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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1905)
C7zz:i daily r jur.::AUi rcnxLArrp. iionday : EVENING. -MARCH 13, 1803. uu Tam malt, ob fa-male. KAN8AN8I ATTENTION I to my stare aad rexlatsr a send mm ssd lUiirni to become charter vein bar of h ansae sotlsty i it tar genikeuiee, 60 o-ate for Uu. H. W. nnt. heal UU broker, 333 YYsshlugtoe, " Portland, ur. STTOATIOBS VUTU-liUi I YOUNG mas solicitor wishes eltuatlou after .. koure. 6 p. st: good wfsrsnce. lr ducstion v, nnd ability; mU salary sxatcted. .1 Address II at, ear Journal. - JWANTKD Horn kind of irk br vounn MB pur 11 ii irwwiiiii a r reaaai ia, win 1 . noms brother gls taw) work I Audrssa 3 3. I ear Journal- ' . WANTED Easy Isolde work by a wall reoo-n mM, eldorly van In private family, for noma, city or country, m a, ran juuraai. . v iJCOUNG MAN wishes pooltios f sny kind; wlu- mi to worn ana raa give fouo, reiersucs. aaorees u s. care journal. . 300 KKXBPBR would devote on to three boora dally la. forenoons: term laeeoaable.'" . Ad- areas f. o. mi xte, CUJ. I YOUNG sa of to. living at tome, desires sdv soring pusitlos .with good arm. Address tj A4. gar Journal., WANTED Work at nm kind; urosld preirr 10 uara earnest suaning., Aaaress m a, ' ear Journal. . t .4 . e- . '.WANTED Oollertlng 1 am employed part Urn. Address Q 9, oar Journal. ' ' TTUH01f WAaTTIB rntALX. th. X P E R IE N C K ;l and aft nod brnl new wants Doaltloa of traat: would tak cbarg of gret-claas raoralngboute r amall botal aa , aaanaglng aad working Booaeserper; refer ences sxckanged. Address 0 II. -oar 1 anal. "REPINED middle-aged vmrnaa, (Americas!, a)rxd . rook. eoonomlcal, capable, wan la position aa ,:. , working housekeeper for widower; city or ' man try; references... Mrs, H. . A. Prkr, Station B, Portlsnd." . , AN elderly lady from tba aaH wanta work with in privileges; referenoce given.- Address, ' firing particulars, a 1. are Journal. :?OHrinOI "wanted by wonsaa atraocTaporr; . knit-cla, iparleBCd aad aeorata. If 17, ear Joarnai. , JOI'NO LADT wlahea plea work typewriting. TelepboM Bed SWT... rV'OMAN wlabea day work. Pbee froat 1021. vob im-omoi boos. - SWA etnc room and S6 ofAr rae, Al k . ratloa. R. W. Tram. Real KaUt Brokr. . Z33 WaablnctM. . WAXTZD TO XTWt. taOOMS In all parte of th rlty, raraiabed. . Apply 820 Ooednnoak bldg. KilKXMTION ACCOalalUUATION BCBBAU. Cadr'dlracttoa of tka I-ewi and Clark Fair m ..1, .... u.., Corporauoa. Pheaa Mala ON.' 1W ANTED Tear farnrnhed and autraralaked mom t be llated with a. The Lewla aad : r.birk mrnlabed Ronra aaaoelaUoB, U ti. , aiita. Pfcon Main 81. - . VaNTKD 4 or anforalabed iwu, waat loa tat eoneealenrea. 0, 211 Firat at. WAITTZD AOZXTm. SOfn, lira ageata wasted la aejl lota oa eaaa mlMloa la on of th cbolreat aoorha of rorttaoJ, Adrlreea . -.- Bo TOJ, rlty. - WAJrrTiV-inioriXAJrioua. -Vin POBTT.AMT AUCTIOM BOOMS bay any. raoaa aiaia oora ai atx airai ac WANTKB Mora aprarlna aad wkltawaahlaci . the anlr araaolla eomnreaaM air apraylng . aotflt on U eoaat. M. O. Morgaa Caw. Hi MllwaukU rt. Phona Beat BUT. , eelonea addreaaed) reliable list; ' prteea tight. ' j Frank U. Hrbott, 0Vk Baat Morrlaea ac, Pertlaad. Or. I BUT far BxtRree aad furaltar f all klada. P. X. Clark' Aaettoa boa, 63TH ' 2 Waahlagtoa b, ap, aid aapoaltU bldg. .GKNKRAfr-tardeiilng. Uwna taken ear of. Addraaa Vtm. I-enoedy, M N. Baeond at Pbon Qay US. - HOST OBDEK' rBINTINO- HOCBB T. J. Ryder. Reeood and Waahlogtoa ata. Phona ' Cloy 188s. WAMTBD Heroad-baad. aaedlam-eiaeH, )ok printing pre ba for oaak. M., GllaUa , boteU . - -. UICR eartalna laandered at boawt flrat-elaea work. Mr. Ida Haeklea. Pboo Unloa 1S44. AMKRICAlf BEaCTY PARLORS. 16S Park at. nmoTKXwt BonitrrxB, JOHN ANDERSON ScaadlnaetaB-AaMaieaB Em- Dlorment Ofoce: real estate; rooming and boatosaa ebaaeee oar apeclalty.. 270 Bars aide at. Pbeae Mala sOe. lo NORTH THIBD ST. Ken worthy Emnlor- . - meat Co. We nrorare position for nnem. nlored aad ruraiaa neip lor employers. Phone Mala 811S. B. F. Egy.. Maaager. 1W1 MORRISON ST. ylamMa Blear Employ. ' ment asenryj skilled labor faralabad.., I'boo Mala S3M. I'ArtriC COAST EMPITMENT A0BNCT Removed te 12 NorU Soeoad at, Paoas Bed 161. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OrtTCB. P0B MEM. - B M. Soeoad St. Pboa Mala ltttS. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO. LaIor eoatrae- torsi kelp free to employer. 216 Marrtaoa. BBLP wanted and as pp tied, male or female. B. a. DRAKE. STBH Washlnrtoa St. Ctay 446. YOB REBT BOtlSZXZXPIXO BOOMS. FURNISHED . bossekeeplng rooms. connected with kltrkea, gaa range; other alngle room; Se mlante to fair groands. 316 N. B2d sL BURKIRHED hoasekeeDIng and' Simla - ' by. tk week or by month; gaa, bath and peon. S71H Third W $176 PER- WEEK Large, clean, ' furnlsbed housekeeping roema: laandry, bath. 164 Sherman, Bear front. SSB SIXTH ST. Well fnrnlshed bonsekeeplng apartments; light front rooms; 3- large has - event room. ... . norSEKEEPINO and alngl renma; every eoa eenleace; reaaooable rates. 814 Third St. 4XIPT0N. SMVt riret St.." tar. Oplsasbl Battel . per waek aad aa. ' ' tOM BtBT rVBaTISHXB . BOO MA Cae inaertlra la this ckvaaliosUea, . raU "SI for 1 seat." KEWLY furnished suit reesje, snltahls for two or three gentlemen, with modern eoa eenleacea; woaiil 6 for houeekaeplag If dr. ' aired. Inquire AAA Fifth t. THE DEXTER, 114 Twelfthr earner Waablnr. ten. entirely newly roralabed toobb -of THB DEXTER ANNEX sow ready for eecapaacy. Phoae Oreea 4M. KIOBLY furnlaked room: Srst-elsas "board; modern; hath, phone, best; ressousble.. 463 Ksat Pin at. - ' KRAMER'S R0BMIN0 HOl'SE Flrrt-clsss far- nlahed rooms for gentle men only. Fifth sad Burnslde. THE GLADSTONE AI24 Rsrter St., fnralahrd ronma; under new management; price res enable. , Hf APEST sad net located roe mi la PortlaaA fl waek ap. Gllman. Pltst sad Aldor ata, 1 1 11 1 " f1 11 a ' KICELY rnrnlahed rooms, tl.ZS per week aad np. 117 H Klfth. bet. Mala sad Madtsoa. . dl-NORTH FIFTH Tlos la town, nice fur. nlahed roam; borne com torts. Mra. Cartln. BIYERSIDR HOTEL. IMS Rest Oak St. fl keeping roomsi lodging. I'boa Scott 344 TH", GRAND. 4AVj North Third st-l reproof bldg.; gentlemen only, tl.60 per weak. KEWLY faralsbed, quiet. trsn1Bt I Foartb at. rnoni ales ssn. FIVE, comfortable ootns, SOI Tenth, i cor. Taylor. .' BOB RENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT A tore aampls-rsnm or kalL top Buor, Apply auiator sua, OotdDeagk kids. C!00. PHIZES ?Q2 Tka aTomnaJ ayffl pap '(tuOO foi Dent xj Jovnal waBl Ada' wbAoh oapbad for naa la Tka JaanaU. a4 tka following taatraotloma eavrafaUyl . - racy Oarkooa mat. Taraa of ftoglm aaaak aiinnipinlal Vp ' Want AV4" Ilka kaoaa mda tk oiffaram laaaattioattoaa am thaa paaa, ' to M maad U aHnac tka dally or Bandar laaraa af Tka jronnaU. . Tka ehaxaw for tka adTarUaamaata to l it acoopua so kwa tku U oaaitav. To Oartooa op Taraa of atari la oy -waat Ad" ud tka money for n. Tka aaama, aaa and Mdxaoa of ka . toons aaB wrttaa Tare af gimgU mxm ko mllkam am arary oma aat to tkia offlo. U th child's owa kuABdwrttlBtr. Tka Oartooa M Tasse sanst ba Sa htoek ink, aad an oat oa aid of ppax. Tt Tt (atkar or aaotkar oaaaot (Ira yon oaa af tkasa "Wast Ada,", saraly soama friamd or aalgkber aa. . , ata para ta look for you adTirtiaiaairit tm tba paper. .Tka Cartoema aa4 "Tfajit Ada" may Ba dallTarad toyTka tonxwH or oavt By BtaJl. . ; r - . ..-.: BTearly arary akild oaa write s Taraa aad draw a Caartaw, Zf yemra Be aooepted. 70a will raoetra $ZM la suraviy aad kara row plotnra la Tka JTooraal. - . . . .-.... Buturzu OXABCXS. . BO0MIM0 B0I-8B BKADQUAKTEBB. , TAKT d CO.. ' lXa Abingtoa Blk. Phoaa Mala ISC W mak a SPEOIALTT OP ; BOObnrTO FOVSKB and kaeo maul of the MOST PaV 8IKABLE LOCATIONS that ax for aaU. Good location ar going fast. ' Note oar partial luft below of both larg and Haall one. It tka dsa't ault roo. call la: - ., B00M8 wII forrrlahlnra. EXTRA CRBAP ' RENT and aood LEASE. BEST location la city; clearing a bore all eipeneee tUO par awu. rric 13,000. 44 BOOMS Beat part of Morrlaoa at., rory rheap renf and good long lea. If ' yoa want a good tranaicnt bona aad a Btaaey-ajaker, doe't fall ta aee tola. . Price for this week aal. 3,StW; part V caah. .... St BOOMS New farnltare, rtaaai heat bat aad . enld water In all mm; good leaae. aaak ' kyj bl aaooey. Sa.uO0. , , . f 37 BOOMS Reat only IT6 per month; good lea: clearing about 3M) par month; boat location Ta th city for awell trade. ' Por a quick aal wa ear reduced the prlca to 0,T5O , S3 BOOMS Boa Toa locattoa; rent flTS; good leaae; a team heat, hot and cold water . . In moat all roc ma; now clearing about flTS par . moath. A cheap prlca tor iiooo. ; . It BOOMS Staam heat; newly ' faralakad . aad remodeled; S rear' leaae; rent aaly floO per mantk. Price (3. 300..' 11 BOOMS New, mod era aelldlng. aewly rarnisBM, aweii locaaoa. erery . ' Uken; reat only Ua, . pears' a. pacsap aor e.Duu. . tl , BOOMS An extra lam, epleadld " Vora- uoii . ail aaoqoev ana axninairr ear ; aood bard rural tore; cheap rent; at ' en an hae had th bnoae tor praaan year years. A gUt-edr bay for fAWM, : SO BOOMS Beat loeatloa la dtf for kl(V -elaaa tr ana lent or steady roomers; rent, 4100. clearing good moaey now . aad daring the fair poo can make, all th aaooey yoa waat. Prlca $3,900. SO . BOOMS On "eth at., near- WaaAlagton; aireir rarnianas; lease. cheap reat; a ragalar snap; for (860. S& NIlB LARGE BOOMS, near Morrison ; rent voir ecu par saoaiB. nranag over finv raBOtB' 3 see tela Is te boy. Prlca ! BOOMS New brick, strictly modern, newly furnished, swell loeatloa for transient. - THIS IS WITHOUT DOl'BT THE BEST BUY w bar had for some time. ICkeap ' ; . real, 1-year leaae. Price f 1,800. : 18 ' ROOMSIerantly furnlsbed; flrat-claaa - location: cheap rent. A apodal offer tais we 10 i.oou. 14 BOOMS Splendid loeatloa; new boaaa and . . new furnltare; all . roo ass takes - sad r . making maaey. Price (1,400. .. , IS BOOMS Neb BUI taeatjea; jp tw dste la erery respect ; saoat exeaUltely fDaalsbed boos; strictly saodera; sot prater best: 1 cheep reat aad seed leaae. A snap at n BOOMS Ret and raid water tn arly mil rooms; heat loeatloa la the city: clearing shore all eapeoaas (66 per assalhr Price ', :; i,8oo. . , . v s IinSINERS OPPORTTTNTTY. . Largest and bent of Its kind In the city. W , . noBiueeiy gusrsatee tnai it is eieanns . soot all eipeneee 1 1.600 per aaowth. ' For further parties lars caU. s '"'. BrSINESM CHANCES. SALOON flood location; rheap rent and leaae; antes a nice boat nees. Price B.vfi00. GENERAL MERCHANDISE S flrst-elaas place st invoice. win near invesurauoa. CCBIO STORK On Waahlnctoa at. ! rent only 60 per moath: 1-yeer lea; good fixtures snd stork. Price 6600. JEWELRY STORE Beat loeatloa oa ' Wash. liUTtee rt.; eitra rheap rent: t years' less; will sell aH er H Interest, ar "'will eal lease. Call for further par ticulars. , - WB CAT MAEB TERMS ON ANT OF THB ABOVE. ALL TITLES OrABANTEED. RCTER8 PROTECTED AS WELL AS SELLERS, WB WANT 10 TO 16-B00kt BOUSES; ALSO SO TO 40., . . . - ' TAFT CO., '.' 1B-3A-4 Abingtoa Block. V . lOdVj Third St, - S-ROOM. modern bonse ea Everett it., sear Tenth, for rent, M par month; ruraltar '. for akv fdou. ' It-room' boas an College St.' for rent, MS .per mooUi; furnltur for le, M0. T-roors cottars en Third nt;,- near Cotumhla, lent 336 per month; farnltare for (ale, 32VS. ' T-room. modern bonse, oa Seventh near Haw . thorae, furalahed. rent ITS per month. ' S-room flat en Bornslde at.' near Seveatk, rent 116; furniture for sale, t300. SCANDINAVIAN SEAL BSTATB CO. ".' - Z7o Bornslde at. BCSINESS CHANCtl Batabllabed manufactur- . Ing factory of f era position aa aale mansrer to man of aWlllr't take cBaree. of coaat 1 hnslnesa. who can Invest from $ te 3, ) In atock of company; ne apeculsttoei; In vent ment fully guaranteed, with sslary or rommlealoa for services: machine hi atandard and has large trade. . Writ for particulars. ' Address. , ' ' . MAt'HINN CO.. BOX 4S4, "Wichita, Kan. ' ' BCRINESS CHANCES, ts.fmo PARTY with this amount to Join bm with my t.1.000 In mr ennce salon at the - spoeltloB gmnmls; I will glva yoa home real estate aa collateral led U to tar est la the profits. Address H. 14, Joaraak . FREB LANDS IN OREGON. Fertile soil, pare water, dellchtful etlnaara: land of alfalfa, apples and clover. For full Information address the Columbia Sent her a Irritation Co.. 6aS Worcester block. Part las A FOR RALE firocery In the best sobarbaa lo cation In " city, doing-aviod esab hnalnees; borse, wares and See stock; will stand close ' lavestliretloo. Address P A rare Joarnai. flTS FIRST-CLASS cleaalng and dyeing estab llahment; Sue boatneaa locattoa; atoro aad 3 rooms ; rent 20; lens t yeara; osmer In other . beslnesa reaaoa for selling. Call St Fourth. BOARDINO HOl'SE 34 rooms, lease, reat 340 per month, clears about Sax) a month, best (oration la Portland for boarding boose; al- way foil of boarder. T3H Union are. FOR SALE Confectionery store, . dram and '. llsrht greeseie-. a rood paying beslnesa; living parties leering . city. , not roweu sr. Nineteenth. ... FOUR HOUSES T, S. 10 and 11 rooms. Is best 1.. ll have nle vardai fnrallMM nml 7. room bona, a snsp, rent aaly flA 003 Madlaon. LEASE. A, years. SS rouaaa. 10 mlnntes- from postof-rice. 8L2B0 spot eesh; prlarlpsls only I6 per month. Address B 6, cars Jonmak rni BAt.B rirat-ctaaa reetsnrnnti mad toes. tlonj docs Isrrest bsslneea la city. For for- tber particular addreea Boa Sd, Bala as. Or, IF roe want aoarethlng that1 will make yoa good money, t have It asd will asll right; Investigate. Q 30. cure Journal. FOR- HALE, rueap. good reslanrsnt with loose; good Ineattoa. Inquire at S First at. CKMR and cenfectWmerT atoee foe salci buaiaess stand. Cell at 333 Third at. COYS AND GIRLS Tr7 0Mftao Baut Taraa mt flmgla) tw paavt to this oftloa ud m- wda (or W eaata. at amtoraA Is. tka aoneart 0U14 who draws oma af thin Oa BOIIEI'SS CKAJfCES. FOR SALE Grocery store doing aa svereg busloeaa of .u) per day rash; prlca $800, Ap ply owner. 163 Russell at. STOCK for . rale, store far . rent. 1 Inaulre nt 8M YJoJoa are., north. abl. BOOMS AJia BOAAA I0UNO assn. If yoa wnnt 1 in a permanent snd flrst-dnaa ben as, where rates' are eaessdlsgly low, aad wlU rsaaala th sams seal summer aa they are bow, anil at ths Aster House, 361 Seveatk sL. amall of Madlaon. TL Mala 8231. . THB UNDRLL New family betel, Market at-,' bet. Third and Fourth; ataam keat, electric iigns, porcelain aetna; OiegsBt aatsloe rooms with fit rirai-eiass saara; twe peepss. ins lai HKB. - 130 EIGHTEENTH ST.. ear. GUaaa, desirable rooms. Srst-clns board: modera. private home. BOOTS FOB BJET FTJABITUBB FOB SALS, WB bay pour farnltare la any aaaatlty for spot , caah or sell It at year residence. Be an re ' snd rail ap Portland Aactlna atooma, Mala 6466, for bast results. THB PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS vrtll sell yoar furniture tor yoa at your reside oca er . st SU First St. . Pbeae FTJRRTTTJBB. six rooms, nearly new. auftable for two famine, or to rent during fair; hue for rent. 44 Bast Seventh St., asrth. FURNITURE of a If takes by the 16th: rent $36; esm 7 see It; a bargain. 4T .North Ninth at. FOB 3-ROOM noose for rest at Areber Place, S20 per month; owner and wife will board with renter It convenient. Call room 300 McKay building. Third and Stark. . KADDERLY TBANSFBR-COMMTSrIION CO. Pianos and furniture moved promptly by s . perl eased men. 110 Third at. Pheaa ktala lOba. WBIJi furalahed S-nem Kouae, aratralt plane, , porcelain both, steel range, to mpeaafbl family of adults. 42S East TamhlU. FOR aale er reat Four-room bona at I -sure 1 wood. ea Mt. Scott ear line; .rent $7 pat month. O. B.- Brabaker, LaeretweeA- FOR RENT Modern and cteaa Cottage In -MaMUlaa'addltlpai .resjrsualk ,rettogop4 tenant- Phone Ksst SI0. t FOB BMB0RN 8HSJLTON, ' . ' Oondos, Oreroa. - Bar mrre aad aaaall wheat- ranches for sale. Information cheei rally gives; et epoodeece solicited; bargain for Is vest f, A. Sheltoo, County aaiamar. FOR SALE ao-sere fans, 80 seres cleared, bal. seeded, 4-ronm boase. large barn, , chicken bouse, tool boose, orchard, t ream,' 1 bull, 3 heifers, S bet for calves, t baiaua, wagon, buggy and harness, Dc Loral separator; $3,500. 1. P. Buford. Keteo, Wash. FOR SALE ISO sores good farming land, un improved ; good loeatloa, la Washington eoea. ty; price $rt.V) If sold at oac CaU Jos. Parker, 06 North Third at.; aaleon. BABGAIN. $1.860 ro acres aeod farming land, psrt Clear, fenced, house, barn, fruit, i miles from exposition groands. D 11. Journal, FOR SALE $050;' 83 acre, all fenced. 10 cleared, S3 miles from PortlaaA f miles from Gaatoa. 1366 East Madlaoe, ML Tabor. , A GOOD farm of 43 acres. H la crop. $1,800: terrss. Other farms and property, all well loraard. 614 Brooklyn St. 30 ACRE. T miles from Portland, ea base line road: also S-room hoase, 300 feet. Jooulre . at 847 Weldler at. 63H-AORB farm. Improved, for sale er trade for good residence Portland; aa agents, la , quire 303 Cherry at. 13H ACRES wlthla 1H Hue; house, bars aad First t. mile of Gresbaai ear Al sail; $1,000. 43 Sk $80030 seres, good anil, be naa. and spring sd lolnlng: Oreroa city. Plumber, WIUsbbs see.. Port land. S20-ACRR wheat farm Bear Condon, Or. F. Watson. Clem. Or. W. -FOB tilt-iriBOaXrABTOPB. BILLIARD AND POOL tables tor test ar for ale sa esse paysnsrs. THB BBUNSWICK-bALKB COLLBNDEB 00 48 Third St.. Portland. WB print year same as SO railing cards, proper alas aad atyle. 26c; 2S0 business eerda, $1. Brows A Bcfcmsle. 320 First, Perils ad. Or. FOR SALE Block sf Attachable San-Bearing Hub Oompaar atock, cheap. Address Bee 306. Vancouver, Wash. MUST sell t-sonch, SO-fnat, 8 H. P. Tvvarett engine; mske aa offer; a bargain. J. z., Rainier, Or. ' ' 180 CORDS Site Sr weed ea beak river at Hothrook for aaVa er trade. . 321 Morrlaea St. RalatoB. THOROUGHBRED cocker spaniel pups for sale, $6 and $10. 641 Myrtle sc. Portland Heights. FOR SALE A good bicycle, almost sew. only a u i.m!m BLnlaitit tunerllet. Iata Aa CYPHERS INCUBATOR for rale er trade; Z20 I egg capacity; nearly aew. O, 4. Journal. FOR SALB Orals elevator, capacity 46,000 bnshels. R. N. Williamson.. Vells. Or. FOR SALE 1 heifer, Scotch col Us pups. rear! Old. free; a km neott set. FOR" SALE Irish settler bitch. laqotre Kagl Creek store. Eagw Creek, Or. . SHEPHERD DOG for sale; trained for rattle range. 103 Front at,. 3V-IIORME POWER ENGINE for sal. Isquir Bill. city. FOB BALI 0B XXCBAB0K FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROP, erty Frrlt fsrm In Clsrks comity. Wak.; easy term. Dn Gnlletle, Mo Third st. ' FOB SALE LAND SCBIF. FOB SALE LAND RCBIP. Unrestricted forest reeeeee errlp for sals at lowest market prices. My e. rip eeruiee title to timbered, farming, grstlng or desert land. In any quantitv, without real denes ar Improvement, address B. M. Hamilton, Tkt Portland. Portlaiid. Or. AS8ATTBS. THE 1. H. FISE ASSAYINO OFT1CB Analytical ehemlat aad metallnrgiat. Pi It as . gold aad silver, $1; cooper. 60 cents. 304H , H'ssblngtoa st. ," J. A, MOE. anaayer and analytical rkeaUst. 960 Aakssy St., car. Blghlk. . FOB BII.I..BH1 ZJTATX. leae w ' AAvsrtlasasesIs partaialag te Beat Batata, time rate "SI word fed It easts. " OREGON ASSOCIATED EXCHANGE, 146 acres, all in highest cultivation: 8 acres ercksrd, balance meadow ; IT miles from Portland; highly 'Improved; will sell this plnos for 3-3 Its value; best fsrm In Borthweati must be ssaa so b sppreclated; efma. , Tt aeres. well Improved, sear Trontdala, L miles from railroad, fn miles from Port isd; 46 scras In cultivation, . balance saeily cleared; rich oll; cheap at $16 par acrs; terms. , 86 acres. Waahlagtoa eountyj 30 acre cul tivated; lend rkk; livestock, . machinery, bouses Id goads ge with Discs; $2,6uu. . . 16 scree,' No. I oU; t cultivated, bow la erop; TVfc miles from Portland, ea proposed street car lias; $1,378; terms. , f New 6-eoom hone and 4 lots at Paaiassai aUlaaa, $000; $200 dowa. . , I room cottage sod oa choice lot; fruit treea asd flow era; 00a block from Hawthorne; $MCM) terms. . SM sere ia'clty. east side; 1 block from car line; 6-room amders kouae, with eauU. ful, lawn; a sa home comp at $7,600. . Many choice lots oa ML Scott car Una for $136 each; tat dowa and $6 per montk. v. Hundred of choice lot en Woodstock ear Use, $160 each; $30 dowa and $6 per month. Choice resident lot, 60x100 feet, one block from fair groands and Chapman school; bar gala; $H60, , . . ' . , -' OBBOON ASSOCIATED EXCHANGE, BBStk Washington at; DO TOO want ta buy a farm sr 'a beautiful suburban home In the moot convenient part of, the city, 10-mlnute car service, franefrr . to any part of the city, for 6ri We have a sew list ot prouortr from $1,600 to $6,000 , oa which w can make terms on most nil te ault purchaser. Call la and let us show yea some of our bargain. -M. B. - It BATTY, ' , Boom 303, s4 Sixth at. FOB SALB room kouae, t Iota set to fruit and berries, fronts ea esr line, $1,600; 3 . lots and amall house H block from car line, . $360; grocery store, ear. West are. and Mob tavllla ear line, $1,800. Address CaulwsU Co., Waat a vs.. North Mount Tabor. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. Toa will Snd It pros table to list yoar property wltk aa, both for reat and for aale. We have sassy eala for cottages, smsll Improved ranches; we can rent er sell wbst yon have. - Cell oa N. Savages, 123Vk Grand sve., room' 14. FOB 841 B A real anapi aa S-room, modern hoase. lot 60x100 sad 8 adjoining lota 60x 100 each; oaa la a corner; all for $3,800; $1,000 caah and balance te suit purchaser. Sonndlaavlaa Real haute Co.. 370 Burmnde. DON'T forget ta call ea as If yoa need money; we have 810,000 te loan. Is aum to suit, os ' a Sort notice. Wa have houses, lots, farms, aaaall ranches, for sal cheap and ea easy teraaa. N. Snrsgue, 12Uj Grand see., room 1A GOOD, I nam house, 3 lets, fruit trees, barn. 31 ata ads at I tails n bees with Sxtarsa, good ' family cow and chicken; must be sold st eae for any price, M. Barron, Mckenna are. aad Warrea St., Portsmouth. FOB SA LAV New nones aad SVe acres. $1,000; very seat tarsia. S acres, $J26. 10 acres, - $400. Se a reat. Brat hoass south Gates' creasing. Take Eetacada car, O.. W.-P. Una, NICE 8 room, swirl ura boons la good Dslgboar band, alsMst new, west aide, 8 car line, arlll sell er exchange tor a good farm; no s gents. Address Q 18, care Journal. GOOD Investment Two 8-tuinii bouses snd cor ner lot. Beech snd Michigan, $1,800; tves lota and a 4-coona bonse, Plttenger'a addition, $700; Sue ore hard. Phone Scott 6486. ORCHARD Assorted ' fruits, good condition. good sense, pee Portland, tor sals cheap. - Owaer. at Cemmerdsl . block, eor. Second BBd Washington. CANNON'S addltloa offers yoa the beat possi ble Inducement for yon to obtals a cheap noma. CaU SOS McKay building aad ebtala details. 0OO D InvastBMst.- earner lot and harass, welt Iocs ted oa car line, rested for $28 per moath. Price SA600. Apply John Beta, 324 8 Stark st. d BARGAIN 3 enrner and 8 Inside rots. Lswer Alblnai eery sightly; streets, sewer snd sldo- walks. Call owaer. Pbeae Mala 1777. NEW T-reea house, ear. lot, sewer, gas, streets . improved, lawn, roses, rroit sad sasoe a swell place, $a.aoo. ... 1 1, Umf FUndera. FOB SALB ' 8 room house, -ell furnished, 1 the fair groan da; price moderate, terms' AOaTesa j a. car jeurusi. LOTS to lease st the en francs to Lewis had Clark fair grounds. B. W. Travar, real estate broker, B33 Washlagtos st. 6-ROOM cottare, I'tlpev Alblna, enclosed yard. wiKWi vi uu,, ami nva, wiai sari a bargain. Pbon Unloa -664T, .. .. 4-ROM houae. t lots, barn, woodshed, fruit treVs. good condition, $700; easy terms. Call 683 Bond St. , I'boa Hood 16V1. FOR SALB A beautiful new S-room bouse and : lot 60x100 feet, 670 Preecott at., for $3,360; take Woodlawn er Yeraoa Mr. A BARGAIN For aale Two lota wltk fanr roors bonse. In St. Johns: $700. Apply to G ruber, SIT Commercial block, . FOR SALB SO a bras, S miles from Vancouver; 800 fruit trass, sew house. , 637 Rosa laws T-BOOM modem brick bouse for $1,760 la quire 463 First st. Telephone Clay 341. A BOOM beass, S lots 100x100; price $1,800. Inovjlre S8T Bsst Sixth st.. north. FiySOBAT, IF matrlmonlallr Inclined, snd your rlrrls f eligible acquaintances ta limited, we can - positively guarantee te Snd you a congenial life companion, aa we have over t.OUO eor respoodenm In Oreroa snd Waahlngtoa who wish te marry. The Matrimonial Register, price 10c, describes ever 100 local members ssd gives full particular, lnterstata lntre duclng Society, box IOTP, PortUnd. MONTHLY Irregularities yield promptly te our painless method of treatment; treat dls- esses of worries only I consultation free; pri vate and atrletly eonfMrotlal. X Radium Institute. Third aad Moniaoa. AlUky bldg. BOOKS) - BOOKS! BOOKS! The kind you're looking for; "Decameron." "A Hot Tamale," "Rosa's Confesaloe,'' "A Social Lion." "Fannie Bill." "toe Beanty Spot." 60s sack; Hits free, A. Sdimale. 22 First at. THB best accident policy, the "Anniversary Legacy," written enly by ths Preferred Ac cident Insurance Company of New York. Thomas P. Thornton, general agent. 811 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Msia 734. MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Roberts Nsrv re. On month s treatment. $2: 3 a, $R; Best securely sealed by Bull. , Globules, months. Agents. Woodard. Clark m Co.. rortUsd. Or. HATE yoa seen the Spencer Company about your ahlrtwalat snltt If not, hurry up; Int ent stylsa: ladles' own goods made up; gaa la' ahlrta s specialty. 126 Tentk at. YOUNG man. 28. splendid business sbllltr. - wishes te meet Isdy wltb means matrimonially Inclined: no obyectloa to widow. Address Q T. ear Journal. Y0DR pi atrip tines are mora arcurafely and ress-enably 81 led st Eyssel'a Pharmacy, 331 Morrteou at., bet. First sad Be aood au. WANTED Rveeybody to lake vapor batha and massage st the new purlers, I45ts Hlxth at., rooms 34-31. Lady stteadaata. - "THREE YEAES IN ARKANSAW" beam aH books yoa ever saw. Bus. J, tot Alder at. Book Store, FOB SALE BOSSES ABB CAtBIAOYA NEARLY NEW ralmer tired surrey, and horse, will sell together or separately; reasonable. Csa be sees st 802 Beat Hlilb at,. North., "our. Mson, .- ' - FOR SAI.B Two teams draft homes. Sve nets neSVy BSI liens. t OIUBHUia nuiiiie, iwer Front and Columbia at. Inquire J. 1. Cussck. linns RS. srsannn. karnesa. all kinds of rs hides boasht. sold asd rented. Hubert tr Hall. BS4 roertn. rnene mil xauo. SB. 0LB BY B0BB BXALIE. DR.' OI.NEY, the eele bested, nstloually known promoter of peyrKnlugy and exponent of ana gestiv therapenttce, now In this City. Is prepared to eoeeulf with patlenta. II la peonoaBced th neiet noted dlarnoatlcisa and sealer of the age. ITi raids ne are daily ' calling hits In consultation. He guarantees te cure the most sliinhnra esse of llounr. ntnephlne' er tobacco bab(l. No Inlerferenc with daily duties, l-ratantarsnbs cures, las Irk hould avail Ihemselves of tbta resnd emnort unity, te. K. Olney, 268 Wabluf ABETTA BISCUIT FREE If you don't know how good Abetta Biscuit are. The Joiir- S&l wants you to try them. You can get a package of tese Biscuit free . '"'',H' : "y,.,; '' ,y WITH CASli WANT ADS For either the Daily or Sunday Journal. Abetta Biscuit are made right here in Portland by the Pacific Coast Bis cuit Co., out of flour made In Oregon from Oregon-grown wheat, BOOST! USE OREGON GOODS! ; y . . AST HALT' I ATT O. THB Trinidad Asphslt Paving Co. of Fertlaad. Of See 466 Worcester blk. BICYCLE PTAIIEA COLUMBIA,' TRIBUNE AND CRESCENT. BP0RTINQ OOOhd, EXPERT REPAIMBO., F. P. KEBNAN, 308 THIRD ST. BETWEEN TAYLOB AND BALMOrf. sun book XABOTAcrnrzus. 110 WE, DAVIS KILHAM, 100-111 Second St. Blsnk book suinufsctnrsrs; agents for Jonss Improved Loose Last ledgara; Bajrat-rulijig. bookbinding. CLKAjriXO AND ' FBEmSTNO. BATE your clothes cleaned, pressed and rs palred by Mrs. Wharton; ladles snd gentle men a specialty, 1411V, First,-phons Red SI0.H. CATTA, BRJCKBON'S RESTAURANT Msrchant' lusck 11 a. m. to IS p. m. ; under new management. O. B. EVANS, prop. . Second and Burnslde. THE OFFICII 8K8 Waahlngtoa st, 771. Pickett Vlgnassx. OO AX AND WOOD. GBEAT WESTERN COAL CO. Oar leader ar washed soot leas range, $.1; lump, 80.60; Australian lump, 6a.Cej; Rock Spring lump $T; delivered; no screenings snd full weight guaranteed. Phone Mala 648. WESTERN FEED A FCEL CO.. ear. Front and Hoyt street, dealer In domestic sad staam coal, blackamltb eosl, ctuuosel asd seks, Pboee Mala 1018. ALBINA FUEL OO. Peelers Is eordwsod. seal and green aad dry alahyood. B. M, aad Al blna sve t blocks seat of ferry. Bsst 674. BDPBBT FUEL CO. The best . dry - weed la town. Don't forget to phone East IsteV tea East Eighth St., cor. Madlaos, STBEL BRIDGE FUEL CO., dealers la eosl. surd wood snd dry slab wood. Phone Bast 434, COLUMBIA Weed At Coal Yard EsssElgktb. . sad Hawtbarae. Phoae Bsst 3687. OREGON FUEL CO. I nil kinds of euel sad wsoA 644 Morrtsan. Phone Msia SB , .j . EIRE HOOTER. HI Water SW wood sad sosi. Pbeae Mala 46t. CXAIET0YAET AB9 PALMIST. MADAMS JOHNSTON Claireovant, palmist, card reader; I glva facta reliable and im portant en all affairs ot real Ufa. Resdisgl toe. 48 Beveath at aesr Oak. CAB.PZXTXXS ABD BTJTXIIIBA. aV. J. AUTHORS and B. B. WOOD, rsrpeaten Bad Bulluvtsi repairing ana joDomg: ator and otnee 81 tares built. Shop 308 Columbia, Pbeae Clsjr- 1061. : : e, J, O. HOUSTON, builder. 6M Morrison: deelrua frame, ot.rldrudlruTSi . cprcta falih fully fulrUledruurougb srork, low rleoa; a ketches tree. B0FF A TY8EN, building snd remodeling; store . axtrsres s spacsaity. -an nrsx sr, Clsy 634. COMMISSIOB BXBCHAKTB. DAVENPORT BROS. General commission, mer- . rhants; fruits ana proauce; eonsignmenta so licited; prompt returns. 160 Front sL E VERDI NO d FAR R ELL. prodaos and eesnrnl. toe BMrchssts. 140 Float st,, Portlssd. 0s. Pboee Mala ITS. eiOABB ABD TOBACCO. BBBERO-OUNST CI0AB CO. DtaUlbstars of FINS CI OAR A - Portlsnd. frregee. CAEPIT-CLEAjmiO. WE elesB your carpets aa ths Boor, re mov ing grease spnta, asntha and germn f dis ease, disinfecting snd patting your carpets In a unitary condition; w guarantee ta raise no dust; satisfaction assured. Phone Clsy 331 fof a free demonstration. STANDARD Stesm Osrpet -Cleaning Co, Carpets cleaned, reotten, sew en snd lam; maitresnes, feathers renovated. Rust Third, north, snd Pari Be its. Phens Bsst ZK. . Mefrlmas d North. BBXSSMAXIBO. SHIRTWAISTS, wool or wash silk, made for - $1.36; ahlrtwalat suits $3.60. 4bA Bast Mar ket. Phone Eaat 3331. BE ISTER'S Ladles TaUorlna College; pet terns cut to measure. A Ussy baU 400. 306 Morrison at. MRS. MeKlMBEN, arttetls ., making. 661 Marrieea st. DRESSMAETNG Strictly ap to data; Is test deslgisv 48 Clsy St. CB0CXXBT ABD 0LA3SWABX. WHOLESALE crockery and glaaswsre. Preet, Begule ft Os.. 100 te 104 Fifth. 'cor. Stark st. CZX3XT C0BTBACT0BA CnAS. H. CARTER ft CO,, cement contractors, 640 Eaat Twrntletk st. Phone Eaat Ib76. All work Kusrsnteed. - 0ABBIA0B AND BACK . COMPANIES. ' THE UNITED CARRIAGE CO. Oirrlngee, tally-be rig and carryalls.- 1K8 Elsvsntk ' at.. or. Morrison. Phone Msia 223. TJYXIE0 ABD CLXA0IB0. PORTT.AND STEAM CLEANING ft DTE1N0 Works; practical batter la ronneetloei feather boss snd plumes cleaned and curled b sa si pert, 31 1 r earth. Pboee Clsy T04. CLOTHES cleaned snd preased $1 per month. unique ABliunog vo., eii eMuiajwa B. W. TtRNER. nrofesslonsl dver and sleaeer. , Bf jerrcrson St. newt mam sois. D00 ABD HORSE B0SPITAX. DR. 0. B. BHOW-N, D. V. S., D. O. M. Dog. bone bosvital. 'sot Wash. Phones Csay 161s, B. Bsst 3636. . . DR. S. 3. CARNEY. D. T. A. veterinary ear. gees, removed te tSS Ollaaa St., bet, Feartb snd Fifth sts FINANCIAL, CHANCE for Wle rnoney Income bearing prop erty paying net 8 per cent on $42.nm can be bad for $.13,609. Lock be Aug. city. ' FVENITTAX FACTO Bird. OREGON Furniture Manafaetsuing Company Manafacturera of furnlturs for the Irs OS, Pertlasd. Or. FURNITURE ma-mfacturins and ane-ial L. Rnriniky'a furniture factory, nro proat st. FTJ1EACXA BOTNT0N wsrss-slr furnaces save fuel. t. O. Bayer ruruses Lota party, 100 Mais 441. OBEST BESE3 .Tt SCBCT. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP FOR SALE-eAp. proved, anreatrtcted, ready foe Imfsedtat bt: lowsst prices. B. F. ft F. B. UllseV .CsSklSSf. frf.CSMS-asVBI. - XLZCTRIOAI, W0BXA FACIFIO BLBCTRI0 CO. EugirMesra, eon- tascsors, rwpalrers, siact-ie wiring una sup plies. . 84 First, nr. . Stark. Pbeae Mais ' 400. B. H. Tata, mgr. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Company, 80S Stark St.. Portias, o. a. ror everything la the sleetxioal Uaa, Pbeue Msia Ikon. B0GXXA WADRAMS ft CO., waolacsle srocsrs, aasae . factarars aad eommlmtna aaerobeata, Fesrak - sad Oak ata. - . ALLEN ft LEWIS, sommlsaton aad pr-etaee Bjer, cbanta. Front and Darts sts.. Psrtisad, Or. BAktMABBATHA KINfTS BAMMAN BATHS Ooruer Seventh aad Washington sts.; finest and urgent bath In tne city; elegant beds ror th nignt 11 oesirea expert masseurs and chiropodist. - HOBSEoxxpyrao. BOKSHCUPPING by Jack Wright, La Mod Rubles, sixth and Stark. All work teed. Msln 7411. BTJMAJf HATE BOLLS. 1. i. BORG, manufacturer af bnmaa kali roikv etc. 4V u. Mintn. rnone sast xsii. SwTTCBXS FOB SALB. SWITCHES made, combings bought sr sssde to order. 84 A Twelfth st. rnone Ksst 1710. X0TXTJL HOTEL FsndMtoa. Pendleton, Or. F. W. Walts, MP. - - HOTEL Portland. Amaricss plaa; $3. $6 per day. HOTEL St Gsorgs, Peadletoa) laadlag kwtaL BELVEDERE; Europssa pUa: 4th and Alder sts. IBSIJAANCX, LAMBERT, WniTMEE ft CO. Fire losnrasoa and real rata to, auoccsaora to Arthur W iison ft Co.! ofsces, arest side, 107 -J Ok Knar lock bldg., Msln 1008: east aide dept.,' 404 Baat aider (liunemv nana), -aat,tii. IAS. Mel. WOOD, smployers liability sad In dividual accident surety bonds si su siasa. Phone 47. 303 M--Kay bldg. B. P. B ARTELS COMPANY Fire I nasi sis a. 443 Sherlock bldg. Orsgos Pben Clsy 63A MUSICAL. SEIjr.PLAYlNG TrIANOS OactllSB nelf-BhlV. Ing pianos prasonnced the boot by lesdlng miaiicuna; also ociusn pisne prayers, a. u, SECOND-HAND smelenl ., kinds at lowsst prless, cash or Fisher Mast CO.. 180 Third st. M'rSlO lessons eivea ea Ma bo. Miss C bsck. studio 430 Vancouver svs. . Pbeae 1004. , MR. AND MRS. H. A. WEBBER. tenjj mande. Un. guitar lastructioe. Mala 308A ITS W. Park, ktXSICAL. BALM OF FIGS for all female dlaasata. Alder at. Phone Mala 4833. 434 BtAOBTTIO HXAXTEa. MISS JAL'NITA, magnetic benleri rbenmattsra and all dieesses of tke nervous system posi tively cured; electric vapor snd hot sir be Lbs. Suite T, 30i4 Washington, aext door Grand theatre. Free oensultatioe. MRA I B. HART surcessfslly trusts aB dta . esses; method tsnght- ''New TboesTht" rssding-room. 811 Toaray Msg. Mala 4171. XASSAOK, MAGNETIC masssgn parlor tor ladles aad geniH-toeuj ar-aip iTranwaia, wiuie-a " grow hair. 6.13 FUndera. FBENCB ladle give bath and message trsst- ment. 308 Fifth st. Pboo Mais 603A AMTRICAN BEAirTY PARLORS. 143 Park st. NOTARY FTBUO. PREPARATION of deed and mnrtyagss a ,.. 1 - , ' 11 a r a, a th Marqusm. OaTXOIATST. DR. OTIS F. AKIN; DR. MABEL AKIN, Oa tee- put hlr phrstcisns. 40S-404 Macieay OHig.. Fourth and Waahlngtoa. Phons Clay I7A Hours to 6. DRS. GRAFFIS ft LEONARD Osteopathic rhyslclans. units ais-w, moaaws uiag, 'hone TOO. OVXAALLA BOSS OP THB BOAD OVERALLS ssd mechan ics' clothing; union mad. Neastadter Brer, manufacturer, Portland, Or. FAUaSTBT. KNOW TnYSEIJ" Palmistry Is today sn exsct science; yoar pen ana luxure is res a bv me from your hand aa easily aa one can read from an open book; after 20 yearn of hard study and profound thought given to the lubject. with year of practical aiperl eoce. I ess give tn my patross thorough satisfaction In all matter pertaining to love, hue loess, travel, mining, specu let Ions, health, future success and happiness, and how te obtain what yoa desire. A thorough reeding only 60c. Com and be convinced. Only 60c. Albino, the palmist, suite 8 ud A Central hotel, eor. Sixth and Stark ata. . PLATTBO. EASTERN PLATING CO., t40Vi "Alder floM, Oliver. v"F-e-, m - . . . w- , ....... , Jewelry - WW S speeUlty,.- Psoos Mala 2334. THE 0BEG0N PLATING WORKS, 481 Wash. .. lag roe st, races avis. - rvumuc luauBBj f - - - rtullBXBA NKDVIDBCK ft WATKINDA Plumbing snd gas flttlug. 341 Third street. Phuoe Mala aluA DONNEREEEG ft RADEMACHER, asaltsry plambev 84 Foartb at. Potk pheaaa. FOY'ft CO.. sanitary plnmbera. S31 Sacmd bet. Msln and Sslrnon. Oregon rnoae msiu msi. FBIBTIB0, BU8HONO ft CO. Front and Stark ate., print ing, lithographing, blank books and efnes suppltee; work doee en time; moat eomplrt printing eftee Is ths west. Mala 101 ANDERSON ft DUN1WAT COMPANY, pvtntlae. Hthogrnrklnf, blank books. Usoo Mais If. toa A Her st. FAIBTS, 0a ABD OLA 38. F. E. BRACH ft CO. Piaster pslnt Co . seiilss the best ttlnr made In sslutn nnd geeersl buildlns mstrtlala: wlsdow-rlsm sod glaalng apeetaltr. 10 riret st, pbee Msia l v4. BASmUSSEN ft CO. Jebners, asrnte. all, rlsss, gash ssd riser. Beeoad ssd Tajkir. K0BTT TO 1 ' T8 STAR LOaif CO. Any salarWd smuauye. eject, i nasi, k L a his seta, Wlaeoat avarses . Boo Bspay as as . M sr ! 1 00 Repay to a j 4 at or it t er I .00 Aepey to ea I 400 or $4. OS sr U-x s,a aacs.ay sing ITVB per enet asoasyi we balld pea s S-- av sea yuo a-eeev ea pour proper 7. moe teymi Ings. sViosl lAlf Lsbbs bldg.. S3T rVeee- its; lavesiignss; open ssturesy -r uejuna .1. MONEY TO LOAN ea rest, animal ssd e-V avsrsi Bsoartty: special attsatsss as e' -aortgsgssi Botes koeght. O. 304-A Faetea bldg.. 84 Birth at. rsuva. BIGHLT reraertsble pteee ladies asd wo aos a .4 3u Waaee, rests saa sorrow manir Jewelry. Cellatsral Lose B Ingles gt. Pboo Black tl. BR the Daaa-Lswrsnos Co-, real astnts snd Snaactal agsntsi money to baa ea asar-biare necurlrlaa mt low mIm la , S1U.00O. lSSVt neat at. $8 LOANS and npwsrdn so all kind af see. w ' 1 r w m ssisnea people em xnsir eocu; srweaa rate; no publicity, ne delay, tit Abtsgtoa oiog. f none jtea itss. -. . MONET ADVANCED eslarled people, tes staters. . , w,;mt eansiiri asvy Hrwoje, w- sst buatuees In 48 nrtaclpal cities. Tnlaaaa, 828 Abingtoa bldg. , ' CHATTEL tosne ta umoeuts tr-rnrlttr flam 84 10 S3. win; roomlng-knnsa s perlany. new Ers Loss ft Trust Otk. Sod AMngtoa bMa. osns on furnltur, p lanes, ether escurittes, Vvw est rates. A W. King, room 46. Weak stag. . Hood 418. . . v MONEY TO LOAN ta large er sawlt amoeata ea good seeurityt lovrest rates, WIBtase . Bsck. SOT Fslllng bldg. LOANS st. lowest rates ea furniture, pteeas: ny sernnty Botes pun lias A. efftes, 448 Rherlork bldg. THE CBESCENT TX)AN COMPANY 8s Vary anathsj ooaddesllal roans, from three tn sis I 21T Oregonias, MONEY TO LOAN en Cla-kutaa ceaaty htods. F. a yd F. B. Bilsy, 80S Chambet of ceste PORTLAND REAL ESTATE LOANS. B AND , sw cent wte. arsnnoim, , estuae MONEY to loan. 8 per rent Nertkrsp ft KtBS. ziv-zil oommerclal block. TO LOAN $100 te $3,800 by Charles HlrstsL asvk lairs at., room A . MONEY ta tesn st par sen ea atty property, up Btsrk st. MONEY TO LOAN Apply to Bebsrt A. Miller. sue uminereiai Blocs. , Boonxa. TIN ROOFrNO. gattartng. repafarlng 1 Ing. J. LseA 313 Jsffsrsoa BT7BBXB ST ABM. Mala T10; rubber eta mra, seals. toacUa. bag, . gag, trade checks: send for cataloga. B0FX, PORTLAND COBDAGB CO. snd Nortbrsp sts.. Pertlasd. Or. SArxi. SAFES Ths man who knows the rood snd had Crfnts er nil ssfea buys the Hi-rvtng Msl arria. No. TO Sixth st,. Portlsnd. Or. FOR opening Iwkirsta and ssfs bsrystar F4 ta " j. . J -aria, on isira t. , ' SHOWCASES ABB FIXTTJBZA SHOWCASES sf every 4eocTir-Hoa; bask, kwr saa store axrsres maae to oruer, th Mtrae alanufactrrrlnr Os.. Portland. STOAAOB ABD TBABSFEB. SAFER, p lanes asd furnlturs meveA packed ready for ablpplng and nklpned; all work guarsntssd; large. 6-story, brick. - Ore-proof War. hoase for storage. OfBce 138 First St. ' a M. OLSEN. Pkoae Mala 64T. I 0. O. PeflR, -eJfS r toy -Ttrst at., between Stark aad Oak sts.-, noons boa; pisnos sns ru ratters msvsd asd packed for shipping; commodious Sts proof. - kirk wsraklasi, Freat snd , Clsy sts. .. l ' ' - - J STORAGE space te let tn eer sew KujldlaaT. 3T4 Water st,. Btgler MlUIng A Oommlmlta company. TO W XL SUFPLT. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY CemA brask. Boss, cir per neontk. Lswrsnca Bros.' Towel Supply Foartb and Coach. Psoas 42A TTJCXIB, I HAVE cbolce piece of timber tssd In nsnlkars Oregea for ssla cheep. A A loumel. FOB HOMESTEADS, timber claims ssd sarin apply. to 804 Comtnerelsl black. , TIPEWATTIAA YOST TTPB WRITER BEADQCABTBBS-w " 380 Stark Street. . Wa vast repair, sell, sxrhsng UpseillaiA AM aupplle for all machines. - Standard machines $28 and np te ttfal. Do yoa wast s itenosTspbsr or tl 11 11 1 ' W hsvs Hst of good sppUcaats. ' Fkoss Black tsTl. v FOR ttueailteru. setvolie nnd renal ring. ft Ross. 204 Stark st Phone Msln 147A - , TBANSTXB ABD BATJUMO. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 1!M North Stalk. Phone Mala 4A Heavy hauling asd Storage. POST SPECIAL DEM VERT. Ns. SOO Ws Ingtes St. Pbeae Msia PS2. VT0LIBA MY SPECIALTY Reps Irlng. Justing or line -nouns. BsseeU bldg. J. A. WBRCO, violin-maker snd repairer; work Srst rlsss. -gt Russell bldg. tn sou awu-rmoe. WALLPAFXX, iMMia wittoipta rv, ifls-ina St. Pet xaauuii asa xarnw, run-euss. i CBV0WS sTOX-lVO WTJBf BLdWTC. ' From the Boston Herald. " Tm DM.inriAn Vt . the severe and long; continued cold has driven a num ber of hawks from the surround Ing country Into ths cltyrwhor lhay prsy tmAe, vrnvtiah remisa . The hsaki have been seen to take spsrrows from ths plaxaaa of oweumg nouses, ana in one or two instances even in ousiness thorouKhfarea. Hawks do not, ' nowevsr, compieieiy rule the sky. A week or two sgo soma of the residents of Dorchester, la ths vloinlty of Columbia road, witnessed a terrlflo batUe bstwssn a Isrfa hawk and a number of crows. .Th crows fol lowed the hawk continually, diving dowa at his back and evidently striking him with their bills. vVhart their attack be. came unbearable, ths hawk would tura and try to brine trism wttntn- reecn or his talons. ' . . Tk. AmihtlesS Tiarl a aood Ideal of ths power which ha thus rr-isaed. and tbsy would aonge sway iruat mra, only to return for a frank attar aa ' soon ss ho start- flylns. or raiber sail Ing. on a straight conrse. At least a score of crows were engaged la this at tack on a single hawk, and wry roiiowea htm for more then a mils, making his Ufa po miserable tnat ns tmii wiener i . tkixir avaearreett, where his anerales with such sharp beaks could not rsuch him. awes an rinur sfterwsrd the crow circled round this tree, walling for t hawk to again take wing. Ho knr enough to wslt until darkness won cover bis movements ana pormit r escape. Therefore, even ir i i" . aA .n atat nre v In the k sparrow, hs has reans lo fmr th , certed atUok of a floc oa crows, t they. In turn, are snmetlmss put tn 1 we believe, by their far smaller r th kingbird. ,, a Wsshlngton prvuntv eoN It f Irv. clalma the liillrboio I t' ; . . . f - ;.Vi.