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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1905)
! r , - . THE - OREGON -DAILY , JOURNAL. PORTLAND TUESDAY EVENINO. -MARCH - 81. ItZX UAYOR WILLIAMS IT, TERMINATES RIVERS WILL BE MADE NAVIGABLE IN TEN DAYS ASKS JOR VOTES Tbe Most Successful Wholesale - Campaign Ever Attempted i Soon .to , CloseT "join at Once At. pceTGovernment WilLTake fwrnallyped Wants to Hava tStc Up Work That Was Dropped -rtast -Year. -or You'll Be Everlastingly Too : , ond Term. :H v t ,; i" V n. 'if . - t ' Late. -rP'H'---'! i-.'vK .1. -:- 1 , , -'- ' 'V.. ' ' '.' MENTIONS NO PLATFORM V ' IN FILING HIS NOTICE Fred Merrill and Louis H. Dane ! Will Also, Contend for Nom 'Ax (nation at Primaries. Mayor Georg H. WMUma hu Sled . nolle of hla Intention to go before the ' people candidate for nomination for a second Urm at tbe primary elec. ' tlon to be held Mar . I , .- 'J- I am, a duly regiatered member of ' ithe Republican party.? eaya the mayor ' la hia not loo. "and If I am nominated for the office of mayor at the primary W: election t be held May , wiU accept the nomination and will not withdraw. . If I am ejected ,1 will qualify for auch offlee." ' ::'! '' No mention waa made In the notice of the policy be wUl puraue If--, re. -". elected. - Louis 8. Bane waa the third candldat rto tile hia notice with the city auditor. He asplrea to be elected councilman on I tbe Republican ticket from the ecventa ' '"ward. - - " ' -.',. .. " ."If X am nominated and elected," aald v. ! Atiri-nw mv term of Office. advocate -e, liberal policy .Jft. the matter : ... . . . . .. . Mw-tt t.K . - MM ...... i ..-.. -of pubUo Improvement; t tiU Ubor fot the Ke'nfral publie edvancement and prosperity of h lty ot Portland, and particularly of the aeventh ward, . "I ahaU favor a policy which will be "for th moral advancement of the pep !pl. I ahaU alao favor a atrlct bualneaa admlnUtratton of the cHy'a aRalrana .u-ll --no., vraftln- In inv form." Tk. At Mayor William ;eu at reat all apeculation aa to hie Lj . rcandiaacjr. leaieroax.a nimur iSrevalency that the mayor mlht with. j ik ik dihL hut him state " fment la apecWoaUy. to the effect bat he t wui not. . . That Fred 'T. Merrill WUl be a candl - . mmA tA hit a Mrtaintv. He r returned from Seattle laat night, and . , stated tbit he would enter ins race. J '"In my opinion," said he, "the laaue - ' it . . d 1L n n M .nil Will D IKlWrBll . Ull. vywa - ' town policies, and I shall atand for an 1 open town.- ' t . t For the past year Mr. MerrtU baa been t . muimiu. an ft has nursued policy that he thought would pave - -the way lor nis success. tout in the open and concealed nothing a - l.-. b. . An wrt. hs sleeted. H. R. Albee continues to refuse to tell , whether or not ne wm , enier am pn ' marlea for the Republican nomination, t i mavorslttr situation . ' remains much muddled. He has beea rged to enter the primaries, and he i has bee importuned to run aa an Inde- ' DEATH CLOSES CHAPTER ' IN GARFIELD TRAGEDY t- :(,.. mm ii ' r , J. , , " ISseeial Dtssajcs te Ifce" JosrssUf , Oarneld. Wash, March. II. Thomae , : Tumbow s "dratftt tola father's hwme neat here las ntgnti eioes.anquier chanter of one ot -the raoel y awful tragedies .ever . known - hi .Whitman ootwity; - Bunday morning. August , ' 10. J. K. . Brown 'walked up behind Turnbow and ahet him In th back, Hilt ting the spine. He has been paralysed . - ever slnoe, suffering untold agonies, and ; for months has been a tiring skeleton, decayed flesh dropping from his bones. . The trouble arose ever business dif ficulties, both Brown snd Turnbow being In the real estate business. There - was much -talk of lynching Brown at the lime of the shooting. The trial was held in. Colfax a few month ago. Brown was found guilty of an attempt to' oom nut murt-r am nnnnrrn re byi inn n the penitentiary. HOLD BACK NAMES OF V; BEEF TRUST JURORS -. Chicago. March: 1. rour additional veniremen ; were temporarily passed by Judge Humphreys thla morning to fill out the federal grand jury summoned to investigate the 'alleged beef rtust. The psnel new-contain 17 men.' Tour more will probably be secured this af ternoon. Upon -the acceptance of 21 men" the cpurt will .Instruct the Jury. Klgbt witnesses were summoned to ap pear tomorrow. The utmost secrecy la observed and extraordinary precautions are taken to prevent the name of wit neases from being learned-prior to their apnea ranee. - In "all the, most approved ahapea , and 'else 'necessary for selection. : Tour choice caa be made with ease, : aa the assortment at hand la very extensive, with price the' lowest Insuring the highest tjualtty and - workmanship. ? Ma,ny are finished ' la the French' gray, which gtves ft erjr pleasing effect. ' 'Fclcienheimer !y 'Oor..'"sJrd aa Waaalagtom SU. . " - ,: Jewelers. ' Optlelsna.' .' - . '"- Sllversmfths. i tewla and Clark Cola Scarf ria and Bmochea. . , . m Loving The great majority of the thousand pianos Included In these clubs are al ready la homes. The final closing of this, ths most remarkable and success' ful sale we have ever held, will be at the end of the present month, w not overstep our limit. Positively, no additional members wilt be admitted to any club. Yesterday despite the rain was one of the busiest days wa have seen, and every member who Joined a club was eathualaaUo.. over their bar glt Club "A" member are getting pianos lor 11T. ams ana up to im. ana these orlces sre for olanon thst eell re. ulsrly for from $109 to S0. The first cash payment Is only St. and remainder or Durcnase may oe maae tor a All the pianos In the remaining five clubs are correepohdtngly reduoed. By Joining Club "S pianos or the sup rem eat Tnellence: the. ('hlckerlna- of Bns ton, the Weber of New Tors, snd the greet Chicago piano, the Kimball, , can be purchased st present club prices ami on payments of 2a to tit down and It to Is weekly. ' - Bear )n mind that the closing time is very emu at nana, jaase your selection now. Kverr nlano IS fully guaranteed and should your purchase for any reason fall te prove exactly as renresenieo an money paid will be.cheerrully refunded, v.ilara Piano ITnuaa. 161 Washlnston street, corner Park. The biggest and busiest and most reliable piano concern on the Coant Iarge stores also San Kranclsoo, Stockton and Oakland, Cal.l Spokane and Seattle, WM Boise and tjewtatonr-t B0 MEETING ROT TO BE HELD Oregon Development . League - - Forced to Give Up Idea of Great Convention. VvJ RAILROADS REFUSED - . v REASONABLE RATES Everything Was in Readiness for Gathering, and Much Disap- ' " "pointment Js Felt Thtr will be no convention of the Oregon Development league in Port land In April. The convention was called off today, after all arrangement excepting the question of rate had been completed. The reason for not held log the saeetlng la aald tq be a re fusal by-the railroads to- grant a rat of tone Tare for the round trip to th delegates - .. . .. " ?. , fWe asked for a oile-far fate, and the railroads declined to grant It, and we did not- believe we oould afford to risk getting a crowd on mora thasr that fare, o the convention was called 'Off today, aa fat Secretary- Tom Richard' son of the Commercial eluo, "After conferences In thla oitr with the pas senger 'departments It became apparent yesterday that they would not grant a one-fare rate. Today I took up the mat. ter by telephone with' President H I Smith, or the league, at Hood River. After canvassing th situation he de cided that no oonveatlon should be held. and Issued instruction tq cancel th caa : . i i -ft -was -believed that at this time, hen the interests of Oregon are so conspicuously at Uk, It would be Un- wlse to hold a poorly attended conven ts asked to give their time and pay more than one fare for the round trip. The railroad people say. as a reason for de clining, that should they give the league the one-fare rate they would be asked to grant the asms conoeaalon to others. But you had better ask them to tsu mat Ide of It." ,- ?" - At the office of Passenger Agent Craig the air was rather blue. . I have not been informed mat tne convention la called - orr." aald Mr. Crair. "There- waa-A dlf ference of opinion. " Mr. Richardson looked at It one way, I looked at it anotner way. I do not wlah to be interviewed on tn matter.? Ueneral Manager Worthington. of tn Harriman lines, replied that he had not been la touch with th situation, -and knew nothing about the matter, which waa handled entirely by the traffic de partment. W. K. Co roan, general pas senger and freight agent of the Southern Pacific line in Oregon, waa In attend ance at a good roads meeting at Grants Pass.-- . The league convention, meantime, la called off; tbe management of tbe Marauam Grand theatre, who tendered it gratia, will be thgnlredr'and the fin program that waa pvaetioally computed will be laid on tne neix, poaaioiy to oe used at some meeting In the distant future. ..., - - . - . - PRIZES FOR ESSAYS ' : BY SCHOOLCHILDREN The Orewon Humane society hss In vited the pupils' In the Portland public schools to participate in a competitive essay contest for prises. The society will award one prise to each school send ing In three or more essays. As -many-pupils as desire may writ ya and hand them to their principal. who will select not less than three nor more than alz to be submitted to ttvj city superintendent before . April - 10. Compositions should eontatij not leea than two nor more thaa sis pages. All pupils - ntiit write under t fictitious names. ' - - - r " Eight subjects will r be submitted to ths pupils, as follows: The Right of Animals and th Protection We Should Olve Them," "Influence of Humen Edu cation." "Some Account of the Work of the Ore iron Humane Society," "Way tn Which Tight Chckrelna Affect Horses." -The Vslue of Bird Life snd How Bird Help Farmers." "Example of. Animal Intelligence." "How Does Cruelty to Ani mate Effect Milk. Meat and Plesh," srd "Importance of Early Lesion In Klnd nesa.'K ' . , . The preeentatlon of prlsea will take place at the coming anniversary of the society which will be held about May It. CRIMINAL SECTION OF ANTI-TRUST HAW VALID f - tJoersal llpeetal Service,). .. ' Columbus, O., Msrra II. The euprem court today uphold th constitutionality of th criminal section ef the Valentine anti-trust law. ' , ' - PLANS PREPARED FOR . . . NEEDED IMPROVEMENTp Nearly Million and a Half Dol lars to Be Used In This Locality. Before many days ' tbe government plsnt for the improvement of the narl gable rivers In this d la t riot wlir be. aeM In motion after a shutdown of almost three months. Major W. C Langntt of the corps of United States engineers re ceived yeaterday - arternoon a copy 01 the river and harbor bill, and It em h ranee more liberal appropriations thaa M vtl led th believe It would. OTrat report had It that only.. f 100.. 000 was Included in- the bill -for the extension of ths Jetty at the mouth of the Columbia.'- Ot this amount 100,000 waa aald to be Immediately available, whU authority waa granted for mak ing an additional expenditure oa th work of The amount that can be ued on this project at once, how ever. Is ItOO.OOO. and the engineers sre authorised to expend aa additional lum of -1100,000. The appropriation for thla dlatrict reach 11, 4,000. Major Lsngfltt- waa lnalructed to make - out at once a Hat of the nlana for' the season's wurh. and forward to the -chief engineer st wasn- inRiun. nw is ii" w crimw y,m outlined the work to be don at the mouth of the Columbia a few minutes sfter he received the bill and. sent the data east by last night's mall. When the chief engineer returns the data sub mutted to .him with bis approval the season's work will be started. The fol lowing table shows the appropriation for tbe varloua localities: . .- For extension of the Jetty at the mouth of. the Columbia . river ,' $400,000 Additional sum authorised - to be used For improvement of Tillamook ; 100,000 ' 10.000 05,000 X1.000 bay and bar For- construction of -Coqullle river Jetty . For Improvement of upper Co- -- lumbla and-Bnak rlvers...t ' For lmprovement5fjCjlujmbta rtver at cascades " For- Improvemeat of Wlllamt , .! ette above Portland and the '- -Tamhlll river- , , t , , . 10.000 For improvement of lower Wll- . lamette and Columbia below Portland ........... i , . . ' 100,000 Additional rum authorised to. . be used llt.OOO For Improvement ef Columbia river between The iMjiea and Celllo 50,000 Additional aunt authorised to be used . . 160,000 For improvement of Columbia ;; between the mout,h Of Wll- lamette and Vancouver. ...... 10.000 Additional aum authorised to be used i...- 10,000 For ImnroVement of the Cow- Uta and lewl rivers lo.oo .Total .Jl,6,000 SHIPPED MONSTER WAVE. ateaaaeg XQIM BUa It arrow Ssoap . Crossing Columbia SUvar Bar. Struck by a mammoth wave while crossing th Columbia river bar yester day morning, the steamer F. A. Kilburn, which reached Portland last night, had a narrow escape. Nearly alt of the win dows and several doors on the port aide were broken, and tbe cabin waa flooded' with about two feet of water. The tea.mer lurched to port, and lor J a couple of minutes it loosed as tnougn h would be ewamped. Many of the passengers became' egulted and theught that the stesmer waa going to tn Dot' torn. Hearing frantlo cries la one 01 rh stat room the first officer rushed In there and found one of the passenger la a frantlo condition. . "There were two feet of water in bis room,' said ths first officer this morn ing, "and th man was pawing the air, puffing and going through all the mo tions of a swimmer, although he waa standing upright. At-the same lime ha was hoarsolv shouting for help, - 'It was a most amusing sight, but I finally calmed him by telling him-that no swimming would be permitted on this boat" . Soon the craft righted herself, and crossed the bar without further dlffl eulty. The officers report that th sea was rough during the greater part of the trip, the wind blowing at tlmea at the rate of 70 mile an hour. The Kilburn haa a new skipper cspt. William Stark, who succeeded Captain Merrlam as master Just before leaving San Francisco. - The latter Is In com mand Of the steamer Bessie K. operated by the same company. The officers de clare that the owner have no intention of taking the Kilburn off the Portland run aa haa been reported. They stat that th Russell a Rogers people are on this route to stsy, notwithstanding all rumors to th contrary. , . HAVE .STORMY VOYAGES. , Paul and Boaaok Arrive Wit Hue ' rrelgbt aad Many Pas seas-era. 'Loaded with a full cargo of general freight and carrying 71 passengers the steamer St Paul arrived from San Franolaco last night on the second trip to thla port ., Captain Randall report that a strong southeast gal blew dur ing the greater part of the voyage, the wind frequently reaehlng-70 miles aa hour, and as a result the passag waa somewhat prolonged. . Among the freight la another consign ment of the good taken from the Ore gon, which met disaster off Crescent City. The stuff Is In bad shape. Th steamer Roanok al.o arrived from the south laat night from Loa An galea and way porta. She reached the Columbia river bar Sunday night, and lay on the outside until 10 o'clock- yes terday morning. The officer atat that thla waa the on) y time they . were - d. layed - by t-the . heavy . weather. She brought honey and axlegreese, each amounting to a carload, general freight, and 70 paaaenger. Officer of the craft declare that they You must have a peculiar tea taste if no-bne of the five Schilling's V Best" is right for you; and coffee four. : ; Your grocer's j money back. During that hour goods arc sold regardless of cost JOIN THE ARMY OF CUSTOMERS AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE GREAT - CUT IN PRICES. Isfb Telephone Orders accejpted; 3S Rubber Goods Combination Syringe' and tie' 4-qt. regular price . enlr;ai ' . - Hot -Water Bottle, 3-qt. ; . price 80c Special. .......... .45e vi Ladies' '.' All-iRubberi Vagina)SyrlfegeT7r." f?.?7' regular price $1.50, Special . . ,75e n . ; jOflgj ''- :-"' ' PiagtmanV "rTce ..$1.63;SeClk!T?1 . 83 Buckeye Rubber Face BrhltT-7 1 regular price 35c. Special.... '.17 , ' Pure Gum. Nipples; regular price ; 50c per dozen. Special........ 23e Stationery Two-Tone Linen Papeteries, note size; La Prim era Castile, regular 10c , regular price 50c per box. , Special v: , Special .............. ..y.T7.23v Blair's "Fine Linen" Note Tablets; or FtrtlchfC r J - regular 15c. Special. .7e ; - H1' P'U&"C& -.r--tr ,.!.. r t--yrr-i. ' Guild back. 15-row. select bristles; AAA nnue .envdupes. tra heavy stock; regular ;y; Special jt.t:':';'.. i . ..Y..;.... .3 r Leather Gdods :frt: Ladies' Combination Card Case and Purse,- Mounted and- Unmounted . Alligator, regular 85c. Special... 23) , Genuine Monkey, regular .00. Special ...... .1.00 . Genuine Seal, jregular $55. Spe-. 1 . ' :;r cialV.V;;.,:..;...;.,ii.i..v.f2.75 Ladlesf Chatelaine" Bags - i 'V , Regular $1.00. Special. 35 Regular $3.00. Special. '. ... .9135 Th IxtTftt WholiiaU and Rrtalt Drug EitablUhmtnt in Jtmtrica made the trip up the rtver from As toria in 0 hours and 20 minutes almoat record time. They believe that It would have taxed any other steamer on the coast to have kept tip with them. -- The Roanoke is scheduled to sail at I o'clock tonight, on tha outwgrd trip. ; ALONG THE WATERFRONT. J. If. Close, steward on the ateamer -Roanoke, was badly bruised last night by fslllng into the hold of tne vessel. Us was conveyed to the St. Vincent hospital for medical treatment. J. C Peterson, a sailor on tha steamer F. A. Kilburn. waa also taken to the earn hospital thla morning to be treated for rheumatism. . .. : l L-. . In tow of th Harvest . Queen th schooner Borealls left up the slver for Portland. She Is from a Francisco for lumber.---' . Laden with 7S0.000 feet of Jumber the team schooner Nome City sailed last night for Saa Francisco. She wUl stop st Astoria to take on aa additional ahlp ment of 100.000 feet Steamer Northland cleared for Baa Pedro yeaterday with (50.000 feet of lumber, supplied by -the Inmaa-Poulaen mill. ' . Anchored at a point above the steel bridge tbe transport Buford la receiving lumber from tbe scow Oregon, which la carrying tbe product from the PorUaad Bill. ' " Captains Edward and Fuller went to Newberg laat night to Inspect - the ateamer Grey Eagle. . . ., - Schooner Alexander 7. Brown and Churchill wtll begin receiving lumber ehipments-- tomorrow morning, The Brawn wlU load at th Portland mill for Manila and the Churchill at tbe North Paclflo for China. - Bv the laat of th week the German ship Nomla, which la being fitted out with a lumber cargo at tne viciona dolphlna. will be ready for th ea. sne will earry- about . I.oo,oo ieetiojne orient . - After lying off the mouth of the river for a day or two the oriental liner Arabia oroaaed th bar thla morning ihortly before noon, and should reach Portland early this evening. - The veeael Is bringing a full cargo of general tner chandl. A aha was .due Jast Satur day. it Is thought that she joust bav experlenc(U.aome very heavy weather ootnlng across the pscirio. - Thirty Filipinos who attended ' the world's fslr at St- Louis will be pas senger oa th transport Buford when ahe aalla foe Manila. - They intended leaving shortly sfter the close, of th fair, but missed their jrteamer. W1TMW TAUOT SBAS. ' ' John W. Talbot, who died at hi home, TOO Qulmby street, Sunday afternoon, waa purser for years on the White 'Star line of steamers. He had traveled up and down the Wlllamett and th Colum bia river for 14 years, and enjoyed an itenslv acquaintance between Portland Combs Water BoU . Ladies' Dressing $1.80. : Special 98V " Ladies' Dressing regular Double' Edger Fine Combs, regular . cial 10c . Special ". .Vr.vr.V. ,1 .','. .. 3J 'r." Eastman's Kirlf's Juvenile, rretilar 25c Sdi J -7 - -o . . -cial :rriv.Tii .......... ; . .-.lie? Royal. Oatmcalregular 25c box. ?rer.'ol : . ,?. ... Cosmo Buttermilk, v box; '-.Special ... ....Uc. .lit4 Shaker Tar, regular 5c Special... 2, Black Prince Tar, regular 5c Spe-l-r, cial . . . ... . . ...... ... ... ..- .3 iui, w . c price 10c. I :-r l(BWI P,y?. , Solid - Rosewood - bristles; regular iSolid Ebony BackJ re Cream Rye Whskey; full quarts r yt regular $1.25. '.Special. , , , ... ..00-. 'Garden City Whiskey, full quarts ; regular $1.25. Special.. .,,....75 ;.: ) Brice's . Iure Malt Whiskey, superior " quality, quarts; regular 85c 1; , ' : 1 t Special . 'i . . .-. ... '' 58e), t Cloverdale 'Claret, a' fine .table .wine, quarts; regular 30c Special. , .18e k 'X. and Aatorla. He. waa an Elk and th members of thst organisation will have charge of the funeral, which will be held at Flnley'a chapel at t o'clock tomor row afternoon. Th body will be sent to Indianapolis for Interment. . r MARINE NOTES j j Astoria, Or March Jl. Oulalde at T a. m. Oermari ateamer Arabia, from Hongkong snd way ports, and steamer Whlttler with barge Paula, from 8aa Francisco.': ' Left up at 7 a. m. Schooner Borealis. Arrived down at Tongue Point at :J0 a.' m. Uteamer Nome City. Aatorla, Or.. March 30. Left up at 10. p. m. Steamer St. Padl. Left up at 1:10 p. m. Steamer F. A. Kilburn. Aatorta, Or, March 11. Steamer Arabia arrived at 11:S0 front Jlongkong and way porta, . -..- Astoria. Or, March 11. Steamer Northland' arrived down at f;S0 this morning. . ' .- ' Astoria. Or, March II. Condition of the bar at I a. m. Very rough; wind southwest; weather cloudy. CODY BEATEN IS K h'-. S ; NOW THE PROPHECY (Jearsal special errlea.) W. -' 1 Sheridan, Wyo., March Jl, The Cody divorce case is dragging. The reading of the deposition haa consumed two daya and a decision will be reached about Thursday. Th eonacnaua of opinion la that Cody haa loat tbe case ana will take an appeal. r- JEWISH WRITER PEREZ ' ARRESTED IN BERLIN U Joaral gpeeial gervle.) Berlin, March - II. The celebrated Jewish writer, Peres, haa been arreated here on auaplcloa - of, being -engaged . In fomenting a revolutionary conspiracy. He had summoned a meeting ef Jewish author to dtscuas the position of th Jewish pre. - - ' c Chimney pine, Sewet Pipe. Fire Proofing, Drain Tile, Building Brick. Flu Lining, Vitrified Pav ing Brick. , . ., Diraond Cick Co. ' Ofllo and Trd Foot Ankeny St, PorUaad. Or. ...... Q)mb, regular 15c; M; Q. ..Developer, regular .10c . .0? .i- Special ....... ..37 Combt reguls 40c ' Ruby Lamps, xegnlar 50c Special 20 " : - .':-.W-'-25c," Special i, ; ; . . , .lOet';', ; Special 1 1 - - ' 12 "icncan ...... y,rT ,.,; 75c boeeial, reeular 25c :,t OSst t ''W ' '" Back, 11-row, long $2.75. Spl..T.f 1.35; regular d Ebony Back, extra quality ; .. ; ZJmjtlco Shoulder Braces, ladies' or gen- gular $2.00. Special.....? 1.05 v ; tlemen's ; a perfect brace; regu- .f "i': '; W''"' , " lar 75c Special. .............. 40f extra quality ; Large Bath regular Fourth andJVashlngtonSts.ii PHILADELPHIA mmmlW I mmW 11 NJhird St ARf-l TO! OFF BUT, 1 HEDOMKP Shocking Accident to John Farn Who, Balievea Ha l Tarn- J . - h V porarlly Paralyied. ' SAWMILL CHAIN HURLED , i K ; HIM HIGH IN THE AIR Unfortunate ; . Man ; Hat Been JTaken to Good Samaritan; Hospital for Treatment. - , Ignorant of the fact that his left arm had. been torn .from bla shoulder, John Parr of Newberg waa brought to thla city thla morning and I lo at Oood Samaritan--hospital. Th accident re ultad In paralysla and th aofferer b lievra this to be the extent of hla In- Jury. - . -. v Fa rr" a arm was torn oft March S. lie was aa employ of the K.' C. Spauldlng Logging eompaay. and waa Injured while at work In the flrm'e sawmill. In 'some manner Farr got hia arm over the trip line, a log tha men were hauling Into tbe mill broke from its chain, the trip- line Jerked up instantly, and Fair was hurled 10 feet Into th air; hla arm waa thrown to another part of the mill. Whin hla fellow workmen, reached him It waa aen that h waa paralysed from his neck down. Since the accident Farr haa been nursed by hla mother and -niece. , He -ttTw S:, J slJoslTl,..,(T(w, jfB5wwni elusive ' MpUM Agents i Phoibgrapti Goods .....'......8e Pvro' Develooer. retrular '.' Fixing jfa,gttigolarTrT; Plateholders, VAxiM: regular 80c 25, irmiir-r. Annuu rnoiog., ixgtuar Do Not Forget That from now until April 1. we Develop AH Films bought at our '. :;' .-. . store .i-::. l'-'v. free ' ot Charge . . Sundries Newbro's Herpicide, regular $1.00." :! iji -Specially i.. ciTinu . . . ,48e) . Nickel Plated Toilet. Paper .Holdv li 35c. bpecial ........... ZU? Sponges, bleached sheeps-. wool ; regular 35c. Special . . , ; , xof i Plate Glass Shaving Mirrors, iron r A ; frame ; regular 60 c . Special ... .23 :T Stereoscope and 4 dozen views, regular $1.50. " Special, .'.i 65? ;Nail Files, fine" steel ribbon files ; ?J regular 25e and. 30c' Special... 10 Werner's Medicated SharapooA;?" ' 'T . . a 1 . '".mum S ooc special... ...... .xe? SHOE STORE la able to move hla head and to talk, but the loss of his arm has been kept from . him. It Is feared that the shock would . be fatal were he told of th sertousnes of hie Injuries. - i , . " - Just two week before the accident Farr Joined the Maccabees. He Is sis a member of th Woodmen of the Worl.L J. W. Child of Newberg accompanied Farr to Portland thla morning a a representative of th Maccabees lodge of which the Injured man Is a tnember. Fair waa also aocompanled - by . hi mother, hla niece, brother R. B. and H. -O. Farr, residing In this city. Farr. la 10 year old. and single. .- Wetw the Xemsy woes. ' Hlgh-a th aost of living may be. It la the unnecessarlea pf life that eat up th money. .- . . ... ' . . , r. . , af I ' I " Calling Poodoi Because it Id tha. best. ' Tbe Os of it during the past Jwenty yean has resulted M milliont of satisfied housewives.'. ; , ::( ';,',. ... ....... t ,.v