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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAIy PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 13,. 16C3. 13 &TT BOTICIX rtortMno oxdixabcx mnjumva txab . craax to ni ouaoi tbactio com FABY, An um granting to the tregna Tree tins Cmhu, lu hnmwi and aauigne, the rukl u nMtnrl. Ur down. BielnUlu and , nv rallwaya aaa pores ana w,7" . drrgMad twedulu la Iha.Ctty.ot, '..'- Thclty ef MtUrf w, artala aa fnjtewe a .1 i ' Tk.t there be and hereby k granted lo the Oregna Trerttoe Company, a i; corporation. Its w aed aBalgaa. ieht and nrlvliree ta Ur do a, roo- street aad matauin naa " - ,-.. oi .Inula or double trark railway, with convenient nwltcbee, tornoota. curve. .tons aal turn-tables, sud to '" " "'' ear. thereon. In. over. along sad apon the following- etreew in ine "'-J ' .. T. u..i,.n mate of Orerno, to-wlt; A ion and ihrourb Maclc.y Park apmi prarll. rallv Mm following mate, to-wlt: Beginning It i T BolSt XI20 fit aoutk and S ftr feet ra.t of the northwest corner of ortou thlrty-one Clll, townehip one . u. "' vij.u. meridian: running thence aorth ; elgh'ty-ervea and one-ha If I87H1 . aim hundred ad thlrty-elx and Ihrra-taalha feet tKia.s : tt noriu ior.j-.. . " . eleven hundred eighty-nine . and alx-tcntha t l.d fort; aald above oVeerlhed courses bring tangent to a atx-dcgree taegree) rnrve, eevea hundred elghty-eix and M-veu-tentha 171.7, feet Ion. I pou Onl"'" '' i t Lnn t.t u. a mlv-elrblb llrwl; ever end serosa Twenty-eighth to y- grave atreet; on .ettygrove aireet to Tvreirtn . atnwt ; and aa Twelfth atreet to -.are rye,. anna Stark street from Twelfth-street to Ika rt lino af Kroat atrat ... . .. . . . i . . f Kiara atroat brtaoaa TwalfU and Froat atforta. Tka . ....ui iwm TMntiua ftainanr. Ita euueraanri - and aaalyaa. wt tranaport frll '.'rT. inattor r any other ntraat ar portloa of trort axrotnbrrura rarrrrra w. i.Sa Baaaamiar cara akall na oaaratad wllM" loo. II Bll la OI aaio nJ - " T-1-.ka ita aarcoBiri or aaalaaa. ahall aaro art rd a Una at ''"' ""T" retina arlth taa tracka kwalo aulaorlaad I to a laid frota tha Mty of Port Una t.ine w of Hlllabora. aahlmttoa. county. Orreoa. So-. 4. Maid Omtoa Trartloo Oampanytt " aanrjaanra and aaalfna. asay oparato and prop" rara arr aad apoo too rallwara BreUoBrd la aartioB 1 of tola ordtoanco by aiaaaa of -mhmmA mm iniWrrnnifl ak-ctrtral Bower, ator- axe batteries, eoaipreaaed air. caMea or otber aieekaaH-at power trierpuna vmit -.- and atean kyraBwtlrea) aad for io i-arpie f ooeratlnf railways aad ooeoeytof power and ' oreetrto eurrewta for Ita aw aaa, aiay pat ap. oeeet, a-alaula aad aaa poles aad ererbead wires and lay-dowa. oorutrwt. amalatala aad aee anderirroaad Blots aad eoudalta aad aader- ' a-raund wire. coBdn'tors and rabies. Bald nrnna Traetloa Oueaoaar. Ha ssceaaaors and - aaalfna, nay. at any Mb. caaBM Ita aa aowar and awda of aperatlna and proaelUBg rara for say aaors I m pro-red. economical or doalrtble method. elcepUng far atraai BMtars sr iteata aeoaMtirea, - - m a art.. ..l mmmm nUWnll tkft laid BB nearly aa prartlcabla auab with tha araBes V of aald atrMts aa aa to offer aa llttlo otetrae ' 1loa aa prartlrablo a be pa aaa y a of rskerlas sr other pablto aaa of aald at reel a. , t a. .w MMai mmA jmb Twelfth atreet Trota 8Urk a treat to Baraaldo atrrst tha rallal aaed ahall bo aot leaa tbaa aeraa tJ i iorea ; la depth aad akall welgk aot lass tbaa aeTenty- two TU pnunila to Uta yarn, -son aoan wfw a pattera to bo appro red by Tka properly oop Btltotod aatborltlea of the City of Portia ad. Tha raila ward upon all otber atroato and por- : ttod of atreet a, rarest tkoaa laat berelnbrfora sporlnrd. shall welch aot leaa Hub BUty 400) poaada to too yard. The eooatraotloa and r- raaatmrtloa of the lines of railway aathertsed hj thla srdlnanra akall be apoa plana appro red ky tba rerularly rooatltatrd aatborltlea. Xec. 4. Tba paaaearer cars aaed by tba aald Orecos Traetloa Compaoy, lu aurraMnrs sad sealant, apoa tha lines of railway sntbotiaM "y thtBrdlaa.neahall baaf approred eon atewtloa for the com fort, eonrenlenea aad ' - . , k. m - " mf rars ahall aot ereed twalro 12) allies per hour apos atraeta wllhla tka limits of the pty of Portland, aad so ear akall h allowed ta .atop or re mala atlU apoa aay lateraertloa of Nirreets. la the. eeeat that any atreet or por tloa of atreet or at bar pabile plaeo yranled liy ' tuts frasrblas and aaed by tha Oreioa Traetloa Oatnaay. lu auinaaora or aaaUaa, or Ita or their repreaentatlTea or sorvesaors. - ahall darlny tba Ufa of thla fraaeblaa ko abaa doaed by tba aald Orewoa Traetloa Ooaipaay. Ita Barraaanra or aaaiana, aald Oreaoa Traetloa I t'oaipaay. -Its Baesraaiira or aalfns. akall fortk - with reajo- Ita trseka awd other property MriMenwa -aaaw tn, a I inula naiwr. repair or raeoaatrart that partloa of aald BtraaU -arhlrk voder thla franetilaa to to fca kept la . pall an. -. - 1 ' ' Ita nttiaasri or a pel rue. aa tkat tbey'lBball be .placed is aojett aoBdltton aa assy he required lis too eon net I. A fallsre to eneanly wltkla a reeaonable tlnee with any of the sawrtolons , or enadltteaM of tkhi rraaeaiss aaau aaiaariar the (ity of Portland to dee la re an IsjaiedlaM Porreitsro or this rranran. ana aaio railway. ' read or - traefc eoaatraeted thereunder - ahall libewhw be rat-felted aad In rsao of ssra fall are or aealeet or refaaal of aald Orewoa Trse ' lion Cenpaar. Its aarriaaara or aaalaaa, after thirty Jl daya aotioe fieea ay taa rvaorii to repair. Ira pro ee ar vtaTatala thoas portioas . of alreeta required by thla ardlBaaco to hs repaired. Improved aad maintained by tka Ore- yon Traetloa Company. Ita aeatatt-ea or aaa I ana. taa aald City of PorUaad may. at Ita option, do aorfc work aad tbo root of the aaata aa aneertalaed and declared ky the enaaril ahall bo au treed is tbo dorkat or rlty llraa and ea forced la Ilka manner aad .like of feet aa a (eoeral taa apoa real sr personal property of tha ttreiroa Traetloa Company, Ita pan laaara and aaalana, . after aellnqtieoey. . If any portloa of either of said afreets herein, before 'mentioned ahall be abandoned aa afore- ' aald, that porttna of thla fraarblae a Oder wblck said portloa of aald atreet was ased ky tbo aald Oretroa Traetloa Company. Ita aaereanora. repraaentatleee sr aeelfns, ahall thereafter he null aad sold and eball be forfeited wtthoat aay fart bar action aa tba part of tba rlty. - Pee. ft. For tba parr-oar of taring daws, repalrlaa and reconstruct I a a tbo railway tracka author lard by tbla fraachlae. aald Oregoa Trae tloa ttompaoy, Ita aai l i aauri or amtgna. ahall not onatrset say atreet for a areatar enstlmoos ' dletaaea tbaa tba leaylh of fire (ft) blorka . at aay aae til time, or for a longer period tbaa two 2) worka at aay ear time. Barest that la rsao of bad weather, atrlkes or otber eaaar he rood the control of the aald grantee. - tha proper aatborltlea of tbo City of Portland may eateaa) aald time at their dlarrettoa. Pee. a. Notblsg la tbla ordinance, or any right, privilege or fraachlae granted by thla ordinance eball be eone trued to prereut the ; ma aid pal aataorltlea of tbo City of Portland ' from eewerlag,- grading. paeiBg, plaoblng. ms- - rsdamlslBg, improring. altering or repairing say of tbo afreets orer which the rallwaya author tsed by tbla ordinance are conetructrd or oper ated; bat all surb work shall be dona as aa to canoe aa llttlo ooatructloa or hindrance aa poaal- Me a tbo rara aad tbo operatloa at aald rail ways, and the aw sera of aald railways ahall bare tbo privilege of reining sr ablftlng tba , tracks ao aa to avoid aa mack aa possible ob struct loa to the operaUoa of rara during tba progrona of tba street improvement, newer Ing, ' grading, paving, planking. ameadamUing, m arovlng, altering nr repairing. . See. T. Held Aregoa Traction Compaay,. Ita snrceoaora and aaatgna, shall All la- or grade to tha establtaked grade and plaak. pave, re pave, ' veronal ret oa ' otberwtae Improve or ' repair, aad keen la good rorulltloa from tlue to time, whenever . directed by the eon ncil and In aarh oaaaaer . aa the mnalcipsl astboritlea V tnay direct, tboae portloaa of the atreet or . atreem, aad otber public :plaees aloog aad over which the aald rallwaya are or ahall hereafter "be arnstrnrted tba whole width of aald rall waya betwaea tbo rails and betweea the trark a and for the width of one foot oa tba outside at tba outer moat raila. . or. I. It shall be anlawfnt' Vor are parana : or peraoaa to onstract the laying dnwa, ens-. . arraeUoa. maintenance or operation of tba rail- : ways, poiea. wtrea. underground rondulta. cables ar rood net ore mentioned la thla ordinance, and any perana sr persona who abell violate the , peovialona of tbla amine ahall be d reeled guilty ' of a mlademoaaar, aad apoa eonvlctloa thereof, before the municipal court of the City of Port land, aba II be puniebed by a Ins of aot leaa ' thaa five eollara ifa.00) aor more thaa twenty- - are dollars trs.sti) for eeck and every offenae. Ib-e. p. Any eeodactor. mutarman or other emptoya of ar nnoa the rallwara of aald Ore ana Traetloa ftnapeay, lu eon aaiwa or Baeigas. w lit psaaeager t bereoa ar otber aeraoB oa , or about tbo same ar the rara belonging thereto or operated thereoa. was ahall be Indecent. opprwrajioaa. profane, offensive abualva-or aaa obeceeie laaguage or etberwlae Inault, abase or maltreat any naeeager oa aald can or anr cenductcr. Baotnrman. gripwiaa ar employe of aald neeswa Trarttne tmpany. IU aucreaa ' or sasigna. thereon or about the name ahall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and -apnn eewvlrUna toercof before tbo municipal court of the City of Port I a ad. be panlabed by i ins or aot leas tbaa ftve dollara (SA.OO) aor more tbaa twenty-flve dollara ,tD.0O) for each aad '. evee offeoae. fUe 10, The Rieewtlva Board, at tka re aoeat af tka rnaaeil having submitted to the eosadt aa estimate of the esah value of aald franchise to be paid to tha rlty for tbe one of eald franchise. It la ordained that the said Of eg. a Traetloa -rtompaay. Ita Boetwaaera. repre eatarjvea and Baalgns. eball pay to tbe City of I'ortlaad for tbe righto and franchisee berehr era a ted aa resapenaatioa for the saaae tka fol- . Sowing aama, to-wlt: w Pur sack of tbe lee year af tbe existence ' of the rights graated by tbla ardlaaecs, to-wlt tba ye re 190 to 1010. Inclusive, tbe asm of Pee knndred dollara V0 1); for each of the anceeedlng fire yeara of tbe life of thla ordl- . raars, a-w1l: tbe yeara 1011 to IP1II. Incraalve, the earn of alt hundred dollars . or 1 1 ; for eaa of tbo saieaidlng five yeara of tbe life of Ihle ordinance, to-wlt: for aarh of tbe yeara laid to lirao. Inclusive, tba earn of one I banana nd dollara tt,; for each of tbe ' eareeedlng dee yeara of the life of tbla ordi nance, to-wlt: tbe ream Ml J I to IMS. Inrlaalvr. the earn of one thousand alt hundred dnllata I tl ann no) for each year; and for ear of the eswietng fear yeses of tbe life hereof, the asm of twa theaaand dollara t' Kaeh af tba aaaaal paysmau af meaey ra- CTTT S OTlCtt. anlred by thla aeetlon ahall ha made by aald Oregon Trarttoa Compaay. lu successors and aaalana. to the treasurer of the Cltr of Port' land, oa or before tba Slat day of tlorember of the year for which tbe same la dae, and aald treaeuree shall lanue hie receipt therefor, which ahall he a full aeeKaulttaocn to tha aald r) rerun Traetloa Compaay, Ita eacnaaaara 'and aaalgna. fornawh payment. Khoald aald Uregoa Traetloa Company. Ita aatreaauia and , aaalaaa. fall or neglect, for thirty daya after the aam becomes dite aad payable, to pay aay of tbe aald annual paymeala ar eompenaallon provided fin- la tbla aertion. the City of Portland akall have the right to collect ruck overdue payment from asld liregna Traetloa Company. Ita eue craaora or - saaigna,' by a salt or artlon. and shall have a Ilea upon the railway tracka aad franchisee rnr the oevment ol llie aaaie, Her. 11. Kald Oregna Traction Compaay,' Ita eneceeaera and amigaa, uneii eommenrs tha con atrurtma, within the rlty Iknlta, of the 'rail ware herein aientloscd within four months froai nd after tbe dual approval nf tbla ordinance. and ahall complete the conatructtoa thereof and commence the opera tloe or, rara thrreoa wllhla two rears inereaiirr. Rec. VL The aald rights, prlvllegea and fran chiea. Bercbr granted ahall terminate at the eiptratloa of twenty-five CBl yeara from the day thla ordinance beiimen of force, aad thla rraaehhie eMail cum me nee te run oa- tbe aald da r tbla ordioaare necomea or force. The council or tba City of Portland ahall. at II tlaiea. bare the power aad rlgbt to reason ably regulate. In the public Intereat.. ail tba rlffhta and privileges herebr araated. aec. a.i. i no -uregoa jractioa vomnany. na anrrvunwra and aaalgna. hereafter upon aale. tranafer, amrtgage or. leaae being' made of tha lines or una or atreet rallwara or of taa rran- chtee rights and prlvllegea hereby yranted. anal i wiuiia ova aaya tneresrter nie wita ins auditor of tka Cltv of Portland a coor of tbe deed, agree meat, atortgago, leaae or other wrlttva iBSfntmear, ' enaencing euca aaie. - iranarer or leaae. cert 1 Bed and aworn to na correct br the grantee In person, if aa individual, or by the preaiaeBt and- aecrcurr. ir a 'iorporation. ana every aale, .transfer, amrtgage or leaae of Buck rrancblae. whether voluoury or Involuntary, ahall be- deemed raid aad of ao effect, anleea the grantee ahall within live daya' after the aa ahall have beca made, am ancB cemneo copy aa reontred by thla aectioa. The auditor ahall tie all such doeumeutn. aad ahall make and keep aa ladea of tba aaam la a book to gept ar him tor taat Durpnsa. wnica pons ahall be a part af the public records sf thla city. ice. ta. rae eaia tiregoa traction tympany. Its aneeamora and aaalgna. ahall within thirty daya after the anal approval of thla ordinance lie la tba office of tbe a editor of the city a written acceptance af thla ordinance and the franchisee therein granted. The failure oa the part sf the Oregon Traction Ompaay. Ita aao aora aaa aeeigus. to Ble aura written ac- ceptaace urithla the Have herein apeclded eball aeemeg aa aoanaoament aaa rejection oi the rlghta, - franco. leea aad - prlvllegea berela confer red aad thla ordinance ahall forever be aail aad sold, aad each acceptance by tbe aald Oregon Traetloa Campany. lu esceeanore and aaalgna. ahall be aaquallned aad ahall be aa acceptance af all the terms, conditions aad restrictions contained la thla ordinance. Hoc. IS. At tbe expiration sf tbe said period af tweaty-lve years, ths City sf Portland. at iu elect loo ana upon paynvrnt taereror oi tba fair valeatioa aa la tbla aectioa provided, may parcaaaa aad take aver to Itaelf tka prop erty and pleat of said Oregon Traetloa Com paay la Its aa tl ret v which may be annates oa, la, above or under the Btreeta and public, plaeea aforaaald. and particularly atated ta aec tioa 1 hereof sr aay thereof, sad aaad la ron aectloa therewith, bat la aa cane ahall tbe value af tbla fraaeblaa be considered or taken lata account la lilag aald valuatJoe. provided, however, tkat before tha aald City of Portland ahall have aatborlty to take over aald' plant Bgoperty. toe au carina wnetner or aot aaia city shall acquire or take said plaat aad prop erty ahall drat be Babmllted to the voters of tba aald Idly aad all other matters aad things reoalred br aectioa an and other Drovlaiooe of the charter of the City af Portland shall e rompiira wim in reaped toereui. i oe vahiatioa of aald Plant and property la tbe event that aald elty ahall desire to- porchase aaa take over tae name, aaau be axra By arbi trators, one ta be appointed by aald Oregoa Traetloa Compaay, Ita aarrraaora or aaalgna, aad the ether by tba council of tba - City of Portland.! la eaae of tbe failure af aald erbl traters .to agree apoa each valuation wlthia vwaoaable time, aald arbitrators shall elect aa amplre. Bad la esse of a failure of aald owner of aaia expiring irancnise to neiect aa arbitrator, ar of the failure af aald arbitrators la a reeaonable time to select aa umpire, thee tha council af the City of Portland ahall ap point both aarh arbitrators aad amplre aad dec la won ef a auloritr sr sack arbitrators ahall be laal gad blading aa te tha valaattoa aforesaid. - I Don the neviurnt by tae City af Portland to. the aald Oregoa Traetloa Compaay. Ita aureeanura aad aaeigaa, of the amount of aald valuation, tae plant aaa property aa values aad which tbe aald City af I'ortlaad has power to and deal ran to parenaae. ahall become the property el tbe aald rlty of fort land ay ant nor- itr ar ti aad without af eaa vera ace. lee. Id. Tha Oregoa Traetloa Company. ,tta aacca Basra aad aaslgBB. whenever ar wherever electric csjrreata are eeed or employed ta or about tbo aea of the fraarblae by this ordi nance granted, or the ground connected there, with, ahall provide and pat la use such aaeane and appliances aa will control and effectually eon tela each eorrente Id their proper channels, and oa Ita ar their awa wtrea. tracks and ether atracturea aa aa to prevent Injury to the property, pipea ana m nee errseinree belonging to the Cltr ef Portland, ar ta aar ether aer ana, arm ar corpora t Ion wlthia aald rlty, and to repair, aaa aaau repair aaa renew aaia meeaa and appliances and from time to time change aad Improve tbe name aa may be aeereaary te aceomplian aald parsoaee. at Ita ar their charge or eipenar. aad at Ita or their own riaa. selecting ann . aanriiing mtca alcana Bad appllaaeea aa ahall prevent Injury to tbe pertr. nlnee or other atmeturea hetoaglng to the City of Portland, ar ta any person. ee. it. Ths estimated total coat or the worka provided te be eotratrectrd ander thla ordinance la t1K.ono.00 wlthia the limlta af tbe City ef Portland: and the yearly soma of money to be expended thereoa la the aam of $3,000.00. Bee. 1A- The dTxecntlve Plaard af the Cltv Of Portland or ether properly constituted ao- xaanir taereor aaau nave tae power ana aatborlty to regulate the manner of construct ing and maintaining aald tracka and the carry log eat of the nrovlatona of thla ordinance. aec. is. Mid oregna Traetloa rnmpaay. Ita caesura, reprearatatlvea aad Baaiana. ahall keep and maintain Ita railway tracka ta good condition, order and repair and ahall render efficient eervtce taroaeboot tha entire term ef tbla grant. , r the aald oregoa Traetloa company, ita 1 1 leaiai, repraeentetlrea ar a aai ana. ahall fail during any of said time to keep Ita said rail way tracka la good order and repair, or ahall fait during any of aald time to render efficient service thereover, tbe council of aald rlty may declare this fraarblae. and all tbe rlghta and privileges therein granted, forfeited; aad apoa adjedicattna of forfeiture by a court sf com petent Jartedlctlon. thla franchise and alt the rlghta and prlvllegea conferred thereby ahall become aad be null and void. a tbe event of the dcclaratloa aad adlndlea- ttoa of each forfeiture of , tbla franrhlae. tbe tracka eoaatraeted hereunder eball llkewlaa be forfeited. . I Bee. SO. The aald Oregoa Traetloa Comnanr. Ita aorciaaai and aaalgna. Buy tranaport oaa- eengera ever all tbe atreete aad places Bken- t lonea in nectioa 1 hereof. tbo maximum rate ef tare which the aald Oregoa Traetloa Com pany. Ita aw censure aad aaalgna. may charge for tbe traaapnrutloa of each paaaeager. for continuous trie la. owe general direction aver aald atreeta berela aperltealiy named, la tbe aum of five IB) cents. ec. 21. After the conatroctkm ar IU rall wara. the aald Oregoa Traction Company. Ita ceeeore and aeslgae. ahall and la herebr required te die In the office of the aadltor of the City of Portland, a map and plat allow ing ine ueDmie ineniMTn oi its lines, ana arter tbe definite location of Ita aald tinea. It ahall be unlawful for It to change the route than ee labllahed. without the nermlmlea af tbe con net I of the City of Portland.. Tbe foregoing proponed ordinance la anbllabed by direction of the council In pbtaaance pf the pmvieion or aeerioa VI or toe Charter at tbe City of Portland. .v - ' i. " 'Trion. c. nrruv, . Auditor ef the city of Portland. -Port land. Oregoa. March It. IBOA. COMPLETIOB ABO AOCEFTABCB 0T Ist- FBOTXlfZBT OF X4ST AXDCB ITUZT, Notice la herebr riven that Charles Wanner Cltv Kmrlneer. aaa filed In the office of the undersigned, rattles that William B. Cole, enn iraeior roe jwe improvement of Kaat Alder atreet., aadef the provlalone of ordinance Na. M.xui. naa completed aald street, from tbe reel line of Kant Thirty-eighth atreet te tha weat line ef Raet Thirty-aluth atreet. Held acceptance will be considered by the txrentlve Board at 4 a' clock oa the 17th dar ef March. ItttVi. and ob)ectlnna to' the ac ceptance of aald atreet, or any part thereof. may na rneo in ine or nee pr the aaderalgDcd at any time prior thereto. THB KXBCI'TtTB BOAftfV . By TII0H. C. DrVMN." ' Aadltor sf the City of Portlasd. Portland. Oregon, March 1. 100ft. coBiarnoir abd aocxptabci or ni : raoTEinvT or " ttaxvr itirt. Kottee la hereby glvea that Charles Waoaer. City Engineer, baa filed In tbe office of tbe undersigned, notice that w, A. Leper. eon tractor for the-Improvement of Jesaup atreet. under tbe previa lone of ordinance No. tt.aflt. baa eneiDlelrd aald atreet. from tbe center llni af Alblna avenue to tbe eaat Jlne of Borthwlr atreet. Paid acceptance will be eoaaldered by the Rierutlv Board at 4 o'clock oe the ITth 'day ef March, llem. and oh)ertloaa to the ac certtanre of aald atreet, er any part thereof, amy be died In Ine office of tbe anderalgard at aay lime prior inereto. thk kxk iTirr board. By thou. c. hkvi.ix. Aadltor ef the city of Portland, rortmad. Orrgoa, March 11. IBOft. . CITY BOTICIB. feopoied nt norxxzn or ibthui Notice n hereby given that at the (nesting ef tbe ornmctl ot taa t liy o rsvuanu, "nt", held oa the lat day ef March, llWft, the lol MMnliiiliia nil adonted: Reaolved.' That tbe Council of the 1ty of IVirtlarMt. nrrttua, nee ma u aipmimi par posse to Improve Irving atreet from the weal line of rtfth atreet to the east line of Hevaolh atreet la tha following manner, ueeii: Kirat By grading the atreet fall width with e..n ininaandAM to the BnftBer aob-grada. Kecood By coaatructlng atoaa aides alka sad carba. Third By navlrg "a roadway full wldtk with full Intemertkriia with hltnllthle pave, aient'. except that portion occupied by the Pcetland Consolidated Ranway ttompauy aa a right of war, which- portion aba li be Im proved by aald company by laying ' grooved raila not leae tbaa acvea larbes la depth, pav. I us the apace betweea the raila and oae foot outride the rails with atone blorka net on aoa etwtn and grouted with cement mortar aad rnucrete under the reliu and atoae biocka ta be at leant six Inches to depth, the remaining portion of aald right of way to be Improved with tltullthlc pavement. -r..iku, laviae tile in accordance with tbe City . Bngloecr a plana, -peclflcstioua aad eetlmatea. - ' Klfib-rBv eoeatrncting catch-baalna la ac cordance with the City (CnglDoer'a plaoa, Bpecl- flcatlona and eetimaree. - . Kald improvemvot to be made In accordance arltk aha ehartee . aiwt nedlnaneea of tbe City of IVartland and! tbe plana, apeclflcatloiia and eetlmatea of the City Kngneer, filed In the Office of the, Aadltor of the City of Portland oa . . .... k 3 l'nVM,M lQfH I I ll "1t I I1C Vila J - a m. wa'f. . . --- ..Inna'a 1,1 aaa and aneclficatlaas for the Im provement of Irving ktreet from tbe weat Una of fifth street to the eaat line ef Seventh atreet and tbe eetlmatea of the work te be done and the probable lotah coat thereof." The cat nf aald Improvement te be aaaeeaed aa provtited by tbe rlty charter upon the prop erty specially and rieeollarly benefited thereby and which If hereby declared to be all th lets, paru thereof and parcela of land lying between a line 100 feet north of and parallel with the north line of Irving atreet and a line 10O feet aouth of and parallel with the aouth ii ..' i 1. nteaet and hotweew the weat line nf Fifth atreet and tbe eaat ilea e( bsveuth The RnglBerr's eatlmate ef the probable. total east for the Improvameat of aald Irvluf atreet to 4. 178.00, - . The above Improvement la to he claased as a Mtullthle pgvrmeat and ahall be maintained hv tbe rlty for a period of eight years, prw (An-a k.anar that the nvrnera of a majority ef the property benefited hv said improvement, or aay portloa thereof, eball aot petition far a new or on irreu. iBprvrvasai vauav v plratlon of Boca period. . .. . a .v Tha plana, specif testates) aad eaflmatoe of the flty Kiigineer for the tnsicoveinent of aald Irving atreet are bereoy aooptea. Resolved. That the Auditor of the .flty el Portland ha and be la hereby ' directed to riwm notice nf the rjronoaed ImDroveBMat of said atreet aa provided by tba city charter. RenMMtraneea againat ttm aoove impvwvw ... a.e he filed In writing with the under- elgned within 20 days from the. date of the flrat pubiiratioB or tarn wouce. - - - -r-.-e.- uy oroer ar toe uncu. . THOS. C. PBVT.IM, - Auditor of tba Cltv at Portland. I Portland. Oregoa. Data ef . first publication. March d. 1005. PBOPOIED ftEWXK IB XAJT MAI TBXZT. Notice la herebr glvea that at tbe meeting af the Council of the City ot Portland; Oregoa, held oa the let aay v! Harcn, jwua, xae las- lowing reaulBtma waa adopted ; . Reaolved, That the Council ef the City Of Pnrtuod- Oreeon. deema It axpedleat aad Bur- poaea to iwtrnct a newer la Beat Mala street from the weat line ot the H. W. Brown tract to tbo newer In Eaat Mala street at tbe west Una of Bast Twenty-fourth atreet. ot vitrified sewer pipe of 10 laehea clear Insldd diameter, with ail neeeeaarr eatcb-eaaiae. . aiaa-bolea. lamp-boles aad branches. - ' ' Hald sewer to be eooatranaa jb. accoraaoce with the charter aad ordinances of tbe City of Portland and tba plane. epecAiiratione ana eetlmatea mt the Cltv Knglneer. filed la the erflre ef tha Aadltor ef the City of Portland oa the ldih day of Febraary, Itan. inooraea: "City Engineer a plana and speeirtcatioae tor a newer In Eaat Main atreet from tbo weat line of the H. W. Brown tract to the newer la best Mala street at weat line of Baet TweBty fourth atreet. and the eetlmatea of the work to be done and tbe Probable total coat thereof." Tbe coat of aald newer to oe aaaaaaen as arovlded br f tba city charter apoa tha property ad peculiarly benefited by bald Ine and-which Is hereby declared to be apeclalty. and all the Iota, paru thereof aad parcela ef land lying Betweea a line !' teei norm or ana par allel with the north Una nf Baat Mala atreet and Una 100 feet aouth ot and parallel with the south Una ef Bast ateia a tree I and between the eaat lne of Beat Tweaty-foarth atreet and a northerly extension of the eame and a line Sa reel eaat inersoi aaa paraimi therewith. .,, - The Kaglaeer'a - eatlmete of the probable total coat for tbe eon traetloa af aatd aawer la 1237 7. ... The plana, aped fleet long aad eetlmatea ef the City Engineer fur the eowetroctiua .of aald aawer are hereby adopted.' Resolved That the Auditor ef the City ef Port la ad be and he to hereby directed to gtoaJ notice of tbe proposed conatrnctloa ef -eaW ae-wer aa provided by tbe city enarter.-rr BaBMinatraacea against tae aoove arvrer mar be filed la writing with tha ander algned within SO days from the data of tha flrat publication of thla ootlou. . By order et the CoandL THOdC-DBTI.IX. ' Aadltor of tha City of Portland Portland. Oregoa. Illta of flrat pabllcatloa, March 4. 100ft. 00MTLETI0B ABO ; AOOZFTABOZ OF IX rBOTIMUfT Or FACT0BT .ITBXXT. NoUca la hereby glvea that Char lee , Washer. City Knglneer. has filed la tae ornca -of taa aaderalgaed. aot ice that Btar Band Co., enatrne- tors for tbe Ira prove ander tba provisions i ef Factory street, ot erdlaaace No. 14.S57. bare completed eald atreet, from the aorth Uae ef Thurmaa street to tba aouth Une ef Vangha street. Maid acceptance will be - conaioerea ny taa Executive Board at d o'clock oa the 17th day ef March, 10US, and objections to . tbe ac. ceptance of aald atreet, er any part thereof, may be tied la the office at the aoderalgaed at aay time prior thereto. 1UB1 RAH l.llfl, ' ..' By THOH. C. DEVLIFf. Aadltor ef the City of Portland. Portland. Oregoa, March 11. 10OS. T coMPLrnoaT abA aoceptabci or nc- PKOTIKEBT OF ZAIT AXDU ITBXXT. Notice la herebr glvea that Charlea Waoaer. City Engineer, has filed In the office ef tbe anderalgned, notice that W. A. Ice per, con tractor for the Improvement ef Eaat Alder atreet, ander tbe proviakms of ordinance No. 14.S1S. naa eompietea aaia street, irom ine west line of Bunnyslde Third addltloa to tba center Une of alley. naia acceptance win oe naMiiens vj ine Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the 17th day of March, luoft, and objections to the ac ceptance of said street, or any part thereof, may be died la tha eftce ef the undersigned at aay time prior thereto. , 1HH EXE L llti ' .. By THOH. C. PEVLlK. . Aadltor of the city of Portland. Portland, Oregoa, March 11. IPOS. coiryxmoB abd acceptabcx or n- rBOvExiBT or xast time btrxkt. Notice ta hereby glvea that Charlea Waueer. City Knglneer. has filed In tbe office of ths anderalgned, notice that Bmyth A Howard Co., contractors for tbe Improvement of Eaat Plea street, nnder the provision ef ordinance No. 14.2X7. have completed aald atreet. from . the eaat line of Kaat Fifteenth atreet te the eaat Une ef Eaat eighteenth atreet. ibstd acceptance will be cetialdered by the Executive Board at 4 O'clock oa tbe 17th 'day of March, inn, sad ' objections ' to the ac cepts ace er asld street, or aay part teereoi. may be died la the office ef the undersigned at any time prior thereto. THB IXBCl'TIMJ BOARD. , .', By THOB. C. DKVM!," .- Aadltor of tbe City of PorUaad. Portland. Oregoa, March 11, "IPOS.- COMPLETION ABD ACCIPTABCX OF BEWXB IB BAWDY BOAS. KAJT TWXWTT-FIBBT STRE7.T, CAST IBTTB0 TBXIT, XAftT - TWXBTT-BEC0B9 ABD 0BXOOV ITBXETB. Notice la hereby given that Charlea Wanner. City Knglneer, has filed la the office of the nnderalgned, notice that BechlU Bros, eon free torn for tbe conatractloa ef a sewer la Handy rood. Eaet Tweaty-flrat atreet. East Irving street, Baat Twenty-neeond street sad Oregoa atreet. usder tbe provtskine nf ordinance Ne. I4.3MH. have completed said sewer. Maid acceptance will be rooetdeeed ny the Executive Board at 4 o'clock, oa Ike 17th day of March. 1005, and obyertloes to the accept ance of said eawer, er aay part thereof, may be died la the office ef the anderalgned at say time prior thereto. THB BXBCtmTB BOARD, By THOH. C DEVLIN.' Aadltor of tbe City ef Portland, Portland. Oregoa. March II. 1008. COMrLETIOB ABD ACCEPTANCE OF JM PB0TEBTKBT OF PIBX BTXXXT; Notice Is hereby given that Charlea Waaeer. City Engineer, baa filed in the office ef the nnderalgned. notice that Blwood Wllee, con tractor for the Improvement of Pine atreet. ruder the provlalone of ordinance No. 13,040, baa completed raid atreet. from the weat line ef Front atreet to tba eaat line of First atreet. Held acceptance will be considered by the Eircntlve Board at 4 o'clock on tba 17th day ef Marrk. I0OA. and object Wma to the ac ceptance nf aald atreet, or . any part thereof, may be died la the offlea ef the naderslgned at any time prior thereto. THB EXECI TITB BOA B D, -.. By THOH. C. DEVLIN. Aadltor ef the city of PorUaad. Portland. Oregon, March .11, 10O, , ' - CITt B01TCXB., ' MOPOiXB KWtt IS BAIT WABHTB0T0B Notice-la hereby gives that at the meeting of tbe unuacu ox taa city or rortiana, tire go, held ea tire lat day af March. lUuft, tha fol lowloa veeohitlon waa aduaihed: Mewolved. That tbe Council of the City ef Portland. Orewoo. deevna It expedient and par nneee to coastract a newer la Kaat Waahlagtoa atreet from the west line ot Baat Thirty -ninth atreet to the sewer la Kaat Washington atreet at Kaat Thlrty-alghth street, of vitrified sewer pipe of 10 laehea clear Inside diameter with ail necessary catch-baatna, maa-bules, lamp-hotoa and branches. - Hald aeser to be constructed In accordance with the charter and 'ordlaascca ef the City of Portland and the plana, apertflratloea and eaUmatea af tbe City Knglneer, - filed la the i.Mro of the Auditor ef the City ot Portland oa tha 16th day of February, IflOA. Indoraed: "City Buglucar'a plana and apaciriratlons for a newer la Kaat Washington street from tba weat line of Baat Thirty-ninth atreet to the newer la Bast Waahlagtoa atreet at Kaat Thirty eighth . atreet. and the eetlmatea of the work to be done. and tba probable total out thereof." The coat uf aald newer to be am am ad aa provided by the city charter upon the property apeclaliy and peculiarly benefited thereby, and which la hereby declared to brA the lot-, parts thereof aad paruele ot lamrVlylng betweea a Una lOu feat north of and parallel with tha north line ef Kaat . Washington atreet aad a line 100 feet aewth of and parallel with the south line ef Kaat Washington atreet and be tween tba eaat line of East Thlrtv-alchth atreet and the west Una ef Kaat Thirty-ninth street. The Engineer a eatlmate of tha probable total coat for tha eoostrsctioa af said sewer la I3IW.4S. , Tbe alane. a necf flea tinea aad eetlmatea af tba City Engineer for tba eocatructioa ef said aawer are hereby adopted. Resolved. That tbe Auditor nf the City ef Portland be aad ha to hereby directed to give notice of the proposed . eoostrnruea OI s eewsr aa provided by the city charter.. ' " Hsanonstraocas against the aoove eevrer mar' be filed In writing arlth tba under- signed within 10 daya from tha data ef the flrat publication ef this noUCS. , , . Jay aroar ec tae tmuneit. - THOU. C DBvTJM, ( '' Aadltor of the City of Portland. Portland. Oreaon. Data af flrat BabUcattua, March 4. 1006. n0I-SES IitTBOTEMBan 0r XIABJIXT - BTBIXT, Notice la herebr aives that at the Bveeflng at the Council ef tbe City of Portland, Oregon, held on tbe 1st aay or marcs, isuo, ue tal lowing resolution waa adopted: - Reaolved. That the Council er tne vniy ei Portland, Oregon, deems If eiredieet and par- to im native aaarwT BLract irom ua weal tne of BUtornth atreet te tbe eaat Una ef Nineteenth street la tha follewlaa 'manner, to-wlt: First By gradiag the atreet fall width with full laterscctlena to the pcoper aub-grade. Kecond By bringing the anrfaee ef the atreet fall width with fuU Intersections to tha aatob Urbed grade with macadam. iniTQ py aanostrwcuug aruiicina sunns eauw- lks. Kourth Br laying eiuasnslka la accordance with the City Faglaeer'e Plana, aped flea tipoa and eatlmetes. Bald impiavamtnt ta aa maos ta accocnance arlth the charter aad ordinances of the City of Portland and -that olana. BnedficaUons aad ratlmatea ef the City Knglneer; filed la tbe office et the Auditor of tbo City of Portland on tha 14th day ef February. 101, Indorsed: "City Engineers plana aad apedflcatlona tor tha Improvetnent of Kearney atreet from tha weat Una of Sixteenth atreet ' to the east Una ef Nineteenth street, and tbe earlmatea of the work to be dona aad the probable total eaat thereof. . The coat er said impruieaieut ta aa aaaasnea i nrovlded br the cltr charter, apoa tka property epsetaliy aad peculiarly benefited thereby and which Is hereby declared to be all the lota, parta thereof aad parcela ef land lying; betweea a Use 100 feet north of-aad parallel with the noath Une of Kearney atreet and a Use 100 feet south of and parallel with the aouth Una "of Kearney atreet, aad between the wast Una of Sixteenth street aad the eaat Ilea of Nineteenth atreet. s The Engineer s estimate ex me prowanie unxai at for the Improvement oi aald Kearney atreet to 11.740.00. ' ' , The above Improve exeat to to be 'cleaned aa a nucadam improvement and ahall be maintained tbe city for m period or Tree years, pro-nor-i. however, that the owners et a majority ef the property benefited by aald Improvement, ar aay portion thereof, ahall not petition for a new ar different Improve aasut before the expiration of Tha Dlaua. aawiflcartoas had eattoaatee et the City Engineer for tbe Imorsvsmest ef asld street are hereby adopted. Resolved. That tbe Aadltor nt the City ef 'Portland be and he la hereby directed te give notice of the proponed Improvement ef Bale street aa provided by tha city charter. xtenMmatram'ea aaalnet tha above Imofrrre- Bwnt may he file in writing with the awder slgned within SO days from the date at tha first pannes t ion et lata nouca. . . . . By order sd. the Council. THOU. c. nnrtxiw. Aadltor af the Cltv nf Portland. -Portland. Oregon. Date et first pabUcattoa. March 4. 130a. , rmoroHD nmomnxt or wwtu BTBZZT. : Notice Is hereby glvea that at tha meeting of the Council of the City ef Portland, Oregon, held ea tbe lat day ef March. lMOft, tha fol lowing renotation was adopted: Resolved. That tbe Council of tha City ef Portland. Oregon, deems It expedient and! par pones to Improve Webatdr street from the eaat Une ef Kenver a venae to the weat Uaa of Pattoa avenue, br grading the atreet to the atakea as set by tha City Engineer. Hald Improve meat to be made la accordance with the charter and ordinances of the City of Portland and tbe plana, apeclflcatloaa aad retlnntes of tbe City Engineer, filed la the office af tbe Aadltor of the City of Portland on the 14th day of February. 100s. Indorsed: "City Engineer's plane aad epeeif teat tone for the Improvement ef Webster street frota the east Una of Denver avenue to the wast Una ef Pattoa avenue, aad tbe ea time tea of the work to he done and the probable total cost thereof." '-. ' Tbe coat ef aald Improve axent te he aaaeawed SB provided by the city charter apnn tbe prop erty cpeeially and peculiarly benefited thereby aad which la hereby e-c tared to be all tbe lots, paru thereof aad parcela ef land lying betweea a Ilea 100 feet north ot end parallel with ths north line af Webster atreet and a Una 100 feet south af and parallel with the eealh Baa ef Webster street sad betweea tha east line ef Denver s venae aad tbe at Uaa af Pattoa avenue. Tha Enrineee'a eatlmate ef the pmhabte total mat for the Improveaieut ot said wenav The plana, ansuMflcattoaa aad eetlmatea af the City Knglneer for the Improvement ot aald Webster street are heretiy adopted. Reaolved. That the Aadltor ot tbe City et Portland be aad he la hereby directed to five notice ef tbe proponed Improve meat et aald street as provided by the city charter. Remonstrances againat the above Improve ment may be filed In writing with the ander algned within 20 days from the data ef the flrat publication ef this no tics. By order of the CnnnclL THOS, C DBTUN. , Aadltor of the City ef Portland. - Portland. Oregon. Data at flrat publics Uoa, March 4. 1006. - .. itiopobai, ros rnxn W0UC , Beaed propoaara trill be received it the of fice of the Auditor of tbe City ef Portland, aattl Fridar. March 17, 100ft. at 8:00 o'clock p. nt., for the improvement of Davenport street' from the weat Una of Uovernor's Park to the north line of Pit ton county Road la tbe manner provided by Ordinance No. 14.4&3 aubjeet to tbe provlalana ef the charter aad ordinances of the City of Portland, and the'eatiauto Of the City Engineer, oa file. ,1 Bide moat be strictly In 'accordance arlth printed blanks, which wilt be furnlehed on ap plication at .the office of the Auditor of tbe City of Portlasd. Aad aald Improvement moat be. completed on or before SO days from tbe data of the signing et tha contract by the par lira thereto. Su pronoaals or hlds wfll he rmwiilrred vm teaa ac-mmpaaled by a certified check payable to the order of tha Mayor of the City of Port land, certified by a responalble hank for aa amount equal te tea par eaat. ef the aggregate The'rlght ' ta reject any Bad all bids la hereby reserved. '" ':' . ' r ,B, arde, of tba, 1,(VmrR ' THOB. C. DKVI-IN. " Aadltor nf the City of Portland. Portland. Oregon, March 11. 100ft. rBOHMUU IDS BTEXXT WOKS. ' Reeled propoaata will 1 be received at - the office of the Auditor ef the City of Portland aatil Friday, March 17. 100. at 1:00 o'clock p. m. for tbe Improvement of weat ana half of Eaat Thirty aeiond street from ths center line ef Baat at ore I ao a atreet to leO feet aorth of the north line of Kaat Morrlaoa atreet. la the meaner provided by ordinance No. 14,477. aahlect to the previaloos of the charter and ordinances ef the City ef Portland aad the eatlmate eT tbe City Engineer, ee die. ' Bids moat be atrlctiy In accordance with printed blanks, which will he fnrulrhrd na application at fhe efflce ef the Aadltor of the City et Pnrtlrad. And hald Improvameat mnat be completed oa ar before 80 daya from the date of the elgning ot the contract by tbe parti ea thereto. Ko propose la or bids will he conatdered nn leaa accompanied by a certified check payable to the order of thy Mayor of the City of Portland, certified by a reaponalhle hank for aa aamant equal to 10 per cent ef tbe aggregate proposal. The right to reject any and all blda la hereby reserved. . By order at tha Executive Board. - . THOS. C. UF. TUN, : Aadltor ef the City nf 1 l-ortiaad. rartlaad. Oregoa, March 11, lds. CRT BOTTOM. rxoroixs utPBotTacxBT or xabt xiok- . texbtk rrxxxr. ; Notice la hereby -given that at ' the meeting vm um lAmiKU w waa v-i IV va n v. .1 w.a,-'. neia on tne ist aay or aaarcn, two, tarn kiwlaa reaniletkiHa araa aaWiiited: Beeulvou. ISal the Council ot the City ot PurtlaiMl, Oregon, decani It expedient and par pours to Improve East Eighteenth atreet from taa aorta une or Baat fjouca strart to, toe aaia line of. Eaat tttark street, to the , lullowlug manner, tj-wltl V Kirat liy grading the atreet full width arlth full lntemectluua to the proper Bub-frrade. Meuoud By bringing tke surface ot the atrayt full width with full Intense Hoes to proper grade with River gravel. Third By constructing wooden (hldewalks la accoraaiics wita tne ciry noginssx a . piunwi auedllcMUVrfia and eetlmatas. Fourth By laying wooden eroeswalhe la ae- rordan-e with the Oily luglDer a plaaa, a peel flea I loon nia aat I ml tea Fifth By re-laylug wooden sidewalks la ac cordance with the City Engineers puna, aped fifstloos and eatimatea. ' ' - tjlyih By re-laying crosswalks In accords are with tbe City Engineer a- plaaa;' spactflcaUeua aad eetlmalra, . ,. Seventh By eenstractlng bog and atone gut tors la accordance with the City Engineers plana, eperirtcatione aad eetlmatea. . . Eighth By oonatructlng wooden ' car be la accordance with tbe Cltr Engineer's plaaa, kneel flea I lone and eattaxataa. ruua improvement to oe ma as in accorannce with tho charter aad ordinances ef the City of Portland and the plana, aoecifleatlone and cell- auates ef the City Knglneer, tiled lu tbe office rf the AaJltnr of tbe City of I'ortland oa the lain tar or k'enruarr. lux in. inooraea: "City Kngtaeer'a plans and aneclflcatlona for ine improvement OK . r.aai BMgnreeaaa auvri from tha north line nf Kent Conch street to the north line of Kaat Htark atreet. and the estimates of the work to be dona "aad the probable total oast thereof." The coat of aald Improvement to ha a aar aaed aa nrovlded by tbe city charter apoa the prop- en 7 apeciaiiy aaa peculiarly neaeniea luoreuj ana which to hereby declared to be all the loU, parta thereof and parcels at toad lying between a line 100 feet went of aad parallel with the weat line of Eaat lghteenth street and a Une 1U0 feet eaat of aad parallel with tbe eaat Una ef Kaat Eighteenth atreet, and between the north Une of Kaat Stork atreet aad a line 100 feet north of and parallel with the north Une ef Kaat Conch atreet. The Kaglaeer'a estimate at tbe probable total coat fur tbe Improvetnent ef aald Kaat klrhteeoth atreet la t5.Z7d.O0. - - The above Improvement la to ta claased aa a Gavel improvement and shall be maintained tba city tor a period of fire yeara, pro vided, - however, that tha ensnare ef a majority ef toe property benefited by aald Improvement, or any portion thereof. - ahall aot petition for a new or different Improvameat before tha explratwa et such period. The plane, npectbeatlone and eatimatea at tbe City Knglneer for tha lmprovsaaest at aald atreet are hereby adopted.-., Resolved. That . the Auditor of the City et Portland be aad he la hereby directed to give notice ot the proposed Imiirevemeut at aald street aa provided by tha city charter. Hsmooatrancea againat the aoove improve rnt mar be filed la writing with the under. signed within 3u days from the dale at the first publioatloa nf this notice. By order et the Council, ' THOS. C. DBvXlI. Aadltor ef the City ef Portland. Portland. Oregoa. Data ef Aret publication, March 4. 1000, rXOPOBXD TJfPROTXlfEBT 0T TWEBTI- ' mss iTBiiT. v-r-.w- Notice Is hereby given that at the BeetJBC of tbe Council of the City of Portland. Oregon, held ea the lat day of March, IWUb, the tot lowlag reaotutios wag adopted: Revolved, That tbe Ceuncll of the Cltr nf Partlaad, Oregonp deema It expedient aad par poses to improve Twenty-third gua't from tbe north line ot Waahlngtoa street te the aoath Use et Thar man atreet la the following man ner, to-wlt: - rtrat By mnevlng ell leaae earth, mad aad debris from the auxfaee et tha street tuU width with tall Intcraertloaa. Becoad By bringing the-. atreet. fall width with full intcrswtloua ta eefabllebed . grade with xacsdaaa. ' Third By conali acting artificial atone nlde. walka la accordance with the City Engineer's plane, Bpeclflcatlona and eatimatea. Fourth By laying croeawaUe. - ' Fifth Ry conatructliig stone gutters, Blxth By conMraetlag artiflctol atoae curbs. Bsld Improvement to be made la accof danrfS with tbe charter and ordinances et the City ef Portland and tba pUns. apeciflrattooa and eatimatea nf the City Engineer, filed la tbe efflce of the Aadltor of the City ef Portlasd ea the ZXIh day ef Febraary, 1006. Indoraed: "City Engineers plana aad aneclfjcntiona for tbe Improvement nf Twenty-third atreet from the north line of Washington atreet to tbe aouth Una af Thurmaa atreet, and the eatlmate ef the work to be done aad tha probable total cost thereof." Tha rest of oald improve meet to be aaaaai sa provided by tbe city charter - apoa the property apeclaliy aaa peculiarly Benentrd thereby and which la hereby declared to be ell tbe lota, Peru thereof aad parcels ef laad lying betweew a tins 100 feet weat ef aad parallel with the weat Une ef Tweotv-third atreet and a Una IpO feet eaat of aad parallel with tha eaat line of Twentr third atreet, aad Betweea the north line of Waahlngtoa street and the aoath Uae of Tharxaan atreet. The Engtneer'B eatlmate af the probable total coat for ine ImproveaMat et aald Twenty-third street la IV 37X00. The above Improvement Is to ha claaaed aa a macadam repair Improve ma nt aad ahall be saaln talned by the city for a period of three years, provided, however, that the owners ef a ma jority of Ue property benefited by aald im nrevTeneat, er any portion thereof, ahall aot Ctlttoa for a new er different laiprowotont tore the expiration of aarh period. The Plana, apecifleattoas ana estimates af the City Knglneer tor the Improvement of aald Tweaty-tbtrd atreet are hereby adopted. Resolved. That the Auditor of tbe City et Port Land be anft he la hereby directed to give notice nf the proponed lmproveinent et aald atreet aa provided by the city charter. Kemnaatraneee agnlaat tbe above Improve ment auy be filed la writing with the aader elgned within 30 days from the date et tha first publication ef thle notice. - By order et the Council. THOS. C. DBTtnlN. " . Aadltor ef the City nf Portland. Portland. Oregon. Date ot flrat pub lira Uoa, March 4. IBOft. rxopotxs uwzs nt xabt txxxtxxth BTXXXT. Notice la hereby glvea that at the meeting at the Council ef the City ef Portland, Oregon, held ea tbe lat day ef March, lKaY, the fol lowing resolution eras adopted: Ueaulved, That the Council ef the City of Portland, Oregoa, deetaa It expedient aad par poaee to construct a eewer la Kaat Thirtieth atreet from the caster Uae of Hawthorne a ve nae te the aawer la Baat Thirtieth atreet et Kaat Taylor atreet, of vitrified aawer pipe, wilh all Beeaawary catch -baalsa, maa-bulee, la nip -ho lea aad branches, and te be ef tbe following dimeneiousi ot eight laehea clear Inside diameter from the ceo tar Una of Haw thorne avenue to a point In Baat Thirtieth atreet at Kaat Madiaun ktreet; thence ef IV Inches clear Inside diameter to the newer la Eaet Thirtieth atreet at Kaat Taylor street. . The said sewer to be cone true ted la accord ance with the charter and ordinances ot the City of Portland aad tbe plana, apeclflcatloiia and eetlmatea et the City Engineer, filed la the office of the Aadltor of the City of Port land oa tbe loth dny of February, 10OS, in dorsed: -"City Engineer's Jilans sad epedfice lloea for a newer In Kaat Thirtieth atreet from the center line of Hawthorne avenue to the eewer In East Thirtieth atreet at Kaat Taylor atreet, and the estimates ef the work to be done aad the probable total coat thereof," Tbe coat or asld eevrer to Be assessed sa provided br the city charter upon tbe property apeclaliy aad peculiarly benefited thereby, and which la bereoy Declares to, oe su tne lots. Peru thereof end parcela af land lying betweea a lias 100 feet weat of had parallel with the weat Une of East Thirtieth street aad a Une loo feet east of and parallel with the east line of Kaat Thirtieth atreet and betweea tbe .orth Una et Hawthorne avrnoe and tha eeuth Une ef Kaat Taylor street. The Engineer's eatlmate af tha probable total eoat for lb eoaatractloa of aald sewer Is ftl 4DA.0O, , " The' plana. ' apeclflcatloaa and eatimatea nf tbe City Engineer for the Co as traction ef said sewer are hereby adopted. , . Resolved, That tbe Auditor ef the City of Portland be and be la hereby directed to give notice of tbe proppaed conatroctlon of asld sewer ss provided by tba city charter. ltoraonatraBrre againat . the above ' newer may be Med la writing with tbe ' nnder algned within 30 daya iron tbe data at ths fust publication nf thla notice. , By order et tbe Council. , THOH. C. DEVLIN, ' Aadltor of tbe City nt Portland. Portland. Oregoa. Date et flrat publication, March 4, 1906. ' rXOFOUD CHABOI 0T 0KADX 07 B0XTH- f WI0X BTXXXT. Notice U hereby given that at the meeting ef the Council of the City of Portland, Oregon, held ea the flrat day ef March, IPuft, the fol lowing resolution was adopted: Reaolved. That the Council deema It expedient and purpoeee te change the grade of Borlhwlek street betweea RueeeU atreet and Ptga atreet so that the grade of the renter Hue 'of Borth ertrk atreet at a point HO feet north ot the north Une of Page atreet be changed from S0.71 feet to M.H feet. Resolved. That the Auditor of the City ef Portlaad be and be Is hereby directed to glv. notice of the proponed change ef grado ef said stnet aa provided liy tbe city charter. Reesoaetranree against tbe proposed ehange of grade aaey be filed la writing with tha ander algned within ao days from tbe data ef tbe fire publication nf tbla no tics. , By order ef the Council. THOH. C. DBTUN, ' Aadltor of tha Cltr nt Portland. Portland Oregoa. Daw ef flrat publics lice, March , 10OB. - . -...' . : , ottY B0TICXB. rxoroBxs awiuxxxt rox ntrxoTX . kxbt br rxoUT itxxxt nix). ' Xotloa Is hereby, given that ths Auditor ef the CUy ot Portland has prepared o pro poned . aaaeeamrnt for the ImprovenMut ot Front atreet from feet aorth of the north line ef Wooda street to the aouth Hue ef O rover street, and baa. aaverlaliu-d ' what he dec am a jual apportkiiiuient uf cost for the improvement la accordance with the apeclal and peculiar bene II ta - derived by each percrk ef laud and lot ar part thrreof wlthia the eaaeasment dlatrlct, aud has apportioned the rest fed aald Improvement la tbu amounts set opposite eeca parcel of land and lot or part thereof as IU share et sorb proposed aaarsemrat. - , ' Aay objections to the apportionment of coat lr aald improvement must be made lu rlting to tha Council and died with . the Auditor wlthia It daya from the date of tbe drat pub Ueatloa of this aotliw. and aald objertloue will be heard and determined by the Council before tne pasaago of the ordinance aaeeaaing un et aald I to prove maul. PORTLAND BLOCK 10ft. lot'l. Henry Wela hard, (.B0; lot 1. Henry Weluberd, t.V, hit 1 Henry Weluhard. ed-boj tot 4. Henry Welnhard, t4.10; lot 5. Henry Welnbard. M.00; lot-d, Henry Weluhard. d.oo; t T, . Ilenrv Welnkard ill Mil L., B llelirV WelB- hard, ad.fto. BUN K ion. Hmith A W.UHB iron Worka, IM.uu. UUHk iui, 8mllh A Wataou Iron Worka. fdoo; J Hmith Watoua Iron Works, (d.lMi; tot . Hmlth Wataoa Iroh Worka, kiCA); lot 4. Bmltk 4t Wataun Iron Works, f M; lot ft. Hmlth A Wataoa Irou Works, H &o; lot . - Hmlth ft Wataoa lroa Worka, ft-" I M T. Hniitfi ft Wataoa Iron Worka, lo M: tot B. BuiUh ft Wataoa Iron Works. I 50. BlAW- 'Jau. lot 1, Oregon Comiwny, edi etit X . Oregon Company, td-BOi lot 8, Oregoo tom panj. e.A0; lot 4, Oregoa tVimpany. W.00, lot 6. Frank Hornatrom. 60; marth Vi ' of lot . Butibla Uall, &.; aoulh 3..?.' , d. J oh a Retaarher. .'l.2oi hit T, 11. W HI la ma, .ft0i lot h, H. Wllllama. 0.o0. BLOCK Ut. "north 10 feet ef lot 1 Hncl" Va!kttl . 0.o5; north 20 feet of west ao dee of hit i. Buclo M. Parker, 0.5o; eaat HO lejt of weat 40 feet of lot I, Heckle UordnB, 9; . eaat SO feet of treat 40 feet ot lot a. Heckle , tiordoa, 1 06: saat 00 feet of lot 1, A. Baiim ' gardncr, (3.00: north 10 feet of eaat feet of lot S, A. Bsumgardner, l.Mi aaruth 1 foot of aorth BU feet of lot i Marie pake. u.: south BO fort ef hit X. Maria Dake, fa iMi lot . Mario Dake, $18: kit ft, Jacob Mayer. 0.60; kit -g, Jacob Mayer. : aouth 30 feet nf tot T. Jacob Mayer, 11.00; north an feet of weat HO feel ef rat t. Henry K. MtGlBB. ga.10i weat HO feet of lot a. Henry E, McUlna, .1.2tl; tmrth 30 feet of rest JO feet of lot T. Mueie M. Parker. fO.M; r eaat 20 tdrt ot lot S, Hucto M. Parker, IS". BLOCK 122, lot I, M. Uale. .ft0; W't a. : Joseph Blmnn, Trustee, t W. lot . Joha Clay tog. d 60; let 4, Jobs Clayton. d.lft. -. A triangular tract ot land lying between the aentberly line of lot 4. block 122. Pert land, the north Una at block 10, tarutbera Addltloa to Portland, aad a Una loo feet west of and parallel with the weat Una af Flrat 'street, Joha Clayton, fto.ta. - -A tract ef laad 'lying betweea the aoath- - erly line of hit ft, block 123, Portland, and tke northerly line of block lo. Carathera' Ad- " dltlon to -Portland, and betweea the eaat line ef Kecond street and a. line 100 feet . eaat of and parallel therewith. Havings Lone Society ef Baa FraBclaea, 1.45. PORTLAND BLOCK 122. lot ft. 8a vines Loan Borlnty of Baa Fraactsco. .o0; lot . Hav toga Loaa noclvty of Kan Kranclaco, fd.fto; lot T, Koswell B, Lara eon, fl.ho; let . Hss . well B. Lam-on. bo. BLOCK 12U, lot 1. Joha A. Devlin, W.oO; lot 2. John. A. Devlin. In.n0; lot ft, Oct ma a Havings Loan Society. J4.&O; lot 4. Oeorge H. Chance. fd.R0; lot ft. Kate Henderson, ftd.n0: lot , Orvtn and Margaret E. Kellog. .! tot T. .Orvto 1 kel. leg. d.t0: lot Ida H. Ueeay. ftd.fttl. BLOCK l;tn. lot 1, Lucy A. Dodd KaUte, Jlelra nt. td.ftA; tot 2, lAiry A. Dodd Estate. Helra ef, .ft0i lot ft, (ieorge H' Chance, ftgao: lot 4. tleorga H. Chance, - ftd-AO; tot ft. Btepben Meade Estate. Helra of. d.W: eoulh 40 feet e lee a Blarikae Meade Eatlte. HelTS of. an en: north in feet of lot M. C. C.i New castle. ai.ev; weal ev tec n ej . , , Newcastle, to.NI: went Po fret of lot B, V, V. Kewcaatle, S.o8: eaat 10 feet nf lot T. lacr A. Dodd Eatate. Helra af. f)l.aft: east HI feet of lot , l"Bcy A. Dodd Eatate. Heirs of. O.ftTt. BtXH'K 17. tot 1. Josephine A. Kloatsrman. fd.fto; lot a. Josephine A. K Waiter naa. gasoi-lot S- Abraham B. Harger,; lot 4. Joeeph Day. d.o; lot ft. Tbomas -v Bpinman,- . tot- ,K:--i-- Rny-.'l aoath I t feet lot T. R. L. Kay, (3.411; north 81 1-ft teet tot T, Mary E. Arnacaie. 4.10; lot S, Mary E. Arbuckle. d.S0; all of went 100 feet ef block I'M, except north do feet, Argnavrnto Thurlow,; all of eaat 100 feet of block 1. except north 00 feet, Josephine Kolllvan. 7.10; north 30 feet ef weat 1 feet of block 13H. llnttto OoM smlth, dS BO. BleOCK LW. aouth 30 fret of north do feet ot weat HW feet of block. Ltaxle A. Btoharda. ti.90; aorth BO feet ot east lul teet of block. Oscar Mlhsos, ftdfto. BLOCK lOBc-tot 1, Peter J. Mann. a.ftU4 lot 2, Peter J. Mann, nurei; mi a, rviev j. V" " ' lot 4. Mary Robtnnon Eatate, Helra of. $o.4S; ' lot ft. Mary rtoblnnoa Ketate, Helra of,; lot , Joha Wi and Helen Mafe Curran. .ftO; lot ?. Peter i. Mann, lot , Pater J. Maaa. ftdfto. BUK'K 140. lot 1, R. I- U co de aha II Kstato. Heirs ef. .S0; lot 2. eoals F. Cbemle Eatate. Heirs of. f6.ft0; tot VS, lamia F. Chemla1 Estate. Heirs of. ftd.fto: tot 4. Israto P. Cbemln Estate, Heirs ef, ftASO; tot ft. Benton Klllen. ftd.oO; lot . H. K, Barnham. SH.MI-. lot T. J. M. Wstts. 8.5"; lot S. J. M. Watts, ftdftO. BLOCK 141. lot 1. tienrge H. Ray, Id.oO: lot 2.' Michael J. Oelet. td.ft0; lot .' Charlea L. Parker, ftd.ft0; , lot 4, Jamee B. Jnknatnne, .n0; lot ft, O. M. Bmlth sad Brno ft Rail. aouth 4M feet ' of lot a. O. M. Smith aad Beno ft Ball la. 14.10; north 2 feet of lot d. Mary Francis Hurley, an. 28; south SB feet ot tot T, Mary Francis llarley. 14.70: north 14 feet af lot 7. ' Annie B. Harklna, 11.1)0, lot a, Annie E. llarklna, t.fiu. . - CARCTIIERS, ADDITION to Portland BLOCK 1. lot J. Thomas tinlneaa, ftdho; lot , . Thnanaa flntneaa. fd.00; lot S. John t amp bea ftd-fto; tot 4. Joha CsmpoeU, fdfto; M ft, WUllam Drnack, fd.00; tot . William Hmack, tl0O; tot 7. Mary K. Wilson, ftd.00; lot . Mary K. Wilson, ftd.H0. BLOCK 2. lot 1, Kalama River tomm Company, fd.00; aorth H ef lot 2. Charlea Walter, i3.4A: aoath W at tot a, W. J. Pnllrrun. H.4o; tot . ft, Kalama Riser Bonm Company, ftd.00; tot ' 4. Thotnae Mann, fd.00; lot ft, Thomaa Maaa. f d.BOi tot . Thomas Maaa, ftd.00; tot 7, Tboataa Mana. fd.0K lot a. Kalama River 1 Koom Company.- ftd.00. BLOCK I, lot I. Rodney tlllaaa Hatate, Heirs nf. '0o; lot a. Rodney (illaaa Eatate. Helra ef, fO.00: tot 8. Rodney tlUaaa Ketate. Helra ef, ttt-BO; tot 4. Ealher Benofaky, ftd.00; lot ft, Albert Huber, fn.00: tot d. L. Outhouse Cottel, fd.00; lot 7. Colieta M. Fraaer, fd.00; tot ft. Collate M. Fraaer. f.0O. , BLOCK 4. tot 1, ( harlee L. Parker, 10. IW: tot. ft. Charlea L. ' Parker, fd.00; tot ft. Joha Larkel et al., fO.00; tot 4, John Lockel et al., f.0O; tot ft. h. Whiter Morris, fd.00; tot d. William A. droomea, M.U0; tot 7. Ha rah J. Btanaberry. t.po; tot ft, Thomaa Uulnesn. fd.00. BUH'K . east UK) feet of lot 1. Maria Baker. fd.ft0; west B.8 feet of lot 1. WUllam Fie Id per. 00,40: weat S feet ef tot 1 William Fleld ' nor. fo.4li: weat feet of tot ft, WUllam . Fleldner, f0.40; east 100 feet ot lot 3, J. W. Baker, fttf.00: eaat 100 feet of tot 3. Pery O. Baker. Ratals, Heirs of, fd.AO; hit 4. William I'leldner, fd.00; lot t, William . .Fleldner. f6.0O; tot 6. William . Fleldner, fd.0; tot T. WUllam Fleldner, 39.00; tot ft. ' WUllam Fleldner. fd.00. BliOCK d. let 1, - John Perry, fd.00; tot 2. Delphln Wbalen, fd.00: lot 8, Rebecca Hoehfeld. fd.00- lot 4. Wirtlara Fleldner. fd.00; tot ft, William Fleldner. (.0o: tot Charlea Flitsch. fd.HO; . tot 7, Lydla II. Taylor, fd.00; lot A. Lrdla H. Taylor. $. BLOCK 7. lot 1. t'Hra (told ateln. t6.0O; tot 8. Alice F. Taylor. fta.PO; wrat 2fl4 feet of lot 3. Peter Taylor, fl.70; seat 80 feet nf lot 8, Irving W. Pratt, fo.20: lot 4, Peter Taylor, fd.00; raet 6 14 feet of 1 tot ft, Peter Taylor, 80.40; eaat Mi feet of " lot 6. lVt-r Taytor. fo.4tl: west too' feet of . tot t, Canadian and American Mortgage ft Trust Company. Ltd.. ftd.ftO; went 100 feet , of let t. Alfred J. Farmer, fn.n0) lot ft, J. W. Hickman, fd.00. - . . " A tract ef land hoaniied and denerlhed aa fnllowa: Commencing at a point la tbe east line ef Kecond street, said point being no feet snath of the Intei-eectton 0 the Booth line of Wtermaa street with the eaat line nf Becond atreet, thence- south etong the esat line of ', Heeond atreet to a point 100 feet south of the aouth Une nf Sherman afreet: thence seat 71.71 feet along a line, 00 feet snath of and parallel with . the . eonth line ef Bhernian atreet: thence north 28.1 feet along a line "71.71 feet eaet of and parallel with tbe eaat line of Becond atreet; thence north 84 dc- - green 8 - arlnateet -west K1.8 -feet 1 - thence weat 8 feet along a line M feet south nf and ' parallel with the aouth line at Bherman atreet; , theme north 18 feet along a Uae lU.fll feet eaat of aad parallel with the east Una, of Pernod atreet: thence wear along a line 50 feet snath of and parallel with tha. aoath line ef Bherman street to the place af be ginning. J. W, Hickman, fd.lS.. A tract af land hounded sad denerlhed aa , follows: Commencing at tbe nnrthweat cor ner of tot 1. block 7. Csrethera' Addition to , Portland, thence aouth along tbe weat line of ; tots 1 and 8. block 7, narotbera' Addition ' to Portland ta a point loo feet aoath of . Booth Une of Rberrnaa atreet; thence weat 84.81 feet atong a line 100 feet sooth ef and parallel - with tbe eonth , line of Bherman atreet; thence north 28.1 feet along a line - 71.71 feet eeat nf and parallel with the eaet line nt Bscond atreet: tbenee north 04 de grees. Rd mlnnten. weat 1V8 feet: thence weat 4 feet along B line -08 feet noath nf and . parallel with the south Une of Bherman atreet t thence north along s line K3.IM feet eeat ef snd parallel with the eaat Una nf ftocnnd atreet tn Ita Intersection with the snath line ef Nhermaa street; thence seat along the nnnth lire nf piier-we etmyt to place ef beginning. Whiter R. Hufford, 88.10. CARI'THFRB' ADDITION to Portland BLOCK 8. tot I. Rnrtnev flltaan Eatate. ' Helra of. . V0O; tot 1 Rodney Ollaaa Folate, Helra of d Mi; lot 3. Rodney flilaan Estate. Heirs of. 1 ffl.OOj Kit 4,. Lain May Collet, fd 00; eonth Juv nf tot ft, I In May Cottel, 31.411; north H nf tot ft.' Charles W. Oittel. 3.1.4ft: tot 8. ' Rodney CUaaa Estate, Helra of, td.00; tot CTTT VOTIOKB. . T, Bodnev Ollaaa Eatate, Heirs -t. fd-ao, lot , Rodney tillaan, Kautc, Heirs ef,, lllaX.K 0, tot 1, harah J. BUneberry. a.ltoi tot 2. Barah J. titanalierry,; tot 4 Harah J. Htanaberry,. fd.00; tot 4, Sarah J. -btanaberry,; tot ft, Harab J. Btanaberry, t.b0i tot . Barah J. Htauaberry, tot I, Barah J. Btaiiaiwrry, M.fto; tot 8, Harab J. "lane berry, Rix'K 10, tot 1, Mary B. Iraffy. ftt.aoj lot a. 11. i. liy laad, fd.fto; tot - 8, Mary L. Tllton, fd.00; tot 4, Martin Brhaile, fd.AOj lot S, -charlea Kirch aer aar Henry Hauao, fHOti; tot n Joha aUaery, 8.6o; tot 7. J. M. Walih. f.fto; tot 8. Tha 11 tie Uuarantee ft Traat Company, fd.&d. ' : 1ILOCK II, tot 1, Ueorge and Barah Uambert, . ' f-0 tot 8, Joeeph Nhnok. fd.fto; east 1 teet of lot 3, Martha A. . Cooledge, fttVOO; weet 20. ft feet of tot - a, llaekeit Brews, f I.Wi; weet hll.ft feet of lot 4. Uaakell Brew a,. f1-0' a."" " f tot 4, Fred Neu- iwuer, fd.uu; weat tin feet of tot ft. Alfred . i- 8.4.40; eaat lit foet of west 100 f l-coa Broiler. f2.1; eaat ft.ft ' aat 8, Haskell Brown. fo.lo; east ft.ft I?.' a'. lot. HaakeU Brews, ftalo; weal lL,f", .t Augustaa Bauvaln, 15' t Jo-Pn r. Neldcrmeyer. fa.80i !" Vi!10 K-tb'hild, BUKK 13. tot ! ?f ,A W.0Or north Vi di tot ft. Ado'Pt t'olaoo,; south H ok tot 2. tow fd.00;. tot 4, Henrietta Btrauaa, fit. Bur HJk nLh00' thrrulL 3d.Bu; tot 8, Aa thony F. Carroll. fa.kxi: lot 7, M i Emery,. ?Ifi n .,a' w" foot et tot L W'' u;i 88.8 feet of weat iV!.' r tot Vnul ". ta.lftj'eaat , at tot 3, Lou U p. Beno, aouth f eet S(ZM fret of tot a. Louie V. Beno, 1, Uoldle Barell, fo.10; north .re ot eaat tO. fret of hit 8, Coldle Barell. fO.HO; weet ?"S t smith 411 feet of Jot 3, RomaB tatborlc Archblahof of the IHoceaee of Ore. , ff'-'if Mi wt 43 teet ef tot 8, Romsa Catholle Archblahon of lbs Otoeae af lie.. im!'Wlmnrt ' o " d-11 'ret M Jr,'"n Ballla. ft .08; aorth 28 feet 25 e?" teet, of tot 8. Loaia p. ltono, 82.0S: eaat tu ' fae r hi . Ti tot 3. Roman Catholic Arcbhtohon nf tba JMbcsae of Oregon, 82.0ft; tot d. - Romsa mainour arrnniaiKin ot the IBoceae of Ore. gon.fttl.Ou; tot ft, Romsa Catbolto Archblahop , of the Diocese of Oregon, fd.00; tot 8, Roman latholle Archblehon of tba Diocese ef Ore. gon, td.0n: tot 7, Roman Catholic Arrhblahnp of the Diocese ef Oregon, fd.00; weat 9.4 s fft af esat 83 feet ef aouth It feet ot tot h. Roman Catholic Archbishop of the Dtoeese of Oregon, fa 10; west 74.8 feet of , south II feet nf tot , Rpmaa Catholle Arrh- - "SL.of.,wl pvxeraa of Oregon. 1.06; eaat: Sl.Bd feet of tot 8. WlUlam BalUa. fl.6B; weat 82.84 feet of north 80 feet nt tot 8. , Jennie Belcher f 4.0. BLOCK 14. tot 1, y:""""". 80.00! tot X Pratt Whlb - comb. f(VM0t bit 8. Pratt Whlteomb, 86.81; ' 'ffaal;...1"?. y-00! " H tot ft. eVIIIIam H. Urenfell, 8:1. 4ft; eeat 2d. feet SJal0"" " William H. GrenfelL 80.8ft; weat JO feet of Berth H nf tot ft. , Btephea Prledeaax. fa.80; tot , Aathony r. , Carrol. fo.lU; tot 7. Aathony V. Carroll. ' w X" L. Woodward, v 8.0k . BLOCK 1ft. lot 1. Oeorge Longford, fn.00; tot 8, (toorre Langford, fd.80; ot g, rarker . f . fd.00; tot 4, Derby O. Toole, 3d.80t tot 8. Thomas! ae - P. Rcott. fd.00; tot 8. Thonmalmi P. rirntt. fd.00; lot 7. Maud O. SPISSJ- .M-90: ,0, Una Hndaon, fd.0O.l KUH-k 18. tot 1. Harriet M. Pieman. fd-OOf -fct 2, Harriet M. llemaa, fd.00: tot S. Joha ! 8.0O; tot 4. R. V. Pratt, fd.0u; W": WW B. Allrn. fa.80 snath H nf tot 8 W lley B. Allen. Ata; north H of tot Moresn Barde. f.1.46: eaat H of tot T, Charlea L. Parker 83. 4ft; eaat U nf tot 8, Charles h P"VT'..l,3-0! of tot T, Elinor tl. Ilare, f.l.4ft; weat H of tot 8. K II aor O. Ilare, f:i.4A. BLOCK 17. tot 1, Mary D. U Rarnharf. fd.80; lot 2. Mary D. U Barahart. -fd Oo; eaat leal feet of tot i Charlea L. I"ar ker. 88JMI: weat d-ft2 feet of aoath H of tot 8. Mary K. Arbuckle. fO.Bl; wrat 8.M feet - -.' St or1k t tot- 8,. Benson B. Arbuckle. . -; east 100 feet nf tot d. William 85. Puffer. ft.fto: weet .M feet of lot 4. Mary ' - K. Hmlth. f0.4D: tof 5, Mary X. Bmitb. f 00; Tm'h. tot , Mary E. , Ar. . "cani, evei; narth H , or lot d. - 1'ena.e - B. Arbackle. f3.45: tot 7, . Joha . J. and A an Is L. Fable. 3d 00; tot 8. Joha J- nd Annie L. Fnhle. BLOCK 18. to 1, Herman Barings ft Loan Redely, td go; !? 1 ""J!" Pop' w8.80; tot 8, Charlea E. Parker. fd.0j lot 4. Charlea K. Parker. 8d.8fi 1 vrest 80 fee of lot' ft. Bah met T. ITInnda! eaat M.i feet bf tot ft. Joha Barney. . 83.88; lot 8. Ben Belling. Traatee. 88.00; weat H of lot 7. Joha Oeorge Heed. 83-4ftt - S"""1 ? tM WMt H I"' 8. Joha Oeorge Bred. 80.18: north 48 feet of weat V4 of tot 8. Mary Heed. $.r; net H of tot 7.IIHam II. aad rrcderlck J. Joyce. 81.48; chat 14 of tot . William H. aad Frederick J. Joyce. 8.1. 4.V BIcK K 10. lot 1. Fvedertek D. Mat 'hraa, fo.8o: lot 2. Frederick D. Matthews. 30: tot 8. Edgar Popptotan, fd.00; tot 4. Z Edgar Poppletoa. 38.80; tot 8. Minnie Tar. wig,; eonth 88 1-x teet of tot dL Chrla- 1, wVv,K'',.,r- f m: - teet af tod . d. - Daniel aad Catherine Kelly.. 83. JO; to. 7, Daniel and Catherinn Kelly. .B0; tot X Ore. . ham Glees Eaute. Helra ef. 00. an. BLOCK 20, tot 1. Peter 1. Maaa. 3d BoT tot 2. raham Claae Eatate, Helra ef.. 3d no; tot ' X Orahem tjlaaa Eaute. Helra nf. fd en; lot .4. Jamee J,' Allard. fd.00: tot 8. Ella D. Pcsrhrlat. ffl.oo; tot 8. W. C. Herman. 8A8t tot 7. Joha W. Carraa. fa, BO; tot X, Peter J. Mann, fd.00. CARrTHRRB' ADDITION TO rAROTflERB ADDITION tn (he City nf Portland BLOCK A. all ef north 48 fret of tot 1 except west 22 feet. Barah J. MrKltrlck. f4.1A; aouth i 'ITL "a."" 90 " Albert N. 1 Fosdlck. fO.JO; west 22 feet ef tot 1. Oregoa . . Fsrnltnre Manufacturing Vompaay, f 1.48; west 22 feet ef tot X Oregon Furniture Maaafartar- tng Company, gl.4A.all of tot 2 except weet 22 feet. Albert K. Fosdlck, 88.48; all nf north H ot lot 8 except weet Id feet, Charlea E. , Hall, 83. aa; all of aouth V, ef tot 8 except weet Id feet, Nettle A. B. Beatoa, fd.Oft: west Id feet nt lot 8. O. (Vwdaao, fi.oA; all of north. ) ef tot d except weat 81.18 feet, F. P). Illge, gl.df; aoath 28 feet of tot 4. fK Cwrdano, 32.00; west 81.18 feet ef aorth H of tot 4. G. Cordana. f:L80: weat 00 feet ef tot ft. Dlmmlrk Isigrand. fft.gft: west On) feet of tot 8. Margaret OMgrovn. 88.88; eaat 10 feet nf lot ft. 0. Cnrdaan, fO.dB; eaat 10 feet of tot ft. (t. Cnrdaon. f0.dft;lot I, Ore : gon Furniture Manufacturing CVjavpany, fd.ftoj hd 8, Oregna Furniture Maaufactnrtng Cam. Kny. WK K B. nnrtk 22 feet ot , 1. F. W. Wataina. 328ft; aouth feet of tot 1. IJaxle Apptoatoae, f-Xgft; tot X JoIIim aad -f Proline Walter. fd.AC; aorth Vfc nf tot X I'ortland Trust Company nf Oregon, 83.28; nnnth t Of tot X R. Hoehfeld, 8ajo; tot 4. William II. Cnnrt ney, 3 g ftfl; east i of lot ft, Jane K. JohBatone, fa 25: weak iZ nf tot B, Charlea A. Walter, 33 X; tot-X V Perry O. Baker Eatate, Helra of. fd.SA; weet " H of tot 7. Thomaa P. Campbell. 3:1 30; eeat U ef lot 7. Tteob Htalder. fS.2n; let 8. James F. Daviee,; lot . D. Marx. 84.40; tot" 10, Btepben Meade Eatate, Helra of. fo.80; tot 11. Perry U. Baker Rotate. Helra ef. fA.n: tot 12. Perry G. Baker Ketate, Helra . nf. 88.28. BLOCK C. tot 1. Perry O. Baker Eatate, Helra ef fft.nO; tot X Prrry a. Baker Ketate. Helra of, 3fl.R0; tot X . William Wsarher. 84.SO; lot 4. William Waacber, fd.ftii; tot ft. Elton Wells, fdfto; aouth 14 nf lot ft. Archie snd Car lot ta Blchardena, 11(11 north ' H nf lot X H. nugllrlenieUI Ketate, ' Heir of. 83. 28; aoath 80 feet of tot 7. J. A. Parentl. fa.80; north to feet nf tot 7. 'Emma and Jenn'a Kafka. f2:ntl; tot 8. Emma and Jennia Kafka. fA.fin. BLOCK D. weet 14 of tot 1. A. W. Cheney. 38.2S; weet 14 ' of tot 2. A. W. Cheney, f.i.2ft:- eaat V, of tot 1. Heritable PJecarlty ft Mortgage Invest, aient Company, f.i.aB; eaat H of tot X Harlt -able Recnrlty ft Mnrtgage Investment Com. " any. fXI.28: lot 8, Emily J. Schneider, 88.80; . - lot 4. Emily J. Rcbnelder. fo.80: tot 5. , ' Klcholea Bchsnsn. fd.00: lot X Philip Ken. . 8A.80; tot 7. Bnaan C. Butler, 34.80: tot Joseph Fink. ftt.N). . BIOCK K. undivided 14 of tot 1. Lnndoa A Baa Fraaclaca Bank, 31.25: undivided ' nf Jot 2. London ft Ban FranelBco Bank. 83.28: . undivided H af tod 1. Dundee Mortgage ft True! In vest meat Com nenyr Ltd.. 3-1.26; undivided H of lot X Dundee Mortgage ft Trnst Inveatment Com- - nan7. 3X38;. tot .1. Carl Abendroth. . fd.ftO; tot 4. Carl Abendroth. fd.80: west, 14 ' of tot 8. William H. Baylor. f3.28; eaat H nf lot 8. Fanny Barry, 3-1 231 ; lot X Fsnny ,., Barry. 38.80; aouth H of tot 7. Fanny Rarrv, . f.rafi: north to of tot T, James Barry, 88.28; : tot 8. Jamee Brrrr. td.0. BIMTK F, tot 1, J. C lexckel, f2..1ft; tot 2. J. C. Larkel, f2.8fi; tot 8. J. C. Larkel. fl.80; tot 4. J. C. LorkrL fl.80: tot 8. J. C. Lock el. fl.on, lot 8. J, C. letckel. fl.0f: tot 7. J. C. Lackel. fl.80; lot 8. J. C. Loekel, Un: tot 0, J. fl. ' I.uckeL fl.PO; tot 10. J. C. latckel. fl.POf " -tot 11. J. C- letekel. 81,80, lot IX J. ti Lnckel, 81.80; tot IX J, C. Lwkei, fijo; tot 14. J. C. Lnckel. 33..10! tot IX "5. c! lAickel, 8X80; tot IX J. 'C. Lnckel. f2.80; tot 18, J. C. Lnckel. 82. 80: tot 17. Aaruata Marks, f280t tot 18. A ornate Marks, 330; tot 10. Angnata Marks. 2 rV-ot 20. Augusts ' -Marka. 3X totu21. Joha B. Blegler. -83 80; . undivided 14 of tot W. William Montag, " ft. 2ft: undivided U of tot 23. William Mow -tag. 80. Wl: undivided H of lot 24, WUllam ' . MonUg, 30.08!. anrtlvlded H nf lot 28. Wll- .. 47 ... Si IK, nndt1Aa1 11. , a, . 1 nf lot 22, , Henry Cleeve. f i.28;' undivided V Henry Cleave, 30.08 f andlvlded tj Henry (1e.v, fO j Bdlvlrted y uMrv Clesv. 31.1ft. BLOCK a er tot st, i nf tot 24. i of tof ad. n. int - Isabella B. and W. A. Lewla. ft .to; tot X laahella B. and W. A. Lewis ft. PV eaat ftfl feet nf weat M feet of tot 3. Matilda A. Baker,' f.1.28; eaat &0 feet nf west 83 feet of tot 4. Matilda A. Baker. 8128: all vt tot p, except weet 88 feet, Edmnnd B. Hill, 32.10; all- of lot 4 except weet ftft feet. Edmund B. Hill, 32.78: undivided V, of weat -. 8 feet of weat Ml feet nf tot 8, Lnndoa ft Baa FraaeHco Bank.' Ltd., 30.88; andlvlded 14 of weet 8 fret of wrat SO feet ot tot 4. , IxMidna ft Ran Francisco Bank, Ltd.. 30 88; nndlvldrd of weat 8 feet nf weat (0 feet nf lot 8. Alliance Trnst Company, Ltd. 80.8.1; andlvlded 4 nf went ft feet of Weet 88 feet of tot 4. Alliance Trnst Company. Ltd, - so Onr andlvlded V, of east 47' feet nf tot 8. . !nntow ft Ran Franc) neo Bank, Ltd., 31. So; Wndlvlded H nf eeat 47 feetef lot 8. 1witon ft pan FraaHacn Bank. Ltd.. fl.80: andlvlded ' af east 47 feat of tot S, Alliance Traat 1 7 '7