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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1905)
- -trrr-ri : . ', f w'-'T-- -r-1- - - THEOREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL" PORTLAND SUNDAY -MORNING, MAY 21, 1905. ' .NEWS OF -THE AUTOMOBILE WORLD . . J..J,-. .j-.- rsB-T : , j . Everything hu been pracXiciTyr ranged for the automobile races thst ra. on Memorial day. The eight races tnat ; thA-COmmlUuS-liailcc Wed jipon have been Ailed, and from the nature of the menu gnu IMi J)!l'H'li'U""'tr t will be ttf M Matsresi of Its kind ever held on the coa,ei. There win be a far for two bin machines against time, and a three-mile event Tor the same class and horsepower - m There will be the stop-snd' - start race," the rake 'coulest and th? rsre for tlarht machines. : ; -There will be twoparadf g .IeIdberore the meet, one- on tho evening of the ?thnd the -other' arVo'ctook on Memo- ": rial afternoon, after which those In the - Tvroreealon will so to Irvtnirton to par- ZiZ-licipata."" Inthe-Trenrng parade "there . will be over 100- macjilne,ahd' the scheme i for eachtne to be decorated , . with Japanese lanterns. This will start , . from the riaia af S ".O'clock," and will be led by a bund that will rida in an ' electric truck. -.- - - - . -- """ " The races are scheduled to start at 9:30. o'clock "nramnt-V Tha tannine: mwll Ml set ail tne local ownera... tne pro- yrltnr snd their fi-iendq on edge, and i it . will .undoubtedly- attract- . gathering to Irvtngton. The proceeds are to be need In the interest of owing thti roads to tDd..count3. ,', ,.. --. Preparations are under way to oil IKS , l,tnnton road and active work will prob ' hlv bearin In about 10 da Vs. The new ' clubhouse Jhatjs .belng.butuyjjul suae- lloeh u rapiaiyweartng rleton jn Fl!l-iJ9-ipen for the -reception of autoists on the first day of July. The new clubhouse is thoroughly mod - em and will bo legantly furnished. The --t'laramonfc-ae -K Hsalled.--rece(vs- ts .water supply from the -all spring from which Bprtngvllla takes its name. Man ager W'lnsor is . busily engaged these iay In purchasing furniture for the clubhoj ' The speed committee of the Automo- bile club held a meeting -last week and ' decided to have a conference with Chief r- Hunt regarding tha-enforoemeaf of alie - iaw-reglattg-rth-apeed of tnachtntg -i-thls city.' The auto committee feels , htllt li Ift't-r tT brve tht rfll"'mrnl notify the Vl01atariof thelaw "before taklag any action as to .their arrest. In this way theattCrTspeermay "be regulated without much trouble and I without - any ' proaciitlOT-f-cnurFer It la tha Intention of the club to see hat persistent breakers of the law be se verely dealt with. v.. An ' autdmoblle party, composed ' of Charles Wood and Karl Dedrick of the .Laue-Davl's Drug company. Mr. Haack of the Aldrlch pharmacy , and Louis Labowltch left on a White for a trip tip thai valley last -Sunday morning at 7 o'clock. . WheirTBe party reached the old White House they bad to return on account of a broken spring. The party resumed! me journey again at 10 o clock, taking tha east side of the river. None of tho party waa familiar with the . roads, so they got loai several times and did not arrive at their destination SH vert on until t p. m. On the return triD thev left 611 vert on at 8 o'clock In the evening and mad an all-nlgTit "journey, losing , the state at Aurora, and finally arriving in f-oniana il i: o'clock Mndny morning. 1 The members of the ""party wrera so badly used up on! the -trip that i day and Monday night. - -Percy . MotJaTgel-- driver of niil Steady-one of the Oldsmobile runabouts j,maklng the trip acfQ" fnttnTnt, Is ; a member of the Buffalo Automobile luo; American-Automobile association -r and - American "Mjotor league, lie first ' interested himself In automobillng in Marmr'io,-wnen""he promoted the - Kocbester automobile show. On May 18 . ha started from New York in a small touring car for St. Louis, writing up the roads and hotel accommodations be f tween the two cities and compiling a rosd book that waa used, by the Amerl- can Automobile association in Ita en durance run -of ' last summer.-, pwight A: Hues, driver of Old -Scout, the other Olds making ' the trip, has been Iden ' tlfled with the racing game for several years, having driven the Oidsmoblle racers during two seasons. Il aso drove the Olds car In , the English re liability trlala of190J. ;Mr,-Keats,-the local agent-for the Oidsmoblle company, has the route that the autoists wilt take through Oregon practically. - arranged. .The race la attracting considerable at tentton throughout tha country and It will Increase In Interest as the machines coma nearer to Portland. Many . automobillng tyros arepux ; rled by the hyphenated" rating given to ne porse power or rerelgn cars by the -makers", udrj J8-JZ;"audTrnaiiy allead explanations .are given. Home believe , that the practice is due to the fact that In Europe the cars are taxed according to horsepower, while others think It is done In order to obtain a lower appraise .ment when the cars go through th 1 nlled Btstes customs. The Mercedes Klchard-Brasler and most, all Of tha Im ported mar-nines are Drought Into this country with, a double horsepower rat .Ing and many nuetlons are asked, an to the reason. The '-explanation regarding the tariff appraisement is proved to be Incorrect, becausteihe-: .cars are . known te have the aama rating In Europe as , lliey. have In this country., .. - The - European-manufacturers began tatlhg their cars lower than tha actuul . horsepowei1, because It' made a very fa . vorahle Impreealon or) Intending buyers to rlda In. a machine of (0 horsepower which eould lmb aa steep grades as a i horsepower car and make as faat time "nn Ie'el rof1 This was followed by c tmMmS5mSSiStlSlmM mStl! niir --t-l- Latt Week J or Local Buyera. - ' immlt 'Imtmm m-- l.'rnwfl a tmirln ran and J. P. Kernan. l Uliin.ilici r -f the practice 6f adding the ,actualmaxl- mum horsepower to the' rated oie and -fr railing tn" englne a-ll-28r-.p.r whatever the combination of the catalogue ret tng with the actual power might make. Jh.,Amerlcaiu.-inakersti;"kan" adopting trffS I (1 IJ iipi i i j .i"iv"niu ... II in ii i m ii run of.' 68 hours 3 minutes, including all stops, L from Chicago to, New York, was rated aa a 30-34 horsepower car. . The. makers of this' machine have fol in itN'tirir lowed the practice with thla. year'a cars, rating their Jieavy trurtng car aa a 36-40 and seyeral others of the leading makers are following the seme plan. The next automobile" show will prbbabTy find" the plan in almost universal use for all tour ing models at least. The hyphenated rat ing denotes that the first ihe1 horsepower developed y .the engine Alien. -running on. the Inn speed gearj. with the spark set at an average notch for high speed, and the second figures give the horsepower developed when the engine; is running at its highest possible number of revolutions. . Without any eBrtlon of lufluence onlitespitg there-obstacles- Mr: Kenyon ihTparf of SHUim' been .signed by Qovernor Hlgglna of I Xew V-uik.w liii;S'UI leniLlo.a batata, nuieuncs which, has long.' bothered owners or. machines ." and " keeperi-of garages ,The bill J makes' It a . mis demeanor for any employe, drivers andS cluu? f eu'HTTfiSTlliretfc to -accept- ny -com-mission, fee or gratuity for Influencing his -employer's business and also makes It a misdemeanor for any - dealer to offer aueh compensation to 'employes. servants or agents. It was State Sena tor Baxe, an avowed enemy of ' auto mobllists, who introduced the measure but a few weeks after hla oppressive bill regarding speed - limits "was ; killed through the: exertions of -- the auto. tnobllists ofjthe atate. . '.- . The new law - Is called "an act to amend the penal code,, prohibiting the gents, employ or servants. rlts text Is as follows 'Section 1. The penal code is hereby amended by inserting therein at the end of - title 11 a new- seetlon-to be known its 38t-r, and to rftad aa f olluwa: -- "SecJSe-r. Corrupt Influencing" oT Agents. Employers or Servants Whoever gives, offers or pronilaea- to. an agent. employe of servant any gift or gratuity Whatever, without the .knowledge "and consenrof the "principal, employer or roaster f any such, agent, employe or servant.-- wtthrntn-eoi- influenc-sht action1 In relatlo't-wlth-the.' principal's, emDlover'a or 'nuster'a business, or an ffonf mnlntla r" L.rvtnt rhn wllhniit I the knowledge ot- consent -bf his prlmH - patTemployer of master, receives or ac cepts a gift or gratuity or a promise to make a gift or to do an act heneftcitrl to himself, under an agreement or with an understanding that he shall - act In any particular manner to his princl- pal's, employer's or master's business or dash type, and during the trials was Bng'enTTelrIu76yer or servant" wWlunder the management of-M. . Henri pe'lng authorised -to procure materials, suppUes 7 or other "articles, either by purchase or ' contracts for his principal, employer or master. receives, directly or indirectly, for himself or for an other, a conimlslon, discount or bonus from jthe personwhO' makes, such sale or contract, or furnishes juch materials. supplies or other articles, or from a per son who renders such service or labor; and any person who glvea or offers such an agent, employe or servant such com jnlsslon, discount or bonus shall be guilty of a. misdemeanor and shall 1e punished by a .fine of not less than liu j nor. more than 1500, or by fine and by Imprisonment for not more than one ycur.' c- v8e-3 This-aot shall iake-effect Snt,mlHMjll(lS - Borne rew wei-Ks ago the garage owners of New. York city met with tha Automooue vtuo-or-Amertca--to discuss the abuses which this bill wilt correct. Committees-were -appointed to fixme messure which would put an end to-the petty blackmailing of garage-keepera by chauffeurs, who would threaten to store their employers' eara elsewhere unless they received a regular monthly stipcnu irom ine garage-owner. - m i NOTES OF THE TRADE. -The Northwestern Motor Car com pany of Portland received a carload of new 1905 Krankllns on Saturday, May 1J. One of the cars, s side entrance car or. 12lioraepoweri- waa:. purchased by liewia Hussellrj Thhr-lr Mrr Russell's second Franklin, and is the third motor cur that he has purchased. Another one of tha , cars wiis purchased by C, K. Winslow. This Is Mr. Winslow's second Franklin: he . purchased one of the pioneer-Franklins ; which was built in 190.1. Mr. Winslow's car has been es daily iitted UD . according to hi owh ideas, 1 i . ..... resident of the North western Motor Car company, -hen seen a few days' ago. said everybody waa very much pleased with the 1905 cars and considered them fully 100 per cent better,.than .the T904 ars.- He expects to bring atiouf a carload amonth during m automiiMle (ason. : . tuy'"T5."Holmsn has plared the model- F Ford cars ,he recently received. One was taken by Rudolph Becker and will replace the car he-had destroyed by fire. F. W. Mtnsey," the electrician, also took one, and the third hsa, been secured b-LfKtle Pcotf.-A fourth one was taken on Friday night by Mr. Jiolmsn to.Bpo- Kani . wner' lie . is to establish agency. ,; . . Judging from' the sales reported for the past week by H. L. Kenta ft Co., the Oldmobll continues to hold Its" popu larity both in the city and In the coun try: Among those sold during the Past week were tonneau cars to W. T. Hut-ton-of Med ford, Morris Relnstein of this rtty and J. D. Matlock of Fugep. ,W. P. Hawley,-superintendent of fhe Crown P.'iper comrwiMi at. Oregon' City, pur- 1W, , hnve rhHrLn ot mB) oHlvery it the Ia-wIs and Clark fair, secured 'dHvery wagon. In "addriioiTto this Vf. Keats and 8. J.- Keaton of the I'ope T"''" ) t fvi-U't through the Vuatt. Sound Automobile company, two large Pope-Toledo cars and one Olds touring -a- Keats e to.- yeaterday ye reived several carloads of cars of all TTITIWIf awB-s-rsnw inaiU li Motor worka. -These are to Comprise the exhibit of the Olds compuny'at the Iewls and Clark fair, la the shipments are. runabouts, touring cars, tonneuu cars, delivery wsaons and omnibu and It is claltntd It .will be the largest automobile display at tha exposition. yon returned yesterday morn-1 lng -from -ao--luUreatlng irlp ao tha In' terlor. He took -the Olds touring car. purchased by the Central'Oregon Trans portatlon company to Prlneyuia. This Mr ! tivtss nitfrfw wh1k4pIihi from gn,,,) .tjmu and Pilnerllle and Mrr Kenyon -made an Interesting demons tra. tion In view of . the bad 'condition of the roads through that section. Many miles of tha roads have been plowed up prep aratory to scraping and leveling them. and It was bv no meana an eusv trip. iu-better uadUioiww-m- h cnnslflarably ImproveaT-and Jt certulnly. will be a greut advantage" id .the traveling public and parti9Ularlyeommerelalmen'-to make this trip In a ftw houra, whereas by the- tld--tmt stage 1 ooK-t4uy-y The Cadillac is still holding 4ts "own In the favor of. thePprtlarulBiiblllL. During the week-Fred Rothschild, after investiga ting - several cars." - selected a Cadillac model F touring car." -One of the greatest motoring event! of tha country this year will be the Pike's, peak climb,, whluh-wllt taka- place On September 21. Among the entries will be Wllllanv KJ'nnderbllk Jr., and other noted eastern autoists. It Is cer 1ha the'l'mlfh tuast H'lll be Yep resented by Fr C. t-enner of Los An geles, who lqtends tb.attempt the climb in his White steamer. ' Mr. Fanner has had some tough experiences on mountain roacrg? as ne naa rreqivnuy arrven bis car-up-XUdJJaldyraountiln, ,ln Caii-4 Jornla. to his mlne. There ha. een also jome jqlk about Portland ?ar""igj"bn with whom ha luv it'll -mm ri iinui it a c made good showings on trips to Mount Hood and In other rough countries, and It ia believed could give a satisfactory a'ceount-ct them selves and shetr drivers eould gain new -laurels cut the Pikes peak climb. 3nWe. rrcAcheliatnitytrlaIs be tween Partaand.;Tonlon3ugt completed- the Oldsmobile runabout won flrat place in ita class. The trial waa a difficult one, including. In Its .course over 30 miles of very hilly country. This car is the latest runabout of the curved Kournier. A year ago the Wlnton Motor Car rlage company sold two Wlnton cars to the United States government for army work. Tha vehicles were turned over to the signal service and were first used at tha regular maneuvers at Get tysburg and at Camp Atascader, since which time they lave been In almost constant llise. . The. good work of the Wlnlons was so strong a recommends' tlon for automobiles In army service that the government decided soma time go ta pUrcni solicited from various manufacturers. but the order was pieced with the-Wln ton. This new car will be delivered to the department In Washlngton wlthln a week crTO days. IA T-emarkable feature of the "spring business Is the demand' for" the very best of the American cars,, regardless of price. Thia demand Is being made largely by the class who formerly were patrons of foreign cars. An Illustration of this Is found in the fact that al though It now the middle of May the Electrlo Vehicle company haa been uu able to keep up with the demand for the 36-40 boras Columbia which sells at J4.000, $5,000 and ti.600gccordlng to the design of body. x-r- i i "Hollander a Tangeman report that they have Just added to their list of for eign drivers the well " known French driver Louis Chevalet His first per formance In' this country wlllba to drive their 90 horsepower Fiat at the Worcester, . Hill climb. Their new 60 horsepower track machine, which- has recently been built for racing In Amer ica,, will also make Its first appearance In this event and will be driven by Frederick A. Negel. The second of their special tradk racing cafs. Flat Junior, f ILtedj wHh a-34-horsepower motor, will be shipped on June 1, and will be driven by Cedrlno at several of the Morris Park races and ot her everts, . The rivalry between the '. American and foreign .cars baa culminated In a match race between two of the most prominent makes. I. M. Kngland of tha American Pengeof-Antomohlle company has challenged R.. A. "Qreen of the Lo- Lconoblle company to a match race to ie neid at one or tne tracka near New York In . June. It Is likely . that the Peugeot car to be used will be a 24-80 horsepower and the Coco a S0-JI5 horse power machine. The match will prob ably b the best two: out. ofjhree five mile' heats; , . - f l Sen llolladay yesterday sold the last of tha Wlnton cars that- were shipped to him, which la evidence of the favor In which these handsome silver-finished cars have been received. It is to be regretted that' this handsome car Ma fo Jeava the .city., for-It. waa- -decided ornament to the autos on tha streets of Portland. The car, which Is a J0-hors-power,, model C. was purchased by T. Matlock of Eugene, This Is not the only sale of a Wlnton made- thia wek. as P. J. Mann hsa purchased ens of the big 10-horsepower B models and when it arrives It will be a, decided : ' " " "' . "OEDSC6UfM -'' - , and ' are the namei of the two : Oldsmobile " Runabouts Tnow" racing for $1,000 from New York, to Portland Oregon. Dwght4A,,HussjnrsJ!'oid gel "Uld teady.,' They left New Y-arfc- -1 a v 8.' - This . 3300-mile -race' is ' no pleasure machines. The Oldsmobile - -QxixaiJbaiLlQags, and u - A Rnnabout That .. Cash Prizes for Photographs We wHlgivc $150 cash for the best photographs taken of these Oldsmobilcs while on their transcontinental trip- $25 Tor- the .best print and negative; . $15 for iccond best; $0 fof third 3est; $2 each for the next 25, and $1 each for the nekt'O. , The contest is open to alt 'CJel "exact -iug contest (or write to us , i . Ijend, for, catalogue and AGENTS : OLDSMOBILE," T h. p. Standard Bnnabout. 'TH. I, Touring XuDabonl. i a. p, jaigat luuiw var. Salesroom, 64-6B Sixth St AGREEMENTMADE TO STOP I HPR 0 VEM E N f S F. Swigert Says Mayor Agreed Not. t0 Build Front : " M Stret B ridge. - TESTIMONY GIVEN IN ' 1 RUMELIN BRIBERY CASE Railroad Was Vitally Interested f In Quashing of Bjdof , J. JManey. : . - . . the Portland Consolidated Rallwwy com kpany. testified in the Kumelln trial yea terday that he exerted himself to secure the withdrawal of the J. J. Maney 63,- 000 bid and Uie substitution of tha F M. Butler 168,000 bid for tha Marquam w- s-'.. .i.rt. dmltted tnat . a money, interest sustains business ana Kinship- relations; ' His - testimony - was at variance with that of Mayor Williams. . who Swore that b -never -conversed irftJf Mr. pwlgert on tha subject of the Maney pr Butler bid. - The trial was adjourned at noon and will be resumed Monday morning. The i defense - yeaterday called- CV- F Fee be, H. C Wortman. Rig Slchel and IL W. Qoddard of the- executive board, who swore that they were not approached by Charles jE. Rumelin fir by any one act ing for him in an effort to secure the return or tne maney ma Mr. Qoddard was , subjected to severe questioning regarding the Interest he had been reported to have shown In tha matter of shipping the steel for the bridge over the Burlington road, of which h Is assistant agent here. He claimed that he did not ask for the shipment, and that, because he was a member of the executive board, he could not properly do so. . - "' - BaUroad Opposed to Bridge. -, Mayor Williams waa 'among the first called. Hia testimony waa not very dif ferent from that given by members of the executive board.. ... Ho. said he did not have any - conversation with C. F. Swigert regarding the - Maney . or. the Butler bid. . Mr. Swigert, called immedi ately after, said; r ' "JThe railway company did. not want the Jilarquam gulch Front street bridge built. On behalf TjfTlfieompatiy 1 went to the city attorney and Mayor Wil liams and endeavored to secure action such as would prevent the construction of .the bridge. Between us. there was an agreement that tha bridge should not go Vi Pi a nd that proceedln gsrcpBratojx to inaugurating work ahouid be .quashed. But the executive board would not con sent, the members saying tnat proceed ings bad: gone .oo far for them to re scind their action. . r ' "The company did not want tha bridge built because .It already had the use of tha jrirst street-bridge, and there was no use for two bridges only one block apart. We desired, therefore, to pre vent the acceptance of tha Maney bid, because then the bid of the Pacific Com tructlon romoanv ot California' would be the next -highest bid. and we thought that we oould Indues that company to refuse to go shead with tha .contract and .thus , prevent 'the building of the bridge. "I! told the mayor-that the company would fight the -construction of the bridge, and would resist payment of Its share of the the cost thereof. Tha com- panyt still occupies ' the. same position and expects to resist paying Its ono fourth of the. cost of tha structure through- the courts. , . 'i Hag Sliars la the Proeeeds. : "I asked F. M. Butler, of the Pacific Construction company of California, to put In tha bid. when I learned that the executive board. had, advertised for. bids and that the bridge' must be built, t asked him tor make It a cost bid, which he Tefused to do, - but figured about f J.500 profit, and placed his total at $58. pOO or thereabouts. 'Then Mr, Hu tier, who is my uncle, sold' the contract to some one else for f 1.600, - and - that -other-personr did - the work.-; On cross-examination Mr. Bwlgert d- mitted that he retained money" Inter est In the contract and would receive a small share in the proceeds. ' F. M. Butler wss tha - next -witness: He related ,'the details of-the sale of the contractu '' I , bid for the-contract at -what was rost, plus about I1.S0O profit. -. When the Maney bid had been disposed of and seoulsltloh 16 Pftrtlsnd rr.-Mr. Mann's ear and also the model B Wlnton re cently pirchsed by Mr. Unman will reach "tPortlanet about Juke 1. they having been shipped from tha factory- This is the; kind of an Oldsmobile tharwilLgaJacross tha American "The Oldsmobile Goes jaunt it calls for extraordinary endurance and reliability in the " Standard Runabout is the one light car fitted for this tremendous": ample - pow Can Make TblsTr! Is Good Enongh for Anybody. direct). -', ' ' ; have one of these cars demonstrated to you oy- pur agents. POPE, "TOLEDO, Controlling Oregon,tVVashington and Idaho. HfLtKEATS-AUTOCO? Garage and Repair Department," Seventh " and " Oak " Sts.-r 9-Horsc Pft ; Price $850 - -The 'smartest looking, speediest and best-built Runabout : : offered here. -Telephone Main 5468 and make date - r.-. r7"" foremonstratihg-ride. Don't hesitate. ' i We are : anxious : to show. you . . . v whatour car is. ' . ."'"' . 'f ' The 'Ca'dillac Side-Door Light a class SEE THESE CARS COVEY & FIFTEENTH - . You can buy "Queer Dollars for 60 cents, but " .-. you can't pass them very long. You can buy cheap buggies, but, they won't last long. ' . .; fJJ-....;,l -i.v ..1" ; ; ; - For- Genuine -WprtHahdUo t. considered, you OYER - ITCHELL " Far in 1V1 MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAYER CO. -r first and Taylor Strmmtt . '' -' . - ' VEHICLES . BICYCLES IMPLEMENTS HARNESS mine hail Wen accepted, Jt. XV. Jack of tha American Bridge company cams to me and wanted to buy the contracts. I agreed with him that for I1.S00 I would give It to him. and at his - Instance as signed it , to George F. Heusner, ' who went ahead and built the bridge." Mr. Jark is a seller of steel, and not an ordinary contractor.'' . : t'pon cross-questioning , the, - district attorney broughtout -thavWact that Heusner bought a contract that Itj was claimed carried only t.(00 profit: 'talt for -It 11,100. and therefore, according to' such 1 figuring would left only tl.000 profit on an investment of t&'V ooo. i The evidence wt regarded g ot vlUl Continent - and Goes and Goes," . . : ...'" :;i SO h. p. I-Oyllnder Touring Car. "Btandard Delivery Car. " " J . ro-assengr Coach. 1100 Lbs. Weight Touring'Car for 103fO is ' in by itself. -. 1 BEFORE YOU BUY RIDDLE .AND AL.DER ' (founts Jn-thepurchascj - of a Carriage - -f - price Is not the only factor' win una tne FDABCOC K OeELINE the Lead Importance to the trial froni th Stand point Bf both sides. The theory of tne stats .has been that some powerful In terest secured the gorvlcea of Council man Rumelin to see that . Aha Maney bid did not become consummated con tract. Tha , defense thoory Is that there was no motive for any'one to become active In Inducing tha with drawal of the Maney bid. . .. Bearing on these phases, tha state look ut the question of extras yester day, as was dona Friday, and endeavored t establish that he - apparently!, low price of the bid Was bssed on the ex pectation thst a liberal bill for entree would be sllowed, and thst from these extras would corns the pront. The state Runabout Quality 1 GOODRIC J " ' J DEPOT "DISTRIBUTORS OF FisK, Goodrich and Dunlop FORj' Bicycles and $40to$60 Other Makes $20 to$40 SPORTING GOODS Columbia Dry CcJls 86 Sixth Street M2m. 3T:7i,--.-- I I . - AND '' . " I ! f;-PIERGE--4f $ BICYCLES 2 j Bailout Wright Win.ton eifariiefiEE Pays this splendid compliment td the mcrir of WINTONcarsT "We are greatly pleased with' our new . WINTON. From the very', start it. has done its work' and ;ricver failed us. . There' may , be improvements yet 'to come even in such autos, but it ja diffi cult to sec much room for them.": "."Any purchaser of a model-B- tonneau car wilV rctcive anxa duplicate 6f thct chassis which gives Mru Carnegie , the service that pleases him. . . r The Ben JHolladay Automobile Co. ControlUag Oregon, Idaho ' and Kontsma. 495 Alder St.,' Portland Oregon. f 1 - ' t . . " r ' mads this thebry vefy plain In its (Jues- Hons of sll 'the contractors and entfl neers who were on. the atanfl Friday and ' yesterday, and theywere aaked -wsg"" no true that the. majority of contrac tors depend on extras for theff profit. There was qo denial that that was tha case. Robert Wakefield, Engineer Iekwnnd of the Port'of Portland eomirnaslon, Mr. Bwlgert and Mr. Butler all swora that.. In their opinion, I5I.000 was an exceed-' ingly low bid for the work demanded on t" the bridge. . , s V . Mr. Rurnelln will take) the wltnesa stand Monday morning In bis mn ku half. : . : " '