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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1905)
c:-cc:j cu::dav jou::ai; tz-?za::X su::day nor,::K:a a, itzz. -- , ; ..i CH0VV3 A REACTION AGAIN IN VARIOUS MARKETS FLOUR 10 DULLER THAN EVER. . , S OTHER PLACES HEAVY ARRIVALS OF SHEEP THIS WEEK FROM CALIFORNIA EASTERN H0G3 COME. J" Kntrred at the aw-aof, ef Portland. Or, ,' for uawnortaUoa tuvaa the Bull w DClCfTflE CaiENTDYF02tLAKD STCCKS CF SHEEP !AMG3EBSfL,., Vi" mailer. i - l-at. .a in- .1.-1. Mfiba Ve a a I. 10 OS lS- Page !", Itnti MUM pafC Ml U : w a peg. f easts. WERE VERY HEAVY OTOERS ARE CULL Editorial Rooms..., .....:....MsB $ Bualneae Otto.. Mat Bv WHEAT PAR II toiqh umnmn ftxrmuxirtATXTX. Vreelend-Beogsaln Special Advertising IfW. i. 100 Him) street, w York; Trtbaaa Baud. tug, (.ainco. . - , Tuai by Carrier. Tha T)U U Jasrnal, with Sunday. 1 yr. -IJ-j ally Journal. 1 rear ? . 1 M na Tb Jislly Journal, with bnnday, months. is Dally Journal. I month. ............a ! rt.ll. .Jnu-m.! lth MnnaWv. 1 month. l-P int usiiy journal, a montoe.,... . pall Journal, wit nuoaar. .. Th tally. Bar weak, aelitered. bumlsr ; ' CIOUWQ ....... .,,.......,-- " '. : Tb Dallr. Bar .waak. delivered. toadey ; , sioopted , ' i Tana by stall. . ' ' A . TV. It I law flutirla 1 MM. a .ST-OV . 1 Hf I mi 17 afUUTBaal, WIlBa Rwraai en 00 Tba Dally journal with Bundsy. asoatha. ! -j irauy journal, e aawuiu". Tha Dally journal, with Bandar, Tba Dally journal, t months..... J Tba Dally Journal, with Bandar, 1 mosth.. .no Wl.. ft. 1 1 w 1 . ........ ov - itt f ". - . 100 jne enemy journal, i year. ...." , , as ouaaay joaraai, amaine.. The Semi-Weekly Jsoraal. . , f ; Tha Semi. Weekly Journal, U '' . aarh laana, lllaatratad, tuU aurkat r- aotra. axima srdcra an amall iwi"" coaptabto la 1 .jassaiu,'. r. O. Box 121.: PortUnd. Or, AtOtlOK jaB$.T0M0Jl0'-. . ' Br I T. Wllaaa. ISO Ftrat atoraat, at 10 a. al, air of furnttura. earpata, luralahial, T. WIlaoB. auction. J. arriml IIMII.,' A atorm of mod -rat. aaarcy fca d. ppcarauca off tba norlhwaat "t at Waahlnf tua aarlna- tha la.t 11 hoara aa4 la thto ayaa- . , l-. m ui . u kund. Tha atorax appaara to ba omtIuc la a aouthaaatarly dlnw JlonTDut It la not autfldantly "pd" a. r.t to aatarmliM tta axact ""''j0-. J,"1! u warnlnn war ordarad dlaplayad at .. P. m. Ma tarda at all atatloa aUm tha arrait of Joaa- da rura and aloof id . - m -tyrm kir. for -hwraaalna; aoata aaatfvly wind probably raaohla alo ore at Ba y Sunday aftrrnooa. Tha tor1,n.,'!'l.,V!I raoaa a rontlnaatloa of anaattlad rainy wcatbar la tba north Pacific atataa durlnf JtaBdajr. Uirbt ahowara ha ra occurrad today In aooth waatarn Orafoa and In tha oound coaotry. wBIM ood ralaa ara rvportaa in aoruaiai aaatara Oraoa and Idaha. ,,,,,. Obaarratlooa to 5 p. . Jailmaa tanpara tura. M drtraaa: mlnlaiu&U-naratur, 40 OXraaa; rlrer raadlnc nt It . -t . chana la pnat 4our, .- fat: total pre- rlpltatlon. J p. P BiwrlDttattoa alnca tfeptamber 1. W. - Inch-a BorBMl pradpitatlon , "2t,Bb?T 1. 1D04. 1M.I0 inrhaa; dnHtiey. l.0 Inch; total aunabina. Marrti IV I006. 1 poo.11,1 w, u w it toill it'.BO: baroanater ( aaa la-al). at a p. an.. M. a Waddln Carda. laf ton bide., cor. W. 0. Umlth C.. Waah. Foarth and WaablBftoa ata. OraaiatoHnni oa Oraaoa City car Boa, Bear allwood; awdam. artantlflr. comptata. Canraaa Z-Adnlta. Viti ehlldraa, VUltora a. an. to 5 p7 aa. ParUaa4 CraawOoa aaaaelattoa, farUaad, .Orafoa, . . ThSi fanaral dlractora and ambaiaara. tao atraat. - nana aor. -M : ' I. P. Fblay ana. fanaral dtiaatura and anibalBMr. aoraar Third and Madlaoa atraota. - Ottea of aonnty aaronar. Talapboaa ataU I. - ' ronaral wraatha and ant flowara a apaelalty at a oat vity wiwaww-. mm Ktat Mornaaa. ana. a m. ibmuhw ' and nhatrarot ta taal .aatata front tha Title eaaraataa at Trvai aoaa. aaar. Chaaibar Of Oomaaaca balMlag. FIRST BERRIES ARE IN 'FRISCO Strawberries Frpm , Watsonville , Sell at Vary Math Fifiura x A v.': Per Crate. . . CHOICE POTATOES AND . . . ONIONS HOLD STEADY Lower Grade Plentiful and Weak . V i-a. Poultry 'Market. . . .r Qflar9fJ. , : apodal Dlapatek fcy Laaard Wlra ta Tba Joamal) . a.a rMariin Marrti Doratobar whaat alaaad He par rvntal low or today. Par May l.aa,araa aia ana bi.oo a. "" Craalnf arraci an iiwjpmi?. atlra market. Tnr wig ao rumngw w poti"' ralara tad ao racal pta. Barlay Claaaa Dawn. Daaanibar Barlay aciao in ' whaat and eloaad H lowat. far May $1. waa Md and 1. aakad. Tba apM aMrrat waa uwhaDsad and 1 atodorataly ataady. Oata, corn, haana and rya ahowad no quoublo cbanaa. A cargo of barlay waa claarad for Jnpaa. Tba otaamar for tha orlant today took ant only 1.S.S harrala ot floor. Thara wara-aa Baarkat ahaacoa ta rapart. Pint ttrawbarrlad Arrraa, Trohack Itarfan today raealaad a ehaat ef atrawbarrW from tbalr Elaarolda farm, Wat aoaTllla, tha flrat of tha acaaoo. They wera of tha Kioahlor rarlaty from jaatwa Planta and want at tha aacapOonally JUh prlca of $1.60 par drawer, or at tba rata of for tr,a cbat. Tb fruit narkat wai alow In kceplnf with tha Iwlenwnt weather and prlcaa all round warn without any material chance. - Chaioa Patatoaa Itaady. . Pot potato and onlona thara warn na qaot abla cbancaa. Choice quality of both rated ataady. Cower (radea of patatoaa ware In ahundanee and weak. Aaparaaoa, rhaharb and aracn paan war plentiful. Ureas enlona want becglni. String baana eoatlnaad acarca. ' la Cbaaga la Battar. ' Taera wal practlcallr chant a for batter 'and'Chreee or a. Tb market may open 1 neat work with eomn, rarlaUuaav It waa ax. aacted that the wet Wcatbar woald aback tha atorlng of agga temporarily. ' ' There wr aery aroall roralpt of California aitit which rlaanad nn at aatlafactory aHcaa. During tha waah four carload of eaet .era pooltry warn marketed. . , T0I0PAK KaiM ITOCXa). . ' " Baa -PraacUeo, March M.Offldal (Mklngt Bid. Bld.r Vontana' " Midway 1.1 McNamara ..... Ralmont l.mtt . North aur .M , Haactia ........ ' llnld Mt. .1 Jim Ttutlee ...... .94 Adam , Mohawk , D He .23 .ltd .na ' M Kendall rolnmbla Mt. Jamba do Enen. ,. Black Butta .. Hllaer Peck .. 1 told Ancher Hnr 0'Hrlaa . .... ,ar .... ,1 ..... -id . ... .H0, a aOfl MA v... 1 .11U. Tea. Rites. ... a.ou Kd Top . ol1flld T (andatorm ..... . .TOA d Cxtaa, ... .IS Ophlr Toa, huh rrog 3B IHa ru:, m tou inoA lAim. ' Kaw York. Marnh Ik Mngart fined, aa tkangadi rawa. Arm; caatlfuaal. Pcj maaea, 4a. P a Tk a-ara ut itioioaai ef a a aataWra and waabaja aankaaaraai a rlaty)d lm taia . tanraa of Tk a a Jouraal r fonlskad r Owaa ' a A Vaok, ' IMrf Cooka- Co. , Chi- a a oaao ateaurd of rrad Srokan, a ab ' lot Tfhlr ;:, . Loial ; Millers Claim Price Are iToo : High ' to Admit of 2 , . Profit In Sale. v MINNEAPOLIS FIRMS f ARE TAKING THE TRADE Reports Continue to Com Tell ' Ing of Damage to Fall Sown, Wheat There. Proat Street, March f a. The prin cipal feature of tba Portlaad wboleaala mar keta tba pat weak-ware: l Millars complain of unprofitable aaaaon., Whaat aalaea dswa wltk aauida clamp. Bgg coming f eater; aot ao firm. -t Poultry market bold a Ita awa. i ' Storma aauaa ararclty of fralta. ' ' Mobatr aaaaon opens, price nominal. ' Wool ahaarlng will aoaa begla. Paaey poutoea firm: others dall. Oaloaa lower with larger racalpta. . flalmoa aaaaoa ekoaeai flak ecarce. j ' I'ackaga aoffeaa abowlng a loaa. ' k ' CreaBMry battar about ta drop. '; , ' Praab maata firm and artlaa. - Many ardera ara la for hope. . ' tlar Mm Kaklag OaaplsJat Thara la mack complaint among tba floor mlW la re aa aeeooat of what tbey call an nnproflt able aaaaoa. Tbay claim that tbey ban bora (creed to aarrender tha Oriental market to tha middle waat miller oa account ot the aery high prlcaa rails bare ..a eoodltkoa which tbey themaelTea wars tha principal factor la bring Ing a boat. - Of lata tba Orient ba bran la tb market for floor aad maay laqulrlea bare some to tula market. Vary little bneiaaea raealtsd from these laqalriaa from the almpaa fact that the aUliers of the middle went ware aader. nailing the mUlera af the -Pacific eoaat at least 10 cants a barrel aad eome erdara bare baea accepted by tha outalde miliars at rata that wera loo per barrel aader the ajaotatlooa which the local aaca aoald afford ta aell at. It has been erioueuaaly etatad that the floar the mlUen of Minneapolis ara ailing to tha Orient Is made ot Oregon wheat. Tka fact la that these storks baa baea ground from tba aery raeapeet wheat that aoald ba feead la tha esna try aad the flow sold la what la oammooly called "Hed Dog" ar third grade. ' Millers of tba Pacific coast make ao floor aader aaa- aad grade and ara than forced oat ef the field by aa inferior protract. The Oriental came not so much ears for quality sa be dees foe price the cheeper the price the more willing be la to bay.- Tba oaallty cata absolutely aa figure wltk him. . Mora BeaerW af Wheat Dsstag Oomtag. -More report ef damage ta the fall wheat crop pre bring reeelaed from ootlrlng districts. These report ara rawer eennimng oat in roe aaatara part of Oregoa and Waablngtoa It la agreed br all that toe damage will amount to eonaldorabta. la tba Willamette Taller there aaa oana at iocs 01 rain mt .aa vnv am pdwkmb In good trim and . proa pec la ware Perec so bright. . Mohair eases Croons Prions VemmeX Tba mohair eaesoa la epea. Racalpta tba peat weak were a trifle larger bat they are a till 11. Weather eawdltleae bare aot yet boaa faTorabax for general opera tin aa. Wool man are ready to be aia shaarlag eoeratieaa as soon as the weather baromrs waraier. Proas all praaant Indlcattoea the clip af woe la tba aorta went tba preacBt aaaaoa will be much hearrcr thax, Banal, the milder cltmata the past winter being the principal factor., ' Many Oraeie for lose la at Prion. At the preralitag price ef bops stocks ara la demand byeestera brewers and during tba past weak meet of tb local dealer raolaad bay ing orders.- The tendency among the growers Is again ao bold, as tba tone of the market promisee enmethtng slightly better tkaaf the Bucket, ther ear. As Baost af tha bona re oat of the bands ef the dealers, and tb grow re -are unwilling to Sell their holdings st Ike present ruling It la not unlikely tkat It tba hoe ara wanted the eastern araerere will be forced to pay tha advance. - Paaey Petateee flrmi Others Sail. " Pane notateee were fins the peat weak. Pnppllra of flrat-daaa stock arai new aery lim ited and there la a aery good demand nt pras aat prlcaa. Ordinary potato are aery plenti ful Ja all market ana tarre m not amen emng In that branch of the mdrket bare. Oa this account tba dealer are keeping la tbetr kolra. . larger BeesFpta Weakea Oaloa Market. - The racalpta of entoae la the Call focal markets darlna tba neat weak hare been vary beery sad this bss eansed a baaay reaction la prlcaa. As a result tb local market has re ceded and dealers are aot bow azloaa to par chase at any price. , - teaaea Claaaa With lalaea Soare. Tha aalmoa aaasea clossd tb early part of the week In the at ata of Oregoa and thla left (be fresh flab market bare bar of supplies. Gen erally at the clews ef the season dealers la this city Sara suppuea oa iraaai nsa mumen to tide tbea oaar for a week or two, but thla year aa the- elostac dap there waa bsrdly rraaJt aarmoa to be bad. Ptah dealers had fig- arad apoa getting supplies of California aalmoa when the eeeeoe eiasea am w ta that atate hare canard blf line la tba rla- that atsta bare canard blf rise la tba lie - and the Jlak catch K" p - "'-, '- tb wpar I tew kmeir ware "caught la tl rviite he a etlnattat bat tbey were readily old at. hlgfcer price. , -Crsassary Battar A Vast ta. XbwB, ' Wltk. tba milder weather and tha laereaaa In the production of gram, tha IndlcatlraM ara that there will sooa be a baary laereaaa la be shipments of local creamery batter to thla market and that tha prlcaa wfU go. lower. Daring the week the California battar mar ket was not ao firm aad heavier shipment wars aaal la thla dtrenttoa. Until the cloee ef -the weak theae shipments war pirsea up area oe rnre being anloaded by the eipreea, bat to day tha demand waa lighter. No real Waakeaas was bpweecr apparent. With a continuance of tba big price ef creamery batter there re- mains a aery etraog ormuna roc roanwr pruouci. Battar rsmaa ara ruling la this line. Fresh Mas firm aad Aatlre, Larger racalpta ware shown nil tbroogh the flu am j mast market tba past weak, bat the ar rtaals ware readily clesaed ap at tb top price. There le Intense flrmneae In dfraaed bog aad the better grade ef real bring tba top printed prices. . . , wrala. ! a4 faai. WHKAT Nomloalt club and red, Hei Mae ttrm, 98ej aauay, aiajiwa. . ; UtUI-raa, asa-avi aeiiea, .vui aaaw tocbEWbol. IJt kOt crokad. 'SM pat '"TB 1.M par -awt. , . . OATS Proaucere prlcaa Ha. 1 wnite. gmuk); rl)Uh EieterB ttrnigbta, 13 TB; ' $4 Mi Hh). i 1 MiiXBTDPr a IAJ J m Mini. - vi a .w. n,w aatiey. graasaa. n, na. 10. (S.OO: halas. taVTa. Pre a, I1S.0O par aaal m Id ol In r. ar.00; shorts, osaatrp. fak-OOi ajaoa. HAT Pudars price Tlawfby. WITtaaaatta eslley, aBnay. el-aJ14.00i ordinary 1AOOC i. iwi. fiw.mism Sft.onaais.sof aalaeH. rllOO; ekirar. U.00i grala. (ll.OOl cheat. U.OO. . . ;. ara Iter, sera awa rsanrai Bl'I'IHt PAT weet. Mc; aoar, e. fenTTKat City eras aery, heat. gJHe: Second grade, ft, ltd outalde fanoa 82V,a; arttl nary, na30cs . Callforala.- autjioii, store, lftdtftc. KOlH Ko. t fraah Oregoa. 18c. CHEKSIB Maw Pnll cream,' twin, ltV; Young America, lTrjlTHe; aaatara, Ia)lBHci California. te; Cheddar, Itlc. POULTRY Chick ao. mlied. IS per lb; bene, UHe par lb I iwaara. old. ttAte par lb; swung, lbs per lb; broilers. H.OOOa.00 par aaa; fryer, las par lb! daeka. pt.OOellB 00 per goal geeea. tc Per lb I tarkays, 11 par lb araaaed. KU2Ve per lb. yXeps, Waal aad PJUis. Borfe Ocaatracta. lBflo, inHTa IM, ero. M4tc for ranioai tUfts for - Briaae aad "'oJli--Oea tracts latal alls. U41! aalVy, snare to media, 1IT Baa, HClsat east- era Otaioa. ItV. ' MOHAIR Nominal tadlsSe. RHCBPSKIKg keriaa loaaYAsi sttart aaaot f8oc; aaadiam weoU aoesoua) mug woat, (oratti on each. ; TAUX)W Prims, Ur th, 4a Me. aad aaaaaa,- IMtts ... CHiTTlM f AS M tap Pi! taptaf Ta. HIDES Drr hides. No. It lbs aad op. teJlHe par ft; dry kip. Ka . II M, lee; dry calf, tic 1, sadar k Sv aassiae: dry salted bides, atsere. Bound, at) lbs ar ar, (VtSJ Vic: 60 to 0 I bo, iaJSVke: uooaa ao lb aad ooarsT dOstta; stage ssd balla. aoaaa. Tej kip. IB to So lbs. Dot eased. 10 le 14 Ha, 1 . .7 ' . can, aoajaa. .aaarr aw riw.t, . - (nasalkad). 1 a per lb waa; calls, le per tb ham; harao hldM aelfad. uek. gl.ell-TO: dry. calf, aoaad. anda 10 na. PHOiie. each, -fl.ooai.oO; eelt hides, each, 2Sa0oj goat sklsa, aommoa, each. 10OlAc aVsgors, with wool oa. each. zBat.0O. -l tYalU Mat TssUas, ' ''' POT i TOrS bit . Oreama. kl.00 tMrazlli eoful arade. fcoft&uc Back: buy, Ing price, Tftc; Karly Boee. ll.nOUt; aweeta, beat, $1.60Jl.aO; orated, t.74; aaw Callforala, ac per in. ONIONS 323: buyers' prices,, aoaa try, eA-.Rntj iu, aarinr. vyiw aw iu. rRUtl ralUiTS ' Apples. nol fas I1.B0; fnncy Oregon. 7Vta1.00 par boxi cheap grades. aOajT&a par bos; oranges, Basel, U-2talts par boas aeedllaga. I par box; tancertaea, (l.Kai.M par box; Jap oranges, noaa per boll baasaas. Be Bar lb; wsaoaa. choice. (2.TS per boa; fancy, t 00 per bog: lime. Meslean. an per lev; pUw applas. H-0-00; axaaharrlas, , as torn, ll.00 per ML . ' PRGPTABLRS Taralpk, TSOWIe per sack) carrots, fl.0041.10 par each; beats, fl.SB sack; Oregoa radish, ana par doe; eubbaos, Oregoa, cwt: California, $I.I0J1.S; lettuce, botbonae, l.kSatl.BO crate; green nepprs. Te lb; chill peppers. U per lb; celery. &sBta.M erat.; tocnatoea, California B2.O0; riorlda.-BB.BOl srsnlns. l.norl.26; eggplant. 12HePr n; string ben. IJp; cauliflower, fl.TB ell. A per cral; battar baana. ; Rnmpklna, le par lb; borsersdlab, T( per ; aproata, 6c: artlrbokea, BOtJToo par dns; botnouae ret t oca, 1.(W1.TB par bos; rtoa radishes, 8&tr40e per doe; groaa onjooa, 4Re doe; sspsrarn. Tarc per lb; spinach, T&c per ox: squash. i per tb. DRIED PRDITS APPlea, tnmlai fn per lb; apricots. WHttlfte Par Ibt eseks, W per lb fcas; peach. llftt per lb, paara, per R: aruaee. Italtaa. V,4H oar . r-renck, SH4Me per lh flgn. Oallforala black, BcrdH per lb; CsUforan white, per lb;. pmaw. pitted. per Ibt da tea. gel aaa. per lb tarda, ItaO par la- baaU Bum in. Vsta, . Xta, nail ak haia rak. Mt nowdareci. to. 05; 4. OB; trait gra a united. fa.0flj dry grass la tad. oeat grsaniaifru, eoo, taxira j. goloea C, BS.aOi bo is. lue: bbl. "Ac; bo sea, SO ad rases sa sooa oaam, mas aoa nwi tor caah. IB daya: maple, 14 IBs par tb. BONET I4H01B. COFFKB Package brands. 114.8ft. , ALT Plae Balaa, to, as, as, 6a, 10. tl.toi table, dairy, so, ill. 00: loos, tlO.78: lm sorted Llrarsool. BO. B1T.00: 100s, IIBSO; t34s. fit 00; extra Ba. bbla. Sa. as. Ba, 10a, B4.fjoas.BOi balh. CM lbs, ta.00OB.0O; aaaka, BOS. WOnSM, ati a a lata. Car Iota at gpealal prioaa sutct BBcrnaaoaa.. until nana rlefra eanassIBB oar 100. 1 RICB Imperial Sanaa, no. l"" "''""i f",a- J weorr. aa. RICB Impertai sapaa, no. 1. st-ci no. a. aoi kh.h 11 i., V. kfm aiAM pink, tVtc; bayoa, at-00; limns. Maxtoss reds BVae. nutw peanata, Titei jumoos. am r" aw, B010 par lb; roaated, 1 oaeoanota, BaPBOa per doe; walnuts. HQIDe far lb! pla earn. lft)lH par lb; hickory, nets. )0c par lbl rbaataats, eastern. IBCItle per lb! Brestl aata, IBs par lb: filberts, isefer per lb; fancy pecans, I41B per lb; almoads. 11018 par lb. taints, Oeal Oils. Ita. ROPaV Pore kUnlla. 14c; stasdardV llftci laal, 10 c: Istls braod BlaaL B. - COAL Oil Pearl or Astral Caees. td pgr gal; water while. Iron bbla, IB He per gsi; woodea, -IT pa gal; headlight lfo-deaj, saaas Asa per gal; Iron bbla. IBfce per aL Ar0UNkV ao-dag, assaa Ma aaa gal, trea bbla 2B0 per gal; atoaa, aaass Maa..aag pal. Iros bbla lHo per gsi. BtNZISB aftdag, 1 feU, . IIU, Me nL fl'KPENTrNaV-U asses, BSC per gsl." ft2p na aal. WHITS LEI t Toa trta. TU 'V pet par 10. lb! hteVlb lots, 7 a Per lb; lew lots Be par lb. vml a 1 n fce aft gagn UNSEED OIL Pur raw In bbls. Ble par gsi: csaaa BUe par gal; genuine kettle boiled, eases Ke per gal; bbl, 03c per gl; ground csks, ear Iota SaM per aoa. leas thaa ear ista M.0 par toa. ataats. Pish and Tim wai ma PltCIIB MBAlTa Pront street Psf, eterr, 431510 per lb 1 park, block. THWJt per lb; pseksrs. Tit!le per lb! bsUa, SHa per lb; aoaa- IOV Pr lb; mutton, wetaera and lamba, Tc: ewes. Br; real, vxtra, He lb; ardinary. Bat 7c per lb; poor. Bates par lb. - BAMS, BACON. BT0. Portland pack (leant) hams. 10 te 14 lbs, Iktte ar lb: 14 to IB lbs, 11 a per lb; IB to SO lbs, 1H Pr lb I eottsra. Be per lb; break fa et baeoa, lieslO per lb; ptcaie, BHa Ihi-raarslar short clears, an amokad, BH par lb; aaaoked. 04t per Ibt etaar barks, a nemo, ad, Be, par lb! amikia, 18a per lb; Valoa butta. 16 te IS lbs. naoaankod. Be par Ibl nawkad. Be par RtMebaar balUaa, aa- smoked, 11 per lb; smoked. IP per a. LOCAL LAUD Kettle leaf, 10a, lOHa as lb; Ba, lOUa aor lb; BO-lh da. 10A4 per lb steam raVdered. 10a, Be per tai Ba. BVke per Ibltnba. 44 a par lb! BOa, par K. CANMBTD B1.AB; B-lb Aiaaka'tsi Ba. fall 12 CXL PIHlf lioah and. Te Bar Ibt Be par par doe; lb; ha llbot. Be par jbt ernha, ILS) p striped kaaa, lOQIIVre par B; est riaa, TO Pr in; . ainea, eanaoa, lie: tealbead. per lb; fraaaa ell' Te par le; harrtag Be par lb eolee. Be per lb: ahrlmna. 10 par lb; aaad. drmul pea h; peach. B par lb) shsd roe, par mi aha, ta per lb; black end. Be par lb; Cotambla rrrar a melt. Be par lb: sllrsr smalt, as per lb; I2et I aaaaharel. Be per P; 0a per ai Sturgeon, " P lb. OTsTnJg shear bay. Par aaL ttSBi par sack, B 00 nt 01mpia. par ck, ! BV tJLAM Hard eheD. par baa, II. Ml rsaaa aJsms, SS.C0 par bax. toBo txr btiba masxr. Ioorloa, March lAPwet sogag aad April op jgd to 4a Sd, I atsreh ENOUGH AND TO SPARE FOR ALL. GOLD EXPORTS HAVE" ANEW HIGH RECORD LOSSES,. Bait aV Ohio... I .SB Ureal Wssk .. .SB HU Psal .SB V. Jt. W..... 1.00 Chas. A Okie... .SB Colo, kwal ..... .SB Krl. coat...... .00 do 3d SB Louis, di Nask.. .2S Mlaaoari Pac, naf. .. .1 .SB Norfolk Wast. ' .134 Pennsylvania ... .13Sfc Rock laid., com. .60 Moathera Ry. ... .It HC U Va.W.pre. .95 Wlaeoneln vanu. do pref. ..... .SB MetropoUUa .. .STH Max. Central .. . .37 Oaaadiaa Pac... 1.S7K ADTANCn. Amalgamated .$ .SB IHngar . Car s Poundry .138mltar. do pref. .... .75 I Brooklyn ...I .BO ... MM ... .SB lune let ...... .zs in. 1 Ont. A West.. l tlU Uu Orntrsl ., Bteel Car, pref.. .Bo j Pari fie Mall .... . JC1 Reading, 1st . ,2ft South. Ry. pref .S7a, tua.w., . ja It. 4 rscffic, rvi (Special Oispatrh byLeaerd Wire ta The Joaraal) Wall Rtreat, Near Tork, March 1 Tba hearr gold export morement from thla eoantry ceased la the middle of Pebruary. Its cassatioa tbea did aot prevent the making ef a aaw klgk record for that month. Thl week' atata meat af la at moath'a foreign trade shows $14,700,000 la gold seat eat; a total noser x eneded la that month not area la IBM, wbra export ef la gold was ths first waralag of the coming panic. ' . . Aa Oiarflew ef WaaUth. ' 4 Tha Pabrosry gold eiporU of this year do aot foreshadow panic; they aeam to be more ot aa OTerflow of wealth thaa a signal of die trees : bat they add soother chanter to a atrlklng story. January's Ble,SOO,flno gold shipment abeolntely broke tba record for tha period, patting ejalte eat of countensncs the tl0.6O0.O0O ahlpmrnts of Jansary, leim, whoa the "Vaaea arla ertata" and the "Jameaoa raid" had In spired the world te clntrb aerrooaly at onr m are gold supply. December's SIX. 400.000 octgo waa matched, at that time of year, only by tha flB.4no.00O shipments ot tba month of financial flight, December. ISM. , Parallel far Baa em bar. I The Sn.sno.ono gold shipped la Hoaember finds aa parallel, the nearest approach being tha ll.too.OOO of November ef 1901. wtiea Pari hankers, frightened oaar Wall- a treat' sxreee of the aprlng, ware catling la their loaae. The notable fact la theae eomparlsona le the aur ket a Indifference to the BaoTament ef the oaa ana. Thea ralaa an lulei anting oaaatloa aa to What we shsll see la nay aaa jnue whea a nar'a Isrgast eatge bf gold la witnessed. kaasisa Hsmsrs Help sWhota. -la the abeaaaa of any dwlimmaata ef aooanca ever nlaht: W'sll street's dii conrrrred this morning ehalfly apoa-the araa. able showing lo he made In the weekly bank utstSBMmt. The moves ef areata levtbe Leodca aad other foreign stock market am alee watched keenly on aecoaat ot The critical att ention In Rumla. bat esente there furnished no lead ta the local epemlatloo. parther eoa tinrntal aalllng was reported ta the London marhat. bat there waa apparently small groand for yesterday's aneaslnasa aa to the financial altnatton In Pari. la fact, prices rallied qolta ahsrply In the foreign marketa with tha eoarne of the day oa moors that the Kaaaiaa government had raneented to tha opening ot negotiations for a ssttlsnaent et the war with Japan. Iarluded la the day's rooMne bappaa Inga wars th quit favorable weakly report of the merennUle agencies upoa , tha ata Is ef foreign trade. Market Heavy fat Early Baals. Ths stork market wss anlte baary la tb early dealings, ths trading being apparently a continuation af that which baa baea eosdurted In ths markets since Taesrlsy last. Scattering liquidation by eommlaaloa boosae hod quit ag greealve operation for tb short account eerved to thpraaa prices la all direction, aabeeqnently a much firmer toae developed, and In face the market eewnmd to enjoy a batter meaaure ef support thaa has baea apparent at almost lay time during the week. . . ' , Oatarlo Weatara araag. -c .. ' - Near Tork, Ontario A Weatara war exeaa tloaally atrong tkrongbaat the bnaloeaa liaili n. Ia the flrat Vmr of Imalneoa tka pfaaaase of llorrldatioa waa baerteat la I'nlon Partfle aad New Xorh Central, la which a toe k a the apera lative long latereat has been the moat ex tended, Thane eci nrltlee milted, smweanr. In cnauooa with the general market later oa. ' In tha Industrial and mieoellaaapue ah area, firm feetarea war Amalgameted tiopper and Amer icas B malting. Consolidated Gaa continued The total naaibsr ef hares sold today na tha soch eicaaege . waa ra.oftS, sralsat B4S.TB1 the same day hist yesr. Ths total salea since sensory 1 ware B4.1IIBSBB, against SB.St4.034 far the aaass tlate leet year. SHERMAN COUNTY - WHEAT IS DAMAGED Hood River Man Say Crop Will ; Be Cut at Least Ten Bushels to the Acre. (Bpacisi mapabrh aa Th soaraaL, Rood Riser. Or.. March M. J. A of loots, who wen la thla etty today aa baa ratarn from Rbermaa eoanty, where be asm an SOO ai re arbaet ranch, any that nearly all ef the fallonwa wheat In Hharmaa eoanty waa an badly damaged br ths rehraery on Id aaap that a vast amsaat et re seeding will have te Thl will rut tb crop abort at least 10 bnshols to the eve,' remarked Mr. Tfmmpsoo, twd wheat M acarre. aad tba farawaa wiu he pat U 4 hag axfiaaae to bataA atUlssaal ma- The par value nt hood cold today waa 1,T7B,000, agslnst tl.OBI.000 the as ma dap laet year. Since January 1 the ssles hsas been B'H 1, 340,000. against BlMe.oOS.000 - tba name time last year. Oa Its face ths beak at la ment waa more favorable than expected. Caah decreased oaly 7.000,000. sa agslnst flO.000,000 forecsated yesterday. Rut It wss evident, sf coarse, to evefrnodr that the ftgorae. were oa Incomplete record ef the week'e transaction. ana test us aerator ae a natsaee or taw casa mas would merely be carried over late next week. Loans feU only B.S41,0tm. wharb was decidedly lees thsa satieipntsd. Thewarplas if no now sundn at the meagre earn af 14.000,000. - aparta af areola laxrgar. Th Imnortn ef snecie this work ware Sl.ieaXSRl gold and S1S.1 allver. a total ot tl,Bft0.42B. againat B1Z7.3B3 In the nrevioue week aad SB4 JOB In the same pariod hut year. Kx- porta of specls from this port to all countries for the weak arxregattrig 0)to.TS asd BoeT.BW Sliver, a eoiai oi si.sasioi, ngsinst l.a),BlS told aad atlrcr la the sua weak laet yesr. Tba official stock market: ' f nm Msouraox. Anaconda Mining Co... Ansal. Copper Co Atchison, com...,.,.,. lmv, in 7 BP. St" do nrel Am. Car A Poasd eom. ao preferred . Am. Pugar, com Am. Smelt, com........ do preferred.. . ...... . Bait. A Ohio, eoa...... do preferred .......... P. rook Ira Rapid Transit. Csnadlsa Pacific, eoaa.u Chi 0. W.. com..... Chi. Mil. ft Bt, I'sui... Chi. ft N. W., com Chi. Terminal Rallaray. Cheoapaska ft Ohio..... Com. Pnel ft Iron. com. . Colo. Houthern. com..,. do Sd preferred do let preferred Denver ft R. O., coat... do preferred. ..' rle. com .. MX 14.1 lITA 121 A 108- 102 12tA tot tin' BB1A 14B 14 146 M, 179 24 S4t4 17BU 17ft la ISSOSi at i 240 2W IT B7 17 BHIA B3lZ 34 i 4fiV4 do 3d preferred . . . r. . oo tat pratei icu. . tlllnnla Central 0 B1HI .IIB1 H4llHa Ijoolavltle ft KashvllU.. 143 MetropoUUa Bt. By. Manhattan Rsllway.. 134H lt Mas, Central Railway. . S4 Mluavi Wt. r. m Btsv M. lO PftflVTTMt . .aesaaea Missouri Pacific. U-. K. T. . com do preferred ....,. New York Central..... Norfolk A West.. CO IS. do prsfaf fed. ..... North American .... N. T., Ont. ft Weatara rannaylvanla Railway., people's fl., L. ft C. Co Priamd B. Car, com... do or f erred ......... ni 1M tOTt 1H1H BBts 1 Wt h4" ins 1134! 37 edit Pac. Mall Btesaashlp Co. Heading, man , do 3d preferred do let preferred..... Rep. Iron ft EtecL eom, do preferred Bock Islsnd. com....... do pref erred Son thorn Rsllway, com. do twfered Bout horn pacific Pt. L. ft B. P.. 2d pfd. V plrf "'Tas' mt a e a a ' St. Loo la ft B. W., com do preferred Triaa ft Pacific Tennessee Coal ft Iron. Tel., Pt. L. ft W., com do preferred:....?.., Onto. Pacific, com...., fjffl JfrT fa-"-! a a a a a i tT. S. leather, com.... do preferred '....,. V. I. Robber, com...., do preferred 10 so Tl 4 ft at. i2 7 2 VA l"f lit V. B. Mteel Co., com.., M A m 4B 34 m frl-r WtMWtinsj 4 U Iris r.. rtf iit ....J..... Wt4?pmla fntrt com. ! pCTrffW t ff aaeassss Wabwh. com. .,..,.. a ana ...-38 Total salsa for day, 06 1, BOO abarea. rhlnery and tea ma for sowing lbs grala bafiee the Mad becomes too dry. Spring whaat never liatoa aa heavily as rsu wnast, ana as tnia baa bean A very dry whiter I expect ta see a light yield. The soli bss baea erat down ta a depth of eoiy is locoes, - Thirty bushels to the sere was the sverago yield last year hi Rherman eoanty. which I ao of the chief wheat rasing cam ties la lbs stats. Mr. Thompson asya a still has a large amount ef whaat oa head, bat .no one leers BUBsem vs nay, .' strip tors: bapk rrATEirCTT. ; (Punished by Over beck, Starr ft Anka Cs.) Maw Terk, March IB. Bask ststsment: iMcreass. Itaawvs .....9 Am.7B H...r. kaaa IT. ... 4.404.278 !aas S.244.ii0 rei ........... ......... J lK.Too lgsls ...... ...... .J"'. Depnalta .v... ......... U,227.7nl ( treats tloa 81,000 . " . , mr tork cASat ooirrs. Kw York. Mareh IB.--Cash SOffSSI IBs, I sUo, 7-w. ha. Baaxea, laaV Receipts Thla Week From Cali . fornia Points Show a Not able 'Decrease. '' EASTERN HOGS ABOUT - i ONLY ONES THAT CAME Receipts in Most Lines Not So Heavy No Changes in Prices V: Made In Week. Portland TJnlon Rtockysrds.' March IS. 6 m. The minrlml featnr ot the local Uve- atock market during tha psst weak waa tha heavy stocks of shsep that came. Receipts of keep the past week were, enormouu for thta market. - They came from Calif orals la large som Sara and Mr lodlcsttoo ara that they will cotae evaa faatar thsa tbey have bore. During the wssk there was nothing but etrength abowa by tba sheep market and quotations ware firmly be Id at the very top ef the list. Beatera Bogs Still Osmtag. , Had It not bean for tba ahlnmeuta ef east era anas. Into, this market doting ths week ir Is on Its likely that ertcve la the Portlaad market wooia nave soarso to a very aigo point, rnr- tl calls all the boss that Came ware from oat ef the stats. With the milder weather the da. ma ad does aot bold eat so firm, bat as changes ware mad la the aaoUtloea during th week. Ohttlo Market Waa BaU. i ATI IWm.. tha - - tbo'eaa aarfhlna hot Sim shown la the osttie aairaet. The ra eelptn wore fair, bat aot quite aa large aa the aravvooa weak. Aa is Bogs, ta muoer waatner waa the principal sauna et too dailnaea. The total , nrrlvala ef eat tie daring the week amaahted to bob head, while thoaa af a week go were BAB head. . Beostpta af tha Wheat aTarkat. -The racalpta show! . .. ', This Lust 'Week. Week. Horn BOS BBS Cattle,- ..a.........M.......e....- Bta). . B5p SO Sep . a,oaa seawa . Bshaa af the BookTSJO. last Suadsy alaa care of eattht arrived to from Bche, Or., ea route ta Seattle. . Twelve cars or sheep were receives eamony from Cnlitnrala noinm an Bolmea ft White of La Oraade saat la a car of hjas aariv In tha a link Kiddle Brae, kad two ears or nogs rn reom Kabraaka points the fore pert of the wssk. J. D. Dessmore shinned tbor ears Of sheas from aalasa, March 11. oa Turn air Bootbbr Lewis aeat m a ear Sf sheep from Moumoajta. - . . B. O. Tooag. the vetaraa shipper af wartb era Oregon, bad a car of borsea la the yard from- Oakland the first ef the weak. rran Bcbe John Baaw ahlpped a ear ef ndea esttl. -Tbey arrrred ea Taesdsy. u. a ina. asd 2. P. Thamaa aaetl bad a ear of rattle la from hboahooa, Idaho, Ttiasdsy. A car ot Bog mm tmoier waa www. wr a. A. aiMrtU m the fc - Tea aare ef Nebraska hog war broaght la good roadltloa by W. B. Kurta thla wssk. rtatti eMnansnts from Rnnnike nre gettaag mors nrnnaroua. Charles Batter broaght la two CGI) VeBdlWaTadjaJ. Poor can of California eattle from Moatagae arrlvee) la the garde Thmaday. A. P. Hsst wss ths shipper - ' ' , . . Oaa Haver asd a car af sbaes) aad aoaa to tb yards thta nreeK from anertoaB. Kteht earn of California abeeo pa a . 4 M vaMa mm rotate to the a I. D. nansmnre ea Thwrsday had tare ears ot mm laaaha In tha rarda from aaiam. Tbey war th beat lea aired ta tha market thta aaaaoa and brought the highest prlcaa aa re- mU ' . B roars ft Richmond ef McCoy aver shippers Of a ear of sheep the latter part of the wee. A ear of Sheep aaa aoes enm mas oaeuaai Friday, i. C. Davis wss th shipper. Thomas ft Da I ton of North Powder had tear cars of cattle m the lost of the weak. C P. Pulton of Denrbntee had a ear of extra good grala-ied rattle la lbs market yesterday. They brought the very Beat prwaa. a' J. ptchsrd had ear et a beep la Bucans yestsrdsy. . 1 Pighlsen care of rattle en rrmt from Baker nil ta Tsroma passed throagb the yard the middle at the war pi . M. B. Botch klS shipped two rare of staeva from Elgla aad . A. Johanna of Bsksr City bad a ear of horses la th yards yesterday. The official prices as rallug tha catao ef the "Tloe-t rawtara Oregon. K 00 1 light hloctrers and China fata, a.BOJ.T5; atoefcan aad feeders. B4.6 0a Cattle Beat oastara Ore eteae M.JJ: Ught and medium atesrs. S3 .60 old aad light cows. SS.BOi slorksrs aad feeders. Bit 00; bulOs ''aTeapBast fancy nbeep. 4.BO34.Tli ewea, MSB. , - ' lAfTZBB BOOB BTXAST. . OUcato, March IS. Livestock, receipts: Bogs. Cattle. Sheep. . S.000 Kansas uity ............ j-jv- , ,'1; Omaha , B.bno 160 l.BOB hLT, epseed steady with t.BOO left aver. Bo calptas riii ago were IS.OOO. Prices: Mixed. Cattle Btaady. Bheep taad. COTTON - DULL TWO cory 0 THREE-POINTiVOFF Mew Tork. Mareb IB. Cottoa fstnrss glased tbtll S to polnm. lawsr. . . ... , Today's offlctsl market: . vr est- m' Jsosary , March April TJJ May JTl June , JTO ialy ,............ 770 August J" fmptembsr .......... T7J tVtober T7B W CrTfTcTB) bH B'tra B III PT " " Doaambor 74 , BOSTOB OOPPBB SLABXBT. , March ia. Official copper closing: Rid. Bid. Winona $IS.7B Wolverine 11. SB Mohawh B.t.OO A 1 ventnra B.110 AUona 23.J0 Arnold 1TB AtUnOa ..... Bingham ..... JI W IWal ....... S4.T5 Trinity ...... 10. 7B Daly West .1. 1S.0O Old laamlalea .. SB.BO Osceols S-t SO Copper Mt. B7.00A Copper Baaga., TB.B0 . 1 AstXaMCAJf STOCKS IB tOsTDOB. -am. Mareb IB. Cloalnr: Bate aWllnad U; preferred deennea : Illinois ontral ad vanced H: Lonlavllte ft Kashvllle declined H: Meslesn ('antral advanced 14 : Katy Oeellaed : New York Central advanced (4; Ontario Weatara advanced : Norfolk ft Western de clined : Reading advanced flrsu advanced 14: HoutherA Hallway declined : Rteal de .Tined ia; neeferred advanced 14: Wahsah ad. vsnced V Northern Becurltles advsaead hkii amieoia suvsaceo i i . . C0M9T0CX atlBTBw .'STOOKI." Baa Pranciaea, March IS. Official closing: ma. Bid. nllleai' -. - Bsraga Potnal .16 Belcher ....... Con. Cll. Pa... 1 BO Ophlr ......... T OO Caledonia ..... Mexlcoa I-TI Mereor .SB Bcarploa ....... . .IS I'nlon Cos, .BS KicSeqaer . ,m Hale A Kara. ... .74 Undea -.ft- ; aTTW to oorrxB mabxxt. i New Tork. March 1. Of flrlat saffee closing'. Bid. Ask I Hid. Ask. March .....Bs lB pi Sn'tVptember ;.SB.70 M TB April 2 October B.7S B.B0 Msy .4 B.3B B to' November .. B0 so inn B40 Ba5lecmbr ... B BO BOB July B BO f.ftB;Jnn HeJ ...BBS f .00 A urns t .... B.BO . Pebmary ... 7 00 T.QB Tod TM "imiqm TOB TUB 770 7 T7 7 : TT57a 77.7 TM 7717 T7S TBS . TT17S 'TM 71 T74&7 77 T7S T7tvai7 70 TT3 TTsaSan ... TS1 51 TM TR3 TBatlSB tnt niw OVERBECIC. CT4RR CC3. , , - , Xembara Chicago Boarai 1 s. mMxm. noYvnon, oortmt. t.- i i : IBt Third Btrwat, McKay wli;e. J ,,v ...... ; . mwervt t- CS:- Notwithstanding Attitude of July and September, Wheat " , - Looks Good. V ' :' CORN STRONG EARLY BUT ' RECEIPTS' WEAKEN TRAOS Oats to Follow Yellow Cereal Short Interest In Pro- visions Is Large. : 'ths wszat mabkct. . - . , Open Cloee Ooea , ' flala .-.'. ..-.. - ; Bat. PrL J " Bat. M4X 1. 164 11.144 A I .onA' I. : -iJS8 215 ' 2 fPV..?r....tla. .BS4 pBBV Us) . I- Chicago. March llIna A Km. tat wheat tan si matron la atrong. May cloaad atranaj. a "era a. maaia snaawnans ia ta snorts inter, rat. Notwithstanding tl,at H,y wheat la strong the trade Is mora ouiet. The action et the market continues to hold oat mach promts. It Is stronger, but most declines are followed by weakness. The atatiatlcal sttustlea ooatlanea to show ataady Improvement. . The cash mar kets continue etrong, ahawtng a better daasaad for the better grades, ef wheat. All thiaara roaaldsrad. the mark baa made a ahnra a. eovery during (ha week. ReaUamnt- la Itni incline to toa bear eld, but norarttkatasding this ths market aoatlnnea ta mska haadwaa -and, acta aa .It It would aot only tieeim bat bold Its awa. .,- Xxsootad Bssslata Cassil sllhta. Cora wss Brm snd maad a aaoaWmfe aiiaai. thraagh the sisaioe. bat oa the posting ot the receipts for Moods, which wars mach larger thaa expected, the market aold off with bat Utile realaUnre from the low paint. Tha ac tio of tha market seams te saggeat the edge tor ins time Being in clearly on. reading Improvement la cash, trade aeema Inclined to o alow. Corn a till look, like . mm traatinai market, bowe.oi. Oata ta Pallew Oera. ;,''.. Oats are Bkaly te drag along aader the laaeV arshtp et the yellow enreal for tba time being. - abort latereat Large. - Ia puiMliaa the abort interest W large aatt la Inclined te be sraNmra. AU thlaga eaasiaV red. however, we believe the market la aa titled to a good rally. . , Today' official marketa; ' . WUBAT. , . Open. High. Tsrsr. LlftS I4- J .BStJ " .MS .K74 M COBN. p". CVee. May. July, rpt. -.w7a March-.. May . July..... ., BWrpCasya , OATB. ' - ' May... July... isi$ ,;li3 i ,3 . May....; 12 T Jaty 1A.0B IS. ST , i ;',. , "." .BT , T.0SM ' T.12A . .. T.SB , - T.S7M Mrcb... , as?.- T.lfl TIB ... T.SS ' T.40 ,' Jnlv .2fi ept... T.40 W!oa.a)B T.ZBt ' J.BB ' TJt T4MT SBOBT BIBS.. S.BT B.SB . T.BT ' TOB 7 0 .- . T.SB May... Juiy... Sept.. ... APT 7 IO r.3o CONDITIONS BETTER 1 IN 'FRISCO WHEAT' baa Pnaclana, March IB, B. P. rTettaai A Oa. ssyt Th past woeh baa aiparlaauid aa im proved condition la whaat valsaa aa com mad with tha pravtoas wank. Thla waa srnajanand by the gusarai feallag of atrength la the kacai stt aatioa aad tha reaction upward la the eaatera aasrhata. It M a esse sf th spacolator baing tats to tags aatesatsga ot eaodltiona Ss the ac tivity la abort easrlaa; yastareavy araa pho no ml aal. Today's oftVml markem. OVUBAT. -Open. High. Law. Cham. Way .....SloBB $1.4aHt less.. ...... s-asm ai-snia . aAdmsh a-aa)1t BAAUaVT. . -'- Map '.M..e 1MB 1-A jM" JO CHIOABO CAAH WXZAX. Ckleags, Marck 1& Cash wheat ' Bid. If. S lwal ,BAwaBahMBhgBtt.lll No. S red LOT lift No. S bard No. S hard 1.1S - . 1.08 era .................... I.1B Na. 1 northern No. f Barthera 1.10 Na. spring 1.0B 1.1B LIS PlXALABf. aAUPmABTB AJTB OXXaBsWOSSrl McaMsteh IA PTlsaSjJajetpcs j Waaat Corn. . 8RA.00O 47S.6 tl : 411,wl 1 JS.UUU Bhtpmente waaat Corn irn ..ens,uw .vuo,o-4 Clsstaniaai Wheat aad aoar. 10LSOO kOi LrvTBPOOI. WBXAT liverpaol, Ad bliber: rernaol. Msreft IA Wheat: Map, ,. higher; Jaly. g BTid. Wdklgher. raMsrvw. 4s tt- Hi hlghori hi.. 4a Cora at arch. i4d. i higher, SATURDAY PRICES IN THE WHEAT MARKET MBp Option. Chicago ........... ......11.16. d Mlnneapollg 1.11 ; Bt. Louis 1.M14A. e Winnipeg Baa rrmaclaov L4BWA w,:- Pbp centai. 44444444da44d SANTA CRUZ PLANS ; EXPOSITION EXHICIT; (BpseUl DUpetob by Leased Wire ta Tha Jaornar) Baatai Crux, CaU - March II. ante, ' Crus will ba among: tha counting of California that have planned to have an exhibit at tha Lewla and dark expoel tlon at Portland., ' Tha board ot eupervtaars. BftBr listen ing to th argument kdvanrwd bp a com- mltte from th Pajarv Valley board o( trade and a committee from I ho Baata Cms boanl of trad, .conglgtlnf Meaara. rorgeus, MrPhron and kslly. for a county exhibit Bt th terarta and Clark exposition, agroew to lawy a rats af . 4 centa on the nxaeaaej yaluatlon In this county tba coming roar to provide anu maintain such an exhibit. Ill 111 ' jBOirvTjr, uFBJJ'i a CWw - (stabUahae) ! , ,S1S MBRS POBK. 1XP0 , 11TT ' 13. OB. 11W , aa) 7 to TBI T.38 TaVoMt 4, B'vowws; nw,. tTJLAsSLvBm Co C, 4,