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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1905)
. C- wO.T DAILY J ; I . ( - ; ,CCM3 PTG3 Lawns and Flower Oeds Must City Reduction Plant Murt C Depend n Heaverts for lt i - Nourishment! rc. Chut Down WhirTExtensivt Repairs Are Made, , IS THE METER SYSTEM IS NOT FURNACE WALLS HAVE ' POPULAR WITH PATRONS BEEN BURNED THROUGH "V r"";---y :ni.. .. .; :-V:- ''V, V Freely : Charged That the Ma- Effort Will Be Made to Deposit To Select ; ; :Ypurtrav Hat chines Register Warm Air . ; ' ;'. fpr Most PaxV ; Refuse . on Farm Lands .lt - 7 Near TowriT"" : - v i it; f;. m m i - , ' . i ' -mm. .. 1 - . : f .'. . - . ... r . - i , Tin -X Xi. (S ; m ' .'v; L4(QvQilllllull RlUl '.;v.-:.-rv- -EAOTT- TO BUY EASY: TO &AYi:&:sXu:s , lUrff yA ,f F t blgge. Carpet stock Jn the city, but we cUim rigbtly that our lLtli)y ill UUy I ' atock U a wtD selected a any. We gWW eood qnaUtiec aa ' can be bought, and very good value, especially in medium priced i. " ".r: v goods. -You can have the assurance of being treated' absolutely , fair if you buy our carpets from us, , - Asc!tcrt $1.50 yd; -Velvets, $1J50 and $1.10 yd.; Roxbay TcpM $ 1 ;25yd; Tdp. Drnsscls, from 85c up. ' ALL' CARPETS MADE, LAID AND LINED ABSOLUTELY FREE.- : Because y6u can pay for what you buy here ON EASY TERMS. ' We make payments to suit your special requirements and we donot charge you any interest. The price we quote a exactly the same whether you pay all cash o pay as you go' along. Easy to Pay Just About Room-Size Riigs ! We have too many TAPESTRY RUGS; sue 9x12, in stock, and we are going to sell them i?:ii;yjr-' . '-: ' llthis "week i . ; Spscki for $18,50 Regular price $22-50 Laid - and lined absolutely free. Plain filling (in three -different quaj- .. .. . ' I . ... 590 - Washington Streot ; TIIIL OTOnE: WHERE YOUR CRXLDIT IS GOOD JOURNAL, WANT ADS PAY BEST . : .... . . J . . J . ..r-JW1 V n at aid Me of Tb Imtt to la tk star Mis, r. W. McKlBMr. 100 Cart MantM. nk XUwkaM bat S7C. , . . Tb prav&Ulnc ' tint 'In MtT ' Tabor K'wti"wUH browa this ummtr,; from praant . Indicationa. . :" Mt Tabor .baa baaa bieaaad with abundant yrOura and vary blllajd a rea carpet after the recant ralna, bOt when the aprlnk Unf cart of nature quita, and -a hot ana worka week after - week oa the lawns and garden, dead sraaa and withered . plan La , will remain of the fprtea; (lorjr. for lit Tabor baa no wa tar. That la. Mt. Tabor baa no water for lrriiratlon ' purposes, and" eea the man with a thirst haa to coljaot hi drink drop by drop. In the dry aeaaon. the family faucet reruatng to "sure down." 1 ' The Mt TaDftr water aupply comas from a spring-and every drop tof the supply baa been used this winter in meeting the- modest ' demands of the family laundry, but wnen we nrsi ory days earns and water was really needed the spring 'did not Increase its oapao ltT. while the demand. grew ana grew till only rush of warm aH greeted the man who tried to extract a drop or two out ttf the hydrant. The latest announcement of "the-wa' ter company Is to the effect that no -wa ter will be suDDUed ror lrrvaiins pur poses this year unless It Is taken through a meter at the rata of it cents the thousand gallons. The meter aya tem does not appeal to the patrona of the company, for It 1 generally enargec that the meter registers air as weU as U does -water. . and that .under the low pressure' at present maintained In the mains there Is S00 gallons of fresh air nri toe axllons of water In erery 6 cents' worth. One oitlsen tried It and ailesea that hie Irrigation bill Tor one month was f 40. and., be had a lawn that coyered part or one lot ana m court he freely charged that the meter worked hour after hour when the .water, was hut nfT antirelr. Therefore the Mt Tabor' people are adverse to adding water meters to their troubles, and no meter no water, ' no water no lawn; ana wih im aepanure f the lawns the cow question, will bo forever settled, no self-respecting bo vine preferring dry grass when fertile fields lie over In MontaviQa. ' . on axav cAtmi arjurr uum. A small free-wood sign will probably cause the arrest of a dosen east side oltlxena, none of, whom believed thai he had violated any law In helping a benevolent owner dispose of create lum ber. J. E. Burke Is trying to discover where 75,009 feet of lumber belonging to hlnvbau gone, after another man had placed aa free-wood sign over the pile. Be yesterday secured judgment In the east side court agafnat J. K. Havely for IS. and also filed complaint against Po liceman 8. D. White. J. N. W. Uenell and W. Martin, charging each with tak ing the ' 7S,00e feet his purpose being to discover Just how much they did take, and If possible find where the rest of the pile went -' -? ; . v -r- Bwyzrax ad SAjrozxi. Mt Tabor has a union revival this week, but worldly pleasures are not en Mrely forgotten. The ball team la tear ing up the aod on half a dosen vacant lots in an endeavor to master the na tional gamer and the big dance ball at the end of 'the car line is being refitted, la anticipation of the summer dances which will soon be commenced. Three dances each week will be held In the ball, and It Is probable that next sea son the place will have to be enlarged. what dlsposlUon will be made . of the city ferbage while the crematory is being repaired. Over 10 cubic yards of refuse must be burned daily,, and It has been discovered that while' the fur naces are being repaired the entire re duction plant , will have to be' closed down.. .4 'v. T ...' It Is planned to repair one furnace at a. .time, but Robert. Robinson. Br, who has -the contract (for the work, made an In veaiigatlOD recently and found .that the walla ..between the' furnaces had burned entirely throuan. and that men could not put tn the masonry work Ulr ica all the Area were out - Mr. Robinson explained the situation to the city board, of health . yesterday, and suggested that it, secure a permit from some of the 'farmers down the river . to dump the garbage on ' their land for slai.sveeks, or' while the ' work was being done.. Trenches could be dug in which to deposit refuse, which could be covered and. the garbage - could be used as fertiliser.' -Ha was asked to.,se if he could secure a location (or a dump ing ground and to report as soon aa pos sible. The materials for the repairs have arrived and Mr. Robinson will be- fin 'work as soon aa some disposition I can oe roaua w ui riw . Miss Lilian S3. .Tingle, demonstrator at the school of domeetlo science at the T. W. G was appointed market : in spector by the board of health. under Vti U. R, Blersdorf, city health offloer, wltn, salary jof-ite.aTnottfbjL B.A.W0RTHINQT0N SEES': : - PALOUSE COUNTRY ' "7 TlsaBBBBB'SSBaWBSSBaBBas " rlee-i general manager of the Harrlman lines in1 Oregon, has returned from en ex tended trip In Washington, including the sound cities, Spokane and the Pa louse country.-- He was accompanied by Superintendent Jolta P." O'Brien and W. W.Cotton..,". . ;' .-"This was -my first trip over thatd country," be said, rand I took br all the sights and got acquainted with com mercial' and physical . conditions, : Mr. fCotton and Mr. O'Brien went along to facilitate my work by furnishing Infor mation about various : matters as , we went over" the ' territory. - There ' Was nothing done that bad any . particular public interest ing the season last year. rim on-r - Mt Tabor has no houses for rent, and not only are outsiders who wish to locate there disappointed, but residents of the place who are renters suddenly find themselves without a home.-. Pro fessor Adams, principal of the - Mt Tabor school, was recently forced to give up his house and for weeks sought for another in the suburb, but failed. He will move to the grove on the hill overlooking the place, and try the de lights oi open air existence ror tne summer, a tent proving ins oniy nome available. . '. . ; ' .... normiiJ fob . The 1nat closed bv St rtavltfa Episcopal church was a p rentable one, aeoordlnsr to, annual reports presented at the yearly "meeting last night Dur ing the year M.teo was-raisea ror the church, the Sunday school raising I70. Rev. O. B. van waters, rector, pre sided at the session. - The following vestrymen were sleeted for the coming year: Dr. B. b. joeepni, w. i Holse, F. B. west. Dr. F. C Kenwood. WaUls Nash. J.. O. Boyle, J. O. Burn ess, XL A. Wyld and J. W. Ganong. , Ida. the t-year-old ' daughter of Mr. nd Mrs. J. D. Kllai of Montavllls, fell and broke her right arm Sunday while playing. -The peculiar thing about the accident la that a year ago the child fell and fractured the same arm In al most the same manner. It Is supposed that the old fracture had not thorough ly fieaJed, and It Is feared that the re cent break will resist treatment stubbornly. Baal op BirBBOVOS. bnlavniarrriend or Mrs. Lloyd Burrough learned of ber death yester day, her bu abend sending a message from Massachusetts that she had died there Saturdays Mr. and Mrs.. Bur rough were well known 14 Montarllla, and their marriage took place In the suburb. They left for th eat a year or ee ago, where they have since re- slded. V--. ' . -v A ; hit HOT CAKES MADE FROM POWDERED ARSENIC '' " ' esUsSBBsssussBSBssanBSsv ' w (gaaatal XMaaatdi te The JesraetV J Seattle, April If. Mrs. Edward Moore Ad her mother, Mrs. Breltenberc of Bouth Park, - were poisoned yesterday, but not fatally,, ty eating hotcakea mixed with arsenic. Instead of flour. There was a-small quantity of arsenic In a pan In the pantry, and Mrs. 'Moore, I thinking It was flour, mixed It With I other flour and, made tha cakes, ' 1 .Oar styles ere rijht'-'v Arid our prices ture risht .1 .'A r; Vs. ; We are shoiyfcff ; ,v- etron line of T ' !',' v' ' ' . ' ' ' ' ' PANAMA.V HATS at $5 arid $6 3uffum &:PendIeton 311 Morrison St . r '4 1 -t, NEW ENGLAND ROADS V CONFIRM LOW RATES The Krw England Paaaengar associa tion has confirmed the rate ot one. fare plustl. recently agreed to, by the trunk line . associations ,. for the . Levis and Clark exposition,' and this action com pletes -the - combination of half-fare rates en all- railroads Between Chloarn and the Atlantic . It Is resorted from Ihs, eastern railroad passenger depart- menis , na aireaay a Strong erfect Is noticeable In increased interest raanr Ozomulsion -.CURES (Mas. Oeagba, Orra, BrouHiHM. CStawt. snrei Tkraat Wweaauala aad Oaaaaaiatliia. a. Hoar-. laaiag read MMtetea Tat the TlraC at aad Ibe Pala. Tkia Cklld. tbxu. Bonxa ran ir luo, Write by lataar er fulH Owt a feated by tha pubUo In the Lewis and Clark fair. Railroad men say that the low T1?". r ttMHtto the people think about visiting the northwest, to see the country, as well as tha exposition. a:- if: BELIEVES IN JOURNAL ADVERTISING v -- Vaneouveri Wash, i Anril 21 isoM '-'-J TO, . r J 1 T tmkl a. " , , " . - Gentlemen Under. the ; oirouastanees I shall have to .? , , discontinue the paper for, the present; having disposed- '' ' , of my, property through toy ad in your paper, if or which , I am thankful. i ' . ; ' :rJ:? ', y-it: '.- -'I expect to remove to 'Portland '. soon, "and when -. settled will then renew. subscription by carriers' ; "r i. - I, would suggest to the public cenerallv whohava "i?-T7 anything they want the people to know' to use the oblucaia I1 w-r-vi uBwu-weii.yv wurHai77nnirnB77IXll Sure 01 satisfactory, results; - Sincerely your friend, :-v? " y;, ''A '. :,' r ; :;a '-k . 'y-) ' o v y. : -y a 1 ; ' IiO PORTER. M017 to Brejis WeH :Atja Small Costi- Thla has always been a troublesome question to the man who wants to be stylishly attired, but cannot af ford to pay the custom tailor's high prices. ' " Prob!cii For You. 3 The clothing: we are offering possess all the remiire. ments that make them desirable., They are cut in the very latest styles. They are tailored from the best and nobbiest fabrics, The workmanship on them is consUt. . . - .. . . ent with the rarments.' The trirrtminra and lininra of the very best quality They are priced so low aa to be within the reach of all. t y- sjbbWbbi mmm ej mm mmmm gaMggM eMsavBeeBMeBM n"MgaMgBaagems mmmmmmmmmmmmmHmmammmmmKtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmjr Men's. Straw. rsb lac to ioa Eacti.- . " All New Styles, ''J I .'.'1r 1 All the New Things in ;rJcnf0:SIi!i-te- !-: JOc tot2Jf Each. - - The latest in H SHOES, hose; UinjERWEAR and '., , NECKWEAR ' ...V. ...,..,.. r'.i i.... '..., A-r ' ' ', - . --..' ' II - - t . j . "t Bsart eavsaaaapaBBBBBM . " " "' ' " 1 ia N , , m VI