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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1905)
;- THE QREGON DAILY JOURNAli,. PORTLAkD," FRIDAY "EVENING, JUNE 2i . 1905. - 11 Li -: 1 Th e People's Candidatefor Municipal Judg'e has a Record to be Proud of Born and raised in old Massachusetts.' Descended from a fighting Irish family. , At 17 years of age Tom joined the. 1st Massachusetts Cavalry, being the youngest f-::'l -iny..:-,.--,- - enlisted trooper in the service. . '. v,;;,..1.!,;;;;....;:;,:; McDevitt's Record : ll From Bull Run to Appomattox Tom nawsery- -ice took part In 60 battles ; wounded " four j times, but always in front... On theTmes, on V 1 the Rappahannock, at 'Antietam, Chancellors- t ; ville, Fredericksburg, " in the hellfire of the - Bloody Angle and last of all and greatest, the -- " First Masachusetts' formed part of that fiery 4 legion-that Meade hurled against the gallant"" " Pickett when, the chivalry of the splendid -zfrSoutlOeelecLljeforelthe "stubborn .valor ftheZz: Boys, in Blue. ; ; '..J.ii :i JUDGE-M'DEVITTr after 39 yearsn -oiiris imidstlhai never had an aspersion cast on his -? character : Valor in the Field Tom Holds Three Medals r Duringall.that long .war, when our brothers" ' of the North and South shed their blood in one" red stream, McDevitt fought for the dear old flag GOD BLESS IT. True, . he .was only a 1 private, only, a plain .soldier eboy, but the dented' saber that he swung in 60 bloody bat- ; ' ties was no truer to his hand than was Tom's ' "heart to his- country. . When . the war'closed ; Tom. set his fac for Oregon and for 39yeaTr; -hfe-has-been-witlwusr-an-honored " cltiyen a- -pure public servant, an honest, honorable and .fearless judge and greater than all, his-fam-ily life is STAINLESS AND SPOTLESS.. Tom as kludge For four years; Judge Tom '- McDevitt was ": Justice of the peace in our city;- from 1882 to 1894, and from 1896 to 1898. And I, who write, know for men call me a distinguished jurist,-- that. McDevltt's decisions during. that-period' jvere sound)- based on ' good common sense.; With only one weakness, and ways. on. the side of chanty and humanity....; .... L 1 JUDGE M'DEVITTS private family life has-been-moral and respectable. .JUDGEM'DEVITTlJias.never.beeln- any grand-rypr:accused"bfipy'": JUDGE-M'DEVITT-a-A -lawyer-has beer faithful ta his clients'" Interest. Compare Judge McDevittVrecordwitlrthe"; other fellow s and vote as you see fit,' Of gari ized First Labor Uniori in PortlandJ . The working men of Portland have much ; to "thank" McDevitnfor. He gave fouT yeari of the prime .of his useful life to building up the Workirigmen's Protective Union, and from -then to now when he snows of 60 odd winters Whiten his honest head he has ever beet ful to the' cause of labor. - "Judge McDev- itf-raned-ca- reer .has left no -blot-on-hir shield or stain -on his name. ' ,v ON THIS RECORD THAT NO MAN HAS EVER ASSAILED, T. B. McDEVITT ASKS YOU :'. 'irT V WPORT WiLLla 1 -- ONLY-TO EUREKA North- Paclfie Steam$hip Com ' pany's Nw Boat VVill Give Ten-uay service. ; Harry Youn. Jocl ent for th - North Pclrto Steamahtp company,' r .' eclved a telram thla mornln from General Manager Do stating that the teamcr Nawport," recently purchased by the company, will leave San. Franclaco tomorrow morning" for Portland and way portavt 8 he will atop at-Eurekar-Crea : cnt City, Coqullle, Taqulna Bay and Coos Bay pointa and will probably be five daya on-thw-trlp,' Eureka will be her southern terminus, and It Is be Heved that she will be capaWe.of main taining a 10 days' serrlce. The- Hoenoke, operated by the same company, arrived last - nlghi.'froni Xngi e - end w a f port., with full cargo of general freight ' and carrying lis paaaengera. She also brought a number of live seals from Empire City, which will be placed on exhibition at the fair grounds by the United Btatea flsh commissioner. A big' shipment of fireworks came from Loa Angeles, and the moat of them went up In smoke last night near Guild's lake. '. . i : The ateamer came Into - the harbor gaily bedecked, with flags and attracted attention all along the . - river. This morning she moved to the dock of the Willamette Iron A Ateel wftrke. to have another story added to her smokestack.' The task waa completed early this after noon, and ahe will be loaded .in ample time to go out on the return trip to morrow evening. Her only way ' ports wUtbe-Eureka-and n Francisco, as It Is thought thst the' Newport will be sble to take care of the coaatwlee trade. By skipping Coos Bay ports the Roan oke will make the round trip from Lot Angeles In' much less time. Secretary Osoff of the line waa a pasi sengej .xnuthe ateamer as Taf "as Marah- fleld. and stopped there to make arrange ments for landing privileges for the Newport and to appoint an agent. When he completes his mission there he will ga to . Taqulna Bay, Tillamook and Co qullle on similar business, ' " EXPORTS OF WHEAT." Vortlasd Xrfads mget Booad Vertf by Heavy BCargla l& May. In tiny rprtland shipped lfttt bushels of wheat, foreign and to-Call fornUt 'ports, against 72. 07 bushels sent from Tacoma and Seattle. Of the amount sent from this port 14.111 bushels went to California, the largest .quantity that went coastwise for any one month thW yar. None Of thecereei was exported from Puget sound, whose shipments were sent to Ran Frsnclsco and San Pedro. For the corresponding r m -CONTEST- Boys and girls can send in their guesses as to the meaning of these three letters until 5 o'clock SauirdayPJM- The winner will fvpf 4 Ti fi Sunday morning's Ji g C t paj.y Us : Everybody take a ZT ' "t . ' f ' ... ,V - burnal 'Will tell the tale guess, and send them in.- AFTERNOON A LEMONADE SBT6 TOlMXtERS ynrth For ' 'Tray and Pitcher in a variety of patterns in different "irrilnra " A dance at the disolav in our window will convince every one that this is the greatest bargain ' (TJ) r we have ever offered at our Saturday Special Sales. l We have others' to offer later WATCH US! v!iJyl 1 ''. - am earn M .- m - II I I I J J --ZJ , " I r.a. .n.W f aJAV&k J A A I t -Ta C - "waaaaaawaBaswBW V J aw w V First .. and Taylor Streets month laat year'Portland shipped Jll, I4t bushels, ' ' ; .(.' ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Bids for the purchase of the wreck of the Geo. W. Elder will be opened in the office of Henry Hewitt, Uoyda agent. this afternoon at 4 o clock. With the usual cargo of general freight' the steamer Toledo arrived last night from Gray'a harbor. There la talk of operating her on av! fire-days' sched-. ule, Instead "-pi twice a week as at present. " This afternoon the German ship Nlobe was moved to the Eastern A Western mill, where she will receive lumber for the united Kingdom. At noon yesterdsy the new acow Omaha, belonging to the Oregon Round Lumber - company, - was- successfully launched from the ways Of the Portland ahlpyards. She was taken down to the qunrry at Bunker hill this afternoon- to carry rock to the" government Jetty at the mouth of the Columbia. The vasael has a capacity of 700 tona. - i Whin 'a small ahtpment of lumber has been received at the Alaska dock the- oriental liner Numantla will move over to the Alblna wharf to complete her cargo for the far east, and will probably sail about Monday.. , , "Through" JameaIAiaiaW " A Co." tW British steamship Comerlo has been' chartered to transport m cargo of coal from Nanalmo, British - Columbia,. : to Nome. . Rather unexpectedly the American barkentlns John Smith reached port this morning from San Francisco. She went to the Portland mill, where aha will be supplied with lumber for the return trip. t ..-' v- Marine notes. t Astoria. Or.. June t. Arrived at :J0 and left up at a. m. Steamer F. A. Kllburn, from San Franclaco and coaat ports. . Aatorla...Or,Ju ne J. Left up at B. m. Barkentlne John Smith. . San Francisco, June 1.- Balled BChooner Jennie Stella, ' for Columbia river. ' Astoria, Of., June I. Condition tf the bar at a. m. Smooth; wind northweat; weather cloudy. - '-. - loxoosni WOIi TAl ivnia Three Steam schooners, the Northland, South. Bay and Acme and the United States revenue eutter Richard Rush ar rived from the south last night. The coasters came light and will receive lumber at the Inman-Poulsen mill for California ports. The steam schooner Aurella Is alao receiving lumber at the Portland mill. The Rush Is f tOO tons register and was null t PorttBlakeley, Washington, In Kit. Her regular sta tion ' Is at . flltka, Alaska." She;- Is not much mors than half as large as the Hugh McCulloch, which - "is" anchored near her In the' harbor. . . bboxs nornus.iUBi. While bound for San Francisco on laat trip the ateamer Columbia broke propeller blade, and It is probable that she win not arrive ai romana tomor row evening On achedule. time'. It is supposed that the damage was repaired at the Bay City without the necessity of taking her onto a drydock. -If thla were dona 'ahe may arrive 'nearly on schedule time. The vessel will bring a cargo of freight to Portland. ; xxQirxanrci nrro eotuaxoir. ' .United States Inspectors Edwards and Fuller are making an official Investiga tion behind closed doors at the customs PORTLWSPLACE City Stands First and Was Over. rr looked In Government Ad- - vertising for Supplies.' To avoid repetition of the act of the purchasing agent for the Panama canal commission who overlooked Portland lumber mills in sending out notices and blanka for' bids for supplying lumber for the canal, the Oregon Lumber Manu facturers' association haa addreaaed - a request to the Panamacanal commission to establish a branch purchasing-agency In this city. At a meeting In Portlsnd the: association adopted the following atatement, a copy of which was for wsrded to the commission: . . - " "The Oregon- Lumber Manufacturers' aaaoclation deal res through you to call the attention of the commission to the advlsabllltyof Jopenlnga purchasing coaat .for the Isthmian csnal. The esti mates which have been made for lum ber necessary to conatruct the Isthmian canal indicate that several hundred million feet will be required, which the Pacific coast statea of Oregon and Waahlngton are adequately prepared to furnish. - The Columbia river district, with Portland aa a center. Is the largest lumber producing section on the Psclfio coast. ;The city, of Portland manufactures more lumber then any other city in the United Statea, with a dally cutting capacity- exceeding 3.500,000 feet, and will cut over 600.000.000 feet this year. Port land and the Columbia--river-have -ex ported to foreign porta more large cargoeaot lumber- than any-other- port In the United Btatea, and we would respectfully tirge -that , Portland - be dealgnated as a suitable location for branch purchaalng office." This list waa Included showing ths names apd destinations of vessels carry ing aome or tne lumoer cargoes tnat have been loaded at Portland In ths last year: . ' Aker, for Port Arthur. I.3K0.0JJ feet of' lumber; Orange Branch, for Shang hai. I.K89.348 feet", Guernaey, for - Kiao Chou, I.433.4SJ feet;' Elm Branch, for Port Arthur, J. 413. 247 feet; Inverness, for , Yokohama. !.0.S51 feet; Oak Branch, ror Shanghai, 1. 483.414 feet; Norman Isles, ' for Shanghai, t,t(.0 feet; Almond Branch, for Shanghai, Z.t.l41 feet; Palatine, for Japan, 3.924,340 fpet; Norman ItjYa, for Bhang, hat. 1.K81.110 feet Palatlna. for China. 3,084.831 feet; Thyra. for China, 3.660. 141 feet; Oceano, for China, S.K94.173 feet; Strathgyle, for Manila, 3,400,000 feet. - '- ' - -- blame for the collision of ths steamers Charles R. Spencer and Dalles City near Llnnton Wednesday morning. Among the . witnesses examined are Captains Spencer, Scammon, Allyn and many paa sengers. it is said tnat ins enquiry will not be completed until Iste this afternoon. - '. " r GENUINE rau Set in Studs, Pins, Rings, Hat Pins, Brooches, Sunbursts, Ear - drops, Lockets, Etc., Etc i- - Jll! WAXtDOS MAT CAKBTTTMSXm. There is strong probability that the British steamship Vaddon. which ar rived at Port Townsend f rem Jepan, will be chartered to. load lumber Vi Portland for the orient. .Taylor, young A Co. are her agents. She reached I4Kt Townsend on Wedneeday rather .unexpectedly and received orders' te remain there until Gents' Shirt Studs, a very neat and popular alse: If a ' genuine dia mond It would coat you about $125 or $150. This anawers all purposes at one-thirttetn or that coat.' Our apeclal price $1.50 : z Tiffany Engagement Ring; exact duplicate f Tiffany Kngagement King; oeauiuui iion., et tn Ings. For this great apeclal aale... M iiiwuiii- $1.50 0i$ Were Given theHigfiest Award at the World fair .te.- OUR GUARANTEE .i Ws guarantee each and every atone to retain Its brilliancy forever, and the mountings to -'-gtve perfect satisfaction. Peru Diamonds are a natural crystal found In Peru, South-America; they will etand all acids, heat, alkali, etc.; In fact, . they can be washed end rlnaned like ordinary diamonds, and o nearly do they -resemble them that ex perts have been de ceived, i - i I Gentlemen' solid gold filled Belcher Ring, set with a 3-karat Pern Dia mond; worth 18. so. spe cial $3.50 Ladles Twin Peru Dia mond ; Ring; two fin stones; . If -: genuine would be worth lit "r $100 at this a as a great special Z.AII saae..... Drop r Screw Earrings, beautiful, brilliant, evenly, matched stones, either 1 or 2 karats In else; set In gold filled Tiffany 'mountings seem $260. price rirrany mountings; to be worth d J A A MAILORDERS ' If yon live out ef town and eannoe rail t our store, yen ean cut out ths picture of the article yon want; If a rln. send else of finger, mall te us with amount In cur rency or money or der, and the article eleeted will be sent posts g prepaid, and If ne as represented, your money , will be refunded. No C a D. ' sent , PERU POAPvMnIID) CdD, OPEN Ef vENirsao I32.Thtrd Street, etvyeenWcshfnjtc ch J . - "" - I . . .... i .'v. 'V": .- , . : nous today to ascertain , who- Is - te chartered. - - - I.,