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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1905)
:.7Z1U S2. 1ZZ2. Ccn?rtnc cf Ccluir.-U" Hltr v .pc;irT"3cj th Yt!us CSACON'3 PACX VZHY K (JNCirVTAU TO DATE Hops Art Ci"!r2 at. Amines Ci. Art on tn Fanca . Ctrawberrizs Cettar. '.';, treat Street. April Tke frMptl fit. M tat FprUead irMtHlt .Mutate today ' ' ... SahBoe prteea ere . , , -i heeeipte tt mIbo larger. - : Mop art selling at MnM, , ' I f, Bscs are oa toe (tin. , , ' : .-, ' . rWtrr mm eHrathr iBBtsri - '. ; - Strawberrlee ere selllag ratter. ' . , . ' Veal market toee te pleesa. that reertpra at Seerier. . s J : . Twe eere Colorado lata teas, r - KlminU potatoes ere saw Am. ; , , attar BMrket aboet to tan. j Cherries la cam tartar. -r '-rr' ,' .: ' " ' : 1 ,' Salaua Mate lit' dmeV ' .. . . The epaalas prices en Colombia rlrer Cktaaok H aioa ara anreaaed tmm tfcoas of tba pre. I etaes rear. Taa prleaa were aula raatarday till awtiu Mia br rwai rarioea packers at the efttee ot tba Oetaabla hirer Parkers' saaaeUtJoa at Aeteria. Tke , prUoe ssieed apoa by tba pasters -ara: Tails, al.eo; flats. Iliij karraa. to, dosea.- Tba W.t W.. .4 k . - W p. ' ' . Tit ,.AT- r.-mET , , . I Iff fi ,-'. . , May. - July. ' 4 Chicago . .....$l.00w. t JIKB Mlnoeapolla ... .IT ' - rmiuth i. ,IH .( , Wlnnlpac ...... 4 Hllwuika .... '.! 4 v.ltu A 4 ...KMiaa. CUT... J,ll- ' ' Loi".. ttjLM J B 11 A,.a Naw Tot.... l.tlfcR J a -Ban rrmneuco . , . l.ZT -Pry. bMM. 'Ha. .L-MJbm aM a. m lb; ry kw, Ka. t bs A aaii. ha. 1. uan tbm. aT la M lei avr eaif. Ma. 1. aaoat t Da. la..ll.: av aaltaa klaaa, atatM. aai4, Iba at tnr, IVf I bo to iba. Iwojbct aaaar Ifaa .J aa bvlla, aoaao, Xe: Ba. M Hot (aaaaJtaa). la par lb rata; aalla. la Dor ftTaaai aiora. aauaa. aaca. a- aaebv; oolt klaaa. aacb. 6tuo aaiaa, aoBMoa, vara, iaiaot aowa, 8fV-i atan and ball, aoaao, b'p. It n H lbaT6; aoaao. 10 to 14 1 liiet aaU, aoaao. a mm U Iba. HOUa jaaaajtad). la par lb Urn; aalla U par ' bottnf woa a my aplritaa ana aaO 1 ' tlata It Imkao ai If tLa aackara woaU Tba Mrrar porooa to aiaba aay prwa r tba aa aaeaaat at tba aaoartala araaaaea far , tba baaaaa. It vaa aaraaO by aatay that prlata , - taw 111111 anoBMl aa traa aa to 10a a oeaaa t blaaar tbaa thoaa t tba prarlaaa nana, bat .. tba taar at aaapotlttoa la tba packara to aota - . 4 lawar flfara. Km aa auttara aov ataaA It vb) aa llkaly that paekara wtU ba la aranb a( , - a hacry to toll tbair prataet. Tba tollorwtBC ; apatui wir ,wa racaira rr JTrt iWW I iapi anaiaiaa at Aatoriai (i- Lt b - f 1 JafiabaylJaaf roM SarAaPa. 1 Aatarla, April n Tba aikla rlrar district Bat ' artaraana ba4 fli4 nrtcaa (or tba maul aaa - asa. . Tta aaaallac waa bald at tba rnml , , aanaaa ai oa oauawia Birar raaaara' aaaoeia .. Uaa aaa war aUaaoao by prartlaally all at tba , paekara t tba Oolaariila rtnr olatrtot. Tbt . bMatlna laatad (or aama tlaa. aa4 aa aa aiaananat at tba raaalt vaa toada aaUl It waiiiaalua. -- x Tba prleaa afraid apoa far tba apanbif ara , " Maatlral wttb tbaaa find laat yaar. ror flatt , taa pnea traa aat at i.aa a anaaat far taua. rba aackara at tba Cel. aat bara lata yaatarday 1 . tl.a; tor barra. to aaata. bad for an la, fi.m. a aaabj a ' Aa aadtriaaal ebaraa of . gra apoa far kay caaa. . l Oaa a( taa paekara wba ttoadad tba BaatJaf ; ; aaa and tba rapraaaatatlaa mt Tba liwraal Ut ' tba BMOtlno waa aat aaraiaalaai. bad that It . aa aaa al anally aaraad ar tba Barbara tbat ' tba prtcaft abaald ba tba aaato aa tbaaa, find ' Hat aaaaaa at Itba apoala , Oaadltlaaa vara vary aiab tba aaaM, attboarb tba aptnloa la aipraaaad that prleaa wlU aaar bafor tba a aaa la avail adraarad. ' ' . Wirb roforaaea to tba eaadlrlaa of tba toarkat :.- OaaMal Elari. who keapa la cbiaa toacb vttb taa araat caatara, atatad Ula iaanilB( tbat tba ; areaoarta vara anjtkt for a, profltaMa aai .' .IW autoaamt la- alaalflcaat la riaar ad ' rary faaaral dtopaalttoa aa taa part aC aackara 1 ' to aa paaaieusua. . Tba 1B04 park la aaatplataly wtpad oat aatd Mr. Elawra, "and ara atart Mt tbla aaaaaa itb k rlaar aaarkrt ta work rm. I aai lafanaad " that, araa tba tobbara ara wall rlaanao aa. Tbard ara aa aoidiaaa laft. J anaaiMr tba alt' atrsa al rarorakM aad.laac, far a ! iaar. - apply ar ru raar. -r ., rba aappty of fatt fbas'far to poor, aa M laall tia Maa. bat tba aaallrr to. mwHIu - J ' to aackara. baclar tbaa arar bafara at tbla aaa- M at tbt raar. air. KtoMra aald tbat ail at tba caaaaryaMa wba attaadrd tba Matiac yaa- tarda raaurkad tba tad rotor ad tba fab aad -' tba aaeaprjaaaliy Uaa aautr. .auajaur aa, It -.aay appaar, fak ara piratlfBl mr Kataaa '. . aad ftaator. bat fraai Catblaaot oowa to tba . bar ftobaraaa faaka vary aaar' baaa. - Oaa - : aalalac raaad. tba Ollaar aaada, bt la nparattoa. ' tba raaalpta bataa too. to 1.000 aaaaaa daUy, . Vwbtrb to caaaldarad aaeallaat. tts. ' Tba raaairlaa bad cold atonaaa bara baaa an , fraatly laproaad dartac taa wtotor. aad waaa , tba baary raaa caato all af tba affarlaca ad aa .' flaharaaa orlll ba aarad far. Tbat tba muWi. . ' 'laal af toa.000 caaaa wiU ba baadlad tkto Ara talllaa At Ad - af bttpa. wbteb wara aotd at tba blbaat f toara c ar tba aaaaaa aaaM uaa aaa ne a paaao. ''.Tba aallar waa Q. at. Maaeba, a grawar aad t J aValar af Aarara. wba aoaw ttata aaa affraad -Jna tn. Kraoba byatbara. Tba brtco paid la , baltoaad to aa ate a paaad, bat baa aot baaa . aada pablle by tba aarcbaaaa. Tba fry lot to ratad tba brat aeaa la tba atata. Tbay wara ; srawa aaar Habbard. a boat to allaa fraai tbla rtty. .'Taa 'aMrbat raaalaa oatot wltb batb ' oaa tar aad trowar awaltlaf tba aetloa af taa ' awatlK ast waak. -'n .... . ,. 'Taal JUrka waaa to W !- ' Tba raal aarfcat la la tba wont pearlbW torn ' aitloa. Tbara to bat lluia damaad -troa aar aaura,'ad araa tbeaa aallrra da aat waat to - pay taa prlca. atrlpto ara baary aad . f tba atarka kara baaa eaal to aald a 1 Tba awrbat la ftattrd wltb aarrac a aba aad taa toaa to waak wttk (rteaa aat aa klab. la onatad fate. x .-v. . - Two Oua Oilaadl gatotoaa Antra. , Twa ear af 8raaly potatora ara la tba aarfcat aad ara toiltac aara at abaa tba aam flaara aa tba toeal ateca. ; A boot fir vara ' ara wr daa fraa atlaaaata.,- Tbay Will Hktlf ' be dlrartod to taa fTaactora. , . .Today'a waabaal aaotattoaa, aa itTbad, art .( aa fouewai . - 1 v. Wltb Waal 00. eaab. akk.41.0O. - rratta aad Tajitoblaa, W . t , :. fftTlTfimn 1 n t Aimh 11 Hat an. ... lota. f. a.. a. aaaatry, l.5u1.10; aaroad frada, tl.00 par aacfc: buyla, aar lota, ICarlr Koaa, l.tOl.ffi; aweeU, eratad, tXTSl aaa California. 4e per lb. UMiuna paauf OaUforaia atrawbarrtoa. 'warAfl ra TaraJpa. TtdMOa - pt aaabi aorroto. tl.avail.10 par aaak) Wta. 1J6 par aaak) Oraaa radtobaa, taa par dooi cabbaaa. awaeta, eratad, 10.78) bo Tore " atliaa vmnt a.l: Aaatr.ltLjo.0Oi aarlle. tOlaa par lb. fkarw Oraaaa, T5dJi mm bast abaaa ara taa, WLVSWmmA boa) fancy, M.00 boi; Uaaa, Maxlcan. CSa par w, ruwapiM, B.uwa.w; laaaaaiiaa, aaaa ara. par aai Al.TBl 08 per drato. rhllfwolo. 11 lnai 11. aiwoh avirjaa aaoai-aa par wate; graaa bapbara, To. Pr tt: Chill pappara, UOlTa lb) Urr. to.Tftta4.00 par era to toautaaa, tkrlda. - - to A01 btortoia. - ttaatjii! taraalpar ti.OOlJe- ato-- pttafw doa par atUab' tP4bBdBa-4aBB4agjppf0dJra9 lC,00 par eratoj rbabarb, tw.MHa par lb: boraaradlah. Ttaia par lb: aproata. tei artJchokoa. . AOalSOe a Aai Lrthm ktha. tl.a041.Tt par bos; Orama radlabae, lftOaoa par doat araaa aaliaa, UtoAOa par doai aaparw pea. iue per ) apiaaaa, aa par Ml 11 JW one. . . OBIkO ramTk Armaa, " araparatod. Tat F-c!0a SXZJrmuZ ljdva par Ibj Gbllfarala wbtta, ' aar to: praaw. atttod, par rk: dataa. fooarv da par tat taraa. bXbw par 1Mb bos. , . tb-narlaa, aatd, Xto, J'' ' (.ot; trait araaalatod. td.Mt. dry araaaUtod. r-m aaai piaiiiw, aa.1 Mzrktt Csna Charply, Off and . Cont'nitM to Los All .' ,'.;' ".. ' ... Day. v---.-;-- CREAT strength shown Is BY DIFFERENT M0NTH3 July and Ctptambar Art Down Only Fractional Amount . 1. rrom i nuraaav. ? - . ; AIUBDAT WdtAT UAKKKT. V . Opaa .sl'loaa Ueae I V...I..'.ll.Od tl.OO ' tUOA 1 I ly .T ' .MK B ,8T - tapt. M JIlH -tJIH A at. I .10 ,00 V .00ft Ohleaaa. Atall 13. tone A Brraa aay: Hay wheat waa an la aadee araaaara wbicb elearlr looked like liqaldatloa. ' Tba epeetnf abowad a loaa af 1 to 4c aad tbroocb tba aeaatop. apart from aaaa - Uttto bait at tl-OT tba aarkat abowad ao ladlcaUoa of rapport. Wbtie tba eloaa aa May abowad a 1Mb lenonary froa tba lew price, the ajoalaa waa oectdadly waak. Tbreuah tba day tba deterred futures abewed raaarkabbt etranatk aad cooaldarlaa; tba tana- T oc tae traa la Atay taa eaaiaf aa aep 1 tier aaa Jul rnmai ClJcd mi trTakea delightfuTttr ride to mprtovf to St. John and aee for Bmraeu its remarkable growth, on't UH to have a look- at South St Johns, that beautiful level and si&fetly tract of land between the car line land' Willamette -Boule vard-rhigh above the riverrom mandinjf a fine view of river and harbor within a short distance of all the milla and factories. Fine large new achoolhouse. Improved car service. Choice lots, COxlCO feet, at $200 each and upwards on very easy terms Now is the time to buy If you would make money. rrices are steadily advancing. terob eeitnad to sbow wondarfal aaiasan c, aa.aa: eaab. It aarai aaala. laaUde bar ka. . far , 0ONET MWdrMe. wrr-rHUa bra a to, ficta, -t A1.T Alae Boloa. ta.ta.aa.ta.iga. U.0B1 -Balaa. ba la. aa. I Oa. IlLaa: laua. uiara, ova, f 1 i.wu dalrr. aortod Uw tAto, tlt-OOt extra la. tb, 'DM, tlCbOl ba. ta. 10a. fa.waaa.uo; flea. bha. hlf 8.: belb, t9be, H tALT Oearaa BalT are aad. 100b. par to. tT.OO: (Oa. per toe, $f.0: UrerpoeTtoap reck, par tea: eO-lb reek. (T.OO; 100a. tt-Ta. aaaa ar aaa taaa aar brieao aatjiat to Oaa- ORAIN BAOSCbVratta. t8.TB0C par 109. .ftlCAWaeerbUaaaea. TraTl. Ami "47 aat KOTOrtoaeea, kaadV fae Ad)a,-llbai BKAWS Biaell wbtta, ec; larsa wblte.' IHe; Pink. Altai bona, eaa&i Uu. IU: blaxlcaa rede, fa. 7 NCTj"eta, Tri toabee. tH tar 1b t"- tOIOs par h) roaatad. I aaaoaaata, ObfttOa per doat wabajta. UOlae par' b plea oato, lo4llHe par Hit blcbary aatt. 10a Bar Ibt mo, aaatera, laffloe per l raai aara. par lb; fllbertB. ladliat par Bl faae ldla par Ibt alaiato, Ulae par la. Vaiato fVal Ota. 0r tWia btaalla. lea: I latto bread atoaL m. 1001 latto broad toooL ao. ' CO All dlZ-Fwarl ar Aatral Oaaaa. DHa Brr water wblto, Iroa bbla. Ma par. aai: atreaartb. Tba Armoar people for aara bare I beea credited wltb blf Jury, wbaat boldtosa. Tbay a oat bara accamnlata4 quite a Doe aad tbe atraaath dlaolarad todar wnld ta aa aaa- seat tbat tba trade to arettr wall aald aat la addittoa to tba crop aacertalntiee. tba feel fad lo tba toralaa altuatloa la a prop aader tbe abater aaofltba. - Aa nnfararabla tara to tba forebja polltlca wlU likely aaaka tblnra Ural la wbaat It weald exclta oar aaarket aad eauae abarplr hlcba prleaa. Tba market la tbe deferred futurre acta atroaa aad brllera tbatwb a little eocooracemeat jrtcaa wiiio ee him enerrir aiaoar. Tfcc Title Gtrcrcntco 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon, r i ; . .. v. ... ' ,.. ,;, .: v HERE ARE THE SNAPS lto 1 1- Tbla aurkat waa atrees la I r parlaon wltb Weakaeaa la abeat. Trade WIUT email, primary aaipmeota eaaaeoa ta be far - Twealy-flTe boat loada af aora wara takea I fT tba aaabeamv Tbla bu xiaon wltb Weakaeaa Prhaar ablomeota larsar 'tbaa tba reertDte and while, tba eaab ilteattoa brwot wrar arsant It Mill .eeeaM to be fairly bealtby. Tbe artloa of tbb aurkat aeeaa e-bol4 eat aa He a Ht tie pretoaa for Better, jauaa. C - . Oeta Teal Aeod. Aa la eara tba aaU aarfcat aid Bet dtephy aay weaknaea. Wa aUll.feel Uat iba lanrrl atocka wltb tba aew crop eomlnf a aa lta I beau will oooot afatost tbo-balto. Has Bacaipta taaallar. la prarbrloaa tba atranctfc today eeoe lartrely taraaan a mailer aac receipa at ua yaroa. Tba trade- to atlll local and aeeaa to aa laraely ot a aealplaft- aatare. Wa took to aaa tbaaa eoedltloaa eontlnaa far-Aba prasaat at aaau Todar's otftctal aiarkata: i. ...... WHBAT. i ' - pea. Blsb. ' Law , Oaaa. t ocrea In aultlratlan; a-aod houaa and barn:, water nlnaA lm. hmiaa; orchard; In . YkiahUl oountr, Prioa, tMOOv I In eultlratlon; Tina timiaa and barn: 10 anraa nrriharel: rtitinln 'water; feneaa and eroaa-fancad. near O. W. P. oar Una; flna houaa to aaraa t wllea from In trandr dt . aeraa ulthratad: larfa orchard: kouoo and bara; 14,0(0. ISO aaraa Near Bandr ttoatoflloo; If In --cuiurauon; w aiasnao: rooa Diaa- tared nouse -tar; .tools ; (Mbd barn; running ana iu piooo. . ii.zbo. furnituro go wltk w ... . e..n t.. M,tt " mwwv lun iu,j wilt ra4JO lor HUlaboro or Foraat Otwvo property. , eottaro, small lot, west side May.,...t i.of , .( 1 i.oo Mr..... - 3T ,, , . .MtC ; kept..... .tlS .KtZ : Jllk, '.tlfi '.--;-,. i-COEM. -1 -i a mi . - tfc --".T, TrrdTla --aTGA . .tS .ta -aT .; AI -A1 PITS. t- .tOto -.W- Sept...,. ,.JB l60. Hi cash. HMO ner month. Housoaj and lot-r farm for aalo or Charleson SL Smith , SIO AUtakT aatr. ARfUi,,, May..... duly..... Bept...v salt Wa tt bbla, tot fcrao bba, Ibe oar fX. TUBrkNTiNB u aaa, oot par tie per saL BBMBTNl tbtojiaua per sal WHTTa UAD-1 aora. ua par call beaallfbt. 0-dej, OAJOtlraaV Mtas: aaaaa. kto per aali Mbja per saJi fal; bba, bar. cat,, Ipsa .Too bitau Ta ar kt sflOJB ' laaa4atB, ta par lb. , ... . wiaa wailw rraaaat baaa at ta-00. -LIMRRO OIL Pare raw la bbla, a par salt aefB faPaffl M 4TBI 41 kantlf) wb1bbS. 4yaateBaV ana Bar air bbkt. Sea par aai: roaad aaka, far bto, (Jb.M ear toat law tbaa ear baa, aw par aaa. OSe per b( pork, block. TdJTjie par lb paekara. TdlTWe aer Ibi biibL Tlirfte L, tb cowa. 0e a Ikf-aettna, OHdfTH aad aaa, wua-eiia BjbV'Heprr 1 ' hams. kAannj. wn jaiii.ed aa w-n baaa, 10 to Iba, 1H per lb 14 to 10 Iba, iave par lb; 10 to to Iba, iitc aer lb; rattose, tHc par lb; breakfast bacea, ItVadJlTa per lb; parala. ta per - lb; reealar abort atoara, aw aaoked. e par lb; aaaaked. I04s par Ibi etear back a. , enaaabad. be per Ibi aatabid. 10a par lot um aarta, iw aa is aa. 1 aaaaaa. aa par a a. aia aar id: abeaMera. Oa. c ' WBIAT-aioailaali crab aad red, trfjttr; . . ppveatea. nvnci "iJi iire ' ' KAAUtl-Jrad. taaAOl relied. tSd.1 .aWkala. ttiAOl arackaA Wtt ,' ? ar awt. OATO Me. f wblto, tsa.00; erey. . , i ' TLOUI aatora Oreeeq atoats, tt. atralebto. tAISl ezaarta. ts.SOO.AM: aai MILiirTTjf?o Waa. flAOt far toa arld l Cllnaa. tti.O afcarto. aaaatry, Sbb.00, abep. faaay, ttSo! . J si ta. BArTlaatby. ' Wmssisrto aaltoy, I flf.00) ardlaary, riX-OO) aaatera ; aiueo, aiAoot rarer, aiL-aui av pji.i i T, rH,TTs City creaaery, bat, 13 H; arcead ; (rane, aoe; aatatae taacy. sue; erwaery, mJt; f: rnnl-W. TaLallMa 10a An. Uaatl Mew fall araaa. twla. lde Taa. llUo.per tk lac per 4. boot oo daeka. aaaa. a 04 , par aoa; eeeee, 0se par ia taraaya, iiiea mm, Waal Oba Balaa, '.' ,,riru?, trSto.-3. to aadtaa, rafoa, uj "l-o Asajiaa. lTlTWaV Ca. rml. lbai Ckadaer, PUVll BT Cbjckeaa, aired ""aT lto per lb; fseetora ' lb raaas, lte par lb brat! t per doe; Irrara, ftl far Oaa; i toe tar WOv.l-l00t ana, raDar, ; ;wieei aaa, naebi i lie. ! f "I--aal aiajtu, V ' t k.aartat. 1 0a abort waat, ?'""" "" ' wool, tOc .1.00 mm . . , triaaa, t .iae. .. rTV.i.i, SOWT . fWL" f Si OO. - i-.;;o- tataoieoea laeovf waou. ajt Toeal mmoxmmH, ea A r WO fbaa''.' "X ffJA. . ,.q ta aAOSB. ad. las per LOCAL LAkO KrHle leaf. 10a, T0e aar tb; ta. lHe per lb; oO-B tlaa. ioa aer Ui ataato reaei 10a. f, per Ibt to. ofu Oar at tooe, e CANNKO; t-ia Aaakatoib am. tan. n oa - sad. Ta par to: aaaadaa, la ear kaUbat. t)4a per tb; araba, LA6 pet torn; sMpad. baaa. 'Toito par l aab! per- o. to par tk ner iba sVbj. a m. a. ANNBD IALAION OeraabU rirat l-b tatto. I la, s.0O raacy l ib Beta. tx0 piaa, aagauai raa. flMi S! TO flab. Te ataelbaak, aolea, Oe ib; aaaa. eblaook. Oa be aer lb; lk; abrlaraa, 10a per lb: perck, ta aer lb: roe abed, ir . Ik , " ' rvm, m ipi aiare eoo, or per ib; aurar je io! arai, oe per lb; erawOab. koe aer daa: to per Ib; atarreaa. Te per Ib. aaaa, (1,00 per kea. . . , i ' y, twotiM 'Know jrreexs. M "ao tvaaclace,:, April 2L Tooopaa atocka at- bWOall aaaaja ,v - , f . j - Bid. tdatot ....... ,t .m Mohawk ....... ,2TA nuie .......... : .94. Keadall .i ,7 . Oolaabto Mt .at . Jaabe .00 Joabe Eitea..U .2A ark But la ... .AS Mirer Pick i..., .15 OoM Aerber i... 1.00 Ray O'Brlea . .008 Opblr Toat.- .aA o. Ban rroa . Miaenil Field.. .TO Caak Bop 'M k' . , Bid. oataaai .... so Mldwar 1 a McNaawra .... .at Balnaat ....... 1.2a Mertb Star ,- .51 eacwa '. .It Oold bfbant ..b .14 Jla Batlrr .... 1.00 rierada i. ...... -It Toa. Krtea. - Bed Top'. ,M tloldflald .v..' .OB kandatorM ..... . .OS Bendatora BA... .11 Hobm "take ... .13 loaa IW-mt I-0 "'BXW TOBK'BAVX STATZKnTT. New Tors, AprU 2a.Bask atateaent: Lnm ; . Specie . Lee-al Depoalto Clrcalatlaa s. n. r?o lea U, ilttllMltlltlt"HII T. wWS, 9tKI i. ,t 0,102,100 bOOOaaaaBbaajevaoO.aOO 20 UltlaooOlSoMOttraOOMOtltt a,eT,", W as, bus NATLUrS BAJtE tTATZXXVT, . OeeMata OStlflMOO Bateacee .............. 44. b.7u "' !, V " r - . -( .v ..'-v. torltaoT eSatos. r Tors. Anrtl tJ -AtM-llHe rataai TJeeaed. A0att-e0 dare, 04. MAO, --r:- j onoASo eBAt, cav Chlrare. Aorll tl flraln ear lots'' . . .. j .tmrm. Orede. frf ISrU Wbaat 111 , - 10 3 , - 0 Cora ........ f29 : 81 lot -. JTI Oatt ......... 100 ' tl 10T ,. 41 hi OwAS.. Allen tt Lewis' Bool Brand. OVERDCCIC, OTARR 2: COOICE CO. - ' lfembero Chlcovo Board of Trod- ' I anAxar, nemzxon, oottobt, BTocza ajtb bobtss. ' -lot Third atreet, McKaV BullMn. PorUand. Or. - Wa BO A STXXOTXiT OOBtsOBfaOBT BPSHBSS. " Omtlnuo-t Markets r Frlrr'a Wire. Quick Benrloe. RErEBKNCES Lod4 A ... . . J j, t l vjsm KUtad JNaUoaoi Baoh. ot forUaad, - - '.4TI4 -.4t; .4T ;;4t or -4tJ OATS May...... .JOiA. , -:V-. i i . jiyMMi Jtb - . 5b i "..-i.-;. i.,--""0 hskb rvaa, bfay..r.. 11.40 It 46 , 1141 , ' 1145 , Jalr..r. lATt U. ; 1AT1 ' ' 13.T1 B kept,. .. v... . .lAW ' e - a . e la - f.l . .:t'.o '. f.M ; ; 4 SHORT BIBS. " - Hay o.o o-oo . ; Atrrr t.ttr JA July ' T.1T . T.20 V. ; t.W . - T.1T I MPlfOOtf W0w4 aa '.'' .oooot leaff , m nntAMX rnxmaMtn abd cxxabajicia . Cetcaao. .April tWMeWrr teeOIMs: rn URO. May,,.,,TT.lT ..' T.1T Jolr..... . T kept..... T.bO CHOICE FARM STVa onroa All arall fenerd and croao tenoed; 14 acrao In crop.; 1 aero la paataro; t oeroo In hops; pxxt house " and barn and - outbuildings, orchard, ' SOo4 team, harnoso and waaon: I ; bead of cattle ooma chickens ; all farm ' lmplatrjents; Vk mile to ReodrUlo, 11 ttto r TroAon road no Portland ; a r bargain. llenkle & Daker ;ttMMMMtMM; GuQ'Lv '."4. n i. "... 1 ' I. It la true that lots in City yiey jark are cheap at twice their present rating; or rather what the Oregon Water Power Townsite Company is Mkbg for them. 'X C 5 t f The property is beautifully situated on -the Willamette, commanding magnificent View - j of Portland and the scenic xwjtr. .It is without exaggeration undoubtedly Portland's most de-Vt r airabla residence property, ;; It has all possible natural advantages, and with Its graded streets, i 4 0 A. 0 to aa Aaa. aa aaa. ' ; , pavea siaewausa, jhuii Kun water, excellent car service,' electric light and telephone, service ' ; ; City View Pfrk'-leavetwtbJng'W'bw j : , Thtise are mere statements of facts. To be impressed with City View Park and to be- ; ; come fully. wideawake o its great value'aa a residence suburb it Is quite necessary that one V H ' City View Park is bua short distance from nrift OAKS." a resort that withfa a shm' o time, will become most alluring to pleasure-fc'ekers.' located property. , , . ;, r ' A LOTS eekers.!.: Go. out Sunday and inspect.thiw Ideslly . I ar'V-tT-'mC LNSTALLr.3NTS -j..' 134 FIRST STREET PcrtfcndOr lar Boab. - ..064,000 .500,000 1 t4t,000 . tT AWTbom Bid., Or. Wbeat .vi. ... . " Wbeat 000,000 . 100,000 Cora , OOO.OnO ' 140.000 Total clearanceai .Wbeat bad floor,' 104,000 aa; coca, ew,wu eai . Wbeat bad Iloar, ; I 00. )....:, , Tbe Oregon Co-Operative ; ,llome Assoclatlori ."y cmatoo cash wbxat. CJHeaoe, , Aprtl g. i Cab Wbaat. - alaskioi Bo. red.. ,.... ,MM,,.1,M tl.OO WILL LOAN TOU MONET . AT NAa wa,OMOaot(tOtOakjtstll .w4 1.0)1 No. t fcard 1.00 ' .J.00 I - Na, Baairtle ttOMa4afsl4t . .aW l.OS I Cent J3 And (Ito tob T yearo In which to repay AO Iv - ' - -ail ... . ..... r0 a eiKriniMtt.H....,.. Ka, S aertbera . ...... ......... be. t eprtaf iiot l.oo LOT r- LOT ...1.01 For full Bartleuiara. A canto wanted In arary wwn in tna suav. nuutoisao HaPwTaB;arYWa'Ca BAJB?, -UllaWr (WW!" WHBAT. , BmrxArtus wxxat stooxs. - North wcstci kt DacfSiVr AkXBT. May " M ts. Wheat atacka If kaaaaaoBa, April for wees. OflO.OSO oa; total ill ba total Ua. band. O.TTO.000 t.U0,W0 be. Investment Co. Oregon wheat lands and stock Call and aee ua. w, k... oomo good properties few sale. - ka Kocsis 218-220. Ab!atsa ts2Uia& A wtiata!Oto Xto Ira. r BOBT1VABB, OB. NO RECEIPTS OF ; ,15 ivcCTnriv tai.iv P'wJuuv .j-i irdj i Uvn; l UUA Not a Single Head of Stock Ar. rivea ,ln .Yarda v for v Past ; : ; . v Jwsnty-Four Hour, ; Between Itth -and ioth. on Ella, near Waahlns- wn, lavxiio, li . room nouse, . nnely located foi unrtmi.1. Ae A.r . W. . buy In the city. f, ? , - ' k r. Louis Salomon 11SH rartland TJatoa Stockrarda, April IX-JJra- ZION AFRICAN CHURCH tT PAYING WHAT IT OWES - Six months aco the Zlon African Si. K. church woo burdonod with a debt of I1.S00, . and since that time otreet stack raealBtoi - . ' Bogs. Cottle, fflaap. Today ....... -v. - ., . Week aco .. - 1 To . , LlM . m, wi-w CU ' , i i . . . ' . wot a sloe; a bead af Hraatara arrlred ta 'tba'UF VUIVnla """" owwa maaa in xront toeal yerda danap the peat S4 boars. Tbe bog aarket to da 11 aad waak. cattle are foetal firmer, wklle aheap ara rmllas easy. , , , .'iimtwi in mee lor aniau a l Hose Beat eastera Oresao. M.00: bark ere aad Cbtna fata. to. 23: atackars aad faadara. t4.60to4.T5. i Cattle Beat aaatera Oreeea ate. re. 04. aa? Itiht bad Bed taa ateera, tS.ioas.TO; eld aad llakt oowa. 2.biqa.T6; atockara aad faadara. M.noi baUa, tl.OO. ,. , - Sheep Heat f.acy akeep. t4.bDOS-00 awaa, t4.a4-V aprlao la aba, be. .. - -. r: v CHlCAwO BOOS STXADT. Ckkaaor AprH SI. Ureatark ' . Unn Celt CblrafO ., .0,000 , Sno aanaaa tity .......,.....s,Tiar .no ..... Omaha . .-..4,0O0-- tOO 4.000 nan apaata aieaort waa tort nraeipta s rear are ware 1I.OOO. lied. M.SOrlTTU'. sned. tt.OSalsnAi raaeb. tz tx; Hibt, It.ZVQtO. . ," latta aiaaay. , - r , . ; t .. Sberp WeatN . , 11 , - C. C.MARINQ, STRICKEN WITH PARALYSIS, DIES of the church property which Increased tho Indebtedjrsflo to ll.Stfe Sufficient subscriptions kare keen roeolrod to re. dueo tho debt to $400. . To Rot. Georto H. Jackoon. the new pastor of tho church, la duo tho credit for tho reduo. tlon of tho debt. ,- Since ho coma to Portland ho boo lntorootod in hla charpa tho pastors of tho different churches and many eltlneno, and baa secured orer ttOO tn subacrlptlona. a largo part of this . fcmount. - howarer has beea sub, scribed by tho Bnombora of the church. ' Row. Mr. Jackoon stated today that ho. wouiq,jekar-roat-wtU h. had oaen tho laat dollar of indebted neaa asalnal rrtce; I tno cnurth property wiped out. Ha has f ocaegra in aacunng olx prominent eltlsona to act aa an sdvlsory committee to assist mm. as follows: M. Walton, w. A. McKensio. A. Kino; Wilson, A. U. Wright. O. Everett Baker, H. W. Stone ana Ben Belling. - Tho pastor declare, that If tho citlaena Of Portland giro tho onurcn tno support It deoerres that it will bo only a few weeks before auffl. clent subacrlptlona will bo secured to pay ell debts. ,: J;t.v liBHiliiii: HAS SUPERIOR STREETCAR FACILITIES ANP. IS . ONLY : TWENTY-FIVE MINUTES f WALK FROM THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. : - 0 ' 1 -t ' Holladay -Park Addition la the mostattractiv. residence district In" Portland. Sew, select and highly improved. City water and sewers all in. Streets fully lproved. Cement curbs and sidewalks laid. Gaa and electric lights provided all in advance of building.' :,f. iv'fj.- -,;-:,-,. .;ATfTWENTYSIX LOTS SOLD IN THE:LAST TWOWEEkS-T j v, 4 :EI0HTEEN; HOUSES IN COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION T " larOts 50xl 00 Ftet, $500 to OCOO llcch &e Title puarantcc (Eb Trupt Co. rt-T-r;? H'6 anj 7 Ouiivber of CoereW Eiist St Johns Acre Tracts We liave just platted ' trad at the Intrectlon of St Johns car line and ; Columbia Boulevard and Offer choice ACREAGE tracts at $450 and $500. Wakefield, Fries" Main 14 ; 229 STARK 8T, CV C, Marine of Seattle, son-in-law of Xr. O. P. B Plummer of this r, died Thu radar craning at Blaine, Washing. toru4fron)Jho effectB, of stroke of a x . . v Itvai aa a Br si a L Bais aanrini pT5iV' 1 Pkoo, Tos.i AprU 11-CoIonerW. engrarers. of seetUe . Ho formerlr taught tn a local traalneso errlleje, and had many friends In this city..- " A week ago Mr. Marlngr woo called to Blaine on business, and Was in the boot of health when ho left Seattle: ha wao In Blaine but a short time when ho waa . stricken . with . paraJrsls. rr. PI urn mar left - Monday for Blaine, but fonnd his eon-ln-law dying. . . Mr. Martng waa . married -to Miss Prsnoette Elummer , II rears ass; the widow and two children ' Burrlra him. The- funeral will bo held tomorrow at Seattle, and Dr. and Mrs. Flummer and Mr a. Claude Oatrh of Salem, a olster of Mrs, MarlnA, wilt attend. - - C Oreana. the connar klna: has Invited Vice-President rhlrbanka. Speaker Can non aaa other prominent men to eccom pear him oa a bunting trip In the wilds i eio Mexico. oorernor Torres or. Ho nor end other Mexican dignitaries will accompany tho party. BgMgMBBaaewaawaaeeewaaew-aii i m - BTjajas to drat auoh : are often fruairatad b auddaa break. ?'wn. duo to dyBpepela or ronatlpatloa, brace p ., and lade Dr. Klnro New ll'e Pllia. Thar take out the materials woicn ara cinemg your enersiea, ana give you a n start. Cure headtohe and d -es. too. At Had Cross Phar- , eel Oak atreeta. on th. V ,t t V o. aiisrsnlaadi ARD.0RE 'Tho moot desirable bulldlns alto ' In Portland, surrounded br- palatial bom ao, with unobatructed rlaw of our fa msua mountalna: tha only n -olualyeir- htsh-elaao raaldent f roperty supplied with bltu- Ithlo streets, cement - side- ' .walks. Bull Run water i aawer -and gaa laid te each lot.- Take , ' Waahlne-ton street car to City ' Park and get off at Park are -ua For plato and prices call . on or address, j , . . v. CRIKOSfAtT SCIUIK WW UN Ay Obttac In rr.wn-n ILVILIL for t1d down srtd U per month. Choice Into 1100, tl down and II a month. Klectrio cars, io fare, . . . , 'aszxt ear rasa asovars. Q20.VA CnOVVN tt r -3,-. ... . Ws do furnish a nice FftJCB LUNCH TOMORROW to our rlottors and Intendlnr purchasers . of lota In BEAUTIFUL ' RESERVOIR , PARK. Xofrosn yourself when you come out Then look at tho CHOICEST proa, orty tn tho market We have just completed oar new put and map, har ln platted some) more of oar fruit trees kni berries for you to make your selection from, ;.- f. Prloo of loU flOO and upwards on easy terns. -.Water piped to every lot. Streets graded. Oround perfectly leveL Tska ML Scott, car and got off at Kern Park and RESERVOIR PARK STATION. Tou will And our agents at our office at tho station, and oa tho grounds;; ' - ' . ;',"V'" , 1' - ," ' 1'.' v r .' 1 ':.;' ' ; Xail at pur City Office for a Plat and v ' : Map, Showing the Location; Etc. ' lliaiIn Owner METZGER 226-228 Front CW SAyiNGSBANK THE TITLE GUARAfJTEE & TRUST COriPAHY Pays 4 per cent on certificates of deposit. v j;.,-,..-1 . . . ? . Accepts your deposit account subject to check and allows you 3 per cent; interest nr daily bal ances. "-'7 : . '''---..' r 71 Directors. - ' W. M. Udd, -J-T. T. Borkhart, J. Tbobura Ross, Frank If. Warren. );'ii:iG0Tt h. lira. .; ; :", ' Banking hours, 10 a. m. ta S p. m. Saturdays. 10 a. ra. o 12 r.crn. Saturday evc!r.i, 5 13 C o'clcci. 7 CitrrM-r cf Cz- ;;3 1'' - - - " ' " - 1 a CITY r AND SUBURBAN modern house, lot Ada 100, on 14th atreet; an elegant home; easy terms. . e-room moo em home, on Iar- raOe street, -one Of the boat built , awetHaaa. In the city; a rary du- elrable fiomeT rlaeral terms. . ' 1 aw.1 modern. S-room koma. aa list street: soar terms, hoe ue, resardlBg thla property. , t 0-room modern bouan. with fr- nare and electrle light; lot lt 100. fruit and shrubbery In abundance; a lovely home; easy ..imik as75w- 7-room houae, corner,- H x it; ' nice garaen and frait trots, on . Madison, cloae In: Vwlll mkt . I room house, oa-Thu rmeo at. near fair gmunds; lot Ivilo: a ainnern knm.1 e . n . n t , SldOO I -room heuaa, llat atreet- tltf .down,' $20 per month. Saoo i-room hnuaa and snorter block. Lower Aloia; terrxa WlQW i -room r-- n kouea, on car line; lot I . j; rar X tioueee d 1 it in i , rt t" city on l.u.l err u i C"e re air