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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1905)
e , r- - - : r- r---w - 1 I Lwlw...4 tk,....i L.I . . f .A . A. ' i'.-ILA; LL.t) : CIVZ T.V.C.r.ILE HATES fv- a C. . 12 C n . " v ... . f '',-.,.''; , ALL AD TO I2VADA Nats Colomon Prepares to Shake Dutt of Portland From ', ! : I ,. a ' ,- WITH HISFAWILY WILL1 - MAKE HIS HOME IN RENO This City Offers No Opportune - ties for Those Searching for -yr T Golden Fle,ece. v To loin his pilgrim brother In' search , of. the golden -fleece. Nat Solomon haa I iMHd hla realdenee In thla city and will ; wand hla way to Reno. Nev, ... , - Solomon will leave Monday night and ' will be accompanied by hla. family. Ha will make Reno hla abiding place, . . - "Tea. tf a to tba Nevada, town- with - me," he aaid today. "I'm through with Portland. There' no totting around It , gamea are dead her.- Reno. I think, offer good opportunities audi it., it thither that I wUl CO." ' Solomon, Grant and De-le, tho" owners of -what waa the .Portland dub. . will establish . on of . the roost magnificent gambling re aorta In the west at Reno. A location haa been aelected In the cen ter of the business section, and work on the ' building will ' begin Immediately. Fifteen thousand dollars - wUl be ex. ' ponded In furnishing the plaoa. Th bar fixtures are being made In Ban Fran claco. A number of bartenders and other employee will be .taken from Portland to aerve the patrons of the new resort GOVERNOR'S MOTION . LOSES BEFORE BOARD V Moves to Have Accused Person. ' - In Sears Cass Cited to ' Appear.' ' ""' (Special Dapetca to The JoaraaL) 'V. i , Salem. Or.. April 11. At thla afUr . noon's seaalon of tha land board. Gov ': ernor Chamberlain, moved that tha per I sons accused of fraud in the Seara case j .- be cited to appear before the .board at ita next meeting . and show cause -why i the certlflcatea abould not be canceled .. kiMnu nf fraud. " Dunbar moved as a substitute thai the ' case be referred to the attorney general. and if he thought that tha facts war- ranted, hs should prepare citation - pa - pare. ' 7:" ' ' . '. Moor voted for- Dunbar! .motion, caualng tt - to carry. . ,. ,,; , 1' CONTRACTS FOR SCHOOL WORK IN QUESTION ' " Oeorg W. Kendall and Robert Brady, ' : plumbing and heating contractors,- are - t gathering data . regarding tha awarding of ha contracts for heating schools, by. ' tne board or education last summer. Tbrj. iayB been-dragged into the con . troveray between Director H. Wltten- barg and- Contractor a ' W. O. MoPhersoh - - and J-,C, ,Byer. and desire tha lu&rma- tion for their own satisfaction and to ' see tf tha contracts wars swarded reg "v ularly. -.i- The plana and apeclficatlona for heat- v Ing and ventilating 'the building,', pre- pared by Architect Tbotna Jonea. could " not be found In tha- offleo-trf the school 'board, and SohbotSClerk 'ft S.1, Allen ' t stated that Mr. Jones baa them, ana tne i contract for heatlng-and ventilating the hlerh school building waa mlaalng. Tha plana and apeclflcatlona presented IkrW.a McPherson, who Installed the k heating and ventilating plants, were, on . me. DUi Mn. r. airvcjj- eiaiw infti viiwy uia : a fered from the original plana and specl- ' C cations prepared by tha architect. CHINESE ENGAGED TO- T "WORK ON PANAMA CANAL ' Ooarasl Special Servke.! . Washington. D. C, .April 1J. At tha " meeting of Secretary Taft and the e 'ecutlre committee of tha lathmlan ea ) nal commission today It was decided to . esaploy Immediately, or - work on the canal I.Me Chinese and S.tos Japanese ' laborers.- Should the -experiment prove ' auccesaful. praottcally all of tha worK will bo done by theaa two classes.. The ' arransementa were completed for re organisation of tha direotory of tha , Panama railroad, which will take place ; next week. ' " DR. PALMER HOLOS - r REVIVAL AT PULLMAN ' " Dr'-Itay" Palmer ' has closed great aaoath'a meeting at Pullman. Wash.!. All ' the night meetings were - held In the i opera house and day meetings' In the , chnrchee, sad l.owo people erowaea tna ' ' para house ovary .Bunds y -night, while . '-many were 'turned away. About per . sons professed religion.- avfo: fSseelat "Mssatea te The Jearaal) - ; Olympla, Wub, April ll-Oeorge H. ; If seller of Seattle and Tbomas H. Bel . ltngham of Tacoma.-as board of atate plumbers., and Frank H. lsuno .or He ' aulam. as a member of tha atate for S eetry oaam lesion, 'Were the appoint- i Bients named by Governor lfead-yester- 4 Henry Chesdla. a boy aged It. was arrested yrsterday on a. charge of bur- f giary ana aent xo jui anoer e oonoa. Ho has spent one term Is the state re- ; forts school, t . ' PS fcr cczt ci f lis tnn tyzzsu , ft. ta ; rbIy JcCxts every crca : 3rc3s rhennatlin, i cA trcrta tresis. Tela - rer ftsaoa af roasswtsUs enrss J awsal for tjtx on C rooel. Ua. X 4.MnWr ;V 1 1-1 CSke f ' Victory perched upon Portland's 4 banners In a meeting of the Eastern Trunk Line association e thla afternoon at Buffalo. The e association granted the ' rata of d one fare plus It for the round e trip from Atlantic coast tern- e tory to the Lewis and Clark ax- e ' position and all conventions to e be held In Portland thla yean. e r subject to approval ' by tha Cen-; tral Psssenrer 'association. , d - Tha rata granted Is tha same , rats , that la given by eastern e roads for all national events ' aoutbern California points. It e will assure to Portland tha na- e tlonal convention of tha letter . d carriers,, the Equal Suffrage as- , d aoclatlon and a number. of other e national bodies that have 'been " heeltatlngN. about making final dt decision to hold their conven- 4 tlona thla year In Portland.' News of the decision by the e trunk lines was received In a'.e telegram -this afternoon to the d ' Portland chamber of commerce.- ' . .. ' . -' 5. . ' ... ' . TOK Oil TROLLEY LIKES TO New York Capitalist Vyhos Jn. "terested Predicts an Early -' ; '' Date of Construction.' . MONTE AND WRIGHT " FROM LANE COUNTY. Seyeri Eugens High School Stu dents Who Wsrs Suspended, , - .. v: n Reinstated. - ' V (SpeeUI Mspetea ta The JoSrael.) , -Bugene, On. AprU It. M. S. Taft, A capitalist of Birmingham. N. T oneof the incorporators of -the Willamette Val ley Electric, company, which was organ. laed last fall to build several trolley lines In 'Lane county. Is In Eugene for the purpose of looking over the territory which the proposed Unco will traverse. Ha says that It la highly probable that construction work on - tha llnea would begin within a very few months. - A. B. Woods, general manager of the Oregon Si Southeastern railroad, tha Una from Cottage Grove "to tha Bohtmla mines, was In conference with Mr. Taft y esterday. .r 1 1 . . Is . said . that the two companies might be merged Into one. - Charles Monte and Harry Wright, who have Juat been Indicted by the Marion county, grand Jury for murder In the first degree in famishing the rlflee and ammunition with which Tracy and Merrill made their desperate escape from the penitentiary, are . both from Lane oounty. -Monte was sentenced to the penitentiary for burglary In a Eu gene store, ' having been caught In the act. " Wright's family lives la tha western and of-the county. " ', a The seven high school students who were - suspended Tram "school laat Frt day-bfcauso they, participated la.alaas flag-raising at midnight the night be fore were yesterday retro tateo. "T? WHY ROCKEFELLER COIN IS ACCEPTED BY BOARD (Joaraal Special Serrlee.) Boston, April 11. The sub-committee of ' .the prudential committee . of the American board of foreign missions In Its report favoring the acceptance of Rockefeller's gift of 1100,09 to the Congregational church, saya: .. . "We welcome tne enort , to awaken publlo conscience to a necessity of higher '' ethical standarda In acquiring wealth, but .those protesting, advocate meana to accomplish this which are not only unwise, but ethlcaSy wrong.' - The commtttee surgeats tost Itnas no right to refuse a gift from a church member until the member is " publicly tried, either by the church or courts. It Bays; "To prevent any man from do ing good is 'the wrong, wsy In which to condemn him for doing evil. .'.'; NEW FERRYBOAT IS . DOING CAPITAL WORK Port land'a" new ferryboat. Lionet R. Webater, Is being operated today on the Alblna , ferry runt in plaoa of the W. B. Mason, which was taken off for inspection by Admiral Kempff. The Webster la reported to bo giving satis faction, in aplto of '.the fact that the county commissioners recently refused to accept her from the city. Bhe Is making the slips regularly, and the en gineers snd pilots auto, that , aha Is a model of her claaav. i , t t , .j Rates to W. O. W. Convention at Accoont of convention Woodreea of the World and Women of -Woodcraft to be held at Los Angeles April -IS. lftS. the Southern Pacific Co. will sell on April IX Hand 14. round trip tickets Portland to Loo Angelas, limit days at rate of ISS. Tickets can be pur ehaaed at ny Southern Paclfle ticket FOND PUPPY SNUFFS OUT LIFE OF BABE IT. LOVED (peetsl Mustek, a tae JearssLI Butte, ' Mont.. AprU It. WhUo a mother slept with her threa-aaonths-old baby girl by her aide, the playful prank or a siaat mastiff puppy snuffed oat the life of the little one yesterday morning at me Dome of Mr. and lira John rinnegaa. ; The puppy lumped on to the bed and tay-"lrectir- orar- tho faro and breast of the child, smothering it without a aoand. The mother alevt on. and when the father returned early In the morn ing from the Parrot mine, where be works, the corpse of his child lay be aath the body ef the sleeping brut. a peculiar circsaaataaee Is the dis appearance of the dog. which had exhib ited great fondncoa for the la'ant- The Infant bad been dead about half an hour wnea I ' SPANKED YOUTH UURDERS STEPFATHER IU , REVEf.'GE l sBSSBSannsaBnnBnsnwaB .. ,.,""'' naeelal Ptase Tae lieieaH L., Malta. Meal. April 1L Wtlllaia ntt a wall known raoMrat of thla section, m dead as the result of gsaahot wounds alleged to have bem-tnflkted by Wtuta Armingtoa, Ms 13-yesr-old Mepeoa. The act to aaJd to have been coram tued be- eaaaw Bits had tpankeS tke? say. -' BEGIN " m XTspFroachins. We have a 4 clandU lias of Caster gifts, amocj which are Prefer Dooks Uycnnds Dcofalets Ccrlds J.:;;1 I We have -the ' handsomest J Bibles ever shown, t - ' c IJ.K. GILL CO. i Bbokseliers and ; Sutionsrs : t THIRD AND ALDER Crest Ttlnf at UKle Mco ysyVMyssySSSSTS MARION GRAND JURY EXAMINING RECORDS Busy on Books of State Land De- partment George Sorenson Seen -at State House, f-v (SpeeUI msmteb te tVe learaaLt v . Salem. Or., April It. The Marlon county 'grand Jury transferred Its place of meeting yesterday from the court houas to the eapltol building,- can examine the books snd records of tha state land department. The mem bers were engaged In thla work nearly the whole of the day, but it ia not known exactly on what line they are working. Oeorge Sorenson. the man who haa fig ured quite prominently In land trials recently, was seen about the state house yesterday and It Is rumored that the jury is now investigating a large num ber of alleged fraudulent applications for school land in, which Sorenaon is In terested. , Dr. H. C. Carry of Baker City, ' waa yesterday appointed by Governor Cham berlain to represent the state of Ore gon at tha council of medical education of the American .Medical association to be held at Chicago. April tO. ' Senator M. A. Miller of Lebanon.' who Is a. delegate from his camp to thevotate .1. W4 'llTAnn... of America, to be held In-Baker City thla) week, atopped in Salem last even ing. He reports that nearly every one In hla county Is In favor of the refer endum movement in regard to the .gen eral appropriation bill and that it will carry by a large majority. KELSO LOGGING MAN . ROBBED RY FOOTPADS (Special Dtopetck ' The learaaU Kelso, Wash, AprlliJtw A bold high way robbery waa. committed hero laat night at 11: o'clock, i Berger iohnaon, employed In a logging camp, atarted to his boarding placa.a lew.olocxa rrom the business part of town, when suddenly he was confronted by two highwaymen. who ordered htm to throw up hla hands. Before complying with the request he threw what money he had tt.S on the ground. They lit a match to And the money and by its light Johnson ..was able to see how the highwaymen were dressed. Atlas Milliard, a young" man who has been living hero for some time. waa arrested on suspicion. , ABERDEEN RED MEN TO HOLD CARNIVAL (lesrlal -IMsaeteh to Tse learasLl " Olympla. Wash.. April 11 Aberdeen Is to have a carnival in Jane under the auspices of the Bed Men of Aber deen, The bualneas men have signi fied . their - willingness to donate the atreets to the habitues of the wigwam. and several attractions have already been secured, one of which Is the Na tlonal Betas Southern company. " The fair, Is expected to bo a feature that will draw many visitors to this piece. JOHANN HOCH GIVEN - ' ' CHANGE OF VENUE (Jesrssl SsecUT ftrtrlea.1 Chicago, April 1 1. J ohs nn Hoch, the bigamist, who Is charged with wife mur der, today was granted a change of venue from Judge . Tulley's court to Judge Kerstens court. The . trial was set for AprU IS. vt on BTOOCX.,4 The St earner Bailey Oatscrt will be placed on the dry dock t SL Johns this afurnoon. to bo fitted with a tran som. ' "bo. win bo tno largest ' river steamer over lifted by the- drydock. and a number of Portland people have gone to take a look at her. It win so about two weeks before tbs work la com- pleted.- rtrr- -'r r .--- - .- tt. c campoeii. general manager oc the Regulator line, says' the Bailey Oatsert will bo operated thm season bo Iween Portland and Cascade Locks sa rins! vely for . passengers. She will go on the run early In May, and wlU leave Portland at :! o'clock In the morning anl return at 4 o'clock In the afternoon. Other excursion boats may bo placed on tho-npper river route as soon as the fair opens, and It is believed that one of them win be the steamer Telephone. Mr. snd Mrs. C A. "perry of S potass are at the Portland. K. IX Bteincamp of Oraalts, or. Is In the city. J. P. Tates or wasco is at tne im- wuiaim J. ciarse, a snnnsner ot tier- vats, or kr In town on business. . SSannAM bbSbWaSsi SaS M nW9mWW9m STmPSySS SiMawW'VSSBj SJ Jsiaa Lewis' Best frraad; WaWVaW P Ask your dealpr flbou the D'Oier. . - PORTABLES land S HADES; greater 1 than electric light -t& less cost 5f Drt B. E. mm TaeSstsntlfla IMbtMsS ' that re lieves an pain la dental opera tlona WASBINCTOJi FRUIT. . RIPPED BY FROST Pears, the Blossoms of Which "Were, Falling,' and Strawber ; fries' Suffer Most Severely. f . (Iperiat Olspiteh ts The Jearaat) Walla Walla. Wash., April 4 L Frost seriously damaged crops last Sunday and Monday nights.- About Milton, Or., the strawberry - crop Is 'seriously In jured. Perhaps tha loos will be greater than- it has been In sny previous year. The strawberry center Is In the Milton and Free water country, and acoreaof acres of valuable gardens suffered. " , The fruit crop in general will suffer somewhat, but to what extent cannot now bo ahown. The early varieties which had ' shed the blossom - are in jured, while those still heavily In bloom and tboss not in bloom cannot be said to be damaged at alL Not much ef the orchard area was advanced far enough to suffer severely. Apple trees srs Juat beginning to bloom., and no loss in thla crop Is expected. .Cherry snd peach trees have been in full bloom for a week and In some esses the bloom had begun to fall before the frost cams. v'-.-t bat nrooBOssa. ' - (Jearaal Special sarrlee.) Chicago. AprU 12. At the great chiefs' council of the Improved .Order of Bd Men, held . here yesterday, John W, Cherry, of Norfolk, r Va., waa chosen great incohonoe to aocceed the late Thomas Watte, of Montgomery, Ala, snd W. A. S. Bird, of Topeka, Kan, was chosen great senior sagamora iWrAUU Qn: account of the great merit and -popularity, of FOLEY'S ' HONEVND TAR for Coughs, Colds, and Lung- Trouble, levcral ; manui&ctuferf arc; advertising imitations with similar sounding names with the view of profiting by the favorably SUWWU lUUUUIl We. originated Honey and Tar as a Throat and Lung Remedy and unless you get ' FLEV'S DOIIEY AIID TAR you do not get the onginal and genuine. Remember the name and insistSupon haVing Foliv's Honey and Tae. Do not risk ,your life, or health by taking imitations, which cost you the same as ths genuine. Foley's Honey and Tar is purup in three sizes 25c, 50c and j5i.oo. Beautiful Tailored Models made by the same exclusive men tailors that product our swagger young men's college clothes. . , -Serges, Homespuns and Scotch Cheviots, Dresses with and without embroidered emblems. ;. v , -. , 01O to . ' Misses boats oi i an woven, . J T - . ttl . Mm a SM . S giean una wsy. nrnnnpuni. : New Spring Shspes in Auto Csps. - ,t Thv Greatest IN WOOD PRICES ' FOR ONLY 30 DAYS H I LlJ ', , -' I , r bt&ajswoos sea ssobow Aisa .' ! ' . r"n"--' i 1 ' "fiv ' "--'-"If srosi nxa sostbm " - r . - .-.:. tTs' , if T""-':.'-' 3 ' 0een ahort alab,'Wr load.,...,, fl. TB' ; ( -mm tkmm . , ' :,.. ' vi - . Iry abort alab, per load.... 1 13. BO : '. . - '.'.' , 27S 5f ' 225 . , - sTJ . oreen tnalda. per load ..113.96 aW barV J . ',w, i v- 4-foot dry wood, per cord 4. 113.36 , ' - '.' ; .' 5 '.' i.,-, Block wood, per load...... 63.0O - ' 0' 't.Sr'k- 9 V. rT V- twrtlaa SalgMs, WUlaaaeeM. kf 1 KriCrT?--4r- " ' ' '.-"-I: ;Iajlai aw4 Stoma Taaor. . e- ...r ' .' s vrrv:.-;:.:.,.' Caeap 4-oet greea elebweed fcf srigeawat. '" i. ;"' " J ' ; .(..f" prices Iselnwd la dletrlcte are .' , Yr ? - , ' ... , saeri greea weed, set lead, , 'fZ " ." 5 H : ; " ! " JKswTJI II if cefTTV I I CeCJ I I I.I J.. .. S . I - a m . isnisni - . - . MM' mmmmi . . ; 0 ! 5.00 Ul i VJulj 1 . O nUlliil , DO HOT DE AfatUafM WWW IAUe-.i;.a4 J C; ;. MM 016.50 wh ' oaaas ' S uou Kea, uiue, unnnisnea wor' , .. .. . . . 5.. ; t'.tv.v Misses Straw Sailors and ' Misses' Caothsog House ia the Northwest Oreen short, per load... Bseep - Portlamd and WiJ Dry aborts per load... ...S)a.BO -.Jasastlo Sleights. ' f ' Dry 4-foot wood, per'oord.V7T. .t)3Js6 . a CUT exren KAJP OVV Blocks, per toad...... ...a,00 'V AJTS) SAVB XT. BANFIEtD-VEYSEY FUEL CO. Phone Main aaa?- - SO THIRD OTRCCT . - J ii i i . ' i.i , ii'i ii it t mmmammmsessasmsm JS ,. v ' Ths Trus Hcdth r.lattrc:3 at Lcct , Not .StefUlxed." patuuriied" or "dlainfcctcd." but otmpl tho pure, heilth-firinj, Inrlgoratlnc, pnrlfrlnf atnwophero prorlod by Naturo hcraoU, In tb woodeTful Pin. Ncedl. Mad into tha aofteat, plcaianteat fibra In a moat comfonabla bed. .Half ol Ita beneficent qoalitlea told hero would aeem froaa ' axancration. Visit our pleaaant ahow room and Inveitlfata. : .V ' ' ""'.-)'-!: ': i ' ' Hyrenjc Mattress Co.- PHONE EAST 812 93 QRANO AVEIIUC aA AjT A a I. IOP0SED UPOn r- - r - , .. , v " .- -'