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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1905)
V - -1 I'v'-TOIi OREGON PAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND.; THURSDAY EVENING.. MARCH 16, KZ. WIRELESS WIZARD : VEDS IRISH BELLE TROUSERS IU1EF: BUSY IN EAST SIDE iLJs gTadaally tl;!:tnUs7 Its eoHs around yon; Signer Marconi Married to Mies -Burglar Steals. Nether Garments A ' . ' From F. C. Barnes and M. ' U'J.' Walsh' , . ;, -zr;i---. - . , v, VERY, COOL:iN MAKING - ; r; HIS RAIDS AT MIDNIGHT - O'Brien of Dublin at v - ' V Dublin. :-, :-' 1 whether In the farm of Coug-h, Bronehltia, La Grippe, Pneumonia or Consumption, slowly but surely Incrcnts its hold until, at last, oomes death. -- - ; r.. ""V BRIDE IS DESCENDANT ' OF KING BRIAN BORU There is only one crenulne Lunar spetxse. which pcslurtly cures all these Cis8xsts, and that is ' a .it Q)R. CIDITnIO. Honeymoon Will Be Spent In Ire V r land and the United ;;; -States.'' ;V" : ; '-argV Ust of Robberies Reported i r- - 1' ' , . to Police, But No Arrests ;f '' V;' Are Made. , - .- - -j v 1 . '- . a, ,. A- , :! r - r - j Tb residence of f. C Samoa. th ... r it f 1 1 i . I .ataBv. . ' asaaaBm MM ittnAA SSSF . 1 ? I I ITinilB .street, tu Mttml at t clocjt thla "i morning and the burglar carried off a I pair of trousers containing fit In cn. ! The same marauder, acoocdlng to police ' theory, stole a pair of trousers.' in th 'pockets of which waa 116, from the res- : Mnto DI Bl. J. aisn, ais a.aav .street, and. triad to Break Into th nous fof Qeorge A. Peabody. 41 Broadway, that waa frightened a-ay. : , ' . 5 - . v-j - Little-doubt etlsta. the aetectlv as jart. that tha robber, is the iime'raia , vwflo cross into a laanr uuaa. Florence street a tew nights ago. Ha J la a "narvvM Krlmln.L and has COKM tO ' ' be called tha "trousers thief on account , xjot alwaya taking thai article 01 wearf ? i BnnNtl whn it tn- in sleht.- i I WhUa tha burglar waa searching tha rl sleeping apartment ot tha Barnes resl- oence,. Mrs. otrne, wi, iwhbbhh. 'asked her huabtrad If the dog had been t Jeft tir tha houaeu Tha thief .heard tha question and anawerea: il ffJuBt keep atlU an J ltn be all right. 1 1 don't want to harm anybody all I want ta your money. - with thla utterance the' burglar hur- rtad out of tha rooav. Tha dog.- which ' waa In tha houaa, gave chaae, but ' KunlaK anarie hla eaeBDa. me ;i "1 have lirad at Tib THiamoog atreei for nine mbntha." aatd Mr. Barnea thla - i uiui iii.j a-. hw " - - - ' nevar aeen a polieeanaa In that vicinity.'! t:- Oeorga A. Paabody- heard aomebody i trying to get Into the houae through tha 4. . . d i a flat jDBCa aoor vi aim rvaiunaitw "iwi ? midnight. - Ha and. aaelng that tha j back door waa aeeurely locked, placed " .few minute later tha robber placed a , .i aSeleton key in the lock of tha front t door and opanan it. Lmattresa waa knocked down and tha burglar waa frightened away by me ' notaa. ' Kr. Peabody hid 50 In bit V CloiuiTra av . . - o. Bcheal. Janitor' of the Harrtaoa ' school, reported to tne ponce inia mom ' lng that tha theft of a woman' gold watch, a puree containing wm wn n ' rarloua arnall artlclas. from one of tha . acnooi rooma. . - An overcoat wu atolen from a room ' occupied by C. J. Weatphala at . ISt : Urand arenue. , . - ' Carpenter' tool! ware atolen from ' woodahad In tha rear bf tha house oo- ' ouniad by B. B. Fortney. at I8J East .TatnhlU atraaU ,:,.. FAIR STRIKER IS ARRESTED FOR ASSAULT t. Howard Shlreman, tha electrician who waa BBBBulted aa he stepped frota) a , atroefcar near tha fair grounds Mat Honda? morning ta after revenge, xni ' morning .ho caused tne arreai or . v. t Walker, a strike ympathtaer. on' tho .charge of aaawult and battery, harlng identlflad him as tha man who struck . Ueblow. . Erer alace tha haoldent the electricians bar had -a man among 'the strikers gathered' at tha saloon opposite the an , trance trying to discover tha Identity ) of tha assailant of 8hlreiaan. Walker waa beard to boast of having a hand . In It, and thla morning Shlreman com pleted tha 'Identification. A patrolman - made th arrest In the aaloon. and Shlreman preferred the charge: At the ' police station Walker enured a plea --f ,';not guilty and waa released on a cash bond of to appear In court tomorrow morning. , 4 J Tho strike situation la unchanged. ' There la no atrlke, so far as Ineoo l venlence to "Contractors la concerned, and tha number of pickets on duty at -'JEALOUS LOVER .KILLS i . HIMSELF AT A DANCE - Woeraal Bpeelal nerriee.) 8aata.Jt0aL.CaL. March J Herbert Fowler, aged 1. ahot anT killed Tlm- 'aelf last night in hia rexldenoa at 'Bo noma, where a danolng party waa be ing held.. He '..was. Jealous of a girl I and blew hia braina out In front of tha entire company. Necklaces a Oaf adraae alaplay ;' Tar this nana .how. , ' tlx annresw effort, of , the ' oealsnar to great -adraatase. Tbe pretty -rtialit fettooaln. enst - Blnea Uwr mmr---;. tnpaa. Barie " I . Bearla, tarqiKBMt ar leaey ' , ' awppblrea. preaevt aplea : . ' Slit aftMrtrniltlea for me'i , ' enntrw. Te aartlealar , WflrfcBMnahlp aae (ever. ' . able btIpmi oanaot fail to ! 1 be ef latBrart. -a. ca, c. Feldcriheim 0e.' Tfcbd sad WaaklBttBa er OttMaaa. I , Unique . r I ft - and X J: Stylish. J A.. Photogrpof th $ PortltfJell.efs Nattier. A Hot Controversy It Raging m to the Ccnuineneu of ' t the Portrait Purchased by a New York Banker. One Faction Aa .". aerta That the Supposed Original in Stockholm Museum la Only 1 Copy.JWhUetle Other Declares the New Yorker Haa Merely a: Duplicate. FEW VOTERS TAKE TIME TO REGISTER Uttle More Than Two Hundred ; I TeU County Clerk Fields v Party Affiliations.' m- v- OFFICE WILL BE OPEN V T . UNTIL NINE EACH NIGHT Warm Struggle Will Be Made at Primaries for Control of : ; Committees, p :A . "Cosnty Clerk Fields Instructed us to keep open tha office last night . to per mit voters to regiater." aald Deputy Kern today. "We remained here until- o'clock and aU came to register after dinner." "-. The rea-lstratlon yesterday waa 216; practically all were voters-who desired to declare their party afflltatlona. About It were changes of .residence and new regiatrations. ''.. t .. In tha beUCf. that, when tha voters learn that the . office will be kept open avenlnga they will take advantage of tha opportunity to qualify for voting- In tha primaries of . tha . Republican and Democratic parties, tha county clerk will have his deputies on hand until o'clock every night. ' r It the , voters . or tni- nepuu lican and Democratic partlea who cast ballots in the' laat congressional elec tion, with th natural increaae from new population, be registered in tne coming to days, the average for the entire period muat be more than 409. It la ax. pectad that tha daily re gist ration will be larger aa aooa aa tha various candl- datea have been announced ana tneir supporters begin active work to get out tha voters In preparation for the pri maries. .. . An Interesting contest will be arlUJ n eased between opposing factions or tne two partlea over the election of 'the county central committeemen. These committeemen must be elected at the primaries, one for "each precinct, and the advantage of controlling thla committee la regarded aa worthy considerable ef fort by tha politicians. , . ' , IRISHMEN TO ENTERTAIN . PRESIDENTATBANQUET (loarsal Bpeelal Berries.) New York. March As now ar ranged, a delegation from tha Friendly Bona of Bt Patrick will go to Jersey City tomorrow afternoon to meet Presi dent Roosevelt, their fellow member and guest at the evening's banquet, and escort him to tho residence of his. "In ter, Mrs. Douglas Roolnaon. From the Robinson realdenca, tne Sixty-ninth reg tenant wilt eacorfthr -president to Del- monlco'a at 7 o'clock, so aa to give time for a brief reception oerore tne ainner. The dinner details-are more elaborate than aver before attempted by tho so ciety. . " - 1 . "' ' COLORADO SITUATION v - TAKES. A NEW TURN , - ' .' I - ' . .'!''; ' ' ; v- (Jearaal Bpeelat Service.) J-.J ', "Denver. March 1. Tho gubernatorial' situation took a new turn thin morning when the Democrata begfn filibustering. When It was discovered that the Repub licans Intended to seat Peabody. who will resign and permit McDonald to serve out the term they announced they would take advantage 'of the rule given mem bers lo minutes' time each to discuss the contest reports submitted to the leg' UlatuM This will probably tyttr tha vote Until tomorrow. ; MOTHERS' CONGRESS ELECTS A PRESIDENT """"TJosrnal Special Berrlea.) Washington, March 1.At tha morn lng aesslon of the Mothers' Congress to day Mrs. Frederick Scoff of Philadel phia was elected president, and Mrs. W. W. Murphy of Uom Angeles second vice president. AT IT AOAXV. Chief of Police Hunt received a re quest last night from E. Hsllork. chief of police of Astoria, asking for Informa tion about R. C. Wilson, arrested there for psasing bonus checks. Tbe police have ascertained that Wilson wss cm ployed In this city by Paul Strain, th' clothier. .'. The 1 say he was discharged by Strain on account of a suspicion that he was not faithful to the Interests of his employer -, ' ' - 1 -e GOLD DOLLARS OF VINTAGE OF 1905 Ten Thousand Received From the San Francisco Mint by Fair Directors. 7 TWO DOLLARS EACH OR i SIX FOR TEN DOLLARS Many Requests Are Made for ' Space, After. Every Inch " Has Been TakenJ The exposition officials received by express today a shipment or .10,000 L-swia and Clark gold dollars or tne vintage of 105, coined at tha Baa Fran cisco mint. They will be placed on sale at tha same premium as.tha ! dollars that Is, at i a coin, or $10 for sU coins. ' . - 1 1 ' .'. The exhibits department la consider ably annoyed by reouesta for space at thla lata hour, after every Inch naa-beeo- al lot ted. . Wyoming's state commlaslon this' morning asked how much room they mlcht have In tha agricultural and min lng departments. Fortunately, Director Doaoh. anticipating Just such a condi tion, had set aside space for Wyoming and one or two other states that are be hind time. 1 O. A. Hamilton, special commissioner from India to tha Lewis, ana Clark rair. arrived In Portland yesterday and will begin preparations st ones for what nromlaea to be one of tha richest as hlblts to be aeen at tha big show. This will be a private collection of art works In wood, brass, ivory. mDPoraenea, etc., which collection waa brought from India and Stockholm. Sweden, zor exhi bition at Bt Louis and. withdrawn be cause of tha axhorbltant cost of showing there. 1 Governor Edwin Warfield of Maryland and a party of distinguished cltlsena of that state will visit the- exposition lata In tha summer, according to a latter from tha governor's secretary ta Secre tary Reed. - The communication Is In re rly. to a request that Maryland day be named. Oovernor Warfleld expresses bis regret that on account of tha Baltimore fire the state found Itself unable to make n adequate exhibit, but atated that -be would feel honored if, on the occasion of his visit with a number of prominent residents orMa.rr1and.-a day would be aet apart for a reception to him and that It be known aa "Maryland day. Va doubtdly thla will be done. ' On tho night of August (7, the Pacific Coast Bangerforbund will occupy the auditorium for a conteat between the singing societies of the Pactflo north west slates. This will be 'one of the conspicuous musical eventa of the fair. ' Tha first business nous In Portland to coma forward with an offer of assist ance to the state commlaslon in the fur-. nishtng of the Oregon state building Is tha Allen . Gilbert-Rare alter piano company.- Thla firm offered at tha last meeting of the commission to Install, without coat of any kind, a $1,000 grand piano In the Oregon building for tbe ex position period. The orrer wsa accept ed with the grateful thanka of the com mission, and President Myers Is hoping that soma of the furniture houaea will next extend helping bands. ' alMjnsSTT TO OOLOXsUII. - (Joarm! Special service.) Bogota, Colombia, March 16. The state of slene hss been raised through out the republic and complete amnesty given all political offenders. A measure has been paused taxing all forma of to bacco, Jlquor and matchfi. "I hare laffered vHh sites for Ihlrty tti years. Pee year mo A-ii I becaa taktaa Caacaraia foreeD.lpatoB. in the eearae of itMil aottees h pi l. bin 10 dl..ppr an4 at the end or its .MM tkar ild aet troable Be at all. iHiinu bavt done wond.r. for me. I am entirely earod tad (eel like a sew siaa." Ueori a.rrd.1, liapoleoB. O, . Fleaaant. Palatable. Potent. TMUOoed DeQned, Sever tlkea, Weakes er Gripe, We. ate. tea f (old Is knlk. The f.nnlae tablet etamaeS 000. iearaaieed ta tare er year Money seek. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or M.T. go AXXUAL SALE. TEN KILU01 C3XIJ JbbYWb ' ''' t . g. , .bbTssw'bbW TfrW Deal for (I J TrwDowtla - . - (Jearaal apsrlal 8arvlce.-) . London, March It. In tha Roman Cathollo Church of St. George, Mlaa Beatrice O'Brien, a lineal descendant of King Brian Woru of Ireland, today be came tha bride of Gugllelmo Marconi, who enjoys a world-wide fame aa a sci entist, largely due to hla remarkable discoveries In wireless telegraphy. The wadding was made brilliant by tha attendance of many peraons of note, .in cluding publlo offlclala, wrltera and some of tha foremost scientists Of Eng land. . Sicnor Marconi and hla bride lart zor Ireland, whence they will sail -for Amer ica on Saturday. They will remain In the United States about six weeks, and will then, so to Roma where.. It Is re ported they will be guests of tha king Of Italy for a few days. The bride of today is a bright, comely girl, fond, of outdoor sports, and also well yead. - She is one of the eight sis ters of tha' d resent Baron Inchiquln. The Inchiquln 'family traces Its descent direct from Brian Boru. who was king of tha Emerald Isle from 1001 to 101. whan ha was slain at the head of his army at the batUa of Clootarf. Mis grahdsonr Turlogh. king or atunawr, had four sons, whereof tho third was the progenitor of the Barons Inchiquln. One of Turloa-b's descendants, Connor O'Bryan. was king of Thorn) ood at so comparatively recent a penoa as is. and It waa hia brother Mo rough who, after usurping his kingship, surrendered to Henrv VIII and waa tnea meae wi Tharmond for- life and also given, the 1 incniquin nanny. Slsnor . Maroonl first made the ac quaintance of Mlas O'Brien a year ago when staying at Lord Danraven's house near Limerick. Three years ago Signer Maroonl wss engaged to a beautiful Indianapolis girl, but the engagement was broken through tha Jealousy of the latter. Marconi gave a supper to Lulu Gtaser, the comic opera star, and was taken to tass oy- bis fiance, with the result that tha engage ment was broken. - ' Marconi waa. bom September 11, 1175, at Bologna.-and -educated at- Leghorn. He carried but his- Brat wireless teleg raphy experiments at Bologna. 1 ne first publlo teat waa made In England h,in Penarth and Weaton and then by tha Italian ministry of marine at g pes la. xn lsll he eatamianea wireiuB communication ' between Franca and Rnsland across the English channel. Hla aystem la now used exclusively . by UcSda and tho principal snipping com nanlea in England and abroad, aa well aa by the British and Italian admiral ties ta their respective navies. . Marconi waa tha first to receive Sig nals by his system of wireless teleg raphy across the Atlantic from Poldhu, r,.WAit a, TnliM. Ntw FoundlsmL b distance of rioe miles, in' 1101.. He hss been decorated by the csar with the Order of St.-Anne nd created by the king of Italy commander of the Order of Bt Maurice and St. laasarus ana grand cross of the Order of tho Crown of Italv. ' .. The bride ha aa Income of $20,000 a year. VANDAL DIPLOMAT MUTILATES OLD RELIC (Jearaal Btwrlal Bsrrlee.) -. Washington, March 10. The historic table upon which rested the Bible kissed by Theodore Roosevelt when he took the oath of office la In a repair ahop as a result of an act of vandalism commit ted by a member of the diplomatic corps la. Whim tha nraal. VH IUKH..'VH a I dent left the stand tha diplomatist said to navo arnwn snuv w u. plsce half aa inch thick and four inches long out of the old mahogany labia The polios saw the act but as foreign diplo matists are Immune from arrest did not set The table is being repaired, but will no longer be the same" table In Its entirety. All the presidents sinos Bu chanan have kissed the Bible which rested on tha old bit of mahogany. NAnrPATTERSON-IQBE: TRIED AGAIN IN APRIL ' (Jearsal SpscUl Berrlea.) ., New York. Msrch 1. Assistant Dis trict Attorney . Band announced today that the third trial of Nan Patterson would be moved on April 10th. The an nouncement was made after a consulta tion with Mise Patterson's attorney. DEGRAW IS APPOINTED " -POSTOFFICE HEADSMAN (Joernal Special Berrlea.) ' Washington, March H.---Peter V. Dog-raw. a newspaper man, recently in charge of the publicity department of tha Louisiana Purchase exposition, haa been appointed fourth assistant post master general. -i FORMER MINISTRY IS REli.STATEDBY.THE KING -r. (Juoraal Bpeelal Bervtce. j Rome. March IS. The king today Is sued a decree reconstituting tha former ministry, with Blgnor Tltona as premier. A vote IS parliament Indorsing the min istry will-be sought March 21.V - CORTELYOU PROMISES TO 3 RESIGN CHAIRMANSHIP iJoornal Rperltl Service, t Washington. ' Msrch It. Postmaster General Cortelyou todsy reiterated the statement that he would resign the chairmanship of the Republican national committee' , but said., tbe date -was . not yet art ; . r T '' . : ooiaiaisiomr o iLrfim . . (Joarasl Bperlal Service.) . New -fork, March It. In a collision between two trains on the Ninth ave nue elevated at Seventy-second street this morning six passengers were 'In jured end the line blocked for sn hour. ' " ' . ... TomorrovVT-4' J, Wllt be demonstration day at MeAllen 'ft McDonnell's for, Maplelne. ' Maplelne makes maple syrup at a root nf It cents a gallon. Free trial. See this wonder ful household necessity. Can for Fm Trial Bottli. Prlcj,5Cu:.vl.C3. 3 Wfoafc Do $ 1 00 Worth of Fun ; for Tvcnty-fivo Cts. j . THAT'S ABOUT WHAT YOU GET WITH V A or I? . Grajhojho Offer THE MACHINE DOESNT COST YOU ANYTHING AND IS YOURS IF YOU WANT IT. THE REC ORDS ARE THE ONLY THINGS THAT COST AND THEY AMOUNT ?& NEXT TO NOTHING. ; ' Come on and get your $100 worth of solid fun for not much "more than a tone. When you have had a Columbia Graphophone one week, you will think you are getting $100 worth of fun out of it. Then when you have had it a month nothing would buy the good times it will have given you. ' ' ' " ' Did you ever hear the GREATEST SINGERS In the world? The GREATEST MUSI CIANS? The GREATEST HUMORISTS? i ' . v. i Whether you have or hot, a Columbia Graphophone Will let you hear them as often as vou please.-' ' i-. ! . . . a . . " , - - . a ' a a . . .. . . Mavwaenva -.n mvfaMltr Aim 1. On, wnat a pleasure, a Bv snecial arraneement The Tournal is enabled to stan ms nr top at COUPON OF ' ... Date.......................... THE JOURNAL, Fifth and Yamhill Streets. Please send solicitor to my address to explain FREE GRAPHOPHONE OFFER Name. ......... ...... Address . '. . . . . . . . . OFFERS ONE-FIFTH OF- . SUM HE IS SUED FOR Ex-Shsriff Fraaier Is Willing to Compromise, But Amount Is Not sLarge. Enough. ' Winiara Frasler, formerly sheriff of Multnomah county, haa offered to pay 1740 as a compromise of the claim of the county for tj.734 which Is claimed to be due for mileage and fees collected by him while in office. The county'a claim la baaed on tha report of George Black, expert accountant, - who showed that a total of U.734 waa due from Fra sler snd that . tha records Indicate It.lSOJ of mlleise collected and not turned over, mileage and fees from per' sons outside of -the county amounting to $810.10, fees for sheriffs deeds executed. $1,720, and fees for. certificates of ssl on execution. $14.76. . 1 .. ' It Is 00 needed that Frasler did not aet Adult e ration goes full length in spices and flavoring extracts you think it isn'i worth while to cheat in such triflesfour-fifths of fvanilla" is tonka; cost's one1 or two ten tif jo r$Llw0JLtJ,i Schilling's "Best are entirely pure; at yoar grocer 'a. - ' LI: L. Fox COIISUMPTIO.'l, COUGHS AXD COLDS. Jt acts directly upon the inflamed Ian; tissue; heals, strengthens and mates It weU. , ' lr,:-s-c. ,.'-yi. Had Not Slept for Monthau "Hy wife,", writes Z. T. Gray, of Calhoun; Ga, "had not slept for months, because of an aggravating: cough. Two of the best physicians failed to help her, but Dr. Klngi New Discovery gave Instant relief, refreshing sleep, and entirely, cured her." v..;- u u ;,- ;; BECOKMEKDED, OVAWLASmtED AMD SOUS BT RED CROSS PHARMACY, SIXTH AND Yoi Think of nappiness ana a cormorx a laUuwnin uiuirnuruna u. with The Columbia Phonorraph company at 128 Seventh street. present to its readers In Portland wot TOiotow. 1NQUCIY sll the feea for execution of the sher iffs deed but that -he collected, much of the sum alleged la absolutely shows from ths records. A statute of 181 provided that ths plaintiff In Sny law ault should pay $4 into ths sheriffs hands before ths suit wss entered on the books. Another statute compelled the payment of $2 for each deed ex ecuted by tha sheriff. Frasler claimed that proper construction of the law would be thai ths $4 covered the $1 fee for execution of the deed. Aa to the milesgs. . ths statutes are compli cated, and the conteat arises over the manner In which all the several stat utes of ISO and of previous enact ment are to be construed.' 1 It Is' believed that although net every Item of Kxpert Black's report will t Insisted on by the county court, the offer of $760 In settlement of ths $J.7$4 claim will b refused. ; K. C. WORTMAN FOUND ji'.lNEW IDEAS IN EAST . 1 l 'm H. C' Wortman, of ths firm of Olds, Wortman King, returned Ust night from an sastsrn trip thst hss occupied nearly two months. Homeward bounO he visited points of Interest In Colorado snd California. His primary purpose in the east waa. to parches stock for this year's delivery. , He says he bought ffie'e ss heavily as usual, In the belief that business will be vsry large In Port land this year as a result of th expo sition. ' ' - , He found thst everywhere Jn th esst th people were Informed aa to ths scope of the t-swls and Clsrk fslr. and were In terested slso in whet they had heard about ths raclflo northwest, and that many were coming with th combined purpose to see th country and th ex position. WhU in some of ths-Urge eastern cities he did not fall to obeervs their methods in publlo Improvement, snd h returns horn with new ideas. He thinks the city should b cleaned and billboard removed, , OAK STREETS-. TMs! THia tCaviaULAR. $?.50 Colombia GRAPH0PH0NE r FREE - VSh a Sobstriptloa to The Joarnit arid irnmc lediate suburbs this $?.5o Columbia Graphophone n ILLINOIS BLOCKS STANDARD OIL CO. " , - 1 - Refuses Permission to Kansas Branch to Lay Pipe Line ' Across Highways. U UAsJaar a. ' ' (Joarna! Special Service.) ' ' Peoria, 111., March H. The board of aupervtnore of Peoria county haa rt fuaed permission to ths Pralfi Oil A Oaa compsny, th Kanaas branch of the Standard: to lay a pipe line from Kansas t Indiana acroas certain -highways lit the northern part of the county, Unless tha action Is reconsidered, tha work on ' th line will have to atop. ASbOT OrjUBTlUH. . (Jooraal Special service: ) ."" Chanuts, Kan., March 1$. In th San ta railroad case today Foster Allen, manager for I. N. Knapp, th independ ent oil producer, continued hla testi mony. Allan produced letters from th Santa Fe railway officials regsrding tha Increasing of freight rates which threat ened to wipe him out. Th official ad mitted that the rates were' unjust and arbitrary, but stated they had no option but to execute th. orders of their su- . perlors. ' ' Ta RE.DONDO" Has Just been thoroughly overhauled,, cleaned ajtd painted. Will sail "For San Francisco" From ORETCNWICH DOCK at p. m. 1S. Hss excellent pasaenger accommoda lions, both cabin and steerage, -aTA-US lis Am . TAILOR, YOT.TNO eV m, Agent, 4 Sherlock Building. ' ' .-V' '; '.'3 ...... ,.y . v . :': : i'