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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1905)
If EVENING, MAY 3. 1CC3, 18 -- EYES OF THE EAST- MANY REGULARS TO 1 - - i 81 CANDIDATES For TURNED TO -MARCH IN PARADE FOR CITY OFFICES THE OREGON' "bAILY JOURNAt. PORTiTANP. FRIDAY 1 iOv rrv rrr rv I rt K I TV , Crowdt Beyond At! : Estimates. 'r ComlngltOZVIgw Country anil Sft.Pj'P"1'0"- M. 4. ROCHE TELLS OF :- INTEREST JN THE FAIR Travel From .the States in the MjwiwippUf alley WHI B ' ' Very Large."'. Z''A7: - Th people of Portland .hav no eon ception of the volume of travel thaf I coming to this city and the Pacific nortji- th'r rffii ' 1 iv '" tnia t- for, and I repeat it." Mid . j koi traveling paaaenrer a-rant of the Deliver : A. Rio Grand- railroad. "It will be something; o lnunnae and so wholly unparalleled lni the history of tha Pacific , coast that nobody here can form any '. Idea of what It means,' nor understand what Portland ia 'up against In the ac t commodatlbn of al three people.!' ' . Mr. Roche, a Pacific coast press agent and executive committeeman of the "AmerlcaA 1 Aaaoclatlon of Passenger . Ag-rnls, took coploua jiotea of report and , Conversation he overheard on his recent ' trln. JoChlcago to attend the executive meeting of hlacommruecT-Ha return to iPortland more than ever convinced that the . attendance at thai Lewi ' and "Tiarir-Mpoaition -wtlt 'far beyond all 'expectation of It promoter, and that the Pao4(Ve northwest I about tor reap - a areat harvest of eastern homeeeeker and eaatern Inveatmenta. It 1 taken for granted that people from; the east will be pleaaed wlthF what they see here, 'and that thousands of them' will' take advantage of opportunltle -that cannot but Impreaa them. r -firr-X: "I wa In Chicago. SCPaut. Minneapo lis, and other cltle of .the. jnlddle-wet, and It wa the same everywhere I went "everybody knew about tha .Lewi and .Clark fair, and everyone who -can rale the price I coming tq Portland thla Bum mer," said MrRoch'e. "I honeaUnbe--Hmi every "ohe-who can come-wlll take ' th trip. There is no question that It la -"the" beet 'advertised .exposition ever held In America. People not only have heard bet: clflc northwest, and they never before , had the chance to come at" a very low rat. - They are preparing to eix this : opportunity to get a cheap, trip,-' th fr and look over th country. ""'th -travel from east -of Chicago 1 going to-be Immense. It will b 100 per ' -ent heavier than wa at first believed. jot ooure--wtlt:'b greatest "Trora lb Mississippi valley states.'- I talked i to a ticket-agent. In St. Paul who told tne had already had six special trains over -the Northern Pacific looked solid, and many more to be arranged. He aatd the St. Paul , office of tha Northern Pacific I already maktng teaenatlunr awg f up Into August" Pnsuaer Colds. iJKtlT Rmmo Quinine, th wnrM.M fold Core, removes the esase. Call for the -fall asaie bbo look fer stgnstare of B. W. Colone - Steever Promises 1 Most Notable Miiitarypectacie Ever Sag WILL BE .OVER IN TIME FOR THE FAIR OPENING brganixationeeslnh'gorak Part Should -Sen4-4nThelr .-; tyamet - at Once. - Colonel . - Z. Bteevwry g i s nd marshal of th Lewis and Clark parade on open In day, ha decided -on. th following line of march: ' ; ffTiiTT tin ninth unit aide nf tri n ifver I Portland hotel north on Sixth to Alder, west on Alder tol"tourteitJ&ortB Fourteenth to Kverett, west on vertt to Twentieth, north on .Twentieth t Overton, west on Overton to Twenty fourth. north on Twenty-fourth to Wav ier a,nd west on Savler to th exposition main entrance. 'The parade will movo promptlyat -joo'chwk, In -order,to- allow Plenty of time for the aembllng of .the crowds for th opening exercise al noon. Th parade will ' be.. remarkably from a military standpoint. Colonel. Steivrr estimates that he will have 1,000 tegu- Tare 1ritHl, Including the mnuntgd "boul of th Fourth cavalry one of very few In th country and many mora mUttla men and cadet. All military organlxa- I tlnne Ta.molcoma to take, pant-, hut mint Immediately confer with Colonel Steever, giving th names of officers and sit of th command, " Th guest of honor. In eluding . Ve-Presmenft Fairbanks, Speaker Cannon and th other speech maker." will rid In carriages. - In th evening President Good' will be th host at a banquet to th promt nent visitor at tha reataurant In the New York buUdlng. which will be th scene' of many similar social events. Th automobiles which "are" racing to. ward Portland left Omaha at 4 o'clock city government, lght charter amende rm-trnr-ann tiw Tiiettofnrrtari" u mltted to referendum, th latter being th automatic telephon franchise and local option In precinct; ST, ifi. 41, 44. (S,.6f and T, r on the ballot.. The followina are the candidate: Maror--Harry Lane (Dem.). B. Lee Paget Pro.). J. W. Slirsder. Soo.), Geora H. Williams (Rep.). City Auditor Thomas C. . Davllt Rep.), A. N. Garabell. (Clt.), E. K. Jonek etSoc.. E. P. Northrup (Pro,). : City Treaiurer-J. JS... weriein tnep.), ffr-MMcJexchr (Pro.). J.-C. Herring ton tSoc. i. ' ' " "" ' "' " V City .Attorney L. A, McNary (Rep.), Thomas A. Bladen Boc.). "MunicTpaTungebrgrvTXmrOn (rtep.) E. Iadd (Hoc.). T. B. McDvltt Clt.). B." S. Miller (Pro.), Charles -A. Petraln (Dem.). '' Councllmen at Large John Annand, Thomas Grav. Dan - Kellaher, John P. Sharkey and A. N. Wills (Rep,), A. F. Flegel and Thomas Oulnean (Dem.), t. II. Amo. A. E. Davis, J. P. Newell, F. L. Parson and R. R. 8tel (Pro,), E. Carlisle. Jobn Finer, C. F. Miller, A. Peterson and J. Fevr (Soe.), S, Brown and Harry. W, Bton tClt.) Loulg Zimmerman (Ind.). -yextrday afternoon. They hav not been, separated by mora than 10 mile at any time elnce the race began. The driver expect to Teach Portland June ft . itand thy are talking ta aw-t . 7 T " . " . i" -year hav been , arwloa to see -the P- the Government -bulldlne land -soma state-edifice. Th sight was ;vry brllllanH X1W TOSX IOCZXTT. - ' t All New Torker are Invited to attend the regular meeting .of th New York' Stat society, to be held In City hall an addresa and Mrs. J. Kenwbrthy will read an original poem on New York. ', MOM. JAUXS m. BX.Tr--rDZI.-b BSAI. (Hpeell Blspstclt to The JenrnsL) Rosieburgi James S Blunder la-dead at hls Jiome near-Riddl. Mr- Blu-fdeUr-who-va as x-repreeentatlv,.y cam-To Oregon - in J1S65 and waa born in th state of Con necticut in 18(2. ' He. leaves a wife, fouj sons and two daughters, besides host of- friends. : AjrOTW WH. . . . . I . . 1 1 ' -- I M : r - : . a lmatfcopoed : - . rr--vrfrMt i. r .- : " l-- " .jr r. . , ... .. , ; , L v I emMMleA ' - ' ' Wear Shoes that are correct ; those ' that have the style without sacrificlnyTomfort. It's as easy for - - lie trt fit miir fmmt rtirKe a urrnn r a l... " .- "f mm "vej w iiwici uuw ex v acting you may be. - t I I V J It's our HOBBY to fit correctly i . i . - : All-of", our- shipmentsof summer lightweight Tan Oxfords and Evening Pat ent Leathers have arrived. mm. SHOES Will appeal to your pock-etbook. For evening ourhigh grade patent leathers woul4 rbejustTthe - thing ithey are, - strictly speaking, ; SWELL. We -wjill with pleasure show them to you. ;- - Those wishing a better grade will ind the ;$5.00.and $600 Shoes OF EXTRAORDINARY VAKUES -is- . "r:, '"-'"",.'-! i ; An Uriusual Stock of Pretty Hosiery Vanduyn & Walton S M 14 H M s MEN'S SHOES EXCLUSIVELY 270 Wa?hingtoir.Street & 'H -:r ----- UtZZZZXXZSZ V : zxs7ssszzzz:sr-2XSxniiiiiiniBSBEiiicKi-a Ballot Has Been rvjade Up and tIs ' in " HarvdVnof - the " EIQHTAMENDMENTS TO PORTLAND CHARTER AutomatioTlephon and Locally, -ptiorvneOue8tion-Sub--t - mitted to Referendum.;; Deputy City " Auditor-'--W S. Lotan finished comi)Tntlg-rhe-bllt-yeaterdsy for th municipal election. June ft, and sent the copy to the printer. . Th name i .r.i1l,late for noeltlonw in tn Ward- Conn oilmen. First T. J. Concannon (Dem.), F.' Jacobs (Soc). Robert A. Preston (Rep.). Second Charles- Duggan (Dem.), A. (j. Slmola Soc ), L'-M.-HJttlllvan (Kep.). Hush W. Wallace (Ind.). Dunning -i Rep. ), -O. Hlckethler (800.) L. t. - Paget tPro.).- Fred T.Merrm (lull 1. iarxA Aorenaen Ind.) N Fourth John Corkiah (Ind-, J. Eha.lanlon (Soc), George W, Shepherd (Rep.), II. Wr Ston (Pra). fifth Edward H. Cahalln (Dem.), A. F, Fuchlk (SoO. W-Y. Maaters (Rep ). R."tl. Tat (Pro.), Otto-P. Prag (Ind ). Sixth Henry A.' ueining imp.), r. PTlaeBTTPfo.), O. W. JUchlcHTHSIeT (Soc.). H. W. Parker (Dem.). -. Seventh Sam Morrow (Clt). O. It. Prior (80c), A. a. Rushlight (Rep.). V. T. gherrett (Dem.). 1-- Elirhth Frank B. Bennett (Rep.j, J. P. I elew (Horct. . KniTxrtFrq.). M. A Ttavmond (Clt.). inth H P7 Afinersoit TCIl. ). K. M.I Menefer TRep.ITB." F,"Bhul Soc.7; Jonn t- Pettngegilnd.).: .. -r-r Tenln Meivin n. warier unu.;, r. Oddf ley (One J, Iiv B, - Morgan - (Pro.), E. 8hafferUtep.JW-TiI-YaugnB (Dem.). - -. - . , Ajnendment to charter. , ? n Here, , ... . rniitei. t ' " :. : 4 l-Z , f , :' . - ' I - - 1 -.. ; 1 . . m W N ' ' V - --';- 'I" ..--5.-J-.. .V. .' n. 1 'r-T7V I 1 I I II ; I -:' Ll '' "" " ' 1 eivl I " -'." i T-4'- - -'"- rr. I zmm .. t . . V V II f : ' .1 ...... - . - - 1 . 1 f 1 1 I" v -.-I. - : 1 f I . .. - -1 l ' 1- I ., I I - - ... I - -- . . .-. 1 ' I - I f .. 1 - - ' .. - " I I I -r- - - -- I I I . : a--s-rT- - Mfino I H Al 1 1 f 1 1 . z -v-v-.'';' ,v -..--I..,' ''.-4-.- -''r'?'"" ' , .f ," . : ' ' -X ',...' ' ': OF OUR GREAT EXPOSITIOW YOU STILL HAVE TOUORROW MONDAY AND-WEDNES- DAY TO SELECT YOUR v ; SUIT FOR THIS GRAND EVENT. VOU .NEED NOT j ' :;' INVEST MORE THAN - ' ' . : THIS AMOUNT WILL FIT YOU OUT IN A SPLENDID SPRINGSUIT THE SAME AS OTHER FIT-STYLE-FABRIC ATrTfCT-E XC E LL E D: AN YrWHE RLVTANJi THING NEAR OUR PRICE. WHBrf YOU. SEE IT ; IN OUR AD.JHS:SO THIRD ana fjiii Winners I-adies' 2 : and 3-Strap , Sndals; all elzes Saturday Special - 98. ... 2 .To include within th city territory between. Portland and St. JohnaWShaU sect on 12 OI tne city ..cnaner To lncluds within th' city th terri tory between Portland and Mount Tabor: Shall section 11 of th city charter be amended? . .. Taxing whole city for bridges: unan ectlon 114 otih charter be amended! Street railway franchises: Shall aec tlon 105 of the. charter be amended T . Security for city funds: Shall sectloa J91 of th city charter be amended? . Appointment and salary or ciera.oi th municipal court: Shall section III of th city chsrter be amenaeoT Penaltv on delinquent assessments: Shall section 407 of th city charter be amended? L ' Decreasing coat of advertising: onau section J4. 195. and 405of jn city charter be amended? ' " Tb following questions will D uo- mltted to. referendum: : Granting franchise for automatio tele phone system to Charle K. Sumner for the-Horn Telephone company. For or against saloons in precincts 17. 40. 41. 44, 6K nd WORK OF PUPILS WINS MUCH WARM APPLAUSE v-in1t -mnitmm Tl.VM bkfl IA Well attended or so much enjoyed this year as that given at tn Marquam nmni by 1h pupils of w. . noyer. (;im house wsa filled, and from first to last the numbers were received wlthj en- thualaam that, did Credit to tn per former and Instructor. Th selection were all of high grade and om wer big undertakings for amateurs,' as for instance, the closing number. - which were electlon from Blset "Carmen." with the following role: Carmen, Mis Kthel Lytle; Mlcaela. Mis Elsie At Oar reu s- Frasqultal- Mia Beulah - Cad wellj Mercedes, ,Mls Sade Knppron Jose, Vft -H. 'Boyer;" Escarnillo. Stuart Mc Oulre: Zaniga. Charle Cutter. Milton received with applause at ma return 10 Portland. Th program follow: "Funlcull-Funlcula" (Dens)r W. H. Boyer and chorua; Berceus Jocelyn" (Oodard), Miss . Esther Vullleumier "Th King's Champion" (Watson), Wel rose Kaser; "But the Lord I Mindful of vrl Paul" i Mendelssohn. Miss Haxel Paulua; "Th Publican' (Van de Water). Stuart Mcuuire; ne ipnau Feed His Flock" and "Com Unto Him" vrloH' UnitM Mlaa Jeasl Mc- Connell and Mlsa Stella L. Garner; "Th Monk" .(Meyerbeer)., v,-narie .. . -,j--t "Merrily-1 . Roam" (Schlelffarth), .Mis Beulah CadwellV "To' Son ""TlUhla"- n. rhniiV:Ulii Fill. A. Oar- rttr-leetlons-fro-',Camln'-6lxK mr;eilers says fair ,. is well advertised 1 . f ' II ' Few. events' of a similar nature hav been advertised o extensively and so ekectTvelT a th Lewi and Clark fair. according to- Hy Ellera. head, of the piano Institution or tnat name, who ha Just returned from an extended trip through the east, -Ever on seems Id hav Irteard of th fair, he say, and very one seems anxious to attend. - s- Mr. liera tt-ndHl tha national eon 1 ventton of Chlckerlng dealers. 12 In number, from every Section of th coun try. The conventions are held annually-' at the old t'hlrkerlng factory. In addition to - other Information the sgtrit received a great many facts con cerning the Iewts apd Clark fair. Mr.' Eilertrlbuted literature descriptive of th cxposltlott and of th .northwest w h ere ver Dosalbl rr : ; "Eastern people seam to want to know' fair," h satdr "Bwi ym where voir co the subject of Portland and her faTr "liTbrought- up by eastern erf when they learn where you're from. A number of total Strangers approached me on th subject 'when ' they knew wherl I lived. And they all seem de termined to coma. The advertising de partment of th exposition "has cer tainly done It work." YS AY HAS ORIGINATED. SCHOOL OF -VIOLINISTS Jrt an -analytical artlclp about Tsaye, written by a great authority on violln lsta. thl sentenc appear: -' "A Tartlhl founded the Italian school. Do- Beriot- the - modern - Franco-Belgian school, Alard th Paris ; chool, , and Spobr tha Xlermaiv o has Yeeye ortrt nated a' new school eclectic and em bracing the beet featurea of the Ger- man.T French "an of Belgian schools. ' In Tsayrs"-Dla.'yln-f ar-r-fuse-th Oeiuian solidity with the French elegance and th Belgian fin. 1 Sue, a eonjuwetlon a this 1 unprecedented In th annal of violin playing." 1 ... . - Critic who ar capable of - meaaur Ing genlu concur wltb this writer. They estimate, Tsaye as th greateat of jiving violinist. . Th audience which hav greeted .the Belgian wherever he ha ap peered on hi present tour confirm this verdict And, since th public Is th court of last resort, Tsaye's fame Is secure. This eminent arttst I to give one concert only In Portland, at the Marquam Grand and th event will clip all musical happenings of th year. Sale of seats Saturday, May 10. No subscription Hat. '-. y ' REMARKABLE PICTURES OF WAR IN THE0RIENT ' Tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock the advance, sal pf seats will open for the lecture and stereoptlcon vlew3C3l Russian-Japanese war, which Robert I yea Dunn, th war-correspondent,, will present at the-Merqnam-Orand theatre next Monday night at popular prices. Th lecturer show selection ' from Several thousand negatives portraying th midnight landing of th first army of th Japanese Invasion at Chemulpo (a remarkable aerie of flashlight clo ture); th debarkation pf thouaanda of I men, horses and munition of war; th grilling march to Seoul; th establish ment of th first base of supplies;- th deportation of thl Russian minister; the northward march- of Its army, to Ping Yang th seen of th famous Chines umbrella flgHU th crossing of th mountain and th Tal Tong. Every Important scene and Incident of th opening of th war Is carefully shown. BTX-snra xBTXOza. v; " Evening services will b a feature of. the-reltglou .exercises - at th First Universallst church. Th first will b held on 8unday-vtiing, June 4, at 7:45 , o clock. - - - . . - VIlLlM J. JUI UJ ... NEW FABRICS ' . ..,.. . " : .- XX ' NICELY: TAILORED rt HAIR CLOTH FRONTS -i't I"' - .' -.' - - ,--,. .' .1, 1 Come straieht ' to Welch for ats. X 'XmWiP bnoes, nose, underwear, JLNccKwear; - Vr .&a , 4 Y ! 'f''l -. 5il' I 1 I'l ' 1 i. ' ' 2 1 '' Boys' Suits, $2.50, $3.50 nd $5.00 Suit ...' ' 11 ' . ' -1 - ' .-" . - r. : ' ; , - ' . -T -!u :-: . -.- 1..- . rf 1 : " - f Ladies BlacIiKid -Oxfofds- VtePt tip, til sties, Saturday Special IP Laie3, Vlcl Oxfordi, hand-turned '- and - eten slon soles, military Cuban heels, $2.50 grade, t. Saturday Special ?L95. r?l Tan Oxfords At Reduced Prices Earon s Shoe' t , - .: Jpt 230-232 Morrison SL Near Secondc-;. . ',; . .. ;. hi .-"i . l,,;."''v. - . i...--.- (.1