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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1905)
c::s c-lccu rjiiz.w jburjJAt, Tcrrix. FOPJLARD liEEOS F.IOHE TEAM YORK - .... ; ' aVS Vf a-' m . i I- . -:-r. - ; -. - - r-' , jj Y . M. C. A; ACTIVE IN ATHLETIC WORK I r. -yTf-: " '" . J1 . Y. M. C. A,' Bsttet-FalMSl - BacklrQirDuidwbit-phyilcu In reviewing th past season of games it most satisfactory to not that to three strong teams produced, vis.: th, " ; first and second basketball and the In door basebair team, hare been a direct ' outgrowth of the many smaller teams flaying in the interclass league. Dur ng the' fall term of class work there were ten basketball teams, three Junior snd seven senior teams, competing in a -aeven-rfeam interclass league. This ee rie of games was played each Friday night, the' regular night provided for game, and closed at the holidays with ;' the Sallowing standing: Won. Lost. P.C. Tigers . : 0 1.009 --15 Class t 1 '.(S3 'Leader Club .....'..,.. I t .&00 Hvailnt , . - .60 ;NOO . I-, 4 .Sit .!. B. C. ....... .. t , 4 .SSI tcuiij i.u .jt t .ooo At, this lime' when the first and ee . 'end teams started practice, almost every ' ' team ' in the league wae represented on :ne or other of the teams. . The first vtnm played four games, all of which -, -they .won with following scores: . ,V. A.,C. .... ,.i....t It . p. A. . C (InterooUegtate charo- , , ;piont, -05) rr-rtt . M, A, A. C, (City champions. '04.lS-i-ll 'M: A. A. C. Clty champions. ' to '. ) The second team- Tigers) -was-wtth- oiit question h fastest' and had tlie JAllfM LEADS': .A f HE COAST- LEAGUE 'Portland Ud, Now . With San francisco, Doing Stunts With "His Bat. M'CREDIE IS STRONGEST PftPTLANn flATSMAM Standing of Players Whose Bat ting Lands Them Above x Two Hundred. ' Thr batting , averages of the Pacldo coast league players up to and including 'April It, gives Danny Shea,' the Port land boy, who is catching for San Francisco, the highest - average, while pitchers Charlie Hall of Seattle, Shield . of 'Seattle and- Thomas of Taooma are well -up with averages over the .Mt I mark, -Irwin of Ban Francisco is the 'leader of the regular players. Th av erages follow: Player. At Bat. Bits. Av'f. Shea. Mayrandeeo 11 S .64 .U9 .IV Hall, Seattle .....IS Hhleld. SmKU U lleadereoa, Seattle 4 " Thnaiaa, Taeoma IT Irwin, Baa Franeleee .,......, , O. Graham. Oakland 10 Hasan, Taeoma ....11 Jnnea. Portland ..............11 ,. It-was, Oeelaad r.tfo. Taeoma fa Hlldehraad, Baa Pranelace ....M vUoodwtn, Ie Angelas ........10 ' iber. Oakland 10 MH'redle. Portland Flood. IM Ancelea .......... .M CrTih. Los Ansalea .........OS II. Hall, Seattle 1 Hernard, Loa Anaelea .........61 Dnnbarfl, Uaklaad ........... .M Krafy, Seattle ...........SS MrHal. Seattle ,...M Union. .IM Anaelea .... -Van- Haltefto, Oaklatd i....i..S ' Mi-Leaa, I'ortland ........ Hptea. Urn Angelea ...t.......84 Hoaaeholder, Portland ........ -t Spencer, Ban FTanelneo ........ST Nordyke. Taeoma 6T Kani Seattle ftraahear. Loe Aagelea 1 l. MUler, Seattle M Pevereioa. Oakland 60 Xim4dt, tWkland ' f Khehan, Taeoma 04 Rnaa, lift Aneloa ............40 Ata. Portland M Poyle, Tacoaia ........T i T . 10 30 ' IS IS - is 10 14 ' ..Y .0110 .412 .SOT JMA .lew .MS ,tm SOT .80S .900 .SIM .200 .SMI ..2M :HrJ .MS .201 .ilM .249 .2.19 .2M .280 .2X4 .2.18 :.2: .2.12 .21 .222 .223 .222 .210 .21 10 It .214 IS .M 1 ' .24 14 .SOI 14 .2S 15 .2T8 I - .202 .200 1 .200 -rraneiare Van Imrm, Pert land Walter, San rraaelaee . KrArgKr, Oakland Mel.iaftalln. Tacoaia Kefe. Taeoma 1 W. Hall, Lot Aaaales 6 LONG SHOTS GOOD -1 " DAY At OAKLAND r x . tveeclal Dtasatek by Laaaad Wire te The Jonrnal) -'fttEmmery villa. April 11. Weather p clear, track good. f. ' .. ': five ur longs, t-year old, puree, $400. rather Catham (Jones),"! to"l. won; , Busy Bee, second: Reydelraundo, third. - Time, l:pi 1-4. One and a fourth miles. 4-year old and up, selling purse 1400. Poosart -IKelly), 1 to- 1, won; Iras, second; Ex. ertlent.-third... Time. :0t 1-4. ! TOne mile", t-year1 old ' and tpwdrd, ' .filing . purae t400-Oeyroh - (Knapp), , 11 to t. won; Wane Nlcht. seoond; Btll . lcho. third. Ttma. 1.40 1-t, ..- ;4 a C,On and three- sixteenth -miles. 4-year 1 1 j'and. (ip,. handicap, purae 21,000. ' p lliuarjr ' Maa (Travara), to 1. 'won; director; Fretman, captain;, Schramm. . greatest anduranc of any team in the state. They clearly out-classed every team of their own weight which they met. and playing O. A. C.'s crack first team the close margin of SS 26. " They played the following games-with score: Tigers. .26.. O. A. C. (1st team). ... ,.tt Tigers. .S1M. A. A. C. (2d team L. 22 ?tger..t0?.8. II. 8. at Portland)?.. IT lgere..24..S. H. 8. (at Salem) ... ..It Tigers.. 4t.. Oregon City T. M. C. A.. 10 Tigers. .22. .Dallas cone College k. C (Ii ..20 Tigers.. St.. Oregon City T. M. C A.V.17 Tigers.. 42. .M. A. AC. (Id team). ..14 " This ; excellent record places ' them' without question as Junior champions of Oregon. ' This season all the basketball in the state was tinder control of th A. L. N. A. and A. A. U, "every team being regis tered and' playing only sanctioned games. This is. the first season .that it baa aver been accomplished. ",-. Effort was made to "bring about aiLannual state championship baaktbaDj meet, but could not be brought to a f oeus, but it is expected that ' next season will wit ness this also; There was a marked im provement In the officials this year, .due largely to a better knowledge of the game. 'but there Is (U , room, for im provement, s " The T. M. r. A. program at the fair will occupy three or-four days during rlonlton, second; Brlarthorpe, " third. Time, t:00. ; ' . : ' . . : Seven. furlongs,' 4-year old and, up ward, selling purse. t00. Whoa Bill (Knapp). T to JwonTrapsetterrsec QBdi -EthtfcAbhotVAhlrd. Time, A Jt t.4. Futurity course, 1-year old, purse 1400. Albert Fir. 1:10 (Travere, It to t, won; Hooligan, second; Ruby, third. Time, la. . ... .4 At Ao.aadao rack. Six furlongs The Gadfly, won; Gray Lad, second; Pel Cante, . third. Time, 1:11 4-t. Five furlongs. Toscan, won Xenll worth, second; Burleigh third. Time, Four and a half furlongs. Leonard Joe Jlayman. won; 8Pcmjt''"nse1s9(;ii and; Kuatrrthlrq. Time, tl 2-4. One mile. St Valentine, won; Rapid Water, second; Sinister, third. Time, l:l . One mlla Otamplaln, won; Pronta, second; Arsenal, third. Time. 1:4ft. - Four and a half; furlongs. First Water, won; ' Carols, second; Deux Temps, third. Time. IS. . T. O. A. laU TBAJC r'The Y. U. C. A. basebalt team opened their season yesterday at Hawthorne park by defeating the O. R. 4V N. nine at" the-score of IS to 1- The game was witnessed- by a large crowd, while on the outside a mob of boys took the lib erty to graft every foul tip that chanced to come their way. The game was well played tand no time did the O. R. .4 N. boys have a chance t score. Man ager Babbitt Is more than, pleased by the prospect xft hist men vand believed that the aasoolatten will .t-have one of the- strongest amateur, teams in the elty. Hlgginbottisnf snd- -Orahart worked like clockwork allowing their opponents only two hits, while on th other .hand the O.) R. .- K. pitcher was freely touched up by the aaaoclatloii- boys. The Una n.,waai..i. i-j O. R.N. : , V" ' T. k C. A. Wan;". .... ...ft. C ........ . .Oraham Lovejoy -P . .Hlgglnbotham Watklns Jat ,,'..,.-. Heltsman johnson 2nd . ... Schocklay Frobridge .,....t"r i...W. Morrow Fleming 8. 8k..M C Morrow Cummlngs ...... R.-F.,.., . Birch told Sheridan . . . ", .'.T C. T. . .'. . . . Thing Lane L.' F.". . . . . . . . Llgbty r v.w ... .. -y , 4 ft t 7 d. r. .N....t f o : , o T. M. C A.. ..-.-. 0 0-; t 1 It Off Hlgglnbotham. J hiui; strikeouts. 14. Off Loveloy, t hts; strikeouts, 4. Umpire, Jeffries; fcorer, Myers. i . XAPFT .OTn saps -1 BOO. ( Rpaclat Dispatch to The Journal.) Seattle. April !. The. happiest man In Seattle today Is Dr.., J. 8. Kloober, who owns the Oreen River Hot Springs hotel. . -His favorite -collie " Wlnnetka Ballyarnett has swept all before him in the Victoria bench show, defeating the hitherto, invincible champion. Prince, owned by John Mcintosh of Vlotorla, considered by many competent judges to be the best oolite In th west. Ballyarnett is but 11 months old and when he was showp In Seattle last weak h mad his debut. : He took second to Prince) here In- the' open, class and the prediction- era freely made that the youngster would beat th champion In another year. .. ,' . i m m "- '"' ' j 4 OsTr TATtXT jvanrA ' , . Golfer are busy thes days on Wa ver ly links getting Into practice for th Pacific coast ehamplonehlps that will be held oa the local links from June It to tt. Th handicap committee Is busy arranging, affairs for the tourna ment, which ts expected to be the big gest of it kind ever held on: th Pa cms coast. ... ;; July and will , comprise the following program: - Basketball . championship, individual gymnastio ' championship (horse, hortsontal bar, parallel bars, flying rings); team gymnastio and ath letic championship (marching, calls, thenics, side horse, horizontal bar, par allel bars, running high Jump, basket ball, one mile relay): Pentaphlon cham pionship (100 yards dash, high Jump, pole vault. II lb. hammer, one mile run), championship track and field (100 yards Tlaah, 210 yards dash. 440 yards run. 100 yards run, one mile Tun, two mile run. 120 yards high hurdle, llftJ yards-low-, hurdle, running nigh Jump, running broad Jump, pole vault. It lb. shot. It lb. hammer, throwing discus). The meet will be under sanction of A. U N. A., of the A. A. U. . . The local Y. M. C A. expects to put out strong teams In all events and are at present training their men. . It will also enter men and teams In many of the' open events. There is plenty of room for. good men who wish to make these events, -ao. It" Is hoped by the athletic committee of the T. M. C. A. that some Qf these men may take ad vantage of the - next 10 - days, during which the initiation fee will be red uc ted and that they will take out a member. ship snd get into' active training for whatever events tney wisn to enter. KERNEL CLUB RAISES - THE ANJillAL DUES Local Fanciers' Think Five Dol lars a. Year Is Little - . Kennel matters are at present on the boom, and, th proepects for th largest dog show ever held in th northwest are very bright. Entries have been received from San Francisco. The Dalles, Walla Walla and many town down. Ibe. valley and th . northern cities are yet to be heard from. Mr. Hawleya famous fo terriers from Ssn Francisco will bs on hand, also a string of eastern-winners In charge of Ben Lewis, on of the most expert handlers in the east, Great In terest Is being manifested by the Boa- ton terrier fanciers of this city on ac count of th numerous trophies to be competed fo at the enow, and it Is un derstood that several very fine speci mens of the breed have lately been pur chased by kennel club members ;wlth th object of carrying some of them off. At a recent . meeting -of th club the annual dues were raised from tl to tl and various matters pertaining to the coming show were - discussed. The directors are desirous ot making this a banner show and the bench shonr com mttte are now busily engaged in pro curing entries th date of closing being Tuesday, May tt. - Thomas Ashton, who will judge th Portland show, Is an English Judge of excellent reputation. He recently Judged at the Buffalo Ken nel club show, and the eastern kennel publications, as well as th sxhlbltors were very enthuslastto about the man ner In which he handed th large classes assigned to him. r-&0afBAJU Btrzxsm'ivAtrsjos.- Gay - Lombard ' will have his new pleaaur launch ready for the .water on June ;l. - Th launch Is being built by O. P. Oraham and will be the prettiest snd most commodious craft of her kind on th Willamette. The launch will be 4S feet long and I 1-J-feet wide and will have a speed of 10 miles on hour. Theoat will be It horsepower, and equipped with a standard engine. Th appointments In the lsunch will be per fact. f containing . a ' complete buffet. among other accommodation. TJOSaTB DOim AXMUKT. JJoornd JJpeclat terri Eugene, OrV April It. In- a one-sMed game ' of base ball her this afternoon, th Eugene high school - defeated - th Albany high school 11 to J.. Albany's lack of practice was largely responsible for th defeat, while Eugene played almoat perfectly. . The batteries were: Eugene, Pender and . King; Albany, Schults andiRead. - '-.. i -w "--T-UssTSSsiAiai wr. ' Th Centennials defeated th Brook llnee iW a one-sided contest yesterday by th scor t 1. Boat Borrow Trouble. It Is a bad habit to -borrow anything. but th worst thing you can possioiy When sick, sore. borrow is trouble. heavy, weery and worn out by the pi and poisons of dyspepsia, blliousn Brlght's disease, and similar Into pains ineaa. Internal disorders, don't sit down and brood over' your symptoms, but fly forrellef to Elect r 10 Bitters. Here you will find euro and permanent forgetfulnees rof til your troubles and your body will not be burdened by a loed of debt dieeaee. At Red Cross Pharmacy, Sixth and Oak streets, on -tne way 10 me pveunocei Prlc 40c Guaranteed. Individually Locals Are" Strong, v But More Hard Practice . '.' v""'-i Is:. Needed.' I Th new Portland in' has com home, and the v have been n Blsd up by a large jumber of thtf fans -and -will be alsed up by all of th local enthus iast thia afternoon, and .'from th in tereat expreeeed in local baseball cir cles th crowd expected ef the ball grounds - this afternoon will beat th record day that memorable Sunday in IMS, when Bam Morris, th Chenxawa Indian, pitched against and defeated Mlk Fisher's, Sacramento club. . MoCredle'e -men - are- claying good) ball,' and although they hav lost, a ooupl of olo games -this weak, thay will do much better as soon as . th season, Is a little farther, advanoed. Portland has been up against th beet teams -in the league, . which club hav maintained th eame Une-up from two to five years. This fact alone is a Ban- dlcap to the local club, which is a new nine ntlrlr. as only two man on the team played together last year, thoa blng Jonas ana Hcnisny, wno. wr on th Oakland team, while their opponents of the opening week are th erack iam Annies Uam. which has been held to gether by Manager Morley for over four year-- - --s----:? - Portland's team work, especially while at bat, Is stUl raggedv and a is th case with all new clubs. It will reqalr a few months of playing together In or- der ta wear off the rough edges. When th fact that th crack team, now under- th command of Frank Dil lon, did not break even during Uve open-Ine- aeries at bom, is taksn Into con sideration. Portland's ' performances to data have not been so bad aftsr alL Individually, the Portland club has no superior in the league, and It will not be long) according to persons who fol low the gam closely, before they will be nroflolent In a class of team work that will annex many a' gam. In Oarvtn. Jones. Esslck, Cats and French, Portland has a staff of pitcher thateomaar favorably - with that of any-minor league team in th country, and their work so far nas oeen excei lent . , . The accident to First Baseman Mitch ell Jn Thursday's game ha crippled th team to a arraater extent than moat peo ple would imagine u tuoo vi v,,v will do; for van uuren. wno nas lew suneriors as an outfielder, has . been transferred from left field to the in! tlal cushion, which position, Vancan AH acceptably, but It weakens - the outer works of the team, making tt nec essary to play a change catcher or a pitcher In left until Mitchell recovers. which will tea s sverai weeas. DIAMOND CLISTENINCS. Portland has so fa broken even with the Los -Angeles team on th local dia mond a vary good showing, consldsring everything and It la the alncereat wish of every fan. and baseball-patron "In this city that the Portland nine, wlU work Jn such harmony and action-that It will be a pleaaur to- witness th games and al low th spectator an opportunity to p proud of th Portland club, Kaalck and Toren will oppose each other tomorrow afternoon, and a royal battle Is axoected.' " Ell Catea made a favorable impression on his Initial bow -"before a local audi ence Testardar. and. although hit for long drives, h managed to keep them scattered. H is a cool worker and Is not Inclined to get rattled or wild In plnchee. HI only pass ,ytrday wae whan Tim Flood stopped a spit ball with his anatomy In th sixth. Cates I also something of ..battrlot . wlthtwo -out and th base loaaea in in seconq ne brought two runs over with a pretty hit Tim Flood mad th first horn run of th season on th looal grounds, and when th popular' little - eand-ac1cer finished th circuit h was greeted by a demonstration of handclapping. stamp ing of feet and shout of "Take off your hat" which almost made him believe he was in Los Angeles, r iooa is quit a favorite hare.' Harry Murphy caught Cat' spit ball In a clever manner yesterday, and ha a considerable ability as a backstop. - Hs had-four assists ia-resterday's game, and his only mlscue was a passed ball In the seoond thst allowed Ross to score. Frank Dllhm had hi batting eye yes terday and secured four . out of four tlrnea ii n Biff Jack McLean was considerable of a factor In yeeterday'e victory, aa he 'made' his two hits count for runs, for he scored after making ecu one. - hi cre ated a laua-h br standing behind Tomsn at seoond. Th difference "trr "trial r' le" and th attltud h assumed caused the crowd to roar with laughter. ' Jake Ats also had a perfect batting average, for In th scor he la credited with three hits in three times up. He made a neat sacrifice on th other turn at hat ; . '- Bobby Eager seem te- get nw wim more foul tips than any of th catchers. but lt-Moe not eeem to- comer mm any. XAWTKOsUrBS MFSAT AOABmrr. In a Close game of baseball yesterday morning, the Hawthorn baaeball team defeated th Third Portlanu academy team by the soor of I to i. Th fea tures of th gam wer th fielding of the . Hawthorne, and th pitching of Blakeney. who sfruck out It men. The teams llnned ud as follows; Ha wthomes . ... Academy Montagu . C Thorn Blankeney .... P Wood Oraham B8 Oeary Prehn 1st, Corbtt Hewitt Snd Eastman Palmer .a....... trd Prioe Tounger LF . Bert TMnrla CF Gray Lawson ......... RF ..... La tamer TTmnlre Hurlburt' - - Th scor by innings was: ToUla Hawthornes I 1 1 1 SMI X t Academy ........0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t 11 - nnm ro struzTSjf. v ' Tommr Traesy has oompleted Srrang "mint WHw tig borinr-hnm-ev b tendered - Kid Sullivan, the young pupil of .Traeey' boxing school who met with n -accident that necessitated th amoutatlon of a foot . Th affair will take plac at Merrill's hall on next Friday evening, and th proceeds - will go toward securing an 1 1 1 L IV. I linn .lim ..f'a ,. Th program for th vnlnr-wTTf In-1 elude a boxing exhibition netwn- sf y Uriou Billy Smith and Jimmy Rellly, another between Kid Swanson and Kid Freeman, and a special match for a medal between Hatten end Warren, th two old-time rivals of Sullivan in Tra- ey's school.. Profesaor A. J. Topping will glv an exhibition in mind reading and several othef boxing bout. In ad-, dltlon to a few dancing and club swing ing specialties and wrestling bouts will .1.1 . . AM ..l.MkU li .vh, m ii .iijvwi, .ih.imiiiiiu.iii given In tlif cause, of charity, , SOOD BBTBATS BAXXBS. M (speeiai DHpetea ie n rearaaif . Hood River, Or., April tt. Th lo cal high school team defeated th Dal le Junior this afternoon by-tn scor or to t. Jr- - - ' ? Tfow Use Liquoxono Mitlions of pcoDle. of nine different nations, are, constant users of Liquo sone. Some are using it to get welt; tome to keep well. . Some tq cure germ diseases;, some at a tonic no medicine was .ever so widely - em ployed. - These users are ererywhere; your neighbors ana trienat are among tnem. Ana nan ins peopi you meet wherever you are know someone whom Liquozone has cured. ' ' If you need help, please ask some of .these users what Liquoson does. Don't blindly take medicine for what medicine cannot do. , Drugs never kill germs. For your own sake, ask about Liquozone; then let ut buy you full-tite bottle to, try. .-. We Paid OlOO.OOO For the American rights to Liquo- tone. We did tnis alter, testing tnc product for two years, through phys- thousands of difficult cases that Liq uozone destroys the esuse ot .any grm disease. ' T.lnnnna has iar, mors thin so years, been - the. constant subject of scientific and chemical research. It is not made-by compounding drugs, nor with alcohol, its virtues are derived snlelv.from ras largely oxygen gat K a arnreii renuirina immense ap- - -- .-'"-. fri.. paratus ana 14 aays- tinier n - 1 - 1 . ... . .1 . J u.V. . , AwrtM suit is a liquid uu 7 vs" "I An h ii 1 nerve food and blood food the most helpful thing in the KARL KIM SOLVES: -BASEBALL Eugens Baseball Enthusiast Says fJxJaaA-!:rildr'- Cholcs." . Karl King of SMgene waa th only on of th many wh tried Th Journal's baseball pusxla to solve It correctly. Mr. King writes Intelligently about th play and bis answer follows: To th Sporting Editor f Th Jour nal In answer to your baseball pusale: Th batter hits a groundsr to aa In flslder. for Instance th third baseman, who uses poor" Judgment in throwing th ball, aad throws it to catch th run ner horn Instead of th on at first, Thrball, however, get there to late to catch th runner. Th man on second has meanwhll run to third and la play ing off third a Uttl. Th catcher throws th ball to catoh him at third, is 4oo late, tit man who hits th ball la on hi way to second. Th third' base man throws to second and trie to- catch that runner, who stop bf or be reach th bag. Th runner oa third run horn whan th bH 1 thrown to second. - Th second baseman can not touch th runner between flrat Snd sec ond befor th man running from third core th sixth run. Ne hit, no errors. no put outs, no assist, are made, and no base runner i nit oy oattaa oaji.- It Is simply a fielder's choice - - - " KARK, KINO, 7 Manager of Eugen High School baae ball team. ; ' The- Journal'- answer Is imHar-and follows: , , - There were . two men - out and run ners on seoond and third baae when th batter lt a grounder to th shortstop. Instead of throwing to first baa and making sur of hi man, th shortstop exercised his option of a -fielder's choice and took . chances on a shorter throw of catching th runner going from third to home rTh pickup was clean and th throw perfect,- but th runner had op talned a good start and beat th ball to th plate Th bataman. observing th play, turned flrat base and kept on running for' aecond lo draw a throw from th catcher, Meantime th runner n second had gon to third, and when th catcher threw down to second a made e daah for home . The runner between first and second atopped so aa to prevent th second baseman from touching him, and before the latter L could return th ball to th catcher1 th second runner bad. also ecored. Th Uttsiu nlssn, ind-jquih throws wer perfect, so that there was no er ror, yet there was no hit, no put-out and no assist, and th ball waa hit Into j Victor Dining Table with patent end- extension . ' ' '.The : : ' ' STi-l : No lesTcs'to i 5 C v'i-.., ' be removed ; . ACme ol Le-w " f ) ( l- in' extending Convenience ( Ii ( ' ' tsbie. C V I inmfag ts- I rTi'A ( " ""...".1.'...',) ( IlZlLl::.:.:i I I justed instsnt-1 1 C. I bis. cloth and if - l ' V If snd is sl- I st , i aians nea not i , , . ' - 'I WB'" rcauy- i ,v. . I t removed. I ' - . I for USS. I ' . j Eirtendcd Showing positioa of lavs and method of eparaUon 1 1J ' I ! Price $12i00 and Up if : e i ! ; . J - - : ' rsr .' .- I err - ' - 1 ' HENRY JEM A'; , . ' v. nrvxh -- Hrr TnrT--TJTTOTT'rTTVTia.TTC'T rrrv-iC' - - - Won't You world to you. Its effects are exhil- arating, vitalising, puruying. i is a germicide so certain that we pub lish on every bottle an offer of $1,000 for a disease germ that it cannot kill. The-reason is that germs re vegeta bles; and Liquozone like an excess of oxygen is deadly to vegetal mat ter.' - . ' There lies the great value of Liquo zone. , It is the only way known, to kill germs in the body without killing the tissues- too. -Any drug thst kills germs is a poison, and it cannot be taken in ternally. Every physician know that medicine la almost neipicss in any germ disease Z r Germ Diseases : These are the known term diseases. All that medicine cart 'do for these troubles is to help Nature overcome the germs, and such results are indi rect and uncertain. Liquozone at tacks the germs, wherever they are And when, the germs which cause a disease are - destroyed, the disease must end, and forever. That ia in evitable, . :.. ; . ; :. .;;'."',."' AetkaM " Hay' Paul Isflsisss ' AHmaa isaisils KidW Diaeasae Seaeehltla La Ortma - leeearreee Llm TmMM Malaria Near lata -Meay Heart Tuesla ' : rtlaa PaeaweeU PWarlay Qalaey . RAeesatiaai Suaftila Sryama Skla Dtasaaas " . prlcht'a Inaaaae Boal Taoablaa . Concha Old . . CaoaasiftkM Coile Oraae OaeatlpatSoa Oataiik Casear -braaatary DUmat fals territory. Under th scoring rule, wMl the. shortstop was guilty of a technical' error of Judgment in throwing to the wrong base b could not b charged with an. error, but the play had ta be credited a A fielder- ehpie. This play- haa occurred probably soocea of'tlme on various diamonds in cluding Recreation Park. Thee answers conclude th pusal oonteat, which demonstrated through out that the Oregon fans are thoroughly up-to-date . t. , ANNUAL CLASS DAY ' AT FOREST GROVE Sprlat .Dtepate te Taa JoeraaL) - Forest Orov. Or., April tt. Th an nual class field meet will be held on Monday. Th Individual winners will receive badges and the winning class th "MUlls cup." Th . sophomores hold th ana. but Gilbert, on of th strongest point winner I In Tale, uav- Inrf Peterson alon to compete from that class. Th mt promisee 10 oe one of th closest ever held at th local Asld day. Thsr Is a great demonstrsx tlon of class rivalry and all tn classes hav been doing hard and constat ant training. "Dad" Moulton will b her th day WT tn tryout ana wiu mm charge of the team immediately. The first meet will be with Columbia, to be held In Forest drove. May t. j " NEW BOOKS FOR THE LIBRARY . :: . PeriasJasls. Ausdawy sad Lrtaratara w r ... saw . . a .' eiabSaat. 'PSWatWilT Atbesaeasv-JabT-Peeaibar, ISO. Dial Jaly-Deeeajeer, laot. ST. Uttell'a llriag Age October-Deeember, ISO, v. ta.' ' Katlea Jaiy-Daeaaiber. 10. v. T. Not a sad Qaarlae Jaly-Peeesiser. ISO, ter. 10, v. a OrarUsd Motitalr Jelr-Docewbar. 104. v, 44. PaMls Opinion Juljr iWamhar, 10. v. ST. " Spaetater ISO, v. ssat. - " ' SellslSBi ' ' Spear, B. B. "Bflsatooe ssd Madera Rlstery." IT. CbalBMra, Tkeaaae qrsitlaa . sad , CI Tie tMMa, f fra-a Tana.' Ed dc tlaa 1 inltw. Jasa-DeeaniWr. ?'air! . T. "Casals Olty." ISO. Goodhue. W. P. "Mank-lDal In KalLna. T. A "Olrt f Wark.n - 10. LaaUe, T. B. C "BaaaT U PeUUcat Beaa. aribaad. Cbailea . -raafbar Ssd ta lHreat.M acsoel SMtisw. isoa. . ,is. , Pbllalagy. Doff, Archibald "Hebrew Grass Cajart. Plartas "Hletery ef BlesMstary sutaaaaatiea." imn. Holder, C. . "Ivery Bias." Sdeaee. Jaly-DecsaBbar, ISM. . a THfe COMPLETE HOUSEFURNISHERS 172474 First Street Try It Free? Peaa eff Prepay PraeepaU tmasia lirelylae . rma OaU Steaa 1 ftoltre Ooa - ... QonarrSea Olaat ' ' te . Thraal Tmlim . Tntal I faaaare-iksM ." . Tarleaeal .1 11 All ainaan tea Veale Hh flasiaaatlea all eatarrb all aaataalaaa aVaaaea I 11 the rasalta of Iwaere r a iliml t-o. a a oemuiy ueeaesea acta aa s VKa ' laer, aaaaaaillatlag wsat aa drags uaa . 50c Dottle Free If you need Liquozone, and havt never tried it, please-, send ut this ' coupon. - We-will thenmaii you an, oraer on s tocar arurgist tor a ruii size bottle, and wewmpay th drut-r gist ourselves for It This is our free ' gift made to convince you: to show you what Liquozone is, and what it can uu, -an juaiite ui jvuiki), wwev, j-- .1.1: .: Liquozone costs joc and $1.' ". " . ' I Cut Out this Cotrpon l Jar this effar jay set sypaar esata, PTfl eel tke biaaka -aad Ball li TWa Ilraiaiaa Oaaisaa. eos-SM Wsbaab Ae Ckleage. Is........ I save Barer triad Ueavnaae, bet tt pa trill seaely bm s SOs settle tree I win take tt. 1 ' ' ' , - ' .'" ' . ISIIIIIt SSSST IlltlllllllltIS n .A'. or ran ad Aay skyaleUa er VMyttal aat yet etsi wiu ae giaaiy aapsuea tm a was. WaUa lacs, A. B. "atsdlas Sdaatlse a aisoo. .i v, , ).''- -Vaaral Arte. Barker. Taaaiaa "Pothatboek far flbisiliia "I isoa ' '.. - Bertett. c " Wfc aaeT ear AsrVajMard far Baalaaer." . - Lack, a O. .W"sHaar's Pexsetbaas. 1S0U Bcect. Jotaa aad etbara "SoU at the ParK.! 1S01. . - . SMaart,B. asd Oras. H. J. "Harias Staaat' Baiae.' ISflS. 1 raae ana, laaieaiag ssmaaiseaw. . Edwrnroa, J. H. "Ooa aad atnale." MoaleyTw. If. "Baaay ea An-hary ' " (' Paaraaa. J. CWlntredactlea as llatalwarkal tog.'' , - . - . - - , . Aiesfsiaisa r - .- "Amaabasi. William, ed. "Bana Beak.', j Bairlastaa. Dalnaa "MlagelUnUa." i Brewaa, r. P.. ed. "Ooldaa Peaskt. ky.Srttat lab and Asierleaa Aatkor." carventw, f. I., ee. "Bsgllsb Xarric Pvatry." 100-l.TOO. ( caambara, . a, . --Bnae raarenHi. thift. Sir M, B. O "AaLbokofT e Victoria X Poatrr " ' HeaeeaolTAIfM "Art ef Flarwritms." Jtartta-'Oa Soaaa ef seas aaaea re's raaaalsV (Ii.naa MaatMBry,' D. H., ad. "Herat BanadS With Peawa af War and Patrloties." Walla. - - Aatkalaer. Saaailytias aad Travel." Bewares, W. S. "tnte tb Yekon." 104. yratar. J. S, '"Hltory of the' Vera see eao Olaeorerlas Mad la the North." l.Tas. J . Halbart, A. B. "Hlatorle . Rlgbways - ef anerlra.'7 IS v. . ' . Kraaeaatars. A. J. ae ."Teres -'BssaOt tba World la the year 1S0S, ISO, ISO aad 10. T . i La Parooa. J. P. da Oalaa. Owt oymr 'hVoand the 'World la te Xaais 1TSS.I ITS. 17 aT aad ITSS." Sv. i.raca. Haaaaa 'nraaea ism w. Ooaatr Bmlt tldnayW'SetUara KW Hoes. taftfiajir.' ll.i. laSu 11 1. -U. f.tarar TJfta. ' "National Creknaadle of Aaiarlraa Blaea rsphy.' V. U. Tieties. ATarr." V. I.,' ed. "Vlrflaia Obrl-hv th Ortl war, 1WH-OS," Bayalai aV r. O.. Bareal va "Lattar Which Nae Beached Him." ' Taoag. A. B. "Sally of Msert"t 10. . i . Beaks fer Ohfldres. " Dote, H. H. "Xoaa yelk's Histary ef Baa .j - i. Bwisg, Mrs. . 7. Blooa-!" aA , M a (O.l "Casa Field B. Bert and SI. B. CeMa, 1 111 1 1 1 1111 s 1111 nswaiseaar. "Uttl Polk'e Fairy. Tela" . -r'T IfeCeea, 1. It. 'Booad A boat Kuree," - v Prla. Jtatkarlaa "Chlldbood!" Ikr T S. Mi gtnwell. ' TwltebaU. H. 'Teaaeas Chlldlm." ;; : 1 " '-' rr "' ! athabaarb raem. From th Sacrament. Bee. ' . Clark Standlford. a former weli-knews grooar of Marysvlll. California, la pre paring to engage in the cultivation r rhubarb' on an extended cl at his ranch - near Chlao Mills. Butte county. Flv ton of root hav been shipped to htm.andthey wlU ferm.ta. baala for his nterprise. nt -Thy met. : , -...-j-.j. -. .. "Hello, George! What do you knowf "Nothing, BUI.. What do you knowf "Not a thing." - ..Than they talked; to each other for iMlriit fcM, and & half .. . i.' ----- V