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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1905)
71:.; .THE t OREGON C b AIL Y JOURN ALT, ' PORTL AN D, -" FRI D AY EVEN ING," MAY 28,' 1903, IS rox snrxrvKVazD booms. THE, GARLAND - - A J1 U . ... I . W., Wl .W . tleth: new. modern. . all outside rnoM. aLa. trie lights, phona, (rtt bathl; 50c, Tie. II pet y rsnsa or woe a; restaurant is hmwil THB MONNAHTKa. 2SSW First at.: sine! room frym 81 tu $3; furnlabsd housekeeping .run irocn 91.10 ut. go per wees; rooma per uiiul, . uuti--mnti a ivtruii solicited. Mi ELI rurslahed roonn; gas, bath, pbo bath, pboa rrleea Boo, Tte; two blocka from main no. ei position. TH0 Vsuahn it. 1'h an' Tinea eibaellloa. T80 Vanchn at. Phona in nw, ABijUAaL atMLMHi -BtnTtooml'n aulU iuiri umiiRtpiiii rwn, w bath mlr1t lthfa lb.u.ia a1l,.l,A .I'llSMIHID rooms, coa tral locatloa. olessant surroundings. Price reaaonsbls: aaa oboe aim oata. aj. aaet aigata at... norm. THE M A YFAllt Elegantly furnished transient rooms; new duiuiins; mooeru conrenieBnaa. FURMnllED rooma atruniDt to Dts, It.H . ami S2.UU pur weal; two neaa 10 sst'a j-eem. , sad other rooma. 87a dartt . NTTELT furnished rooma, alnfla Of aneulte, far V tranalant; 60c, 75c, II par da. 2U Jefter- sea st.. app. city ball, . . TUB GLADSTONE 81IW Barter at , furulahsd , rooma; under paw management,1 prices rea Boss Die. CLEAN, cheap furnished rooma and lodgings. Baft Eighteenth at.. 8 blocks from fair grounds. TWO furnished mo ma. each convenient for two. near fall grounds, fS weak. Ad. C 45, Journal; NICELY furnished - light rooma) bat, gas, housekeeping If desired; reasonable. 8d Front. CHEAPEST and bait located rooma In Portland, - f I week and Bp. Oilman. First and Alder eta. TWO nicely furnished rooma for rent; bat b - ana rra pnone. , 1:111 at aaa iiay , sr. TOR RENT Nicely farniabad front room.' Ml . ami at. B.E. IDWART8. ..... . , ;HOtJKrtrHI8HBB KKNTAu I'Kr AKTMKNx. . L ..Asa. jou- luoklnc . fuc . houaa, roll ran aara rauraalf mllea of walking and noura ' of wnrrr, to aa.r nothing of dlaappolntmeat, 1r Vtaltrni' one- Uental l!-partment. Wa bara - the Binat rnmplata ncaut-boiiaa dlrartory ro town ana tnrra la aare to na aomeming in " It to ault yon. Don't talepbona, bat call . peraonally and InTeatlfite; 18S to 191 Flrat at. FOR RENT rina-.Jiaw. modern. 8-raem bonne. 'Uuloft are. rar line, - bonan No. - dTft. te . . rrnpoaalbl Part jr. 1A per month : no email - children, rhooe Bulmrban TU. arenlofa. -A 4tEW modern T-room-boaaa on Mallory are. . near Oolnv. ooa block from I nlon are., ear Una, rent 130. Apply W. S, JJeck. jf FH. .log Diag. 4 ' - ' x a rrie r Mr tr a !in r -comii nwioJt" to. . . Punoe and furniture morad promptly nr az- perienaen man i lu nira at, mam ibbo. fling1 complete, with- fee. bath, phoaev from June 1 to OctuMr V rnona union onox. FOB KENT A-room jtUa and with water In honaa; rent f 12 bari ; at On atatlon. wooaatock canine. .TOR KENT At Beaatda, dnrtn in an Jnly, - 4-roo'H eottaae m attMf Hue new or. ocean. - Call 0T rront at. fOK HEST Large, bamjwvnie hooaa and gmnndn .r on top of Alt. Tabor, . Apply Hneon, Journal ornce. - - - JCOUBEI FOX EEWt TUXNITUXX FOB BALK. TTIB PORTI.AXD AUCTIOW BOOM nelli yoof . furniture for .you nt your realdaace or All jrtrav at. roc neat raa una saona aiam oaoj. 1S-ROOU honae. cloae In: 9 rooma farniabad H modern conrenlencea; aultable for rooming . liobM or family. reaiornte; anuu ror rarnuure; louee rent 30 with leeee; furniture lneared; 1hle le . bargain... :l. vown, a?e.r. nv n Barnalda at. ' 1 n . PARTY leartng city will, eel! furniture, for ( rooBjiiociuoingu,priBi luaao. aewinf ma Wil, -llv,rr. linen; reu il li. .008 wiiiiama .. , ri'RNITLRB rf nicely furnlabad t-roon cottare - for nam rhaap; nova rant w monm; can -. from 12 to rf p. m.. No. M North Flghtb 1 ... . I . 1 inn. . - II. 1'Bon main ,(. - fu Bit, a, . k. r..U Atnlr.H Atf no. -. room traaalmt home: rant fob; doing goad . mtaloeaa. alibli Madlaom at. ...... COTTAGB to rant. cheaprTHTnUiiia for eeV andy to fair, i-au nortn rirtaentn at. MODERN room cottage few rent, furnltwa for aale. No. o Kaat Elghtb at., north. MCELY located A-oom bona, low rent, furni ture tor aale. inquire lev t mon are. - 1 T0X BENT HOTtlB. rOH RENT Stom and hotel containing 114 euMide rooma, en Twcuty-eiitn at., racing " main entrance and eilt of Lewie and Clark fahv Apply to B. M. Lombard, old Chamber -' of Commerce, or 40214 Twenty-alitb et. FOX BA1E FAKKB. . B20 ACRE, moatly bottoan land: M0 acrea " indrr enltleallon, wa aeroa -aeeded. - ground an rencea,' lem rrair poeie, poara ana ' ' gralnery, mllkhouae, large woodhouae and el her - bnlldloge, nna water at booee, nnw -atrram i&mngh the place, f good teamo ,- rt boraea, 1 colt, 110 goata, 87 bead of cat tle. 8S bead of hoe. doaen chlckena, IB .- turkeya, 2 new wagone, .1 eelfblnder, 1 new mower, 1 new barrake, 1 aprlng tooth drag. ' 2 plowa and all klnda of garden tonla, fork a, plete. Price;-.oO can ilinit ll I per cent. M mllea from Hty, neit to la it " farm nt foothlUa; flneet ranga on the -Pacific ' roaat; a mnea mm n. . n. w. Bapey, '" "oom ' Hamilton bldg. . . FOR -SALE Mtock ranch. . adjoining town . of iO, In Willamette Tiller, within 60 mllea ' of Portland,- 180 Ira rultlrattnn, 1 In young, bearing apple orchard, bal. ' timber ajiit naature, running weter, B epiinga.- crop, S 1 fcnraea. AO cattle; n goata, 800 abeep, all , farm machlnerr neceeaary. new Rfonm conae, big barn, ou(tallllnga.. Price $l,UOO; good terma. Can drlde In two farma; peculiarly well located for breeding of fine atock. Addreaa Oeorge, F,- Uauaer, UcMtanrllle, Or. WANTED TO RSAW Wonia yon llkfi to rent a good wbeat rrfneh In eaatern Oregon, with n acrea ready to aeed thle fall, or would , yott rather bay It for BIB per acre; amali 1 perment wwb, en. mr wnnw, t. bare thla aad many elbea awed buya In all klnda of property. In all parte of tb,e. coun try, mi Aiiaaj viua . 1 t- t ACRES 0 , acrea le growing crop.i lot) -V- -aerea Or timber, till. paatuKe, running it ream thrmieH Mii anrlnc water foe bouee uae. -good Improrement. near public acbool. rural mail an nd telrohone. n line home, lult- - anie for aairy or aioca ranca. craiu, ii-un, I bona or regetablea. Price 4,20; H.fioA . down1, bit on time. Addreaa C 41. JouraaL ' IH ACXEil. 24 In'eultlratlon, H acre goad tiiair. a anil, no roeka. fine location. good road, nearby all klnda of fruit, barna. m aoorf hmiw. eood water'" and wind. - mill.. B mllea aoutheaat from alty llmlu of Portland; will make terma. Addreaa H. iMgcoy,- Mllwaukle, Or ewner. .J. CS ACRES on Baea Line road, near cart all In rropa, B room bouae. new and modern, barn, - -other outbolldlnga, fmlt aad - berflen, - Can water, no grarel, all farm machinery, team v and atock, Eaiy terma; would take bouae . In trade, 'Owoerr reeot 21, 48 Flrat at. BREB LAND IN OBfclHIN under the "Carey Irrigation Act." Deed direct from atate. - Write today. Booklet and man free. B. 8. -. Cook A to., 261 Alder at., .Portland. Of. MALHECR COCNTY Improred ananlmprnred , landi, acreage property, town Iota; realdencee, wiiwiaeaa teeationa, era. carioa itoyn, tae real aetata man. Ontario, Or. , B.W. 14 aec, ,82. twp. B, r. 8 w., tw mllea from - : I'lttariiirg, Colnmhia county. Or.: will cut . fi.11nn.01a) feet. B. Ooodrlch, Tncema, Waah. Timber-la nda for aale. liOMErvrKADER We locate yon on wheat or . Irrlgillon landa: real ealate for aale. t all or write Vad lleara ft Bcholl, Bcbe, Lmalllla Co. Bid M'BKB. tmprwred, Condmr dlatrtct, H mile etatlon: crop, outfit. d.lK; ,14 down bal V anca eaey. - ,W. t. Wataon. Clem, Oregon, FRt"B landa In Oregon t aaeurelnne erery day, Pnr Infnrmitlnn Inonlre Nnrtbweetern Becnrl tie Ce., BIB Oregnnla bldg. ' COR enutbern Oregon real eatale. large or email iracia. t viuara viayton, Moecourfj, vr. BUBIMEBB CHAB0EB. FOB BALE Turn valuable ready-aalllng patenla . botb Orecon and Waihlnalon corered: wtl ; nil half lutefat. W-gwi anlaaniaa. ,fheii 41 large, pronia. , IU nlcely-fnnilahed rooma, well locited. elware gull, -ebeep teat, goo4 Iniai. t a bargala. i - . Mplendld bnelneea ataod at the ipoeltlou. - grouuoa, nicely mce tea, account 01 aic Call room 1. 10H RUthe"t. .- , 11. W. MlUJtU 11,500 0ITEW AWAY! Wa after our eeueral mercband .In eiln Willi IUeJltio dlacount. en mer chandlae and property. We bare a well ee lectrd. clean atock that will inwoloa about 110.000: alao 4 lota and bulidioge that wa offer at a bargain. rnrwatlgate; 00 of two neat opportuniuea in uregoa. wa mean nuai neai IrMiotre Journal or writ a na. . 1. Wl AND M. Ar UUBIMBOM, Aatiwood, Or 4,200 STRICTLY INYOICE A4.200 I AK NO BOMB. ea-. Uartlne atatloiwrr in lofll : gtoro: monthly aalaa arerage 41,000 full and v aomplele alot-k; bualneaa Hrely ' and- Increaa - lug; reaaon for aeillog. Ill health of wife eumpen ue to go to aoUthern California. J. H. 11. ANDEBSON, lt Morrleon at., agent. WANTED Actlre, ' etrlclly reliable, man la each countr of Oreaon and Waahlnaton Who . baa 4100 and ability aa aoHdlar. wiling to , i-ouiuiiir Hllio dvq rori wiu e ,nr,i ' deal, of bnatneaa management, to taka charge of a good paying builnraa. . Addreaa. with referoauee. Eber 1. Muaala, Pendleton. Or. 40-BOOM hotel. With bar, dtnlngrooaj and bar ber ahopt TO boardera; rooma full; bar ' making moneyj rent 430; price 84.500; 82.600 cab4-.. building la on leaked groundl-Duyer bae option f aeltlng for 41,000 or mnrlug aame at end of 10 yeara. roro a, joete, eourta at., room Bv... GOLD! OOLDI . Look berel - Partner wanted In Alaska gold mlneei aura thing! wlU glre good Interaat to make fortune-, tbla year: - emell casual to atart It. I lira at Center -addition, on Ankeuy carllne. Addreaa - - Mt. Tabor atatlon. L. Heller. aRirn. i.ivni'ni nnviifiH. ,eni ibn anir, par w,w, anuguuu cum. Information addreaa the Columbia flouttaern Jrrlgailnn Co , B8 Worcaatar block. PorUand. CIOAB and fmlt etore, with furniture, cook- v Ing ntenalle, etc., for tlgbt honaekeeping, aood-paylnr-tradar-reot BIS; real wnepr-wM Inrolm or lump at 437S. Eipneltloa' Leak ing Co., 78 Sixth at., near Oak PARTNEK at one to loin me pnrchaalng tract of uod for apecnlauon; amy aJoo reiinirea bare not enough capital to boy whole trad aloneiaea treble our money -la- 80 day a . Addreaa 1 45. earn Journal, . - KLEOANTLY-ieoriPPED reetaurant and ranch counter, with dally neelpta np to Booj a - gold mln for toe fair; will accept part pay In real eetare. Price fl,B0O. Ixpoaltloa Leailng Co., T8 With it. A LADY or gentleman who taaa a email amount - of money to Inreet ae a partner to attend to office bualneaa netting from 8600 to f 1.500 and upward per nmntn. call fJJfr norm oiitn TBB NATIONAL rtNAHCINa CO., tot Ma, quam Mdg., Portland, Or., bandlee benda, atorki. mlnea. flnancea Iraltimate enternrWoe. t furnubfa r Taetmeut and eecure loana. 5-ACKE tract In eultlratloa, hi crop. . new 4 windmill ana water-tank, email earn ana house, alt fenced, 8 blocka Bait and 4 blocka eouth Woodstock atatlon. jonn uariaon. THE beet location In Oregon for A good hotel men with from fS?6oo to 810.000, In the cen ter of the gorernment Irrigation works. Ad dreaa A. F. Clubine, Merrill, Oregon. . WANTEB-Partner . to promote - a group of rlalma In the Conor d Alene (Idaho) mining dlatrlct; big money foe right jarty. Addreaa i ea, care or- eournai. --- TWENTY-EIGHT rooma, well furnished, la beet location: will aell reasonable: eerr low rent: od reaaon for nailing. . io aganta- Adoraea 41. care eoornai. ATTENTION, CARR1AHB-PAINTT.RS Wanted. a partner, at ence; doing a ruabing trasineee. Addreee F. C. Moaaman. 814 First and East Waahlngtotivr"- - FOR BALE Bnao." big bur for -little money nirniiura or Broom house, g rooma rented ; brings twice the rent. 78 Bllth at., near oak. - - ... - - " " ' "'i' FOB BALE CuBfeclli'iierT. cigara. light grocer lea, iinng rooma, witn mrulture; a Bargain. it taken at Baca, onl roweii, cor, atore, rOR BALE A country atore, 'containing poat. trice; gooa tocatioa, rvnta or can a p. m. dally, eicept Be turds y, 804 Ablngtoa Bldg. WORKINO partner with 8800 for manufacturing rair aoareqira; wa ears lota oi eraera; -big avoriia. Aourewe a ae. evurnat. DRTTO. atock and flfturea. 80 mllea from Port land; growlnr-towar B pnrslclana; at 43.60a I Aaoress. if en. care eg eoornni. - abet suhiwii Ittviu",, n,kwv iiiaarasi. receipts 00 to' 8TB: will take real estate part payment, iai atom son at. FOR BALE 81.000 stock In hotel near fair grrmnna; worth ss.OOOf awner learlDg elty. Call 80S Tburman. SB ACREH. hood borne, excellent apple-orchard nna-variety rrnita. AOraeas owner, i en, csre Journal. BLACKSMITH and woodwork bosinas. .with atock aad tools, cheap. Call Twelfth and Eraratt. . -. . , . . .. FOR rent or aale, an tntereet In real aetata office; business gooa. - l.a Hsaisoa at. - BONANZA aide Una-foe-lira traveling - BMB. ueorga at. uoia Co., norta lamniii, ur. FOR BALE Reetaurant near fair gronnda: anas I taken at once. tt-cc, ine sournal. i i FOR BALK Extra-good restaurant with lease. Una mention, eia Mornoon at. ; . .. FOR SALE 81,200 rooming bouae af 22 roome. k flm ml m rl I a . MBB0BAL. . BOOKBI-- Here tber are-"neeaseoa," -"Hep- Umeron," "A Hot Tamale." Tanny Mill," -Twenty Yeara a Fakaet" 'ForDldden Fmlt" wa ms j UBtB 1 1 mm. a, kubwm, wv . 11 . . . MANLY-rigor restored by Dr. Roberta' Narva uioouiea. una mourn a treatment, an; a mon the, SB; eent securely aealed by matL Ageata. Woodard, Clarke A te..i Portland. Or. LOUT powers restored by ' the great Dr. Lorena a Nee-re inic Tibleta; xoc per Box, boxea tor 81.28. Write or call at Eraaeira Pharmacy, 227 Morrlaon, bet. let and 2d. ;t)W BEADY Send loe for the "Matrimonial Register" for thle month, revised to May as. Interstate Inxroduclug Society, Box 07, Portland. - - TUB" Matrimonial Bureau will help yon win a wire or nusbsna. Atiareea Mrs. wiimtr. no 18th at. Na mgr., with loe, for particulars. nnn. rjlfw.n ok Die eiiiwpuaie pt.j aainen nufrs, wiabea Tff anrrnrjnca Tnst she Is bow open for appointments. YOUR fortune told: send dime, birth data. Prof, 1). Algoms, r. u. BOS 1W, linage port, conn.. BALM OF Fiat for all female 444 Alder at. - rnoae Mam cobs. 0CCCI.T and New Thought bank. tore. xi Aiaer at. AX EMBOBnrM. PBOP. BICBABO MAE MRTBrWPortrsIt aad i isnaecape aruaii instruction in fit painting. water color, etc., aaa arawing; an gallery Connected arlth etudto) plctnrea for aale and framing to erdee. Alder St. Pbeae 4nei. ABCBTTECTS. , P. HO WMA N, architect and aupetiatendant. loia rirai bi,, rortiaaa, wf BOOMS ABD BOARD. TOUNO menr If yosj want to board and room In a permanent and BCst-clses house, where ratea are exceedingly low, and will remain the eama next summer aa they era now. cell et -tse Aster Hooaa, 2S1, geranth , at- eoeass of Madlaom Phoon Main BilL. J: BLROANT accommodatlona, ratea by day. week or monin; aining room! prsres right. The Irving, cor. 18th aad Irving. Mala S420. THM UNDELL New family hotel, Msrhet, bet. Third ana reurtai ores at neat, elertne light, porcelain bathe: exceedingly lew ratea. 41 NINETEENTH et.( cor. Cllftoa. Portland Helghla. i-aoac Man Z77. , lake Helgbta car. 0OOD board and room 84 per week. Hotel Idaho, Kil Hood at. New management. (wtt TENTH Pleasant room with beard; per. maneni) rooma ny nay or weea. , BOfiM and hoard at Clay aad Water ltd.. Ho. 8Z4. M. 4ana.. - , , ' , FOB SALE REAL ESTATE." FOR SALE Houaee aad loU la all parta at tbettsv 2,-ao 7 rqonv luse, t mtawell Improred, close to car. - -1 ' 3,uw 14-reom - heuai, gronad TBxlOO, - a nap; on car line. . IM nmm ..Tm TB areas, 400 SCTeS cleered 260 acrea cultlrated. balance pasture I small --- payment down, balance, long time,- low rate of Interest: a bargain. . 110 acrea. No," i "-tusaatAy rtneb;. better Vaok this up, 211 Allaky- DUf, ; r.s 10 ACBKB-Bl.toO." Alt lmprored, good land: part bearer dim; ea good rrardr spring watsr; close Oregoo City - car una. , - . av- A M R Ifl A tt - -IN V E8TM EN T - CO. - Phone Mala &ao3. ZSSi raUlng Bldg JO ' jaCREB.'lMPBOVElSOOO. Oood bare (coet Sl.MMt. grapea. regetsbUsi on Willamette rirer: good road, cloaa to car line; miles from center of city. ' lUrnlClX toIVKB-PMENT CO.' Phone Main 53S. . 222 FaUlnf Bldg. IF yon-are looking for home. I have lion them In Brooklrn. eloaa to ear Uuee alao fine reeldenee and bualneaa kill they are all. within walking distance! terma to suit; taka Brooklya ear. Meai aetata, nre Insursn.w. renting aad collecting. Juan Cou- - boy, 718 Powell at. - FOR. SALE Elrgsat sub orbs n borne consisting of 5 acrea highly lmprored ground, a -room ' twoaa and otlier buUdlnga; also 6-room cot tage, abundance 'of fruit and berrlee ; 20 - minutes' ride to city. . Addreaa or call oa 0. H. Bchwerdtmann, aare of Star Bos Co- rnona Main a. rOR SALE A -modern, corner brick buck, arorr and he lenient. 4 stts STmin. OU roo: furnished; wUl aell all e separate at bed '. rock prices; alao . 1 modern room residence, close to RueeeU t aa Wllllema are. good Income property, Inquire -ot W, u. Beck. The railing liaf. . U- nana, aome fin clear. fine Bearerdam. no atumaa a K. at. and boauandlog: why pay f7B to ainu per acre when you can get tbla at B-lB aa year owa termer .- Addreaa P 81, Journal. FOR SALE 10 acrea choice land. IS mllea from Portland, aultable for a hornet eaellv laa- I nrored. bandr to B R- atatlon. boatlaadlng ana gooa roaaei gooa eoiu ror penicuiare addreaa A. u .rolkenberg, Hoibrook, vr. DON'T PAY RUNT One Ana. modern. S-roem. brick bouAe. Kent Irrlng St., 8JI.T50; terms to suit,' T eottsgea oa west aide, 8700 ; 460 dowa, 12 60 per month. 1 modern cottage, 81,760; 200 'dowa. ' N. Bptague,: I22k Uraad are., room 12. . I FI VB new modern brmses In BoUaday Park addition: also 14 choice lots: atreete lm prored cement.wilkl. aewer,or will build Bouae , to suit customers; on easy taraie. W. O. Beck. SOT Tke Falling bldg. - FOR RALE S-room honae. . all nlaatered and I fin tailed, and 2 lotrr good Jran and Trult treee. one block norm or Arieta r. ti. , oa Ml. Scott carUaei BI.OuO, rash at tnaullmeata. uoorge LooK. Jiriets. - B-ROOM modern house and lot. aronnda en i cloeed by good wire fence, assorted fruit, goad wellater; terpia.. .Inquire of I.. Heller, owner, Center aduiWon, on Montavllla carnna. "71 SEB.' far Vbeao' homes In cltr and country, large and small farma In a Q' parta of the . atate, Hoban Taggart. 107 Hlxta at. A PEAUTirl'L 8-sere tract, an la orchard! 14 year old: Bear Lenta; Just the place for a fine home: 8350 per acre, on very aaay terma. Addreaa V 2, care journal. . , PORTLAND HEIGHTS New. modern, S-room bottse. lot BOilOO. good view, near car line: - bargain price 2.60r terma. Fbona Mala 4610 or u on. aare joaraai. . NEW bouse of 8 . rooma and BOilOO" corner . lot, fenced; sbade treee; H'e yours for 375; 'a-TS: oowa. Jtrpoaiiioa iessing ca., la - oixtn at. . , -. . - . - 81TB tm DOWN. AS ner- month, bora nice building site; 1ust -tei-hre lota. - Phone - Eaat 8036. Addreae 411 Beat Thirty-fourth FOR BALE A -room cottage, modern, lot fenced, fruit trees, 2 blocka from car: cash or terma. - r. e. myaer atoataviiia. rnoaa main aie. SPLENDID, new, B room bouse, corner- lot 100x100, .81,0001 8100 down. BIB per mon to. Inquire 8S0 East Washington. ' 7': FOR SALE S choice lota, email house and . hern; take team and wagon an part pay, 007 in in., Beuwooa, city. FOB SALE At Piedmont, at eaertflee, fine quarter block rbesp. near the .eer- call IB Eaat Twelfth, North. TQR SALE or eiehauge. 11 acrea lmprored. 1H mllea irom Mootaruia car una. Inquire uwner, aia neimoni. U. BLOCK, bouee aad barn. IS fruit trees near car line; owner leering. Inquire room . a vtaaningtoa niag. (1,850 New B-room cottage and S large lots en ear. urana are. aoa noaver at. Bee owner, 204 Sharer at. i FOR BALE S-room house oa car Una with acre fruit treee, etc. Isoolre 2S1 si Sixth at. WOODLAWN, Highland Park; choice lota on ln atallmenta. B. C. Matthsws, 804 Fantoa bldg. FOR SALE Hoase and lot. No. 1 East SIX' teenth cor. of Ankeny; inquire at premises, - MODERN S-room house, 8HS Grand art., aorta. rruits ana Bowers. Bargain. FOR SALE Cheap, sightly l"ta. Lower Alblna. Call owner, phone Main 2777. , f FOR SALE New - modern 8-room - residence, Phone I'nlon BlUB, - rox..! AiinsxTtxiEopsr- FINK S resr-old Durham and Jersey ball: gen tle, dehornea, l.wio ids. wrigni: rniiaren rlile and play ntvJilm( 860. Alao milch eowe, chlckena, etc., for aala. B21 Lorlng at., Alblna, aear new ferry. ICE CREAM., fruit lees, made quickly without Ice. trifling cost: keeps milk, butter, etc.. - sweet In not weather; full directions. 10c Phillips Hpeclaity u box zst. . rortiana. BILLIARD AND POOL table foe rent or for asle on assy psymenta. THE BRLN8WH K BALKB COLLEKDKR CO. '40 Third at., Portland. . CASH - regis ten, -- key-lock t aafe, bet-water tank, ateel range, beraitorea. Beating-stores; bslf coat; alao combination gas futures. 884 Stark, cor. Second. CASlf register, combination gss fixtures, aa- Vli!21.;J?:lfrV6ll?.'i a heating atorca, half coat. Call k Bt. . . I machines,. 2S4 Stark st. WE print your name oa 80 callln cards, proper aise ana etyie. , 200 Duaineea csros, e t Browa Schmala, 22B Firsts Portland, Or. FOR SALE Second-hand holler aad engine. 12 horsepower; engine) lathe, 8 root; steim pump. Addreaa A. R. Hemlck. Kelso. Waah. ta.roOT. cee1stinch. 2V4 horsepower. pletaiy egntppea, in goon coaaitiou; gKe 1300. W. J. Clenveoa, 2T8 Stark at. TELEPHONE brackets and plna. Inquire Pio neer Wood , Mfg. Co., 279 . seat Bertnta, Phone Beat '2108. TWO-BURNER No. 2 B, A B.- wlckleaa oil store at a bargain, la good condition,. Toa Washington at. - FOB SALE Twp Jersey cows. Inqulr of W. Hoeea w ood., at All Ml nm at., or at Weet Portland. , THOROCOHRRED eocser-spsnlel pnpplss, aire Black Victor. B30 W llllama are, loey Are beantlee. , . , -- FOR SALE CHEAP--BoO- hjlryele In good con. anion, inquire Kouoa a, ibiddit ok vw"- FOR SALE Cheap, ss II host with complete camping -e)trit. - rortiana Mowing uuo. MILCH cows fn Al condition, with or. without rente. rot test Tnirty-sixtn st. FOR SALE .Large Bailing yacht, .nqulrs 4T3Va Nortttrup at., car. Thlrteaata. t-t- - - ' - COI.IJtCTION Indian beehete for aale of e 1. era r ttAM . nimngw. b . v. rs avwry. FOX SALE H0B8ES AND CAEBIAOES. ' FOR, HAf.E-lt. hesry wagons, good aa new. rmnk Kuhik, Wooduwa. rnona ncott pnun, SM A LU gentle' horse f of aale. 8 years , eld. Bkyisna,' lutiiaoa Btignia. Mala . a8i EMPLOYMENT-AOENOES.- !--1 " haw-'saawea. snjasnamaB., " SCANDINAVIAN AMERICAN BMP. OffFICB Real aetata, rooming houses sno business Bhssete aiilally. 27Q Buruatae. " Main WHf. PACI10 CQAST EMPLOYMBK-T-i- AGKNOY Bsmored to 12h North. Second st; Phone Bed 151. . . . ,. "' JA HANSEN'S EMPLOYMRNT OFFICE; ?---- lohV MI.N. IB N, Second at. ' . Phone Main 1528. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO. .Labor contraq. ., Iiswi help ties lu euipluien." 218 MttrlaunT HELP wanted -enif euppTled. nixlar ar irmsl B, O. DKAKE. 206 waablngtoa at. Clay 445. ALPINE EMPLOYMENT BL'ItEAtJ lislp fur alahed free. 162 First St. Phona Main 1017. 4- 1BB M0RR1K0N Columbia Hirer Emp. ageary; - akllled lcbH-iacnishsd. - Phona-Maln 2203. r.- AATEHB TH It J. H.-Flak Assaying af rice Ureenley A - Crawford, - analytical chemtsta and metal lurglsta. ao-4 Washlngtua at. BAITS INBTBTJMIBTS, CHAS. . YORK A CO,, renslrera and platen. - removed to 47 First, 8 blocks north. , BATHS MASSAOB. LtTLO ENGLISH, druglesa hriler; cabinet stesrs . batha; electricity.. 140 i Hllth, rooma 24 25. SCOTCH lady aires batba and maaaaga at 208H First at., cor. Ty lor, room 1. : BICYCLE DEALERS. COLUMBIA. TBIBl'NB AND CRE8CENT.. SPOBTINU GOODS. EXPERT REPAIRING. F. F. BEENAn, 208 TU1BU ST. BLANK BOOK MAMTJTACTURE1S. HOWE, DAYIS A RILHAM.'. 108-111 Second ac Bsak book maaufsctm-era; ageata for. Jones - Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; ssa the Baw Eureka lea f. the beet en the market. CEMENT CONTRACTORS. CBMBNT WOBN UP TO ATSw1tj aMS. elbowgreaaa and etrelght bualneaa. r Au. 0. Isiadatrem, 8u2 Commercial blk, , CHAS. B. CARTER At CO., Bed East Twentieth at. All work guarantend. cement contract ore, Phona Kaat 187B. ooKmssioir merchants. DAVENPORT B BOS. General commission mer chants t traits- and produce: cooalgnmenta aa - ttdted; prompt return. 150 Front at, . XVERDINO A FARRELL, produce and commie. aloa merchants. 140 Front St., portlaad. Of. Phoaa Mala 478 oioAxs avdTtobacox: BBBEBO-OUNBT CIQAB CO. DUViibatora of - F1NB CIGARS. Purl land. Oiaitia") XT' CABPET-CLEANINO. TANDARP Steam Carpet-Cleaning. Co nrpcta cleaned, refitted, aawed aud laid; mattrssses. . fee there ranorated. Eaat Third, north, sd - Paclnc til, .Ess! 280. Merrlmsn A North. HA VB your wajlla cleaned ; wa clean papered and painted walls; sstlsfaetlon guaranteed;' prices reaaoaable ; -rcf erencee. . Bed 2032. - - - CARPETS cleaned oa the Soar; wo raise ne duet, . Phona clay 831, tree acmonetretloa. J. HUNTER Steam -carpet and rosttreaa - cleaner. 6fi0 Jefferson. Thons" Msln 214. CLEAJIINO AND DTEINO. PORTLAND STEAM CLEANING A DTEINO . Works ; practical batter In connection; feather boas and plumse elsanedVnnd carted by aa ca , pert.- 211 Fourth. I'hone Clsy T04. . - - 1LOTHBS cleaned and pressed 81 per month. . Unique Tailoring Co.. 847 Washington e, -1- H. W. TURNER, profeaslonsl dyer and cleaner. B0 Jefferson at. Phone Mala 2318. CONCRETE EIXEFXOOF BTJILDINO. CONCRETE fireproof bunding material le be ing 'aionuraecured- py the concrete conatruo tlon company at East Sixth and Madison streets. This company la constructing building at Union arenuc and Bast Oak etreet for Councilman John P. Sharkey and Invites any one Interested in a mooera lire, pruof building that will be better and - room , 701 . Chamber of Commerce - building, where further Information will be cheerfully glrea them. Phone Main 180, 00 AL AND WOOD. CHURCHLEY BROS. Bare rrmored from foot of Darle at, to 420 Kearney at., near Birrenth. It la nam the Lsraeet woodrard la the cltr. carrying all klnda af wood and avaL Phona MSin Bill. WESTERN FEED FUEL CO., cor. Front and Hort eta., dealers la oomesne aaa eice coal blacksmith aoai. charcoal and coke. Phoaa Mala 1018. ALBINA FUEL CO. Deelrra la cordwood, coal and green and dry eiaowooa. K. m. ana Al blna are.. M blocka east of ferry. Eaat 674. RUPERT FUEL CO The beet dty wood la town. Don't forget to phone Eaat jeoa. zoo Eaat Eighth at., cor. Madison.. STEEL BRIDGB FUEL CO.. dealers la coal. cord wood anal dry elan wood, raoae oaai sin OREGON FUEL CO. all klnda of coal aad wood. B44 Morrlaon. Phone Mala so, i KIRK HOOVER. 81S Water at, wood aad coal. 1 'bone. Mala 4B. .CLAIRVOYANT ART) PALXI8T. ALWAYS CONSI'LT THH BEST, GYPSY EEN0BIA. AckaowlcdfTd by preaa and public Quren of CLAIRVOYANTS. Nerer asks a. question, but before aneak she tells -" ami . what roa came the for" Advice on marrtage, lore, dlrorce, biiainess, etc. No matter what your troubles may he, ahe will help yoa,14414 Sixth at. MADAMB JOHNSTON Clairvoyant, pslmlst, card reeaer; 1 jrire iseu rename ana w portant on nil affaire of reel life. Readings BOc. SS Serenth St., near Oak. I7X0CXEXT ABD GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE crockery end glassware. Prael, Begsle Co., 100 ta 10s Fifth, cor. Btsm st. CARPENTERS ABD BTJTXDEXB,' AUTHORS and H. B. WOOD, carpenters bulldera; repairing ' and yot.hlng; etore . i ... e,J SkM. 4,-a Cnlli M.kl. Msln narf. CArxs. ERICHSON'B RESTAURANT Merchant Much 11 a. m. to 12 p. m.i ander new managemeat. 0. B. Brans, prop. . Second and Burnatde. THH OFFICE 289 Waablngtoa at. Phone Mala 771. aamuei vignsaux. DOO AND BOBSX HOSPITAL. DR C E BROWN.D.V S..D.C.M Dog. horae boa. nrl,eW7 B or nil nr. rTWT-K MiitfiHTrW; Bal afarSJV, DEESSMAEJNO. BaiitiwAiniaj. woni or wssn sub, maae xnriy.aiaia aaa Bjeimon, - trregon mono mam auui. L .. til,.. V. BQ'Jl . . - - Mh UUH aw. . . KEISTEB'B Ladlee Tallorlnircollege; patterna cat to aaeaaure. Allaky hsll 400, 3Bo Morrlaoa. MRS. McKIRBEN.- arttetle dress ' aad claak- isklng. BSI Morrison at. - DREBaMAKINO-Ntrlcflrapiqdatoi .latent vni.n,. viar si, . ELECTRICAL WOXXS. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING) Company. BOP Stark at.. Portlaad. O, K. for ererythlna- la the electrical Uae. . . Phase.! aaaia irs, t A PACIFIC Kleetrlc Co Engineers, contra etnea. repairers, eiertne wiring, supplies, B4 Flrat, cor. Stark. Mala !. R. H. .Tate. mgr. FTJRNTnrBB FACTORIES. 0PR0ON Farnltura Manufartnrlng ' Company sisnurscTurera oi rur auure ror lae traaa. Portland, Or. .'. FURNITURN aa en's ermine and apeclal erdera. k Bavanaky 8 furnltora laetory. 870 Froat at. J FTBJIACES.- BOYNTON ererm-alr fnenacea aava faef F. C. Bayer Furnace Co.. Sr-S SeeooA Mala 40L ' roxETXErexT-ictxt: FORE8T r.ESKRVB SCRIP FOR SALS Aa. - proved, anreatrlcted. ready for Immediate ase: lowest prices. B. F. A F. B. Rllaj.-4oi - Chamber af Commerce. i FREE eOYEBNXENT LANDS. dlni'P upuiid m aaiileiiieiny ana,' If ." vmry lends; no atone or timber; water and soil first ctaas. - Cone la- sed wt ue lixste' you. ) Lshbo bldg., Seamd ASiLWsshlngton. OAiDEN'RS. QARDENSmide ' and kept la order, - hedges trimmed. I'huaa utdcrs. )ua a ahlevw B238. OE0CXI8. WADHAMB A CO.. wholesale grocers, mans facturvra and aomulaalua' merchants. Fourth aad Oak eta. - ALLEN Av LEWIS, commission and prtduce mer cbintl. Front and Parle eta., Portland, Or. EAXDWABE. Portland Hardware Co, aolldta opportunity te . quota prices. . IBS let, cor. Alder. Mala 12S4. HOTEL,- BEBTiURANT ABD CAMP XANOES. HOTEL RESTAURANT AND CAMP RANGES Crlbban. A Beitoa A Co., Sereateetttn- and Upshur , eta., largest stock notel, reeisurent, . camp ranges, gasoline atovea aad refrigera tors Irl the Hty. HUMAN HAIR BOLLS. I. J. BORO. mannfsctttrcr af human hair rolls, etc 42B E. Ninth. Phone Esst 2211. HOTELS. TUN LIN DULL UOTBL Market, . between, Third aad Fourth, Portlaad; entlr-lr njtw Muropsan and American plli;"60co l par oay HoteXJ-endjltlowfa own, mgr HOTEL Portland. American plan; 83,85 pee day. HOTEL. St. Geerge. Psndlttoa; leading hotel. BELVEDERE, Ljropeaa plan; 4th and Alder eta. INSURANCE. iAMBERT,-WUITMER' CO.Ftr, taaurance end real eetate, aucceaeora to Arthur Wlaion A Co.; offices, weet aide, 107 108 Sherlock bldg.. Mala 1008; eaat aide dept. 404 Kaat Alder (Cltlaeaa' bank) Eaat 401. J ISAAC L. WHITE. Are losaraaca, 00 Delraa bldg. . JAS. Mcl. -WOOD, employers' liability and In dividual accident surety bonds af all AJada. Phone 4T. 802 McKay bldg. - H. F: B RTEXR crrwiTA NT Ftrs ' Insnrs nee. eea rjnerioea Bldg.. uregon, rnona Clay nan. LOCKSMITH. K B Y fitting -cart-lrott brratng- and: general re Pairing. J. II. Richardson, 2oB hone ITood 17S2. .. - - 1 - MONXT TO LOAN. . . T0pj STAB LOAN CO. - Anr aaUrled employe, wagtaraer, aaa sal aa -hie noter-without mortgage - -" Month, h Month. Week. i -,(1.00 Repay to aa 813 83 rejfl.5of JOJB. 25 nrtiKeper tonr Too-orA.V 85 or fl.M 16.00 Bepay to ue ft 4.00 or 2 00 or jl.M) xiu McKay niag. FIVB per cent money: we JiuIlA yoa a horns . or loan you money on your property: monthly - payments; tnreetlgate: open Sstnrdsy area Inge Rooms 40-17 Lahba bldg.. 227 M Waah. MONEY TO LOAN on real, personal an4 col. lateral security; special attanttoa to cnattsl - mortgagee; . notes - bought. C W. . Pallet, 804-5 Aentoa bldg.r 84 Sixth et-r HIGHLY TeapectaMs place where ladlee and - gente can - borrow money on dlanmnda and Jewelry. Collateral Loan Bank. 200 . Wash ington at. Phone Black 71. 85 LOAN'S and nnward na all kinds f rlty or to aalarled people on their note; lowest rates; no publicity, no delay. 218 Ablngtoa bldg. Phone Bed 1721. MONEY ADVANCED aalarled people, tesmetera, etc., without security: easy psymeats; Urg es! bnslness In 40 principal cities. Tolman, 223' Ablngtoa bldg. . " CHATTEL loans In amounts ranging fro as 828 to 85.000; roomlng-bouaes a specialty. New - Era Load A Trust Co.. 20S Abington bldg. WE buy Ufa Insurance policies and pay more than compantea Issuing tbemt alao buy them euujeci to M'sns. at ov, care journal. LOANS at lowest ratea on furniture, nlaaoo any as efflce. aecarity ootes purcnaaso. aaetera uiaa sew nnerioca oidg. MONEY T0,LOAN,,lselsegs er small a mounts on good eerurlty; lowest rates. William O. . neck, but railing niog. - - j MONEY to per rent. Chamber oms to colt st B sad lemens, 278 Btsrk at LOANS on lowest rs ether securities. King, room 46, Wash, - bldg. Main TUB .. CRK8CKNT-LOAN--COMPANY-Salary loans, from three to els aeantba; csa&dent'a1. -2!T Oregonlan, MONEY TO LOIN en Clackamas emntr landa. k. v. aaa r. B. Biiey, sua caamoer or com merce. PORTLAND REAL ESTATE LOANS. B AND per cent, wa, Denholm. 225 f ailing bldg. MONEY. TO LOAN. per rent. Narthrnp . A A1ns- aiu-711 nemmeeeiet BlocB. MUSICAL. SELF-PLATING PIANOS Cecillaa self-play ing plsooa pronounced the beat by leading muslclsns; also Ceclltan plsno-ptsyera. B. U. Wills Musle Honae, BOO Alder st SECOND-HAND musical . Instruments of aO klnda at Kiweat prlcee, eaan or Installments. Fisher Music Co., IvO Third st. MR. AND MRS. H. A. WKRRFR. bsnlo. maado. - Iln, guitar Inetr net Ion Msln traM. iT W.Psrk. MAONETIO HEALING. MRS. U H,- HART tresis all diseases, atomeeh trouble, nervousneaa snd functional weakness. Consnltstlon free, 811 Tourney building. NOTARY PUBLIC. PREPARATION, of deeds snd mortgagee a snecisity:. prices reauceo. - aa. A. rra me, bib, ire Marqusm. OVERALLS. BOSS OF THB ROAD OVERALLS and mechaa- Ics clothing: anion made. Nsustsdter Bros manufsctnrers. Pertlead, Or. "77 rHOTooxAPHrg ttovtntr B. U WOODWORTH Mfg:. IrXliA Fourth St. IBB laieec Bijies or aiount nosro. . . PLUMBERS. DONNERBERG A BADEMACIIER, ; ssnltarr pi umber a. 84 roarth St. Both pbonen. ' BBni,' a CCh - I mm ' .. ' , - k ' PIANO TTJNINO. UFO ROR ANDERSON Expert Plana tuner and repairing, imiuirs rianer Musis Co. Ked Bio. PLATINO. KARTEBN PLAT1NI4 CO.. 828 ' first do 14. sllrer. copper, nickel aad braes plating. Jewelry work epectaliy. - THB OREGON PLAT!" WORKS, dl Waah. ingtoa at. Phone 2&7B, reiianing. pasting uu ,ecoer,ng, TAINTS. OIL AND SLABS. F. R. BEACH A CO. The Pkmcer Paint Cc Window-glsaa aad JlaalLg. 1J5 First St, Phoaa 1BS4. - , BASMCS5EN A CO lobbera. paints, ell. glaaa, Be ah and doors. ' Second and Taylor. XO0FIN0. TIN ROOFINO. grffertngl repairing and geasrai bblog. . -J. LeslU,. 212 Jsffaraoa at, Icimss T100. rxxNTixa. BI HtloNO A gi) Treat east Star euw prtaa. Ing, lithographing, blank books aad of nee , supplies; work dune on time: moat asmpleto printing oxace la the west. Mala 104. . ANDERSON A PUNIWAT COMPANY, ptintloc, lithographing, blank books. Phoaa Mala 17. 2i8 Alder at. rtTBUO ACfcOTmTABT. B. H. 8. MULDER, expert socoonUnt, ream 441 Bherlock bldg. : book tepened, adjoated and u'umi Dufiaa Fyi-aar small eoncerna; mtMie ' rate ehargsa: Arat-cUee Vefereaeee. Mala 2002, -xorjv. PORTLAND CORDAGE CO. t- sad Northrup U.. Portland. Or. : BOBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP. WORKS. 248 Alder St.. phone Mala T10; rubber stamps, seals, eteneila, B.ig- gago. areae eaeeaai asaa tor essaiogue, SAXES. FOB opening lockonta and aafe bargalna ga ta a. at. v IE0W0ASEB AND FIX TORES. - SHOWCASES of erery description; bsak, bar . and atore Bxturee made to order. The La tke . Manufacturing ue., rortiana. - TOXAOX AND TRANSFER. SAFES, , plasos and fornlturn .moras, xaeked ready for snipping and ahlpped; an Work guaranteed: large, 8-atory. brick, Bra-prool warehouse for storage. Office 128 rtrat at. C. M. Oiaen. Phone Main 64T. C 0. PICK; ofBce .88 Flrat St.. hetweea Stark and Oak eta., phone 604; pianos aad furniture moved and' Picked for shipping; commodlowe nre-proor. nrica -, wareaonaa, grnai - Clay am. . , "-. ' STORAOR anaca to let lu ear new building, 874 Water Bt, Blgler Milling Oemmlaahia ajompany. SOTJVENTEAV - THE MORGAN' CO. " r in to 118 Secood t.vd floor. Mannfsctiieara and lobbera of Lewie' and Clark sou renin: booths and street stands fitted .eut coaipleta. - . - - , . - STREET PAVINO. WARREN Construcrlon Co. Street Paving, aide walk and crosswalks.- Tit Oregon lea bldg. THB Trln'dad Aspbslt Paving Co. of Portiaad, Offlce 855 Woreestsr blk. TTHBEX, i E hare for salt. Bants Fe. Baa FTaacleca . Mountain roreet reserve; tnia . win - enter - timber land; alao 1BO Sioux scrip, which will enter unsurrryed land. Mkglunla A Boa, FAB ' RALE Two homestead raUnqutaameat claims: eecond growth; will sell cheap. M. P. Melson. Hotel- Baclnpfahea. FOB - HOMESTEADS, timber -clslmp aad aartp . apply to BOB commercial Blocs. - lrrrwxrtEKs. ' TOST TYPEWRITER HEADQTJAXTBBB . as rouTta street. Wa rant, repair, sell. e-bsnge typewTitara, All I aupptiee for ill Standard ma chines (28 and np to (100, Da yoa want a stenographer or typist 1 ara nit of good appllcaata. . rnona mack jxii. - ' RTENOORAPHERS TYPEWRITER BATHHOrSB wTTI Calt and get anr machine" and thoroughly clean with Vnxlna for. 41. , Address AA-Tbtrd st. rnona Main xosn. BLICKENSDORFEB typowrltera, - serniHsa, re pairing, nose Boaa. zoa Btsra. Maia lnro, -XO WES STrTLT." 1 CLICA M-TOW RLB DA ILY Oimb, orsah, sos n. 81 per month. Lawrence Bros.' Towel Bupply co.. rearia aaa uitcB. - raonc aaa, 'TXAVtFEX AND HATMHOr , OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 184 North Stxth. Pnooe Mala SB. . Henry hauling aad etorega. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY Ka. 2004 Wash ington at. moos Msln Ben. TTJBXISK BATHS. DR. MOOREFIELD of Stockton, CsL.baa opened n 'ruraiaa ana etesal hath at bob nrtn st. TIOLINS. J,-A. WESCO, violin-maker and repalreri werh Brat elasa. SB RueeeU bldg. 4th aad Motrhaaa. WALLPAPER, MORGAN WALLPAPER CO.. 1S41M at., bet, Yamhill and Taylor, Portland. rniANciAL. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, OF PORTLAND. OREOOsT. Designated Depository and Financial Arent af the United States. PreeldeatiTTvr-.... A," t. WTtt Cashier J. W. NEWK1RK Aseletant Cashier W. 0. ALVORD Second Asslstsnt Cashier B. F. STEVENS Letters of Credit Iseued A tails bis la Europe snd ths Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphla Transfers soia on new tors. Boston, inirago. at. Lauis. St. Paul. Omaha. . Sea Francisco. aad - the principal Dolnte In tb e 'Northwest. Sight and time bills drawn In euma to suit on Loodos. Parish Rerlln. Xrank fnetn-the. fsaamr iirmy Kong. xokoDIma. ' ioenhagea. tnriatisnis. Stockholm, Bt. I'steraourg, al eow Zurich. Honolulu. Collections Made aa FaroraVle Terma. P1BTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, NO. MS) THIRD ST. The Oldt Trust Compsny In Oregoa. RESOI'RCKS OVKR 81.000,000. General Banking Bnatness Conducted. ' Sarlngs Ilerawlts Received. Time certificate loaned, alao certifies tea nt deposit psysble upon In days' call, 80 dare call or IX) days' cell with Interest st 814. tu, and 4 per cent per an'ntlm. respectlrely. Call or send for- book -or Illustrations, REN J. I rOHS-N... .President H . L. PlfTorKV,... B. LEE PAOET J. O. OOLTRA ......Vice-President Seeretsry .Assistant secretary UNITED STATES NATION AL 'BANK. OF PORJTLAND. OREOOrT. aiORTBrWTST COB.- THIRD AND OAK STB. Zraaaacta a ueneral Banking Bualneaa. DRAFTS 1881 KD ArsllaMs in All Cities of the United ar.e aau curope, uuug cong ana. Manila, COLLECTIONS MADE ON FAVOXABLE TERMS Prealdent.... J. C. AINHWORTll Vlce-I'resldent... .J,, B. AYEB Cashier .....R. W. Sl-HMEEB Assistant Cashier.. A. M. WaUUHT LADD Ai TILTON. BANKERS. - ' (Established in 1868.) Transacts a General Banking Builniaa Collections made at all points oa teeoreble teruM. Letters of credit- leaued era I la hie la Enrol and all points In the United Statea. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Tranefrra sold oa new iocs, waanington, cnirsgo, St. iAUla, Denver, Omlha. Han' Francisco aad lontsna and British Columbia. ' . , Eichnnce Bold oa London. Paris. BeeHa Frankfort. Jlung Kong,-Eokwhama, Manila aad uonviuiu, , .... SECURITY SAVlNOS A TRUST COMPANT PM Morrison St..-Portland. Or. Transacts a ueneral Bsnking Buslaeaa. . SAVINOS DEPARTMENT. Intereat Allowed on Time and Ssrings Deposits. Acts se Trustee for Eats tee. Drsfts and Letters of credit Arsllsbla la AD Parts of ths World. C. F. ADAMS PraslAeaa L. A. LEWIS. First Vice-President A. L. MILLS Second. Vice-President H. Q. JIBITZ.... Secretary fifl ENCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK, IVI PORTLAND, 0XEO0W. -r' J. FRANK WATSON.... I-reeldent R. U IX RHAM...... Vlee-Presldeat R. W. HOYT Csshler GEORGR W. HOYT....... Assistant Ca.blet ' Transacts a Oaaeral Banking Bualneaa. 1 Drafts aud Letters of Credit Issued Available to All Parte of the World, . . . . , , . . Oollecttona a Specialty. IVI ORRIS BROS. A CHRISTEN8EN, 'IMft lire Street, Portlaad Or, - 1 V. Offer Gilt-Edge Investments In, Municipal aad , Uallroad Bonda. - Writs ac Call, MORTQAOH LOANS Oa Portland Real EsUta at Leweat! Ratea. Tl'iea Insured, Famished. lliJJt OJAHANTLI A TRtr.f CJ. iieom 4, Caaabar af Csmaerea, XAILR0A8 TIN XT ABLER. SlIOITCLlIill I" fe antr "III IN-T-- 1 ' -ami. vmUfi 3 Trains to the East Daily - uiuBjtb PuTimaa flandafd anv-toarset eeeeee Ingi ears dally ta Omaha. , Chicago, Book an el tourist eleeplug care dally te Kansas Cltyt through Pullman toarlet .sUeplag ears (peraoae ally conducted) weekly 4a Ciuesga. BecUatas chair care (aesta rresi w me asss asiiy. LearelL . -A wires. CU1CA0O. PORTLAND SPECIAL. S IB a. as. B'SS n. ax. . For the Eaat via Hant- Dally. - Dally. . laatoa. 8POKANB Fl.YBn, For Eaatern Washlsg ton. Walla , Walla. Law :IBp.m Dally. oaa. as. tstoa. Coesr aVAarae osiiy. and Qreal 11 Karthere poiata, : - - ATLANTIC BXPRRSS. For ths Esst via Baal, Ingtoa. :18 p. at Dally. . Columbia Blrer Dtrlaloa, FOJt ASTORIA aad war points, eon ear ting with no p, m Dallr.. T About atmr. for Ilwaoa -aad' North Beach, str. Bas- ex. Sunday. 8:00 p. aa. Saturday. Us. Bundar. aa. asm, nor. "joop. Yamhill River Route. ORBirTO'grw.i.l CrtT and Yaaah'm River - TAavaa.. Ctinss, atmre., Buth aadlwue odoe. Aan-at. dock. as, Suaday fWsbar peralttlng.i J Snake Riee, a . Dally.. ex. Sunday. FOB LBWISTON.f Ida., and way "aonta, from Bloarla. Weak . T 4 on a. ax. Taeeday Thursday " Sunday. About 8 pm - Moaday WsdoeadaF' Friday Spokane aad Lewlatoa. TICKXT OFFICE. Third aad paone Mala T1S, . - a . ?i,'Ar!!'S,ant' Tl Ages, -::,. X. la CRA10. General Passscger Agaatv east - ....... ... ., .u. t soux A-' - UNION DBPOT. -Atvtv OVERLAND EXPRESS! trains, for Sale ex. Boae- barg, - Aablaad, Baora-I 8:80 p. m. rnente, Ogdes, Saa Frsa dsco, Stockton, Los Aa- IM .aj geiea. El rasa, new or Usn snd ths Bast, ' Morning ..- trala Berts st Woedhara Salle aient ' laai!,. -:; witn - nam ror xfr.ra:anp.xav Anget. a liver rra. Browwarllle. B a s 1 a m. field, WiadiLuc .and! Nitron. AlspsSlsiy B7aaBrtamTe2V SI 4 fJO p. m nectg st Wodburn wl 1418:10 a, ax- Mt. Aaget aad BUv ton local. e7.n0 a. m. -.CorvaHIa psaaeuger. 1f8-B0 p. ux.- 1 14:60 p. m. : Bnenoan naseenger. 18 :zs a. m. ygfci - . Inl aonaar 1 1 I QlOOhtM. IIUSM I I I lagiy aotirtt IQI erwll linallr. rrrtt Rbbau ,r-- Portiamd-Oawesre Sahurbaa Berrlee aad TaaahlH ' . - iviaioa. , , -' - , ... . . " Depot - foot- et Jedereea etreet, ; Teavs Portlsad dally tor Oswego T:80 a. ml ' IB (Ha. 8:04, 8:55. tlO.-BBB. T aj, 10:10 p. aa. - Dallr (eicept Bandar ,- B:BO. S BA. B B. M BS a. m.T-d:10, 11:80 .-,;. Sunday only, : - i Returuttig from Oswrrn, irrtrs PorTtsitl rjatty rr 8:80 a. m.: 1 65, 8:08. 8:15. T:8B SM. 11:10 p. IS, liauyjexcert ejnnpaiTi e ao. :80. lO'lO. 11:45 a. m. Except Monday, U:2P p, m. Bonnay oniy, iw:oo a. . ,, Leeree from aame depot tor DaTlaa aad Tatar mediate points dally (except Bandar) 4:14 p. m. Arrive Portland 10:10 a. m. . . The Independence-Mon mouth Motor xjaa - operates dally to Moomoath aad Alrlte, eee- aecting vntn nontne , ai-rf - -- - at Dsllsa and Indepeadenca. Pu-et-clses fare from Portland ta Beciaaxta and Bsa Francisco 820. berths 88: eeooad-cisaa tare 814. aecond-elasa berths 41IW. , s-t.,. , ar-atern nolnta and BiirePa. abhV lapen, China, Honolula and AaetraMa. -. Clti Ticket Of Oca corner Third BJfc4,Weaa-- tngfa eee.ete. rresna aaain.'ie. ft W. BTTNOEX, i g011"' .: City Ticket Agent... , . w..Paaa, Ageafla TIME CARD TRAINS ' Portland! UNION DEPOT. Departs. Paget Sound Limited, for Taeoma. Seattle. Olrmnla Soath Bend US a. 1 4ap. i ! Orxy's B arbor I polnta. . North Oast limited. for Taeoma. - Seattle. Butter St. -PeaL Mia neapolte, Chicago. New trOOp. iobIsb.;: Torg, Bnetnn snd points Best aad Boatheest. Twin-City Ei preaa. for Taeoma. Seattle. Spo kane, Helena, St. Paal, Minneapolis Chicago, New York, Boatoa aad 11:48 p. mJ TO a. a2 all polnta Eaat a Sonfheast. - Purst Sound". Kansas Clty-Bt. Loula SperlaL for Taeoma. Seattle, Spoksne. Butts Bllllnrs. Denrer. Omaha, Ksnsael 8 Ma. av T :00 s. nt. Llty, Bt. Louis snd all polnta Kaat. aad Soath east. - All trains dally except ea Sooth branch. A. u. CHIILTOII, Asafatant General Paaeeager Ageat, Eg M aniens at., car. Thira, Boesu.j. ftfy Astoria Columbia4 Railroad Co. Learss. .. UNION DEPOT. Airieee. ' 8 00 a m. per Uaygers. Rslnlet. 11:10 a. a). Dally. - Clstskanla. Wmtnort. Dally. , Clifton.. Astoria, War- , ' , ' reatoa,. Flarel, Baa- : --" mood. Fort Stsrene. C 1. Cearhsrt Park, Seaside. - Astoria aad Braskers, -- - - V -rr.-r '"-r 'TSo' uany., Astoria Eiprsas. . 0. MAYO,--O. F. aad P. A.. Astoria. OeV 0. A. 1TTBWART, Commerdsl Ageat, 848 Alder sxrset, . rnana-aaaui ewui Tlokat Offloo 129 fair aoaa SSS esa ..Trnnasoontlnaprttsil eesn. xrnlrias Dally FAST TIME TO "OPT ANSI,.. rT. rT!Iv VV -' . ..... r - 1, 1 ' V eVLi. ru..V1i a. navllsht trio frwi- t-e C ' nd Rocky rn""'- a- ' 1. I I pi are, rates, I , , i t r", r ' ' ; i -4r--' .t .4-1 -'.' V -, i