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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1905)
VOL. IV. NO. 14. A Wilbur Chspcian Urges f V V i People to Oct Ready ; h nnV LEADER AN EARNEST, ENTHUSIASTIC WORKER Relieves IBVT?emaiabrarSiicr cess Thty Had in Denver 1 Will Be Duplicated 7: , . T . . InJPortland. ' " Z'-" - ' r '1 Why does Portland need arm- 'geiiBmr : i Pr. J, WUtour Chapihan of , Hew lork; , "Becauae -U - the world needs it. - The aucceaatul w - merchants of this world are . ad- ""Wtlsers;: No- matter how'-no--- 6esaful. bow -healthful and bow' proflUble their business . may ; T baj ll business" men " recognise the ' necessity of stimulating tneir trade by publicity. "Our position Is Identical with . that of the business man. I care not how pure a city may be, or how well - Its churches are at. . tended, or how rapidly acquisi- tlons to the- fold of Christianity are pouring; In. a cam palm of evansellsm stimulates the spirit and rouses the, souls of men snd . womenIn word, It stlmu w ' lates ' Christ's great apd boly . business on earth. . ' "Now. let all .Portland awake! Coma out to the meetlava! 1.1 s ' ten! . ' Learn! , . Accept your , Chrtatr . , r , Oet rellglonr , :,; ..' - -Trr The evangelists .ar beret . . 7. Without the ostentation . of a on aerer's return, but with a refusing; wel come awaitlbg them In all Protestant denominations, Dr. J. Wilbur Chapman and his band of II moral cruaadert tapped from the California train this 0rhlnfrdlHraT7Tjnci$'At0 " the "new Eaton hotel they aettled down to con ' template Portland, Its ' vices, its needs and Ita awakening. Tonight there will be nine great meet ings and. as many conreralona as re ligious fervor, eloquence and sweet slng-.Ing-can aocompllsh In a few houra. But before the evangelists go on their way, If Trtiit i--r tItit In rlhas nltlni Is a criterion. Portland will be a home wave a boundless aa tbe tides. ' For there are noted pulpit orators In Dr. Chapman's party. Indeed, each haa at some time occupied a prominent pul pit In on of the denominations. And ; that the revivals are non-sectarian la the one great thing which Its promoters are anxloua to make the publio under stand, m Belongs to JTo One Cnmtek. rhln'is a Christian work, belonging to no ToiTffTirilTtlii'gAtlaliiiea Pl.1 Cliap" man, enthusiastically. ' Wl are not faddists. We have come this far on pernupn.ine mgn euoceBsrai reugioua ..-.campaign ever Known In tbe United States and will engage In a work here that all classes of people will uphold. if they will only withhold their Judg ment until they see and hear. We have come for the good of the city and the v. people at large.-- We have not - paused at any elty In the country without re ' , celvlng urgent invitations to return- not only from the churches,' but from business men and Institutions. 1 "When we went Into Denver, I went before the msyor and proposed a procla mation closing all business for a 4ay of prayer. To my astonishment the mayor - acquiesced. And then tne governor .called on the legislature to adjourn for ' that day.' When we arrived at Los An geles and proposed a similar event, a .' firm there wired the Denver Dry goods company concerning the Experience in Denver. This was the answer: "Tee, It paid. A great uplifting to -r the entire city, our people as welL' . By ' 'our people,' It Is meant that the Denver Drygoods company Is a Catholic lntl tution. Another large firm wired, We Nwould:fladly close again for such a tlay.' ' '"'" .' "Incidents of this character denote the success ': of evangelism. All the . world is engaged In a great revival - that Is, campaigns are bow being waged -in all parts of the world. England Scot land and the continent are at blood heat - with religious fervor.- Ah, it is a grand thing to coutemplatet Bvamgallsm ITeeded.' ' V; "Every city needs evangelism, Irre spective of creeds. I do not say tblf with the slightest Intention of conveys . Ing a criticism of thej churches and their work. But this work needs a stimulus. There Is an Inclination on .' the part of some people to look on evan- geitanv as a necessity only In the wick- . edest of cities. That is all wrong. ( "WS " Vtrald not go to a town that was spirit ually and morally dead. In such evan . gel Ism -would not succeed. The places we want to work In are those places 1 In which ths ministers are alive and the , churches alive. Our work Is laid out to make churchmen stronger, not alone to make new churchmen." - " - In five consecutive words Dr. Chap- - man Impresses his listener with hia'aln : certty, enthusiasm and personal mag- . ttetlam. He Js not sensational not In his hotel at least but discusses all sub jects broad-mindedly. Intelligently and . with a striking - regard., for common sense conclusions. He Is a Presbyterian. Ills companions reprecent other Protest ant denominations, one for each. . They . -.T TV,-.-,.-.. a-;.:, -Tv--...; :.h' - ssX'r 7 'J. WU-puk; a the ; necessity of stimulating , I " V ,r I fe V " - Wl X' .'.:' now wen hi cliurelwi r at. a Vit ; 7.1 z l : -f .-v;.J .jr .. iff ?lV - ten! , 1 Learn! Accent vour: 4l . - '. , ... , ." " ... t'. . .Zm .rrraN . .(Continued pa Page Two.; , m MM M . 1 V V ATI 7 I -A I . v. sj - k. - .-' vv ---.-- , . -,- : rK Jmf ', Som of the Preacher and Singer With the Chapman SPEGIAl)ENRAMSp 11 NVESTIGATI NG MATTHEWS 'William IT. Ramsay, special agent of the department of Justice, Is reported to be In Portland today having come from Seattle. It Is said hat he. is nere to Investigate the charges made agalnan United States Marsbarw: F.-Mattbewa. vestlgation of charges gea died at TwashT aDDOlntment In tbe new eastern Wash' ington Judicial districts and also against United States Marshal : Hopkins ; of Washington, j . The charges-against -Matthews Tiled at Washington are numerous and Include those of- pernicious partisanship ana others of like character f Ued by political enemies. Marshal Matthews Is now in San. Francisco. I ' GREAT SOCIAFWA . HINGES ON ELECTION "X .' aaaeaaNseaiaaaraMBaaaaaBnBa) a Revolt in Ranks of . Daughters of American Revolution 1 .. '-; Over Offices.- - T' " s-'. h,. ' ' - .:.,'...,.( '- ' i 1 v (Joersal BperiaL Serriea.) '' Chicago. March XI. pne of the great est social wars in the- history of the country la hinging upon-the issues now before the Daughters of the American Revolution' which -will 'be decided -at' a meeting of that body in Washington next month. .. The problem is one. of soclsj prestige. 'For 'ths-first time In the history of . the . organisation the Daughters, are questioning tbe custom f conferring ths position of president general upon tbe wife of a man who Is either an ejuofflclo or . otherwise a member of the cabinet., v ' . ' 1 This custom haa been closely1 adhered to in the past Ndw there, IsVtalk of blue Mood against., wealth. There are charges of class distinction and threats to revolt against the old system of elect ing officers by political prestige. Chicago Daughters, who. number to and are the largest chapter in the coun try, are, with a few exceptions, readv to declare for Mrs.' Donald McLain of New Tork lor .regent. .Mrs.. McXain. who appears to be by far the most talked of successor to Mrs. Fairbanks as presi dent general. If elected, will be the first woman appointed to office not the wife of a cabinet officer, or with her resi dence outside ' of - Wash ington. " Her election will necessarily break the old custom of - cboloe ; baaed on - political preatlge - '.-'': i . ". .. - ... BIDS FOR BURNSIDE STREET BRIDGE REPAIRS Bids for repairing the Bumslde street bridge were opened today by the county court and referred to Engineer Chap, man for submission 'to the court at a later date. Three -were for performing all the work,-and J. B. TUlotson, Rob ert Wakeful and O'Neill O'Neill were the bidders; two Others were for parts of the' work. 'Until Engineer Cbspmsn has , reduced ' them to more definite terms, it will not be knowa whose la the lowest. , .t. ; f,. , PORTLAND. OREGON, - WEDNESDAY EVENING. MARCH 1 f I MM W e i ;K E & 4ismi -mm, ;It Is reported that Bamsay -has In structions to report' the result of j his investigations to United States District Attorney leney, who will pass upon the invetlgation ' , :' . , V - The charges filed agalnat Representa,-USRliJ- '""jeyof Spokane -who' was icommenfoV appottsTfKefitTtl LfillBd Jistrlrt sttpmfy,.at-gHQkane.irgre three v in number. They are first that Mr. l.(sdsley has not bad sufficient legal experience to Justify bis-appointment, second-that his. candidacy was. due to'a political deal entered into between Sena tor Piles and Charles Sweeny at the time Sweeny withdrew In favor of Piles, third that as a member of tbe clty.councll.of Spokane Mr. Llndaley has been unduly friendly.. to. certain, corporations, which iniiTimNG72F HURT IN WRECK : : ' ' " i .....'-... Wisconsin;; Central : Passenger Train Destroyed, by .Fire and Everybody Aboard Injured. . ' l' (loaraal gpaeba Berrlee.) -; Milwaukee,, Wis.. March. M. WhUe rounding a curve near Bau Claire, at a high rate of : speed this morning, a- pas senger, train on. the, Wisconsin Central left the 'track. -As a result four men are dying, all of them members of the -train crew,' and "J: passengers are In jured more or less seriously. - The oars foiled over In the ditch and caught fire. It Is a' ijngular fact that not one of the. St.. persons aboard the train escaped Injury , of some sort, "and most of the passengers lost all their baggage. . THROWS FLATJRON AT r . .. BURGLAR BUT MISSES ' ..-V. .' .. . 3 . ' (flperlal DUpetch te The loaraal.) Llnd, Wash., March 12. A. R. Mc Neill returned from another town to his home yesterday morning at t o'clock and found a man in his pantry stealing eggs. The burglar pointed a gun at McNeill, who threw a flatlron at him but missed him. The burglar then ran. . No clue. . JERSEY LILLY. IS NOW- i ' PROUD GRANDMOTHER - (Jearaal Bcwrtal Sarvlea) , London, March Zl. Mrs. Uly Langtry Is now a grandmother. A son wss born today to her daughter, Mrs.. Ian Mai colm, wife of the well-known member 0( parliament from Scotland.' BULGARIAN BAND IS . ANNIHILATED BY TURKS jmraal BeeeUI arvlre.t -j1 , Sal on lea, March St. In tbe Ohevgheil district, a Bulgarian band of 4e mem bers wra annihilated by Turkish troops sfter three . hours of fighting. . The Turks lost three - killed and - nine wounded. tl, ; ..5... v : v' . 2 , , Evangelistic Party. C.:. - srere. representing their interests In the council, -v .' , The i charges against State Senator Oeorge(-H. .-Baker, . recommended for United States marshal of the qew Wash ington, district,, were political In nature. Senator- Baker la .also in Portland to bold a conference with Mr. Ramsay. Marshal Hopkins - are that- be deserted his poranrwnriiJ Oljuipln Is manage the political campaign of Charles oweeny. The. report-' of. Mr. . Ramsay regarding the 'Washington situation has 'been for warded to the .capital where it will be received . Thursday. - No appointments will be. made ninul after the report has been passed upon by Attorney General Moody.'.,- "AT. MEN OF EMPLOYMENT Inundation of Mills and Factories ' ; in the Ohio Valley, Cause fsy: Serious Distresi.j ".' ('osrasl Bpceui aarrlee.) - Pittsburg. March . The , crest of the, Hood reached Pittsburg. atl ( o'clock this morning, and since then the waters have been rapidly receding and tbe dan ger' seems past -The 'rainfall through out the mountain region, which had been oontlnuous - for the - last ' two days, has swelled the Allegheny and Monongahela Into raging torrents, haa ceased and the upper districts. report both rivers fall ing, rapidly. - . " - ' ' 0 . A large number of mills and factories throughout-. the valleys, are flooded and 0,00O.:men are -thrown, out; of work. Thousands pf houses In the suburbs of Pittsburg and Allegheny City are flooded to the extent that the occupants are Jiv ing in the. upper stories. At Wheeling this morning' the stage of ths Ohio is 41 feet and rising at the rate of two Inches an hour. The crest of the flood, will probably reach Wheel ing tonight. ,' The flooded districts are suffering severely, the weather is grow-' Ing-colder and hundreds of families who depend upon' gaa are without fuel. All railroads in Western Pennsylvania and West Virginia are tied up, many bridges are , washed , out. and miles of track flooded. RAILROAD PROMOTER IS EXTRADITED FOR FRAUD . " ' (Joerail Special gerrlea) Boston.. March 12. Tbe governor this morning signed papers granting extra dition to Arthur E. Appleyard, a street railway promoter, wanted in Buffalo for obtaining money under false pretenses from tbe German bank. ARGUES ON MONDAY FOR ' NEWCHADWICK TRIAL ,.,rx (Jearaal 'perla grrrlee.) --- Cleveland.. March 21. A motion for a new trial for Mr a. Chadwlck will be ar gued Monday next according to agree ment of attorneys. - Should a new trial be denied, it la likely aha wUl be sen- Mnced on that day , 22. 1905 FOURTEEN 'PAGES." VITFIESSES: Investigation of the Beef Trust Begun for Vio-: t lation of Laws, yf GOVERNMENT ENJOINS THE GREATEST SECRECY "V- Agentsol.Packerai .Are Every. , where About, But a Guard of 1 Secret Service Men Are . . J- Watching. . . . " -rT-tJorBaI Biwrlal a-rti.) -Chicago, March I2.--Tha federal grand Jury Impaneled to Investigate the al leged beef trust was completed this morning wltH 22 men. . These were sworn In and Instructed by judge Hum phrey, who said the matter to be pre sented Involved violations of the United States statutes. He directed the Jurors' attention to the law. which f lxea ' a penalty 1 for violation- of " laws a gainst restraint in " trade. He cautioned the Jury, to exercise the greatest secrecy. Bailiffs were sworn . In to guard the Jury from Improper intrusion. Eight witnesses were summoned to appear be fore the Jury forthwith.. Agents of the packers are everywhere In evidence about the building in which the Jury sessions are held.. Fifteen secret service men guard the witnesses., who will. testify before the grand . Jury. .Every witness will be watched to prevent his being approached by newspsper . men .or . agents : of the packers. -. - . " .,,. , C B. Morrison. who wss appointed district attorney to succeed 8. H. Bethea, recently appointed district. Judge, de clares that any person detected speaking to er Inquiring tbe name af any of the witnesses WUl ha In contempt of court. GOTHAM LAND BRINGS . WOLD'S HHSHEST PRJCE i (Jearaal SMial serrlo.) '' . ' New Tork. March t J. A UltUe piece of land which a horse and cart will si- most cover was bought today by Isaac N. Sellgman. the banker, for tSv zoo. He paid at the rate of 1626 a square foot. The land lies at Will lata and South William streets., containing 10 square feet. This not only makt-a the record for New York City, but is the highest known price paid for land in the world. It means that if the purchase price were laid on the ' land In golden f I half T.ri, tthnt inrpin the JaU-Ksairitn?JlJwgy"nJPJ'"a. Bt. Petersburs; to discuss coins would almost oovef-Tb. gfouTJaTthe mattera utchaaed-an-adloln-J ing parcel from 1 to T William street for a sura considerably over-1400,000-. A new home for the Sellgman -banking houae will be built on the lot. Among other Instances of enormous prices of land here Is that when (100 per square foot -was - paid . by , Henry Slegel for a little plot en Broadway and Thirty-fourth street.. NIGHTBATTtEiS-WO BY MOUNTED BANDITS ' (Joernal Special Berrtre.) ' Reno. Nev., March 22. Five mounted men, all heavily armed and masked, held up a party Of sis Italians laat night. even miles from Tonopah on tbe road to Qoldfleld. ' The robbers secured 2404 ln. money.and .considerable Jewelry,. The Italians attempted to show fight. This resulted in a pitched battle in which two horses belonging to the Itallana were killed. . For 10 minutes the duel wss kept up, finally resulting in the rout of the Italians, two of whom rode away on tbelr companions horses. The sheriffs of Esmeralda and Nye counties formed a posse snd are now scouring ths country- for the five men. who it. is thought are mounted hlgh-1 waymen, and no others than the famous' "Black Outlaws who have been fugi tives from Justice in the Black Rok desert for years. There are five In the gang, and every one Is a murderer. (Joaraal Upeclal Service.) " 1 Washington, March 22. President Roosevelt today, reappointed ' Judge James Wicke rsham as Judge of . the Third Judicial district of Alsska. SUN WORSH IPERS TO RTU R E WITH . " (JeeraeL Bneelal Sarrice.) Chicago. .. March 21. Zaradusht Han- Ish. tbe noted religious impostor,, and his deluded and half starved following of sun worshippers are agajn becoming bold in their operations in this city. This wss proved today when repeated cries of anguish " resounded from the Mssadssman headquarters In the Atne nlum building. Within, on a cot, with his back bared, lay a tortured victim of the creed who had needle points in his flesh which had accidentally been broken from a bruah uaed on the unfortunate. Several of the puny attendants rushed about in search of a" physician., while others attempted to draw the needle points out Instead they forced tnam beneath the skin. A physician In the same building w.ia summoned, snd lite slmost Insane men picked up from the floor .whett-h UaU i ';.! hSced Disappearing Jap Force y Is; Attempting Enveici ;r;;oping;Move.;y(;(y KUROPATKIN IN COMMAND OF FIRST RUSSIAN ARMY Slavs r Have -Reached- Place of Safety But Irregulars and Stragglers Were . Cut . .Off and Captured. St Petersburg. March 22. (Bulletin.) Linevitch reports today that on Mon day Russian advance posts observed- Jap anese cavalry, in lsrge numbers, behind which appeared numerous bodies of in fantry near the village of Manchantsy. This la. taken hern to mean that. Kam amura's army , la about to attempt, an enveloping movement from the Ruasisn rear, and-fear- is expressed as - to tbe probable outcome.. ' -,' i. (Jearaal Special aerrtoc.) - St Petersburg, March 12. A dispatch from Qunshu Pass, 101 miles north. of Tie Pass, states - that General Kuro patkln arrived yesterday to assume com mand of the Flrat army.. . He received a great ovation from bis troops.. . This plsce, which has a lsrge railroad sta tion and a Red Cross settlement with ail army facilities. Is now an enormoua camp, overflowing with soldiers. Boom ing of guns is heard on the right flsnk today.' ... ,. - . V . - ' .' ' Another dispatch from Qunshu Pass, dated - March . 10. .stated: "Our rear guard now decuples Aiplngha. 70 miles north- of Tie Ling. The enemy con tinues to follow us, but pursuit is slow, the main Japanese army apparently , re maining in Tie Ung. - ... "uur reur syr rest at xis uig gave us a chance to rerorm the army and recover from "the recent, hardships. Since then the march has continued In orderly fashion, r but so -rapidly that many horses and cattle have died-of exhaustion..-.- v , . . . . -!-. "Our columns are moving along hslf a doses. roads parallel to the railway and report that a force of irregulars which-was. operating to. the . eastward was cut off before the news of the battle of Mukden - reached - them, - and compelled to retire to the northeast probably making for Kirin." , It is reported that the csar Intends to Issue an Order making- education compulsory throughout Russia and that the semstvos will be invited to send i...rT, ' ... A telegram from Libas states thai iH authorities have not yet been able to organise the proposed fourth -squadron on account of inability to secure men.. Msny of the officers are mere boys without sea training and the crews are composed largely of peasants never before aboard a ship. NTARIO LEGISLATURE (Journal Special tenlee.) Ottawa. Ont, March 11. The first session of the new Ontario legislature opened today. It is not 'expected that any radical legislation will be intro duced during the session, as- Premier Whitney and his ministers have not bad time to prepare for such aa' undertak ing, and the session will be confined al most entirely to routine business. One of tbe Important matters thst will be acted upon, however, will be the crea tion of a new cabinet portfolio, that of minister of mines. i '-.r s SNOW FALLS IN THE ' GRANDE RONDE VALLEY (Special Dlapitch te Tbe JearaaL) . La Grande. Or.. March 22. A heavy snow fell laat night and today, and the fall Is general, throughout the county, bringing Joy to the lumbermen, aa there was not-enough, water in the river' to float logs. The fell is about four inches in the .valley. It Is still snowing in the mountalna. and raining in' the valley. Good crops ars now assured unless ,a heavy freese occurs lster, fallen, and held until the needles were extracted. He was later removed to bis borne. Ilsnlsh was not present at the operation. - Sun worshippers deny thst Haniah Is hiding In Chicago for fear of being taken back to New Tork City, where he is wsnted to snswer to cruelties practiced on Mrs. Ellen Rshlll. who Is sxptwted to die ss the result f a practice of bis teachings. . Ottomsn Zaradusht Hsnlsh, to give him his full title, first made his ap pearance In the guise 'of a priest of Zorosster In Denver in 1(10. where he obtained. quite a following, most of his disciples being women,- He affected white robes snd forced bis followers te xlst on reresls, meat being forbidden to the faithful. It was rumored at the time that Hanlsh - fared much better than hi deluded. XoUowarv Xor, wt"t BARBAROUS PRICE-FIVE CENTSr-- "Sill nr.' and Hermcna yCatftEscapeyJustice,:: Prosecutor Declares I MORE INDICTMENTS i TO BE RETURNED Covemmeflt Representaiive Telia- "HiTPIjiris and Says H WitT 8e in Portland About --. April First. . "r ' .Special Diapatcs to Tee JearaaL) Ban Francisco, March 21. "Despite protest and oppoail.lon.lresident Rposc velt is determined to have pressed to conclusion the trials of the men and women recently indicted In Oregon for " . land frauds and others that may be in- dieted. 1 halve' Just come from "Wash-J ington where I had a' conference wlta the-., president on this aubject." said . . Francis 'a".- Heneyp special prosecutor., this morning. "He gave me his vtewa ' In the matter and I am going to carry, them out so far as I am able. No met-. ; ter how big the influence of an Indicted' person xmay. be he . will- be shown - no -mercy. . No innocent man need have' cause forfear. Any man now holding a ' federal office In- Oregon who In any way seeks to Interfere with the trial of tbe land fraud cases will receive no consld- ' eratlon from Mr.' Roosevelt ; He fa de -term In ed to stamp out all graft and . grafters that are within his official do- main.-.--.-.- -..-'' '.- v. -. "It was his wish that I take charge of, tbe land fraud matters la Washing ton, Idaho and Montana but I had to d- " dine for the simple reason that. I eannet afford to neglect much longer my pri vate practice. I will return to Portland , April 1. because tbe grand Jury that haa . returned - .oumy iadtctssents- will - go r out of existence April 10. It haa soma work to finish and probably will retura more indictments. . ' I will then, devote all my ' time to prosecuting 7 nersons. - Indicted. Up to. J data (S persons nave been indicted and - -110 have turned state's evidence. , 1 The people and preaa of Oregon are agreed with President Roosevelt that -' the guilty shall be punished. .The ma chine-- that-Senator . Mitchell and con- greaaman - Hermann have built up In the long course of yeara has received " ; ita death blow and it will not bo able to aavo the guilty from their Juat de- . Berts. Mitchell and .Hermann can no longer hoodwink the people of Oregon. They did their best to discredit Bee re- tary of the Interior Hitchcock, but the ' thl. have Wn lurn.,4 pn thm -m. pletely." . : ( i - the subject, it ila known- that the Port land granVl Jury is Inquiring Into tha . conduct of A. B. Hammond of Baa ' Franclsoo. who haa acquired a large acreage of -forest lands In-Oregon dur-" Ing the past -seven or eight years. Hammond also owns - a great deal of timber land in the northern part of- this state, and one. of the men associated with him - In his timber possessions is llinllngtirn Members of the Booth-Kelly Lumber company are also being inveatlgated by the grand' Jury. , This big Oregon firm recently tried to sell a lot of Oregon land for $5,000,000 to easterners . and came near closing the deal. . The eastern ers finally broke off the negotiations when they , found out that the. Portland grand Jury was Investigating how the Booth-Kelly people came into possession ' of the, timber land, , d.: . Henry Booth, secretary of-this com-f pany, waa once receiver of the Oregon) land office and was summsrlly suspend ed. He has a brother who is president of the company. .,'.. ; .' Half a dosen other large lumber com-; panics will have their, affairs Investi gated by the Portland grand Jury. ' i CLAIM EVIDENCE WILL T CLEAR NAN PATTERSON - (Jeernal Rpeelal Surrlee.) ' ' New Tork, March 12. Counsel for Nan Patterson state today that they have new evidence which-will -free the aetrees--- when she is sgaln brought to trial for the murder of Caeaar Toung. "The evi- "7 dence is said to prove that Toung owned the revolver which has always been de- nlcd by the prosecution. The actress will be brought to trlst early In April. ' CRUELTY they i; were.' emaciated , and thin 'from starvation and torture he himself wss fst snd healthy. Cruelties practiced upon -a young woman disciple, who went Inssne frora starvation, arouaed publio Indignation to a high pitch,' and Haniah left town auddenly. He waa next heard of In New Tor-, where he practiced his mysterious r' snd succeeded in obtaining a large t ... lowing. Cruelties.--which seemed I form an Important farter In his r llglon resulted in the death of 1 Rahlll under barbarous cireumst snd Hanjab. dropped from sight a warrant waa sworn out for his a. . He haa eatablished temples of thi snd baa a considerable, following 1 1 -cago. St Ixinls and Ietroit In a'' ' places Ilsnieh has been sua i--j-atliig Uta faithful um i 4 . .1 T