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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1905)
J: THE OREGON DAIL JOURNAL,? PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 13. ! ... l carnal TODAY'S Demand for Ced Potatoc Ctronsr Sup pKes Are Shorts-Onion Market Not So High on Account of Heavy Shipments, ; , O Journal MARKETS vAs::ir,GTorj 1 1 1 ,. Branch Offices Entered at the iMwrBc ef Portland. Or, uik m eead -r wa.aiertattea through U auutor. . M i. Poateg for alagte.wmlegt For "LI?. M M . Beat. ' I r n.--a ......w,IBR - I . Mslat auv 4MIMt fj , . , i - - -- ..inl"" i in, tAkng. .. nnaimff bates. V -; ; Vm lf OuvtMw TBS nrty loaraat wttk . 1 g oo Dally Journal, 1 iwr erg 1 Daily JournsC with suadey. S:s -a Dally Journal aMtb. ..... '"IXi .H ' w Dully Journal with 8ae4y. annate. Pally Journal mouth... '.'iV . ' Dlly )ml with Sunday . t T"J-; -w Vee Dally, par weak, delleored. oy . tadoli4 ; paaay uai. a yer.... TV Bemi-Weekly Jeaiwili fcai-Wawkly roanaU. i laaaa, uiuirawa. w " fl.M i-fMtf'.wi'iv" rlemit antra, axanaa ardani M aaiau "-"" P. ft. twS 11L wW. Diacaa. nmu ui n rovm. . TV. W en ka tail W mU tb. ioiSR. IDAHO H BaOat Oa.1 W. B. CHICW-PoatofOea aap(m 0" ranpaay. 911 Wntwatk wH; J., !. dlxtmtk and Cartla atraota. r r, .;' rnNSMDIB. CAU t. lirC'T-rvOr. . iINn, AT.A8K A Ptwtnffl ra mnra. ANSA 8 nTT y Now NawaalJTaXi Pnrtnc rtrrrt; OUmr Balaaa. Boatk R'bHDJ ftfCVta ' M .a- afTVKKAPOUS . KJroa. 50 MW TOliK CTTT Braata na'a. Cak fr- txjorN OrHi Srwa eeaipaay. - . .. OMAHA Mniard Hotal iwa atandt M-raaa Otatioarrr rnrnnaay. 1 Farnma atrart- A IT LA It It CTTT Kniyoa Hol aawa jtaaa. Aaimw Bma.. 8 Waat aeermi T. U)IJ1 Philip JIU4?r. l loeMt atraat; at. T- Jtt; " afta Ottva awaat " BAN FRANCISCO W. K. AMItw. Jfalaja Fajji aw gtana. an laarkrt atrt: OoM- mnltk Bma., tntft atraat, aad BalM rraari bfrt: ratrr Oraar, aaiia tn: N.WBMtlay. tM Watoaaa atraat. . KATTLtV Ralnlar Graa4 awa taa4l (POKANR. WAOW 7aka W. Orafcm Oa. a"AOOMA. WASH. Ontrml Kawa - coaipaay; Hntfl Tacoaoa aawa ataaiL TK7TOPJA. B. C TlctorU Beak BlaUwai ArrCTTO UIB TOaTOBXOw. t fa a. aa. Hala of aahubla taraitara, Oaa. A. lawnt, aaetraarw. - - By ara Bakar Oa.. Park aad AMay arraala. at 10 a. a. Bala of mrnltara. eanota. rtr. Oiihii Bator A Co.. aartlwira. -' Tka Btara mtral yoatrrd'T aff tka OaHforala rnaat kaa mri BartkwarA ana la bow aaajr TaaoMTar lalaaA. . It raaaad knay ralna thfooikont California 'and llxat abowcra la tha aorUi Parlac atataa. ilrti wtads akta aerompaDlaA tka atora'a aaoraawnt. tka falVrjrlD rrlorltiea , Wlna ra ' iMM-tad aortna tha teat 24 koara: Tatooak la laBd. 6ft ailTri. aaat: Harth Head. allta. aat; Baeraroaato. 44 rolfca. amttMt: Kaa praaelara. H aiUaa, aaathaast; Bad BlatT. M Hlx.. auatkaaat. ' Tha Indlrattoaa ar that tka mtirm wilt mm oaatward. analoc aaaattlad aroatbar aad rala fa thla dlatrtrt dartnc tba aazt M koara. with kick anatbarty wlsaa thla afternoon aad to alaht aktag tha raaat aad oa tha lulaod aarlca kta watara af waatara Waahlnftoa. Soathaaat atorai warataca ara dlapiayad at all aaaporta U tha dtotrtct , Woddtn Caroa. w. o. -tf Ca.. Waak bbitaa hulc., aar. Paarth aad waaklag aaa. BXZtBB, ' WKDHOW Marrh . to Mr. aad lira. Alfrad H. Wfxlbaw, 'oartraatfc aad tillafB atraaWi AANkari . ta BTr. aad WC C.9. laaaraoa. Tfa) BorthwIHi atrart; a aoa. tlATK Marrk II. to Mr. and htra. IfktJaal Mark, 6ta Twanty-fmirth atraet; a aoa. THOKJs'hu.L Mart . to Mr. aad Mra. WB . Uaaj 1. TkarahJU. BW Morrta atraat; a aoa. OOaTACIOPB PTnTIdlTB. . " K!APP Marrk II. Malcaal Kaa of. RS Baat raranth atraat aorta; oryalpalaa. . . FRIEDKNTHAL Marrk -11. Maitaa rrlao- thai. 2SS North Maataaata atraat; whoaptac BO WARD Mart 11. Odl Howard. ! CWro- SXATKB. PRrvrnjeMarf . B. W. Prladla, a val a raara. at Ht. Ylaroari BonrttaJ - Wrtam tmaaaa. Rmiai at Loao Frr enaatary. THORBJONHON Marrk , U. Thnrhioaoaa. acd a! yrora. aoar Jlorth PaclBe atlll; caaaa, ' ranrrr of atmaarh. Barlal at anerfaraa. JUNK I KB March 10. Kkbm B. Janklna. aawd yaara. at t. Tlaerat'a hoaoltal! oaaaa. atrt aiaaaaa. rjanai ai naiuaanaBB. wan. AKHBT Marrti 10, OoaaTtaaa Aahby. ajrad 12 yrara, 7 Hnaa atraet; eaaaak aaan auaraoa. Barlal at Biaarrtaw coawtar. . Craautorlaaj aa Oracna aty car Baa, aoar aHwood; BMMtera. arlrariflr. complota. Ckama Adolta. $06; rtlMraa, a Vlattora a. at. .to a. at. Partiaad Craawtloa aaaoeUtloa, I'arUaad,' Orrcoa. , : . . Tka Edward Hot am a rwlartakiac raaaraay, faaaral dtractora aad oaihalaiara. . fin Third - atraat - fhaaa aOT. - ' 1 . P. Ptalay A Bna. fornral dltaetora aad ombalaiara. ooraer Third and Madam atraota. UfAoa of aeaaty aaraaor. Talaphoaa Mala Av ,. Paaaral wrnfba and rat flu aai a a apaelalty . at Roaa City Oraaahoaaa. Twaaty aaauad aad Last Morrlaaa. ova. aaaartary. , , , . , ' BIA1 OTATX TAAJftTEXA. B.'A. Arata and wlfa to T. Jobnoan. ' . . kna l and JS, Block 1 Tobaaea aodi- ttna ;. I 750 C- r. Mayo aad wife to ht B. Aadmra. - . (nu a aad S. block a. riraaaat Uobh - 1 addltloa ...... I B. R. Mayo ta M. E. Aadrawa. Inta . ft aad . btork I, Pteaaaat Uonw addl- . ilea 1 . ; ' 1 M. i. Wrla and btfabaad to 0. It Ad- dtrloa, lot I, block . - Moaaf Bcott . Park S50 M. I.. Plpaa aad. wlfa to W. Mr Dayht, . , andlrldnd Ht lataraat hrta , . Waiaoa . ' Boairatoad 900 W. I. Praltymat ind wlf w. A. B. Jack. " - ana. aarral tead P. Prattyaua Aoaatloa laad claim t.,..l f 1 . W. M. WIlllacawortA at al. to n. nianhan, Iota la and )y block BX . Walnvt Park ..j:....... 1,000 . C. Knap to O. B. Will laaaa, lou 1 aad X hlv 30, Moaat Tatar villa ...... 000 M. Mnrnorh and wlTa to D. Voir, lot , Id. block 4. WUbuactta llalchta aoV 1 diHon j. 1.400 T. . MrDanM at al. to W. T. Tnomp- . ana. hit W. Drlakaintt A Oatnaa ' LJItl HoaAaa aohdlTlaloa Mo. 4 171 L. Marti a aad wlfa to J. B. Babrr, lot a, block IX i. lrrlaf ' Plrat addl. . Hon B A. Rarlhacbar aad koanaad to J. A. -Mlkira lot C. block 1A. ijawthoraa'a I Plrat aadltloa .. BM B. Prlca and wlfa to H. P. Oaalay. narrat laad aactioa A townahra 1 aoalb. rann 1 aaat ..... BTO Park Laad roaiiMay to A. O. Taotpw, - let 0. blank Ion. Dniaaralty Park .... I 1. B. Bloat and wlfa to t. U Hart man. . ' traf. lot 14, Mack WW, Uaaek adttloa ' W. Ktaranoea and wlfa to O. P. Brlra and wlfa. want H hxa t aad 4. blork a I wxitta! waat U lot 1 bAock ' i Haaaon'a Bariiwd aajllfoa ......... t.000 Tnitaraltr I'ad Oaawaay to F. L. Mr. K. ... l,m t aad a. hlarfc 1 ! lota I and 4. blnrk A Pwlaaiaalfc ......... A00 l'Manlty l.aad oatapany to P. I. Ma- k bita a aad 10. klork B- I nl- 1 wnr Park. ..... 400 ' tanl Btaira'ta P. Frtnr, awl a i ' aanhoaat hi aaA aorth aaataoaai Ttefry Journal wlfli raa. I M "a lly Journal rer....... 'T Dally Joornai. with Sunday, " ( g Dally Journal ntenth.... JV.IV 10 be Dally J ner .at, with aU, 8 aenxtna, jj e Dally Jam net mootba. ... ;':JA -e Dally Journal wit Sunday. 1 Atew.. ' J o Dally Journal 1 awatk.... ,; .. --. na VERY HIGH PRICES IN SEED POTATOES Supplies Are Very Light and De mand Is Heavy Sales Are -Made at the Advance. CALIFORNIA BUTTER IS i WEAKER WITH SURPLUS L"6"alreamery Stocks Continue Small Eggs Held Firmer ' "" at the Top. ''x Praat Street March 1A The prloctpal fra- tnrra of to partiaad wboieaala aaukatt toda re: - California batter la weaker, , , Local eraaaiery atocka flrau Bra market firmer at top.. Drraaod aMta la rood ahapa. , , " Poaltry rocelpta pot terra. V recolnta drop aal,' H t. Hot are firm bat -4atet " . Onloa aaarkat aot aa Orak Paacy potatoea kold op. Celery la akowlag rlaa. "'".l.,; Beveral care of prodata arrlra. Oaliformla Or u wiry Barttar la W Tka aeayy - ralaa la CaUtoraJa of lata are the caaaa of a very rood laxraaaa la the nrodaetloa of - (ream. There hi bow aaach haaTlar pradaetloa of batter-end the creaiarry atarket la week with arlcea there bardarla around the 2fto mark. la tBU city the ra erlpta of California atocka are largar and the prloa baa dropped to DO a. At yet tkcre hi do lBcreaae la the pradoctloa of local batter aad thla aatrket .can yei ataoJ. 4alto hoary ahi. asoata of th Oattforola article arltboot namklac ach dlfiorobce la tha tone of the amarkac Oraasinry atocka la the local aaarkat today were qotta Uckt and the price oa fancy grade la mated flrai at A9e. Ooantry a lore batter, aoa Uaoaa la aseelleat deaaud at rollnA Acora. . -' la Kerket TlrBMr at the Top.- BeeeipU of reach erg art bow wry email aad prlca are boldlBC firmer anoaad 18c. Bobm Hat are reported at a fractkoa aader thla g are. bat thla la ao tba general amerket Inaalara report that faranre are bow aat ting thalr bena aad this la Itaelf waM caaaa a ahertag In egg atocka. - raaltry Baeaipta Are BataO. - Becaiota ' of Doaltry ara ' not henry . today aad the market retaiae the klgk prlcaa of the Carane treok. Thar are aat few geeee arrrnag bat tba dnad oa the la ajodarata, , Oreaaad Kanta Are 0oatad Aetlva. Far tba better gredee of dreeeed Bwnta the narket ahowa aa actlra toaa. Paacy real la net eoaalag eery faat aad aa high aa Se la atlU rod. - oood aiaaaag aoga ara aan ta oaaaa nd at the printed tgorea. BatoU Booalpta rep Agaia. Tb raa of envelt t agala anull aad fraai preaaot todleatleaa the doalera any that the WU1 aooa cum, 7 He aeaiaM al aot aay too good aad doater claim that aaeh if ts kelag wet. rrom ta uoromrae naar nornlBg cornea the report that tha catch af aalmoa la amallar. The atorketa hare an- Mama aapplltd fraan the AaoraaMate. Mo la Brio. api AW' Tlraa-Bat Beteti Tb too ait firm. ket at mora dhmoaad to aelL No bow aate are parted Mao Batarday. Tb price ta Baekaagad. Onloa Market Set Ba Tliaa. Laraar recelptt of oaloaa la the OaUforala markata daring the peat few day hare enaaed the prir ta kinun waar aaa aeeiiaa. Aieai are hara ore na loejrer offeriar aw le dor oaloaa aad aom tf . the oanuttoa will aot go beyond 2 So. Tb Jebelag pneo nloag ta atreet U anything la a fractlea higher. . . Bead Par, too Ar Tory AUgh. . Thar la a great aeerctty af good aaad pota toea aad rary high prlcaa ara rallag la thla ket : Bom aate hara poaa man or late aa klgk a da per poaad, bat geBerally the cbea arnemd lt. la Inncy Baraaaca than eoatlBBca a goad decnaad at aarhanged , . '. Celery I Bhewteg Bma. - At teat the,lary maTVrt here la leapwidliig U eetioa la, towaaklp 1 oafh. a aaat ....... I Welahard at al., necatore, to B. A. A rata, lota 14 aaa la, kioea a. To- kaaee i I. M. Watt to Crarka A Wltaoa Imi. aer mnpany. parcel lead la airtlea S, - "towaahlp I aorta, range 1 want 1 K. P. Wlllhinj and koaoaad ta C. Enapp. lata 1 aad B, black 80, Moaat Tabor " ui r. C Daniel to t. C. Wllaoa. lata S, T. t, bterk A Oook addltloa BOO B. B. IHckaoa to A. Nelaoa. lot 12. khtrfc A K. Irving' addltloa .'...1.050 Berartty BaTnr A Traet eaatpany to A. Nrlnoe, lot 4. block T. eabdlTtetoa rlrarrlew addltloa , 107 B. M. Lombard aad wife to 'W. C, Knlghtoa at al.. lota 1, t aad A, , blork X7 aad' ether lota la Wild Ban : . addldoa ... .-r...i.. I Jl W. P. Bya aad wlf to J. I O'Doa. aell aad wlfa, lot 1, block 10, Back ' nnna' addltloa , B00 W. i. Orr and wlf to L M. Joan, lota 10. 11 and 13. eaat U feat tot B, ' blork I. Uawood addltloa A300 P. M. Orr and wife to I. M. Jonaa, lot 11. blork 0. Rlrarrtew addltloa. 1000 O. J. Wreck and arlfe to I. M. -ooaaa.- let A aootk lot . Park View aa- act BOO 8. A. Meaning and wlf to ft. Qnarkea. boab, lot 0, blorfc 1, Meaning' addltloa. ' AS0 8. A. Manning and wlf to R. Qoaeken- naak, lot a, brack 1, nuaaing aadl tloa '. 680 '. M. Aederana and wife ta R. A. Dar nell, lot Ow DeLaaharatt A Oatmaa Lit- ' tie- Home. No. 4 BOO W. B. Oar to R. A.. Benwlck. lot T. block A Btewart Park addltloa ISO B. BeJIIng rt at to K. A. ReaaHck, let , 18. block T, Learelwoed Park 100 H. W. Viet to 1. M. Davla, lot 14. block 1". Llaeola rnrk annex I P. A. Daly and wife t Rller Plana ' ranaa. weet H lota T aad A, atoek mil Cam there' addition 400 L. Moore aad boa band to J. H. Naah, aaat y, Inta aad 10, block a, .rixan . Pint addltloa US U Wirt ta I. 1. Wirt lot B, block 1M, Weat Irrlaa-toa l 1 J. B. Bmtt and wife to I. 1. Wlit, lot , klork in, weet imrerton ... i A. B. Chorrk end wife to Victor Land conipeny. lot 14, u ana l. uocc J. . Marchmont addltloa 1 P. H. Marlay and wlfa ta I. . B. Hall. , nndry lot Bonrle Park - t 0. W. Taylor and arlfe to Oak Park , . Land company, lot 10,- block X, Boa. ayeld Park .- BOO W. A. Mllea and wlfa to B. A. Mlleo. lot r. block A Pleaaant View addltloa. TOO L. U Bewail end koaband to C. Hakn, , . lot I. mat 25 feat lot 0, block P. Jr city , rri -i-n y.xifiiT ... i..imii. Awva tlet yotn? aetata rrom nearanee ahd a ha tract re real the Title Oaarantee A Treat cam- pas, Chamber of Commerce axdldlag. , x ( ... . - BUILD niO PEAAUTt. , CON MIFF March II. B. B." Oonhiff, dwelling, AIMna aear ' KUllniaworth arena; coat ll.inio. - KAt'HULD Marrk 11. fnarlea Kacbold, cottar a. Fifteenth betweea Frederick aad Karl atraau; mat, fMM. .. BARB Marrk Id. ' Mr. Hare, bear meat for dwelilnr, Taylor - betweea Thirty -tfta and Thlrty-tlxtb atreeta; eoat, $100. PRITf'UtV M.rrh it. Jaaeph Frltche, toet MontgoaMrry . Between atnuaig aaa Third etrretei root 820. JOHN HON March 11. 1. H. lohnaoa. addltloa to dwelling. Raat Chty betweea Kaat BteTanth '' end Baat Twelfth atreeta: coat, (wr. Lj!U(l Marrh 11, Jamea Lngg. (tor. Btarna . hetwea MUwaufcla aad Eire. nth atreeta; eoat, . MfV . . GLIMaV M.reb 11, A. U Ollaan. repair to dwelling. Mil Pint atreet; rent. 4fl0. BAPTIHT March 11. Becond Baptiat ehtrreh. renetra, Morrla atreet between Union and R miner aeenaea; enet oJUono, CLOI)r-riLT!Rr-Mareh 11, I. C. Clodfeltev, dwelling. Thirty anal atreet betweea Cora and Oladatoao avenue.; eaat 1 10". kTRARrr Man II, P. A. Prarcy, reeiatr . to awening. nixw nerweea maojaon ana aer- fee.! atreeta; coat $fw.' " CAKTKR March 11. B. If. Carter, repair to dwelling, renlnaul aeenne between ripnla ad .BamMU atreeu SAN FBANCISCO IS CUT OFF FROM WORLD 4 8aa F'ranclaoo and tha onth-,, 4 d 'weat wag entirely cut off from 4 d j tba ouUlda world aa far aa tela- 4 Araphlo communloatlon waa eon- corned, a a over giorm nan dwsd w mg-lng along the ooaat during 4 tb pant ti hoars aid nil wire 4 Ar down. ThU la tha raaaon for A tha Abaanco of A fuller' market , d report ta Tho Joornai today. t', . , to the higher valna rating it primary point nd price ara np accordingly along tb atreet today, Oood celery U today qaoted at 13.60 a mi. Havarai car of Billed eegeubtee ar rived fram.the aoaU thla morning. A ear of banana la alee In. Aapaxego la wak aroaod fnWluc. according to quality. Oood cabbage M flmear and price ar rollng fraai tl-AO to fl.TA.. OkaUflower ht 10 higher at Bl.tS. ttqoaeh B) aot ptanttfal and tb market la flrmer ''Today' wbouaal qoototlota, aa rermad, ar aa follow! ' , i '"' Brat, Pteor aad Peed. ' WHBAT Nominal; lnb and red. Bsc: bloe atrm. 02r90et Taller, K7Ci88e. BABLAKrwd. ULA0i rolled, tSlOOt braw- tatRWbol. fSLMl eraekrd. 2AM par ban. i BTB (l.BB per cwt ' . ' ' ' OAIU Procrocere- prior Ka. 1 whits, (2A0O; gray. i - - - - I'LOUR Baiter ' Oregon Patent. 14.80; atralght. 8ATB; rallay. 4.10; graham, kkt, ina. 14 4tj; ry. 00. 85.00; batea, $2,18. MILliTCFFB Braa, $10.00 per toe; ni Id ol I of., $20.00: abarta, cooatry. $2$.W ebon, $18.00. HAT Producer price Timothy. WtlUmette ealley, faacy. $18.00114.00; ordinary, $lA0Ot IS.0O; aaatara Oregon, $IAO04J14.O0! mixed, 11.00; clerar, $11.00; grain, - $11.00! cheat. 11.00. - Batter. En and PaaltrT, ' SUTTER FAT Sweat. 81c; aoor. Bte. 1 CTTBR City creamery, beat. ATHc; eacoad grade. xAfcc; outaido fancy, 8211 ordi nary. JatttJAOci Callfarala. 80J3Ulc; a tore, 164J10C, . . : BM1S Ro. 1 freah Oregon. TU)lc. CH KK8H New Tail cream, twin. 16V4le; Tonng America, lOHOHei aaatem, l&tailac; Cheddar loc. . POULTRlf Cblcken. mixed, lie par lb; bona, WW par lb; ranetere, old. 12H par lb; yoong, 18 nee lb; broiler. 8t.wes.00 per doe; fryora, 16 par lb; dark. 88.0OalO.Ou par Aoa; geeae, 8c per lb; turkrja, iftJlAa per lb; draaaad. 20(22H per Bk1 , ., . . ATap, Weel aad Hide. J B0PB Oontncta, lOflfi, . lotuUc; 1804 crAn. Bt2fta for cbohaar 2i for prline and oardlamar WooLOontneU 100B elln. lMlaet ToUay. arae to BMdram, 18J1!; Aaa, 1T1A; aaa. ern Oregon. 10a. MOH AIR Nominal. SS42c. 1- i. BHBRPgKINII ghearhag loalSOg) inert wool. SOttaoe; BMdlnm wool. 800001 Uog wool, 8Oru81.00 rh. . TAJUeOW Prim, pet In, dBBa X. 8 and fnan. SHHc CHITTLM BABK aer lb; btrylng prlca. HI DBS Dry htdea. No. 1. 1 lb and ,ap, 1J1H per IB; dry kip. No. 1. A to IB lba, lac; dry calf. No. 1, anocr 8 ate. 4Ad)IAet dry aaltad kldea, teera, oand. 00 lba or ear, IHO 8Hc; 60 to 80 lb. kf4c: anamr 00 lb and cowa, 8(181 atari aa balm, eoaod. 0dJ7c; kip. 18 to 80 lb. Oei aoand. 10 to 14 Dm. g, 6He; calf, aoaed. end or 10 lha. BHCIlle: greoa (aaaalted). le per Ih toaa; rail, lc per lb ten; bora hide. Ml ted. each. $1.2&41.TB: dry, ear a. . $1,004)1-60; oslt hldaa. each. X60Oc; goat eklna, ommnn, each, lOdJIAci Angara, with wool on. each, SJcatl.OO. Fraito aad Vegetable.' w POTATO KB Beat Oregon. - 81,00 80Olr3rBecoad jrrade. HojOoc rer aark: Ing or ice. T&c: Haxly Boae. fT.ToOT2.Xor . nay boyera Brlcaa. $2.5utda.00; garlic, 10 par lb. PRKAH FHUlTn Applea, $1.80 toner Oregon, . IL.O fancy, box; cheap grade. a0u7b nor box; raagea, naeei fl.htalAxA par box: aeedllng. $1.80 ner box: t.nrertoMa. hl.S&ailAO Bar boxi Jan erangeo, OonSoe per box; bananaa. Be per lb: Irmona, choice. $2 75 per box; faacy. $8.00 nor boat Hme. Mextoan. 06 par loo; plno- in: apple. $4. i.wlo.vv taj nor ooi. - VEiirrABI.raTnrirtpa, . TXflMe per Beck; eerrots, $1.0tiri.ln per each; beet. $LJB Back ; Oregon radlahea, Bte per do; eabban, Oreaoa, cwt; OaHforala $L2&ilA0; bttace. hothoooa, $1.261.60 emte; green pepper. Te lb; chtR peppara, lie per lb; celery, $A864IJ crate: tomatoes. California. $2.00: parenlpa, $L00 $1.23: egg plant 12tt per lb: erring bean. 12c; cauliflower, $. per era ta; batter benne, ; pampklna, I per lb; honeradlah. 7(0) He per th; eproata, 8c; artlrbokea, oOatTbe per Ana; lb; aproam. Be; artJchohe. fl.0uajl.x8 per aoa; bonne. $1.76 do: green oalone. 46 iper doe: napanuraa, rUtflOc per lb; aplaaicbip TM per DR1RD PROrTnAAPPloa. nertoA TcTB par lb; apricot, 0Hlte per lb; elite par aaeka. He Tb ten: neachae. I12a ner pee nj prnnea, Italian. IA4( per m; trench, 8H44 per lb; fire. California black, 64)04 per lb; California white. Bar fb; plaam. pitted. par lb: datea, gaMea, at par lb; ford. $1.80 par 16-lb box. bTOAB Back beale Cube. 88.20: tA06: trait erennhimd. 8O.06: dr araaatetod. tS.On; beet gnnaljited. $5.88; extra C $6.46; goktea C. $6.26; bbm, lOe; bbte, SBc; box, hoc edeearo on at baat, wan Bfct cwt for caeh. 16 daya; aaapte, 144)18 par to. HONRT 14U.016C ' ' . COPPER Parkago brBda, $14. 16.8, ' BALT Fine Bale. 8. 8, 4a, 6a, 10a, 81.80; table, dewy, 60a. $1LA0; 100. 810.78; Im aorted UTerneol. $0. $1T.0: 100a, $lA80f 224. $14.00; eitr an. Ml. 2a. . Ba. Ma, 84.6006 60, balk, $20 Ote, $4.0042610; aneka, 60a. Mt, MALI Ooarea Half rraand. ion, par too. $7.00; 80, per ton, $7.60: Liverpool lamp reck. gia-nv par ton I eo-lD roe, gi.w; auuo. o.ia.i (AboTo ark-ea apply to aal of tea than ear lot. Car lota at rpKtei prtoaa. aobtert to auctaatlnna.1 - . ORAIN BAOB Orcotta. $6.TSfrA00 nor tOB. . BICB fnmorlel Japan. No. 1. 4rt No. A 4e; Raw Or laaaa. head, 6VtpSe; Adjas. 8njl Creole, 4c - BRARB Small white. 4c: large white, 8 He: pink. 8Me bayoa. $2.00; Unma, 614; Maxlcaa red 4je. N0TB Pnt. TUci tombo. 6 par lb) raw, 04210c per Tb: rneatrd. e rl aoconnat. ntfOOe per doe; wataate. 1411 5c nor lb; pin ana. loejize per lb: hickory naav iue par id; ' b: hickory not. 10c per lb; lBOloc per Ih; Brmall nnta, rta, IBcJIoe per lb; fane r lb; almond. 1891A par lb. i aeamme, tea Mem. in loe. nor. Tbi Slberta, paean. 14016 per IT . rainta, veal Olia, nxe. - B0PB Par Manila, 14c: atandnrd, 18e; Btaal. 104c: la tie. bread Bloat 0.. COAL OIL Pearl or Aatral Can. 21 per gl; water white, Iron bhte. lfivye per gal; wooden. ITe per gal: headlight. lTO-deg, nun xac per get; iron anie, iate pee aai. caae fll per gait genalne nettla boiled, ( Ste per rat bbla 6A per gal; ground rako. lot $28.00 par ton, ten than ear lot $80.00 nor ton. Wdcg. can 83e per gat tree flABOLtNH- bbl 28c per gal; .tore. M nag gai. iron nni in ner cat. BENZtNB--43-deg. caae Bte par gal. bbla. lHe per gai TTTRPENTTNR In NB In mm aer oaL woode bbhr, .te per gU Iron bbte, TO per gal. lO-tt ae lot. P4c per gal, . I WTIITR LEAD Ton Ma. TV bar Tb; BtO-tb lota. n ner Ih; lea let Be per lb. W1B! WAfT-B. rr.eint bone at $280, '. LINSCm orte Pure raw In aeie. 60 per gal. Meet. Pteh and PilTlatn ' PBRSH MEATS Front an act u-ef, eteer. 4&I4-Pr - ih; pork, blork. 7 S per lb; packer, TtJA per lb; - bulla. 2V per lb: owe. 84J3H per lb; mutton, wetner and lamb. 7e; ewe. 6e; Teat extra. 7Re per lb; ordinary, MOM per lb; poor. 44)4H per lb. HAAtB, BACOrf. ETC. Portland neck local) bam.. ,10 to 14 lb. 12U per lb: 14 to 1 lba, 12)4 par lb; 18 to 20 lha. l2t per lb; sottag, 8c per lb; breakfast boeoo, titflOc per Tb; plenlv, SViC -per lb; regular abort, clear. ua cooked. BWc per lb; nmoked. otir per lb; atear bach, onamoked. Be per lb; pmnked. lo nor lb; Union bottn. 10 to 1$ lb. Bnamokad. 8 per In: moked. 0 per lb; clear ball tea, n amok ed, II per lb: .rooked. 12c par lb. LOCAL LARD Kettl. Inf. 10. 10Vi per lb; 6. lOHe per lb; 6M tin. lOVie per lb; team rendered. 10a, ! per Ibt 6. 8Vh par lb; tuba. v per lb; one. 0 per Tb. CANNED SALMON Cobimbla rleer 1-lb taD. $1.86; Alb talla. 2X60; fancy 1-lb Beta, $200; H-tb fancy Bet. $1.26; fancy 1-lb oral. 62.78: Ala.ka uite. pink, 864390; red, $1A0; aanmnai 2. toll, $2.00. Pisn Hock cod. T per lb! Bonadera, 8 nor Ih: halibut 8 aer lb: erabu. 11-26 nor doe: atrlned ban. 1 0j 1 2H .per lb; ct- fleh. Te' ner - lb: ealmon. rhhmok, 11c kteolbeeda. Be per Tb; froaea allreralde. T per lb; herring be per lb: oolea, a per Th; ehrlmp. 10c per lb: ehad. draaaed, per lb; perch, O per lb; had roe, per Th; ehad. Or per lb! black cad. Ac per lb: Oohrmbl rlrer .melt, 2c per lb; atreer (melt 6 per lb; Infaetera, 12 Vtc; fyeah mackerel, 8e par th; erawAah, 2ue per do; Boaader. Br par lb; turreon. 7c per Tb. ; A OT8TRRB f.hoalwter bay, per gal. BBi per aack. $4.00 net; Olympi. par aack, $6.88. CLAMR-H4rd ahell, per Box, $A00l man tJaam. $2.u0 par box. . . "-.' . ."V . SUARP REACTIOfl I- mm sessioii Chicago Wheat Market Opens i ; Lower and Goes Down- " ":. l ward.' V ,''.'... STRONG BULL MOVEMENT , 'AT MIDDLE OF SESSION May ' jCfoses . One and Three -, Eighth and July One and x: Fiye Eighths Up." TUB WHBAT MARKET. Open . , Claa Cine Today.- Today.'' Bat. Oat Today. $ .01 .01 May -.$1.11 $1.18 $1.UH July 1 01 (Fnrnlnbod by Orerbetk. Btorr A Cook Co.) Chicago. March IS. Th wheat market today had wonderful chana-e of tone. The market epaned at a big decline and after tb opening mm waa ana wnt rail cent lower. About tb mlddte of the nrnnlon tber waa a odden change la the attitude of tba trader and th' market begaa to cnd Ilk lightening. wit tn cnang in tea tooa or ui marxec the pit heU . rallied te the rapport of th nrtoua option and price anon reached tb opening Crura. .;.' Bhort Balling Btopa Blw. ' TM was tha point wher amny ball ltd th upward eoura of. prarea would atop oa It owa accord aad abort ntng began to check th dTncaa, ' Hare the price ' wa bat steady ' far awhile but oa tha Deary baying order from th cllana tb price went alia barber. At th elo t the market May waa ibawlng an ad nne of le. while tb July waa stronger with a net rtee of le to Its credit - Today's official market , - ' .. :t WHBAT. '.: Opra, High. May $ lai $ 1.13 July..... .014 Ste Aept. Jti .8014 I , CORN. Miy.L : .4814 , .44 July...... .48 i' - .4, htepU.. , . OATS. May...... .8114 .81 July . T-l S 5 Low. 8 LOO Hi!. .PlUj . .B3U. eBOVfc , . JO .48V -4 .484 .40 .4bnj ...40)4 J15- aTVJUan. " My.e. IXB ' " UMi NO DECISION BY BOARD OF TRADE Chicago Exchange OfTtcials Fail to Come to an Agreement r as to the Case. PfIESIT-GUTIjOQKJS. Passing of Resolution Would . Mean Much to Future Val-. '"'.!", U99 on the Coast. (Special Dispatch ta Tb Journal) . Chicago, March IS. No dorunon baa pat bam rendered by the dlrectore af the board of trod la regard to tb. grading of Oregon rod wheat aa Bailable for dell Terr nana, coo U acta In ex change ft ana nt loo. - For several daya thla totter ba attracted th attentloa of th direc tor of th xchag la aa official way. 0rt pubbui ha been aeoucht to bear by both Me to th oDntroeerey. tba abort toller In timating that It would be the proper thing to do, tba wheat I of jnat aa good quality a that now allowed under th eamtractteg ayMam. The balm, or th who hara bought banTlty t May wheat ere on the other BUM, they alleg ing that It would be unfair to compel them to take Oregon wheat on their contract, aa they d not conaMar It of an! table quality to be claaaed a conu m t grade. Farther meeting will be bald within tb next few day to aettl th uoatrooty. Howe bow looks fararabte for Oregon. ' (Thoold tha' action of tb director of tba Chi cago board of trad b favorable to tb grading f Oregon wheat aa coo tract rariety. It : will m aaa. mod) to ta wheat Industry of thla ac tion. At tb present time It la not likely that more than 6,000.000. or poaalbly A 000.000 lionkel of mltahte quality ca be ttuiid her t aear preatint enioe for eastern shipment bat th making of Oregon wheat A Mamtard grad In Chicago now will help thla market la ratnr year It another abortng la auppltea ebon Id SHEEP ARE STRONG - DESPITE RECEIPTS Heavy Shipments Today in Live stock Cattle and' Hogs Are Quoted Quiet ; Portland Union Stockyards. March - TA, TA meeinta of Mreatock were emit hoary for Monday. The nog market remain quiet, a doe a tea the cattha. market. Tb ton U aheep la atrong. Through the misplacing of a figure fire Instead of a naught la th price of. best cattl the quotation during tb past week baa tood at $4.60 Instead of $4, the price rnUng. The receipt today 126 bag, 226 cattle, 1,400 beep ana 2b Uriel. official ru Una or ice today for U restock: ' Hog ' Beat eaitern Oregont $0.00; tight Mocker and Chin fat, 66. 5040. 75; stock era and reeoer. aure.uu. ttattte Beet eaatarn Orecon Btear. $4.00 Bght nd medlam toet, AkftO; aid and light cow. $X60; tckr and feeders, $2.00; ball, $1.60. ... K beep Beet fancy hep, $4.60494.78; .ewes, 14-38. . , m 'jxw TQBJc oorm AtARrrr. New York, March 1A Coffa fa tor alani gnchanged te 6 point, up. i Today' efnetel market: . .. . Bid. " ' a. May ... i ..iiMiiw t ......... $A 26 $0.80 Jaly- A 46 6.60 October .' T.78 7.80 UYAmYOOX WHZAT AtAAXET. Treerpool. March IS. Opening: Wheat U4 UiVEARTH PLOT TO OUST CASTRO FROM VENEZUELA y - . (Joornai Special fwrrtre.) Philadelphia. March 11. Tho Record reports tho uncrthlng;.ln thla city of a (ormldAbla Insurmctlonary mowemtnit again! tho Cantro rAlme of Venexuela. Bo formldabl la tho reroluti on ary plot thAt th Vnexulan consul hag protaated to th prwrident ItHs aald-A gtenmar will shortly With arm. Ammuni tion And man on a flllbuatarlng axpedl tlon, ' ' : wtu AvrratAX to ron. 'A" (Jenrnal Special gii ilca.) " Milan, MK-h 1$. Cardinal Bvampa has left Bologna bound for Rome with the hope pending that - the pope- will re. tho rtmpilrtr of rrpreealon against tho CbriatlAB Democrats. . HEW YOXK CENTRAL ; NEARLY FOUR HIGHER More Rumors of Alliance With Union Pacifio Have Ef- ':' ! V . 'feet,. ' " ." CANADIAN PACIFIC A STRONG BULL FEATURE Atchison Common Shows ta Loss of Two Oollars at the "v -'v'i.V'.CIvii.'f:?'",'''- ' ADVANCES. .' ..-.; .- $ M ISteet pfd $ -TB .BTHlCanadlan Pen 18TI4 Amalgamated Brouklya ... t. Paul ....... n. i. ieni .... Manhattan 1.00 1.00 Louis. Ma,. .ntt lit Central. .... 1.25 V. P., com ..... ,80 Pennaylxaala .. Beading Bteel, com .... .12 .27 HI . IiOSSBS. Atchmon w. Metropolitan Bock la., cm $2.00 IKrle. eom"" . .7 Tf:.' :8T14 'eat. .(ElVi .... ' .13V, , .26 - Norfolk A West , ,2B IB. P.T com (Pnrnlshed by Orerbock. Starr A Oeoke Co.) New York. Marck 13. Tb tock market -wa rather week early but gained strength as th lo proaneai.d. The principal gain waa In New York Central, which rose $.t.S7Vi on re rnmore of aeouiritloa of Karriinan, C- Badlaa Pacific w a mry strong feature and closed Srm $2.87 Vb Bp. The largest Ions wa IS atcnaoa common, wntrn eioaeo, as oowa. Today a offlclal tork market: ' . DBSCBIPTI01I. Amat Copper 0..... Atcbtenn, com.-. Am. auger, com Haiti mora A Ohio. com. Brooklyn ftaold Transit. Canadian Pad He, com... Cht. Mil. A 8t. Paul... Uteaarpeake Ohtop.. Brte,' eom......,..,.,.. Illtnobj Oantral Ixmterlll NnbrlU. Metro. Street By......'. Manhattaa By.. Mteaoart PnciOe New York Central Norfolk A Western, asm. -ennsyiTania my . .. p. o.. l. a a Co. Beading, eon. iu.i iibm. nm . ... son mom ncisc...... Union Psctnc, cam..., I'. A Stool Co eom.. w prf errad. . rOBTLABS BAXZ artATnCCVT. CleaHa .$1.082. 242. 08 . 144,308.21 -TBTTPBJr. CeOTTOS iiAmzxt. ; Mew Tarw. March IX Wtrje ejlaim - - Tnototo higher wlta HaJ80; taohr, . AT THE THEATRES. TIh Earl ol Pawtncktrt" ' The Barl af Fnwtackat? sow comedy of New York life.- will be th attraction at tb Marquam tirand tbeetre for three algbbj aa an mart oca, beginning tonight Thai I th aame aonwdy that raa for en year In New York, and tn nly legitimate play of aay eart that continued without I mai II . a play ing to crowded ha una throaghont th munmer months. - Th cast introduce Mr. eVOmay from whoa lndlrdnallty Mr: Thomas reorlred the Impraeesona which enabled him to create nch perfect tkinrtanntles. Ha la aa Engllah nma of tb henry drngooa type and kaa Instly been etyled Tbe Twentieth tieatnry Dundreary. 'I Kirk La Shell baa not only arrounded tho tnr with a Boot excellent - company, bat the pro-1 oocunm ibbru m a compieta rapucn ox to Waldorf -As terla. glrlng aa opportunity ' for aa exact reproduction of tb Torkiab room, aula room aad atbor famous apartment f th. big boatolry. . . "? "Joan, of Arc-. Tn opeolag rjerrormesc ef "Joan of Arc will b gtren by the Oobumbra Stock company tonight Mock Intoreat I felt I tb play, tor many raaaone. - Thte hi its first Portisad production. It la a portrayal of the principal rant In tb Ufa of th moat wander fol and nayatortoas woman la all history. Tb'aaery aad star effects ar all on a grand aoate, comma nourate wltb a production of thla claaa. Tho rellgloa elemeal add a color and power to tb play nothing erne could do and tba tender km .. cospted wltb axdtlng and thrilling altBittona, blend to make a play of aniqna ralo aad lnhrreat to U. ' . , Virginian" Seats Tomorrow. Tuna. low morning at 10 o'clock tha advance aal of Beat will open for "Th Virginias." which comes to the Marqoam Urand theatre next Thursday and Prlday alghta with the last performance Satnrday afternoon. It la a long Urn since any theatrical attraction ba awak ened the Interest that Is felt her regarding this dramatiiatioa ef Owen Wis tor's novel. Th fact that this book baa had a bona fid te of nearly 800,000 copies la lea than a yeer and a bait te tha strongest erldencc that could be glrea a to tb power and charm of lta plot - ' -. - .-r-r." r , The Grand Theatre. , Neither Keith's nor Proctor", In New Tork City, for 60 cents, has aear offered patrons better attractions than ran be aeea at the Grand thla week. Th Japanese troupe hi th graateat la th world and Ham Kk-kl alld for life th amat tbrllltog act In raadrnile. Th other bed-Un acts arc ' D Co th great norelty balancer; th Prancesca Redding Co.) th I lea mood Trio; Carle, th great character lmnerontor; Andrew and Peld Swedleh camedlana; Alf Bonner, and "Around New Tork la Fifteen afloat" In th grandl copa, s -r 1 ' ''-' . ,. At the Star. -Thl afternoon . af $ e'dock th w bth for Lthl week .tarts. It hi: Ths Brothers Bnets, In nand-Aatandng act; Mr. l and Mrs. Hugh mnmett aortety sxetckt Bastard aad Cook, klgh-elaaa roc lists; Knox Bran, musical artlete; Lloyd Npencer, eutertalaor; Ins Soott aerial wrpentln dancer; Boa en Arboehte, llloatrated soaga, and . the erer popnlsr protrctoscop la mil or more of new mo ring picture Im ported for this bona. , . : New Bill at Baker, , V Thl'' afternnoB tb new bin appear with Prank Hall, tb lion-tamer and hot maa-cettng lion, Hannibal; Maaaorey and Wllaoa, comedy tinging (ketch; Richard and Tream.n, comedy; th Burdrll, praoenung tn battle or Port Arthur; Jena Wilson, la Illustrated aong; th btogrsph, ahewing th .latest Boring picture. . -In Cherry Valley." ' la Cberry Tney," which roe on at tb Lyrl for tb week coromenclrei thl ftornoon. In a rural comedy dram of the best sort sad 1 rich la comedy aad heart In tare t. - 'Th plot ef th ptee ts laid to. Cberry vallay, Hit note, and every character la taken from Ufa. tatndbuyers county. gw arming In Clackamas j j 81 81 80Vi 81 02 02 2U 1461 140 146M 16 111 ill V, 110 111 00 T 00 ST 140 140 1S 14 -1140 182 MOfe 1K1 66 68 4M K 47 48 100 162i4 1SOV, 101 14A ' 146 143 144 123 123 122 122 172 110 110 100 110 ii lt ii itnv, T 8M 8T 87 147 147 146 147 112 112 111 lt.1 8 B OS 88 SOUi 88 86 86 T0 T1 TO T0 184 136 184 184 87 87, Mm 27 MVk 0714 Bdte B8m OVERBECK, STARR & COOKE CO, -'',' Members Chicago Board of Trad a. - - . - , amAXST, raOTIBIOsTB, OOTTOsT. BTTOCBB AJTB BWsTM, 101 Third Street McKay BnUdlng. PorUand. Or. '. , ., , Wl SO A STSIOTZiT COmWXSSZOV BU BIB BBS. - Contiaunns Market by Private Wire. Quick Rerytce. RKFERKNCKS Ladd 4 TUtoo. BAAsers, aaa wiuiaa wu xnationai xmiui ot rotixuMhj That's the direction, yu wmn't to take when it's good Groceries you're in quest of. When you reach the intersection of streets you'll see a" sign, V : r 7 V y 1 FELLOWS --ENTER I 1 SOME SPECIALS: k Two'l-Ib. enna Pork And Boabs to. I Tnmaifi Hnuoa. 1-lb. cab Solid Pack Eaatarn Tomato. - IS AJ- i oaba Condenaad Cream. ' V-':- 25 . r 4 X cans Tablo Pancheg or ApriootA. - '' 30' '.-: -'-1$ pounds Brokaa Kleo. . , ,.:,..-'i 25- . 1 tb. Best Bsstoni Rolled Oat. GO :-' : - ; i Osilon oab rancy Sucmr Brnip. . 40 . . , Onllon Choice TAblo Syrup; brlfif psJL , 30a. ' ; Cab Baker's or QhlrardeUl'8 Cocoa. ...,'.: S51.OO r'- - 17 Ibik.Orr Granulated 6u$AT. . Fellows Grocery Co. FhOM BUtB SfrwS ST4 WnAAjAA-lO St. CTTT 2T0T1CIA- eeaeweeaeeeeie MPOIALB VOS BTBHT W0BX. SmJcd proDoaale will be raeolnd at..tba fSca of th Auditor of th aty oc. Paruaaa antll Friday, Marck IT, liejo, a iiw ocbjc p. aa. for th lmproremeat ef Twenty aecoad atreet from the north Un or wasningion traet to tb south 11 o of Johimon atreet i ih. ii.imM Beoeineat or wnanee now 474, eatrjeet to the proetelon of the ensrter end ordinnncae of th tJity ox roruaoo am the e. timet, ef tb City Bagtener, on Bte. ri H. rm,f ea amn.1T ia euaaia us nee kiaai. which will be torn la he irnnllrathm nt tb offlc of th Auditor of the aty of Portland. And said laproeement moat be completed oa or before $0 day from th date of the signing of tb contract by th parties thereto. - a acrom Denied by a eertlBed check noynbl to th order of tb Mayor or inn ur Pnetund. eeitlAed by a itouonalbte bank for axaoant equal ta 10 per out ef tb agsngato Vr2SMl: , . ... .w wia. i. Vk. 1 oe rigs. w oav By rdr tf tba xxertte JfV' Aodlte of th City of Portland. . Porfhuvd.' Oregon. March 11. 1B0B. - 0WALS F0 ITlin WQIX. , o i m k. I .a fbe office of tho Auditor of the City of Portland ... m... . . . . in. . ..AA nut rniui ... - - : ax. tor ins lmnraeemcui oa wmrc 11 . i ' .1 -, w 11 Innl ii . I rrom in n ma w". w . -- niB, t tn eoat neof Maryland reou. in ine man ner proeioea oy oronnnee e '.y'T. "cr-' to the pro. talon oc tne .ennronr ana of the aty of Portland, aad tba th City nauruiaar, oa in, . . man ansi . i.t printed blank, which win be farnlabed oa application at tb ofBc of th . Auditor f ,K. il e Pkaetla. . - And uald Imiim inmoat moat he- completed en a ha far. 80 daya fro th date of th aixmlng ax wa anaunet ay No propoaal ar bbte win be ennrl dared un- i - w - iim llfl. eh. er navaaje to the order of th Mayer ef th City of Portland, teiunn ny a iisiiubbisi nnna xar an amount aanal te 10 aar cent of the sggragsts propoeej- 1 ne rtgnx te rateet any aad all bids la boraby By ocdur ef th ErecntlT Board. ; ' 7 THOB. C. DBTT.TTf. " Aedltnr of tba City of Portland. Portland, Oregon, March It 180B. nOTOBAXS KB BTXXXT wosx.; Sealed nreooaala will b - reeeieed at tb ffie of th Auditor of the City of Portland antll Friday, Marcn it. iwuo, ai a -w ociocs i. m. tor the tmnroTemeni or uniia .ireea xrom he north line af Tharama atraet to - the oath line of Tengbn atraet In tb manner pro Tided by ordinance no, i,7. aaojeet u lha uiuelsluae ef th charter and ordinance of the Oty of Portland and the totlmat ef tb nty Knxlneer. en Ala. . ' Mldo most be strictly ta eerdnoo with printed blank, which will bo furalebed aa spplicntlon at th afnre of the A editor of too aty of Portland. And said lmpcoeamemt moat b eoexpletod oa or before 00 day from th data f th elgning ef i tb ooatroet by th pertte thereto. No nreooaala or bide win he enxalderod urn. Iras accompanied by a certified check payable to the order of the Mayor of the City of Portland, certified by a responsible hank for s meant ion I t 10 per eaat ef the aggregate 1 ne t-upa so mjecs any u. ou aw a. oaa aaar Be ardor au? tha BTecnHeo . xiwn. a. nafian, Aodi tor ef the aty ef Portland. Portland,- Oregon. March It 100$. 0OKPXXTI0B' AAT) AOCKPTABCZ OF Ia- . PBOTXatZBT OF BAAT AXOBB BTBXXT. Kotlc la herebr rlreu that Cbarlea Waaa aty Bagtnear, h filed In th office of the nnaersJgned; notice - that Bechill - Brea.4 con tractor for th Improsement of Rut Alder ctreet under tho nrorlalon of ordiasnc No. 14.818. hoeo completed anld street from tb east lha. of Kaat Thirty-fourth street to tba center Una of Best Thirty-fifth street Held Bereft ore will be considered by tb Rxorutlr Board at 4 o'clock on tba 17th day of March. 1006, and objection to th ac ceptance of aald atreet or any part thereof, may b 6 led In tb office ef tb Uderaigned at any Um prior thereto; THB BXKC11TITB BOARD, By TITOS. C DiJVMN. ' Andlror ef the aty of Portland. Portland. Oregon, March 11. T00B. OOMPLKTIOB AXTD AOCKPTAJrOB OF IX- PBOTXATZBT OF BTTKB nTBIXT. ' None U hereby xiren that Cbarlea Wan City KnglMcr. ha filed In th offle of th undersigned, notice tht R. Debuhr. con- tractor ror tne improTeawmi oa mm vum, under tb prorlstnaa of ordtasnr No.1 14,818, ... enmnleteri aald etreet from the northweat- erly Ho ef Randolph street to 10 feet asntb- rerly thererrom. Said acceptance will be considered by the ExrcnrlT Board at 4 o'clock oa the 17th day ef March, .1006, and objection to th ' ceptnne of aald street, or any part thereof, may be filed la the .fir . af tba aswnrsicaed. t any tim prior there to. THB TiXROITTTTB BOAST). By TH0S. C. DBVXI. ' r - Auditor ef tb aty of Portland. - Portland, Ore roe. March 11. 180B. ' ens, n irsLCbTS BJ naaai Bead by BllrVm of Kotkwe fca; nhatr hlidron while Teething for veer Pi fly Tear. It eootaoa the ehild, aortona-tha nni, allay aii paiB. nana wina aouai ana m ne M sssnody fordteiihunn, TWHTTIVl CTKxTTB A BATTUL seewaaeirnMeeasnsntferwnensnnaeevam POWJI1JI0). BtOA'SAJIS m CO. (Ate)bUahd !$$$. , t x aoiro stocx bbo: Boom 4, Oromnt Sao. ' ur twnajueXXxs. . AXJTTS nsrsUMI TS will b recelred at regular' 'mala ofAca rates at ths follow!,, ptacea aad arnt to The Journal la time for publication 1 th next tesuai : VOBTtT, , . B. A. Pre ton, druggist, 23d and ThSf. bub atreet. Nab Hill Pharmacy, $80 OllaaB otrent,' corn.r plat -A- W- Alien, plmrmaclit, 19th aad Mar. Shall straeta. . S. B. Jack, coafecttonery. BOO Wash- - tagton trt eornar lth. MUTsT, : ' ,.' ' IT i ci ' wtffbt, Praat and Glob trelto. ' ' Cottol brag Compear, rirat aad Gnat street. , , , sast rns. Trtl' Pharmacy, 86A Mlmhnjluut ara. bo, corner Kh.rer atreet. NichoU A Thompaoo, 128 BuanxQ Itltot eornar Alblna renn. Jancke Drug Company, nraer Ha ' thorn and Grand a re oca. J. A. Dick, tobaccos, 224 Crosby (eaat end teel bridge). B. P. Pnlton, confectionery, 874 Bast Burns! da, oomer Union aeenu. Ingram A Bosh, totmccoolsu, 132 Oraad Taeu. , v " BITB AIBIDB. , ' J. B. Wertb, najraadat. BBS . Street . BBOOXXTX . v Brooklyn Pbafenaey, IVweB and . . uiwaki tra(a. ... . , f '.' -.' ' - . . tf.''' WE aDVaXRTIS1I PURELY AS A MATTER of dusitoss . 'y ' j X: ; "The Oldest Trust Company , In ' OreKon." CAPITAL. $300,0CK We want you to know that our J. a . r -, ' . if . . i - DAflKITlK -TAC111T1CS Are CXCCllCm- JJl you will make no mistake in affiliating with our bank.. . Many mew friends are opening ac counts subject to check with us. WE "ISSUE SPECIAL CERTIFI CATES OF DEPOSIT. - . ; ;- (a) Psysble on short calL ' !b) They are negotiable. c) Provide for 34 to 4 per cent interest," ,. rWe shall be glad to explain or send -----yon book of . : i . r, , t ..'.. MXX&TjVTmVaVT10JlB,a Portlind Trust Compariy of Oregon , ...yiZ-.r. 10B Third BtraeC. .. .:; ' BBlfa. I.xCriHTJN. Pnalden - H. h. PTTTOCK. ......... .....Ve-PrBidnt B. UTB PAGBT........Mn rteeretnry ;j J. O. 430LTBA anstetant Becratnry MONTAVILLA; --5.ACRE.TRACTS v ' Price $1250 Each ii For sale on iostalbneati y; $ic6 ; down and : $15 j per . " " " . .-nt . .' -'' '; ' .' niOntlle , - c ' V" ii :., - . i '. . ' --'' . 'Convenient to street car. " -1 A chance for a home in , - the direction of the city's , ? . growth. Apply to 'w ;v . B M. LOMBARD '- 514 Chamber ofCommerce BAAT IB0 V0TICZ. HABMONT liOnOB. A." P. 4 A. AT. A at red enoamanicntioa thl Monday) oranlng. at T:80 e'exsek, stnaonle Tempi. Third and Aider st. Work I hi. ht degree. All ht. AT. i tended a hearty waJeanM. By eerier of W. at BUPU8 R. BALI Seuataiy. - intAXX JTOTIOX. tw- -t 1. -, . BA BTTfl AV Died, tax nmrulng. btarch 18. Churn B. rtertahv aged OS year; lato real- -' dear 10. Bnat Blxtb at. north. Pannral ; annuaneement later. i. - . ' '-' tj0t P rWTATB. - : ' '"' ' XHbnr Ixarl r Tound 4 Imimaato, rate 'U ward far IB onto." aaaa.' , POTTND A TBLBPHONB. Scott S24S where ar- " txette drapery aad photetery work k dene. In aparlal dealgn to eolt parrhaaar. By W. ' B. Dudley bent city refute ; frr years with H. C Broaden Co. ; ' tVOST 10 reward, white tnmln dreaa, Jan- , ry r Pebruary. Return to 424ft Wasnlngtoa nd recelre reward or pnon Red 1012, or wlU pay for any Intuimattan regarding ft BOtTrTT) a place te bar hair aiattf esses reno- -- rated and returned m day. Pbon hUla : ' Perttead Curled Hair factory. LOST A net ef plaas of Bats. Ptena re. ' tarn te 1S1H Union T, renal 82, aad get reward. ....... , . . , . . I' ' ' ' - . "'- 7'; '; STXIJP WdjlTTXTI-MITB ; "' " OOTBBrTBTBNT rflsmOMaPTeparxtton for postal aer? lee, custom torrlce, etc ! terle from 8000 to 81.500 per annnm) tbaoonnda f new appointment to be nasd thl yr ; erer 10.000 sprnlntmenta Inst year; aa ex ceptional opportunity; position paruMnenti gradual pro motion i xaxatnatton ooa. Bdgnr B. Bush, SIB Chamber of Ceninarea. ' Bonn S to 10. WArTTBD ken to tears barber trade; S week complete; poeltlon gusranteea; raiuoa ears -whll learnings write for term. Molar' Barber College, set Clay si-, au aTancmco. AGAIN In bunlnean the Tank Hoy, rront aad Cnlumhta; plain rooa wea ramsev ems xs f coffee at a rami bte prlc. WAMTBTV A sua who thoroughly andaretanda a spray aosare. appiy vor. w. morgan, niw i Mllwaukla. Phone nauii soil. WAlfTTCD Wipelienred nma te d raawat work OB aloewalK. aoill nan w. aa. aav m vo.. fourth and Columbia. , af WB weat d experienced men for rarmlng aa. , aaklng machinery. Seaside Sprue Limber Co., Sonslda, or. - WABTaTD Tonng axon wits $100 eanh for legiti mate aed good prernabw snaine. yj, ear Jaoraat MtUt TTIBTTP I1H8TT WArTTBD T. die ta leer barber trade; t week complete; roiiafm earnra wniie trn rng; halrdreeeloc. manicuring and facial ... nr In 4 weeka; a pedal terms new. Write Mole System Collrxa, San Preactee. WANTRD Competent girl to lo conking and at SOT . North general nousewnrn, . Apply Twenty torond at WniKS-Tonr eiua on 2R fin rlalflnaT rare. Se, nceipnia. Boyu tra t., Btrattora. Coon. I. 'A- If' 1 i- t-' :'' '-I .-1 :v!.