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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1905)
' i ,.' .-...-" , , i Tie ,V.-r. . ' " Tonight, ' ahotrersf showsrs , and cooler; owsr nds. v. VOL. IV.: NO. 23. StatcLand Boards Suspended Until . Frauds Attorney ; Generil ; Declares Board's' Power ; Su- g preme dAsiseirts ItsA Pf psIrrcgtilar If: Salam. Or- AdiH IX. Fortifld by an vv Important- rullnf - bnde4, . down ' thia noriitnE br Attorney-0nrali'Ctwf ord, th ata.t Und board la bow .in position 1 to was vigorous war upon tba awlnd t Urn- wpo' hava bn (rabbtna; tna atata . ':, aotaool landa through fraudulent - appli- , eatlona; 'At'lta maetlng thla morning : tha board auapendad-tha further Issuing 'ofideeda tqr- school lands until tha In ,r vaaitlgatloii now being mads br the Ma f ron eounty grand jury la completed, i This order affects about l.eoe.OOa acres land. f "L ---", -I'tl-Two weeks ago. Governor -Cnamberlaln addressed a communication to tha at . torner-fcensral asking his opinion as - to tbe right of tha state land board to cancel certificates of sale Issued upon fraudulent applications. Tha letter was ' called forth br,the huge frauds which i haTe been unearthed by the aUte land agent. Oswald West, and which are now t being investigated by .the Marlon eounty ' 'grand Jury,. t " '. . Jt, i Replying today to tha governor a ln 5 qulry. the attorney-general .states that i: th land .board has- pewsr to cancel cert tlncataa of aale which are found, after J due lnvaatlgatloh; -to t frawduletrh Ha i suggests that the bettaf tnwetlea-would I be to lva, natle,- to each. lnataaee, -to - ( the holder of tha-eartlaoatek'than an tn--veetletlo la lotanded, thus glvtag him f. pportunlty, t appeajt and aatahllah hja claim. C The' 'attorney-general nolda that any geclsloa 'toado by tha board whan thai 'aewsg Vtthln lta lurtsdirtlon la aa preme. 'and cannot be questioned by tha OOUrta. AS IO ne lunnci mtt.m k ' pounded by tha governor as to the rigfit of the state to realn' all moneys paid to It upon fraudulent applications for school landa. .the attorney-generei " mnt vtven an onlnlon. It la believed. -'however, that tha right. would be IneW dent, to tha power to cancel curuaimi , ; of sals that are uintea wnn rraua. - The result of this ruling wlU probably -ibe eventually the cancellation fit oer , tineaUs of tens of.thouaanda of acres of school lands that wero obtained - through traud. Xt la believed that the ' Marlon eounty grand Jury la unearthing DUIIIIE TW A(h "ARBITRATION LAV " Will Taki Inltiativ Stept to St ' curt Compultory 8wttl r V :Vv rnent of StrikolXjvJ-",! MANY EXTRA POLICEMEN ; SENT TO GUARD WAGONS Coal Ttam Owners Deliver Fuel to Montgomery-Ward Com i pany Despite Warnings.' Chicago. April It. Mayor Dunne will initiate sUpa to obtain tha appointment In. Chicago of a permanent board of 7 arbitration to decide all disputes be-'- tween labor and capital Ha declared ; today that ha favored such a board, and would use nla Influence to secure the paasage of a law making arbitration V compulsory. .,'.,' ".- ,. . t A hundred extra' policemen were d . tailed this morning to guard tha wagons - of Montgomery. Ward Co. This la tha answer ef Mayor Dunne to tha ap . peal of tha strike leaders In which they ; complained of the offlclouaneae of the r" police fn protecting non-unlbn drtvera." ' Coat team owners today delivered fuel i to Montgomery, Ward Co. despite tha ' warnings1 of the union, that 1. atrlkes , would be ordered against them. Detectives hava ' bean " employed to a- watoh express wagon drivers and get v evldenae on which to base a petition In . the .federal .oourt to enjoin Interference with Interstate commerce. ' ' The. meeting last night between the employers and unions resulted In a dead ; lock. No peace la In eight. The wnlona committee aUted that tha teamstera workers only and If tha grievances of "t tha garment- workers were not to be considered there .was nothing to -arbitrate. Another conference wilt be held t late thla afternoon. - " '. Mayor Dunna was waited upon by-a committee of strlkera laat nlgh( and promised to alt as arbitrator on the eon. edition that the memhera of the anion WaiM la ent. kl . i . . I.Z- 1 ' "na PceDie in the strike. He told the union men that he Would en fort,. aw mnl orol. ttart ha did anything elae la tha matter. Thursday,- '. southerly Orders Traiisf ers much Important ' evidence, and that, a number' of Indictments will result, " ,Th transactions in which H. R, Tur ner' of Salem figures aa the attesting notary " will undergo- rigid scrutiny. There-are. others which are deemed equally questionable. District Attorney MoNary ia.sstd to be 4n possession- of evldenoe which shows conclusively that hundreds-" mt. Applications for , school, landa were made in the names of per aons who- never existed, , and that . th namea in many.caaes were "forged by the attesting' notary. "Aa noon aa tha . cer tificate of aale' was . secured i:.was turned over .tonomo one of, the specu lators who were .operating, either on their own account or for eastern lum bf nnen. t k '. !,- . . . Blfs ta Oanssl BaaAai The queatlonae to whether or not the state land board haa power to cancel deeda leaned on fraudulent representa tions came up yesterday-when jamea K. Bears, a prominent, farmer of , Polk, county,-filed with tha Ward an applica tion for the purchase of th4 east half of section 1. township south, range 4 at, and at tha same tlma an- affidavit i atatlng that ha believed that a. fraud -ha been practiced , upon the state of Ore gon In tha aale of the above lana to one Fred ralmer, j . - -t Seara . alleged, that tha .: appUcatloa made by Palmer" waa not for tha Indlvtd- nal-wewelle-od hlsaeelty-awt. was made for tha purpose or specula Hot n that the aMdavit made to aatd application waa untrue, wherein It repreaented that na had made no contract or agreement, ex nressed or Implied, for the aale or dis tribution oLaald lead. t - . He farther alleged, that tha said 'ap- plloatlon waa. made for tha beneflt of one W..-D. Mahoney; that ha furnished the money for tha .purchase,' and that the certificate of sale was assigned, directly noon being Issued, to t W. D. Mahoney. Stating, that ,he believed Mahoney la stiu the holder of tha certlflcata of sale, Sears -protested against any dead being issued, to Mahoney and made applica tion for the. land himself. ' a Tha atate. land board has .taken tha matter under advisement ana wui proc- abjy. dya. Its decision. at tha next meet ing. ... , , ...... 1. MYSTERIOUS-TRUNKS iPROVE-BEEE-COSIBINE .( . n ... ... .: - Evidence Shows That Combina "rff- tion In : Price of By-Pro- r .' - ' tducts W&k Made. ; , - i ': - (4oanuu special service.. Chicago, AprU IS. Evidence that the packers . .sold casings at a minimum price of 4"oente per set, in purauanoe of an agreement to regulate the price of by-products-is aal4 to hava been found la tha trunks seised by tha government oracers .engaged-. In tha, beef In vestigation. - Five employes of the packers were questioned by, the federal grand Jury this morning. Transcripts of evldenoe are being made, to submit to Judge Orossteup taaecertaln If the Injunction of hla court, .restraining the packers from combining has not been violated. -1 Aa a result of tha sec rata revealed in tha trunka tha . inveatigatlon haa as sumed a much wider scope than hereto fore.- Tha entire secret tranaactlona of tha Aetna Trading company,- tha cor poration through which tha secret busi ness of tha big - packers was trans acted, waa revealed to the Jurors and aa a consequence many new wltneaae will bo subpoenaed, including O. H. Godfrey, secretary and -treasurer --of the Aetna Trading company, and R. H. Cowan, an other offloial, both of-whom hava been traced to Toronto, where all trace of them waa lost.,- ' v. , The trunka have bean Impounded by order or court so that no one by legal process can obtain possession of them. , KANSAS BOYCOTTS T STANDARD OIL CO. ..',.; i 1 r, . (Joaraal apclat Sameal - Lincoln. Neb.. April 11 Tha Independent-Oil .company .has captured tha oil contract with all state institutions. Tee Standard haa hitherto enjoyed tha exclusive -monopoly of thla buaineea. KAISER MAKES GEORGE . ' OF GREECE AN ADMIRAL (Joaraal special Service.) " Athena,-April 11. Emperor "William aeiled from Corfu thla morning. Before leaving the kaiser- appointed . King George an admiral In the German navy. l.aUWaVr TaUAJk Baaxsik --!'' Austin. Texas, April II. In' tha dis trict court here today the cases of John H. Klrby,, ex-State Treasurer Wo ft ham, A. & Vandsrvoort. Frank. D. Glover and Joe Eagle all charged with eonaplraeyi to nnne a judicial off lean were called fa trial. w. . I i A v .PORTLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. ; -EVENING,- APRIL f.lenccln Conditions Near the Fair Grcands,-Stir f;Citypf& IN HURRY OF BUILDING . RULES WERE DISOBEYED Ay Many. Structures Will Be Razed I And Property Owners Will Bet- Compelled to ; Put in : n ' v,rl Sewers at Once In the Vicinity of the Lewla and Clark fair grounds there Is a condition: exist ing that la receiving the serious. atten tions of tha city officials. ' Not only-are threatened the health and lives of people living In that-local ity. but building regulations, have been Ig nored to auen an extent that should a fire break out under favorable conditions there la. a.poalbllity that all or -most of the structures might be swept away and those en the exposition grounds threat ened. ' ' . '-! ; . Health' office' officials.' the nlumbina Inspector and tha building inspector and fire, marshal declare that, they are hav ing great difficulty In enforcing the city , regulations - regarding . fire and health protection among the restaurant and lodging house men who have rented. giuuuu ana ereciea riimsy, nuuaings in the territory surrounding . the ; exDOsl- Wot several blocks around the entrance Jow.. ..' Unsightly i woodeV-' structurea. Jammed Into every inch of spaoe, avail- una, have been built, regardless of ap pearances, or tha rulea governing .the safety of property from fire or human Ufa from -disease, ahe buildings 'are not properly 'ventilated, and have la tttciat.'.Mwaraa, nd alreadyrtbe ataock- from the a lope and garbage barrela la ao nauseating that residents In that vicinity are complaining bitterly. Healt Officer H. R. leradorf visited several places yesterday and found pools of atagnaat water atajidlhg behind hulldV tnga slops, from kltcheaainka beneath houses, and sewer barrela running over with -.rotten table refuse. The stench was almost unbearable to ana whose nostrils had .not become aeouatomed to iti Dr. Blersdorf ordered the people to cean -up and to secure garbage cans' and scavenger to take the garbage- to tK-s crematory. -; ir ' the orders' are - not obeyed, arrests will follow. -- ' j -"Plumbing ' Inspector- T. Hulme haa been having trouble there. 'The '-peo ple who have put up tha buildings did net .put. In the. proper sewers, and he haa given notice that they must "make the required changes or they will bo ar rested tomorrow. The, building inspec tor haa ordered changes- In several of tha largest of the structures to provide exits and fire-escapes for occupants In L'aBei ira. Several of the bulldlnca hava been very frailly built and tha owners' hava been ordered to put in additional sup ports " to prevent tha structurea from collapsings ' . " .- . The deputy Are marshal Is now; having trouble with tha Inside Inn where tbe contractors are insisting on using paper celling which cannot be allowed under tbe provtalona of tha building ordinance. If a Are once gets started In the build ings surrounding the entrance ' to the fair grounds It Is declared a great con flagration will ensue. Tha houaes are built so close together and of such light and inflammable material that they will burn like tinder, if a Bra occurs in thla locality the. buildings In tha fair grounds will be endangered. . . .- . ' r-- STREETS LINED -WITH 4 : ARMED OF TWa RACES IJeenal special larrlre.) . Coffayvllle, Kan.. April It. Follow ing brutal assault on Mrs. John Grif fith by a negro yesterdsy, a race war Is threatened here. The streets are lined with armed whttea and negroes. Hun dreds of deputies have been 'sworn in to preserve order. The "mayor haa' or dered all negroes disarmed by tonight, by force if. necessary. . - . . . " SEVEN PERSONS' HURT,: : V , ; ONE DEAD IN FIRE : aearaal gpreiat tervieer .' "' Grand Raplda. Mich..- ApelL 'lL As tha result! of a firs early -today in a boardlng-houes and saloon on Broadway and Elisabeth street.' May Herriok, aged years. Is dead; Mrs. Charles Harriett, the child's mother, fatally-.lnjured, and five -others- seriously injured.. . v (Jearaal gserUI Servlee.1 Kansas City, April 11. J. C Miller. manager and ana af tha ewnere of 10 L" ranch, near Outbria, Okla la making big preparations far the entertaining af tha delegatea to tha National editorial aseo ciaton at hie' ranch June 11' He, will hava rtwo - buffalo- hunts, ana. by , cow- boyar another by Indiana. , Miller pro poses to havs tha remnants of tha blan ket - Indian tribes participate in the bunt.. ,..-...-) . --. ", t Miller announced that ha would give 11,000 to- aaf paraoa .who would permit OFPFR.Q "TYY RF .QPAI DFn m. . . m aw wa. mm .. asv m m sr m mm m -r--""- r FOR THOUSAND DOLLARS LET 60 Indictments Against Him r Dismissed , by Request " of Prosecutor Heney PLEAS IN ABATEMENT , , JO BE ARGUED FRIDAY ( -:; rr -VC:;,a; C. A. Watson, C. D. Barnard and C. B. Zachary Arraigned, As f i avail the Legality of the Crnrl Jurv'a AetxU' . .-' "1 am going to oismiaa ins inoactment as to H. I .Sialer." said.' United 8tats District Attorney Heney this morning, liecauae I am B&tlsfled that ha had ao guilty knowledge of tha frauds practiced by VY. N. Jones and the others with whom ha waa Indicted, and that he had no share in the profits. W. N. Jones, with whom he was on . terms of personal friendship, a aired him to hold title to some of tha landa secured In the Sllets Indian reserve, sad he consented, but ha bad no interest in tha transactions. Tbe Indictment was retu.ned last 'Saturday, and tha time was too short to ascertain all tha facta' as to his connection with tha ease, so that all we could do was to include him. with tha other defen dants." . ' V H. I. Sister Is well known in news paper row In this city. For four years and m half he . was general agent In Portland of the Chicago. St. Paul, Min neapolis ft, Omaha. Last January, when that Una waa consolidated with tha Chi cago A Northwestern, - ha ' waa trans ferred to Seattle as assistant general agent for the combined companies. Bail road men and others who nave been as-' soelated with Mr. Staler speak, of him la high .terms.. He. caroe to' Portland Im mediately upon-learning , jthat ha had been Indicted, and had ao interview with Mr.. Henojr thla morning, " .'-5 r'-t mrm.nmmt woslaw V-- . I Mr. Staler was Indicted last Saturday wiw w. n. J ones, xnaaaeua av fetter and Daniel Clark, on the- charge of con spiring to defraud the government (of a portion of its public lands. In the Sllets Indian 'reeervation. A number of - old soldiers had been located In the reservs by ,W. N. Jones,- and it Is charged that they wore dummies; Jones being the real nartv In Interest. rV Eeveral of their claims9 were conveyed to him or to per sons who wero acting fdr him. Jones seed Staler jf he would hold tlUe to soma of the claims and. tha latter con sented..., Six or eight months sgo Jones found a purchaser and Staler oonveyed t him. That- was his only connection with. , tha. case, and Mr. Heney became satisfied that Staler was Innocent of any Intentional wrongdoing in tha matter. ' Three more of the defendants in tha land.' fraud Indictments were arraigned this morning. Charles A. Watson. Ceo D.- Barnard. and Indicted fer perjury - la making false proofs of hemes tead entry, appeared in Judge- Bellinger's' court .- and - through their -' attorney, Judge A. S. Bennett, filed pleas In abatement, the grounds being the aama that were advanced In Senator Mitchell's ease. The legality of the. sets of the grand Jury Is assailed and the right of Mr. Heney to act as United States district attorney la chal lenged. Objection to tha filing of tha pleaa waa made by Mr. Heney on tha ground that they were too late. All the pleaa la abatement that have been filed by tha land fraud defends nU will be argued, next Friday . morning. Congressman. Williamson and others under Indictment will appear for ar ralgnment'on that day. . "They say Friday Is an unlucky day. remarked Mr. Heney this morning, "but then I don't believe in hoodoos, so I guess the bed luck will bo for the other fellow." t 1 - Congressman Binger Hermann will ar rive from Washington Saturday evening ana is to aa arraigned next Monday. INDOOR CIRCUS OPENED IN NEW HIPPODROME 1 '.' -I - - (Joaraal Special service.) . ) New York, April It. The New. York Hippodrome, the mammoth - place of amusement which has been In course t construction since ' last ' fall at Sixth avenue and Forty-fourth street will be opened to the public for tha first tlma tonight. I The atyle of, entertainment te be given has never been seen la this country before, and la modeled after that of the London" Hippodrome. . Tha ahow will not be merely an Indoor cir cus, but wilt Include pantomime, apeo taole. circus. mualcaO. comedy, - drama, aquatics and aa animal and equestrian exhiblon. . i ; . I himself to be scaped'hy Oeronlmo, tho rsmoua Apacne enter, on -the. day of tha hunt It was hardly -expected that any ons would take -the 'offer, but-tonight Jamea Scott, a half -breed Frenchman, who -recently came to -Kansas-' City,-de-lsret that ho would submit t& the tor ture to Set tl.000. .--,--" . . 1 j . Scott said he needed the money. . Tha only conditions ' he stipulates - is that the ranchman furnish a competent phy sician to sew the scalp on' again and pdy hla expenaea to Outhrle. ( . Scott says that no one la dependant upon fela, jo4 loseg him sxceytAnce 12. ltC5 FOURTEEN PAGES. h: 1 F. B. Dames Found in "BeUIngh3m;His Head! 7 Nailed to Floor. . HATCHET BURIED IN j - : THETOP OF HIS SKULL 6kewer Driven - .Through His .' Temples Pins' . Him - to the Floor - Crime of Rob- ' : - hers, It Is Supposed. ' (Spedal Dl patch te The JeenaLt Belllngham. Waab.. April 11. This cRy'was shocked this morning by one of the most brutal murders sver per petrated in tha Pacific northwest. F. B. Dames, the owner of a meat market, was found In his room - at a lodging-house where ho resided with a hatchet buried In the top of his head and a skewer driven full length-through his temples- into tha floor. 1 -. - - . . s x The body was discovered about t o'clock this morning, by a traveling man with whom Dames was negotiating for the purchase of material for. his shop. The drummer left him last night and was to meet him. early this . morning. Going to his shop on Lake street, he waited - an hour, and, . finding that he did not materialise, went to the place where he lived. He was told his room. and, going up, found the door locked and no answer -returned to bis knocks. . He called for assistance and tba door was forced. - .; it waa a bloody, and grewsome sight which-mat tha eyes of those who first entered the room- ; Dead upon tha floor, his face brulaed and a hatchet buried In. his skull to, the haadle,t his headj p limed to the floor with, a steel skewer. which- ran through both temples, poo is of blood upon tha floor and- bed olothes stained with crimson, the old man lay where ha had been left, evidently- soma hours bejrore,by his unknown assailant. who made hla escape from, tha window, The clothes ' of tna--old man, were found rifled, which probably makes rob-. bery the motive for the murder. - - The room bears every mark or a runous struggle and waa found In great disorder. The bureau drawere- had been rifled and their contents - dumped upon the floor showing that a thorough . search had been made evidently for papers or other valuables. . '- ' Not much Is known about tha mur dered man. Hs was past Ct years of age and has resided here for s number of years and had always borne an Irre proachable character.- ... i SEPARATE CHILDREN FROM THEIR-PARENTS Mexican Government Deports Yaquis to Tropics and Takes Away Their Offspring. (Jesrsal Ipeeial serrlee.) Mexico City, April IX. The govern ment of Sonora has .. leaned orders for tha separation from their mothers of all f Yaqul children more than ' two years snd leas than 11 years of sge. The women are to be deported with the men to the. lethmus of Tehuantepee and Yucatan and the children kept In Bonora and distributed among Mexican families In various parts af tha stats. Catholic prleats of Sonora are , de nouncing tha. move as' Inhuman, and' are calling upon Mexican parents to refuse to accept tha charges. - Cathollo papers are echoing tha denunciations of the priests. - The government authorities) take tha stand that It tha Taqot children of tender sga are sent to the tropics of Mexico they wUI die, while If kept In Sonora they will be reared and be come law abiding and Industrious cltl ssns af the community. Tha order of the Sonera government wee approved by the feleral authorities before it waa Issued. - WARRANT ISSUED FOR GET-RICH-QUICK MAN , v '... . ' i i :. -v u-. v,.;-j St Joseph, Mo., April 11. A warrant has been issued for the arrest of Henry Breunlnger, president of tha American Mercantile company, the - "get - rich quick" concern which collapeed in Kan sas City. Secretary Miles and Manager Nordean hava disappeared. - Two thou sand , people here loet 130,000 by the failure, .i -.-. ...,... , . - - . . - ..... i . - f- i with tKese words; "This Is nd bluff. Put up or shut up.". , Scott said ha had never seen a mas scalped, but that he had seen and talked to several., who had- beea eealped. Ha aaya tbe operation- la painful only for a few minutes. He believes tha scalp will grow on again. v - ' ) -, Scott Is It years ofagn. Ha was bom la Texas snd baa spent moot of hla life In tha cow country. He expects to hear from Miller within a few days. If his offer Is accepted ho will start himself In a bualnaas, which, he sax, will kec? hiaa Xr Ua . ...... ; ' Cf T : : iliiiilil Masked Mob Shoots on His Refusal to Release Murcferef; Attemotgd Rtae at Senatobiia . Tiliss.: Fails E- cause of 0ne0fficer v ; ; h rursuii oi (Speetal DUpetrh te Tbe JearsaLl v Senatobla, Mlaa... April 1J. Sheriff Hoag . waa shot - snd killed early thla morning by a mob of maaked man that entered the jail to . release a prisoner. The man whom the mob sought to give freedom is Jim White, who la - Incar cerated awaiting trial on a charge of murder. While there had been many rumors that an attempt would be made to effect the: release of White, It was not thought any such action would be taken until after the prisoner had been tried and If found guilty, sentence Im - Kposea. . . ... . , For-this -reason the guards at - the iall wero not Increased and when the attack was made . this ' morning, only tbe usual retinue and tha sheriff were in the building. . '...? White Is from Tata eounty and has many frlonds among the -element with which -he associated In his community. This morning a band of men appeared at the Jail and their summons - was answered by Sheriff Hoag In person. A demand was made . for the release of White, to which the sheriff. replied say- ing it Waa Impossible for him o-com' piy, and tnatas an crncfr jhe would up hold the lawf of the state, even, If found, neoeaaary to. uae stringant measurea. K ' f jim ,moo, wunout runner, parley, ir Is alleged., opened ftre on,' the sheriff. Inflicting wounds from , which, he died a short time after.' The sound of the firing Immediately attracted tha attention of guarda who vera on-duty aea Jy and they hastened to the asabitance.ojt. the shertft ' .The mob .was .dispersed aidtha attemotnd JI.C09 BLUE CHIPS IN RENO ROULETTE GAME . '. A,. .'. ' .1 . . .- V , Wealthy Mining Operator; Wins Twenty One Thousand in , ' No Limit Came. . Tonopah.'Nev., AprU IS. A roulette game In "which blue chips wars worth 11.000 a sUck waa played at tha, Mer chants hotel. Coiumbta,i Jast Thursday etenlug. 1 Zeb Kendall, a wealthy mine operator, waa tha player. - , . ... There waa no limit to tha game, which ran five hours without stopping.' When it concluded Kendall was 111.000 to the good.' Kendall declared that when be sat down, he ' felt lucky and confident that be could make a clean-up. He paid tha price of a "stack of blues' and then the fun began. For several minutes Kendall was ahead, hut then luck took a turn. Kendall stuck to his system. Then things began coming his way, and It was not until he had 114.000 In front of him that he began to lose again. After dropping back to SS.OOO luck came to him again and remained, until ha cashed in. ... - . ', . . '. , . SALARY OF RECEIVER , HARRIS CUT IN HALF . (Jearaal tseetel sVrvke. . -Helens, Mont, April 11. Judge Hunt In the United States court today made an order reducing tha salary of Receiver Harris, of the Snohomtah snd Tramway mines, from 1500 to I2S0 a month. The mines are In litigation between Helnae and tha Amalgamated, and Harris has been In charge for five years, Hs re cently petitioned to have his bond re duced, which was done, when Helnse pe titioned the court to reduce his com pensation as welt i This wss dona to day. It being ehowa that Harris had only about 110.000 In his possession, and that hla salary was excessive for tha responsibilities of ths position.- , SPRECKLES APPENDIX COSTS HISI S2, Austrian Court Declares That Vienna Physician's Fee for Op e rati on- is wot- txcessive. . - , . - -,- . , (Jesraal Speelat serrlee.) "' - Vienna. April 11. Ths civil court to day decided that Rudolph Sprockets, tha San Francisco millionaire, must pay a $2,000 fee aaked by Dr. Edgar dans, an Austrian physician, tofi treating Bpreok ela for appendicitis. Spreckels objected to the bill as exorbitant and made a lest ease as the champion of all tour ists. , - kill AF?nc?r.iATi::: fct Fcmr.r.'a fa :? JCpeHal t petrh te T-e !.) s'adlaon. "Wla., April 11. 1 tie ae-se-'-'y, by a voti of II to 41 t " , I t At- ' i t . - J i ? t-i ! --. . ' ( The Journal ! , Yesicrdiy Wis. ; LI t'A, , ..' .,'..;,r ,' i .'-'"".'' '. : price five CEirra. at. j Dead Sheri s Courage Posses in v ; me. iissassiiis. . -a 1 rescue of Whits frustrated. Many shots were fired,- but none of tha guards who rushed to-the reecue was hit, and It la not thought that any of the members of tha 'band'who attempted tha reecue was wounded." "- ' . - , . Sheriff Hoag, ' 'In 1 his ante-mortem: statement, says there Were but alx men, all heavily armed, who approached htm and demanded the Immediate surrender of White. He refused, and the men im mediately opened fire: He was unable to Identify any of .the assailants but It P supposed they- were , from Tata eounty. - --Tha "riot at"the "Jail aroused- nearby residents 'who hurried to tha scene and the wildest eScttement prevailed. In the excitement tha membera of the mob flung . away their masks and ' mingled) with the crowd so that their Identity wss lost. It Is thought that all have) escaped from tha city.- - ' Later bloodhounds were secured and an effort made to trail the murderers. t first this seemed futile but later In e morning a trail was struck leading J Jt of the city and a large posse Is now in oursutt of the six' men who, appar ently are the men wanted' who; to all appearances,, took--this direction. - ' .-Other posses hava .been formed and are weonrtng thi country' In different directions. Sheriff , Hoag - waa very popular In hla community and tha pros pects of a lynching are good If the men are captured. . '-". ' . Later advices state tha trail taken by the bloodhounds- proved a falsa ena and that efforte of the pursuing parties are now turned la another 'direction.' mi! ii "pi rrTi" fiVvr ulVAL TLLLld.ltUt YET in CO.TOCT Reports of Battle Not Confirmed Russian Squadron Re ported Reunited. i COASTING COCHIN CHirW French Cruisers to Enforce Neu-a j tranty-lPrinee Outktorrv -. lcy Court-Martialeda . uaeraai apselal Swrlee.1 Londora AprU It JThS nisstsJifUtw Of a general battle between tha Ruaalaa and Japaneaa fleets ils not regarded -ae) Imminent hence tho reported engage-. ment today is discredited by tho admlr alty. It la contended that tho first news) of tho battle would en-mo front Slnga pore, and not from Batavla. . a. ta llimli hi ait--.-.- sets at rest tha reports that Rojeatven sky has divided his fleet Lloyds as sort that tho fleet which passed Singa pore Saturday consisted ef seven bat tlesblps. two .armored era leers and flve unarm ored cruisers, three - converted ' cruiaera, seven destroyers, 17 stsamarsj, one hospital ship and ene tag. . The FTencn cruiser Deeeartes and five torpedo boata are keeping ctoee watch near Caps St Jacques, it Is stated that the gunboats Acheron and Styx wilt leave Saigon to protect neutrality In the French waters. Japaneaa warships are cruising along the coast of Cochin, China to prevent the Russians from provisioning or securing coat Tha German collier Hindoo, with a . clearance papers for Saigon at Singa pore, unleea her commander agrees to deliver tha cargo through the- British, consul there. . ,f ... - - j- ' It Is sdmlttsd In Toklo that Togo has divided hla fleet Into three squadrons for battlet - The first or flying, mads us of the swiftest - cruisers, is already scouting In the China sea and will open ths fighting. The main squadron, made UP of tbe hattleeblps and armored cruisers, will complete the attack, while tba reserve squadron will guard against any attack- from-tho- rear. - - - Admiral Rojestvensky'a fleet Is not glBuniteo, ana ll is repenew inac bis srs: battleships slipped by Singapore some night with the lights out so were not seen. It is stated that Rn)eetvensky ei peeta to light near the Fonaoaa straits, A dispatch from Batavla states that a battle la raging between tha Russia a aud Japaneee fleets. Details are hf ing. There le no confirmation. r.TCTi n c ACTi j , r i r - New Toi , Jl i l Crabtree, tje i f -nt f ' ( tr ? V I t t. '' ' ' h t ill 1 r ff Hoag