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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1905)
'..,. s ' '". ' ' ' ' ' ''''' :r. daily jou: .r. TA I thill M V I II I il.lJ.UiW n ret -,ty. -. 1 .. . Tbmirtmant of ' Commirct Vy Labor Jssues Statistics ( ' rrl-: Its Industries.- r r r- LIST OF THE IMPORTS i Production and ' Industries", of L Southern Republic Is Show Ing Oreat Increase llll ULAILU G!iOmr;s; rapidly - I y ' ' r " -" " v, " -i - v ' I rwaatiiBcw Banes t lw imil ' "'. Aaabingtonr P. C April 11. "Com ' I merdal Mexico In IMS" la the tlU of a -1 monograph Just Issued by the department ' . 'of commerce and labor. - - '; Commerce 'between tha United State nd Mexico- baa grown In recent years .A jwlth 'great rapidity,' and large sums of 'American capital hare bean inveeted In t various buatneos enterprises In Mexico, : Including- . agricultural. . mlntnr. trana . portatlon and manufactures, walla on tbe . , other hand Mexico ta contributing each ,'yer mora largely to the commercial ra- - r qutrraents of the United Btatea. Imports of merchandise Into tha United '. Pit tea from Mexico tiara crown ' from , ' at.M,X4 In 1C74 to- U,U,CT In 1904, tha 'value of merehandlee ' las ported . from Mexico In 1904 being, .there roc-e, 10 tlmea . aa treat aa In 174. or 10 year earlier. On the- other' hand, -exports from tha . A united Btatea to ' Mexico have grown . from tS.944.839 in 1174 to a4e.S44.73 In 1804. , '- tha export to Mexico to 1M4 being- thus , : about elf nt tlmejracjcraaJjM la 1871,. . . J c - . .Tety BapUl Mwtk. ' , The rapid growth' of tha - productton, - lodastrlea and commeroa of Mexico ' in , recant rears ana -cne propeciror eon ttnaatton of that grewjhraa-Mreeetad by tha fact that "Hr -xht bort-pertod of -m ' yeaura Its ' revenue has Increased . from tM.000.MO to r00.000. and Its exporte from r.OtW.OOO 4o I4X.000.000. exelnsiva Of 140.100.000 of rold and aUver. Tha Invest raent ef 'American capital In' Mexico waa estimated by United Btatea Coneul-Gen ' eral Barlow m 1KB, at tSOO.ftoo.000; nearly . . all Invested within the last as yaara, and, about one half of It within, the last five "'yaara. Bmce then the rnveaUnent has doubtlcaa Increased materially. Bach In i-V veatmenta, by addlne; to the productive power of tbe land, moat neeeaaarlly In' rreae 4ta .purchaaln power. Evidently, .. therefore, Mexico la now, and to destined , to be to as lnereaaine; degrea, a euatomer .' whose watnta and whoae reeoorcea are , eminently .worthy of. accurate study by American business men. . .. . The feature of the work which are of . special Importance to thoea who are en gaced In commerce' with Mexico or who are- desirous of doveloplng - eominerce .with that country are tba tables allowing; the exporta from the United States -to Mexico for a term of years and the vrln . cipal articles making up this export trade Mexico.... '. 4 - ' Taking- op tha table of Imports Into Mexico- Xrom-the various countries of the world. It may be stated that the total vehia of the Imports of Mexico were In 1901 7S.tOS.00O, agalnat t41.4U.O0Ot n 1893, making; a gain of tS.BO0.000 In the 'lm porta tdurine; the period from 189t to 1901 Of this ta.009.000 -of tncreaaa. -i neartv-f one half occurred In ' the Imports, from , the United States. The total imports of Mewieo from the United States la IBM were tX.xX.0OQ. aod in 1901 ttt.7M.000, gain or Mt.suo.aoa. The next largest In crease ef Imports, ta found In those ef Germany, which war Iff 1833 tl. 875.000, and In 1901 tt.sat.00v. aa lncrease-of ta.7S0. 00, agalnat the Increase of tl 4. (00.000 by : the United States. The next In tbe order of gain during the period was the United Kingdom, from which Mex-fco Imported merchandise and specie to the value of,ooo m ires, and in 1901 no.ta.000. an ' Increase ef X 750,000. From Franc the ' 1m porta of 18U were $4.7x1,000, and In I ' tR.SS7.000, a gain ef leaa than tl. 000. 000. -Pvem Pelstsm the Impeita at Mtt tM.000. and in 1901 tt.S9O.0Ot; aa increase of a little , mm than- tt00,00t. - Pr - Bvain rhe- lniiwrirt prTTO were" gniooa. . and tn 0-la,030WLJI)ua, It may be atated la a word that the growta of Im . .' porta Into Mexico during the period from 1991 to 1901, was, la the case of Bpaln. lass . than tl.000.00O. France a little lees than 1 ' . St.ON.t0O. Belgium a litUe rears than tt. V&m, United Kingdom a UtUe leaa thaa .. ts,000,t00. Germany slightly' leas thaa t7. r , 000.000, and the United States slightly be. : low tlS.OOS.00O, and that 'the Increase la . imports from theVnlted States alone was more tnaa mat ot tne merease rrom Germany, United Kingdom and France , combined.'.."' . . . 4 ' : , Steel Ndao SeOs Saoat." . As to the principal artlclea making tip . tbe grand total ef t46,000,009 of exports ' . from tha United States to Mexico It may . be stated that manufacturers of Iron and ..steel held the highest rank; coal second In rank; cotton and manufactures of cot ( ton third; while lumber, earrUges and ' ears, manufacturers of leather, manufae turea of wood, ebemlcala, drugs and dyea, 1 gunpowder and mineral oil are also lm 10 portant Items la tha table of exports to f i Mexico, and In practically every . cast r snow a graurying- growtn. ".; fxax TAOTOBT. - . "tSpeelal maaatch to Tea eeraaL) V ' . Chehalla. Waah- April fl Work on .e the buildings or the Chehalla flax fiber ; . factory is progressing satisfactorily, the .. . framework being ap for one and the ;, r prw-kworlt for the engtaerooni of anoth- r being will under way. Thar will be .' ' j foar buildings two for straw, 40x160 feet... with 20-foot ' wain and - IS-foot gable; a proeeas building., with a brick power-house text feet, with t-foot walls, a portion for a retting mill 10x4$ (eat: the scutching and breaking room, lOxea feet; a dry kiln. 11x10 feet, and v the - wrtnger-houaav- MxJS feet, .- The rombiaatioa ba tiding will be 40xlS0 feet 'and- will contain several compartments for different -kinds tort,''- :..' Faint .Spells '4 re very often attributed to olltouaneaa, ' and the atomach is treated te cathartics, That'a wrong. ... , 4 , , Faint spells are often ocompanled' by ' hlllouaneaa, but you -will also notice shortness rf breath,' asthmatlo breath . Ine. oppressed feeling In chest, weak or huagvy peUa,-rMca ate aU early symp toms of heart weaknaea. Don't make the mlatake of treating the atomanh when tba heart la tbe oure of . the trouble. . . .- Uott ; Heart Cure : , - . , - s w. 4 . . . . wil..strenertbea tbe aerree and muscles f )e hest, and the fainting spells, to- - oer wtth all other heart troublea, will -pear. . '.' .... 1' r our years ace 1 waa very low with rt trouble, could hardly walk. One y Iwhad a Minting spell, and thought would die. Boon after I began using r. Ml lea' Heart Pure, and after taking hott1s-l ferl that 1 am cored.", I. CFFIC CU17GH, Ellsworth FaUa, nk '.(' .. he "rat twittla will heneflt; If not. th wut raaura jmt aseaaey .4 USED R0UHD THE 7CrJD Waiter Ma ta (Kliocoiatc mm s ii im wnrnn Ver r:- id., Worlds Fair VtcrBakcr; & Cp.Xtcl! j,KBsaap UXS. AC- HICKBT AWARDS1 IN INTOXICANTS CAN --BErSOLD INDIANS t t .-''k-- ......... , Supreme Court Holds Law Prp :r ? hibiting Sale of Uquor Is I : : Unconstitutional. ; - :rY" ' apeelal DUsateb tV ae JeonaL) "Seattle, Waalw' April Jl By the' tag of the United States supreme oourt, that persons selling liquor to Indiana who hold land . as cltiseas cannot be prosecuted, IT men In this etate .now awaiting; trial will be liberated. More over. It la contended by lawyers that all persona serving sentence at McNeill's island federal prison on convictions of this ottense must be turned out. ' United. States District Judge C. H. Han ford. In an opinion handed ' down yesterday, says that the aupreme court has virtually reversed procedure in deal ing with persona selling liquor to In diana. .'. ':- '.-' , ; " .''. ' ; "The supreme court has given us new light In dealing with persons accused ef selling liquor to Indians contrary to the. law -pasaed la lit T," aays Judge Han ford. ' "The court's . " decision la most -Important - to us la "this - state. rnfttr-thir TMr-ra wmt,. P"a by con- gresa In 1117, a procedure waa aetata llshed whereby Indians received" lands under allotment from th general gov ernmenW These Indians are bald to be eitlaena of the United States. -The law passed by congress In 1197 mads It a crime for persons to sell ir quor to certain Indian wasokw6f tbe federal government. - Under this law we have beea proceeding ta this atate for soma years pasc The supreme court holds that this law is unconstitutional and - that the congress - had no more right to prescribe what such, an Indian shall eat or drink any more thaa it caa for any cltiaen of the United States. "Under the civil rights decision -eoa aai nannitf, make Uwjajarsaorlbiam.Xht 'rights of a cltiaen because of his color or hie race or other Ilka mondltloa.. ,1a other worde. the supreme court hold that an Indian holding land under allot-ment-t a ci laen. and is entitled to all the rights and to only tbe same protec tloa aa other oitueas or una country. COMMISSIONERS OF " v : ; LEWIS COUNTY BUSY . - (BpKi.1 'Mspateh to Tbe JseraaL) Chehalla. Wash., , April . tt. Tbe county commtasionera have been busy her thla wees oa two important mat' tera. . The quarterly aettlement waa mad with County : Treasurer Grimm, This showed collections for ths quarter ending - March tl of tll0T119.t . , for uxeav of .which.. tl27.lt4.0 Was for 1904. Miscellaneous collections run the total to 1170.419.90.' Total disburse ments were tlt.tll.99, leaving cash oa hand 1110.tta.9U Tbe other subject that occupied tha attfenllon of the board was the rebuild ing of the road between Chehalla and Centralis. .Early la . tbe 90s a plank road was built across a swampy piece of land, on treatla work. - Thla road has worn out so . badly that, tt must be re placed. - The ttoard'a policy la to build no more plank roads where It Is at all posalbls to build stone roads. Accord Ingly; measurements have beea made to determine whether It wDl be cheaper te destroy th old plank road and trestleH and build a high grade . to get 1 above winter high water, or to change the. road about a quarter of a mile to the eaat around tbe hill, along aa old mili tary road that -was used years ago by General Grant. PRESBYTERIAN MISSION ' " HBOARDATDESTMOINES M'" ,- 1 llMrtuV KnaeWt mm ill 1 Dea.alolnea, Ia.Aprtll 1. Delentev are arriving la considerable numbers to attend the annual session of- the Pres byterian board of missions of the north west, which will be held In thla eitf during the coming 'Week. The organ isation ' embraces all the ' territory be tween tbe AJlefhenles and the Rocky mountains, and tbe attendance at the convention will number several hundred delegates. In addition to the reception tee-C report- dealing -with the work of the past year and the con sideration of plana for J the future, the program provides for addressee during tbe week by a Cumber of prominent mission, workers, eminent divines and missionaries, returned from foreign flelda. The ' convention will have its headbnarter "- 4 Central presbyte ries,, church, v. M' v,.. . .. . (Ppertal INepstrk te-khe JenraaLl. ' Chehalla. Waah.. , Aorlf" 11-1. .' w"." Shulu yesterday bought the 4tt-ecre farm which he formerly owned on ly ton prairie, in the Cowing valley, from the eatate of the lat Hrnry Brunk. for 17,0. The place Is reiarded as being sapadaUX, adapted to lbs stock botliteaa, ' '''' toes aoc tmis ' t 'Tr TSiae ar 7 LJillATED .CORPSES LEFTi Cr CJTY; STREET Codies -qf - Four Persons," pne Woman Three Men, Found -U-iln Jridiahapolls. , : 'V'V UJearael SpaeUI Sarrke.) ' Indianapolis, April 11. People In the aelghbarhood- of West ' and . Elsventh atreets ; were horrified this moraine when they awoke and, found that the bodies of four persona, on woman and three men, all . perfectly - nudv were dumped on the street some time during th night. One of the bodies ta head leaa. and It l plain all have been la the diss acting room .of a medical college. ' The horrifying t spectacle ; was dis covered early thla morning. Within sa hour a morbid crowd collected about th sosa. . The bodies were thrown rnto the treet and had evidently been there for several hours la the heavy fall, of rain during- th nlxht , . . 1 . , As soon as th authorities were noti fied th bodies were taken to the city morgue and th coroner -begaa aa In vestigation. Th managers of th vari ous medical' colleges deny that the bodiee wars ever in their Institutional.; ! GOULDS EXTEND UNESFr TEXAS TO NEW ORLEANS ' (Jeamal Spedal aarriea.). -'V-' 1 'New" Orleans. April It 4t 1 reported oa high authority that, plana., are sow complete' for a railroad -which will give th Gould. interests their long-cherlehed coast 11a from Texas te this elty. It will be built from Houston, Texas, to Alexandria, Ioulalana. north and paral lel with the southern , Paelflo. Is Loolalana It wIU connect with Ooold'g Taxaa - Pacific, and over this route enter New Orleans.- In Texas the new line will penetrate a virgin forest of oak and long- leaf pine, touch the prin cipal oil fields of the two state and cut through a rlph rloe section. ; - - - The road will form tha baa of a tri-" angle of Gould . lines, connecting the International -at - Galvestoa - with ; the Texas - Pacino Wew- Orleans. In Texas the road -will be built, under the name of the Houston, Beaumont tt Bed River, and la Louisiana It wIU be known aa-the bouigiana coast uaav -. ' rxon un oo : (Special Dispatch to Tae soaraal) ChebaUs. Wash.,- April II. The tele phone line from ChehaHa to Bolatfort, It miles up the Chejialls river valley, was oompleted this week and Is now la auceaaful operation. There are 4S phones on the line and the ays tarn works, perfectly..) Thla,. elty. la .now connected with , th- Chehalla valley farmers by rural phone lines, with tha Moaayrock section and Alpha, la eastern Iewla county. The companies were all organ ised among the farmers and business pa mt thebaMa. . ... '. ..:.,,.!.. - . ma TW VaTXTZXOsT .- 4Seee1al JMaaatch ta The JearaaL) Corvallle, Or . April 11. Petltloria from Philomath -and Belief oun tain. In Joking a referendum vote upon the state ppropriationa bill, have juat been Sled with th clerk ef Beaton oounty. The Philomath petition has ST slgrajra, aad the one from. Belief oun tain- ttV Theee are the flrat papers of th sort filed, la Benton county. . - I if "! I W DUUias siWalfcatwt cord of a cold resulting in Pneumonia, or oUicr scxi ous lung trouble, after '.- ' had been" taken.;' '- J-:::; It stops the- 'cough - and healsr the liingsr and - pre vents . senous results from a coIcLr ,vv -, ..rk i?&v ; Do riot' take "chances bn a ' cold wearing away ' or, experiment with some un knownpreparatibn-ithat costs - you the'.' samejas Fole"yaH6ney and .Tar. Remember the name and get the genuine. : ;. ' . k A SiTiri Ctld fir Tkni Mcaftie Tb oUrarlnsr latter from A.-J.- NeaV Unm . D.tJiu r J . ..... ''; .uu. wui lis owe) Story; "1 Buffered for thro months witb a svsr) cold- A druggist prepared to eotn medicine, aad a physician prw scribed for me, yet I did not lm prove, I thaa tried Folsr Honey s4 Tar. Wld trigdoaoa cured r ; , . v . Tb 50 cent ail contains twa mttS ooe-hali tlnjeti as modi M tha tmall tint Sad tb il.00 bottl almost six tlmaa M tnacll. t t.r.;.i..'.rv7 ,r., ' ,. . le Davis t,rag oomjNuy aad Veodarl, r-"T.w-;s;' mmm- ocacO W ',' ' ' 4 '. - s -' ' ' . ''.'.II' i ' ', . v . . , . ; ; ..'' 't,.',v" : ' '.'' mmmmmmm Ki;'.,'...,-. ';. -.7 "f t "' ' t ; ;. . , 'i . .':..'-'-,'.. '':..,'. wmmMmmwmmmm. ,t. '. ,. V T --. .-Vr-r- , ...-.-..,..--,'!r. .... .V i.y; . .' . L- . U" :j V',;-.: v.;';iv;i.i.5''''.'!7'.'',?1 : "t '.j.'i'M' v-v -i.- 4-' 'i ft . vvnen iriX.-i- :- " -' - 1 v--t--i-V--;- , 'V - A ' A 'i!siiintoiivow iliiiiis .'r "V 7 T-- 1 11 7ar" : : . - v --,..::;"-; c - H ... ."- . -a: (.'."'. -1 . -'lAryt --a-A'. ....viycV -C ' ..,.V-.A;.i, av . v -v,s -f ': ..a' ,W'vf,'l'','-'; 'A .J,..-:.;rJ- ' '. ' vy ' - ' " ' - 'A,A;Vi ''v' f'-y X - o-.tA.- "V" a, ,. .'"'..v'lv--'V,it;..1''.-;V:'''V;' ";-,,: ' ' JJ A .', .'.,'. . 7..v..' '....'.. 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