thls-mornlng with 880,006 feet of lumber. 'United Ststes Inspectors Edwards and Fuller will -complete their Investigation today Into th causs of tha recent col lision between the steamers Charles R. Spencer' and The Dallea City. A 'de cision will probably imt be rendered for seversr.-flajrs. 7"; v. '" " 1 : MARINE NOTES: -Astoria.-Juns 8. Arrived down at 1 and sailed at s a. mv steamer Northland, for . San. Francisco. Arrived down at t and sailed at :10 a. -n, steamer Alli ance, for Coos Bay and Eureka. ' Left up it I L m., schooner Beulalu Arrived at t a. m., stesmer Harrison, .from. Alsea. . Ban Francisco, June S. Arrived st 4 a. m., steamer Columbia, .from Port land. Astoria. . June 7. Arrived down at I and sailed at :S0 p. m., British steamer Kapallo, for Calcutta via Puget sound. San Pedro. June 7. Balled, barkehtlne Portland, for Portland. . - ' 7- . Astoria, Juns 8. Cpjjdjtlon of the bar at s a. m.: SmooMu light northwest wind; weather cloudy.- ' ,.', ; tTacht rip Up Oolnmhla, . . ... This morning ths steam yacht El Prlmero. waa taken down to' the drydock at St Johns, where she will be cleaned and painted. The work will be com pleted In a couple of days, when she will again return, to the harbor. E.H, I Hopkins of Ban lYanrlarn whnnwns tha craft will use her during the "fair for visiting points of Interest on the Willamette and Columbia rivers. It is said that he Intends to make a visit to Ths Dallea with the boat If he does, sh- Wlll bethe first' ocean-going craft thaFever wehOhat Tar up "the Colum bia river. Until moved thla morning th yacht has been lying at ths 'Victoria dolphins' alncs her arrival from tha south. labor Troubls at Astoria. J. H. Dewson. and-Captaln eonway of the , Ban Franclscp t Portland Steam ship company - went to Astoria this morning to straighten out a labor dif ficulty among .the longshoremen-who handle freight carried by the steamers Columbia. and-StJPaul. The differences exist smong- the members of ths union themselves. It is given out-from one source thst tha men want ths foreman i r.mat AT THE THEATRES. Miss Creighton at tha Mtrqujm. The eafoldlns and latrodoetloa of th first flag of oar g lor tou. nut tan Is a notable sltoatloa lo "A Boatace of 'T." m rv.irh ...p. parted by Howard Gould aad aa exoelient eon- paay. Is presenting uls beautiful drama at tbe aCarqoam Urand Try evening tbls week, with a special price matinee Saturday. Tbe Hunchback of Notre Dame" will bt tat efferlng Best week. - "Th Jrirjce of Detectives.' r Visitors sre taking ef the nnpnr- tanlty of witnessing a complete play for th all sdmmloa cbsrged at the Lyric and tbe result h-4hat-tbe bouse Is parked to tbs door, sightly. ... I'Tbe I'nnc ofI)etectlTes',' stlffs tbe aot fsstldlous. Matinee every day st S: 'elock: everr evening at T:30 and S:lft o'clock. ; .Sensations Bill at Baker. Ts Baker offer to fstr visitor en ef the mnat eeBSStfetasl bills of tbe eson. Thst tbe effrting Is to their liking shakra by the parked home. Aamng the features ar tbe Bant Brothers, tne keet arrant ta ever sees sere In vsndevtll. Matinee dll. at .1 JO; Trr renlng at T:80 and 9 e'elock.. 1" : - Arabs at the Grand. - As attr.ctlT fetture at the Orand la the Arshe. whose orient. 1 devds bare pleaaed va.t BiuUltades et jOeopie. Thl end nine etherjgnod t. om.tltute thi. week's excellent bill. To morrow sud Sunday will be tbe (banc to see the Three v'ordans at the Star. Th present bill at th Star Is an en tertainment that la well worth seeing. Th principal feature of th program Is ths marvelous club Juggling of th three Jordsns wio have a world re nowned reputation as accomplishing th most difficult feats of club Juggling- Other acts on th bill are Bcafford'a trained goats and dogsi Summers nnd Wlnters, up-to-date oomedlsns; Appleby, th great banjolat; sisters Perls snd Plamsnt, the imperial Spanish dancers; La Bajrr, novelty contorttonlat ; Richard Burton, popular baritone, and ths funny pictures of Tom, Tom, th piper's so. on th Strocop, complete a lengthy program of nine arts. - Performances prompt! at J. 10, ,7:3s and I p. ro, CITY ABATTOIR T07 BE-ESTABLISIIED sasassasasnwaaagswasjaB i ' . '": Counoilmen Da Warm Politics of the Mayor.. EXECUTIVE'S SARCASTIC . - FLING AT MR. SHERRETT Inspector and Deputy; Will: Be "7 Appointed to Look After . Meat Supply. After a recess of sn hour' and a half at tha meeting- Of th city covvbcII yes terday afternoon, champions of the or dinance providing, for a meat lnapector marshaled sight votes and passed it ever the mayor's veto. The ordinance provides for a chief Inspector at $12 and a deputy at S100 a month, ind des ignates thePaclflo Coaat Packing com pany, owned by Councilman Louis Zim merman, as the abattoir where all anl mala killed within ths city, must tie taken..: - '. ,'.:';-'. '.:"-v; ' -. ,The- ordinance haa met with much opposition from commission merchants. butchers and farmers who reside near llie cttyr as they say that the clause providing for th Pacific Coaat Packing company aa ths abattoir of tha city U unjust to -ths peopl who deal In meat) ana w' also legaiis tne big pacxing as- tubllehimwit, or every animal alaugh. tared by th packing company a fee will b charged. .. When th meeting was called only six members present wen In-favor of pass ing the ordinance over th jjnayor'a veto. and, seven were required. - The meeting was adjourned mtll 4 o'clock to give absent ceuncllmen who favored ths or-dlnMoer-an-opportanlty-to- b present. When th meeting-was again- called to order Dan T. Sherrett and Dr. Sanford Whiting, who wr not present earlier in ths afternoon, answered th roll calL Councilman Flegel, who' opposadth measure, wss absent -u. - Immediately .after th vot was taken and ths ordinance declared carried by me mayor, councilman Sherrett 'asked to be excused. .- - "Yes, you had better be excused now," replied the mayor. ... . As Sherrett retired Councilman" Flege! rushed into ths room, but waa too late to have hla vote recorded against ' the ordinance. . -'- . - Adjournment was 'taken antll -'next Wednesdsy afternoon, after a number of petitions had been read. Meanwhile the regular council committeea will meet and attend to-much business which ha been neglected during tha laat three weeks on account Of the opening of tho exposition and tbs municipal election. Mayor-lect Harry Lan and tha newly elected member or th city council will be asked bv the auditor to attend the adjourned meeting, to ( see hOW-th-woTit " u-Bl-iwniaiirj is conaucteo. EASTERN OREGON SUBJECT OF. PRAISE Umatilla County Has Day at the i... Fair, Which Proves Very Successful. Ther was a good deal of enthusiasm In the gathering of Vmatllla county's excursionists yesterday aftei tiumi OH the iront steps of the Oregon building. Promises were matte that vry man, woman and child In eastern Oregon would Attend the' exposition-, which will "oertaJnly ba"lbeTcasirthUJfWtIo- words or tboss who war present ars scattered smong their neighbors Judge Thomss W. Ayres of Heppner presided. Colonel li E. Dosch extended to saatern Oregon th exposition's warmegt weioome- "I hav always had a warm place In my heart for eastern Oregon." said b. "and I. could tell you all about your country as It was 40 years ego If I had in tlm. 1 Knew Pendleton - when it was scarcely worthy a name; when 'rat tlesnakes and bluetall lliardg were "run ning over the ground which now yields ry from sulks tbst shoot to a height of It feet; when the railroad was un known and th only-means of transpor tation was a stagecoach: when It was believed that nothing could grow In that Jiclgllbortlood.LrpJnlca with you tn your prosperity and In the pride all old timers feel st the -wonderful develop ment of your" territory. ' " ' " For till Stale. Preafdenl Jefferson Myers of the state commission, pom pllmen ted 4?mstlHatand Morrow counties on their splendid development of. agri cultural resources. Response to the addresses of wef come were made by Judge H: J. Bean of Umatilla, Henry Blackman of Mor row, and C. R. Wad of Pendleton. Tha closing feature was the reading of an original poem by Miss Neva. Lane of Pendleton. - ' . - LOW EXCURSION FARES. Via Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. From Chicago to Aabury Park. N. J.. and return, $21. it. Tickets good going June 2, 10, July 1 and t; valid for re turn until August , SI by extension. Stop-over st New York, Philadelphia, Baltlmor and Washington. Through sleeping -cara.ttt--AsburyPark, Baltimore and return, IIS. Tickets good going July 2, I and 4; valid fdr re turn -until August 11 by extension. Stop-over at Washington. Ths only line that operates through trains. Rend for circulars, to Peter Harvey, Pacific coaat agent, San Franclaco. B. N. Austin. O. P. A., Chicago. Consult your nearest ticket agent for details. v " lewis and Clark Centenniatlz: . We solicit ths attention of our friends and customers to ths ex hibit of N ' High" Flight" Flour - - which will shortly ba Installed tn th Washington state building. "Pacific Grain Company: Thirteenth and Kearney Sts. 'PHONE MAIN 3307 ' ' Volcanic Eruptions in Life bsurence : Lyr , ;: -W SO. MOT Walts UTS mvijjroa ar not connected with any company. Laat week we expertsd life insurance- policies amounting to 13o0. 000 for on gentleroas) In For 1 11x1. and w have letter of th highest com--mendation. from th leadlilg profeaalonai and btlnaa men of this city,. whoa policies, w have experted,- cerUfylng to the financial Importance of the Infor. (nation we convey, vitally affecting the rights, beuedta and welfare Pf both, tha" tnaured and th benenclarlea of th policies alike. , - Our business is to protect your Interests, showing you th xaet flnanelat and investment values of your poltoy, pointing out the defect aa written In f raettcally every policy, and how to proceed to hars tha wrongs raaiedled. and ' o secure your just rights and equities. - -- i . -eihowing you- also tha "traps," "desdfslls and sophistries tn th "Syetem" - ana tne- puiicr, tn. suoiiviee v& wiiiuf vi n.uin, f , j 'You wilt save monsy, snd lots of IV by consulting us about your life Ihsur-. nc pollcieW.-etc, etc., snd you csn be "Penny wis and pound foolish" by not doing ao, especially In these daya of volcanlo eruptions In life lmMaeaaca clrclea : A. BV. BarXSTTi Xdf Znsaraaa paatallat, --- '. - ' -' 1 attata W-larlaasV Oawgwa. NJEW YORK SOCIETY : --ENTERTAINS FRIENDS A large number of New Torkers and their friends were entertained last even ing at ths regular meeting of th New York Stat society In Elks' hall. Mar quam building. - The program folio we: Song -"You I! Remember -Mr'! Rose Ctty quartet, Messrs. CV M. Godfrey T. L- Williams, C. T. Timber snd 1 1L Johnson, Encore. "Po" Little Lamb." Reading Selection from "Mrs. Wlggs of th Cabbage ratch." .M-laa Oeorgle Newberry. - Encore, ' "Th ., Baby Brother." ; - ' ', ' - Vocal solo IMss Olady Orunler. Reading -"A Woman In a ftho Shop," Miss Flofenc Welton. - Encore, 'Hangin' On.".-. - Vocal solo Miss Qlsdys Orunier.- i,' Reading "The Burglar Alarm.". Mlas Marguerite Shelby. Eneor. . "Joey's Crime." . ' '- '. The society badges will be placed on sal soon, BALL Official Railroad WATCIF " We -are the sole agents for -this-watclu It-iias-beea in-t, dorsed : J6 yj&T of the ; leading railroads - of - tile United States."They "are planned to. meet the needs of the business ' maii--they" furnish co erect time.-: -7 - We have plenty of testi monials.: from railroad m4n as to their ; accurateness. A. N. WRIGHT TA Iowa JtwUr V" " 293 Morrison StreetL- EXTRACTED, FILLED OR CROWNED ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT PAIN"" - By our new discovery applied to th gums, ws do Hlental work witnout tns suffering usually experienced while hav tnar-dental-work --dona. Th very besi dental work st the. lowest possible cost consistent with' flrst-clats worlt-ls the seuet of OUT Success. -Examination free. - Our prices sre tha lowest, our work tbs best snd gusranteed for ten years. Other dentists -com, and go, but the Boston Dentists remsln th sam re liable, up-to-dat dentists. ' . Boston Painless Dentists 81 H Morrlsom St, Own. Hal k lraak and Old Voaaoniea. HOURS 1:10 a. m. to I p. m. Bun day, S:I0 a. m. to 11:10 p. m. ; Ths wall-fed person can - ' pose himself .to dangers that would drlv the illy-fed Into a fit. Good food, easily digested. Is the eedret of a healthful existence, SaTXBOT - Is good. 19 cents a package. AT ALL GROCERS Dr. B. E. WRIGHT The IC'IBSTITIO OXBTTIST that relieves all pain In dental ep ra tions. Bdai, Waanlagton BU, cot. Beveata. Instructed to Please You We have a strict ml with everyone of th clerk to show you goods snd And exactly what you ask for. so you Will he pleased:' 'TCe carry" a large stork of Men's andTBrtys Clothing. ' with a general ltns or Fhoes. ws run two atorea. ona comer ' FlHsf" and Tamhlll and one corner Third and Davis. Our pries Is strictly ons marked In plain figures. By using good Judgment you will And .our prices very reasonable. John Dellar, Prop. ABTUBXaEBBrTa. EE THE GiaL Vi DLUE At eSQUprSt. I r I ..ii-r fill a . 1 - wuuiu ut nTOor-teine-eMsterrf gtnr avmrnocurm Free Lectures on Cooking practical demonstrations Of ths varies sses foe culinary sarpests CHOCOLATE r and COCOA! - Maaafaehtred by . , Walter Baker m Co., Ltd. I . DOkOHESTEB, MASS. '. ,.' (Eatablltbtd 17SO.) ' V ;.. WUj fc, by--"" Tr Miss Elizabeth K. Burr, (besktstie Selesce Dept. Beetes T. W. C. A) --'.-;-;.-' iX ParsohsHall" lBth sod Wash log tea. Sts. Portlsad. Or. Daily All This Week EXCEPT-FRIDAYT" At I:S9 o'clock In the afternoon and ( o'clock In the evening. , Samples of atlas Ban's prepsrsttesa. ears, ss Cake. Paddings. Meringues, radss. Boaff lea, lea creaav Bavarlaa Creaaw. ale.. Will ba served st eseh lecture, aod ab will be pleaaed te answer all Inquiries regarding to aaaje. A dlffoeeat sra will be prepare aod serred at-each lectare. Saaiple cakes ef ths Walter Baker Pre saiasi .No. 1 Chneolat. th Tanlla Sweet Chocolala and little . sample' cana ef the Breakfaat Toeos, a Ian a book ot ."Cnplce Cborolste Beelpes" will so presented to' sll ersbse.attsadlDS these- lecture, and all who are . iatersetad lo seteatlfie - eeektag should sot fall to eoaaa, as tkey are "t--- r.zs to Att. aaomsoa srrset. between yB T.i. Tesli (sight sad Evsry Night . This Weak. Special . 1HE t HAhMIVQ ACTRESS. '-'-:. - BIKTUA CHEIOKTOV ,-. , " . " ' ' IN , . Tbe BeTolutlonsr Drama. ."'.' -" "a moaiAiicE 6r .md - Prleee St. toe, one, Soe, aBc. - Seats are sew selling. , ""..!!,,.- Bel a sco Theatre VSPnu ymnrmmrsj vommnis Taeatre) 14th aad Waak. Tonight ,11 WsaaaU . .Tstlnees Sarardar and Soodar ; ' -i Presenting tor the rtrst Time st Popnlar Price. . . " OLTOS ITTOH-S SBXATZST flat. I he Climbers" "On end see H. It ts great.- Oregoalsa. "The aene ef etork production. "- JnanuL ' " A swell entertainment; oak yoa:il Ilk." Telegram. 4 u. ': . t Soiv Msnnson, IS ARE YOU A MASON? - THI OKIAT COMIDT STrOOESS. QT A O iT'g S s-s a -rs , sr-a eaiAT acTS t coTnrr TKtut JUOOUKO JOXDAJfB World j Moat SwisatlosnU Olab fagglet. BCAfTOBDS OATS AITD DOOS. BAT OODEK A CO. m STf MatmS AMD wTBTtBS. " ATOLEBY. LA BABE. ' FEKLC AK TJIAKABI. . rnxKiom-Mu auintA,. , . ,. THI STABOSOOrg, Tom, Tern. The Btper's Sea.' - ADMISSION 10c; few reserved, SOe. Q sA XV-tX: TITS bTTSTEbMOVS S ABABS f t BIME FAJCIXT 4, Javealls Bou(k Bidsra. TBACIE MOBBOW, TeoellaU - tuuit uE. oaaped. none. 1 ar a rnan c , CoauaUi BtlLZTEB 8IBTEB8, Bainbow Due iui jiuneaa, neinna song BABDISCOPAV-'TKB BIO-AntlST' - General adoiiaelen, lOc. Beenlog, Snndae. kolldays r front ssata, lews fawr. Sue. Psily mstlnees, lOe. .. BAKER. THEATRE HOKB f OOOI ATTRACTIONS. a&Aiinu m riAMiii, naaagers. XABUBAB BLAKCHAED ALUUI ' SAIVIBI ' mAMM m SsTW JUT jaaaw ATa V Aw A SIBU1 B W. BB JEAW WTXSOM BABBIT A MAIITEt BIOOBAPH BAKEB S OBCHTSTBA Per for ma aces J: BO. T:S0 and Is. s. Aamissiea, 1 Osate te AaySaa. EMPIRE THIATBI. mi ana mornsesu UtT-TTIM W ItiUl tal..t Matinee every day st 1 18. One evening perforounce at 8:16. Bmplre Stock Cempaay. ACICSSIOX lO CIMTS A11 thla waak tha hla-naar' Inrtlu .a the sessoa, J- ' "BACKTT'S Wax.- - Bvery Une a wags. Bvsry. scene VTI w " TU 3 i ! W! AW A A AB Acafm, M VetV Keating A rmod. Maaagws. Week Starting Monday, Jane S ' -Jh6 Prince of Detectives" , A SIBSATIOBAt CtihirDT SBAMA - .. ton ACTS. Admission 10c To Any Seat 10c LEWIS JIND CLJtRK OBSERVE. - - TOtV JtMD CJtFB J -:r"0TIJOT"ra0atT Tike Portland Hslshts ear snd get eff at Raettiorne Tsrrae. we fttork from ear line. Me ellmbtng. Blertrle elaTame. Bee haautlral effert ot powerfnl aearehllsht from top of tower. To eaa eat a dainty lusr while viewing the most mssnlflcaet ftrenere In America. Opes S a. at. to S , aa, Admls. stna 10 casta. - - BLABIBB BBOa, - -CVNCIBT BVBBT BIOsTT. BUJBBSIDsV wieusoio, : wxrmm arj it A.D.G. o. czzscAirva t::i i - -j IIS Morrison ttreet. 7 . JO li , ...