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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1905)
THE t OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAI. PORTLAND.- SUNDAY MORHIUO. MAr.CII 19. i::3. TOR RX1TT OTHlOrjCXFIEv SOOSOW mUllZiM CALARCXS. ' : :. .. - . a.' r-- - Health-Giving Air, ' Rettful surrouadings, ' the com forU nd beauty of Woodstock 'freshen and strengthen the Dust iness man for his coming, day of work and worry. ' . Lots lor sale on easy terms or i for cash. We will advance you 1 money to build a home, and you can pay us on the rental plan. Fcrtfcsd Trust Company ; ; of oreoon r 109 THmD STREET We want 40 or 80 acres ' Valentine scrip. . ' Price must be right; COLUINS LAND CO. Comcord Building 1U1I JI SOTXGX. . MtlDf MC U torklMldiiit tk Orcfoa rwUif Muatartnrlaa Coapy 1U hM at th roapanr' offlf. 1210-073 Me 4aa mi Portlaa. Orvcoa. WauMdy. , Man , 1MB. at a'cispk . for lb. yiu iiij of alrctlac a koar4 of dliwtDt far :; -tb laialut rw a4 traoaactlac aark athar kaalaraa a Mr srofMrlr aaan bafm ateck- FartUaa. Or.ana. auwii la. liioa.. - ATTENTION, COMRADRB . . XJS'OOLN-OARFIRLD POST. - ii. A. R. The f Barrel of ear late eoanrade, Mlrhaal ' U Craae. Oe. B. flat IU. IafU . will ka bald today at Kla- k-y'a caapl, S e'ebtek. Cwa radaa aad W. -R. C a- VUad. THOMAH Ci BRX.L,. R. A. WOHIAXIRTH. Adjatast. f 0 J ARAL ROTXCR. V, SCHBRRR Merck 1. 1M. at 4:40 a. am., at kbJ hue ruaHliani. UH Raat YaalU atreet. I r. L. arkarer. ar4 TO IMif aad 4 awe! ha. Ha bwaaa a widow and three daacbtara. Mra. H. ntaaatrlrk. Mra. r. T. Warrea aad Mlae . C M. Bekarer. The faaarat will take phwe today, at t e'dnrk, fnaa hta lata realdeaee. Pneada ktrttad to ha atuaiat, SfOTRXER la thia. city. Man IT. 1M. aed a4 yaara. Prirada aad aeqnalntaana '.are reaaartfully tartted to attrod the faaeral earrt, arktrk WU1 be held at Plalry'a .' ehapal. at 11 M a. Meaday, March JO. ' Intorawat River Vlrw Cnartnry. T " ' .' 1 ri SOTIGX. ftTRTI S SALS OP BAWMIU) PROPRRTT. Monro fcj haraby roaa that the maorralcard arin eaearri aaalod ktda, aatll Moaday, the loth day of April. 1Mb, at t: o'clock p. at., for all the pleat aad piuiwaty of the Coeet Raate teawariBc Oeajpasy. elMated at aad aear Palla City. Polk ceeatr. Oregoa. Kald pleat noaotaU af eaatrarta eearla( tebaat 4A.000.0S0 feat of flae yallow fir tlav ar. fall lafBlac eajBlparat. Inag la railroad had eactae. ptaaiac Bill, dry klla. aad porttoa of the Bachlaor aornaary for a aawBUl at M.000 fret caparMy. ate., etc. Aa lureatiaj of (Ke aroarrty caa ha eoea at jay of fire at Palla City, Orreoa. An bide aaaat be addrraard aed drltwod to aw aa Traafie by 0 o'clock p. b. ef the 10U lay of April. lPOft. oa. , nwuTtd to relort any aad an The na-bt b Far fBlhri port leu la r e1nrne SEO. T. UKIU.INUSR. Tlaataa Coeet Raece UiaUoiin( Coarpaay. Palla City. Orofoa. CTRRKA ConaclL Mo. 904. K. L. ef R.. will ' g-lTO the dfth of Ita arrlm ef pmarraalTr i wkBt oynen Moaaay. aiarca. Ml, at i tortaa. Admlaakia 10 renta. LOR AXB rOtTRS. Xlthar Leat ar reasd aartliiata, rata : word for IS eaato," eaoa. 3S REWARD ead. BO qaaalluua aakrd for ra- rara or roatnita aaa auit eaae, aurkod ' A.." takra from automobile et depot, Haaday aigat, -aurra li. roniaBa aetei. - , IOBT-OB jWiitar day erealu. brtatea 18tk . and Hoyt and Marque a nrand tboatre, gold ' eporlBra brraat pi a. BeJuble reward If left ' -ft Joereal eroea. , Pt)rNT A alare to have atr Baturaeaa rene a ted ead rrtaraod aaaie day. Pboae Mala 474. Poruaad varied Hair laetery. - M amtba eld: rrtura to T44 Secoad at., dty, aaa lorone WANTRD Raab and dear Baa. tx im mo: odrrr. awe. AJ.tnt ratcbrt aettrr, $A25: ablngle ; porker, IHe prr M.; yardiaea, $1,711; trana- partatlna faralabed. IBberBea a Laker lie , roea, tuVa Morneoa ac . . 3 or HQ MAN BaetDoaa eeHega etadeat or rrad I aate protrrrod. to prepare for government t pnoiooa; gooa aaatry; uiwai iiug nroaoti Addraaa lataratata Bchapkt, lac., Si 4 Chi ' .'V bar ef WAITTTD-htoa to ftaara herbar traoe; t weeki enannwte: poaitwaa naranteed: tnluoa ear ' while learning; write far tonne. MoW'a ueuege, t ia7 . wl., aaa rraacaer. ADTKRTTBINO aad aoUHtlng taaght; three aad a-lea fall BarUralare with appllratioa. Addraaa T. 14, care JoaraaA, Panrirn rare goojorrhee.' eypMIra, I eathBta: then aa a BMttar of liaalieoj bay Sperlflre et ayagglet ratee; exaBlaatlaa free. Dr. hUdiaaej Co.. VI a rirat. Bncva Baa with tIM for a (nod. lerta hoatneea; ao eoaiaetiiwa; ir yoa waat i waat a good ; ae aeeppera boalaeaa. win pay to eaawer thla: f ar ageata. T. IS. rare Joe real. CRNTUrMRN af good eherarter. eteedy peeltbm. gnod eatery and Qll'Beia. ctu danat wets, le wraat at, ; . . -2U : ' :. .... ivirl .... , , ' - . wa . V ' I 4SMOakVPUtfc4 " , ,. Ix -.. -'..' . . ::.,.. v e . ...... HXLT WASTED-HALS, FIMT-CLA88 BMat nttr.-wit rity-aspari - w, . ana who andentaada bajrlos; Beit k.T. good rcfmwr; food, ataadr Jub. Aa draaaa T. 4, cars Jimraal. ' MAN Undar IS. fair adoration, ta pctaara far rowninmrt poaitioor-aaiary aw . arranawmaot ood. Bdgar aV. ' Buak, Caambar ol Ouaiiarra. MEN wanted mnrwkcra. tark alfna; dUtrflrata rlroolara. aaaiplea, ate. ; paraiaiMat aacapa tloa; rnod aa.. AoMrieaa laloa. Faattee bW., Cklcajo. ' . PORTLAND Barbrr Col prUl lodaea nrata to Irara tradr; tuttloa aartif aaraad arhlto V-arala. ' 1 rUadrra. WANTDIV Mra . alrna: M da I dlatrtbato aamplaa. tark dally; aa caiiTaaala(. . CooUaaotal Dlatrlbatlas HrrTlws Cklraca. PLI'MBKR wanted to bay bait tatanat la plamblaf baatima ParllaDdi prlea 1150. ' Addraaa T. X, eara JoarnaL Wl want asprrlaaaad mum tor raaalaf aaab maklna Baekloary. Saaalda Rpraea Luakar , Oa.. fleaalda. Or. .. .. A MKAXi TICK NT at tka Taaka Bey far aa rraat au WANTED Caaakte- lady - aalM auiiaOT la Portland, for fentrrl kualaaaa; wartk P.nlte A to Hakt Parana during expaaltkm yaar. Wa ' farnlak tba roataawr; yoo aapply taaai. Oar aoada kara aa equal la Aaierira. If yoe - ama busiaaM anul 10 eeata aeataae for fl aample aad partlralara at aan aa tbta la a rare opportunity to ajake a fnrtnaa. Addraaa Tea Acme Tablet Co 41T Ball pWg.. kaa aaa City, Me. . l v - WANTRO Ladlea ito Irani barker tradei waaka eaaiploteT ''toltkm aeraed wbtle leer. Ini balrdraaalnc, avialtrarlas aad fecial eiaa- ' aare la 4 werka: apedal taraia now. Wiite Molar 8yateai Collrge, Baa., fraaclaea. ' A WOD WOBBB girl tor boaarwerk; ehlldrea la faaillr: pert of waabing aeat eat; part of waanini l fire if drelr PI IB fire II oeaireai . wagao - lift. Addrree P. IT, eara J normal. LA DIRS ef good rharecter. eteedy penttoa. gooa aeniry ana eipnooii mwmw mutmm CaU .daring waafev.-lWt Great at.- LADIES Kara 20 oer inn writing .bort let tera; aend atampeo e earetope for aartlcalare. Ideal Mfg. Co., Ceaaepolle. Mich. : wiKTTn flood i .one liable girl, well Beaded, age about Bieeu.iv eun-o wwe. -' I IHIIKI A. MUM ' I 1 1 JW ...MM W. A PIR8T-CLASR woBea for Uldoa' tailor wark. Apply' Moaaay wjarning, a a. mu, awa n Rweoh block. A. Keating. . - WANTED at eace, a good, oolef wail to wait oa eirk la a. lawra aaa varaia Woodlawa. ' - - - WANTEn Middle Btfd er: atate wagea axpertBa. Addrea T S, eara LA DIRS Tear aaaaa ea RS Rae atattlaa; e, aeatpald. Royel Card Co.. Stratford. WANTED ITS fesplo to try Maplatoe at Meler A rrank grocery uepai injeau - eves anei. newtos? girl: oa need apply. Mrs. in. soas, aie nmaiw.. Aa api r entice for Juaamaring. blerk. A. Keating. la, WANTED Hafrdreaser. aaalcwa. Beasathal SlaMra. ISO linn ex. WANTED Millinery maker aad trimmer. ply 86Z Memaoa. Gift I. for traarat beoaa.werk. v- Apply ISt Bast BiaterBtBjifc - - jMJJUM1E--j-tMg ' 7 RTTVATTORt WAJtTIB MITt, ' ' . ROTATION wanted by prlBtor'a apprentice: one year', experience et the traoe: reeae name wares aaked; refereacea glvea If ascaaery. Addresa F. 38, JeornaL COIXETTOB. wen .acujualnted In etty. -wants monthly accounts -ena reum io mwi, ei years' reetdeuoe; reference fumtaocd. - Aa aw er S. 3, cere Journal. SITI.'ATION wanted be - wmuetint gsrdeaar aad florlat: er win ecrepi pines aa coecn. man. Address A. PotU S94 8Ukiyo at, Port land... itnoKV iCEPrit would devote oae to three dally la forenoons; terms, eiv per mourn, eucn hoar. Address Sherlock blag. YOITNO MAN win do any kind ef work for email wages. Address i ter kouee. 1SH Third at. Harris, Wlschee- 8AWYEB would like noairloa la email Bill la or Beer country tows, Answer a . e, ci JovnaL .', BRIGHT boy wants work tnaa, office. Ad dreea F. 18, care Journal. 8TORR, booee and office window, (loaned. Phone Hood S5.I. BrrOATTOBS WAJTriOl-FEllAXR. WELL rxperleaced aad tboronghly competent yenng lady steaogrspner oemres impio;wni entn rename eno gea pamp '-,. erencea. Address T. , -ears JoarBSL MKRiRirji aewlns nt home, la Sboo. or In homes, or would like te taae ennrge oi rooming boose. Mrs. E. Duby, dty Ylew hotel. Pbobo Scott hi. SEAMSTRESS weald go not bf the day; pUIri eewlng. children a etotbee and lediee- waists b apeclally: price fl per day,. Addrees F. 10, cere Journal. XOCN ledr would like Boslttoa aa te vmmt Bar ar enupie ib excBanre ror rooa aad Board. iddr F. r. 10, care Joarnal. A WIDOW LADY. , ropyiet. er enajethlng of that dreee F u, care The JoarnaL nature. AdV WANTED Wort, by a reHable alddw-eged woman. In a email family; piala oneklng, Pboae Went 2131. ' . . WANTED Pool tloa bv man aad wife la hotel. towa er country. A. R. Claret, 408 Hoyt at.. partiaao. - -t FIRST-CLAM Colored woman. et day work. Address F SO, Joi FIRUT -CLASS enhwed ch.mrwmaJd waata ekamber work.. 33 North .tret. FOR BEBT hnsXrtXIsTsWtTR. FOB RENT A large eamyla renw er ban, to Beer, Appl amvasar aaa. umiuoosMaR, 4' txnontm Aaxvoixa. 104 NORTll .THIRD ST. Keawertky Ramloy Bent Co., pi in or tie puelttom tor nneBployed - aad fBrnlabre help for emptorem. Mala 11A SCANDINAVIAN -AMI R1CAN BMP. - Office Real aetate, rooatltig hoaaea and baeloeaa chances specialty. TO Bornslde. Mala 9088. PACIFIC COAST EMPLOIMBNT AORNCY Restored to Ulb Marth Red Ml. HANSEN'S BMPLOYMBMT 0FTIC1 FOR MKJI. M N. Seeond a. Phoaa Mats IM PIONBEB BMPLOYMBNT CO. Lalor eoetrae- tors; help free to emptor are. us HELP wanted aad aapnUed, Bale or female. B. ). DRARB. SuSla Waehlagtoa st. Clay 44a. 186 MORRISON Cotnmbla River Etnn. ereocy; killed labor fnrnUfaed. Phone Mala Sas3. ALPINE Employment Bareao Help fnrntaned free. 153 Ural at.- Phone Mala lelT. BOOMS la aU parts ef the dty, j Apply za Qoodnougn bidg. ' EXPOSITION ACCOMMODATION BDRRATJ. ' TjBder fUrertlok of the Iiria sad Clark Fair Oorperatlea. . ., ,1 . Mala rt'RNlSHED.' anfnralahrd and boaaekeenrng roome Ta all part ef the dty from S5 per Booth up. Levis and l iars raraianea sen seeacUtloa. 131 North Sixth, aear union daeot. WANTED Ta nut bnaai of 4 te It , furnlahed er anfurnianed; central location. ' Addraee F , cere Journal. BY YOUKO LADY Roea and beard ta private - family, west eMe preferred; state price. Ad' dreee 0 S, Jaurnel. ... LADY weald like- beard and roea with an modem convenleaces, centrally located. T. 11. care JoarnaL . WANTED 4 faralabed. housekeeping room boueeri Addreaa-C J. K. BeysoUh). Everett at., dty. - I S4T WANTED 4 er S aafnrnlsbed state eoavenirnees. O, 811 First at. AOENTS Handv boras blanket holders: la a boeu to every one who drives a horse'; 50.000 ' eold la ail aaonthaj aample . 10c. Standard Hip, imtKj V, mmi WANTED Beeponalble and enerntle areata la town aad eoea try to dlapoae of mining stock la active, corpora tloa. Address ."Stocka," care Journal. FBEB FaU aartlealars of mining mil order rheaa. averaging gs to Of asiiy; inveeu- gate. F. W. Wllllaaa. Btaaaboat Spring. pom. ' OOOD. live eswnto wanted to sail lota aa ex m wet oq la one et toe eooieaai eoBurua ex Pertxaao. Addraaa P. O. Bos TOS. dty. S3S.M TO SSS.00 las week easily made selling sera aad aeeiosai Denetia xor union maiaai Aid Aaaeriatloa. . 401 MarqasB bnlldlng. WABTXD-REAL XSTATR. WANTED Lot. ar frsrtloa of corner lot. la good nelrnbornoos. ea east aioe, wesx et Tweaty-fltth at.; arast be cheap ter cash. Andreas F. 11, care JouyaaL WANTED One er twe lets: Blast be withla SO blocks of Morrkwa bridge; atate prion aad Iocs tloa for cash. Address r. is. care Journal. . WISH to Invest about tB.ono la PartMnd reel estate; Improved er aaJmprovoo. Address T. S. care . JoarnsL 1 THB PORTLAND ACCTIOIt ROOMS bay soy- tking. Pbaae aula bow, at si nret ax. WANTED More aurnrlns . aad Whiten nab t am the only gaaenne ceaxpreeead sir spraying aatot ea the aeast. UTo. Morgeo ( BUiwaasie ex. . rwoae wnex seii. YOITB eatslognea gad drcalers Balled, en velopes eddreaeed; reliable list; prices right. Frank L. Scoott, 4MH sst Marnsea i I . BUY office tortures and furniture ef aU kinds, r. x... Clark a ABctvju aooee, wzi S28 Wasblsgtoa at., epp. out expestttoa hldg. HIOHEST prlcea paid for nea'e eaet -off ektfh- ing, aboes and Bate at oa norm xnrra. mono Black aim. Orders promptly attended to. WB build new er flz old hi vary reason-1 able; have good dty references. .Write or call H. Waul. New Western hotet V , WANTED Btiung traveler's aeeead-bead tnrak. not less tkan Id laches leag. . Addresa T. 4, care JoarnaL WANTED Team work hones, weight about LBM pouoda each.. Call SOS Taylor 0L. .10 a. rs.. Monday. SHORT ORDER PRIrTTTN)' HOTJSB F. . . Ryder. Seeaad aad Washington ata. , Pboae " Cley loos. WANTED Secood-haad. BiedlaaMtoed, yah Brtottng nress; eheag for sank. M ODmas LACS eortalBS laondnred at hooxo; flret-eWea work. Mrs. Ids Bseblen, Phone Dm 1S44. M HHM W I .HMHH W ( SiroRT ORDER Printing House P. t. Ryder, Second and Wsaklngtoa ata. Clay lSow. H-rOB" SSBT VWnfJtlMMMa SOOMB. FOR RENT Three . nafurnl.hed rooma with large ball and bath; Blpee for gas; rent reeaonsble; Be cbjldreo, . 483 Bast Waahing too at. . .i LA ROB front anfornlehed room. private fam Iiy; nice tar gumma kor; Marahall at. ble. sot FOCR nnfnrntabed grnand floor rooma, wtth bath; oe children. 33S fourth at. Beer Clay TWO ROOMS Mala 406 1. with .. alcove, te flat. , . Phono NEW anf m-eiabed Mill at. tWrssMg fMsWenalb1Soi . 1ST FOR RjOfT ITIsRTRHID XOVaXS. ITTRNIRHEII kouee for rent T boaee oa eaet aide. Is mod locatkm. Inquire . Hartmaa. Thorn paen Power, Chamber of FOBNISHED FRONT 'ROAM, two wtadowe, gaa range ; awy be fitted far llgkt boeeekoepUg. M Klereatk, sear Mark. Ceil toawrrew p. aa. "TriB COLUMBIA" Paraleked koueakeorHng ealtea from S10 per moatk np: electric llnt, bath aad phoaa. . 1ST Urwaadale at. ' ' FURNIRHRD keeping aad single raooaa by the week or by Baatht gaa, bath aad by pk. ariH Tkira at. Sl.TS PER WRRK Large, clean. faalabed houaeaeeplec roaeae:, Uasdry. bath. lad Sberman, soar treat. TWO HT'ITBH 1 aad t meaM each, Hght, roar. 2.0 ead S4.00 per week; single rsuma, 1.& per week. , . ' , TWO faralabed hooaekeenlng leoaa, gas, Una, dry. oath, pa one I is pet ' Eaet TUb. , ' month. Phoaa SIS.00 S apetetre room farslehed far boaeo. keeping; e aerate entrance. 108 N. Twelfth. TRRKB nicely ftmlahed raooaa for hosaekees Ing. S4S BarneMet er fere la hod rooaaa. ids euanu-nnxsisxzD aooan. One tneertlaa ta this words for 11 aeata." ratoT"! THB MONNAltTHR, MS Plret et.l alngle . rooaw froa St to SS; furslsbed heaaekeeping aaitea froa Sl.TS to S5 per week: rooau par algkt. quo aad Srx: toarlats solicited. FOR RENT Twe er three farnUhed kousekeep. , leg reoBB; aol table frir draa. maker; pbnne , and water lacladed; good nelgbborbood. TIT Kerby. Pboae L aloa (U II. . BLEOANTLT farntabed roeaa, Uwronghly mod ore, dining rooa, Bret claaa, no ezorUtent charges, car line, walking dlataaea. STS Inlng. -Pbeoe MeiB Mao. . .. ' . BI.EOAN'PLT fsrslaoed roeaa' wtth steam heat and free bath, ' tor transient; rates reasonable. The Apkeay, S4H Askeay at. Mra. , c BaaMrleh, prop. i. THB DEXTER, 14 ffwelfth, corner Waahing. tea, entirely newly faralabed reeae of THB , DKXTBR ANN BX new ready tor eccapSBcy, ' Phona Ureea 48R. . . . - 1 NICELY fornlsbed rosea, .with gas. bath; with or without board; two bioekt froa ex poeltloB. Bala eatxaace; prlcea reseoaable. TeV -Taugbaa at. . THB OA BLAND. -tn Washington, bet. Nineteenth aad Twentieth ate. new, awdcra. all coaTcaicncoo; ratoa NITKLY foralehed rooma, with bath and pbea; alao one ealte housekeeping rooma; one front room.- rul table" for two gentlemea. 200 Jet- fereoa. . - it FCBNISHXD BOOMS Largs front. Bonny treat mom ; aultable Tor one ar two bob, bh Water St., opposite Jeffersoa Kt. depot. A LA ROB FRONT BOOM wtth alcove bedreea. rurnlabed; alao a emeu rurntaneo neoroom; oae of bath and pboae. 860 Clay at, . " THB OTIS "New building, sew farsiahlags. very homelike: rooms fZ-oo per week Bad ap. Rest Barnatde and tntea are. t LARGE, BRIGHT ROOM, flae view, fl with board. 37B Twenty aeoood at, . I'hooe Main 10VL North. TWO wen fttmiahed rooma In flat, central, all ceavenleoces. earner Seventh. 333 Market. KRAMER'S ROOMING BOCSB Fliat tana fay aiahed rooms tor gentle men only. Fifth and Buraaldr. THB OLADfcrONB 13H Savler i rOaKM ; - nlDofff ItW,- aaUIMftYaan sonsbls.' prleeo rae- TWO nicely fornlshed rooaaa for rest Inqntro at 821 Beech at.,' between Colon aad Williams area. . . . r ; T4B. YACGHN ST., three blocks froa fair ST" oewQr fuTBlshed rooms, private fam. CnEAPEST aad beet lacs ted leeexe In Portland. 81 weed up. Ulimaa, ruax aad AMsr sis. NICELY fornlabed rooms. 81.3S per week and np. 347 ruth. net. Main and Msdiaon. - BTTBRSIDB HOTEL. 845 Eaet Oak st Hat keeping rooms; meging mono two ana. ena ORAND. 4B1A North Third ex.! bldg.t g.atlnmaa oaly. 8L0O per wees. 170 4 TENTH Nicely faralabed dnglo bath, gaa, phone; naooern. reeaonaoia. FOR RENT Roea . with .hata-SBd phens. North SBghteeath st. FINBl 301 Tenth, oar. Taylor, FOR RENT Rico front fo Oemabta et. FTTRJf ISHRD psoas. , 1000 Belmost at BOOKS AJTD BOARS. YOUNG xeea. If yen want to hoard aaa) roea la a permanent ana nret-cwae neons, wm rates are exceed! acly low. aad will rami the aame next anmmer as they are sow. call st the Aeter House. Ssi Sevoath st. oarnar ef Madleoa. Tel. Msln CSBx. . Til a tj n DELL New fealty boteL Market at. bet Third aad Fourth: a team beat electric light, porcelain bathe: elegant vutelde rooms with first-class beard; two people, S4M60- 8S6 ath. BS YAMHILL ST. Nicely farolxhed rooms with hoard: nil modern conveniences: first. elans table board; ee of bath aad phone; prices reasonable, rbons weal ita. ROOMS with boarej Comfortable furutehed rooms with good some cooking; reaaonsDie central, til Thirteenth. ... nnnwa.. wtth er without heard: nrtvato family. 848 Kast TBIrtoenu at. aorta; trvuxgtoa ana HolUday perk car line. 735 HOYT Single er en suite; private, ele gantly rum tehee rooms;, aise parior Baa u- brary ror KOVBX FOB RXJfT-FTJRBITURB FOB SALS WB bay yaar fhrnltnra in any ejuentlty for one cneh or sen it at your rvsioavsw. oe auru and call r Portland Anrtion sSenan, Mala for best race its. THE PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS arm Sell yaar rarnirare xor yoa et renr nmn at 311 First st Phono Mam oooo. THB furniture of 6-reoa cottage, everything complete and tirst cuua, ror s-izo; ran oe rented for 323 per Booth; Beaf East Eleventh and navia. LAMBERT, WHITMEB A CO 1 404 East Aider at L O'BRIEN, SOS McKay hldg., has for aale a routs furniabed bouse, rent S38; furniture ' 8760; alao several other furnished houses and fists for aale too aaaeroae to KEW S-reors bonse, modern, fnrnlaked esnv plete; will sell house, fnrnttore or ' runt; Bust be taken quick I algkt board for rent. Addrea -T 88, cere journal.' - two Into. Rtswart Park, chess; terms. - A furniture of o-rooa boosb, new, cnenp, nun- ds,unt. 8. per-Bsoaisw S33T. FUBHITUBB of a B-ceom bouse for sale cheap If token ny tee jota; rent ea runes saw aea It: a bargain. 47 North Ninth ex. FTTRNTTTJRB of a R-rooa booee for aale cheap ir taken oy tne let; rent e-; eon It; a bargain. 4T North Ninth at. Fl'RNITURB of six moms, nearly aew: ar ranged tor two famlllee; bath, phoaa, baao- ment. 44 East Seventh at north. Fl'BNITVRB of a nice. modern AVroom flat f.e? aale; walking dial a nee l price reasonable. rice et Addraaa 88 North Beveoteenth SSflO PCB5ITTJBB fwa'S-roriB- baaees: for rent. See owner, 38 North .Ninth, Moo- - dar-st 1 s. S-ROOM Bleely foralehed S376 rent fth 43BT. 2 North Eighth st. FIIRNITCRB MVmna bowse. Bfau); rent, $77.60. Inquire owner, 1ST Twelfth ax. DENTISTS or paystrtaae' f em 1 tore for oala; efflco ter rent, w 1, journal. FOB RXET FAxOfB, FARM for rest, stock and farnltnrs for rsh; 88 ecres. 4 miles froa fori land: HMunoi boose, no car line, 13V, acres, small fruit, l.nno bearing fruit tree, ernpa la; will sell with net fnraltnve,. t'nioa 4033. -, Woodstock car; aV set aU Oatmsa UUe, hit tod ! S00MTN0 H0rB BBADQUASTEBS. : TArr oo., I2M Ablngtoa block. , Phaa Mais 154. W Bake RPBCIALTT1 of. ROAMINO Hol'MKS. and kage many of tke MOST DB Si RAKLID LOCATIONS that are for Bale. Ouod locetione are going faat." Note our par tial net below of botb large aad a ma 11 eoea. If these dea'l salt yoa. call la, ,t klTRA CHEAP dS BOOMfV Swell farab)blnt. RICKT aad good lkabs. BEUT loca tion la city, clearing obove ell ' peesee COO per swath. Price 111.600. 44 ROOMS Beat part ef Morrtooa St.. ' eery cheep rapt aad good long leeee. If yoe waet a good transient bouse sad a BMtaey Baker, doa't fall to eee tble. ' ' Price for thla week enly. .f0; part . cash. . . : . " i 45 BOOMS. BRICK THB TERY BEST LO. . CATION la tba city: t-yeer leaae; rent ' ONLY S16 per Btoatb. ' This beua la , POKITTVBLY Hearing aew, above an - l eapeasea. S3O0 per BJonU. , Pries SS,oO0) part cash. , e ; t ST ROOMS Beat enly S1T8V per mentb: good leaae: rteerlng . about S:tS0 s month; 1 beet location la the city for ewell trade. -". For a quirk aale we hare reduced tba -v pries to S8,ToO. ' ..-.( , - S3 BOOMS Ron Tea lore tine prat UTS; good lease; eteem beat, hot god coia water In aest all rooms; bow clearing about a ' SITS per aaeuik. ,. A cheap price for 4,000. . 28 BOOMS Rteaa heat, tie' 1 remodeled; t yeara' lee ' prr month. Prlra S3,6 newly famlabed and leeae. real ealy tl60 3.600. .... t) ROOMS New, Bodera bolldlng; newly fw . Blahed. ewell location, every roea token: .- root only iar; S yeara' leeae. 4 pickup v , tor M.600. . ; M NICE LABOR ROOMS, aear Morrlaeaj rent enly Sao per months clearing over lino '! ner-month. Te see tbil U to bay Prlcf -: 3.o, '". . . 1 ROOMS Elegantly firm la bed : flrst-elaea location: cheep rent. A (000181 efler this , .week fo l.6O0. , .... . ..-,. 13 ROOMS Nob Hill loeatV: Bp to data la every reaped :e Boat exqulaltely faralabed boaset etrictiy Boaera; oot-weter Beat; rheap rent sad gasa mbss. A snap at e 1,360. 13 ROOMS Hot aad cold water la nearly all rooms: test loeatloa to the aty; clear. ' Ing above alt expeosea SOS per month. rnee i.auo. - 4-BOOM PLAT Seventh at.. 4 blacks .Hotel Portland: nicely Tsrusntu. .-iTlce for Monday, 300. - ? - , MrSINESS OPPOHTCNtTT. ' ' Largest aad-best of Ita kind la tba dty. We positively guarantee inns it le-ciennna above all eipeneea 1.60 per month. For farther particulars call, BUSINESS CHANCES. SALOON Good loeatloa; rheap rent sad wast; dolnc a Bice buelneeo. Price 83.000. GENERAL ' MERCHANDISE S flmt . clsss places, at Invoice, will sear lavesugs- . . - CTRIO STORE Oa Washington at; rent, only SSO per month: 1 year lease; good lis tnren nnd etock. Price 1600. ' JEWELRY STORK Beat location en Washing ton at.; extra rheap rent; 8 years' lesse: will aell all er H latereat. er will pall leaae. Call far further particulars. ., REST AUTt A NT AND DELICATESSEN On waabinrnm at.: enrap rent; gooa leeee, .. and making aoney. Uoed bay for 1,000. ROOMS Splendid location, cheap rent; good furniture, a pieaup or onw. . WB CAN MAKR TERMS ON AST OF THE ABOVE. . ALL TTTLBS OrABANTTED. BrJYERS PROTECTED AS WKLL AS 8BLLBRS. rn WANT 10 TO 15 BOOM H0C8ER; ALSO SO TO 40. TAFT CO., ,.' m-S-s-d AMnxton block. , ' 108V, Third et. ' " EMPIRE TWTESTMENT CO. - i . Rooa Chamber of Commerce. . Phone Mala o3M. , . ' ROOMINO BOI'SB AND Rt'SINESS CHANCE , , ,. . ; uuitijl 40 ROOMS-A-AH one floor, rent 885; - lesse over fair: nne-eoraer; gooa rami turn ana rarpeto: income aver e400 per month. A good buy for 84300. . . . ........ I ROOMS Rent 180; eld bat good' furniture; thla to a snap for the price, 83,800. 40 ROOMS Reut 8100; brick building; furni ture end carpets Ax. eouo; i,ouu cash, dsl to salt .... ....... ..,(r..;.,.. - IT-ROOM bonne, rooma faralabed; 1 blocks froa FortniBO hotel; real reasonsoie. anno. 9 ROOMS Plouaekeeplng: good furniture: rent wry ressoesois xor too location, fi.iou. Do not tall to eee thla. i ' Vi . . . SS ROOMS Housekeeping; royit 8130; tble Is as Al booso for the lair. wiia lease 11 ROOMS Wirt Park at. t farnltore above tba average; real tvesonaDie; clearing sou over expenses., i,iju. i XI -ROOM HOTEL at the fair grounds. 18 beds. ell rirat-ciaaa rural mra; rent wits trass. 10 ROOMS Fourteenth it aear Jefferson; .rent 40; 8WJ0. - : ... - , ...... ROOMS Well furnished. Twelfth at., near Morrison: the beet nary. in m dty. mce 88&0; 8M0 rash. Rent 82T.60. ROOMS Twelfth St.. fursitnre Al; rent neo; uu a a eracxerjacs cot. aoaaii. . asuo. SHIRTWAIST factory for sale, clearing over gaoo per month; a Dour arm ia auck, s ma chines, all tables and chairs; a complete factory I rent tnOv with lease. Your chance for good business. Information at office. RESTAURANT 30 chairs; fit tares an new and up to date; ready tor easiness: nest loeatloa in city tor aignt tssae; win seu at sacrifice. Bono, sent sv wita tease. ,. R EST A TEA NT For ...............ll.JnO ,..81.800 0noo t RstJexiWO REMTAU RANT For RESTAURANT For ' BARBER SHOP. ONB HALF Interest la a fine Uttle barber abop now making good money: aa old astsouahed boetness; price for half . la wrest la right luurriiibi,' .-..j,. x Another shop In fine . location, T chairs. traoe, pronm ever aa! per bbobib. Information at office. , ' ' " SALOONS. S .,"'- -- . Pull A JOB DANDY On North Sixth at. 1 ' good fixtaree for buatnsaa: the i orsx our ia Prlca 31. MO. SALOON Price ......... 8800 SAIXMM With , Uvtog but a nan. rrice .......33,360 OROmRT RTDRnX. , Wa have good grocery . etorao doing flae business; will - sell any one ef tbea at j lavolca. about 81.200 to $10,000; we , will guarantee any one of thees to bo Al. , EMP1RB INVESTMENT CO. OREOON ASSOCIATED EXCHANGE.- 10 rooma, two blncka froa Portland betel; new furniture; moderate rent; n big Baker; 1,800. ... . . 8 mema. choice loeatton, cheap tent; extra good furrutnre; aaou, . . " Coufeetloaerv and dour a tore, ou Washing. ton vtt Boderato rent, with lease; big trade; a rare Bargain; gi.uuu. - Oyster god chop house, I BMderet rent; f76a heart of city; very Restaurant, eery central; rood trade; rent 840; Beats n; a Bargain; sous. . Oeafectlooeryoxnd rigor store, oa Washing, ton at; a money maker; $650, . v . ' ' OBBGON ASSOCIATED EXCHANGE, ' tssv, Washington at. STOP. LOOK AND LISTEN Step foaling your money away la wasteful anecalatloBe and bea--ardoos eebemeo;, look for eafety, first; aare and reasonably large profits, second: sad ac eeanfbtlltv of your canltsl. third. Liatea to - tkte eteteaent of facts I Pee naeuy yeses to- - vestora to cotton have been paid every month large and sere profits earned safely by tba ' 'Storey Method. r' Never a dollar lost. Cap- Ito! alwara rubiest to withdrawal eubleet t ram, of contract. Send for "As Otbera See ita." Mailed free. Writs new. Thin ndvee- tlaofjeait may not appear arsis, Storey Cotton Co., eon Hoarse mag., t-nuo. BrtSTNESS CTiA NCWt gsmn PARTY with tins s mount to tore Be with ay 81,000 In mr eoneeaaloa at tba " expealUon grnaodo; I will give yea boas real eerste aa enusierai sna n mievesx in tae profits. Aoareea h. ia. journal. OPENING fur active aaa with from $3,000 to gn.orm 'nt manufacturing end jnnning nnai neest reference; if astiaractnry win aharwlM aet, Adtreea 0 , imtmai. j A..Irma Balnbsrt, ; , Aged 14 yeara, 81 Kearney street. - ' ,,. May B. . . Aged ' $M Raat Tenth $100 PRIZES FOR BOYS AND: GIRLS ' ' Tfco JouurRnI win V7 oR-00 w wvorr Omto sjx4 Torso ( JljufW bout Tro) oxumsl Waa8 A4rm wlxiea) hro Boat to tAis offloo aw ooptodl (os nso la. The) Jonrmsi. '. 1 ." ' moa4 the f oUowIbj lanlnMttonni csurafttTiTI .. ' . arorr Oojrtoom ajsd Totm ( Jlsurto ssoat to Rooowipnmtot T cay ant AV Uk tkose ttndo' tan xUnaroxtt olajratnontlonn om thaoo ptMTws, to ho nned la altkotr ths nailw at ojsdar laurno of Tao : JetaymaO, Tan oxuknro for iRsss stistsisssfts is SI wwixnt (e IS oRiaV jr adraribii jkUBt Rouoilf A for lonol txuut IS amatnV . BTo Oaxtooa op Tone of Jtajto la osrxorad ia thd) oOBtoart neons aooak- ; povsied by m "Want Ad aa4 tka naotvar for ft. Tao aaxoa, Bern aad adamng of tka oailA who Rramn) ems ml tkaaa Oar toons and nrrttaa a Tax of timgiu aansrt to HHna oa ovary oaa aomt to this ofYloa, ta tan. child's owe aassawrtxtngr. Tto Certoom pad Torso Btast to ta-WacR Ink, aall kQ M tot aid of Bpo. xf yomr father er atoakos caaaat (two ywa oaa of ttoio "Waat AAa," snurolp ooxao fxlomS o aeagrRltor oaa. - Bo aazo to look for yoai adTarliaaaaaait ta tto padtor. , Tao Cavttowaa aaa "Waat Ado" anay to RoUvwro to Tto omraal r ' gaat fey taajfl. , .'. - " -. .-.-.-. - . BToarly ovory oklld oaa wrlto a Torao aa4 Rraw a Cmrtooa. Xf yonra to aeoerptod, yom wlU goooiTS SR-00 la atoaoy aaa havo yout piotatw la. ' Tto JOOMaL . '. - r' ' . . ir '..:.;,-. snmss CHAxexm. THB HEALY INYEBTMENT. Op, ... 310-114 Ablngtoa Bidg. loVfc Third I'tlVria Mel" ISO. , ROOMING HOUSES FOB 8ALB. . . , We give apeclal attention to the sale of rooming boaara aad handle aao asms oaiy .spon a legiUmate eommleelon. . u-& HDitev ( I ' o CT .Tow cM AND OIURANTICK THE TITLS OF EVERY HOl'SB SOLD THROUGH OUR OFFICB AND OUR GUARANTOR lit COOP. . , , , ; M rnoma, good corner, 1,000. ' ' " " M ronme. housekeeping, leeae. S00. SO rooms, maoers ana , eiegnniiy inuam SO. KiMI. t ruome, good corner; rent 3TB: 81.800. . .. 34 rooms, very central: only $1,800. .' 30 rooms, very central; cnenpeat leeae la i Port land, now clearing over $aoo month; sjl,nua. 60 rooms, at earn heated corner brick, pertly famlabed: lease $vio; gooa aau ia eoawrciioii, ran be made to pay bait the rent Tola la a great snap for $3.0O. ' 45 rooma. meetly new furniture, rent f 100; oaly 83,500. . 33 rooma. good, cheap traoaleat booee: $1,150. 86 rooma, modern brick corner, partly fur- Blhed. good leaae; only 86.600. . SO rooma. partly famlabed, leeee; (1.000. Several aplendld roQnilng-bousea for actual value .of iuruiture. ... . 10 rooms, modern, newly furnished: 8T6D. So rosme, close to fair site;. only sii.mtw. 40 roonia, hotel, witn oar aaa aiamg rw, 3.SO0. 14 rooms, pertly housekeeping: 8050. ' 10 rooms, new furniture, nice oeinna, ion. Bevml other good boueea not advertieed. Call and nee our net. we nave pieniy oi nna available to make good ateed tonne en any of these boueea, repayable la easy monthly payments. , ., . , . ... ..-. v , . v 1 wti BC81NEH8 CHANCES. . . Besranrant. central loeatloa, good leaae,. wau eatabllahea; xa,i.. IiBcb couBter. city: a bargain. Hog ranch, good propoalUoa for the right Dartv. Grocery, city. $2,600. Another. 1.500 , , . THB HKA1.I iw, BOOMING HOUSE BARGAINS. rvfa t fMiiim nt a room flax. fair grounds; rest over si, rasa vie. axrev only fi7. , . ;. . 1'ILL trade ' 14 bouuekeenlng aB storle tranatent rooms above Hotel Port land, tor ttora or acreage, er eeri for aunw.. 36-ROOM -corner-nat. - largo. RStT lesss over fair, a IS ALL LIGHT outside rooms, with leaae; food furniture aad carpets. aow. 1T.ROOM. bis aoner-aaklag lag Souse, wita leaae. 84 ROOM pertly furnlahed rooming bouse; good t specula tle iBveatmeut. ei.evo. i . CITY BCSINBSS CHANCE AGENCY, ' -. EH Flrat Street, BtaiXKKS CHANCE Established manufeetnr. Ins factory offers pnaltioa as aalea aaaage man of ability , to take charyeof coaa ability .to take cha VnaiMM, lawar ream a 000 Ib etock of company; ae specnlaMoo; la vestment fully guaranteed with . salary or eemmlaalon for eervlces: machine la stsadard and bna large trade. Wrlto for particulars. A MACHINE CO.. BOX 434,- Wichita. Kan. fnl PACIFIC COAST . REALTY L". m 1U the neio witn n cnoice u v. prwyro,., v.iia imKe lands mlneo. atone ousr- rles, farms, etock ranches, city aad xsbqrhoo ho roes, nuainene caaaceu sou v pe- .1 L...a Uaaaa. InaunnCS. Bt OOr Of- See. S4u Morrison et.; notary public; see no before buying or aelling. Phono Stain isza. Dally Hhermas Pender. uiit. ,h atnek of aemial asercbaBdkie. I will invoice nooui na.,eeij i cash or terms caa be'mnfle. It win pay you to see this bargala. Call at Warren,. Ore son. and aea Invoice and stock. - O. T. Cttm- mln. ... . PABTY with $1,000 can hay eno half Interest la a Bouey Basing propoaiuuu, , in, eteady employment at lno per moath. and will pay your ai.i' itomri n 1 la a short time. Addresa S. 8, care JoarnaL PABTY with 81.000 can boy one half tetereet , nakles nronoaltloB. which offers steady employment nt l6o per month, aad , will pay your 81,000 Invented , beck to yon a a anon time. Aoareea d. o, q wan t innt IM OR BOON, Paetlle not, nut ire water, oeugntioi cnnmwi i..s .c analae end so ana ewver. ror.xuu . Information address the Colombia Southern Irrigation Co., 830 Worcester block. Portland. mi towaat nriced Irrle-ated Land, rich In op- . . . t-. - i ... . ... - .winter oe writs for nartlcnlars, .Deschutes DOTTUnilV. JVUI VUr w. .,, . ... Ind Syndicate. 818 bregonlan bidg., Port land. - - w . MTrn tu mmi . a lie i Ine. with hundred dollars; have a few myoelf tody or gentleman, to buy rooming taorant Add Awe T 18, JoarnaL wiNTrn Paetner with 8000 to bay half Inter- ' est Is livery, aale aad boarding stable; long leeee. low rent: living rooma la eennectloa. Address F 3. eara JoarnaL BAROAIN Nice clean loan ranee boslneai TO per cent firat years eoamtnelemv with good will to right party. Address F. 14, can Journal. 1 For Sale Grocery aad Sea market, well eat a hit abed. 8 rears oa the aame corner: em of Belling, 111 health. Address R IS, JoarnaL . , . ' FOR SALE Ftrat-claa reataaraat; good toen. - tloa i deee Isrgset bimlu.a In dty. For tar. "tber psrtrauiera aoareea box an. naa, ur, FOR SALE Reatsnrsnt. 8 atoota. S novae, eat flt complete. Including building: price $300. A Oar eee Mriatire axcuiaty, Arlington, ur, FOR 8 A I Jt Confectionery- a tore, rigors,' light groceries; good paying raainees; llvlag rooma; partlee tearing city, ani r-oweu, ear. . ea) IP YOU are looking for a permanent maas faetnring bosinees for a amaU Inveatment, la- veatlssle. . VeatllsUng Elbow Os... 119 FOB SALB My half latereat la hoard. Uvecy aad sale etohb; , loeg leeae; doing good boai- neeai ekwe la; anch BUUdlng. j, ji FOR SALE, or rest -cbeea i llond restaarsot, with lease; rest reasonable. ' iseuife 88 Fuot, Proat, 14, atreet north. Helen Y. Lhlmaa. 8 yeara old, . I North NlnU street trtaXB-XSS CxTAVCXS. ' y n. Loins broker agb co, BOOM 80S, 84 SIXTH ST. ' For Sale Rooming house, rooma; , tie, gently furniabed; new furniture; full of good paying roomers; 3 jeer leeee. Sea thla . ft once. . v. , ST. LOUTS BROKBRAOB CO. ... ; '. . . . Rooa 80S. 84 Sixth at.' . For Sale Rooming house near fair groaade; full good roomers; T rooms; cheep rant; a nap dnrlag fair. 8T. LOUS BROKERAGE CO , -. Room 803. 84 Sixth at. Per Sals Raomlne house. II era; rent. 866; leeae until December; nicely ' furalsbed. Bee thin. BT. LOt IS BROKBRAOB CO., - .. Rooa 303, 84 Sixth et v' .-" , For Seie Reetaaraat, nicely equipped ;- near Cnlon depot; beet tocarloa In city tor ' big rush daring fair; cheep rent, rood leaae; -owner going to gold fields; must tell at enee , Call and make offer. - -- - . ST. LOUIS BROKERAGE CO.. - -j-i4 j - - Room 303, 84 Six th et We ahw havo acme very choice bergatae In rirar storea, confectionery and fruit atanda, ' Mktoaa, etc. r - . ., ST. LOUIS BROKER AGB CO., Room 80S, 84 Sixth St. We have anme fine locations ' for .leees ' Bear the fair sroaada. In war ef booths nod . recast ground. Bl. lAUlS BBI'A.BAII. I..'.. " . . ... Room 803, 84 Sixth it . . ' . If yoa have rooming sonars, riser atanda,. or burioeaees of aay kind. Hat them with oa, aa they are going fast sad wo seed the goods to--"oT. LOCts' OT0KERAGR" CoVTT'"- . , Room 303, 84 Sixth St,.,, - Tf yea waat to boy a business ran aad see as : we have places af all kinds at all prlcea, and noBae vary great bargnlaa. ST. LOUIS BROKERAGE CO., , - ROOM 803, s4 SIXTH ST. 4 FOR SALa cheep 100x100 grocery tore, T living roome; barn, feared and aet to trait ; part time. See owner , S2g Comaerctot at NEWLY furnished! fist ef S rooma; 3 rooma al. ready rested; reasonable for cash: egeata please doa't call. I sou Irs SOS Ooiumbls al. TAILOR BTO SB for aale; good estobltshed bool. neea; will aell cheep; owner going eaet reeaoa for selling. .Isuulrs A Eighth at., north. RESTAURANT Oooranteo. yoa tble place will pay yoa lino to bi r leer, every nwau, aOO required., tail S4SVa atork et. 8, 10 AND 11 rooms la beat location; aU have nice yards; furniture good : low price. Madl eoa Ileal Batata. Co.. 80S Madleoa. , WANTED Maa to attend office: experterwe aery ; raw reouirea; pay , yon ( Parties Isra 348V. attsrk at. FINELY FURNISHED, well natrnhlaed un-town renuuraut; lesse a.ioo: Bait ciiy ausi- Chaaee Aaencyr S3S First et WANTED Good eneond-hand newspaper print ing Buterlel: moat be rbeap (or cash, rnooa at once. Seott 5480. Portlaad. ; . . NAP T-moa rnoBlur be ise fvrnLahed com. rrt-leY. WkeTVal xasVf Baa BBirwn $1BS. tell 131 N. Sixth' at. $460; tokea Monday before Boon, FOR SALE or exchange Well established mil linery businrea, in aeerraow Mention. AO drees t. T, care JoarnaL - . - . OOOD paying furniture etnre low rent: nuaa. factoring Intere nteresu occupy tinee. Address 0. 4. care Jeomal. -1- '. iX- FTRN1TURR of 10-eoom bouse ea Waahlngton et. for SnoO; cheap, rent, leaea. csn ivift , Third it . .. PARTNER to take half 1st event in paviUon at fair grounds; f iw , reqaireu. , in sir shall. . FOR SALE Neat little grocery, doing good' hue I gTOO... 132 Kaeeetl at Bnapt - WANT to bay t rooming b Phone Froai booee downtown, 80 40 it joi. - , . -CIGAR STORE with nest famlsbed living room, 8400., call zaa rirax au . BARBER abop. 8 chairs: greet chance Monday for Sfluv. csu zaia atara ex. 1.S60 BUYS new S-rooa n ner. Call 107 V,. Third at niRNITTRB af 8-room house for sale cheap; snap, raoee nooa m. AIXWN Best chxrjce . xodey for $fl60. Call xeeivk stars at. FOB RXJrT-errOBXn. STORB for rent on Waahlngton at; good for any Business; rneup rem, wiu uei, lease... Address T. 3P. cere JoarnaL " . , FOB RENT Store, 031 Washington et TO XXCRUUrOR. i 09 ACRES, H mile froa R. R.. tVt mllea from uobei; wm cox awe iru w maea one e"i - - set da of eedar; will trade for houae aad let aa peninsula. Woonlawu, or St. Johns. EMPIRE 1NVESTMBNT CO.. ' . ' ' Room 8, Chamber of Commerce.. . RELINQUISHMENT ea Improved hoaeetrad to carton ore for stock ef merchandise er email - Improved piece. Addraaa 8. 13, care Journal. t ACRES,. 0-rena house for resident, ec will take anrooseblle la port paynwnt,. or good Bis eee. ise imn. WHAT havo yaw to exehexsys for vatos . InilueTn.l emen roruoaa eoovpanyi S. T, Joarnal efflco. , FOB, SITE-TIED SCRIP. FOR SALE LAND SCRIP. Uareetrieted fnreat mat in oerlp for aale at lowest market prices. My crip occur, a ' title to timber. 4. farming, greetug er deeert . land. Io aay oueetlty, without realdeaee er ' Impreveaxent, A B. M. Hamlltoa, The rertlaad. PorUsod, Ox, .... . . . ... , - 4 :' v