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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1905)
GC L ' ' -r .. f .. !.. A ... - -.' - '.' .' ' s ... -, i' Of Tnf JjrSrii ;v ' i J I 1 1 '.: ' Yestsrdiy V7aV. LVaU I , r V.-;; . r.. i ;- Tonight nd runday;, fair;" northerly-winds.; v.- V - t fk Wln .Cents Befcre First- Rally of Day. ? - -ti-t cates bulls join :; ; '.HWITH ARMOUR BEARS r""- -w-rfi,-' - 'f:-:'-' SS- Panic Prevafl In the Chicago Pit .'i-Urf'V., tj v . .-''rrvTTT "r-3 " and Patiemn Oiitirf frarL- Crcwna of a Howling Mob ' i of Spaculator.,'.:,':i.-.''t, fl)lcfx April JI MtyrwjiMt bad net loaa of 1 enta .sbuahel .today. July fell At alshtha-of cent, and 8e( tan bar three) - elf bthar of -mi .enR.i..-;. ?. TherW waa . panle on the board ail through today's aeaaloa. -, Crowds piled- into tii vlattorr vailery thick aa aardtnea in a can, and many thousands outalde rwara .' claiaortna for admlaslon. Outclda the ichanire building poUoo war ataaonad.-to keep' the sarainc. howlinc mob from praotlc-ally attack In a the building.. Broken - beada . were 1 - naaaatmmmtmrfht;?!ti' tin -nnr wit ; the wheat pit, tba acenea ware auch, that i bad not ben wttneaaed by the old arajr walla tor jaaoy yearai: Tba 'circulation of the rumor that Chartee-W. Oatea and wiurnnonr lo cioae uuu mv- asay.aeiu created intense feeilne; amona; theithotw aanda who hartlavated-In May wheat , on tha .atatejnant-- of ' Qatea -.that' '. tlie market would -o, beyond .. I1.2S a bueheL (, v .-.--i ? . -i ,..!.-.:. Traders , on the. floor of tha exchange war panic-stricken as the pricee. eon7 tlnued to tumble all through the aea Iob. Thar iwaa- no one on tba .floor in charga of tha.buHa.., k- , , Majalviilatlnn ajpami'.J. ' Tha remarkable ' feature of r - today's Baaaion was' the ft-reat atrength shown by the deferred optionsJuly and Sep' cent lower,' while the 'latter: went down bat. cent.' The action' of the July and September clearly Indicates that manipulation caused the heavy de cllne of the May option. - T. . '..The wheat market .this morning opened with May wheat ranging from f 1.0 to 11.10. a loss fit from 1 to 1 cents a bushel from the closing figure of the previous session. t 'i .. , i ' The movement off May wheat from the opening market but wah a series of severe declines until the market reached 1.7. The bulls here-offered a alight resistance to the' bear avalanche and a 7omentairteadyhis prices w the The downward pressure of the bears, led by Armour brokers, waa .too muoh fori an already badly scared lot of traders .and In quick succession . the prioa dropped by quarters until It struck the bottom at SH cents. ' This was a drop of 11 H cents from the closing of Thursday.. , . .: w: " ' (Continued on Page Two.- V .-.fl ff- -,i.i.iL - - - - - - -)1 y " - i r ' , . . -. I '. ' ' '".,'' 'I ' ' '- -'A V- :Vy "? 'iim. PeI;N:rt6urnsSTiirtIe in Night CcIIisidn with 1: Steamer. SeiFbamVr': L-J .(- v. LATTER RAMS HER.? : . OFF COQUILLE-BAR .fe:.--'.v : -t " ,. t ,( No Lives Lost, So FaraTMeagsr I Reports Received Indicate. T-.-Damage td PortlaVid'-'f ;'i Boat-Mot Known.-. ; ( '4 v'1.. (SptcUl Osipateb U ne jooraall '. San Francisco.. April 13. The steam schooner Sea Foam, ' bound : from . Port- mnd for , this . port, collided with : the schooner Del' Norte off Coqullle7 bar 1ms t night,, and. damaged the; latter, so badly that aha capslaeii. ' . . : ',- '- Meager reporta received Indicate that no Uvea were lost. The Del Norte a of -ficera and crew bad a narrow: eacape from, 'drowning. . Realising ' their , dan gerous predicament., it la reported, they lowered a small boat and managed to board tha Sea Foam and wlU be brought ( am oily. - : ,t . - . only 7 tons net register, , 8he belongs is n. im xiums, uie ogue river can nery man, . who Operates her down the coast t carrying ; salmon '' anf ' general sustained, by the Sea,; If, any. -has not been ascertained. ' Bhe Is owned by Peadle Bros., ' of - Ban " Francisco.' ; -" '. t r 1 vr-, ,-.- - the- Bea Foam had on board ' l0.0e feet 'of 'lumber' which ' was. supplied by the Portland Lumber company., -f Bhe crossed the Columbia riven bar. yester day morning on her . maiden . voyage. In command of ' Captain . Miller, . who came here from - the Bay - . City to assume charge of her The hull -of the. vessel waa -built at Aberdeen. Washington,' and brougm to - Portland, whare-the ma chinery was Installed by the Willamette Iron at' Steel Works. J-On her trial trip isfaction and) showed a -speed of' 14 knots an hour.' It waa claimed that she n tha fastest steam scnooner of ; bar sise on. tha coast When she arrived at San Francisco It was the Intention of the owners 'to place" her In - commission between that port, and ' Point - Arena tn the lumber carrying trade. She -was also provided with space for the accommodation of 10 passengers, but no one but the offlcers and crew were aboard Of her when shs left thls'porU . . i : t NOTORIOUS FEMALE t- 4 V " BANDIT IS KILLED ' ''r. .' '' '' "' ''.-"' .' n ,.rl v. 1 - (mr! Special Service.) ; " ; " Washington. ' April 1 1. Apolonla Ca- (ra the notorious female bandit of Ba- tangas province, in the Philippines, has been killed by constabulary, .acoordlne; to advices received here.'.' She waa sur prised in the mountains and refused to surrender, . ' i.;-,V'v:.. . " " 1 " '.'. ' " ' """ ' -'Journal: is a ; ,'three e r- u.'.- it.- 5 !j!...'..-j: a tree- uum inc. msioious uiacascs wmui, tuuic wiui age- inu -. X esteerned cotlteniporary, the; 1 1 and is ' still, "rnarking tinie,": Z I yet, trudging(though'decrepit, I'ru,amd.Mruty":!in;eyery' joint, and sugnant in-circulation. X Z jThe . "hired men'; oU the'Morniig ! Only 'andits -Evening t Appendixmakerteerry " and cast" reflections" upon "their .etv . r offolishTpwder.JItdoessee Journal has ' more i; thai 20,000 circulation . in 'Portland "and Oregon, ' a circulation V gained in- X v three years, 1 and ' a circulation greater - in the; territory" named'- than that , of the Oregonian, or 2 X ; To ' prove' it ' The Journal's circulation , books are ; open ' to interested - advertisers and ; its i t pressroom s latch string is on the i outside, as The Journal has nothing to hide trom thej-T advertising- public from' which; it; receives such, a' generous support." y And jo ernphasizefur-.'. T Aer The "Journal's circulation claims 1 arid f igures--to prove it does have a cfrculatiop- ' live . T circulation, bona ; fide,": open ; to investi Ation -The Journal ; is willing' to contribute $500;; to ,1 . any, deserving .'charltyr'. the Telegram and Oregonian to contribute a like sum, if .a committee 1 Jof three' to five -businesT men, to be selected as agreed upon, sitting as investigators of. news- X t - paper, circulation does not J 1 1 and.; In. . Oregon: equals, if it does pot : exceed,- that- of - the-.Telegram or - the daily r Oregonian, ; the paper , that falls, down in the contest to forfeit the sum named to charity, while' the others t : ; .are tor have; their money returned C j ! -7'Ti'r WOULD STOP ALL y-, a" - . W WORK ON SUNDAY St. Louis Brewers .. X Want - No sNewsi. Mo Druss, No Street--j cart, . No t . V - . ; ( Joeraat .Sseelal aVrrVJ . :St Louies Mo., ApriJtlZi rr-Brewers will make an ' attempt to enforce the Sunday .closing, law: to-The last exttem-lty,-Andw St.jLouls . wJU be -given the 'rest cure bn one of-every seven days,, if the plan succeeds.' ' The- heads of the breweries- of Sflxnits have kgreed to sub mit to the closing orders and shut down absolutely,' but-In so doing . will Inslat that the law be. enforced to the letter and that no dlscrlmlnatlonbe made. - They advocate stopping the street cars on Sunday, the abolition of Sunday newspapers, the closing up. or all news and clgai Stands and tha prohibition of drug stores, from' selling anything-but medicines. , . ;( '' . -.!.' .." ' .t To this end the b.rewerlSs have re solved tocomBlxjrlth tha Bunday rlos Ins law... and to go before the police board of the city council of St. Louis and demand that buntnesa violation-of the law be stoppeL.Tbex hold that tl law does not discriminate, nor does it particularly specify dram shops or any other business. ':..'. ', ,:'s.s . .''.j . OLD COUPLE RE-UNITED 1 : i AFTER LONG SEPARATION . V - (Joerssl Special Berries.) - ; Fresno. CaL, April It. After 2 years of efparatfon k ' white-haired' couple a re reunited.. W. A. Wilson, new In his eighty-third year,; wept on the shoulder of his wife," shs herself being 1 years old.' They quarreled In Portland, Maine, and from that day to thla have never seen each-other.- Tha reconciliation was brought about by their son. " . -The aged people say they want to die In each other's arms. Wilson Is a well known character In Madera. Mrs." Wll-' son csme recently from Maine. The couple were married SO years ago. , ' ths WsrohJpevof thi RuMUn.Flt-lom(Rirt to Lft They Are " - - " r - - - - - -, - - - - -ji -in. T. 1. XI LIU. L"l n Mn'CVlluL. irttn y ' ' I ii - year - old,";:youthful and lasty, ' . i. : -i .j Telcam, announces. that it has entered, its1 twenty-ninth year while its foster par$ht the .Oregonian, has , passed its - fifty-third betters,' and otherwise show that show in their report , that The ' Journal's circulation in Portland ,- 2 TRAIN 0RDR NO. 1 I ON THli PORTAGE ROAD e. . . - . '.e e ' 1 Following la W eepy of the firstf" e train order Issded en the Oregon ' e Portage ralHrgt, April IS.: l0l: e e ; v-Cecilo. Or..Siprtl ,. 16 - Oregon Portag Hallway.' Train - -d ' Order No. 17 " Conductor and 4 e Kntrmeer Kngrfl Ne u Work- until .-runner wonce oeiween e Celilo and Btg-Rldy. as fan as e nack is laid, ruining- alow and e carefully over Wwly laid and e unsurraoed rrackt in no case ex- e ' ceedlng- eight miles per hour. ' Run very eantloualy - ever long ' tresUe bridge at .'Cape Horn," ', not -exceedlnr four' miles peff hour... f B.-JTC.f . '.Ae -V, "Received "at" 1W a. ms. - "P. H. MARRION, Eng." , MANDATE ISSUED FDR RETURN OF. BEAVERS was ' Issued -today from; the supreme court to the United States' circuit court of the auuchenrumcf brTJewTork; Iat superintendent of' salaries and al lowances of the poatof flee department, to ' Washington for trial. In accordance with the decision of the supreme court Monday. , : .. '-.. ... y , LIMOGES STRIKE ENDS 1 AND WORKMEN RETURN .' ' Wearasl SpeeUI lervka.) - f i '. Umoges. France, - April - IS. The strike of the porcelain workers, which has caused considerable rioting- is ended. Work will be resumed Monday. ' .' ' i ml I ii i , . "t '-' .TaHnrrnm nr ispmos. . ..v'fl !' ' (Jearasl Special Srvlee.)V ' :: "Naples. 'April JB. Mount Vesuvius la In eruption. Tourists sre flocking to the vicinity to witness the phenomenor. tii. i ' A-r-.iAi'.J X"',.,' ""trT. t' ""V" f-.. v ,. ,, , . , ,. ' IT ; . . " " sound in wind and . limb,' and I l " ' tn... ?...;. e uiuistrcuwii r - juuiiiai a they are . under .'the " influence ' OFFERS BROTHER . : r . TO BE HANGED ,-' -.' .. ',- ' ' . .. . -s Kansas Girt Willing to Send Him to Gallows In Exchange for ; Murderer Rudolph. . 4oerssI-Bpsrlsl Service:) jTefferson City. Ma April fS."-filnoe he has-been -la, office, Governor Folk has received hundreds of letters v from Kansas on matters 'of Interest to Mis souri, ana tne entire nation aa welL He has received a leUer. however, from Rosedale. Kansas which Is -given first places so far as tbeimaking of sugges tlona to the governor Is concerned. The letter-Is as follows; r.r, .... V.To.- Governor Folk Dear Sir:-; My sister arid I decided that If you will exchange, we win let. you. take, our brother and bang .him,-Instead, of. Mr. 'Bill' t. Rudolph, as . our brother. Is no account, and never will be; and maybe Rudolph would be If you give him. rhinpL Wa mnt his filciur Ati Af Ik psper and put it In our parlor. '.;. We 1 . - , . .. m- w - - ...v think' lie la'k nue'liAikliirinsnr' you will - please exchange for brother Jim. let us know through the newsna- lP"ThJnd-yS-wUl he nn hind fos.eur man. tours truiy, c , ----.J, ., .. "A KANSAS GIRL."'.' ' "Bill" Rudolph was condemned - from Union,' Missouri. aax the bank robber who killed Detective Schumacher while resisting arrest.' , - TO ESTABLISH AMERICAN f 1 'COLONIES IN MEXICO . (Jeerasl SpteUl Srrie. - City of Mexico, April 12 It Is report ed that G. C. Probe sco of Los Angeles, California, has obtained from the Mexi can government a concession to survey all public lands In the state of Slnaloa, aggregating more than 0.060,000 acres. The government. It la said, will grant to Mr. Pro bs sco one third of all lands he surveys It Is estimated that he will get 7,000,000 acres, . on ' which he pro poses to establish a number of Ameri can colonies. . rljintfj ietlaadC :Z 4-! ' ln.HI 1. 1 ll T'l L i '-i"-ln".'LV-LX wn..'.- WWmiyiyi, ISill SJL' . K.A'- rS-''"r.r'-': .. . -' Czar : Anticipates Revolu- tionary Outbreak p taster Holidays.- ordersJall! governors Vii v - JP SJAY AT; POSTS Symbols Marking Houses for PillageT EaHyTn May Said to T nave ueen rixea un X a , Turbulent In South .''!. i -'-'.. . ; , - V -J ...... -i .,j , '.. ;(',.' .,v i ; ir (Joorasl Special fcrrlca.)r .- ' St - Petersburg, April- li The eni has issued orders to governors-of all provinces not to leave their districts during. Eastet . holidays, but"; to remain at their posts,, double their guards and be in readiness to suppress thg expected disturbances." ,f r1 , It , Is supposed . that- the order - has been Issued, aa a pracautjon. against riots v that : have., been . threatened.- for some time by striker as well as revo tatlontsta . Outbreaks against tha Jews are especially feared. . ' The Eaater holidays have Jong been designated as the time for i a general protest, .and uprising -sgalnatx-bureau-cracy. The attitude- of the, workmen has 'dally become -more 'threatening .of late . and the' middle- classes throughout' the empire - are thoroughly alarmed. The reports 'declare that the workmen have decided ' to Inaugurate ' an era, of pillage on May S,' the third day of the Russian Easter celebration. Even- the symbols to mark houses that are to bej pillaged ' are ' reported to have - been de termined upon. - ' : Serious antl-semltic disturbances have already begun in the towns-of southern Russia, j the soldiers er the ; garrison . ... . . . . . . . jPj' SlliKM . arSowmrr' ? .J"JT ""r." called to restore order... j. Jha-leadlng siponsnts of a saastlio. tlonal' government fiercely denounce' the manner In which the bureaucntcy- la trying to defeat the movement for free dom which all Russia, is waging against It. Its efforts to gsg public opinion sre declared In direct contravention of the spirit of the Imperial ukase of. March . giving Individuals and societies the right freely to petition the-throne. . May day demonstrations on a grand scale are being planned by the Socialist wing of the reform party Organised meetings and parades will; be: held In svery city and Industrial center In Rus sia. Leaders disclaim sny Intention cf rioting but afclare that if the police at tempt : to ' break up- the demonstrations the -government will be answerable for the consequences. 4 -- .. . , Additional Cossacks are' being brought into St, Petersburg. MasVow, and War saw In view of anticipated disorders on May- day. ' ; Wholesale' arrests' contlnuo to bs made of all those' suspected cf liberal tendencies. . ; . ; . . Russian Squsdroh Leaves, Kamranh Bay for Hci- nan-lslsiid PcrtiV CZAR ORDERS' FLEET TQ - LEAVE FRENCH WATERS Great Britain Joins .' Japan in TiWaRFrig a Protest to France "AfcaJnst the Stay of Ba I tic B attleshlps. i London. April U. (Bulletin) A Tte port . Is circulated here to, the effect that the Japanese consul at Manila, has received a wireless message from Admiral Togo stating that" he expected to engage the Russian fleet abortly off " tha Island of Formosa. y . 1 (Jearasl SpeeUI Serrleo.) ' London, April 22. A dispatch to the Central Newa from Paris states that it ' la announced .-there , Rojeatveneky left Kamranh-bay today for the island of Hainan, where the vessels go to coal. Hainan la a large Island north of Kam ranh bay. In the "gulf of .Tonquin, and belongs to China. ,''. A Toklo dispatch states thst the min istry -of marine announces that trust worthy eye witnesses report- the four Russian cruisers today outside of Kam ranh harbor and seven battleships in side.' ; y - , . . ; I ... i Six - lother wsrshlps were noticed In single-formation outside ot the south ern entrance to ths bay.-. t 'It la reported at fct. Petersburg n high authority that the emneror haa or. dered Rojestvenaky's squadron to leave French .territorial water The order Is said to be imperative. -.. . i. The Paris correspondent ef Die Tlt Mail Gasette says that he understand that ' the; British ambassador at Paris b.wv vwi. ukvu in. r....r nn i. nae oeen' interrupted in his Easter holl d"Ja ami lias returned tu iails ta ui rrom. his government . porting the proteat of Japan against '""XJZLJLIlSaMJiaJlfttt 111 ffsmiemw mint ,i, .... .,. i , i.. . A Toklo dispatch atates that it Is re ported that the Russlana are concen- ' trattng In Posslet bay. which Is located 1n the northeast 'angle of Korea, and that they are planning to move lntb Ko rea in order to bar the advance of tha Japanese toward Vladivostok. ;. DLCASSE REMAINS. .'; J V rreaea : Foreign BCUtotes Baeoasldeiw Action. After Talk With Xrfrubet. : (Joeraal Special Ssrvles.) Paris. Aprjl , .,-, Foreign Mlnmep TheOphile Delcasse after a conference with Prealdent Lou bet this morning an-, nounced officially that' he will remain' In the cabinet aa foreign minister..' " .-M.vEtlcnne,i minister, of the Interior, stated in the lobby of the chamber of deputies today .that M. Delcasse had : 4