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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1905)
- 'k -L . j - -a - f it C3AIii); OF INQUIRY : BLAMES RUSSIA ' t i,' Rojestvensky Was Not Justified " In firing Upon Dogger- - 0, r- bank Fishermen, ; : , flRINQ LASTED LONGER v ! THAN WAS NECESSARy Admiral Should Have Informed .: Naval Power in Channel C"f i Y j-of-Ocourrence. ' : v,v"..-; 4 'J i .1 ' a. 4.1 n i ii ii I ' Farla, j MWTbs decision of ths North sea inquiry oom mine Ion waa mad public this morning sjkJ la adverse to the ' Russians, . Ths - decision states that ' Jto- oivnky waa not. justified In tiring on ' the Donir bank jutting fleet t J - Tha opinion waa signed by a majority of tha commissioners, tha only dissent ing voioa baing that of Admiral Doubes ' aof, tha Russian member. -Tbe commls alon oonvensd at 1:39 o'clock thia after noon. - Tha findings war read, aloud. They consist of It typswrittsn pages. . Although admitting that tha Ruaaiana had reason to take tha utmost precau tions, tba eommlaaion holda that tha re sponsibility for tba firing and Its conse quences fell 'on Admiral Rojaatvenaky. It la held that tba filing laated longer than nsoessary, bat- that Rojaatvenaky did hla utmost ".'0" protect boats known to to fishing craft v ",-('-'.. ' -. Under tba circumstance There waa sufficient uncertainty to justify Rojast vensky continuing -on bis. way. - Bat - It la regretted that ba did not Inform -the narai powers 1b the channel of, the oo ourranoo. , - ' , '. . . "' Tha eommlsaionars do not reflect on tba mllttarr valor of Rojsawaansky and bis man. They make no statamant re garding tha Indemnity, which la to be settled by direct negotiations between IDBdsad sad Roaabw u . t ' CHIEF OF POUCE IS ASSASSINATED :- "' -': , , - - - ' ,'' - , 1 ;;:?':.' (Conttnaed from Page One.) t tha Roaalaa third BaJUo float, passed . pover this morning going wast. BIG BATTLE BEGUN. ,v' ;,-v.-e..'Taaraal Iprtil ferelaa.) Mukden. iYb. 2S. At :0 o'clock this morning action was opened on the ecntar with a lege guns. The flrtng eontlauad througnoat tba dsx - OQTiTim J lnwtX BpeeUl sarftoa. ; , Toklo, Fab, II. Tba Japaoeee have captured the German cottier - Barrios, .bound tor Vladivostok, -.t EIGHT-POUND GIRL IS, . , : BORN ON HORSE-CAR ' Actios Open m Osnasr ' Wttk ' Slag ' Suns sad Oonttnaas An Bay. ' ' v' ' Jearaal eelal Sarrfce.). : , New York. Keb. IS. A woman on a First avenue borseear whispered to the conductor sad ' ba. to tba -driver and the '". ear Jumped'-aiong da bops and bounds. 4., i At ' Twenty-sixth street PoUoamaa Oal ' " lagher roabed to the Bellerua hospital V' r 7T '.fo"- doctor. By this time tba woman " "'"- was quite OL Tha window shutter was f raised, a doctor, entered the car; and five --- U' v minutes later emerged bis face wreathed 1 smiles. '' . -1. - - -it's aa eight pounder, a girl" t whis pered to tba conductor and policeman, who were holding back a soora of the '. . more etiri ona ones. The woman refused to go tba hospital '1 " and ahr and (he baby were bundled Into -an ambulance and taken home, while a ' , cheer went up from the .crowd. . -Mama ner Beuevue, suggested some ne. The Idea caught on and some one proposed three more cheers for the baby, - which were given with a will as tba am- - bulance drove off. GREEN CARNATIONS ARE LATEST FLORAL WONDERS i" '"" (leareal BpeeUl hnrteai :" "Vbt A'ngelee, Feb. tS. Two green car aatloast in a Broadway window have at tracted - much attention. The 1 Dowers are Ilka every other carnation except tba color, but their petals are tinged a vivid green ..radiating from tba center , to edge in deep stripes. These marks separata them from all other carna tions in tba world. A. C Stllson f tT West Tenth street, has been trying six years in California and tba aaat to pro 'duce a green carnation, and last mot) to succeeded. . He refuses to explain bow be did It, except that prepared soil was used. 4 "He Is growing others like It and has f eves sold a few, but the flower will otr ba put on the market; anfl tba secret of its growth Is likely to remain with 'Mr.'-StUBoa.- Kxorpt for its stripes the flower Is a dupHesta of tha ordinary white 'carnation. nee it i x. r v i i i i r ' m w ; 1 1 5 He produces food , remarkable both in fine ' 1 ; Havbr and wholesomepjess; THE MANY INVOLVED IN SUIT AT PENDLETON Several Companies and More Than Threfi Hundred Persons Made Defehdants. 8parUI nUpatc-k la Tk Journal.) ' Pendleton, Or., Feb. iS. A salt was filed Irt the circuit court here yesterday afternoon that for -the number jaf people Involved is said to excel any other of Ita ttatara ever brought in this state. . ' Tba paper were filed by Will R. King as at torney for tha Peacock Milling company of Milton, and tha defendants named are the city of Mliton. tba Milton Irrigation company, the Kaat Bids Irrigation com pany and mora than J 00 individuals own ing land along tba Walla Walla and Tum-f-luni rivers. '"-.; , ' Tb f uit 11 for the purpose of restrain ing the various defendants from using water from the sbeve-menttooodV rivers to sn extent that would allow less than 4.096 Incbea for tha use of the milling company. Tba mill la aaid to have beea established in'ms, and tba right to the above amount of water la xlalroed by prior usage. The fact is recited that during the past few years tba defend ants have used so much of the water from tha two rivers that an Insufficient amount has been left the mill company, and in consequence tha mill has bees compelled to remain idle during ajgor tlon of the year. - 1 ' The real defendants in the eaaa are the city of MUton, tba Milton 'Irrigation company aad tba Flnla Irrigation com pany. The others named are-brought Into tb suit because they have adverse clalma, and their participation in tba auit la considered n,eceesary. Consider able lntareat being taken In the suit becausp of tha interests and number of persons Involved. , '''- RAISE FUNDS TO REPEAL ; EIGHT-HOUR STATUTE .'".A " " i-1 ' - ' - . (' 1 ' (Special Dispatch t Tke JaaraaL) - Seat tie, Feb. 25. Contractors - from Beattle, Tacoma and Spokane have raised a fund of 110,009 to secure tba rapes! of the eight-hour law by tba leg islature. A bUl to this affect has been introduced In. the sonata bj Senator Kin- near. The . local labor ' organisation has taken tha matter up. and at a meeting last night appropriated money to sand a delegation to Olympta to lobby against the repeal. Contractors state that unless tba law is repealed there will ba an advance-In all publlo improvements amounting : to about 20 per sent, which in many works now coming close to tbs limit oc ssaei msnt will msaa that they cannot ba put through. . ",.!..' . CHILD KIDNAPED. BY v t HYPNOTIST;! FOUND '(Bpeelal Dispatch. Tka JooraaL) Almlra. Wash- Feb. ZC. Word has been received hers from Chicago of tba recovery of 1-year-old Henrietta Hatch, who was kidnaped from tha home of her parents, : Theophllua Hatch, . hare last November, by Dr. Edward i. Hughes, a traveling physician and hypnotist, who stopped .JWith tha Hatchea. Whan ' be left the oblld - also-disappeared. Ha was arrested two weeks ago. m Besitla, and letters founts on bis person gave a clue to ' tba whereabouts of tha-ebUd,i which was located in a Chicago hotel by a detective and bald- until tha fath er! . arrival , mere yesuraar. . Tha child says shs has beea wed treated, but wants to see her mamma. WILL RETURN PAROLED'' : - CONVICT TO PRISON (Special DKpteb ta be taraall) '. Moscow. Idaho, Feb, 15. Bert Front, a paroled convict, left his wife aad four children hers, went to Wallace and by representing himself to ba single and wealthy won tba heart of Unney Whit field and was about to marry. her when ha was arrested tor passing worthless checks. ' He pleaded guilty, aad waa fined 150. Ha will ba returned to the penitentiary to serve out the remainder of him sentenof for previous forgery. v 0Hl6 BANK-OFFICIALS ; JAILED FOR SHORTAGE (Jearaal Special Service.) Sidney, Ohio, Feb. 15 John H. .'Wag ner, president of tha defunct German- American bank, waa - arrested today charged with embexslement. Frank IX Read, cashier wsa arrested last night on tha same charge. When tha bank failed, there was a shortage of 1140,000. Reduced Rates1 to California. . Tha Southern Pacific company has placed on Bale round trip tickets to Los Angeles at tha rata of 155, limit it days.. Tola aSosjds aa excellent oppor tunity to visit taa many beautiful .win ter resorts of southern California at a moderate coat . ,.v . '.,... : : - FOiHia ooas tzxt nvb . . (Spedal Dwpateh to The oenaLk Dallas, OrM" Feb. S5. Judge Coad "of Polk oounty Is serloasly ill of pneu monia and for tha last fW days his death waa expected. He is now reported to be resting easily and hopea of ulti mate recovery are entertained. , M 'POWDER ABSOLUTELY-PURE i - Healthful cream, of tartar, de rived splelyc from grapes, refined to absolute puntyi isv the active? v principle of every pound of Royal .'.Baking-Powder. :'. i 'M'd is that" Royal Baking ' Powder SOY At. BAKIMS Mtnu CO. MtW voajcl OREGO.1 DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY iers l - r IGUA A TRUST IfvQUmY House Directs Attorney-General T to Investigate Workings ' ' of Combines. GOVERNOR TOOLE VETOES S NEW JUDICIAL DISTRICT Governor Is Asked to Permit Railroad Commission Bill to. Become Law. . j v (Seaclsl Dispatch ta the JaaraaL) . Helena, Mont- Feb. J$. Governor Tools having vetoed tha bill creating a new Judicial district on tbs constitu tional ground that' the legislature had no power to name a Judge thereof and intimating that other similar measures pending were likewise unconstitutional. itepresantativs lAnsirum tooay intro duced a resolution asking- tba governor to permit- tha railroad eommlaaion bill, which names tba eommisslonaia, to be come a law without his signature In or der that tha supreme court might 4tar- mine tha question. As . ths legislature adjourns la five days tba governor cab hold tba bill until after .that tuna, thus preventing ita pas- saga over turn veto, The house, however, failed to pass ths Judicial bill over his veto by a vote of 10 to II. Tha Pern oc rats sought to lay tbs resolution on tbs table bat tha mo tion was lost. ' A call of ths bouse was than demanded and tha resolution was adopted by a vote of 17 to li. Tha house today directed tba attorney- general to inquire Into ths operation of trusts and-combinations In Montana and If found to be conducting . business la soy way In violation of tha law or con stitution to prosecute them under tbs civil or criminal laws or both. BAUME AND SAINP0LIS GET EMPIRE THEATRE The Empire theatre win on April 1 become the home of the new stock com pany to be organised by. Edgar Baums and John Sainpolts, lessees. Tba deal which has been pending between tha sctors and Manager George I Baker was definitely clossd this morning, and tha new occupants are sending tslegrams In ajl directions for members of ths com puny. No names are announced as yet, nor hss tbs opening play been -selected. Mr. Salnpoila is going to San Francisco on business, and whlls there will prob ably angaga some of tba principals. "But tba leading woman," said he, "will be an easterner. Ws have a list of available leading women in New York, and tba ona among them whom ws espe cially want "has promised an early reply to our offer. I am not at liberty to mention ber name, but shs is a blonds, tall, handsome, partial to emotional act ing, and on of ths best dressers on the stage. - "Ws will open in a play with a New Tork record, and ens that will afford ovary opportunity for a magnificent scenic production. . ws are not going into tba project nalf-hsartadly or with ths idea of catching asposlUoa visitors alone. We hope to have the local pub llo -with us by tba Urns ths fair' spens. and. ws will present a class of plays that theatre-goers will want to see. . It Is tha plan -of ths new managers to make ths stock company a permanent fixture la 1 Portland's theatricals. CALIFORNIA BOODLERS MUST STAND TRIAL (Joaraal. Special Service.) Saoramentor Feb. Zi. Judge Hart this morning overrnleoV the demurrer In t,w ease of Bunkers, tbs accused hoodler. The decision affected Bunkers only. Em mons demurred with Bunkers, but ths decision on Emmons is deferred because or the latter-a critical oonaiuon,. euns s will - be . arranged . for , plea on March 4. v,. r . . ... . LINEMAN IS INJURED' BY EXPLODING TORCH (Spedal Dtapateh ta The TosrsaLt La Grande, Or., Feb. 15. An explosion occurred In ths Paclflo States Telephone office this morning-., from a gasoline torch that was being. used in' malting wax for use on wires. W. Bnxsard, a lineman, waa seriously burned . about tbs bead and shoulders. ' Buxamrd will recover. Ha managed to put out the Are, despite his Injuries. :, KANSAS BEGINS WORK FOR STATE REFINERY ' (J usual SsacUl Berrlee.) Topeka, Ksjl. Feb. 16. Governor Boeh has decided to put the stats refinery into operation at once. Ths bond issue is being prepared. Tbs governor hopes to have) tha work started by April i. . (Jearaal SpeeUI Service.) . Milwaukee, Fab. 25. Tha bowlers bars decided to bold the ItOT meeting la New Tork. ... . : , BAKIPJG- .J - I . s A 'Waw- . 7 SB jt, M B niHien srr - ' rzracjEALVTjry) Ha.rtas.Oesa, Sa meditated. "wpuct SKiaaaaltSi otaU. US, ta kill l1'" eeio. aad gklaaaaKh Tab. tta. 8S ta espel knmorreme. AU draaslets'. fee Stmplee. blackbeads. redoes, roastuwee. ehef las, eaapDlas. rack kaiuw. m Sock s apeedy ears. SSe.i t cakfeTM, " aeesee..BoMise for Free eVaatBlea sad okKs a Kilo nt oo.. n'k j Bay's BaUraeeathi aeeitrreb' eans daadraC !etes siay kelr. sad grows See, tkirk kals, Larre SOo. kettlaa at laadlsg arassiels'. aad wasalngtosj, . CENTENARIAN LONEY - FOND OF COMPANY Farmer . in Clackamas - County Enjoys Life, and Tens Stor- . es Of Early DaYS. . Early Days, On a little farm near ths town of Wltaoittrllle, Clackamaa county, Or., Uvea EM ward Loney, who was born over lotf years ago hi October II, 1504 -in North Carolina, . He cams to Oregon 10 years ago. . LOney s still possessed of clear mem ory and a sound mind. .Through an so- Edward Looey. eldest several years ago be lost ths Usenet his limbs, and Is now compelled to live la his bed. . He is practically helpless, but lai constantly attended by his daughter, 6J) years of age, Hs-has bsen a farmer all hla life. Ha began in North Carolina, but , after many years moved to Nebraska. .' There he hss a son, over 70 years of age, whs Is atlso a farmer. - The centenarian Is very food of com pany, and neighbors call frequently. He. like other very old persons. Uvea In ths past, snd recounts- with a wealth of de tail the events of years ago. Be sera a betas ef rise's Oare Is kept os CHEERS FOR FOUNDER OF KEYSTONE STATE Pennsylvania Society Enjoys Wit, Wisdom and Good Menu ' at First Dinner. Ths Pennsylvania Society of Oregon's first annual dinner last evening at tbs Commercial club was a most enjoyable affair. Tha menu waa replete with dlahas typical of ths Keyaton'' state. About Si parsons ware present, and U. 8. Pague. a vice-president of tbs society, acted as toastmsster and reviewed ths history of. the signing of ths original charter given to William Penn, ths one hundred and twenty-fifth anniversary of which tbs dinner was given to observe. D. Soils Cohen mads a really able and instructive address on "William Penn, presenting some phases of Perm's life whlls a young man. which caused him to found the colony of Quakers In this country. CoL C EL 8. Wood responded. to ths coast Tbs LsuUes," and bis peach was replete -with humor and grace ef style. Dr. Ney t Churchman spoke on "The Quaker of -Pennsylvania.' and his bright shafts of wit proved most enter taining. CapC Jesse M, Baker respond ed to "Pennsylvania in the Civil War." In which be paid a high tribute to Gov. Andrew O. Curtln. who was tha war gov ernor of ths Keystone state, Ths dinner of . ths society will very probably become an annual feature In ths lives of Pennrylranlana In Oregon. T. CADER POWELL . ' UNDER A CLOUD (Continued from Fags One.) , tineats that they and tbe voter -the Identity of ths Utter being stUl unknown had sDoeared before him and made am f H in ttalr atalementa. - ' H Tbaas fraudulent affidavits were sent out In large quantities on election dsy to tbs polls, and were used wherever op portunity offered la running In votes for the Republican ticket. .The Vetera ma waa ftllad In at tha noils and la l eases out of iot he was probably not acquainted with a single ens' of tbs sU freeholders who vouched far him. Many of thess fraudulanfaffldavlts are extant and there, hss recently been seri ous tslk of Instituting iimmai. 'pro ceedings against those who . executed them. ,-. ; . . . v . ... . i i . . i i . SAXTAtTOV AJSXCT sTMTUIM. ' A program of vocal and mstrumsntal musio hss been arranged for tMa even ing's entertainment at tbs Salvation Army hall. JJ First at rest Kverybody Is cordially Invited. There will be spe cial meetings .tomorrow, inaugurating a -"drunkard's - week"- campaign, St. t - ' ''. ' : s V ' ll EVEIiTKO. FE3RUARY 5, DSP-DILL: passes era Washington Legator Tak Fa ; vorablw Action on Railroad Central Ciil. SENATE IS FRIENDLY V ' TO RAILROAD INTERESTS Upper Body Has .Substitute ; Measure With Elective; v;; 7'eatures. ; ;.s : (Baedal Dispatch ta The JearasL) Olympis, Wsslu, Fsb. 15. The railroad commission bill Is un to ins senata. Railroad leslalaUon - la 7 ths stats of Washlnsrton bancs in tha Balance. i Alter a bitter light tbs no use passes ths committee commission bill at soon bv a vots of Tl to 11. absent. It. . No amendments were tacked to tbs bill, but ths railroad forces worked for hours try ing to changs tha provisions. East aids men fought shrewdly, and on tbs. final nearly a score rushsd ror tns bandwagon. I A -motion to reconsider was tabled. Tba biU was ordered trasa- mlttad Immediately to the senate. Tha Joint committee bill was avaiisa several days ago and given to ino press. In tha aenate. Ita friends say. it wiu receive harsh treatment, and likely, after being amended nearly ta death, pass or be referred back to ths committee from nLSZEttSr Mdrastl railroad legislation, although msny of ths railroad maa will support an easv commission law aad give" the experiment of managing railroad matters to a commission icsteao or navtng me fight esch session on ths floor orpins legislature. . The prospect, now Is "Dot flatterlns. Ths lolnt committsss have naa a tail ing out. and as a result ths majority favor a measure leas draatta than ths one drawn by the committee. . There srs a fsw points on wnicn an enu w be sgreed. that a law abould Be passed tn make rood politically, out mat ii ahould have drastic powers Is denlesVby many of tbs committee. Jt Is looked at as an experiment at best, and H Is urged that It sbould be moderate and future legislation could build it up snd make ths weak places strong, vn ids hand ths radical commission men urge ths naasaate of the bill as crswn. wuu out amendment, that If tha experiment. after beins given a fair trial, prov ineffective It can be repealed la two or four years and ba dons with It. Thai does not auit the railroad forces. It Is doubtful If tbs senate win pass tha bill unless It Is modified in many particulars, sven going to ths extremity of adjourning witnout giving any rmn road leslalaUon.' This Is extreme, but it la aimeasurs which Is hinted at coca' slonally. LThs railroad forces are being reinforced . by petitions and remon strances from their constituency, great bundles of letters and packagss coming In on evsry nsiL Ths wholessla busi ness Interests of Spokahs are said to be Indifferent nowArhat tho Jignt naa waxmj warm, and if is hinted that they WllUbe content without the passage of ths law asked for until lately. .. 4 ., : CRUSHES LAST HOPE FJ)R A STATE FAIR Attorney-General Crawford Says ; Money Must Be Used Only in Improvements. C: :.--.-:'-y. - SISpeelal Dispatch te Tbe Jeorsal.) - Salem. Or, Feb. II. The last hopes for a state fair at Salem this fall were dashed to ths ground yeaterday when At-torney-Osnsral Crawford gavs an opinion that tha provisions of ths blU passsd by tbs recent legislature werS plain end that no fair could be held. - ' Two Questions wers submitted to htm bv ths stats board of agriculture.. The first waa whether ths board eould hold a fair In l0i and pay lio.soo ror pre miums, or whether tbe whole sum. ap propriated by house bill No. til must be used in maaing improvement, i am sec ond wss whether tbs whole approprla Uon of $11,000 must be used In tbs year 105 or eould ba used at any Urns during the year lioi and 1. Tha attorney-general sUted U bis re ply, that ths act in question reUevaa tha board from holding an exhibit of ag ricultural and other Industrial resources at ths stats fair grounds during tbs year 105, or from oCerlng premiums, but directed tbs board to use ths money thereby appropriated for the year 110s, tn putting In good condition tbs state fair grounds ana pouaings, tns Daiancs, If any, to be returned ts ths general fund of ths state treasury. . :t SUNDAY CLOSING LAW , ENFORCED AT SALEM Capital Is Now a Closed Town- All Gambling Ordered . ; . vf ' c stopped. .' : ";. (SeeeUl Dasflteh ts Tke lesrsat) Salem. Or Feb. 15. Balers Is now g eloaad town. Chief of Felloe Tom Cor nelius this morning tnsds the rounds or ths cigar-stands, saloons and all other places where gambling wss bsing con ducted and notified the proprietors that aH games must cease, and cease at once. - '.!" f Hs also notified tha saloon propri etor! that their placea of business must remain closed on Sunday. ' It Is believed that Cornelius Is backed by-ths city council and has tbe moral sspport of a majority of the citlsens, so that no trouble in ths carrying sut of his orders Is anticipated. , , STATEHOOD BILL SENT r TO JOINT CONFERENCE ' . (JesrssI Bpeetai Service.) 1 Washington, Feb. 1J. tOn motion of Senator Bevortdge the ssnsts this morn ing sent ths statehood bill to conference ss requested by the house. This Panama rami sons bill wss slso sent ts confer snoa, "i Ihsf mlmpkft rmtffdy fo Ikumnunmrnm gMsf Corm o.o CPCCXAL SALE MEN'S' 50c NEC3R7ZAX , LADIES' LACE LISLE H0S2, t, pair Special sals BLUE GRANITE enamel lined, 8 quart, st... ............. CONCENTRATED VANILA AND LEMON : C . EXTRACTS, lnr(t bottle ,.....,..,............ OW tKriytzr txttt tzi km tszt eta fcci ti fcrywet:! X w-sSxrtmSfafsBaa Y, BEVELED TABLE UXKJRORS 4lt sasaSesS sstass f f - eMa ) t VV HEN'S TROUSERS j ; - SI ftfl '"wit ' Swes.s,tsaesssS )) V V V , BLACK SATEEN 8HIRT8, curarrteed tut color, ..; . i C " t ' ttt e s g s a'a 's s w 9$Jf Sja)ajvsts tlw W . , r-. ' MEN'S BLACK. SOCKS, good Tafaie, ; s . y v wt Pwsil BASS see l'MMIl)MMM.IIt'IMMIl V W ' -" LADIES' KIMONOS, new patterns, 30c Ar- - ' 1 wUll aassesssaawesVsssbsa.ssasass MJ W , ; MEN'S EXTRA STRONG SUSPENDERS, leather . , v (.. " Wide! a-aae.. aside V. a t a II . .1 1 M t i M M W WW '. r BOYS STRONO BIB OVERALLS, from I to 14 GLASS TUMBLERS, good taf' three 7 Qg V CHINA CUPS AND SAUCERS " -'V; " V " e:UL ' , ' , St ... 4 l ... .4... ir.'lt, ... ,MtJy j . I. ' ' ' i - ' ' - -r .. - - i - ' ' . 1 We carry s fall line of Granltewsre, . : Tinware, ' . ; Glassware, ' Cninawsre. Perfumery, Toilet Preperapi)s,-; Cutlery, fiotionrnj Men's and Ladies' Furnishings, Sosps, Etc , , THE HEW KCLATIDlDEPT. STORE Li L. MANDELAYi U; Ninth STOLEN DRizAD PAID FOR BY OFFICER T Poverty Drives One-Time Prom inent Physician to Steal for ? Starving FamJIy. , saoaBawsBwaxswawawaxeswsawss ARRESTED WITH TWO " t - LOAVES IN HIS HANDS Sad Story Touches Every Heart But That of Chief of 5 i 1 Police Hunt. v ; Driven to '' desperation ' becauss his faraUy was starving, a physician who had net financial reverses and was un. abla te practice: his profession for months' because ( aa accident which mads bias cripple, stole two loaves of bread last night from R W. Parker, a grooeryiuan. sngagsa d-auaioeee en Grand avonua. between East Wssblsgtoa and Bast Stark streets. , When arrested by Patrolman cole ths maa broke down and wept., patrolman Cols paid for tba stolen bread and Parker refused to file a complaint. When Chief .Hunt heard this morning that ths phyatclaa. had been released bs Xlew into a rags and ordered a com plaint lodged against him and a warrant for his arrest issuea, r All arguments on behalf i of the un fortunate man were In vain. Tbs chief insisted that the physician bs arrested. "Where did you get your authority to let that man goT angrily demanded the -1-1 a . k . nil.. ... .- 4 ... Hs was Informed by Cols that nsptun Ballsy bad told him to do so. Bailey was then Interrogated. Prom htm . tbs chief learned that Assistant District At torney Haney had refused to lass a . a complaint unless Parker would swear to it. This answer siieciuauy ausaoeq the chief.,, . - "I will aot Usus a eomslalnt la any such eass aa this for any polloeeaan Said afr. Haney. "It ths lassr sees fit to swear to one. all right. This man Is a victim of clrcumstanosa. . Parksr has bsen nald for hla bread by ths ar resting officer. Things are bad enough without perascutlon.. Men guilty of far mors serious of fenses than Parker are allowed to leave ths city prison dally by Chief Hunt, sitting aa kangaroo jodgs.' . . Decker's Moving Pictures at Y, T, i :'; -y'.-' Me C Ae j . : ! The moving pictures to be gives by Fred H, Decker Co.. of New Tork. at ths T. M. C. A. tonight .promise to af ford a. most satsrtatalng evsalng. A wlds range of subjscU will bs covered, Inrludlne sreat recant events, military and firs sosnes, travel, magical illu sions and comio-t Incidents. - Ths srest advantage ef ths Decker moving pictures over toe oral nary ina lies in the fact that by tbs use of ths new cameragraph ths pictures are prac tically free from flicker that la so sn noylng and hard oa ths ayes. Ths Whole entertainment Is wholesome and amustnc . .-, , ' Y. VL C A, auditorium, rourui ana Tamhlll, Saturday evening, I p. m. Ad mission leo. Bpeclai matinee naturaay afternoon S p. m. Admission wo. GRAND JURY CALLC3 ' FOR INDIANA BRIBERS : - - (losrssl Special Service.) . t.ili.n.nAii. r.h , R . Ti a naclal In- vaatlgatlon committee appointed by the house to Inquirs Into lbs . chargss of bribery mads by BspressnUtlvs Baker nliut barutar Baker com Dieted its .L. imi.. Am . a fwml. tka llarlne. county grand Jury will bs called Monday. Tne committee reoomrnenas an epprw prlatlon of I M00 to carry oa the Inves tigation, f r .-- ' . HOLD-UP MEN WOUND ' OFFICERS AND ESCAPE : ' (Jeersst Chicago. Feb. Ii. In a platol battle with two hold-up men at Schfller and Walls street eaxlr. this morning.. Le tectlves Tripp snd Naps were fatally wounded. Thomas Ryan,- ths alleged highway- man, who claims te oa rroea asn rnn Cisco, and Rysn's partner, saeaped. WTX.J. OBUT1US. Dr. Broushsr will reply to his critics again Sunday night. - Subisct. "Whs! in hers Think aad Say About Us." Bap tism. Special musle. Morning theme, lOc .J ' TEA KETTLES. St, Bet. -.Aiikeny Burn.idc. D. V. mitos, STataxopata, ' Xswia Bauslag, .rark asd sbrrlsvkt In My-Ycar and a Half of Practice In iPoHiandy t hats ctrtxj) urr or rsx, wolgr h CAsSS OF Appendicitis, Rheuma ht tlsm, Neuralgia ::' ad ef ether efflletiem of ths bnsil flaeh. aad U aU thia praetlce . , " f- x bats rtrxx vno 4 dsits : or asailaleteree awdlrfne of snr klml. Mr eorea hare beea positive, perrert end Ut- L.11"1 .fcm- "t deal boa eetl with ever ' patleat. ; . . la Oeteeer. I we takea wltk RbrUa,tUm. brassat ea. I eeppoes. by sty whole irat-m being seneraUr raa do we. I ,u t-tt. yerj. oervooa. I eoald net sleep at nlrht I .""T. thleim wlthont oiach benefit. J wee sells fliMUjr te sire ap mf work. I west e Ht. Uia for a Ml end a com- Jlete ebanse, thinking thet would kelp ma. was aader atedlral care while there, t eld so eaffer nark from RbeusMtlara while takins SMdietne. bat the BMllctae was an atreas it ln)ored air etemarh, I eewe seme Ue letter pert ef rebraary. hheamatlas) asd Barron traeblea eeeeaid wltTaU aw. I ssftered very sisrh I wntjt te 1. mitnn tad teek treatment brrted!.;,"4 ' rt"- The Bbeematiara ta eared, aad I have set for years known what it la ts go ts bed aad sleep aa 1 sew d. IBM ht HABTtW. BBttSTllle, Vr,, ISC Hear Doeter: I a (lad ta sdd mr teetlewafel to theee ef siaar ethers. It siar he the means ef bHnsuur some ether poor eafferer te Ton. Where he will he helped ea I hate been I earee te yes en Mmdav BMrnlnc. walk, lag with ararh dlffleultr by aalns a ease. I really Matt te hare aeed eratraee. 1 had suffered wtth aria tie Rheametlars for Bhnet.twe year; waa suable to aleep at Bicht for weeks at a time. , I slept wen after I reeelTed year ftret weatnent. laid aside ar eane . after the seroad treatamit. and sa eatlrel well after els treatments, t , I atart California tealght Wen - and happy. -X wilt send all the people I find eli-k sr aluag to too. feeling rare yes eas ears (beat. : Tears tralr, , . .J-w , eV KSNTOJf, " :, " " " ...... ? .' i '. ,' Of Sea Basra any ts li, 1' te s -- : DR. fl. J. SbMs M, tewla it Xerrleaa asd Park. als-Sia. . . y-. Teeth free AH This Week Doston PclnlesA Dentists am juitHne ' vietnes swain ' an niw la ths chance of a llf eUme to have your dental ' work done by those werld-re- nownsq ipeciaini,, ai iow prices, . aAJlTUsWeckFrte -. ' Extrkctias Ezambutiotu Silver FUllnga ........ 35 aad 50 Oold nilngs........TBs) and $1.00 and t n ot ooia - - - - . Crowns ..-3.00 to SS.OO tlS.Ot and tlO.OO Seta of Tefia.-...........e3.0 to 910.00 Come In at once and take advantaes of low 'rates. All work guaranteed for it years. Sad .done by our painless sys tem, known offd used only by. " Ccstcn Pwiir.:2ssCentlst seii- Mommrsom? sTsvbst. 0p Malay ft Freak sad Old. Fostoftoa. Hours I:t0 a. m. to p.- m. Sunday. :ss s ss. t,o ii:ss y, m. . TtpiW se W "W- wa. SV k mmY . M i v -V: "The Big Work of a IUs Cbarcn.'. , Be sre tke ttyht ylaee. f rr .x. .