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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1905)
:'-;( v.-.-------'---- ' '''1'- :"- ' ' .,''.' . ' - - ; ". ' ' . ' 4 -.-- ;r 1 - rf no PORTLAND WINS r IN SIXTH INNING 1 - Local Become . Familiar With f , Charlie's Cm vm and Wtrr IrTTCanter, r-J- - MASCOT KENO STARTS 1 r ' i THE BATTING RALLY Jones Had No Trouble in Keep . Jng Hits Scattered, and r. . ik ... victory Was Easy: - 7 V- 1. .i-, 'Vr. i d Ld. V 111 J.- Ul U.QJ.IU. - 1- !'' T !aK r.. J r-r-r I 1 mjmmtj: m-t Portland I. Brittle 1. ? --i iaiih anil AfcT-ean? Shields and Frary. Wh.n bi Jack McLean let loess Jvna the cunine niaacot," yesterday, and ,'that worthy puppy trotted toward Bert M Jones aa he stood at bat In the sixth '-Uuuing. th 4.300 fane present felt - iworaUy certain that something 1 waa going t(, happen. - And something did happen in that very Inning. -CP until that Unreibarles "Peanut" Shield had denied the locals even -the smallest kind 'ot a hit, while the visitors were for 'tunate enough to garner two runs on as many bad' throws by McCredla and Ats. Portland had waited Just long enough end keno barked aa the signal for the fireworks. Shields waa doing j splendidly, end his old-Urns .friends Jn i uie stand, thoae who ' bad often ap (plauded him In the days -when he wore i Portland uniform and did the entire 'callatbenlc code before pitching the (ball, gave him a friendly welcome and hearty credit for hi work. it was very cruel Indeed to do It. but It had to be done, and Bert Jones tore oft the first safe one of the day. ' Jacobus Ats fol lowed' suit and Van -Buren's attempted sacrifice .waa hurled to the fence by Kemmer. who didn't see any other place to throw U. Householder had - been -(honestly struck -Vout, but Indicator thought 'otherwise, . and . old "House embarrassed "Charlie" by -putting nn among the mountains and 'Valleys In left field..! Of-course "Larry".' had to touch one safely, and with two down Michael Angelas Mitchell - rot frlendl y wit b I "Charlie" and skimmed .one over second into the siougu oi;uoua s laxe in cen ter, field. ' The tragedy was done and the crowd sat up and noticed thlnga.i . It was a perfect .day for baaeball and n nna nrd anvthlriar .'about the cida FsiUoni . The national' and exposition flaga hung smilingly . and sweetly, over tli. adjait building, thedllant-dln of tha Trail and . Its acoessorles could WTieaTdTT&etween "spasms" of 'joy ' when a good play was recorded, and the. entire scene waa typical of the first day. -of June and tpaT occasion " represented. Kboaa in tna xront pewa couio see ine i r)ndolters si work-4n the r outfield. tlioae In the middle, section appreciated the duck shootings in- left field, while the fans in the back - row, could aee imthfnr hut mnri huttl In minv nartl rbf the infield. The fixM wai in poor ( condition and that more -errors were - i not made may be attributed more to ' ' good, luck than accurate fielding. The ' 'eondftlon of Recreation park yesterday ( was a reflection upon the alhletlo com J mission of the .fair, who have promised I many times to have the' field In play- The general wopk of "the Jocals was up very' good, being in keeping with their perfect work during the past 11 games. . Detail of Oame. ' ', " Kane., the speedy -little 81 wash third baseman, led off In the first inning ; - . I. with a long drive to, right, which Mc- t'redia fielded but threw, wild to second, f allowing Kane to take "third. Dusty j Miller attempted o advance Kane, but -t i his effert was a pop fly to Ats. Lefty llouts smashed a hard one at Runkle, ''who alipped' to the ground on the t reach -i'erous footing, "but threw nlcVly to first -: while, off his balance and Houts was . out. but - Kane had - scored. -. Kemmer f;Went out at first. . fi, Shields pitched In grand form at "the ;' start and easily had the, locals guessing ; during the early part of the engage- ment. and Charles aeem to know that he was- -In vlnelWe-and '-went " through- many supposedly graceful evolutions ! for the benefit of the ladles. But pride usually goeth before a fall and In this Instance the former Portlander fell with f the rreverblal dullr-sickanins thud. Before Shields met his Waterloo, or i Mukden, Seattle had acquired another are, which went on record when Jakey ;, Ats heaved Lefty Houlii hit to the j bleachers and ths former McCloskeylte t went to second in the fourth inning f Instead of to the bench: Big Bill sacri ficed; and Ralph Frary pasted one to jjleep Jsllcejitejfori two bases, scoring Houts. That wanall for" Seattle for . TTIarry "Schlafly took care of Jimmy Mc iisi ana-Kuanthecana Hall. - - - j- The grand entree of the local invlncl iWes'lhto the run column came in ths .Will appreciate our new lint r,r'-"fl elegant' brass PRICE $1.00 EACH PRICE $2.00 EACH "PRICE $3.00 EACH - m Just. the thing for home," of fice anH c ItiK -.-'i,77ZrZIIZZ : THE f J. K. GILL CO. ' . ,'. y r . Booksellers and Stationers THIRD AND ALDER Crtat Things at Lttlle Prices -.1 v ruentiemen .t.. : ' . - : WA ' ' I - ' - 1 - . - -t - - l w I" M T a) T ft 1 Clothes for Men Who sixth inning. "Doctor Levy's" troubles were started--r -"Crooked -Arm" Adel bert. whose safe', hit to 'left : garden caused due Moser to do various -and sundry evolutions. In the rooting tins which are common to only fans of the thirty-third degree. - i -Jakey Ats followed Jones with an other beauty, -end u Moser had an other spasm. -nd Harry-Howland:vled with Fred Olsen In vocal exercise. BUI Kemmer sent the tried and true into the seventh heaven of delight ,when he heaved Van Buren's perfect bunt into the rig-lit field bleachers, allowing Jones to score, Ats to take third and Van to perch on second. Eddie Householder careKsed Keno,. the mascot, who re eponderi" with ayelpof -del lght,nd Eddls. drove one past Kane. scoring Jske and Van. Schlafly poked a Texan back of second snd two wers on bases with no on out, and three runs In the klUJThe Judge put . down, a neatsacrU flee, which be might have beat out had he burrlfd. Then big "Lajole" McLean ambled to ths plate and drove out two long fcula, but on the third swing Mnc missed connections and was out. Then Mike Mitchell effectually clinched the game with a corking drive to- center field, which scored' Householder and Schlafly, Runkle ended the Inning with ieyv "Roseoe Miller attempted to swipe some of the Jocals'- luck, end - grabbing Keno from the Portland bench took the Lmasrot over to the Seattle bench snd rubbed the dog s feet over the 8 1 wash sticks. Kane got a hit In the eighth, .when RnnW Jones and McLean allowed his pop up to drop safe, and Charlie Hall batted for Feeney In the ninth, secur ing a "safe hit, but Jones refused to allow any mors bingoes and the visitors were closed out without any more runs registering. - ' : - The official score follows: PORTLAND. ' ' - AH. R. HrO-A-E. Ats. ss. ... 4-1-1- I 4,1 Van Buren. If. 3 ' 1 ' 1 e Householder, cf. 4 11.2 l o o 7 e o 1 Hrhlafly. 2b 4 113 Mc'reie, rf. Meljearr. rr Mitchell, lb. Runkle. 3 b. Jones, pc ... l e o l 1 15 Vo I) 1 Lt o o o o a . Totals . . !9 6 Jll 1$ : 8EATTLB. ' : ., -AH-R-H. PftA B. 4 1 2' 1 0 0 Kane. 8b.' , Miller, rf. ... Houts. If. .... kemmer. lb.-. Frary, c Mcliale, cf. .. R. ' Hall,' as." ". . , ,t : 4 O-O.o ......... 4 1.0 0 ........ 200 , 0 0 0 2 1-1 0 0 .60 2 10 1 0 4 0 0 1.0 0 0 .0 V 4 0 ..... 4 0 1 TJ0" Kenyr -iO. Hhields. p. C : Hall ...r,. 10 1 0 Totals. -VwU -1 -7 24 - S C. Hair baited ror Fi Ciley liS nlnlh'." ... SCORE B.TJNNING8. , .. . t 1JIIHHI Portland . OOftOOKOo S lilts , . - 0 0 P 0 0 0 0 i Beetfle . .- 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 : Hit 110 11-10 117 " St'MMART. Struck out Ry Jones, I Feeney. Mil ler, Kemmer): by Shields. 10 (Hchlafly2, McCredle 2. Jones 2. Householder 1, Hui'kle, McLean). Bases on ball OfT Khleldf, -(Mitchell, Van Buen; off Jones.- 2 ( Kemmer. Frary). Two-baae hits Kane, Frary. Ieft on bases Portland, t: Seattle, ". Hacrlflcs -lilt Mct'redle, Kemmer. Stolen bases Van Hnren, Kane, Mcliale!- Tim of game On hour-and 40 minutes. Umpire Klopf. ... , QOLOZsTAXa DZrBATal WASOO. . . (Jrwrnit Rfieelsl gefTlre.) Ooldendale, Wash., June -2. Jolden dale defeated .JVsseo In a tin gamO of bistbair yeaterday by the -sews of S tol. Is beyond question the largest and most comprehensive in the West thousands of Men's Suits . . . Youths? 85-37 Tbiini -t t3 etYteen. Stark Buckell Struck but IT men," and allowed only one hit. - Scor: j ' -' R.- H E Oordendale i . . .0 1 1 0 1 0 1 ' 0 Wasco : . ....... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 1 0 Batteries Bitckeir and St. Clair; Harding snd Ruff. Struck out By Buckell, 17; hr Harding. 10. Earned runs Goldendale. 1; Wasco, 1. .Umpire Fraser. . - ; ...... jf.i . , ... rACzrxo coast LSiatn. CLCBS. Kt..:V.W.i-. Taroms ...... Oakland Ran Praaeiaco I'ortlanit Iya Angeles l. Meattl ....... Iat 821TW2 1WI .ttH in I .ens 2 .41 2l .m 22! .415 ft 4 fl I I I I I .Angels Win la the Tlrst. ' IS" Angeles, June 2. The Angels cinched yesterday's game with the Seals In the first Inning, when they found Henley for four1 htts snd an equal num ber of runs. The scone-i " - R.'H E. Los Angeles ...4900010 6 ;m rranciaco .-.0 t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 7 1 4" 2 Batteries Hall and Spies; Henley and Wilson. L'mplre Davis. Tigers Blank Oaklandsrs. San Francisco, June 2. Bill Thomas was In form yesterday and the Oakland team failed to score. Schmidt was hlt hard In the fourth and sixth. 8core: . R H E Tacoma 0002 01001-411' 3 Oakland . ...... .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 - 0-U Batteries Thomas snd Qrahnm; Schmidt and Byrnes. Umpires Bray and Perrlne. - BTATioirAX. iiiavt, "Voir ! .31 XoaTT" New Tork . Philadelphia Pirtshurg . . Cincinnati -n Chicago- . . . St. Mulfl . , Boston Brooklyn . . 1 . 1 2 22 "2 i 25 :28 .' .77 .B7 .61 .489 .47 .434 .260 .249 22 ......28 . JTTT-.1 .....14 15 ' At Bostoa. 1 -. R. II. E. a . , NewTof DOKiun . . . . . Batteries man; Wllhelm O'Day. ..........2 10 2 Matthewaon and Bower- and Moran. Umpl .At Olaoln&at R. H. E. ..17 7 Clnrlnnstl St. Loiilil ;-14 0 Batteries Chech and Phelr-a: Thlel. man and Warner. 1'mplfe Johnstons. rAt rittsbnrg. Pltts-httrg e X a Chlcsgo ; Batteries Case and Pelts and A"n- umpire Kmsie. -.. At Brooklyn. . , .. n ,., R. H.E. Brooklyn I t 2 Philadelphia.. I 7 o Batteries iEason snd .Bergen; Bparkv and Dooln. Umpires ' Bauswlns and Klem. , . - i ' . . SOKOOZ, TBAOaTXM BBATBIT. v"Tgptelal Dlapeteb to The Journal! Willamette University. Salem, Or., June 2. The baseball team of Willam ette tiMverslty defeated ths school teachers from Monmouth on ths Wil lamette grounds Wednesday by a scors of to J. v BZAMoro a. x wnrs. Diamond A. A L.J team, defeated ths t - R. H. E. -7r.t4 - 2 ...0 4 0 ; Welmer Our narne on a garment is -a citizens of Portland ment is good. DON'T 5uits . . s' Suits .... West Ends on the Thirty-seventh street and Hawthorns avenue, grounds yester day forenoon by a score of 10 to i. Out fielder Thompson did the pitching for A. A L. and did. very well consider ing his change of position. Ths feature of tha game waaa, home run by Conklln. The lineup was as follows tni , r 4-ilttUlVUU A SB Ml,' West End. Thompson ......p. . .Toung' D. Groat Leiean Simon ... Miller ... Walters . Fleming . McKlnley Michaels Conklln . Miller ... ...... a. ... . lb .....2b...., , , j.Sb. I.....SS...., . i Gardner Bodle , Smart ...... Vincent Krlskle ....... ...Lang , If. ;.....rf. AKZmiOAlT X.BACHTB. Cleveland Chlcaso Philadelphia Detroit . . . . Washington . Boston . . . , New Vork . , 8U- Louis . At Tsw Tork. . R. , . .16 H. E. New Tork U 2 Bosion BattertesChesbrorPuttmann and Mc- Gulre; Dineen, Winter and Criger. At Chicago, R. H. E. Chicago . . .... 11 1 Cleveland . . . .- 5 - ft ft Batteries Smith and McFarland; Donahue, Bernhard and Bemla. . -. : At St. KonU. . , , , r ! R..H.E. 8t. Louis ... . 2- ( 1 Detroit . . t 7 0 - Batteries Pelty- and -Weavers Dono van and Drill. , ... - - . , At rhiladslpUa. ' t , R. H. E. Washlngtoa -, -4- nrmti . . . .6 -7- ft EhlladeJphla ...... . naileries nugnea, fatten and Kltt redge; Plank. Bender and Powers. SPORTING C0SSIP. Secretary Ely is going to operate-af gondola service In ths great lakes on Recreation park. The boats will run all day and. during ths svsnjng. . e a , '"".'. Skel Roach refused t'o pjay with Tort land this season, claiming that hs pre fered to perform on a winning team. Wonder how old "Skel" likes the posi tion of ths Seattle team. Charles Shields Is ths handsomest man In the Pacific Coast league. He Is perfeefly built and can pose In a more modest manner than any other of his Ilk In" Christendom. Every 'honest Port lander regretted to aee Shields lose his game yesterday. Well, that will be about Sll, . ' - . . ! , v . ' e - e ' Every well-regulated bait dub should possess an Intelligent mascot. The im portance of such a respectable asset was apparent In yeaterdsy's gsma. . ..." ' . e e . - " Portland fs plsying good ball these days and -the fans thoroughly appreciate th- victories. Oood work csnnot help but produce satlsfsctory results. ' -- e e . - ' The rsce for the pennant in' ths Pa cific Cosst league Is sn Interesting one In every, respect, as every club has a chance for- honors. The closeness of the .race is evidenced by the fact thst should ' Portland. Taeoma and Los Angeles win today four clubs will be tied for second place with a percentage or .sv'i. vis. Portland Dsklan.t I - Angeles and Ban Francisco. - Won. ' I)st.- P.C. ..21 12 .467 - 14 ..20 . 15 .(43 ....19 '"17 .ait , ...... .14 21 .-U l 2"-- .4::i ....15 2! .405 ....IS 24 .Mi sufficientguarantee-of-qualityto and the Northwest FAIL TO INSPECT OUR , $12.50 to 6.50 to $ 2.50 to WITH THE RUNNERS : ON FIVE COURSES . (Journal Special Berries.) . j Coulsvftle, June t. ChurchilL Downs race results: r Six furlongs Jim Douglss won. Fallen Leaf second. Doc Wallace third: time. 1:16 2-5. - Five furlongs Wrenne won. Elliptic second, Dudley third; time, 1:03. Seven furlongs Dutch Barbara won, Benvolio second, Mum third; time, 1:27 4-6. Mile Mcllwain yon. Handy Bill sec end. Pirate thlrdr time, 1:42 4-6. Four and a half furlongs Problem won, Jen La tona second,-Nickel - third; time, 0:60. 1 Mile MarehalNeywon.Our 1 Sister second, Manfred third; time, 1:42-1-6. At tha Meadows. Seattle, June 2. Summaries at The Meadows; track heavyt Seven furlongs Blue Ridge won. The Lieutenant second. Cloche ' d'Or third; time, 1:3014. - onEurvgec.-1 ond.-Melanhlrdrtirner.TrlOH. : 1 Five furlongs Happy Chappy, won, Effervescence second, - Nanon third; time, 1:03.' Five furlongs Interlude won. -Tarn O'Bhanter second, Laureata third; time, 1:034. Six furlongs Follow Ms won. Toupee second, Sol Llchtensteln third; time, l:lH. -r - Mile Funny Side won, Lucrece sec ond, Oloomy Qus third; time, 1:42. At Kansas Clty. Kansas results: - - City, .June 2. Elm Ridge Four snd a hslf furlongs Lotta Gladstone wonv - .Alms, Gsrdla second, zingg-iBrfdirtimeroe: Five furlongs Modred Law won, Green Gown second. Eduardo third; time, 1 :04. -f -Mile Devout won, Telephone second, Ascot Belle third; time, 1:40. Mile r and a sixteenth Brsnd New won, Federal second. Sweet Tone third; time, 1:474. - Five snd a ' half furlongs Hadur won, - Farvo secpnd Program JL third; time, l:0tt. " . ... Seven -furlongs John CarrollL-won, Percy Clark second. Ethylene third; time, 1:27. Ths Lady Rhodesia fin ished flrstbut was disqualified., At Q rsv ssasid. - New Tork, June 2. Gravesend race results: About .lx -furlongs Caarsphlns won, Constlelo It - second, Bellatrls third ; tlmeM:lt- - Steeplechase, about - two njlles- Champs Ely sets won. Bonfire second, Calnorahalcbee third; ttme, 3:65. . Mile and 70. yards Workman won, Klamesha second, Cedarstroms third; time, 1:47. . Five furlongs FJ4p Flsp wonrHaiel Thorpe second,'. Sue' Smith'" third; time, 1:02 1-6. ' t '. Mils snd furlong Palette won. Bronss Wing second, Ths -Gadfly, third; time, 1:66 l-l. Flvs furlongs Inquisitor won, Trftns mute second, L'rary third; Urns, 1:01 4-6. - ....... : . t .. SVXiObJs. sit.' Louis, June 2. Fair grounds ,rAce results: ' , Four snd a half furlongs Excitement won, Tom McOrath second, RollA third; tlms, :6a. - Six furlongs Shipping Tort won. Pickles second. Ora Z. third; time, 1:16.' , Five , furlongs Marpassa " won, -Ins and their judg- $ 4 7.SO $ 7.00 &,0af I BPWBBBSMSSkw - Gray second, Dr.-McCarthy third; time, 1:02 -5. ; . - . Mile The Cook won. Monts second, Flnkerton third; time, 1:41 2-6. Mils Lacy Crawford won, Oay Ltsetts second, Alamonds third; time, 1; 4 11-6 - Mile snd 70. yards Red Leaf wonH Kenton second, Marlln third; tlms, 1:46. Dxizing) irroa- nix. C M. F., Vancouver There is one out and runners A and B on second and third, a fly Is hit to left field which is caught. The bsserunners start for home and third. An effort Is made to catch A going to third. If A Is de clared out before B touches the home plate B's run does not count. Should B reach the home - plats - before A - Is touched out B's run will count OREGON TRACICSQUAD -TRAINING EXTRA HARD ' (Special Dliyatca to .The Jooraal.l Vnen fir June t. Stnce lts defeat by Oregon Agricultural1-college at Cor- vallls. May 27. the track squad of Ore- con university 'll8fbeeTr-tra4nlg extra. hard for the stste field day at Salem, on June 10, Henderaon Is not. able to compete, because hs is obliged to leave college to go to work. Henderson will have completed his exsmlnstions before this meet, but will return to enter the contest If he can arrange It with his employers. Henderson . means . seven points for the 'varsity. Trainer Hayward figures. the result of the meet, providing Henderson tskes part, thus:' Oregon 61 points out of a possible 14,-Corvalll ,. Pacific uni versity 26 and AVlllamette university. 7. HANLON AND CORBETT - -TO MEET-TONIGHT Journal Speciai SarTlca.) '- Francisco, June I. Interest in San ths Eddie Hsnlon-Toung. Corbett con test hss livened to a -noticeable degree as the date for the encounter approached and Woodwsrd's pavilion promises to bs comfortably filled tonight with - ring enthusiasts curious to see the two little fellows again battle for supremacy. Both havs been training faithfully since the srticles were signed, with the .re sult that each appears to be In tha best of condition. It Is slated to be a 20 round affair. Thls wlll be their third meeting in the ring. " 'The first took place -mors then twoyears ago and after 20 . rounds of fast and Interesting milling wss de clared a drew,-although the consensus of opinion was that Hanlon's margin at the final gong was large enough to en title him to the -verdict. Their second fight took place December 23, 103, Cor bett winning handily In It rounds. Ned Homer, will referee the contest. ... CHUT LASS wxtnrBB. (Joarnal Special gerrie.) ' London.. June 2. The Oaks stakes at Epsom Downs was won today fiy W. Hall WakerSj,Chrry Lsss, Jones up. - OAUTOBBTA - eBSW . The University of California rowing four Arrived 4n Pprtlsnd yesterday from Seattle, where they defeated-ths crews ot the Washington ' and Stanford uni versities' in a three-cornered regatta on May 31. .The University of Csllfomls boys srs scheduled to meet; the Junior four of. the Portland Rowing eluB on Saturday! afternoon, over a mile and a halt course, tht'flnish of which, lg g mm . . rte q ffl to to bb iff jffll -1..: e:- f If llfeS 1 Clothes for Men Who Know PorsianUemEssoSico BEftTOIEft atAH00D-Haa eared tBowaadi ot eases of Nervous Debility. loaoaiiiTa. lo4 Atr. pay. Th.y clear . the brain. atnogUMa the elrcalatloa, ssaka dtgeetloa srfeet aad laipart ; Bagoetia algst to the wbolf betnax All eralsa aadL-lnasaa atnrr"t parsiaoeatlr. 31.00 pee bos; S boxes guaranteed to cure or rafusj; smear. M.oo. Mailed seslad. Book fro,' Perslaa Med. C- S.1S Arch St.. Philadelphia. Pa. Sold la Portland only hy graak Vaa Portland Hotel Pharmacy. j. NOW IS THE.TIME FOR NTOMEI Fgr Easier to Cure Catgrrh " Now Than at Any Other Season. . Now is the time to. use IlyomW, -when the early summer day make it j;easy4o-T-ettre eatarrhsl-t roubles. The Hyomei treatment, breathed for a few minutes three or foftr times a. day in May or June' will do Rood twice as it did in January,' and ' nearly everyone knows -.that used faithfully then, it completely rids the system of catarrh. : .? ; TTHyofnri la aluIfr1yvgc'taTitr pfepi aration whone active curative' prop erties are given off when it is breathed by the aid of the pocket inhaler thatL comes with every outfit. It destroy all germ life in the air passages, puri fies the blood by supplying additional"" ozone, and its -healing, volatile, antN septic fragrance reaches every corner) of the respiratory tract as jib nied-' icine taken through the stomach can' possibly-d.- The complete Hyomei outfit costs but one dollar, and consists of a n?at inhaler that can be carried in the i purse-or-Yst-pocket and-wifi last, a iitetime, a medicine ' dropper, and a bottle of ' H vomer Errrarlw- Hyomef- can be procured, JLd,esired, for fifty cents. 7 . At this season of the year' when ' catarrhal troubles can be so quickly and readjly cured, the merits' of the," Hyomei treatment should be carefully investigated, by everyone and a com- P lete outfif'shouid be in every home, Woodard, 'Clarke ror Co. gtve their personal guarantee, writli every Hy omei outfit they sell to refund the money if it does fibt give satisfactions There is no risk-whatever to the pur chaser of Hyomei.-..' the Morrison street bridge. The crewg ara as follows: ", " University iof California ' .Jones stroke, Bannister I, EM Dodge t, Evans bow. Portland BjwlngelubrHarlaw'. stroke, Smld I,' Duncan 2, Smith bow. ' ,. kTOTIOB TO ASCATBOTM. ' All notices of amsteut .base-.. ball gsmes, challenges and atli-, letle events must be sent to this of Acs before o'clock a. m. on ths day for publication. Ama teur - managers - should psy. at-' tsntlon to this rule, ss ths keep ing of It will Insure) a proper report of their doing. r-The as d 1 I JmiPnsil. . ! - - .. L Mothers lose their dread for "thst ter rible second summer" when thev Jiave ' Dr. Fowler's Extract' of Wild 'straw, berrv in the hnnsa. V'.tii.. . lor. Jwwel tomnlianig ot gvsry sort, . . .1.- ' . '---. ---t-.--.'----s-- - --..--k...- t " " ry-" '""i , . -, . ' . ;l r" 7