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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1905)
J, .,'(::' L '.Id'.-.. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL', P6RTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING. MAY fl. 1905. is ; -' .1 : 3TI SHIRTS Ouftselectioiri Manhattan and consists. the. cream ILj their production T: Don't Buy Until You Have-Seea- r Our Display-' l , 311 JMorrlMn BUT - . -. - H. ' Agents - . we ; .. -: Agents lor tor -' 'Hay ', .. Alf fd-jy... I KNOX HATS No Branch Bes Jaraln's . Store ; Clothing 3- $3,000,000 LEFT , TO : DANCING WomarrWhorghfeattleJo Trip on the tight Fantastio- r 11 Inherits Wealth. !1 -;-:: ; 4 ' 71 (Special Dlipstes t Thcoutnsi.) ' ' .Seattle." Mar I. Ethel Durke Cres- - son, formerly danclngteaober.-In - RMtU, bo com -tnto-possesslon of s - fortune, of ..M.vOO.oOOthrough a decis ion recent 1 y rendered fn , the court of ' St Paul, Minnesota, giving her' posses sion of her late husband's estate,-and pending three"' years 6T Iltlgatlonr- " Miss purkee herself is of a wealthy - family.-- v nen- a young woman an elded to go on the Stage,' and" while play ing In 8t. Paul with her company chanced to meet 2 fmatid Craun. young Pittsburg society man. In a few months : heyr-rorarinarrted. - Jnlea than two years Mr. Creondle(L-Ha ieft-number cf Valule mining claims notifar from Pittsburg, and .hie "whole estate" was worth about $8,000,009. There has ben a cloud upon the title to most of the property, " and this bad- to be cleared before the eatata could . be dl-1 Tided between Mra, Creaaon and ' her deceased Tiusbarid'a jtwoalatera. t r In December, J0J," a' year after, the death ot her, husband." Mra. "Creaaon came to Seattle, where he opened a dancing; school.- . 1 ' la maay mil ef dstlm Pise's Cere (tTfe re-net- tbst is alaaoat equal to a ear. - , tie-1 Alien A wifetrod jnoek Oanned Oooda, Mwir Beet urana. f-IOIITAVILLA HAS DESTRUCTIVE FIRE Two Kou$es71n Mansfield-Con aumed and Half Dozen More . -; Narrowly Escape. NO PROTECTION FOR -7- HOMES OR BIG BLOCKS Chemical. Tanks and Hand - Granadee the OnlyJMeane of v Fighting Flames. some protection 1 secured, when "10 houaea In Mananeia, a iuuuru : uwi mile ta the aouth. burned to the around and endanjered-twif vdoaeo roor-dwaU-l lnr'heijtarjte(jinine Daernieiii or aTEouae bolonglng to H. Krlckaon and though U spread slowly and the neigh borhood turned out-to help fight -the flames, nothing- could be done but save the furnishings. The blase later reached the Olsen bouse, standing beside the Brlrkaon home, and it, too, was de- waa saved. For a time It looked as though half a dosen other houses would also go aa thefa was a highwind - blowtng at-the time and the flames spread to adjoining fences an out houses. The scant sup ply of water. however, was sufficient to che-k 4hae smaller firea and the ar rival of a Montavtlla' cltlsen .-with n portable chemical tank saved adjoining property, the chemical extinguishing the smouldering fires In the ruins xf the 'Douses . consumed. fof-mny Slier nVfl're than a garden hose In the place, and the only available fire apparatus-Is a- box of hand grenades and a few small chem ical tanks, whlctrwhtle efficient are only valuable when the Are has made slight headway. Am all of tht business, bouses In the place are of wood, and many of them are mere shelja, the opportunity rohnit flrn would navn to iweep ma Nervous Disorders Include air affections of the brain, spinal cord ' and nerves: they em b race head troubles, such as Dtazlneaa, Dull naa, iadai'he, Fits, Bluee, Melan clioly and, insanity. , T . Alao Hm kache, Neuralgia, fit. Vltun Dance, Kpllepay, and all dlaordors aris ing from a weakneMS of the nerve of any nrgTVoT-"purr,"rTs Weak Lungs, Heart, - HtoraarK Kidney. BU.lrfoF. -et The nerves fumlah energy that keeps In motion every organ of the body. . .' "If you have any or" these " ailments your Jierves arejiffectad. and' you, need pa. MILCS " Restorative Nervine - because It Tecoiisfructs r worn -oiif tiepre tissue. Is a ref reahlng. revitalising tonld food-medlclne. prenared enpeclally to re build :the worn-oupervea, " My son, when It years old, Jiaaipl lepay; could not attend school. Follow tn the failure of phystotan to cure him. we gave Dr. Miles' Nervine, and Nerve and -irel- Pills. - In -ten raonthe he regained perfect health.1' J. 8. W1I. BON. lep. Co. Clerk. Dallas Co.. Mo. - Money back -fireboUle faUs, to benefit. ' . sMa sfflit afT wi;l Is ta i??f.Tl.?rn.i xi.nhoni toLiliL: i arflTJust Break, tha News. to. Mother - , --1: "just a the Bun Went Down." and "Just Montavllla yesterday had a roreiasie Tell Them That You Saw Me." -"Breag of what a fire will mean to It unless I the News" seems to be the least played, arid wheiTthe: engrnefsPedr HBth machine, th crowd begin to yell and the hoars toot toot , of the whistle burata Into the nlght-th .ivocUerou I organ blats and, bluals out the ancient tune at a tempo which mergea first vera snd chorus. Into'thlrd verse and encore. Sleepless father smooth the forehead of fretful Infants, whl th news breaks; weary mothers put a fresh towel about their throbbing' heads, and the whistle r toots . twice;' the family cat stfoyeg totally .though alte"ntfrtgwgphrtght)oig7Purflornd Montavllla Is In the same situation a. Msn.fl.ld, there ,r no water, main 11? ZZjZ nluaa. nothlna laraerl uuuai:. . with arched back answers th unearthly scream of th infernal blow pipes, and the timid night birds chltter and chirp in- far away branches. r---.-r" amnoa tkajtstsm coxa aoaxbt. i-ast Morrison street is most thor owghly" torn up and the days ef the bridge -building period are .recalled, .as all tars using East Morlson street now run only. to Grand avenue. : Special cars are run from Third and Yamhill streets to Urand avenue, where conection is made with MoUntJbor Montavllla,! cars. The roadway ax urana avenue and East Morrison is being torn up and heavy rails and crossings : are being placed. The- work will probably- con tlnue for several day during which time the present- transfer - system will be In force. r-r ; . .l tvi .mini , 1 $1 2 CL(ID"U"D'C :J 2 Men's "The new spring fabrics, single : and: tJliSif - -double breasted- V. ... ! ,r S. ' Other Suits .50 to $25 .00 town la excellent. Insurance rates CVeBeei"l lalseil ln ilia plaee. until they are more that) S per cent In many cases. snd the restrictions are so that hardly an alteration can be made without-adding 1 per cent to the rate for the altered Building. All-of -which merely Intensifies th desire of th clti- sens for a. water-system,. water Instead, of alr.. Tonight th 10 days' special evangel- numirouaf Presbyterian KiXT TMClIdll SaSZT TKZlC.;i "Tlrsl Hwi"themttir XSerman band, then it was spring serenaders, and now itJ.Lmerxy.igoround. Peopltry(ng, to live in peace and quiet near Russel street and- Williams avenue, have given it up and are preparing to emigrate They hav. stood for months the visits of the disconsolate street band, they hav no objected -strongly when.-th spring brelxes fanned , the timw of the. bawling aerenader. but the merry' go-round that has settled itself on the Vflcant. block, back of Kennard a Adams' store has proved the very last straw. The' merry-go-round Jias three tones, they Wl services at Mount Tabor will elese. The meeting were held last week In the church ana Degmnrag nun- day night were held in th Methodist church. Many of the Mount Tabor res-. Identa and church members were unable to attend the Chapman meetings and fvensiderabl interest -has - been shown during th Mount Tabor services. Th Methodist and Presbyterian cbnrehea-f united in the work and both will receive several additions, to' their membership through-the work of the visiting evan gelist mus raoj)aafaa irs Th marriage ot Miss Besst -Fields for five year a teacher in th Mount Tabor school, has been' announced. Miss Fields has resigned her position and has left s-rocofd of being on of th best tprlmaiy teachergt-h schools ''ever em- plqyed. . Baker 'Meacbm of Portland and Miss Fields will be married Thurs day evening at the home of th bride's mother. 680 East Ankeny Street." With-the-K-B.-SliOTrdeE -MOTHERS-rGonlin? uits-dthe ;-r" 1 i V ' TKml KIND AND PRICK IS SRIGHTi CqxHbstS? EE MWrF n J i it i i i ii e H I . re WHAT GARMENT ARE YOU IN NEED OF OR DO YOU EXPECT TO BUY THIS SUMMER?"" A SlllcShirtwaist Suit; rSIIk Redlneote Coat: a Poncree Silk Coat: a Brllliantine ShirtwastSuit: a Ffne Covert Jacket a Panel Plaited Silk Cftat; ' a Fine Dress Skirt briHiantine,Panama or voil; or an Elegant Accordian Plaited Skirt; or an Elegant Tailor Cloth Made-to-measure Skirt. You will need some of these, sure. WelL you can,1 for this week, eet any one of the above named garments FREE absolutely free of charsre with ...1. kMl. t r- m m w.M,1M.'a AC .. J..! 1 I 3 t t . - . , 1 , . . . m m X f T . M I Mm viutMs Kcuuiiau uik viuticu ui us uumig uic. icniiinucr ox tnis ween, wraers uius piacea wiu noia gooa to oe maae up Dciore juiy . This is really a Fourtlr of July Sale,-as it takes time to turn out hundreds of orders. .Nothing shall cost you one cent if you are not satisfied. - We permit nothing else. Look at the prices for men's elegarjtf made to order suits. They are .not raised,-are they? As is our custom, we give number otgooas anaioescnpuon-otclouist-you-can-ptclc thenrout as well as wexanrNfr deception xan be practiced urthisway. All goods marked trrplairr figuresrWe always mark our goods that way We say look at the cric'esrdd thev look like thev were boosted ud? "Below read theTfieures carefully note them think they are up? The Silk Shirtwaist Suit is worth nearly the price ofthe gent's suit, of the elegant covert jacket, or the fine, new, up:to-date Redingote silk coat How Would you like some one of these ladies' elegant garments iree with a, gent's suit of: ' Tj60dsN6.;.313S-'2Gunmetal color, smooth, all worsted... 327.50 Goods No. 808-4 Blue and gray Scotch mixed tweed...: A.. .825.00 Goods No.1 903-4 Fancv nlaid. Un and brown tweed.......... S25.00 AT"tjOods-No. 4171-2 Fine mixed brown check tweed S2T.KO J Goods .No,, 8311-0 Elegant stripe and checkrdark browffworsted $27.50 Goods No. 200-5 Fancy mixed plaid, snuff irown. . .... j uooas imp. idi-i uurunetai gray ana rea mixtirnooth worsted. gZT.aulQQCaoBlZsigStapIe bluft.graytOegantptoin-twe. 7 I innni na vmh iff ! . J iai t - nnf-ir. , wuj nc i la l "inin nin. i.m in pwists wtwuj i is ihh arivfra iwni wi atcu . eT7aMw Goods No. 8310-1 Faint stripe dark brown, smooth worsted .... $30.00 Goods Nor 8310-2 Faint stripe "dark" gray, smooth worsted ... . . $30.O0v fnnAa rJf - SISft-ATmrisihl err aw - amnneW mni-cf A fT Lf Goods No. 3115-2 Orange and blue gray mixqd check, worsted. .$27.50 Goods No. 3136-4--Bliie and gray check, worsted ............ .$27.50 Goods No. 8308-3 Dark black and brown herringbone, worsted. .$30.00 Goods No. 3107-3 Dark gunmetal smooth worsted ............$27.50 Goods No. 802-1 Fancy red thread check and flaked tweed. ..$25.00 Goods No. 900-6 Light tan, mixed and plaid, tweed $25.00. Goods No. 290-1 Fancy mixed brown Scotch tweed.. ..$25.00 uooda LNogoa-Z-TajLandLtirange llakeayscotch-tweed. . . . . . . . .$ZS.OO Goods No. 5299 Staple plain gray, elegant plaid tweed... ,$30.00 Goods No.; 5300 Very dark . gray . Scotch tweed .?v, $30.00 Goods No. 4004 White and graymixed standard tweed...... $30.00 " Goods No. 4003 White and - red gray mixed standard tweed. . . .$30.00 Goods No. 515 Dark blue serge........... $25.00 Goods No. 6348 Fine medium dark Worsted $35.00 Goods No. 7524 Quaker gray worsted . . . . ... . $40.00 AIm blacks la claj mMcd, infliliM yarttei, drak wr$itd, cbtvloti, rwttdj, ciulmem, etc DONT DELAY AN HOUR IF YOU ARE IN AHURRY FOR A SUIT, AS THOSE FIRST ON THE BOOKS MUST BE. MADE. FIRST. f. .VI TAILOR cloth suits BXAST TO WSiB OB TO OXOXB Bar w. hav got them all no concern can eqnal our Tailor Oloth gnlts. . On own tailor cloia. tailor shrank and mad .not pasted together all silk lined with a silk that will wear th life of th garment. These are now on sal. LADIES SKIRTS BX AST TO WI1B Tailor Cloth. Mohair,' BrlUlantlaas, VolUa late style and np-to-dat popular prlo. W. ar. maanfaoturt-f ladles' Oarm.nta, ana no on can madarprto ns, Skirts now oa sal or glv.n free as vtated elsewhere, - , . " - I 1 COVERT JACKETS : Bark, aedinm and very light tan oolor, warraatad tailor-shrank, wont spot, guaranteed silk or satin XUOng The heat made grmnts oa th market to day in Vortlaad, and will not cost yon any nor than inferior-made garment elsewhere. May cloth by th yard. SILK SHIRTWAIST SUITS BBABT TO WBAB In aTf the popnlar shades and anal tWl UUst styles ( np-to-dat gar ments. Tou will aeed one of thMe snr this spring and nnimar. Then popnlar garmssita ar bow on aala, and ar also, a an advertisement of th fact that w hav added this 11a to our atook being glvwa away TBXB with ch order for a Crantlaman' Salt for th next four daysJ ThM Silk gait will only p given free with Oeat volt pnroksS ef ns daring th next four days. TOYrWEDQITo introduoeur line . . "r .' '"' " JT.'mr, -tlna- is . I - - - " . . .... - -a-... . . . ...Jfc.. """" 1 i ' f - 1 " - "r ForltTs wellnown that in the past we have not handled this line of ladies wear, and to let every one in Portland know-that we have added this oooiilar line of we lose have been , gajmeniajoouiiaiesuK--wna-wioaK justness, we maae tnis remaricaDie otier tor tour days only, beginning, tomorrow, Wednesday morning. . What , during tms sale would be a, handsome profit, tor any store. But it's not lost, it's advertising (Jie mosk expensive in the world, the best Jn the world. We nere tor years, and our old Teluble motto is still in torce "It shall not cost you one cent if you are not satisfied. , . - . f . . A TREMENDOUS STOCK OF WOOLENS FOR GENTS' MERCHANT TAILORING . Our old, customers, when they come in now say, "My, but you have increased your stock So we have-It is'1 double "that of any concern in Portland. " That means, you can find what you want, from the lower and medium grade of cloth to the finest . We ask you to take nothing for granted all linings, trimmings, etc, will be ex- . ...-wkw.M ..w uwMustsvt.ivi wKiawu, " iuiu nuttst yuu one tent ii yutrmc not sstisncQ mat is our ruie, we will not Dreak it witn any one, Store Open Jtvenings "UntaflP.M. mm mmmm FIFTH AND ALDER 3T3s Merchant Tailors, ManufactocerS and Dealers , in Ladies' Suits, Coats and Skirts. , ' . I til. ... ' ..'-..': 1 ty-E:r' . :. : . - : (