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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1905)
( ' TII3 Cr.ZCC:i 'bAILY JOURNAL, VcnTLAIID.' SATURDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 23. CCllliTV-TAX SIJ1T8 Judge ;Carsy Submit Report Upon Progress Made in .';. the Litigation. APPEALS TAKEN WHERE . LARGE SUMS AT STAKE i Resort to Courts Had in Order, to . Set Aside Improper Tax 'v';'v'.::r-v;Settiemerrts. 7 r" ' i 'v.'-' '...,-, 1 . ' ;rr '' ". ..'..., The present status of th suits lnstl ' tutsd by Multnomah county , to act aside improper .tax settlements made ,( by a. former county .administration and - to raeover shortages in th aocounta ' of former county official la .aet forth ' ? lit i report which ' baa bean submitted 5 to. County Judge Webster by Judge C v H. Carey, who waa retained aa apecial v , oounael fof the prosecution of these"! ...easea. -- . ' " , ' i These suits are the result 'of .the ex. pert Investigation of-the books of the various departments of the county gov ' eminent, made by George Black. Many ; Brave lrregulaj-itie were dlaoovered by V him and aome flagrant eases" of fraud . upon the couny. Several of the -aulta ; -. 'which were inatltuted aa the reault of .' the expert's Investigations have already " resulted in ' decrees In -favor - of the . county, but In all the Important eaaea appeala were taken , to -. tha .auprema ' court. Judge Carey'a report. In part, la V- a follows r :. ' ..-.-, : . ! Ai - .. ) "In response to your Inquiry I bee to '' report tha following concerning the auita ' inatltuted In i behalf of. Multnomah i- county, to recover In oaaea of Irregular compromise for -settlement of taxes and ' for delinquencies of officials, eto. . ; "1 hava carefully examined each of tha ' tax settlements mentioned In the report of Mr. Black, the expert employed by tba .county, with a view to determining tha Interests of the county and the regular ity of tha settlement . In nearly ail of ".. 'these cases. V have, found that tha tax proceedings either the aaaesament or the sale re Irregular, and. the compro mise effected by the county t be satta factory. In view of the fact that suit ' to set sslde tha settlement would result , in -requiring tha county. to restore tha 4, amounta paid in compromise. In such cases aa these described ' I hava not thought it to the interest of the county .' " to attack' the tax settlements. "The following aulta, however,-hava " been brought, with a. view to setting aside such settlements, each being based upon a state of facta which seems to af fords grounds for equitable relief, and each .baaed upon: facta showing that the tax settlement-waa not to the. beat In f '-' terest of the county, v -'r ?i 'i . ' - 1. . County vs. First National bank. This waa a suit brought by Multnomah ' county against te-Hrst ;Natlonal bank : ' and Walter F. White to aet aside an . order made by the county commissioners ' whereby the county surrendered to W. - F. White, agent a large number of tax ' eertlf loatee on the alleged consideration of certain warrants that had 'been pre - vloualy declared Void by a Judgment .of the clreolt court j This, transaction waa , . Irregular and the assignment of tha oar- Ulflcatea was without jeonalderatloa. ': ..The suit-. I the circuit court proved 'jj successful a nit a decree was rendered- Jn r favor of . tha - county, cancelling all : 'entries made- in the tax booka and tba "' county records tending to show a sur t render of tho tax certificates.. It waa not decreed by -the circuit court, how , ever, that the -county was entitled to re cover a personal judgment against the, : defendants for the value of the tax oer ; tlf Icatea surrendered or for the amount realised Jjy .the defendants "Trota these tax certificates. On this ground,! have , caused an appeal to be taken to tha su prune court from the decree of the eir . -cult -court hoping thereby to get full -. relief as prsyed In the complaint This ' , suit la pending ifc the supreme court and transcript is to be filed by February 17. - t. Coupty vs. Dekum et al. -This waa ' a suit to. set aside a tax settlement and . a deere' was rendered r:'favor of the i- county The defendants have appealed to the supreme court and tha caae Is ' ready for, trial aa soon as It 1s reached '; In due course r t, , - Y -as c : t. County va. Title, Guarantee dc Trust company, This was a suit to aet aside a tax settlement or "settlement of pending suit In the circuit court It Is claimed by the county that the settle ment waa 111- advised because It Involved taxea that were not Included In tha con troversy In the circuit court and be cauae It Included In the final order taxea that were not mentioned In the petition .for settlement In this esse a decree waa rendered In favor of the county, but an appeal was tokenby the defendant ' and the. case waa argued In tha supreme ' court, on February I. lfOS, and a final decree may be expected ahortly. . 4. Two esses of the.., county vs.- Holmes and his sureties upon two offl i . cial undertakings have been begun la the circuit court These cases sre still pend , ing In the xlrcult court and undisposed of. They involve an accounting respect ing a large number of items clarmed to . be a Jlabllity upon the county clerk and his sureties. It Is expected that the - cases will be tried within a few weeks . and a final decree rendered in tha circuit court t ..!. -t -ul-j,..' ' . Multnomah county, vsN First Prear , ' hyterlan churchy et at This is a suit ' - brought by .the county against tha Ftnt 7"- Presbyterisn. church and a mortgage company to reinstate certain mortgage ' taxea which were apparently settled by , order f entered in the Journal of the - county court by one Btlmson, a deputy - couhty-r1erk, fraudulently and without authority. It appears In this suit tbst Stlmson received ftOO and Issued a re- jceipt oatenalbly In behalf of tha county, but really without consideration. Vari . eus motions., demurrers, etc., . have been argued In jthis Suit and recently an- awera have been filed by tt two defepd anta . It la expected that the ease will b ready, for trial during tba next term of the circuit court - . ; ' I. Multnomah county va Portland ' tfracker Company. ' Thla ls- Suit, to set - aalde settlement made for personal tsxes against the Portlsnd Cracker company, The settlement wss fraudulently made by Stlmson. under similar circumstances to those described In the foregoing esse. An anawcr has been filed In thla caae ' 'and the case Is ready for trial. " f. Multnomah county '. vs. Fisher. -.-.-Thorsen A JCov Th facta In thla caae 'ere -similar to those in tha caae of Multnomah county agalnat ' Portland Cracker company. The esse standa upon e 5B ssaHsasa SSSH vPr. B. E. The astsatlf Is Deal 1st that . re lieves all pain In dental operations. MsVa WMhlarte 9m .se. Seveath. demurrer, to - the- complaint It Is la tended to allow thla ease to remain aa at present until the case against the Portland . Cracker company Is deter mined as a test suit V -" " (. Multnomah' county- va 1-! Q. SweHland. Two suite were begun agalnat Swetlaad, county 'clerk. On careful In vestigation it wss found that many of the ltema Involved in tba suit were not f recoverable and' a '-compromise was sinaiiy eiicuinj iru iuo iuiu uwdiwwu with, the consent of the eounty court' - t. Multnomah 1 county vs. William Frasier. 1 aherif f . - Thla - aurt Involves many ltema of account Complaint baa been prepared after a great deal of labor and Investigation, but baa hot been filed because the defendsnt hss proposed to submit the controversy to the considera tion of the county court for final set tlement without autt. i. .11. Multnomah County vs. Shannon. Thla la a suit to set- aalde a tax set tlement and to correct the eounty rec ords, where It appeara a fraudulent al teration of the tax rolls has been made and a settlement made not advantageous to the Interests of the county.- A- de, croc was rendered In favor of tha eounty In tha circuit court No .appeal was taken and the decision Is final. - . -1- have Included In thla report a num ber' of eaaea relating to tax compro mises, ss I bave desired to make a com plete report of all the-eounty eaaea en trusted 'to me! In conclusion, I will add --that' every ease So far tried " re sulted la a decree in favor of tha eounty. I might hava begun many mora eases for tha county, no doubt and. In. fact amongf the many hundred tax .settle ments made during the past few years, vsry few of them are entirely regular; but I bave begun no suits where It did not appear to be' to the manifest 'In terest ' of tha eounty to sst aalde - the compromise. ' Where the tax assess ments or- tha tax aalea are void, and a conrprenslaf In good faith for. a fair consideration haa been made, I bave deemed Tt to' the beat interest of ' tha county ' to ; let ' the order stand undis turbed,' ' rather : than to involve ' .the eounty in aulta which, however Buoceas ful, would reault in an. empty victory. Tours truly,'" CHAS. H. CAHT. DEBATING TEA Kl IS , , SELECTED AT' EUGENE '(- ' ' " 1 ' '; -"'. : - : . '' (SseehU tttspstch ts T-' learaaL). -. Eugene, ' Or Fab. tl-4n One of the most spirited contests ever held In the unlversltyths dp bating team that will meet the ' University , of - 'Washington her March 21. waa selected last night The question, - which will be supported In the affirmative by Oregon, is, "Re solved. That it shall be. the policy of . the United States not to hold territory per- psaanently Unless with the purpose that It shall ultimately; enjoy statehood." No decision wss made by tha Judges, the purpose being to select men for the' team. Tha-negative aid was supported by Walter C Wlnalow. l0t Balph Watson. 10. -and Francis V. Gallo way. Is07: the affirmative by Frederick Stelwer, IsOC; Kugene l BtookweiL . a T l 0 ir..t.k i.i, xr..Jk- Stefwer and Galloway were selected for first place, with Wlnslow as alternate. The . Judges - were Professors F. O. Young, -H. C. Sheldon and JC S. De Cou. SWAYNE TRIAL ENDS v? IN SENATE JDNtGHT 'V : ' ' - - (Joeraal BpecUl BervicSi-V " "Waahthgton, Feb. 15. Former Sena tor Thurston thla morning Jegan clos ing arguments for Judge dlwayna. In his impeachment trial ' bef oris the senate, being .allowed two hours to sum up. Hs was followed by .House . Maaagera Palmer - De . Armond. - who - concluded argument for the prosecution at t.lQ o'clock, when tha doors of tha senate were closed for consideration. ' Tha eeaate agreed to vote on tha im peachment of Swayne at 19 o'clock. TEACHERS INSTITUTE MEETS AT. CORVALLIS - (RpeHM Plsaeteh ts The oraaU -. Corvallla Or, Feb. IS. A local teach ers' Institute waa held in-Corvallta to day from - it o'clock In tba morning ,to S o'clock in the afternoon. ' Following was tha program: "Methods in Arith metic,' I. - EX Richardson: "School Or ganisation: What? Howr & W. Holmes; T&efeetlve English - Instruction In the Grades." T. A. Hayes; "School Punish ments, " A.' N. Falkerson; "Rapid Calcu lation." I. E. Richardson .--"Literature In the Houae," Rev. El F. Green. : A liter ary entertainment waa furnished by the Corvallls public schools. - SHOOTS PARAMOUR,' ; : COMPANION AND , SEkF i ' . '(Joorsal BpecUl. 8rvle.) .. -:authrie,rO.-T.. Feb.. iS Abe Oouch of Oklahoma City, a poMceman, today murdered Mr. Dell Patterson,, hla panv mour. He then - killed her companion, Mrs. Maud Patterson, because ahe inter fered and then ahot himself, t it-i;, i SHOOTS HIMSELF ON " i HEARING SONG OF HOME - - ' : " (Jeoraal gpsdal Brrte.l : ' Chicago, Feb. ts. While an aet reee In the Chicago opera-house thla afternoon was' singing a sentimental song- about home a young man rn tha audience pulled out a revolver and killed himself. ,Tbe shot created a panto among the audience. It la supposed the youth wss homesick. Ha haa not been identified. - ' ZEMSKY SOBORWILL V - NOT BE SUMMONED 1 . ' . (Joarasl Bper Serrlor.) St , Petersburg, Feb. IS. Tha com' mlttea of ministers hss postponed sum moning the semrsky sobot." indefinitely, Work at the Putlloff Iron plant waa re sumed, today. '-.-, -v- . t ' , MARCUAND AND. TREAU MUST STAND TRIAL f ,- - ; jBjBBsBsssasawsrawaMsV ' -i i -ew' - Charles B. Marchand and P. R, Treau were held for' trial ia the circuit court by Polled Judge Hogue thla morning on the charge of holding up end robbing Al bert Hoeft and K. J.-Mnley tn'Hoeffs saloon at lit Hood street.. - Marchand waa positively Identified by Hoeft and Flnley aa tha robber. -' re volver found In a rloeet In his apart ments st the. St. John hotel by Detect ives Hsrtmsn and Vaughn . waa Identi fied aa the weapon which he uaed. The barrel, is very long and there Is a pecu liar gusrd around the trigger' No testimony waa Introduced by Mar chand or Treau. ' The deteetlvea declare Treau trled"to throw them off the track by describing the revolver with which the deed waa committed aa being of the new automatic pattern. Two charges rest sgslnst each, and fronds have been fixed at $2,Svf on each charge. .Tnra vomxjiatxo. IJoenul Reecttl Berries.) Chlcsito, Feb. IS Jurfg Edward F. Dunns was this afternoon nominated for mayor u tba temK ratio ticket - , "YMwiiS LIE CF A LOV C37 W Fine Flower and Felicity of Lan 'guage Employed by School Director Wittenberg. . DIRECTED TOWARD MR. CRANEY, WHO DENIES ALL Fight Over Pavement in Street Committee Results in a War of Words Only, f ; ; The reputation "of CharleB Craney, manager of the Trinidad Asphalt com pany, was assailed yesterday afurnoon by . H. WltUnberg at the meeting of the street committee of the council. It waa said by Craney that Wittenberg bad accused him of complicity in tha famous Doodling eaaea In St Lou la. ' ' Craney waa ; pot In the , room when Wittenberg made the charges, but as soon as he entered and learned what had been said he. went to Wittenberg ajd denied the accusations, ' ' "Thsy are true,", said Wlttanberg, ax cltsdly. .... -i" ",'-' ' "They are 'not nd you eannot prove them." retorted Oraney. .'" . "I can prove them; I'll show1 you op. "Do- It then; t defy you to do If shouted Craney trembling with anger. "I'll aet vour racord." aald Wittenberg, aa a parting ahot aa Oraney left; . Tha charges were made aurmg a Dis cussion for tha improvement of Holladay avenue from' the ateel bridge to Thir teenth Btreetr;Somo time ago H. Wit tenberg and 'a number, of other property owners petitioned for tba improvement of the atreet with' Warren's bltballtbio pavement.- Tha council found that the petition had not-been signed by one third of tha property owners. They sisV stttuted a. resolution to Improve the atreet from the bridge to First atreet with wooden' block pavement and from First to- Union avenue with bltbuilthle pavement To this plan Mr.' Wittenberg objected and said the property owners would re monstrate against and defeat any effort to Improve the atreet to Union avenue only. - They must hava tha atreet im proved to Thirteenth, or not at alt -- City engineer Waaser stated that be thought be could build a wood block pavement on which horses would not slip and which would be superior to any pavement of tha kind which had ever been laid In thla city. Mr. Wittenberg then proceeded to attack different peo ple. . - . ' 1 ' . 1 understand, aald be. "that the resolution to Improve this street' to Union avenue has been Introduced by the agent of the Oregon Real Batata company. His tricks are aa vain and aa dark as a heathen CMneae. could pro duce. -: -, -.-. -,- . - L ' - "I ant quoted as saying that If the Warren's pavement waa laid I would get mv section of the atreet improved free. J want to brand that as tha villainous H or a .lQw-oown cur. ws seem u d ths mercy of tba Oregon Bssi Estate company. ' - "Bef ore von take the advioa.of this rfan Craney regarding 'the quality of these pavementa I would advise you to look up hla record., I safer you to Gov ernor Folk of. Missouri, who know something about him and hla actions In St' Louis. Oet better acquainted ' witn thla man before you accept his advice." Chkrles Craney stoutly denied the ac cusation of Wittenberg. He aald that he had not been la St Louis, and that Mr. Wittenberg .wad entirely wrong In hla accusations. . ' - ---41 -K. Harbaugh. manager of ths Ore gon Real Estate company; introduced a petition to improve tne atreet xo rirsi street with wooden -block pavement The petition waa recommended to the council as H was Indorsed by one third of the property owners affected. Mr. Wittenberg's plan to Improve the thor oughfare to-- Thirteen ih street waa de feated. . -.-. . ' , .; . BUILDINGS. DESTROYED V ; BY HOT SPRINGS FIRE .7--r- ' ,', , '..' (: ... . (Joaraal Bpeciat Berries.) "r : " Hot Springs,' Ark., Feb. IS. A com plete list of ths Jarger botela destroyed by (Ire are ' the Plateau. Southern. Co lumbia house. Lee house. Moody. Grand Central. Byrd hotel, Alhambra, Palmyra, New Llndell. ' New St James, Hart houae, Oulnn, Illinois, Grand Windsor and Alamo, hotels, : ' Among the larger business . houses wiped out are: Morris Drug company," Qray 'fc Boualey, dry goods; Blumen steln block, Laughlan block. Woodcock, dry gooda, and Orand Central block. - Among the public buildings fs the courthouse the city hall county jail, city Jail. Methodlat church, house of Israel and two publte schools. Among other large bulldlAga destroyed are Oarnler flata and the Selgler flats. The origin of tha fire is a mystery. It Is known to have - started In thf Grand Central block, but bow la un known.''. - HANDSOME HOTEL AN ATTRACTION 0FCAR,S0N --''.'-''' v " "J' " . " ; . ' - (Special Dtepst'fk' to Ths JoorasL) Carson, Wash., Feb. !. Work on the handsome new hotel st this place Is progressing satisfactorily. Vfhen It Is completed.- Carson will., be . one. of -the moat elegantsy' and eubetantleity-fltted resorta- tn ther-aorthweat ' 1 4 The hotel, ,1s being erected by the Mineral Springs Hotel company, which waa incorporated for 130.000 by Samuel MoCarty and the Shlpard brothera. Tba building has three- wings,', each tv by 'to feet, i There wtlf be bread verandas, billiard halla-and' every tother conven ience and accommodation. New bath h oa ees are being erected 100 feet from the hotel. - Electric lighting and heating planta are being installed wyA inunhnn. lines are helna nut un it la probable that a race course wtlf be ana - of the amuaement xeaturea or the-resort . .-... "C" ,,', , -I. Va Omre a Oold la One Bay. Tate Latatl.e Brasw QetalM Tablets, all erutlns rnd tee sum) It It fall te esre. B. W. Oreee'e alsnaf re aa aaB sos. SSe. STRIKE ON C. R. & N. .. . HAS BEEfT ADJUSTED . , - . . .-- - - iBpertel Dlatrk ae Tke Jnereal.-V -' - Goldendale. Waim.. Feb. it. -The Co lumbia River ' Northern railway, oft nnlitmiliila and Lvle. which haa been! tied up by a atrike during the last week, haa again resumed business. The trou ble wes caused from the fart that tha crew waa temporarily - laid off during the recent cold weether. The On Id en dale agent and train T-rew walked out but new men were promptly sent to fill their places. Soma, however. Joined the strikers as soon as they errlved. Man ager Campbell, waa up and has at last aucceeded In getting a full-crew, .No further trouble la aallcipatad, . lee uranriED i; j;;3i.iOINDER FIGHT Charge Against Him ' Dismissed But He Is Held as Witness . ' ' Against Quoen. Tba charge of aaaault with., intent to kill made against X-ee Moon Lee. who waa wounded in the tong war In China town, waa dismissed by Judge ' Hogue thla morning but' the Chinese wis held aa a wltneaa agalnat Wong Chea Quoen, with bond fixed at 1 1.000. Quoen waa bound over to tba circuit court on the charge of aaaault with a deadly weapon, with Intent to commit' murder, and hla bond ftxed at 15,000. - . It la . reported, and . tha police . hava taken ' precautions la consequence, that the tong which failed to BWear Lea Moon Lee's liberty away has announced lta( In tention of killing him tba first oppor tunity that offers. ,1 : - Lee swore that -Quoea started tha shooting.' He declared , ha bad no re volver. Fred - Cann testified to practi cally the aama facta. - Quoen had a re volver, all tha chambers of which.' con tained empty cartridges,' "I believe this man Innocent" Bald Judge Hogue, "and tha only thing caus ing me to hesitate about discharging hint la that my law partner la attorney for one of hla ralatlvea, and I may be criticised for , my actios, . on that ac count" -'.'. - . Hera Assistant District Attorney Ha ney "broke In. "None but a prejudiced person." he said, "would think your law partner's professional affiliation . had anything to do with It I do not believe he can be convicted-, ' Tes." answered the court. "I think you are right I will hold him as a wit ness, and fix his bond at $1,000,". STATE LEGISLATURES - FAVOR EXPOSITION '. i , 11,1 " . Special Commissioner Colin H. Me- Isaac wired encouraging news to Sec retary Henry K. Reed of the Lewis and Clark exposition today.- He ia in Min nesota, where a bill' has been Intro duced tn tha legislature for a 1 40,000 appropriation. Next week he will meet with the commltteea and urge Its pas sage. Ths .Wisconsin bill for 160,000 has been . favorably reported by the committee, he etatea, and Is sura to pass both houses. The Illinois appro priation of (20,000 haa paaaed the sen ate, and the house will concur. Mis souri's $35,000 haa been favorably re ported by the . committee and the com missioner ia extremely hopeful regard ing Pennsylvania and its 160,000 meas ure. " Ths Utah appropriation of $30,000 haspassed tha senate. - The , governors of Kentucky-and Texas, replying to the Invitation, of the fair . offlciala to designate state day a, hava asked ' Secretary Reed to relieve them of that duty, agreeing to abide by his decision.. " It has been determined that the -week of September 11 shall .-he , known ' as. "Governors' week-" .... . "v ' , A. M. Halt of tha Hall-Brown Wood work tt Machinery company, 8t Louie, Is in tha city to arrange for hla Arm's big exhibit of modern, machinery., BOYS HEAR SPRING'S 1 CALL AND WANDER AWAY ' Mrs. Roberts "received a letter from her son. Krnest Eerie Roberta, mailed in Oregon City last night aaylng he was going away .to stay. Sheriff Word haa telegraphed to the police of all towns en the Southern Pacific to look for him on the train. He 1b presumed to be In company of a boy aged about 10. Ernest himself la only IS years. - Mrs. Roberts Is -much' surprised that her son' sh6uld leave his home, where he haa been ap parently nappy ana contented. KEPX.TRUE HUSBAND IN ,'' ; BACKGROUND FOR YEARS Barrie Bow en has charged "that Lottie Bowen. with whom he went to the altar April 10, 1903. had a husband, whom she kept In the background until October-, 103,-when she made an affidavit admit ting the fact that aha had' been mar ried before. Mrs. Bowen-ls now lit the courts with a.-complaint praying for a decree declaring her legally separated from Barrie Bowen. He has filed hi answer to.ehe suit In which be sets forth that they never were-legally married, in view of her previous marriage with Steve Potter, from whom she had not been dl vorced. He asks tha dismissal of 'her complaint and that he be given tha di vorce decree. K .-."-.-? ' - r;:, - Fat Folks. - " I have reduced my weight (S pounda, bust nine lnchea, waist eight Inches and hlDs nine Inches in a short tims by a guaranteed, barmleaa remedy : without exercise or starving. 1 want to tell you all about It Enclose i stamp nd ad dress. Mrs. Charlotte wooawara. Ore gon atyr Or.;' Fief erred Stock Oaamed Oooda, " ' Allen at Lewis' Beet Brand. , TASAjro btjtu rom tbxax. . Vincenso Tssano, accused aa an ae cessory after the fact to the murder of Amelia Blriant by Oulaeppe Fioreneuo, waa held on preliminary examination In the police court thla morning to answer to the charge In tha circuit court He will be required to deposit a bond of $100 In order to secure his liberty pend ing his trial. ' . - - BTTSPSOTS W. M. Vaughn. 180 Strong atreet In Portsmouth addition, reported to the po lice thla morning that a purse containing $40 had been stolen from his residence. end he gave, the name of the person he suspects. - . The report at headquarters bearthe number 1340. Bach report of stmtlsr crimes, received during the week Is numbered for -future reference. afSBg.' -i . " g r". A .4 . RirtheBaKr irp)1 . If you want agood food for youf baby, food tha J en dorsed by physicians, a -food tha contalna a larg amount of digvttibk) eonstituenta, a food that feeds, a food that will nourleh, auauin and' pro mote tha growth, of your baby, try MeUin'i Food. We will send a sam ple for jrou to try. ' ' fellla's feed U tha 6 SLY 'tarsals Feed, which received the Craad rrlse, the aUheet award ef the Leaiteaa Par, chaee KaaeeltteB, St teals, Ivee. aUgax ' er taaa a geld snedali - - MEIX1N S FOOD CO, BOSTON, MAM, say it It's the truth that the better class of homes in 4 heatedby us. e W. INSPECTION PARTY STOPS AT ALBANY Officials of Harriman Lines Met With Representative Cit-. izens at Club. WOODMEN OF WORLD HOLD BIC LOGROLLING Literary Society of College Holds Its Fifth- Annual Ban quet at Revere. . (Special Dispatch te The loarsaL) : Albany. Or., eb. X5, General Mana ger A. B. Worth In gton of tha Harriman Unea In this state, accompanied by a distinguished party of railroad man. In cluding TrafHo Manager P. C. Stohr of Chicago, spent last night In this city, having toads thla a rearing point while on a tour of Inspection, Last evening the sartv was entertained at the club- bouse otfhe Alco club, where a large number of tha leading bualneaaL.and nrafaaaional men met the visitors. - An Informal. meetWg was held at which President E. W. Langdon et tha club presided, and Manager Worthlng- ton- waa Introduced "and delivered a short address expressing his satisfac tion at meeting tha distance and pleas ure at the excellent conditions found In this state. Ha was followed by Mr. Stohr. Others of the railroad men spoke and President K. W. Langdon, J. K. Weatherford and O. A. Westgata spoke' 'briefly. - Thd general sentiment was, that the barriers heretofore exist ing between tha railroads and tha busi ness world were disappearing and a better feeling prevailed. The meeting waa. a very pleasant one In every way and will long be remem bered by the Albany .business men. Woodman Bay Today. ' ' This evening the Woodmen of the World will hava their big rally and logrolling In this city and the indica tions sre that Hfaa went wllt be the greatest one of the kind ever hehMn tha valley. Large crowds are already coming in and by this evening It la ex pected (bat fully 1.500 outaida Wood men, will Join the Albany members for tha "400" initiation; The -city ia decor ated in the colors of the .Woodmen and extensive preparatloha are being made for the entertainment of tha vlaltora. The guesta of the local- Woodmen will coma from all parts of that state except from Portland. The trams from that city had announced their Intention to come but decided to stay away. r . . t The Sanati Banquet. . Tha "Senate," one of the literary so cieties of Albany college, - held its fifth annual banquet at ths Hotel Revere la thla city last night, when 10 couples sat down to tha festal board and en Joyed an evening ' of rare pleasure. Ralph Knotta waa toastmaater and the following toasts' were responded to; "Magnum est Senates," . Roy Morgan; "Womankind." . Charles B. Sternberg;. "Modern Instances." Edward B. Til ton; "Horaa Sense," John Q. Bryant; "Our Efforts." Ross B. Miller: "The Simple Ufa," Capt. Frank C Stellmacher. , J T0IX DATES FOR. 7 :-J LIVESTOCK EXHIBIT (Special Dtepatck to trbe Joereal.) ' ' Vancouver. B. .C.eb- 2S. Mayor Veary of New Westminster, manager of the - dominion ' exhibition.: expects to leave in a fw day for Portland, where he will hold a conference with Live stock Commissioner M. EH Wisdom, of the Lewis and Clark exposition, for the purpose of discussing arrangement for the livestock ahowa both at, New W eat mlnater and at Portland. ' The principal object of tba visit, will be to arrange that-the time of tha live stockxhlblt at the Oregon fair shall Just precede the date set for the domin ion fair, ao as to allow of British Colum bia fsrmers taking stock to Portland and then direct from there to the do minion exhibition, ; and -also to allow American farmers a chgnce Of coming to-the British Columbia ojt'y to compete. WILL CONFRONT MANY : CHARGES AT ROSEBURG (gpeclil DUpotrft Tb JoeruL) - Roaeburg. Or., Feb. IS. H. - A. Schmidt, who waa arrested Thursday la Portland on a charge of swindling Max Wels out of 15. will be confronted with charges from a number of other persona So fsr as it baa been learned the amount of his swtndltngs will be about 1 3 SO. Some of this Is- for board, but a large part Is for obtaining Money under false pretenses.. Nearly- a docen persons al lege to have been swindled. " ' ; . i ... . -. ' 1 ooKTXxrra sxAwsmzsos. ' IHprdal Mnwtrh to n JoersaL) ' KeUot W-h.. Feb. IS. Work Is being rushed -on the new drawbridge between TCelso snd Cat I In. This means the unit ing of the two c It lea. Tbe large shlncle-mllls of A. R, Csg win and tha Mecalf Shmgia compa; , because Portland have been And mere .. . A GOOD REASON 1 And we want . to impress on , ..YOU if you want YOUR home satisfactorily warmed . we want to see you. It doesn't make any difference what the size or. cost of your home is, if YOU are inter- ' ested in its proper heating, then WE are. G. McPherson Go. 47 FIRST STREET. SET WEEN PINE to ted of on li!o6ord There is no case on re cord of a cold , resulting in Pneumonia, or other' seri ous lungf trouble, after mm had been taken. v It stops Jhe cough and heals the - lungs and pre vents serious results., from acpld.;' -'r:: - Do not take chances on a cold wearing away or experiment with some un known - preparation that costs you ; the same as Foley's Honey and Tar. Remember the name and get the genuine. . A Sarin Cold for Thru Umlit. Tha followingf letter from A. J. Noa-, beam, of Bateaville, Ind., tellg ltd own story: "I luffered for throe month wifh a severe cold. A druggist prepared ma eora medicine, and a physician pro scribed for me, yet I did sot improve. 1 then tried Foley's Honey, and Tar, and eight doaea cured me. Three tbea2Sc, 50c, $1.00.- , " ' 1 The SO cent size contains tw and one-half as much as the small size and the $1.00 bottle almost six times as much. ' ' SCLD AID BECOasKEO IT Kaae Vavls Srar Ooaspaay and Woodard, r Olacke Bl Oo. . MtnrxtBsJE8 cniD to rat cross si White Ribbon HOedy. Va tut. Ss Oder. Asy weawsVeaa rivs H ia slaw ef water, tea, seffee et load witkeat Bsunt's saewleat. White Klbbns Keatedr will rare er AVitrny the dleeseed ipetlte far all alcoholic drinks, whether tbe patient la eraftrm4 Inebriate. I "tippler." aortal arinker er drunkard. Inpos alble ae aay one to have aa appellee tt alro hnue liqanra atter b.Id( Whit tUbbna Resaedr. It baa BHde sianr tbewasda of permanent rarea, and la addition reaUirea the .Irtlaa te aonaul healtb, ateadjlaa the serrea, taereasliis tbe wTll newer aad-SataraaUiaUea t natal temptatkra. V Badorsed hy atembere of a Womxil , Ohristtaat Teasperaaee ITaloa, Fhy eaolaaa. aTowpliele, Olergyaaea aad ; all Werkere fo Tempesaaaa. Write r. W. a. Inn, US Treamet St.. Boa tea, for trial park. if. and letter of adrtee tr-a la plala sealed eaTalope. . all bmera eanftr!., tlal and destroyed aona aa amrwered. White HI bona Remnty aold by rnttt ..; ebere lao sent by Bull la plala parkaee, pvtr tl.on. Bold and reeaaxnaeaded by speual lawt la Pertlaad. , WOOD ri kf .' have ' shut rap' t t IPncuEisOnia . "' : ' LT-i . 1 1 V 1 11X1 i w MM we mean i:. :. -'S s a reason, , it- AND ASH ; ; I This talk about saving from' 1100 to 200 on a piano, and the expense aome deaiera Incur In advising the public of it. You Can Buy Your -f ' Piano From Us Less All Unnecessary Expenses Besides, having the largest assortment of hign-rrade pianos In the city to select rrom. we cnaiienge cotnpsriHon or Drlces iualltrr of aoodsi considered snd Invite the close inspection of tha purchasing public $ " ' '' ' '-'v Soule Bros. Piano' Co. ITS and ST4 atorrlaoa St," Cor. W. viurk. O. QBE WO Ths Oreat Chluess Docltor Is celled great be cause hla wonderful' cures are so well, known throughout the United States, and because ao many people are thankful to him for saving ' their Uvea front MOPERATPS He treats any ana all . diseases with powerful Chlneee herbs, roots, bud.-" barks and vegetables t. . .m itlr.l m. known to meaiceJ science In thla coun try, and through the use of 'these harm lees reaaediee. xnia ranm ""- the action of ever 00 dllterent remedlee that hat he hss soccees fully used in different llMasea. He guarantees te cure eatarrh. ntjma. Tuna trochlea, rheumatism, njr- glsaa vnnaa .tmiMh. liver, kldneya. fe: male trouble and all private dlaaaaea. RnnAMl, . ef testlraonlala Charges) moderate- Call -and aesv.litiw.' .. COwatriVTATIOW mm. mMmm mil ef the eltv write torn. blank and circular, enclose stamp. Ad i gresa ' : :. . THE U atE WO UllIHIibB MEDICINE CO. SSt Alder street Portland, Or. Starr way M a&lH Alder street leads to et-. floe. Mention, thla paper. Kodaks! t Grapiiophohes ! We carry a full line of SATICbJI'S XOOOS3 aad ' . S oox.trit3ZA a: orxosrss. Which are enoerlor to all other Kodak and talking machlnea In the market, . GIBSON CO. S4S Waahimgtoa St rortlaad. Oa. " IN VIEW OF THE FACT OUR PATRONS SAY OUR PRINTING PLEASES THEM, WE THINK WE'VE ALRIGHT TO REPEAT IT. ' - ' ' ' w' . ' .. t flrtrofrnlltertt' . yrrss . - 147 FRONT ST. fc.' Tel Main tjl FOR HOUSI Raven Nut Coel-ellvered. at ' per ton I, ....$5.75 Raven Lump Coal, delivered,' at per ton S6.50 Beaton Lump Coal delivefjad. at per ton S)T.OO Auatrallan CoaaV- delivered, at per ton ..-$T.SO Carbon Hill Coal, delivered, at per ton Rock Springs Coal, delivered, at . per ton 98.S0) Screened Coal full Weights. VULCAN COAL CO. OFTICB PHONB MAIN ST7S. No. Sit . BURN8IDK gTREET. WEINIIAIID'S City Cre;vcr ' T areas e-t T " " 1 tr-T t t t I C::::. Think t Over