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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1905)
: THE OREGON . DAILY .jpiTOAC PORTLAmATHURSP EVENIO,JUE05r V. VuIFPIuG POST AS SEEII BYTIIE ViOriEN CLEVER THIEVES "CAPITAOSTSl'SAY; LARRY AfiD PETIT Some of Them Say It Is Relio) of Barbarism That Should 1 4 Not Survive: 4 v -, ; f r And then tht Police Pay No At tentton to His Pleas " -r for Help. - Only Occupation That Mr.' Sul ' livan ; and. ; Mr. Grant : -j': , Have Now. PA. SWEAR TO IT, TOOr0-OF--f OTHERS SAY IT WILL NOT , CURE WIFE-BEATINQ HABIT. TTO NUSSLER LOSES FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS rcOURSE IT MUST BE 60 Others. Favor Humane Method of Punishment for. Those Who ' Light-Fingered People and Plain ;. Burglars Busy These - Nice June Days. Go on Bond of R. Schroeder, Who Beat a Man With a Billy. ' ' 1; Club the Defenseless. .- J- Investigation by Detectives 8r.w and : - Kerrlgsr f tW ttLW Troro- Otto -Nuealer. proprietor oYthe Palmen Oar--.'-..' tea saloon, at Eleventh n Washing-.--os streets, 'shows that- the work was axwcu ted very cleverly. Ndt a clew to the Meant? of the burglar haa been -' discovered. -. .-...-" i 1 Nuaslor In- indignant.. Ha- aaya the : police wer notified of. tha burglary about 1 o'clock Monday afteanoon and . .. that a detective waa not detailed on the caae until ; I o'clock, yeaterday , aftor noon., . , ' ' "" .". " The money waa kept Ir? threo sacks. ;; on containing wold and currency, an. other dollars and halve and the third . . . amaller .coina. 1 The . aacka - war In, -a - - drawer pesr- the cash register and tha money waa to have been uaed In pay- bllla, When -Nusslei went totha 'drawer h discovered hi loss. ., i went Into a rear roonr about .11 -. o'clock Monday morning." he said, "and waa not abaent from tha barroom mora - than two or three minutes. This waa the only time I waa out of tha room, and to money must- have bean taken - then.- In eom way or other tha-thlavea 'must have learned that tha money was. '-iZitt lh drw.,;.'-t?--- .a . C Carlson reported to the police thla -mornln the theft of a gold watch from . hi room at tha Barf )oteU A skeleton -, ky ws used. " ' " . I ' Dr. O. O. Jefferson's overcoat' and a u " Valuable can - weref stolen from his bu:gy-near St. Vincent's hospital, yea terday. ' v "" The fair will be remembered by R. E. ". Kamardlnger of Washington, D. C.,-"b cause of tha loss of his grip, contain- :L.ano; clothing,, letters and othej-peTtonal effecta. It waa stolen from the Klkton rooming house at Sixth . and Davis . streets. ' Majerys - grocery.- at 8 IS-..Morrison ... - trea-wa -anlored - Monday, night, -and a email amount of money and a few ar. tide of email valu were stolen, a While hoarding a car at Twenty-third and Thurman streeta, J. : V.'. Hurst of. ." 11 Cedar street Joatled JbY two AMERICAN FLAG OF BOYS AND GIRLS Next Wednesday Will See Great - Patriotic Display at the .:..k:".:-'.L pair Grounds, t ' 7" Ther will be one day at least at this Tspoattro'n when patriotism will be king. Flag day, It la called June 14 and the Multnomah, chapter of the Daughtera of the American Revolution ar striving tq make It tha greatest event or the month. , On that dot children under the age. of If will be admitted to the ground! free. x- . .. . : ,There will be many event designed to arousa the patriotism of youth, but the crowning feature of tha day, from a ; spectacular standpoint, will be tha for mation of a human flag 1n whloh tOO boys and glrla will take -part. Th boya - will be dreaaed In brown uniforms and standing In line will represent the flag staff, while the girls, in red. white or blue. -will be ao arranged as to make the national banner complete, ahowlng both stars and atrlpea. The children will then go through maneuvers which will give the effect of a -waving flag. This will take -place In the baseball park and will conclude with the recita tion of the familiar pledge to tha flog and the singing of "Star Spangled Ban- 'ntxi"' After this ceremony, still pre serving tha form of the flag, the school children will march to the Government building, led by the Administration band, and""Dacirio"TB"Auitttorrum wher ex-Senator John M. Thurston of Ne braska will deliver an oration.-' From 4 - x to forinrg a ttt"ii 'II the daughtera In tha Oregon build ing. Admission will be by Invitation. washingtoitgrange: ELECTS STATE OFFICERS (Jomaal Special genlce.) Toledo, Waah., Juno l.-L&h election of "officer of the Washington atat grange reaulted a followsr : ." MasterrC. B. Kegley, Spokane; over aeer. E. J. Oleason, Toledo; lecturer, A. A. Kelley, East Spokane; steward. Louie j Extlne. Toledo; aaslatant steward, D. 1,. Marble, Waahouga'l; chaplain, Mrs. - . Russell, Washougal; treasurer, F. H. : Anderson, Ooldendale; secretary,- Miss Edna Bell Campbell. Lyle; gatekeeper, A. L Kopp. Vancouver; Cerea. H. Wing, Mt. Pleasant, and Flora. Clara Lay ton, Toledo; Pomona, Anna Leonard, Castle Rock; lady assistant steward. Mini. jHonrr-eXecutlv'"commH- tee: J. C. Fart- Albion; H. M. Beach. Sunset; D. U Russell, Washougal; trus tees: A. High,-Vancouver; H. D. Dur gan, Vancouver; Roe Bryant. Pullman. TEST OF TAX ON - -STOCK TRANSFERS MADE " .i . (Jlrnr flperial Service.) ' ' "Nrw Tork, June f.-Alhert J. Hatch of tha brokerage Arm of W. B. Beekman waa arrested today on a warrant Issued by- Juetlco McKean, aniie request of District Attorney , Jerome. The arrest was mad to test tha constitutionality or me recenL .acx imooaing- tranirera of stock. Seolarea Third Slrldead. Tha Mount Baker Mining company to day declared Ita third dividend, the dis bursement being about 129.000. This Is a Portland company operating In What com - county, Washington. In what I known as the. Mount Baker district, to tn northeast or Everett. The property Is equipped with a K-atamp mill and ha bean running steadily the paat win. ter and all aprlng."- The two preceding dividend war of $ 16.00 each. -, , r - - ' .To th Publlcr Cur place of . business will be Closed Friday between tha hour of 11 a. m. and 1p.m. Tha funeral of Mr. William Wadhama wHl take place at Wadhams Miliar hir Tork, on that data. JV ADHAMS Jk KXRK BROS. Peter P.ranl. erstwhile - BamWer and tti-an.l ooera'Datronand-. Larry Bulllvan, onca gambler and sailor boarding nous mastr, now mining magnate ana ae f rated esndldnte for th office of city councilman, hav embarked in a new business. ' They ar "capitalist These representatives of th green cloth, centrv. whose history ts ao inti mately connected with Incident not fa vorable to the good name or th city, have' at ona bound - leaped Into .an emi nently respectable 'Cloas. . Ther 'can bo no doubt that they are capitalists; ooin mads affidavit to that effect . In , tha police court yesterdajv.'".. Their philanthropy is wen Known no gambler, racetrack tout,.,- r man In trouble with ths pollca ever appealed td them In vain.. So when R. Schroeder, bettor- know-a "tHttrh'' Schrwedgr. wa fined 120, by Pollca Judge .Hogue ror beating a aallor : on the head wnn a blackjack and an appeal to the circuit court was taken, it waa Peter Grant and Larry Sullivan whonv n" petitioned to go on his bonda They responded nobly and yesterday subscribe to a bond for lioo. as aurethra . . " -A bond require th occupation OC th suretieauto rb ; glvercrr At - lhi-tlU gambler Mr. Grant and Mir. Sunlvan balked; th one ifi not a professional theatrical and musicsl ' crltlo and the other haa quit tha sailor boarding house business. ; It la -alleged, a those term oould not be employed. Mr. Sullivan does not yearn to be knowaaa a miner. so . that classification waa not chosen. But on tha common plan of "capltaUal" they stood firmly. - ', ' ;. . So the bond of TL Schroeder, alia "Dutch Schroeder. convicted of beating a sailor-with a blackjack ss the result of a drunken row In the Royal saloon, hows aa sureties Peter Grant and Law renc M. Sullivan, ''capitalist." . . DANGEROUS'AS A MAD ' v - DOG SAID THE JUDGE A. L. Madfaon, 1 aged TO years, wa held to tha grand Jury by Pollca Judg, Hogn this afternon on th charge of1 aaaaulting Annie Anderson, aged 11 year. His bond waa fixed at 12.000. Ula-arraat and -proaoeutinara-daa to the work of Detective Hawley, covaring a period "of alx' weeka. . ; , . , - Ruth Anderson, Mary Oreha. - - Ethel Melllen an(JLJJdaTaX gave testimony sgalnet the old man. . Madison's own statement caused the court to doubt his canity. Judg Hogue declared: "Persona afflicted a you seem to be ar a dangerous aa mad- thnjK" GOVERNMENT CLERKSV SELL CROP BULLETINS (Jooraal k;U1 (kfrlee.) Washington. June S. Charges mad by th Southern Cotton association that employe of th aarlculturaLdepartmentl nave sold-inrormatlon about tha crop re ports to bsokera threaten aensatlonal developments. It ts Intimated that em ploye very close to Secretary Wilson ar under suspicion, and If the charges ara proved, startling change In the department ara expected. ; - FIRST ALASKA GOLD "OF, SEASON ARRIVES : (Jeoraai Special SerV.V , Seattle, Juna . Tha steamer Dot phin 'arrived from Alaaka thla morning bringing 1400,000, the first cleanup of Klondike gold this aeason. She also brought new of - record cleanup in the Tanana country, 1300,000 being taken out of Discovery claim on Cleary creek. " tw Show at Tal 'Tha Baumi are billed to aonear ' an 1 June' t2 ai onsnlwa event uf 1 tli'f iwr. ira auniciiuni. xnoa-acc,- aaid to be on of th most sensational of the year, consist of bicycle and trapexe wofkv performed on a wiraT00feet'ln the air,.. The attraction will be given on a pontoon In tha lake, ao aa to afford run opportunity ror all to wltne them. and the performance In each case, will o given twice oauy. Tha Baum will be followed by Speedy., the hlah diver. and Kllpatrick, th one-legged-bicycle rldert " - . Knight to Xlaet Officer. . (Journal Special gervtc,) Lo Angele. June . The Knlsrht of uoiumDUs win elect officer this after noon. Probably Jhe next council will be held at- Denver.--'A banquet will be served this evening and addresses made by Archbishop Montgomery and other Catholic dlgnttariea, HOTEL-ARRIVALSr At the Perklna S. f. BendeVmn. CraniD- inn, waiia walla: Or. . 8 I'ennn, Aihland; fir, t. W. Bailey. Kaa Pranrtaco; Arthur ""1. UHim. Ilafrilla; V, A, Harkatrum, Mwkpsna, Mlrhlam; II. Tierce, Cedar Kalla, l"a: y. M. Conner; ghii-liUn; H. J. t'ole. U. R. 'iermnad. Kiisen: aAr lffordk The lellee: t. I. ' Anderson, Tamma: KoImyI Mah ler. Bnl. Idaho: P. K. Tmnl. mnA m-ifm 1. B. Melkln and wife. Dafnr: W. r. Holrie- mnm, aaltle: Bam ri. Clereland; J. W. Welch. Aatnrla: C. K. (luthrle and lf. Heat tie;, F. B. Walt. Rnnehurg: Henrr UcDerBKXt. Sua tYiwIaeo; T. I.lohe and e-lfe, Mrs. ri. The llellea;. M. M. Hlle.r. tUattle: Mrs.- H. ft. TMloi., The Dallei: H. Brlabaai. lintel l;tahi i. T. Peron. Ht. Jnhn; f. H. Mrt'lear. Hno. kne; Mar I'lmk-hi'l, Weaton; Mar Blalnck, Walla Walla; A. Rrerton, r.rmti Paaa: Mr, r. A. Flxhrr, Aatoria: H, Frank. The Daliea: X. U. kof4-Pr-A-W. Waasfne-tnit. ' : At thr lmieriall'. H. Bnlly and wife. Den ver; A. ft. Cooper. Redlanda. r'allfortila: M1 B. 1 Vpr. IaaeaTllle, Iowa; W. t,. t'obh and wlre'kue-tmrt; i. y. Wilson, aalem; .'. K. N'i'lann. Wentnn; W. A. Hhnher, i'endlelnn; W. II. '('rowland. Mlaneauolla; Q. Muneahl, Man Franrteco; Mra. ). II. lw(on. Waahlna ton; F. A. Freneh. F. A. Heufert. Ullr genfert. Tee lallv Mn. C. A. Danel. .Taromi; R. (t. Booth and famllr. ' Euseue; R. B. Heabrook, M.r.hVld: K. V. Homered. aeall. -At ae Portland H. M, Adam, A. M. Thaae, Philip Uordon and wife, H. M. ftruniW, Philip Tae,ix and Oeorca Konnhnm and wife, all of New York; Mr, i'. a. Itajr and Ml' Florence' Iwe, t .'Meign; F. P. Ktnrm and Edward Hlddea. Si. Inl: I. H. Walter. Mr Dhlandt. J. W. tan Brra-n and Oeorg Toarnr, Ha Frknclaro: O. H. Hntlon, Hanta lnnlca; (I. M. Bard and wife, ( blcaio: R. M. -Kllwood and famllr. tv hilh: H. K Aleiander, San Friarnu-o; Jamn Kennedr.- Farsn) H. H Rand and William Car on, Bnrllnston; A. B. Metner. t. Paul: S. B. O NeaU Vemoa..B. i .: W, I,. IH.Iht and wife, Bltka. Alaaka; B. 0. flalt. flan Franelaro; T. H. Mewban and H V. Btorr. Roaton ; W. 8. Tippet, Br D. Woodman and wife. an Fran etare; F. I. Krr, BeattU; t. Wladen. Baa rraBdaea,', - ., .. (. , . P Interior o the Washington Stats REBEKAH ASSEMBLY: INSTALLS OFFICERS t' "';" .'" 11 11 . Discussion of California Plan of Districting the State' Takes - part 0f Forenoon. - The morning seaalon of the Rebekah assembly,-In convention at the I. O. o. F. temple. First and Alder atreets. waa devoted , to tha reception of honored guests. Mrs. Ada Madison of - Loa Angelas, past- president - of - California assembly, 1 tslked on the proposed plan of. districting ths state and spoke of th auccess met In California, where in some case. as many ss ten lodges art In cluded In one district. This makes 1t possible for .the prtsldentllo ..coma in contact' at least onca a year with every local lodge In tha state, and in tha caae of some of tha larger- and mora. - Im portant Utrcts even oftener.- Other effioera and . visiting ." representative take advantage' of thla arrangement and th result 1 better, instrjuctlon for all. Thla plan waa acted on by th assembly thla afUrnoon. . Paat flmnrl Master and Represents tlve of Sovereign Grand Lodge Moberly of Boise, Idaho, gave an Instructive ea dras th ppailitn -vtie- jntnn between the Rebekah and th Odd Fel lows. - . - This afternoon grand installation -of tha officer elected yesterday took place and Immediately after tha " aaserobly visited the Odd Fellow' horn on the east aide. ' Thla .'evening ther will bs grand eaempHfle atlon -of floor-worK by a ptckM company of officer In th east aids- Woodmen hall. - Adjournment will follow, and all interest will be devoted to I. O. O. F. day at the fair tomorrow. - The officers elected yesterday and In stalled today are aa followa: - Presi dent, Mr. Ella Fraser, Eugene;-vice-president, Mrsr - Clementine Bullock; grand warden. Mrs. Emma Galloway, McMlnnvlllef secretary,- r. .Ora -Cna-per, Dallaa; treasurer, Mr. Ida M. Hardman, Portland. GIRL SUES FOR FARM: . : DEEDED J. HAM LEWIS (Special Dispatch to The JoarsaL) 1 Seattle, Wash,t June-. Mine - Edith Phillips has -brought suit In the United State district court to have half of-a farm deeded by her father to James of gratitude. Mr. Whlto died peaeeruiiy Hamilton Le w iawior attorney's feeat his homel 4 North St reel, between while defending him' on a charge of mxrI.e, .ft aalrl aa ter nersnnal nrnp- erty. The complaint allege that in )188 her mother died and the following year her -father married again. On tha night of his wedding a number of young men gathered about tha house with tin cans, etc., to celebrate the event. Phillips opened tha window and fired a double barreled shotgun. On of tha party, was killed. . . . -Phillips had -no mrmeygoTi deeded Lewi the 120-acr farm on which he and his new wife lived on Lopes is land. The girl now claim's that tha farm belonged' to her mother and wa com munity property with her 'I ther and herself and that her father dlu not have authority to deed more than one half of it to Lewis - ; r- ST. LOUIS FAIR REPORT -F0RJHE GOVERNMENT The United State government com mission of the,Loulalana Purchase expo sition will meet tn Portland on Juna IS to pas Its final report, being prepared by Secretary Claude Hough to tha gov ernment. '. Ex-Senator John M Thurston 1 chair man of the board, and as he Is tn Port land at thl time on legal business, he has called th meeting to take place In thl city on the date named. Oeorge W. McBride, a member of the board, la alao in Portland. -' . . l-t--The report-will -fill: about .J' pagei d will bypassed on by the nine mem ber of the commission, who will com from all parts of the United States. wrur nrrtTicu MiwicTrrr-- PRESENTED TO SULTAN 'Joiirnal Special Servlee.v J.-L. 4 Tangier,- June S. The new British minister, Lowther. presented his cre dentials to the sultan today. In'ad-1 dressing tha sultan he expressed,"earh est wishes for the maintalnanr of th power and authority of the ruler."- .. jtrtnrug Being Caavkased. An official canvass of thel returns, of the municipal election held Mondsy Is being mad today by Justlbe of the! Peace Waldemar tteton and William Raid. County Clerk Frank Flelda1 and . city Auditor Thomas . Devlin. .Th count will not : be finished before?, 1st this afternoon. From Indication no changes of sriy Importance will be made in the result already published. . , Building st fht Lewi' snd Clark Exposition, Showing fht Fruit Displays-Photograph "by Kisr Photographic ;fTt?;.-:-- - Company, - i FRIENDS LOVED AND MADE PURSE FOR HIM And Besought : Elmer - W.hite to : Co to Springs for His Health. GRATEFUL MAM WEEPS AT THE BAKER THEATRE Prepares to Leave This Morning, "and Goes on Journey With-r-r . s . ,, out an End. . Last evening Elmer E. Whit stood behind tho eenery .of th Baker thea tre, with .tears ,-glistening In hi" ayes, and his frame quivering ..with emotion as h thanked hi generous comradea f. .Aniriutinn jhev made that would permit hlra to" go . away'TOr: g.' lieallh-1 aeeklng Ir Foe weeka h""Tiat dragged wearily about Bis outies a maenme man. xmvu miUra had gripped him relentlessly. H mustwork. because of t$o dependent upon-hlm. Bach avenrnsrrwhanr.the merry throng In th pit waa laughing at th stag productlona. tha man who handled the lights. directed th m ohanlcal affect and guided th Work behind th cene groaned with pain. But he could not lak a reeptto. for he wa poor and four, mouth depended upon hla labor. Fellow employe at the theatra wer moved to compassion. Quietly th word wtfspaased tha a purse for Whit was made, up, and lat evening' tha Bum of t had been rat aetf from men who need what they aarn. Th aufferer waa called to the committee' presence at the close of th performance, given tha cohtributlon, and the theatre's- man agers. Messrs. Keating and Flood, told him to take a rest. Tear feal rapidly and th machine man broke down completely.-- HI "thank were goba," and shortly after midnight ha hastened home to-miranga-rfor-aTtrip-to-som medical springs where he hoped to. get relief. But death came with his swelling tide anrl l o'clock thl morning with hla wife and three llttl -on .besid him. winning a- SUITm Hem earth I tr III that needed-no funa to attain. -Thla morning comrade at the theatre who -wnf homerlRst evening overjoyed with what7 they had "done, reported but to leam that th recipient . of . their generosity--wa no more. . Inatead of escorting him to th - depot they will accompany, the bier to tha cemetery. RUSSIANS ARE IMPRESSED BY ROOSEVELT'S ACTIVITY ' J (loaraal Special SerTl.) - ' London, Juno S. Th correspondent of the Evening Standard at St. Peters burg wlrea that the foreign office de nies th Teport that the Ruaalans'sr attempting, through their ambassadors In Paris, and -Washington, to ascertsin I Japanese-, peaceterma, -Tha-Rasalan government, however, is impressed Dy tha-activity hown by President Roose velt In trying to bring TW'wa'r to an end. The opinion Is held by soma in St. Petersburg that ateps will shortly be taken which will greatly clear tha atmosphere. l" ' ' , ' Zasaa Ohlaamaa iBjnred. Jumping from lha aocortd story of the building a (7 Second street this morn ing while Insane, Lin Oon, a - Chinese, wss severely Injured. His right arm was broken above the. wrist and. his back .sprained.. The Jnjurad . Chinaman was, -carried Into the police station by friends, and Dr. Blocum. the assistant cltv nhvalclan. summoned. By his or1- der the man wa sent to'the.cpunty Jall4 1 rwi' tirf mearcai treatment nd, will be examined a to hla sanity: OonMs a laundry wnrkefsrna 'haa lived In Port'and for some time. He devel oped symptom of Insanity two days ago. ' . ' ' t ' rilak nasi a Oold srick. Hearing, In the esse of. T. Lambert against th Portland Laundry company waa commenced in, th circuit court be fore Judge Bears-late-this afternoon, Th suit Is brought to recover a bal ance of t2.l!. 1 7, said to be due on a promissory-note for M.S00, . which was given in payment for tha laundry. Tho Judgment asked Includes an attorney's fe,e of $SB. The defense will set up a eounter-elaim for damages' and -will allege that whan th laundry was sold Its vslu waa misrepresented, and th de fendant company' bought for 13,509 that which was not worth mora than th oar- just payment maaa, ... . 1 . , , . . - 1 - - RUSSIA MUSTiASK TERMS r: DIRECT FROM JAPANESE ' " V 1. ' t- ' ' - t " ' (Journal Special Berriee.) ' 4 . London. June $. "The way to 1 learn our term Is not through 4-an intermediary,-but by a direct o - appeal from ', t, ' Petersburg . to Toklo." . - This is the significant state- menf made by Baron Hayaahl -this afternoon at the -Japanese . legation. --! .' ' .'JZ--1 , . "Wo have - no - objection - to America acting aa a buffer for tha Russian pride continued 'tha statesman, "but our term a ar not to be -enonclated until - wa .have direct assurance that o tho ' request comas from St. Petersburg, -and - not almply on- o behalf of f rlendlyjo wers jctltiat. lunofflclaUyJ" - . 1 ' ' v-f - -. . (Jooraal Special Srrlc.V . . Washington. - June . The Japanese and British ambassa d dora both held conferencea with 4 I I tho -president tnis afternoon. . Tbey declined to discuss tha sub ject of their Interviews, but It 4 ey e Is admitted - oincieuy .mar. tn president received an important 4- ) Merer In-ta wer - to- tn pri- f 'dent' representation regarding - peace. The contenta of the com- - munlcatlon ara withheld. . -- a''VV. SLAUGHTER HOUSE -. MAY KOT BE MOVED Ex-City Councilman -j Malone Makes Serious Charge Against -Owners "-In- Pofice-Court. -i . Thomas C. Malone, es-clty councilman, made- tha aensatlonal charge In the po llca court today that Jim Mace,, a buyer In 'the employ, of . tha Pacific State Packing company, had endeavored to Intimidate him to prevent him from giv ing testimony damaging tothecompany In tha suit brought by City Health Of ficer Bieradorf for - removal of Ita laughter -hous on the Macadam road. -"Mace told me that I had better be carefulj! declared Malone. - "He aald ivu - aaiuiir,' ne aaiu I that if I waa not carefurTwould"'"'-',lu"" sent over th road, because hla employ- had the money to fight their way." . S- B. Llnthlcum. jounael forthv fOm-4 pany, objected to Alalone's atatement. The tactics of th company In court today show that It has no Intention af moving the slaughterhouse unless com pelled to do ao by the courts. Attorney Linthlcum Insist .that the ordinance repealing tha- on tinder-whlch thaxom pany established It pianola invalid and, inoperative. ' "'-- "' " Witnesses . were called by th com plainant to show that th slaughter house I a nuisance. Malone a wore that animal dying from- various cause were carted to the slaughterhouse and made Into sausage. He wss formerly In the employ of the company. - .-, 1 ' "Tha further taking of testimony and" argument by the lawyer, which will be followed by tha filing of briefs, was continued to tomorrow morning.- T" WANT-THIRTEENTH CUT FROM FAIR CALENDAR .r.., , . Fair official are beginning to think the 18th. of each month should have been lefout of the exposition calendar Whether due to superstition or not. the fact remains that people Veem to, fight shy of the 18 th. nd aa a result trw main events "for this date In June have been postponed. -' Th schedule Included the dedication of th California building, but this event ha been -postponed indefi nitely, and tha requeat has- been mad that - L Grands, and X'nlon day be chanred from June IS to July 6. This reaves only-frme"" bSnd "and' the Inter scholastic relay races a the. events, and Innes and tha athletlo contestants will have to prove that, the 11th is Just a fortunate a the 12th or .14th. PACKING-HOUSE LOBBY u GETS NO SATISFACTION v (Jooraal Special Berrtea-i Chicago, Jnn S. Th 'federal grand Jury 1 Investigating th beef trust to day and has begun a claaalflcatlon ot testimony with ..a view of ' supporting various Indictment expected to be re turned. . ,lt 1 reported from Washing ton that th attorney-general ha de clined to Interfere! In tha work of' the grand Jury, and that tha 'lobby ent to Washington by the packing concern failed lo get any aatlsfactlon. t Is expected the Jury will be ready to rl ,ort th first wi,wt BEAVERTON CAMP - --W. O; ff. ORGANIZED --'. t ' ' - - r, . 1 - t .. '. . Cornelius Degree Team Takes -Charge wof - WorK-f and V ; -i Banquet Follows. ' ; " (Special Dl patch ta Th JnoroaLf Beaverton. Or., June . Organlier H. I l. pay or rortiana last nigni lnatituiea Beaverton Camp 894,, Woodmen Of tha World.- Tha degree team of Cornelius. Captain 2. Everest, took charge of initiatory work., Tha following officers were elected, and installed: F. W. Llvermore. conaul commander; John Barron, advisor; Leon Tlake, banker) Oeorge-Thing, clerk :E. R. Morton. e- com F.-Morrl.. watchmanr-John sel. outer sentry; A. Weldner, manager. term 1 ."morttcsi. ueorg Llvermoro. manager.'terra six month; F. M. Rob- in son, meaicai examiner. . ' Th exercises were followed by a 1 banquet . and dance. . Following ar memoers or ine rrawiy organizea camp.' Oeorge Thing. F. W. Llvermore, Joha Barron. Ed R. Morton, Orla Rolfe. Petal Carlson, John Tee-man, -William p. 4-laymr. i,ira im saner, jonn Byrne, i.non K. iPiaka John Metsel, Charles Dlllaboy. Albert MelndeU Clarence Alberta, Frank Morris. Denver Morris," VilUam-OCon-nelL . '.. GERMANY ASKS POWERS T0 CONFER QNM0R0CC0 (Joarnal BOeclal Berries.) -. London, June 8. Germany ha sent an Identical not to all powera signa tory of th Madrid convention proposing an international conference on the quea tlo of Morocco.' It is understood that none of the power ha yet replied. ..' - Thro O'a Mar C C. Coulter, formerly correspondent of Collier Weekly, ha Just - arrived from San Francisco and will becoma as soclated with W. K. Rothery In the management her of tha Calkins New piper 8yndlrat: Graduating Exercise. On Tuesday evening the graduating exercises o St Mary'a academy and college , will be held In Bt. Mary's academy hall. .-Thla year's class Is one of h moat suocesaful In th history of . j . , ...... OKTJrZfla TsTJUTT. .rronvMha--Naw-Torle-Sun "China would be a poor field for acci dent Insurance -companies.' aald a man In tho tea trade. - "Tha Inhabitants would bs only, too glad to get hurt In order to collect their inauranca, "Up the river from Hongkong there' a little settlement of Englishmen. Jst across the river la a graveyard. Inhab ited by a feweruV birds of the anip family. Thy re very poor hooting, but your Briton must have sport oT om kind, and shooting these bird is the only sport In sight. ' - "On day an Englishman let drlv at a snipe and hit a Chinaman who had Just bobbed out from behind a tomb atone. - The charge of shot struck th coolie In his wrist, putting hi hand out of business. .- ' --'Of -oourse,-4ho- Chinaman made a roar. The Briton, wanting . to do th aquar thing, offered to pay th dam ages. The coolie, demanded .110. Tb.g Engllshmsn generously made 1 IIS. "Ther wss never any good bunting In th graveyard after that. Whenever an Englishman ws seen approaohtng, a" Chinaman hid behind every grave stone. , : "With "marvelous ' cleverness, they'd manage- to get In rang Just when .th Briton fired. If one of them had tha luck to get two or thfee blrdshot In hla system, he, would coma out, roar, and- collect. -r- - , "Of eours. . thl drov .tway th snipe; but the coolie took to catching birds, tying them by the leg o grave stones and hiding themaelvea In hole from-whlch they could' rise and jrer ahtrt 'at the proper moment. The Englishmen had to top hunting. It waa too ex pensive. - - m , ,' -----; , "On of the pleasant and refined Chi nese torture la crushing the -ankle. There are coolies In Bhanghat who keep a standing offer to submit to thla tor ture, for tha benefit of tourists, at a rat ot t. - " . v.- .-.-" ' ' . -. - "I know of several caae where thl offer ha been accepted.'' Th cooll submitted 'without a howl and smiled when lie collected th money." .- - .Tay Scrapped. . - -, j - .From th Philadelphia Press. " "They were going, to elope last night. but It 'a all off now.' They ( couldn't de cide upon a conveyance." . "Why, bothh and she own automo biles." ' - . - "That waa the whole treuble. She de clared her auto wa th best and h In sU tad big . wag.?. -, . . J . ,. ... .'', -. Bom of tha women of Portland loola askaoc at the whipping pot for wlfl. beater and; shuddar in sympathy with Chart McQlnty, th big, burly youth who- mada a- human - punching bajotT th family .wag' earner and - who- got JO lashes on hla- bar back for hi bru tality. : Th post and eat o' nine tail ara -called relic of barbarism, a lapse into tha dark age and other thinga by some, while other say that no amount of pub- ' lie whipping will cur a man of tha -wlf boating habit .after Jt has becoma deeply, rooted. v v :-. Mrs. Millie Trumbull of the' board ot- ' charities and correction wa ' ao busy wth other matters of legislation at the time of the paaaing-of this lw that" It waa well on Its way before hr at tention waa directed to it. - ?'Tha -maa-tfavored tt andrpasierr1 ane saio, -"but most of tho- women real -loo tha - Inefficiency, of tt.f The legls- lators motive waa good, but they did not get at the root of the matter. rTheserrr probleras cannot be solved by legislation the ours must go- farther- back. Few ' wpmch win take advantage of. the law " when they realise that it means punish ' ment for their husbanda. ' ' - '.'As long aa women ara dependent oi their .husband .lorupport and tha--husband realise thl there will b ex'. -actly th same condition of affairs. , Tha. application of - th - law- Is -all right aa long as It la tha law, but I am Incllneol ' to criticise tha woman who continues to. live 'with a husband who needs . tha - Whipping-post. . ' ' . - '. . r-. . ' . iWn-Xdv WU ,toOUT t- "Mra. McOrnty ahowed by her owa - testimony that she. was selfsupportlng: then why live with McQlnty if he treated her aoT. The law would have freed her. Of course there may .be clrcumstancea, that I do not know of that mad it necessary, and t Teallso that w cannot decide- aeneral Questions by Individual cases. A woman ha the -remedy lit hand be for It come to the beating point, and If she lets matter drift to that point legislation will not cure th trouble. If a man la a brute he will be a brute, regardlea of tha law. It may deter some, but in my experience I hav found "rAmM 'tntM-U few women-who will tell -oi -lit ireai The punishment lies with th 'woman. Few" will take advantage of th law and many husbands count on fhls. For woman to use the whip would be bad; , that would brutalla bar, too.41- "If I had anything to do with It per aonally." said Mr. B. B. Pagu. fj of Mr. MoQlnty attorney, "I should not want the punishment given. That I. 4n a.noral lha feeling Of I PWOOUtl, TTTirmoae but If BICU OB"0OUld NUl . bean thTooj. liwi raiura mm pea rod after her beating we nrlght feel; dlfferntj. about iX- - , ' " i Waa hoklagly Traatod. ' -.J m-gh wa In a horrlbla" condition when t she "cam to see the attorney, and all the upper part of her Jody. over her chest rand rm "to her-etbowr-w black and from her hip to her ankle shoj waa black, whara ha had been kicked after her beating. Something ought surely' to be done, and this aort of pun- lshment, I think, will cure mora aulckly ihan any other. A man of tha claes that , will beat their wlvea will droad thla degradation woraa thM fine or lm- nrl.nnmaint : fUl OS it RIH eem, t should -at-anyTrat-iiaTa a tria -And- after all. though tha cold-bloodednesa of It aeemed hprrlblfl, ha was not hurt ona fifth a much aa It Trart ner. for th auggestlon that tha women them aelvea be allowed-to administer tha pun. lehment, that would never do. It would , lower her v whole nature, and I don't think aha would aver mete out tho pun- lshment aa the man would deserve, Bhaj would grow weak at beart wnen it cam to tho polntr - Why, even little Mrs. McQlnty when h waa called on to to tlfy yesterday hesitated to do if Blow .for Blow. - Mr. Abigail Scott Dunlway pro hounces the pish- to b a relld of barba rism, but saya that it Is only human and natural 10 giv a bluw fui a blewi n l-Xt la barbaroug Sot- a man to- beat hla wife, too," she aald. "and It is nee ssary to Inflict on him th same punish- ment, as that la the only way to get even wlth him. That la not a pretty thought, and I ho jiofbetlev In It In, th abstract, but many thing beautiful la - tba-abetra-anno- applied l' real life. Ethically,, aval believe -In r------ turning good for avll, -.but-too -. often It work a with Mark Twain' hero who 'turned the other cheeV and got a lick ing. ' But the law should administer the' punishment ' because th ' man la using th law whlchtojivea him power over hla : wife. If ho abusea hla lawful light tha law should punish him; The wife never should; he would get ' too sorry for him. And her kindness and leniency In punishment would hardly havo the ef- feet of ennobling him. Her part rn tha punishment would, on tho other hand, scars up all the evil In him, and when he got free h, would probably do some thing Tworse."1 In hla" disgrace ha WouIdT loso all regard for her and for the law, and. probably next time he would pot sto'p short of killing her." ; ' . JTloa IamsM Jtuilshmen Wanted. - P "I hate to see such a step back to barbarism," said Mra W. Wynn Johnson. "It may be Just, but It seems -too cruel, nnd la positively nauseating, I belle vo that there must be- a mora humans method of pun.lahmant.-Il la a question whether or pot It will accomplish what la desired. Borne . disposition do not , , tand .corporal punishment. , Wa aee ' that , among school children, " who ara i uBlyauda, una atu bboen yhr-irpptf-J' cation of th lash, f believe men- Uau- ally do such thing In th heat of tha moment under uncontrollable Impulse, ' and If the punishment were applied at the time It might do some good. But they do not stop to think. The best remedy I can suggest would be mora forbearance on the part of both., It' always, take two to mak a --quarrel. And In the caae wher tha mart 1 poal- . tWely bmtlah, and t,he woman can do nothing, h should b deprived of tho privilege of having a wife. He should . b divorced and . not allowed to i re,, marry. If th punishment Is given ths law should punish directly, and not ask tho do It, forjier1, ardor will cool down by tb tlm of "' "; actual punishment, and sh should not ha ssked or allowed to'do' anything to . lowering." -,-. " . - j. - , " ; ,.; r. ' Fref erred Stook Oaaaed Oaadg, . AUn Lawlg' Bt Braad. . . ; ,. : , ? . - - . v - - - - -f -' - -- ,(.,'v...,.r jj;;, ,..., 1