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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1905)
'.. . " V .. iu.;.., i.vijAx evw.;.,. a; raL tj, xcci. err C1TT JfOTlC"J. cttt t oncxa. CITT koTicxa. it r r f) -.--:-y .t-:. : t- . -T ' . mad- A wata. an. i to ArthM V W r I- -, k (. at- ...--a trnnitt-. blcV? Mats jot 4e dnt diet ke-i Va 4 . , is-d m to V". Ahng luiHw' hash a. ... W J wt a a'-- om w tap.,, .T . . 1 n i , , y r t t . uMuk 'tMe.m' wtutb. p-- -. ".,.-." e BLttriU(e'OirB type-iiiiiim, Mnolle. re- . - - ' palnag. k A Boas, had htarfc. Wain WTO. "AS. MeL- WOOD, emptor riaktuty aad 1- 7,. . . ." . ." ' rirr'iujS'Ur- wroronT- ' " ' CIAN TOWM DAILY noma, broh. SMB. 441 Bkertoch hid. One Phon Coy ho . Co.. Swank d Coach. Phon 42. "7 '''"gg'g; f 1 ii i i i n . . -i ''iV ' MOarrr to lOAB. . A , abb uinao. , " "L 'tBB IrriB LOAM Cm. ' 1 '.' ' ' BOON TnUIJS R 00.. 184 Nort B Strtk. i ;m ,N fr" Mm as. hoary k.,ta, ,M rtSSl .AW kto note. rritlL-JUags- rMTBPIKIAL DKLITEBT. Na. 100 WMk. poeBep.r to w f"w tTJs huia sat . Mm-ium to a i AOS ar It. r $1.44 .w, 1 lAflOaUpar to M 1 4.00 or id-uo mt . YIOIJMS.. . s..- ...... , - i . A. WBB0O. i Ttolto. krr aat wrt riTB. pot Bo oar 1 w kalld 7M toM 8rwt Bull bids. 4tk u kmlm . rfl oBr jvnr promt-tr; oliy M m Kfaratai Umtlfau; open ttnr4!F MM- .. ; WAIXAMJ. r. Bototo J4-1J LabM tlidc, Waah. - - , ZZm. .l HONBY, W LOAN ?. raa!. a,.! to. ea4- "?5tX. TtSf JST-4 ; or!fto aotot bo(kt. O. W. rltt. ' rrimi : 04 fc faJd.. 4 BUtti . , , ', ' . ' 1 - rniAJt.c?f -. .' ' BIOHLT lamrtabkr- bIm gta ma borrow noaay ea dUBsnda an4 alrjr. Oollatoral lau kaak. M Waak tea at. Pbaa Black TL . U IAIH nil nnrf as all klarfa r au. . ., ritr a to wlartad Daapla aa thai boot: lawaat raias( Bo BaniicitT,' Do oaJaf Ilk AMactoa bids. Pha aa in. ltONBX ADTANCED aalarlad naoBla. , ate. wltaaot BacarllT: h aarawatai Ur- , - at baalnaak In prlaripal cltlaa. , ToUaaa, i;j. BW -Abinatoa Tlo-. . J. .' ' ' to 16.000; mmlB-boaBaa a apaHalt. Haw ra uu mat zua Aiuncioa bloc LOAN! at ktwaat ratas aa rural tars, puses; y any saiBi ny aoasa sBxraa trira, 444 Bbarlortl bide. ; W0NBT TO LOAN 1a lar r an aaad aarvrtty; krwaat ratsa. Bark, bvt raiiiaf aiof. n: tOAWt aa faisjlai. . plasaa. tba sacartlea, . mrm' rata. J Jkiaa, raoaa- so f?l ' . araar. -aula aiou. " i ' CBMWKNT LOAN COMPANT-Balary 7 y EtTLHri-V" " i WBBW.I III Orerealaa. . , . . . . I V. MONBT TO LOAN oa Clackamas iaty UadB. 1 ' JL".'nr air .niiatbBtyckkm-J . PORTLAND BEAU E8TATB LOANS. 8 AND i par.' cant . wnv, Daaaala. z ralllaa aida. all , , s-ina, no-ail CamnvarclU block. . . , -, TO LOANvtMO aa, turn b Ckarto HlnabaL ' ' ' M Kfe7 t. bob l " b"1 ,'. ' . raoBi B. . . . . .. , , . HON BT TO LOAN lio.eoo t aar atat aa dty si otara bc a I KAOBTnC HXAXJE0.. BlfUI. L. F. BBABT Treats ekranle altmaeta. 7 11 .1 1 mu. 1 i ' - ' aes and fractional waakneas; eoasaiutlea la : - (Xtablisad la 11. : fr. Ill Toaray bid., Mala 41 TA , I , Traaaaato a General Baakls Bnaln. 1 111 1 n1 1 jr n , i, 1 , 1 as a i y- i . 1. . . ; r, .. I ' r.... auuiuu. . ." BnmoAi. El.PLATtNO PIANOS Cartrlan lf-play- lot ptaaas praaaaaarad tba best by kMdlag E."?!,", .'! 'a alaa-pmi. B. 0, . ' Will ktaal Moasa, lad Aider at. I BEOOND-HAND maalcal totrsiaaaf of I naos pt towaat axtrea, rh r laawilmula .', , , rieher. Most Oa.. IB Third C I : 1 11 '. - I Tr T..r7, i'i, o"1 tf! lt!!Pa! JLlV-?5 "- Bn,na w.r-irn. t"r- : : PBBrABATIO-J g A I ' . apecUfty: prto tka Maroaaat, . B. A. rra--, 418. ' I 1 . - I ea . t -j : : ' ' I '-J -v. OTTIiTT-A POM OP THB BOAD OTEKALLS aad kaackaa -. ' Bt as factsera. Partlaad. Or. - rTJaXIO AOOOTTBTABT. f AV B. 8. MULDBB, xert ceooataat. mat 441 ' aarnronrn ins.i onai ejeaa, aajntaa - r .rffirKM ZZXZTEL'SS: nnxoOSB. f'A-, DONNBBBBBw 4k BADEBUCBEB. f niamears. sa VOX A CO.. Mrdtarr Blmbr. 811 Bet d be. . btlla aad Balaton. Qregoa Pkoo Mala 801. I ' raoTMBAraio soman. s W ANTE D A St teen? . . wa 4 daeeloping 'and DriBtlng - rent. Mragon rnow Btocs u,. l-IAVO TUBUO. - wBOBOB ANDEBBON Expert nUnn t ar aad f repatrtag. laajaira flahot MmU On. Bad 801. " aOATTaTfi. '" ..' " .'y I SPr?i' ' BABTEIUf PLATINO CO.. K alleer, . eoppar, Blckl and Jtara Iry work rpadalty. - THE OKEOOM PLATINO WO ft Ka oat w.nh. , irZ " nxxram. BD8BONO A CO. rfoot ad Stark t print, t lag. Utkograpklng. blank books asd afae ' , Mppllaa; week doa ea tlat ; stoat oomplaU priaUag afaea in tba ml. Uala 104. ANDERBO- DONIWAT O0MPANT, prfnrlsc, lltooaTaphlag, pikkh Saaka. rasas aula (7. BUB Ala St, ; i - turn, on, Am slabs. - P. B. BBACB A CO.-Tba Pla Paint CB.I I wiodow-glam and glsslng. .-lA rirst. at. rnow ttio.. aatmaanM Am - -- - - ua-ea I tori aatk aad dear. Btcand : . r JT ' . aaa, B.eOj nna o-aalae I BTJBBIB STAB , P. 0. STAMP W0BK8, B48 Aldar nt. Mala 71; ntDBar stampa, aaau, ataaallB, . gtg. trad ehacka; Mad far Mtalegn. TIN ROOrTNfJ, gatterlng. repairing and gari yabbtng. . J. Loatll. tlS Itlfami St. tot. ' Portland cobdaor co. cir d Vorthrap at., Partlaad. Or. BATXA BXB pnlng torkoar aad Mfs Bargain ga at 1. B. Dtrla. 88 Third st - ' " ' SBowoAsrs abt nxTtjAxs. - ' r SHOWCASES af rrary deaarlpttoai beak, b and .tore axlars mad to ardar. , Tkalottl . a'ctBriBg Os., Portland. - ST0BA0B AXP TBABirXB. SArn, Bias and fnrnltara ami r readr for hlpotoA aad aklmtedl tl packed I . guaranteed; torg. 8-atorr brick, ire-proof I "r-honee tor .tortg. 6 Mr US llrst M. I : to m. wiawa. Pa Mala 047. -C : ,CK- Pint rt., be twee Stars . ; aad Oak (to. phone Bea:-plBoa and faraltsr t wj' Bockad for ihlpplag; rnmmadlo I Are wont. . brick warakoo, . treat aaa i ' Clay am. STORAGE knn t let In ear new baltdlng. . $74 Water at, Slgtor Mllllic Caasktamtoa TIMBIA. , . - . - in. n. i .n . tna a. i r .e ....... - i ana, eaaoee eried t 10.noriAnu fw. I ? per ct Port Or ford cedar, title from school br"11 irl )'00 Per aera. . B. A j Cloea A C.. aT.1 Alder t. ' . tchoal I POR BALE Two bornestead rlalm; end gtowhi w T" P. btelkon. ,o I 1 ."- retiBnaieknmal I Mil rnnp. N. rrt f t and. anrl ' Tto OUaat Tnut 0a LUTAL W.tO. iara buklaf haafaaM, , W poalu.- W laaa Uat ar wa aeaaaet iarl MTlk(a dapoal I Ukotot bad uiciih IH aartiaratM ar a. mutt M jrtklal ""S" 1..d"' ". daa' aatf K call, with lotorast at U aaa 4 par caotl Pr aaoiuk, raapartlTalr. rail at Mad M . 'IU.UfTBATI0JlB. , - BEN. I. OOHKN., ii at mm car aar I Praatdaatl rHlc., PrMtdaat I H If KTTOCK . .Vloa-Ptaaldaot B. LEB PAGET., ........ ..,... Bacratarr - 00LTBA AasiataBt.aacrtarr I M XXCHAJTZf ' BATI0WAL BAJTEt Ill P0B.TLAB.D- ABZOOW. I. PBANK WATBON ;M....,.;prtoda B- l-'PCBHAat....... M,.TfcsPMldBt B. w. HQYT . .av'..CaBblar OEOR0B W. H0TT. Aaatataot Caakiar Traaaaata a fl 1 Wa-b - - Drafts and Lrttors af Credit laasad Arallahla i. an riru si taa wotm. . r ' .OolkVctloaa a Ipoolalty. , OEOUBJTr BATTBOB TBT1T OOatVAaTX. i laaa a v., nrtuaa, WT, Intact AlTowad oa Tllnd BartS Dasaalta. Acta Traat tor Batata. Drtfta and Lattara at Credit Aaallabl Drafts and Lattara f Credit Arallablar la ' AB Atf 41.. WLa T o m ADAaia ? i5f;;;;;:; ...... rrasldent rlrst Tlcs-Praalfleat a. f. siuji Beeoad Tlcaapraeldrat B. Q. JUBITB.... la star BIT- STATES VATI0BAI. BAaTX. or rgsTLAUD, oaxoow. XrsJaiaato a tVa-aral Baakiac BasiaaM. ;, DKAPTS I8BUBD ArallaM 1 AU- Cltle of tb TJsrted Btataa Boropa, Bob Be aad Maalla. OOIXXOTIOira XASK OaT PATOBABLX TT Batl PraaltleBt A. ..,.4. C. A1N8W0HTI1 Tlr-rreloBt..r.a.....f ,..W. B. ATRB I Oaafclar.-. ..B. W. BCBMBBK Aaaattant Caaklrr.... A. U. WBJOHT a ant. a. antaa tianti - OoUUaa made at all points aa fa ror Ma reraiak . wiun or rrrnit laauea amiable la Barop and all Bolnto in tb United 8 tat Kifht F-Jraanra, mrn Tetecrspoie Tra Bold aa New Yen, Wsahlnton, Chh Loobi Denrer, Omaha, ftaa francl Monuna aad British Colombia. . Kirhanga sold oa Loadoo. Paris, Chlcafo, at. anoaea ana h.. ,eta ! HoboIbIb, . f- ;7 ." .T" "" rBT BATTOVAT. HABIT r- or pobtxabd, OBxeov. -! to Daposltory and rtaaaetal Am t at a I......A. L, VTLLBI . Cash lar. ti ALOBO I Bacoad Aamstant Chler......B. W. ITlVkwi r. "5"' Latter f Oradlt leaned Are I labia ad tk Bastorn Btato. BUrht Eicban- ana ad Tjts phi Transfer I "1 r7" of tk City Tr loatoa, Ale Ma, Bt LaauT ,n noaey of" tb. Calked 8 tat, irnTidln and H ttof ? 'LT '""' day, ram to. d.uVf l . a. .. . I lata notleo nnwh - . 1 1 a. i . nolo on onw nr w . Bt ranl OBllafl prt lk-bViT tb. Nkw.- Bight aad time Mil draws la ama to wait M knka, Paris. Berlin. rrakfrt-oe-tha-1 Mala. Head Koag. lakekama. . Cnaana.. Chris tlanla. Btockholrs. 8k Pstarsbarg, Hop I Oallaatlaws Itado ltseaakto Tb a. ' M0 KAMI BKOa. A CgBl lsAJt. , .. lllrnrat Btr. Perliamd. tka, Offtr Oin-Edg rnrratnarata la lfanlcloal aad aaisrwaa BBS as. . wnte a UU. . ' I I MORTQAQE UOAINS I ua rrtkna il Xatat at ka at Bitoa. 1 !! Drfd. Akatra at ranuaked. f -r- VJ"." J" I Bam . Caamtor at Oammara. -l" I ....I'J CITT V0TI0XB. pKOPOaALt FOB RXO JOB" TBTX ITU B- ttfty ton best onalitp tJmethy hay. Tweaty-ire ton best osallly whlto MtB. Twenty ton atraw. Delleery to be aaad aa tana (red and bilk) to be rendered only for lack quantities aa ara drllnred and accepted. ... "ample of bran and oats moat be aohmlttod I with each propcoaL H.y and atraw aubject to I tppnnti en ururtrr. No proposaU wlu b- ronatdered nlea . I f,",''fl t cTU"'d payabla ta STbP a,'.iVto ST- Wr"r'fM?to KABT roro STBXXT. r Notlc City tb 19tk men! Una first Monad load. 14.088, la ad, tiled. 8LLLIVAN BAIT PORTLAND Bast H at block 8. Otto , JohBkimin. aao.ou.. BLOCK a. tot 87 Daniel a. tirra. eao t"f : njr o. iraaiai a. Rrne Hdo6; tot f. Daniel 1. Byrne. 444 U0: lot a. ifaniei a-. UTto, ev w. miMKm w, lot 1. I apnrion u. uewsy, j-ou: loa a. a ait ana M. PerklB. 83-.00; Kit A Th Ailtaac Trnat Company, Ltd., 837.80; tot 4, Tk, Allianc Tin,! V.Mnaaa 1 A . mm. Mk. .. 11BC Truat Compear. Ltd.. 12.06: Id A Thai Alltono Trut Uenpaar, L-. 8S.M; tot T. I 4 -Ttnat Company. Ltd., $70. Block 10. B. I , " swin, 1 1 .wi. BLOtK ij. BrlTMter W. I r . 7 '.7- . mn i 1. Alfred I. range. 8.0t fct X Alfred J. I i 1. Altreo t. range, n.nv! lot a AUrea 4.1 Fang. 4.U- lot -A Alfred 1. rang. 10.25; 7 a. anrri e. roriie. a. t; lot , milrm . r fhi Jl L r,T'J"1' tot 8. Alfred 1. run g. 44 0.. BLOCK 1A wv .. ama. , aavuns a-w ai, . aisry Cmpkll, 11.10; lot A John T. McDobmII A Daalel MeAllen. $d80; kt 4. Joka T. Me Donooll A Daniel MeAllen. $4 80; tot 8; Wll. Ham Shehan, $6 1; tot. A" William Baekaa, -$An0 lot T, Annfe . cway. $; lot A B" i. Barr laoreni, 0.0.10, wi S. Blkry I Ann i wonwsy. .. block -I, tot 1, Kdward .. O Dea, $W 08; Edward J. tt la. X't7 n- m k VT . e-rr ... .lot A Edward . O Ttoai $37 00: lot A Kdward 4. v i o."ti; - iot a, rnwtrfl -1 . Edward J. 0 Dea. $n2 48. -IH;k 18. t At Portltntl. Oregon r $40.00:. tot A km. Catkall ArrbbletHM mt tb Dine a m ,. lanA. rewoa llk: lot f Komaa Cktbolte Orr-euntwue eor i i ot rnrttxad, Oregon. ArAOO: tot A Rom aa ' C l hoi la ArchWahop of tk Dtoeea -of fort, toad. Oregon, 14. 00. MX K SO, tot S, Th II--. aa mt tk uond Baepkrrd ef port. UaA- Oregon. 8k2.TH; tot A Tb nor . r taa teonm aerpowt r pertlaaA Oregon, $47 TA . B1X)CK XI, tot A r.lward J. O Dea. tM.lO; tot 4. Edward 1. O tie, WW I1; an o, Mwara J. U'lr, $H8 80: ; tot A Kdward J. O Dee,$45 75; tot 7, Bdward 1. 0 Dm. .80T.88! lat A . Kdward . O'Dea. I If en I BO. ru." ei I, rtrt.intl MpitS, I SliO! lot A Perdlneai Oplta, $44.00; tot k jm Jl a - - Aranltkna A at AkA . La A at AC . t . I 0. ravow vj",m. w eeroinana Oplta $a.n; tot . Ferdinand Oplts, 4 Ml; lot A Ferdinand Oplts, $A8n; tot T. James AtlwsrA All 18; tot A -trace ' A r Iwerd, 1. 11,. nMn r ... mm 1 . aj . ,. eon. -mm. AI tot X W. I Waeer, W1.18: tot AI' tl. n name -.nv, mm o rt. Ok w Bkss I VAJtXltZBT. ' I . Bl.n. lAB ! - a - A a. A 44.. AA 'JL.- a' M-" f -d"- ". - ftr!?B BnUl i tiTimii it, .rT-BtT . I BoVthlt VeTt ef ITtTMl'.iram,, i .n.7r.r' alaat ' : kadaka fee I foe htalAi.. t. ik. rie IkanetownTt -i 1 "T- ABaitor in dtp at I . BOTt St it i Mt i Mirdie Bmltk. 8a40; grsn stay llB ill BikU at lt tha follow! n ltaase of food, wklrk will bo l . . rr- - - a. i ... - . .- - I.''-?-.'-1 iU" . r..Z-r--."--A... . . a - - -- - - - a,, i inoo no nno no n, nn a m ii - aat, n. r.t .e t., o ai.a n-.... ei. at,. I a i orirnio. . i un V 1 1 I reoaired for Ua niostks of May, .an andlnid at t .a oro.kie he Th iit.rJ.w I Z-.. Ii Si; w a ZV. mZ1,7 Xti SM Br arda of tk. Onnci " ' w, in n-nhen. V. i ,:' I BiannMtf .il BgBiaM tb fn, ekang mtl north 84 ft f lot A hUaale Bmlth. I - l ; 7 .,T. .... T I gran vaj oa I lino ra wniiag witn tka nadar. I 80.80. lot 4, Th Northers CoanUes Is-1 -i A sin tor r . By, or dar of tba BUeeai l -toard , ttnoinaT ThT tha Unartl af tk. nt, of liae mt Cook araa)- Joka m" PI Muot pklly ad parallarlr baAted. to be M pi ldd by tb City Charter npoa tk paint. , - TH08. C DEVLIN, JZZ'JFj!l lljr. 1.,, .lH3 MM. , ' .... ". follows. Tlx: pro oar ty ssoully aad pecoUarly lewfMal rkrlt enat UaBnt tikld.or ESSS rSTSVS r..v "viiMiei pfrott r;: k.m ; . - TWINTT-nxaT STBXXT, BAST IB, bVdecliitt isVloB-to mk."S ijL H.1..-7 to 8. It B.' MeJ i Hw.. "oS"'lot T J.W? N rmU 1 S? rrinro.' .BrwJ-a'k? .T p. STBXX. EAST , TWXTTAXC0BD rb.Bg. a.frad. nd Mtobltoh Said graoa a. I L".?156' '.? a1? KM iVuStot il.'Sil.' "at-.S: Hi'S If .ilncCTtrnt "."n toTn;'n"2 1 T.Tcol,nn,f,,-l ' ) W. AM 0XXO0N STXXXT. t - "'.n ,, , Bart Bel Mb IM LltO Canor. $Sl.''r3r tk fee? S & ia-' to "f" .. rf . ,., fcSr.":! Vkktnt ' ' ' I hereby gleui that th Onancil of th I omhlrBipr Blln.btktret kt aaleVatloa bt !. .Mm. U A. Thar. r. $14.80; .mh 81 Lr?BvJKwrtrw , o-.. I f.Jt.",.'.,.? ?'l.,J I nlr- wSir.l UidS p. kkj T4S a. kA of Portland. Oregon, st a kMetlag held aa of 87X8 now aetabll.bed: these fol- t or north 4014 feet of lot 8. Qearg TK I flntrinn A Traat ftaaii MM- u kt maoil . - - -- -J r y by0rd.?.ncoWN0,7 oCf'dl'", il77Itt. ""c-Vel T Vr 8' yoTTmT mrCmSmTy. "xV.ant apecincafloB. asd 1-k mt tk. &fA!SS? H ' , of 'a TaawSTto a-ndV ridf litrt TwntT It .hlrlTef miofllth .tJX CaaTslla .! UX- lot 10 JcnJh Srrae? Xt4? lot 11. The Till OaarantM A Trust City linirlncer for the ImororeBarnt mt Mid Pjr.t Saaad . K.ana , atriU .t IrtTn. et.r ZLZ)l lLa..f fa..i n J.hTtlkla I SIS?- lot 1 1 Carl Mw ' teTx. . oPP. -": thm Till Ooarantea laton areaw ara kerrty adopted. , Oty-S Umto Speetot , . . V ..A ,ZlHL I?ZL; StLVLV1! JiLTf SSt'iir aloio??.!!! - Harriet Newcomb trkm heeJ? kaT T""rt Company. $X08. BLOCK 23, lot I, Reaolred. That he Aadltor of the CTty cf for Tn4a. keettle. , . , . ' ,r" :tb. - LH'T Auditor at tb City .af -."S'' ,?,,,l..,,a E,L" The Title Gna rente. 4k TrMt CobibsbT. 12.88 Portland he and It herebr directed to rlea ntl-o Bpskaaa. Bstt BllUaaa. " cow x vregoa atreet ana nsnay roe a ro I roruana pa ana n m naresy uu-erioa to aw I ' lereor rr . nrtn-u, eeeoi neea, Rami t,,. e n Title Oaaenom A ivt iWan... I rfitimni imneoeeenot of aak ,eoaV mi I Den Tor Omaha. Kennel 8:88 A aa. I TM a. ax. sewer in Kaat TwnUtk tr tt kandr IbmIco af tk sranoeed chanke of rrada of I Hick eon. Hattle M. .CMter. $2J0: tot 111 12.7. . fJ'Z'. i,"D,BT.' ?! AV 'mproTa"l,f rT. 7.- " F .' la U manner nror lard by Ordla Ko I old atreet a. nrorided by tk City. Charter. I Amaros B. Oanteobtln., $2.20; mil tk of i.--' - 'Lr ..Y. ""rTlV-'i ' P""V'. "'..1. "jw-l. . . I o. r..V.2t iLLA.'l . . I - .- " .po. h lot,. Prt af tot, aad parcsl mt Remorrt nca. . .nlnrt th. .hoe. rbaaaa. af !" 1A Norma-Mrrrlll.r 1L18; nortk tt of "1 m. alC: tot 1 kin a! "in ..TTiZT. .rt.7. with .V. .i-U Mt. I I WkMk ar neeuuy sad poeallarlr bs-1 grade may b riMd In writing witn tn anoer-1 lot.ia. n. . Beensoa, i.o. 81, ui. nrtfc I i niiwi m.Vi a u. I iuki. 9 d.a fem tai Ann or in. rieLak. I 1 1L . 1 . 1 n to b ka follows , ria. : 4 ind within SO day from tb dat f tha I . tot 8, D. D. Coffey. $X2or lot 8. M. B. I IA ..,t'l, Bolc I w!' .!" .7, "" ' All trslaa dsllr xeawt mm 8wk knot O ,llltll-lnU.leA O-atei MM Aal,.. .-V.ll .I .a ala .-l. . - I Thimaa. MOO, T ir II t-k.l I - e-" -. fi.l - triUO a. aa, .- t On M0. . tt Oj..I...i ' . mo?. TTii to I, KlW B. tnlr, ,.. i.. BLOCK ti. 1M 1. . Cu Bakar. H-rmnA r, ,.(hi; lot 4. lc ,UW, Kb lut 6, (ku. Bakar,;, lot Oaaana bka. o T (Wui Baker. Ooaaaa Aakar, .au: kH T, Veaaa' Baka .11.16: hu. a. rwu. R.kaa. 11 11. BLOC 11.16; lot . Ocaua. BiM, .-4lt. BLOCK i. lot 1, Haarr 1 oltirrlaT, V H: I' 1. nrj iiuii artava. ' rkt. 14.0: lat 1)1.16; lot 8, Uanry Uolfc - 4. Uanrr Ho, irlT. .0; Itcriava. 0.4v; let T, Haof L.. a t7 ' . . . Ti . HoltfTlar.; let . Uaarr HoUfrlaTa. 44.1A. KLO K e. AKrad J. ranfa. .T6. BLOCK T. r-rad Kl'ara, k 0.1. BLOCK . ' wt 1, rrad B l Lara, 4.k0; h't 1. Frad Blhv. A.aoa lot t, rrad Bilar, .r 46; lot 4. ITrad KUrra. kSX4B; lot ft, rrad Hilar. fS.40; . rrad Hilar. A3T.4S; lot 1, Trad ElMra,; wt ..rrad Kiiara. HW. . BlXXJa. I, v lut 1. Hoaa 1. IL.kln. . Ia.HU: lot . Boaa 3T.4o; loTd. Moaa A. BawklB. 101.4b; Jot ; b. aoa a. liiwklna, iaa.B; MX a. tiawajo. V3T.4B1 lot T, Boa A. Hawkin. . aB.ev; wt a, Heaa A. Btwtua, aa.a(k VIA; .. loi I, Job Btrwart, 4.0; lot t. Joba ' Btowart. tO.HU; lot . Jbb Mtaarart. $tT.4a; lot 4, Jnba Btovart. $01.46; lot 0, oha uw : arc S2.4o: kt a. Joha Mtawart. 43T.4A: lot T. . Joka Htawmrt. M.10: lot S. Joka BtoB-art. M.S0; I BLOCK SI. lot 1, BUtar ot Charity at I rrorldaiKa of St. Vtaicaat UoaptUL A.K; I lot S. Iiaten ot Charity ot ProTldsno at I B. Vincent Boaplul, d.S0! lot S, HUtonl af Caarltr of rorldB ot BL Vlscant Uuavl , BlUi, m.46; lot 4, Blatar ot Charity af I , rroTtdaoca of bt. Vlscant Hoapltal. toZaS; I K 4 . atatara -nt CnaxKy of PraMeBc at I U VbKsat BaapltaL, Ial.4; lot a. BUtonl . o .nariu- oc , t-rorioenr ar at. viBoant I . IloaplUl. 13T-40: lot T. la tor of Charity I af " 1 - - - -.4 a. ' vt . a. e.i- I lot . Blater of Charity ot PTorldeac oil i. tibtcbi ttoapitai, .g. ' BLOC a. HI, I M 1, Bbtara at Canity vt Hoaa of Prorl aV.Br at VaBeoarar, Wwklactoa. fd.80; lot a. dance of Vaarooaar. . Waaklnatoa. Ckkan. west H af lot 0, aMatars at Caarltr af Hoaa af lroTldaae ot Vancoarrr. Waahlnctoa, f 11.78; east M of lot 4, Jamaa Cadaaaa, t'MJ; aaat V of lot . Jaaard Cadaaaa. til. 70; lot T. Rlatar at Charity af Huaa I '' ct Prarldeac or rroruieac af vaacoaaar. . Waakra; ut a, BMtara af tauuigr . BLOCK 5, lot 4. Barak Byma. td-WI; 1st d. Sarah Btrna. 127.70, p.. a iurk M.10. " . - :yr. . A parcel at land lyln bcttrrca tba soath aatorly Daatbt aaadr road ska a Una loa ,tt soot heaa tar ly tbarofraoi , aad . parallel . inarrwiia aaa aetfraea tb wt Una at Bro naosh'a Aadittoa, City of Portland, Orecea, aad tb aaat Uaa af Byraas' Addltloa to Baat Portland, aar and except that aortkav of aid parevl appropriated foc.Mrwt purposaa, Oaorr w. Darck. kind 10 I . BKONAUOH'8 ADDITION to tb City of Port- lano, urrjtoa BLOCK. 1, lot 10, Karl C. Bro oauaa.; tot a, Karl c. Broaaofb.-fT.DO; " aau-a w nroaaBcn. fs.u; I. SX40: Ir.r 11 B-..1 V. Hraoaarh. as. oft: lot 12. Karl c Km. flBth, ad.10; lot 11. Earl C. BaoBaMl W.0Q; lot I. Earl ' . Hmanah a t. 4a-..i P I Bran a a. 14.80. BLOCK 1. . lot lMarl Bronaush. la HO: let x. Karl r. I mn. m, mo vj.; nronaocB. 4. au. A parcel at lead W taa batwaaa tk aath. asterly Una af Bandy raad and a Una KM ; feet aootbaaatcrly , there froai aad parallel tkerawttb aad tad Waat Un at Braaaagh' Addltloa. BnBy at 'PartlsBd. Orrfna. aad the weeterlyt- llaa of Lecan'a Addition to Bast ' Viiiiiw -sJT aaao- iTa r w Jvi, TTaTin. "LrZj.ZZ. Tii 7Jt ,r Coaocll f tkH City of Portland, Orepa, I airteanta atrt. . S:Y5'?5v ....",f.tofc ? M .'T.'i0' Ai bt 8, fkaias W. Uook. A0&;lk,ld Ik. una da of abtIL laufT tka (ok I Tha Eaaiassr'a aatlmaU of tba it' vlawltJJrr?! JSLi'tilZ. Li V. ,i JA: h'wtn rlatloa .dopudi feat far tha ImproraaaaBt : 2' BV"?r, Wasblactoa, B37.V; -fct ,4,J -wook. il-Bft; lot 0, Jv IL Mlddlatoa, 11.10:1 bJi n..t jaiX vuL-n A tha nr. flBtraat la kio.&aioo. i i... 7. .' .r"-. T ja vwa. a AKuniun to Aiuirta block iz. pear to Improref Arthur a treat troaa tba waat I rraml UoproaeBMnt and af Tot t. Bister of Charity of Uous of ProaV I lot 1. Addla K; Elliott., kM i Aodla liZw JrJtLt to th.Tat nTT b tb city for a sariod rtoa.1 ""'"" nijr oi nam w. laoa, lot 11, iaaxa w. Cook. Si f0?."? kncnr, Washlno-too, I a4.05; lot 11 DanUl- Wca.; lot?. d.80. BLOCai. lot 0. i. B, Tmylor, lal.oo; I -lllr.n. Kbodaa, $i.a; lot S. Hire at Bkada. i.' 1 J7i"Aj4'0a- : I if2-"! kH 1. KlUabelh White, 3.a; lot A B!.BN.l .ADDITION to Bart Inland--1 kllsabau Wblta. lAlu. BLOCK 10, lot 1. t. Itatn J-1MSJA ADDITION to Ba-t Fortl.nU-BLOCK h il ".! H,rr Adama. Ia.a0; lot 1, r S?l - 111 tam Wt". atorrlt ' w,, 1 tiorrnaan, fd.80! lot 4. B. P. Clark. 120.80: lot 10 Darld king aad Esther E. Nlcbolaa. ld.80; MJL DM Kin aad tbar IkNlrholaa, 11.80. BLOCK 2. lot I, .alia Moafc. 133.00: tot .slla Moak. f 2B 10; lat A Norther . jaaatir Inraatmen Oempany, Ltd.. 420.M0: W.V North Coaatlea IoreataMat Cnapaay, a ao as T ar- m a . . AT-.... - la-Svj2Sn a.M. - t 'y. . I rw, ainn.n a. toa a. lea m. ttoocs. I- T " , u: tot a. Laa ki. Beach, fttaj: andlrtdsd I om uy, tot J a. a.m. nooir, itb. aflat A aVoooriek B rwiL. ' ti . I te. 12. Hit kt4T: Jamea W. Oook. 12.20: af lot A Ball la B. ror be, to 10; I - W. Cook, 12.20; lot A Carrl 1. gM th. bo, imp - Ljaia I b coll-ctloa tAM Charter 1 . The Drecaedlnaa will ka tnkno a f tb uat aa are namlOnal k. f tka City of Portland Tka hT aaaaaaatiial apt! I ko, lat ..a to I ava Biter taw laraa paoiirBUBa at tonj aTlc,, 7 -- - - ' J HUB. V. VBVLLN. Andlter af th Oty mt Port bud. 0r . Data af fmt nohilcntloo. Portiaod. ne.. J April 84, 1800. , raoroaocs c axox or gbadi or tbti ' Botlet Notice I karsby gleea tbat at taa neaetlag tb Coaacll ct tb titty nt Per tl tod. ormoT iid oa tn lata day ot Am-U. lauv tk fok lowtn i Keaulred. That tka Council' af tka Ate . rwruaaa, uragoa, aema it xpdint knd par- pes to ahkaga the grade af tba on tee V I af Tb Cnsosat, - aad hereby .- dclare I Its lntentloa ta make korb rhanga af fcrad aad I nullum vvw nine. tyitowa: At a Bolnt loo feet west of tha vol tin f Et 'Thkty-tklrd atreet at.... 140 ft I t" ce-sr IB M-SBasT TBinj Mt and atreet. at it'..,. ........1 Ill ft. algaad within lo day from tha dale at thai Dm peoiKaitoa ot tsi Bo tic. .. ny araar ot ta council. iriUO. o. OHTIIlf, Aadltor af the Cltr af Portla-aL Portltsd. tin goo. Data. ( first BBbUcsUaa, AorU lo. laoo. PK0P0BXD CHABQS OP 0KACI 0T BTX TXXJTH STBTXT. - jTcTTy 'of'tl. oroin Waaf Br order of tka Cnnctl. . . - THOS. O. TtETLtN. - i. ." ' i Aadltor at th City af Portland. Port land.' Oregoa . Dat t tint publlesUoa, I aprii a, ievak FOB ' rBTXOTAaTXXT v Of aTATIJt BTKEIT. Wnttea le KotM rlwa tkat the tVoeefl 4 tka Hty of I'lnrtlaad. Ore goo. at B meeting held aa mant br Ordlaaaea N. 14.874. for th lart ment of hUpkt atreet ftom tb wetter ly Us af atnwaoxia atreet to ib easterly no ot row sreaae. fli tka manner prorlded by Ordla nee rB No. 14.108. anoo eack Int. part of tot Bad nercel af land, wklrb are pecllly aad peculiarly I Lbenefltrd. to b as foil . rls.! t. 'I TCtTV VIEW PARK ADDITION TO KANT I , PORTLAND BLOCK, A tot f. rlaattr W. Olhaoa. 8218.81: tot 8. LonlM W. tilbanm. I 824.08? dot 8. Lenta W. tllbaoa. $..- o I B. lamiM w. uineoti, sunt , i tot 4, Uencre Pit re i Eatale. Heir of $260.80; I tot A Aagaat W. R. Ponkwa. 8TAM; lot o, I W. M. Ladd. $0Akl: tot . ueorr ylarell Ratato, Heir mt. $.70;. lot T, L. Kakn, I $48.01; lot A L. KohB. $TT.2F; tot 10, L. kahn. 81X00: lot 8. L. Ksha. 1 1211.00. BIjOCK a.- lot UWirrr v. KM-nee,; an, A I lot ilk OllrerVC Xirbra 80800: andlrlAed I $17.18; lot 8. Kll E. Bybee. $o.7T: let a. Balem Flooring Mill Company, I208.H. BLOCK 8. tot l.'W. tt. lAdd. ao8.4; tot 1 J. B. Seott, M.1: t 1A EHa B. Bybea. $71.04; kt 18, W. M. Itadd. $td 08; Jot 1A M. T4 llnlsds. $8A T0: tot 13, Salem noarlng n . t-o tt.. L. it (.. i i . I venjn.7, -..a. ... ... - - matlott latin. 81X84: tot 18, Partldl Crematton tlanvM. AssorJatkea, . I11T.SA Total. A statement af afiinaald amiMBirat baa keen entered In tb Docket of City Lien, and I now du and aarabla at tka office of tk Cltr Traao. arer. In lawful mertiy af tka I'aMed 8ta tea, aad net Mid wttkla 80 day from th data nt tale Ot1e, ocn BrrOIBgS Will M ISBOa for th eollectloB of the sane -ace pre tided ky tka . . . C . . nn. - n tnarrer ox ine nty ei reniana. Tk h aaeeaament will bear Twtorea t 1$ dkya after tb flrat pshltcattoa af thle mU, , ., THlMt C. PEVLIN. , j . autM nr tnt 1 'i t . . , nuartano ,it mi, - TXte of Mwt pnbUta'tlaa. llaBd, Oregon tkpsu Ma IStm, rOB tXWXM VI DZZAT 1 nUBT. COOS ATXVVX ABO OTKU I. inrm. ' a"',,c w karabf (Iraa tbat tba CaaaeU I U Cttr af frtia4, Or(ou, at awUit I bald am toa 1BU a Af iu im iup to aaaaaaMiit bj urdluaaca No. 14JTV4, fur 1 ULCuBuucUaa ut a aawar is Da la atraal. ICoak aaaua. aUrr Urouli block 4, HlTarTWw I AddlUaa. a ad butibwlca auaat, rraot ItMt I awtk tba asuU 11 m ar blocka HI aa4 Caalral AJbtoa, to U aawar la MorrU auraat at lMlajr alnct, la Ut manner pniridad J ardlaaaaa So. la.aaj, apaa aacA Wt. part Jt aad paraal ( Uad. wklch ar auaoWlll paomilarl baoabtad, to to aa lolknra. iU: UV UiOK'B AUDITION AiLOCJt I if. wi ?, Jaawa w. OwvkA M-W0s Mt a. I . w. uwt. Mor lot 6. JaaM I Cook. t34.M. ULOIIK 15 kit li J.nM W. I U ( lot U 1U waatarlr at a Ua 1WI t T"V aaa parauct wua aa aaa. , u veaa anaaa, 4 AU af lot 10 lylnf .'w.Urlr at Uaa 100 ' aaaurly ot and parallel with taa aaat- . w vooa aTauakj 4aaa w. baa. ..Vk . it 1.... aj dwb - Tn. lot i la-. W7 .r-ia Bi uik ii' 1. - v.l. ..7.-J. T . . T."T ". . H , w BBMBian. 1 - w -TT--- TT.' r.: tTTlV j 11 5f '"Lf" i "' ; aB.jr;- ay. B aaaajan tt a . flS.; Mt1 14. W. Cook. -i 15; lot 1 1 laaiaa . W pMk ' a 1&. Ia 14 J.w W , Oeok. VMS; fet U, iaam W. Caok, fkui B. fcilliol Lot a ' iaaui w rw.b out 1a W.'fJOOK. lllott. 4-0i lot S, Jamee W. Cook, Baroad a treat, la Ik foMowtoa sunaer, ta-wlti Tidd that tha mm af a auyorlty af tha prop, ; hit 4. B. f qioaa, im.aoi lot 0,1 rirrt. By aradlad tba rat to tb eub r7 baaafltrd by aald linproraaaent r aay por W. Cook, 131.40.. BLOCK li, lot 1. 1 rrada as abown by tha atal aa sat by in I tloa tbarof shall not paUtlon for a new or dlf-' ty Sarlncs Xrust Cempaay, 11.10; I City Boctnacr. . I farest Imnraruaant bafor tb axplraUaa at mck ll-ao )Ja: Becurtty lot 4. Mary Morfan, XM; lot 4. Jaaaas P. YTJ Sf-m, asaini r. rarr.; w, iiao w . varoa. oaau; v uaa (Cardan. lot lot ' Poatar. . let 1; . BaUrr, ': tat a. atsry A. Thorn Deo u. 12.20: lot X. Mar , A. Thorn peon, 12.10. BLOCK w, lot 1, kite L. Bcback, 2.l0; let 4, Leslie T. Beery, 11.10; lot I. Catherloa Daniel, fl.10; lot T. Catharine fi.aii aa. a, vaiacriai vaanai, fi.av, hlM'.k A lot 1 llaal.1 II SU !H. oi , usBtai n. uaraett. 42. zu; let a, oaawi H. Uaraett. 12.20: lot 8. J. MrK. Eekanon. I - S2.XU: lot U Vincent CMfe. S.XQ: lot lit I ' V Incest Cook. UU BLOCK A. lot 1 klaraa- ret BXorey, Ji.lo; lot 4, Kdward B. Twlggcr.; kt D, Lauaa Klrby, 42.20; lot a, B. A. nawa, 42.20; lot a, lo. Ann J. Btark. H 20 J. N. Klc.. 12.20; lot 2.20; lot 11. Phb A. Pbcb A. at aeon. 11.20; Masoo. 12.20: lot 11 Pkcb A. klaaon. 12,20: lot T. William B. Ualamas Batata. Heir of. 12.20; let d, llartla Uoraat, 2.20; lot -1. Loaa A. Han A2.SO- lot a. Aaae I. Heelaa. 12.20. BLOCK 8, lot I. at. K. BmlU. 1110; t 4, Jsme W. Cook, 12.20; lut 1, lame W. Caok. 12,20: lot 8. WllUam A. TnrabalL 11.20: lot 8. Drld B. Dlrara. (2-20t lot 10. IlawlJ U tl-o 19 an. Lnt 1 1 - O ... mnonnO 1 v., to " 12.20; lot T. H. P. Wa. Andetaos. 12.20: lot 1. alh Pedaraoa. 12.20: lot a. A. J. Collins. 8. ollt Pedaraoa, 12.20: lot 3, A. i. Colllna,; lot 1. A. J. Collins, $2.20. BLOCK 2. lot 1. Andrew Paalarn. $2.2o; aorth H of lot 4, Andrew Paolsea, 11.10; soath H of lot al B BV an U... a ar in. at t II , er. so amary a. arseia, o.oV tot a, aatUTDS ' U Halman. S3.20: lat a. A. W. Ooudsrd. a. w unMira. 17 - mt ii LOCKJl. lot L rraaesa K. Ealler. tu.70: lot 4, Baby kf. ahafer. $17.00; north H of flZZ' r.rr n't.V.: -TTiT Jf Ison. 121.80:' lot 8. hlrlatlna Neiaoa. 822.10i lot 10, Jams O. Boencar r $20. ; lot 11. Jm O tn,an. k20.1Al lot V. J. . Bontt. a I . 'in In. a Hm.h . riM, Lat i. Bath M Bhafer. X2.IO: lot 2 rennooa IC rollers. 1120. B I vir u view . inninn . Wrt . itjiml BLOCK A trsat 11 feat- of lot A - Wll-1 belmlna reoue. $L00; east S - feet af Jot -4, Wllhelmlaa Psqse. - $0.28; .west so rest si i . n. wneaioon, l.o; I tot 8. N. WbeaJdon. 11.80: lot A P. P. I . Smith, $1.86; lot J, P. P. Smith. $1 .06; 1st I n, ami obna, ..uu; to a, Alex 4oanaon. I $2.00; lat 10, Tboaua Orsr. 82.00; lot 11, 1 Tbomaa ,ury. 4X00: weat 21 feat of lat IX I Jme W. ApplegsM. 81.00. BLOCK A north pa rear. -or aoc l- fete juaiwca. aarta i 44 feet uf lot X Ptor Lallack. $1.00: soath I 00 fret sf lot X John Hill. 10. B0: Booth no I reel or lot A, aona tiiu, $u no: lot s. Xbom I MoaTirBoB. lot . uaeia r. u. oahn. I; lot 0, at. t. aad naxaa At William, I 1.(10: lot 8. Charlea a. aad Matilda 1. 1 Obergt. $18.40; lot 7, Charlea 0. and Ma- tlld L. Obcrg. $3L80; lot A Cbarle 0. and Mttlliia L. Otrnrg. $20.85; lot 8. Ckarlcs U. and Matilda L. fiber. I A kit - lot in r-fcarlan O. aad Matilda L. Obergl ti.t: lot 11.1 JiM -trate. Br 102. Jama Sr-f Bits, 41. wo; wt ix, . james Barman. 81.80) I tot IX Joha lid in Uai latv liWl mmjimf 11 ASS Iim'kt I U t Thomnn tl W- lj t w; rot a, uuweu wnits. sx-jv; lot A - : roarth. By eeoatractln box krala la at- sou or inn proposra iaFann oa ran "-"--vn, inau. imiiaa abau White, lAatk, BLOCK 10, lot 1. J. erdBc with tba City knflBaar'l plant, aped- trt a pre aided by tba City Charts-. J? fr - . Jaaaday laaa.; lot 4. U t,' kdwarda, liau; flratloos. aad astlmata. - ' KeBoatras afainat tb bo lmprov. Blparla. Waek anara. Wi tnnii ThBradsp 0, B. B. Cardwall la tat a, Halra at, 11.10; fifth. By co tract In aim tad- roadway la kMat nay b filed Is writing with (ha Bad BpokB aad Lawtotoa. mday Wanday 8, B. P. Cardwall Katat. Ualr at, 11.10; aceeruaaoa with lb City EnLneer'a plans, sptct- wlthla.JaV da ye front tb data at th X1CKBT n i ... . - T 1. Joba K. Poater. 41.SO; lot 10. Joka It. flcatlaaa aad aatlmataa . r. first publication af tbla OOOC. aavavarj rnw W ndWiBalartin ! . L4; Jot 11. A. tt. teller, Lau; BliU. hr brlnlB tke earface of th itr t Br order i tk Cooorfl , - I a, w SleT.. -2? k A. K. Keller, 41.80; lot T. A. H. J to (red with raacadaw, aa shown by the Clt1 . . THOS. C. rETXTN. I BTrNOBB. Otp Tick at Aa 4k , ta.20: lot a, A. B. Xllr. liao; I Kwloaar- plans, opacifications sad aaUinat.-a. '.. Aadltor af b Otty of Partlaad. I A. U CBAIO. Oeaarsl hnn,, Aaaot. , restntnt Trust, Ltd. $28.80; lot V Tba P tltad. (iregtm. VIBU of flrst pabUcattoa, "f " trt ran wuta Northern Conntlea Ineeata t Trnat, Ltd' April 22, 1800. wli".u." ,D,tl' P? fr- . $28 80: lot A Th North Oonatle Inreet- 1 ld Irnpr mat to b atad 1 acexedaae meat Traat. Ltd.. M.mi; let T. Tb North- SBSTBBBTTBT'jr-rOB IWXOTXItXrr 0 "b the Charter and eralnaa of tk Oifrf te,' FLZKhiLS- kZT1; , -"oV"e V'tr, weat kiof lot 0 Martin and Beii?. Hot! brbr glm that th .Council af tb Aadltor of tb City of Portia ad an th liolmar? $14 $0: eaii 'to o" lots' Uenrr f',!" w' ofPartlaad, Oregon, at a mevtlug 4th day of April. 180(1. Indorsed: "City Bngt- Jf ?I ...I' '.,"7 held oa tb 18th day mt April. 1808. declared near' nlana aad anwclfleattoaa for th Inra Ta IT ii Tmomomm At 5ft kn, in t r tk... ,at-ced la tk Docket ar city Lton knd sob. lining outk IT' feet of tot 1 1 lrl"JBW ra PTbl kt tb OfBc f the Thmii'4lTl0- north Bu , fiSt if ki ll P1' Traaar-r la Uwfal money f tk Called nmt a. $11.10. north 12 14 feet at let 1 II. nutmm. and If not paid within 80 dar from 7. ill II w 1111 ' D rfr..' mi . K M, H. Laroann S BJi.oa. Bi.n.ri aa, aaoinoe Jl at lot 10. - - - ai no- 1 . mm ..I Will nenAeTif lenlia '1 Sn. J.,l-tJL t a I s? p.r "'rdJd0-Tf lot 11 Theodore Nleall. $i.4n: arellrided f-1 of lot 1. Theodore Nlcoll. $1.00; sndlt,Ki Jo tST Avamoar. fieppaca, I '.A parcel of lasi Wnded and deacrlhtd folio wa: : Beglaalna 8,111.8 feet weat aad 80 feat walk of: tb sort h. el rarner mt aecTioa st. . totrrtanrp l norta, range 1 Mat llllMUTli, .-mil"! , rrrtrvm emit OO toailiror 1M IDS St BHt B t W taagtWII .tret. ITOm fkence weaterly 187.S feet; thenc aorth 111 th re at Ua ot koaf Eighth atreat ta the west fret l thee neterlr 137.2 fMt to heelnnlae. I line of Durham arenne. la tke m.naoe neo. ' Oeorge Bmltk. $2.18. I A parrel nt lana noasnea nd flea bed tl rot tows: riemnning aim.b tret weat or tk l aorthraat corner at arrtlon 27, townahl 1J ntk Mint 1 . nnat '. Wltlanaatt. U..I. Idlan: I Jmnrm aoatk OO feet; thenc weeterly 1X7.11 . . . . "'Bioa:, aasapn treed. 41JUS. fallow. Beginning 1.1S.18 fret weel d I 80 feet koatk ot th northetst comer of nee. I tloa 27. town akin I aorth, raart I ettt. I WlllanMtl MeridUa; thrnce aoatk 88.44 1 feet to ssauk line or eeme Thorn noon do-1 Mtto land claim: thenc weaterly lonl ..I. .1.1.. Ma.' 1 'I, e. 'ii M 1 V.-' . . " ' ' ' " 1 n.a I teelMBeoce eeateriy iti.b reel to beolnotne. loo ne atrasd. 48.11. - - ' A parcel of land lying between th weal ; No of Bortkwlcfc atreet and lien at feet weat toerefrsm and Parallel therewith, I Merldlasi Ibeaco troth 104.48 feet; I he ace wetter ly HI feer r east tin of Wrthwlck 1 rreet: these, north along th Mel Bee t I BBwiawics arreai ina.aoiret to tna north I on oa envwo . i , utranj,. m a mag ta I sn Boiweon too Bona liae et tidltlioe I new 'due aad payahl at IB rac r th Cltr neh aaeeoameot la on 81 In lit tf. .1 .f Rlrer View Addltloa to Alblea kad a Una Treekarer In 'lawful mooer ef tk United LlhJ xJaTJorTf the CUr of ' PrtlBd rloTVirk rTa. '.""M arkUel atste. aad ! If not nld within 10 day. front KVc i.y sad kU ohjectlc;. b,' V, T 1? . iion.."., . . . r . . ' ' oaio oi -ibis aouce aaca prwceainga will writing, akd notice j fnrtker gleea that r t TO f A aare.1 of lsd hounded; kad erTfhed M be t.kea for tb col lectio, f , ..e . ,re t nrl. nt it regular ntee.lng 4 b-ay S 1 . " l foltowjBeBAlngXaoT.T . feet wst f Brwatdad by tk Charter of tb. City ml Port- will hear and cnatde. .11 oM-rtb, I i . s in Botinaat eerner f ctlnn JT, Und. aemnoot kr norties a- -rt. - It . . . ' tonaahlB 1 aorth. ran 1 neat wiilae,. Tka .hon nonnekno -erttt kne l.c.. .TTTzY: . ' . . . ' " r Bortk Una Af aacttaa S7. tl.l teat " t ilia i vavianiu. r. mrm ja. i aurcn, ax.zo. riili. . i... . Uaa of Borti.wa ttnt aad tba aortb ItBalf, 6aorof to PorUamL Oraax-. of tocttno w, tovaablp 1 aortb. raix 1 1 lih day of April. tba tot aaat U. a 1 la 4jt aVd ...all. . a k. I lOWlBf Tmm II I II 1 1 llaB talf4 BlaWBBtaMll atoua vt Una of Bortbwlc alraat IT faati thaaea (raat fcd fat; Utaaoa Bortk IT feat 'throe t B6 ft to brrlnnlu. Nora U. Coatrlla. 7 BcT . , " " A parc af Had boondad aad draoibad a th Bortaaaat nrur at ax-tin ST. tomahial 1 aorta. ra I aaat, WlllasMtto Marldian: faat: tk ...t ai fT. in li raat t b(laalB. A. Haaiaa. A mmi r k...,.7.ii .. folio: Bat-lanlak- 2.IU0.4 (rat wt ' at tn Borthaaat roraar ut sactloa 17, town - hip 1 north, ranaa 1 aaat. willaaMtt M . rtdlaa: Umbo outk ITS. fact; tbnm at f bo.i fM tbeac aorta 17S.4 frtb to - u anrta una or Bactww at , tDaoca .waai aloac tba aortb Uaa af aartloa IT, towaahlp 1 Bona, run 1 , aaat. rVUUMtt MaridUo, . o. fort to brglnuinf, W. Senroadar, I.t. Toul. A atotomant af aforaaald a aaa aa maul baa baa ratarad la tba Dorkt of City Urn and new aa aaa aayatii avtna ornra of tba mvTiiMB nr 1 nn raaa ri tt ub. . uia uir au riaTK kvBd. ' I Tba ahaa I I will .Kaaa. lataaaa to I ...Ii ..L. . r. 1 V.w. I AMtltaa mt tfc mta a Rartlnvt Araaaa. r1l..i (W 'liu .1 a. r Aarii ii, 1064 - . id. By ui.HiH miiiiiI.. el4tta I in arcordaae with tb Cltp Biiilaaar i slss I apeciricauona aad aaumalaa. Tblrd. By coMtrucUac wosdaa earba In avt tb City kaflnaar plana, aped-1 estimates. . .T I earasaoa with Ocatloaa and eetl I Bald lannra- I with th Charter and' ardlBaacea of the City of I Pert land and tb plan, a peclft rations aud ratk I sutea f tb City Kaglnaer filed la tba office! I vi wo awaaiwr oa w uif ot rorunq cm in I A,B .! mt A impII lOAS lutAu-l L (inear a sun aaa -(pacification tor tk ib I or era meat of Artkar,atreet frnia tke wear etu-h Br ere meet of Artkartatrcet tram tb west enrb se of Klrst a treat. to tb rut llaa of Becoud I Un OT lrtrat atraet. to. th f Una AT BjeMyl aad th probable total coat tberwf.-' I Th rest of said improeemeBt to be aaawoed I ara-ldd by th CHy Charter apoa to I property apecUlly aad pecnllarly bofltd there- by aad which I hereby declared le be all lb by aad which Is hereby declared le be ll tbel lots, part thereof and parcrla f lead lying I betwaea a line 100 feet north of .aad parallel I with th aorth Una af Arthor atreat and a lino 100 feat aoatk of and parallel with th eoath Un of Artbar atreat, and between th Beat line af rtrat aueet aad tha aat Uaa ot Becond atreet. . I nloaeo'a nHaaata of tha oennahU Intel leant for tkn imnrn nvnnt o anl.l Artkr.e I m 11A78.00. .... ir I Tk bor Impron wiajt la to be rfaaaed , a Tke aboaa Impron wiajt la ta be rraaaed ( a plank roadway aad macadam ImproraianBt and ahall be nmlBtalned by U city for a nrto4 of foajr years, prorlded thst lb owner f a BtaloHte of tha naonorte hnnflrnrf he nnM lo. I yrwmv w mmj pwriinev uirm noau an ve tltlon fur a new or dlf rarest lmpramnt ti - I tore ino exDira una nr u-jsi oenoa. to plana, apeciticaKnoaa eat aauoticaa oi nt City Bnaioser for tint Inkpraremtnt of Mid Meant ar. kaenhe atioka - Heaolred. Tbt th A editor of th City wi "Pta. I - ,11111. , - . I itotira w krrby aires uat ar taa BMetlaa af I raaawinira atran aa..tna woti bbb i remaat to ho aaada la acmrdaaaa I ; ror tun. uraaos. I '..-'' : ... 1 Portland be lad be I hrby airarlrd lu altat"" lis at Beat Taylor traat. aa sciweca Botlc of tb propoeed Impcrcnvit f al4 I .t. .. auli C.k. VJ. .i.... . I BMBt may b filed la writing with th Buder - 1 klgaad wltklB 20 day froaa tb data af ib first I BUbllcatto f thl Mtlr. I Br arda af the Caoncll. I . . TH08. C DBYLfN. I ' " - Aadltor at tk City at Port I I Portland. Orraon. ' ui nrat BaDueauea. April Z2, ipob. I PX0P0BK9 CBAV8B OP BADS OF BAIT axtjzb 4THIT ' ' ALBXX 8TKI5J, Notlc U. karaby -glrea that at th meating r tn uoosoi or tn t-ity t rrartiana, oeegoa, held oa tba IBtJr day of April, ipud, tha lol- towiag reaeintioa wa aaontod: ftoeolred. That tba Oooacll af th City af rartiaxwi. tiiiiis. eei ) It xp dleat aad par Mtabtlah tb grade of Basra to chajjjre and East Alder - atreet from "J"t IrToJIT; ai.f. 5. Vk?JM tree I t amst -jniruata etreet. aaa Beret) i ai it intention to max bscb cbbs ar grao ana asuouaB Mia graoa a miiaw At th aate llu mt Kant Tbmit- eighth trL at-... 101.1 ft, At tb center llaa mt Baat Twsnty- alatb atreet. at v ,ltil ft ahnTO th haa ot Cltr rdaa. I Heaslred. Tbat the Aadltor mt th City at Portland b and M B hereby dlrsrled to air aotie a tea pianiwau ekang f grade at I proTiaeti th alt rhanaa 'at the city t Barter. nerltlno aHtk tk. a.a I froaa th data at th ooun- II. ' ' THOS. C. DBTLIN. tn utr af fart la ad. W ordinance tb lmproren t f Preacott atreet from the 5-K.-.t TZSmTlttf&SLi bTlVt Wk . Biairna-st ot sroeeaain . siimsMllllt BM I b dat af thl notlc wch proceedlag will " .7i,k?V"oJL? I r. - . - . . ' I Btna. I Th kbn ktBI BlUHIlt Will bMr ltet 10 1 . b-'cI to,,.tartt-kircA . JLTil int? , f fnbUMtlaa. I Apr" ,180tt- . ' I n , B0LLA STXXXT. , , I Notlc rrtreby (Ira that th Oaanril of the aty of Portland. Oregoa. at a meet- held e the IPtk .day af Aprll, lOOd, 4-1 rlared Ik at br erdlnnoa No. iinti tided by ordlaanc No. 14.140. Irpoa eech tot. part of tot knd parcel of Iknd. . wklrk are tpeclauy ana pecsunriy netd, to h -a fol low t, ls: WOOIIlJtWN - eBLOCK 20, tot A Catherln Maxwell 42k.fti; lot 1. mex Manae, $;:oo; m ta. fiarenew at. itoeit. a.w aw ' (lirenc H. B.rll. f.m.18; tot H pred A. Rnblason. ATT.IO: tot II. rrd Kl1r.-$.lA0a; tot 10. Fred Ktller, AlS.M: tot 8. Ann H. It t ton. fiM.Bn; wt it. oeorge A. Klrklend, , UaK "O"1 i Mnt' I ill 10: tot X JcB CbamolM. $.: tot A 1 Ktte N. Btoaa, $42 48: tot 4, 1. K. 8 tanker- entered la - lit Docket sf City Lleue aad I day after tk Brat pohllcatlon f thl Botlc. - - - THOB. 0. PKVI.IN. . I . , " Aadltor f th City of Portland. Oregon. I Tun land, ttrago. uu nl nr4 aPnkUcaiaaa. I April Oik eVB. in .BaemiiiBBt nr orainance no. 1 1 T.-.l . , . " .. ,. ,' - . ovo isboSIU streei' irons toe eaat roro wt af East 24. loi 1. CtrrleV W llkfna. $.' lot X WstM tet to tk weal flae af I'aloa arenne, EiSo KiAP.,,w?,. : i P",rt dlrwrtlng the Aadltor of the City sf KoMc. 84X43: l A HlUlam Bnn. 841.38: PwtUnd to pre-r. preliminary tot A t. L. Briggs. $32 01. Totst 8KH.87. .pon th tot, block nd parcel f "ig A atatamost ot akyttenld aasj at nunt knn ka.. ..u .1...1.. aj I BBOPOavn BrnonHDn Of MABT DATS I . - - . BTBXXT. i 1 VotlaB I -brabr alrra that at tba vaatlal I H"-. That tl Coaaeil af tka Oty. J "i""0. ,Oron, aapoawB aaa pjjr. I b" to lmprora Kaa ITl atrart TM tba 1 wat Una af Baat Tblrd lr to .as at Bo 'taaa auwt, to to toUowlaa Baa . first. By rradla tba rrt foil arldth trlta ra" '"tTr..,loof " u PV aaa-fraaa. I tnt fall width with '. full . totorssetloas to I "! btbtou . I Third. Br rooatraarjaa? artlflrial I v.alka ' Brraraaaea with tb City Badinjaar I 1 -J Hwaaiicauoaa ana aatiBjaiw. I f aatraeUB arUXlelal rb. riftb. iUS .widt-'5-.toif Blltk.. Br aaaatraetlua- atona aattafB. . Bald laiproTCBHat to b auda la acoordaae 1 - Charter aad t Third alrMt ta tk wct Um i4 UKta-atia!. bMbB-B Baa ttadb hB 1 CtM i 11(4 4A U r- - - " r w i.. I 1M COBt SI Ula UnprOTBt 118 II. I I aa niwaldaa ka 11. ( u. ll.rU ana tba at I WB1CB W Berapy BWiarta lO DO au am, I tort tkeiaot aad pamia vf' land lylaa barwaaa Ik Ua 100 feat north ot aad parallel with thai Una KB) IWarla atra feat waat at and parallel with tha waat Ua of M BW nrobabls total af aald Baat Darl I I to be claaasd aa 4 ball ha taaiDniaaa of fir yeara. pr I Birlld I Tb plana, cpeclnparloB aad eellarate af Baat ln ttraat ar berahy adopted, kaeoWed. That tba A editor of 4 ha City cf Partlaad be aad ka Ml hereby directed to fl yiQTrjtTB TBTPBrlwrarsTT OF BAIT TAT-1 I ..Vf L0 BTBXXT. Notice la hereby gt n that at tba meeting of tn Cooncll t tb City of POTtatad, ore, I bold an tb 19th day ( April, 18W0, tb far- I af tk Council t tb City ot Port la ad. Orsa. I haLd M tba mtB BaV ar I kcaolrad. Tkat tk Council of tb City f ar- I pa-uuo, uregoa, ooema it aipeeueat aaa I posas to laiprvT But Taylor etreet from the L I aaat Un at Baat Water etreat to tb wat Use I I at lakra eeeaae by coaatTBctlag ka eleratodl of Falon avease by coaatrBctlag ka etmtod I roadway fall width with tall ratet-aectloo, ea erpt the later action f Baat Pint auaot. - I ' Bald lmaro meat to b mad la BtlOIBaBrd I with th charter and ordlnaacea of tha City 1 of Portland and tb plan, epedflcatloo aad I rellmatae of tb City Knflnaer filed 1 tka I efflr of tb Aadltor of tb PUy f Part I land an the 18th dar of ADTlL 1000. Indorsed tl"CItr RnlBr' BlanB Bad B If Ic tlOBB to the improeeairat of Ea Tailor straM tram I the ea.t llaa of Bast water treet to ib the eat west 41 1 of th ui work to ha dona aad tk probable thereof." or I Tb cost Of Mid ImBfUBMBl to B , ' . .. V" - , -V 7 M 7 . 1 specially kad nacallarly bfltd thereby nm wnnrn oww o . : . ' - - w . ' -- I btwa a Mbb 100 feet Bortk of and: parallaj I With tb BOTth llBS Of BMSt TaTka- Mt BBd I Un 100 feat Booth f sad parallel with th 1 ".' " lZZJZ? u ,m I srt 11b af Dnkm araana. 1 -ri' .( . t f th Brokalrla total 1 ,ot. the IrnproT.naeait f Mid Bt Taylor I a.oyu-ou. . . . Tb abora lffipnirernerrt la to b claawd M p maintained by the rlty far a narlod mt flra.l 17; lfwVk-, .n.7i"hT Trt tat" tbr'," ? Pf pSP I, l"'? ?! topro Mat af ankt Uoa tor a new a dirrereat for tb expiration of each The plane, tpeciflcstinoe HBt.Tkyior trt ar neretiy aoonua Baia an... .v. . .i. . .l. rate o 1MI or nrst ptiBiieatton, aprii sa, iss. 1 n a ai a mm Pwod ii .Zu "to krb7 dWtod ol:;"l "al'id.rn.:: 7o-..Z A, JpT;',,0","V '"K"" "r "T" ."TWT'M' ' ."T . . mty.b filed In wtitlnd with th BBdsTsigsad l"la 18 days from tb data at tba first pan- Ucatlo otl. nolle By rdr mt tb Coam-n. . THOft. C. DBTUW. ' ' Awdltor of the City at Portland. Pnrtlaad. Orettoa. Data at first - April 23, 180a. . f rxoposzD xxoTaai tt or mno atb. Notice 1 bare be sirra thlt al th BBBtHrnt at 1 taa uouncii ar tna uitr or rartisaa. uraaoa. bald aa tha 18tb day of April. 1808. tha M- aBWiB rMtlOB WS adOBlcd : i ibmi au. t hi in voobcii or too wiy ei Portland, Ore , daeaaa It xp adlaat aad Pr. t imnts t'nloa areaaa tram ju rest I aoatk f th soath Ua af Broadway to TO feet oath af tba esatk Un of Bchaylsr afreet. 14.577.. forlneot of I a loa teeaas from 10 feet Booth af I th oatblln af Broadway to TO ft Math mt iT. 'il-mm'Zt. 2. to 0. .d - P. DETLTN. Aadltor mt tb Clry of Portland. Pert land. Or. Dat of tint pabUratto. April 2X 1808. . rXOPOHD CKAK0E OP 8XASB OP BOBBBHW BTBXXT. NotlC 1 hrfttf glT tbt t tk ktoefjllg b."r - ta.o. - w.; mtopufir ;"7 - rWred, That tk Couaril af, th Cltp mt PortkiBd. Oregon, deem It .rpedtoot and par. Boat Tblrd .tyeet, rom R21 feet to 42 feet I toZZJ, 7k", fK. fldVS of th. Mr. mt ejtl'ri. ld hi la he.h? tUrJIZ, VlLt!a "tf hld Jok. ooe'io.'1:: notto ef th proprawd chtnge ef grad af Id atreet a provided kr.the city Charter. K eaten tra ncee eralnat th a note rhnr f graoe may aa inra ia wniiag witn tns aaoer. tgsad wltkl SO day tram tk dat at Ik fust nwbiication or this sollc. . up araar ot in conorn. . TMOB. C. DBTLIN. A ad I tor ef th Cltr of Portland. Portland. Oreoun. . Data af tint ttublkwtkot. Anrll M. lona J . XXAASZ18atT FOB" TJtTROTXaf TT or BAST TAKHTT.L STBIBT.. kt th. reg lar meeting of tka Co sell, bell the 0th day ef April, look decisrlna tka C trict Mnriitsd ky tk Improrenvrnt af Rsat hereby " saa.. t , , , 1 THOS 1 w 1 1 a in en", niwt.ti - en eir - etl. t r- t- ( , ,. 1 1. FT r---- ' I ffaaa aaBk BBh aT a ' V Trains o the EaM Tkraof PntlBMB ataadard aad tosrlet bna Ib aar dally 4 Oaaaha. CakB. aaakaaat raaaiiy la a-aaaal Cltyi L. 1 1. . UNION PEPOT. aa- Arrlraa. ; CHICAOO POBTLAND . j ' ' J- BPBCIAU Bk . BV Par tb Baat rt Baat, DU. - - Daily, lastoa. . ... ' . - i nl ' i "a IPOKANB PXTRB. , V : ' . fa Kaatem Waakla- v . " toa. Walla Wslla. Law- . Bk a. Bk BJtoa. Coaar . d'Aloa Dallr. Daily, aad. iaat Martbar t aolatB, . , '. ' wtSVLH t ie v roB ASTOB1A aad way points, roanectlna with roan. Pa. Oally. Iboat v Bk mr: for Ihrsoa . aad North Baacb, era. Bea-i as. Baadaf . Satarday. n a. as. TsaaklU Blaar Baato. JOB DATTON, Qty and Taaak'in luiar Ay- t Tt8 Bk B'lakj. attora. Bark sad Dally." . Dally, odnc, Aab-et. dock. , ex. BnaaVaP as. Baaaw. . (Witar permtttla I ka Brae Baste.' EASTg I f ooya a B ..Villi I U .A I I I I I i , . W W J I I I UNION rrBPOT. Arris OTULLAH0 BXPBBS8 rralaa, far Batasv Bin ear, am laaa, I fJO B. to. wen to. Osdoa. Ban rtaa-l 7:21 ' a. dace, Btackton, Lo Aa-I re lea, Kl faaa, new Or-I lease a a vn awat. Morslng trsla i sects , at dally except r lol. I 38 8. 8k witn Brua tar Mt. 8:00 a. 8k : Angel. 8 1 1 r r t a Browsstllle. 8 a r 1 a . J- flat A WaBdilag aadj oatraa. . Alkaay paaseogar I ' i t Boot at Weed bora Hrk '18:10 k. kttv Aaaal and aUrer-i toa inesi. Corrallls patr. ' Bbetidsa paaeaiigar, I fT: k Bk 118:1-0 8. BV . I l!1" r.m 8:24 a. n. I flly. I -TJllsZ.l.C:.: Tf'. o-.kni ' e..,. ,r tmt 73 jirfl Lear Partlaad dally foe0w t:tm a. m.1 Dalle (escort Bandsy). I 8:k0. :. 10 I k kl f-10. 1188 p. av Baaday aair, 4 lUtsral from rVi-rre Wrte IScTtaad d-"y p.nn m.t 18. 8:0. 8:18. T:. I, i .. ..a - v.ii . ,,.- a i , li-!" ."! - law a from Mm daawt tor Delh-r a tBhw- ktodlate potata dally (except Bandar) 4:1 p. m. iBdeoaadtsr" McoSoafk htoW ' t tn j ,tmM dally to ZltTn-k-Jtl Msasmath aad Aim. . sect In trltk Bo there Pacta anmpany traao sr Dallas sad ladepesdesce. nrat-Haaa far from rortianal Btiiia-ta aad San rrntora SaO. bertha asMaa-(roa fare til. sreond -cleat nrtbs $XIM. . Tlckefa to Eaater pattrre aaa a napa, ass lapaa. rata, rmneaara aaa te-nnt. City Ticket Orae r Bay-Third and inei.- r-Boa avua tia c w. sn noer. ' tr. b. comab. uty . mat AgBb - TIME CARD TRAINS Portland! UNION DEPOT. - foWJST K .STJm iV44.,T , .i . Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. UNION DEPOT. Arris Dally. ,. 11:18a. Bk Daily, Oatsksato. Westeoct. CllftoB. AetorLs. Wsr. restoa, r la eel. Bam- rest Qearhart Park, letii, AatorlA aad Bikikua T O a. as. fly. DaUp. v . AtV BipMaa. - 8:40 p. av. i. 6. M A TO, - ' T. A, Asaarta. A. - 8). P. and C A. STEWART, Cammee-lal AnV S4S A hit atra,. Pkaw Mala SudV , Tlctat C3at izi r-M rt, Ter4P : n ' ' - 1 - aL' 1 '- - VCriiy mmtmlim V. 7