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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1905)
t:id cnzccn daily jouni:.u rcr.TL.::r, S as nuriAH Toiicn , AIJD CAIOT LIVE ; 1 . ....... . - ' J - , ' Mn. Nora Stons. Victim of Blanch Tompkin'tVOixinken v Ra pyin: at " Hospital : TOO WEAK TO TELL HER V It I STORY OF fHE ASSAULT ....... Drenched With Blaxing.Oil from ";. a Lamp Thrown ar. ner by Companion. t-. , - ' Kora Stone to lying at-deaths door at Good Samaritan hospital, aa the reault ' . of burn received when ahe wi deluged with biasing oil Strom a .lamp- hurled Jit bar by Blanch Tompkins, In Liverpool '' Us's place In the north and. - Deputy .District Attorney .Haney was hurrtodly summoned to the hospital thl morning V to eacur a, statement -from th dying ' woman, but found her condition . to h uch that aha was unaoie to spew. f .. . . Har assailant - la held ' JLh ' 0,t prison, charged with assault wlln Intent , to commit murder. : In cane of Mrs. 1 Stone's death tha charge will ba changed i ta murder. Judge Hogue haa refueod to accept ball.. V '-,': . lira, Stone's maiden name was Shea, v and aha ha been a denlaen ot the north L. end Jor. years. Three months ago ah was married to Axel "Stone, who was ; ' sent to prlaon by Judge . Hogue tnreo !. weeks ago for beating her. Shortly af terward Mrs. Stone and,? the Tompkins woman quarreled In a room, over the ' saloofland a tamp was burled at lira. i'l Stone. Her face. neck., arms and breast ; were drenched with burning OIL : . i That aha waa not roasted alive was .due to the prompt action of a man In as' adjoining room who hurried to her aeslstance, wrapped her In a blanket and " amothared th flames. . She waa taken to the- hoepltal. where, she -haa. -steadily i grown .weaker until thia morning, when U her physician concluded that, ah oannot 11V.-. ,. t. J V CAN'T SUDE TO HEAVEN ON WIFE'S CHURCH CARD J 1 Th revival meeting In th Oreo M. ;, ;E. ckurokr waa well attended last night. t A large chorus choir, led by Professor ; Wilder, rendered verjr-lnsplring muala 1 Mlsa Utell aang a eolo. . Dr. WUaoa took hie text from Acta, "Men and ' brethren, what must I do to be saved. He'sald la part: ' - . - " "Salvation la th permanent dxliver- ', enee from both the love and the guilt of atn aa well as from Its consequences. V How may on ba thus saved T You must not Imagine you have nothing to do. v You moat not expect anyone to do It .. for hi, . .: i J i ' 1 know lota of men who expect to slid Into heaven on their wife's church membership. You must expect Christ to . do for you what he requires. . We must resent and believe. To repent ta to apologia to Ood. To apologise la to ac . knowledge fault, cease the offense and aak forgiveness. - To believe la to truat , our salvation, to Jesus as aa advocate, , just aa weaaould eatrust a legal cms ' ta a eompetent lawyer or the cur of our Illness to a skniful physician. A ' life of a faith will eura jour worries. And It via th way to overcome pu ' alna." , .- ; ' - . . Th pastor an bounced aervloea for r each evening this week except Saturday. COUNCILMAN SHERRETT WANTS JWO YEARS MORE , 'Dan T.'Sherrett, Democrat, of th " seventh ward. Is the only member of th city eounetl who baa declared hia Inten : ttoa t become a candidate for re-eleo- - tion. In his platform h favors munlcl- , pal ownerahip of publla utllltlee and th letting or contracts to noma contractor. Oeorre P. Lent of 1171 Cleveland ave- nue,' candidate for councilman, at large ... en th Jepublleaa ticket, la oppoeed to saloons In the realdence districts, favors - repeal of th Inquisitorial occupation . tax" and th enforcement or laws witn , out fear or favor. . , - Oeorge M. Hyland of II East Burn - atde wtreet, Republican . candidate for, councilman at large, says If elected, he will work for civio Dettermenu Harry ti. Beldtng of Nebraska street. .Republican, be , councilman : from the Sixth ward.. :" f , -Bridges and flHs to be paid for by " tha city"- ta 4 he platform' of W. C Sea- chreat. th Republican candidate for v council man or the nfth ward. , MRS. KATE MANN LEAVES LARGE CIRCLE OF FRIENDS j Mra Kate. Mann died at Sycamore, ' Claekamaa . county, last evening, after i an lllneea of several month a, aged . CI ; years. ; Sh was well known In th east-; ern part ot Multnomah- county. . Mra Mann was bora In Clay county, " . Mlseonrl alh lived a number of rears (, In Texas and cam to Oregon tn 1IU Sh wm formerly a resident of. Rock wood. Or. .Five children survive her., , ' ' ' The . funeral . will take . place at th family home In Sycamore Thursday at,' . ' neon.- Iatermeot at Multnomah cemo ' , tery. V - - n ,'... )' i . - ',.. t- A tmTTEn , i' i-l , OREGON WOODIIEN C I OFF F03 LOS AKGELES Portland Uniform Rank Will Take H. v PVt in Deliberations of : the Order. ,..,.. .... , , - V, - ( Portlands uniform rank. Woodmen-of th World, will take part In th dellbera tiona of tha uniform rank of the order at th head camp which will convene in Los Angeles Meat- Tueeday. The uni form rank of this city will be repre sented by th following: ' - -- Brlg.-Oen. J. C Jones, command tng th Oregon brigade; Judge Advocate Gen. C. V. Cooper, CoL William Reldt, chief of the commissary', department; Cot H. l Day -of tha Second regiment. Lieut-Col. Herman fcVhade or the First regiment, Lleut-CoL Walter U. Toos of th Third regiment, and CapL Allen M. Brown of Portland company No. 107. They leave tonight for Loa Angeles. Large delegation from the north western states will accompany the uni form company, aa will the MU Hood Held team.. Women 'of Woodcraft. They will leave on a special section of the California espreea. oonslatlng of five Pullman aleeperd. obeervatlon and dining cars -and baggage tooaehea. Av special car from Montana will b attached to the' train here. v Brlg.-Oen. J C Jones will b tn com mand of th Multnomah company, and Mrs. Ik C Henrys of Portland-will be In charge of the Mt. Hood field team. Oakland. Cal., wui toe- tn nrst stop ping place., of' th .delegation.' where ja reception will he , given- Head Clerk Boak, who U said to be the moat likely succeaaor to the late F. A. Palkenburg, head consul of the order. They will re main tn Oakland until Saturday morn ing, when they - will go to San Joae. That evening th members of Mult nomah company will go to Santa Crua, where 0t candidates are to be initiate. Portland representatives will eonduat th degree work.' ; ' v t. Tha loaal company will go Into eamp at Io Angeles, where they will -remsln for 1 day while the bead camp is in Session, r .C- .'..'.l- WITTENBERG DOES . NOT UKE THE SITE School Director Wittenberg la dla satiafled with th aelectlon of th block adjoining the Hawthorne a" a alt for the- proposed east aide high school.- He declares the board - has committed grave, error In placing, th high echool la such close proximity to tha grammar school, would like -to sea tn resident of th east side protest against tne ao tion, and bellevee If sufficient influence were brought to bear the board might be induced to rescind Its action. ' " Director J. V. Beach declared Monday night that he would urg that plana for the building be accepted at one In order that work might begin on the structure. No plana and specifications have been filled by any member ar tn arcnitect a aaaoclatlon, and It la not at all likely there will be any. as tha board has re fused to offer prise. I Contractor J. C Bayer declares be win make an Investigation of the awarding of bids by tha school board, aa ha believes a conspiracy exists by which bids for furnace work In the schools are . kept above a reasonable amount He accuses Contractor W.' .41. McPherson with attempting to form a pool on th oonttacta lt4aatrummr. WOMEN'S CAMPAIGN . 1 T FAR CLEAfJUARKETS Members of th' school' of domestic sclenc of th Y. M. C A. are earnest la their crusade for cleanliness In th shops and markets and have called a mass meeting of tha housewives In Portland for Friday morning at 10 O'clock at lit Tenth street, when th unclean shop vll will be discussed. A detailed ac count of the result of the recent inveati gatlon of members of th echool of do- mestio science will be related and plans laid for remedying the filthy condition of many of the markets, - A committee may be ' appointed to watt -on the, city council ana inun hajdi appointment ov a market Inspector. Yeatarday afternoon a large delegatloa of women continued the Investigation of markets and shops, and many war found to be as dirty aa those visited th day before. Several of the shopkeepers, fearing a vlilt from the . women had made an attempt to clean up their prem ises. -JCvary whera tha women went they found conditions : of which - they- aould Justly complain. REGISTRATION BOOKS ' CLOSE ON FRIDAY Th law require ' .that . reglal ration books must close at I o'clock Friday af ternoon. By that time, about 11,004 voters will have been enrolled, of whom 10.i0 will be Republicans, and MO Democrats. Th total - laat night waa t.l to Republicans T.7TI; Democrata, 1.- Ill; refused to atate their aprty. Hi. Yesterdaya registration waa 719 Re publicans, 7f ; Democrat, 101; and re fused to name party connections, II. ' SB. XZCJCXY 0)S1 luro B: :'. The condition of .Dr. Joseph Hlckey, who la at Oood Samaritan hospital aa the result of an attempt to commit suicide Monday, is slightly1 improved, and hope are ntrtalned for his recov ery. -. . -V'. -- .; .' ''.' ' OF HEALTH J0 SUBSTITUTE '"t..' 1. : -4 SEVER DEFECTIVES : RIfO ADIJITS But Asks Continuance Until . He Can. Produce Witness 'to Prove Conspiracy. ENGLISH HEARD PLAN ; :-U - TO INJURE CONTRACTOR State Opposes Delay, But Trial ; Is Postponed Until May . . Term of Court." ;;. ,R. M. Rlner alleged today In an affi davit fried with the circuit court , that William Engllah. employed by him as a bricklayer on the Tanner creek sewer work, knows of a conaplracy to have the work don defectively, and' that' English Is necessary to th making of la complete defense. Upon' this show ing, the lease baa been postponed unui tha Mar -term. nf, court. " "' '. dwaWT Mendenhail, of counsel for the Rinera, flled th a davit, and argued for a, oontlnujtnca, ' Ha aaia tn aerenee had expected English to be in the city at this time, and to appear tomorrow at the trial, but that It had been learned that 'he is now in San Francisco, and could not be here before the mlddl of May. District Attorney! - Manning re sisted the motion for a continuance. Th affidavit aays: ? ' That William Engllah worked as a bricklayer on the sewer nine weeks; that h wlU be a material wltneas for the de fendant; that thia application for con tinuance is not made for the purpose of delay, but that justice mar be don. and I know of no witness aaiae xrom myself and Engllah who could testify aa to what waa said and don py j&nguap in dolna hli work: that while Engllah did not do anything wrong himself, h knew of a conspiracy to cause tha work on the sewer 'to be done defectively at certain place without th knowledge or consent of tne aerenoant, ana inai. 11 any such defer ta existed, ot exist, they were the product of such conspiracy, and English would ho testify, giving de tails on the trial, and I am reliably in formed and believe, but I did not kpow he would ao teatlfy untn after thia In dictment waa found;, that English will testify that the defendant never gave him any directions to do any work wrongfully; that, sine my ease waa set for trial, J hav had a party looking for tha witness to serve a subpoena on him, but he could not be found, and today I find that he is In San Francisco, Cat, and am informed by hia friends that ha In Portland, about the middle of Mart that. If he cannot be here at the time aet for trial, m May. I Will take his deposition so as to have it 'ready for the trial; and that I cannot safely pro ceed to trial without aaid wltneaa.- - BUILDING INSPECTOR ENFORCES ORDINANCES An attempt to evade th previsions of th new building -ordinance haa cost several buUdlng contractor dearly Wfthta the past, -two weekav Defects war found in their work by th build ing inspector and the battalion chiefs of the fire department, with tha result that the contractor hav been forced to tear -down -buildings and construct them - according to plan, and .apeclnca tlons. " . I',-' '" ' a - . Th most serious defects were found In tha construction of chimneys. Contractors- have an Idea that they can leave out the . terra eotta lining, ' but tha authorities and architect think dif ferently. Statistics gathered by the Are marshal show that nearly it per cut of th Area in residences In this city are caused by defective chimneys, and to prevent further conflagratlona -th au thorities Insist that builders comply wlth,th speclflcatlone. . - ... - copies or tne ounoins oruinancee narv been sent to. every Are company in th city " With order for th . captain, te make themselves famntsr with Ita pro visions. If necessary the captains wiU be called oa to assist . la . Inspecting buildings. . r-ir WILLARD HILLWILL: GET NO PARDON .1. -- - Folic Judge Hogu and Deputy City Attorney Fltsgerald have refused to recommend Wlllard Hill for a pardoa from the city Jail, where he Is serving a sentence of 10 daya for vagrancy. The father of th prisoner 'came to thia city from Astoria, and endeavored to get Mr. Fltsgerald te take favorable action. HU1 was In reality sent to prison by the court because he had been living OS th earnings of Pearl Dixon, who for almost three years waa an Inmate ot the Paris house.- He kept the girl there un til she was on tha verge of consumption. An attempt waa made to free Mill when hia eaae was appealed te the cir cuit oourt by Inducing P redding Judge George of the circuit court to permit hi marriage with the girl. This move was defeated by Judge Hogue and Mr. Flta garald. who personally ' went to the clroult court and entered a protest. .. . LIVELY POLITICS STIRS1 1 .1 QALM OF WOMAN'S CLUB Th Woman's club 1 in th throe, of an exciting election oontest, tha result of which will be known at th meeting Friday afternoon. Tn fact that th officers will hold through th Lewis nd Clark fair will cause much public prominence and responsibility, and club members ar agreed that They should put their best foot foremost. But they cannot agree which, is their best foot. . Mrs. A. H. Breymaa and Mrs.. W. Wynn Johnson have many supporters for the- presidency. . ana t rrmaye election will be does and Interesting. . Th other offices are ot lees prominence, but there will be some rivalry In them as welL Mrs. P. J. Mann 1 tha miring presi dent, and Mra. A. H. Breytnan retiring' vice-president. Mrs, B. S. Pagu seems to be th leading candidate for vice president '..','.'' ,'..';; , .,!"'! LONG BOYS CLEVERLY -: ' ,i ELUDE BURGLARS - Kenneth and Theodora Tjong. sons of Attorney J. M.'Xong, were held up by two masked men on King's heights last night Both ran, were pursued, but eBcaped. , ' ' '..' -t , ' Kenneth, aged 17 years. Was walking along King street, whea the men stepped In front of him, and produolng revolvers. ordered him . to throw up hi band. He fled and was pursued Into the yard of a realdence. -where, hf hid. and th highwaymen were unable .te find him. ,A little later , Theodore was stopped by. the robbers and commanded' to de liver his tnOney. He alao ran and wss ehssed two blocks. - The robber ealled to. him that they would ahoot'tf h did net atea.' ' . . . !- . r,:oE' pjacs . " Than Yoii Ever Saw . Ar now displayed on our. second floor. Here you will Ylnd all th latest style of the various makes we carry ' and to say they are beautiful 1 expressing It mildly. We ar prepared to meet the moat faatldious taate aa to quality, and design. -' When you- realise w handle more of the old eatabllahed makea , than any other house In the country you can readily sea why piano buying is made easy at our house. .Here la where you find the Knabe, Everett, Hardman. Fischer, Packard. Ludwlg. Vose and many others, : all pianos of tha highest excellence and artlatle merit and our prlcea are not higher' than pianos of an Inferior make are often sold for. . At this time we have quit a number of good second-hand and uaed pianos, taken in exchange and back frpm rental and our - prlcea on them are only about' on half their real value. In order to give a little impetus to the bualneaa this week we.have made quit a reduction on all our new good a. Seeour ehow window dlaiilav and then call In nd Inspect..' If there! evef would be a time that you would .need a piano .more - than another, that time will ba thia summer during the' fair, when you have your frienda vlalttng you, ao you might as well provide for IV now. Our easy payment plan of If. l and 110 per month Is at your dispo sal. WUI you avail yourself of ItT ALLEN & GILBERT RAM AKER CO. Corner Sixth and Washington. v.' JMORGAN SMITH AND HIS WIFE ARRAIGNED Hearing Postponed . Until Friday, JJ But Prosecution Say Its I " . Case Is Complete. : ..- ,-, (Jearaal Speeiat aervtee.) - Mew York. . April 11 Simon Stern; the pawnbroker, who Is alleged to have sold the pistol with which Caesar Toung was killed, this morning waa taken to the office of Assistant District Attorney Rand for th purpose of Identifying J, Morgan Smith, as the man to whom the pistol-was eold. Stern failed to Identify Smith. The prosecution now claims that lta cause is complete. . - --r . Smith spent the night at police-headquarters, and hia wife at the-Mercer street . station. Both; were .arraigned before Judge Foster this morning On the indictments charging 'conspiracy. . . On plea of Attorney Lumberger, coun sel for the Smiths, that thsy-had not had time to prepare, the hearing was ad journed Until Friday, The' question of ball also went brer until Friday. The Smiths wer remanded , to -tha Tombs. . The Orpheum. i - ' Large crowds continue tot patronise th Orpaeura nlghtry; anoV lh Jw bill this week is much of a drawing card. Aa original play "In Honor Bound," Is particularly well etaged. New, bright and up-to-date vaudeville and burlesque artists follow each other In rapid suo ceealon. There are little or no Inter mission at tha Orpheum, a continuous, wall directed performance I th order of - the program. . Error . JollyBur leaquera, In their musical comedy. The Vacation." la particularly funny and tha ballet by the pretty Pony Olrls Is a very attractive feature of . the ovening. Ad mission only 10 cent, f - : '. FAIR BUILDING AS . " BONDED WAREHOUSES To faetlltatv-the reception of lm. ported good Tor the exposltten th gov eminent will establlah a braaea-ef flee for th customs department at th fair. I. la : Patterson, local collector, - haa written Preaident Oood to thia effect, adding that goods Imported should be addressed to the president in which case they will be given preference over th ordinary tmportatlona. -. , , i ,i i i i 1. 1 ', - siinrcra offices Thomas P. Moran hag tendered hi realgnatlon as patrolman. The resigna tion was naked for by the.chlef. Moran covered a beat one day. th latter part of which was devoted to getting drunk. When he reported off duty he was In an Intoxicated condition, . : , AT .THE THEATRES. ' Surprise to : Visitors. ; steer ttranse facea are bmb alahtlf at the flblanbla. Indkatlng the early arrival ef werM's fair exbthttar ana tbeir etarn. an are ao lighted with the dilntr blue ead gold andl torlaai an the talented companr oi plarera who ailalater te rertlasd'a pleasure. They freaeaatly Ttolt Maaager Ballard and express tbeir . saietlM that seek . high grade eater. UloBMBt eaa be supplied at whet they tera "rorh rtdlcsioae admleetoa rates." . "WooMa Against Womaa." wbleh Is raaalag all the week, la a Cross. Interesting play, and eaeakt erewd the tbntre at every see forataaoe. i atatlaea. Satarday. ' ' . . i Packing tht Lyric. "If1 Th Irle ' theatre we agala parked last lay aigat tor tne preeestanea or tne by Bile Wlleon, "Uager ef the Paaab." Mies WUaea la eeea la tke title tola, sad auuiea tiryUmHw rrvt llil. " Tt tio- 9 If you want a good food for . your baby, -r- food that u en- dorsed by Tpbylciana, s food that ; containa a larr amount of difestlbl ; conatituetita, a food that feeds, a food . that will nourish, sustain and pro mote the growth of your baby, try Mallin's Food. W will send s same , pi for you to try. , ' . MeHla's Feed Is the eLT lafsaar4 veedTwaich raeetved the Craai rrise, (he hl.ket sward ef the Lietaaafar caeee Ksaeeitlea. StUala, l4. . EUk er taaa a tfeld meaal. . - - MEIXtNt FOOD to4 BOiTON, MAU, ismasm f vv w iv u- . V Noonday Szle Thursday, 4'Pr13 SALE BEGINS AT Q malting frckmns at thl sfor. No delay for your check to be au dited bv two or three clerks. .No matter how bic the thrones.' ; never attended by the ostlinand jam--, 1 ming wnicn- arc txJ jrcqucnwjr mu- uuwui- ; fortable feature of bargain hunting. Our quick way of transacting business ' over, the 1 counter is a revelation to the business world of Portland. We save i neither time nor trouble for our book-: ? keepers at the expense of our customers.' , You make the purchase get the; article , and the change without delay. .That's what you came for, and that's wbtjptir , clerks help you to do. . ' . , t ' l'""; '' ''' ."':fv.-' Rgulnr Special. Red Fountain Syringe, 1 quart. UILlf -SdV-Water'BotUa. 4 quart, t.l.'..'.. ... .11.1 : - B9d Family Bulb By ring. TT;.. ..,.$. 6d Rachaal Whit Spray Syringe. ...... .....1T( 91.49 Imported Rubber Spongea,. ............. Nipple, per dosea.... I ',r soops ' ; K j - , ' : -., ' ' Regular. Special.. '' Societe Hyglenlque, per oak...... ....... 4to M74 , Ptnaud's Violet Rein, per cake.w......t . 4 ' 1T4 Jergea's Wild Locust Honey, per box...,. 14 tl4 Jergen's Knglish Oatmeal par bo. .. 4o - 94 . Francisco Bemaldo Cast 11 a, yiaeat quality . . . i."1, Spanish CaatUe, 1-lb, bars, for thia sal, f - . ' pa1 ,iMM,,Mwe.''.'-.,i V,Te Perfumes and Toilet Raters f ; . ,:'-.-v ': "S'v'"', -. Regular. 8peclaL' . Violets Boquet Fames bulk, per os.... 11.44 i ' aHld- Alfred Wrtght's Violet, bulk, per es.... 44 -V-'JVd-Lundborg's Violet Daw. bulk, par os...... T4o ' 334 Florid Water, large, per bottl. ......... 4lo ' X94 Florida Water, email, per botU...M.v. SOe 13 ' Williams' iaias Water, per botU... ....... I9Q , 33 ' '" :-''.' ".''; 'vi':'' 1 '? ' ,: ':--v' : c i Toilet Accessories - 'j -'.-:.'...' .'.-' ' -":' v' , j ,..A '' ' Special. Swanadown Faoa Powder, per box. ........... t ... 44 Oossamer Face Powder, per box... ...... M. 12 .Dorln Rouge. Ifo. lt.,..,.....M............ IS., Holmes' FroaUIIa, per bottle. ......... ........ '. ' 1241 Sspey's Cream, per botUa...M....i.t-.... . X4 ' Combs ' as Qomsa at TEET.H Extracted and filled sbaoUtely without pala by our late sclentlfto method, pat ented and used by us only. . Free exam- inaUon. ..... ... ... . navotra norak and those who dread having their, teeth extracted ar invited to call at our otBoe. where w will demonstrate to their entire satis faction our claim for palnleaa extract ing. ' .... I : . . -. ' ; SILVER FILljWsT........ SO GOLD niXlNQ8....Tt knd f l.OO 44 AND 414 QOLD CROWNS ....$3.00 knd BB.OO FUI4. SET TEETH.......... ..$4.00 Boston Painless Dentists - ftSlVs MOMMOOM 99. Ova. htoiet 41 Fraak aad OU Festextoa. Hours 4:14 a. m. t 4 p. m. Sunday, 1:40 a. m. to 411:4 p. m. To be sure you ar In the tight viae coma la and get bottle of Dr. B. 1 O raves' tooth powder, free. la sei Clark acts aad loose the yeang ssllor te per fection, A clever Mt by Jaws Manea, aad I. hf. Hendereaa' caaeeptlea vt the elfflealt role a CMIeth are ether ewikisg setsts esoat the prodeetiea,- . ' , - . . :..i': Shcnkes at the Grand. '.; 7 Lset atsht st th Orand theatre is atSMBpt Ing a aboalder doable snaeeaault frem the third smt, little Louts Sheaka mlesed hia footing. Bit father pleked ay the Uttle fellow aad kteaed hlw. Thea the Httla rhap wltaeat s treejor awesled ssd srevely west throegh the angmae feet eerteaj rally, aftar which tee ssdlenee Secaaw tarKal la IU thandereua tpplaaea. , - Bur's Nw BUL , it the Star the new bill to n kesti tale fMbtvnable vaodevffl. theatre haa ever given. The headllnara are Pearle sad Dlaauuit, elever singers aad daaeer frosi Parti. : Feeloy and Abaree are aaooar fime eara. - -new a U flUed with surprleea. The Soyuroe have S gtobe-roUIng tsra Uet Is s geaalae eeaaatloa. ficeldes tkeae the sunagesieBt offera ether acta, all clever, bright and eafrtelaln rrr, St-' f Emplrg' Makes, a Hlt..? ;; ' aioca the Empire theatre eatared the 10-eeut field wlU a flrst-claes stack cowpeay it haa attracted Inre stteatlea IS a abort eaae ef time thea ear ether playhoaao la the city. The attendaaee H inereaaing at every perroi 1. anem Thia week "The Tlrkeef-leeTe' Maa" la the attrarttoa. aad It will he sroaeated st a atitlMO every day st 1:1 a clacks every ev lag et S:14 e'Cloet. . .'- . -.' .. . ... . , .., , , , t ,-. Baker Gt the Crowds. ' ;; The Baker thealr li nuking a atreeg M4 for few tble week by preatatlag oaa of, tke beet bills ataaeeara KeaUag aad Pioed aava ret sat aa. With Wayne Laaair Is his great daaelng apedalty, thne aatloaally knows at. elral turaa. hrrealle entertalaera aad a woa) aerfal aereeatle aahlhHIoa, the Baker has vaaght the crowds ss sever before. ... 1 .... 1 , TDora' Thornd." , .' 'i'' ' 'l 'Dora Taereo' will eeea at the OehiwMa neit Sunday afteraona. The play la . hwhed forward to hy Colombia patrons with great deal at lateraat.' , - JAAJTS FAXSi vPresldsnt Ooode haa received a large bundl of Invoice representing Japan's exhibit at the fair, which will be mad by.ths. Jspaass Exhibit assooistlsa. 12 SHARP AND CLOSES AT t O'CLOCK Sliding Tripods. ............. .mh.IUI, 404 - Hlggin's Photo 'Past llo Bat 4sl Imitation piard Rubber . Composition . ' . ..Trays lOo y 8 , Acid Hypo. . i ..,...- 14 : Eastman's fixing Powdera, I ot.f. I0o ' d . Baatmsn'a Toning Solution. SOo -'lxs . Seed's Transparency Plates, 4xT, per dos. .$1.44 ' ' TOd' 104 British Jevraal ef Photography, 1.411 . .' . pages; special price for this sale...,,. 40 ;.'!lBa)l; our sales are . ... - . .a veafawais mM aa ; .- a-' '. .-' i ..-"'C i 4 .;;: ;, v'i -''.V' '-'" 1 Rogulan 'Special., Wood Aloobot. pints.......;...,.....,... 44o Z4 , Witch Kaael (XMcUnsoa's). pints.. tto'A 94 -'; Ammonia, pints .........M...,..w..... IQo V 4s Roe Water, I oa.i...... -J4 ''131' -Carbollo Acid, t es.,M..,.. ..... 14o ' 'XSr Bay Rum, 4 os. J So J 1341 . . Ollv OH, 4 p's. ...m. .... ..t... ISO " '134 ' ,.-Arnlcav 4 os........ ..... ...;... 24q ..;134 I Glycerine. 4 es. .............. ........... llo , . ;13a Olyoerla, os... t.. 1 Kasenc Psppermlnt, 4 oa. ....... S4o lSqt ' Epsom Salta. 1-lb, package. ......... .7-14o 'j ,:v 94. 'Soda Bicarbonate, 1-lb. packags.,. '14o ' J4 T4 4V At-ti ; ''.".' 'T'" Bo '.;-!: t&'.H :l 'Uquors::-: " -u' ' ' ' a ' . Regular. Special. . Chicken ' Cock Whtakay, ,bottld' is bond.' 6 ' ' ' ' ! 1-4 of a gallon........ IUI ' Sd Fisher's Old Bourbon, quart. ...... 41.14' " 994 'i ' Holland Oln. quartf... ......1.00 , 794 , Choice Old Madeira, quart.... 44o ; 38 Cloverdal Oarst, quart.. .......F..4 194 l'"fSultCasesyjtirseEfa '"- ' '.- '' 'A''; v;V;.V'.V' Regular. Special. . It-Inch Waterproof Caratal.. $4.44 a.'SO Man's Purses, in seal, buck and calf laath. ' ' : , . er. with or without tnaida pockets...., .J4o ' 8aV Twenty-five per cent discount oa all Card Cases, ; Wallets and Bill Books. . . . , '.- '.'V?-; Regular. SpaetaL . ' Turkish Bath Towels....'.'.........,....' 44o ' - 294 Turklah Bath Towela.M.. ............... SOe . 19 Turkish Bath Towels. ................. .. 14 -13 - Pollshlne cloths, batter than chamois....- tOo. ' MA 15. x. - - IH1 . On an LSIzed Paints boeght before r- ; MAY R ASM U SSEN 'I - KJSHINa PAINT PEOPLE : . ' ... Northeast Corner Second and Taylor Streeta f r Vr , -S SPRING cad ELASTIC TRUSSES V ' , ." Cmmm amd Comault Our Ejtptrt. : ;sv ' , y J? Leiue-Davia DrufJ Co. BwmaBBTaBBVsmmWJ eBaajajaBoaaaaajaaajaaajaa aasaBBBBBBBmBBajaaaB ' '. We ee ares aad bridge work witbeaaaala f "V'- X Onr 14 yeara eaaertooee la plete work ea able at to fltroer aaneth eesatertably. L I Dr. W. A. Wlaa haa teaad a oar. way la 1 ' I aiUast teeth, shaahitely wlthaat pola. Dr. ' I f T. P. Whs Is aa assert at gold ftlllag aad ! I crewa aad erldo work. ' Bitreetlsg (tee I 1 whea plstss er hndgos ar ereered. I V WISE BROS., Dentists V J V Jr FaOmg Sslldls, ear. Tab sad Wash Sta y - osea evealaga tin S a. w. Snadars fjam 4 Pk. t. P. WBOy w . U la. Or. Mala Sta. ' Pa, W. A WtaX -. A dessert that ta absoluUly . ' wholesome, delicious flavor, , A perfect In baking color, a sur- ; prise, even ' to the epicure: ', 14 eents a package. . .. AT ALL OROCSRS. ; ' SUNSET BUTTER Th best in the market Fresh churned every day., r : ..t , 60 Cents Per Rc'J , Try our fairniut irtglSSV tSS -r --- 4 aWa, r Crcr.:ry Co. sat rtrs ti s4ca. '.GJ-:,'.. Photo Supplies Regular-: po1aL' . s v ,; li Hntimhn1rt Ofrrevai Stationery V i- - ' ; ' . . .'. '. R'gular. B pedal; 3 Fin Unen papeterla, Lewis and Clark Ex--' ' V . poalUoa k gold letter on every sheet., tic 'j 23 " Sootch Raglan.....,..., emaK-. fOO ' 2I8 ' MOeWItll 4 4I44MI4 Over King Tablets..... 4e 94 Pencil Tablets, ruled......... - loSfsvBaV' raskas rewaaata Pwaa, SO pat t aff regtOag prlos. Sundries. e' H.4..4.IU4M.I,M4i 'Jh ICthar at ak- icStpO C:tc,jC:rf,!ess3e?; Irs this: 'Whatever of voor hard, i . war wanta ar unaatlaned, w : sua-ewat a look through thle sWohv' .Variety and quality abound hare. nd aver all hover a deep regard ' for your pocktbook w AVERY & CO." r ' 1 i . ." . t .-' ', . 6 ....... V y