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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1905)
- ft Tf W ::levs vidcns OVQ STEAU ROADS Cactric Unes Out ' of Los An geles Force Southern Pa- : cific Out of Business. TWENTY-FIVE PASSENGER fc TRAINS DISCONTINUED i: Old-Fashioned Roads No Compe- titlon for Modem Electric Suburban Service. , ' . .": r t Jnarnal SperUl Barrfee.) -.. : 'Los Angeles.' Od, April JS; Twenty , ftve rerular: paaener train between ,lo Angeles .and , nearby, suburban - point have been -wdered-JUconUnued ,on the Southern PaclOo, a a direct re- suit tl competition by electric tine. This 1 the moat sweeping action taken by the looai road since the electric ' road were built into the county and to the. beache. , The line affected are - thoaa to Santa Monica, San Pedro, Lone; Beach and Whittles -.w; Under the new order 'only one reru Jar puHnter train will be run dally each way between Vo Angela and each' &f the point named. The enormous de- cilse in passenger') travel by the steam - roads to stations affected la given as a Besrin Taking OxomuWon Today h Aand Your Cure Begins Today HSU Hi ni tmmm Oil "In Imli , . It vitalised Medicinal Food Propw Um are Very Quickly K1'"d- .. , , in Brlnsne; Healthy Color to the Cheeks of the Pale end Sallow. - In prodnclng Strength to the Weak, U the Peeoie ana ine In Toning up the System of Cenval mmm rh&iiiitlD Diseases Ja Cleansing the Entire System ' ' toes of Children. .'V, .ty ' In Building up n their Uttfo, Bodies the Desirable Pink and WhijteTTesh, and In DotttoV their cheeks , wiu the tftr- color -and. Dimple -that .make Mother! Heart Qlad. - J oioapunva 1 Is an AjrkMot for aU Pisiasis Ow By Xxvosare w oou aa we. ', To Prove it Medicinal Food Merita a 'Trial Bottle Free by Mail . will be sent ra request.' Writ by hatter or Dostal card to . .. t Oztrawbiaa Co.. 98 Pioe St.ew Yok AU Wrogg'sts wo wwi; ne moa i-v reason for taking off the large number Of trains. : 1 :,,( Railroad official say for the last IS month passenger train have been run at a loss to and from adjacent cities, which are reached by trolley lines, and that a redaction In train 'service was necessary to guard against further loss. Preferred Steak Oanned Oooaa. (Allen at- Lewis' Beat Brand. M IT iviani r. If you haven't bought new shoes for spring as yet it s. quite likely you re eivine ttne matter caretui corn id era-" twn.-You. are probably aware of the fact we handle men s shoes exclusively, and for ,this reason; you will find it particularly pleasant - to buy your' shoes at this store. ' We cater, -of ' conrse, to masculine trade, consequent . : ly. we have, looked well to men's likes and' dislikes. We know the shoes' he . wants and -stock our stored tfecord- :."", , .y . t. We Carry a Particulariy Stropg ;r sf: , V'! Une of $30 Shoes' In-the better grade youll find NETTLETON'S ?5.00 and 6.00j shoes just what you're looking' for. ' , I'll Pretty Spring Hosiery at Popular Prices Vaiiduy n CSl Wailtbii MEN'S SHOES EXCLUSIVELY. 27Qi Washington Street n - TX T - . TT' : TT1 ' 5 11 v fTTx-ir i. 1 rrr I lll .11 USX ..'.V. '.y'i V'. , . 1 ? ' 1 - -v. ' .; ' -':':b - : . :11 - !,'J. IDifllQJ) V". " Has bccntold about the merits of -our MEN'S SPRING SUITS at ' - ' . ' . , - t Mr .rrrr tv-t rrtv a n - n A rnr . . r i . 4 . -- rr 'If you will askany one of five , J . ; hundred satisfied customers who have purchased one during the: . past month, THEY will ; tell ;tybu how pleased they are-atidV : what GRAND VALUES :!.we:: V are - giving ''at .this-piice.v v'rVe A nave them m smglej ana dou Die . breasted styles. FABRICS are CHEVIOTS WORSTEDS : SERGES and TWEEDS 'a&: sortments still complete. r.y. ASEBALL UNIFORMS GIVEN AWAY with purchases of FIVE DOI LARS or over in our BOYS! and CHILDREN'S departments- . ; ' .: " , WHEN YOif ;SEE IT IN OUR AD ITS SO !Y " THIRD AND OAKSTS." i SPEGIAI: FOR SATURDAY COVERT' JACKETS iV : f V ' " '! toy r The most stylish and: best ; fitting line of these serv iceable garments in the city. Wehave the real "men tailors to try theni on Skirts, Shirtwaist Suits, Silk Coatsi Etc., Etc. - TheJoMoAcihiesoini:Co . ' Merchant Tailors and Manufacturers of Ladles' Gafments : Ready to Wear and to Special Order v Fifth and Alder Streets mi rr-s-v :xli' aiim, Men's Suits $'9.75. ta;$ 1250: i'l The hew snrinpr fahrics" sincrlft nnrl . illWfW'?. : -X---0 o - Jwr - . . aouble breasted ntw-Siiit4 f V : --T--Wv : UJ . $1 2.50 to $25.00 With the K B. Shoulder Boy Nobby Suits $r.50,.$2.50; e : UU eWe rMOTHERS Come in and see the ' Suits and they will please you 2, 'C ; ill J - eSet. iMen'sHatsUhdenvearv Shoes,; Shirts, Hosiery, Neckwear HE KIND - AND PRIcit 13 . RIGHT" ' ' The Welch ' f .1' ; Ifffl DAfv-v'V ; SURE S.30E.':- We want you to know' thla store for the vaiueswe give." There's nothing we wish to be known more ex tensively for than this: un less, however, for the qual ity of our goods, but this, of course, is an item of the bargain's worthiness.' , Tomorrow we offer two extra bargains. We still have a few pairs of those LADIES' PATENT : f -7 KID J LACE 7 (Slip Three quarter Fox right - up to date, hand welted, in . sizes 6, 6 ir2 and 7, while they. last V " .... $14 ,J . VBjBjgaejasal .... , ... fJEflMFW AND LACE MOES . ... , .t In all leathers , and styles, hand welted, this season's .. . . - - . - ' stock, valuei S3.50. aoAcisI I j . ; -w . for Saturday Children's good School Shoes at $1 .25 a pair. , Let these two bargains be an - inducement for you. to , do some purchasing' here.' . . A. !lt ' i ' rour cusxom win men oe a sequence. BAR0N!S SHOE STORE STCMCF STYLE AND QUALITY r 230-232 MofrUon, near Second..