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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1905)
. ' , . , ' . ,' . 'i ,'.".' ' ; . , , ' ' 1 ' 1 'i 1 :','" , , r.rr ; V V-f ' -T-g" " cjMboM DAILY' JOURNAL PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING FEBRUARY 3. 1K3, - ' , jiuiiil PACIFIC LPuOVES SYSTEfJ n.-.way Officials Stop at Eiieene end Maks Public Plana of ; f '" a' . i i. ' . - , , narnman unes. PAN WILLAMETTE WITH , C RIDGE TO SPRINGFIELD Heavy Rails Will Replaca Light Ones From PortIandto Ashland. t !( Euna. '.Or-,Feb. 15. The party of i - .iMii nfflilnlM. haadad by i tka nav Jnaaagar of tha lines Id Ore son, t i B. A. Worthinctoa. who have been ak- I lt an tnarjectlon of the Southern P Sclflo lta a far tooth a Aahland. r J irtved In Bugne yeeterdajr . Pnt . . Tha ware met kt the df pot bjr Mayor O. R. ChriBman. Hon. H. JB. Ankeny. F. U Chanbera and Hon. h. a. isoou ana escorted down town, where they t .sited u I . I nan " tlllMl Of bOStaeSS and met many of ,-tbe mercbaoU and prominent ciusena. . . TL. nr.mimtA at thS follOWUK; B. A. Worthinrton, general manager of h. vi.4n. n iiim In Orea-on: P. C --kp cjilrmtrn. aaalatant traffic dl rortor of tha Harriman lines; R. B. MU- M- i ft-tit mat of the O. R. N.; W. B. Coman, genarai freight and passeitser agent or ne bouiqmu lines in Oregon: J. P. O'Brien, general ..irntoniiH.t of the, O. R. N. and Southern Paelflo Hnes'ln Oregon; H. E. Lounsbnry, traveling freight agent of the Bouthern Pacific; 1 R. Fields, su tMrlntendent of the Southern Paclfle lines in Oregon; J. D. Orahanv superln jimt of tha niBtm Mwer of the O. r . u'Ontiihiini Paeifla ' lines in Oregon: R. 1 Donald, resident 'engineer of both lines, and J. Q. Jameson, aaslst- ... ..I., ..riNM, if hAth UnML . mm -mw -i . During his stop here. General Mail TArfV)lnrtrln tmtatl . that the SS itenaiTe Improvements on the Southern - v . . ii . i. u Muitkarii i.ramn would. riciw int. " - - " ' J -under his management, continue as at I , . .h.t hv annther rear 80-pound I i . . . . u .. . . . fla.nAiinn 1 , presem; ioai or - r; "r...r ..... 1 nava naan i.iii ddiwvsu ""i . . . . . . 1 . Ashland and Roaeburg, ana oy me ymmw following they will have ear-now. ' .-H-. - atitiiua hatween Ashlana ana He stated tha.t he had asked the chief 1 aaanaar to alve him estimates on the mnatrnctfon of the proposed bridge across the Willamette at Bpnpm-i-the connecting link between that place and Henderson, ana tna. inoao impruTo ana MenaerBon. bjw w. I " menu would receive his immeaiat. . ! v He Inspected the Eugene depot yards . .. . m,n ( n what imorore. Omenta are needed. , Ho Intimated thst 1 ,w. . lM.nntatnnlated OateDSlTS un ; provemenU here would be made soon. fllHlMlaua I - At ft business meeting 'of th tnem- bers of the Baptist church -yesterday e tenslre improrements upoiL their church t IMI.. M llanlded UDOn. It- IS J punned- to onlsrgs remodel the building, making It a, modern plaee pl . in avarv reeoect. New Sunday , school rooms, social rooms, parlors, eta- wiU be added, aaa w wi"i u . t when tie rooms are thrown fther . i- ...nM-iw of -tha y'buildlng I .'wiU be Jnrrea-ed from JvO, iU present capacity, to I . .' Wlw nru& af Brick. - ' u.-.i. a. UaoV. riennrletora - of the I - TnUM.aa .rii-k worka. yesterday fired ; their first kiln of the season. It con ,.,:sists of 140.000 all T been engaged. Several more kilns will . v.. thi amrina and snmmer. The in mi receive machinery for ...i..hrM flrehrick. recent ' r ; HI. 11 .v-v. . . - tests of the clay on their property hav- , ing demonstrated mat w toji - that purpose. '. Several cases of scarlet fever seilst in Eugene, the latest victim being little " Kvangeline Buck, the -yer-0ld daugh- . ... -e um Anna. Buck, teacher of the third arade in tha Patterson publla ' i school. - Mrs. Buck suspicloned that the . .iia hiva haen 'exDoeed. and on : ?th appearance of the Brst symptoms - of sickness went elsewhere to board,. ' . k. Ik. rflnartlon ' Of Dr. W. Aa i arhool Dhvslciaa. - . t ryintlnua her work at the school. : T Tha aiahth grade, of the Patterson ahmi nf this cltv can boast of a re- ' markable record of attendance. The 3 ...nil. in the arade completed t heir-alrtloth day of perfect attendance Tknit. i not one boln g . -absent nor tardy during that time. 0RCA SALMON CANNER Y IS LEASED' BY HUMPHREY , "I: rsaacial Tllsneteh te Th lowraal) Seattle, Feb." IS Capt Omar J. Humphrey, who has secured a lease on .... rw. Imnnannlnt nlant In A la air a. will open it this season and run It to Its capacity. .He la at the present time ne- i gotlatlng lor si charter of one of the v muliii. nriarnal ateaLmahins. which It S his Intention to put n the Alaska .There is a report in circulation on ; th waterfront to tne eneci tnai jonn 'RoSene, who was the sucoesarui -woaer at N&Tintion company at the recent re- oetver'a sale. is negotiating for- the i 'steamers Tamplco; Eureka and Metajor ' ... nida VJaaHaVatlna eMnanf HnaV and if auecessful in securing them will . .UM.tii.m am th. rannerv run between f 1ho Alaska plants, and Siberia, when it ls the inUntlon "to niyi'a Born oftjie -". Alaska eanneriea to. '. An Econonv The price is one third that of any other high grade bak ing powder. , .V r-? r ' . ! 'atew . B . t . aaking Powder II I I II 1 1 masuu-aaaaai ,1 "1 ' L . y CHURCH SERVICES Tha White Temnle Corner Twelfth aad Ty I . ... . 1. I VL' k. 1 1 mmh Hmo.har. I). D.. psstur. 10:16 a. m., "( secure-- pruyew nmlu: iu:au a. m.. -im w a-oru w Little Church"; Blbl school. 1S:10 a. av. p. ski t:S0 p. .. "What OIBn tbibb ano tut? About .' Service openec, wits nspiieiu. a pedal bus! by w Tsmpie wnn,, "" klbel LjUe. Miss Cttxl M, ITat . W. ' central waoanm 01 w t-iw. r.t hi. ti. n. Kmmt AW to atreeta: William h- Kajulsll, Bluleter. 10 45, a. B.f Dodger' i U m Bible school; 7:30 p. ... llttrated irwi u k riviiiit." Prof. W. a. f .li 7 jHmma'. UlM Mat ft I BldU.t '.U Aar .t-t.i 8:30 a. m.. Vootif fopl' aaloa: 7:30 P. .. A ptlaf4 Ut.' IMpttaai will b admliiU- tart at lb clow ef tUa aorrtc. , i. V. Bam? turn, (---.. . I IM 111 EHI - BIK-UI mmA VI HTTCU. - IU . " ' . ' -7,' ic wonblD wlta proacaiaf pt bt. ... . ..... - it-t ' a a I'm n m.. erTlrai la Gvaust S:M . at., avtaa ap ma.' obnditrted br US aiaia Taaau., T:M0 proacaiog. Bcthaajr sriiwaoa. Hani. 11 a. M.! M4iln at 13 m. aad I:S0 D. DU AU WHn (0 CI nnnmiATIOXll. "'V 1 rirat Park and ItadMoa trMtal . ?-"JU Houm. D. I)., paMor.. ?. J'jflJJ' l 1 -... . t Ia an "WHdarnw ' Expari .':.. . . n Ba. a. M. ITreaUiMiv oa Indirections of Uf" Knar, Mr. W. A. I. BalH, W. U. Bojer, W.A k4icr;i Prof W H Bojrer, slreetar; MIS toaora KUber, araaain. , ttlfTlm ehPl-eoBd !, ai J0 a. Sunday' komI WIU1ssi aar Uiwola. U. ana- Hiiio1Bu-ltMt Bw-oth atit north ana Uuak, V. Cbarlaa K. Cbai. jator. lo:i a. at., VrrVrijrltb ktbm; 1 ""W""!' aebool; S:ao p. ai:r-ariMa a. beu, pra7r ana rouiraw-pvw m far BTiBfrUatle BMettnss. '. ' ' ' aarayaida-raar Kaat Taylor ' and - Eaat Tblrt tcurlb H. J J,"wJCS5Iff t and ebildrea'i anrmon oa "How a Poonf Utow" at 1 a'taock: 1:10 D. a.. UooatnS UntaHjtwi"; Sunday aebool, 10 a. n., B. C Pier, aDerU; toadaat; Uuiatlaa . aaoMror oorrjca at .ov HT.hUia Omtiof PnWcott and Baft Sixth trart Hrtl; Her. A. U. Rock wood P"tor. 10 a. st- Boaaair aebool! 11 a. m,, ."The becrrt iav: 3 n. m.. Junior BadeaW, i;9V a. ia. "Tha Qraataat Thins Itb " ThtrA Kut Plna aad ThlrtoesUi Btreeta; A. I. MootsoBMiT. paator. rTa. 10:SO, Th. cw,m l-.p,' T:Mu a. BL. BatUns the rare Toward Jemaalem." ' - . Calvary Corner juetenta ano taj - ""T-' Ber. W. 8. Ollbert, pa .tor., 10:30 a. .. J'Tba BiTMt Whlu"! T:H0 p. m., "CoeraioB. lrn choir Hotel MLaa IAaraaa. aopraao: Bin. ww Hntphttiana aiTA harltaaa: atr. 37,0 mlm 'i.SJB) amaraatrw. wawmi nnlat ' .. ' - -- .. .. .. htlapeb Jtrnma R. Mruiaoa, M . ..m tiM uimiim la tha ChrlatlaB Hallaion": 1 .V B. m.. "A Oood Name." Beratoa Co yoUBa people,' JW iniwwti vT r T, I A arraoged: Preuide. ;faW" r.nrlltt: affertorr. Heaelan: aoto, "Por erer I with the Lord." Oooaad. Mra. U BammoBd; poatlooe to T, atark; erenlns, preUda. "apa Volontary." Aabford; offertory. 'Melody." Haydn; eolo and eBoras "Jeoua aaa tua at. Kiaell; poatlooe In 0, Aehford. . '. ..7T Waaimlnaiar Eaet Tenia ana . "'' r-. Tt V .. "Tb. 1 Plret ITamberLaBO -omer i-weim ana aa Tarlor atraeta. Kev. K. -Tlelaoa AUea ' will Breach at 10:30 a. at. aad T:ao p. m.; n. n. m.: 13 m.. I BttBdayecboel; 8:30 a. am. JusJor Kadeaver: 8.3d I p. Ski sealer Endeavor. al 'T' u rtTlTBe. Tkinii. n skua Tenth end! fireat atreeta: Ra. Harold Obere. Bestor. It a. m., "The Goodnese of God"; 7:30 p. s.. "Th hlortss.ed SoaiTwho ahall ltrt the awtsaser' 10 a. .. .pworth leasoa! I aunaar school; :30 p. a.. P teeder,. H. . Ursin.. v -' Tarlor strest ut. rranna nnrsene Short. 'The tVm aL aa BnaA.w aebanl :30 p. m., Epworth BaiawTtiSO 1 rona meeting-, anojen, - j na wt" im. h. Prof T. T. Davis. M. O. Bcral. Bamael ODBDell. i apwortb Twenty-third irviBg BTreeop; Beary X." AUlnsoa, pastor. 10 a. t.. HnBday fb." school; ilea Llrbt that Does Not Pall"; :30 o. m.. Bpworth leapt r un a. m.? BveevhMlv'B .Heed. Bpeeial music stoning and evening. - Central unaem ana evnuy nreeia, aiena. 10:30 a. m., caning of the roll and recepttea to membership; 7:30 p. m., revival services. Centenary Corner . Bast Plae ana . Mints streets; William B. Heppe, P. !.. pastor eermoa hteralag preach ins service at JO:ao, theme. "The New Anorelypa Tranatlxerms the Ate": evenlnc subject, "life's Sheet An chor"; Sunday school at 13:1ft p. m.; Bpworth :3o a. m.: Juniors, 4 p. nm.; district prayer service, lDuraoaj, at i : p. etarwTaHevaW. ; Firat OorncT park and Columbia atreeta; B. S. Murkier, pastor. 10:30 a. n., "Tn nee- eye of the Non -Christian World to tae unurcB'-i Peslga." Illaetrsted by ase of chart. During trary eosunaadl' "U It aeeeesaxy te aatva-l Boar' Kodney Areane Corner Bodney s venue and :r .- . . . . , ik fV..on ailnlater 11 a. m.. Knott atreet: Aloya CaaOB, minmier. 1 1 a. a... The Preeent Outlook for cariauaa ty t a. m., hunday cbeol: s:iw p. .. xomis reo- pie's sorlety ot Cbrhttlaa evaaaeixaue a.,iw. ... . ' Central Oorner feat Mimoa ana "wn eev.' i. a. uataicr, wawa arare' br kev. Arthur Gardener: Haa- day arhool. 13 nv; Jeakir Christian a Baaaeavur. 3:30 tt. as.: T :3ia a. aa. Riwtal a.; i. rt s. - ., . i la the evenlM. ineladln m eervtce na a as aoomee vnnnB neofile by Mr. Anna H. Kvaaa, eenUy from UUboIs, g0r w". ""f for aoroe time ib t wj. aa. .mm annai school laaUtate work. a-. . David's Bast Twelfth and Belmont IU at. la, w"e, - ' , . . f . . ... n v.a w.taea. u. u.. reetor. Panda y school. : a. Bki nonuns prayer. 11: evenlnc prayer, i on. r..inr street. Bear Wash- tBitoa; Rev. Dr. A. A. Morrison, rector Holy eommunloa. a. m.; Bvwnlng serrlce. 10U; ilu service. i:w; soioaj anna, u Hi Paul's Wooamere: nev. w. m Ptvwell la ehsrfe. Service and sermon. 4 p. la. - ver t ran so, Alblna; Bev. John Dawson, rector. 1A m an . Hnn.T BCbOOi: 11 B B., monuus nraver and UUny; I3 p. m... evenm pray or Bt-Anrew'e Peninaola ; Rev. Jobs Dsweon in charge. Afternoon service. 8 p m. Oiapel of toe 'iTnusri-ursu Bear Oak atreet; Kev. v. at. row",, caiaia aervlr and sermon, 11 . B.; Bund ay school. 9:46 a. a. . . .' ... -."-.."-Jl" 8ndy school. 11 a. m. at John's ateaaorisl wuwnng avr.. , j., sod eermoe. 7:46 p. nv. , I Rf j. tcanrr of - John- and lvaaho I streets; B. E. McVlcker, paator. 11 I "CareumcJanoa and UnclrcumclsloB" I 7:30 a m.. lecture os "The 8prlnat Blectlon Ill Tletv. mine .the Puttire of St. Johns"; Sunday rbeol, ui a. m i lunlor K. I C. B.. 3:30 P. B.; aenler K. L. C E., S:46 P. m. . . Beeond twrner rarge and aerny aireern; Bev. J. Bowersox. paator. At 11 a m. and 7:30 p. bl. Breachlns ea eyurpel theme; gunday school at 10 a. nv.: E. L. C. K., st :46 p. m. - Mlsston Rath halt, ssvter streei, neiweeu Twrnty-flrat nd Twenty serand street; H. J. Holsspiel. pastor. n:ou a. an,, nunaay sccntoii in in a. m. aad 7:30 a St.. preaehlns. "lea Art Weight." .,.-:, , v tTBTTr AB AST.- : . .. . " w. Vk... A n lraa pestnr. ll u. n.. ptti . on "The Klhtcal Allle en r"e m nociaiiea ; an-WV a an . Mantlav ecbonl: II. Bl.. Mrs. U. r mn-m ka aa I he "BrUSV Of Art. uim Marina Msstlch. ' soorsne: Mr. i Prank .Ra ley. contralto; W. tt. Hodsoa. tenor P. V. Packard, bane: k. w. noyi, snjnsi. Mr. Prsnk saaieyt eireeter. DmU BBITKBEB TW CHXIIT. m . - w- m - .a at. streets; H. C Shaffer, pastor. Bonder srbml. .11 .a .Jul n,ia www. . ....... ... 10 . Si.; Breeching. It e. ra. and TMW ..: ChrlsHsa Endeavar, 30 p. aa. , The Bale uar tw I will win.. ... Porfaianoaih At Artlaaa nsll. nunasy arnoni st t.X p. m. Mr, r. a. Oooo, superintendent; Bev. ). R. KmerW-k, leader ef Bang; preaching at a.av a. p. , . .... vrAwna-T.Ti-At. ABBtsClATIOB, 1ret F.nelhih--Corner Ksst Slvth aad Market ... a., it IV Plaa aaa4ne. II a. an.. .. .' ai..Ml'vM."i B a. an.. "A Rnne fill rila":' Sunday school, .JO a. m. I . Junior alliance. S a B.I Xoaag rvopie a aiuai P- teevtaih St. Jaates' Kwlj-h Corner Wt Parkland USED ROUND THE Y03LD . ' . . . : . ' , ' : : -7-7, ; , m.,A n.;,:: n..,J . - ..- w . - Vaiter Qakef & Co:. Chocolate ir- The wAH:'"-''Y XiMMC BOB TBS '. .1 ;j , " ' '.fl r ' a a 1" " TBABS-HAW : is Woridsrair ilSt.,Lds" i Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. c-hikw , . Dorchkstxi, Mass. yi r HXIHEST AWARDS IN '45 EUROPE AHD AMERICA JeKsrsaa atreeta; . A. teas, pastor. erTl . l.., Kw tha aaatnr th. a rial moate wUI cooaiat f a aolo by HenrJ lietto aad aa anuem- or coy. "" direction of Dr. Keoferj Snnday aebool. 10 a. av Thtn will be BO lather leaaue or eTonlag Btr- i , a.a a ai amnar fA VaAraWWt to eontteet BerTleea there la Uk Paal s Latheraa The Morwtan Brnod Corner Cast Tenth aaa (leant atreeta; 0. Haoea, paator B.1 .laa al 11 a. m aad 1:90- p. Ski Sunday school at :30 a. mraTterlv : Silll'Mllk. nrar lionrm ox tw . - Rite cathedral, Morrison aad Loaned ale atreeta. Serrleea 11 a. n. and S p. at., aahjeet of ser mon, "Man"; gaaday school at eloae of Bwrn- 8err1 Jr.. la service. - .... Tavlar and H.lrm atreeta. 11 a. St. aad av m.. "hlaB"( 11 a. m., Snaday aebool la tha reaauuj v';,,-.: . : t." m. o, a. " -;- AsKMlaHes sndltorttnn. 1 Peerfh irtreet. uDdajr tinb. ganday. I p. m.. "tit ot Christ" Ib Bioving plcaores by Fred B. Pecker A Co, of New Tors; iUnatrsted aons; mnsle bf Ooolter'a orcbestre ana sira. tteno Hoimiraam. rontralto. aad Laerea Pease, tenor, rrae u ''tLTt'ir. t HuatJit OTrfrT. , , 1T1V4 BeemeV street, rarestera' hall; a n a, , T .11 . a, K.v. .BL I. McOanaU nd. prealdtnf'fMder ef Wlusmett dla- Itrlat; T:S0. p. ja.. the pastor -nil preacn. dar school. ' 10 a. m. : :, Bpworth lsasnei . XTAwaELICAL AkS0CIATI0. First Oerman Comer Tenth aad Clay atreeta; Thee. Schaaer. paator. Sec toon and worship, 10:46 a. at. aad 7:30 p. m. ; Soaday scnool, :30 a. m.1 I. P. A., T p. av.. , Ullf f.BBAT.TKT.-m-ai.lBst Taiitirl. mA Msijrt Elltith W r . allies. 11, J-Wtwia ma. aa. ew - -a ttoa of Homes.. Destiny Agsln"; 12M a. we it a. 11 . tarn T suaoay acBooi. "-"w ; .i. ' e-aa a a. Wm Wmma W Vllllamla arlll ane'.k an '8lx Rtitna t the ThTOOS ef a Queen"; Mi as Kath Bddlnga wiu . " . lOBaxABXoim. mi.. kIhI b1m a,W. aaae Clav. Services at I p. m.j "onday srnooi at i:au m. .as. Courca or .esus t.nrisa ex laiia- cuw rrvicaa ervarv nunaay. eumnii a... 400, corner Third and Morrlsoa atreeta, at a. m. .and 7:30 p. m. .. . or lei r P. . B. Coulter, leader, 1SS second street. Bear Morrison. -In Unity ban. It a. ta., "Maa the Working Form ef Uod"t 11: IS. study classes and life oroblems; 7:5. eoacert by owaro, Tmimi Looks like aad" All welcome. . The CbrlsUsa Catholic Aooetolle Chareh la I Elon John Alexander, . first apostle; Hv I -O.riet, A. nry, riu-r - in nam. , ... i,u, I aii.i,. i-imI.. Thlra ana Unreiana I 1.h . i ..n-im. i lai J" - riL.,ir.,l . Praaani Dsr Miracles": T:3o . m.. steraoptleoa lec ture o "Practices and Principles of Etoa and Uoa City," Illustrated with lav peetograpiu P.nll UUalna 9MI rtrat Straat f:4B a Bible class; s p. St., aeiiaeee meeuns; r:au p. m., evanselhrtle servtee. Mis EUea Dddear berg, - superintendent, rh....h nl , M.i.t If la.Lm tm net Flaeaajjat and 1 nlou avenue. Service. Seadaya, 3:30 and I'M p. m. . '-?-'" Prieads, SaunyatoV Oorner ' nf iThlrty-flftb and Beat Mala atreeta; Rdward D. Umlth. . tO . a, Bnl.. uluwl II a preachlns; S:30 p. aa., ChrlstlaB Endeavor; 7 :30 n m eranrellstle service. The Blbllcsa Kplrilualiats' aaloa meets every Sunday afternoon and evening at Drew ball, In. geennd street, between Morrison aad Yanv . . . 1 A.AA . l.I.ILI . Blta.IlM mJI f . Dill. a:OV P. Bl., PlUl. npnnaiiM mirti . ,,. a . i a.. t wiiii.Mfl IVieieLQ , O . UJ., iwvwm . . i , , . , "Jeans the Christ sad "Idartha or Gntama. the Daoana vomDarvu. epu-ia w wi ua lecture. . I street; T. M. Mlasrd, pastor, Divine TraTtB enspee Huevmia ana innma aan Tikaa, K. hall. I 1 1 . - m r 1 uillennlnl Pawn . iwrvlcea IB o. A aanail and Mnerlana atraeta. 3:30 a m.. subieet. chart lectern oa '.'The. Divine Pisa of k.. . ,1 i. ( The rirst lenlritnal Society Artlssna 'hall. Ablnrtoa balldina. Third street, near Washlnc- . . v. -1. ... w tM it . n, , Chlldrea's Profreaalve Lyceum, 13:30 aad at 7:43 p. m., Mra Lole W. Prior. p. sa.; , ; WAJT jnW BXTBAX. B0VTB. ' nlaialia ta Tha jAnpnali a r.r.lllH e.k tt Thar, la a nellaf here -that E. C Clement, who went over v. . -a., a tala avaalr fnvnea tha aalalw lishment of the-fourth rural 'free-dellv- ery route tnat it is proposra to put in r k.m Hnn mil nf Cnrv. III. :. Vlnetv fam iiiaa aha wnra formerlv served bv the star route to Bellfonntaln will be served by the. new route wnen esiaousnea. i aa i i in i -ft' 3rfrred Stock Canned Oooda. Allen A Lewis' Best Brand. :o or LA obiptb.- Corvallla -Or..'-Feb. J6. -There la a general epidemic of la grippe In Corval lls Ju-t now, and local physicians are h. i. wiiii antk. In anma- Inatannea whole families are down and many cases are oca serious nature, um poyniuiao states that so much sickness at one time haa never been known here during nia practice OI ssrmi yaaar-f. v ' A'VjTeaeauxur wary' Is the saving from oeath of the1 bahy arlrl of Geo. A, Kyler. Cumberlaard. Md. He writes: "At the sgn of 11 months, our little fclrl was In declining health, with serious "Throat Trouble, snd two physician gave her up. We were al most la despair, when we reeoivedj to try Pr. Kinjf'a New Irtscovery for t"rm- Biimptlon. mourns ana , t oioa -1 nsrnmi bottle gave relief: after taking four hot t lee she was enred, snd Is now in perfect health." Never falls to relieve and cure a crmgh or cold. At Red Croas Pharmacy.-, main ano usa airwia, th wav tn the pAetofflre. .,r,0o and fl.Bt g uarameeo, , .a riski wiuv -j- . .... . 1 1 I " n- . 1 53036 BAST filORRlSOAt STREET, .. i. ...j.,u. ma. J.tu- XVetabk Prtoaralbnlbf Ass- slmilating &eroodaixlBerui-; UiigiliesikUDitcu ii- Prornotes DiticniJClaeerrul ness ani Rest.Contains nellher Opiijm,Morphiae nor Mineral" Not iAitc otic. A perfect Remedy for COnslipa Tlon, Sour StOuaclxDiarrhoc Wtxrns .(xmvailsiorts .Fcvtnah ness and Loss or Sijekp. ' Tac Sirma Sidnature of NEW YDHK. ll 14 EXACT COPY OT Wr-AfrER. 7M :'X ' JUJamm Studebaker Bros. For Infants and Children. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought Beaxs the -' ' . u Signature of', Am Y.A.V AM , M "SB For Over thirty Years 111 TMeSavWan I.UJliall QlCaXtVueYSi: h'UCVttMWtvW IE? Portland I - arOBTXaABB, )BBOOir. American Plan Hv $3 Per Day tsA Upward BfBAJtatTABTBB P0B ' TOtTatlBTS AJTS COlOdJamCXAXi TBATBXaXBSj. ' Carriages, Vagons. HartieSS AU Around the World Co., Northwest Edison'sjiRptary cTVIimeograph sro. ts. Adapted to printing of circular let. : tera . Bvery copy ss plain as orig inal typewriting. Speed 4J ooplea per minute. An nflloe boy can op- -. erate It. Send for catalogue endk, , price list. J':.. "" ' i . ; ' ;t. Kilham ; Stationery1; CJV ; : - Prmting Company - - 14S WMhznrtoa W-lH1-attd. Ot. Headquarters for ; Cfhhitfnvyc ; ahvwiaiiifjiw t. and. Trusses; LAUE-DAVI5 DRUG CO. , ; Third and Yanihill Sts. ', Our elaaa In all applications of " th art convenes each Tuesday and Thurs day aitsrnoon iroro a " u w ew-a. V fviULTN0!,!A!l INSTITUTE , ' " . aa Blatk aTttvtet. - rim. .V.'L.a ' JViafPl Phone Bd l7tt " . . i . ,- . . t .' ' Fortlaad, Of. r : Dp. WNorton Davis. IN A WEEK We treat seer ess fully all private, itwsues snd ItVknla 41-kft-M . mm. ,Ua hlnriil ataaaach. Mart, liver, kidney sod throat . troublea. We ear STPBiLLIS (without Bieroary) to stay eared forever. In 10 to 00 days. Ws Isssove BTRItTrnBB awttlMM aajiHai ae aaha. In IB dare. . we stop . gralus, the raeult ml eeir-eawea.. lwnnsdlataly. We eaa reatore tha asaaal vlfor ef any Ban under 60 by tueeii nf loeal tree I. We the raealt f eelf-eh l l aa miai' w aawseivaa. j .. We Care Gonorrhoea In a Week -v pmmwtm n xutm uhuiuw sbtv -vr-naa. padsate. have had Bear yeau-j eaparWaea, have a rspatatloe te bvi lutein snd will aadar- aw caaa ssiss eanaia ear oaa am, fected. ' . . - We gaaraataa te eareta every seas ws. ssder take or ehanre no fee. Cnualotatloa rrae, Let ters contWmtlaL Inatmctlve BOOK BOB HEM If res cannot call at otnee. wnts tor as dmm. iAotae ArSea kaaeai B ta a ana T ta A " - nouoaj-t a sv as, r. . t. The laaduig specialists is the Borthvast. Ehllhd 1888. -r-jt'r Dr.W.NoilonDavis&Co. aa JTey Betel, . E. 0r. Thb-d aad line Bta. We sell slacks of Wall Pat a herrela of OLOBH V a per, well WEATHER- UBi-wriB1 PltNT. the kind with a . eruar. antee in every packaga The paint; Is so superior one has to try It to Know its worth. ... ,;..- . V. PORTLAND PAINT AND WALL PAPER CO. ' IlaAors, IBS Seooad Bt, TsVsphoaa, - f ' Mlaak xhT7B. A.A.tHTJRCHCC.T....J Tsylor 8t. AoBICilirj i , . ,..,.,,. tnirin..n.. Bk M'DONAI LII...I ,I4H Wllllsms ava r ic::.2 k files rrcH I FOee preaeoe aMsnareeaaeanasi I his fovea, es well es Ailnd. Bleedlns or Pro IMS By rr. -osanko'a PHearn"?f and biaamns. Aoaorustnaaars. tkeal ijaraadTua-Mtiaoesast oy .Teatlaa rrae, write lajsniianiiet aaaa OA avaaji AU, rhi-keAk, r. If i ; - a -