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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1905)
i - :; ... i- i..: ::w rI tey e f f U a ray voesi -1 1 " 'W.TV: - -: aa m H ' 5& ..-'. -i mmm .. ... r v ' tat. m - v::-" H The-Price ..... If you buy a Gas xy the purchase price we ..of pipe."".' ' ' ' " , ; On all cash sales Count of 10 pef cenf will - A-discount- of - 20 is already in the kitchen and no pipe is necessary. L T PRTLA: ANOTHER " STEAMER "IN PORTLANDTRADE ; Nprth 7 Pacific Steamship fom . " pany Buys the Newport f or , , Coast Business. THIS THE HOME PORT ANDr WILL RUN Ta EUREKA Competition Is Assured, and Lower Rates Will Benefit this'1 Oregon Producers. le.-. The North Pacific Steamship compafiy, evne)P mtr tha-Boanoke,- ha-purrhaaeJ tha ateamer Newport from 1 the Paclflo Tarklna; 4c Navigation company. Hhe will ba placer In commlaalon at onca between Portland and Eureka, atopplnn at way porta. The Newport la now at Hanr rTanptBPO, ana la tupected to atari ' north tomorrow. ' Portland will be her home and Kurek make regular ralla at Cooa Bay towns, Coqullle City, Tillamook. Creacent City - and Yaqulna. By going up the Coqullle -river to the town of tht name nhe will 'come In direct competition with the Cooa Bay. Koaeburg & Eastern Railway lompany, which has long been in abso lute control of the trade of that aec Hon., As a consequence It lit expected - that a rate war will be precipitated be tween the rail and ateamahlp companies. The steamer will also be-'the rneana of opening up new markets for? Port land merchants; heretofore all of the relght taken In,-thai -eame-from an Francisro. It was shipped on' the t Bpreckels steamers to Marahfleld and then sent by pall to Inland pnlnta. "Phtr ' ".freight rates In this roundabout way were ft a ton. From now on the new: . owners of the Newport say that the . rates will be considerably lean, but the schedule has not yet been made up,. It Is stated that the .ateamer- will - make the round 'trip between here and Eureka every J days. With 4be-oan- okei a weekly service will he maintained with the California city. The Roanoke. Vt is explained, will -continue on the Ixia An galea- route aa heretofore, stop ping at the several ' way porta. The ' Newport will act as a sort of feeder for bar - by -opening np a trade With thdj -- small ports which the other coasters " have been unable to reach. .Tn Newport has JDace far J ha aocom. moaation of 40 panaengera and can han die tOO tons of freight on a draft of i.S feet. Peatlltt, was formerly tier horn ' port. 8 he was built at Ran Francisco In 1"S. and I said' to be one of the finest little ateamera on the" coaat. Aa ah will Invade territory hitherto (Controlled by the California at Oregon Coaat Pteamshjlp company .ownea-of -the Alliance, and the Spret kela interests of "'he BajrClty. Jthfera la. eeaV-ttt-tm-rni aoubt that they. will make an effort to iprce tier on the route. HIGH FREIGHT WANTED. Balpper. Say Qoeaa Bate. WU1 Compel Tkawi to SUa Wheat last,; J.Y If the -shipowners hold out for high . freight rates this aeaaen a thejr did laat ar, the exporters aasert that the bulk of tke wheat crap will besent to 2d fret and iume The Is "At the , it is the Yoircan afford to use it all the year around. - Modern, ' : v...:i, - r ' UUUl 1UI Raitgc-'-at- don't really knowliow econom icalGas Rang4-until you've-1 used one. Now Includes Range it wilFinclude installing. By this 'we mean for will set itup ready for use, including' a run of 40 feet '. . . " ' .:"::"'--.- "::r-: .'".-' or if paid .within 30 days from date of purchase, a dis , bealloWed ' '. .' .. . yei tent, ia made on - purchase price FIFTH AND YAMHILL tint there fa going; big amount, of -grain for-export from I tin Pa era say there Is a disposition on the part of the shipowners to ' demand what Is termed as unreasonably high, rates. The union -tariff for transporting car- goes to the United Kingdom la 17a. d. but the- asaertlon is made that , the owrrera have recently Jeclded-te-tT:acTTiiiIe la rat hep small, local ahlppere say cept anything leas than JOa If the price of wheat, after the new crop lias been harvested, is 71 cents a bushel at Chicago and other eastern markets, -the exporters state that but very little of the product will be sent to the porta acroas he aeaa unless ton nage ran be secured at a-moderately low tariff. Moreover, It Is explained that no attempt will be made to charter gralncarrlera until It Is known just what the price of wheat Is going to be. as well as the probable yield. If It should later develop that ships are in demand to carry the grain foreign and It Is found that few are available, the probabilities are that tramp s tea mere engaged. --. i WHERESTHIRD , STEAMER? Business Too Knob, for tba Ships la the Ooaatwlae TTWvei. Lederr-with : i.0 tonr -of--freight,"ths biggest cargo she ever carried, Uie steamer Columbia will sail tonight for Ban FrancUuu. Tile prTiicTpal ahlpment consists of 1,000 tons of flour consigned.. to merchants In Central America. The balance la made up of food,, grain and paper. - The steamer haa nearly a full passenger list. . Officials of " the company received word laat evening that a decision had been reached to aend the St. Paul north tomorrow night Instead, of. the CosU Rica, as had been Intended. The ex planation given for the change of plans Is that the Costa Rica had not apace enough to 'carry 'more than half of the people who desired to mske the trip on her to Portland.- It ht -supposed that the 8t. Paul will be able to take care of the crowds. With the smaller vessel It was also neeeeaary lo leave much f behind. Jven the Columbia, loaded to her full capacity, could, not take all of the freight that- Portland shippers wanted to send down the coaat. And at til Manager Bchwerln'a third steamer, which was going to leave San Franclaco almost a year ago foo, Portland, la not yet In alght. - ' : NOT ALWAYS STOLEN. I. Kany Articles Are laeft oa Boat - Oareleas)- rHNafWk Captains and pursers of steamboats say they haw-been very much annoyed lately by-he-ereieaeneee- paaaengere,. In thelThaste.toldlaembark after reach- Ing home, they frequently leave per. aonal belonglnga on the boat and think they have bean robbed. Karly this week a man took passage at Astoria for Portland on the Lurllne. Retiring tor the night he placed his watch under his pillow. Wheal Port hiiitt naf "renrhed "Via ruahed aahore, for getting all about his timepiece. The rabtn boy round lha ' Watcland -when Rainier was reached the watch was sent to Its owner at Portland. In the mean time be , had notified the police, rBER TiScREASED. Fifty Costa a Tboaaaaa Added Bewsg- Bero aad Some OaUlf orala Berks. t At a meeting of' the Bteemahlp Own irs' ssaoelatlon at Man Francisco yea terdaythe fates for. carrying lumber THE OREGON DAILY , JOURNAL- PORTLAND. FRIDAY . about Gas Range pres.ent price of Gas cheapest fuel known.. houses' are being . the seasons. . -m Installing -7 rrz when a fuel stub: reanettrfron,- it to I4a9 a i thouaand feet; to Ban Pedro and other southern 1 Pnr' a from M to 8 80. The lncreaae la said wholly due to, the. unusual demand for lumber' carriers: It la said that every coaster Is fully employed, and frequently of lata the tonnage has been Inadequate-te Handle t-rowing tmstness. As . the that It will have no particular effect on the' volume of business. The' northern porta affected are Puget Bound. Orays Harbor, Wlllapa Bay, Aatorla and Port land. s-e . . . ; Word Jiae alao been received that the ateamer Rival was chartered yesterday to load lumber at Orays Harbor for Ventura; at t a thousand feet. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. F. C. Hageman received a. letter yea terday,dated New Tork, from Captain Craven, formerly 'commander of the ateamahlp lndravelll, which until a year ago - piled - regularly-bet ween Portland and the-far eaat. The aptBlntB'Ti6w In command, of the Indrasamha of the aame line," running between New Tork and the orient. - The aklpper atatea that he waa married1 at Shanghai en-hls last tt!iP. 1 - J , The Bailey .Qatxert waa taken on a long spin-down the harbor yesterday afternoon and It Is reported that every thing, worked, smoothly, la a day or two It la probable that ahe will take the Regulator's run for a short time. Then the Oatsert will be operated as an ex cursion boat, betweuJiera and Caecade Locks. V Captain Crowe'a new -float for a boat landing between Stark and .Dale streets Is nearlng completion. A house la- now being built on the platform. : Beginning Saturday the steamer Fox will make regular trips to Tha Oaks, the new pleasure resort fiear Sellwood. She -will also csrry paasengers to, the fair grounds next week. The stearoar, Alliance left MarshfieM ft or Portland this morning and ia ex- pected to arrive tomorrow afternoon. VMarar, WfttF tin n Ik. ..llnta came to Portland on the veasel )B,t summer, deserted last night from tha British bark Dumfriesshire. Although she haa been lying here almoet nine months there, have ' been 'fewer deser tions from the Dumfriesshire than al most any other vessel that haa visited the port. She still bps 17 of her old crew aboard. r A-w- "- ,rr j The British four-masted bark Olaucus, which sailed from this port January grain-laden for the t'nlted Kingdom, haa been,old to a, French company. She' will ply between French porta and tha- aouthv seaav i The Rngllsh ship Thistle,- which Is bound for this port, is discharging a part. CBrgdjltL-8anJ'ranpsco. She ZZ.i.22 .V "J, . . rfcnd ,ne Br City aat Tueaday after a long passage from Hamburg. The Brltlah ahlp Eakaaonl sailed from Antwerp for Portland May 11. : She waa one of this city's laat season's grain ves sel, hsvlng discharged her cargo In Limerick!--The Rakaaonl belonga to the same company as' the' Oweenee, which sailed from Portland laat March lumber- ladenf orjsauth -Af rj MARINE.N0TES. Astoria, May . Sailed at I a, m Steamer Tapatch, for San Franclaco. Arrived down at I -a. m. Schooner Irene. . . . San Franclaco,' May Jl. Sailed at "18 a. m. United States revenue cutter Mc CullocH. for Portland. Sailed at t laat night Steamer Francis H. Raggett, for Portland.'. ' Astoria, 'May 11. Sailed at 1:10 p. m. Always Ready . r- - . . . ' - I JaasRangeJN o chance hre refusing to . r - ,. , ss The Price of Gas Water Heaters Includes Insta I ling . To any customer, now - using " ."' a Gas Range we will install la , I r.. . , . v ,. . Jr a.. -. v . r . . i i . . ..-..-r-- . i mm mi : . ' . . - ' . ' ' I WW9l STREETS BtiSSU Pedro; May" Schooner Endemvor.-from-Portland, Aatorla. May 2. Condition of the Pr ay.l s rn Hmonth; arlnrl north; weather- clear. TBA BBOM rOBJCOSA. a Arabia Bailed from Hongkong for Portland on May 13 by way tif Formosa, where aha will take on a heavy ahlp ment of tea. The consignment will be placed on board at Keelung. which is visited by the steamera at this season of the year only. At all other periods vessels are likely to ba destroyed by typhoons, - .. As the Arabia la going somewhat out of her course, and will have to make her customary calls at the Japaneae porta. It la probable that aha will not reach here 'until late In June. The'Numantle Is expeoted from China, and Japan nest Thursday. ; , ' : .T'"' -t- INTEREST IN THE FAIR. MisiHiEllert-Pound "ucHzEfl '- thutiaim in the. East Over -J the ExrjoaitiorL "" "" " Mfr Hy Ellera, president - of Filers Piano House, who left for the eaat tha middle of laat March, baa lust returned to Portland. During this time he haa visited every eastern city of prominence, and principally the large ptano mantF facturlng centers. While in Boston, Mr. Filers attended the national convention of C'hlckerlng dealers, which meets an nually "at the old time-honored Chlcker Ing factory, the oldest established In stitution of Ita-klnd In -America. This house will bo represented In the Massa chusetts building 'at the Lewla and Clark fair, - withthe Brat- Chlcker ing ever, made by them In 1S23, and one of their modern Grands. Representative dealers from every aectlon of the United States, who were present at the meet ing, were supplied liberally with Lewis and-Clark centennial and other Oregon literature, with a result that a gentle man from Maine, two from Massachu setts, one from Alabama and one; from Ohio statecT torrjiijera that they had decided to spend their vacation at Port land thla summer. Ae'sn indication of tha. throngs of well-to-do and - influential people that may be expected here from the eaat. It may be Interesting to note , that the Boston Herald is running a great New England school contest, in which the prise for the teachers Is a special round trip to the Lewis .and Clark exposition. In their advertisements, in connection with this, the Boston paper atatea, "that the party will have the' -finest special cat.. of the-Canadlan-Paeirio'e nvagnia cent equipment devoted to their exclu sive use both waya, while the-. meat on the dining rare..-and the hotel acoomr rrmdatlons TKTortlend, Bfthir liner other places where stops may be made will be absolutely the best that money can procure." Thla contest Is not only run ning In the state of Maaaachusetta, but alao In New Hampshire for six high scnools and la grammar schools;-- In Maine for It high schools, 14 grammar schools; In Verm on rj -Rhode Island and Connecticut, or llhUbac.hoolB..andll grammar schools, it la safe to say that - every Srihool ..child in "staid old New England" ia now thoroughly aware of tba Lewis and Clark exposition, and tha Importance of "Portland; Oregon,' Its advantagea and Its wonderful fu ture. ......... Even the largest of New , York's Sun nay papers hsve published -.beautiful full-page Illustrated artMee on Port land and the fair, which I read with much Intereat while In the east. "I am glad to note," continued Mr. Ellera. "that our people generally are accepting our present prosperous condl- , . ....... i ' ; f - , EVENING. MAY 28. -1905. o chance iygeeiwth aa a thoroiighty-U bum - : n I TT. 'Arrlved-TniaturaronerafiaoneTfiarnio oped abnormally,- antt merely tomporar- liy on account of our exposition, aa a annrt many calamity rrlera were trying to have ua believe several months back In their groundless Vociferation's to look out for a slump after the fair. We must bear - In mind." he continued, "that even the eaat la growing and developing atai-tremendous rate, and "the Pacific coast on account of tta unique position and ita almost numberless advantages muat naturally be the acene of gfeatoat activity. It Is bound to remain so for years to coma." ' ' GREAT RECEPTION AT: . ;;- WHITE TEMPLE TONIGHT For aeveral days people have noticed and wondered at the attractive' badges bearing the legend "1000" In large, red letters, In tha - buttonholes of many yotytg business men about town. They aroused no little curiosity, which prop erly exercised disclosed the fact that I.OOaipeople-aj-e-axpacted -at-the-White 3fejnple this evening for one of the big gVftt social eventa in the hlatory of the church, and they will aurely .be there. Elaborate preparations have been made to receive them, and Dr. J. Whltcomb B rougher will be there fresh from hla recuperation ln"the east and ready and able to shake - hands with the whole band. Gorgeous rlecoratlnna will mar it as an event of note, and everything will be done to show the visitors that they are as much at home and aa wel come as tha "steadies." jl : l A good-musical program will Include the following: Solo,' W. O. Haines; solo, 'The Island of . Dreama." ' P." D. Van Nice; duet. "Acroaa the Still Lagoon.'' Mies Ethel Lytle. Mlas Ethel Shea; vio lin. aoh, -Miss - Cornelia - Barker;-solo, "For All Eternity," Miss Hawley; Fred Jones will give a reading and Dr. Brougher will apeak. - ---- - HOTELtARRIVALS." At the Imperlal-r-J. Korlh Yakima; W B K. IHttaa . and - wife, llnetwall, alairl ;. W. r niton, Aatorla; Ira T.rb. Salam: Hallla Wants, Bialtbt Kirar, Rice, Tha Dallea; i, lanrornia. r At the Peralna C. K.'rler. Seattle: R. F. Louahbrroosh, San Frannecn: M. A. anyder. g. M. Wooding Anaeortee, Washlngtrn; Erneat Mater, Taenma: Mrs. Jnon Tmont, Miss Aliea Lamont. Haamokawa: M. M. Wallaea. I.lbhy, Montana; ii. B. Black, ftaa FraaeUeo; H. M. ark. ljna Anaelea: O. B. gnodgraaa. Ensene; Tlalaa C Enjtltkart-Marias, M. Miller, North Vaklaia, Waatalnxxi; IJ. O. Wlllaon, Klslii, OraaHi; C. H. Vlehl, "Tr-Iixtla: O. t'. Wllea, Aablry. North Dakota: Mrs. J. I). Illnkle. Ho kana: B. r. lifhlln, The Dallea; Charles r'errwoa, Bankaiio; J. O. . Ttaooipaoa. Llaala KeMea. BlarMurk. Mloneaota. At the Portland A. H. Claytrars,' Chlrafo; It.' M.- Kim, Hia IframHaro; t. U. Donosbnei Keattla; H. A.t ate(el aoit wife. New York; A. t!. Rannall, Minneapolis; E. 1. HothehlM, l-totrafo; W. H. Krllrr. Dnlnth; B I). H. ('room aad-wife. Kaw . V'ork J it.. Uraenseld, VaaeoiiTar. Brltlah Cvlnnhla: O. 8. I-onf. Ta eomstiLH. Brrd, Bt. Ioaalo; J. H. Hemp. Han rranrlaco: K. A. Blera, New VorkrU. fc. Yonle, M-attle; if. Klehards and family. New York: E. W. Hrrnrhton, Beaftlei Mrs. ' Fred Belaaeo. Man rranrlaco; N. J. Newman, Detroit; O. It. Wood. Mentenant-eolonel United States army; . H. Tborne. Naw-torfc; lionla Faltnn, tHitoajro; Mre. Ii. AlHng, lonrtoo j B. flowers, Boston; '. HadeafeMt, Paaattena: T. C. A room, San FraaHace; Ijuele . H. S to well Alton, nil. BOISI.T. . A. JobnaaaDiawKk t-- Aj- Rketa atrom, rhlrafo; A. U. Klnfalmry, Map Tran rlaco; K. H. 'eowt fan Franrlaro; I!, u. Harper and wife. "Detroit; Mre. T. C. Elliott. Walla Walla: A. L. Porter," . E. Hayden. Spo kane: J. B. Catron. W. W. Baker. Mlaa Mtlitree Baker,-Walla Walla; Charles Kelley, gas Fran clace. , - - -v . The government - la buying horses In eastern Oregon for, work ,on reclama tion projects, and hag to pay big prices. T0B llaTT r ABM. roa BINT acres of laae. aH la ealtlaa . tloa. Eaat rerty-thtre aad saatlaa Una read. W. 8. Baa. iOT The ralUs t - 1 Journal "Want Ad"'Rates -OSMXfl rCB HUM. - (ImilM - II ! tf i n "ii)VliTIMJEMTi for H1W..U4 in . (ww oigr. rMTC 7 tUtn. . CpU puis M0-,.. , 8ITTATI0V W imp 4 ft !. 1 altkat Mate r Fuaal. Iniudt - VZKKIT BATS T InMrtlmu (taeiutftxf ft day I w)-W CaitTS M Um iMUlrll OJUITS r lla. w Bratk. ADTIBTISKXXVn taut to to Jorul knllmw alio I 'Uok mk . 4a r bof T l 'elsok tatwdaf ui to mm lwMilettm. ... How Money Grows To 'MMM 'too cood n(M of - Intatoaf oo larva auma or amail. : fnr looc ttma or I abort and till ha jour fuada arallablo on ha. tew dara' ootlca, .- .., , ;. -i-'XMI OtKiT-0TOMAltl ., . 0KZ00V," . Resources-X)ver-$1.000,000 :;; Will FarBlah Tou "With ": . riTiu,5tIATI01IS - f A BOOK THAT TELLS fApp1ytn Par oavL.brMall or TfUphoBK' PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY Of OREGON ir-Tolrd-tirt. T " rbona " 443: r. . . .rraaldant VIcaiPrraMmt . . . . . .t. ..rmiary .Aaalataat Sacratarr BKNX.- I. COHEN'..... H. U PITTtM K h. Leu rAMier.. J. 0. liOLTBA........ TRISTKE'B SALg OP MILL PBOITATY. . Nolle la hereby siren that the unrieralaneel "will -reeelT sealed olds ootll Saturday, the an'-nay or rfune, ivoo. at t ocioea-p. m.. t all thai plant aa4 property (with the ei- tlon of the book areouatal of tba RlTor a Mannfaeturlna1 - eoamanr- - and -riar - A 'erhbetmer coupanx (tncorporatedl. stutatad at toa city or -i-nrtiand, aiuitnumaa rouaty. t Oregoa..' Bald plant cooalaia of a II It la Ibt aiceaa of three arrea of land.- with valuable waterfrqartgc In Bonth Portland, oa which altnaiad aaab and door factory, olanlna- lmUL drrkllnjU lnorklDI er'lf and npar la operation, iuouar, material la rouraa ot aaanufactura. air. Tka machluarr- and eqnlp maat la practically oaw. iurantorlaa - of the. property raa be are n tile, oftlee ' of 1ba underelaned la the eftr of Portland. Ore goa. Sep Separata tilde Bin at tie- made far the prop arty of the reaperttTe rntnpanlea. All btda muat be addreaaed and delivered to tha under . alaned, aa true tea. by i o'clock p. m. of the third day of June, 190S. Jb rlfht Is ra- arrred to reject any aad an Mda, -r'A -errtt- ged check oa- to per rent -of the amount Wd, parable to the order of tha enderalsned. muat accomoany - each bid. to- be forfeited k sa It4utdated-4ama(aa- to tba ereot ao bidder doea.o-eiBply With- the 4eemafJ!l Wd-fBnon, after" wctock ; - age ; g. fall "tor Terma. raab. Fnr further particulars addremtTnilTer Main 2Aa. " - -; -Ei:rRITY BAYIKOShw TKl'BI COMPANY, fT . : TT ' ,; , . , , trT Tortland, Orei oa, Traetee. X 1BOS. Hated May KOTfCB Tbe-BTfrTinroCTEHB' 'MUFTIWrj - TheeawieK eieeiliigTf the atorkhaldera of tha Bunker Hill A ftulllyan Mlnius A t'onrrn tratlng company, for the election of a board tranaaetloa of anch other boatneea aa aiay regularly come before them, will be held at . tha office of tha company, ronma 601 and 504 - Chamber of Commerce . tmlldtnc. Portland, Oregon, on June II. 10011. at Iz o'cloek noon. . vr.OH'l r.- HOI.MAN. - Becratary Banker Hill Ic Bulltvaa Mining a t oneentrattng tompany. - ' Portland. Oregon. May 24. ISOlt. ' NOTICE ef Btockholdera' . Meeting The an anal . meeting of tha etorkholdere : of the Oregon Iron Jt Btee! Company will be held - at the fflee-of the eomnanyr eooaa 3' Bher. . lock building, Portland. Oregon. June 20, 1906. at 11 o'clock a. iu. for the pnrpi ' of electing a board of direr tota for tha oattlo-year- and rho rraoaartlon of anch other nnelneag aa may legally coma before, ins meeting. - A. 8. PATTt Ul. Secretary, Portland. Or.. "May 23. 1000. aUXTTetO) NOTTOX. afTLTKOMAH trAMP.- Nr-TT.- O. W.. meeta-Jtonlght la Ita hall. Eaat HUth. near Eaat A - dec All vlsjtlng neighbors cof olsiiy weieomee. w: w. t.cMwnEN. c. c, ' J. W. WOODWORTH. C. OHIO SOCIETY of Oregon Regular meeting at K. P. hall, Marqnam bldg., thla (Friday) esening, n p. m. - -1 Jf'DOE W. M. CAKE, Prealdenf. .DR. BYRON E. MILJ.ER. aecretary. - PORTLAND FEDERATED TRADES COL'NCIU Regular mealing thla (Friday) evening at UTtimr - mora. eaenna swa mere atreeta. . GRANT alcDONALD, Sacrctary, D. O. K. K Regnlr meeting and work, to- morrow (Hatarday). 8 Large attendance ajeeeaaary. " J. MAn. Beeretary - nra-XaAl, NOTICE. CAVAXACGH In thla elty. May 25, If, Hoaa Caraoaugti, aged 4n xeara. Funeral . will take place from tha '.rraldenee. too ' Mlaaourl arc. Saturday, ' May 2T. loog, at . t:'M a. m. : thenee to At. Mary's church, cor ner Wllllsms are., and Wanton at., at a. m. Friends Inylted to attend. Interment lit. - Calvary cemetery. , . 1 - 1 OFFfCKRS aad members Oregon Tplrele. No. 171. Women of Woodcraft 1 o are reqoeated to attend 1h funeral of 1 Neighbor Koaana Cayanangb. from realdence, BB Mlaaourl are,, at :" a. m.. Batrtrilir, May 2T, HH6; tbenca to Hi. Maiy'a ehuri'li. roiuar Wllllama ata. and Btsnton at. MAROARET TOROLER. flnardlan Neighbor. Atteat MARY RANDALL. Clerk. TOST AMD- fOOTTD, KKavar Las r faead agvartfeaaieatav rats werda far le eaata," eaaa. tl STRAYED or stolen Two ponies, walght ahoait .son Iba. : obo black and 1ft yeara old; otbef monae colored, black atrlpe oa back. - small j rare and Tpry ahy. Notify or retnra to I. K. Burnett, Ragle Creak, Or., and receive reward. FOt'ND A place to have hair maUreaeee renw voted and returned same day. Paooa Msla 474. Portland Curled Hair Factory. i . . LOST Silver watch mada - A f,r kaaeae Klyr Mo, Twelfth. Tel. Eaat loan). bjr M. B. Wright - Address XH hlaat ForND Hmall hey tn postofflce! KILF WAETID MALE. MANA0SR8 .wanted for ear offices la all large cltlee thiuughout Oregon; we pay rent, liberal salary and corhiatasioni cash denoslt sad ref- f reotea reqatreta. Addreaa ' Maaageri" l (rant Bldg., .fan -traacieee. ' - WANTED At ones, Lnno atrawberry -pickers at How) River; good pay; taka Regulator line eteaaiera from foot of Alder at,, dally, 7 a. ,- a. call at dork and gat baggage taga free. Psoas Mala 14. ANY Ipteraeted la fraternal Hfo lav ore nee, oa the Icgal-reaerve basis, can secure . a paying position by ralllng'et 42e Cbambef - of Mn marcs, g to a. m. WANTED A good sllopathle S'lrslctap ( aad snrgana, to taka the place f retired pkralrlee. Intnilre at drngatnre, Oleneoe, Or. STANDARD Bpaelaca. aiea'a trae eneetallat. core all eh rente dleeeaee. Eleetrlral a poll ' aaoaa, battarlaa, balta. Haadqaartara 1H iat. L X-I. J-..i-. BEtr WAVTED-rMAXI. WAKTWi- tm - oe, fail;."r. . 2 5i and j; milllianda. (1 up: uihf urk, - t.nmti-rina Labor Hiirraa, Morrlaoa. BHtuMTTiwm umn tlT"t 1T-firtr lolJT tor . lr-l tniilnra; ni Hln lh rait alda, AH !. l 4 J.,.in,J. ; BtHoqI telrr.h alartrtHtr: poptla wantadi alaa po.Uh.iia wantad for tradualya. SOtV, lt. BOATBI H.IfRi1rmatl u,.haa'a a.MHard.- frat taut Mua at. Uosd norkwra raa aaplr. OrrKCTIVEH-Man to laara: wt snaranta to oar auplla. ,. B Ml. ttm M,rraoa at. npniaira. nr. ruai. XZLP " tAMUS' DEPARTMENT. . Ratal, raataurant. offW,-or. nakarr,- laaadry , and family patrnnaaa aMMtad. ' IMfliOi WFNT OFrlrB. 1 Waaalagtnii n m"TTwr.8TtBtinit. I t'bon Main. JfM.- , ,...-r..-. WAN'TKIV Aoun laily of oo4 ppirnc and well rdwatr4 to lRinnitraf titn Bnutiixia jJthe-Xai..aa4.Xlrjt-falri auilWw .end ' rrrrrrnora. Aaarnu l dz. rara Jonrnal. .WAITED Baapar-tablo ' alorlr . lad to kaap buuaa (or (xDllrouu and hll.l, H, nllaa fniia ' Format tirora. aH at . r)t. . t'barlaa kotel Baturdaj. Edna Hlcka. WANTKO-Honaat. amrklnr. woman bona. 1 karpw for wldowar. two children, clt J. iOVi - Vamhlrt. Phono Main MI8. , W,ANTEIJ-A : bookkaopar - aad atanoajraphar; . mnat bar anod rrfcranraa. AddIt 2T Uor. tlauav tr - Anrlrrw Kaa ft CSr : ' ." WANTED Plrat-rhtaa private ' faaallr rook. atihurban homr: wagra $36. 13014 yamhllL I'bona Main MIS. . , , EXPKRIEXCKD marblnaparatora oa ahlrt ywalat and aklrta: alao abinmakar. Tba Bpaawor Co., lS Tantk. - Mala MtW. WANTED Tbornablr aiparlaaaad dtvaaiaakar, . . ap-ta-data; oooa atbar oard apply. Sft Jaf ' faraon-at. v. . OIRIJI wanted to Work In randy furtorr. An- TiinTpue imn oiacuii w, rijrairrtr; na- WA3STKO rU - ladj prafarrad. Applr IM rirat at. f 11 lt - MoT!art; WANTED Bklrt and watataakar. S43Vk Waabiiiftoa at., rvon 1. . WANTED-- jtMifia wnmaa for avnaral bcaaa " work. Apply M Aldar at. s i i i, ii T-rara . WAIIIDH1U - AMD TEJCAIk HXIF. HKAIKJUAHTKRS orrNka. atcwarda. walt raaaaa, waltara and . amplojaa for ths-fatr-rounda; book a oprn. Taka L car. TplrJ at.. . .or nrw farry. 107 Bjiaaall at., corner Mlaalaa.' ippL Cb. rVIHUBiar l'boa V&Hm 4. MEI'an woaiaa to toara torbar" trada la waakr; balrdraaaliiff. ananlruiins: vraduataa aara fIB to 25waakl. Baa III Barbr-Ct. WANTEDAt aara. "a" brtabt.'anrraarlr. aantabla-aiaa or woman. " a .xxl talkar. to TS-t Chamber of Commerce. WAMTKD Very plain old couple, ilL summer. tn board an oM man; konaa free, with ethae - eonaidera fkia,: Call I'M Mootana ava. - BH1RTWAIBTB laundered on abort notice j mah orders and tnnrtata work a apecUlty.- .' f - 400 Paata. Phone - Mata" ltw." " . i CA I.I.I NO and huatneaa card a. fine 10O; 1.000. WW Blith at. Automatic Card WANTED Marker. aad - dtatrlbuter. t t'aloa - gmjATTOWB WANTED MALI. BPRriAI-TT aleamaa wairta permanent peat tloa with reliable bonae;. U a rnatler and .eaa.e-11 lbs ooda,JAddraaa04V: care ef journal. r, , - , WTtO rwant a-rnatler-nir-psrtper ar-falrt Wfnrpnt nparmw -money; good spieler. Ad dreaa D 4. -Journal. : YOI KO man orstrea work mornings or after. ItllW- WANTED By -einerlenred Janitor, pool t lem ef ' any kind; referencea, Addreaa C oil. Journal. FIRST-if't.A M "cook 'wanta "potrttlnirTTn "prlva iTr tamUX4- good wsgfsU- tail atUtt iUB ton. at YOCNfl man wenld Ilka poalttna aa gnard during fair. Addreaa II M, ears Journal. SITUATIONS W ANTE yiM ALE. atHPI,B-AKD- lady .wllk "-ood refereacea whih.a pltioa In fair grouuda from 7-p.-to. to rloalng. Addreaa Ii 61. rare Journal. YOl'Xil lady, hlgh-acho-.l gradnste. dealree noaltkra to saalat Inofnce awk: doctor og ' lawyer. KlOVi Yamhill. Phoae. Main 54IS. OOOD honaekeeper. with child yeara old. wants-poaltloa for' wldowar. Address M. l Peterson. St. Johns. Or. Boa 6. MIDDLR-AnED lady would keep house for m-ldower or. bachelor 1b city. D &o, care of Joornal. WANTED Position as chambermaid or an.v kind ef day work. Addrvee C.07, care of. Journal. ' r WANTED AOZVTS AGENTS WANTED Te aell ear enpertnr high grade nnraery atork; new and complete yinte 1 fit mrnlebefl rrve; eeen weeary; wrire ia 'da:, for. eholco of teerttor! --tapltalCltJ- Nnraery Co.. Salem. Oregoa.- WANTED TO RENT. ROOMS In all parts of tha ettr. furalshtd. . apply zii Doodnougn ning. EXPOSITION ACCOMMODATION BUR BAIT. -Under dlrsctloB ef tba Lewis aad Clerk Pal Corporation. Phone Main 2fl. WE hs' eaHs-etery dayfor vacant honaeg -and fumlahed houses; Itat your property wttb ns; wa win do tha rest. Hnbaa A Ttggart. ,jJ0T Slslh at. W ANTED or S-room house: couple, no child ren; permanent. Phone 4K&A. C- ' - ....... WANTED RIAL KSTAT WANTED Lot or bouas aad must ba ebsep . fur aaab. Address O 21. fare Jonrnal. a ' i , i i lj.' i WANTXD YINANCIAL. WANTED Money to W-an on real estate ae. cnrlty. H. J. Klrkwod..611 . Loninierclal "Mk.- Phone Tlsy 4B7. - , WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED More spraying-and whitewashing the only geeollae rompresaed air apralng . outdt oa tba eaaat. If. It. llorgaa A Ce.. - aiiiwauaie at. raoaa seat xu. . WANTEIV Rhowraaea. wax figures, dresaforma, - etc., tailoring or dressmaking otitnt.. The Spencer .. 123 TenU at. Main 6080. V WANTED- Good young borse; mnat ba Bound and wall city broke, waiaht 1.1B0 pounds. Address C SO, esre Jonrnal. . SHORT ORDER Printing Hoaa Second aeV Washington ata. F. i. Hyde. Msla MS. , WANTED New or second-hand showesae. drees C SB..i.csre Journal. Ad- WANffED Bsby to ears for. prLca raaaooab fhone 1 nine I2:t0. ,F0R RENT ROUIXXEErnra ROOMS. Oae raearttea la tUta slaaauleatua. . rata "tl wards fa II st CAMPGROUNDS on Portland Heights; wa hae the beat-located gnmnds in tha rttyr tieea will b but few camps and no children: Irall Bus water, phone and wood If, desired t - plenty el abade. Main : - TENTS, furnlihed sr anfurnlahed; ramping rllltirs; large grounds, - charts log alaws.J healthful reeo-ta. Scott 27M. Lawla aad' TWO completely furnlehed reoraa gat, Isnndry, ata and psoee; reasonable. Phoae Eaat 7IB. THE LINDA T18TA. nicely furnished hoosakaea. - ng aaa single rooms reasonable. 147 S4 Ilfta, foe ixiiT4trTFirmirisKXD rook, Sl'ITW 4 unfurnished ronma? water and tale. poosw: gronng tiner; SB on; nee1y located t . "J,!."'' T"k' t'B cotV LW2 er Esit 70. V. - - f I -,4 r t . t j