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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1905)
ti:j c . .ceil 'daily j. .V.L,;:.. . ; Journal Eranctt Offices' t . AumiiiHun win w teeeived t r.isr ! office rates follewo.s pher. .Ml sent Toe la time tut publication ta the Best tosaei .... voaxB. , - A. frcto.. druggist td M T" men atreeta. - .... - Koa Hill l'hvM7, 680 OHM " lngton street eeree IStha , ; . . . SOUTH. - $V Jones Xi tot. JTTi s and CIWn streets. . ' ... ,,. Cotl.l Lrug Company, Hret . , iisela . '. .- '" . ,. VIM BTTtK. t rtanr. natuxmtmin a, sse, , eornee bmw -, Nichols TtoBVM. I Jnaaaslt elreefc corner Alblue svesne. Jn,k. bnif Ouipii. cerast '"w" Ubtw end Grand, JTfLi,. (east 1. A. Dirk, tobsecos. It Ow l"" ' end steel bridge). ' , Wmmt B. V. Fatten, eourcrrtaner. $74 Best i Bnrnslch. coraer Vote w Ingram A Burt, tstmeeealsts, 4 . J. . Worth, pbaraudst $ Brooklyn Pbrr. Corner Powell ; . Mllwaukle Streets. '.--' ,. VERY MAN; ; VERY WOMAN VERY CHILD to Invited 0,JkOpea aaVlUge lt "' "THi! 0LW"TKU8T WarfAET I ' (aPTTAt; $300,000) ' i We par 3 '-per tolerant f""TTVTt end f"" t"i TT HI Ca.HXICATi.8 OF DCTOIIT. . S-"hie at Axed period., or upon lew da, notice. Bene for our hot ef -. ... ' " ' ' lUX'STRATIOM." - PC2TLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON -. ... 1 ThlH Stiwit. , A HTM t TXRKX. ;.".. '.,kt,.'..i...F"l" nAaiw . . . HMTftArT ' M Graafl Am - PkOD Gut . "iU la troca lUwoal.' lost aid nim ,r www lr . hle rewmfd will ! tomtttt a- Momnr roiiw - InjoM irlUi lufurMtion ofin ft .... fwntuKill WIIB ' rOCWD A ! to ' 4J4. PortU4 CvM Blr UrtafT l'lum Kill , nr-vn . .mt li frnwwl, $30. . Oil At . f yH 0 Tina jwiijgy propty. sxrrtHo tmo. '.II. ut Bth. Mr t . AWf. - AU rtritiBf lhboc cnrdMUf wfiromm. . W. W. tA MSPEN, C. .- . ' J It- WOODWOBTH, .. rf n l i.a L r r.i'u.i.'. '" itMetT . RANT M5I)ONAtJ. tmattmrr. nnrzxAi. onaz. , from K. 6. Panning ' Porrvrr est JJEPABTMBXT or THE IMTKIUO. Wnnhlnf- KHHe-4 Alik. for trx-br.' reMM t . 4.U nut a kjI nh. ill OSlf.Ei . rnBn N wait? i " J2u Al.rt. .n4 for ooI(k-wi with . i . - - - mt , laaMKfl nar. M ; tSA-r.04 Hlo- MU.. 1 . ; outtM.ura AtaM. will t WHIM ' . jui 10., laoev. -And will tw orI InBtMll- Mki as attend. Blank for am of 1 . . u . Lfthfl AMMftnfllL ' or to ItM raanlntlnnrr of Kl oration, wncra : drawlnan abowlMi drtalta mmf b Plan and nporl Brat low mmf akaa be nrn - Kit.. Alaakaj at Jnncad and Doncl.a from JjTimrrtnn r. Jaw of Jonr.o. and from tb , rMp-tlr. rnld HUlra mamlanioMra at Krtrklkan. WranrrU. k.(rw... ""if1"1 .varam. Aiaaaa. jw . . . . - - wt Tmw a Johaanrnm H no hp mnploTPiant and t. not nonnrj. ""J'T"'" " canantr. . . KXU VAVTXO-aULIt rKTfJCTIVWt ta trt w marantaa . wore to our poniia.. ow, w WAKTKD A carrlav nalntar. Appl at 1 : . I'nlon aw.. . ' ' .; ,' HEX WAJTra yTBTITK WANTED Intelllgeat womam for - botiae wia k . .ad eompanloa to Ine.lld. Par narUrnl.ta .POlr t Mrs. N. 1. Webber. Eagle cUff. :. -' - 4? ' 'A ' ' '"" " " . WANTED Woman or girl for general boaaj- . work. goodU wajtea to food girl. Apply. 7 - North Park, bef. Darls aad Ererett. . v Minm.K AOKD woman for geoerat work aad help in kitchen: moat bare soma experience at eaoklng 678 Irrlng at. WANTED Vary capable girl, " family , cook; $40; reference required. XMVfc Yam . : hlU. Pnune Mala 41t. t WANTED Expeiienced girl for end. fountain ' and cnnfectlnnery. CaU bet. T aad t p. nu, ' Tie) Waahlagtoa St. . - ' - - WANTED trl of anoat 11 years to cars for - .ai.H-ehlld r.ttlatJIdwell are., trltwatd.- SETERAI. leeraers oa Singer so . Cbarlea Cooper, clothing mfgr ring machines. SMS Third at. - 1 " n j 111 i i TUBER good opentora. Apply Msmfactarlas ,. Department. Charles Cooper, Third st. . WASTED riperteoced Lest dry Co. . . e . , aWMwfiU feu.-; From tha Detroit Tribuna. la It 'iruer' queried tha vary young . -man who waa looking , for f rea lnfor- mstlon, "that . thera Is boaor among " "No." snaworetl tha sags -of BaravlllA nhhceitatlngly. "Thieves arc just aa bad . as othrr pcoplo. " .. -i -i .'. M BathoaiaAt. From tha PhlladolphU Preag. ,-Ha letmi to ba very proud of that maclilna of Ma. H; eartalnly , la an enthusiaaUo autolrt." ' t ; "Oh. not -at all'.j.. Tnu couldn't rail Til in an enthtnlaet. - Vh. I'va known - -Tim to ict oia wusincsa loicrisra witn Liak" IcTdyjroaar. enwa aajawyanrweeeeaa-wwana ttaXi- y AJTTIO-M ALB 0 TIMAtB. WllA. Irarn Ton inn w.iaim.. .- --- iod fnrnl. cap liaL - Addrca. SO it., Pvrtlaiid. Or. ' ' ' . ' WAKTtU Lady or arnHnman of fair t4ocatlMi - tntroprwwH Ta tr bu.ln Arm;, goud aaranr.--falt w-ml. w.m i. kahf lm to to. ntoekboldora f tha Bankot H1U' and Sulltna Mlnlnt and h . . i viiuiuai nfflrt at tna City of lort UndrOroaon). ' ntoatlPA- of too atockboldera of .aid eompan win no naia at lu prtaclpai orne. .(r., Huildlaa. la tba City of Port land. Oracoa, on Wodnaadar, tha third day of May. woo,' at too pjw vm w la tba forraoon. for tna foUoarlnc parpoaoa: To ronaldar and at npon a contract autborlaad by too Board of IMroeton to- no antarad lata by aald cornoraUoa with too Taeonu BBwItlnc Ooauu, wborcln aad waarnty it n acrooa tbat tba Bunker Hill and nulllT.a Mlalua and Ooneentratln Company aba 11 dlapoaa of tba ntair of ita mint for a period of yean to aald Tacoaa 8oteitln Company, and ta eon. alder aad art npoa aach otbar Baattorf pertain Iu ta aald eoatrai't, Ita terma anaeonuiiioaa, aa ta traaaart anrb othor bailataa aa may noma afore aald meetlaa. ' t Bald meeUnt ta called aad tbla notice la ftea aa require, by the Board af IHrnetora of aald company at a aMattad thereof duly callrd and held on tba areaatb day of April. UUft. aad la dna' aerordanca with Bectloa A, af Article IX. of tba By-law. of aald eaoanany. Patrd at Portland, Orenon. tbla aarautA day ' ,908 OBOb. . HoufW:- terrwtary of th . Bunkrr . Rill - and - BnlllTM Mining ana) dooronrrating t-rmpnny. , ATTTJATIOM WAJfTm-MITt, WAJITKD Poelttoa by yonng mnn axpertenred bookkeoper and aonrral marcaanaiao aamamani will furdlah- referencaa aa- to boneety aad ability: no ohjrrrloa to country noatafftca work. rAddnaa O a, care JoarnaL WANTED By enrrretlc man,' with T year.' experienced, poet t ion mnrcasiua nouae; rorery preferred; rafarnorea jrtTen, . Ad draea S79 Waller at., .Salena, Or. BITCATIOM wanted to take rare of lawn and prnmi worn imvi hvumt, pr ripertenced, Addreaa J. U P. Uardmr; Uatal Kliemplau. - ' J - - - - KXPRBIBNCKD bnokkeatie1. time - not folly 'orennleiL wnnld Ilka a net of hooka to keen: dty refrrencee. -O. car. Joorpal. GOOD btker-belper from Rait LakeNren" alrna- and Second, f or Barbara. BOOKKEEPEB with beat of refarencaa wlabea noaiuoa- in or not oi racy. . naaxeaa u e", care Jourual. . . ".. ..j j WANTED Job by A4 aaleeman. dty or country; lata M4. T ' BPERIE.NCED chief cook wants poalUon. ho tel or reaianrnnt. 'Aiiiiiei a. ii, i m unrH WANTED Poeltloa by flratlaea moat enttar; beat refarencaa. rnona Eaat naz. WANTED Peal t Ion by experienced njontcottrt. rnona aaat smh. -a- ETPERIENCED-chief cook want peal tie a, botal or.reeunrant. j. - - - UTTTATIOBB WATIO! 1T11AJW. WANTED By rx pert need yonef woman, aet , of hooka, any kind of ntenorraphy , or MU collar-Una;, to do in eparo aourar- reference, iron. Addrem 0 ST. vara JoomaL SITUATION wanted by experienced lady atenoe r.phor; beat of refcrance.; wages reasonable. ' Phono Cnlua t041, or addreaa O ST, Journal. A COMPETENT wooaaa wlahea hMsawork la n miiy or two: eaat aiae,, preierreo. . r Kaot 1021, from a to pJ m. WANTED A Job to derk la grocery Addreea M las Baker,, Elgin, Or. X WAXTXD TO TXXT." BOOMdl ROOM8! - ; BO0M8I - We want trat-elaaa farulabed room, prl T.te realiirnce preferred. Bee aa at once; ' wa are closing ear Iret; our gneats will pay Ann ..tM tt& llntl.M tmnniiMilallMU . we chart e small eommlaaiea and send yoa drat-claes neoolet book roar room, now with H. C Bower.. Portland Hotel, or tba Lew la A Clark Hotel Co., 1.18 BUta St.. pregonlaa amg. rnona Main xaa. BOOMS la all parts af tha ;ctty, Annir 2A Ooodnenali bldjr. EXPOSITION ACCOMMODATION BUB BAD. Cade dlraetloa of the Lanrb) aad Clark rah Mala BOOMS wealed la all part, at city we so not rent yoar ronton, wa aend yoa applicant.. uwu ana iTiark rnrnisnea aoom Aaaocui' tloa. Ill North Sixth St. WANTED - Honor of or A room, by Joce 1; eonploi as rnlldrea: prnnanont. Ill I rlaua at Phone Mala . ., WANTED Light boosekeeplng room., prlrata family nrarerraa. . mono Mala bmo. WANTED or nnfornt.hed rooms, was. .fdmll .rat. eoorrBiericea. , ait rirat st. WAJfTZD aVXAL XSTATB. WaWTaft . If .asst., or. la Seaside, WANTED lot or beaee .nd let; mast be cheap . tor can., jtaorees u si, core Mnrnsi. - BOOhtINO boons from S to M rooms; must be cheap, address n. as, Jrmrnal. WANTED iQood. lies agent, ta salt oar stock; outfits - farslehod free; eae.mle.lon paid ' weekly. ' Write at once for parttrnlara and choice of territory. . Oregoa Nursery Co., . Batrna, ar. - ' 1 - 3-; 'wAjrTiiAaAi:' WANTED To borrow f 3.&0O oa well Imprveod . Porflaad aohurbaa real eatate; iirat-rua. pa eerily. Addreea O M, care Journal. . WAjrTETVanTTT T a aZ0n. TUB POBTLARD AUCTION BOOMJ bora any. nr"a ., raoaa aaaia oooo. . aii earn, ow WANTED Mora anrarlng aad whltowaablng: tha only gasoline, eompraeers air spraying outflt on the roaat. U. . Morgan. Co.. JU MUwsukM af. I none saat mil,. WB bay Ufa tnaarsnea policies snd pay MORI buy them subject to kens; writ 'for terma. u an Imhi.1 ... . A' ANTED Estimate 1 and B-aterr brick build Inge, to- no duiii Hoaenurg; puna at is North BUtesath at- u.. w. Hoorer, rortuad. WB bnlld new or St your old houM very rea- aonahie; good city reterences. tan or writs H na.1. new weacara aeiei. sea uuaaa. WANTED B working gtrta to take part of a 4-room, rurnianea cottage; eaca a Bnoata. Aaucene m on, enrn aournau . - WANTED Tram of young snd gentle: ales want harness s 370 Buruslde. wagon, CaU ar. write SHORT OKfER Printing Ha - Second aad wsaningtoa ats... ITtESfy-g anscsu.A rooming nouae to managed' 30. re it, ,t WANTED Attrartlona for atora for Melton, MM Aiorrlsoa at. khew. . Iaqolre WANTED Challenges for paaebelU , Address Wllllau Arenoe achooL ilii klnda lawa work wanted. M.ln TM. roB bint HotTiirirmio books. Oaa Insert lea Is this wards for It eeata." If" THE LINDA VISTA, aleeiy rarniehsd hoasekeep. lag aad alogle rooms re. eon Die. 847S Hftk. BOOMS AJTO BOABDe-. yntnta enan. If Van met, to beard and -eei la a sereaanest kn& flrsT-Ma. bona., where rates are exceodlealr lie. aad wllL remal. tha name next eamaeer aa they are now. call at the Aetna Honer. SSI Seeeath at. ewser of Madlaon. Tel. Mala B2S1. THR MNPBI.I New family hotel. Market, bet Tktrd and fourth eteaia beat, electric light Borralala tie I be; exceedingly low ratea. ? tTRKTiAK rooei and board. M per week. 601 CU, near Itfteeath.. Ill one Mala Mtt ) 1 " i ' ; , r'- , i ' $100 PRIZES FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Y Tha jonitaaj win p-y' XSTum mrttrr Oertoom aad Teiwe of nawl bras Tha Jomraal HWant Ada woioB are Beat o this offloa a4 ad asphsd. fog mam t The JootbaL . . -.- fAamal the) f oJlowtBAT teurkgwcdlaM oagafpJlyi ' -- '.' . - Swoty Oartoaa aad Tingle moak a -sonmpaals By ft Want AVd" like thoaa made tha alfferaml cJaaalfloattotiai oa tBesa par. to be maed la, altao tta daily ar Bitnay - lsama vt -Tb 9omat,Tk oharg-a low tBeaa aoartlaementa la Bl wcrds fo IS aamta. . M o adiartla. -BaaMt Buoaplad fog lege -tBasi XB aasTka. ; -.-f r .-fc.u' i"!-' - - Mo Oartooa or Terns of Jtngla U eistarad ta the amtaat malasB sceaga BBBiad by "Wast AVd" mad tha aBoaay for ft. V.".r Xbb ajrawlBg- mad wena Bkmst be la Waox Ink aad aa en aide af tba paper oaly, aad the papea smart aot ae large taaa aeraa taoaea amaca. The Twrae aoooMipaayliir aaob eartooa mnat mot be anora taam six ItaaB ta toagta. The pnxea will- . bo awaked so'f of tno orterlaa Btga tlulal -tha) aaaotttloav .; -T" The aasaa, age aad addreaa ef tba oaUd whe drawl aa of thawa. Car toon aad wcttea : a Terae of eTtagto tnaat be wttttea oa apry eao Beat to thla .pflloa, la tha ohildT's e-sra hnad WTtttaf. Xf Boor fathsr or xaothay oaaaot g-tro yoa ems of tnaaa "Want AVds," - Bgaly aoate fzlead er aelgtibna oaa vuz-iz"" - , ; Bo traro to look- f o yom BtprWanaat ta th Tapai ..-. : ' The Oagtooms aad "Wan AVds" avay bo dallTared to Th fomraal ei BTearly erarr eBQd oaa vrtbs a be aouapted. yoa wto iwoerre BB40 la TB-T yOBVi BJOTT UBI UBJRCEIB B0011B. ON El r twa rooam, famished or uafnrnlabed. 3.' eery raaao TUiamook. raasoaabla; prlrata fsmll Apply sua yoB saxx oa xxoxAJiax. A LA BOB, natural water power,; with af land, good location for aaw er arm Boar Hood rlrer. Or. Addreea Mardm 3 son, Bbedd, Or. V . - i tail la, BOnSB FOB BXBT FUBJITUBJ VOB SAIX fnrnlrnre ta any anaatltj tat snot sash or sell It at your reel ilea re. Be Bare and call ap Portland Aactloa inoany, hUUr soSA. for heat results. j, , M . THE POBTLAND ADCTION BOOMS wftl a yoor famlrars for yoa at your resldcaea ; at Bit first st PhoBS Mala aOM. . IP yoa wish to St ap a spare room with tinted d, spring and mat trine, dree o, etc.. go to pjlmaa's No. dlt . Iron bed.taad, . aer. com mode. W.ahlneton at..1 and Oar load new goods, Ineledlag steel foi . witn ma tu tenia. (WO Oood farnitnrs of S-room honse that amat be eold. as owner at lea Tina dty; rant S40. . WIU sell fnraltnre alone U Sssfrad. Phone hUla atHT. - - TTRNITCBB ef nlcelr furniabed s-room cot' .. toga for sale, houaa for rent, 4 blocks rem Wssblngtoa at Bo. Bl North ftignta at. abnuan a i lu uiiui., , ynu. t , ' houaa, largo yard, baeemeat tent f3S: will sail reaaonaaie. 07 nir at,, auia sosi, FTBNITUBB ef a S-room Boone for sate cheap It taken by the 1st: rent $i coma aad see a bargain, ar ft or la niaia ex. 18-ROOI honae for rent," Tiuulluig Bsj nalai chean If Ukea by the 1st; long leaae, AM weat morrtaoa au rVBIflTCBR ef a k on are; o-rooea, gSOO; 1 4-rooea. goo; -rom flat, SU0; cheap rents. 183 roorth St. . . ' stir aAT.K-rnrnltnra of Broom flat: all new: mast seU; leering Hty. S Cnioe sto N. PTRNITUBB ef T room honae for sale. 2S pat month; price saw. in wecono st. roB pjurr-TtrajrisHiD boomb. THH GARLAND ' " 2I Wash., bet. Nineteenth' and Twentieth; , new. pjodrra, all eamide rooma. electric light., . phone, free baths; rooms 60c, T&e. $1 per day; 1 rates by week; reataarant la .connection. - THE MONNASTES. ZMH Pwat aL alagU room, from tl to $S; furalahed suites from gl.TS to At per weekt rooms par night, bos snd xdc: oariat aoiiatao. MABQTTAhf HOrBB. IS Ota Booms ea sal to . Or magio; nooeeaeepiDe; roome, gne .uiiea. bath, electrle llghta; trsaslenta SoUdted, BOOMB, 11.60 week! best ta the dtyl erery , thing new; hot and cord water, bath, ate, I . northwoat corner aoTonteeata ana veerioa. rCRMSHED bonarkeeplng saltes. At apt alas . transient and board. ' Ooldamlth. cor. 'OoldV smith and ARilna see. . rsono vnioa KB JflCELT furnlebad front room, suitable for I gentlemen; alas single room, at 43T Ross at, '- bet. Dupant snd Dlxoa. Take l oar. FOR RENT Nicely fornUbed rooms, with m . without board; right on car Una. BSg East BITER8IDB HOTEU S4B Eaat Oak stl far. alsbed aao sarnrnieoeo nomeneepuig i.nmai - lodging. Phone Seott BM. - 1 . ElJtOANTIT furnished room for ens or two . gentleman, prints xamiiy, gas, seia. Ml '. Taylor. THE OLAD"T01B A11H Saetar eg., foraiehed room.; aaoer aaw aunagamam;, .pnoas si 0NB large, front roone for S men or light housekeeping; single room cneap. szi ihira KICELlLfumlebed rooam. wllk nbono, gaa. bath. ' oxoo - per ween aaa--npi a. iniu-aiiaraoa, CLEAN, cheap furnished rooma and lodgini Ao Eighteenth at. A bloeka from fair groun NRWLT furniabed front rooma. t .per wee . Madlsoa -houas, ao Madlaon at. our. Pirat CHEAPEST and beet nested rsoms ta Portk, ed. Al week ap. OUmaa, Pliet aad Akwr ata. . ItlCELT furnished rooms, fi ts per week and up. MTH una, aet Mala ana Madlaon, NRAT, pleassst Sleeping noma for ava, pries gl.ou a wees, iia rounee.ia -at., aortn. K'EW, rless beds, AOc per 'night.- 6.14 riand era st, - , tOB BENT oTOBXS. FOB BENT Urge store, located SOS Morrtaoa at. inquire lor melton. . .. ABT UfPOBTDal, - PROP. RICHARD MAX METER Portrait aad landeeane artlat; I o tract too la ell painting, water color, eta., snd drawing; art gallery ea nested wltk stndlo; plcfores for sale ssd aTsauaa te rat, m aider st - iajul - . - ; wqyTrioxitT-vSli,; Tara Bad diaw a Oartooa, XY Bhoaey aad Iibt yoas plotoro ta FOB SITBrilhTB, Y PABMBI PABMS! NEAR INI ISO acres Al lead, t-ma hoase aad large bam, good orchard, to or 60 ecree la culU. , ration, land laya nicely, balance easily cleared, near B. B. station and rleer, 1 bant from dty. Price A3.SOD; good terma. . lot) acres flrnt-claaa tend, 88 aeraa clear, " tS more nearly, goodlioape, large bare Beexly new, oa good county rood, good orchard, place well fenced, school en the place, R- W. D. , mail. Sty miles to statlea an It M. and rlrar. ' Price glauO; terms, . 100 acre Al land, aa good country road , and clone to school, place ail fenced, aoms ' clear, young orchard, fair houaa and S barns, ether building.. 1 well st honae and living water ta Feature, the plaoe la well seeded to grsas and etorer, t good gcBtle cowa, 1 wagon snd sled, 1 plow, chains, aawa. axea, wedgea sad many ether toola. - cooking utensils snd household goods; tba timber will twice oar for nlace. Price A2.BDO: ' Aitoo caa stand; pet eaat Close to stores snd H. R. snd rleer. v . . . - ' 100 acres Al bop aad farm land, oa Tnata tla rrrer bottom, eo seres la crop, balance 'grass sad easily cleared, A acres nearer dam, : 10 acree oak and nab grore, place feaosd oa S sides by the rlrer, oa good coanty road, B, P. D. mall, a good new fl-room houaa wlth-vterge pantry and porches, S good bums, 1 new, one fcx&0 aad t-atary, sad other good bolldlnga; 1 .pan ef mares, hsmeea, wsgoa and back wtth top,' plows, harrows, cultl r.tar snd;ll ether farming tools, BA Angora goata. 1A hogs, A good cows, chickens, turkaya; 14 miles from Portland, 3i miles from B. B station. Pries ta,2M; terms If desired. 8U0 acres, Brst-clsse soil, 40 acres la caltV ration, S-room boose, Sae water at hone, and barn, gond orchard, close to R. ft aad rleer, best frnlt potato er grane- land la - Oregoa, 1 hour trust city. ,- Price ! per . ncrs. guoa ternm. W. W. ESPET. ' . Boem - L Hamilton bldg, WHEAT farma for sale' by owners: BOO scree in cum ration, ua la crop, zjo pert ef which cue be broken ap; 6-acre er- A sprint, aad a creek; thai farm yielded A3 bo hem of wheat pet acre last year and tha growing crop Indicate, a large yield , US rear; all feaosd, bog 'tight; 44 mile te ncbool, V mils to church; A mils, essy down Tifa gT'de to JJafur. to which point the voiumma aoatnara ra. railroad wlU be-ran train, from Ths Dalles by ,July er Aagnst Our price, Inclaolng crop, per sere; terma te aaaa. , . Hemingway far. Or. BANDSOMB HOMES AND PINE FARMS. 110 acres aa . Lewis rlrer, S miles from Woodland; AO acres bottom, S acree plowed, i AA acree aliened, . log . he use, small barn; ; cheap at 11,800. ,' . . 40 acres an county read. S miles from town; ' 10 acres . leaned aad eaeded. 10 acres timber. -e-roem home, -fair -barn, - good orchard, SO acres in crop; price si, wo. HCNTINUTON h BUBBELU Kelso, Wash. FOR S A LB Farm eohsletlna ef 1.4S0 seres Bwadow; 4O0 lerel ' and caa be made Into r- aeenoow, oaianco paatura nm, imsauon ere. tern ea the place and plenty ef water; alee 400 bend of cattle, 80 horses snd sll farming '. Implements; place te well Improved, Write . or cau at puce. ranunn. trvB ' seuaiy. ' uregoa. a v. salary. n FOR BAI.B Highly Improved farm of 160 acres, located ea tba Willamette, wltk mile ef rlrer fronts re: alao fine lake and frore; ea Ita tie for rich men's country home; a miles by rfver, 23 by rsllrosd. Price , A9 per acre. Address Owner, 101 Front st., viiy. - - , . . . ' FRBB LAND IN OBEOON under the "Carey Irrigation Act" Dead direct from atate. Write today. Booklet and amp free. B. B. - Cook A Cov. an Alder st, Portland. Oregon. TIMRKB and farm lands ta all parts ef the . .tatel bounce and lota for Sate la all parte of the city: aaa us for Best Hood rlrer bar- gains Uoasa Tsggsrt 1WH Hlxta tt H0MRRTEADERS Ws caa lorats yoa oa wheat or Irrigation latum; real estate for sale. Call ' or write. Van Clear. A BcbolL Bche, Umatilla roomy, . uregoa, ) FOB BALE Hop farm, fovr tergc lots. Salami 4 cottages. South Portland. For farther rticuars gee owner, oe Williams are. T6-A T0-ACRB farm and stock ranch sdkdnlng Wilbur oa ths S. P. R. ft mostly level tesd. n. j. t-oenoweiBr-w uonr, uregoa. AS ACBEM Mt cleared, bouss snd tools, a miles I rocs uienco, a-iou. .oo uoiosmita, Alblna, 40S ACRES, No. t farm, wltk crop, oatflt Con don dm met. w. v. watnon. Clem, or. KAPDEBLT " TRANgyEB-COMMISirN-ty'.- , llanos snd furniture moved promptly bv ea peneBcsa men. iia -jnira st. . nils law. FOB BENT A modern eight-room house, with bath ssd patent- toilet; .rent IKS . month. Apply ii anire ut. . A-ROOM cottage, rent BIS. Address O. 88, rcsre journ.i. FOB BXaT HOTXXSV ' FOR RENT Rtorea and hotel contalnlag 114 aatntde rooam, on Twanly-alxlb at, facing main, entraace and exit of Lewis aad Clark fair. Apply to B. M. Lnmbard, Alt Chamber - er uommeroa, er uus awssty-mna st FOR BENT Elegant large dlnlng-eenm, andr . so-eoom hotel, at beet location for fair ground u , vm. vrfw, , i u ,m inimil ete. FOB EXNf rAB2B. FOR RENT A seres of. land, all In cnltlra- . i me.. st renr-tnira .ne Bectloa Uae road. lr,;rJr.? failing.,, FOB SATT-fTtTi I Zl" X Adrartteemeeta snrtoteta to Basl F-tate, one. lams cue rU warns let 1A eeaute.'' I WILL sell my 10-room modern home at Tabor Height., at the end of nuusralde sad hit labor car llbea. pounds-Soux 10. Isws steely ' laid out, barn and rblcaea perk, cement tubs, ' porcrmin balk sud .luk. S Inside toilets, elec trie light snd phone, furnished with neet .I. hniiim and Aimhieter nnd Wlltoa raipete; -will sine -eell eae of . the bet sud largest roomiog-oooeee an . " " oa block from the Portland hotel and one block from Imperial hotel, TO room., steam beat, porcelain bath. ,asd sverytblug Brat clane; nouae alway. full; will be aold raaaon, ' able and on good terms; my reason for aell log to I am leaving the dty. Partlea luler rated ta eltUer propoalUoa call up ths owner, pboup Scott noa, of addreaa letter L U, - rare Jouruat k ;- . - - - TBKMOXT picnic and excnrsloa op Mount Scott car line; ires car riue erii - moat Place Park; Ira cream, lemonade aud lunch will be ecreed free to all; wild ""were, wings snd games to smusa tba children. Property buyera, bring your family and look at thin beautiful Trrmont lots, loxlM. only AM) rsjh; term. AS per month. Tba excuraloa will heard' our - of Sue a I too Feacta a I. oa Muaday at t p. m. sbsrpi csll ssd register for tree tickets snd full Information. Wil kin. Heal Astst A.O. Phone . We XoX 1W Fourth st , '1 - OTTO CBOCKETT. - - . : 246 Washington. . l-hono Black SST I. Another fellow rothed Into our efdee and said Mayor WlUlama te ths man we want I Well sud good. Ws r i pert tbst ths fait - will come oft sad -we will have a good at "tendance from tba saat aad tha vulture will - admire our beautiful city end buy soma of our alee homes, ws hare several oi tasm tuv sals pa good terms. t FOR RALE New S sad S room suttonsry wnsnstsna. eonereta aeeei t ga. and wtH. Uehis. furnaeal boose tinted. pesa psntry. Urge bedrooms wtth closete Is each, wood elevator, stationary wsshtuba la bsssmeat; ea Ualoa ave. ear line, firs min ute esrrloti near good school, lawa, afreets improved: housee as open for Inanectloai cash or installments. laqnlre Owner. H. B. btemter. 123 Third at. or at rasldsnes, Aog Unlea ave. Berth, eae block eoata ex ai PBOPERTV 0WNKBH As sa Inducement to spruce up for the lair. I wiu aa receipt m ow ', send full directions for making and applying -Contacts Paint; Just us thing tor ouiduihi Ings, rough er a moots ear faces; material caa be obtained' aaywbere: contains no- lime: al moat ss cheap and will last a litetlme, Bobt YYylie, Corvalila, Or. .. NOTICE these prices t they have not been Doosieai a mta ana e-room oeniuuie, ewi 11 loto not platted, SS50; 8 lou, flae b Hna S1TH- eon rihualoSSS location. , 460; suburhes store at a bargain,. ,part " trade; new modern borne. A lots, S3.T00, Ad . drees- M 85, cue JouranL- . v AniTSvrBi nav.vt Ihne . ee teatnedlatn essh -note wlU sacrlnce the property at the ear. or nest i nirtj-ninm eeu aeinwii, ' . tains S Sats, each bavlng ft rooms snd bath; rents 424.60 per month.. Cask, price. fl.SCO. George M. Strong, 118 itacoad at - ' ; ; . AND 10-aers tracts, AAO per acre; bow house, AM seres. A1.OU0; new bouse, A acres, ATM); x honor. A acres, $000; these are real and Bargains, eeF.ansj.wea, ."v " ". Take Bataeeda ear. ace agent eeuth Oeta'e creaslag. ' FOR SALE a,T0 acres of -Jno green timber land, within 4 mnea or ri amnio nvor; room honae, Eaat Kvnrett Bo-aere lot at Lena, Improved; boa era -" d tela sa the easiest tern. N. Spragao, U8H Uraad ave room 11 i . FOB SALE Madera S-rosoi ' booss bath, gaa. etreete improved. ee-er, nice osm, cnoice fruits of nil kinds; would exchange for small farm near Portland or Vancouver. Call TS Bast Tenth, aerth. Pbona Union 6063. flOOD IKTESTMBNTCor. tot and two e-room nouses, xteeu. noa oi.obibbo, fi.w, w lots, a flae orchard snd s 4-room bones, Plttenger'a addlttoa, STOU. Phone Scott s4a. A BEaVTIFUL home. Mt Tabor, east to, 380! will sell at secritice ii soiu us wees, on account of death; price A3.6O0; A800 down, balance to suiar- Addreea N. 30, eare Journal. FOB B ALB OA easy tee, d-reom cottage; Bull Kua water, lot ouziou, nrarwnisa, streeia Cided, - lbtock from ear. Call at A27 Mil sve., SeUwood ear,- J- - -ROOM hoass aad barn, with fall tot aad alley tbroagn owes ; win rent tno nooee witn or wlthont bars; all ta goad condition, " At' TPS WUItems ave. ... BT owner leartog dty, a A-room naoeera eot tag; gas, al.iiUla. lights., large porches, cement bsssmeat weO Tlatehed. iOtl Haight avenue. , FOB AALB A seres at Lents, near ear-line! good bare and ether Improvement.; would , msks a floe home; 1 1,600, McUrew Boa, 20AVi Mosrtena at. CANNON'S addition offers yea the beat so ml bis Indneementi for roe to ebtata a cheat borne. Call SOP McA.y detalte. ' balldlog aad eblala $1.100 A SNAP On essy terms, alee 4-reom . Mlth hltllMM, M.tut SOS Ml IL. ewaer at Waahlagtoa Market, lie First st GARDEN TRACTS equal -to S 40-fost lota, $10 a month; water piped te eaca tract; electric line, Ac fare. F. C Little, lot Boer lock bldg. FOB sale cheap, aaw A-reom bnoaet $400 cask tskss It; be quick; S doors from car;- snap; sea thla. Take Vernon car. .1038 East 13th H. LET yonr rent apply ea purr ass of that fins home, Mt . Tabor; berries. . fruit aad flowers. Address M. as, care Joarnat FOR SALE Small honae tad tot SOilOO, near Alnswnrth eve., sartlr furnished; nrlca $400. ' Owaer, B Box aa, oorraiim, uregoa. home fur ssJe-r-O1! anjar Hna. tngly easy payments. Call at once. "FTmnk Malrla, 303 Commercial bldg. Bl n i nu,u woick, m ros wniw, mmmgrn u riwe boos; pdc gl.AnO, half cash, Del. 823 mouth,- 183 Fourth st ' FOB BALB er esrhsnge. lite acne Improved. . m miles from MontsTtllA car Una, laonlre ' Owner, 414 ueimoeu $1.060 New A-eeem celtage and S targe lata en cor. Orand era. aad Shaver at Sea owner. Ave ansver St. - . r UTST he anld ta 10 days, beaatlfnl horn,. Mt Tabor: cheap, a ay terms. Addreaa M. 3d, 7 eare Jonrnnl. . - FOR BALB 8 room boons ea car . Una with . acre fruit treea, eta. - Isqnire tdl Bast BUta af. - BOUSES built oa easy -peymentai fnrnteh lot If desired. 013 commercial uiog. Main iveo. FOB BALB One lot ea Eaat Coach At cheap for cash. M 21, cars journal. , BirlOO LOT. near cWr park entrance; will tease - Sll or part tno Washington at.. FOB BIBT -FLATS, FOB BBNT One e-esota fist. Inoulre 105 nintn ' near neimont. rnone svsst jzio. yZBSOVAX. IF tnarrlmonlally Inclined and yonr circle of eflaihla scnostntanceeL la II m ten, Join our society and meet or cor.reapoad with reputable reeldente of Oregon snd Washington - who wish to marry; send 10c for our paper, ths "Matrimonial rtegiater. wurn oeeennea B 10 of our kvsl members, also explains terms, etc.; Indorsed by leading' cltlsens aad , clergy; enortroos, honorable treerment, speedy results snd sbsotets secrecy seen red; private reception rooms, Interatsts Introducing " Bo. cletjr, suite , tatt wssaiikgioa St., rort- BOOK8I BO0K81 ' BOOKS! The kind you're looking for: Decmeron," "A Hot Txmala." "KoTs Confession," -."A Social Lie a." "Fannie Bill," "Tha Beanty Snot." 60a sack I - Uats free. A. arbmaln. Z2B First st MANLT vigor restored by Dr. Roberto Nerve Oktmlss. One month's treatment $3; t Agents, eVoodsrd. Clarke j 0o Port Una. Or. STOP DBINKINOt Oners n teed core: send 60c cured thousands. I L, CevA14 Uraol Mdg., Baa Franclsoo, CaL . BEAD all palmist and rlalrvoyant ads In the dallf pspers and then come aad see Mctror , Travis, 8TO 14 Wanbtogton st, opposite Star and Grand theatres. DR. OLKEY' treats sll dlsessee with great sue cess; ae drugs; cures -tube ceo, lienor sad morphine habit.. hVe jne. 3XHH Wsshlpgtsa. TOtTB peescrlptload are more accurately and re.eon.bly filled st Eyneel's Pharmacy, til ' Mw risen at. bet First and Second sts. , GOOD, honest working girl, ags IS to" Sll. rts nno Mi. 1 11 a i fm " uw www vg m v dreeslng hi All, care Journal. - 'THREE TBABS IN ARKASSAW" beata all hoots yea ever sa. - 26c, , Joees Bosk Store, SSI Alder at. FIRIT-Cl.AM dremm.klng: U dies' tsllnr-msde a-tSijBst siTlved triua Chkaao, AM f litk At, 14, the nod b- a uius.oa at 1 he. aoe-,i.Mi.a, e THA k -RINOKTEIN VRDICINB 00; , If Jte kua biua. Phone Atsia Aoos, - BAt H OP Fins far aU female Ai.-.r st Pnene M.ln 4ooA XhtPLorxxBT Aaxxmxs. SCANDIN ATI AN-AME RICA N EM P. Office Besl sstste, roumlof houses sad bualnees ' casacaa Sneclslty, it0 Burnalds, Msln Aina. PACIFIC COAST EMPLOTMENT AGENCY , Removed to I2a North Sesoad at Psoas Bad 161. ". . BANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICB, - ' FOB stKN. . M N. Second st Phone Mala 1836. FIONEEd EMPLOYMENT CO Labor eontree tore; belp free to employers. . 816 -Morrison. BELP wanted snd supplied, male er female. B. G. DRAKE, SOAVs Waanlngloa at Clay 04A. ALPINB EMPLOYMENT BDBBAD Help fur. aishsd free. 183 First et Phone Msla 181T. 188 MORRIHON-ttotnmbia River Bmp. tgeney; . skilled labor furnished. Phoae Main WAU. ISA MORRISON Columbia River Erne, ageaeyi . aklllat labor furnlened. Phone Mala Beat. . -3- BUSIBXaJ CTfABfTES. PACIFIC REAL ESTATB Ct. . 804 Msdlson St , Phone treat 161. Ws have a long list ef rooming booses, store., 1 resuurantor etc., -for sale. The following , Is a few bargains la rooming boasts near eitr kail:. . '. - .- l- . - . 60 rooms, rent $!TO; price.,.. .88.300 33 rooms, rent tllO;-' price I,3n0 11 rooms, rant 8:15; price............... 060 S rooms, real .. Adv; price ev NOT FORGET TO CALL AT 178 Bum aide Venrths Bcsndlnsvlsa-Amerlcail Jteal Katate company be tore yoa hay iara bousee, lou, rooming bouses, farms,' timber lands. uses, meet marsets. grocery stores, confectionery ' store.. cleat stores, restsuraata. hole la. blackamita aaooa, scows, furniabed bouses, furnished and aafur alsbed rooms for teat ' LOW PRICES, REASONABLE TEBB8. , . Phone Mala 8088. ; SO-aere farm oa Mount Scott or Una arltbia nc limit ate acres la atraworrriee. e eve frait bal, To clover. gU cleared But a small corner; this tend Is as level ss a floor, a good house, , bars, aad wait Prtes only $31$ " 'oarMWin niirr bai.ty' no ' . ? $48 V4 atorrlsoa 8t . -Phous Main 1438. - rertmao, vTwyfu. ' -. - $400 CIGAR aad Confectionery .tore, ea best street ; chesp rent .Irsss, Bad trade, great ..-IBa. Abates earnest A.le . BsmjIetVTAj BAA SAP ww wsivi OREGON ASSOCIATED EXCHAMOB. . - , -3SSin vvasBington st, . WANTED Partner with $T0O cash and estsb lisbed light msnufscturlng business; will clear AIO.0O0 this summer; must be a rustler. For full Information address F. L. Bchott dOAVaj T East Morrtaoa at . ' . ' , WANTED Partner with $700 essk aad estsb ' lleaed light msnafnctarlng business; will clear ' $10,000 this summer; must be a rustler. For - full lafarmstlon sddress F. L. Bchott 404 East Morrison st FBBB LANDS IN OREGON. A -FERTTLB aoti, pare water, dellghtrul cllmetej tend sf alfalfa, apples aad clover. For fell ' Information address the Columbia Soothers trrigatioa Co., AW Worcester block, Portland. FOB SALE H Interest la a Paying boal nees; party mast have $4,000 or $8,600 to Invent; ' a good proposltloa te right psrty; must be either a workman er a aa lea ma a. Address Wstts Msrbls Works, The Dalles, Or. FURNITURE and lea as of T-roors flst on Wssh. Ingtoa at, close ln.v for sale at yonf owd price; esosUent kKSttoa; most sell quick. V0d htarquam Orand Theatre building. ENERGETIC man with 8200 to boy Vb latorast In management af large corpora tlon; assared $100 per month. 811 Commercial block. hULLTNEhrK .and Botios stare. Sna location, trade, living rooms aad cheap rent; price $600. It to worth $1,000. Call 103 First st FOB SALE Barber shop; pool rosea, elgsr stand; as aaaa for seUlDe ssner leavtog clty - phone- J atoa. A32Z. v . . FOR SALE Babarbaa stare, ea car Uae, doing $26 , to SAO per day; en ah, er might exchange . for small ranch. Adrdsss O 88, care Journal. FOB BALE At-a bargela bead of rang no. For rnTlher IBtoatnauoa gooreea w eare JoamsL -. , $75 WILL bay sew stock hnd flxtnrea for ' reatauraat; invoice stork $180. Call 8eJ - East CUy at. .-...' MALL lunchrooms snap for; right party. Ap - ply 3081b Irving at, WrUnlon statloa. FINE lodging hones for sale, chesp: -good lo cality, cheap rest CaU 381 Fourth. BTOBB SHOW ror sale. Inc. tad at 80S Morri son st Inquire for Melton. " ' - FOB BALE JTracXlXAWWUS. BILLIARD AND POOL tables for rant ar fag sals eV eer neymsnto. -, THB BBUhiSWICK-BALKB COLLEMDBB 00. - . ,48 Third st Portland. WB print yoor name ea 80 calling cards, propsr ales sad style. 38c, 360 bastaees cards, tl, Brown A Bchmale, t3 Flrat, Portland. Or. A $400 fine tone equare piano for Bate chesp, oa Installment or will trade for lota, -. Address N. 87, care JonrnsL FOB SALE Block of Attachable BsU-Beartng Hub Company .toes. Cheap. Address Boa. AAA, Vaaeouver, Waab. FOR SALE A SL Bernard dog. trained te carry aad te A good watch. - Address N SU, cam Journal. ' FOR SALE A nana hMthoose, well furnished, wonlhonse and walks; cheap for eashi foot ef Clay st- - , - FOfr SALE Heifer, soon fresh. S years aid; - slss Scotch collie papa. Phone Scott 863. - , FOR BALB T milch cowa la Al condition, with route.' Address O 88,-esrs JonrnsL - NSW aad second-hand cash register snd safe; assy terms, v 833 Ankeny st . FOB SALE New plona at aecrlflcej easy terms; must sell. Phone Hood 2PT. FOB BALE 'HORSES AND CARRIAOZB f BMPIRB STABLES. Twelfth snd JeffersnB sts. Saddle horses, haggles and boarding stables. Phone Msla 1IMI. FOR - SAL SALE Oood. silliest - warns. laqnlre mtera Feed AFnsl Co.,' ea Front at, bet Issa and Hoyt Western Gil FOR SALE Tram of heavy horse., weight 8.000 pounds. Inquire 433 Miser st, Moo . tr villa. . : .-. -" - . t STEAM wood ' saw, team and wagoa . at, A bargain. Apply at 338 Gfbha et HEAVY wagoa sad harness for sale. SIS East Taylor. FOB BsTT JHSCXXLABTOTra. ST0BBR00MS and bnslnees spacea to rant at fair grounds. Csll iiTth snd Thurmsa. TO XXCHAjrOB. 83.000 SHABEfl good mining ennrk, Bohemia district, as payment an rooming bonss or otber good property: what" have yonT Jt 'Avery, Vancouver, Wash. ' BATE yen an Improved 40-acrt tract within 20 mlles of Portland to trade for ae t-roora hrnise. lot 60x118,. dtyt Address 0 84, ear. Journal ef Bee. FOR TRADE Oood land close to Vancouver. Wash., for Portland property. Address J. K. B., Bog 6S, Vsoconver, Wh. BATHt btASSAOK. YOI'NG ledy, expert mssseuse, new treatment 813 H Wash.,-room 88; private eatrasce Sixth. FRENCH Isdle give bsths and atsssags treat. ment SOS Fifth st Phone Msla 608 A8SAYXB.8. ' . , ' THR J, H. Ftek Aassylng office Oreenley A Crawford, analytical chemists and , metal. , terglsts, 804 Wssblngtoa st '- .1 1 1 n in. V ABCHITICT. THOSE who ei.eleiiipl.te Pnllittng WW profit br eoaanttlng HuUaua. architect 18J First. Lit -4. A. Buirx aoc r MABVTAcrm HOWE, DAY18 A KILHAM.. 10P-11I Seeosd st s Bask booh mssufseturer.; sgests fur Jnsi a 1 - Improved Looae-Leaf led f em; see ths aaw Eureka leaf, tno beat on tno msrket ASPHALT PAYIBOT THE Trinidad Psvlng Co, of Psetisad, - Office 6a B'oroe.ter b'k. ' BASTS DrsTBCXXBTS. CHAS, B. YORK A) CO., 104 Ptret Renelrers, - . platers; York A) Sens and LoOure lastramsam. CABPXVTIBS AND BDTLMXS. A. J. AUTHORS end H. E. WOOD, carpenters aad builders; repairing atid Jobbing 1 store sad orsce tits res built-' Shop 8u Celambtea Phone Clay 1901. COAL ABD WOOD. WESTEBN FEED FUEL CO., cot. Front and - Hoyt rts. oralers la domes tie and ateeua - , . coal, blacksmith coal, charcoal and cut a. Phone Mala 1018. - . t . . ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealers la cord wood, eoal ' and green snd dry slsbwood. R. JL aad Al blna are., S blocks saat of ferry. Eaat ATA, ' RUPEKT FUEL CO. The beet dry Wood la town. Don't forget to phone East 1406.' SM Kent Eighth tt, cor. Mndtsoa. CALL UP Bast 3238. Best Side Btehwond Co.. dealers la all kinds of slsbwood. AU3 Xaat Osk st , . . ... .... ''; . -f STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO.. dealers ta cost eurdrwood and dry slsb wood. Pbsae Eaat 484, OREGON FUEL CO.; aU klnda of coal sad ; Set Morrison, .Phone Mate 68. KIRK HOOTER, 818 Water St, weed aad Seat, . Phoae Mala 4006. ' - CABJCT-CTJLABTSO. STANDARD Steem Carpet -Cleaning Co. srpetg) 'Cleaned. reStted. sewed and laid; msttreesas. ; festbert rsoov.tsd.' East Third, north, ssd Psrtne- sts. Pbona Best 3B0, lisrrlmAB j ' North. I. HUNTER, steers cafpet SA Jeff. Msla aid. .1 1 11 ni 11 ni-n j 0XGAB8 ATIt TOBACCO. ESBERO-GUNBT CI GAB CO. '- . . Dlatrlbators of F1NI CIQARS. y - - - Porttsad. Oregon. . COsTBOSSIOy BtZXCWaJfTB. DAVENPORT BROS. General eonrmteslon njer. ckanta; fruits sad produce: eoaslgnmsata te lldtsd; prompt returne, 150 Front et. BYBRDINO Aj FAB BELL, prodoce and commte. atoa merchant.. 140 Froat gt. Perttead, Oc, Phone Mela. ITS: ' CLAIXTOTAJfT AVS P AIJCaT. MADAMS JOHNSTON Clslrmysat. palmist card reader; I give facto reliable aad la ." .portknt"oa all gffslrs ef real lite,- Bssdlaga o0c. OS Seventh st, near Oak, c V . , . CXXABTEO AJTS STUBS. PORTLAND STEAM CLEANING d) DYSTNfA Works; practical hatter la eosneetlon: feather hose and plamss cleaned aad curled by aa ss- ' part 211 Fourth. - Phoae Clay TO. CLOTH ICS classed aad pressed 81 per men ' Unique Tailoring Co.. 84T WashlBatea at H. W. TURNER, profeastonal dyer tad ties Bet. SOS Jefferson st Phone Msla 3B18. , CATXB. EBICKSON S RESTAURANT Marcnant e tench 11 a. m. to 18 p. m. ; ander new maasgemsnt,' O, B. Evans, prop. Stcoad had Buraalde.- THB OFFICE 388 Wssblngtoa St TT1. Bsmael Vtgaesas. CBOCXtBT ABT) SUSgWABX WHOLEBALB crockery snd gUeaware. Prsei. Begsls A Co.. 100 to 106 Fifth, ear. Stork st. cxxxirx oosttbaotobb:; CHAS. H. CARTER B CO., cement , A46 East Twestleth et Phoae All work gsarasteed- ictora, isie. DOG AID VOBSB HOSmat. " DnVC.BBROWN.D.Y S..D.CM. Dog, bene Bee--pltal.SST Bnrnaide.Phonee: MslB4ftSA:Bsat BMA. lUJtCTBICAX WOBXB. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL BNGINBER1N0 Compsny. 80S Stark et., Portland. O. K. fog ' everything la. -Ihe electrical Use. ' .Pbeaa Msla 18(3. '' . , . '.. . T PACTPtC Electrle repairers, ewctne winag,,suppiisB. ss rrrsi, cor. Stsrk. - Msla 656.. B. H. Tate. mgr. PlTSSMABTJia. MBS. 0. F. LOWS, ladies' and children's gar. menu, silk waists, waists and wrappers; an. derwesr made. 1SS Eleventh st , Pboa) Msla 8137.- - - .',.;.. DRESSMAKING, plala eewlng, shirtwaist suits, $2.00 snd ap: children's dremea, prices very, ressoashle. 28th and LovsJoy. Msla $ATw. SHI BT WAISTS, won! or 11.25; shirtwstet stilts, st Phone Bast 8281. atlk, made fog 483 Bast Mar . KEISTEK'B ladles Tailoring rellete; patterns" . cat to measure. AUsky hall 400. 2oS aforrtesn. , UP-TO-DATE dreeamaklng. ladles' tailoring roata a specialty. . Room 817 AUsky bldg. .- MRS. MeKIBBEN, ' artistic drees aad atenha making. AM aiorrlaoai at designs. 48 Clay FOREST RXSXRYX BCBMP. " FORES IlESERYB SCRIP FOB SALE Ape proved, unrestricted, eesdy for Immediate use lowest prices. B. P. gt F. B. Bitey. 60S Chamber of Commerce. --.'. FUBBl'i'UBB FACTOBTZS. OREGON Forulture Manufacturing Compsny j Msnufsctarera ef furniture tot the , trade. Portland,' Or. i- FUBNTTURB manofactnrtng and epeetsl orders. L Ruvensky's furniture factory. A70 Front et : :' -wnrUAOXB, :'.':'"'' '..i ': BOYNTON srsrm-slr fnraaee save fuel. , J. CU Bayer Futaaee Co., SM Second. Mala dSl. OBOOXXB. WADHAMS CO.. wboleesl grocera,. teanne . factorer gnd oommlssloa merchants. : F earth - and Osk ats. .v s-- -. ALLEN A LEWIS, enmmtealoa and pec docs mce-. chsats. Front and Davla .star, Portland, Or. - HABTbTAsT BATHS.' KtNO'B RAMMAN BATHS Cernsr Seventh aad - Washington its.; flrteet snd Isrgest bsths la the dty; elegant beds for the night If desired; ' expert masseur, and chiropodist. ' HAXDWABK. Portland ITsrdwsrs Co, solldts opportunity ta quote prices. 188 l.t. cor. Alder. M.ln 1884. 1 RTratAV XAiB BOLLB. 1, J. BORfl, Btenafhetarer ef hnmsa retla, etc. 42S R. Ninth. phone Eaat tail. HOTTX, XISTATJXAVT ASTD OAhTP BAJTOXB, HOTKT RESTAURANT AND CAMP RANGES Crll6eti' A Sexton A Co., Soventeeath an Upshur sts, tartest stork hotel, reetaarsst camp ranges, gasoline Mores gad re trig era. tors In the Hty. - t Sim 1 i.iiii ' .11 1 . - HOTELS. - THB LINDRLL HOTEL Market bet Third and n"..lisl k tl . I A n at ff a I I mm - . - L "" ""ij .new, sssaaomsif furnlened 1 America plan, $1.60 day up. . Hotel Pendleton, Peadletoa. F. W. Walta, HOTEL Portland, Amerlcaa plan; $.1,$8 per day. HOTEL St George, Peadletoa; leading hotel, . BXXYKOEBE, Ljiepesa pUajlth aad Aider ata. r... " v '' . ,1