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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1905)
7 tin: osteon daily jouiial, postlahd, satukday evening, februarV 3, itzs. I Tc:vrj topics 1 Tonosrs ixnoam . , Maru'"Th ifasiny tat ttw Hsoushie tr . olumtaU ...,..,. .'Tee lt ( Ima'' . tapirs "Nurthare IJahoj" io ,.. ...., Veeallle , Duu .........VaeeevlUe ,Q.K W. Whit was convicted Friday , on a cnarge or larceny. . Frank Tbomp on, jointly Indicted with Whit, con f eased, pleaded guilty to simple larceny , and turned state's evidence. Evidence developed that the two were concerned In robbing room in the Selltng-Hlrsch building December 22, 1104, and that Thompson used the money received from pawning too stolen jewelry In paying the rental of rooms he had leased, , Thompson la II years old. He wa.Ar rested a year ago for burglary, was es- , leased on account of his youths and was , turnea over, to the Boys' and Girls' Aid society." The Jury In yesterday' trial recommended 'White to the mercy of the court, having been apparently influ enced to view .his crime the more leni- ' ently on' account of the apparent un- truth of young Thompson, who gave r strongly conflicting testimony. Detective Hawley desires to correct '' ' the Impression said to prevail regarding Johnny Reaper, who ran away from ' hla home at Cedar) Hills . because he ura iq pass turn uaminaiioDi at mo 'end of the school year, and who was . ' thought to have been placed on the stage at the Lyrlo and Baker theatres by Lawrence C Keating. The lad, De- : ttctlve Hawley says, was provided with -, e-ne w suit of clothes and other per aonal ' effects ' by Mr. Keating and .promptly turned over to the Boys and uiris jua society. ... v.. ml Mil kiv. mAM faahlnttehlA elnttiAfl . 'for a reasonable sum on our plan than any other. Our solution of this quea- Hon will Interest every man who wants ' to make, hi clothing-money go as far -, 1 as possible. We have only the one price any suit In the House $25. any pants ' 17.60 no more-or less. Just such val f ues others charge $3g,and (40. Com lrt and see for yourself. ' Unique Tailor Ing company, 14? Washington street. Dr. Mae H. Cardwell. In a talk en the .garbage question and the present crema- . lory system of. the city before the woman's club yesterday, stated that a . new crematory waa imperatively needed. ""that If all housekeeper would burn aiicnsn ruse were wuuia noi om mcu v need for a city crematory. Other mem' . crematory, .,- . -:. ., Walter Macarthur of Ban Francisco, editor of the Coast 8eamen Journal, . . attended the regular meeting of the Fed- ' erated Trades council last night and de livered an address in which he explained " V. . 1 1 ff.H.M. KamJaam (hi ullAM auf ' longshoremen' Si UBions. ' Members of the lull.. ArnnlllllM Stage TirMMIt aflAea. .. piied-to a number or nis statements. . , None of the others took part In. the dis cussion, ,. i . Capt. F. B. Jones, of the Willamette ' & Columbia River Towing company, who Jones, has appealed to the aupreaoe court from Judge Sear decree. The case waa instituted soma ' time ago. and each made allegation againat the other, Judge Bears -held ' that neither had - proved . tba charge. ' and ' that divorce . couia not p granisu, r Marion Craig "Went worth, a dramatic . ..' reader of Boston,' will be here under the ' 'austiloea of the high school on March 10, at which time she will five a public readings of Hauptmann's "The Sunken - Bell." The proceed of the entertainment will go toward the purchase of the stat uary and art painting tfor thebji- .' school. . '." ass-aes sasse ' .- , At the Sunday evening meeting of the Peoples Forum at 7:10 o'clock. Dr. Oeorge C Cressey. minister of the Uni tarian church, will apeak on "Jteiigion and Science." Dlacuaalon will be held at .jthe close of the address. . Tbn meeting ia irea to -tn iudwi. . immlaraJttsTiilVeatora. eapIUliata, In- , ' veatlgate the advanuges offered along t the lino of the Oregon Water Fewer A Railway .oompany'a road, and especially at the terminal new town Kstacada. For Information Inqulr of the'Oregon Water Power Townslte company, 114 First . . street. Phone Main 214. If you are looking for a novelty or spe-.- ielal style of purse or pocketbook. or. In fact,, anything In the better quality of leather goods, let Albert Bmu, tno drug ait Second and Waablngton, help you out. He carries the stock, and the prices do the rset. . Bee window. ladles are Invited to attend the open--lng of thejbhromatie Baths, 411 Mor rison street, on Monday. New-manage-ment Ladyw phyalclanTln Uttendanco. Consultation Tree, 'iruii monm s xreai ment for tit if ordered Monday. ' ( ; ' B. tk S. Cough and Croup Syrup, rec - "ommended by -phystolans. ' The .most ' ' useful domestlo remedy for all cojda. oougha, croup, bronchitis and pneumonia. Vor sale by Knight Drug company. v " The steamer Regulator has resumed 'her run. on The Dalles-Portland route, leaving Portland on .Tuesdays. Thurs days, Saturdays. WlU. jnake a special trip to The Dalles Sunday, February 24. Mrs. S. Stelnhelaer died at 7 o'clock ' this morning at- her realdenee,-174 iloyt street. Sh waa the widow of a " one-time prominent merchant and had many friend here. . ,.. t ' . . ' ,, i."' Sunday trolley trip to Eataeada, round trip 7 vents. - Hotel now open. Cars mvm two hsura from First and Alder atreeta, , ' . v;f: ...'- - Alma H. today sued Luther O.-Lanon . for divorce, making the oustomary alle gation of cruel and Inhuman treatment QO to Eataeada for your Sunday out ing. Roundtrtp rat 75 cent. Phone Exchange 4T for departure of oars.: , . ' . UT. Amo, aurgeon. vwmum minimi. I ' j ask your grocer ror uoiaen vneowr. ; A Few of This Evening's "Want Ads' K. 1$, 'ear Journal, want rooming house from to 14 rooms, good -i location preferred; partly furnished.' . Those who can supply th de- mand should answer at once. , . : - When you move any f your household good remember that youH find the Kadderly Transfer-Commission company d under claaainca tlan "For Rent Houses' ' They make a specialty of moving furniture and piano; only experienced men employed.,'', , --. EF. Egy of th Kenworthy Bmployment company, ' horn efflre Wichita, Kan., baa established a branch office at 104 Nortn Third Street: This office is on of $0 which nr doing business- throughout theoun- , try. They procure position for the unemployed and furnish help, for . employers. Their ad for future reference will be fpnnd under beading "Employment Agencies", on th classified paga, . , - . ,t , : , , . :A a premium with all "aant ads" presented at The Journal office there will be given free a package ef th nidrly-known Ralston Health' Crisp, i journal "want ds'r not alone sell property and fill vacant room, 1 -bnt-wlll bring you something special which perhaps you'r looking for. "Want ads" will be received until 10 o'clock tonight for Sunday' Issue:-1 The rat is .1 word for 1 cents. CLD CliCCr. AIDS CLEAn SWEEP Prisoner at . Jail Employ' It ' in Wrechinj Lock From Door ',-,',; ;;V TWO WERE RECAPTURED ATT VANCOUVER FERRY Chief Hunt Had Given the Men Permission to Bathe, Without Guards, of Course. v. v.; - Four prisoner In th otty Jail, which waa opposedly rendered escape-proof at a coat to taxpayer of 14,000. regained their liberty last night, by mean of sua old broomstick. With this crude : tool they pried a lock, purchased for i oenta. eft a door, climbed thronrfa B broken skylight and coouy walked down tba stairway - leading from the . polio court, directly in front of the station proper and In full view of th officers. The men who escaped are Henry Mo Ololn,' sentenced February tl to serve two month for vagrancy; Ban . Darwin, six month from February 7. 'for vagrancy; "Babe Keith," serving six months from February 17, for vagrnacy, and Frank Dnartrahe, three month from February 13, for vagrancy. Dar win escaped two week ago but waa recaptured a week ago by Patrolman Griff Roberta. - Dnartrahe la reputed to be weaitny, but waa .too miaerly to spend sny money on an appeal. ' McOioln and- Keith war again, taken Into custody at the Vancouver ferry at t o'clock thla morning. Patrolman Cir cle was sent to the ferry by Csptain Bailey, who was Informed by telephone that. the rugltlvea had been aeen in that vicinity. Previous to this it waa learned that Dnartrahe had appeared at hi lodging house, 7H Sixth street, nnd-.ea citedly requested the landlord to- make a small bundle of hla personal effects'. Taking the bundle he left th house jind has not been seen since. That the prisoners had accomplice on th outside is shown, by the police re ceiving a telephone about 10 o'clock last night that a shooting affray had oc curred - at . Cherry and Benton streets. Sergeant Hogeboom and Carpenter and Patrol Driver Iaaaca were dispatched to th scene, byt found the report waa false. In .their absence the break waa made. : f McOioln waa released from his cell to wash some - clothing; Dnartrahe. who pretended to be sick, waa allowed. to re main - In. the corridor; the other men were permitted to take a bath. Chief Hunt place all th blame for the escape on Jailer Ullls, who, he says, permitted th men to leave their cells at that late hour. Officer about the ata tlon. however, declare that the chief himself ., gar tbe men permission to bath. ..' .... ,-. AILESIN1 DEMANDS . BIG SUM FOR LIBEL Another Phase of , Fight for In- v surance onr Goods . De-S , -.stroyed by Fire. ' x A 1 1 ltu suit liini k i u r hi Ar tnation of Philadelphia and F. J. Alex Mayer, agent, .John Alleslna demands $20,000 damages, alleging that he was faisaly : accused of fraudulently repre senting the value of hi stock of umbrellas and .parasols. A Or occurred In his place of business and he sued the Are association and six other com panics to recover on policies. He rep resented that he carried -118,000 worth of goods, and recovered from alx of the companies for 12.000 policies. ' The (Ire association filed a cross bill In equity, alleging ' fraudulent repre sentation by Alleslna and that In reality he bad no more than $5,000 or $$,000 worth ' of gooda when the store waa damaged by Are. Judge Cleland struck ut th cross bill, but the - supreme court reversed v th decision. ' Judge Fraser then tried the ea and decided that fraud, actually had been perpe trated and that Alleslna should not re cover, ' .' In the libel suit today the fire asso ciation and Mayer Sled a supplemental gnawer, In which they review, previous proceeding and set up ae an -anewer that the former decision' of the court. that fraud had been committed, la a sufficient defense of the Insurance com' pany nd that the libel suit therefor should be dismissed. , Mr. and Mrs. E. U Phillip of Grant Pass are at rth Imperial. 8. E. Purvln of Arlington la n guest at the Imperial. ' ; Rufua -'S. Moore, ' th; surveyor of Klamath Falls, 1 registered at th Im perial. " w. J. Furnish, the Pendleton banker and politician, is n guest at th Im perial hotel. . ' , . Mr. and Mr. F. B. Murphy of Perry, Or., are at the Imperial. ' Tennessee Weatherred of Htllsboro is n guest at the Perkins.- ' K. F Box of Albany 1 at th Perkins. W A. Storte of Pendleton la at th Perkln. . i T. H. Curtis of Astoria la at th Portland. 1 -. Capt. E. F. Dlcktna of the United State coast survey. 1 at th Portland, AT ST. Father Mulconary. S. J- will close the mission at St. Mary's, Alblna, tomorrow evening. The eeate will be re red for men only. wuFather McKeogh will Breach at the 10:10 a. m. mass. . Th attendance throughout the week wss large, and last night between $00 and 800 men were present.- ' . i ' , ; ' EXP0SITIOP1 ;sTOREa BOOTHO ' ROOMS 'For Rent'. : opposite the entrance to Fair Grounds. ; y . LtllLCSASD .. li t NOBLE ' '. Apply at v;.;'V-: ; 312 COUUERCIAL BLOCK FIRST CONSUMPTIVES CURED IN PORTLAND " (Continued from Fag One.) ' raw eggs. Supper Is served at . and at bedtime milk and raw eggs again. Fa' tients are urged to eat as much pos sible. The average - dally consumption of milk is from three to five pints per cap- Ita. -The average- dally consumption of raw egg ia -seven to eight per capita . i '-i John GUbert. some patient consum a many aa two dozen raw egg a day. Patient are re quired to be In beoVby 9:10 o'clock. They are. also required to 11 down half an hour before each heavy meal, i , The sanatorium is open to all suffer ing from tuberculosis. . However, those lit the last .stages are not offered th same hope a others.- They will be ad mitted, out unless improvement 1 manl rested will not be permitted to remain. Physiciana say that from zs to -go per cent or those ciaases'are curable. Persons are not wanted at th sana torium who are suffering with colds. Sign are to bo posted warning all vls- T A: . ;'p - Hiss Mtgglo P. McCloud, Superin- IVUUIUM Itor who have colds to stay away. Con' sumptlve patients are easily Infected with colds. It Is said, and every precau tion must be taken to prevent their in' recti on. - s' - - ' . ) . i , BYRNE SAYS ROBBERY WAS THE ONLY MOTIVE -.::.;. ' . r ' '' Edward Byrne, who conduct a naloon at Tenth and Irving' streets, and was th victim of a murderous assault early Thursday morning, declares that rob bery waa the motive of the- assault He say be had 1450 on a chair beside him when the' assault was made, and be- llevea that hla assailant knew the money was there. . The robbers, be say, entered th sa loon by raising a front window; they smaahed a card machine, but secured no money. Then they went through the alley to th rear of th building. He waa asleep when tne took .was Buried through th window and struck hint oa the head. ' Hla bed was between tne window ana the money, id order to reach which the robbers must have passed th bed. H says tbey struck him with th rock In the hop of killing him or rendering nlmJ unconscious, so that they might get the money. Th robbers escaped: wnn Byrne. waa aroused. ...." . bat nr. AjrexssTT sohb. v Th free stereoptloon lecture' at the Men' resort tonight wUl be given by Prof. J. C. Hasard on 'A Day in Ancient Rome." Professor Hasard has made n, specialty of classical language and an cient history ana nas mucn interesting Information to impart. ijji iM i. hj.m ii i) ' - i is i A " I; ii ni i i -i aaslmii I Near Ig to Pain- f . aatsBstit Pain Isjstaatly Relieved by Painkiller m, coiy, JAf,i - AfJD STEEL BEAfiS A Few of the Things Which Brit ish Chip Pythomine Brings '..".. , to . Port, i , ' v'.'. AT ASTORIA, ABOUT FOUR V; MONTHS f ROM ANTWERP Has Been Off Mouth of Columbia r River m Fog for Some; Days. lj Aoyinnirom wigna suns- uiat lum crart sighted on th mouth or th river n few day ago 1 th British shlp-Py- thomene from Antwerp with a general cargo. Sh mad th pasag In lit day. It 1 probabl that she will cross th bar this afternoon. ' Her freight I eon signed to Taylor. Young A Co. of this city and . consists of 0 eases- of mineral water. 1.147 bar and bundle of Iron. 100 cases of whisky, M cases of gin. 10 casks of tar oil, olive oil. curry powder, Scotch herrings, vinegar, pickles. Jam, 470 girder rails. I0 packages of fish platea. 4 ease ef gran its. 1.S41 packages of ' stmwboarda. lit steel beams, 10.&00 barrel of oemant and n quantity of coa-e. - - - - - The vessel la not chartered ' for the outward trip.; .. . . . FORGOTTEN BUSINESS. Shaghl Bra. sTever rionrlahd Xr . and Xaa Almost CeaSsd Slsewhere. : British Consul. tAldlaw says it is 1m probable that . W. Humphreys, who left Portlamfapout two years' ago on tbe British ship Donna Francises for th United Kingdom, was shanghaied, as friends of the young man contend was th ease. He has the sailor's signa ture in hla office, and is certain that th lad knew what he was about. when be signed to maxe the voyage.- "Sailors," said Mr. Laldlaw, "are rare ly shanghaied now there are not nearly ao many eases aa the publlo is led to believe. . Every aallor making the trip hie to appear in tbe consul's offlc and 'sign the shipping articles in his own handwriting. Before he ii -asked to do so the consul reads the article In. his presence and explalna what du ties will be required of him. Then the applicant Is ssked it he Is willing to do. so; he does it of his own free will. - M81noe residing at Portland I have known of a few shanghalng cases, but those happened In the early days. The way they did it was this: .Just before bar departure th sailor board Ing-hous people took-" a ssHor to a ship under some pretense or other, where he was held until tbe vessel was ready to sail, In the meantime a confederate of th gang went to the consul's offlc and signed the name of the prisoner to the nipping article. Then the vessel left for the aea, and the captive's pleadings ror release would be In vain. It would be shown him that his name was oa th roll of those who had agreed to make the voyage, and there tbe matter ended. -That is the only manner in which a sailor can be shanghaied It Is by some one else personating him. "Paddy Lynch, formerly the sailer boarding-house proprietor at Astoria. la now serving a term in th state penP tentlary ror committing thla offense. No, the shanghai evil ha never flour ished in. Portland to any great extant. ' SURVEYS IN NORTH. ? Captain Slokina Veils ef Soma Tremble : , Vet on Alaska Ooaurt, Capt E. r. Dick!nB,'of th United States -coast anoVgeodetio survey serv Ice, I her a th guest of Captain Ed wards, local Inspector of hull and boll era, , Captain Dlcklns' home ia In San Francisco, and he la returning from a trip to Puget sound.-where a couple of the steamers uad la making surveys of tbe Alaskan coast are under'repalra, Early: in. the spring the captain will make .hla annual crula in northern wa- tara. He says it will be years before the surveys of the Alaska coast are com pleted. " Only three boat th Qedney, MacArthur and Patterson ar engaged in the service. A fleet three time that Is could be used to advantage, but con gress ha been alow about making Pro visions ror securing additional vessels. Captain Dlcklns says tbe work" is slow. About th time that a steamer gets well under way with the task sb baa to re turn a long distance for sHippllea." Coal Is procured at Sitka, and Dutch harbor. Within the next few year a depot -will b established in th far north, making It possible ror the survey work to be carried on with great dispatch, . ALONG THE WATERFRONT." essasansBsawMBi " . . t , , t. The steam schooner Norn City cleared for 'San Pedro yesterday with 10,009 feet of lumber, 200 cedar poles and number of passengers. Harbormaster Ben Blglln la rejoicing over the arrival of a bouncing baby boy. The little stranger , will be christened Oeorge Washington Blglln, because he wae born on February 12. 7 1 ' Th Herman ship Carl ' cleared for Taku. China, today with 1.74S.I4J- feel Of lumber, valued at ' l.141.(i. 'The cargo la being -shipped by , th Pacific Export Lumber company. With a full cargo and a big passenger list th steamer fr. A. Kllburn arrived Mi ni(ii tiun pwi w mmn. wn war porta. She 1 scheduled to anil Mond&y afternoon with a big wheat cargo. Loaded with lumber for Ban Pedro the schooner Mabel Oslo Will leave . this afternoon.- , ? In tow of the Ocklahama th schoon ers Polaris and Oakland are en route up tne river. The uaaiana wui go to Van couver to load lumber for a California por)t, and tba Polaris will be supplied Urlth a cargo at Portland. After., addressing tbe local branch of tbe Seamen s union tonight Walter Mao Arthur wUl take th midnight train for Gray's Harbor. From there he will go to the Puget sund cities to remain a few day. The lighthouse-tender Manaanltn left down th river thla morning with a num ber of buoys, which will be placed along th Columbia. The ateamer Columbia will sail tonight for San Francisco. Among other freight ah will take out a shipment of 100 ton of flour., -. -, t MARINE NOTES. Astoria, Feb. 25. Left np at I a. m. Schooners Andy Mahony and C A, Klosa. St. Hetena, Feb. 2. Passed at 10:44 a. ra. Oerrnsn staamer Numantla. - '- 1 Astoria. Feb. 24. left np at 11:10 a. m. -Steamer Acme.' Arrived at 1:20 and left up at 0:10 p, m. Oerman steamer Numantia , from Hongkong and way ports. Arrived at 1:20 p. m. Schooner C A. Ktoaej from San Francisco. Ar rived down at I p. nv -Schooner Mahu kona. . 10:80 a. nx Steamer Roanoke front Portland and eoast port for Port Lo Apgeles. - - : -i Astoria, Feb. It. Condition of ' th bar at a.,m., obscured; wind south' west; weather cloudy. . .-. " ' - . uaaTTXOTnra rem AtaSn-A. Material for th construction of an other government lighthouse in Alaska will be sent north early la ApriL The building will be erect d on Linn canal, a waterway frequented by many steam ers daring th summer months. In th past two years half a dosen lighthouses have been built along navi gable waters' in (Alaska. The lumber and other material uaed In their con struction were - taken ' novth . on - th teamer Homer. Th shipment for the proposed work will' corn prise sbout 200 tons, at lumber and' cement. . . t QUIET COLORED RAT ; A PRODIGY OF VALOR ri''"' ' '' '" 11 " ' ' ' "'..' - I ; Assails With Desperate Courage : Fred Spencer and Attacks ;. Him Again and Again. ' Hearing a pattering noise on the side walk behind him, Fred Bpenoar turned and saw a queer, small animal running toward him with a simple directness that 'caused him to fear It waa going to bits him. ' When it earn within reach he kicked It, but four times It returned to the attack before he succeeded in dis patching it During the fight It bit through his shoe and drew blood from his foot , - . . ., .. . '. Th strange encounter "took place about 11 o'clock last night at the corner oX jlvttth and Sherman streets, aa Mr. Spencer waa going home. He ha charge- of th mall of th Booth era Pa eiflo oompany, in th Worcester building. He said: . f- "When I first kicked at th thing I sent It about 10 feet. It Jumped up and caine at m. I kicked It again and knocked It some distance. While it was recovering I got a rock. It came at me, and I hit it and knocked It ever. It got up again and started for me and T kicked it on the head, and it was then tbe ani mal bit through my shoe. I stunned It this time, and It lay on It back .and pawed the air. I then stepped on' Ita head and killed if " " f ' This morning . an examination waa made of th animal.' It ia Mid to have the appearano of a large rat, excepting that It has a fow, flat body, and a tall about a foot long. . ' BURGLARS SCOFF AT . FRIENDLY NOTICE f - i Notwithstanding Warning, They Try Hard and Unsuccessfully. to Blow Safe, v ', - .-',' - , ; . -3-', .- -j ' When cracksmen broke fnto the effloi I of th Alblna Fuel company, at Railroad and Alblna avenues, last night they found a sign hung on the safe read: "Save your time, boys; tbia safe eon tains nothing but books.' ' Evincing skeptlolsm a to' th truth of this friendly notice, the marauders endeavored to blow open th safe, (but failed. 81x eooount books had hole blown through, them and were otherwls damaged so badly that th finn win be greatly moonvenlenceo. - This is the second attempt mad to break Into th safe. - - Last summer cracksmen tried to knock the combina tion off with a sledgehammer. - Sine that time th sign 'prepared by Book' keeper C A. Baboock has been exposed. Twenty cents - in copper was all th money inJhe safe. The work wss decidedly amateurish, and the police ar oonvrnced that it was done by th nam gang that early Thurs day morning tried to crack th Safe ef the Pacific Hardware A Steel company at Nlooral and Twenty-rirth streets. BRIDGES' CHARGES MAY PROVE BOOMERANG In th bribery case against Oeorge B. Thomas, for accepting 160 from th firm of Wskefleld A Bridge while be was a member of th Port of Portland commission, as a consideration for f' vortng tba allowance of th firm bill for extra on th drydock work.' J.fB. Bridges offers violent protest against intimation that he was guilty of any wrongful connection with th transec tion. H mad an affidavit, in- which . he swore that A. C U, Berry," bookkeeper for Wakefield t Bridges, contractors, wbo built th Portland drydock,. paid to Thomas .in his (Bridges')' presence, 2250, and that, later he learned that $IS more had been paid to Thomas, from th money of the firm. --. ... District Attorney Manning stated that he would inquire Into the status of Wakefield aV Bridges, as well a of Thomas, and that he would prosecute any on he thought guilty of giving or accepting a . bribe. Subpoenas were Issued for Wakefield. Bridges and Berry, and the hearing was set for today, but aa -'-Wakefield and Berry are in Tillamook, tbe case waa continued until Tuesday. ' MISSOURI HOST OF STATE ORGANIZATIONS ' State organisations wlU be entertained tonight by tbe Missouri society In Knights of Pythias hall.. on the eighth floor of the Marquam buildings A luneheon will b served, and a program of addresses and musical numbers will be' given. Miss Cornelia Barker will play a violin solo, and Mrs. J. M. C Mil ler will sing a soprano solo. Presidents W. D. Fenton or trie Missouri society. Governor Cbsmberlaln of the Dixie so ciety, B. 8. Pegue of the' Pennsylvania society, W. M. Cake of. the Ohio society, W. T. Vaughn of the Illinois society. John Msnnlng of the Nebraska society and I. Staples of The Minnesota society will apeak, '...,-' .'.., toek-Oaamed Oooaa, Allen A, Lewis' Best Brand. , ( XJTS7BOTOB OF mmXM WAsTTXa). MMMMM V .. . . ' Th United State civil service eom- mtaaton-wlll hold' an- xamlaatlon her on March It for the position of assist ant Inspector of hull. Those feslriag t take the xmmauon ar requested to apply t Z. A. Lelfb, at th poetofTJce in this eity. . Xublia U Aroused. Th public Is aroused to a knowledge of th curative merlta of that great medicinal -tonic, Kiectrtc Bitter, far sick stomach, liver and kidneys. Mary H. Walters, of 140 St. Clarl Ava, .Colum bus, O.. writes: "For several months I was riven ud to die. I had fever and ague my nervee were" wrecked; I could not Sleep, ana my siomscn wss so wees from Useless doctors' drug that I could not eat. Soon after beginning to taks Klectrto Bitter 1 obtained relief and In a short time f was entirely cured. " Guaranteed at Red Cross Pharmacyt Sixth snd Oak streets, oa th way te is 1,101 CCDf.XILf.lEil after mm Charter Provides for Five to Be Elected Frorn the City V- 7: I at Large. V- ";.';V'; MANY AMENDMENTS TO BE OFFERED TO PEOPLE Mayor, Auditor,, Treasurer, At , torney and Municipal Judge to B Chosen. . V At tbe June election 1 city council men will be elected wbo will take their seats July 1. Of thla number 10 will be elected from each of th 10 wards and five at large. At the first' regular meeting of th council after tba new member take ofttce, the oounoilmen at large shall be divided by- the casting of Jots, into two class, one . of three and on of two - members, and the ward council, men shall be divided into twd classes of five each, Th eeata of th ward ouncllmen of the first clansman ol th councilman1 at. large of 4he first class shall be vacated at the expiration of tba second year from the commence ment of their term and those. of the second class at the ' expiration of th fourth year from tbe commencement of their terma.. At every election after th first there shall be chosen oouncirmat to succeed those whose' term next thereafter expire, ' so that half Of th council, as nearly aa may be, shall b elected, every two year.':- Other officers to be voted for at the Juno election ar mayor, auditor, treas urer, city attorney and municipal judge, who ehall hold office for two years. Several amendments to the city char ter passed by .the legislature ar to b voted on. They ar aa followa: An amendment authorising th city to grant street railway franchise for connecting lines, the length of which ahail not exceed 1,200 feet, without going"" through th long formality raw quired when petitioning for an original franchise. . ' To better the security for city money In city banks. This amendment re quires that all banks In which money Is deposited shall give a security state, county, city or school 'bonds. If city bonds ar offered th security naked 1 equal to th amount of th deposit; if other bonds ar rvn they must be en fourth In excess of th deposit. To eliminate the detailed advertising of street and sewer assessment, reduo lng th coat 10 or 00 per cent . iTo increase the salary of th clerk of th municipal court from $71 to $121 per month. ' , 'To incorporate Into th city th terri tory" between St John and Portland. To incorporate into the city the ter ritory comprised .in - tn Mt, Tabor school district. --: ' Authorizing a J-mtll tax to be levied to provide for tb construction of bridge scross ravine and- to pay for bridges constructed or In ' process o( construction during 1104V 1 TZOXJkTX02f OF OOaTTatAOT. Erneat Sydeeker ban bean rued by August Warn me and Oeorge Rupprecht for alleged violation of contract not to enter the restaurant business for year after tbey bought .from him a res taurant at Fourth and Burnaide street In September, 104. Tbey want 11,000 oaroages. , .. , ... Tr i If too are looking for legiti rnste lnrestment,, or steady employment Call at the Mock Hardware Co, at Second sad Morrison Streets. : ' ''"':'.''.. ' "'" J - : ASK FOR . MR. COOK Ajtu'sjusJarrs. COLUMBIA THEATRE .. A, R. BilXaRO, Leases sad htasager. -' yoartseath sad Watalngtea Bts. Tonight, at 0:15 Clsek. Last ooXitmzA STOua oomastt, la Lard Lrttaa'a rastoss Lsee Claaale. "The Lady, of Lyons" Evening toe, sSe. Sfie. las Matlnss 2Be. lac, 10s DewBtnwa bex efflre atl day. 337 atorrlsDa: Faeae aiaia aiu, snnaj si (oeaire. Kext week, surtlng essmrew SMttnea, grans srsduetlea mt Rlrhsrd MassflsM' "OLD HXTOaXSXM.1 v. . Tealght, st :1ft e'OUek, last PerforsMui MM. FAUL StUlOU . . :i - -lir - "Tae Haanay sad the Baaualag Slr4.M grealng prices Firquarte, flAO: sarosett Lrlrcle. Ii 1 bsleoDr. 7V sad BOc gallery, Zbt asa sue; ma ssa kih, is ggATS MOW SELUNtL. V. , EMPIRE THtkE Hikj' ysut Seels ey raaaa. Mala 117. Toatfkt, rarewetl Petftirasiaes' of, the rartlaad raraitaa. tiouinn bbanitt asa snail SACsin. la tke sOrriag war play, ""Northern Ughts" V ZMxxm aTnucrroks! STAR THEATRE Porthine'S "slneeMe Ve-vtlle Rome. BAKTXU THI trrUDK-DOWkl SAJIOXS. , THXKg VOLTIM. , - . BEATT AND mice, -- . XAWLET AS Vaa. -, MOMS. ULVAHO. AkTHOk JACKSOg. ssrsoH ygojtcxoaoofK. 1"H as aar : rnl sex ssata, 2Be, OeeUaaase vseaevlUa, S:M ta !!; p. m StASIBB SSOS. -COSCBSTI BVEBI KVllTt. Investment Free Tree 'F0S ONE VfZZZ C 'Ji ' " -i v ' " MOT AM BQTAX. X T2CS ' r 2Csak-llvUg Apprfsnn Off . atlon Xaa arrer JEnown.-', ; The Electro Rodiator. An Invention of Prof. William Jllakardoi ' of Los Angeles. CaL, has been broastatl to Portland, and It is not exaggeration) toy .say that, in the estimation of tb, most celebrated physicians of th coun-t try; he ha perfected In this invention disabnit Ctoattve Agent on'thA Fan r tka ttloa. e j . The'raachw. JUdlator Is a contrivance) well pictured lh-the cut presented here-; with, and fully described in a pamphlet! -issued , by, the Inventor, which is sent free to all applicants. It actually forms an electrical bed. in which th , patient lies, Is bathed,-massaged, built) up In physical atrength and cured efj his affliction no matter, almost, whatl that affliction may be. Its weight Isi ' only seven pounds, and may be carried) anywhere, even by travelers, and uaedl In any room in which electricity la in- stalled, by merely removing the elec-4 trio bulb and attaching the Books of th bath. The Uood Huiurltm Hunltii: . ipf this city purchased one of the Radl-t . ron, spa tne management lnrormni . Th Journal that it has accomplished:' wonder in the.. cure of la grippe andi v pneumonia, so prevalent the last fewi ' weeaa, in caaes of rheumatism, ca-4 tarrh, atomach troubles, . bronchit'.) asthma and all chronic and nervous dis-i eases, no equal to -the Radiator has even ?et been known. The sick one Ilea be-, ween electrical sheets. Is thoroughly, surcharged with its health-giving prop-i art lea, the disease "cooked" out of him' anderfect health most speedily, re- -Fayasolan Ar 3noqna2 In of tb Radiator, the celebrated Dr. Tan ner declaring It "tbe most astoundlnglr, beneficial invention of modern time." See hl stormrlstBaT Coatrivaawe. I Mm wwm nmm nm Known US. XIM DO . free. Tristzienfj AreChrt3 ; I m i " rv ' a Bss,a uss a W living MT I VL SJ SftA Mrs. Rlokards" and assistant, Mrs. Mary; K. Baldwin. : who cam with him, marl be found at any time, glad to meet thavi sick and afflicted ones. Fre treatmanta. 9 however, will only be green for one- ' Mk. . an h.t mnmr tu tak,.dT"ot tnli PPortunlty-1 should call upon th professor without1 delay. , j w we w SIT xuais TOlBttOsaVnrt . Agwnt wanted ta sell thla remarks able invention. - Prof. Vm.. Richards eL door. rA Oreoii'O Bnposition zs oasomrjao xm MAGAZINE March Number, bag n Snalr mustrated arflale th thing' to send bmw articles, aoaee good kor storlsn, -alavw vara and taps . atlas; stlsseTlsnJ. . Tigusoan by SordbyAII NcvrsdfaJm AmUaVAVsLKBTTS. THE LYRIC THEATKEi I : Brveath aad AMar BtreeM. st v1"1 fTTeXrTi SBjeS CwwSliiee''' - TBB NBW LTBJO STOCK COMPaST. 1 the noael Beyond : the Rockfes BpteialtVe ketweea acta' '" - Psrforsiaaees st to. I M as : p. stk, Ueoal pries eT sdaUailea. 1 eaats, t DAUIDIX? THEATH Third aa TaaMIl at. EasUa rn4, atanvi largest Vaeornil Uuowi la Asaarlsn, . I.M WM - . AT0VE1XA ISAVUXaV . ' riKor Airo waao. , . ' FBEUtAB AMD CLAkS-g. , . MOIMU AND B0L A ' BAkgAJP WTT I I AtAi . '.' , f. W. WOvO- ' Adnlsslaa los. , rarteranane a sBt fO aad s. nv. . 1 ORAINO r.'IZ .. A aVrperb Skew. , ,'StrtTB A TO PS. TUIU" rtA rr. xitT. i AJT9 UL J aft. A'r 1 a BiArz z , sny ssei, kJ 1 i I W H MM MM MUM MM MM M M gfl W V ftfHTTffKYTltS M, TtTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTtTTtTTTTTTTI 1 T T i f , T , , M I I ? T", San Francisco, rb,- IB. OJTlved at postoffisa, i'rlc too, ' sa4i aonsroav . V,. ,4 t.