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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1905)
1? Qraerwafw HOTtLaV FIMAJICIAL. t CITT BJOTIOES. cm -ROTICII. . CITT R0TI01A. CITT NOTICES. XAJXXOAD TTBrBTACIX 0----rg THE OREGON DAIIY JOURMAli" PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 2.- 1905." ; 1 , THE UNDKLL HOTEL Market, bet. Third aad ; . kourth, I'vrtlaud; oultrvljr new, bandeootely ' " f II rn i. t. ffl A li.irlna M I u a .. .. - Haul Pendleton, Pendleton. W. Walte. mgr. HOTEL Portland. American plaai $4, $5 per day. HOTEL BU GMrga.P "'' BELVEDERE. Laropean pUa;4th aid Aldr ata. r? IE8UXAXCZ. ' UAg JU, WHITE, to Immrn. 180 Mm I Alt. MrL WOOD, ermpioyrra' -liability and taw . oiniuii accident euraty nocia or. an aiuo I'boo 47. Sl2 McKay bids. - MUSICAL. 8KI,F-Pf.AY1N(l PIANOS Cselllsu slf-Ply LAMBFRT, WBITMKB A CO. Flri JaWWaBCtXa, -W(rirr,irt, ui 4wri Tfo lrtliuf v iisoajiyl uleaaaarTTS' v, i uincna. WCil ,1 U1, JIM -HWJ r-M. I I "- .lll Ufl Wl ..a.. I Ald.T (Cltlsep' . bnh Kaat 491. . T.'-. luc pianos pronounced tba beat by lead In aiiislclane; elro Ceeillan plano-playars. E. V, , - wills Marie Moose, aoo Aider su - SECOND-HAND music! Instruments C all klnda at lowest prloes.-esah or lnatsllsaoats. rmnrr musicLg..e-Iw Tnim au now going an. Levy' Moalo House, 171 Fourth at., X. M. C. A. Bldv LKKHOKS AOr. nlatm. . giiltsr. bsnto, msndolln violin. Mr. Martin. 2a Hi Flrat. eor.,. Alain. MR. ANn MUM. II. A. WERBKH. aan to. msndo- tin. guitar lnatfui-tjon.Xi'll-g.XIa--W.Palu4; ' MAQXmO HEALINO. 15 RH. L. H. HART traeta a n dUesae. ttomarh trounie, nereuiian ana luncuousi wo, Conaultntton free, 311 Tourney building. iotaxy muft PREPARATION - af dd aad annrtgagsn I poclaltyi prteaa redsced., B. A. Frsm, $19, the Martuam. - ' - ' ovxxaixs. BOK. or THE ROAD OVERALLS and mtrbas- Ira' clothing; union made. Neustadtar Braav, manufacturer. . t-ortian. or. ; , a --f " r -- r-.- TUVLIO" XCCO V R TART." ' I. H. 8. Virr.DER. azsart aMMntaat. nna 441 Bbcrlork aid. ; book a opanad, adjuatad and - audltad; bonka kpt for amall roDearna: mod - rata nartt: arat-riaaa nmtwM. Maia iwaa. UKORUR ANnERSO.N Expart plan taaat and repairing, tnuuira aiaaar aauaw vo. nea am. ntrXBRXoV- .DONNEUBEHU RADEMACBER. aaaltarr piaaiaafa. rat rtwia mu aaia paaaaa. . : fOX A CO., aaalUay plaaiBart. RSI Imnd bet. - Main aaa; Baimoa. uratwa. noaaaiaia auoi, AAHTtcitw-piMTiwa -co.. a rirat Ooid. ar - aaypar,-- .BltJraja pianag. I H la-WI INMWt- PL AT19JbT0RK a r Inf ton at. Ihoua 2J7S. J-pllablng, plating aa iaww nig. - lRITlRO. RI'KIIONO A CO arol and Itark ata.. priaV , Ing. llthogranalBg. - blank booka aad - afftca .. auopiiaa; work do an Jlmt auat 4 -printiDg aTAaa la tba waaUMaU 104. AVTERRoy A PTfNlWAT COMPANT, BalntlBf, ,llthocrcpblng..Blaak baaba. Pboaa Alata II. A A M.. a . - - i t'T AIUBJB- Bit; - - . - T" ----- rHYTt, OIL dUTD OtAt., r. E. ' REACH A CO. 'Tba Ptenaii Pal at Oax f w(ooow.rla and : alaalt. - 13S flrat at. IM4. . - - -r ' RORBER btabttb. P. r. STAMP WORKS. Ba Alder at., paaaw Wain TIOs robber atarnpa. bp a la, atasclla, bna gaga, iraoo cnaraa; acna nr aaottogaa. FOOriNO. avttarlnc. ratwlrlac aad i . Hbtttv Loattt,- 1H Jaffanoa ac sort. PORTLANO CORDAGE CO- and Martbrap ata., Portland. Or. BATZS. FOR apanlaa- lorkosra and aara bajgalna ra a I. . Darla. M Third at.' , '''III . i iBiaiii aaaararaBaaaaaaaaeM BHOWCAJtB AXD nXTTTRIS. .&BOWCASES at vrarr draerlpUoau bask, bar and atora itnrra Bad ta ordrt Tkt Jattka mm iub i-orxiaaa. BTOBAOR AJTS TRAXBT BATES CS, plaaoa aud (araltar asoTaa. (xrkad dr for ablDDlac aad ahlmwdi all work ruarantaad; large, B-atorr. brrk. Bra-proof warekanaa for ataraga. Of& lit rirat at, C. Ii. Olaaa. Pbooa Mala B4T. C O. PICK. ofBre M Pint at., Wt-reen Btark and Oak ata.. Bhoaa bSH: plaaea and fitrnttm j Binred and varkrd for aklpplag; rota mod toot are-proo-, anca . waraBaaaa, . rraat aaa lay ata BTTiHAOIt aper tff' Wt In mtr new balldlng. 14 Water at. Big tar Milling Caaalaaaaa Coaspany. TTlfBIR. FOR BALE Ona half aectloa of rbotra timber land, baa beea rrulaed at 10.000,000 feat, 40 : pr cent Pnrit Orford- redar, till from arbonl land board; price I3.00 per acre. B. S. (Wk A Ca., 1S1 Aider at. FOR HALF Twa bomratead relliHralakant - rlalma; a, rood growth: will tell cheap, M. P. Melaon, Hatal.RhalBpfahra. - - r - - - - - - - - I i aaaaaaMaaaaaaal i aa II 1 yiin , Rlaa linn 9JDfJ 1 J lOfa . koorao. - ' ' - - - -.. -I I - - "- -L- -- Tt!t ROOriSO, Rattarlnc. rapalrlac and naarai FOR FIOVIEHTEAnS. timber rlalma aad aerty . apply to o Commercial blorh. TTFXWRJTI1B. TOST TYPEWRITER HEADQUARTERS B3 Fourth, Btraet. Wt rant, repair, aell, nohanga typairrttan. An anppllea for all marhlBM. " Ftandard marhlora $25 and ap ta Blflot --r lf -rrmt want a atmoarapher or trplat! , Wa hare ' Hat of good appUcanta. j. Pkooe Rlark BWT1. 1 ' "BLtrKENSDOHFRR typrwrlrera. mppllea, re - pairing. Knee A Raea. td Btark.- Mala ICla rowzt nniTi CJ-RAW- TOWELjL PATLT Comb, bruak. ana a, - $1 per mSntkXawreoet Rroa.' Towel Bsppiy - Co.. Fourth and' Ooork. - Pboaa 410, TRAJTSTEB. AbTTJ KAVLnTOT 0RE00S TRANBFFR CO., 1M Kortk Birth. Pbena Mala aS, llrary kaallng aad ataraga., roT HPECIAL DELITERT Da. BnOH Waak Ington at. Pboaa Mala adt. I0LIRB. I. A. WEftCO, violin-maker and reaairert work Brt tlaaa. K Rnaoell hldg. 4th aad Morrtaea, WAXLF AFXR. MORGAN W1UF1F11 CO.. 1U.1M it.. baL Yamhill and Taylo. Pert la ad. mr AW0IAL. S ECU AIT r BATTVOS TRVBT COMPART. B Mnrrteoa it., Portland. Or. -- . Ira aaa on a Aenaral Banking Bualaaaa. : BATIVOI DEBAkTM EWT. laterrat Allowed on Time and BaTlnra Depoalta. i Aria aa Traeiea rnr Eaaatea. . , Draft and Lettera of Credit Aroilabla. la All I'arta of tba World. C. F. APAVS L. A. i.r is.,., A. L. a " n. o. Juoirz.... . ..Flrat Vtoo-rrealoVnt .Second Tlca-PrNiui.nt . Secretary DOtTLARS TRFiT COVPAWT OF ORIOOaT. I . Ho. lei tiilRO ST. "Tba Oldaat Truat Company la Oregoa.' CAPITAL BotiO.OOB. - We coBdnct a geaeral baukiug baalarae. Wa lecrlra aaatnga depoalta. Wa laaua ttma cer tlHratea and cert I Bra tea at drpoalt - parable apon 10 dara' call, ifo daya' call or BU dare calVwmi Intetvat at t, and d per aeat K annum. Call of aaad for our bad ItLUSTRATIOMS, . . .. HAfiJ. I. COHalal. .f .. P1A1 H. L. P1TTIX K. ..Vlca-Praaldent B. LEE PAGET.... Becraury I. O. UOLTBA Aaalataat Secretary twtOTB3rTBrymojTiiriiAK, 7- P0RTLARD. D1IDOI. rm A NK- WATSON ... rr. . . . ... R. JU DURHAM .Vloa-Prcldcnt H. TV. HOYT.... .t:..hi SEOKOR W. HOYT ..Aaalataat Caabkr Traaaaota A tVaaarai Roaktag Buemooa. - Drafta, and L'ttrra of Xredlt laaued -AralmMf : to All I'arta af th World. - - ' - Collaetloaa a Bpodlalty. . r MORRIS BROS. A CHRIBTEVBEV, 14S Flrat Buoet, PartUndr Or. URTTZO STATES RATIONAL BARK, --sry OF PORTLAND. 0SE00W. ' AtORTBTWEBT COR;- THUUi AMD OAK BTS. ' Traaaacto a Oaaaral Banking BuaUma. . " T' DRAFTS ItUfL'KD -' , Arallabfa la All n I lea of too United 8 ta tea - and Eufopa, Uong Kong and Maplla. COLLrCTIOXI MADI OR FAT0RABLR TERM Prcaldi-nt. .........,.J. c. AISHWUKTII Yice-fraainoBt. . , . , , r ... r . . . w. B AJ Kli Ca.liler. ...' .R. W. BCHMEKU Aaalataat Caahler..., .A. M. WkltiUT LAOO A TUTOR, BARKERS. (Eatakllahad la llll.) - - Traaeaete a aVaaaral Baaklag Sua in aaa. CollactJona made at all oulnta an farorabla terma. Ittera ef credit laouad -aeattaMe In TuroiK-and" all polula In- the Unlud Btataa. nigui . r.icBanga ana Tflegraphio Traaerera told aa Kow York, WaablugtoO. Chicago, St. Lou la. Dearer . Omaha, Ban Fraocllco Bad Montana aa Brttlan CohlmbU, 7 " - Etchaaga aoid ofl Loudon, Parle, Berlin. Frankfort, Boog Kung, XokoaBBia, Manila aad Bouolulav . -.- . FIRST RATIORAL BARK. " V, OF PORTLARD. ORIOOR. DgalSBBtrd -Dapoaltury aad Financial Agent af . tba V'Dlted BUtea. . Irea1deaL.. ....... ,, ,rr....... ..A. L. MILLS Caehlaf. .J. W, NEWKinK Aaalataat Caakler..... ,.W. 0. ALVORD Second Aaalatant Caaftr......B. F. STEVENS Lettera at Credit leaned ArallaMa la Europe aaa-taa- cjnarcm Biaref. ' Blfht . Kiebanca and Talvfrapkia Traaafm wild on Naw Yurk. Beaton. .a.. a Bt.Paui; " Onsaba. ftaa TraiH-laca and - tba I.., I, ..I -..lui. I. H..-C.l,-. ' "I Bicnr ana limit miia,qrai lnaaina to nn on Mnuw, runs. xnrno( a raBBiarn.cna Malo, Hoaf - Kmc, yokonama, Copcaaacao, inrunania, Biocanoim. BU raleraDurg, cw. Eurlcb. Honolulu. ..Oallaetlatia Mada aa Favorable Tarma. M O RTO A CI B JL0 AiGL On" PorCkni Rl E.t.t."it.Jljlw..a.L .tltiaa laaurad. ' Aaatraete Furaiahod. I1TLS OUARARTER TRUST CO. t. Chamber af Pirnmarni CITT V0TI0ZS. FR01H)Sra-TMTR0TEMERT"t)FJ,ARTinnt .,. s ,. ; BTRZXT. -"-.. lCeTrr HBerebr given that at the meeting oti n wonra i tba tuj irl rwaul, urogM, held oa th 18th day of April, liMt, the fol low Lng raaolntlaa wa adopted r "" "" - - KBeavlred. That-4h'-CottBH-4; th ;-CltF-t PortlaBd, Orrg un,' Beema It aKpedicat aud ettr. WlTrrll'wflJa Jar rand atreot. In tba following meaned to-wll! FlratBy gradlag the aueat lu lhe" auh grade aa oaowa By- ta atake aa eat by the Qlty Engineer. . ,, . hWowd. - By -coaaUructlrg wooden -eMewaakl Ib acrurdaBce with the City JCuglaear'a flaaa, apectflcatjaoa and eatlmataa. ... Third. By eooatrnrilnc wooden curbe In ac- rtcatloflf "inrf eatlmatn. T Fourth. By ' ronatructlng "boi drain ! ae rordance with the City luglaeer'a -plan, apccl flcatlene Bad eatlmatea. - - -. " fifth. Uj roaauactlaia oleeafd roadway-la soeordaae wlfh the City Engineer A plaoa, apeci flcatlooa and eeUmatea, ' Blath. By bringing rtae anrface af tba at reel to grade lib aaarauah. aa ahowa by the City Enaliieer'a Diana, anoclflcatlona and 'MtluiatAa. Said Improremeat to- be made In accord a er with the Charter aad erdlnaucee of tba City vt rorimae ana tne plane, apectneauoaa) area aaeeea at TK City .-,,rln r fDM I" "r- - tBf dl Ilia CilT of Portland ca the oth day of AprlL , 100B. ladorard: 'City En gineer' plan aad opacification for tba -tne prorrmrnt at Arthur a treat from lb wrat curb line of Flrat etreet to the eaat Una af Reccud treet aad the eatlmataa of the work to be dona aaa ue probable total coat theraof.-' ' The coat of aald Improvement to be eeajeee.l a provided by the City Charter npaa tba property epedally aad pocallsrly beaeflled there ny aad which la hereby declared t be all the lot, parts thereof and parcel of land lying between a line 100 feet north of aad parallel wMh the north tin af Arthur tireer. and a tin 100 fret eoatk af and parallel with the-aautb Una of Arthur etreet. and betweea th meat line of rirat a treet and th eaat line at Second treet. . Tba Engineer's rati mat of the Bmnahla total eaat for th improreajent of ali Arthur stm t aa - Th boot Improvement la to be elaaoed aa plank roadway aad macadam Imvreveinent and aball be maintained bv tba dtp for a period af . four yea re, provided that the wnr. f a majority or ta property Benefited by said lm- nmvemeni er any portm tbcreof aball not pa tltloa for a aew ar different Improvement ba fore the expiration of an-.-a period. The nlana. anorlflcatloB and atlmtte AT i City Engineer for . the- Imnrerumfnt at Aald Btraetnre harrhy adopted. Keaoived, That ta Auditor of the CMp-at rortiana oe ana Be ia nereoy directed to alve noiu-a of the proposed tm,v-ein-it of ex Id troo-aw arawldoay'bytiworrT t lrae,fci;r Rrmoaatrancea agalnat tba a nova Impcove men! mar be filed la wrltlne with th nmler. Ignrd wttbla S daya from the dale it th tint publication at this notice. my ereer i tne vennru. THOg. C. DETLI". - Aadltarwf me Cltr of 1-urilaaA i rortuno. uirgon bate of first publlcstUn. April S3. IBOS. - Causctf. Notice r herebr rives that at th meet In of tb Voancll it th City of PortUnd, Oregon, held on the 10th day of April, 10OS, the, fol ejwiug rewiiurtoej was saopteu: Mesolvrd. Thai lb Council of th City ot Portland, irregua, deow it ainedJant nasi Bur. poaea to change the grade of Ihe center line of Tb Crecot, end - hereby" ' declare It Inteatlna to lukt auch ehauga of Brad aad eetablleb th eaaae, aa follow: At a point 10U fret weat af tba weat ! line of Eaat Thirty-third street t....i40 ft At th center Una ot Kaat Thirty -eec- - end lreO-t ...t....,......r,.,,,.ISI ft. At the eenrer Hue of Leeawt avenua. at.iai ft. hove the baae of city, grades, - - Keaoived, That th Auditor of tb City Of PortUnd be and he to. hereby directed to give nolle ot tb proposed change of th (red ot aald etreet aa provided by tb Cltr Charter. -' Keaaonatranc agalnat the proposed change Of grade may h filed hi writing wita th under lgnd within 20" days from tb date ot th flrat publication of this nolle. - . xy oroer ot tk council. i .. :.' ' , THOS. C. DETLI. - Andltor of th City of Port la ed. VMI.Ml fW-.wu. Ikt. , Jl . ...... . 1 April S3, 0, COXFLETIOK AMD AOCIPTARCE OF IM- nOTERTEITT OF FRESOOTT STREET. Notice I hereby- given that Charlea -Wanner. City Ergliaeer. haa filed In th offlc of th BBderelgneA'-Bothw that- Wrsnn A Keotrr, eon tractors for th Improvement of Pranrott street, nnder the provtsloos of ordinance No, 14.mii, hv computed tbe rant on half of tba later. wcttoa of Fourteenth etreeh. - Bold seceatanre -WI1L bu Wmalderwl Bfih Kxeenttv Board at 4 o'clock r) the Sth dsr of Mar, lo. aad objectton to th acerpUaco ?r aia atrrot. or any pert t Hereof, may he lied 1 the- office of tb undersigned at any Urn, prior thereto. . ' -., ?I1H F.IMTTIII Jt"AKH. , nr thO. C. DEVLIN. And of the City of Portland. Portland. Oregon, April 39. I BOB, PROPOSALS FOR CLE A Via A) AJTS XALSO- xuaiav aaiai VI&S naiL. - Oaaxed aeviaeaMle will kw rseeteea a Ihe re of tb Andltor of th ttty af Portland unfit rrtdar. May S. IfOC. at S p. at., for rleanlng nd kakv.mfbtng the walla In lb eeeernl kce of th tity Hall, a la for rleanlng the brick walls In th courts, a tee for atalng wllh glue 1a ad thereafter kahvimlnlug lb Council rhamher. . - ' KpecUlcatlona and form of bid can be ob tained at the ofaVe cf ths andVralga . No sroMaam will ne reeteioereil nnleas, rompsnlea py a rertinen eneei parahio to th order of Oeergo It." Wllllanw. Maror of th rttr of Portlsnd. for th sum ot Seventy. Anller 1751. ' . - Th right t reject ny and III bid la hereby reaervro. ' t By order r m nemrrve rwarn. . TltOf). I. liFVLIX. . A editor f lb Cltr f I'uaUaed, Portland, Oregoa, April o. FROPOBEH IJtPROTTnrwwx Of EAST SATIS STRICT. - . - i ""rfo(Ic- U hereby glren thf" t th meeting of the Council of th City of Portland, Ore' a. held oa th luth day of .April, 1WW0, th fol lowing resolution waa adopt!: - - "' . atnalved. That the CoOncll of tba CITT Portlsud, oreguu.. dcams It aipcdlaul ind pur poaea to inipror Kaat Davl tret roi lb weat Hue of tajt Iblrd lr4ct to -b vat lla of Eaat Hlxuvutk atreea, tn th following Bn " rirat. - By gradlnw the street full width irlUl full Intanoction to tbe proper eub-gradc, Beeuud. By brlaglug th urface of ' the tlrsnl m fiiU i a Idih attih lifll' liileraarlltnt Third. By eooetrtrtlng .rtlflclal (ton ld walk -tw arearusaaa - with, the -Ul. Kaginaaf nl.n. . 4 f I . r I. . n mnA Mitlmatsa. Fourth, By eunstructin artificial tons (urb. .- ; - ' . - Fifth By - lavlag aad re-la rWg crjBwalha U -soordsnee-wtth the tlty Eaf iiKStt a puiua. aperlflcatloua aad eatlmatsa. . With. By comatraclUig aloo gutter. Bald Imurorement to be made. In BceordBBea with th Charter nd ordlni-ea of the City of Portland andh plana, apeclflcatlon and ! mataa of Sa city-atnglaeer fill d Is tlis sffl.-a of ths Auditor of th CHJ af PortUnd on the lth day- of- AprlL 4Uu, Indoraod --' 'Uiy-f-n glueer's plan and specific Hon ftr th lin- RrovBnt of Fast pavls Btre--fe- th We! aa at Lsst lhlrd stree t the weet Mni' Eaat Sixteenth etreet and tbe estimate of tb work to.h doaa and tbe prokatll cost thereof. Th coat of aald Improvsruetit to u seaeaacd a provided by th City Charter npn th pri;d arty apedally and peculiarly benefited thereby ad which la hereby declared to ba nil the lota, part thereof and parcel f land lyl'yf le-tweea a line 100 fret north of dnd para Hal wllh th north line or Eaat Paris etreet aim a nue iuv I-r'ua0laaiifa'l'd he'l'tala aniir li-q feet weat of and parallel with tbe west lino of r.aat 'intra street ana tas wsai mm Sixteenth atraet. Th Euglnnlr' eatlmate at tba prebabl total coat for lb improvement af aald fcaet Dana etreet -to- SlO.54ii.00. .-t Jlk. Hnt Improaemtat la ta be tiaeocd aa (ravel ImprovemoBt and aball tie inalntalud by-th city fur a period of flva yea 'a, pro. vldcd that the owners of n majority af tas proa arty he not 1 tod by said Improve meat -er ny por' tloa thereof shall nut petition for a new or dif ferent loiprevemeat befura the cxplratloB of such Th plan, specification aad eatlmataa of fh City -Euglnaer- fur Che Improvement of a id Kaat lvla street sr nereDy aooptea. . -- wmlmA Tk.e th. Anjlltn ..f ths C1 tV Cf Portland be and -Be la hrrabjr directed, ta-gira.. notice of ths proposed .Improvement af ! street a provided by th City Charter. . . Hemonstrancea agalnat th above Improve ment may b filed In wrltln with tba under, algned within o dara from the' daw-1 of th flrat oobllratlon of 4bla notice. . - Auditor at the City of Portland. V r"r".'--'-f",r .-. - .. : 1 . .. ..... pwttanw.- Oregon, pnuiimw", FROFOSXD IMFROTXMERT OFIABX TAT- LPs aiaj-ai. Notice Is hereby given ths at tba meeting Ae ,-AMneil er the illtv of Portlsad. tlregou, held on th Uttk day of April. 1W, th fol lowing resolution was adopted; .: Resolved. That tba Council of. the City of Puattsnd. Ota gain ueima n eapruieux ana pur- set- Tsvlew stiest from the rait Una ot Kait Water atreot to th weat line af t'ulon avenue by eonatmctlng aa elevated nadwav rail width with full Intersection, - Icrpt th lntrroctlon ot East F'restiet. etaM improvement w we .-.-. --- with tli charter aad ordlnaaee - of the City of Portland and th plana, apeclflcatlon and ealliuatea of -th -dry F.nglner filed -to the office of -he Andlto,4bwC4tAl . Fort imA the ixih dv of Anrll. lto. Indorsed: City ' Kogloaer'a plane -aad peeifletlon for ik. ' Af - Kaat Tar lor street tram tncesst tin of Kant Water street t th we line of Cnlon avenue, sna roe sximaies of th arorh t b dene nd Oh prohabl total . Tatak dVkBlt dkf xtaaitf 1 1BDrOTCmMl t tO b tWaM ertr apcctnlly And peculiarly benefited thereby aad which I hrby declared to be aU the lota, parts tberoof and parcel of -land lying between tin 100 feet north of and parallel with the north lino of East Tsylor street and a lln 100 feat south of aad parallel With th south lln t Et Tylor at root, and between the eaat line of Eaat Water atraet and th Z ' - i" ..ral.v B,..(AJ Ituah weat lln f Cnlon avenue. TUB anglo' eatlmate. o the prohahla total coat for tne improvement ot sold fcasl Taylor street I a,0o0.00. -rj-- Th a bora Improvement I to be cleeaed aa .iM.Mi miiuf-JaMwnMt - nd shall Ii maintained by th city for a period of flea veeee MMvwteat ha- the - nana " of a sna Wll; of- th propertr benefited by (aid 1n Troveanent r ny portion thereof shall sot pe tition for a new or dlf fere" Improvement De foe tb expiration of urb perw . . US )iansv- VCtTICIesno-ow - eeiioeee-.. th Cltv Enslnear for th oiJsW . Taylorstreet srt. bereh dopa: W"tdreb'.rec?ea sotle ef-the' proposed Improvement of aalilT street e-i provided by th City Charter. Rrmonatraneeo-agalnat th above Improvement may he flle In writing wita tn unoeraignea within 30 day from tk date of the flrat pub lication of thla notice, . Br order .f ib Council. '. . Auditor of ths City of PortUnd. '-Paxtland; Oregoa. Data of first publication, April 22. IBOB. FBFOSRP ITtPROVFJIERT tF -VatlOR ATR- ' . RUE. - ' ' Notice I hereby given that at the xaaetlng of th Council of the City of Portland, uragon, held aa the ISth day of April, lfHio, tba fol lowin reaolntlnn waa adonted: Reaolved, That th Council of th City of Portland, ortgon. aeeaw it xpeaienc nna pur pose t Imprev I'nios inn, from 10 feet south of the eoatk line of Broadway to TO feet oath ef the Booth lln of Schuyler strMt. by miking fill and bringing the etreet tall width with full intereeetloue to proper grcde. - Maid I mrt rove merit to be mad In necnrdsiie with th Charter and ordlnauceavof ties City of Portland and the pleas, speclflcatlona had eatl matea of the City (Snglneer filed In-thsofflc f tba Andltor of ta city or rorttena aa tna 4th day of April, lie. Indorsed: "City Engl. oeee plane and peciflcatlana for Th Improve ment of I'nton (venue from 10 feet couth of th couth II of Rroadwar to TO feet eoutb of the4V4lnsv-vnT:!lrh atiretT and the nt. mate f th work to b don sad tut 'jrubsble total cost, thereof." - Th coat of aald Improvement to b assessed aa provided by tba City Charter-upoa th propgrty er-ially and pernllarly Irwllted (hereby and which 1 hereby declared to H the lot, parta thereof and parcela af laad-l. iMtoana a lln 100 feet ewl of-nnd par allel with th wrat lla af Cnlon avenu aad a lln inn feet ssst of sod parallel with ths east lln ef t'nlon srenu and betsreen. llut SualA IlnflIaucock treeT and th north Ito of W r Id lee at 1 1 al. - Tk Eaglneer'a eetlmata of tk prohslit total cost for the Improveanat ot said Lslon avasa ta ll.aod.oo. Th plaaa. snedflcstloas snd sat I sm tea of th City Engineer for th Improvnarat Of Bald Vnlon sveaus ir Aerby adopted. Resolved. That he Asdlior of tb City tf Port la ad be and I herehy directed to glv nolle of th proposed mprovmnt of aald avako re provided by the City Charter. Remontrncv agalnat th ahov Improvement may be filed la writing with tb undersigned within 30 day from the data of th tint pub. Ilea t Ion ot this notice. . , By order ot th Cownrll, - -. THOU.' C. DETXIJf, Tidltor ot th City of PortUnd. Portland. Oregon. ' Data of first publication, April 33.. 1808. FR0P08ED CKAROE OF GRADE OF SIX. TEXRTH STREET. " Notle Is hereky given that st th meeting Council of th City of Portland, Oregon, held on th loth day of April. iPoo. ,th fol. towlag reeoratlon wa dopted: . Rcaol'ed. That the Council f th City of PortUml. Oregon, deem It expedient aad pur iKe to rhang and eatahllah tb gnd of SUtMBtb etreet free S3 feet aoatk of ths south line of Kllssbeth street to a potat 318 feet. south of the south fin of Elisabeth street by declares It Intention to ma auch chang. of grade and eel eb lla aia graa a foilowor ' - . -w Comraeoclrig at aV-nVBS feet aootk of the smith Use- of Kllaabttk street at an elevelto of tTtt feet a now estsbllshed: - t he ace fol lowing th perimeter ef a vertical rare having . r.,iik of oi4 feet to . Point 315 feet south of ths south line of Elisabeth treetM ja chFVsticw ot of a. t rrex now esiaoiieoeo. Resolved. Tht tk Auditor of th City of Portlaml b and ka ta hereby directed to give otic f th proposed chang ot grade of said street ss provided by th City Chrte. Remonatrsnres agalnat th hov chang of gvsda-ens-y be filed tn writing with tb ander algned within 20 deye freca tb dst of lb first pvihlieatlon ot tht notlc. By rdrrf th Council. - THOS. C. DETLI!, Aiteleae of tb cltv ef PorfUsd. Portia ad. rtregoo. Data of first publication, April n. 108. ...... - - s COMPLETION ARD AOCEPTARCE OF -FROTEMEHT OF REECK ITAAAT. -Notice In herebr given that Cbwle Wnaser, fit Engineer, hishflled la ths offlc ot th noervlgned. notlc That R. J. Debuhr. contrac tor for th imp element of Beech arrest. Bader th pro vie lea a of erdliMrae Ho. 14 V. ka com pleted aald etreet,. from the center line- of atliiaanrl nvenn t tk aoater lln of Michigan arena. ,.. t. . i..v.i.. Held cceptnc Will he eenelHereoT by th Rieeatlv Beard at 4 a'Vlork ml tk Sth dsr of Mar. Its, and ohjeethwo ta acceptance af said street, or. ssy psrt thereof, may b l lie It. the omr l in unneraignea at any time prior thereto. ' s - . Tnr T.A e.i t i l 1 m n--e o i-. Bv Tltop C. Aedttor ef the City of Portland. PtoUsn April Sr IfcaJr- - . - riOPOBEB CHAROR 0F SRAM 01 ZA1S ALDER STRICT. - Notice I hereby glrea that at th aieetlng f tba Council of th City of Portland. Orrgou. held oa the loth day of April, lPUO, th fol lowing reeolutlon wa adopted: . Rceolaad, Tho4-h- Vnrll ef the -City of Portland, Oregon, deem It xpsdlenl and par pose to chang and eatabluh h grade ef ICas Abler etreet front - Eaat Twenty-ninth etreet to Bast Thirtieth etreet. and hereby declare It Intention ta mak Buck rbaos of grade and eanabfleh aald 'grade- as follow a At tbe center Una of East Twenty- an ma iiijin.j.VT-rrTiBT; TtT At the renter ltu of Eaat Twenty. ninth atraet, at ...L 1J4.S ft above th baa of Hy grade. --' Resolved. That th Auditor or th City' of Portland ha snd he Is hereby directed ta ir otto of lb pronaaed change cf grade at aid etreet a provided by th City Charter. Reoatrace against ths above rbaug af grade may h filed In writing with th under signed within au daya from tba data at th flrat publication at thus notice. By order of the Council. "' " 8 Aliaitnt.-of"lha TCltvof Tortlani - Portland. Oregon. Data at flrat publics tloa, April . ISO.- , : r--r-xVlOaULt TOatJ Sealed proposal will b rectlyed at lb a ofdc of the Auditor of the City of Porrtind. until Friday. Mar Sr 1800., at S:00 -o'etoek p. m. for th lmprovtut of Hetxbta Ter race from the west lla at- Lowndal-tret to the tut Una oftlock 40, Carter Addi tion, in ths' aaahner .provided wr ordloLne No. 14,5ft,-snblect to ths prov1lona of the charter aud nculnaaee af tbe t;ty ad Port land and th aaUauto at th City Engl- iJurcr...Dn file - ; Biaa muar o atnctiy in accorflanr wita printed blanka, which will be furnlabed on application at th office of th Auditor of the City of Portland. Aad -aald Improvement must be completed on ar before BO oav from th date of the algnlnr of h contract by the bartlea thereto. N proposal or bid trill be ronltdered an Isss sccompsntod by a certified check payable to th order of the. Mayor of tb City-of 'Portland, certified by s rponstblo hank for aa amount .ul to 1Q per ceBt at ths aggraga ta prnpoadl. Ths right to reject gpj gad U bids I hereby reserved. -. h By ordgr-'hf Iha' Txecntlve JBeard. ' . " ' 'r Andltor of th Cltr wf PorDaad. . Portland. Oregon, April SB. 1008. J: FROFOSAXS FOR STREET WORK. - Sealed propeeala will ' b received t ' th efdoe of the Auditor at tbe City of Portland, until Friday, May S, 180S. at S:00 o'clock p. an. for the improvement of ' Twentr thlrd (treat from-U north tin of Waahisg. tow street to the aoaith II n ot Thurmaa a treet, In th manner provided by ordinance No. 14.SB-.- aubject to the pmvlalons cf th Chtrter and ordinance of th City of Portland nll th estlmat f the City Engineer, en. SI. Bid muat h strictly In accordance with printed blanka.-which will k furalehed ppllcarloat-at th offlc of th Auditor of the City of PortUtad. Aad aald Improvement must be completed s or before flu day from th date of ta algnlbg ot tb contract by Abo- arllee 4hn ii proponsla, or bids wtH-Tte ruualdei ed"tiK leas aceompsnisa ar eerttnea cnecs payiow to tb order ef th Mayor of the City of PortUnd. eertlSed by a reaponslhl bank for aa anaosnt qasl to 10 per cent J1 th sggregat KThight to reject gay aad all bids I hereby reserve 4. By rd t th Executive Board. - THtMt. O. - DEVUJt, - " T Abdltof" th Cltf of Portland. " Portland. Oregon. April n.-- - - FROPOSALB FOR STREET WORK.- Healed t propoaaU trill Be received ft th irfllce of th Andltor of the City of -Portland sntll Friday,- May B, 1008, Bf-SIW o'rlock I, -ror tn improwmrnt or nan intra imvi aoath lln ef Hawthorne venue, tn th anas ner prarldod by ordlnaao - No. 14.51. - sub ject . to -the - provlatons of the charter and ordinances of th City of Portland and the estlmsts of th City Engineer, on Ble - Bids mnat he strictly In accordance with printed blanks, which will he furnlabed en application at ' th ofSe of the Auditor ot the City ef Portland. And said Improvement Biusn" completed ok or before! days from the date af th algnlng of the coatract by the parties thereto, . . hio- seopnaui r bid win he eemaldered n- rrS' accorncsnieai cj reruaea weserH lo th order of thAMayo f th- CJty -of Portland, cert inert by a responsinis nans tor aa aamont atjual toO par cent of lk sggregsts proposal. The rl Igkt t reject snjj ssd sit kid U herebr Bv -order oF -th. Executive Board. . .. . THOB. C. DRTLIlf nufltror or rne nty or rortu FR0POSAL8 FOB STREET WORK Sealed mrsoMMil will b received at the offlc of tbe Auditor f the City of PortUnd. until Friday. May -S, -1808. st S:00 'clock n. no. for tbe Improvement of Twentieth a treet front th 1 north lla ef Spring a treet t th Berth Use ef Carter street, tn tbe manner pro vided by ordinance No. 14.878. ubjet to th provlalon of the charter end ordinance af tb City -of Portland and t ealimai oc tna city Eoglaeto, ea Al. Hlas Btuat Be srnrTiy in huh iarv wi in winteA blanks, which will b forniahad n application nt th efflr of th Andltor f th City of Portland. And said improvement must b completed en ar befer 80 day from th date of th algnlng of th contract by the parties ts . Nn nronosals or bid will be considered as- toss Boonmnsnled br a ' eertlSed check parable to th order ef th Mayor t th City ot Port Mad. certlBad by spoa1hto aak rnr aa amount equal to 10 per cent at tb aggregata ""l-hrlght to reject any aad all Mda la kcrrby I Br order f -th Executive Board - ' Andltor f th Cltf of PortUnd. PortUnd. Oregon. April 20. 108. completion; arp - acceptarcb of. nt- 3- T-BOTZJlEBr Uf BU AH BIDE BTR. Notlc I herebr given thst Charles Wa riser. Cltr Knolnewr. haa filed tn tb of fire of th aadrvelgned, notlc that Smyth A Howard Co.. coatractora for th Improvement ef Rurwatd street, under tb provisions or ardlnaaca-Ao. 14.2X5. bars completed said street, from ths at lln of . fntfa-Atrrat to tha,rratr Una of Second etreet. Said acceptance will b ennelaered by th Rxecutlve Board at 4 o'rlnrk on the Btb day of Mar. imcl. klirl IJI' JW'l lons-p-" Th iccpf aar of aald etreet. or any part thereof, may be filed In th offlc of th ondcrslgned at any time prior thereto. TUB EXErPTIVB BOARD. Port U ad. Oregoa. April SB, 1008. C0MFLET10R . ARD ACCEPT ARCS OF IM- FROVXaTERT OF TWIBTT-iECOBD ST. sfotlea tn herehy given that Charles Wasser. Cltr Engli-eer. ha filed In the fflc of th nnderalgned, notlc that Fralney Keating, contractors for th Improvement of Twenty ecend etreet. nnder th provlalon of ordinance Mo, 14.474, ksr completed said nreet. from th center lln ef Flander, street to tb South lln t Johneou atraet. ... r. . Ha Id acceptance will be considered by th Precitlv Board, at 4 o'clock on th Btb day of Mar. I0k. And objection to the aceeptanc of aald atreet. or ny prt thersof. may b filed in the offlc of ik oaoersignM at any tlm prior thereto. . 3I1B) aaat t nt n diiaflii. Bv THOS. C. DEVLt". ' " """Auditor- nf the City ef Portland. Portland. Orsgoe, April 38. 18uB. COMFLXTIOB AXD AOCIPTARCE OF . IM. - FROTTMrUT OF SHATER STREET. ' Notlc I hereby glvrh that Charlea Wanswr, City Kngtneer. hs filed In the offlc of th nnderalgned. antic that It. J. Debuhr. ontrac tor for tb Improvement of Bhaver etreet, noder the nrovlainn ef lor dlnance hW t..'ea. ksa enmpkted aald atreet. from Ike center Mb f neand avenu to th arntor lln sf Esst Blxth street ' " ' Hald scccptanc will he considered hr th Rxecntrr Board at 4 o'clock en tb 5th Say r Mar. 1005. and objection In the aceeptanc ef aald afreet, or any part thereof, may he f lieu In th office of th snderalgsed at an tlm prior thereto. THE EXECITIVB BOARD. " --.. By THOS. r-liEVLI. " . As44tar of th City of Portland.-.-Pnrthnd. Oregon. April 38. 1006. ... , PROPOSED CHARGE OF BBADX OF EAST ..... v . WTJRR8IDK STxzrr. Notle hereby given that at the meeting; f th Creincll of th Cltr f PortUnd. th-egois held the 10th day of April, lu6, the tel. lowing reeolutlon was sdnpted: ksenrved. That th ton net I f th 'City of PortUnd, Oregnn, dem It expedient end pur. pear tj Chans sad eetabllah th grade ef tost Burnald atreet st a point 8 feet west of Esst Third atreet,- from MM feet to 83 feel above th bka of city grade. - H evolved. Thst the" Auditor, nf th City ef Portlsad ho and he t hereby directed to give uettc of th proposed change of grade- df aki fraor-g provided hr th flty -fharter, ft emona rra ncea sgatnst rne soov rsang or grade may h filed la writing wita t aaoer. a'gnea within 30 data free the. dais at th firt neb I w-st Ion t tht notlc. By srder of th TwHi . v TIOS. C. - --"N Audi tor f th City IVwtiarll. port I. ad. t'regos, pta al flrat puAUsaUeo. April S3, 1808. .... riOIOSED-ASSZBSMlaaaT BOB, - IMPROTX ' 5 MERT J3F REICJH STREET, ' ' . Notlc ka hereby given that tb .Auditor ot th City of PortUnd ha prepared a proposed assessment for ths Improves! est of Beach etreet from th wrat lino of Mtaeleelppl srenu to ths et Ho "of Mtnu ut stern, and had aacar tolncd what he deem B )uat apportlonmant ot out of the improvement In accordance with tbe apeclal Bad pec"f bene tit a derived hy each pexeel of lasd and lot or part thereof within the aaeesement dUtrict. sad ha sppsrllanad th coat for said luprevemeot In ths mounts set firpnsttc -rock j) rtlLjfUniL.'id bit us pail thereof" as lis . enure el su Any objections to ths ipportlosmant of oast for aald Improve sent must be mad la writing to th Council and filed with th Auditor withla 15 dar from tb data of the first publication of this notice, aad aald ohtorrtone will be heard and determined by the Council before the pag of the o ruin are assessing the cast of aald Improvement. .;:"' MCLTN'OwAH Bl-OCK 38, tot IB, lint Ryan, ir.60; lot 18, Jamea Ryan, $1.44: lot 14. Charlea M. "Too Katate. Hairs of. tot BllocK ST. lot 13,, William Ute. o6.: lot 11. William Oate. $11.43; tot 13, Alolph "Roelne. 810.40; lot 14. Adolph Rlne.- $8.n. BLOCH: 28. lot 13. Amslls F.laen, eM.M; -lot - II, Amelia Ktoea, $7.54: lot lit Ansslia Risen. lot 14. Amelia flees. $o2.n. BLOCK 85. tot L. Jobs llaaa. $aA.l tot . Bcrmssa L palaue. $i.oM: tot d. - Hannah B. Mcofftna, Kaweutrlx. $T8i tot 3. Helena- Johoson Ka tate, Hairs of. $51.04. BLOCK 84, lot A, V Beat LhrUtenaen. $M.TZ: tot 1. Best Chtrts- -toasiw-$JaU,-to-A. fclrhri- $IO.dt tot - B. Joha Looaard.-808.83. BLOCK 88, tot Q Adolph Rosin, 8eW.4; tot 1, Adolpk UoslB. $8.71, tot 4, Samuel I bar. $2.16; lot 3, Chrlatlsn Hennlng. $tl.t3. Total. $734.84. -I' tj, IW ji wajal-vw . . . -i'uiim jt TtaiBivvrr . Andltor at the-City of PertUsd, Tnttr of flrat publlcattoav PortUnd, Oregoa, April 28,- 1906. . PROPOSED ASSESBMERT FOR IMFROTE . MZHT OF XAST MATISOJf BTREIT. Notlc J hereby given thst tb Andltor of In City ot Portlsad haa prepared k proposed eeeeeentent .fr the laaprovsmont oi Met suai aou a treet from th east line of Eaat Twenty ninth street to the weat line ot Beet Thirtieth street, and haa ascertained what ba da a iuat apportionment of eaat of th Improvement in kceoxdanc with th ape rial and BecuUar beneflu derived by each parcel of land and Jot r part thereof within, th asseeanxent dlatrlct. and ksa apportioned r the cost tot said Imcove ment la tb smua4S t, nppaalto afrh parcel ef land Bad tot or pert tbeeoul n It ehere f uch proposed aaseeemest. Any objection to th apportion mant of cost for aald Improvement moat be made la writing to th flmneil and hied with the Auditor withla IB dan fromr the data of th first puoltcatlnn d - thla notice, - aad -aald objection wilt h heard- and deter mined by -the Geusell be leva tbe pa aaa r of the ordtnanc aasaailpg tk east DOIN'8,ATmoN to tk flCltf f Bast Pork. land BLOCK 8. tot d. i. N. Davla. $.14.18; ?lot 3. J. N. Davla, $0.; lot 10. J. 5. Da via,; lot 8. J. N. Davla, $1.88: lot 8. J. N. luvia, $48.08. BTrCK B. Berth 100 foot . of lot 1. Ouy a.. Willi. $0B.M; north loo $ja.8. Andlto of th City of Portland. Portland. Oregon, Data of first . publics tioa. April -SB,- tBOB. - FROPCIED AS8ESSMEBT FOB BEWER Vt - TWUfTY-FlITSt STREET. Sotlc la harebr slvaa that tha Aadltar-of lh rite mi Paeiland- hao Dreusred a proposed' aa sessment forli oonatrsctlen f. sewer la Tweaty-Nfth - street - from th eonth line of Veritrog'g sddlilon to U City of rrtud t tb sswrr ll NlcoUr street. And has ascer tsloed wrat - h deem 8 Just apportionment ef root of tk sewer In accordance with th apeclal and peculiar reneflte derived by each petrel of lnd-gnil tot ut put thai oof within th ' assssameat district, snd ban apportioned the coat for said sewer tn the amoonrs art opposite each parcel f toad aad tot or part thereof as It skara of such proposed aaaasa mat. " Any objections to ths apporrtonmsot sf east for said newer mint be mas In writing to th Council and (tied with tb AiitUler within 18 dav fro' th dto -of- the first publication af thla notice. "aad mid objectless will be beard aad. aV.term.uaed by th Ctoaaeil before the pstasgs of taoordlnsB SSMaslsg th cost ot ssld newer,.-'- -. - - TWtsiElttnrAPDmoN t th city ef Port. - land BLOCK $. tot S, D. . B. Lesnolng. -Sao.tK)- tot 4, John Vrstog, SaO.BO; tot 5, John Varrteer. 120 00: tot 8. John Tersteeg. JSO.OO. BLOCK 3, kit T. Emerlnus Verateeg. 13 6A; tot A, Emerlnoa Tersteeg, JllhOl tot P. Kmerlnns Veretetg, fixou, tot in, ) tuu Vrrsteeg, giz no. xotsi, iim w. tltir. t... rrwvtjir I Mr ,.f 'ther-01 ' t nf PotllsBVf:" Date of flrat ublletl,-Per April 20, 1806. PROPOSED AlirSShtZnTT rox SIM BTXXXT. S1TWZB Df Nolle 1 hereby given tbst th Andltor of the Cltr of tojrttoad -ksa- axel aveasmnt for tk cenatructloa of 8 sewer la 2514; street from tb aoutb Una of Tersteeg addition - to tb wer 1 Nicole I tit. and h ksewrtnlneA what - hs - . annocrlnneaeal of oost af tho Bwer In accorda-c with the apeclal and pecnllai benefits oerivea py eacs parcel or maa noa rs or pert thereof within the aaeeaemeot dlatrlct. snd has apportioned th oost tor ssld ae-wer la tb amonnta net opposlts ch parcel ef toad BnmMMl aaseaamant. Any object tone to th appcrtlonxaent of ent for said sswsr must be mad In writing to th Council and ti le -wltB too Anaitor wiibib 1& it... from tha dst of tho flrat aubltcstlos of tots notice, and aald objection will , b beard aad determined by tb Council before th paaear ot tbs oral bancs asseasiag tne coat VRHHTKKG B ADDITION -tW-nty-ir Tort land BIK'K A tot T. Garrett N. Verateeg, 81...V); lot A Garrett N. Verateeg $13.50; tot B. Grrtt N. Verateeg. $lA50j lot 10, Darrett N. Vrstg a 12 no. - mAifJit , A. "h-hnabsL $; art -.n. A, 1. 820.00: tot 8. K. A. Bchnah!, $20 n; lot 8. kl. Aa BehoAbl$olal, - THOS. C. DRTLIN. Auditor at tbe tity of Pert lasd. Dat of first, pub lies t lew. Perils nd. Oregon, April z. lauo. PROPOSED ASSEBSMERT FOB B$H Blftausa. . SEWER IX , Notlc la hereby give that tb Andltor af the City nf Portland; ba prepared a proponed ssseosumt for th -caoetrnctlon ef a eewee In 24 '4 etreet. from the south lln . of rstea' ddliknr- ' to ' th - wc "" In Nicolsl ' atreet. and has a ecer tallied what dm a tost apportionment of cost of. th aewar In ccrdanco with tb spec Is I and eeullar benefits derived by each parcel ef land and tot or port thereof withla th aseeaatoere niatrlct. ana has aonorttonea tns cost ror ssia. sewer In th (nsant set opposlt each parcel of land and lot or part tnrraet aa lis ana re of uch propose: e eases stent. Any objection to th pportionacnr or cost for aald sewer must b mada la writing to th Council aad tiled with the Auditor within 15 .i va from tha date ef tb flrat publication of thla notice, and aald object lone will be heard ad deter sitne bv tne tiooocri nerore the nasssgs ef the ardlaaac aaataalng the cost of asld sewer. f T ER8TFK1 n AimiTiun ta tat xtty t rorr land BI.'M K 1. tot T, Dtrkjs Storeyt $13 30; lot S. Plrkle Storey. $13 20; lot 8, DhrkJ tore, ilz.20: tot 10. Msttls Janaen. BLOCK A tot . Emma Dushar. $30.80; tot 4, Emms Intnbsr, $20.d0; lot 5. Emma Dun bar. $tn nrr- tot 8, Emma Dunbar, 820.80. Tetsi, $131.20, - w . - . TBJOB. C. PBvLIN. ' Andltor of lb City f PortUnd. ' Dat of flrat puhilcatlos, Portland, Orrgaa, April 29, 1805. - , COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF Uf. PROTEllXTrT rPtNt STRITT. . Kollre to herebr alven thst Chsrles'wghasr. City Knginacr. ha filed In th office of th undersigned notlc tbst Klwooa w ilea, con tractor foe- the Improvement st -PIn etreet, nnder th scoria tome of ordlsane io 18,840. ha completed said street from the west lln t First street to tb east lln of Third street. Said eeeepteee wui no eunsioeteu nv th Exrruttv Board at 4 elork on th 8th day ot Mar, 1008. and objections to the sxeoptane ef aa!4 atraet. or any part tnereer. Buy so filed In Ihe offlc of th aaderalgneA at Bay time prior thereto. nn niti iivn soanu. . 'Be THOS. C. DfcVLIf. Andltor. ot th nty of Portland. --Portland. Vrewon. April SB, 10O8. COXFLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IX- PXOTXJtXXT Or COBBER BTXXXT. Notlc I herehy given that Chsrle Waaaer. Cltr Rngtn, hs filed la th offlc ef tas aaderatcned sot ice tnst nmyrn Howard Compsuy. contractor for tbe Improvement of Corbet! atreet. nnder tk prevlalga of erdi Bsac No. 18.85- haa cvmpletad said street from .th north line or eeyntnetr seen t In center lln of Hamilton arena. - Bid o'ptneo-WHt e esoetoereo Try- th Rarcntlv Board est 4 o'clock oa tk 8th day f May. 1BH8, snd aobject Iowa to the aceeotence of ld arrest, or ear part there, may he filed In th offlc ef tk nnderalgned at gay Una brtot thereto. - -TUB EXI-CT-TITrT BOaNTi .- v -.- . Br THOS. C. PE.VI.fN. t .... Andltor f Ctty of rWg84.' PortUsd, Oregoa, April , IPuO. . . ' " ... ' ''-'' PjtoPoiXD-AlsEsstaTrrr pobtw"?: MZ-RT OF E AST ""NIB TH STREET. Notlc Is., hereby fiver, tbst .the Aadltof-of rn tity of rortiana pa prpreu yiv--mosament for ths Improremeiit of Kaat Mnth atreet,from JhBnocUi line ufBAcoa to the KHith line of Kllaworth alrral and haa ascertslneA what he derma Just apportion ment of coat of th Iwproventent In ocord ac wltk th pecll and peeulear penetli derived by encb parcel ot tondt amr lot or part thersof within tba sssessment district, and haa apportion ed the cost for aald Improvementln Inn ainnaala si I n i ininl l a n 'I I --i". at mi thereof -a It share at sock Any object tone to HhV apportlonmewtr of oost rof eaia ImpTOTtimPt njut If? niaae in n. to the I'.n.n. ll aiul Sled wtth the Auditor wlthlu lSdays from th data of the float publication of thla . aotlea. ad said eojac-Bon -will- b heard and deter mi ued by tbe Council before th paaaag of tb ordinance aaaasa I or tk oost of ssld Improvement. ' . . BRAtUN 1IUUUT8. la tk Tlbbett Donation Ind Claim BLOCK I, lot 1U Mr. O. John son. SoA.vO; lot 12. A. H. Hreyma and Jnlin Bnmmssslllsi t4,i) la Wi Haa ummii $00.01; lot 14, MartlB Jenoeo. $M.46; tot 15,- Peter E. Ionde. $9T.81 tog lav msry - tiundaraen, $140.d4-tot-i7r Losnda ..H Walls, -$H8.t; sooth W of lot 18, Lesndcr H- Wells. iuu. J5 north S of tot 18, Charles S. Mathlet, $48.1)4; lot 10, -Charles B, Mslnuit. $8111; tot 80, Bosrlls Clarke, $N1.38. - - -rA Mrall of land lying between th wnrth -Mn of Beacon Heights and a line 80 feet -north therefrom and narallel therewith, and between the weat Una of Eaat Moth atrret . and tb cast Unr OC Douglas AOOltloa. maru ni.err SAl.a.t. . ".A parcel of taud lying between th weet kin of Kaat Ninth street and the eaat lla ol - Dougla addition sad betweea two uuea re; uaUtalx. an taut mil nil (net rairth-.ot. soul parallel with ths north lln of Beacon tt.l.hia. nil., n - R.w4.lln. SA7.Ta. ... A parcel of land lying between th wrt lln f Kaat Math atreet aad 100 feet weet thereof aud paraliol therewith and betweea the aoutb -tin ot Brooklyn" atreet and a lln Ma. let aoutb thereor a no parallel uwrewitu, w, RAFFETx'S ADDITIO" to Eat , Portland t-HBLOCn" T, hit 8. irTKrf.rf'n J wt ir. need, - gran; lor t, wave auuui inn U' mi i rreiv. ,11.11. A parcel of lend lying between tb eaat lln ' f - Baat Ninth atreet and a lln 80 fret west of and parallel with th west lla of -BrookUad Height and between tba north -Un of Beacon atreet sad a Una 44.$ feet north thereof, and parallel therewith, r Frcdr rich Francla, $svo.S8. - . "" - A narcet at . laud Ivln between two line e.n.i..i ait nl r.., anA ot - fast north of aad paraliol 'with the north Mng of Beacon street and Mtweea th dat lln ot East Ninth treet and 8 lla SO . feet wet of and parallel with -th west llns if BrookUnd HrlghtaLomaicuttii -- -. - A psrd of. land MiTVIt .,'..h..i. fit .nd UA& fool north ef and parallel with ths north line of Beacon atreet nd between tbe ssst . lln nf Eaat- Ninth atreet and 8 lln 80 fret wet of aoil parallel wltk tb ,- ! lln or nrooBwna ucignui, amun am. we, sm on A parcel at land lylnf between two lines reeneetlvelv twi A feet nod US fsst Berth MaHMene Beseon street end, bet ween threst- lln of Eaat. Ninth- otrcet sad a liae au xe-wa of and parallel wltk th west lln of Brook lane Il.l.hf. I'oll.n IMI.I. A narcel of land lrltur between tw line a Ill .It 1S feet aaa SST.S fat" north I ef eerf narallel with ths north tin t wvarrni STreer ana artwera mw . nf Kaat Mnth atreet ana: ttne- mr-xoei -went of en.i narallel wit tb west lino -of BrohUn Uiht.-J- M. m.tler. ASLA1 - A parcel f laud. ljrlng bstweea, two line yaspoouraay . scci.o rect. ana.. io iwi ! : ot and - parallel with tha north - Un of -Beacon atraet and between) th aanV ltosv-st East Ninth atrest and 8 lln $0 feet west -of ssd narallel withthe-Trent Hne of - Rroakland Ilelaht. M. X. McOuIr. W8.0. ' A parcel ef land lying be twees two Use :' respeetlvery- 178 ft anS-BtAS fal sjortk of and parallel with the north line of Be cos ktrret nd Jtotnjr-th- pawt ' ttn- of - Baat . Ninth atreet and a Una 80 feet treat f ' aad parallel with th weet lln ni mroos l.n tlelekie M. J. UeOlllr. 8M8.8I. A parcel ef land lying between two tines teapectlvoly 318$ -feet and- An4-feetwrth of ana parallel wius ipeoorii y-t "" Ninth trrat aud a lln 80 feat west of snd parallel with tha weat lln of Brook. . land Height. John JD -MorrlaoR 5sta Uelre- e B7R ftA . - A parcel ef land lying betweeg tw line - reapeetlrely 804 feet sad 408.8 feet aorta of and parallel with th north Una of Bee- - eon erreet and Between fha esst lln of Eaat Ninth etreet and a Un 80 feet west of snd parallel with ths west lla f Brook - I Mir htm Rnhert Rubei loan.- d7.B7. A parcel of land lying between tw line SwapaiOratT-ng.5 fast snd 455.4 feat north of onA.psanrtol, with th north lln of Bsaeso treet and betweea tbe seat lino .of Kaat Ninth atreet and a lln 80 feet weet of . Bad parallel with th tb weet Iln,f Brook l.J Hetsbt. I. Onhea. 81.10. ' .... A parcel- of- laud lying -between the north lln ef Beseon street and Una 45.4 fret north therefrom aad parallel rserewim. ana between a lla $0 fret eaat of and. parallel with tba ent lln ef block 4. Beacon "Heights, and a line " 109 . feet t of and parallel with th east Una ofEaet Ninth street. Henrr E. Nobie. 031.34. . A parcel of land lying between lb eaat Hne of Baat Ninth atreet and a Its loo feet eaat therefrom and parallel therewith and between tho sooth Una of Brooklyn street ad a Una 185 feet aouth therefrom aad parallel therewith. O. B. Bartlett, . 8ft. XAFFBTT'S ADDITION to Eaat Portland-. BLOCK 8 lot 4. Dells; lot 3. Chsrle-trKfftv. $108.48; tot 3. R. Msl tory Raffety, IJeiel; tot 1. B. Mallory Bat- fety, gsu.vs. torai. a.iso rj Aadttnr of tho City of Portland. Data of flrat publication. , Portland, Oregon, April 29. 1805. PROPOSID r ASBES8MTRT FOX IMPXOTI afXXT OF ALLXT THXOTJOH BLOCK BS. - CimJ. AtiTXA. ' Notice Is hereby given """fTi of th Aftdltof nf-T8 Cllf 'or'TsTflsnd Ttis prepared s pro- Eed aesessment for the Improvement of alley eufh block .28 Csnte-ltrrna. fronr norm of Beach -atreet to the loath lln ot Filling atreet, and haa aseertalaed whst ha da.m---n--pprtlonat .wf -'tsttr oTrtUn lm prove meut In sceordaju!. with - th - special aad poditucheornt -derived by eeeh parcel of sent dlatrlct. snd bss snporttoned rha cost for said Improvement In th umoanta tut wpoaltastrh,.. ratoal sf land aad tot ea parr thereof ss Its abate of each proposed Aar ebleettoeia to tba sopor tlooment ef cost ror aald improvement nanst ne msae in wnring to the Council snd Sled wtth th Auditor within IS dsr from th dat of th flrat publication at thl notice, and said objection will be heard ' aad determined by th Council be for the of th ordlsane assessing th eaat ot ata improvement. CENTRAL. JkLrUAMe, MnJtjnoinaB.r-C8Mrr .nra- gn BLOthT2l, lot 1, Ida C. Anderson. $1.01; tor 2. O. U Johnson, $3.00; tot 8, J. N. Csrlaon. $3.82; lot 4. Nichols D. Brntgcn. $338: tot S. Charlea 11. KoquUf. $1.15; tot S, Horace J Mann. 82.88; lot T. -Horse J. Mann, 84.85: tot 8. Jsae M. Pmallwood. $4.8. - BLOCK SN: tot Id. R. II. ' Bnckler. $111; tot 15. Thorns.- and Msry : Brodlgsn, $8.00; tot 14. James ssd Hsttts L. Bubb. $3 88;- lot 13,'Bsrah E. .Tesant, "$J.W; tot IJijTouls C. Bofflnger, $1.37; tot II, J. " A. Bsekstrasd. 12 19: tot 10. Cherle J. and Annie . Barketrom. $4.78; nortk 4 of lot- B, Charlea J. snd Annie - Bschstrom. - $ le$; aouth S nf tot B, Ida Jahnaon. $1.88. TotsJ. $48.01. - '. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Z Auditor of thw- tTttr nf PortTiiiil. ' Dat of first pabltoatloav PortUnd, Oregon, April 28, 181X1. COMPLETION AND,. ACCEPTANCE OP IM PROVEMENT OF SECOND STREET. Natlesi la "hltiy glrwn lhr fhartos Wa nset, City Kngireer. baa filed In th offlc of th andaasilgned net We tost dictum A Keny. eon tracton for the Improvement f Second, etreet, nnder th provUloos ef r.rdinsncs N. 13,0U. have completed asld atreet lu front of and bottlnsj - upon; blocks 88 snd - TA. Carutherm' AddUton-t Osiuihers' addition. u told mrt by th South PartlBBd Bl Estats Assocla Hon. Hald - ieettie will he r.w.aldered by th stoerrf er a a'etorfc on rh 8th As 9 of AtayT luil6r and objerthmn to th aecoptanc of ssld trst. er any psrt thereof, -may he filed la the orTlcs of. I SrBaerstgnra ni. any time prior thereto. ' .."' "" " ' .1 ., Bv THOU. C. DBVI.IN. Andltor of the city ef Portland. pwrtUsd. Oregon. April 38. lateV. COMPLETION AXD ACCEPT AN0E OP Dt- i. PROTERtavNT OT ACBJaOB BTRAXT. '; te-.i m. Waamne efeee thaf ffharleo Warn. City Engineer; baa tiled In the office of the aadevelgeed nette thst J. W ftweeney. eon- . . . iMMa.ameet ef I ..... a .la. rraciov I - - -v- - - - - an In r th peovlelos ef ordlnaar Ko. M.XUt. haa aald ttreet from the we -Hi of block 8 nd 48. carter Addition fur lh - Sstd aeeutneo will he aoaslder"a8 bo th e .i nnard a 4 .o'clock an tho 8tk ef May, !. ind bjeetkn to th rj-aptao.-s of aald atreet or -ny port thereof, may be filed In tne efftc of th nnderalgned t any tlm prior hereto. - Inn rA.'i iirer r"'ee,,. r T C. I'M I If. '' " . 'ity ef I .,rtUL Pnttlaal, I .- . -. a. I.A. rff!! aa. I ijri..JTth "Tf,, , " 3 -Trains-to tbe East Dally 3 Three pullmaa standard and tsarlet eto tnr eara dallr t Onieha, Chptso J tboYftr Tecplnrsra dally - to kanasa Cltyt through Pullman tounst useping nxn iperaew. Ily oasdocted) nraehly to Cancsgo, , - ReeUs-sat chair oara (meats tresl n tna, a net osuy. -UNION DEPOT.... Lasvs. CB IC A lO- PO RTLAN D SPECUL. 918 a. p. Dally. - mi Dally. For th Eaat via Buat- " In ton. ' SPOKANB FI.YRll. . For Ear tarn Washing, ton. Walla WaUa. Lew. 8 :15 p. BA. Dslly.- ., 8 00 I Dally. kfton, Coetur d'Atone and "" Orsat SorUern points. ATLANTIC REPRESS For tk Kaat vto Bant- 8-18 n. sa. T-1B a. t Dlly. . Dally. Ington. Columkls liver Dlvialeo . FOB ASTORIA BB4T WSV Batnta. cwnnectlnar with n.11. About tmr. for Ilwsea and ex. Sands. 8:00 p. OV f North-Aeseh. str. Ba-fciaturd fax. Boadsy. dock. 1(1:00 p. TsmhllTTT TedtsT FOR DATTON. nee, City aad Yamhill Hlver 7:00 0. an. TrMsvnm, poinm. tmra..ntn.i Dslly. ss. Bundsy. Modoe Ab-t. dock. ' lex. Sands. .L in.wr swraaming.y f - Snahs River ReaU. FOR LKWI8TOK, lito.. 4:00 a. , About $ pm son . wax pointa froml Tnesosy ftlparia. Waah.. am hfMli--ht rniandir rraa epoanne ana LWTtoo. II V Id ay Bdndsy TICKET OFFICB. Third snd Wmantngtoa. Tto pnon Mala Illi - BTlNrirai nee i .- A, T. CB 4 10, Cnsral Pansssgai Agsnt, ' ASI VIA SOUTH DNION -DBPtrt.- OVERLAND XXFRBBS trsls--Jor Balesm. Bass hwre. Aaet land. - Iteia- $88. as, assateL Ondsn. Ask Jrsarl n-JW'-' n. - Cisco. Btucston. UP An-l aelra. El Paao, Naw Or Iran and the East, Morning train eon- ta st wuueniui i dally . wtth - sscsp , Sunday 3:30 8. 8 ' "" '-. train -tor- - lit. 38 Aagel klirsrt. Brownsnil. p r I g fl.ld, Wendllng aad Natron. : Albsnf bam 4:00 b." 88. T SO s. m. ,j4:0p. m. aeeta at Waodbura with M:10 k. m Mtiiwljnd.Jlvwi4 tontocsl. I Corvalll passenger. Sheridan Pnssenger !bsovi aa as s. "" npally. ItDslly, except Sunday. ParUud-Oswegs ftttVurbna Serviee snd TsmVQl . Division. - Bait nf JeffeTsna-aeeset Lsavs Port land dslly. for Osweco 7 M A. mi It SO, 3:08. 8:55. 5 to. 8 38. T . 10:18 p. m. Dally eie-pt Rundsy), 8:80. 8:89. B SS. 108 a. m. t M& JljMjt 1 z0- rtetsmtn' from ftowegw. ante PBrtissd deny 8 80 a. m.; 1:58. 8:08. - 8:18, 3:88. -B At. 11-10 P. to. Dally (except 8 an davl 835. T.2.V. B30. JO IOV 11:48 a. m. Except Monday. 13:33 , OB. Winwr , " . . a ... a. n.llaa aieal leavao rroma bwiwb eve". - ..-..-a -- -- -Bwdlst nnlsts dally (except Bsndsyl 4:10 p as. Arrlv PortUnd 10:10 a. m. - "v Th inaenoBOeBew-aaooniootn - waa . a. iia - Un.Mn.ia Alrlt. am.. Bectinr with Southern PsciS eompaara tracks at Dellee and innepenuem-. Flrst-clssa far from Portland to Sacrament and Ban Fram-leco $20 berth SB: Second -taaaw . far. $18. second-rJsas berths $380. erirk.e to Baatsni nolnta. snd Nil tips. Ban Japes, China. Hcovilataamnd AatraB. city Tl.Ju-t Office earner Third aad Waah lugeifa. PkoBM.lnriX m C. W. BTTNGEB. i ?- City lc set Agasv, e TIME-CARD OF TRAINS UN ION DEPOT. . Denorts. Paget Sound Limited, for Tncama. Seattle. Olvmpls. - Itonth stand and Gray'o Barker IM SV as. M B, as.' n4ner N. th Coast TJnrfted. for Tacoama. Seattle, Butte, at. . PtnLMli ,!,fTprBi,-tTw neaDoihi. Cblcsso.' Nei f IT. Tork, Boetoo and potata Bast aad Southeast. Twin-cite Rxnrasa, fr Tacoma. Seattle, 8p4 lane. Hrvne, Bt pwni. Mlnneapell tnicase. New York. Boa too d ll:B.kJ T0 a. as, ' all points Best Bad! Bonrhesat. Purei Scead . Xa Oty-8r. - Lea la Special. ror -raeomn, nr. t tie, Spokane, Bntt Bllllngn. inrnvvr. timena. $ 30 a. as. tStSkV City. St. Louis aad all poiatg eaat sno Boatk east. All trains - dalle xeetrt onr Boutb Smm braarh. . A. D. CHARLTON. Assistant General Pa an gar Agsnt- ' ' 338 M.ailssa St.. aar. Third. Fsrtlasd, 0. Astoria & Columbia" River Railroad Co. ONI0N DEPOT. Swin.m Foe MnysTA BUtntot, frt 78 a am. D'Hj't. i.we..Ma- T'l- . thlllj. l-iiiioo. aumna, . er-1 renton, FUvsJ. llaaa-1 Blond. . port Stereo. Oestkart Park," Beaalsa, i"V''. f---,--- Actarto gad. Baa she re. r wit. aa. Ex proa dally. Astoria Exar dsn. as. Dslly.- J. C NATO, O. P. 84 P. A.. Aatoria. Or. C A. fiTXWART. Cowimerriar Ageat. 348 Aktor rborst Mat no. :::VIJiI:h:i: :i; Tloks. Offlo 133) TAtr It, Tb-) ACS eenn. Tritnoontinental e- .amaV Trains. U' y faot v;.:. ' TO l""""' -JAlK.Nc.At . " ALL, . tayllrr)t le' snd Ac-.' . r. r. , . ,.. ToKltJlnaSSmPrJ Ufll toirttt. J J .:'