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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1905)
nis- onzcou daily; journal, toiitjj.itd,. Thursday evei:ig. march is, iscx NE W BUILDE JG AT LIT. TAEQH 1 FOR CRYSTAL SPRINGS; SANITARIUM esaewjBaee' t-t THE FiLACrD-TOSHOP- ON V Is here ShanahanV. The reason is -that, you can get. more value for your good dollar, than in any other similar store in the city of Portland. Quality, style and close prices are-the three points that. receive first attention here.- The goods we' quote prices on in today's ad. are only a few, of the many good things to be found st a reduced price here on Friday and Saturday. We earnestly beg of you to at least pay this store a visit if only to look. We give B. & H. Trading Stamps with every 10c purchase .1 .. . -y-. -1 s-a . ' 1 ' 'h J I . . t-e-J - - r 0 Moraingtide House. ; The abov cut shows th new build ing, now in court of. construction t tt. Tabor, to be owd by th Crystal Springs Sanitarium, in which to treat mental and drug- diseases. It la modern throughout, la 40 by 140 feet, and is being erected on the hilly slop over looking Thorburn avenue, This, Is the fifteenth building, great and 'small,, be longing to the sanitarium,, all at which represent part of the work of Dr. H. W. Co, still at the head of the instltu. tlon, and his associates, during the past II years. . . , i . - Dr.' Robert 1 .Gillespie, on of the owners, who has devoted several years exclusively to the institution, is resident medical director, and .Dr. William Bouse la resident physician. The business management Is hsndled by Mr. . R. M. Tuttle, who has recently purchsjied the interest-formerly held by Dr.. W. T.. Wllllanrson. By this arrange ment the medical staff la relieved of all care in connection with -the business end of the-instltution. ( j. , TRUSTY'S FREEDOM IS SHORTLIVED 'Ingenuity Secures Him Brief : Stay Outside Prison Walls But He Loses Good Time. BELIEVE PRISONER IS - v FEIGNING INSANITY r " . . : Donate Funds for Educational Congress Which Meets . in Portland. . (Special Obtwteh tbe JearnaL) 8aiem. Or March K. Freedom for a 'few hour was the reward of. the. in- genulty of Charles Williamson,' a prls ' oner at the 'penitentiary, who attempted to escape Wednesday, morning. ' Williamson, who ia under a flve-year . sentence from Multnomah . county for ' forgery, was a trusty, and was engaged aa pump-tender at night. He Was given ' this' work because he la an expert elec trician and machinist and was trusted because, as her .would have been out in ' September, it was not thought that be , .would make any attempt to escape. His knowledge of electricity enabled ; tilm to discover a place where, by cut ' ting a single wire, be could out off every- tight about ' the buildings- and grounds. At this point constructeq a switch, and by means of a rope, a ' pulley, a bucket containing a piece of . lead and a small hols and a flume, con ' atructed an arrangement by which, afer the.ugnts naa peen lumea on ior neariy ' two hours, they would com back - on 1 again. Th rope wis attached to the switch and the free- end passed up over ' a pulley and tied to the bucket, which was set In the flume. Th lead In th ' bucket caused th water to flow In slow ly through th small bole, which, filling the bucket, formed a dead weight and pulled th awltch Into place. Taking advantage of the dark, cloudy night, he took the small ladder used ' for oiling the machinery In the pump house, and when the -wall guard was at th further and of his beat placed It up against the wall and climbed oer. As Williamson slept during the day ' lie nd sot think that he would be missed 'until yesterday evening, but In thta be ' did not count upon the watchfulness of Assistant Warden Smith, who missed Jilrn early In the morning. As soon aa the escape- was discovered - Warden Curtis hastened to the Southern Pacific depot, wher he found William son parading up and down th platform with his greasy clothes en and small ' lantern,, hanging on' his arm..- He had Intended to board the I "clock ' overland and palm himself oft as a are man or uraaeman miu nsu uvuu iu. . , a preceding train. Unfortunately for ,hla well-laid plans the train did not jcom until "too laU." Aa Williamson had been a model pris oner he had esrned many credits and would have been dlaehsrged In' Septem ber, By this attempt to escape -h lost : all the double time he had earned, which amounted to practically two years, and will now earn Stt cents per hour for the 'state of Oregon by working In th Iron foundry. - .. " . . v . . Believe Insanity reigned i That Herbert Wlnslow. -. alias D. E. Stone, has played traiy to escap serv ing a term in the penitentiary Is the opinion freely expressed In Balemt Wlnslow was arrested In this city two days ago, under the name of D. B. Stone, upon Information received from Kherlff Ucdo Anafn B AlRHEALTH always rMfofe color aai beauty of ynath to (ray kalr. atnoe kalr fall Inc. im eaiMlrag,. kills the lore. Haaa kalr . sloasy. , lDiartaot. Aided ky HARFINA SOAP aonthee sad haala, daatraya aatcrooas. alopa ItcbUic aad pra siotee Oae kalr arewth. ' Mrs. Maeoa. Bat talJkwia, W. Vs.. says ef iiay's JAinUEALTCI "Find lackwd ST5 for As bottles HAIR HBAI.TH. Aa OrllgMed with battle etut aw., Belog so yoanc. It almoit klllrd me to kar mr lialr sattlog white kDg fcefore I was aa eld woman1; DM, itsnka to HAIR HKALTH. a ray kalra eaa k foaad la sy sead. , Bar set save all of en bottle." Lara Oe, fcnttlni, Smuxiita'. Take Beta, leg wltkoot Phllo liay Co. slgnatore. FHEE SCIP WBfiSN&IR gl(n fhls, take t any of follewtnc drat glata, ami set kite, knlll Halrheallb and toe. cake Barflaa Mnsp, atetllrated. bntb for t0e. rrtnlar prtoa TV. I or seat ky rblle Hay Os.( Kewark. N. prepaid, fnr wv. snd tbla ail. Free anap 'a by dnwtM arllbout tkis eallr sdr. sad We. for Ualrkealts. Wast Address. .. .. WOOOAJaS, OlASn OO, . - and Waaalxi 1, roarta Taylor of Pendleton. It being alleged that he had forged a couple of checks In that city two years ago. He was working as a carpenter' here .when-arrested by Officer Lewis and gave the name of D. B. Stone. The Umatilla of ficer, was at onoeruotlfled of- his-arrest and' arrived this morning to get his man. s.. v. - . t . When he drove up to the county jail, however, to convey the prisoner Ho the train he waa greatly surprised to find that the relatives of the young man had Juat sworn out a complaint charging him with Insanity, and that the exam ination waa being conducted at that time. Dr. Griffith of th asylum and Dr. J. N. Smith conducted th examina tion. After questioning the prisoner for nearly hair an hour they pronounced him Insane and County Judge; Scott ordered him committed to th asylum. Winslow la. wall known In Salem, aa his 'parents, who are honored and re apected farmers, reside a few miles west of her In Polk county and th young man has practically made this city his home. . He seems to have an affinity for crime and has been behind prison bars several times. Just, before .the time that It la ; alleged ' he forged the checks In Pendleton, he served A term In the jail there for stealing a bicycle. . It la confidently believed by msny who know him that hla Insanity ia feigned, . thinking thereby to soon be able to regain his freedom." " . ' ; BdnoatlomaJ Congress. " .The several . county school superin tendents of th state have donated some f 2.000 for the educational congress, which Is to be held in Portland the week beginning with August Is. 'Twenty-two counties have already made donations and It la altogether probable that ,ii of the 23 counties In the state will oo so. These donations are made from the sums sat anart for institute work.'. ' 1 t State Superintendent Of ' PutlHo In struction J. H. Acker-man yesterday ent out a circular Utter to th county school superintendents, which states: that "the dates for-eighth grade examination for l0t have been changed aa follows: April ii, it and'll; May and If. June I and I." r The new law governing eighth grade final examinations will be In effect May It; bene th May and June examina tions will be held In accordance with its provisions. " " The new law provides for a, county examining board, the duty of which will be to examine and grade all the exam ination papera. This work waa formerly done by the county, superintendents, who usually called in teachers to assist them, but for which they wer not allowed any compensation. - ' The questions will be mad out by th state superintendent., aa in- the past. FATALLY STABS C0USIIK IN ROW OVER A HORSE , , (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) - Baker City. Or, March 1 . A serious stabbing affray which will very likely result fatally occurred Tueaday about noon at Pine, In the eastern part of .this countr. Fred Macklnson and hla cousin. Charles P. Macklnson, both fairly well each- claimed -an ownership, in the controversy which followed they used harsh language and nnally came to blows. Knives wer drawn and they went to slashing. Macklnaon landed a blow which ' th doctor in attendance saya will neces sarily prove fatal, though at last ac counts the Injured man waa still alive. Until recently the men had been on the beat of terms. Macklnaon gave him self up to the deputy ' sheriff at that place and Sheriff Brown la having him held there pending th result of th In juries. .. ' .;. , WILL HOLD DEBATE AT : -" OREGOJUCTATE NORMAL (Special Dtapatek to Tk Journal.) Monmouth. Or., March K. The flast Intercollegiate debate of th year will take place at the chapel of the Oregon State Normal school next Friday even ing. March 17. at ' I o'clock. MoMlnn- vllie college, represented by A. B. Nort hub, Truman Hardy and J. B.-Richard-eon, will debate with th Oregon State Normal, which will be represented by C. 1. Sprenger, Mlaa Schmldll and Her bert Coffey. The subject under con sideration will be, "Resolvsd, That" Reci procity Is a Better Method Of Regulat ing Our Commercial Intercourse Than a Protective Tariff." - McMinnvllle college Will defend the negative aide of th question and the O. 8. N. S. th affirma tive. . . ' ' The team which win this debate will contest with the winning team of the debate between Albany college and New- berg college for the championship of the College Debating league of Oregon.' ADVENTIST ENCAMPMENT TO BEHELD A J MOSCOW , ' ?. (Special IMapateb to Tke Joemal.) Moscow. Ids-, March K. Th Seventh Day Adventlsta of Washington, Oregon and Idaho will hold their annual en campment In Moscow early In June, when It la expected there will be at leeet t.000 members' of thianect here. Elder P. D. Larab of thla place has been noti fied that at a ponferenc of the official of the northwest district It was decided to hold their annual camp at this alaoe. and the ana tier has boon referred to the Business Mens association. . - ACCUSED MAKING STUBBORN FIGHT Alleged Lebanon Bank Robbers Struggling for Freedom in ' Albany Court CIRCUMSTANTIAL CHAIN - " OF EVIDENCE COMPLETE Representatives of Pacific" and . Albany Colleges to Meet on ; Debating Platform. r (Special Dispatch to' The. Journal.) Albany.. Or., March !. The trial 'of the two men charged with robbing the Bank of Lebanon on February I last. Ell Dunn and J.' A. Crossly, alias Rey nolds, waa commenced yesterday and the entire day waa consumed in taking testimony for the state. Every atep was stubbornly contested by ' the de fense, but the work of defendants' at torneys seemed to be - unavailing, for thd atate' had a complete chain of cir cumstantial evidence against the two men and at no point wer th attor neys for the accused -able to, weaken the state's witnesses. Tfle men were traced from Portland to thla city, thenee to Lebanon and return, to the weet aid a railroad . and down o ' Portland until their arrest-''. At every point the men war seen and were Identified beyond the queatlon of a doubt by the . -state's witnesses. Especially waa Crossly eas ily Identified owing to the fact - that hla crippled hand had been seen at every point and theloaa of hla mustache did not avail him anything. W.-R. Bllyeu. a prominent local attorney, went on the witneaa stand and. poaltlvey Identified Dunn aa having . been her about the time of th robbery. So atrong was th testimony on th part of th stat that th defense aban doned the cross-examination of aome of the most Important witnesses, aucb as Sheriff Tom Word.. Th defense- re lies on an alibi and expects to bring people from Portland to testify to see ing the defendant - Dunn In Portland on th night of th commission of tho crime. . Th can will consum all of today and' may not be concluded until late tonight. The state Is looking for ward to a conviction within a few min utes after the jury ia charged, t Tomorrow evening at 7:10 o'clock th representative of Pacific and Albany colleges will meet on th debating p hat form and settle th first content In tht race for the championship In the Inter collegiate debating league of Oregon. Thla will be the first Intercollegiate de bat ever held In Albany. The win ners of this debate will next contest with the winner of the Monmouth-Mc ijn inimf farmers arot Into an alter cation over a young horse In" which theyTMlnnvllle debateTofThe champlonahlp of the league. This first debate in the series will be held in this city at th Flra Presbyterian church. POMONA AND STATE GRANGE AT GRESHAM (Special Dispatch to The JooniaL) - aresham. Or., March It. The local grangers yesterday entertained patrona from many parte of the atate in the grange hall at this alaoe, the occasion being th meeting of lb Pomona and state grange. , , Early yesterday morning patrons be gan to arrive from the nearby localities snd when th :I0 o'clock carcame from Portland it bore a goodly number of anxloua members not wishing to mlaa any portion of tb day' meeting. Sev eral candidates wer Instructed In th arts and mysteries of th Pomona de gree after th Installation of the stat officers. Th membership In this stat la rapidly Increasing snd a desire for th betterment of local condltiona In the many localities , ia afrongly evidenced. Much progress haa been mad along all lines of work. Th evening aeealon ,wna called to order early and, after th conclusion of the rearular routln of bualneaa a pleas ing program with social games waa en Joyed. Even when the time for closing of the aeaalon drew quickly nigh,, the young patrons were oy no means me only ones loath to depart. -r - . , AGED WIFE DIES WITHIN r WEEK OF HER HUSBAND (Special Dispatch to The JoaraaL) Hlllsboro; Or.. March It. Mra. Keen, aged It years., died at Phillips, about six mlleo from here, yeaterday, of pneumonia. Sh had been 111 about a week. Her husband, aged It years, died at th same place about a week ago. Th jaged couple were both born In Germany, coming "her about It years ago. ' They leave two sons and many friends to mourn their . loss. Interment will take plac in th Phillip cemetery on Friday. ' - Take Ts Oar a OoM la OA Xy. Laistl Sraaaa QotMoe Tablets. All tmtiau rafaad tew eaeaer If It falla to est. a, W. 0 Oteve's algsatare sal McCallY Magazine 80s) A V:; awn a fashion. Sat a 'free opy of nr rasnloa bMt for April. .. l.n;l KAnA .McfellY Patterns laSist ' and new) fox lO-lfts). Ask fair tkaasv. Covert Clotfe Spring Garments i We give you a few. of our Friday and Saturday Specials in Covert Cloth Jackets, :B6X"-Coats! Top Coats and Tourist Coats. Every garment full nan-tailored and made, from material that js proof .agtunstalikindso.fweather andrightlup-todateMnl styles. ..These garments are in the different shades of tan and castor1 color. The prices we give are lower than any garment , that has been shown in anything near the "style or quality:, ;';; - COVERT JACKET, $5.95 jacket jma'de from tan, covert, double breasted, buttons of same material, lined throughout k ' with mercerized sateen, new sleeves; good value, for $7.50. Special ...;.i.....e........;.-.........f5.05' COVERT BOX Coat, ?8.45 Stylish Box Coat, made from good quality, tan covert,. front fastens on fly,. flat collar, un lined leg o mutton sleeves, two lap pockets; a bar- ( -gain for - $1 1. Special ?8.45 COVERT JACKET, 89.85 Jacket made from tan covert, tight-fitting back, stitched straps on front, back arid sleeves," straps over shoulders, finished orupoints with metal ' buttons, lined with satiq ; a bargain at $13.50. Special 89.85 COVERT CLOTK TOURIST, is a beautiful . loose-fitting garment, double breasted fly front, leg-p.' mut ton ' sleeves,, inverted plaits on back and front, yoke and ""Sleeves lined with" satin; you will pay $17:50 for ' t them. Special ... ... .813.65 COVERT JACKET, 87.35 Tan colored Covert Jacket, double breasted, satin lined,' born buttons, with or without collar, good full sleeve; a .pretty jacket for, $9. r j Special - ..... . . . d .... v . . ; i t . ; tt.875 - CRAVENETTE TOP COAT. 89.65 This is a beauty and will prove to be the best seller of the'.season, made from tan ; : (cravenette) covert cloth, 'uniined coat 'collar, fly front, dou-. v 'ble ' breasted, two 'lap pockets, coat 27 inches jong; : t r - the price-will be $13.50.-; Special. 7,vr.. .T . i. .'V. . . . .89.65 '. COVERITOP COAT, 811.75 Made of (cravenette) cor- . ; ert cfoth, 35 inches long, three pockets, flat collar inlaid with velvet; leg of mutton sleeve, unlinedlly front, bone . huttons;a swell coat for $15. '-Special, '.811.75" COVERT CLOTH TOURIST, SJ4.85 All wool Tan Cov- ert Cloth Tourist" Coat, one t the most stylish garments shown this season, stole, strapped back and front, double breasted, gunmetal buttons, 'large sleeve with cuff trimmed with small metal buttons, flat collar; a cheap coat for $20 Special...................... ......... .814.85 Continwation of SMrtvaist Sale For tomorrow and Saturday we arergoing to crjinue our sale of last week, which. was such a great success . Notwithstanding the immense numbers we sold, we still have thyspecial numbers in all sizes, but in small quantities. The prices, we give - and styles is merely a sample of the large number of styles, we offer during this special sale . $3.75 White Japanese Silk. ...... .82.95 - $4.00 Whit Japanese Silk....... .83.15 $4.50 White Japanese Silk..., ... .83.45 - $3.00 Wh ite Japanese "Silk m t . . f 3.65 $5.50. White Japanese Silk. ..... . .$3.95 -$6.00 White Japanese Silk. ...... . 84.05. $1.25 White Lawn, embroidered. ,.'.85 .$1.50 Whit Lawn, tucked. 8 1.00 $1.75 .White Lawn, lace trimmed. 81.15 $2.00 White La wn, embroidered. .81.35 $2.25 White Linon, lace trimmed. 81.45 $2.50-White- Linon tucked and em- -:' ; broidered , . . ...... .V;";.. '... ,.81.75 65c Medium Color "Percale v . . . 45 r 75c Dark Color" Percale.. 7. .. 50? 90c Charribrey , Finish Percale. . . - 65 $1.25 Colored Chambrey . v. . ., ... 90 :' $1.25 White, Linon, black dot.... 85 ,, $1.75 Tan Linon, lace trimmed.;. 81.15 $2.00 Mercerized Lappett if 145 $2.25 Tap or White Batiste...... 81.65 $2.50 Colored Madras v' . . . . . ( 1.85 $1.75 telack Lawn, tucked. . . . . .. .81.15 $2.25 Black Litton, lace trimnfed. .$1.45 $3.00 Black Japonette, tucked.... f 25 Special m Silk Undersliirts A cuaranteed Taffeta- Silk Underskirt, in black or two-toned colors of garnet, brown,?' navy and green, made with 12-inch flounce, three rutties lour incne tomorrow and Saturday Special flounce, three ruffles four inches deep, a skirt that will wear and give every satisfaction and well worth $10. For QfJ , .... J vi Friday, and Satuixlay-Orf Dress Goods at Tlicsc Prices 81.19 36-inch $1.75 guaranteed black Swiss Taffeta. Fridav arid Saturday.. .".v..:. .v.. S1.19 98 36-inch $1.48 guaranteed oil boiled black Taffeta.. 98f 23-inch guaranteed buck: laneta; regiuar i.ou. hale price ?a.a 73 20-inch ; every yard warranted ; black, Taffeta ; 89c grade .........73e ftfta SI prade. two-tone Shirt-Waist Silk, irt stripped effect; just the thing for your spring snit 20-inch.... 69 59? 89c Silk, for shirt-waist suits, in all wanted colors, with dot; 20-inch .59 46-inch Mohair; in.all wanted colors. Special . . .... . . . .50 38-inch Fancy -Mohair Suiting, just the thing for . shirt waist' suits, in brown and blue. .?.................. ..50 44-inch Two-Tone Mohair, with Persian effect, in brown and blue t5 44-inch Checked Bourette Voile, in alt colors; just the ' thing for a smart spring dress. . .98 ,' Extra 'Special 52-inch black and brown Mohair; good value at $1. Special. .. . . . .75 4 30-inch Crepe Etamine, in striped and figured, in all colors 25 . . Moire Velour, in all wanted colors, just the thing for drojK skirt; extra value at 59c. For Friday and Saturday... 35 With Every 10c Purchase We Cive Trad " ing Stamps 1 1 . I 1 ' 1 T For every 10c purchase -or multiple thereof we will give" you. B.;& H.. stamps. Paste these on the back of a sheet, which 'contains four pages, which we give you, holding 60 stamps each. When you have filled one .or more pages bring them to. us and we1 will give you in exchange beautiful Silver .and China ware of the best-quality. You will soon secure a hand some Dinner Set arid a full supply of High Grade Sil verware absolutely free, or, as stated above, $2 cash or $2.50 in merchandise for 10 pages'or 500 stamps. ! lJy Spring WwM ,' ' xffir We are showing an ' , lip5mJ t. '1j.A elegant line of New 'Afirill ; Spring fa T IMf fc:"' ' rcexchi! ,gCT. Armors id Corset, the patented verti cal bonlnr makes"lt lapoaaibl t : break dowa at the sides, mad of the beat materials, two styles. Ion and - short hip; colors, drab, whits and , black.- .... , . -.. '-... Stsaa 11 to 'It. Slsea It to II. fl.OO 1.35 T. P. Corset, style SIT. made of beat - quality of Alexandria cloth, tan front medium deep hip. boned throughout with beat quality watrh ' sprlna - - tempered ' steel, richly trimmee! with Valenciennes lace and satin drawing ribbon, white and drab fl.C3 T. P. Corset, style fit. made of fln Alexandria cloth, bias gore, well boned, nlsh bust, lone hip, trimmed at top with Valenciennes lac and Insertion, has four hose supporters , attached .91.OO Lad lea' Fin Sateen Coraeta. abort and ' medium lenctba. boned tbroughout . with steel bone, colors drab and ' -' black, prle y BO T. P. Coreet, style IS). made ef flneat .Alexandria cloth. 111 not break dowa at the side, reinforced aide steel, patented, bias gore, atreiaht . front, all the bone ar tipped and cannot cut thmuarb. eyelets for hose sop porters, white and drab.. fl.OO Finroshin i Goods V ; Men's Work Shirts, single ; and double breasted. .45 Large assortment of "Mert's4 .Uolt and uress Shirts: 50c and 75c values. L39 , Men's Heavy Rockford- Socks 6r Large assortment 1 Men's, , . Ladies' and children's . Umbrellas. ...... 25 up J Boys' Bib Overalls.... Z5 t Jloys'- Knee Pants. . . .23e ? Boys' 50c Dress Shirts SSs Pillow Slip. eacb..;ii.....THa Pillow Slip, 4txt 94 Bleached Cotton Crash, yd..4 II and II Bleached Cottoa Hucaj Towels ..... r, ....... lfe) Good Bedepraad S Oray Oottan Blanket.,.,.. V On yard wide End lab ; Parcalea ......... r .. ..i . .TV " It-Inch Lawna .J- I ' Dress Ginghams, bl variety. t; American Oallcoa, slightly i' Imperfect ........'...? Light and Park Oartlng ria yard wis Raffled Cnrtalaa, t'r ! . atnped. pal' -