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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1905)
At, ' i -- 1! - THE "OREGON ' SUNDAY v JOURNAL. : PORTLAND, SUNDAY ' MORNING; 1 MAY : 21. 1805. 1 v JEFFRIES IS VISIT1HG--FRISC0 Ex-Champion of the World Feels HagpUjpon "ISalifprnla. SAYS HE IS DONE WITH ROPED ARENA 'Jeff Is Fond-of thr Sun$et-Land and Will Remain op Pa, : cific .Coast. ; ,'. i ... II -: , "'. 'A f w' W. sTaag-hton.) ., . , i 6an Francisco, May 20. James J. j.- s - Jeffries, ex-champlon of the worid," -la "J'ere on his first visits Been here be ; - - fore, has herWell, yes, but not aa ex . champion. :We have had Jeffries, -the 7" coming champion, and Jeffries, chant- - plon of the world, but this la tha first ''time ex-Champion JeffrW ham loomed up among us. Aa a rule, In the oaae of a pugilistic celebrity,, the prefix .'ex'Vconjurfs up .Tlalons- of vanished -prestige, loss of .popularity,' r fond - hopes dashed - and changes In the Queenaberry bluebook. But there .are no heart-acaldlnga with Jeffries- laylnr down of the- title. It la purely commercial proceeding. He needs money to. carry hln through life' and there Is no money in remaining is nt muncv in remain ne te training and all the enerarv he In f uaed Into uppercuts and eras-counters ... ... ct "deavor. . - jeffrlea ami nut look well. - Whthr Xi ""t n Invalid exactly, there Is some--.thing about him that suggests that he needs thorough soaking with California JrIaunahine and a renewaLet scaiJalJiUnc , ,wnn the balsamic breexes of the ranges. - MO.,... fc . . "They telh me I have malaria," said Jeffries. "Guess 1 picked It 'up while showing through . Georgia, and' thff southern country. I have-not .got rheumatism, as reported.- A doctor In the eaat told me that" there-wag" too much confinement about the theatrical Im bualnesa for me and that what I wanted - waa a life in the open air. I knew It before he toM ma. fo Ihn ,ti., t. 'ee med to me -that while following tho -rmrr -CrorlreTt-TBure'T' wa86ofieauiiTmaa',rnnte " "'" running iuhmuium. -in ratlwav rrrtr 11.0 nm ,i I Aa tt wag'Th-TSTera are only taking the other half housed in stuffy theatres, i am through with all that as welt as wiu tha Vlghtihg bualneiaf hive only : . been in San Kranclaco a couple of hours "end I am feeling better already I WlUy.-here .eek-aild-4he-W-4e; Los Angeles, which to me means 'Home, i Bweet- Home.' There I will rest and - form my.- plans. J am Interested In a atipie .f mliKs, but it won't be necea- ary to 'give the whole of my time to looking after them., ' "' Bia Ideal Zdfe. 1 'The Ideal life for me '-la. that of rancher. I have made uo mi-mind luat what kind of -a-place 1 -want, and every t n me inns i win uo on tha iookout forit, I may find H-4n '' southern --California; and I - may comej arrp. It In tft nnrthernpart of the gtate; It must n tn California; thougT - lor I woumntve anywhere els.J "And you're sure you -are through Vlfh ithe i VlngrTaskcd the writer.' Lreav- sir, -" 'Ifave yo any-suggestion to be mada about aliaC- U to be done with thei championship. ...''".' : y - I think' aome of the fellows- who hanker afiat It should get .liigglllgnhd arrange a mstch for It.f They needn't rear that I will butt in on. their plans. -. Pltzalmmons. ( consider. Is weir Qualified to;make at bid forthe tttlr again." I be- . lleve he made a poor fight here with 'Oeqrge Gardner, but I know what I ant talking about when J say that Fits .wasn't, a well man at that time. I , don't s&y that he can do as well aa ever j ha imilrt. but I'm satlwfted that lie tan put up belief battle today than he did - with Gardner." ' r . ."And who do you think would, be a suitable opponent for Fits?" There you go. trying to make me out line 'what should be done. The rham- L plonahlpg not a deed of gift, and I'm "ol tarnegia. . - gince you ask me. l!?U..l..i .U ? hl" .Jr.ou.n." ... .. . uv n.ui. , ....... un, i, ItUUlU DR HDlfl make l'its extend himself. I would consider a match between .them a flrst class card. In fact., and an event that would arouse plenty of Interest." Knaslan and Ootc.h. . VHow about Gptch and Hackenschmalt. i ne oig wreaiicr. wnii'j are talking s AUouBreaKingTjiitorugiiism r -i oon t mink Jla iHissible to mal much of figlitartmt of a wrestler. es - ; ii i. .. i . . . . -. . . --ircuiauy wiich un wrestler naa'. Deen . years at the game and has been trained to uao his strength in the manner called - k- th.i n., t. . , I " ...... v. , , J , OV-VUIB II, I me thai there IsnT mucti prospect of a wrestler becoming the world's champion pugilist:" -"Now, Just once more. Jeff. . tQ;you -c8t-adrift from thla championship with- out stipulation or reservation? Iw there any kind of a contingency, ao far as you know, that would' bring you back into : ' the lists?" ' - . -.Well.-- now' I'll tell you."' satd -L.A -Jeffrlea, laughing as, you see him laugli- ') Ing In the. picture, "If It should so -happen -that some foreigner-came oer here and -whipped, ell our men and was Tabou Jortart back tp his ,PWli .country wjui tne cnampionsQip .ncit tucked un- ' him:: 'Hold -on.-young fellow. ' Oueis I'll . take a whirl at you myself.' ITnleas -something- like-that crimes-to nass I ..-. hatdly think 1 11 ever pull a boxing glove over mv knuckles acaln." T t I DftAiir iromKAi.s wz. (Siieelsl 4lnpt'b The-iMirBl.l noaeburg." Or.; May :o. -The Drstn Normal school tesm defeated the Rose burg -High school team In a. game full r errors today. . The. -features of the ' game were' -the pitching of Ragsdale, ; who allowed four hits, and the fielding i W n.. wnippie at nrst Dase. Tne score- - ,, .r,y.i -....-er r! t'-'ir is' Pra'n Normal ' Jj 4 a Kosehiirar High School I it '9 Batteries Drain Normal, O. Whipple r and Moore: Roaehurg High School, KHg. ule and Huntington. UXi OAJtB MITPORD. Tlie Hill Military acRdemy-PortlHnd . High school game scheduled for yester dny waa postponed on account of ruin. - L -1- :. i- ... . . J ,. . . .' .J .' -j ataa's trtfreasonableasss ..Is often as great as woman's. ' But . Thoa. H. AuMttn, Mgr. of the "Repub lican." of LeavenworUi, Ind waa not . unreasonable, when he refused to allow the doctors H operate on hla wife, for " female trouble. "Instead," he says, e - concluded to try Electrlo. Bitters. My wife waa thn so sick she cov.ld hardly . lesvA her bed: and five (St nhvslclana 'had failed to relieve her. After taking lilectrla - hitters, - ahe- Waa perfe-tly ogred and. ran. now perform all her , housstielil ditties." Guaranteed by Fed Cr6a Phsrmscy,' Sluth and Oak streets, " on the y to the postofllce, price (Oo. AUTOS ARE RACING , -ACROSS THE COUNTRY Megargee and HU8 IVtaking " Gopd Time on Way to r:rPortIand.ZZT N'ow tha'r tha Oldsmulilla transrnntl nental racers have passed Chicago and ara wall acroaa Iowa on their way to Portland, local ' intereat In tbla great IMnt 4 lnrruailn r Th.i hi hji.n much speculation among local- driver of what -ronte they will use to enter Portland. The original map calls for Burns, Prlnevllle, Salem and thence to Portland, but 4t -claimed -thla la. an. lm- posslbilityThere.J8no good road from Prlnevllle to Salem, but ff they, could taka the grades, they could come from Prlnevllle to Albany, thence . to Hal em and on to this city, but the road between Prlnevllle and Albany la a, hard one. It Is claimed that- the better road la the McKenlatiullfrom Prlnevllle to Eu gene, then to Albuny and Balera" and Portland. -' Another route talked about among local autolsta la to go from Prlnevllle to The Dalles, then crosa the I river Into Washington and -come -down to Portland that way. - The oute. how ever, will be more definitely settled as the cars get on their way to ..Peruana H. L. Keats of the local Olds agency and several men will probably go lnte eastern Oregonrmeet the racers and ac company them on their run throughout the state. Mr. Kents la now receiving daily reborts by mall from the racers, but naturally thoae reporta are a little lata In reachlna- thla city. After the . . .1 eachmjrnlngnd these, wlliTbV read Tha- latent -report re- y; When 1 the racera Wre nearlng Chicago.. The cars were overhauled at nenaativiue, Indiana, preparatory to the run Into Chicago. The, roada through Indiana were In a terrible condition, the racers reDortlna- -that -thousands Ml acres were under water. Crops ruined, bridges down land low apted waa necessary mora than half the time, .making record running Impossible. Prior to reaching Kendall ville thescar driven by Dwlght Husa had obtained a good lead, bflt Percy Megar gee In . hla - Old Steady sismmea throuah ' to the - limit. ' overhauled the Husa ear at Butle and tulled into Ken riHllvllla several minutes ahead of Hubs. I Tha rienth of water in the roads and the bad condition of the bridges Jib's so f"".L tour houre of sleep, running their cars unl" ' worrtn tTFhTTr- mu.lng incident In th run through the weh" .' I.ndlana "d '"..V1?: Wrt Sent-IDyegariee i,Jl as follows: "An amuaing Incident -occurred n Rainrdav nlaht's run. In Old Steady the Insulation had worked off one of the wirea and everything being soaked from the heavy rainfall the car suddenly be came short circuited. The current from the 10 sets of dry cells properly multi plied runnlnr through th-oll gave both Stanchfleld, who la In the caV with, me. a"dmywelf arem4ndes--hBt something " - - - thla conclusion, inun ,wc uwni jumi. out. "A farmer, m-rrnnv oi wnvav uvu.c the Incident occurred.- happened to run ngnin.r the machine and he got short jircnlt-thaLcaiisedlilin . jodanca ev- eral kinds of Highland ninga. i ne farmer s dog with hie wet hide also got no clone and he got-a-doaa -of -,!- rrlclty that sent him yelping down flie road. When -the farmer got his touch lust tiimnadrbiiC7when...he s euiway from In front of hl-place4g.- wlthnut delay. I FIRST-WATER WINS NATIONAL STALLION NwtAn Bftnnington''s Thirty Thousand Two-Year-Old Captures the Event. (Special Dlspetre' te Ta Joornsl) -Wm!i Fark May-iO. The chief ln- ... ,h nnhiic today centered on the (developments In 4het af-fij the Mets and the Jockey club officials. Ixt K.n.o waa made today in the bet ting arrangements aside from me laci that the members of the aaaoclatlon had td pay their way ei me khio iu.i am uIM- general iiuow Th. National Stallion stakes of five furlongs for 2-year-olds resulted In one of the greateat and naraesi iuugiii-uu f - Newton- Bennington s 130,009 beauij in. . i4r.A. wnn in a desnerate- -nnv . . n AAA SAU.UVW - UCUiJ rirm LT " n.ieeitw . from Frank FarreU Clark Or'"'th- ,n, iMJ''t II. L., ufi the noDuIar O Nell up. waa Installed -- - - - , . . , iml favorite and through tha weight of play he cloned an overwhelming fa vorite at 2 ta 5. R. Hitchcock's Vendor, ruling I to 1, ran third ScveiTfuriongfFfen-Cant-MIHertH I to 2 won. The Gadfly second, iuue wmwii third: time. I:Zs z- Four and half furlongs Just (Me Daniel) to 10 won. Mlntla second. Gentian third: time, 0i8T. ' 1 Ftv furlonga First Water tO'Nell) S to 6 won, Clark Griffith second. Ven dor t hlrdi time. 1 :0S 2-6. - v . , One mile Flinders iLyne) '2J to 1 won. Gold Ten second. Coy Mald thlrd nmrr-lT4I16T T . About two'tn"TTtepl"chasaArlriJ (Flnneganl l. to 5 won. Flying Buttress second, Ivan third; time, 4:01." -One mile Jonquil (Y.-Davis) 4-1 I won. Probity second, Witch I Use I third. ": , . Time, !.. 'r at Slmrldge Track. f ' Elm', Ridge. May 20. Six furlongs-i John Carroll - Morrison, i to 6 won,- Adnre Second, Lady Ellison third; time, 1:13V. . Steeplechase,' full course John E. Owens jlPupce) Jl to 2 won. Wild Rang second, Chsrawlnd third; time, '4:04 Vs. Five furlongs Wasteful (Buchanan) I to 5 won. Lady Navarre aecond, Mea dow- Broexe fttitrdr tlmr-tl. - One and ah eighth miles Ascot Belle (Meade) 40 to 1 won, Jbcvout second, Leila third: time, lVi.- On .mile and quarter Falernlan (Morris) to 1 won. Helgerson aecond. Gus Straus third; , time. i:0T. - . One mile Rlnn Mclntyre) 7 to i woh. - potero Orarfde - second. Federal third; time. 1:41. '' - ' R. L MACLEAY WINS . ; THE BLYTH MEDAL I Mail Roderick 1 Matlefly, In an Intssest ing competition on Waverly links yes terday ' afternoom won the Blyth medal by the score of It to H( made by P. n. Olfford. The Intermittent ahowera spoiled the day to n' certain eVtent, but those who followed the sport enjoyed It,' Immensely. The plnr at tlmea was fliirt difficult, but-thw. player - demon eHrrfVrd that thev knew something about the game' of oif. . - j , THOMAS HOLDS HIS LEAD AS THE STAR Mike Fisher's Silent Twlrler Has 'the1 Best Gtanding in Jhje-Le&gue- OAKLAND PITCHERS rrzzr.MAKE-GOOD-SHOWING Are . Best Men - for T i -ihe Locals.! : The nltchlnar averaaea In tha Coaaf league remain about theaTna ga-halde.cM week. Bill Thomas is still the premier slat artiat and maintains his undefeated record of nine straight victories since TTneTTpening or tne aesson ' ioerg ana Moaklman or the Oakland club have a better percentage of games won than has the Oakland team. Jimmy Whalen and Joe Corbett have dropped a few points In the percentage column, for each has lost a ame since Kin Mohier-wae again crippled. Warren Hall now has the beat aver age of Jim Morley'a slab artists. His win of yesterday brought his-average up to the third highest Irt rank among the;- regular - pitchers' in the league. Thomas and Iberg ranking him - Skel Roach la stitching great ball for Seattle and has a percentage of .700 for games, -won. Garvin and Kssirk are doing the most consistent work or .Portland. . .. . . .. The pitchers" averages -ud to snd In- Chidlng-yesterdays-games- are given by teams oeiow:-- ' " '" Taeema.' ' Woa Last P. C. Thrnim , ,. .... ,,,., , a o- 1,000 Keere T .700 Kll.p.trl.k ; - Mio Brown .-.r. .-.vrr 8 .4V fftxireraM ........ ....'. a -" .jiM v. . , . . rrt i i i... O ' t . ''".BOO Hsstuig Totals llofiklns Iherir ... Mnektmsa flrah.m . HchiuMt livgsa . Total tt-MHsms ... Whnleji ..... Wheeler. rorhetrt: Miller ......... llenley .r,; :24 C .It ; Lee" Aagsles. Won Lost ....v... ...... a a p. r. .TS0 .Ton " ,5M w. niii. Ilnodwlir . . T .. B " 3 .., 0 . .20 Kum ... Turen . . . .OOll .47 Tol.l Battle. Mall Miller.... WllllamS Heii'ieron. HrluRer ..... Totslt Osrrln talck fates 47 Totals ...IS .401 ACOTO COAST LBAOVa. JTLIT88. Taroma tJJ . . . Oakland Han Krasrlaro Ixsi Angeles . 8fattle I'urllaud. .Mil .r.T .511 .4TM .4,'M .4 -TrHHi'2)ttt2'25l AKOEU DSrZAT TXOZBS. (Special Plapsteh liyLeaaed Wire to The Journal) loa Angeles, May 20. Los Angeles nit r itzpntrick- when hit mesnt run try: After scoring a run In the llrst , Inning, on g-wlld throw by rtau, me iscoma nuncn could do .not h iP -'lth .the . big blonde pitcher thai rest of the asms. Score by innings ' Los Angeles..... .0 1-0 0 0 I t ! ' Hltr .'... v "."" I I M 1 IS ( Ta'coma 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Hlta .. 1 I ft t 0.( IJ.l-6 summary : Two-base hits Cravath. Smith. He l.aughim Sacrifice Tilts Flood, McLaughlin, Hall Stolen baseii Cravath, Toman, Spies. Krrors Han. Mgsn. Graham First bsse on errors Los Angeles S, Tacoma i. . Left on pases Los Angeles f, Taco Ml. V -'.- - Ikn on halls Off Fltspat rick ,"- - Struck -out By IIall 4,- by Fitspat WIMpltch Hall. ima or game :o. Umpire Davis. ," " AKXmiCAV XXAatTB. . Won.' in Cleveland . Detroit .'... Philadelphia . ......13 ......14 :F 1 ft 13 ......12 ...... -.10 Chicago ... Waahlngton St.-Louis New York i .-. Boston ...... . . Testerday's Besnlte, At Chicago Chicago. .1: Washlna- ton. 1. ' At Detroit Detroit. ; New York, 0. At Cleveland Cleveland.. 4: Phlladnl. phlar'"t-r'' : '-r - At bi. i.ouis 15 1. ijouih. 3; uosion, z. 11 tJ m - . - sTATIOaTAI. X.BA01TB. -'f WoA,."Lost. 7 a ... 12 -...11 .; ti .i.l --1S ...12 t . ..11 ..... so ...11 17 , ...1 -It PC. ; .600 sis .511 .120 .! .23 .347 New York . Pittsburg .. Philadelphia; Chicago-. Cincinnati . Brooklyn '... ft. LuulS . , , Boston . ... Teeterdays Besults. At Brooklyn Brooklyn. 4; Chicago, J. At Boston Boston, fl; St Louis. I, At l-hlladeliihla PHIIadelDhla. M- Cincinnati.. 7. : 1 ' At New- York New' York S- Pitt.. burg, 4. , - i- . l . . COLXTnTBIA BETBATXO.' "" The Willamette university baseball nine defeated the Columbia university team yesterday afternoon at Salem by the score of 11 to 6. The superiority of the victorious team , was .apparent throughout tne contest. ........29 1 1H .Mi i. OikUaaV " Woa Lost P.O. .-. 1 n l i0 ..rt T--g - ,T7H ' ft " t a T " ","':r ft ' '"' "ftAH- riiiMiiiMt-iiM -' .IWsll 5 A . .SOU ....i.. ........ ...... 0 .000 nT.IT.'.'.'l'J.'.l 2 I5 .m ' :BirTfaBcUc JR oa Lost P. T. I i l.nonl ft 4 ' .ana K R K. I r. ii't -vW..'... 3t S Z. .500 ..... i. ...... 4 .4O0 2 s - .. . . , yi,iiwi r. r. n a ,m.i o . 1 .mm .. ,..w....... i-i. g . . .....-. ... 0 . I , . ,oo ................ n - 1 .000 ...a - 1 ,obo 23 .433 , Vortlaad. .;.v.-.:..,;r.T"-Jrft '' 3 . . M ' a Lost. PC. I .! 11 .511 11" .512 12 . .lli M !41 '"1S .414 1 .285 OREGOiV TRACK MEN p DOWN-WASHINGTON Eugene Proyes Strong and Wins rFrorrr Pugt Sounder by. Two Pointe. - T Eugene. Or.. Mav 2a.r)reiinrv wnn the interstate track meet from, Wgrtlngton toaay Dy the close - score of 2 to SO. Oregon conceded the relay raot. , The osywif .tartnyTn4Uiatraca:..waiav. aea 01 mud and fast time waa impossi ble. Oregon' s star waa Frlssel. who won SO points. whlle McDonald, waa the tcirontettd--very-poTnrand"'trr-riuK was In 'doubt until the end. Moores of Oregon waa not In good form and Kuy- kenaaii.waa prevented-from - making first In the low hurdles by slipping in the mud. - Oregon was weakeat in the mile and pole vault, but took -all .the naces In the discus. The high. Jump wastmTTJW Idlna agent, and when it waa won the slim crowd of roBTBie eajilJylUt un account or The weather the meet not, end.. nu.Traineciiay ward attribute the victory to the bull-dog determination of hla men. ' Summary:, 100 yard daah Smith,- U. of W., Fris sell and Moores, V. of O.. 10 4-1 sec. Broad - Jump Frlssel I a nd Henderson, XT, of O., SmlthU of W... tl feet UH Inches, ,, . i , . . "" I : - - SS0 . yards, daah Perkina, TT"of 0 Tlbbals,- U. of -W, . Woods, U. of O.. 1:21 2-8.' : '?"--r-:"V High hurdlea-Winsor. Vrot W. Ku'j kendall, U, of O.-. Brackett, C. of W. II.-"..' ' '. ' Shot put McDonald, V. of W.. -Hug, U. of O.. Mclntyre. U. of W., 40 feet I Inches. Ham merth ro w McDanaTd, TT . o f w. ilug, - Gardiner. LV of O.rf 2T feet 4 Inches. ' " "- " Pole vault Dolm, V. of VTr, Mo. Donaldand Wlnalow ' dIvlde"polnts 9 feet 10 Inches 440 yard dash Green and Tlbbals, U. Of w.c Vemtchr V. of O.r0:T 4-5. ,- High -Jump Smith. -U... of W Hen dereon and Frlssel, U. of O., I feet I inches. Discus-Hug, Mclntyr"e"and GardTner all V. of 6, 9 feet. Mile run McCoryrl,-f .AY.,' Woods, V. of O., Mitchell, U. of W., ( minutes 1-5 seconds.. Low hurd'B---FH,,"l. v. r - Brackett and Wlnaor, V. of V.. 0:21 1-5, SPORTING GOSSIP. The fielders In a baseball ; game are expected to furnlsttrthegxcltemenr of the gsme by flirting with the -house maids on the neighboring housetops snd telegraph polea. In addition to thla thelr-princlpal duty lr the-catching of filea. . Flypaper will --be-aupplled by-l the magnates. During games whan tha pitchers - have -good control ? hey may improve their time by cutting grass. - , . e . a . , . , . Sir To decide a bet,-will you please state-whether milk is 'made from butter or lard? CITY MAN, Answer It Is. : s e ' From Seattle One of the mighty Sul livan's regular- stunts Is poundtng the mat No man svsr.xollet John I at rt-ramw: After iffjmTtng the billows:' John sails Into the mat and gtvea It -one of the fiercest games One can imagine. Some say. that John la not the man be uaed to be. but the best evidence of hla renewedrlgor is shown in the fact That after a long session with the. mat ha is ready, ror another spin or for a fgwmora rnundi-Kith-his partners, all human qualities. He Is said to be extremely aeoalUva tn"rrlUcisma-of hie golf playing. .... e e . 1 . Rulea for Raising Mushrooms First Buy a lantern. - Second Take a box of good, land and place It In a dark cellar. Third Inaert the mushroom seeds Into the land and cover the box with potato aack, . Fourth Allow ' the " mushrooms to grow until they become mushy. Then pluck them. - Fifth Eat one, If It kills you It is a toadstool. If it doesn't it is a mush room. - - e e Dooln threw to Doolln, ' And Doolln muffed the ball; " Was Doolln doln' Jlooln Or Dooln doln' Doolln?- Z :zA':y . Tnat s .u. ine nronicie sarys: - 'rortiand was outbatted, outflelded. outpltched. and if there had been anything from mumblety peg to craps that Portland thought they eoTltd"-pTiy nrey wouid haveldst unless they went to fantani-whieh-ls-a gentle diversion that Sheriff Word of Port land hasn't succeeded In kllltnc In the TiPtng-Dnxpiortrs, wehrBt."malgrla and exaggerated meal checks.' Norwood Davles, a Minnesota news paper editor, while on a train last sum mer, aa w-a-jackranott running evert with -the. train, and he got the Idea of training Jacks for rat ;togrand jury to be gatherrmv-Bkely i . .-, - t-, - - .7 8lnce then he has been and large , specimens and has been de voting muck of his time to training tha Now he has two Jack rabbits trained ao that they obey hla commanda falrlv well ' and every nice day when , he has tims ne taxes mem out and racea them against Incoming trains.' He says the rabbits csn do a mile a minute, lie plana to face the rabbits against horses. bicycles ana motor cars -The fallurt-to lanT Jay Hughea'and jack iKyi. and now the . prosthetics loss of Osrvln. Is certainly - dlsrntir. aging to the most loysl of the fans, and If the fans commence to lose in terest' In, the gaJne they. - cannot be blamed. f. s e In case the Portland team loses Gar vln. the pitching staff jvilUbe. -weak ened considerably,' and unless a rood man Is s .-cured Immediately the chances of the locals getting out of last place are not very good. , ,. 1. ,-'w , , m 1 That there Is a Jinks on this town 'in a bsseball way J the belief of the fafia, for nothing but bad luck seems to be the lot Of a ClUb representing Tortlahd. If some one will only come to the front and chase thla hoodoo, he. will earn himself a niche In the baseball hallief fame. '--.'. ' . 1 .. . ,- , .' ... ; . 1 The Chicago Automobile club has-arranged a flvemlle selling race aa an event In the Waahlngton Park meet. Like the turf, the object of auto racing Is to promote he Industry. There is one thing --about an auto selling,, race that Is different' front the thorough sport. When you step up end bid Iri the winner the owner won't be sore about it Many people do not class water as a popular drink.' In thla-they err. One has but to be a visitor of downtown saloons to appreciate the fact that It la called for as often "as whiskey, it Is a mors dangerous-drink ,trran whiskey, however, and very few'tiabitua! drinkers ttavs the hsrdlhood. to swallow It with out1 taking three; Angers of mrnjulce as an antidote. Water la, useful In many Ajaaya, both a drink. and aa"ta ex- ternal. application. All beer la nine tenths water and' toffee and tea alao contain a big percentage of - Bull Run. Moat water, - It properly seasoned ' and dkiguleed, makes -oh. aauo.Xha best way to take water Is through a- sponge. L'se plenty 'of soap and apply It vhlckly tothe akin,- absorbing It through tha pores. In thla way the swallowing ap paratugsefOrr goooTTSondltlftir to do fulLJustlce to something stronger. ' WORLD'S-RECORD-MADE -4 AT MORRIS PARK (Special Dlspatefe brLiaae(I"WIr torTboneMU New york, May to. A new world'a track recorder or - motors signalised the inauguration of MorrlaPark today aa a course devoted to Mte. space annlhl latora that - have already - seriously threatened the supremacy f the horse as a -means or tranaii. In the first-- trial--for record, Louis Chevrolet, a native of France, drove hla powerful -car aihne " In " 0:62 4- one-lfth of-n-second better than Old- field's great ' performance last year, when came the daah of the popular Old- field. There waa a stir among tha spot-1 tators as Barney., on the, opposite side is track, got, into nis- vcnicie. as a result TT'lfr'lil l il cnnvil rult IB r-f e w tntnutesr- ffe-sra rt ed- -slow ly and gradually got up speed for a flying atart. He. was going' great gun when he. passed ' the grandstand and was a. green atreak. shen-' he-paased th atarv ing flag on the back stretch.. .He con tinued and coveted the quartervln 0:1 tha half Jh 0:11 1-6, and finished up In 0:M 2-6. It waa run off in two heats. . Alfred Camach!.-lnTr;'lt horsepower Franklin snd with handtcap-of -415- seconds, easily won the first heat In a:39 26; A, 8. Wlnslow.; in his I horsepower -Cadil lac and a handicap of 2S5 aeoanda, flfi iahed- second; -IV nx Mcllvold. .Jna . 82 horsepower Royal, wa.s third, xand L. Markla In a 17-28 Peugeot was fourth. Harry Houpt got. the second, heat with hla 40 horsepower Tliomaa In 1.29. He had a handicap of II seconds. Guy Vaugh, with his 40 horsepower Claude vllle and a handicap of 15 seconds.' wns second, and he" scratch car,--Webtj Jay'a 20 Jiorsepower White Steamer, was third. L. A r" Mltcrrell.1n a - 18 horsepower j ecanvlllerglso- started. But two Tears started- in the Inaugural cup at three miles tor. touring car a. limited to ,30 uorsepower.---There were -two stops to unlosd and take . on passengers. V L. "Markle. In a 26 horsepower Peugeot, won tn 6:112-5. The Pope Toledo, driven by L- Van Sickle, came- to starfistill. - .. . . ' V LONG SHOTS GOOD DAY -AT. PETALUMA TRACK (Jaufiial- BDetFSerrfee) - -r-'- -Jataluma, Ca4., - May 20. V'Bther clear, track ast. T1VB Tonongg; selling, - maidens Cloeanthua, J 8 to'l T (Earnshaw), won; Norlnne second; , Elba . third. . Time, 1:02.- - - Five furlonas. selling Nanon. I to 1 (Croat hwattetr WonrTUlug Provb Second ; Whoa BUI third. Time,. 1:02. Six furlongs, selling Step Around. 20 to 1. won: Lady Nlnora second: The Pride third. Time, 1:16h:" to 1 (s'lewart), won;. Great-Mogul aec- wio; Agnes juacg tmra. rime, i:ibh- Six furlongs, selling Cerro Banta. 5 (b L! Herbert r won; Crlngll second: In- teriuds third.- Time, 1:15. 1 1- Eagle stakes, one mile-, selling Eleven Bells, I to 1 (Smith), won tenanl aecondjHiighLMcQowan third, -TA1B PBrBATaTAmTAaVOT feet Maps'! h nr-lesseJ Wfre to The JoornsTM new tlaven. conn.. May ZO. With a crippled team Yale jnade It a runaway track meet In the annual dual clash with Harvard today, leading 65 1-6 points to II 5-5 and maklng-the-score- etand Yale Harvard- 2 Jn the nine-year conteat for the trophy. In the track events the competition, was more even. In these Ysls scored 'ISjjoints to 21 for the Crimson, and fn the field the score stoodZYale47 l-t-tO-Haryard's -12JL-J points. ; ----- . --ST, : VOKKAXS BZTBAT DALLAS. (Special Dlapatrh to The Joarnal.) Dallas, Or.-, Msy 20. The Dallas col lege . and -Oregon.: State- Norma teams played a game of baseball here today The final score was t to I In favor of the Normal school team Both clubs played good bsll. f 8mlth of the Normals pitched good bsll, aa alao did Myers for the locals. The batteries Smith and Force, for Dallas. 1 - - BAKZB WI1TS TBACZC ZCZBT. Baker City, Or., May 20. In the Inter scholastic afield and r track meet held here today, Baker High school mado 50 points. Pendleton 31, Union. II and La Orandr t. rf CALLED AT PENDLETON (Special Plspstrta te The Journal.) . Pendleton. Or.. May 20. A grand Jury will be called for the June term of cir cuit court,' which convenes in this city On June 4, the grand Jury-of seven men to be drawn from the Hat of petit jurymen: ,- tt. r A..W. Norton. Milton; Wtfllani Con- nery, McKay; Samuel Warner, . Pilot Rock 1 H, T. .Hill. Helix; Charles Rei. mah, Pendleton;. James Terry. I'klah; William Mills. Juniper; William Scott, Helix; T.XJ. Smith, Echo; William Clay pool, I'nlon: O. llolcomb. Adams; J. D. Mumford, Pendleton; J. O.. Rothrock, Adama; J. H. Rust. Pendleton; tJ. W Hewitt. Helix; B. F. Howdy shell, I'nlon; Thomas Campbell. Pendleton; H L Frasler, Mil ton r John McQuowen, North Milton L-C L.- Wpodward, Adams: Henry Laslnkn. Uklah; K. B. Shafer,' Fulton: A. C. Henderson. Pilot hock; W. W. Hrrah. Fulton; John Owlnga, Willow Snclnga; H Beylen. Pilot Rockv-T. I. Gault, Pilot Rock: Charlea Cole. Pendle ton; Frank Baker, Adams; M. McJ t raoken, f enaieton. -' REGENTS ARE NAMEDr - FOR. NORMAL SCHOOLS hi Jntx (Special PHpatrh to Tha Jnurnal.) Salem, Or., May 20. Regents for the Oregon Normal -achooia wefc appointed by. Governor Chamberlain today aa fol lows: Drain Jr-4V Matlock. Rugene: W. A. Perkins, "raln; W. W. Wilson. Ton- callA. - ''..'' -A Monmouth A. Noltner. WTTlandi, Alex Bweek, Portland; li. Schofleld, For est Grove...- . .. . . ' KX8B B. T. TAYX.OB DISS. . Kieclsl DMpatrh to The Joarnal.) Corvallla. Or- May 20. Miss E. V. Taylor died here today of consumption. She-had lived her wnnle life In Cor vallla. .Th funeral wfll be held Mon day jt 11 o'clock at the residence. In termen't will br made In the-Odd Fel lowa' cemetery. She Was a member of the well known Taylor family- iti "tn a PROF. VAN CORraNCT 3034 Washington ..-. Without Asking . Questloa, - - without 'Jiny- previous .knowledge and havllig no natural means of . , .knowing' who you arei whence or or what you came, his tells your ' name, age, occupation, where you 1 live, the number of your house, , and the street. "Ha tel Is -of -. friends and enemies, who Is true., and who la. false; tells you whom . -nd when you, will marry.-glvttig - names, dates, facts and Ioeattons, tsklnif no fee In advance, and ac cepting none unleas satisfaction ' Is given. . ' -. - $600.00 FortSlt. - -I will forfeit 1600 where I fsll - to teach you how to faaclnata any one you desire, how to make your ' -enemies your friends, cause a speedyThsrrtags-tvlth "the one-nf-7 " your choice, - give you good luck- and make you successful In your -business, remove- evil Influenceai " reunite the separated, give you " -lucky numbers, looate the earth's! buried treasures, settle the old --tts that4lm has plaoed be- yonn tne lawyer s shrewdness ami . positively complete your busi-' neas. '.. . . rMirrrn,T vo xqtjai, on xAJtTX iw Kirnoni. . . aiojr. He' has been for years a resl- dent - of - Portland. Prof. Van' Cortland Is the -original who pre dicted the Chicago nfe and the great Galveston flood" several months before they happened; he predicted., the Oregon flood, an" "imcinitt iresident McKlrrWr's- apers waa round a letter predlct- ina g his aaaaseination. 'i nose reaa- Ing of the trsgedy may have seen aisor an eeopunLpi juigje.tteErL Occult Wohderf '"Alwava Consult -p;-':''.P I . I A 1 2D- y -Pally and Sunday. Positively guarantees success when all others fall. . . i- . . ,-. Don't-mistake the- name and ;Bumbr, rzz';?rTTr--jr-.::- PROFESSOR VAN CORTLAND ZgTAmX.IKES IITIX The Olive, 8031, waahington Ut.f Parknd WiuhtotfonTTwllaad --The School of Quality MODEIWrPICTICATCMPI Opea ell the year. Catalogae free A. P. ARMSTRONG, UL, B., PRINCIPAL YELLOW FEVER IS Minister John Barrett Says That :Qnditiona on Isthmus Are Alarming. PROBLEM OF HEALTH IS HARDEST TO BE SOLVED Administrative-and Engineering "Problems' Are Secondary " to Sanitation. , (Journal Special SerTlee.l 'New York,- May 20. John Barrett formerly United States mihleYcr to Panamas grrivedthlsmornlng on -his way to hla new poat In Bogota. He saldf , "Conditions on the isthmus present many difficulties, engendering admlnla tratlve problems of secondary consldera tlon to the problem of health and sanl tstlOn. The climate Is against us. An alarming condition exists, as shown by the report of Ave cases of yellow fever at Colon. I don't believe In deceiving the public on these matters. It,ls far better that this Truth be known. 1. l peueve tna sani tary and health problems will be suc cessfully 1 solved1.-but-they far- over- snauow an omrrs. According to Minister Barrett. Amer icans on the Isthmus have been throws Into a panio by the acourge and canal employes ss well as travelers are mak ing haste to leave the country,-Many Americans are now In Panama hospitals sufferlngifrom yeuowrever. Minister Barrett, had nothing to aay regarding the charges maMe by return ing Americana, who atate thaf tse of- flvlala In charge of the sanitary ar rangements of the canal gone are guilty of 'woful neglect. They are accuaed of falling to provide the protection which they admit iesenthtlto-prevnt con Umlnotlpn. On the aame vessel that brought Bar' rett came aeveral American cletka who have resigned their positions rather than face the feveV epldcinlc. They say that there la a shortage of medical supplies on-the isthmus and - that tha govern- ment Ijospltalrare not properly equipped ior nanaung paiienis. . BOARD TO GUARD EYES. 1. OF OREGON'S CITIZENS t (Journal Special erlce.l Sulem., Or May JO.--lovernor Cham. berlaln thka morning appointed mem bers of tha state board of examiner's In optometry, ss follows; C. W. Lowe, Eugene; K. O. Msttern. Portland, and Herman W. Bar, Balcm. They wilt serve for four years. ' . ' . ; v ' The act Cresting this board Was passed hy. the laat Jeglslature. In future all persons who. employ "subjective and ob jective mechanical mtaoe to determine -i tf if M i l'he-IJeu- y-mj 1 f Is: prices are -no higher than other -ri ' ' . 1 '" ' " ' Clairvoyants. Read Carefully.- An Honest Proposition. (You to be Full Judge.).. ' -Extraordinary clairvoyant power, com bined with - hla superior knowledge of occult- rorces, enablee him to read hu- n" 71 fe W irhil n errrmr- a crnrac v - f rtn : Infancy to-old age. Hla powers are. . wonderful- and indisputable; his- advice - -.-Is reliable; his. Information clear, eon-- else and to the point In Love, Court ship. Marriage, Divorce. Sales, Wills, -Patents, Journey a, tensions, - , Invest ments, Speculations, Property,' Insur- " nnce. Mortgages, Oil And Mining Claims, During my 20 years of. practice I nave brought together In mar riage, alao . reunited more aepa rated, than any other five- occult scientists combined. In fact, 1 -have . made thla Jinn , of occult worka-pclaUir i'aw. psychics. no matter how high standing, re- . .iy..mciMsaa tins iii'Kl T MAGNETIC power. There is no heart so ssd. no '.-home so dreary, ths,t sunshine csnnot -enter by this mysterious force. I have helped others, why . not you? .. , . .-'-rr Hpeclal -seven-day' bfferLOW'" ' FEE. '. ' . ,. .-'..- . . i ' BOJOTi WISX TO IlOWt ' J How can I have good luck How can-1 succeed in husLtkMsT .. f How can I make my home happy?-; f , How- rait I conquer my enemies ? , now can i marry the one 1 choose How can I marry well? How soon can I marryf How-can-f Conquer irty sival - How can I make any one love me? rlfow soon will my lover propose? - How can I get a good position? How can I -remove bad Influence? How can I control any one? TIo w'mak' d I tan r ones thtn k of - - me? - - . . Sow can I settle my "quarrelT -'. owan-1 hold my- husband's love? - How can .1 keep my wlfe'g love? PROFESSOR VAN CORTLAND tella all and never asks questions. - The Power of Control How to . be maater and ruler of your own home and affairs. -Is your liuaci band, wife or aweetheart Indiffer ent to you? Are you occupying The position In life you are ably qualified -for? - Do you wish , to possess the key to the vaults of Jove, friendship, success, and fame?- Know the aecret of con trol the power to Inspire truat and confidence and win success in. ... Business, social or rlnsnrhmj life." "Arise, throw off thy shackles." Exchange sorrow for Joj). dark ness for. light. "Be maater of -. your, own destiny.? ... ; the' BeaL Hours t a. mrtSISTiri TZAXS im vomTivurs. Ommi Tlfta and Waabingtoa f ta. XLAIRVOYAN -MEDIUM rtr QUAKER PROPHET "Rrother William, the Quaker prophet iL"' r ' ""W s lanu s at tne neaa or ni proression. The areatest llfp-reader of modern times.'' New Jfork Herald. Palmist. Psychic. -Clairvoyant, Astrologist , Many bn-rallrd rUlrroTanta. palmists ssd medluma bare visited Port land In paat years, hl sere. Is .the stsinry ef orenlt srleoee has there sppeared la the profeaalonat armament a-xr aa radiant and spsrkllnc with aaperlnr Intellleence. hrirrnwed from flner ' forces of ntnr. as this eulturad . and hlshljr sifted Hrnther William. H la the p r or all mediums snd la scknowlrdced br the Desfes. Inn. nuullc and the ureas to be their Uiw. Are jn a donbterf -Are yon a - diabelimr I Hare jimi bees Impnwd ea by the Unorant clalrTnyants and palntlats wbu kae Infssted tbla city t . , , . . . Brother Jfilliam Guarantees ; the Utmost Satisfaction "Brother William stands fclsh she bh mn called elalrToyanta. t'ompars tbe sld tallew. dip candle with the elertrle are Haht and yovTTilTs the raillawe. nt his aiiserter ahlllty. Von baa la Hrotker William lb hlsheet ettltlrsted -ssd educated palmist and natural clairvoyant. Yoa are eompeUeit t acknowledge- these' trnths sfter ymr , canr with him. Yna will recommend him tot ntkrr. . Wonld Toe like to lesra bow 'to laltlrlt. ser- stiusl PiasnalmT l yoa want to be aiievs-r hi in in. i in. jon waut ra ntn voou neairnr 1 yon want to make awasyt li yna want yawe leser ee4urs. to jrout Brntber Wllllasi s elaaa Is develiiment of rlalrvoyaucf la ih'W , forntliia : smonst the 'nuraber are anme'wtin) hare been' pretpwlltifr ts Ke elalrTiwanfs. Pahn- hits are taking leasnns t-onJf klm. brother Wtl lla or -advises oo to besara of tkoes who- etif bis sdeertlavmeuts ssd his work. Vs tronhlvd soul ta turned sway. Brother William helps all that call. - Whatever your trnnhle or If la tt wlll.j)y yoa to tl.ll BruUar WtllUis, If yonr raa ranuot be reached bs will tall you oo. There ar ttilnaa vos want tw know, iMn t 'dlaipoluteil Ihh auiw -uit kava to wait., Fl's . the best to watt asd have ymtr reading from ' neotner vtniiam. se-iai terms vt tastes. Bnithar Wllllana aewr- ebasgv bla aasMai. wa.ra tba same. . . .. Home Sundays: office hours. P. Id .9 dslly. Ills parlors have bi-en rrowdej sll week fey the-best people of Portland,- W rite for terms, fiunie this paper. 3I3& Washington Street - ( taiu t. t. I. Heaillnsa bv nail. b tn.r la Mi eosstry wbw eauiwt call, armlhig . at WrtS. the accommodative and refractive (tat of the eye" and desire to practice Inj. this state must secure licenses from the board of optometry. The law does not ettend. however, to Trgiilar pbyslrlane ml surgeons, nor to persona who merely sell eyeslsases In tha ordrisry eoiirae of trade. The act provMs fr smins- tlons by the board and for ad ann-iai f-M . of fl to be paid bv1 swauex I BrotherWilliam 1 the practice of ojtoiutr. ' i . I -1