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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1905)
VI' Til w 0vwiOTJ .' DAILY w . . . a. w -7'X a .w, - w .-. - . ZuDAfi-TO SAIL .. TOIS AFTEOflCOIl Transport Hurries Away to San Frencisco After Landing i:Solfiers. v- ONE OF THE1ARCEST V 4 i ' VESSELS EVER HERE .'Much 8iggerrTharLth Buford ;r 77 Officers Entertained Visitors "CasTNieht and Today.' "W.V ! 'i 5 J ).. . ViV''-.-As soon"as the soldiers' baggage has ri beea removed this afternoon the United ; - States transport Hnerldati win leave for Ban Francisco, after bavin been -r, in bert-iiv tha. neighborhood of, only to , .. hours. With the exception oi a email detachment of men Jeft on guard duty. , the soldiers were takes to Vancouver .yesterday on the river steamers Taboma ' v and Mascot. . Pacing back and . forth on the dock alongside of wwcn tne trans ' "port fs lying rosy be : seen A ' sun "'" browned veteran -with a Mauser thrown . . ever bis shoulder. ile Is there to see that no soldiers - go ashore without a : permit and that no stowaways get V aboard.-" ,-r ; ' 1 '' . ' The Sheridan Is one of, the largest ' transports that ever came to this port . ' She Is almost IS feet longer than the Buford. which was recently here. . The '. steamer Is 44? feet long. 41 feet beam , and of S.SM groaav register tons. . At the -.breaking out -of the Spanish-American war she was the Atlantic liner jsasss- '.. . chusetts. The government purchi her In ISIS, and converted her lntof. transport. - In 1M1 she wss placed In a service carrying troops back and forth between 8aa Francisco and Manila. . . - The Sheridan has been steadily in . commission since. January 2S, when she left the bat City for Msnila with a . ahintnent of feed and stores. When 'J these .were .discharged ahs .iarrled. ths . Twenty-third infantry from Sherman to Samar to relieve " the members of the . Fourteenth, ho were brought to Van- -ouver. ,' , ' r-'- v- -" - - ' .-, Those In charge of the Sheridan are i Thomas Pea body, captain; John Ansell. .chief ..officer;! George W.Tardley, sec ' end officer; i- J. Murphy, third officer; "W. D. Cameron.? fourth officer ; John 8. " Kldd. chief engineer; John J. Hughes, first assistant engineer; T. P. UtUefleld : and Charles McCallum. second assist- ant engineers. . Chief Engineer Ktdd'si family resides at Portland , Many visitors were aboard the steamer i last evening, and the officers sxpect to entertain a large number today, , ;' jesus is no fire; v - - ESCAPE FROM HELL ' Evsngellatle meetings ' lit r the Mt. . Tabor Presbyterian charch are growing ' In Interest. . Last night showed an Jn creased attendance. ' Reg,' J. L. Mc ' Comb's stirring sermon was listened to with marked attention. The Message of Ood's Great Love for the Sinner" ' was enforced and the people were urged to consider .the greatness of the gift. ' the greatness of the Invitation, the greatness of the deliverance. - . "I ant not tiers to preach Jesus as a .lira escape from hell, said the evange list. , "Not tbat" altogether. He saves from the penalty of sin. Mo one need perish," . . r .,- , , ,' -The after meeting showed that a deep Impression had been- mad by the earn- est words of the speaker. ' . ' ' , IH'S UteTITUT" OOtOXMr. - A concert will be given at the Sea- . men's Institute.- 10ft North Front street. tomorrow evening at I o'clock, under the wieution orFrwdencg Vf. "Goodrich, or ,', ganlst .of St. David's church, In which the following witl taks part: -' Mrsv Emily Ham peon. Miss Elvlda , Burnesa, D. BMsckle. J. O. Burness, H. , McQuire. Frederick W. Goodrich. I gTOCKHOLpEBg MEXTINO. Ketles Is hereby gives te the ' ataekaeMera - ef the Boakat. Hill aad SbIIItbs atlnlas aad Ceneeatratlnc Oootnasr (IB reeaa eernoratles kaelag lie prlaelpal offlee at the City of Part la ad. Oresee). tkat a apeelal BMetlns ef the , etectbaldete ef aald - eaaipan will be bM at Its prlaelpal office. Roosts No. Bfll-60e Chaov bee ef OoaiBMtee Balldlns. la the City ef Pert lead. Oregoa, . ea WedBeeday, the third day ef Hay. 180S. at the. hear. at, .sieves 'alek the torraoo. tot the follow la Koreoooa. i or ue rui Te eaaaldor aad act epoe e eoatract satnarlaed br the Board ef Directors te be entered lata . by a Id earpore-ttoa with, the Taeoau BbmIUbs '- - Compaaf, wheeala aad whereby II It agreed . that the Banker H1U aad Soilless Mlalag and ' CoaeeatrattBS Compaay shall dlepoae ef the 'peodset ef Its mlnea for a ported ef years te ' aald Taeesia ameltlae Compaay. aad to eoa slder aad act a poo such ether matters peetalalBg . U aald contra rt,-4t teraea aad eoedltloaa. aad 4 to traaaaet aoch ether bsalsise es stay eseae safara said sasetlng. , .. Bald meetlas Is called aad this notice Is gteea .as reqataed by the Board jut Dlreetora ef said .eempeay at a meetlas thereof duly called " aad held ea the eereath day of April. ISOa, , end ta do accordance with Sort toe . ef . .-, Arrlele IX. ef the Be-law. mt s-u , D?Lt,Za"' rrm- - aeeesu day , ef April, leaf. , f . - 1 flEOROB P. BOLMAN. j Secretary ef the Banker Hill and , BolUvsa Mlalng aad CoaeeBtratlag Company. i 1 a atttl'IBg BOTXOB.' REOrXAB CONTENTIONS ef Oreoi Lodge No. 1, K. P., held every Taee. day eeenlnf at o'clock, . liarqasm balldlns. Vlaltor ara cordially lav elted te attend. Et'OENK H. D0WLIN0, C. 0. CTRTI8. K. B. .. 150a B. lta at. LOST and rotnra. V , gll bar Lass er Pi set er Peond ad far U eeata.'7 e : "i BAT Knox derby, ell lae TV. Ineorantarlly ez ebaased at Harmoni ny fuage , Moaoey, , April 4. for s Hawea hat earns else; eachang . ' ran be erranged by sddreeeuif . 1. C, Journal knalpeaa efSca. . ...... POtTKD A place te have balr ttreaaes reao rated aad returned same dsy Phone atala die. Portland Curled Balr factory. V ; POt'KD Oa street la Bellwoed. 130. Call st aeo Toeoasa are. end prove peeperty. KERN brick yard, Porty-flrst st. and Dtrlston. Blohsmnd . car Una. brick wheelers r and tract ere. ROT WANTED AetJva boy te help earpenwes ., ereeed betiding. , Apply Eaat Tweaty-foarth I WANTED Men te cell at SSH Btltb t. and ., get buetaeee aad calling cards printed i tor ! ir ivu. sz.jq per s,um. " ' 1 1 " !" w'' lien m TAILOR seed te tnaaafactars ef aoeta. Apply ineieTnriprg veparraarar, vsaries 1 coouey, . ' ea. Third et. . . ' Tit RJCB send evert ttnra. Apply - Mane feet nrtag DepsrUaest. t borlee Ceopey, m Third St. MEN te Were the detect! prnfaeatea. . Bar. , ret, Allaky kldg., room SOL . WASTED A carriage palster. , Apply st leg talne eve. ' - " - - - - r ii WANT S cabli rtexei at. V' BEtP WaBTaO-4sAl OB' fXMJOA .WANTED Men or weeaea ef good sddrees for , . ne-ii wera eeaeeeeii rseelns Is rttri eond ref. I w aH Batordsr, Moaday er I ' Ue.BV.TM Ceejabet ef j . rr.enee reejutred. .f. Wedopedey. by lemerce. " ,..L: V TeleDr tone The Maii500 - " When in need of Male or Female Help 'y and your ad will . te ? ?;. Inserted. Rates-- ; ?! 21 1 WORDS FOR 15c . M Aresd Aeas - PboM Bait SIX. TU la tnm Mlaeaart. - am WAimD txkaijl WA NTtD BualnMI wow-aa. ' Blntfe, ?r ' aid er ever, aa that aedentaad baokaeep. . ln, ju Joint auoafrr of aa afara; aalary se per weak. Apply . za aatuf toe . Slug. . 10SJ, TSIrd ..- LADIES aad slrla te aaalt In Ml Has faaey . wark; $10 per weak; experience SBnecaaaarr; work eeabe takea aaaia, cau at oinca. aesH alarrlaae. la uoaaMe, raoaa e. WANTED Ladies te call at tV Sixth at. and yei jvu eeiiinC" reraa pnniea nv ovc . Aauuaaue ura rriaius WAHTKD air! to take eare af child and ae- ; alat la the heaae aaUU fasilly. U Ml - waaaiactoa at. - , WAKTBP -Waatas tat with geeerat I work I day eat of weak. SOS Clay at. XXPRBIBHCED Btllinery saleslady at Portland Miiuaerr ua.-us ruia i. , WANTED Rxperiaered ' 111 roarth ec., etty. ' hat trtBr. ' jlpply WA NTEt-iewlBf " S4T 14aTlaoB at. f1rr;r aa apprentice, at WASTED Exparleaeed La on dry Ca. hody trooee. . Caioa gTTUATIOg WAJnTTt-sTtl. WAltTKD Poaltlas by eaersetle reanf bm will take moat any thlas; sroeery ator pr, Zrrn: cut renrearea, aoareae si su, care oaraat. - AST etaertesead' batter and eheaatsnker Oealres to aacare s poeiuoa wna eone reiiaDia Brat. Write Joha c aeller. Bos bus, aalaaa. Or, MAN. 40. Janitor, experienced, refereaeee aad aecurlt, , weata potter work la wholesale Aooreee a. u, care oeraau EXPERIENCED chief eeofe (white) waata poeiuoa, hotel er reataureot. v Aoareas M S2, PRACTICAL rloniber waste poaltloa, ta er eat of cuy. . Asoreea M u, car joaraal. PinST-CLAM ptanber waata Job In or oat of eiir. Aaareea m aa, - eare oaraai. - SlTUATI lOWg GIRL wants poaltloa as bookkeeper or office aaniatant; beat rerereneea; waeee . bie. . Adilran L. 41. eare. JeoraaL' LIGHT beaaewerk wanted by aa Inezperleaeed Ctrl; prefer family with no children. Ad dreaa 14H Knott .. aimna. - . WAJfTTT) TQ RXJTT. ROOVS! . ROOaiai ' ' ROOM81 We want axat-elaaa rSrBlneg mom. on veto realdare preferred. Bee as at once; we ate rtoslnf ear Hat; oar sueets win par top rates for nrst-elaas aoeommodatlow: we charge e eaull eooualasloa aad Bead res . I. fR-fM. ww vn rMP wm-w will ' U. a Bower. . Portland Hotel, at the Lewis at Clara tioiet m, outs St., uregoolas otos. raoaa aaaia awe. ROOMS la an porta ef the etty, , Apply 230 Oosdaetifli bids. ' , Exposition r a cxomm oration bobbao. Cader Hreetlaa ef the Lewfej ssd Clark Paaf . ! ' ':. ' ' Pheae Mala tMe. V , ROOMS' wanted la all parts ef rlty; we de set rent year rooms, we aeaa yoa appiicanta. fuewia aaa i lara. rarnianea tloa. 131 Norte Rlith st. I II r-r-l nil r r PROIf S te T-rooai, aBfanilabed home, ejosa la, reaeoBaMe; woald cenaloer ea eeet aide If not toe Car eat. . laauire er address Ell Colombia at. .,'. WANTED 4 to S-reom. fnrnlshed boose, natll lasi apt AOfnsr; rererescea eicaansea, rnooe ; Mala 734. , TborDtoo, SIT Chamber ef 0m- WANTED llooae of S or room bT Jane 1 coupiei so eoiiaren; permesenK. mil Mor el, none stats 114.- - , YOlTNfl salesmas ' desires farnlshed room la private family. If possible with board; stats price, w. aj. care rfearaai. - WANTED d er eofsratehed romsa. west aide. w, an rirsc n. WANTED BXAL ZsTATX. - WANTED 4-reom cot tare with baeement aad , bathroom, sot tee for from . atreet ear; Be objection to 'being eat la the ea borne; mart be cheep for cast., t Pacha, 1 BOOMINA bonae fns to 24 rooms; smst be cheap. Address N. SB, Joornal. WABTED anfCEIXANZOtnJ. BMPLOTMBNT WANTEB Is the fsraeas'' we do plain and fancy work; one or bmits fmlt-prodnclnf plants, "ornamental aa well aa earful," may be planted oa towe lota that will yield aa annual profit at the rate of 4on to -SfWO per sere. Address A. PasL H04 Sieklyos at SUtloa B, city. THB PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS bays aay uuno. raoaa mam ocoa, ai sia sirsi ea . WANTED More spraying snd - the only gasoline eoupreeeed outfit on the eoest. M. U. Mori Mllwankls st. Phoee Beat SSI rbltewaablng; air aprartng IS A Co., 7 WR boy life Insnranea pollctea aad pay MOHB tnaa ae compeniee Heuing tnem; we sloe buy them subject o losaa; .write for terme. M H eare Journal. , .WANTED TO BUT OB BENT rnralshed JooseB te. JO twiavjiiit ju price snd partlculara. P. C. Tl bomalda atreet. - ' roatmaa. S4s WB bnlld new er fix you eld home very rea- unie; goon cut rrreteaces. su or write -WaMi--lew--WesterB beret. SW OnHB. " WANTED S working girl to take part ef -s e-reom. rurnrenee cottage; rent ax.oo month. Addreas M ed, ears Journsl. LADT would Uk to take ebenre of furatehed ' roema. ar eaamber work. Paone Eaat mt. , I SHORT ORDER Prterlear'lli J. Rrdee. sd wssbioaTtoa ata. Mala MM. WANTED By I f opetetit persna. - s ra m M, care JoarasL ntnf Bones te- msonge. f WANTED-Raek reoet for uetiusnUI saeatns work. Maeblne, ears Journak ; - WANTED Attrsetlnaa for (tors show, for Mrltm. m Merruea at. . ' laealre WANTED Te troy 0Wa1 trMtk teeet-i . opisMp, Address M a, rare Journal. I ALL kind laws work wtBlrd. r .r. 1 a 'tk a ' ' 1 K'fr-. vJ& VTtjrv ..:' - ,.f,'. - dixit -aT . $100 PRIZES' FOR BOYS AND GIRLS ' . i : ' "'';! " ' . -.'.i::S ,'.''.''"( ' i-- -' - The Yotmal win pap BaJoo for every Cartoon aad Terse of Tlaarls abeat The Totunaal -Want Ada whlekv are seat to this effloe aaA ae sepktd forttsa in The sToenaml. 1 Btead .the following inaTtruotloiis eavrefnllyi - ' ' Bvery Onrtooa and. 'Terse of Jingle Banal - be aoompaated p s , "Waal Ad" una those under the different clBJartXtoatyrns to be aaed Is altkas the aaHw or tusdap Isa-os ef VIM charge for these advrtlaem4mts Is tl wcrds for IB SHU It Baeat aoeepted for lsaa e--i 15 oamta. - Vo Oartoon or Terse of atingls Is entered ra the males! nl paaiedl sy a -Waart Ad" aad the laMmer f ov ts, Che drawlag- and verse most be ta black Ink aad .oa one side ef the paper' oaly, and the peparr aunst not be larger than Sevan taaaas aoare. The verse serompaaylag sack oartooa most not be atore than six lines) ta laatattn. The prlsea will bs awarded more foe the) originality of th do adgn'tham taa saMrattoaw - . t - - Ths name, age and address ef the child who draws cms of thsss Oasw tooaa and. writes a Terse of Jingle moat be wrlttoa on every eae sant to this oflloe, ta the child's owa hand writing;. v . ' If poms father or atothes cauusot gtva won on ef these "Want Ada, Barely some friend 0 avelgabo earn.7 . . ! , ...'. . ,;. Be sare ta look for pour advwralaenieat tn the paper, - - ' ' The CJartooan aad "Waat Ads" aaay ba delivered to Ths Jomrnal at sent by snail. r - v .. ,s Blear ly every child oaa write Terse aad draw t OtrkMi, xf yours be aousptad, yon will reoelve SaUM la money aad have you plotare Is 1 lis y oaraai. . ; v , . - : - - v . 3C aOOUlTatXBT AOTJtCIXA BCANDINATIAN-AMEBICAN BMP. Offlee-. Reel estate, rsomlng bnusas and boaln cue aces specialty. 170 Bursal d. Mala SOiM. PACtPIO COAST BMPLOTMBNT A0ENOT nemoTea a ,un Aorta Biotas St. Bsd UL - ' , . .1 HANSEN'S. EMPLOYMENT OPPICA , , UK ' SU, SS X. Second St. Pboae Mala IBM. PIONBEA EMPLOYMENT CO. en; hsap fro te employees. SIS Morrlsoa. HELP'erast-d and saoDHed. male ar female. av. . ixtAa.a, subh waseiagtoa St. i-lay eeo. ALPINB EMPLOYMENT BUREAU Help fur 18S MORBtSON Columbia River Emp. agency skilled labor lurnlaned. ITooe Mela Kma. 185 MORRISON Colombia Rivet Emp. sgeaeyi aklllat labor farnP-hed. Pben Main e&H. POB BTJtT HOPSaJlEAPrNB B00MA . Oae tnesrttea kt this elassitaaUoa, sate fl wards lae It eeata. rF S0OH POURTII ST. Purnlsbed housekeeping rooms In suites; eleaa, light reoaia; u-ood S8-SIXTH ST. Wsll fomlabed houarkeeplng spertmenta; ugnt tront reoma; gooa aueauon; someiike. . ... THB LINDA VISTA, nicely furnished housekeep ing and single rooms meson a Die. 247 ft mrta. FOB BINT TirBNISinED BOOMA X THB MONNASTKS, MH Plrst et; alngls rooms rrom tl to S3; rurnisned sousetseplag suite rrom pi. 10 te so per weea: reon Bight, SO and SBc; toarlsta eolidted. MARQUAM BOUSB. 140V, 6th Booms oa entte er Mngis; neuaeaeeping rooms; gss stoves, bath, electric llghUwtraneleats solid ted. BOOMS, 12.80 week; best In ths city; erery- tamg sew; net ana coia water, sets. eta., northeast comer BeeeBteenth aad OTortsa. PCBNI8HED housekeeping suites, gs sp; site trsnsiest ana noara. uoioenutn, ear, oots. amlU and Alblaa st. Pben . Unloa B2SS. NICELY ruralahed froot room, suitable' for t gentlemen; also tingle room, at 4X7 Rasa sL, tn. at 417 K Taks L; esr. net. uuponi ana uuon. NEWLY farnlshed sire, large rooms. fl.SO te per trees; netn ana pafme. , 10a Marts SeTeatsenth at. Phone Mala 2W2S. PUBNISHED parlor bedroom fee rant. 42fl Roes" st. xasc -1, car, gti en ai viaoa, 1 blocks from steel bridge, . FOR RENT 1 froot roots ea ground Boor, fur- nlaned or unrurnuned; new Bones, gat and bath. - S4f Farge St. ,. ; ... .' . RIVERSIDE HOTEL S4S Bast Oak St.; Blshed aad anfurnlsbed bousekerohis m lodging. Phone Scott 864. . : BUMtANTLV' farnlsked more fre-i eeutlemen, priests Xaailly; gss, bath. Taylor. V ' . ebl THE OLADSTONB SISVj Bavler St., funuebed raoma.1 aoaabla. PURNISHED roonw Is private family, fl per i. Iiwow, trev aa at., . Rj, 0NB larre. front room for S bm of flight housekeeping; single room ebeap. SZT ThC bird. NICELY furalshed rooms, with phone, ea. beta. It.W per weea aad an. at SM lefteraua. CLEAN, cheep feral a bed rooms snd lodalnea. Set Eighteenth su. S blorks from fair grouade, CBBAPIWT akd tieat toasted roasts ta Portland, gl week Bp. QUmsa, Phst aad Alder stev .T fwel -bed roasts, SI.2S per week cod S4TH rifth, be tT Mala aBdMsdlaoa. EWLT farstslied, quiet, transient roema. 14 rourts at. . 1 none nee wax 1 ruRNtsUKO rooms for led 1 (tag, J010H - v A . . : ri v W.' -, v ,T r.; . ,.1 x tj, J. . WABTTD AOXBTA nAflisi ueoa, nv agents te sen ear stock; ,v viera bu r asoingioa sna ureses outfits rurnisned, me; eommlssloa paid . wsekly. . Write a ance for particulars aad a 1 n. "r"""ry,J "regea isursery Co., ATTENTION, AGENTS! Wb want proof passers; write us at eace. K 38, poVtrlt Journal. BTJSIVXaS CXAVCXA PACIPIC BEAL E8TATB CO.' B04 MadiaoB Bt. Phane ll 11 Ws hare a kmg list of roemuut Sues as. store' rmuannta, etc.. ror SSI. TBS rollowtne BO rooms, rest f ITS; price.. .St SOO 23 rooms, rent SteJ: nrlce... i 5m Jl rooms, rent Ktfi; . prlcs.,.. ui v rooms, reus price 400 DO NOT P0R0ET TO CALL AT 170 Burnslda at. oa the ScsBdlfwrlan-Amertosn Heal Batata - cmopaor ociore you any farms, umber lands, houses, lots, rooming bause, meat markets. grocery atore. eoBfectlonery atoree, cigar mwrf mianvDW, BHei, DISCSSmita SOopS. scows, furnished bouses, farslshsd aad aafar- eieora rooms 1 or reac. LOW PRICES. REASONABLE TEBMA ... ' ItOH Hall WW, BO-scr farm on Mount Itcott ear Una wlthla fie limit, 3V4 acre la Itrswberrlaa, some ether 1 run, bsi. u eaorer, au Cleared sat a small corner; tola land la sa level at a floor, a good boose, bera sad well. , pries only 210 per .acre. rstiriu uiAST me a rn S4Vi Morrlsoo St. I' boo Mais 14B). - ratBH, vrsgJB. A BARGAIN! Oood Sxtorr bualna R . 24150, Urlng rooms In rear, of store, togethsr with rnll stock groceries. SlTw cash sura it. Building win rent for $45 per month. Tskt Mount Scott car. Inquire at Laorelwood 2.&00 43 rooaw, good furnttsrs sod favorable lease. . . ....... 82.750 88 reoam with laaas CH after the 'y 1. WHITB A CO.. T1S Orsgonlss .bldg. ' PEER LANDS IN ORIHlnN. PBBTTLB soli, pure water, delightful ell state sna or sirsirs. snpiea and ekTr. For ful Informs tloa address, th Columbia Boutbers irngsiuB vs.. Ssfw vaorosstsr Sloes, Portlaad. POB SALB U Intsreat la a paying boata pariy moer aars b,uw ar so,euo te inei a good proposition to right perty; must ettner n ' woramsa er n asiesmsa. ' Wstta Msrble Works. The Dallea, Or, WANTED-PSrtner with about 8500 h tsDIIsBed business tbst wui pay sno eer asntt - wast to Increase business, sad hsrea't tbs money te do It; references exchanged. L. ST, WANTED Partner la eatsbllshed llrbt manu. fsetiuliig uiferneov; anist we s tiistlefj' g70Q requirea. ror lei innesnetioa soarsss 1m nVbott, 404 Bsst Morrows. WANTKD Energetic ss with tXO tn buy lutei eel tfon; ssntir Clsl block. se-' luteiest ( 11 manse 1 tfon; assured tlOv per month, nrm "1 larir mrporS' .811 Commer POtT'RALB Is etty, dry roods besleess. good iocs tioa sna 01a estsniisnea; mast sail ea aceoant' ef , health; 13,000. H SS, .ears Journal. ' FOR SALE elret-clsas eoufectleeery Bed cigar store, wits uring rooms; win inroies er mil st a lump price. Address K SS, Journal. QUABTS snd pi eer etatsM for esM la Crack er i.Tees aiatneT rrom ai.000 a BB-nna. a. n nejHta, STB ' WILL bOT etopk stock aad St tores IM CaU restaarantj in voice BBS East Clsy at PINE lodging bona for ssle, cheep; good le- Tiii7, rne,rni. ' taii xei ronnn. -J STORB SHOW for Hie. lec tad St SOS Morrl-lPOR 8 A LB On let ea Bsst Couch St. ChtSS . ? . IsftUlr far Melue. - . ,1 Jer taeh,- U 2L ctrt JeotntiT 1 M 0C" 1 ill XODNO smb. If yea T"" he bo -4 s-g e . la a permaaent and r.rtsaa b s e rataa are eseeedlsely ktw. a -4 ,j re " the aam Beat euuueer ss tny are saw. - a at nw Aster Boueo. sei p-resta su. em ef tasdlsoa.- Tel. Mala 6-dl. THB UN DELL A new- family hotel. Martet et. bet. Third and fourth t steam heat, alec trie light, pore lata balaa; sxeeedlngly lew e -eates. - v - ...... pIRST-CLAgS . eeeonunodstlons; rooms that are eeat, clr.4 and airy; dialog room. The Irrlng, 676 b-rlng at, oar. ef Eighteenth. nit ST -CLASH room and . hoard. M per week. ooa Clay, near rineentb -honf Mate auu. POB, BIBT "OTIXa. POR BENT -Stares sad hotel eon ts I slag 114 outside rooms, oa Tweaty-eiith St., (actus T mala entrsacs snd salt of Lewis sad Clark . fair. Apply to B. M. Lombard. Bl Ohambar er Oemmeree. or eOSt Twentyuta at. " ' ' i . , , , POB POB RENT One 4 -room flat. Inqalre U sixan sear jteimoai. . rnooe seer, iit.w. POB. BENT ROIII, JL. POB BKftT -lerg store. Iocs ted 30 Merrleoa at. inqaire for Meitoa. POB BJNT JfOusIB, i KADDERXT TRANHrsR-COMMISSION CO- rnaaee and nraltare mored promptly by i perleaced smb. 110 Third St. - Mala loud. NEW. g-room eottsge, laelodlng email orchard. s ojocss irom rair grauBua. sou naraaaa. TWO sew T-room ho use. Just gnlshedi fine eatloa. Third aad Holladay are. aOUIX POB BEBT fUBBlTUBB POB BAXX. WB bey yoe eernlture la eay eoaatltp for spot cf aa or sou u ai yoar raainsonu. as sore and call sp Portland AacUua Bnesis. Malb bubo. or eeei raeuia. ... THB PORTLAND ACCTION ROOMS trill aeD year rarniture xrjr yea af at SU first SC Pboae IP yos trlsh to St op s spare room with tinted Area bedstead, aprtnga and Buttresses, ree- cmumode. ate.. ge to unman a lo. 4is Washlnatoa St.. and soney. adding Carload sew goods, Including Steel with Buttress, . , .. , 4BO oood faraltars ef 8-room bases that snst be sold, as owner as tearing etty; rent sou. Will sell fur niters akwe. if daalred. Pbons MSIR SB4T. . . . . 1 -, I - BLEOANT faraitara. S veara house, large yard, bsasment. rent 36; will sell reasonable. 614 Third St. mats SaST. PrJBNITTJRB ef s B-reom bona for sale cheap If taken by ths tot; rent ; come sad, sea n; a Bargain. I Aorta ntnts St. . PCBNITCBB ef T-rooi seeath; price IJftO. 1 booae for sent, g3S per sis seeona et. POB StT.B BTI i'JSBTJlTaV"' 1 ' ts psrtalaia ta Baal BMaSa. ase rate "SI werea fs U eeata." - POB SALE New S aad S room assjsasi beta, . stationary wsebstand, concrete bssamsnt. gas . and aleetrte lights, furaaea; boose tinted, pass pantry, large sedroosas with closets 4a aeeh. weed elerater, ataUeoary trsahtahe Is . baeement: ea I'nloa st. car Uae, five mla nte serrlcai near good school, launt, streets Smpreved: ssases BOW apes for Inspection; , cash er 1 Detail oven ta. Ixvqulre Owner. U. A Bieausr, ta TBtra sr., or at rsaioa v. tlalea are. aorta, ens block sooth ef SBBAT CHANCE' ." ' Lovely country boots, H mlsater (ids tram eeater; JBOxlOO. sice fruit tress end shrub bery. Bos S-room bouse, Inwroved, worth 5.000; aU gees for 3.6O0; 12,000 down, bat . easy time, lea wlU wait a Isag while be . fore yos sad a snap Ilka that. ; ' - - P. PUChlS, 4t)Va hirst St. . : ' ; NOTICB boostsd: S lota and 4-room building. epo. j 1 an oos ptoiieu, enou; m aom, ana avea tlon. $774; 1 acre and t-room boose, eloee in. fZ,auo; so arras IniproTed, fie car I 3,60(1. Eg particulars address M So, ears sournea. " ;.. t AND 10cr tracts, sao par acre: a 84 scree. 81,000; new bouse. S acres. 8750 house, 8 acrssv SSOOi those are reel and - bargains; - eery easy tartest- 10s car - fare. ' Take Estseada ear. Bes sgtst first hoeee aouin ua s crsaaiias. POB SALB-8-tc gtrdes. fine soil, stream of . le 1 i, lei 1mA Wm.m llu. P . . hn. IIjmw Sim.. U-e W ,1 . 10 gores sear Lenta, terms 8100 dowa, 8100 n. Bpragoa, .azzm uraad sea. SAVB SOMETHINd sad lareet la soma thins , safer- heal estate I really the safest; assail - seringa united yield rich ratarnn. Par tn- , (ormauoa aaoraaa uouserrsurs uama. Bos STO, . rwuaas, ur, . .. , ..... , S-ROOM bouse, sew. with basemeat. lot Sua 12s, et Oatman station. Woodstock ear ; Una, price 81.500; 70 cash. baL ea long . time; rests tor $18 per smith. See engineer uooanouga bsdcbv iner p. am." OOOD INYESTMBNT-HOor. lot aad two houses. Beech sad . Michigan, AI. SOO; Jots. . a floe ercherd-end s 4-room I tntteagar-B addition, 8700. Pboae Seett 8488. A BEAUTIPUL home. Mt Tabor, east 88.S00; v win sail ai seen nee it en. a tni wtek. account of death, price 88,500; $500 down, v balance to suit. Address N. s, cars Journal. BARGAIN Nice, new S-roem ' cottsa. lot 80x180. ea Mount Tabor car line, near Bonny side; eoncret -baa-mont; price $800; terms . eeuo csas. m. 4. we leer, awots Morrlsoa st. ONE acre of awe land, price $400; closa te , esr line" 18 miss tea' ride from etty alee T aeanumi Kits ; terms to sail purcsaaar. M 81. care Jonrasl. .. .. ,- BARGAIN S acres, sear esr, Biri CBWFSPI IS 0 acres with aood bouse. aa iar so - caltlrsted. gnod hossa. hara aad fruit. commercial Diog. S-ROOM hoes tad bare, with fall lot snd allay through block;, will rent ths bows with or - without bare) all la good conditio. At TW Williams see, 1. .- , - - , f . . -j - POR BALB -room reel dew, sst Williams . are., wita an saooern improeements;-3.no0 will buy, laqair 88T WUllams STe., after a p. m. .11 r 'c. .. - (.-...A BT owner leaving etty, a B-rooes modera cot' , tase: gas,- electiie light, large nnrehee. cement basement, well totalled. 1011 Height ma nr.i-A imm M. tt , good bars and other Improvements; Would mate a an some; 1.000. Mcurew S Sotm Morrtssa at... . - CANNON'S addition offer yos the best pnest- osr iBuucvnirnxs ror rea to ootaia a CBeas home. Cell SOS McKay building sad totals oeiaiia. - . t- - v - - '14 - - . OABDEN TRACTS equal ta 8 do-foot lota, $10 a moots: water pteeo go seen tracts electric line. Se fars. P. C Little, 107 Seer lock bldg. ll.OBO 6U ACRES, boas. 1 sere smsU ftnltl gooa lecetiou in monisniis. 1 rrsna A. Wl isra. inquire tiortoa s store, Hoauvtlla. LET your rant - apply ea nurchaBs ef that fin hossa. Mt. 'abor: berries, fruit 1 and flowers. Addreas n. ss, ear eoorual, - POR SALB Small bonae tad lot BOtlno, nar ainsworin see., partly rrrrmsnea; pries 400, uwner, s bob ea, uorvaiisi, uregoa. .: HOME for sale; SH scree gir line aaceed- ingiy assy psymrnta lan at once. Freak saeinu, mr vouawrnai oiog. - ,,1 . AN 8-rootB bouse aad 8 lata, enattas aver SAOno. I can be had for ta.too If Jakea st once, la- quire ni lei yt sroni su POB BALB er exchange. Iltt sores Imprwred, IK miles rrom Montamia cat, line. : Isoalrs uwner, Jt ' naiswab r , - , $1,850 Nset S-rooa cortege and large lots ou sor. uraoa era, aaa Bearer su see ewi set snaeer at. MUST h told In 10 daya. betotlfnl horn. Mt. 1 a nor; rneep, any ternsa. aaaress N. 88, rsre JoaraaL , . POR SALE freest 1 en ear line SSI with aero fruit - tree. Sltth at.- - etc. Jstira BOUSES buUt t 41 easy payments; furnish 'lot SIB OnmmsrcUl Bldg, . Mala 1848. If desired. POR SV-B A-reem bouse, ' lot 37i00; ctmest renar: si.suo. isquir sat Sixth tt. 1 i Itini'l v3 pnr, uhlss fur rest er tn 1 a.iit. Ml. d St.. fori... ' tWO cows tor aelei eaw fresh aad other will be frn tn cou.i ntunth. . Cell I'nloa 41d. reeltMsca -t k wr st., Moutaeilla, Par- aenal luterrirw aulnra and nrenlaga. ' WB print your Bam Sa P selling aarda, sevpet s'ss aad at; le. ' ajc. ijo Main carx. k brown m female, STa -etret, rortlaad. Or. FOR BALB CHEAP Oood bees; ask pure, strained hooey; apiary ef P. A. Kordatroan, rortawoata sUUoa. bt. Jukes motor Use. POR BALB Combine tloa eoeart la sood cea- . d I tloa, 44.. Apply at Crystal Bestsaraat, S North Bixth at., nor. berla, , POR BALB CHEAP Bhowcssa T feet Ions, t rret s inrhsa wide, s feet g laches high. aquire aa 100a SOS Third at. ' , A Hoo. fin toned sonar plane for Mat cheap. 1 , on inaiaJimeni or wiu trade far lota. Address I N. 7. care Joaroal. yOU BALE A Bt t Bernard dog, trained te goad wstch. . Addreas N 28, carry and la a care Journal, j POB BALB Block of AttscaabU Ball-Beering nun vompnay sioea, eep, Aaaress lies sua. BBeouwer. rraea. ., v , ..v IEBMBY eow and ealf. vosns. eentle sad Israel miser, aw aaat sits Si., car. ataia. rsoae msi auea. ... ; , OOOD sek wood for cooking pa re opes. Beat tic. none or weed hug. do., 7ta aad Maw. POB BALB Hetrer, esaa freeh. 1 1 yeai Scott S re eat! I . also Scotch eollle pep, .Phase MEW and Bseetid-kaad cask register sad safe; mmmr una, ooe Auseay POR BALX New plona at aacrlfleet easy terms ; iu. rnoaa oooa svi. BED carpet, SI yards, sU .weol, aheap; seed I abort tuna. Third sC ITS 4TCBNITUBB of -roem cettsge. e4 norm lS'tnsteenta at. POB BALE 0B rrOHABBB. A LABOR, aatora ef land, good In near Heed river. rural water sewer, with d se mooa ror saw or gnstauita. or. Aaoreaa Marua 3 ea, soeoa. ur. ' POB SALE BTORaXS AND OABJtlASrtC vtl SALE eesd eaprsae wsroa. laautre Weatara Pssd A tW Co.. ea treat St., bat, e-l is U..s wsroa. IssatreL ' M'fct sBSB-tg QOtal . " . POB SALE HheUand near, rabbsr-tlred cart. harseaa, saddle snd Academy ... bridle.-. Portland Biding v-,-.-ii. v - ww.h. BTBAM saw. '- team and - waona St. bargain. Apply at SSS Glbba et. TO ZZCXABaA EXCHANOE Oood heme, central, cast side, werthj tS.000, lOuoot elegaat hsasa, two full lots; 'j Uks I pare pay la smaller house or lots. Pear new heasaa. all i-eatad. for scree ee. ' Bla acres, all in berlne nnnle arrhard. house and ban. sear electric ear; will trade . for Portland property aad pa 1 Two good houses, choice soeattoa. la land, rent S20 each see month, worth at 5O0: ; will exchaage tot a good farm aad pay eeah Oood house, central, .en Eaat Eighth St.; . trade for Bt. Johns aronertr. Usgaat, modern home ta Salem; trill trad iste a sues rsrm or furuaad property and par largs cash dlffsreaee; what have yea to - offer , -;. . we have stoay good trades te offer new; also large list. eT farm sad rlty . property , for sale. See aa before yes buy. nansbs. m sa&sk, -. ' , " , aiT A blng toe bldg. .. -t- BZCHANOB Aa S-room boot, hara tad IS lout, ea Mount Seett aleetrl Use, Sa eseaange for SO ar SO acres good Uad ea ear Una wimia a gums et mty. cau sua Meaay Bldg. T BOB- SiTB-PtlBTB. WHBAT farms forsals br enraeret la cwinvattea. 100 In crop, ISA acres pes tare. purr e waicn bmkaai aa! ensra; good Souse, bora sag outbuilding; S springs and e creek 1 that farm ytarasd es vanaia nan per sore stai year 'ana the erowlog eroo ii rule b urn yser; au reaosd, hog tight; u tali school, U mils te eharch: S sbIass m dowa hill grade te Do fur. to which potat the tWesabt fiouthsra railroad will be. raaatag trains rroca The Dalles by Jely ar August. , var pteta, . lariaaiBg crop, sa per terms n eteawv IleaUagway Bras, 1 fur. Or. . , .. . . OTTO A CBOCKETT. " M5 Washington. . Pheae Black STL We bars several slot hop farms at vary reaeoaable prtcea aad . terms; a well-paying bualnea property, eouslatlns ef aatooa. meat market and barber shop; pays nearly 10 per eeni ou a stiwo mreeiment; alas, hnuaas u saw est ueerai terms. V -1 POB SALBJ Perm oonsistlng of I.eM sere msadowl 400 level end caa .be auAj ! . meadow, be la nee pasture lead; trrlgsaloa aye - tern ae the place and plasty af water; atoa too neaa ef tattle, so herese and all farming Implements; place Is well Improved. Write ar caU at ! - "sllaa. Crook aty, r. BMuar, POB BALB Highly Improved farm af 160 aerua, aseaiea ea tne n uismstte. wltk 44 mile af rlrer frontage; sam fine sake sad grove: soluble for rich ana's country home; Is JnTles by rlrer, as by railroad. Price 8r per Address Owner, ' 101 Proat at.. City. PBBB LAND IN 'OR BOON nader the -Cerey . Arngauou aet." lees a tract rross state , Write today. Booklet aad sup free. ' A A ' Cook A On, SSI Alder St., Portland. OregOB. HOMESTEADERS W eta meets yos ea wheet se Irrlgstloa lands; real estate for tale. Call er write, Vaa Cleave A ScboU, Echo, Uatatllts . sweaty, msgua. , , .. POR BALE Hop farts, four large lots. Relets '4 -eottagss,! South Portlaad. Por further pnrncuiars use owner, sea Williams ate. dTO-ACRB farm snd stock ranrk adMnlas Wilbur os the S. p. B. A mostly level Mi se. uaaaaitai rrunor, vrsgea. HOMEHTEADS Good agrlcultaral Und. - Per pariicuiam aaareea Leek Bos be, asppaef. Or. IS ACBEit Sir rtosrtd, house tad tools. 3 miles irom wienee. saoo, , out uoidtmita, Alblne. 405 ACRES, No. 1 farm, with crop, outfit, doa district. W. P. Wstson, Clam, Or Cos- lXBSOBAL. IP mstrunealslly Inclined sad your Itedi ctrcht ef engine acqaaiBtaaeee M lira join ear 1 society sad meet or correspond with reputable I reel dents of 4rrgea sad Waehlagtou wb I , wipe 10 snerryj eenu luc ror our ps ' "Matrtmontsl Retlater." which descrl 900 ef ear local members, slae eipislns our terms, rt. t Indorsed by leading cltlsaue and clergy; Courteous, honorable treatment, speedy iwiuiui una eoooiuce absohit secrecy assured; ptivnte ome. Interstate Introducing So. 84,. SH WasblBgtoa st,, Pott-lti reception rt ' cletr, suite lend. ' BOOKSI BOOKS! BOOKS! The .kind yoe'rt .looking tor; "Decameron," .A.Hot Ttmale." I ; "Mosa g twotasalou.'' -A Boetal Lloa," , ;:nnls Hill." "The Beetrty Spot." SO chj haio an, su ucauieie, saw amt Bt, MANLY -vigor restored by Dr. Rcerta Nsrve - .k ' . . . . . ' Biontbs, JB; sent Becurel sealed by msIL sewu, wpooaru, vstrae a te., rortusa, or. TOP DBINKINOt Osartstsed eare; send SOe: "red tboAnds. U-U Co.. tit Orsat bldg., Saarrasclaeo, CaL ... I KM niaWB TfsS SSI BHIUafl SOS ss.BA.tS ttaabalaaak. I DA OLNBX treats sll discs saa with great si eeees ne drugs; cures tobacco, llotier end warpnioeaaoiie.' nee sue, bhssi wsssingtaa. TOtJnV- m seu tunest sre mere tccarstelr end iaDiy ni lied at Eneel'a fliarm... eer m h. www w vrm mmm asmssru am, OOOD," honest working girl, aga 18 to 20, raa ana fit ins ausuena a knsbend and Sood boms-br ad- dressing M 40, care etoarnai. ' "THREE TEARS IN ARKANSAW" beau tU ' onoas rou arer saw, so, eeees" Boot Store, SSI Alder I- . . t ., , . . , DR. A MR8.,A. D. RORR1NR, th noted bantos speeisiists. Sou It. Wssblngtea St. Hood 804. THB SPRINOSTEIN MEDICINB CO., Sll De-! asm utug.:- russet atata ants. BALM OP PIAS far all femsle AMer St. Pboae Msle 4A ASSATZBaV THE . H. Plsk Aasaylntl office Oreeoley A Crawford, snslrtlral cbemlats sad SMttl- sttfguu. wtjfc .rt sasicgtan su. -., 3 ffoe '..' llrlli-P-i't. U--.e e.L ; w It ad t. , ,' Six t ', .w, 1 (trim srt e -,e ' ' e w'n S41 f 1 -ura if e.. a - te oMc. 4 A- et. e 1 ' PTrroLB ttaxzxa' COLl'-- -IA,. T ""lift i-o C srviAiim. t" , I.PI.TF A . .. . P. P. Ra AN, i IU. 6 I . lt 1AILOK 'AI BAT1CJ BtASSASE, TptJ0 Isd; OITNO lady, expert masssnse, sew treatment. ih watlagtoa st, room' j irtratelJ: L Stent, tvd fifth st 'BUUnt BOOK at ABTTACTTaXBB. BOWR, DAVIS A KILHAM., loa-lll ! Beak book msBUfacturers; agents for Jisis imprevea I4uee-Ler wdgsrs: ss the sew Eureka leaf, the bost-oa the market , "' " 1 11 1 imam ,11 ,a '.' ;" ;!C';'AeHAtTATlTw.' ; :-f THB Trinidad AsohsH Paetna Co. ef P4l.-a jie a . k m -1 . tt 1 BABD CTBTBTOrirTB, ', ,; CHAA A YORK A CO., 104 H Pint Bepeertv pUtars; Tork A Sana aad DeOure baatrsawau. ' - CABJrTtJTKBB ABD BuTXDBBA. : L. J. AUTHORS and H. A WOOD, eornanteee and bullderu; ra pairing . and jobbing; store ' aad efflca fixtnree buUL .Shop BO tVUfSls, . Phone Clay 1851 - . , 1 . 'y)- COAL ABT' woob. WESTBBN PBED A FUEL CO., cor. Promt aad sioyt stb., oesiers if , someone BBS - stram coal, blacksmith seal, caareaal. sad soke, -j Phone Mala 101A . - -j- .- , -, T ALBINA POBL CO. Daelara la cerdwood. soaL - end greea and dry aUbwood. B. A aad AI- blae eve.. B blocks east el ferry. Beat 87. , BUPEBT PUBL CO. Tbe best dry wood la town, loi i inrgei ss paooev aaat itea. . Sag at., car. macusoa. CALL UP Eaat Beat Side Slabweed Co., of slabwaed. SOS Beat eeatsTB la au su vaa e. ' - STEEL BRIDGE PCEt, CO.. dealers ta aeeL, eerd wood aad dry aUh wood. Phone Best 44$ rxmmnntm rt mw n . .., k... m m . . , KIRK HOOVER. SIS Water St., wood tad seal. ' STANDARD Steam Carpetlranlas Ca. Carpets cMaaee. reottea. sewed aaa laid; mattrsmm, fretHere. renorated. East-Third, aorta, sad Pad II st. , I-aene Kaat Sou. llsrruata A Ksrth. w, . HUNTER, steam carpet. fitVO Jeff. Mala tld. CISABS AND TOBAOOO, - fc-'',y-e,l-,-ste-me kS4aaBjama-1-J E8BEBO-OCNBT CI GAB Ca . Vwtruators ef . . , ; PUTS CI0ABS. ' - Portlaad. ; COaTJCSSIoa; ITP0XABTB. V"' 0AVBNPOBT BB0A Oeaaral eemmtattea cnaata; rralts aad produce; osnslgnm lid ted; prompt returns., 100 groat BTBBDINO A PARRELL. sredoen and 1 sioa aaercBBBts, leu frost SL, peruaad. ote rsana msia . f e. r . ClOIBTOTABT ABT PAUCBT. - " ' . MADAMS JOHNSTON Clanreeyaat, palmlBt. card reader; I give facts raltabla portsBt aa all affairs ef real lite, toe eg Seventh St.. aser Osk. . rtve reels reliable aad lat- sadlass CTULAjrtXB ABO DTaTJIA PORTLAND BTBAM CLBANINO B 9YBIN0 rsrka; sraeueal batter la aoaaeetioai faetaae aa end plumes (toenail aad curled ta; ea aa art. Sit roarth. - Pheae Clay TO. ; CJLOTHEB eleeaed aad UBlque Tailoring Co.. B. W, TTBNEA pa u fissions! dyer aed 80S Jeffsraea St. Pltene Mala SfilA CAPXA BRICK SON'S REHTAUBANT Marehaat'S 11 a. St. te IS p. m. andsr aew o. A THB OPPICA-SSS WaahlBstea at. r TTl. Samuel VlgBeaus. 0B0OZBBT 'ABB SLaSSWABB. WHOLKSALB ereckary aad glaaswsra. Prssl, Begela A Co., 100 te 108 Plfth, esr. Stark St. j.h-'i CBBXMT O0BTBAOT0BA CHAA H. CARTER CO, semsat eoesractara. vB' b-sbt 1 wan nets s All Werk guaranteed. POO ABB BOBSE KDgyCTAI. ' DAC.BBROWND.V.S.,D.CM. Deg, boras boo. I .; pitai.srji Buraeioa.i'aonsa; Malnote:Bet ante r BXKOTBICAt WOBBA NORTHWEST - ELECTRICAL BNOINBBB1N0 'i Company. SOS Stark St.. Portland. O. K. for '' everythlna la the electrical Uaa Pheae v Mtla lSbi. .',,. ...... , ," ' , w. . ' s. PACiriO Etoctrlc Ce Ersrl sears, eon trsrtnrs. : repairers, electric wiring, supplies. 84 first. . cor. Stark. Msln ean. R. a. Tata, mera HBtBgsTSBTBw. Mrs. O. P. LOW A MOW sad ehlldren's ear. '' . menm, silk waists, walats aad wrappers; sa-' it derwesr ssada. tlS . Kleeenlh at pv. ,'-'' Alsla 31ZT. . , .. . -, DRESSMAKINO, plats sewing, shlrtwslat suits., ' OA-vv im mm i caiiurou aH-rasae. prices Very reesoasbto. Beth and Lovejoy. Mais SSTA ... J - ...... . . I SHIRTWAISTS, went a wssh silk, msde fee; BBirtwatst sons, Beu, A Cast Uf - let. Pboae Bast Sa8L . '.,- - - - - 11 ""i EEISTER'S Lsdtos Tailoring college; tetterta. cat 10 stessur. a ussy sail w. sue Merrlaeau. fjP-TO-DATB di aking. todies' - tsllorlngl. Room BIT AUaky bldgT sis a specialty. MBA UeKIBBEN.srtlstl mating. . sQl Morrlaoa tt. I DBESNMAKINO Strictly :' wp 1 I daalcna. s Clsy st ., , t, 1 m r -rr date; at teat P0BPJBT BISBBTB SCRIP. PORRST JIESERYB SCRIP POB BALB Ape - prarsu. unreeiriCTeo. reaur ror immeniata sset lowest prices. B. P. A P. B. Bile. 80S Chamber of Commerce. PUBB1TUBX PAOTOBIXA ' OREGON Purnltare Msaufactarlns Oompsey Msnufsctarera ef raralture for . the . trade. Portlaad. Or. -; -. -:: rUtf PCBNITUBB maBttfsctortng sod special seders. Bersaskyt furniture factory. 170 Plant st. BOTNTON warm-str furnscee tare fneL J. Je neyer rornsce 00.. sne second. Mais dSL - i BOCXBA ' '-. , WADHAMS A CO., wholesale rrocers. msn-, " rsctumrs and esatmnstoa marohssts. Peorthl ' aad Oak sts, , -. ,. ; :, I ALLEN A LEWIS, comnrlsstos aad brtdsh cbsata rroat and Dans sfs., Portland. Or. KINO'S HAMMAN B A Til 8 -Corner Seventb Bad' ,.n,nRiim . ; eeesi ana largest beta la' fa etty; elegant beds for th algal If smstredi . srt maassata aad sblropodlel. - - . -- ' BABBWABA , , . Portlsed BardWart Co. anlldta simnrtnnlty ts e'er,- e-if, 100 isi, cnr. AMer. Msln 1884. J BTOTfAB HAIB BOIXA . . . . t. BOItn. manufacturer af h. s-a. . atey a4 A( KlgUv Pkea Best , A si 1 . t.-'y- -v it ', . A t , Y ' .'.'.'.'. .1