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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1905)
:.. G OOP EVENING. . !j The Circulation .' "Of The Journal Yesterday Was Tat Wither. ' Tonight and Saturday; hower-, ,. oBtbaaatarly winds. . , . . VOL. III. NO. 301 PORTLAND. OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 24. 1905. SIXTEEN PAGES. PRICE FIVE CENTS. X MITCHELL SAYS SCOTT ED Senator! Accuses Editor of Oreoniah of .Effort Being Made to in District of i Columbia v Hermann's Indictment: at Washington for Dc: . stroying Public Records Probable and ; McM's and Williamson's Possible, I ' (Wualagtaa, Bmi of Toe Joeraal.) ' Washington. D. C Feb. 34. Attor ney Heney and Secret Service Agent - Burns tiava bean ia conference with Al-torney-Qcneral Moody over tha reported intention of having indictments found ' In tha District .of Columbia against Mitchell. Hermann and Williamson. . , While tba adoption of this course . of procedure la a possibility la tha case of Mitchell and Williamson. It is a strong probability la tha case of Her r, against whom the charge of de : straying pnblto records may be brought. ; When about to retire from tha poaition of commissioner of tha general ; land office, Hermann, It la alleged., burned . a, large number of letter books contain ing what ha claims ware private rat-x- tars, but which the government claims '.contained official letters.- " - . Mitchell asserts that this last move ment against him la Inspired by Editor Harvey W. Hoott of the Portland Ore- . gonlan, who la la tha city. - -vo" - . ' - : .. ; Harvey W.Soott went east last Friday . ostensibly to attend a meeting of the Associated Press directors in Chicago, .. but his real destination appears to have been Washington, where moat of tha principal actors In tha land fraud drama . . are now gathered. . i ' Why Senator Mitchell should consider . that the editor' is responsible for the latest troubles' that are gathering about --- tha heads' of Oregon's Indicted repr. . tatlves at Washington! but a matter : of ooalectura. but ft la apparent that -tha . old vendetta which has been waged be ,.' . tween Mitchell and Scott for mora than a qaarter of a centpry has again been revived. . . - '. i - The true which was affected a 'year .. ago Is at an and and a state of war again -. axista. : .y . ." ' . - DUCHESS APPOINTED . REGIMENT COMMANDER Widow of Sersius Honored by Czar She Interviews Hus band's Assassin.- ' - (Joarnsl 0pelal lervtee.) ' St Petersburg, Feb. 24. The csar to day appointed t'he Grand Tuchess Elisa beth, widow of tha lata Orand Duke Bergius, to be commander of tha Fifth, Grenadier regiment at KleS. - It Is reported that tha grand ducheaa - yeaterday visited her lata huaband's - murderer,' wh is conflned -in prison, with the object ' of discovering motiva, . for tha assassination. - Tha prisoner was ' . taciturn and refused i to Ulk about tha : A matter. " -' " ' - The grand duchesa has borne tha try Ing ordeals of tha last few days well. -- She - la' displaying tha aama fortitude : that aha . exhibited when- aba followed 'r' the dead eoachman to tha grave. ' At tha funeral yeaterday, after laying a beau- tlful cross of white rosea on tha coffin and kissing' tha dead." aha came near - fainting and waa about - to - fan when ' v the Grand Duke Constantlne gave her his aupport, -The grand duchess waa tha Princess . llaabeth' of "Wise-Darmstadt, daugli u tar of . the Princess Alice of England, and a slater of the impress of Russia. - Bha was married to Sergiua la 1S8. .. - sjQtnTAau orrxoxaxi Bias. (Jearsal Rpeelsl Service.) New York. Feb. J4. Sidney Dillon Ripley,' treasurer of tha Equitable Ufa Insurance society, died today after an operation for - appendicitis. Ha waa a brother-in-law ef James ffasen Hyde, vice president Of the society.. i . ' ' 1 1 " 1 IN MYSTERIOUS NIGHT , .' Amid the wreck of hia saloon, with ' blood smearing tha floor. ' window sill "' . and .bed: with tha Iraprtnt of dripping 1 A,. handa on door . facings ' and furniture, . Kdward Byrne waa found with a Tagged cut on hia temple and, tha marks of linger nails on hia neck. But hetaala-f tains a dogged alien oe, end refuses t .anllghtoa tha police aa to tha causa of such a condition of affairs.' ' '- Byrne conducts a saloon at Tenth and Irving streets, and has figured In the police court on several occasions. Tha attempt . on his life for tha circum stances clearly Indicant such to be tha : case, aay the :' police occurred ' at 'an 'early.' hour yesterday morning) While Byrna lay asleep In bed his window was plied up and a 1 'tone .weighing 10 - pounds was burled at hia head. '- That his akull was not eruahed la duo to the tons striking a gtinctng blow, lacerat 'ing the scaln. ' . That t X ii.i t ip.'ifljtt- PROSECUTI OH If Harvey Scott went to Washingtoa to talta s, hand' la tha proceedings' against Senator Mitchell he must have gone of his owa-vtJlition.' for there la reason to believe that he was-not summoned by Heney or by the president. Personal ambition may have prompted his going, for tha dream of political preferment la still cherished by the dltor-tf tha Ora gonlan, and tha long Bought 'Opportunity may seem to him to be at hand. '. Unless evidence has been dis covered' gainst Senator Mitchell tha only - known ground upon., which ha would be indicted at Washington la tha transaction with B..A. D. Putar, when tha latter , la alleged to have paid the Senator $3,000, In order to secure his help in expediting fraudulent home stead claims. i " Scott's ambition-to be a member of President. Roosevelt's cabinet received a hard blow when tha president declared his - determination to- reappoint Hitch cock as secretary of", the interior. Through tha columns of the Oregonisn Scott had been persistently assailing Hitchcock's policy and demanding that he retire" from - the cabinet. But tha president paid no heed to tha editor's Interested suggestions and tha .hoped-for ..vacancy '"will r not occur. T bora la, however, anopportunity for Harvey . Scott to do something , to . ad--1 vance his -own fortunes even though a cabinet lob-easy be beyond his reach. It's an Ul wind that blowa nobody any good, .and tha -wind that brings ship wreck to Mitchell '-and Hermann ' and Will ism son may carry--HarverBcott into the haven of political power. Here la hia chance to assume control of Ore gon's political fortunes, and If Senator Mitchell still stands la his way. Why so much the worse zor autcneik - - MRS. CIfADWICK'SV JEWELRY IS FOUND Customs Collector Finds Fiftjn : Thousand Dollars7 Worth in I : Dupe's Hands. (Joarasl Special Serrlee.) ; Cleveland, - Feb;' J4. Customs . Col lector Leach returned - from .Washing ton to New Tork this morning with considerable Jewelry which at one time belonged to Mrs. Chadwick. - Mr said it was worth f 50,000 and had never been entered for ; Import duty. Possessors surrendered tha Jewelry without pro teat. ., ' - NEW NATIONAL BANK y FOR CONDON, OREGON '": (Joarasl SpsetsI Srrrlee.)'' Washington. 'Feb. 14. Tha application for tha organisation of tha Condon Na tional bank at Condon, Or. j( with 160.000 capital, has been approved by tha con troller of tha treasury. -- Tba application waa made by F. P. Hurlburt of Bhaniko.- E. O. McCoy, W. I Lord. J, W. French and Smith French. ANOTHER SHORTA'GE IN ' - UTAH EXPOSITION BOARD ." '(Joarasl SptcUl Service.) ' " ' Bait Lake, Feb.'. J 4. The committee of. rha . legislature - Investigating ' the world'a fair commission on forgeries a nit irregularities, -oiscoverea another abort. age of 1700 today. ' In all probability the committee will gb to St. Louis to gather additional evidence. . . , r E: BYRNE ALMOST pita the - fact -that the cash register was completely demolished, the - polio are satisfied. Otherwise, It Is saTH Byrne, would be wuilng to tell all ha knows ,of tha affair. After admitting that the siona had been thrown at him through the window, when ' questioned by the- detectives, ha relapsed Into al ienee and all queries Were met with tha reply: "I don't know." , " . .'Everything, the police declare, tenda fo show that a desperate struggle fol lowed tha assault on Byrne.. Hia rear window, facing his bed,' was pried up with, a chisel or similar tool.-as waa shown by tha marks on the silt From tha bed to the bar waa a trail of blood. Tha victim of tha assault was partly dased. aa la evidenced by the marks of bloody fingers on tha facing of the doors and the end of the bar. making plain ttjat after being struck Byrna drVgged himself Into' the bar by whatever be could And to helpt. hia progress. , pa Ike Boor of his bedroom lax ia ' . i ; - . -ni : 4. 1 : "' -ev .-".,'-;' ;;; .7,;.., v,.,.:,; K eMeeeseeeee(eeeeef ! THE WORKERS' MAG AZINE There will be an .entirely I new -feature introduced in' the next issue - of The 5 Sunday Jpurnal 'called 1 'JThe '.Workers' Magazine,", embracing the experiences-of 'men in alf tinef'ol human industry together -wijh . suggestions from those who have successfully solved .tlje problem of getting along in the : world.- The whole magazine is 'entirely practical, for every thing related in 'it comes at firsthand from - the men, them selves. It is full of helpful suggestions and there is no doubt Xit will be regarded as one of make The Sunday Journal the .. country. ' ' '- ' ? ., Incidentally it may-be; added mCTlLS tU secure tr uuut a uiuiT: otiiuuu iwu-ui- ; . . r ,t rr t- -'jza.' ' r r . tt t. -j - e aDie pen 01 xienry r. uopc, cuuor vi im uum, mc uwreu Chicago religious weekly.. y;" -.-'. UMM.MMiM.M RIVER AND HARBOR BILL .-', HAS PASSED HOUSE 'J ' . ' - "' (Joarasl Spertsl Serrlee.) 1 ' ' I Washington. Feb. 4.--Th. house, has passed the. river and harbor bUl without an amendment- esotpt those presented by the ' committee. ; The bWl Scarries ti7.ssi.U7.- . 1 ' t , Taking of testimony In -the a Wayne case, occupied aeven; hours bt, tha aen- ate'attma yeaterday... r-y.';.i .c ' t'i Foster' Of' Washington lias 'presented tha credentiala of Samuel H. Piles,- his aoccessor. , '. 1 ' T" "-T t BATTLE LOSES LIFE stone, which Byrne admits . was hurled jt hlra through the open window.' The window in tha barroom' was shattered and a number of articles of fnrnltur smashed. -Broken glass littered the floor behind tha bar. " ; The door leading Into Byrne's , bed room waa looked, which causes', the d tectlves to- believe that tha assailant walked ' round- tba building, raised the window and hurled the stone et the saloon-keeper's head. wlth -the Intention ef killing him. Whether or. not Byrne waa followed Into, the barroom from his bedroom and engaged In combat cannot be positively stated, the police aay,' but that such Is tha case would appear from the scratches on his neck arid .from other circumstances. J " j, Byrna waa arrested a few weeka ago on the charge of selling liquor to min ors and Aned by Judge Ho rue. Pussllng aa la tha affair, tba detectives , sax they are positive that robbery waa not the motive for tha assault.' and that the Intention .wis jlsinix to kill SyroSv i ' - the many "features which go to popular paper ot the Uregon J . ' ' . " : that we. have-made arrange- MO MMMMm; CRAZED FROM SMOKING V-t .s MANY CIGARETTES A DAY ' v-" - j ? (Joersal Special Servlea.) . , ... t- New,. Tork,. Feb. 24. Hade .violent by smoking ISO cigarettes a day, according to ithe .testimony of a witness, lt-year-old William Uoettcher fought. so des perately with three, policemen; that they had all they couldr dj carrying him be fore Magistrate lBcktr In. Harlem rcoart. ,- - ,i i . His mother testified that. a. week 'a go the son 'Was in .full poasesslon 'of . bis (acu)tlAa. 'lAt last night he became unbalanced, broke tba I fumlrura , and threw tha cat" throwgh tha window and threatened to kUl tha family wfth: a revolver."..-! ... . ',. ' Magistrate i Becker ordered tha vboy sent to.Believue (or examination. - OVER HUNDRED CORPSES RECOVERED FROM MINE f Joeraal SnMal aervtes.) .Birmingham. Feb. 14. Up ta noon today 101 bodies 'have been recovered from the, Virginia mine. Three more are In sight and It la believed at least 10 or 'is more are In remote parts of the mine. ' Many funerals were held to day. - The relief ' fund now amounts to tit. ooo. ; - . . BOOKMAKERS BARRED -1 v ; FROM MISSOURI RACES . . . (Josraal gsertel ftrvto.ft - ' St Ioula. Feb. 14. The house today rapealed the Breedera law . licensing book-making and pool aelrmg on horses. The bill making it a felony ta be at races engaged in bookmaUng waa then intro duced. ' .v wnLAM os wian1 - Aden, Arabia. Fen; 71. The Mad Mul lah Is reported again on' the warpath, and to have aeiged and' killed a number of t&s sultan, ot pbuia'a. XOUowara. 1 - This ti - gnapshot of Maxim Gorky, tht : Rusaian author, now in ' prison for the' active part he took ia tha recent troubles. ' It was taken just previous to bis arrest Tha men following bin are police gpiea, who kept him under constarirrreillance untO he was taken into custody. ' PRONOUNCED DEAD . REVIVED BUARCET W. Whltford Restored to Che " i Wife Direction About! Property. HEART AND LUNGS STILL . V BODY BECOMING COLD RubbingJHeat and Bleeding Re- Vive Him lor Short Time, But : ' He Dies in Reality; "' (Journal Special Sarvteel) - v Victor. Cola, Fb. 14. Walter Cecil Whltford. . 27 years old. who died In Victor hospital, of pneumonia Tues day morning, has at last 'been revived after being, pronounced dead. . Heroic measures were taken to restore Whlt ford to consciousness la order that bs could have a private conversation, with hia wife. ' Tuesday 'morning, according to state- menu from hospital physicians. Whlt ford sTsa actually dead. He bad abso lutely no pulse perceptible. In-the most dull cats , examination , possible. Tha heart, bad apparently stopped beating. There waa no. respiration' Tbo body seemed - getting cold. , Preparations were made to take tha body ' to the nndertakera. - because the.- attending physician pronounced the man dead. . Mrs. Whltford, who conducts a room ing house, in this. city. . insisted that means 'be taken to restore her husband to life If only for a few minutes, so ho could 'apeak to her and tell- her something about'-family affairs The doctors told Mrs. Whltford. that there m not, one- enance in a muiion ioai her huaband's life could be renewed. As a last, resort tha doctors decided to .bleed' tha man from -hia arms. After this was dona, ha waa wrapped In a hot blanket for ' several : hours and rubbed vigorously. -..-..- . ' The operation for .revival began' at t O'clock Tuesday morning. A few hours afterward ' the doctors were surprised to note a return of heart action, respira tion, and other signs of life.- About 11 o'clock 'he was conscious Mrs. Whlt ford talked' to her husband snd learned all she desired.- She thougtit ho would recover, but he died within a few, hours. WO RLD'S LON G EST- TU N (SpfeUl Dtsseteh te To JoarseLI Oneva, BwltserUnd. ' Feb, 14. Tba boring of tha Simploa tunnel was com pleted ah is morning, bringing to a suc cessful conclusion one of tbo greatest engineering feats In history. Tha ton-' net Is the longest In the world, extend ing' under the Alps- from Brigue, Swlt gerland. to Iselle, Iuly, more than 13 miles In length. Mora than six 'and a half yeara were occupied In construc tion and there waa only one foot devia tion when the two ends were brought together.- ''.'-" " ; Begun In Aogust.t 1 St, the Slmplon tunnel Is the fourth piercing the Alps, and far" longer than, the other three. The new -tunnel, however, la constructed at m lower altitude above Sea level than was any of tta contemporaries, for at; Its highest .point tha traok will attain a height Of 3.30 feet, whereas the Mont Cenis rttmna-un to 4.100 feet. Therefore, what the other tbnnela gain by, shortness toajr mora . than lota by. AFFECTS Can Debts of Dead Com pany Be Collected on; Stock Not Paid Up? CLAIM SET UP BY V MINING CORPORATION Last Chance and Tyler Com . panies Again in Litigation- Point Raised Involves 1 Every Holder of Stock- can holders' of subscribed and unpaid capital stock in a corporation be held liabla,or tha amounts of the debts of a company long defunct? .This ques tion, which has especial significance to holders of millions of shares of mining and other s toe It, has been raised In the federal district court by tha auit of tha Last Chance Mining company, a Spokane concern, against tba Tyler Mining:. com pany of this city, composed of W. B. Honeyman, J. C. Moreland, Donald Mo Kay. D. W. Wakefield. W. T. Masters, Oeorge Walk Ins, David aoodsell. Both U Pope and Martin Oavold. "' ' . ' . Several years ago tha Tyler waa an active, promising concern of this Icity. In 102 tha Last Chance company was Buocesaxui in a sun sgajnsi ine cor poration. In the state .circuit court of Oregon for Multnomah county, and re covered a verdict for $5,817. But the Tyler company bad no assets, and held forth no nromlse or hcoe of liauldatlng. Because of this; fact, the Last 'Chance company has entered the federal courts In the capacity of a petitioner In equity, alleging that of the 150,000 shares of the Tyler company, of par value of IL 247.000 ware Issued to the defendants beraJn. but none of it was actuajly, paid in. - J . . , - . Ia . charging . the eevcral defendants with responsibility, the prayer of ilie Last Cbanca company sets forth that 800 shares were issued to W. B. Honeymcn, 31,701 to I, C. Moreland. 41.(08 to Don aid McKay, 15,4 to D. W.. Wakefield. 2,000 to W. T. Masters., 220 to Oeorge IWatklns, 1,000 to David Ooodsall, 1,000 td Seth I Pope and 1,811 to Martin O void., The court la further Informed that the Last Chance company baa de manded of .the "directors of the Tyler concern to call a meeting and levy an assessment sufficient to meet this obll gat ion, or call upon tha subscribed but unpaid , capital stock for the aum needed, which the directors .have faOed to da The other 144,(34 shares not , covered' by tha above figures are said to be held by people unknown to - the Lsjit Chance management, or persona out of the state. Each of tha defendants la charged with a iiaoiiity proportionate tonia holdings, and up to a Ogure representing tba face value of hia stock. It this law -is to be enforced, aa It Is alleged to exist tha effect will bs to give substantial aaseta for redresa to all claimants against corporations -where tha constituent members have properxy. Such decision, which has been rarely invoked in this state, would shake up a large number of men who permit their names to be subscribed to stock con cerns, in return for issuance to them of many thousand shares of the caDltal atobk, and. for which they never pay cent. .. . ... CHILDREN ESCAPE FLAMES -BY-PERFECT-FIRE DRILL ' (Joarasl Special Srvleel.i Now Tork. Feb. 24. The- "juvenile asylum at One Hundred and Seventy sixth street, with 1.200 Inmates, took Are ' today. The children followed tha Are drill perfectly, and all escaped with out? Injury. The Are waa extinguished without much loss. . i 'mi GRAND JURY CALLED . : ; T FOR INDIANA B00DLERS - (Toarnal Saeeial Service.) ' ' . Indianapolis, Ind.. Feb.., 34: Judge Alford. In the criminal court today, an nounced that a special session of tha grand jury will be called Immediately to take up tha legislature bribery cases. 1; ; s4- -riiNionLu uiNUtn i nt MLro steep gradients. -both .inside and on tha approaches. - . prominent feature about the Simp Ion schema la that tt provides two single track tunnels Instead of the ordinary double traettone. The axla of tha two are t( feet apart, but though both perforatlona advanced side by aide only tha eastern tunnel Is being hewn out to the full dimensions of the profile, 18 feet in height snd It .feet In-width, the other being onlf 3 feet by 10 feet. The Idea was to have a single track tunnel Arst, i while the other heading, with which tt Is toonnccted' by trans verse galleries st Intervals of 300 yards, has been used. as a ventilating galler and for tha carriage of -materials. The total cost of tha two tunnels, not Including the interest on money during the years of construction, was origin ally estlmat-I at 31S.0t.0O. The cost of one ttinfiel an 4 the gallery tv rough the second was e-ilr -! et 311.1o4.0t. The new t- ' ' ' ' lJy I whole of we- oat fart- - mm BE LPI1EL1 Attempt to Nullify Direct Primaff dominations Denounced. REPUBLICANS ADOPT - STRONG RESOLUTIONS' Organization Says It Was First . to Advocate the Plan, and Will Use Every Effort to V Carry It Into Effect. Strong protest against attempts to. nullify the - direct primary nominations law, la offered by the executive commit- k tea of the Republican club of Portland-, of which Tyler Woodward la president;, 'Charles' K. Lockwood, secretary; A. L.; Mills, treasurer, and the ward commit-' teemen are among the most influential j Republicans in the city, including -John' Gill. Senator CX-W. Nottingham. Judge H. H. Morthrup, W. P. Keady and H. JR., Albee. This club says It was tha first I to. advocate adoption of tba law, anjf the officers are masked to. take steps to assist In upholding-it ia tha event an;, attempt be made to prevent its appll-; cation to the city election, this year., Resolutions were adopted by the exec- - utive committee yesterday.' which duflne, tha attitude of tha organisation on this . ' issue. Charles IS. Lookwooac, one of tba fram ers of the present law,, said today that, ha had no fear that the courts would, ' decide that the direct nomination law doea not apply to the 1901 city election, "When tha law was being drafted," said he, -we had It in mind to provide I that it ahould apply to Portlajid. and a clause was inserted in secuon J mat nothing in tba law should be "construed, ' to preveht its application to aay city lection or to prevent the carrying, out of any provision contained In any char- -. ter or ordinance ot anctiown or city.' ; Section makes It applicable to cities of 2,000 or mora population. :.w Center of Controversy.. :V,-,-. ' "The whole controversy eenterw around the proposition as to re-reglstrgtlon or completion of the former registration I believe that. no. one may maintain that the county clerk la not reontred to com plete a . former registration when ha opena tha books next month according to the provisions of the charter. " Suppose that at that time a eitlsen -comes to the clerk, and asks that his former reglstra- -tHon be completed by adding the nam of the political party to which, ha be longs. Is rf not precisely the same al though ha asked that his occupation b added if It shall have been omitted in, the former record? 'I have figured out -the expense that would be incurred If completion of, the registration were ! , be done, and And that .It need not bs mora than $200." . -. ;. v ,' Tka Sasotatioas. - . The reaolutlona of the Republican club follow: , r . . ; "Whereas. The voters of this atate duly enacted the direct primary nomi nating elections law, by a vote of nearly 40.000 majority In the state, and With a majority of over 8.900 ia this city, at . the general election last June, and "Whereas, By. the express terms and plain provisions of said law. It la made) applicable to political party , nomlna lions for municipal offices in all cities having a population" of more than 1,000. and . - v.- :'-'.... . ... MISTSprsssBtaalon Mads. "Whereas. The opponents of said law are seeking to prevent tts being put In operation for our approaching city elec tion. -and by mlsre presentations of Its previsions in regard to registration to ' . tha. affect that It will cost several thousand dollars for additional part jr.. registration, and thereby endeavoring to . create a public prejudice against tha law before It has had. an. opportunity; : for fair trial, and "Whereas, Wa are reliably Informed that aald law can be put In Operation . for party nominations preceding our next city election, and by aslng tbo - , registration Vooks of ' the last general ' registration far completing tbo elector's registration, at a opst of not to exceed -$600: now therefor bf'.lt ' "Resolved. - That we hereby express our desire and .call upon -those offlclala (Continued on Page Nine.) N EL:' m ' y K.r-.a.-.;.' .; z .. ..- latter country, 'by uniting International lines through her mountains, works for Europe as well as for herself. She has already opened full communication with France acrosa the Jura, with Italy, by the St Oothard and with Austria by tha Arlberg line and tunnel front Lake Constance to Innsbruck.- ' She will now reach Domo d'Ossnls and Milan from -the Rhone valley by tha Slmplon. and In the aame way pass from the Rhine valley to Milan, the greatest center ef Italian trade and the third largest city In tha klngd"-. Furthermore, the Slmplon offers t shortest roots from northern l'ir Rrlndlst.- the Important place ' shipment between i. r. the orient. Ilhrh above the 1 famous N-""'-"' r by Ut f -t 1 .