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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1905)
journal;: Portland; SUNDAYMORNING-MAY - 21.-18C5. ' Portland Downs the Seals Rowing Men Are Busy Standing of Clubs in All the Leagues Naughtoh Discusses' the Fighters -1 Long Everything bi thef SfrOrUni Uu .-. -Shot JrVin atffttaluma WhatLeague Pitc,h- -J. A. HOILAN iZ-Boj(TngTiTid RacingJigvYg. i-fe-Afe-Dmg--Baaebftll Auomebilesr: PORTLAND INSfORTOKTHNDr MOBELHOiTORIC pnoraiiyni9iiiDifO:FflRf,L In Last Two innings McCredie's Once Powerful MetropolitanTAs- sociation Shorn of All . . Its Power.i J.: - Professionals Will Competeat Waverty Links Four Days r - CoachMurphy- JvdDoijnCon Men "Drive "Oat a ' siderable v Towards j Develop- J-ng Xrack Men f or-Crewe. - in, June. , - victory . CiJOELCORBETT WAS BETTING MEN WILL NOTED PLAYERS HAVE . - ENTERED CONTEST UNUSUAL INTEREST FREE-WtTKiPASSES LOSE ON.THELDEAL TAKEN IN ROWING THE OREGON SUNDAY L, ,. i - j N. : .:.. , . .--:: . ., it t : , ' r? z' -r-r t ? fr- t -Hope - Seemed- Abandoned but 'Frisco Couldn't Down the Fighting Visitors. :'4BMcil DlMtcb bj Leased Wire to Th. Jouraal) , ; San rranclaco, May ,2" f or Ten n lngs'tody all was well for Corbet I and the other Seali but in th lghth' th Webf eet tied the score and In thefninth ."woo th gam 10 to1 "7 an, toe toarT Showed when the whlstje blew.; v - -The rortlander aurely-jnadaa.,cred-. Itable atretohrun. They -apparently wltef-the-baH to wmi .lyr th 1" H hrt. fnrmrrl T,ir n,r when it: dtdHro titer sokd H.Tlm "eU -WflJetUh. mar anrwhen r dtd-so they am " Two or threeof 'em got a start becsu "Tth curve failed to get lnalde the edge. lntermlnaied with the, swats and passes - m the basaegalned when Joe shot thu Taphere Into the slats jor pcniany ano ' Householder. . ; Corbett opened the way for hla own, defeat by letting Va'n -Buren put -one : over the third bag toa aafe apot. A walk to the rough house followed. . Then i Hfc-hlaflv waa bruised iby the ball. Mc- ' .. ' - . : , , , , ' 1KU will 09 run. k mmm riinnnu Credlea Wt- paet-abort, 4aUled J TTaay.-Wh,aaked aa to the time when con and Houae wa home on McLedn'a ' fly to center. The mna that won grew out of four Italia to Ats, Van Buren'a double, a' pitch Into Houaeholder'a rtba and an out ami hia lionor'e drive to rlgit field. Score: : PORTLAND. : A 11. R. H. PO. A. K. Murphy. -3b Tt ft 0zj ' u Hurn 1 f . . . . . ::;itiwildfcf Hriiiafly.? 2b r.v. 3 -i .LMcCredle, , rf . .. . l,,. lt"l- Mrlxan, c... ....... 0 liUtchelu; lb..- ; .. ft. Tinnkle. a and Sb.... 1 0 0 0 Z ' 1 - -1 a .St H . e . 1 14 1 , a a. -A ix. ss. ........... -i-tirV in, P . V tlWia t- i Total j Nealon out ou hit by batted -ball. SAN FHANCISCO, -AB.R.ta'Ofir W'aldron, U " Fpenrer, . 1 1 . . .... . Vheeler. 2b. ,.t.. HlUlebrandV If.... Irwin, aa 4 11 2J I 4 J I 1 0 4 0 2 ! J i' 11 I vo 0 4 11 2 1 -JCeolan lb 4 0 ) 19 0 Zft OsZ j IVllaon: c. , UKtuiauo, Oorbett-.T(, Totals ...H.....I.8 T 12 27 It SCORE fir INKINQ8. "Portland 1U Hits T 1 1 San Francisco ...2 1 2 J U I r-44...R1i , .,. aair if..v.v.-.-.i-.-.-. .. . j-iatBASEBALL-GAMEJlND- ItUilli ART. M nTnbasrs- rrenK-CorbcTL Illlst ' natierr- MoLaji. TifK Tiiren: Baorlflrn hits flpencer. Ullil-trjuiU AVhnelr. Mo- iJredie. AVaidron. ' First .le on errors Portland- 1. San Francisco 1. First - hase on called balls--Off Corbett 7. Struck out By Oarvin J. by Corbett' 6. j-eri on oas s rortlaml 6. San Fran clsoo , Hit- - by - Householder. Ioiihle AVheeler. Passed batls Wilson J. Wild pitches Frenoh. Corbett. tinrvln. Time of game 2:10. Umpire Perrlne. HUNT CLUB HOLDS ; CLOSED PAPER CHASE ,L-., - ' -ft ' 1 The Portland Hunt club members held j the last paper chase of tha spring aea , son yesterday afternoon and enjoyed an ' . Interesting rid. Tha start waa-riade at Kast Nineteenth and Thompson streets and' th finish" was mail mi irvTngton track- on the infield. Owing to the fsct that It wa a closed en a sr. no Winner was declared, but the riding at tne nniaa was, exciting, and daring. . Mrs. Downing and Mr. Lazarus laid the trail and it was one of the sportiest and best ever ridden over by the Hunt club. The .trail wan perfect and the jumps Jegoodgnd"tlffjFour new horses , went through the chase and qualified for. the spring meet- that-ia scheduled --fo" June I . i Thnsai who rode through were: -J Mrs. Ji. O. BuffumMrs. J. R. Stevens, Mr. F. W. Lesdbetter, Mr. C. H. Iead hetter. Mrs. O. Brum. Miss Sadie lesd better. Miss T. B. Howard, A. B. Scoble, K. B. Tongue. R. H. Jenkina, F. W. I.edbetter. C. H. ladbetter. F.' O. IViwnlng. John Tatta. J. C. Muehe. J. T. Dillon, J. M. Coughlan, Vj 8. Howard, James Alexander. H. H. Herd man, James Nlcol. The hare were Mrs. F. O, Down ing and K. M. Lnsarus. WliLXAKI SCmOOL TBAM WOTS. The Williams avenue' school team 4c .Tested, the ntne- rrprcnllng.ahajCckley Oren school oT the Public School lesg yes-terdAy in game of baseball at KUlingswoHh (tf-Otinrls by (he close rwwfift t0 5i The llrie-opf" '. A. '.- " P. O. S. M. Deady . . Voter , Johnson , Cooney . , Harris . .. neady , .. Walter . . 7'.: Cola JM1 inwn . ..rVr . .MS. . . C . , Flrgason Wllllami .... . Hlrkma Waller Xorbyr ......... ,cf . McTllntOck X... Totang- r-.lf SELLING Baseball : v 'rf Goods i At Actual Coit . . , c .. I," cf T"lng patronage. - Ws wfll is fraak with yen. We '-don't do It! nk fair profit and la return for same we sell you onlv th latent and M makes. 'y to ,taln yoir custom and guarantee -fair treatment. -lfs gat. cjtall)ted! j. Exclusive ettr a hts for National, Orient and Savage Bicycles. HT '"J and Imr rtarht " Big stock ot Fishing Tackle Just opened! Bicycle Autp Tira Vulcanised. . " . " . . 3 TSi S. H.1 BRAIN ARD CO. v ti oslirs ATzirxn. Change May BeMade to Credit System: and, to PayNo Show Money (Special DIspaiTTlTtoeaea Wlr t The Joanul) New York. May 20.Bookmukers paid their way Into -Belmont race track to. dayrth button of "the Met" no longei being recognised a good for admission. The jockey dub officials held a con ference early In the -day. Afterward John O. Cavanaugh, manageirof tha bel ting ring, placed the stool aa usual and ' tha bookmaker took money and There waa an air of quiet. Among the eeupants- of .that-high "tools, however. 8nl Llchtenstelnr Joe,endy, colonel L'llman end the other "big ones."- looked glum. nnd it was- noticeable that there wna a hesitancy to fix the opening odda. The "proposed reform to the effect that no money -tori shown between the bettor and tha bookmaker, and which It la aaid may be enforced at Oraveaend on Thursday, when th Brooklyn handl- the change to the ceffmyaieiu and t the "no ahow money", order of things would prevail, Mr. Cavanaugh, the rep resentative of tha Jockey club In th ring, anld: . "I cannot aay.-Thlnga will shape up in a satisfactory manner In the course of time." ' 8. S. Howland, manage--of --Belmont 1 palknnd chlf ateward of the-meetlng, wns "fisked for-an.. exDlanntlon of the conference of official ia theme ting; He said: . "At this time or In my. official ca pacity aa a steward. I cannot say any thing about the Jockey club policy." ' The public arrived -at-the track, with out knowing whether or not they wouiu be permitted to -wa gar: money. When the slate, went -up and the atoola were arranged aa usual, lt was to the reilef of-the anxmtia spectators. '- There wa lenTBrmfereni?f during -thg alter- noon" among the-bookmakera-ailch men as Wheelock. Orlando Jones and Charles 1 Heaney, who have been responsible ror J tlie troubre between the betting ayndl 5 !t 'nn1 the turf rulers but th gen- XiEraldmpresslon: 1 that they have been bea ten. W here s t ne Metropoinan 1 uri auMO'latiorf was- a corpora ttonv 01 tne closest kind only a. few months ago, the trxnnhArahin. button belna valued at TI4 600. thai Imttort la nowworth nrtfti-J 1 t n w - , ,, 4.ACR0SSE--F0URNEY T-,. .....1 nf Ih. .n n phletle circle will take j)lce today at the Twenty-fourth ahd Vaughn street base ball grounds., where a double bill has been arranged. The strong Schiller ball tr-w h. hi. fiv team w-lll cross bats with the Bralnard plav w"lion toTMaroon8- formerly ths University Park ciud. . 1 ne game nas aruuaea mucn in terests a--al200 purse has been hung up to ths winner.- Bothctubs have practiced faithfully for the game and will present their strongest lineups. Immediately after the ball game the lacrosse match will take place. The ball grounds present an entirely new face, having been during the past two weeks entirely, reconstructed. Tommy Burns, who claims the middleweight championship, will play with ths Port land lacrosse club today, and the clever boxer- la known as one of the best playeis In the country Matthesoitbailf-larroBSirTilayer recently secured by-4he- Portland club, is expected to arrive in this city thin morning and will probably be in the game this afternoon. The lacrpsse lineup will be about as follows! 1 - Portland. . . Shamrocks. Watson ........ .goatr "Fltxpatrick .J. J. McDonnell ..... Hyatt Shaw Ptcwart first defense... . Campbell Stacey .. . .second defense. rt Jennln Marshall ... .third-defense Hause Wallace ....... .center.... . . . Beck with Horabln - third "home. . . . Hamilton Sanderson ...second home... Lawrence McNicholl ....first home......... Steel McDougall Inside...' A. McDonnell Burns.--.. . .outside. . ... ... Wilson The balltossers will faceeach other In the following manner: -Hchlllers. - Position. ' Bralnardg Hunter. Lillls p. Moore, Trowbridge Stayln. Bredemeler.-... . . Broock Haynea , . . ... ,1b. William Campbell . . . . Gray Houston Johnson:.. . .. .1 .... 2b. Hlgglnbotham , Battersan ' . ... . . . . . ilb . Ul -JUnklalhave ,.Cf ....... ..r..;... Smith Gains STZPKXira TZAM AT IOOD BJTZB. The Stephens addition baseball -team In scheduled to meet the Hood River team ' lit a game at Hood River -this afternennt " The Stephens (Tddltlon team ha played two games so far) this sea son and has -won both. Wi R. Illllls I manager Of the rlub.-'and atates - that his eUiltsi willing to meet any team In Pprtland or vicinity. 'tt- ' r ; . . ,,,-.-- . , and , I..; ' Opssi XveaiBg-s and Sttaday Horaliig. ' , ' - -,( - '-'l - , - ' ' f r ; J 1 ' ''.;- V " - ' ' J ! W-K The Baseball Teafn of the Upper Albina Division of the Portland Streetcar inf Jrorn Left toHRight ArerorPRowLererrter-FteH ield. cher. Savier Manager, Rich Center Field, - Row Stewart Pitcher and Catchei JEfFIANTS tTITLE : :T0 REMAIN HERE Big Champion Scorns Thought of It Going to Some For TigrTighter. VENERABLE PUGILISTS : TO BOX IN SEATTLE Sportdom Astonished That Such "Ancient Men Should Re- ' ' ' - ' enter the Arena. - (By W. W. Waugnton.) "anTraricWdTrayOin-glaorThar the chaniploiisliip remains In Anierlca,'1" said John L. Sullivan as he.stbod at the- ringside -after being- defeated -by Jim- Coabett. - - - -' i; - "I d get bark in thegmJ ute if some foreigner defeated our best men and tried to .walk off with tha 'I title," said big Jinies J. Jeffries a7-fiirt days ago. . 1 The same old sentiment . seeking , pt- ce after a lapse of thirteen years ahowa plainly, that natI6: plainly strong in these big men of the lighting gams...; - But Jeffries does not dream that a bruisarfrom lands across. the-sea.-will ever establish a right-to the laurels which go with supremacy at the sport of th glove. Of course, he dbes not list-Bob Fltsslmmonsas a foreigner. He considers that the freckled farrier has cut loose from everything in the line of early associations except his strawberry hair and his sunspots and Is now part and parcel of this great commonwealth. - They hud been telling Jeff about '-'Gunner". Molr of Kngland, and Bill Squires of Australia, Just before he spok of the remote contingency that might bring him forth onoe more "from th privacywhich enshrouds-the-HfeT1' of a .country gentleman. ; 1 "I don'tknow anything about thi Australian,. Squire,- but Judging from the heavyweights they have turned out there within the past -ten years, I shnn I I m u tri na IKol list 4 fcmr ' t at mmmfr to a great deal." aald Jeffries. "I thlnkjjit!.""!"?' j- have a pretty good line on the Kng llshman, though.-- When I waa over there a fewveara ago. 1 .Ml gagomont at trie Royal Acfuarlum antl I boxed with a fresh heavyweight every night.- There was not one among them who amounted to a hill of beans. If I happened to Jab one of them a little harder than usual the master of cere monies would say for my benefit. Tie member, gents, this Is honly a heilbl tlon," and of course I'd apologise and play lighter. I don't think they have a good man of any slie In that, country and I doubt if they have had one since Charlie Mitchell ruled the roost" The Jig 2a Up. Thoug la-upT ttier die la cast; the Hat ha gone forth; tha Inevitable has happened. ''.. L John 1 BuUlvan'and Charlie Mitchell signed to box fifteen rounds ud Seattle wsyln BcpTFtaber: Arthe-itr-T tides do not contain the reservation. If we s re both alive," It Is to be In ferred that the two venerable piles are feeling quite coltish: and 'are' looking forward to smiting each ether full sore. And bow they nr working it. up. Ev ery once-in a while word comes- from the north that it is only by the exercise of vigilsnce that Charlie and John are kept from fulling -upon each, other tooth and nail.. The promoters are Just wear ing themselves out trying-to delay -the day of -reckoning until the old timers meet In the ring. One night some one Shouted -"Chantlllv" when Bully, a'nd Mitch were wTthln a few yards' of each other and it looked for a few. seconds as ifthe rotund rival would bump to gesMarUand-sxplode. . p - - How- 4iHoeetiyJohrr Ltells "of he way- he -is rounding to'' form. He is taking off forty pounds or .weight at a clip according to his tellltig. At this, rste of going he wlll 'be able not only to toe the scratch,, but set it.1 , Well, by their Wallops ye shall know them. If theT two- patrlarche-of -ptigl-T nsm -are simpiy embnrklngltn a little commercial -venture-foi-TnOTTiaT gain, they had better sidetrack all that bogus bitterness and make a. clean breast of It. Their meeting would then attract attention OTTnccdunt of ' It historical slgnincance,-' Whereas it would simply Invite darUUon if exploited as an ath letic event; ' . But if by any chance one (or ths other or both of the men -should he in earn est. -what Is likely to happen? Sullivan a few months ago weighed clone, to 300 pound. , He says he will weigh about 216-whcn he faces tha Bj-ltMier, Th removal of so much blbar would mean J I V 1 " i X 1- I 4 '". r. Nelson Right Field, Vesper Second Base.0l.ove. Short .Stop. Lower Tyndall Catcher, Miles Catcher, .West ;. Pitcher, ZlJL- '".'" ' " 'til wijtsj Jack-Moffart4n-Action, that Sullivan's vitality would be at' a low ebb "Wire he ejood forth to box. - ; If allowed to sit on a raised platform d after iiluiures he muni ran muijicr a uwmi ivr some aet-thln-oulck mixture; but tn flg-ht? Ttdtctrtmrs: A little exnitement and a very- little exertion would reduce him to a condition when a punch from that rll-nrSffryefl Kngllshmnn might be fatal. Won't somebody please stop It I or else make thorn confess that they are 'merely going to .indulge, in a little sketch entitled "Back From the Bone yard." , Attempt Has railed. An attempt to cornet "amateur" box ers has failed, apparently, The Haw- t thorns dub, wtttir which nUierclBfrs- was put out of business when the grand Jurors called a halt'on the four-round contests for which this city has become Infamous, tried to hav a new ordinance recommended for passage by the police committee of the. board of supervisors. It differed from the old ordinance main ly in that It withheld from the local branch of the Amateur ' Athletic union the -right to pass upon - the " amateur 4:trtnndtnBftheTrlghters who figured in the -contests. - The. substitute, ordinance was snjyorded that the llawthonie club Was about ths only one of local organt. Izatlons privileged to handle these "am ateur" shows. . 1 -The committee postponed consider- TnrTiaratreitzrso: j 11 I salfTthe "amateurs" will crowd to the Colma club, down In the meadow. w.mllfa oves-.ths 'oiintw tine. The Influence of the city fathers does not extend to this point and it Is believed that the A. A. u; officials will be pow erless to cope with the' evil.- - rThe purpose, as I understand It, 11 to give flaturday night shows. These short bonis are ver popular and If the promoters will not Insist upon calling tbem "amateur" contests, It is prob able that a thriving Industry can be worked up in the green field of Ban Mateo. . f .., UPPER ALBINA BOYS, DOWN BEHNKE-WALKER a. Th wt'pper Albina car boys defeated ths Benkhe-Walker team by the score , av-aaaa-gajie of ball Satiir. 1 u.t inuiiiinK i - iiih iorin . .AIDUiaJ grounds. 1 ne L. A, team has won eight out of nine games..,. Yesterday's line-up: ' . - ' B.-W. -- - r,.. .TV A. r wrth ,. r, ..... ,.c. . :., . , . . r-Mties Jlessmer .......... p ... West .. Marcy .. Lewi jDarnell .i... Rich Johnson, O. A,,r.b...rf. uutnrie Stevens Mnntag ,2b ...3b. i'r. ss . Johno(i rz.". , . Allen ....... Johnson, S. 8. ...if .11 .- I.ov rt. ...... Nelson . ... Tyndall .wsu-Kirowir spomT HEBB. -n Andy Mulligan, the .well-known-spoi promoter "of fot Springs.. Arkansas, ar rived in Fortland Friday from Ban- franclseo. Mulligan Is Unking his annual vacation from th Springs, and expressed his Intention o spending most of the summer In this city. Mulligan spent yesterday renewing old sequslntances and seeing-theminht's ef tliJiworld's-falri city. He states that Hot Spring 1ms had a very urcesful season In all branches of sports. Mr. Mulligan is an export -on the game of bridge whist, which a yet fir not gen erally played In this city. Tlils game Is the rags In ths east and south. - ,0 OAKS AT fWATTlE AHrr- (Bpeelal Dlapatrk t Tb Jnaraai.) .' .- Heattle. Wash., May 20. Ths fiesttle Oakland gam rheduled for today, was postpnned- on account of rain. , Two gnmes will be luycd tomorruwr Wvatlier permitting, '.'' . . -... . . . s Men's League. The PlayerrRead- TRUCK EAGAN IS L r Tacoma's Big Shortstop Leads 4 Coast league w Weilding the WillowT "" . HOUSEHOLDER RANKS : -r BEST-FOR-PORTLAND McLezin Dropped a Few. Points Last Week, but McCredie Is " gulling Up Fast. - v Eddie Householder hs come to the front arid ' now Trend lTig'TJirtTy n'r.n: tlugent t- batting, ., Aiclvean having orqppea a trine, wnn tne result that the qenter-flelder now tops' his - team mates "nine points In the record of Ibasehit J vera gei Truck liagan is now" the only regular t piayer over tne ,suu mark, and everrthe I mighty Tlgf.r-tina fnlln off consider ably,. for his average now Is only .90S. Kagah sequred-ionly three hit off tliu Portlarfd fwlrlers last week, and If he had a straight series with the locals at neuaral week' duratlnn, at that. rat he would not have, any average at all. Charlie Doyle Is second-high man of th-regalars, with an average of .290. Eddie Househeolder-l thlrdind-3harlte Irwin has tha fourth position. Among the -pitchers BUI Thomas ' of Taeoma and -Charlie Hall of Seattle con tinue to paste' .the sphere at a .100 clip. The avageauptflL-an.dlncludlng the game of May H are aa follows; Player! Iihman, Oakland Thoniita, Tucoma Hall C, deattle llosan. Oakland KiKin, Tavnina ...... ryle. Taeoma XouaehoUW. Portland Rblelda. Keattle ...r. Irwin. Ban r'rnclco.. M(-Lan. J'ertlan ... Keuinicr. - Heattle .... "Tnlth. Lo Ansele, ... Nordyke. Taeoma . . . . 8hea. Han Krani-Ueo . ONTath. Ixhi Angeles Byrne, Oakland ...... M.crrillr. Portland .. Krtiser,. Oakland la, j urtlaiii HHtl.-Jirand. Hun KrattclAro HhfMhit, Tamtna ,j Mt taughI1iu.,Tartn)a . . lr 144 .17 j'liitHi, urn Angnm .. Kan, rVnttl ....... ptrrwrd, I AngtOrt Klli-rn. Onklrind WU-n, San Kranrlirtj Ilituta, HnUh; Hrmu, ijif Anfle ... Millar. He-attl- t Mrllalf: J4onltl ..... TniilvvT. Oakland .... U"gnn. Taromn ...... frrnham .. Oakland . Van I(altrrn. Oakland Jlall R.. Mrnffl ' -.-...T Klnnd, ijtm Anffptf Kploa. lm Angom , . Van RurMi, Portland HaHhwood. Pfattlp ... Kn(rr, sm Anypte- ...l.VI . . . t ... nil irncn, i artina Mpwiner. an Kranclsro ..itt,1T Schlany. Portland -.....14l. Willlama. Hcattle.' .... J. . i ... . j-. i JoiMHt. fortland -.,.-,,,-, m' ttra.UmiiiaiAngelea. 76 '. 115 ,i rg.i rijru homes. President A. R. Dlumond of th Mult. nnmah Fair assoclatlim. a mentioned In Tuesday's Journal, returned from San Frsnclsco with glowing accounts of th splendid duality or horses that would oe. in Portland at, this year's meeting, which will extend from July 2to Sep tember 1. Mr. Diamond sjtstes ffhat the horsemen of Callfornlw. and In fae alt thrrrugh the Pnclflo const, are very anxious to come here this summer. When" they- consider 'thst' between Seattle- snd .Portland therer be '100 days' rnolng. It, Is easy enough to tee why thev nrfrr-mln. h.,a- ,kn. L tliallia - aiiddie - wee - HreTntmrrTh northwest i the Ideal place for ran. during) the summer and possesses th advantages of climate., grass and water, which ,are not as friendly during the torrid months In the east and middle west. ' And while th stakes at Irving ton will not be so high as In Kther racing centers, the- natural - advantage - T)eFrt Seven hundred horses will be at Ir vlngton track on ths. opening day, nmorig 'rtiem being some of tha ftna.t horses In the country. J. Ramsey, with Bombardier and Horatlu. and H. R Powell will be here-for t,he rneet. The grandstand I at Irvlngton will' be reno vatod and palntPd again this season and th tra'ck will be fixed up In perfect condition.. -Frank St. V. Skinner will he tha nvmiA I 1 1 . ... i . . ... ii. a ., nuinrf J-,IJVri Will art as hnndlcnpper and associate Judan. while Fred Mulholland will be starter. These three. . of Ifrlal .. were -here- Inst year end the nunlltf of ther woik Is well known.- s If- f V ' A.B. 1B.H. B.A. , 2 l .mm v 2 11 .T so i.i ' ,:w ... 2 .::t.l ...Ut 41 ...lot 4.1 .MI . .-. IM 44 .2 ... M in ,19MI ...1BI 45 2S1I .1M 44 .27T . 44 12 .27M .140 41 .2(H) .i:t - 41 .2t) . M IS .an .l.'MI 3T .lfl .na ri .wis .140 : Wi .14 . 43 - .W2 J-12 "'8T , .-.111. rXt r2Hl ,1n 44 .JHU . 1-tlt M .2MI1 l.K 114 ....i..l! .42 .2.-..1 .......1.17 ' K.1 ,at .". 1 as ' sr. sj..!' 24 IM . 3. .217 -,.IM . .22T .12 20 ,r.'7 .......IM M ,TU 1A2 . X4 .2-J4 ,l:4 :l .2-.' 4 4ft in 41 S .2211 .......142 - 31 .2IS WI .214 311 .214 lit" .200 ... . .m ft .2o 1.1 .2i7 20 .2 :u 2"4 20 ;-.2'l 4 ' .2110 s 2on Competition Will Be Thirty-Six L.oJeJMedaljaayjQipe propriate Prizes.. Ths professional galf tournament 'that will be held at Waverly links from June ii to 17, inclusive, dlr'ecdy preceding ths Pactfle coast--golf championship tournament, wtll "bring to Portland soma xifjUiBLjbttiown golfers lnthe United States and- give ihsIocjO golfeis opportunity to witness . star perform ances -on the- greens. It is generally customary, either before or after a ma- teur tourrejyav arive - hs - professlOTalst an opportunity to display their skill wrtta-trie--ctutK President -Young and Jack Moffatt have ths arrangements In handandj.tja their Jntentlon to give th visitors a splendtiJ reception whn n this city. .. , n. , : It, will be a S6-hole medal play com petition, and ths first knockout round will be played on Thursday. June 16. The finals will be played on Saturday, June IT. . From the advices received- at the-Waverly club it is .understood that Melville of Del Monte, Rellly of Bur Ungame,. Martin of Los Angeles, Jacobs of Spokane. Bell of San Francisco. Smith of Oakland. Welch of Santa Barbara and Leslie of Butte will be her for the plsy. The local professional representative is Jack .Moffatt. Instructor st Waverly links, and on of the keenest golfers In this country, v Moffatt was born in Mus nelburgh, Scotland, and learned to play the game on the world-famous Historical links, where all ths champions played, lis servedhis; apprenticeship making golf -balls and clubs, and secured most of his golf knowledge from W fill Park, ex-charoplon golfer of-the world. When Moffatt was -1 a years old he came to rtrrts-fotrnTry-aiid wagmp!oyd "bytha Waverly Golf club .as Instructor.. Last season Moffatt served aa Instructor at the Northland club . at Duluth. Minne sota, and was succeeded by his brother, returning to Portland in time -to begin rtbl - seinon's work. - As a player - Mr. nioriau nil lew-equal in tne country, and Is held In high esteem In golfing cir cles. He 'hold th record for Waverly tlnks. Tacoma links, Northland and OearnarrTHrlTllnka Tommy Burns, theslaer -"Chicago mIddlewelghtwHtrIeavaJ,ortland, .. tol r Xvesday for Detroit, Michi gan, wner ne la irnMulM in nuwt Hugo' Kelly on June . --4- Burns wfll return to Portland tmme- it lately after th goylth Kelly, for he Is scheduled to meet Philadelphia Jack O'Brien at Tacoma on July 4. Burns anticipates a hard battle with TTeiryr fornrKefirago over Philadelphia Jack In a lS-round bOUt . ', , ' - - Th Chicago lad will be seen with th Portlands in ths lacrosse game at th baaeball grounds this afternoon, whea the Portland lacrosse players will play their first game of the season In th double header baseball and lacrosse at . Burns states that he is willing t meet Mysterious Billy Smith any time after he returns from Detroit. Thirty-Five : -ttt, Styles t $7.SO THE PAIR . BT7BJTS IS MATCXXD. ' , I action cf the Km Trouscrsl N q - Are exhibited in our .north vestibule window, and -if you drat see anything y fifty more kinds inside in regular peg-top and ou-1 .ing styles -. ' V . "l- ! ; , ' . : .. - "PARAGONS,", "HANG WELLS" and;,; : u S. f W. M. :.. . - 'S ' . ... OS-an Ttlrd st: Setnoen Stark Oak 'PC3TLANDS -JTAIC CLOTHI Four-Oared Crew Doing SpUn- " lid -t V(prk, nd Pros-- - -: ..Kl pects:Are .Brightf--:' ' Th past week'has been a busy one with tha oarsman 'of tha JPprtland. Rowl ing club. ! . As . the summer approachea ths -dutr;jnember,who 'aire trying for " the different positions ar using their wljumos.t endeavors-to attain a degree of proficleTTry thatwlll net there a placa on one of th crews.' . a-1 rr- t.. ....... . I. . 1 - 1"'1 evening under- , the ,, watchful eye oC Coach Mrpby' who la-taking tha great.-" est interest in the work of hlspupllgr; forlie 1 confident that he will develop C a"charpTo7ishlprwfrtalha maMHat at hand, - I'.i.--- -t..:.. ,. ,. The" - Rowing - club four-oared crew, Duncan, Schmidt. - Folejf-and Preeton Smith; are-showing great premise. Thle fourjraaAlxine stroke and Jiave dem onstrated that they hav the endurance to go any distance. It is quite likely that they will represent Portland In the senior four events. -. 'Among the single scullers who prom.,. Ise to bring honors to the local club are ' Oloss, . Lemborn and . Preston Smith. This trio of oarsmen are rounding Into fin shape and much Is expected of them In tlie corning regattas. - ,-Ed.vOloss -atlll possesses1 the ambi- . tlim to meet and defeat Tttus-Pope amt - the ' other crack. who hav expressed their Intention of rowing In these waters -during 4he c o m 1 n g sum m e r, and Judg' ing fronT the' present speed -shown by the local man. It is likely that hla am- .. bit ion1 may be gratified. ' - ' Jk peros may get en td f the work ing of the different crews of th local club by Journeying, to- the-bridges-in -the vicinity of the club, house. ; where theoarsmen may ba aeere-at-worgrany5 evening.. - - lAUK OXJaim OaXAJCPZOir . (Special Dispatch to The Jaoraat) : Salem, Or., May JO-rTb Salem-Jligll -i t"h""l i-h.H l.m nnm tiiiM. 'lH disputed high - school - championship ot -the state.' This was made sure by tha' '. vented the Eugene team from playing s - -return game with Salem. The 8alem lads defeated the Eugene bunch by score of to I snd Eugene later defeated . the Portland High by. a decisive score. -K, The are the facts upon which tha" local i, boys lay claim to their honors. " f TO AIUTaTTM. -; - ' ' -'- ; - All notice of amateur bai. 4 balL gamea challenges. anL ath-4, 4 letle events must b sent to this se -office before I' o'clock a. m. on 4 th. day fpr publication. Ama- 4 4 teur" managers should pay at- 4 4 ' tentlon to this rule, aa th keep- 4 ing of It . ylUDaaraaijropere, 4 report of ' their doings. Th 4 e journal. SPECIALS, : K H: if ... . . - t . ".''!..'.. ' '-' " ' assssBai SBasBaBBsBSSBKBBBBBBsassaasI . . - ., jf EDM i i - ! r. '..It ' . - .1