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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1905)
r r -r".;-.- : '. ' " '-;, . ..ww r. -w ' ir .a a , w w v ; T A ' A NEWS O YoutJLon't juy itou Die vy ncn x ou ?nuyr : ; S6o Standard -Runabaut , a- - .. . . . C I jr -It r Two of the Pope-Toledo Towinf ; I the Viaitinf Demonstrator,: . Tha newest and latest automobile that has arrived In Portland la the handsome ' ' FtaperToleda car that haa been seen en the "streets for the paat three days. The ear -fk ono of the famona Pope-Toledo tQurJng machine and ie being., demon' strsted her by F. M. Keeton of Toledo, -Ohio,- Mr. Keeton broughtthree of. the care bare, and It la quite likely that tha H. U Keats Auto company will han dle them In thla city. Tha care are built by tha Pope Manufacturing com pany of Toledo, a corporation operating It factories. In the Pop Toledo fac tory are' made tha care that ranee. In . price from 41,100 to tlJfl-r -The waoaaxlJbinon'lJirihU city are ie horsepower and carry a guaran tee of el mllee an hour with a load ot five persona. Tha Unea of tha ear are very pleasing. With full equipment the car. weighs M0 - pounde - and - rune . amoothly. The fame of tha Pope-Toledo haa reached around tha globe. " At Del Monte, California, last year Qeorae Ful ler drove hie car, a 14-horsepowar. ma chine. In 1:0 -, the record time for .tourlna cars. Afterwards Fuller made ''the present record time with the same car tn l:e l-t at Loa Anaelee. Aa an evidence of the worth of the ear. It might .be mentioned that of the ' three automobllea -selected to repreaent America. In the International - race to be held In France this year two are .Pope Toledoe and the third Is a loco mobile. Mr. Mulr and Mr. Lytle will drive the Popes In the races. , Lytle ie a noted driver, jrlnnlna third place in laat- year'a bia race. . flnlahlnc ahead of 17 higher power machines. 'Did It ever occur to the caeuai ob aerver that tha automobile demonstra tor get "worked" more times than al most any other bnalnese man? Still such is the case. Right here is Port land, auto men complain that persons who never have a thought of purchas ing .a. machine, manage to make the rounds of tne different auto agenclea . and enjoy autoing for over a week -at the expense of tha agents. ' After the 'workers" nave visited all of the agents, their auto rides cornea to -a end. And the enljr one who la out-of pocket is the auto man.. Such treatment ie un- " fair to the auto men's waree are Just as -valuable as any -Other' business man. .Anyway It la a rather cheap way of letting .one's friends know that auto riding is good tor .health . and wealth. Tha agenta are only too pleased to give demonstrations, but they are human and - do not relisli being "worked" too often. ' The', good weather now ought to be an incentive for the auto ' men to get busy and have a hill climbing contest or aa auto tourney under . way. Such exhibition are instructive to all con cerned end are always Interesting. ' United States Conaul Hemm'of Hull, HILLSBORO COUPLE CELEBRATE . ; THEIR SIXTIETH ANNIVERSARY ., 1 i: .1 '' A; i Mr.ajidMrI)TPhillipfc- Hlllaboro, Or., April 22. D. T. Phil llpe and hia wife Martha celebrated their toth wedding anniversary April 1 7 at their home near Cornelius, In this ' county. . " .- '. 'i- -f Mr. Phillips waa born. In St. Clair eounty, Illlnola. January IT, 1111, and in April IT. H4i,-marrled Martba Tate, Who waa bora In Tennessee December J7. 1I2T. - In . lttT the happy-couple 4-trne to Weshlngton eounty by way. of tUpe liorn, suid they nave-a lnca-resided here cbntlnaously. ' " '' 'i They have nine children, es follows-: Mrs. P. M. Jackson, Mrs. Alice B. Foord, f Hlllabore: A. A. Phillips, Mrs. O. Vtrtters,. Charles W. Phillips .nd Webb PhlllltM of Cornelius; Mrs. w. Bhearer, Columbia county; Oeorae Phillips, Wil bur. Washington, and Mrs. S. Smith of Brosaina valley. In this county, All of these children except Oeorge Philllpd and Mre. Shearer were here, to gether with 40 of thH grandchildren and freet-grsndrhndren, nd made the ved couple, a pleasant visit, en .Hit i.enday. , - - - . . - - C ii. TaompsOD, cousin ot D.Ti ThiX i -i i - III .'.. . -.. - Automobiles That Arrived in Portland and H. L..Keata, in the Other Cjv Will RnrianJ. ! tha fnllnwln to re-1 gardlng motor busses In London. I "Many efforts hsve been made to I adapt the -eelf -propelled etagecoach tn metropolitan conditions, and out of them several atylea of motors have sur- vlved aa suited to 'bus purposes. The points claimed In favor of each etyle are . cheapness, trustworthiness, com parative simplicity In handling, and freedom from, noise and odor. Bach of the great , London . omnibus companies has adopted Its type of motor car, and each is striving to-aee which will be the first to make the change in locomotive power. The first installment ot the new autocars, are now running for blre-and are taking their turn In the long, pro cession of the atreete. V J r - r, t&ondon is. . without doubt, the'ehtef 'bus-using city of the world. - It is es timated that there are about S.tOt omni- Ibuoee In Jlhat City. To replace them; omnlbueee. would require . over MOO eutobuaes at- leaat, but more likely S,000 will be necessary, for one some of the routes small erngle-decked vehlolee will be need. The field Is a very large one, and the replacement of horses by motors wiH-tiet ey-aaatter -of- months, but of years. : "A favorit vehicle is a double-decker pmnlbus, tastefully finished in blue and yellow, and propelled byhe Btrjiker ajid Squire steam engine. The tare weight of this 'bus la 2 tons 10 hundredweight Blngle rubber solid tires are fitted to the front wheel,, while twin tires-are fitted to the rear. The vehicle Is finely finished Inside, and 1 constructed to carry 11 passengers.' It Inside and It outside. The car of this pattern which recently successfully accomplished the automobile club reliability trial of t.000 miles 'was -on view at the recent motor car exhibition .In London, and although the tlree were perfectly " Bound, they showed that they had not been apared In the test. -In that trial the total time occupied In stoppagee .was It minutes, and the middle of the trial. 1,012 1-1 mllee bad been covered without -an In voluntary atop.- The record would have been 1.227 mllee but for m eheefc of one second only through missing gear. '-The gears and Sirdar tlree were found to be In very fair condition at the end of the trial.' Interesting -points in the design of the oar are the . operation of the valves from an overhead lay ahaft, and the employment of 1 a -volute spring et the rear ende of the distance rod to ab sorb the driving shocks. - - "One 'of -the -chief polnta-ln -favor ot the motorbuses is the additional' street room gained through the displacement of the horses. Another la tba aaving tn the . pavements. -. yThere will be no pounding of the road surfacea by ham mering hoofs, and scarcely any grind ing of them by iron-snoa tires, xnia will make, It possible to keep the main thorwghf4ielnKoodcondlUpnJnJjein Thnmaa Flyer Hps. and one of Portland's wealthiest men, was also present. D. T. Phillips haa been a prominent farmer and; brick mason in this county ever since hia first arrival. In iSt 7. and Is a prominent member of the I. O.-O. F. of this plsce. " Mrs. Phillips Is a highly, respected woman of this county, and a favorite with all who know her. Ail. who were present, pronounced the occasion m juyuue un -rJL . MmM Strain. ' - From the Cleveland Leader. ''Chollr Nitwit D'ye know, M las . Hot shot t, I'm seriously thinking of going to work, bah Jove! Dolly Hotahott WelL .you'd better hurry up and atart working before you tire yeureelf all eat. thinning aoout lL, ' Ve mirata. , - ' From the Houston 'Poet,; , '" - -t." asid the' new arrival,- "am a self mad man." -,.. ) "Well.' replied fit. Peter, "thle U no place for you; what you need la a home made heaven," Lot Week.; F.'M.KeetoivWho Je Probably Handle the Machines in Dearly , all weathers. Something, too, should be accomplished to, relieve ' the conization of street traffic, whlch'tends to render -Hie In greae cities 'more un comfortable. The ear carrying 4 or (0 passengers will occupy leas space than an omnibus with its pair of horses. - It will be handled more easily, and it will move quicker." i . . AUTO WOTS. ' The adjourned meeting of the Auto mobile club will be held in the rooms of the Commercial club next Wednesday evening to consider the new by-lawe and to elect a board of directors. , 7, A number of Important propositions 'are to come before tbe association and a good at-' tendance is assured. '..'. - , The German' Automobile club and the automobile manufacturers -of Germany are planning to- hold an automobile and bicycle exposition la Frankfort, October to It, 106. - . .,. "Did you ever hear of a hoodoo auto mobile r said Percy ' F. McGargee, . ad vertising manager of the S. R. Thomas Motor company, to a newspaper friend one day laa(. week aa both stood looking at a handsome royal- blue Thomas Flyer Just leaving the paint shop of the Thomas automobile factory. "Well, thla machine la certainly a hoodoo. To com mence with, in building the engine en emery wheel flew to plecea, seriously injuring the mechanic. Next the tester In trying out tbe car on the brick pave ment 'between Buffalo, and Tonawanda collided -wlth; a etreet-car. Tbe auto mobile J was' uninjured, but tbe tester was- thrown from his seat and pretty badly shaken up. . Eventually the ma chine was finished and after, a. tryout was sent down to the freight house to be loaded on a train bound for Indian apolis. - It. reached the freight house in good ahape, but in-loading It a plank slipped, and the oar waa spilled between the platform and the freight ar. Back to the paint ahop lt went and waa re scraped and painted. Jen daya later It waa .safely inside, a freight car and started westward. -j The. car In which it was shipped was sidetracked somewhere and for days the telegraph wires burned trying to locate that hoodoo auto. was located .and arrived la Indianapolis without further adventure. The eeoond tiro the oar waa used In Indianapolis" It added another chapter to Its record Of adventures, for in rounding a sudden turn In the road a team of horses was encountered, and to aave the animals the auto waa steered over en embankment,, where IV tipped over, throwing the occupant , out. It was pretty, badly scraped and -the lamps broken, -but tha . occupanta were un injured. . Tbe owner of that oar spent his winters in California and last De- YOUNG SOLDIERS GET -TASTE OF CAMP LIFE Officers and Cadets of Nswill Riverview Academy Drill Near, St. Helens. . . ; ; (BpeeUl ZHaaatch to Tke JearaaLI St Helena. April 22. The town has a martial air. and taps and reveille.-have carried It out over the St. Helens hills since the arrival of the officers and cadets of the Newlll Riverview academy of Portland laat Wedneaday. They, reached here on the ateamer America, and alfter landing marched to a point near Houlton, -. where they camped. The place haa been named "Camp -Stewart." The people of Houlton have extended every courtesy to the' cadets, and have greatly increased the social pleasures of the campaign. The camp la in charge of Major Stewart of . the Fourteenth cavalry, V, S. A. (, The cadet corpi fol lows: . James Fink, captain: Russell Farrar, flrat lieutenant; Walter L. Toose, Jr., second, lieutenant; - Robert ' Campbell, quartermaster lieutenant; Perry Austin. !... Vvnb l-thMMilr autnrf sergeant; Btuart - Demlng, - third aer geant; Warren Fen ton. fourth sergeant; Thomas Bailey,, fifth sergeant; Edward Drake, bugler. " - ' ' Corporals Jenkins. Bcttlemler. t V. Smith, O. Nlaalcr, Dunlap. Prtvatee Belt. Brewer. C, Buckley, M. Buckley, Elbon. - Kasthara. - E. W. FlaheE..CJJB-. Jlaher C Nlasler, Bhosay, Mackenzie, Fogarty, Hawson, Tucker. - ;iThi Is. Your Chance.-- All'lb'vere of " nature should avail themselves of the opportunity to see. the Willamette valley , in Its -spring garb and attend the eighth annual rail road. excursion, given by the , Past Sachems association on Sunday, April 20. Tralna leave Union depot, t a. m., up the east side to Albany, crossing over theCorvallla tc Eastern road to CorvalUarand down the west side horns. This la a day ride, with scenery unsur passed, through green fields and thriv ing towns: snow-capped mountains and towering forest lending enchantment in the distance. All strangers 1q tbe city shoold not fall to attend.- Trains stop In Albany two hours for dinner.- Round trip tldlets, 11. (0. For sale at Schil ler's and B. B. Rlcji'a cigar stores. The association's years of experience end good name Is a guaranty for good Order and a good time. Old-Time Frieade, i From the Topeka Capital. '. Graft and Boodle are still doing bust neaa in KansaO. Mr. Graft Is msnager of tbe Osawatrimle Gas company, -and Mr. Boodle la candidate (or councilman at Chaaute. . -;:.. v OperatW the Machine, on tha LetV. Tbia City; . ;-;' r ''-"' ''i ' ehlpped to San Francisco. It arrived there 'In good ahape, but 1U life wai short,' for the second- week after its ar rival the garage walls caved in. bury ing the car under a mass of debris that required days of digging to get it out. It waa immediately ahlpped to the fac tory for repalra,' and bore it is ready for new adventures. I wonder what will happen nextT" ' ' H. B. MlUer, consul-general at Toko hama, on his recent visit to this city, purchased a Duryea automobile, which will be ahlpped . from, this port. to the orient. ' - . , ' . ' ' .An interesting problem confront the commission on the Vanderbllt cup race. The Automobile club of France haa sent a draft for 1 2,100 and Its declaration of the entry of five care. The care are not' named, but the club evidently con siders that it haa made -an entry la due form. , The rules of the race require that the oars .must no named and a description ot them filed by May It, when the entries close. As it is the published Intention of the French club tn select its team for the Vanderbllt race by choosing the five cars that make the best showing in' the elimination trials for the" Bennett cup race, it Is obvious that It cannot comply with the rules of the race here, because the Ben nett elimination trials are not to be held until June H. If the French club is to have a team in the Vanderbllt race the commission .'must -amend tha rule re quiring a description of the cars or else the French club must abandon Its pro poeed method of aelectlng a team.-- It-is not , likely that the commission 'will amend Its ': rules to accommodate the French club. - . . '' "r B. J. Donaldson of Prairie City, Ore gon, purchased an Olds light tonneau In this city last week and lntenda 'to drive the machine to that town, a dis tance of 400 miles. He expects to make the trip in about fdttr daya, . v Frank J. 'Becker of Aberdeen bougnt an Olda tonneau last week and ,in addi tion, to thla. style of , machine he also ffwna a light Olda runabout. . ; r ; The handaone Olde ear recently pur chased by James Gowanlock arrived Jn thla eity laat week. , y'. 7 , j Dr. C A. Marcum has bought an Olds runabout for use la his profession. Paul Baumel. the Well-known and baseball - fan. purchased an Olde runabout and will discard hia faithful bicycle, uaing the auto on hia frequent fishing tripe this summer.- . . . . TV ab J XX? T A wt m A nf Vancouver, B. C, were In this city last week ana eacn purojjasen ana uiaaiigni tennaau! CLEVERLY ESCAPES FROM ALBANY JAIL "'. . -, , William Davis Held on Serious Charge . Places Dummy in.. Bed and Eludes Guard. (Ipeclal XMspateh te The loarsal) Albany. Or., April 22. William Davis, a big logger, who was being held in the county Jail -for asaault and robbery, broke Jail some time last nighty escap ing through the roof - of the corridor. Davis and Ed McGraw were being held on - a - charge of assault -and robbery committed on a companion In Harris burg three weeks ago. Davia waa al lowed to leava his cell, going Into the Jail corridor to take a bath. Later, when an officer went is-to-4ock up the pris oners in their cells for the night he found Davis' form In-Davie' bed. Think ing It was Davta, the cells were locked for the night..- The form proved to be a dummy. v It turns out that Davis was In the rear end of the corridorwhere he hid In the ehadows. Later he tout through the roof of the corridor, 'gaining admittance to a .trapdoor in the celling,' leading to the sheriffs residence and soaped, down the back' atalra. ' - . t " .. ..Davis la believed to be the man who some time ego made the "aawa in the Portland city ' Jail, resulting In a Jail delivery. He la a shred caook. Every effort Is being made to capture him. .. TAKE. UP THE FAIR . . - -. i- j-. . (Spaelal Dissetcb te Tbe JoaraaL) Salem,' Or.. April 22. W. H. Savage, superintendent of tbe Marion county ex hibit for the Lewie and Clark fair,' ac companied by Colonel B. Hofer, F. N. Derby and Hal Patton, attended a meet ing of farmers' held at West SUytoa today for tbe purpose of arouaing inte rest in the exhlblkat the fair, r An organisation was formed with Barber, president, and Bear, secretary. Savage addressed the meeting and dis tributed a fine assortment of seede among the farmers present. ' Much in teres t waa Urauaed:-- .-.:.- - KOtncotrrm zs oxajcfiOsT. Monmouth. Or.,. April 22. The debat ing team of Albany and Monmouth col leges met In the deciding conteet for aunremacy laat night In this city. Mon mouth team was unanimously voted thel Champion OI tne ronrn. urmunK iroaufl. r jCan alwsys be depended upoA to go and keep going, pusmng its way over all kinds of roads with a power that Is ALWAYS 'THERE. For reliability, sim - plicity of construction and iu doeeed "eet-there-and-back' 7 quality ; it stands -on-the-top- : most pinnacle o automobile fame. '- -''''V-V .. v; '".' Our line comprises cars of; ' all sizes--some model is exact- ly fitted for your requirements and each one at the lowest price for such unsurpassed ef ficieocy and satisfaction, ; ' -,See these cars RUTIACOUT. .. .-5730 TOU(pr-iiiAcouT....:w XICHT Tor?aAU ... . $1030 . : Drop, in and see the 1905 xt- v ut , lory nuicvcmsuTsi . . . . urthaafri that large hg inwerd cars are practical in this H. t. EffiATS AUTOvC. " Exclusive Sales Agents for the Olds Motor Works in Oregon, Washington, Idaho and .- . British Columbia. - . '-i . ' , ' . ''.,-' Main Store 64-66 Sixth Stre Garage and Repair Department, Oak, Between Sixth and Seventh, CADILLAC RUNABOUT PnceS850 By far - the smartest looking, speediest end' best built run about on the market To merely say that doesn't make It eo what-we-want Ie a chance to", prove what we say. INVEgTI- UATK. - Don't buy until you haver. seen and ridden in the CADIU-. LAC, Give ua a chance; that's - all we ask. WE WILL DO THX -REST. " " "If yon wanfa Ave (S passen ger car, see our side door tCadiiiac for $1,050 There's nothlng'anywbere near it -for the price. . COVEY & RIDDLE Jl-f TS-SsTTsI AJTP ST.T)snV - SMALL MAN MAKES A HIT WITH CDIEF Least Likely Candidates for Fire men Shows Pluck and Abil- ' Ity In Exercises. ' aawaBaassBBasawasssgmssBBa , OVErt "forty applicants PUT.THR0VCH PACES Athletic Tests Witnessed by a ' Large Crowd atlvTOrWomahrH : ,?k ; Field Yesterday.. Forty-eight t candidates for positions In the Portland fire department were examined. yesterdsy under the auspices of- the civil service commission. Chief Campbell remarked while the ex amination was in progress that the class was aa "likely a lot of youngaters aa ever took the 'stunts.'" Of the large number of applicants,, all-were- allowed to take the examination with the excep tion of one, 'who was barred because of physical lnflrmltlea. '- -. The athletic" teats ' began at -Multnomah field at o'clock, and continued un til noon. Several hundred people gath ered to watch the appllcanta go through tha exercises. . -. Several hesitated a little when It came to mounting the aerial ladder 7 feat In height on truck No. U but all managed to go over the top round eafely. Sev eral were a little timid about Jumping from a second-story' window Into a net, hut when they saw tbat the net waa aafe it became mere play. ' Carrying the J2-pound dummy up. end down the i inclined ledder proved quite a difficult task for many. - The smallest, member . el 1 the -claae, woe ,.ljl,:l.u.c: ; V".'...:. 'v - . i- ... : 1 . ; , OLDSSIOBILE . 7- H. have them demonstrated and get "POPE TOLEDO," "the quiet Veetnn is here fdr the miroose i . .... ..' . j .' AND Without competitors., stand, for all that's .best in wheel building. $40 UP . . . . Qtjier makeg $ig up. SUPPLIES- OF- ALL . KINDS. DALLOU eWWGHT? Send for Catalogue. Etc, v.; i. BIG SHIPMENT OF LAMP GLASSWARE, JUST p . : ,'-..' - 'RECEIVED ' 1 "' '..,,""' . ;:: ELECTRIC "Ilhtodmg'pui ... r.. - 'inspect the finest assortment . i . ' .... .'5. . - .. i hfTohh:BettJ3a I ew ; CORNER SIXTH AND ALDER STREETS. ; v weighed no more .than 'the dummy, proved- a surprise to tbe -crowd.-, - After Instructions from. Chief r Campbell how to hold - the'-' dummy, the -young -man swung' It on his shoulder., mounted .the ladder- and -descended -without -trouble or trepidation. , i . ' .- - . ' One young- man .-proved himself a clever foot -racer ' in the te-yard dash. Ho covered the distance In i- seconds. Nearly all ran, the,, distance, undee, II seconds.. -- . -. Jn the afternoon-the-appllcanta were given a written examination at the Ledd school. lt. consisted of eopylng 10 words from a plain copy to test- their ability to read and. .write the English language. end solving .a , few elmple problems In arithmetic ; Next Saturday the , examination of over IS appllcanta for positions in tbe police department will take place. Each will be required to run lfa yards, tn It seconds and carry the dummy '-up the inclined ladder, t Several professional timers will be present, -; :' t ..... ' ' . . " . ' P. RUNABOUT. Oldsmobilewise. 20 H.:P..S8Sa3SP $1550 LIGHT B3IY VACOri - .-SI ISO '. HZAVY DSL'Y WACOfl..532C0 ; mile a minute car." r The fac- of demons tra tine to intendinir - . . , territory. ,; - for the . .t . - -.V . v '2 ' a-.- l ' .... V . A' - '. H J. . ... i THI FAMOUS SOLAR LA!,I?S - GOODRICH, FISK AND , 0..& J." TIRES. -.'.'',.,, ".. v-' Goggles, Horns, Caps, Coats' TMdft-kidderir 86 SIXTH STIULST ' -. AND GAS -t ' - .- ' -,. ,'sers .should Come in" next week . and ' that, ever came to the city. . .-. . t - j.':.' Park asd' .Waahtailon, Poruasd, Oregoa - v ' The School of .t)ualrtw',i MODESI, PRACnCAiu COMPLBTB 1 .(. i ppm aS the year. Cetalsgss tree A. . ARMITROa, LL. B., PRINCIPAL h - JdURNAC WANT . ADS .ilvL BRING QUICK, RESULTS A- V. tT,.