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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1905)
- - - - i 1 - ai at . m uo. e-eai e aa i imu sea., u-t KM ioh r samp ra , iuuum nm wl , r tnea I I C!T rornj. THE LINDVLfc HOTBL Market St. bet. TVr4 and Fourth. Portland; entirely new hand soensly fucuisasd; A moclosa nlaa. L0 par 47 u4 p. . , HOTEL. Psndeltoa. INuJdletoB, Or. . W. Welte, HOTKL Partlaad, AamrleAB pUa; 11. 6 Per day. ROTIL St-. 8 aorta. Ftedtotoa; leading hotel. BtLTIDlRI, human plaa:4k aa4 Alitor eta. ibitjbajicx. LAMBKRT. Willi at KB CO. Pare laav--nce ao4 Ntl HUU, eoeeeeeora to Arthur W imot A Ca,j of nose, west aid. 107-10 Baertock bldg., Mala 1008;. a at. aide dent. 404 Baal Alder (litlatteV Pa ok) Aaat awl. ' . , loenraaea. to Mas J A. Mr!. WOOD, employers' UnMllty and to, dividual accident surety boade at 0 kinds. V -Phase 4T. 802 McKay bid. - I. P.- B ARTELS COMPANY tire ineuraace. 441 Sherlock bldg. Oregon. Phone Pay XeA Montr to tour. V''iv''- V V- THE STAB tOAtt CO. V.:, Any eelarled employe, wage-earner, cam fat '-.' M.( . t fia t a- wnufa M .unto fr "w Montn. m una. were, as 111.88 or. to. 86 a (as aa I X66 or 1x36 or lies aa 1 4.00 or 13-00 av sl-06 Btpsy to 1 00 Repay a t.Ou BLeoaT ' ta miv mcay oioa ; fira per cwt hiw v ar loaa ro oanar ea roar property ; aua . . paraMBts: taraatlnta: apao atarday r ' , fan. Booma la-lf Labba hOg., MTVfc W itbly Wash. M0NCT TO LOAN aa ml, paraaaal aa eat V lataral aacarltjl apaelal -attaatlOB to caattal . mortal itaa; aotaa .baafbt. C.W. failat. aH4 ftDtoa bide M Btitk at. . BlOfTLT raapartabla plaea wbara lafflaa aad . aaau aaa Wraw mo oaf oa diamond aad , Jawalrp. Collataral Loaa Baak, So Waab- . ioftoa at. Pboaa BUek TL II LOAN! aa4 npwar4 as aU kladM at aaa , lity ar to aalartad paopta oa thair aota; lawaat raiaa; wn paoimcr. aa via mi minwwj bld. Fheaa aaa 17ML MONtr AIVTAKCrD aalmrlad paopJa, faaaatara, " ate, vltboat aacarlty: aaar payawata; Ura ;. aat toalnaaa la arlaelpal aiUaa. Tohaaa, 223 Abtecrtoa kldf. ,.',.-- ' CHATTEti loaaa la amoanta raaainc tnm US - to 16,000; roomlaa-booaaa a aparlaltp. Kaw Era4aa Truat Co.. COS Ablartoa blag. 1 IiOAKa at krvaat rata ea tonltara, pUaoai ana aaearltjr aotaa parrbaaad. , Saatani Laaa efftra. 440 Sbarbxk bld. , , . a MOKIT TO LOAN la larga II a oa raad aerwlty knrt rataa. . WUUbai . aa aerwity 1 anrai POT FalUa ad, Back, p . LOANS oa faralnira, piaaoa, etba aacarlttaav laiarat raTaa. B. w. B-iaf, peoai aa, naao. . biOf. Mala aioo. : . v ' TH1 CMCntNT LOAM. loana, froia tbraa to all HT Oracoulaa. . . COM PANT Salary BoaUu; aasJdaaf '. MONRT TO LOAN ea Clarkaaiaa eaaaty Undo. ., H. p. aad r. B. BlUy, lot Cbaaibar at Coco- rORTLAND BBAL KRTATI LOANS. AND I ' par aaat. Wm. Paabaha, tab rala aM. MONBY TO LOAN, par aaat. Nertarap . Kief, tlo-211 CoauaerelaJ blork.- . - ' .-. TO LOAN 4)100 to HSOO by Chariaa Hlratat t . - tH -Tblro! at.. roa a. . - -- -- -- . , k'MONBT TO LOAH 110,000 at par aaa aa ' "' , alty prnearty. IT Stark at. . v MASVTTI0, BXAXINO. M L. H. BBABT Traata abronle allmaata, raaatlpatloa, atnaarb, Urar, bowal, uirnaa Vti. oaaa a4- faarttonal laraakaaaa: caaaaltarioa frea. Sit Toaray bW., Mala 417. -rv. WBICAL, . ,.f. ,- BBLr-rLATINO PIANO Cartllaa ealf-play. v Ina piaaoa proaoeaa taa brat by . aaa 41 ..maetrtana: alan Cartllaa piaae-piayera. i r Wllla Moala I loaaa, 130 A Mar at -f BKfONPHxsr ajaalrat-- lean aaanta at - aB -.r- klade-at hnraat prlraa. laataUaaata. , raibar Maate Ca., IPO Tbtrd at XOMPARB my prtCM arllb That racrlrar'a aala - ' bow aolna ea. It; 1 , Maale Hooaa. 1 ; Poortk at.. T. at a L Bids. , v MR. ANl MBS. PI. A. WCBBBK. banjo, auadM-, Ma. attar laatrartbMi.Ma'a 1TI W.Park. WOTi 34 TUB LI a. fSKPA RATION Saada aa4) aartsaaa a spacuity; am ' tha Marqaaaa, 0TXBAXLB. Bnaa or thi boad OTBBALLB aad , tra' rlorhloai aaloa aiada. Keaetadtor . aaaataerarara. rortlaad. Or, rVBUO A000TVTABT. a H. 8. MULDKB, oapart eereaataet; raoaj 441 , , , Sberlnrk bM(. I booka opoard. adjaata and . aadltad; booka kapt (or easall raacaraav ata--;.,r rata cbarpaa: Srat-rtaaa rafaraacaa. Main SPSS, 7LUXBXBA. jy .DONNBRBBB BADKMACtlBB. aaaltary ' plaaibara. . S4 Boartk at. - Botb pkaaia. BOX A CO.. aanltbry phraibara. tn Saroad baa, Mala 4 Salmoa Ornw rboaa Mala SOOL rsorooBAPKio nnmrn. - WANTBD Aaaatcar - - photoarapbara to kaow wo do daarloplnp' and prlntlac: kodaka lot raat. Oiaa Pbota Block 'o., lit Blltb at. piabo nnrat. W BORON ANDERSON-Baprrt pUao to aar aad . raaoJriaa. laqairo Flahor Moala Co, Bad POg. ; rLATTBO. BASTBBM P LATINO CO.. ' S3 allaar, ano par. alrkal , aad Jewelry work apeeUHy. rbal .Oold. puna. tHB OS BOON PLATIN1 WORKS, 41 Waaa ' toctoa at. Pbeaa BJTS. PaUakUa. plattap; n aad latqaarlaa. ....... PAINTS. OIL AMIS BLABS.. i, m. BBACU A CO. Tba Pteaaar Paint Co.) wtaoow-fiasa us aiaing . - oo Pboae 13S4. 1 . BARMCBSBN CO.Jabhsra. palnta. aU, fb .' aaab aad 4a. ra. Sraa4 aad TayMa. BTBBIB OTAJfM. ' P. C. STAMP WOBKS, to Aider St.. pbaaa - Mala T10; nbbar auiapa. aeale, ataadM, baa Saa, trade ebaekai aead far aaiaawo. wonn. -J TIN BOOPINQ. rattarina. r patriae! aaa) giaaral tobblot. . LaatU. SlS laffereas at. -ox. ... -PORTLAND COBDAOB CO r, ,',aad North ray ate.. Port la ad. Or. ' FOB epentna lor sate aad aato aarsalap go to , J I. B. Darto. aa Tblrd at. I SHOWCASES AND nXTTBXB, BHOWCASBS ef eaary daaerlptkau aaab. baa ; , aad stars Silas so atade ta erear. Taa Latae Maaaraatarlae Ca; Portlaad. TO BABE BBS TBABVXB. BAPBN. ptaaaa aad ready tar ahWaf bad ablooad: aB work raaraataed: lerye. S-atory, brtrfc. Sropraa4 warabopae for atorate. 6fae US Pint at. ' to M. Wa, Pkoaa Mala MT. T C O. PICK. eMaa PS rtrrt at., betwoaa Start a a Oak ata poaaw Sad; ptaaoe aad faraJtore "red aad Packed tar abipolact eomoMdlaaa Clay ao." . waraaaooa., FteaP aad a A I .-it' t a4 b''b sta., pri( 1 , h j. - aa Iwi aod a.-a a - a 0 a ea Uaw; -"t eaapasat p.. . pkmo ba taa wopt kaia twa.f AN" ON Sf'NIWAX COatPANX. PHnUaa, I'-aur .bi t. batak booka. i aoaa Auua if. Mi ' I Lir. ', ' iiriwOTIlt. r's TOST TlfES-MTra. RBADQUABTEBB . r . M tb Straat. ",We taat, raoalr. sail, aacbaop trpewrlta tTVVHtaVaV far4 macaiaoa $25 god ap to H La yoa want a atceoarapbar or typb Wa Bare Hat of food ipi BtTL1' ,1, I Pboaa BUek BLICKBNSDORPBB typewrttara, aappllas, ro palriaa. Bom A Rosa, SOB Stark. MalaMTO, TTMIaV,; POB BALB Oae bait aaetloa of ebotea Mnbar . Iaa4 baa baaa croiaed at 10.000,000 teat, 40 prr emt Part Or ford cedar, title front aaaSoel - bad' beard; -price 111.00 par acre. B. a, Cook A Co., JM Alder (L . T POB SALB Two honrstaad reUoqalaaa . clalan; sroaoa trawtbi will sell ebeep. P. Nleleoa. Hotel Rbaiaptakaa. ' . - POB no Ml PTE AMI, timber rlatua aad early apply to SO Coanaerdal block. ' TOWTX STTTPXT. CI-R A if towel DAILY Oorot), brash, aoaa, I per BMath. Lawrenea nrom. Towel BBppjy . Co., Poartb aad Oeocb. TB-ABbTEB AND MATJLtJIO). , 0BEOON TRANPiPKB ; cot, " l4 Nortb SUtK Pboaa. Mala at. Beaey kaaUa aad storae. PORT SPECIAL DELITEBT. Ha. BOO 14 WaaV tDptoa at. , Pbaaa Main Pat. TtOUVB. J. A. WBSCO, Tkrbaxkar' aad repairer t arert Brat eiaaa. JB ptaaaeu bids. 4tb aad WAIXPAPZB. M0B0AN . .WALLPAPBR CO., 1S4-1M U. bet. Xaaihlll aad Taylar, Portlaad. njf ABCIAL. POBTLAJTO TBTBT COBTPA1TT OP 0BXO0B, I aa. 10a tsubji pt. . - xaa- waaai ma uemoaay is TAT. lal. We aaadact a aaaaraL baoklaa baateeeaA Wa a aaoeral banklac erlra aaTloas dcpaalta. Wa leeae ttaaa ear tlBcatfl . aod cortlttcatea 'of drposlt payable apoa 10 days' call. SO days' call ar 00 days' call, with latarast at 1 aad 4 per aeot Cr kaaaia, rraprrttTaly. Call er Bead tat ear ok ot ILLtrtTBAXION. BENJ. I. COHEN Prestdeat B. L. PITTOCK..,, .........Vlce-Praaldaot J. LEE PA0E11.... ..Secretary 0. 00LTBA. Aaalataat Searetary M1 XBCHAMTS' VATTOMAL BABTt. POBTLAND. OBXOOsT. ' J. PBANK WATSOSI ..Prestdeat K. u UUKHAJt. ......... ..-...Vloa-naloD B. W. HOYT ....., Cashier 0BOR0B W. H0TT.. ...Aaalataat Coabiar Traasaeta a 'Beaeral Baakiap Btsatoaaa. Drafts aad Letters ot Credit laeoed A reliable . to All Parts of tba World. , V. ColloeUooa a Spadalty. . .'vv SICUBXTT BATTNdB TBTBT COUP AST. M Xorriaoa St., Partlaad. Or. . ' ' Traaaaota a Saaaral Banklna Basil ibsi SATIN OS DIPABThtZNT. - ' Utorea Allowed oa Tlava and Serines Deposits. - . ' Acts ss Traatee to Eetatea. . Drafts aad Lettera ol Credit Available la AB Parta at tba World.' C P. AtAM5...... .Proaldeat U A. LEWIS .first Vlce-Paaaldeat A. L. MIU.: ....Second Tlce4raaldeot B. . JLBITS. aWetary BTZZS STATES NATIONAL BANK. A WABTT AWTJ BltDAE. - " B0BTHWEBT COB. THIRD ABB 0AX tTS. .... Tiaaairn A aVaaerel Banktnp Basiatss. . - DRAPTS UWUKD ATtilabla ta AU Cltlaa ot tba Calted States -...pad Eoropa, Boas Kaac aad Maalla. COLLICTIOBI HADE 0B TATOBABLE TEBJCS IraaldBt 4. C AIN8WORT1I VWPreeloeot........ ....... ...W. B. AVEU Caabtrr....evpi.t,M B. W. SCHMEEB Aaalataat Castejar....... A.-M. WBiUHI LASOS. d ' talTON, BANXEBS. - r'-J, niiaalahal ta lift.) - " TmiaMi a flu ml Ptwiy Bnslasat " Cot lectin dS aasde at all polnta ea farorabla terats. . Lettera at credit leaped a Tillable la Barona'and all palate In tba failed Btatea. - Sight Bzcbanaa and TeleaTophle Transrrrs eoM eo Now Vort. Waahinittaa. Cblraeo, St. Louui. DaoTer. Omaha. Baa rraoclece - aad Montana aad Brltlab .Colombia. - Bsrbsasa paM oa. Landoa. ' Parle. Bar 11 a. Prsnktort, Hong Kor.sXohokaaa.Maalla aad Booolu la. 1 . '- l" - , - r CIBJT NATIONAL BANK. ' ' r - OP PORTLAND. BI00B. Sailsaatod Depoattory aad fiaaactel .Afaat at . . taa United Btetea. -Prealdyat...............';-.--:'- L. MILLS Csshle W. KBWKIRK Aaalataat Ceabler..... ..W. G. ALVORD Seroad Asslatant Caablcr B. P. STEVENS Letters at Credit leaned A Tellable to . Karope and tba Beetera Stares. Bigot Eiehango and TeleeTapbla Transfers Bold oa Kaw York,' Boatea, Cblaafo, St. Leale. St, PsbL Omsk a, - ftas Pranciaco aad . the principal palate la the Kerthweet. -- Blabt and tiate Ml la drawa la eosae to aott ea Lendoa. ' I'arla, . Berlle. Prejskrort-oe-the Mala. Head Ben. Xohohana. Ooenaina ChrbitlaBla, PtnckBoIBA. PL peiarsbars. M 0B.BU XBOS. A CHBISTZMSZ. ea anas auaer reruaaaa Or. Offer Ont-Edca lareetaatnta ta MaalHpal aad Balbraad Boada. Write ar CalC -. MORTQAQB LOANS Oa Partlaed Baai gatoto at- Lewaet Babav Tltlaa laaarad. Abatraota raralakad. .. TITLB BVABABTBB TBOSZ OO. c Baeea a, Chaaibor ar 1 CTTT vonexs. ASSXSa-atXVt POB SXWXX t SAJTDT BOAS, BAST TWIjrrT-PrBST STBEXT, XAST IB- : TTJta ITBXXT, EAST TWXBTT -SECOND BTmZXT. ABS OBXMaT btbiit. Notice to aaretry ptrea that tba OoaacU ot the City of Portland. Oregon, at a aieetlnf bent ea tba IPtb day of April, darlered tha aaa see ejent by Ordinance No. 14.ITS. tor the. com trac tion of a aewer to Beady road. Boat Twenty tint- a tract. Beat Irrlng atreet. Beat Twaety eecond etreet. end Oreeoa street, frora the la tereoettoa at Oregoa atreet aad Sandy road ta the aewer la Bast xweatieta atreet ai aaaoy reed, la tba Baaaer prarlded by Ordinance No. 14.MS. apoa each lot, port ot hit, aad parcel at liBd, which are specially .aa peculiarly. Dono- llted, to be aa followe, eta.: . NULLl VAN'S- ADDITION TO THB CTTT OP EAd-t PORTLAND Beet at block S, Otto . eobaaaaasaa, AM.. BLOCK S. tot 6, Paalel J. Brrne. 140.00: let . Daniel 1. Byrne, . HAbo; lot 7. Daniel J. Byrne. 4.J lot a, y Daniel J. Byrne. StO OO. BLOCK a. tot 1. . Eobrloa O. Dewey. 137. SO: let S. Aaaaada M. 'Perklaa.'-.Tr.00: rot S. Tba Alliance Treat Corapaay. Ltd.. S37.S0: lot d, Tha Alliance Trust Oompaay. Ltd., SM.tO; kt 1. Tha Al- , Uanca Treat Company. Ltd., tLOs; lot , The AllUnee Trust ComDenr. Ltd.. f avi lot T. B. a. P.' Chard, 14.S0; lot a, the Alllaace .Treat Company. Ltd.. Block 1U, '. M. Bonblna. S1I.P0. BLOCK. II. SrrreotH- ' Ktce Delate. H'lre oC f4.aa. BLOCK IS, lot 1, Alfred J. rnnae, gn no; tot , Alfred J. Pnnae, I0.S0; lot 3, Alfred J. Parere. 14 tft; tot 4. Alfred J. Pnafa. la.X; lot a. Alfred i. Panes, tiao- Jot 7. Alfred J. Pane. IO.T0; lot a. Alfred 1. Pange, M M. - BLOCK IS, , tot 1. Mary caawneii, Mn.10; lnt S. Mary Caaaaball. cm.l0;-et 3, aba T. McDeaaaU it Daniel McAUea. Wt 4. Joba T. Me- , twaaen Daalel MsAJtoa. .8; tot S, WU ' Ham Snchaa, oh-Mtw Jut pwiUlaja. aiebaa. ,; ait 1, aania uawv, aa-no, m s, A not tteawar. .. BLOCK 14. tot 1. Edward i. O'Dea. 15A.SS; lot S. Bdward t. A-iw. avr an. i a 1 1 1 n'lw im ,. tot 4. Bdward t. O'Daa, .n; tot S. BVrwird I. lO'Dee,. - tot m, Mward J. O'Dea. .ABU- m T. Bdorard j. O'lW. BTt.48: lot 1. Edward 1. O'Daa. BLOCK la. tot 1. Momaa Catbolle Arcbbwanp at tha Dtoceea ot Portland. Oreena. 4a.0O; let S, Roaua Cathaile ArcbbfeMKas ef tha piereoa at lead. Orefoa. Pe.00: tot t, Botoaa Catbolle Arcbbtabep of tn tun ess of ' tMewea. MA00: tot - a, Bamaa OatboHe Arrbbtaanp ef tha Noraae ef . lead. Vregoa. SM.00, BIXTK SO, tot B, Toe rtouea f tna Und Bbiphird . ef Pore. ' toad, 1 Oregea. AeBTS; tot S, The Knoee of tba (load - Bbenaard of Portlaad. Oreeoa. 147 7H. BIXKK -St. tot A Bdward . tVDea,; tot 4. Edwsrd , O'Dea. .ia; tot S. Edward J. O'Dea,; ' tot . EdwaHaJ. O'Dea, BM Tb; tot T. B4werd ' I. O'Dea. SbT.M; tot a, Bdward 1. O'Dea, ajlTlA. eft. bum. a zz. ex , reran INI; tot B, Perdlaend OMta. Ferdinand Oylra, lea. on : tot 4. Its. Ses.00: lot A. Perainend ft L Perdlnand Oplts, 1M on; lot i Ferdinand Optra, lea. on : hw 4. Ferdinand Oplts. Sea.00: tot A Ferdinand Oplts, pa mi tot a. Ferdinand Oplts, M.nn; p I, J Artward, HI IIW tot S. Jiawo.. Arlward. nia. nixn.ri as. ax 1, m. it weaeer, IS; tot S, W. D- Weaeer. BU-tt: tot i Wataas.CSOL tatrd, tVJL, .Waaaav err r-.z H it); tot I, W. B. WtNa, tot . W. bV Wa .iwm aa m k Wary B. rrtlntr. a . tot t, Mary . ITalaey. a a ih nr.. aa it 1 0-axa Baker, lot a. O-eeoa Baker, t.1.14; tot . oceaea Baker, 'ta-eoi kt 4. Oreena Baker,; lot . .Oreena kakar,; tot l Oceana Baker, bo-bu;' tot T. Oceeaa Beker, -.l.lbttot , Ooeana Baker. .. BLOCK S3, tot 1, Henry Holt aneea. Sett 11: tot S. beery Hult-rtere, lal.U; tot a. Henry HoN Eleea, 14., lot 4, Henry Heltatore.. l0.40i t , Henry boltarlere, 0 .40; lot T. Heary 1 nltrb,a aio . inr Bj Henn Holtxrtr.a. ltd. in. ... . - 7. . . . . 1. tTt ft ttlAX.A an. Aureo j. BLOCK 27. Pred Bltore. 1J0 10. BLOCK 3a, tot 1. Pred Kllera, .(; lot S. Prod BUera, M ao: lot S, Prod Kiiers, f .4l tot a. Pred Kllrra, 3t.4S; tot , Pred hltors, ItS-iO; tot a. VrA ki Wa AST eft: tot T. Pred BUera, - ICsO; tot 1, krrd Kiiera, fi-Mt. BLOCKlw. tot I. Hoee A. Itawklaa, I4.D0; tot S. Boet A. Hawkins, S4 .So; tot 1. Bona A. Hawkina.; tot 4. Bum i. Hawkina. $5X41; tot , Boos A. Hawkins, ffiltoi tot a, Boea A. Hawkins, 137.46, tot T, Bosa A. Bawklna, 1U0: tot S. Bona A. Hawkina. paMO. BLOCK So, tot L Joba Stewart, a.80; tot '3, Joba . Mtewart, 14.80; tot 1, Joba Stewart, 137.46; tot 4, John Stewart, 51.4bi- tot S. Joba Stew . artr 151.4M tot a. Joba Stewart.-137.461 tot T, John Btawart. of; tot S, Joba Stewart. a.S0; ' BLOCK 11, tot 1, 8 latere at Charity ot Proe Mence of St Vlaceat ' Hoapltal. lo-SO; tot 2. , Hiaura at Charity ot Protideoce ot BL Vincent Hoapltal, 14.10: tot A, Bisters , of Cbartty ot Prorideara ot St. Vincent Boa , pltal. la7.4Bj tot - 4. Btatara ot Charity ot ProrUanoe ot Sl Vlocett . Hospital. 1&2.4SI ' lot t, alstars ot .Charity of , Proeldenre of BL Vtacent Hospital,, IAS. eft I tot t, la ten ot Charity at rroridsiire of St, , Vincent Hospital. 137.48; lot. T. bisters of Charity ot Providence of Bt. Viareot Hospital. lJaj; V tot S. Sisters of Ckarlty at rroeldenca of . St. Vincent Hospital, I0.8O. BLOCK S3, ' tot 1. Slatera of Cbartty if Bonee of ProrV - daac at Veeeaarer, WaaavWton. I a0; tot X - Staters at Cbartty of Hooaa of Prerldeace ; ot Vancoaeerr' Waablaatoa. Se.S0; tot A, Biatera of Cbartty ot Hoaaa of Praeldeaea , ef Vaacearar, Waaklafton, 137.46; tot 4. Biatera ot Charity of Hoaaa ot Prerldeace ot Varicoaeer, Wee blag too. tna. 46; weet H . of tot ft, Slatera af-CAarlty of Hoaaa ot Pnrrt. deaoe at Vaaeoarer. Waablnftoa. 134.30; , west H of tot S, Ulster ot Charity of House . ot ProTldeBea of Vaacoaeer, ' Washington, JI1.7&; east H of lot ft. Jamea Cadafaa.; aaat ft at tot S, Jamea Cadegaa. la. TO; -tot f, Slatera at Charity at Hoee of Prorideara ot . Vancoerrr, -Waabinrton, '. M.B-. tot S. Slat ens at Charity - at House : ot Proerdenca at aaeoarar, Waahlngtou, . S4.S0., BLOCK SS, tot V J, M. taytor, SOLOfti lot a, J. H. Taylor, 144.00, - BTRNES' ADlilTlON to Beat Portland BLOCK ft. tot ft. Sarah Byrne. 14.10; tot d. Sarah Byrne, $S7.T0i tot I, Barak Byrne, S4.30. . - A parcel ot land lylnf betweaa tha aaatk ' aealarly Hoe at Sandy road aad a line 100 .- feet enatbeaaterly therefrom - aad parallel . therewith aad between tha weet Una of Br ; aaafb'a Additkav City at Portlaad. Oregoa. aad tha aaat Una of Byrnes' Addition to Beat Portland, save aad ascent that portion of ; aald parcel approprtated fog street pnrpnooe. 1 Oeorga K: Darch, 1IJB.10. BBONAUOH'S .ADDITION to the City at Port land. OregTjeaaLOCK 1, tot 10, Bart a Bra- - aeugk, if lb; tot P. Earl C. Bronaagh. T.b0: tot 8, Earl C Brooaafb, 3.40: tot 11, Earl ., Cv Bronsagb, tot 13. Bar! C, Bro- . naeg k. 14.10; tot IS, Barl C. Broaanfb, 18.00; tot 1, Bad C. Brooaafb, 18.11; tot 4 Rerl a Kreeeaah, M M BUCK 8, lt Merl a Hronauf b, 13 So; tot a, Esrl C. Breawasb, " 14.70: lufS. BartC Broaaogb. CLIO. A parcel of toad lying bctwaea the hoath oaaterly line a) Baady road aad a Bna 100 feet southeasterly therefrom aad parallel therewith and tba east Una of Bronangh's Addition, City of Portlaad, Oregoa, aad the ' westerly Una of Lofaa'a Addlttoa ta Beat Portland. Lea Hoffman. f40.NO. IXHIAN'S ADDITION to Beat Portland BLOCK I. tot 1, Harry M. Adams, 14. M0; tot a, Harry M. AdanM, lot S. J. A. Morrta, SO-bV: tot 4 -BV P. Clarke, 129.80; tot 10, Daeld- King and Bather B. Nicholas. It B0; tot 1L Darld Blag aod Esther B. Nlrhoats, IPS. BLOCK S, lot I. Jails Moak. 130.06; tot t. Jalia Moak, S26.A0) lot 8. Nortbera : Ceaaflca laraetment Company, Ltd.. 120.110; tot 4. rf ill t til 11 Coontiea leeretmenr rktmnanT. Ltd.. M.S0. BLOCK A. tot 1. Leo B. Beach.; lot S. Lee B. Beech,; andletded ' H of tot S. Frederick B. Forbes, 11. 70; aa- divided at tot A,- Bailie B. Forbea, 15. lo; aadlrlded H of tot 4. Praderlck-B. Forbes. I1.70; on.llrlocd of tot 4. Ballla X. Parbea, 1& IO. Total, IS.OlMso. . . A atatemeat ot aforsaald aaaiieaiaist baa ton entered to the Docket' of City Iena, and Is now daa and payable at tha office ot tha city Treaa arrr. In lawful moeey ef the United Butoa, and It not Mid wltbia 30 dara from the date at thte Botlca. aerb proceed logs will be taken tor tha collection et the name ss are pro rl dad by the Charter at tha City at Portlaad. . The , a bare anaeasment will besy latereat 10 aaya hilar tna urat pan lira tioa 01 tnta nooca. i' .... THOBv C. DBVL1N, Aadltor at tba City at Portlaad, Oregoa. Date ,Jrat Ptibeatloa, Portland. Oregoa. raoixrtxrr canoe or objlpb or rax 'w V- CBJBCXJTT. t , ' Notice Is herCD;glTB that at the meeting of tba Oooncil if the City at Portland. Oreeoa. held oa the of April, luva, tha fob tow lug reeolatioa was adopted! ' Meeuleed. That the Council at tha City ' of Partlaad, Oregaa, deems It ezpedleat aad por ta taehange tha frade at tba center line of The Creeeent, aad hereby declares Its latrattoa ta make each change of frade and retabltoh tba earn, aa followe: ,. y At a potot 100 feet west of tba west Use at Beet Thltty-tblrd street at 140 ft At the renter Ilea at Bast Thirty -eee- - aad street, at 133 ft. At tha eaeter Bint of Lw ant araaaa, at.jai-ft. 1 be re the base at city gradea. - Beaolred, That the Auditor of the City of Portlaad be aad be hi hereby directed ta glee amice ot tba proposed cbsaga at tha grade at said etreet aa provided by the City Charter. HiraiiBStreBcce scilaat the impend change at grade amy ha-tlkMt to.-wrltlos.wua tha aader signed witaia pu aaya from tna aato ex tee tlrat pabllcattoa af thte notice. - By ardor at the Cos aril. ..." THOB. C. DEVLIN. Aadltor of tba City af partlaad. Portland. Oregoa. Data et first PnbUeatbaa, April 32. IPOft. . . rBoroszD ckabox or bkaiiz or; nx :. :'',' TXXNTX STBXXT. ' Notice Is hereby gleea that at tha meeting at the OenaHl of tha City af Portland, Oregon, held aa the 10th day of April. IPUO, tha foe lowtag reeohtttoo waa adopted: Beooiead. That tha Coo aril af tha City at Portlaad, Oregon, decani It expedient aad par peere be ebeage and eatabllsh, tba frade of Slzteeatb street frora s feet sooth of the aoath line of RUsabetk street to a point tit feet aoath 'af the aoath line of KUsabeth atreet aad hereby declarea Its intention to make each cbaagw at grade an, establish laid trade aa followe: - ' Commencing at poiet 8 feet aoath nf tna soatb Una of EHsabetb street at aa elrrattoa of T1 feet aa aow eetabrlebodi -thewce fot loerlBg the perimeter at a vertical carve having a red IBS of 004 fast ta a poiat Sift feet eoatb at tba -aoath Una of Elisabeth atreet at aa ssrvattoa of K71.ll feet aa aow eetabUsbed. Reooleed. That the Aadltor af the City ef Portlaad ba aad ba to hereby directed to fttve entice et the proponed Chang of jrrade of Vld street ss Pfwridrd by the City Cberter. RensMMtrerMee agataat tba above rbeaga af eraae may ba filed ra wrltlag wlte tee ander atgrmd wltbia SO daye from the data at the nnitTpohllcatton et tbto notice, .. , . . By ardey et the OoneHl. S , Aedltnr at the City ot Portland. Portland. Oregon. Date af tint pnblienttoo, April 22. 101, . : POB rMPEOTXBCEBT Of hTAWTW STBXXT.' ' Nottoa to hereby green that the Coondl of the City of Portland. Oregon, at a meeting held oa the Itth day ot April. IPOS, declared the aaaeaa sseat by Ordlnaaee Ne. 14.174. tor the torore ment it Maple street, from tha westerly Una 1 of Mlrwnakto street to the eaaterly line of rlret avaaaa. la the annner provided by Ordinance Na. 14.19, apoa aaeh tot, part af tot aod percel ef land. . whtob are apeclally aad peeaUarly benefited, tn be as roltowe, vlj: CITY VIEW PABK ADD1T101 TO BAST POBTLAND BLOCK . tot 4. Loatoe W. Olbena. 121 Alt k 1 bT! SM naT tot . Lomaa W. Otnena. las s: lot rLwIeV W. Ollms, WB BLOt-K a. 1-teS-a.- Uasege trtoree Beiaeer Helre f laiw.aa: tot I Aognst w. n. "".'w "1 W. bL La da. la.1el: tot 6, Oeecge Ptovnl Berate, Heirs of. IHfi.TO; totT, U Kaho. . a ea a nV-to ! abji leaat n A B - K7b-1r.rr.i: t-.;: i-ot block Oliver C. Btohea. ll4.T4i Bndlvlded 4-1 ef - tot ra, - OBvar -C. Blches, MS m; aadlvutod 1 9 ef let 10, Salem Ptoarrng llllto Oompaay, SlT.ld: tot a. taia B. Bybea. lfl.TT; tot a, Betora Ftorwlas MIUs BLOCK S. toil. W. Mv Lsdd. tarfJ.Pt: tot iTl Scott. VI.0: Wv 1. pu B Bybea, i ST1.0; tot 11. W. bL Lad jnaed; tot 14. B. T. nolsda. Ban TO: tot ,3. Satom Ptoartng Mills Campaay. I9S.12; tot 11. .PnrUand Cro . nation Aamcfattoa. Ii01: tot 11, vPtHlsad Cremattoa , Aaweiattoa. IllT.ftS, TataL A atateaaeat at sfereealil ismnanat baa bene entered Ta the Docket ef City Ltona and la new duo and psyabto at tha affice ef the City Treee arer. to towfal aeioey ot tan Calted Btaare, and If not paid within 10 daya from the date ef tkie Bottre. aacb pmceadtoga will ba taken tor the eolieettea af the asm aa are provided by tba Charter et the City of Portland. The snare rami wtM beer latereat II ears after tha first pohilcatloa of tbto antiee. - THOA. C. DEVLIM. . ' Aedltnr of the City ot Portland. Oreeoa. . tma mt etree ankllielnm rnrtmnd. t eean cttt jiot: B. nU, ssrisBriT rot srwzs : x ' bxxat BTEXIT. 0O0K ATXVTfX AJTD OTKXB ' STsVXXTS, . t i - ' -t ; ;- -Notice hi hereby glvea that ' Jska " Ooonrtl af the City af Portland, Oregoa, at a meeting held ea tba IBtb day ef April, 11M6. declared the aaseasaMat by ordinance Ne. 14,616. (or the eoaatracttoa et a aewer la Datoy atreet. Cook avanae, alley through block a, Miverriew Addition, aad Bortbwlca atraet. from luo feet aorth ef the south Ilea of blocks St and tz, Central Albion, la the newer la Morrie street st Delay atreet, la the waa nee provided by ordlnaaee No. 14,137, apoa aab tot, part et kt and parcel at lend, which are apeatally aad- pecallarly beaebted, ta be aa toikina, via: A PORTION OP COOK'S ADDITION BLOCK IT. Jot T, Jamea W. Cook. IM.P0; tot a. Jamas W. Cook. 1M.P0; tot 1. Jamea W, Cook, S4.P0 BLOCK 16, tot 11. James W. : Coos.,; tot 13, Jsmea W, Cook, 12S.TU. All af tot U lying westerly of a line lw) feet eeaterly at and paislbl with the ssa. - orly Uaa at (took avaaue, James W. Cook, 11.15. AU at let 10 lying weaterly at Una 100 reel easterly ot sad parallel with tba east' erly line ot Cook aveuaa, Jawsa W. j CooE." ; ii.oa - . - ,.4 - Lot I, Jsaiea W. Cook, 138.10. All of tot lying westerly ef s Una 100 feel ' easterly at and parallel with the eaeter I y line at Ooofc areaue, Jamea W. Cook, 11. lb; tot a, Jantea W. Osok. I2S.S6; tot a, Jamea W. Cask, 16.00; kt X J a awe W. Oak, zs.Io; ' tot 1. Jamea W. Cook, 118.30. BLOCK 13. tot 4, Ola Bohmaa, 1A75; tot 8. Ole Bobman, J13.T0; tot 2. James Bub man, Bs.U; tot 1. aanas Boaaua, U.0. BLOCK 10, tot SO, Jamea W. Cook, 18.M; tot 18, Jamea W. ; Cook, la.T6; tot la. Jamea W. Couk, lft.b; ' tot IT, Jamaa W. Cook, IH.B6; tot J. Jamea : W. Cook, tot 16, Jsaies W. Cook. - lla.85; tot 14, Jsmea W. Cook. AAIB; tot 18. Jmos W. Cook, 12.16; tot 13, Jamea W. I Cook. 12.16; tot U. Jsmea W. Cook. 11-16: . tot 10, Jsstes W. Cook. 13.1ft; tot 8, Jsmea W. Cook. 13.15; tot' 8. Jsmea W. Cook. 13.6; tot T. Jsmea W. Cook.; lot , James W. Cook. ILM; to 6, J. H. Mlddtotoa. ILS6; tot 4, J. H. Mlddtotoa, ll.ftS. COOK'S ADDITION TO ALBI.N A BLOCK 12, tot 1. Addle H. Elliott, (Left; tot 3, Addis B. BUtott, S3LP0; tot 3, James W. Cook,; tot 4. Bv J. fltoss. 26.0; tot ft, smea W. Cook. 131.00. BLOCK 1L, tot 1, , Beearlty Savings Troet Company, 12JHI; lot a, Mary Marfan, 12.30; tot 6. Jamaa V. Parr, lx.30; tot 8. Jamea P. Parr,- tot I; J a sms W. Cook, 130.80; tot 10, Jamea W. Cosa, 836.80; tot 11, Jamas W. Cook, . 134.06; tot 13, Daniel sUce, 110; tot 7, 1 Hlna sUaedaa, 13.30; tot a. Biraa BAodea, '; tot 1. Bllsnbetb White, 13.30; tot 2, Kllaabath White, 13.30. BLOCK 10, tot 1. J. , Cardaao, 13. zu; tot 4, L J. Edwards. fizV; ' tot ft, B. BT CardwsU Batabe, Heira ofV 13.20; " let 8, B. P. CardweU Ketate, Heirs at, IX2o; . tot P. foba R. Poster, 1.80; tot 10, Joba B- Poater. 81.80: tot 11. A. R. Roller. 6L80: tot 12. A. K. Bailey, 11.80; tot 1. A. K. - 9-1 1 . en. l- e A U Vaellee' a? e... i- i . . ' 1 m. . - e en. Ln. e ' A. Thorn peon, 2.30. BLOCK 8, tot L Kate L. Beback, 13.30; tot a, Leslie T. Beery, 12. zo; lot 8, Cathariaa DaaleL 13.30; tot 7. Catherine Daniel, o.Wi het S, Catherine Daalel. 11. do. BLOCK ft. tot 1, Daalel H. Hnroatt, tot 4. Danlet B. Barnatt, 2J0: tot ft. Dsniei H. HarasU. 83.30: let I. J. McK. Bcksranav 1X30; tot , Vlnaaat Cook, 13.3;., tot Hi, VTaceat Cook, 13.20. BLOCK a. Joel, Marge. ret Btorer. AX30: tot 4. Kdwsrds B. Twiegar. ' 82.30; tot ft, Leone Klrby, 1200; lot 8. i. At nelson, tet a, . at. suae, as.w, ai . 10, Aaaa i. atara,; m 11, rneoe n. , Maaoa X20; tot 13. Pbeba A. Masse. 13.20; tot T.. sVlUtem B. nn km 11m Katate. Helra of. 13.20: tot a. Martin Moraat. 12.10; tot 3, J' iea A. Henry. 12.30; tot 3, Amy U Qratoy, Kzo. BiAeCA a, m a, m. . amiu, 4, Jamea W. Cook.- 12 tot 6. Jsmea W. Cook, 12.20; tot , WUUam A, Tamboil. 12.30: lot t. David B. Dtvera. lj-. tot 10. David B. Diverse 13.30; tot 11. Aadeew Baa mdaeea, 13.30; lot IX Andrew Baamaasso. 13.30; tot T. H. P. Wm. Aadereoa, 12.30; tot . BaDe Padarsoe, 12.20; lot 1. A. J. Colllna, 12 i: lot I. A. Collins. 12.30. BLOCK 3. tot 1. Andrew Paslara, 13. 30; north to of tot 4. Aadrew Paalsea. 1.10; eoaU to af tot 4. S. W. aad Marr A. Davis. 11.10: tot 6. 8. W. aad Mary A. Davis, 13.20; lot 8. Martin u. rtoimaa, a-zo: feot a. a. nr. ueounru. .itti: lnt 10 A. W. Oodderd. 82.3ft: tot II. Joseph Day. 12.30: tot 1 B. B, Noble. Trea- .tee,. u.av; ni , eanm w. vwa.. tei, tot 8, Jamea W. Cook. 1X20; tot 8, Carrie S. Jonrr, IX-zo; ioc z, carrie n- jooea, a . BLOCK XCK 1. tot- L Fraacea E. Eallera. 114.70; : 4. Baby M. Phafer. 117.10; aerth k i tot tot 1. Joba Aadereoa. 111.66; aoath to er tot 8. Joba Wick, 111.16; tot 8. Laarlta C. Mlck- . etoan. 121 an-, tot . Chrtotlna Neleoa. 82Z,ak: -tot 10, Jsmea O, Spencer.' 120.36; tot 11, ' James O. Spencer. 124.11; tot 7. J. R. Bcatt, 14.30; tot 8. Hog an Anderson. 12-20; tot . 3, Baby M. Has far, 12.30; lot S, F ranees BIVESi T1S.WJ iAJiDrnON TO ALBlSl BLOCK 3. wear SK feet at tot 8. JWV belmlaa Paeae. 11.00: ' east - 6 feet- of lot 4. .. Wilbelmlaa Psama, . 80 36; 'waat 88 teat af tot - a, w. Wbeaidoa, fi.en; tot 8. N. WnValdoo. SLSftji tot . I'. P. -- oi.w .a, aa. 1 a' d a 1, e en. Ene . e. Alex Jonneos. sz.oo; lot a. aiez voneaoa. 2.00: tot itv Tberaas Ore v. 1 oa: lot-J 1 , Thomas Oray, 1X00; weet 31 feet of tot 1Z Jsaies W. Applegate. 1.00. BLOCK 8, aorth Mi feet ef tot 1. Peter Latlech, 11.06; nortk I ft feet af tot B, Peter Ulleck. 81.06; BoaU I 60 feet of lot 2. John Hill. 80.00: aoath 60 L, feet of tot L Joba H1U. 10. 00; tot 8. Thomas - nenortcseoo, pi.av: Wf e, imvia r. imoen, tl.OO; tot ft.' B. J. aad Sarah E. Wlllisma. 1.80; - tot 8, Chariaa 0. aad Matilda L, . Oberg. I8.40; tot T. (tier lee 0. aad . Ms ' tllda L. Oberg. 131.80; tot S. Charlee O. and Mntllda L. Oberg. 128. M; lot . Cbartos M. aad Matilda L. Oberg, lllbO; let 10. Charlee aaad bta tllda L. Oberg. 1L; lot 1L Jkmaa Surma a, 1.0S; tot 12. Jaama Bar. - maa. L6; tot IX Jsmea Barman. 11.86; lot 14. Jamaa Sarmaa, 11.06. BLOCK 4. . aorth 14 feet ef tot 1. Minnie Sarllh. I4.B6; nor h 14 feet ef lot X Minnie Smith. t 40; aoath 64 feet ef tot 1 May Kmeft, Il4.n; south 64 feet of , tot 1. May Krneft, 820.80; aoath M feet et' tot X May Erse ft, S14.M; t north 64 feet ot tot X I Minnie SaUth, 84.80; tot X The Northern Coeatles la- - vestmeat Troet. Ltd., 12X66; ' tot X .Tba Nortbera Counties Investment Treat, Ltd., 128.86; tot X The Nnrtaera Cenatiee Invest ment Treat. LtX. I2X86; tot T. The North era Ceeattea Investment Treat. Ltd., 12X66; tot X ktertla aad Belmla Melxaaa. M 00; I waat H of tot , Martin aad Belmla - Heimsn. 14.; east Vk ef tot 8. Henry , Slnabeimer. 114.30; tot IX Henry 8lee- helmer, 83X88; tot 11. Joba aad Aaa Laada. 82X46; tot IX Joan aad Aaa Laada. 2a.eft; tot IX J. X Chareh, 12X46; tot IX i. X fhereh, S2X8X ' BLOCK. X All et tot T lying Berth of 8 Uaa SO feet eonU ef aad parallel with the aoath ." Ho at Cook avaaaa. Joba M. , Pllteasa. 34 60. All ef tot lying aorth af aUae B0 feet t seatk af and .parallel with the snath Use of Osok aveeae, Joba M. Pittrnger. 11 00. CENTRAL ABUNA BLOCK 81. tot X Pra dence V. Ilolalon. 122.66; tot X B. E. Meee. fee. 82Z6&I snath 16 fret of tot T, Llbby P. O'Connor, HI. 75: Berth ISVi feet of tot X , XJbbey P. O'Ceoner. 38 86; aorth 36 feet nf - tot T. Mrs. U A. Thayer, 618.80; south 81 -feet of north 40 ft feet ef tot S. Ueorge BrhaeJtor, 114.00; Booth XI feet of tot X Nora Castelto. 80.30; tot . Nora . CoeteDe. 118.01 tot 10. Jnaepa. Btreed, II 80; tot 11. Carl Sctleve, 330; tot IX Harriet Newcntnb, Charlee L.. Earnest W., . Clereaca W. NewcoaiX Jeeale B. Bead. Raema - Hlcfcana, Battle M. Caster. 12. to; tot IX - Ambroee B. Oeatenbeln, 12 20; senlb U of lot IX Neman Merrill, 11.16; aorth nf - tot. 14, M. S, Eveaaoa. 11 10. BLOCK 3X -Iflt- X D. D. Coffey, IX 10; lot 4. M R. "Tnomnaon, ' 1X20; tot . H- Dr Cbaajberm. IX to. tot X M. R. Thompson, 1120; tot X , M. E. Tsnennaoa. 2 ); tot 10. M. B. Thomp- - eon.- 126.30; eeath 17H feet ef tot II. M. B. Tboatpeoa, 111. 10: anrtbvUH feet af tot 11, Thomas J. F acre U, 120.66; tot IX A. L. Hrl avaa. 1J1 ; tot IX D. D. Coffey. 131.63; tot 14. Boewell B. Laamne Batata. Heira ef, 131.66. BLOCK IX s mil Tided 3-8 of tot 10. Theodore Nlcella. 11.60; andlvlded 3-3 of lot 11, Theodore Nlcniia. 11.60; andlrlrted 1-1 of lot 11. Anthony Nepperb, I0.T6; aedivtded 11 ot tot ID. Anthony Neppacb. S0.T8; tot IX Psal Oebrfce. 12.26: andlvlded 3-3 et 'tot IX Theodore Nlcella. 11.60; andlvlded t-3 ' af let 14, Theodore Nienlta. L6o; andlvlded 1-3 at tot IX Anthony Neppoeb, S0.T8S an-dlvlded- i-3 et tot IX Aatheey jieppaca, 30,76. .. . . . A parcel at toad bounded aad dsaerlbsd a . follows: BeaiaBlnf Lull feel west sad . SO feet aoath of Ska northeast earner et '' sect ten 27, In 11 nab Ip 1 north, range 1 east, WUIasaette Meridian: thence aoath SS feet: c thence westerly 137.1 feet; thence aorth 81 A parcel of land betraded aad described ss ltowe: Bealsaunp; X133 8 feet west of tba Berth east corner of eertloa 37. tawanblp 1 1 east, willassette meridian: 30 feet; tbeaee westerly 127 I Ul i Peet to toerlsnlnc. Joeeeb streed. UJU. A pa real of toad bounded aad deaavlbed ss fotfcwa. Beginning AIM feet west Bad n tret anoth of tha Bsrtbiaet corner ef eeo - tmn ST. rosrnerrlp- 1 north, range I eeet, Wllaaamtta MerldUs! thence south 1 80.48 feet to aoath Una ef Jsanrs- TnempaoB da aetloa toad rial at: thence weaterly along eeld delta Mae 127 3 feet; raenra aorth BO I - feet;, thence easterly 127.3 feet aa BeglualLac. Iwreuce Btraeu. 1X16. A pereel ef lend lying be tweed tba weet Nee ef aWthraie atreet . aad .. 8 Uaa . 88 feet reset than flam and para I let therewith, aad betasaa the Berth Baa of aabdlvuina af Blver View Addlttoa ta ARvtoa aad a line 14T.4A - fast aorth therafrnni and pars lie! ' therewith, Carrie Church. SfslSX A pasta I ef toad boasex aad deaarthad Ba toltows: . rear mm na 3.007.1 of the Bar thee et aurwer er paction ST; ' trrwvablp I north, range 1 eeet, Wlllemette ' Mevldlaa; tbence snath 184. 4 feet: thence . weeearly 31. 1 feet ta eeet line et Borthwlr . etreet: tbaaica naarth a WaaV tha aaat Ran af rtorthwtrh atraet 18X48 teet ta the earth c;ir Boners. t north Una af eeetloa 37, 21.1 feet to aleos : of beginulag, Lrre au mures, aze.zo. A Panel of toad baaaded aad described as I follows: Beaiuotag at intersection ef weet t Una ot Bortnwick street and the aorta una 1 ef eeetloa 27, township 1 BortX rangs 1 asst.' Willamette Meridian; thence couth -atone; west Uoe of Borthwiek street ,1T fort; thence west 86 feet; tbeaee Berth 17 feet; tbence east 86 lest to beginning, . Nora C ; Castelto. 8T.BX ' " . A parcel .of land bounded aad deacribed at ' foitows: 1 Beginning Xoe0.4 fset waat of - the aortheaat oorpcr et section 27,' township 1 1 aorth. range 1 seat, Wtllemette Meridian: ! thence wast 137 1 feet; tbence .south 174 7 I feet: tbence east MT.3 feat; tbence north ' 171.6 feet to beginning, A. Bamaa. HW-bi ; A parcel af land boauded aad described aa ' foitows: Beainnina 8.8J0.4 feet wast ot the Bortheest comer 01 aeetioB ii 1 ship 1 . north, range 1 esst, W lllsmette Me- .....- w.n UB.,h iTll Seat! theaaa aaat .jw.ft. icct-thaa,-e Bnrth-a7X6-ist-.aO,,th me aorta 110a oj seciioa i - etong the north line of section ZTi township 1 north, rang 1 eeet, Willamette Meridian, ' P0.6 feet ta beaioulng. F. Bcbroeder, 17.03. , A eiS(CUIva-c -puil"IM - been entered In the Docket of City Liens and la aie . aua and Datable at the otflCB of the City Treasurer, la lawful money ef tba Lalted States and it not paia witaia ev uare mo m date of tbla notice each proceedings will ba token for tba ool lection of tba. saant as pre Co Tided . by tha charter ef the City af. Pert nd. . ' ' v TT The above sssrsament win bear latereat 11 aaya after the Brst. publlcstioa-ot this Botlca, ' itftiei. v. vatbiii, Aadltor of the City ef Portland, Oregoa. Portlaad. Oregon. Data af drat pohllcatloa. April 24, 10UX proposed ; otpROTrinnn; or abtktjb USUI ' "' , I- Notice la hereby glvea that at the Beetlng of the council or us city at r-oviiaeu, unra held oa tba 10th dsy of April, 1006, the fol- Lain. ' araa adooted: , Bcaolved. That the Council ef the City ef PorUand, Oregon, deems 11 aipeoicni ana pur Lbea t leitaviva Arthur atreet from the west curb Uaa of First street to tha east Una f Second street, la the following manner, ta-wlt: First. By grading tba street to the auk grade as shown by the stakes aa set by the City Engineer. - " ' second. By eooatrortlnf woodea lidewaUs la aceoraaaca wita me anjiami . TblrX By enostractlog wooden earba la ic cor dance with the City ngineer's plane, speci. flcstlona and snumates. , ' four in. By constructing 00 a araia 10 ie anrdaaca with the City fcugloeer 1 plans, ipeci- ficstloBa and astimstaa. . t'ltta. By eaostructlns elevated roadway la Brow Janes with the Uty Engineer plana, spscl- ucauwu sou nuawiefc - .. . Blith. By bringing tba surface ef the street to grade with msosdam, as snows ay uu uty sUarlaaar'a nlaaa - aad astlmstes, Said laaprovesasnt te ba made In accordance with tha Charter aad erdtaancea of tba CUy ot (Portland aod the plana, e pert flcstlona and rati. rtoatca ef the City Engineer filed In tba office of the Aadltor of the City of Portland ea tna 6th dsy of April. 1006. Indorsed: "City Ea- slneer'n Diana and sveeineatlona ror taa la K overheat ar Art our street irnm toe woi care a af virmt atraet to the raat Ilea af Pacond atreet aad tba ae time tea ot the work to be done sad tha probable total cost tasraor." The east at said IniPCOTsawnt te be aa aeoehtaal he the' CltV Charter BBOB tbS property specially aad paeallarly beaaflted there. by and which to hereby declared te be all tba rota, parts there r aaa pnrcuia en nai irna Between a Una 100 feet aorth of aad parallel with tha north Una ef Arthur atreet and a Una 10O feet south et aad parallel with tha south Una of Arther atreet. aad between the weet Una of First atraet aad the aaat Uaa et Second "The Engineer's eatl rests ef the proeeble total coat for tbe Improvement -at aald Arther atrart e Il,SIB.ou. ' j &. anevo Inornvement to ta be etoeartf a niean enadwav and mscndnm Imneoveaient andsbsU be ssslntalned by the city for a period of four yean, provided mat tna ewerve or a majority at the property benefited by aald in rruveateat ta any portion thereof aha 11 not no. Itton tar a aew ar dJffereot Impravamaal be. Im. .ka avnleatia af BUS nertod. -Thf plana. eaeHflcatlona aad eatl antes of the aty Ea(loeer for the Improve mrnt of aald street ere is or euwww. , 1 Resolved.. That tie Aadltor of the City of Portlaad be aad ba la hereby eureetea to give aotlee of the proposed im.vtreae-rt at asM arraat aa neaeldad br tba CitI CherteV. KemonatraiMee are last the abort Improee awat may ba filed la writing wltto the uerfer signed within 30 days 'from tba dabs at tba firat publication el taia notice. ..j.-. i , ,. By erder ex Ah. Council. t . Aadltoz at tha "aty et PertlaaaV PnrtlBbX Oregon. . ' . Dale et first publlcatloB. AprlpH. 1S0X , nOMSXS CHAN0E OP. 4 BADE OP XAST :, . 1 V ALOES STBXXT, Notice Is hereby given that at the meeting ef the Council of the City ef Portland, Oregoa, held oa the- IPtb. day of April, IPU. tha toe towing reeorotton was adopted; . Keeolved. That the Qpuojctl at tha City ef Portland. Iireg-OB. eeeme it ezpadleet and par. ponce to change .aad eetnh the -grade ef East Abler street from rKaat Twenty. sloth street ta Bast Thirtieth street, aad hereby declares Its Intenttoa ta snake ouch ebaaae ef grade and eatabJteh said grade aa follows; At the renter Una of Baet Twenty- - eighth street, st ..111.3 ft At the center line at Bast, Twenty- ainth atreet. . at ...,,...131.1 ft. above the bane ot alty gradea. Rceolved. That the Aadltor of the City et Portlaad ba aad be to hereby directed to Siva notice et tba. prnpnecd change ot grade of aald atreet a a provided by the City Charter. - Heron oa tranore against I be above change at grade mar be filed la writing with the aader signed within 30 dara from tha data at tha first pnhllcattoa af tbto aetiea.. ". "Ll.. By or ear ef the Council. , THOS. C. DBTLIW, " Aedftar of tba City af Portland. - Portland. -Vegon. -Data at nrstubUcstloa. April 33, ISOX .rrtiavue POB IhTPaVOVIlDtxTT OS . pexsoott rrBxrr. Notice Is hereby glvea that the Cnaaeil af the City ef Partlaad, Oregoa, st a BMwtlng held ea tba IBtb day ef April, 1S05. declared the aaeoassseat by ordinance No. 14.67T, for the improvement of Preeeott street from the west Uaa at stoat Twelfth etreet to the eeet Ilea of Eset Fourteenth atreet. la the mea ner provided by ordinance No. 14.30, apoa sack tot. part ef tot and parcel ef toad, which are sperisliy aad peculiarly . bene! led, to be aa follows, els: , HIGHLAND BLOCK IX tot X Bllott B. Tn fiord, tX; tot ft. Rlltott B. Tufford. JX14; tot X Walter J. Cheney. 14 08; lot T. . P. Neleoa, leXPa BLOCK IX tot X . Mary J. Hags done. 14X80; lot X Mary J. Hi sesame. 14.08; tot X Jamea N. Fallllove, M .08; tot T. Msggle C. Btreene. 4Xte. BLOCK IX tot X Joba Morsa. 1X8. tot X John Mnrsn, 13.60. ' NORTH IRVINtiTON BLOCK S4. tot I. The Title Guarantee A Troet Company. 12.6); tot X The Title One ranter A Treat Cempsay. 1X14: tot II. The Tit IS Guarantee A True! , Company, 12.14; tot 12. The Title Guarantee ' Treat Oompaay, 12.4a. BLOCK 3X tot I, . Tba Title Una ran tee A Trust Company. IXS; ' lot 2. The Title Ouaraatee A Tmnt Company. , 3X14; tot 11. Wat. Roy Stokes, 1X14; tot IX Wm. Boy Stokes, 2.X BLOCK 22. tot 1, Miry A. Bo Ice. f?04; tot X Msry A. Boles. . 11 P8; Berth T.S feet at tot X Mary A. Betoa. . 10.38. Total. I18T.88. A atatemeat ot aforraald assisimtnt baa baaa entered la the Docket ef City Liens snd to aow due aad payable at the oface of the (ity Tree rarer la lawful money of the United B.tetre. and If aot paid wltbia 80 daya from the date ef tbto ant Ice aaeh areteedlnge will be tskea Par tba collection ot the eeme ad are provided by the charter et tbo City of .tan- The there nai ssuii nt will bear Interest 10 daya after the Srst puMlesttoa of tbla notice. . . THOS. C. DEVLIN. , . r And I tor af tba City of Portland. Iregie Portland. Oregon. Date ef Brst publlcatloB, April 34. 100a. . AAAEMKKBT POB nrPBOTX3fXaTX OP BLAO- 1 zTOLIA STJLEXT. s . Rntica to - baretey giraa that the Oaaarfl af the City of Portland. Oregon, at a arret, log held an the lath day of AorO. 180X de clared the saneaeaeent by art! Ine nee No. 14.573, for the Improvement of Maganlla street, from tba. east Use at Raat Eighth street te the. west Uaa. at .Durham. arenas- la. tha tosaais prs vUed by erdlBBBca No. 14.140, apoa each tot, part of tot aad parcel ot land, wblcb are specialty- sad peculiarly beaedted. to ba aa foitows, rlsf . . , ' WOOliLA W X BtaVK SX tot IX Catherine MsiweU, (261; tot 16, Jesses ftsoea, 14.6"; ilo 14. narenco H. Bnell, tSXNO; tot IX ( la ra ace H BueJI, r.ja; n tX Fred A. ' Robi neon. 3T.3: tot 11. Fred Keller, 33X0B; lot 10, Pred Keller.. S4A6S; tot X A nee H, Pat ton, tM.0: tot X Oearwe A. KlrktoBd. .' Ma.37. BLOCK SX tot 1. Jean Chametos, 13X10; tot X Joba rbanjotse, X zB; tot X ' Kate N. Stoaa, 14X48; tot 4, J. B. Stsnsherv. le M: tot 6. J. X Stansnery, m fa. BLOCK . 34. lot 1. Carrie T. Wllklse. 887. IT; lot X . Peder K. rVdersaa. IM.I8: tot X nebevt ' Rsblck, 343.83; tot 4. William Ryan. 141.88; ' tot X t. L. Brlggs, 1M 81. Total. tHXI 87. . A atateamst at ernreeald aaaiaamiat baa been entered la tba Docket ot City Ueaa aad la aow daa aad pavehle at the efSee of the City Treeeurer. to towfal ameer ef tbo United Stales, aad If aot paid wltbia 30 daya from tba data of tbla notice each proaaediage will ba tskea per tba colli rtloa of tha) snaaa aa are arwvlded by tha charter at the Cliy at Port laad. f The abeva sai 11 lan'i t win pear torereet 18 days after the tret nnMlentlea af V e-ticu, - Tin., c. r Aadtter nf the city af pee-" ' v I Peeniand, Oreena, Latead t -t - r--tberAsn-!svae. r- CXTT BOTICXS. moioszB vtnortMXMt or xast satis . , -BTRXXT. - NoUce Is hereby glvea that at tad aaeetlng of the Coancll of the City of Bortlsnd, Oregon. held ea the IPtb day or apru, euo, mpv towing 'reeolatioa waa adopted: teeoivsa. That taa touncu n v Portland. .Oregon, 'deems It eipedlent aad par peaeer to Improve F-aet Davla street roo the waat line er Baal Third Street to the Weet Una af Esst BUteeath atraet, la tba toltowlnsj anin. bar, te-wlts . .. .. ..a First. By grading the street fall width, urlta fail lateraectiona to the proper eno-ereae. aecond. By brlpfl" ur,acJ,- street full width with full latereerttoa frade with graveL . . v ' 1 turn, nr sooatracung tuikmi aw- -walks la accerdsace wlU tba City Boarteer plans, susciflcaltons and estimates. Fourth. Br eons trading artttlctol . atana earba. , . ' ' " 1 Fifth. ' By toylaf and re-lsylBS creaawalkg to-icorttiTica-wiro the Ctty Euiuwer s pious, spetiflcaUooa aad astlmatea. . ,-. Bisth. By euastructina; stone guera. Said laprereoacat te be made in aooafdaaea with the Charter and ardlnaa-waraic tba my 01 the Charter ana erainaaree-v .na w. tad and the plena. apetiflcatU.ns uid -i-of the City Engineer la lifTTie afflca Andlior of the City oA.l'aellacd an tta Portlaad niatea ol . h Ah.-s t k. I'll. Wth day of April. 1800. lnjmrssu: glneer'a plans and epeclf Ice dona f. tba Vm. rirovemanc 01 Raet vaie one im- - -In of East Tblrd street to the west Use . f Rest Siitssath street and the estimates ef tfce srorh ta be dons sad tbs probable eoat thereof. The anaa at aald Imnroverucnt to Us aaseeacd aa provided by tba City Charter apoa the- prep. ty epeeistiy ana peciuiarij ora.uiw I aTkla I. fc. he daelared to bS SU the Iota, parts thereof and paresis of toad lying a Una loo feet north ef aad parallel with the aorth Hue af Bsst Dana street ana. a uoe . , -..a unllel with IH BOUth line of East-Dssla street sad between a Una. )uu feet west of sad parallel rata me wees "-"' Kaat Third street aad ip wait Una af Bast The Engineer's estimate of Vhe probable total mat for tbo imprwrenmnX-ereal Aaat.. Davla The above Improvement to to to atosaed ea a gravel Improve meat sad shall he msloteloed by tba city for a period of five yaers. pro vided mat us owners 01 a arty benefitsd by ssid Improvemsnt or ear por tion thereof absll aot petition for a new or dif ferent ImpraveiasBt before tba aaplrattoa at pack -The" plana, specifies Moos snd aetimatea t-f me tity Engineer for the improvement at aald Bsst Davla atreet era hereby adopted. ., . Reenlved. That the aaainir e .... y Portland Aw and ba to hereby directed to giri notice of tba proposed Improrememt n street ss provided by tba City Chapter. Remena trances sgBlast tba boae Urore- ment may be-filed in wrtung wn . -r-atgned within SO daya from the data Of tha Orst publication ss mm notace. Aty arose ei taa Mmncii, A ;, . THOS. C. DBTLIrf, ' Aadltor at tha dtp at Parttoiwe PorttaaX Oregoo. em ".aoa Date ef first publication. April 23. jlBOS. - PB0P0SXD ntTBOVXBtlBT 0T EAST AT- ... .. LOl IT1A1X. . '..1. v-.i"- a. hahv riven that at tba meeting af tna Council of the City of Pmland. Oregon. held on the iwta-oar - kJWiae reeotuiaiai waa . - Beaohted. That the Oounell sf the City ef . .. . a - . aaat nae I SS I ISIMIi viriw, an. i.n .. - - ' n Tavtoe treat from the east line ot Raat Water street to the weet line ef 1 nam avaaaa ay oouaTirona- roedway roll wmm wna nu lawsy Tun van nw .aw -- eeet thd Intareectloa ar cast '"" e la accords Bald improvemaai with the charter aad oUnaaeee of the taty af Portland aad the Btona. spaciflcattoaa aad w ia 1tv Bo ,1 near filed IB the office of the Aadltor af tba fit a Part 7 . ,a.K a.. a Aiwtl. mid. Indus sad ft: riLJ'.r mnttoattoaa for -JJ . Ir Kaae Tailor ntraat I ZZZ u . awa Water atraet to tha weet Una at Datoa avenue and aetUnatea of tha work to be dona and the Brobaato total eoat tacreor.- . aa provided by the elty charter apoa the pnp- arty apecUlly and peculiarly bene cited thereby ine nai 01 aw - ,i7 . Mammal 111 a. 11 -At am.. A rBa.alerza '- taia! BnfTt bTPbI at Ltba rat line of .Bast Water atraet aad tba ?.: Y..'Jn, ex. ahto total east for the tmprovemeut af aald Bast Taytor street to I8.000.0X , The above lajprovemeat to te be ataassd as aa storsted roadwjy Improvement and ahsll be maintained by tna city tor a period at five years, provided that the ewaers of s ma jority af the property benefited PT aald I 1m. woTemant or aay porttoe tbersof shall aot pe titioa fur a new or different Improvement be- sure lie eepu-eijww e. r " . . Tfca Avian, anad ftcat Ions and avtlBUtna ' of the tity Esglaeer tor tM Imj-rovemert ef saW maet -jajaar mi ... ww r , Reenlved. That the Aadltor of the CMy of Portlaad be and he to hereby directed to five notice or the aroposcd Improvement at aald reet as provided by the City Charter. Remooatrancea against the sbovu lmpiaisuMiat msy on riieu in wnum w.a . ----- Z . within 30 daya from the data of tha first pub lication af .tbla notice. ' By eroer of the council , . , thos. c, nrnrLiN. -i Aadltor of the City of .Portland. PortlanX firagoa Data et first pubilcarioa. April 23. ISOX . psoposxd rwBOTxtixxT or txbtob atx- '. . XruS, 1 - .. Notice to aereby given .that it the aaeetlng af me uouacii or im vivr r -, " '-- held en tba 8th day at April. K06, tba M. mwina ireuiuiiou wae eapm, - Rceelred. That the Council of the Ctty ef PerTUnd, Oregoa. deems It expedient and par poena to Imprors I'nloa avenue froas 10 feet south of tba aoath Uaa et Broadway to 70 fort south of the Booth line ef Schayler street, by making i lift amt, artngtng the street fall width with fall Intel sattlsaa te peeper grade. Held improvement ta ba made la aeenrdaaee with tha Charter and ordl nsncee at the City ot lwtl.4 aad the nlena. aneeiricattoaa aad earJ. . -. ... .hm lulu. rlla la taa aTClea- 1am ei ww -"7 ... . ... . . - of the A editor of the City of psrttoed ea tba 4th day af .April, lpnft. rndorard: "City Bngt- aeer a plana ana inKiiioiiww iw aaeat of CnloB avenue from JO feet aoath ef the sooth Una ef Broadway to TO feet south af tbeaeatb Una ef Scbnytor street, and the esti mates of the work ta ba daaa aad tba- tameable total east thereof." - . Tba cost sf aald improvement la be saeeeeed aa provided by the City tesrter even the property ap oally aad peculiarly l-m-filed thereby and which to hereby declared ta be all t - - mmA Mean aC lead It. lag betweaa a Ilea 140 feet weet at aad par allel with taa weet une 01 ifi e line IOO feet east ot aad parallel with tba eeet Una af I'nloa areaue. and betweaa the anath line of Hsaeoak atraet aad the Berth Bna et Wrldtor atreet. . . ; , The Esglaeer'a natlmals af the mwbehto total cost for the improvement et aald lata araaaa Tha plane. speHflcatlesb aad asttraatae at tba Ctty Knginear tor me inTer-nes vara I'nloa sveaae are hereby adopted. . Reealved. That ha Aadltar at tba -Ctty tf Portland ba sad la hereby directed to fire aottoa ot the proposed Improvement ot said avaaaa re presided by tba City Cberter. Reatoastrancee against the share Improve anmt may be filed In writing with tha undersigned witbla 20 daya from tba date ef tba firat pab Ucatloa of tbla notice. .. By order ot the Oooncil., , . .','"'.:" : THOrt C. DBVLnt, Aadltor of tba City of Portland. ' ePrM t Is "Ml. OlJPll Data of first pabllcattoa. April XX 1006. j rxoposxs chanox or bbadb or xast ; ; BTrBJISXDK STXXXT, . Notice to bereby given that at tha meeting ef tbo Council ot tba City ot Portland, ttoegna. held aa ibe 10th day at April. 100ft, the fo- baalae reantotlon Wan adnVted L . Keeolved. That toe couacti or taa ctty- ai Portlaad, Oregoa, deems It expedient aad par peeea t Chance and sstebltob the grade at East rnsrnaide atreet at a point 80 feat west et East Tblrd street, from 811 feat ta 63 feet ahove the base ,at city gradea. - Reealved. That the Aodltnr nt tha City at Portlaad be aad ba Is hereby dlrertee) ta fire net Ice of the propeeed change ef grade ef said street aa provided by the City Charter. - Baaaonetrsncee against tba there change et grade mar ho filed to writing; with the aader aimed" wftntir'zO dar fmm tea data at tbi firat pabltoattoa at tbto notice. By order at tba Coancll. ' . . , . THOS. C. DEVLIN. Aadltor et tha Ctty ef Portland. Portlaad.' Oregoa. Date at first pnblleetloe April XI, las. - POB -PBUlvMXNT or BAST TAJtHIlX STBXXT. v In Cnesplisace trith a reanratloui adnptad at the reeular nw-etlna of The CeunetL held aa the Sth day at April, 10. declaring the dis trict beaeated hy tna improvement or nest Tsmhlll street fmm the east eurh line ef Beet Wales atreet te the weet line ef I'nloa avenue. and directing the Aadltor af the City of Pacta ed he prepare a prellmlnery Basins anal aaeei the tots, blocks aad ps reels at toad wltbia aeld dlatrtol. - New. therefore, aotlee kt bereby given that Bach enaeeemrnl la na - tie In - the erTce of the Aadltor ef tbe City of Portland, and with whom aay aad all objections shall be Bled le wntlae, actiee la further gie-u Nt i't Ceoril St . ' r- meanuw wm I a, Ji . 1 r 1 I r r i a. t e (Ml, psrtu inereoi aow r ' r . - -T between 8 Bna 100 feet aorth of and parallel r 'u 1 to. -'iw-w-tov ' 7 1 Tbawagh Pollmaa staodar aad toartot a . lag ears dally la Omaha, Calcse, keev I toortot Bleeping eera dally to Assess t... mroagh Pallmaa toarlst alecjnng ears p siiy soaoacteai weeeir - 2CZm ' ehstr ears (seats treei ea voe ne w- ONION DEPOT. - vy - ltoaBaa,. , - Areas. CA"TIaABD Szts.6. far tha'S f rtt Ba W. , , ttolly. . . '. . Ingtoa. . - - SPOKANE PIT BR. ' ' j '. ;' For Eastern Waahlaa- ." - a -to elm. toe. Walls Wsila. Law- S:1l S. Bb BBaBto totoa. Coear d' A tone Dally. Dally, aad Great Bartnera . potsta, . ... -: -. ATLANTTO EX PR BUB f-ISxan. Tf- toia!' leBU. . . p "Columbia Btvet Drvtotoa. POB ASTORIA and wsrl 8 -CO p. hv L, , : , polnta, eeaeartlag with Dally. . stmr. for Uwaea and as. Saeday. k:M BV Nortk Beach, atr. Baa- Batnrday. ex. atozsnmp. aato. Ash at. dork, t 10:00 p. nt. TamhllTBTvur Bonte. ' ' ' POB DATTON, Orecoal . t f ' City and Tamblll Btver BV. polnta. atana. Ruth aad Datly. - . Dally. Modoc. Asb-et dock. aa. awmtoy. ex. aaaaJ. tWatorpormlttlng.) t T . Snake Btver Reate. - ' ' ""' POB LBWlSTONj Ida.. I 4 :00 s. BV, I A newt I Wat and way .polnta freml ' ie Tuesday Rlparla. Waalw aara. Wedoneday Tharsoap f fpnksna .aad LswtotoavlPTtdsy Punday TTCKET Omr.1 Talea aaat SB. . : ana ria, 5;'' 0. W. STTNOER, City evte Aeess, au aa tiaaiuw weawraj P f- BV A i" V 1- tt.N I YU KameB IW B SOUTH ONION iOTEBXAMD Bssnb,0cdeB. Baa rree eeje ' m etore, Stocktoa. Lea Ae K'aa, B9 Paee, Near aa ead the atoaX . Morato- trete. ictn . at 1 dalle exceed 3.. fr-'m' with Tram tar au AaaaL Bll V'a lla.l raatoSn BiownsvuM. Bpriag-i tlsix Natron. HM9.-M. .. y ... n 88 a. at. aeeta at eeaoura witat3tiM) 1. SI toa local. ' I a aaena eaa atnaaj Corrsiua Baa Bbertaaapaa i"0a.ia. Hi- ,-, la- a. rv ParttoiwUwb--d I- Oja m Imli 1 1 s at 1 ail .' ' '' a u awriaad dallr tor Oaeeae :M a. m.t 1260. B:08, 8:68. 1:30. 8:28,, J0: p. K. Dally "aacept Bundayl. HX bi. Si. 1 a. m.; 4.10. 11 JO p. as. Sanday seuy. 6..J Proraton- treat Osasse. arrtve Portlend -"T B an . a. ax. 3 1:00. i:ue,, . 1 . a. a a., a . w . ... a a iri a 4 ll:H to ta. - Daily aliy (eaeewt temdBf 6 JO. iO-JO. 11:46 a. at. Bzaapt lasan 1 y. .,ZZ -a-' d-PoT fDalto. and tar medlste pornta dally tsxoepl Bundayl 4:id p. ae. Arrive Portlaad 10:10 .e. ay - --,. -The Indiuendani'a MmissimrB mony I a (nwVtaa aat"J--a SLAL m aactiBg wttb Bowtbera Partita narpaay 8 trawd at Psllaa aad ladspiaaisre. - Pb-et-ctoa. fare frreu Porttoad I Bs 11 1 a aad Baa raBrtase SAbertba Bi; 4 SrwHS tSS City Ticket PTea T-Mr" ta rtoma Mils tlX O. W. BTINOB3L . W. a. tpumsve.. City XhCBa AfOBU, ; TIME CARD or TRAins Portland t UNION DEPOT. Paget BeemS UmftoX far Tiasms. Beettle. Olynjpto. South Bead end Orar's Barber points. . norm tuuet wenea the Tanima Banttla. B.M. a. Waal MlaJ Bospofaa. Cktaaga. Nrwj 14 p. nj, rora, jfoevne ena puma Bart and ttoatbanet. Twin-aty Biprssa. tad Taoema. Seattle, Spe- Base, ri'ieaa. at. rial, Mteneeporln Cbsteaa. New Terb. Xenanna and II potato Bast aad) Sowfbeest. - Pua-et Hound a Kaaaas C1t'"8iL-L"i BPwrtol. n:wlktoMb Spofcaask Botta BllllaaV rtaarar Ouha Kaaaaa IJSa.av TiOn.dA, City, St. Loeis aad alb) pot nta East and An trains dally ne . D. CRABLTOR, lanf strut General Paaeaas.t AawaXf '. Z29 Mariissa St.. ear. Third. runni sa. tna Atoria' Columbia - RiYer.Railroad Co. CNION DtroT. S0 a-av Dally. ns? Merrars. Balatot. 71:10 a. 1 rismkaato, Wwtpnrt, CHfteo- Astoria. War- Dally. . tentea, natal. Bem- awea, rnrt a-. 1 1 earbart Park. Beaelds, Astoria and tastkata, T ito p. m. Dally.,.. 48X81 Asteris X: I. 0, MA TO. , a r. IBfl P. AW Astoria. Or. Vtekst OtX. IBS rs t t ii eean. Trmnm-oonfn-r: 'j atv' TraUrus I- ' 10 prv."-- e"-, - , at-- -c-w- f: Ml