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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1905)
7 ' l - THE OREGON DAILY- JOURNAU PORTLAND. FRIDAY -.&V2NXN0. FZZHUARY CJ. ,1C3. aoTiexa. rber, II TO: eubdlrleton M M W l New- a L. llllaam, f I.T: nMItMm N of tot - hewtua L ullham. fl.TU; aobdlrfetoa ' IM4, Merchant National Ruk "of Port- 4. Treat e. tl.5o: Mbdlelelea P et tot 4. 1 -r.-e.aet National Baa ef I ' or llae d. Troe . tee, SI. 68. . BLOCK 5, euhdlrletou A ef lot I. Kirberd '. Prince. 84.30; eohdlrlatoo B . of lot 1. KiiBard Prince. Watt;. eubdt . ewdna C it hit I. Jobs M. Bbrlglry. aehdlrlatoa P ef lot L C W. Lrlck. 1.90; euhdlrlaton at hi I. John boourrbrr. .f4.T; aubdlrialoo P et tot I. Aaaa lantlee Hegem. 84. 7; mit 42 fret, of north M fret ef eehdlrUlon H nf tot 1. except trregoa California Railroad Compeer's . ricbt of way. Blrhard t:. Prler. 80.30; aoutk 42 Si tort af anrtk aft fret of aahdlrlatoa . U n k 1. .except IMfn California Ha li ma Ceanpeny'u right nf way, Richard '. Prince, ftu.Sn: north 43 fret of emits 85 fort mt aabdlrlaloa 8 of tot I, Ur M. 1X117. (l ift! aortk 42 ft of eeoth W feet of Buhdletetoa Q of let I. except Ore goa A California Ballread Company right r war. (Iirm at. Dllley. mM; aoutk ' 42 frrt of eebdlrtotou U o( lot I. O. W. I -Hart, 31.151 Booth 43 fert of Bubdlrtalna H 'of lot I. O. W. Iielrk. tl. 16; north 42), . feet e aahdlrtetea II of lot I. except Ore. ' m A California Ballroad Company a Hrtl J of war. Blrhard C. Prlare, t.W: euhdlrlaloa A of lot 1, Ann. Plou. f4.76; eubdleletoa B ,1 ef tot 3, Bnbrrt Cehlll. ft.Tft; aubdlrlaloa C of lot 2, l-ortland Truat Company of Ore- m. ft H auhdlrtotoo D of lot ft. Portland Truat Company of Oregon, ;; 4.a; tBaorc . aatMtlrietoa I of lot 3. ft Markatola,, eobdlrlatoa F ef tot 2. -t. Machetrla. $4.30; euMlrlaloa . O of lot X Wara) ( Wataaorv. ,. H.7i; anb- itiommi rt or lot z warm t:. wotaaora. of kat I, Ward C. Wotoora, ft. 15; A of lot S, W. K. lift. fct.Tn; B et lot 3. W. K. lira, Wi C of a tot S. W..R. llort ii-HV; aatMllThaloa . MMlTMoa ModlrialoB ; nbaUrlaloa l of lot t, W. B. Ilrr, UUl all of MbalTtaaoa c of lot 1 1 aal of Orrfoa. California lUllmaai Ooia paar'a rlirot of war. W. A. Ourt. M.M all of aubdlTtato r of lot I oaat of Orrgoa Callforaaa' Marllroad Cutapaay a flfht af war. W. A. CitrrkF. 4.fl; all of aahdrrtaloa of lot 1 oaat of Orccoa A Callforala Kall 4Mal Oaaapaar'a rlfbt of war. W. A. Carr.. . 0..1ft; aU of aaMlrialoa P of lot S woot of 0rra Callurnia Hallroaa Cooipaar rlrht of war. Kata Kuaartark. tt.M; all of anb airtelua O of lot wrot of Orrfoa Call forala Ballroatf Coaapaar'a rlgbt af war. kata ttoawtork. i.B5; autntHtaloa A of lot 4. H. K. Ulnoa, anbdlvtaloa B of M 4. 11. K. Ulbtw, M.90: anbolTtakm t of lot 4, Uaoraa Arnold, M.OA; aubdlrUlua D of lot 4. - Uoorca AraoM, (3.10; all of aabdlrraloa K of lot 4 weot of Urvcoa Callforala Kail road Dompaa'a rlfht of war. ward C Wet- ' asorw, I1.T6; all -of auMlrMow P of lot 4 woat af Orrfoa A Callforala Ballroad Com. paar'a right of war. Ward V. Watoaoro, li.M: all of ankdlrlaloii B of lot 4 aaat of ' 4roa A California Ballrald Uompaar'a Hgbt of war, C. W. brick. i.I; all of anbdlil loa P af lot 4 aaat of tirrtroa A Call tor ill a ballroad Cuataaay'a rlgkt of war, C W.' Lolck. l.t; alt of aubdlrUloa of lot . 4 arrpt 'Ororoa A California Ballroad m panr a rigkt of war. Praaroa U.- IWoVfna.--tl.T; all or aaMlalaloa H of lot 4 waarof : Orogoa A Callforala Railroad Coapanr'a rlgbt at war. Praaroa M - Start, M!; all of . aoMlTUtoa H of lot 4 oaat of Orogna A Call forala alallrnad Coaipanr'a rigkt of war. C W. Lrk-k, u.. hLtH.'K. , aortk ISO fot of lot 1. oaat of Oragoa A Callforala Ball- ' road Ootaoaar'a rlrht of war. Mart I a Wlucb. (!.: aooth SO fart of aortk foat of lot J.-aaat of imra a t-allfornla Hallroaa uom naar'a rlcht of war. Klaaar B. Col wall. BS.1D: ' anatk 90 faot of lot 1, oaat of Urvgoa A Call inraia aVaiiroao. txraipaar ngnt of war. Jtarr A, uiarao.; au at kit 1 Oroava dr Callforala Kallroad Coatpanr'a rlgbt ' A of lot 2. J. H. BroriM ; aahdlrlaloa B af .lot 3, 1.- H. Barorr H.I5; aobdlrlaloa C af lot t, K. C. Jortcnara, tXSO; -uhdlrlaloa n of lot t. Kata B. Montgotarrr. ta.4l: aortk Ji lore of aaoaiTiaioo n.ot lot x Harr A. Clarka. 11.16: aontk 45 faat of aubdlrlalsa B of Raaw A. Yoaag. 13.06; aortk hi Irrf of aaMlrialoa F of lot a, Huaaa M Onnanhoft. II. OA: osatk ITS foot of aufadlrl aloa P af lot X rrod P. Boodr. fl.SO; north . 0 fret of wtat 150 fact of lot . Prod F. BoodrV .; aortk 60 fort of aaat 30 foot - of lot a, Boaaa at. upprnBorr, gi.jti: aaat 42k fart of aoutk fa) frat af nor Ik 130 foot -of lot I Prcd t. Boodr. (2.3a; woat 127 H fret of aoatk 40 fret of aortk 130 fact ot lot 3. Job a A. Hour. fS.SO: aaat 42 V4 frrt or aootB liu rrat ot tot a, o. Aaaan, aa.wi; , wrat 13TH fart of aoatk 110 fret of lot 3, Iela Araold. aiS Stl: aoatk 130 fart of lot 4. ' Laura A ' Beck. S36.05; weat 42H fret of raat 6 fret of aortk 110 fret of lot 4. William ' M. Bodmaa. 14. 7a): weat 43W fret af eaat ' S3H frrt of anrtk 110 fort af lot 4, Barak J. itodnava. . aa.ov. . A trart of la ad lying ketweea Ike aaath llaeef Larwru aeaaaa ana line liu (ret aoam ,- tkereof and parallel taerrwltk and hetwrra the eaat line of Pront atrert aad a line 205 frrt weat ot and parallel with the wrat Una af Cornel t atrert. Tboaua BrnBMOer. ' roBTLAKD ROMBSTBAD BLOCK T. aortk 110 Crat or an 1. Araaunta ttroaauaa. iia.u amrth 19P frrt of lot 1. Grara L. Bronanab. . . SaS.eS; aoSdlrlaloa A of lot 3. Klia W Wyn . knop. SK.Ofl; aubdlThrtoa B af lot S, B L. Wypkooo, f5.a); aubdlrlaloa 0 of lot 3. Ollre in wirarr. an.ou: aaooinaioa u or ' ait , Lory H. Marwla.SB.00: aabdletalna B of lot Abble lm Cforkrr. S3. SO; aahdlrlaloa P af j "lot 3. AbMe U Crerker. S3. SO; aoatk ISO fert ' f arawt 30 fort of anbdlrUloa U of lot 2. Jan olllaa. f I.SOr auutk 100 fret af auh- dlrlaksn H of lot X J antra Colllna. 32.76; n-' north TO fret of anbdWIaioa O. of lot 3. L. W. Wyakaop, fl.SO; aoatk 100 feet of eaat v io rert af awaomaioa w or lot .a,- i w. - Wrakonp,; north TO faet of enbdlTtaloa H of lot 3. L. W. Wrakaop. fl.SOt wbdlel. ' i aloa A of lot I. Oeorga Kilter,; ana dlTlaloa B of lot 3, Joha Knapp. aub dlelaloa C Of lot. a. atra. r. r. moor, sa-w, eaMlTlaloa I of lot a, Tboataa Hrhaeldrr, ' f4.B: aahdletaioa B of lot S. Aaaa Jv. Paid .. anaa. S4.T5: , aabdlrlalon P af lot 3. Ajina Bl. " Prldnaa, S4-T6,. aubdlrlaloti O of let X. lie ; Had K Morgaa. S4.T5; aubdlrlaloa H of lot t-a.- Mrtlnd K. Morgan, ft. 75: lot 4, HI moo - Blaauorr. f.'B.M. BLOCK a, lot 1, John ". C. LarfceL S6f.; tot 3. Uregoa A California Jt Ballroad Compear, f..85; lot 3. Orrgoa A California Kallroad Co a pa ay. S-IS.aS; aab dlrlalaa a af lot i Oaorga 11. triprlDgmerer. f4.iii; aubdlrlaloa B of lot 4. Mary Muriac V anerer. S4.SO; aubdlriatoa U of Vat 4, Newtoa L. Ullbaan, f4.3u; eabaWUalon D ot. lot 4, Carl , BkreklBirrr, H-3D; aubdlrlaloa B af .lot 4. 'i iwrar Polaea.. S4.T5; aubdlrlaloa P ef lot 4, . Oacar Polaea, f4.T6; weat 35 feet ef cabdlrl V aloa O af lot 4, Adolpk Uanamaa. fa.; aaat . fet of aubdlrlaloa O ef lot 4, Cyrua 44. . Mckar. 30.76; ankdirlaloa B of lot 4, Crrua 11. McKay. f4.75. BUICK . aabdlrlaloa A ef kit 1. Mar K. lobneon, f4 30: aubdl rlsloa , , , B ef lot 1, Marr . Jobaaoa. ft.SO; portk S v oi aabdirlaloa C of lot 1, Mr. K. JT llauer, S2-1S; eeuth S ef aubdlrlaloa C af lot 1, k Laabi Malrr. fi.16: aubdlrlaloa 1) of .lot 1, . M. Mlaohua. f4.SV aubdlrlaloa B ot lot 1. J a Bra B. Aaprawall Batate, . llelra ' af. t. . S4.T5: aahdlrlaloa P of lot 1. Janvre B. Aapra wall Batata, llrlra af. S4.T5; aortk 13TU feet ' ef aubdlrlaloa G of lot 1, Newton L. tiflbaaa. f3.4; aoatk 42.5 fret ef cabdirlaioe O of kH I, Jadltb H. Hinaiana, fl.15; aubdlrlaloa ' 1 U ef lot 1. Judith H. Mlaaaaaa. ft. 76; auk . " dlrWoa 1 ef lot 3, Charlre K. Teoipleban, ' Tnawtre, n.30; aubdlrlaloa 3 of lot 3. .Ckarlea . B, Templeloo. 3aatee,; aubdl n. Ion 3 ' ef lot 3. Ckarlea K. Teaiplrtoa. Truatea, ' fl.SO; Mhdrrleloa 4 of lot 3. Ckarlra B. Teaa , plrtna. Truatre, Sl ot): aubdlrlaloa 6 of tut -3, . ' Ckarlra B. Teapletea. Truatee, fZ.4u; aab , . dlrl.loa af lot 3. "Char Ire B. Triapletoo, . ITaalre. S340; anbdlrlalea T of lot 3. Charlre ' - B. TrmpletoB. Truatea. S.2 76: aubdlrtaloa "r "ef let 3. Ckarlra K. Teaiplrtoa. Truatee, S3 73: awNdlrlaioa "of tot 1. Ckarlra B. l'n- - partna. Traatee,- S3. 76; aulidlrlaloa 0 at lot . V" 3.' CheIra K. Teaaplrton, Traatae, 75; wub- . dlelaloa II of lot 3., Charlre B. Traiplrtoo, - Traatae. $Z75; aubdlr'Moa 13 of 1.4 3. I bar Ira : ..' B. Taaaplrtoo. Traatee. S2.40-, aaadlrlalua 13 af lot 3. Caarare B. TrmpVtoa. Fiaatrei ' f34: anrtk 33t fret of weet oV fret of aortk ' ' T of lot 3. Orrtrade Mark. 1 eft; aoutk 33t4 . fert at aortk 41 foot ef wrat au fret of aorta - -'A af lot a. laanea, Cor mark, f I.U5; anatk H ' ' " ef lot 3, Mary Plnrk, fl.IMl; aoutk 23 tert ft aortk D3.5 feet of wret 67 frrt of Bortk . i , ef lot S. Mra. K. A. Uarrteoa, SI-16; aoutk - 33 fret af eoetb 46 fret of weat 67 fret Jt rortk ef lot 3. Mra. B. A. tJarrreon. 1.16; Weat IB fret of rent 4ft fret of . i north 45 fart el aortk at .lot aV-Kaaaaa J. Vareea. S0.S0; eaat 32 frrt at aortk -44 fert of aortk -ef lot a. Leaore Brxtrre. ' err. f ui eart 45 fret ef wrat 123 frrt fi aortk 45 frrt ef anrtk af lot 8. Lrenre B. tirrgurr,; eaat 113 frrt af aoutk 45 frrt ef north ot lot 3, Xenore K. Ureitorr, ea err-.- Tjra-oa vauiumia Ballmad (eaaaanr. S:l64. KUM la. lot- 1. Omgua -, r t allfarala luilroad Cetnpanr, ST5 M; aub : aHrtaana A ef lot 3. Joka Aadrew. S4.Hu; aub anrtrloa B of M 2. Joha Aadrew. S.l.n.1; aab- nirMoa 4 ef tot 3. Jeba Andrew, f3.M5i aab . dlriaaea U af lot 3. Joha Aadrew. U.U; aab . dlrratea B ef tot 2. Joha Aadrew, Sh.; aae. ' dlrartoa P ef Wit 2, Joha Aadrew, SI.H6; aob . . dlrlaloa 0 af tot 3, Joha Aadrew, it.; aub dlrMoa H ef tot 3, Jeha Andrew, f.1 H6; aab ; dlrleloa I af tot 3. John Andrear. S:l N6; lot ' 3. Boenrar II. Cooper. t aVug arret 42 tret nf north llo fret ef kt 4. Arnold Braetrr i koti. SS SS: all af eaat M fvt of lot Irtne ', t. north ef Oregon A California Ballroad Coni- x- paaya tiant of war. r . a. Lrwla, fill. 00. ' A trart of land lying krtwaea the eaat Ha . . wf Oale atrrrti aad a line 42 feet raat . , ef aad parallel ibrrewltk aad brtwera a line Jin feet aoatk ' ef aad . parallel witk tke . eeartb Hoe ef Hamilton err aae and tkr nertk line at Orrgoa A Callforala Railroad Cnanpaay right- ef war, Blaaaa Btelaar, A trart ef laad brtweea tare tinea rrapn tlrrlr 43 fret aad 6 fret eaat of aad perettrl wiih the eaet Una nf tlbte etrret aad brtwera , a Mae IIS feet aontk of aad parallel wltk tke aontk Roe ef Hamilton aeeaee aad the i nrib line ef Oregon A Call For ala Balrread . aaaaa rural ec war, w. A. Lewla, - . foBTLA: linwrjrTrAn block in, 4J4 fret ef wrat Sft fret ef anrtk 118 faet ef 1.4 4. Hinry P. Hlldrbrand. 34 16; all nf lot 4 aoatk ef flreena A California Railroad eaananr'a right af war. pkornlt laeeraare (eaaeaee. tXbn. plV'K II, nt 1. Joarpk A- aVtrawVldc tataw.. Urlra of, fM.SO; tot CTTT BOTlClJa. .J. Joaapk A. Ptrowbrldge Katato, Br Ira af, I; lot 4. Joaruk A. Htrvwurldgo Kaute, llrlra of. iJ6 ta; aortk no fret uf lot a. . Tboaiaa Brhnrldor, 14.76; aoatk SO fret of ' aurtk trot of lot . labia Blarkofberccr, , ti.7&: aaaath 110 frrt of aia-tk 1AJ foot of lot . S. Alriaaovr Kfc-aal, .; woat Ha fart af anatk 111) frrt of lot ii, Joarpk U. Kt'kttB. Svtai; raat MA feat af aoatk 110. frrt of. lot - f. rlllBTa Htrlaer. UUH'K IX. J tot 3L i Marker Uatau Cuaiuanr, 16. Hup raat Stt i frrt ot aubOiTiaina A w tut a, nanio a. Wlaklr, 1.W; aaat 50 frrt of auodlrlahia B of lot S. tladla A. Wlnkla,; wrat to I rot of aahdlrlaloa A af a S. John H. Itmi mr. 13.36; wrat 0 faor of aubdlrlaloa B of lot 3. Jotla rt: TPuavrror, S3.36; aulxUrlalna . C at lot S, IVnr II. Hlytb, M.i; aaudlrlaloa . I af lot a, Pm-r II. Hljrlb. S4.w; auoairlatoa K of lot S, l-rrrr 11. Blytk, 4.Tfi; aubdlrtalua P af lot 3, Pm-r II. Hlytb. S4.TIL aubdlrlaloa af lot 3, Prrrr H. Birth. 4.7(T aubdlrlaloa . H mt lot t. IVrer H. Bl ta, S4 TS. BUN K lii, lot 1. llllaaa B. Parhrlaarr, fJ5.HU; aawtk HO frrt of lot 3. U. P. Hral, fS.SS; rrrat tKi-f-rt of aoatk 170 frrt of lot 3. C. P. Heal. ..''; aurtk 43 frrt of raat 110 fret ot aoatk ITU trat of lot 3. Uoargla A. Pouaroy. S4..W; anrtk 4314 feat of coat 110 frrt ot aualk J37H frrt of lot t. J. P. Uaaaprl, S4.W; aoatk HA frrt af raat 110 frrt af kit - 3. Tawodnro- Hrarkrr and t. Wlotrrboklrr, ' S7.4.I; raat af lot S, Ckarlra K. Ladd. IIT.wl; aaat H af lot 4. Ckarlra B. Ladd, BLOCK 14, auedlrlaana A of kit 1, illllaia A- Morrow.; aubdlrlaloa B of kM I, Hilllaa A. Morrow,; aubdlrlaloa ' C of lot 1, Prratoa W. tilllotta, ft.": auu dlrlalua I) of lot 1. Prtauoa W. IIIIMta. :; aubrilTMoa B of lot J. Albert Prbrra- Iwrk. S4.T5; auhdlrlatoa P of- lot 1. Albert PrkrentMH-k, S4.75; aaoalrlaloa O at lot I. 3qka Koa-blrgl. S4.J4; aubdlrlaloa II of lot 1. ioba Koparhlrgl, S4.TH; lot 3. AkHno W. WlthrrvIL SJft.tai: aaat V of lot S, Mlaa M. ' P. Laarearr. fIT.SU; raat U of lot 4. Wlllla ' (I. Clarkr, 8IT.MI. BLtN'K 15. lot I, Tboaiaa " P'kDrhlrr. f ;I5.U aortk V, of lot I aoutk of the tlrrgoa A California Kallroad Coaa- finr'o rlrht - of war, luaMa-loukira A; all of lot 3 aortk aad wrat af ilregua A California Mallroad iniaiigt a right vt ' war. t- K. tiarlrr. $10 70: all of anutk -i of krt 3 rirrpt Orrgon A California Railroad Cocapaur a right ot war; BUlaoa Karauiptaent No. 1, I. O. O. P.. SM.WI; all of aaat H of lot 1 eaeept Irrrgoa A Callforala Ballroad 4aipanr'a right of war, Joarpk A. Htrow, . brldicr, 8r., Batate, llrlra of. fll.5.1; weat 43 foot of raat 8.1 frrt af aortk- luO fret of Lt 4. Orl tila Manford. fa.M; aaat 43 frrt of aiartk l'u frrt ot tut 4. OtU K. Baa ford Katairt Hclra of. fa.Bu; raat 40 frrt ot wrat It frrt of aoatk UW fret. of lot 4. . Tboataa B. Wrat, f a.: eaat 35 ' fort of eaat 40 frt af wrat 1 fret of aoatk 100 (act ot M 4. Auguat Wryler. f3.35. KERRIOAN'8 HI IIDIVLSION of a part ef total I anu M oi u," a la runaaq nuaamiaauT- BUM K A." raat Vr-of lot I, Joka V o naa r. imdiihi r-"w, ' " " 7 w John T. and Wllda P. Lankla. Sll.on a . aft mo. -. l. -a -46 feet af weat of lot 3, Paallae Jorgru- ara. AiVJtf: auoairiaioa 1 ei wt a. tate u. . 'Heaaluua.. S3.W6; eubulrleloa 1 of lot 3, Kate . 1). tomtom, ft On; aubdlrlalon S af lot 3, Kata 1M Hreatoua. f4.W; aubdlrlaloa 4 of lot 8, Kate U Braalona. !.; aubdlrlaloa t ot - tut 3, Bugeue A.Hraalooa. f3U6; auodlrkalon of lot 3. Bugraa A. Boaatone, fl.Su; aab J alrlaloa T ef lot aTBugma A. aeaaloaa, f3.4u. IHBTLAN0 IIOMKrfTKAU BLOCK B, aehdln. aloa A of lot 1. Nortarra Countlea iBreitaieat ltueC. ;ttd., fo.85: eobdlTletou B of kit 1. - M. J. .aud 1). Oailagber: K1.U6; aubdlrlaloa C of lot 1, William at. Walpole. f3.35; aub dinaloa I) of lot 1, Jaeeb Michel. 3.a6: aub- ' dirHuoa B of lot I, Tboaiaa H. amlth, t.W, weat M fert of lot 3. Urnrr Brnortt. S 75; all of lot 2 except wrat 04 fert, William B. . Walpole. f 15.10; north 4u , feet of weat ' of lot S, W. J. DIUoa. fA.45: eaat of lot , 3, John V. Lankln, f 10.30; aoutk 8o.f fret of wret of lot 3. Joha D. Krunedy, 34 00; , lot 4. John I). Ki-nnrdy. f 18.4u; lot S. Joha 1 1). Kenuedr. f 13.36; lot . Jobs Q. Kennedy, ftT.uu. BLOCK V. Vnt'l, Mar A. Park, S3U.MU; lot 3. Loula BlamerfuaB. f 10.30: lot S, Ueurge UlUork BaUta, llelra of. f 13.50. fl LTO.N PABK-r-BLOCkllC lot f, Pulton Park Lead Companr, Su.56; lot , Fultoa Park Land Compear. Su.66; lot 5, -Pulton Park ' Laud Couinaar. SI1.7U: lot 4. PONua Park : Lead Company, 3 7u; - lot , Pultoa Park Laud Company. 50. TO; lot- , "ultoa Park Laud' Company, fo.70; lot 10, Pulton Park . Land Couianr, au.ju. suiuft 'it, tot i, Pultoa Park Laud Compear, SO. To; lot H. Pultoa I'ark Land Compear. fU-TOj lot 0, Pulton Park' Land Coupan, fU.Tu; lot 10, Paltua ParauLaad Company, 30.70; lot 11, , Inltoa Trk Lend Company, SfUf lot 12, PulUia Park Land Conipanr, fu.10. BLOCK 26. aoatk 65 feet of lot 44, i;W. Tobin. , 30.76; north 5 fret ot eootk 130 feet ef lot . 14, Wduejt I. Mitchell, fu.75; nofth SO feet , of kit 14, WlUlam and Ckarlea U. Hathaway. fO.So; lot ' T, Pulton Park Land Companr, . fu.Su; lot 8. Bllaabetb Bggert, S0.90: lot. , Bllraketh Kggert, fu.0; lot tu, Kliiabetk . Kaerrt. S0.UU: lot 11. KUiabrtk Bggert. SOU"; . lot 12, Blliabeth Bggert. fu.SO. BLOCK . lot 1H, Fulton tin una company, i.zu. biah.. 3d. lot T, B. M. Lomfcard. Se.70; lot 3. B. M. Lombard. .SU.7U;- lot V, Ueurae 8. Mclatoan, 11 lu. 7i: lot 10. P. Wheelrr. S0.70: lot 11. I fcliaabrth rtfert. fu.Ttr; lotr 13. Bllaabrtk Kggrrt, S0.7U. BLUClv sw, an J. naipa w 11.. vt. 31.16: lot 3. Kahib W. Uort. SO. SO lot o. Ji.hB Olablach, fl.UU; lot 4, John Gle-, lilarh. fl.15; lot S, Joua uieaieca, fi.iu. BliOCK 4U.aU ot weat 50 feet of lot 1 e rrot north 60 feet. William H. Mc Par land. ' fU.63; eaat 50 feet of weat 1U0 feet of lot . 1, Oregua uuliaiog a toea Aaaociauoa,; north 6ti trot of weat 50 feet of kit 1. Gre- ; goo Building A Loan AaaocUttoa, 30.35; eaat IW Teei OI JUt a, aua a. viiaaiiiira, av. lot 3. Llaxle K. loung. S0.7O; lot 3, Mar vMugbea, fu.Tu; mt a, Jaary nuguea. eu.iu, . lot 6. Patrick, Hug baa, fo.Jo; lot 0. Blm Hall, fo.7'1; lot 7. Perry Johnaoa, Su.TO) lot a. CoUla'C. Glrtla. fu.70; lot 3. Collin C Olr. via, fO.55; lot 10, I. 8, Hurat, fu.56; lot 11. U. a KoaeUfca, SO. 56; lot 13, B. U. Lonv 'ard, fu.70; lot la, B. M. Lombard,; tut 14, C. J. Pecker, fu.70; lot 1ST Marj Koanta, fu.Tu; lot J. Marp Koonta, fO.TU: lot 17. Mary j. 0omatotk. f0.7U. BLOCK 41. lot T. W. If. Martaail. fu.70: tot 8. W. ' U. Martaail. SO. TO; lot 9, William Mackin tosh. Truatee, ao.70; jot io, rviuuim atackiw toan, Truatee, f0.7u; lot 11, Blale M. CYabb. to. 70: lot 12. WUllam Belmlng, BLOCK 45, lot 1. WUllam Hathawar aad , Ckarlea H. Tbompaoa, fu.70: kit a, m lillata Hatbawar and Cbartea H. Tbompaoa, 30.46; lot 3, WUllam Hathawar and Charlre H. . Tbompaotr, fu.35: lot 4, WllUaSi- Hatliaway ' and Charles H. Tnompaon. S0.06; lot 5, WUl lam Hathaway and Ckarlea H. Tnompaon, fu.70; lot , Caulna llaoaun. fO.70; lot 7, , Catrlaa Haoara, fu.Ta BLOCK SO, lot 1, 8. B. Carmine, fO.70; tot 3, Maud Bewail, : S 70; tut a, Clara Carmlnt, fu.70; lot 4. t lara V. Carmine, fa.A6; lot 6, Edward 0. Bewail fn.56; tot 6. Bdward O. arwall, fO.To; lot 7. Vona R. Culllaoo, 30.70; lot 8, Ooba K. Culllaoo. S TO. BLOCK 47, tot 1, Maria Mtorkmaa, fu.70; tot . MarU Btorkmaa, fo.To: tot 8. Henrietta PePpkatoa, f).7o; tot 4, W. J. Uramba. fo M: lot S, William H. Warrea, 30.46: lot ft, William H. Warren. fo.7c; lot 7. Pred 0. Buffum. fo.70; tot 8, Pred 0. Buffum. 30.70. BLOCK 48, lot 1, Kmma Manjaam, f0.70; tot 3, Emma -Mnr- :uam, fo.70; tot 3. Jobs P. Coyne, SO. TO; lot , Alice W. CaawelL fo.TO; tot ft, C. J. Decker. SO.TO: tot ft, C. J. Dec! or, fo.TO; lot T. C. t. Drcker. 80.80; tot 8, C. J. Decker. SO.TO; tot , Thoovaa A. Clarke, fO.70; tot Hi, Valerie Bogrra,' fo.70; tot 11, Valerie Begera,! So. 56; tot 12, Velrrlo Bogera, fu.65; tot l!Valrrla Bogera, 80.70; tot 14, Tbomaa A. Clarke. S0.70; tot 15, Tbomaa A. Clarke, SO.TO; lot Id. P.ra P. Steel, S0.SO; lot 17, Walter B. I Tea ton. S0.T0: lot IS. ' Henry JHtrrena. 80.7q; lot IV, Alien W. CaawelL ao.7u; en so, loan r. coyne, au. iv; pot at, Jnmra Blake, fo.70; tot 22. Tba Title Guaran tee A Truat Company. fO.70. BLOCK 49, lot 1, r.ra r. nteei, au.iv; kh a, era r. .Bteei, fu.70; tot 3, J. B. Bratt, fo.TO; tot 4. J. K. 8cott. fo.TO; tot ft. Hiram W. Bilry, SO.TO; tot ej, Hiram W. Riley, SO.TO; tot T. Ella Pi Perklaaon, SO. TO; tot ft, Oerar P. Olarn, fu.70; lot 8. lira B. Price, fo.70; tot 10. A. H. Pranrla, SO. Til; tot 11, Bra P. Star!, fO.To; tot 13. Kra. P. fttael.' fO 70. BLOCK 6u, lot J, William Maeklaloab, f0.4B; lot 3, William Marr.lDt.-b, fu.60; tot- 3, William Maeklntoab, ! fo.; tot 4. Mary' A. Daaey, fO.70; lot A, William n. Dnney, f0.70; kit B. IX. C. Ted ford. fn.7u; - kit 7. Joarpk Mmoa, Traatee, 30.711: tot 8. Karifa J. Palling. fo.TO: tot 9. , Kan fa J. Palling, SO.TO; tot 10. Patrick Hughra, mt 11, ratricB Hngnea, pi 70; tot -13, Pultoa Park Land Company,,-fo.Trt .HUH'K 51, tot 1. Joarpk 8 1 men. Truttee, fo.aii; tot I Joaenk HI moor Traatee, SI. 00. BLih;K 62. tot 1. Patrick and Mary Baghra, 5 TO; tot 2. Patrlelwaad Mary Hughra, -fo.70; 8s Katkertar rVrheueraiana. fu.TO; tot -4, IHajn.jMrr. SO lo; lot 5. William Hrnry. .70T 8... William, Henry,; tot 7. Jane Bran, fO.To; totXeV Henrietta A. Pop eleioa, fu.70: kt 8. nrnrlrtta A. rnpplrtoa. so.Tii; tot 10, Palter -'Park lnd Companr. fo.70; lot 11. Toa H.' Jl pdenr.f f fo Tor tot 1 13. Lou H. rpdrgraffV So.rU. BLOCK M, tot ft. B. kf. Lombard, So. 60: lot 8. B. M. Lembard, fo.70; tot 7. Aaaa MeQulllaa, S0.7U; lot a. 8. O. Crewr. fi) To; tot 8, H. l. Crowa, fo.TO. BIXICK 84. tot 7. B. M. Lombard and Pnltoa Park Laad Compear, t0.7o; tot ft. B. M. Ismtberd and Pnltoa Park Land Company, fo.70; tot 8, B. M. Lombard and Pultoa Park I.aad Compear, fo.7i; tot In, B. M. lyimbard and Pultoa Park I -a ad fm paay"So7o; tot II. B. M. Lombard and Pnl toa Park Laad Compear.-fo.70; tot 13, B. M. tomoard and Pultoa Park toed Compaay, ' fn.TA. BLOCK 85, Bcbosl Dlatrlct No. I. fa an. BUrt'K 88. tot 1." Byron P.-Cardwell . Relate. Hrlra of. SO 70; tot 2, Hymn p. i rd - well Betate. Hrlra of. fo.TO; lot 3. Br ran p. Card well Betatr. llelra of. fo TO: tot 4, Byroa P. Car Trea . f.t , cardwetl Katatr, tieira or, nu.7; mt t. p. card well rtatr,. nrira ar. so.rn; Rrron P. Card well Bat.,. Heir of. S" TO: tot T, Brroa P. Cardwrll Rotate, Heir nf. S0.7O; tot , Brrntl r. tardwall Relate, Hrlra of. fo.TO: let 8. Brroa P. Cardwrll Rtate. Hrlra of. fo.TO; lot 10 Byroa P. Cardwel PetatH "HHre ef, fo TO; lot It. -Brrnn fvcerdwell Ketare. rielra of. So. To; ( tot 1 Irrmn I". Cardwrll Berate. Hetra ef. fn.TO. BI.OCK 8T. IM I. Pred Btelyrr. fo TO; tot 2. Prrd fttelirr. Sn.Ta; tot 8. H. M. Bnab. ST-: tot 4 II. M. Bank. SO.To: tot ft. Alice Krrmer. SO.Tn-. tot 8. Alice Rrrmer, S" 7": lot T. Anna KMea Starr. So TP; tot 8. Amelia K. sad M. i. Morae, fo.70; tel f. Pries Viaak-4 orrr voncxa. lla,' S0.TO; tot IS. WlUlam N. rerrla, fO.tO; . tot IL Joka tway. f0.70i tot 13. aoba Tway, S0.7U. BLOCK 7. tot 1. Paltaa Park Land Compear, S". 55; let 2. Pultoa Park Lead Company, ,a) Tu; lot 3, Pultoa Park Laad Company, to.HU; tot 4, Pultoa Park Laad comiHuiy, i.uu; xt a, ruiua I arc mim Compear. S..UU. BLOCK an. tot 1. Lealae , frleae. fO.IU; tot 3. Loulae Prlree, S0.7o; tot e, Mart-ua avail y epauMiug. au.iu; nit e, Ckrlat llaaaea, SO.To; tot 5. Joha. B. Moaalca, ' kit a. Charlre A. llaaber. So.70: tot I. Ckarlea A. Hurber, f0.7U; tot 8, Ckarlee , A. Uaeber, fU.TU; lot ty caarlea A. uuever. So. To. lot 10. Tire Voa Bolton. So. 70: tot II. Horatio B. Holnics, S0.7U; tot 13. Horatio at. Ilolmra. po.10. BlH a ow. lot l, Juaepa i P. ' U aud Haille A. Wrinkle, fu.70; lot 3, Joarpk P. I, aad aadla Wrtukle. fu.70; tot a. Addle rarrlu. au.iu; rova, Aouia lama. S.7o; tot 5. BrlrnaaM C. Arailtage, fu.Tu; v lot . Aadrew HUawa, So lo; tot 7. J. K. t ourlury, SO.H5; kit . Hlatera of the Hoi Name of Jraua and Mary, SU.U; lot 8, 1-a.y IkMigherty, So. To; tot lu, Joarpk Beat. fo.To; ' tot 11. Colla C. titrate, fu.70; tot 13, CuUa C. CIlrrlB. fO.70; tot I I. Mylraaua C. Arml Uge. so.70; lot 14, Bylreuwv C. Ar milage, SoWu; kit 16. Houtkweal PorlUBd Baal Betate Cvmpaa). ft.Vb; lot 18, Nortnera Oouatlee lareatanent Traat, Ltd. 30.45; tot IT, North era Cuuntlee larratmrnt Truat, Ltd., SU.1U; tot 18. Nortbera CounUca lareetment Truat, Ltd ' To; tot 18. Joeepk Beat, So. To; tot Sat, Andrew J. Ilygert. Jr. and Sr., S0.7o; , tot 21, 11. U Martaail, fo.TO: tot 33, H. L. Marlmlt. tot 33, A.' W. Balrd, fu.7u; . tot 34, Jamea II. Ckaee, fo.TO; tot 30, Maurice . N. Coat? llo, SO TO; lot So. Plrat National Baak af Portland Orrgoa, F.70; tot 27, Prank . M. Warren. So 70; tot 38, lYaak M. Warren. . SU.TOJ- BLOCK It), tot . 1, Vincent Cook; f.7o; tot ' 2, Vincent Cook. So.70; tot U, Vincent Cook, fo.70; tot 4, Vincent Cuok7lU.Tu; tot 5, a online nd' A. Lite, So.To: . lot 8, William Bar nee, fu.70: lot 7, O. W, and Margaret V. Alice, fo.70; lot 8, O. W. and Margaret V. Allen, fu.70; 'tot 0. Barak Mltinrll. . fo.TO; tot 10, Maria ' Watertord, u.?l tot 11, Vincent Cook, SO.To; tot 13. Vincent Cook, fo.lo. BLOCK Tl, tot 1. Vlu- -ceut Cook,; tot 2. Vincent Cook. 30-To; tot 0. Vincent Cook, f.7u; tot 4, Vincent . Cook. SO-Tu; tot S, 1 red Bpragele. So.70; lot 8, Irvd Bpagrle, fo.70; tot f. Berabard tne Weatpabl, fo.To; lot 8, BcrnhardUie Weet fahl. So.7o; tot 8, J. K. Vonug. fo.TO; tot l. Jane Wall. fu.TO; lot 11, Vincent Ceok, ' fo.70; lot 12, Vlareut Caok, fO.70. BLOCK . tt M 1, Vincent Cook, fo.TO; tot 2. Vlucent Cook, fu.70; tot 3, Vincent Cook, fo.70; lot i, VlBceat Cook, SO.TO: tot 5, Vincent took.. fO.To; tot 8, Vincent Cook, f0.70; lot , T. Prank and Mary Hacklier, fu.Tu; tot 8, lura Hackner, fo.TO; lot 9, Vincent Cook, SO.70; tot' 10, , Vincent Cook. f0.7o; tot IL fo7o. BLOCK T3, tot 1, Henry Plecketv vioceal cook, ao.iu; m l rincent uoua, I ateln, fl.45; lot 2, Henrp Ptocfcenateln, SI. 46; irvlet 3, . Henrr PleckruatelB, S1.U6; - tot 4, I Hearr - Ptocfcenateln, f 1.30; - lot 6,Hrary l Plrckeaatrln, f 1.00; lot 8, Bimry riecara-; tot .' Hearr Plecfcenaleln,' SU.40. BLOCK T4, Hmry Plerkeaetrln, fo 00. BLOCK T3. Henry Plkrnatcin. f 3.55. BLOCK 78, lot , Hrnry Flrckeaatela, f0.36; lot 3. Henry Pleckenateln, 80.36; tot 8. Henry Plerken- atala, SU.I6; tot 4, Henrr Plackenatjtln, SO.IO. BLOCK 80. tot 1, Pultoa Land Companr,; tot 3, Pultoa Laad Companr, So. 46. BUICK 01, tot 1, Pultoa Land Company, tl.lru; tot 2, Pultoa Land Company, fo.TO; it IL a'ulfna Land ramDUT. All. 7(1: 'lot 4. Pulton Land Company, fu.TO: tot ft, Pultoa Lead Company, f0.66; tot 8, Pultoa Land Company, fu.60; tot 7, Pultoa Land Com .pan, 80. TO: tot 8, Pulton Laad Company, fo.To; lot 8, PBltoa. Laed, Companr, SO.TO; KH aw, railua aanui uiaiiaii;, ro.iv, r ' . , Pultop Land Companr,' fu.Tu; tot 13, Pnltoa iMua uompany, eu.iu, auiva ea, rut a, -Pultoa Lead Company,7 81.10; tot 3. Pultoa Land : Company, l.uo; lot 8, ' raitoa teno Company, 80.90; tot 4,t Pnltoa Land Company,; 'tot ft, Pnltoq-Land Company, 30.45. BLOCK 8,1, Ucnry . Pleckenateln, 85.15. owi a, a-a. w o t . ' wa, e'" . V. Cook, SO. IS;' tot ft. V. Conk, fo.70; tot t a, ar i , ' a., mm. . ... - 8. V. Caok, so.70;, tot T. v. cook, SO.TO; lot B 'V. tVinfe. an an - BLOCK U6. lot 1. V. Cook,; tot 3, V. Cook, fu.10; lot ,, V. Cook, 80.50; lot 10, V. Cook, 30.70; .lot 11. V. Cook. 80.70. BLOCK 88. tot 1. V. Cook. S0.85; lot 2. V. Cook, fo.TO; tot 8, V. Cook, fO.Tu: tot 4, V. Cook. fO.To " tot ft. V. Cook, fo.Vo; lot ft, V. Cook, fo.TO; ' lot T, V. Oovk, fo.85; tot 8, V. Cook. SO.TO; - tot a. T. Cook, fo.lo; tot ,0, V. Ceok, io.TO; tot il. V. cook, fO.To; tot. 12, V. Cook, ' fO.TO; tot IS, V. Cook, fO.70: tot 14. V. Cook, fo.TO: tot If, V. Cook. fO-TO; lot 18. ' V. -"-peokt. 0.To: tot IT, V. Cook. f0.T0; totals, V. Cook, fO.TO; lot 1, V. Cook, fO.TO; lot 20. V.' Cook, f0,T0: tot 21, V. Cook, fu.70;. lot 22. V. Conk, f0.70; lot 33, , V. Cook, SO.TO; tot 24, V. Cook, fOvTO; tot 35,- V. Cook. fO.70; lot 28, V. Cook, fO.85. BLOCK 8T. kt 1. V. Cook, 80.86; tot 3, V. Cook, fO.10; tot 8, V. Cook, SO.To; lot 4. V. Cook, fO.TO; tot ft, V. Cook. SO.70 ot ' tot ft, V. Cook, fu.70- tot T, V. Cook.' fo.TO; 10. V. Cook. 80.70: tot 11. V. Cook. So.7o! tot 8. V. Cook. So.70: lot 8. V. Cook. 80.70; .-tot 12. V. Cook, 30.86. BMH.-K. 8n. lot 1, Cook, tgjo 80.70: . tot a, r. uoa, ow. iv, v a, v. v, vv-ivi lot ftAV. Cook, fo.TO; tot ft, V. Cook, fto.70; tot Tl V. Cosk. SO.TO: tot 8. V. Cook. SO.TO: cook, eu.7u; tot 8, V. Cook, SO.TO; tot 10. V. Cook. fu.TO; jot 11, V. Cook. fO.TO; Ipt-13, V. Cook, SO.TO. , BLOCK 8ft, tot 1. V. Cook, 80.70; tot 3, V. Cook, fo.TO; tot 8, V. Cook, fo.70; tot 4. V. Cook, fo.70; lot ft, V. Cook, 80. To; tot ft, V. Cook, fu.TO; lot T. V. Cook, fo.70; tot ft. V. Cook, 80.70. BLOCK Hal, .tot 1, V. Coo; f0.86; lot 2, V. Cook. fO. 70 lot ft, V. Ceok, fO.70; lot 4, V. Cook, SO.TO: tot ft, V. Cook. fu.TO: lot ft, V. Cook, fO.To; 18, a r a- t fti-k rA. A Tat ar- a. A.i em I , PVT. f W a mArVB, fW.IV BUft Of T. VSJVBf, fW.IO,, Ltlot ft, V. Cook, f0.70 tot 18, V. Cook, ev.iu, tea ij, r. levn. ew.iv; ast m. r. tooa, BLiUvn. iui. aoc s, r. jooa, fl.SO; tot 3, V. Cook, fl.15; lot i T, Cook, 80.80. IB LOCK 102, tot 1, V, Cook, S0.85; lot 3, .' V. Cook. 80.70; lot 8, V. Cook, SO.TO; tot 4, V. Cook. fO.TO: tot ft. V. Ceok, fo.TO: lot 8. V, Cook, fl.45: tot T. , V. Cook. fLl&; lot 8, V. Cook, fli.fto; tot ft, V. Cook, fO.ftu; tot 10, V. Cook, 80.60; lot 11. V. Cook, f 1.20; lot 12, V. Cook. ffl.75. BLOCK 103, tot 1, V. Cook, fu.80; lot 3, ' V. Ceok, fO.70; lot 3, V. Ceok, fo.70; tot 4, V. Ceok. fO.To; tot ft.. V. Cook, fO.70; tot 8, Portland Clay Company, fu.70; kt T, Portland Clay -Company, ft). TO; tot 8, Portia nd Clay .Company, fO.36. BLOCK 104. lot 1. C. J. Decker, f0.70) tot 2, C. J. . Decker, fO.TO; tot a. Bdwla C. - Jobaaoa, fo.TO; lot 4. Joha Dancy, - fo.TO; tot 6, ' Darld W. KberUa. fo.70; lot ft. ' Pultoa , Park Laed Company, fo.70; tot 7. ' Pultoa Park Laad Company, 80.86; lot 8, Kmma laaronam. fo.70; Vet ft, D. U. Jackaoa. fu.70; - tot 10, Pultoa Park Land Company, 80.70; kt 11. W. J. Oramba, fu.70; tot 13, W. J. Oramue. fo.TO: tot 13. Alliance Traat Com pany, Ltd.-. S0.TO; lot, 14, Alliance Traat Compaay, Ltd., 30.86; lot 1ft. Botaecblld , Broa., f0.40: kt 18.' Bothacblld Broa.. So. 16; tot 17. J. k. Cbarcb, fu.10; lot 18, J. at. . Cbarcb, 80.66; tot 18, J. M. Cburcb. fu.70; lot 20. t. H. Jackaoa. fO.70; tot 21. It. H. .Jackaon, fO.TO; tot 33. Minnie Simon. 80.85; riot 33. Jraale K. Kirk, 80.70; tot 34, Joha Qlebteh, fo.To; bit 36, Jobs -Gleblak. fo.70; -tot 38, Alice Maekenale. fo.TO: tot 27. Alice Markeuale, S0.70: tot JM, Alice Mae kenale, fo.70. BLOCK loft. -aoatk 80 feet of block 106, Byron . p. Cardwrll Batata, ' Helta of, 32 28; aortb 130 feet of block 106, Cltr A Buburbaa Ballwar Comnaar. S3. 40. BLOCK A. tot 1. Ktta - WUllam. - SiJ; tot 2, Ktta Wllllama, fo.80; lot 8,. Pultoa rara ijaaa companr. au.aa: mi 4, KtU Ptockea- WllUame. fO.811; - tot ft. Chrlatlna trln, fO.TO; .lot 8. Chrtatlna -ttoekenatrln, fu.60. BLOCK B, tot U Pultoa Park Land Compaay, CompaBy. o.o; t z, , ruitoa rara ijand to; kt 3.'; Pultoa Park Land LLjtompauy 0.40: lot 4, rnitoa Park Land Compaay, 30.48; tot 6, Pultoa Park Laad Company, So. 46 ;i tot 8, Pultoa Park Lead Company, fo.oo; lot 7, Pnltoa Park Laad , Compaay, 30.66; tot 8, Pultoa Park Laad Compear, 80.65! . lot, , Pultoa Park Laad Company,-Su.ou. ..J1LOCK C, tot 1, Pultoa Park LaBd Compaayv 40.40; tot 2, Pultoa park 1 taino tjompeur. Park , Lead Company;' . Park Laad Company, Park" Land Company, Park. 1-and Company, Park ' lend Compaay, fovtfl; tot 8, Pultoa 000; 101-4. ruitoa 0.66; lot ft. ' Pnltoa 0.70; tot ft, Pultoa 0.76; tot T, - Pultoa 1 o; tot 8. Pultoa rara umitm m.h,mh, mim V. rilwl Park Land Company. SIUU. BLOCK D. lot 1 .: lot 8, ruitoa -Poatoa park Laad Compear, SJ 26; lot 2, i-Taieiia Park Lend Compaay, fo.70; tot 3, Pultoa Park Lend Company, So. 70; tot 4, Pultoa Park Laad Company, SO. TO; kt ft, Oregon A Callforala Ballroad Company, fO.Tft.,K e, aorta 01 ki 1, ciare nnney, ainery, y, fu.ari; e, fo.36; e, (10.36; au.aii; noria a w hi & uiara rinney. aoata ec lot j, - mar? 1 white, aoatk V. ef lot 2. Mery U White, tot 8. Charlea P. Heard. 30.80. BI.OCK P tot 1, Barak Cur ley, fo.30; tot 2, Harah Cur ley. 80 46; lot 3. J. K. Scott, fo 66; lot 4, Peter Curler, fl.OO; tot f. Bothchild Brax. 81.1.1: lot ft, Itnthchlld Broa.. 80.86; tot 7. -Kotheblld Bret.,; lot 8, Kotheblld Rroe., fu.76; tot 8. Botarhltd Broa.. fo.80; tot JO, kotheblld Urea.. S"7U. BIXCK O, tot 1, C. J. Decker, 80.66; lot 2. C. J. Drcker, 80.46; tot 8. C. J. Decker, fo.80; lot 4. Mary K Uhermlr. SO Tft; tot ft, B. L. Tnompaon. fO.TO: tot 8. B. I Tbompaoa, SO.SO; kit T.i P.. I.. Tnneapaoa, fo.80; tot 8. A. J. Powara, r.S6; lot 8. A. J. Power, f0.80; tot 10, A. Power. S0.4O: tot 11. P. H. Mar ley, fo.80; lot 13, P. H. Mariry. 80.80. BLOCK H, lot I. P. A. Walpnlr, Su.ftn; tot 2. P. A. Walpole. fn.TO: tot 8. Ana K. Nlzoa. ft. 20; lot 4, Ann K. Nlroa. fl.35: tot ft, Aaa B. Nlaea, 81.16; weet 86 . frrt of tot ft, J. B. Cattck, faj.46; weet 88 frrt ef lot T, J. B. Callrfc, fo.4A; all of tot ft Irlng eaat af Weat ftft feet Back W. Drrkrr.; all ef tot T lylag raat of weat J fret, Ratb W. Drrkrr, fil.Toi tot 8. Moere An- Bhare, 11.16; lot 8. Mnaea A. 8hare, St. HI; tot 10, Ag-nea BattrnmuUer. . Sl-Uft; tot 1, Llabetb H. Cnrtla, So Bo; tot 13, Patrick and Mare Hughe, fo.70; tot 13. Patrick and Mary Hugnre. foot). BLOCK r tot 1. Anne B. Mien. fOSO; tot 3, Anna t. t. Nlsea. fo 70; tot 3, Aan B. Nliaa. frl.Tn; tot 4. Anna ft. Kliea. foTS; tot ft. Anna P.. " Mna, So eo: to 8. Harriet Daaham. SO. 76; tot T. Harriet Dunham, fl.56; tot 8, B. M. lembard. fl.SI; In, 8. Anthony Nrpeerh. SI 46. Bt,OCK I, tot 1. Brrea P. Cardwrll delate. Heirs nf, f0.Tr; tot 2. Bothrhlld Brae., fo.80; let 3, BolkcbUdv Broa, fO.TO, - OfTT I0TICUL tot 4, BotkchIM Bros., fO.70; tot f. Boatk went Portland Krai Katata Cempaaf, SO W; , tot t, BoU child Broa., 30.50; lot T. Maurlca t moo ma a. so.70; tot S. Bot henna urea., , fO.05; lot 8, Uotbcblld Broa.. f 1.48; tot 10, Hnthchlld Brui., fl.36: tot II. Botkrhtld Broa., Sl'.au; tot 13, Botbi-hlld Broa., 80.66: tot 13, Bntbckild Broa., SO.ati; tot 14, Betbrhlld Broa.,; tot 16. Kotheblld Broa.. fu.68. BIH'K K. tot I, Buthchlld Brua., f 1.20; tot 3. Kotk ehlld Broa., fu.76; tot 8, Hoibchlld Broa., fl.uo; tot 4, Botbahlld Broa.. fl.15; tot ft, Kolhcblld Broa4 f L16t tot 8. Betkrhlld Broa.. f 1.05. BliOCalt L Inltoa Park Ilnd Com- Vmr, ftt.30., BLOCK M, Pultoa Park Land voinpnny, aa.s. ' fl'LTON BLOCK 1. tot 1, H Klrgrlmioa. Sl.70; tot X B. Rlrgrlmana, fO.So; tot a. B. ; rltogrlmaBB. SO. 80: tot 4, C H. Plggott,; tot ft. B. Blegelmana, fo.66i tot 8, K. Wegelmana,. fo.du; tot 7, B. KWgrlmann. r.80; lot ft,- K. Rlrgrlmana. fO.SO. BLOCK Robert Pattoa Beute, llelra . of, J 3.40. BLOCK a. all of ktoek 8 weat of laradam read. A a roe Walt, fa.40; all af btork . 8 aaat of Macadam road, M. Bentoa W lllleme. fo.15. BUH'K 4. The Khig Batate, fl.Pft. BLOCK 8, Tyler Woodward, 36.80. BUH'K T. Air la adrr Klrael. S5.86. BLOCK 8. tot 1. IL J. K. Rlrfelmann, fo.TO; andl .. rlaVd of tot 2. M. ii. Morrla. fo.35: aa dlrlded of tot 8, M. tl. Morrla, 30,35; nadlrldrd ot lot 2, Wy B. Morrla, So. 36; . undlrldrd of tot 3, W. B. Morrla. ft0.36; tot 4. Alice Berry Kaaa. fo.70; lot ft. AUce Berry. Nuaa, fo.TO; undlrldrd of tot 8. M. G. Morrla. f0i:S; undlrldrd of lot T. M. 0.' Morrla. fu.X6: undlrldrd & of tot 8.i W. R. Morrla, fu.35; undlrldrd of I09.7. W. K. Morrla. fo.J5; tot 8. U. J. B.,KletelmaBa. fO.70. ' .t ' A' tract of tend lying ketweea a llae SO feet aoath . of and parallel wltk the aoutk Una of Mark '8. Pulton, and tba aortk line af ' t lock p, Pultoa Park, ar.4 ketweea a -Una . 80 feet eaat ef and parallel wltb tba enat - Una of block 18. Pultun, aad a Una 80 fret 1 wra tarty from and parallel with tke weaterty " Una of btocka 8 and T. Pnltoa. except tkat - nortloa af aald tract occupied by tba City A . Bubarbaa Railway Cnmpany'a right of way, M. o. Morrla and W. K. Morrla. 13.35. ' riLTON BLOCK 18. undlrldrd of tot 1, M. O. Murrta, SO.. in; aadlrlded ' of lot 3, M. . Morrla, U. U. Morrla. M. tl. Morrla, M. U. Morrla, U. U. Morrla. M. U. Morrla.' i.oo; nadirioea ot let 10. .an; umnriaea 01 rot e. 30; anuinaea ot wt o, 86; undlrlded of tot ft. ).36 BudlTlded H of tot 7, KI.8&; wndlrded't. of lot 8, 10.86; aodirlded H of tot 1, M. O. Morrla. Morrla. 80.65: andlrlded A of tot 8. . W, K. Morrla, fo.35; undindcd of lot T. W. R. Morrla,. fo.35;' andlrlded of lot 8, W. IL Morrla, fO .36. ' BLOCK IT, lot 1, H. W. Coroett v..... . u.iM an To- wo tf av fe. belt Batata, Hrlra of, f0.T0-.Tot S. Andrea'' ... w. rreum, au. fu; lot a, A en re w nr. ntuis, , SO.TO; tot S. B. J. Preum. fo.TO; lot ft. B. J. Prewm, fO.TO; lot T, H. W. Corbett Baute. Heir et. fo.TO; lot ft, H. W. Corbett Kata la, Hrlra of. 80.70. - . - . SOUTHERN PORTLAND. OR BOON RIVBB ulD 'LM 1, r. IS. JSiyto,;' i a. r-., H. Blyth, 31.IO; tot a, P. H. Blyta, Sl.10; tot 4, P. H. Blytk, f 1.10; kt ft. P. H. Blytk,' fl.lo; tot ft. P. H. Blyth, ft.10; tot T. P. H. Blytk, 81.36: lot 8. P. it. Biytb, f 1.10; tot ft, P. H. Biytb, fl.OO; tot 10. P. H. Blyth, 31.08; aortb 23 feet of lot 11. P. H. Biytb, 80.46; aoutk 27 feet of tot 11 H. C. Breedea, 80.56; tot 12. H. C. Brerden. 81.25; tot 13. H. C. Breedea, fl.10; tot 14, H. C. Breedea, fl.10) tot 15, H. C. Breedea, fl.26; tot 18, H. C. Breedea. 31.50; tot 17, H. a Breedea, fl.SO; tot 18, H. 0. Breeden, ' 31.70: tot 18. H. C. Breedra. 81.80: tot 20. ' H. a Breedea, f 1.85; tot 21. H. C. BreedenJ, - e.w; rot zz, tt. c Dreeoea, - e o; onoi aided 2-3 of kt 23, Hannah Maaon, ft.35; andlrlded 2-3 of lot 21, Hauoah Maaon, fl.35; andlrlded 2-3 of lot - 35. Hannah Maaoa, fl.35; andlrlded 2-8 of tot 38, Haanak MaaoB, ,81.86; aadlrlded 3-3 of tot . 27. Hannah Maeoe, . fl.ati; undlrloed 2-3 of lot 38, Hannak 'Maaon,, fl.36; andl- ' Tided M af lot 28. Haanak Maaon, fl.35; andlrlded 2-3 of lot 30, Hannak Maaoa, tl.28; andlrlded 2-3 of lot 31, Haanak laaoa. 81.26: andlrlded 3-1 of tot 33. ik Maaoa, fl-55: andlrlded 2-3 ef tot k Maaoa, '; unturiaea l- of lot 84, Hannak Maaon. fl.26; andlrlded 2-3 of tot 3ft, Hannah Maaoa. fl.36; aa dlrlded 2-3 of tot 38. Haanab Maaoa. 81.35; amUrlded 24 ' ef lot 37. Hannah ' Maaon, fl.SO; andlrlded t-8 of tot 88. Hannah Maaon, f L36 ' andlrlded 3-3 of lot 88. Hannah Maaon, fl.36; andlrlded 3-3 of tot 40, Hannak Maaoa, fl.85; andl- Tided 2-3 of lot 41. Haanab Maaon, 81.26; ' andlrlded 3-8 of tot 42, llanoab Maaoa, fl.15; ' nadlrldrd 3-1 at lot 43, Hannak Maaoa. fl.10; andlrktod 2-3 of tot 44. Haanak Maaon, fl.OO; andlrldrd 2-8 of tot 46, Hannak Ma aoa. fl.OO; andlrlded 3-3 of lot 48, Hannak 1 Maaon. 80.86; andlrlded 3-3 of lot 47, Haa nab Maaoa, S0.80; andlrlded 1-8 of lot 23, J. P. , Wataon. ftO.ftO; nndlrldrd 1-8 of lot 24.' J. P. Wataon. fO.TO; lndrrldvd ' 1-3 ef . tot 25. J. P. Wataoa, SO.TO; aadlrlded 1-3 -of tot 28, J. P. Wataon. f.80; andlrlded 1-8 or tot 27, t. r. wamua, nu.oo; anainoea 14 at aot zo, i. r. wataoa, 1 -3 of tot 29, J. P. Wataoa, -1-3 of tor 80, J,, P.- Wataon, 0.80; andlrldrd U.80; andlrldrd 0.55; aadlrlded 1-3 of tot 31. J, P. Wateoav; undlrldrd 1-8 of tot S3, J. P. Wataoa, 80.80; andlrlded 1 -8 of tot 83. J. P. Wataon. 80.80: andlrlded x 1-8 et tot 34. J. P. Wataon, 80.80; aadlrlded 1-8 at tot no, J. r. -wataon. '.80; aadlrlded 1-3 of tot 88; J. P, Wataon, 1-3 of tot 87, J." P. Wataoa. 1-3 of tot 88, J. P. Wataoa, 1-8 of kt 88, J. P. Wataoa, 1-3 ef kt 40, J. P. Wataoa, 1-3 of lot 41. J. P. Wataoa, 1-3 af let 43, J. P. Wataoa, 1-3 of lot 43. J. P. Wataon, 1-3 of tot 44, J. P. Wataon, 1-3 of tot 45, J. P. Wataoa. . 1-3 of tot 48. J. P. Wataon. .80; andlrldrd .80;: undivided 80: andlrlded 11.80; andlrldrd au; anairiaea 80; andlrlded 65; andlrlded 60; andlrlded 60; andlrldrd 1.45; andlrlded en; audlrlded ' 1-3 of lot 47, J. P. Wataoa, 80.40. BLOCK 1. andlrlded 2-3 of tot 1, Haaaak Maaoa, f0.40; andlrlded 2-3 of tot 2. Uanaah Ma- ; eon, 30.30; andlrldrd 3-3 of lot 8. Haaaak Maaoa, 30.20; aadlrlded 2-3 af tot 4, Hannak . Maaoa. f0.10; aadlrlded 1-3 ef lot 1, J. P. . Wataoa. fu.18; andlrlded 1-3 ot lot 2, -J. F. Wataon. 80.16; andlrlded 1-8 of tot 8, -,J.-P, Watnoe, fO.10;- andlrldrd 1-8 of tot 1 4.- J. P. Wataoa, fO.10. - BLOCK 2. undl rldrd 2-1 of tot 1, Haanab Maaoa. So. 40; nadlrldrd 2-R of tot 2. Hannah Maeoa, fo.40; 'audlrlded 2-3 of let 3, Hannah Maaon, 30.40: aadlrlded 2-3 ef kt 4, Hannah. Maaon, ' fu.40; andlrldrd 2-3 of let ft. Haanab Ma aoa, fO.40; aadlrlded 2-3 of tot ft, Hannah Maaoa. 80.40; andlrlded 2-8 of tot T. Han- . nab Maaon. fO.40; andlrldrd 2-3 of lot 8, lUnnnh Maaoa, 80.40; andlrldrd t-3 of kt , Haaaak Maaoa, 80.86: andlrlded a-ft af kt 10, Haaaak Maaon. 80.56; nadlrldrd 2-3 of kt 11, Hannah Maaoa, S0.SO; undlrldrd 2-3 of tot 13, Hannah Maaoa, 30.46; andl- - elded 2-t at lot 13. Hannak Maaoa, fo.35; : andlrlded 8-3 ot kt 14. Hannak Maeoa. fu. 46; andlrlded 3-8 of Ipt 15, Hannah Ma- . aon, f0.2Ov-nad4rlded 2-3 of lot 18, Haa nab' Maaon, 80.46 1 antUrlded, 3r8 af kt 17. 'Hannah Maaon. 80.10; andlrldrd 2-3 of tot ' 18. Haaaah .Maaon, 80.46; andlrlded 1-8 of ' tot 1, J. P. Wataon. fo.30; uadlrldrj 1-3 of lot 3. t. r. Wataoa, fO.fto; andlrlded 1-3 ot let 3, J. JT. Wateoa,; pndlridrd 1-S of tot 4. J. P. Wataoa, f8.20; nndlrldrd 1-ft of lot ft, I. T. Wataoa. 80.20; endl- aided. 1-3 ef tot ft, J. W. Wataoa, fo.20; .. andlrlded 1-8 of lot T, J. P. Wataoa, andlrlded 1-8 of tot 8, J. P. Wataoa, andlrldrd 1-3 af tot 0, J. P. Wataoa. aadlrlded 1-3 of tot 10, J. P. Wataoa, andlrldrd 1-3 af 'lot 11, J. P.- Wataoa, aadlrfdrd 1-3 of tot 12, J. P. Wataoa, aadlrlded 1-8 ef tot 13. J. P. Wataoa. andlrldrd 1-8 of tot 14, I. P. Wataon, SO 20; aadlrlded 1-8 or tot 10, J. r. wataoa, SO. 10; aedlrlded. 1-3 of tot 18, J. P. Wataoa, fo.30; nadlrldrd 1-ft of tot 17. J. P. Wataoa, 80.10; andlrlded 1-ft ef tot 18, J. P. Wataoa, f0 3. BLOCK 8. aadlrlded 2-8 of tot 1, Hannah Vaeoa, fo.45; andlrlded 3-3 of kt 2. Han nah Maaoa,' f0.46; aadlrlded 2-8 of tot 3, . Haaaah Maaoa; 30.46; andlrldrd 2-3 of tot - 4. Haanab Maaon, fa 46; andlrldrd 2-3 of tot ft, Hannah Maaoa, 80.46; nndlrldrd 2-3 tot 8. Haanab Maeoa, fu.45; nadlrldrd 2-8 of kt T. Haanab Maaoa. 80.46; aadlrlded - 2-8 of tot 8, Haanab Maaoa, 80.46) andl . rlded t-8 of lot 8. Hannah Maaon, fo.56; andlrlded 2-3 ef lot 10.- Hannah Maaon, 80.66; andlrldrd 3-3 of kt 11. Haaaah Ma aoa. 80.46; andlrlded 2-3 of tot 12. Hannah Maaon, 80.45; andlrlded 2-3 Ot kt 13, Hen neb Maaoa. f0.46; aadlrlded 2-3 of lot 14, Haanab Maaon, 80.46; andlrlded 2-3 of tot 15, Hannah Maaoa, fO.45; andlrldrd t-t ef tot 18, Haaaah Maaon, fu.46: nndlrldrd 2-3 of kt 17, Haanak Maaon, 30.46; andlrlded 3-8 of lot 18. Haanab Maaoa, 30.45; nndl-t- Tided 1-8 af lot 1. J. P. Wataon, 80.30; . dlrldrd 1-8 af tot 8, 3, p. wataoa,, 80.3n; andiTioea i-a or tot a, 4. r. wataoa. - aadlrlded 1-3 of tot 4. J. P.. Wataoa. aadlrlded 1-3 of lot ft. J. P, Walaoa. . aadlrlded 1-3 of tot ft, J. P. Watnoa. andlrldrd 1-3 af tot T. J. P. Watnoa, andlrldrd 1-3 of lot 8, I. P. Wataon, andlrlded 1-3 of tot ft, J. P. Wataon, andrrldrd 1-3 of tot 10, J. P. Watnoa, andlrlded 1-8 of tot 11. J. P. Wataon. nndlrldrd 1-3 of tot 13, J. P. Wataon, 80.21); . andlrldrd 1-8 of tot .18, J. P. Wataoa, 8u.3u; nadlrldrd 1-3 of tot 14, J. P. Wataoa, So 2u; aadlrlded 1-3 of tot 15. J. P. Wataea, fn.Til; andlrlded 1-8 af tot 18. J. P. Wataoa. 88.30: andlrlded 1-3 of tot IT, 1. P..Wateon, fo.So; andlrldrd 1-3 of tot 18l J. p. Watnoa. aiOTIl A immJIImAAmA , I II k. w. andlrldrd I I or tot 3, Haanak 36; andlrldrd 3-3 ef tot ft, Haaaak 3ft; andlrldrd 3-3 of tot- T- Haanak 35; andlrldrd 2-3 nf tot 8, llaauah An. - 1 1 I .. a I. . . , k r--r", mm.: wwr-mt -n n aua li. naaaaa So ; nndlrldrd 2-3 ef tot 13. Hannak Maaon. So .16; nadlrldrd 2-3 of tot 16, Hennek Maaoa, i andlrldrd 3-3 nf tot IT, Hennek Meene, 8" "6 1 endieKtre) 1-3 of tot I, J, Wataea, SH IR; andlrlded l-S ef let 8, J. Wataoa, fo.lft; ttedlrtdrd 1-8 of tot ft,. J. W atann, 80.1; mnruwA 1-a of tot T, J. in; wnniTioe 1 - or mt a, 4. 16; andlrldrd 13 af tot It, J. 15; andlrldrd M ef tot 18. J. 1ft; andlrldrd l-S of lot I V J. l;.uantnoee i-a or let 17. J. 15; kt 3, Keel A 1'ereoaal EaUU w. B. Morrla, So.xa; undlrldrd ot t a, W. R. Morrla, SO.SS; undlrldrd of tut 3, W. B. Morrla, fo.36; aadlrlded of tot 4, W. B. Morrla. Su.a&t nodlrldrd U ot tot ft. W. B Maeoa. 80 Maeoa, So Maaon, So warana, eo Watnnw, 3d Watnoa. So Wataea. fo Wataon. An Wateua, 80 C1TT BOTlfJU. a,p "i,, 11 Compaay; So SO; lot , Baal A Peraoaal Balats Compaay, 80.50; lot 8. Heal A INHuoaal KaUte : Cottpany, fo.ftU: aoatk 1-8 of tot 8, Beal A Personal Betate Compear, SO. IS; north 2-3 01 x a., naunaa Maauu, 80.36; lot 10, Haauaa ataauu,; tot 13, llaoaah Maaon. su-iu; . lot 14, Hannah Maaon. 80.IU: tot 18. Hannah Maeoa. Su.Tu; tot 18, Hannah Maaoa, f0.Tui - Bin a. o, unatriaru x-a ef tot I, neauaa Maauu, fo.36; undlrldrd 3-3 of tot 8, Haanak Maaoa. fu.36; andlrlded 8-8 of tot t. lleunak Maaoa, fU.;t6; andlrlded 2-3 of tot T, Hannak Maaon, fU. 20; audlrlded 3-3 of tot W, Hannak Maaoa, )ao.l; andlrlded 2-3 af tot II, Haaaak Maaoa,; audlrlded 8-3 of tot 13, Haaaak Maaon, S0.J6; undlrldrd 8-8 of tot 16. Hannak M.aoaveo .34; undirlded 3-3 of tot IT. Hannak - aaaauo, au. jo; auairiuvu 1-a mt tot J, J. . .'Wataon, fo.lo; audlrtdrd 13 of, tot 8, J. P, " Wataua, SU.IS,.8nrirdrd 1-8 of tot ft, J. P. ; Wataoa, fu.lftf auOlrtdrd 1-3 of tot 7, J. P. ' Wataoa, S0.I6, uudlruWd. 1-3 of tot 8, J. P. Wataon, fo.15; wndlrldrd 1-3 of lot 11, J. P. , Wataon, fu.15; andlrldrd 1-3 of tot 13. J. P. Wataoa, 80.16; undlrldrd 1-8 of tot 15, J. P. - Wataoa. fu.16; audlrlded 1-3 ot tot 17. J. P. . Wataoa, 80.15; tot X, Krnetlne Brnoenbechler, to. 7o; lot 4,' Brnaune aVhomberhler, fu.TO; . eouth of kt 8, Joha IV-bmnbecbler, , aortk of tot ft, KrneoUaa Peppel, fo.36; tot ft, Hannah Maaon, SU.TU; kt 10,, Haanak . Maaoa, SO. no; lot 13. Hannah Maeoa, fOi7U; kit 14, Hannah Menus, ftUU: kt lo. Hannah Maaoa, fo.70; kt 18. Ckarlea W. Hlfglaa, fo.70. BLOCK ft. aadlrlded 1-3 af lot 1 except Oregon A Callforala Ballroad Com pany 'a right ot way, llaauah Maaoa. fo.aft; undlrtded 1-3 of tot 1 except Oregua A Cali fornia 1 Ballroad Compeuy's right of way. Meal A 1'rrauna! KaUte Company, S0.I0; . kt 3, W. B. - Baker, SO.TO; nndJrRkd 8-8 of tot 3. Hannah Maaon, SO. 36; andlrlded 1-3 of k t 3, Krai A Peraoaal Batata Com pany, fu.16; kt 4, Haanak Maaon, f0.7o; lot ft, Martha 11. CrowrU, 8U.5U; tot 8, Martha M. Crowell, So.7o; kt 8. AaaeUa Berretk, fSTWi all of tot T aarept Orrgje A California Ballroad Compaay a rlgbt of way, Amelia Berrotk. SU.&o; all at tot 8 - except Orrgoa A California Ballroad Oom- pany a right ot way, Martha M. Crowell, fu.65: tut IO. Martha M. Crowell, ftO.06; all of tot 11 eiaept Oregon A California Ball road Company a rlgbt ef way, Martha M. Crewelli fu.6u; tot 13. Martha M. Crowell. 80.7U: all of lor l.t aimal Orraroa a ('alitor. nia Kallroad Company a right of way, Mar ina av ecu wen, fu.ou; lot 14, Marina u. Crowell, fo.70; lot 16, John P. .Ward,; tot 18, Joka P. Ward, fo.70; tot IT. Joba P. Ward, fo70; Jot 18, Joka P. Ward, fu.70. BUK K T. tot 1. KUaabrth Tonne. fu.7o; kt 3, r.llxalieth Voung. fu.TO; tot 3, KUa abrth. Y0UU8. SO-To; tot 4. Kllauoeta Vouug, f 70, lot ft. C'oaritr U. ' Netovrairyer, fo.70; tot 8. Mary P. Adam.,1' fo.70; lot I. Delia M. Bchroeder, fa 70; tot 8, Mary P. Adam, fO.To; lot 8, P. A. Urealrr fu.83; lot lu. ttottfrled Metxler, f0.b6 lot 11, - Annie C Brhmeer.' fo.TO; let 13, Annie C. 8V-buwer, aiv.w. au JO, auanrpo oraii,; an ja, f Joeeph Beet, f0.70; tot 15, D. W. Horlblnp; av.iu; tut it, if. n. uoeioias. su-iu; tut 17. Moplila Wetogerber, fo.7u; tot IS, aephla Welagerber, fo.,0. BLOCK ft. . lot 1. liuy Bennett, 80.70; tot 3.. Ouy Beaoett, fO.Tu; tot 3, Ouy Bennett,- fltTO; lot 4, Uay Ben nett, fo.lo; kt ft, Percy H. Biytb,; tot T, Percy H.- Blyth, fo.To; tot 8, Percy H. Blyth,; tot 8. Loulae H. Bmlth. fO.Tu; tot ft. L.olae H. ftmltk, fu.10; tot 10, Har riett B. Klltea. fo.To; tot 11. Ueorge H. .Vaughn, fo.&o; lot 13, Ueorfe H. Vaughn, BLOCK ft, tot 1, Albert Demke, fu-lU ' let ,8, Albert Demke, fu.'iu; tot- 6, Jacob Kelecft, fu.Tu; tot 7. Jacob Mr lack. fu.Tu; lot 8, Jacob Kelacb, fu.66; tot 10, Jacob Braack, fi.u; kt a, Albert Demke, SO. 10; tot 4, Albert Demke. 8U.1U: lot e. Cw . Oakea. o.,y; kt 8. C P. Oakev.30.70; ali o! tot il ylng ' eaaf of - went zu tret of aald tot. C. p. oakaa, fo.63; all 'uf. tot 13 lylns eaat ot waat 38 fret or aald tut, C. a. uakea, SU.So; weat 28 feet of lot 11, orefu A ' California : Kallroad Company, 80. lo; weet .'J I act of tot J2, Oregon A CalUoraU Ball rued Company, 80.16. BLOCK lu, tot 1. Perry Ueaakaw, Uruatee, fu.7; lot 3, Perry Heaabaw, Truatea, 8U-'U; tot ft, , Edward liugaee ikatale, Hrlra at, So.Ti,, tot I. emwara Hugbee Haute, Hrlra of, SU. 70; lot ft, KdwaVd Huaara Ketata. Hclra of. SU.85; tot 11. Kuward Hughra aalate, llrlra of, fU.oft; tot 13. .Ed ward Hlujnea aetate, ueira ot, fo.uu; tot a, Joel' W. Crocker, - fa0; . lot , Joel W. Crocker. SU.Hj; tot ft, Oeorge Jtoller. fo.To; lot 8, Olire. Mccarty, fu.Iu; tot lu, Ollre Mccarty, . 80.S6; all ot tot 13 except weet 43 feet. Ales Keaael, fu.45; all or tot 14 except weet 43 feet,' Alex Keeaei.- fo.5o; Woat 42 fret of tot 13, Karl Kaaaaiapacb,; went 42 feet o8,kt 14, Karl Kau- . aenbacb. fo.30. BLOCK K, kt 1. afary a Burt, fo-lo tot 8, George K. and H. L. Btephenaun, u.7ut- tot ft, A. W. Be kiting. fO.VU; tot 7, llenry A. ': llrldlng, fu.7o; tat 8, Cora N. Beldlug, fO.85: tot li; W. D. Beidlnf, fa8&; kt 13, Henry A. Bcldlng,; lot lu, Bmtw C. ety. fo.86; lot lo. kmlle C Pety. ' fu.86j kt 3, Kraant P. Doach, fu.70; kt 4. . fcrncit P. Doach, f0.7o; kt ft, H. A. aad A. W. Uridine;. f0.7U; tot s, li. A. and A. W. balding, 0. To; weat 28 feet ot tot lu. '-Orecoa A Callforala Kallroad Company-, 80.86; f eaat 84 feet of tot lu, Kra J. Parkerr; - tot 12, Era- J. Parker, fo.7U( kt 14, W. D. ' Beldlug. fo.76. BLOCK 13, tot 1,- Joeepk ; P. Kelly, SU.l'j; kt 8, Ckarlot W. Droacbel, fu-Tu; tot ft, - A. C ixmanlrtw fu.70; tot 7. A. C. Lobmlre, f0.u; tot w. U. A. aad A. W. - keldlng, fu.86: lot 11, aiartla Vt'lncB,; ! tot. 13. Marr P. Ptach, 30.70 ; tot If, Mary P. Pinch, fa To; tot IT. Kadolph Becker, fu.75; tot 18, Budolph Becker, so. 75; tot 3. W. C. McMUlan, fu.70 tot Ar-, C Mc- - MlUan, So-Tu; tot 8, Wi C. McMMIaa,; tot M.'W, C. McMllUn, fu.To; kt lu, Alicia J. Kata, fo.86; lut. li, Kllan J red, fu.7u; tot 14. KUaa Jarrd, fu.70; lot 18, Mary P. Pinch, fu.JU. BLOCK -13, andlrlded of lot 1. 'J.'. P. Brnndao. fu.35; andlrlded 44 ot kt 1, Helen A. Jeoee,; tot ft, Jamae rioniunrey, fa lo; tot 8, James Humphrey, fu.7u; tot T, Jamea Humphrey, fO.70; tot 8, Bobert Jacobaua. 80.86; tot Jt, . Donga Ea gctoud, fO.Tu; kt-nia. Donga Kugelatad, 8U.TU; lot 15, W. Ji, Ward, So.oo; tot 1. W. rJ.WatuVli.W); tot i;-hal A Pereonat Batata Company, fa7U; lot 4, ateal A Peraoaal Ba tate Uompaay, ftu.70; tot e, W. 11. Uaaaea, , 80.70; tot 8, W. U. Uenwa, fuTu; tot lu, W. Welnnof7. fu.8b; tot 13, Albert L. Albert aoa, 80.70; tot it. Joaeph DeMartlnL fu.70; . tot IT, Michael Bullet, fu.80; tot 18, Mlobarl Dullut, fu.Su. . BLOCK 14. lot 1. Pred B. MlU.r. fu.70; kt 8. Richard Knllnger, fo.To; . lot a, Joaeph DeMnrUnl, fu.70; tot , WlUlam P. Barrell, ' Traatee, SO.'ftii wret 38 feet of kt 8. Oregon A California Ballroad Company, fu.35; aaat 34 fret of , lot 8. W. K. Wataon, ?a4b; tot 11. Hope la -wVrlagarber, f0.70; lot 3, Sophia Welagerber, rf tut W wwerga Klttmayrr, fo.70; tot 17, Jamea L. CaraweU. 8u.rU; lot 18, Jamea U Carawell, fq.TOf aot a, anmr-ai. aveene, eu.iv; tot a. Anna . . Keeae, fu.70; . kt 8, Aaaa M. Keeae, S0.7o; tot 8. Anna M. Krene, fu.70; kt lu, Aaaa K. - Keene, f.8(; lot 13, Aann K. Keeae. SO.Tji; . tot 14, Anna B. Keene, fu.Tu; tot 18,. Aula K. Keene, SO.To: tot 18, Darld M. Watklnde, So.74; lot 311. Pred BpogeJe., fu.75. BLOCK 15. tot 1, Jamea U Carawell, fu.70; tot 3, Jamea . L. Carawell, fo.70; tot 8. Jamea L . CaraaraD, f".T0: lot 4,, Jamea L. Carawell, fo.7o; tot 6, Jamea L. Carawell, fo.70; lot 8. Jamea L. Carawell, f0.7u: tot I, UllUa Carawell. fu.TO; Jot 8, Jamea L. Carawall. fo.70; tot 8, Jamea U CarewelL fH.oo; lot Hi, Jamea L. Carawell, fa 86; tot 11, Jamea a. caraweu, au.iu; lot iz. Jamea 1 carawell, lu: tot J a, uiliaa caraereii, xo.70; aortk of tot 14, Kate Carrey,' 80. Ho; nortk lot 18. Kate Carrar. 80.36: aoutk (4 of tot 14, Kllea McNnlty, 80.86: eeuth et tot 18, Ellen aerially,; tot 15, Haanab Ma aoa, - fu.70; kt 17, Rudolph Becker, fO.lei; tot IN, Kadolph Becker, fu.80; tot 18, Kate Carrar, fo.MO; kt 30,. IClIra McNulty, BLOCK 18. tot 1. Joaeph and B. W4ber,- fo.TO; tot 3. Joeeob aad B. Weber. 80.TO: tot jl Jearpk and K. Weber. f0.70; lot 4. Joaeph and K. W eber. SO.TO: tot ft. Joaeph and . Wehrr. 80.70. tot ft, Joaeph and B. Weber, fo.To; tot .7, Joaeph and K. Weber, fO. To; tot 8, Joarpk ana rrrorr, av.iv, mn w, aoaepn ana m. Weber, So. 86; kt lo, Joaeph and B. Wrbrr, ; fu.85, kt 11. Joaeph and B. Wrber, fo.Tu; lot 13, Joaeph and K. Weber, fa Jo; kt 15, Joarph and B. Weber, SO. 70; tot .13. Michael Tanctor, fu.TO; let 14. Michael TuouJer, fu.Tu; tot Id, Anna ftteek, 80.46; lot OT, Pultoa I nltrd Artleana' Building Aaaoclation f l.ou; tot 18, Kmeat lloae, fLu6 . lot 18, Anna . Btork, fl.ial; lot 2u, joarpk Wrber, fu.80. BLOCK 17, tot 1. 0. N. McLeod, fu.78; lot X ' C. N. MiLrod, 10.70; lot 8, C. N. McLeod, ' S0.70: lot 4, N. McLeod, fu-T0: kt t. C. It. McLeod. fO.70; tot A C N. McLeod, fO.Tu; tot, C. If. McLeod, fu.70: tot 8. fC, N. McLeod, 80.70:- tot 8, Flora B, CrH J trndro, 80.86; lot 1 4 Flore B. Critlrnden, 8u.M; tot 13, C. If. McLeod, fO.Tu; lot 14, C. N. McLrod, fO.TO; tot 18, C. N. McLeod, Si. To: kit 18, C. N. McLrod, fo.TO; lot II. anaak Maaoa. 80.70: tot 13. Hannak -.mai. Sl.70; tot Id, Hannah Maaon, fo.70; tot 17, annah Maaoa, fu.7; lot 18, M. McNulty, font; tot 21, M. McNnlty, f0.7ft; tot l, - Kllan aad Joha A. . Keller, fe.H6; lot 33, P.llaa aad Joba .A. Keller,; tot 34. Bllaa aad Joba A. Keller, fro. TO; tot 33, . Alpbonae Lenoir, fo.TO; tot 26, Alpbouee Le ' aeir.f0.70: tot 28, Alpbonae Lenoir, WTO; tot 27. Hannah Maaon, fo.7u; lot 38, Haaaak Maaoa. fu.Tu, BLOCK. 18, tot 1,. Clara IT. McLeod, fU.T0-. lot 8. Clara N. McLend, ftju.Tu; lot ft, Tba Hlhernlaa ftarlnga Bank, SO.Tn: tot T, The HlbrmlM Waring Rank, fo.To; tot 8. Led wig Wlleelm, fu.85; tot 11. adwl( W'llbelm. 80.70; tot 1 Bolomna Belaav fO.TO; tot 16. ftoloanaa BeMa. SO To; lot it, Mary i. rieaeea, mt le. Mary I. Hrdgea, fu.KI; tot 31, Haanak Maaoa. fu.70; ' let 33. Haanak Maaon. So 70; tot 25. Haanak Maaoa. fo.7u: tot 38. Haanak Maaoa. fa 70; lot 3, Marianne Vaudrlear. ftu.70; tot 4. Marl lame Vanrlrlror,, fo.TO; tot ft, tTara N. Method, fto.70: lot 8. William and Anna Benin. 80.70: iot 10. W. P. Barrell, True. ' tre, fO.n&i lot 13, W. P. Barrell. Traatee, faTO; tot 14. H. IL.ttnbMaa, to. TO: tot e, - Jam-- . ft, Jehaatoae, fo 70: tot 13, Jamea 8. Jehaatnae. fn.70; tot 20. Nortbera Ceaatlee lareetmrnt Truat. Ltd.. 80. 6; tot 23, Carl O. Andrreoa, 80.70: tot 24, W. A, and Mllle C. VIagrraVi fo.70; tot 27. W. A. aad Utile C, Vlrrrre, fo.TO; tot 2". W. A. aad Ullle r. Vlrgera. fo.TO. BI1CK 18. tof 1. W. p. 1 Barren. Traatee. fO.70: tot 1 W- P. Burred, Trnalee. let 3, W. P. BStrPll. Trnarre. fo.TO; let 4. W. P. Barrell, Trnarre. 8)1.70; tot ft, Clara If. McLeod. fo.TO: tot ft. William Prledlander, 80.70; lot 1, William . Prleit- 0ITT BOTTCXft, ; lander, fo.TO: tot 8. WUllam Prlrdlandrr, fO.TO: kt 8. WIIMam PMedlandrr, fO.Blr) tot , lu, William Prtrdlandef. ftOSO; lot 11. tnlted Btaten Nattoaal Baak. fo.To; lot 12. I nltrd eta tea national Baak, fu.70;, tot 13. United . Hlatea National Bank, f' TO; tot 14. Vnltrd Btaree National Bank, fo.To; tot 16. lulled . Btatra National Bank, So To; kt Id, I'uited - Biatea rtauorai rtauk, SO. JO; lot if, H. al, and W. M. Cake, fo.TO; tot 18, H. M. and W, M. Cake. SO.To: tot in Arthur w. Uraham. f.86; tot 2u. -Hannah Maaoa, f0.M5; tot 33 nanati niani, no. lu; tot XI, Kreretl n. rtTall I. g. fOTO; g. io.T0i g. I0.T11; - ornun. au.iu; lot 3J. Johanna Irrlag, iot , i-iaiia aaa torn N. Beiding, tot 36, Llaale aad Core N. Bcldlng, tot 3,.lJaale and Cora N. BrMIng, : kt 37, A. W. aad H. A. Brldlng, , lot 38, A. . W. and H.- A. Brldlna. . so.iu; fo.To; . fi.T0. BLOCK SO. kt I, W. P. Burrell, Truatre, Uo; tot 2, W. P. Burrell. Truatre, Su.Tu; lot 8, W. p. Burrell. Truatee. 80.70: lot 4. W. P. Burrell. Truatre. Su.Tu; tot ft. W. P. ' Burrell. Truatre. fu.TO; lot f. W. P. Burrell, Traatee. fa7; lot T, W. P.' Barrell. Treat., fu.70; lot ft. Alice P. McCarthy, f0.7o; tot 8. w. P. Burrell. Trtetee. fo 85; tot . lo. AHre P. McCarthy, fu.85; lot 12,, Alice P. McCarthy, faTO; tot II. Edward W. and Helen M. Oaaeett, fo.TO; tot 13, P.ra May .. Oaaaett. faTu; lot 14, Joaale P.. 8. Plrck. SalU: kt 7ft, Jeaala B. 8. Plrck. faTO; . lot 18. Jraale B. 8. ptork. fa To; kt IT. Jeeele E. 8- Pleck, faTO; tot 18, Jceele B. ft. Ptock. fU.TO; dot 1. Jeeaie B. 8. Pleck. tuft6 tot 30, Jeaelav E. ft. Ptork, S" 6; tot 31, J ne a. Johnatoae, fo.To; tot 33, Jamea 8. Johaatoae, 8a70; lot 25, Marie E. Hoaato, fo.To; tot 28. Maria B. Hoaale, fO.TO; tot 33, Beeainger A Co., Traatae. fo.TO; tot 34, - Beaaluger A Co., Truatea. fO.TUi tot 27, Bee ainger A Co., Troatre, fu.70: lot 38, Beeainger A Co.t Truatee, fo.TO, BLOCK 21, tot 1, J. M. Tbompaoa. falo; tot 3, J .M. TnompeaB, K.7U lot ft. Lleale Morrleon. So lo: tot 7, -toe D. Neer, faTO; tot 8, Detoe D. Nerr, fu.85; lot 11, Joba A. Johoatoa and Jamea . Olaea, f l.TU; tot 13. John A. Jobnatoa aad - Jamea. Olaen, fo.70: lot lo, Ulbrrnla Baring Bank, 30. To; tut IT, Ulbrrnla Harlnga Hank, fo.7o; lot 18, Ulbemle Bartuga Bauk, fa Mi; - tot 21. T. W. Heauatnau, f0.7o; kt 23. ' Bernard C McCarthy, falo; tot 25, Nellie M. . Ward, fo.70; tot 27, Caarlea P. Little, fato: tot 3, Herman Btorg. fo.70: tot 4. Her . una blerg, fu.7o; hit ft, Herman Btorg, falo; kt ft, A. W.'and 11, Bekllug,; tot 10, Pannle A. Cnrtla, f0:sft; tot 13, Nettle O. tlradoe, fO.Tu; tot 14, Nettle 0, tiradon, fu.7u; tot lu, Boxaana Courtney, fO.70; tot ' 18. WlUlam r. Courtney,; lot 30. Jeeaie ' BuUlran. 80.86; tot 33, H. L, 'latum aud J. i. Bowed, f.l.10; . tot 24,. SeymouC C. . Prteudly, fa 70; lot 38. W. P. Bum-II,- Tru . tee, fu.70; tot 28, ' Braela Blwurr. fu.7U. BLOCK 33, tot 1, Alliance Traat Company, Ltd., f0.7o; tot 3, O. aad Loulae Laehmelr. Ci.IU; tot ft. Albert Krumrvy, falo; t ... T, J rani a Bower, fuu; kt 8, . Jeanla Bower, fO.fft; tot 11. a red 8. MlUrr, S0.70; tot 13, Vred. 8., Miller. SU.TU; kt 15, ' VVllUaaetu Tribe No, 'o, luprorea Order of Bed Men, fU.7o; lot IT. WtUametta Tribe No. U, Improred Order of Bed Men, 'fu.Tu; xjaa iv, ciiue c am Banna, ; lot 81. alary K. Hpaale, fO.TO; tot 33, Mary E. Hexate, au.Tii lot no. Mary c Hoxaiar taio; lot 81, Llaalo Hrldlng. fu.Tu; tot 2. (irorae Lacb . aneler. faTu; lot 4. Oeorge Lacbmeler, fo.7u; , tot ft, Karah K. Bremen, f0.7o; lot 8, Harah - E... Kveraou, fo.70; lot IU, H. K. Long, fo.86; . kt I2HK 10-. fU.To; tot 14. H. K. ling, fO.70; kit 18,rMcKlnley Mltcbrll. fO.70: tot ; 18. McKlnley MltchrlL fa Jo; tot XU, W. D. Brldlng. fu.nft; tot ZA A. aad A. W. Brldlng. ' fo.70; hit 34. Liaaie BeMIng, 30.70; tot 3U, Mary B. Hoxale, fa 70: tot 23, Llaale Beldlug, fo.7a BLOCK 2.1, lot I, Mary P.. Taylor. . So. 10; lot 3, Maud W. Woolfolk, 10.70; tot .. ft. Darld Ooodaell, fo.To; tot T, -Clara B. Craue. fo.70; tot V. Mary K. Uuxato,. fo.86; v tot ll, Calrary. Preabytrrlaa Cburcb, Sa7u; lot, 13, Calrary Preabytrrlaa Church, fu.70; - tot' 15, Buaaanah Blmmerman, fo.7u; tut 17, Huaanna Klnuuermaa, f0.rU; tot lu. Buaaaaa Blmmerman, fo.86; tot . 21, Sueanna Elmmer ; man. fu.TO; tot 23, Buaanun Blmmerman, ' fu.70: tot 35. Saaanna, Klmmermen, falu; tot 28, nana ana Blmmermaa, fo.70; ' tot 2, U. M and. Drna ttoblrr, -fu.70; lot 4.-0. M. " and Dena Bohler, fO.TO: to( 8. Bruno B. . Uanther, fO.TO; lot 8, Joaepb Plnke, fO.Tu; tot 10, Idn Lowenaon, fo.86; kt 12, Oeorge Wright Poet No. 1, li. A. R., SO. TO; kit 14, ' John Mattblreea, fo.TO; kt 18. Boflr E. lonrence. fo.TO; tot 18. A. W. Jonee, faTu; kt 30, Maggie W. Uttle, fo.85; tot 22, Maggie K. Joaea and Mary A. Cooler, SO.Tu; . lot 34, Michael Mouler, fu.70;. tot 37, rVllbel mlaa Talil. fo.To; fat 28, Cbrlatlaa Johaaon, fo.70. BLOCK 24, . tot i, Hannah, Maaon, 80.4O; kt 8. Hannah Maaoa, 0.7or lot 3, v Hannah Maaoa,; tot 4. Hannah Maaon. ..So.70; tot 6. Hannah Maaon. fo.4o; tot ft, Hannah Maaoa, 80.70; tot T. Hannah Maaon, Rl.ftu; tot 8.- Hannah Maaoa, fo.70; lot 8, annah Maaoa,; tot 10, Hannah Maaon, - 80.S6; lot 11, Hannah Maaon,' fo.66; tot 13. - Hannak Maaon. 80.70; tot 13, Haaaah Maaon. J 8756; lot 14. Hannah Mnwm. fu.TO; tot 15, lanuah Maaoa, 80.80; tot 18, Hannah Maana, fu.70; tot IT, Haaaah Maaoa.. fO.ftu; lot 18, Haaaah Maeoa, fo.70; lot 10. , Hannah Maaoa, 50.85; tot 20. Hannah Maeou. fu.85 1 tot 31. Hannah Means, fu.70; tot 22. Hannah Maaoa, fa7u; tot 33. Hannah Maana. fa70; kt 34, Hannah Maaoa, 80.7,,; tot 23. Hannah Maaoa. fo.70; kt 38, Hannah Maaon, fo.7U; tot 27, Hannah Maaon,. S0.7U; lot 38, Hannah- Maaoa. So. 7a . BLOCK 25, tot 1, Margaret Mackay.-f4.8jl; tot 2. Margaret Mackay. f7.4U; tot 8. Margaret Mark ay. 85.66; lot -4. Margaret Mackay, 7.40., BUKK 28. mbdlrlaton l.of tot A. Mnggle Murphy, fft.7u; aubdlriatoa 3 of tot , A. Maggie Murphy. fu.To; aubdlrlaloa 3 of kt A, Delia H. Dale. fo.To; aundirlaton 4 ot lot A, L. il. and A. H. Maxrrrll, faTO; - anbdlrleloa ft of kt A. Margaret White, so.70; Snbdlrlaloa ft of tot A, Margaret White, So.70; aubdlriatoa T of tot A, Margaret White. fo.To; aubdlrlaloa ft of tot A,, Jennie Currlr. 80.701 aubdlrlaloa ft of tot A. Jraale Carrie. fu.85; aabdlrlaloa 10 ot lot A. Jeanla Carrie, rJ.'i wwiirami as w aoc av, aennie carrie. 0.7O1 . BulMllrlaloB 13 of lot A. l . I UK. . . I. 1 1 ... . . , . . .. nnmming. av.iu; auoairiaioa ix of tot A. .. . Margaret watte, aajo; auudlrtalon 14 ef tot .... A. Margaret White, SO.TO; aubdlrlaloa 16 of .: hit A, ). Haaaea. fo.Tu; auudtrlatoa . 18 of - tot A, TlUlo P. Cornellae, fu.70; aalidrrlelon 17 of kt A. Tllll P. Cornrllua. fo.TO; aub- oinaton ja or rot A. . Xf J. fotter, aubdlrlaloa 1 of tot B, Wraley Miller, ;. aubdlrlaloa 2 of tot B, Wriley Miller, . aubdlrlaloa 3 of tot B, Julia Marouaui, enbdlrialon 4 of kt B. Julia Maraimm. aubdlriatoa ft of lot B, Gander J. Humming, r m. .m . ..!..i!ii , . , u , j mn.. i , ,Hvuiii.iua v vi ava a, aaarr a., ituama, - SO. 70 ; oubdrrlaloa T of tot B, W. P. Burrell, . Traatee, So.70; aubdlriaton 8 of lot B. W, P. . Burrell. Trnateo. fo.TO; aubdlrlaloa ft of tot B. W. P. Burrell, Traatee, fO.XS; aabdlrlaloa . 10 ef lot B. W. P. BurrelL Trnatae. -An.xr.: ' aubdlriaton 11 of lot B, W. P. Burrell, Tnnv. Tn. aMv; eunojriaioa ix or lot tl, 8. BurrelL Traatre, SO 70; enbdlrialon 18 of tot B. Mary E. A name, fo.70: aubdlrlaloa 14 of tot B. Mary B. Adam. fu.TO; aubdlrta- km 15 of lot B. Mary B. Adama, fo.70: aub dlrlaloa 1ft of lot B, Jamea W. Brandt. 30.70; enbdlrialon 17 ot tot B, Uunder J. Bumming. S0.T0: aahdlrlaloa 18 of tot B. W. ti Burrell. ' Traatee, faTO, BLOCK 37, kt 1. Ellen H. . Bcbollbora Batate, llrlra of. 87.40; tot 8. - Kllru H. Hcnollborn Keute, Hrlra of. 87.40; - aubdlriatoa 1 et tor A. C. M. Koaaell, Trnetrr, 30.70; aulidlrlrtoa 2 ef tot A. C. M. Kuaeell, Traatre, 80.78; aabdlrlaloa 8 of lot A, C. M. Kueerll. Trwatee, fo. 70: aubdlrlaloa 4 of lot A. C M. BuaarlL Traatee: fu. 70; anbdlrlalon ft of tot A, C. M. Buaeell, Truatee. fu.7i); aub dlriatoa ft of lot A, C. M. Kuaeell. Truajre, f0.7o; enbdlrlirton T of tot A, Moy Bark II In. 0. To; Bubdlriatoa 8 of tot A, W. P. Burrell. Traatee. fo.TO; aubdlriaton ft of kt A. Moy Back- Hlo. fo.TO: aubdlrlaloa 10 nf tot A. W. P. Burrrll, - Trnatre, fo.70; eabdlrtetoa 1 of tot B, M. J. Dnffr. fo.TO; aubdlrlaloa 2 of lot B. Hoag Chea How. S0.T0; aubOlrtalnn 8 of tot B. W. H. MrEldowaey and t. T. . IiOonard. SO. TO: aubdlriatoa "4 of tot B. W. - P. Burrell, Traatre. fu.Tu; enbdlrialon f of letK, W. H. McBiriowney and J. T. Leonard, 0 To: aubdlrlaloa 8 ef tot B, C. M. Kuaeell. 30.70; aabdlrlaloa T of tot B. W. M. Law, 8)1.78; aobdlrlalon ft of lot B, Mor. Bact Hln. 80.70; enbdlrlatoa ft of tot B, W, M. Lew. 4o.40;' eubdirlaloo 10 of tot B, Moy Bark ; Ilia, fft.en. BLOCK 28, kt 1. Jennla and ' J. M Belcher. T.40; lot S. Jamea B. Pol , bemua. 87.40: anlallrlalon 1 nf tot 2, William and Knalna Oelger. fO.Su; tnbdirlalen 2 of lot 2, William aad Bnalnn Oelger, 80 80; enhdl eiatoa 8 of tot 2, WUllam and Boalna Oelger, so. en. mbdlrlaton 4 of lot 2, WlUlam and - Boalna Oelger, SO.00; anhdlrlamn ft of tot 2, William and Boalaa Uelgrr, So.l; aubdlrlaloa ft of tot 3, Wlllam aad Knalna Uelgrr, fu.aii; aubdlrlaloa T of .tot 3, WUllam aud Knalna Origrr, So.ftO; aubdlrlaloa ft of tot 3. WlllUm aad Roan Oelger, SO.OU; aubdlrlaloa r . tot 2. WUllam and Uoalna Oelger, f0.8u; tabdlrletoa 10 of hat 2. William and Boalna Oelger, S0.80; anbdlrialon 1 of tot 4, Mr. M. J. Wramce.; enbdlrialon 3 of tot 4, .vMr. M. J. Wromer, f.i.50; aubdlrlaloa 8 of . kt 4, Mra, V. i. Weamer, SO 501 e-.ibdlrnitoa 4 ef tot 4.'Mre. M. J. Wramrr. fo.7U; aubdl ' ehrlon ft of tot 4, Mra. M. J. Weamer. fo.78; aubdlrta ton 8 of tot A Mr. M. J. Wramrr, fu.7l ahdirla;ea T , ef tot 4, Mr. M. J. Weaajrr. fn.tto; anbdlrialon 8 nf tot 4. Mra. M. J. Weaatrr. fo.80; anhdlrtalon 0 of lot 4, Mra. M. J. Weamer. 80.70. BLOCK 28. tof 1. Margaret H. lienlwnni. fl.05; tot 3. Mar ; garrt II. Denholm, fl.10; tot 8, Margaret . H. Denholm. fi.10; lot 4, Margaret II. Ilea bolm,; tot ft. Marram H. Drnhelm, fl.10; tot ft, Margaret H. Iirnnolm. fl.lo; lot . Margaret H. Denholm, fl.oA; tot ft. Mar , earet H. lienhnlm. fl.iai; lot ft. Margaret IL Denholm. fl.oo: tot lo. Margar, H. Den holm. (i.06. BLOCK SO. aabdlrtatoa 1 nf tot .A. Kmlly R. aad Jamea terra a,; anMlTBlna 8 of kt A, Predrrlck P.grrt. . fo,B6 enbdlrfatoa 3 - it tot A. Preocrlck Mrcrt. fo.Moi i uhdlr!loe 4 ef tot A, Pred ertrk Pegert, fA.8&; anhdlrKbua-S of tot A. PrrdrrK-k Eggert, fo.88: enbdlrratoa ft et tot A. W. P Bnrrrll, Trnetrr, fa7.1:aab . rilrHloa T of tot - A. Jenkln Vei Btrrrna, SO.T5: anKdlrl.ton I of tot B. W. P. Burrell. Traatre.. fO.On; eabdlrlelna 3. of tot B, W. P. Biwrell. Traatee, 80.64, A trart of lead eate-era Iba annth line et Vermont atrert and the north Una ef euMlrWtca .7 of tot A ef hWe-k - 80. ftentherw rnrtland. and between the eaat llae of Peaaaylranla otreet and the weeterly line ef the reou and California Ballroad Ceaanaoy'a flftht af way, Martha M. Crowell. ' f I 38. Atrart af Und bet are a lbs snath line ef Ver CITT STOTIOn. tlni ef lot k' 80. mont itreat and Iba north aubdlriaton - ft of lot II block Southern Portland and 'alean the- weat Una of Connecticut el reel and the eeelerly line of ilia Ore on and CaDfurnla Kallroad Coin. Panr'arTUlIlt nf mm l V. Cnaall JCainio.. llelra if, fo.80.' " . .... SOL'THKR.-f PORTLAND, OHEOON BLOCK . I. mt i. rm locum Brlaa. SO. 46; tot 3, oolo I oioa Brine, to. o; tot 3. Holomoa Kelaa. fn.46i ' tot 4. ftolnraon Krlea. So.70; tot ft. ftniomon ae-, eu-iu; mt o. novo nam Brlaa,; lot k T. ftotomm Itelae, fo.05; tot ft, Holomoa Uelaa. -fo.80; tot 8. Botorooa Rrla." fo.sui tot 10. ' ' Botomoa Brian, 80.46; kt II. Botomoa Relaa,; tot 12. Botomoa Kelaa. So 40: tot 13. 1 ' !'fc.,;n,,". M''",i ftii.oui. lot 14, Boloaaoa Belae, ' 80.56; tot 16, Botomoa Brian, fo.80; kt 10, -. Hnlomoa Brian, fo.TO, TbLOOK 33. tot , I, Hannah Maaon. 36.73; lot 8. HaSnah Maaoa. w".w. oaavi. k oa. auoairiaioa 1 or tot a il 8. Keed. 80.711: auhdlrlaLaa 8 nf lot . Jam aL ttaod no Tom niwii.i.lM n . nf ' lot 1, Jamea 8. Keod. SO.TO; aubdlrlaloa 4 : at tot 1. Jamra ft. Keed, -fu.T0; aubdletalna ft nf tot 1, Jamea 8. Read,; snbdirtoton ft of tot 1, Anas 8. Btofcman.; euhdlrtaton T ef lot 1,. Anna ft. BJok. ' - ni fo.70; aabdlrlaloa 8 of tot 1, J. B. I'llkliujton and A. W. Wright, f 0 TO; arabdl rleton 8 ft tot 1. J. N. Burt, fo.To: aubdl- dlrlelAM tl , 1, I . ii an r. auhillrlHtiMk 1 In. I 3 U MUI-.IM A. W. Wright, to. 75; aubdlriaton 13 of tot -. I. J. l- Pllklngtoa and A. W. Wright. ' fo.76; aubdlrlakio It of tot 1, Joba T. Ceok, fO.T6; aubdlriatoa 1ft of tot 1, Joba T. Cook, fa 76 1 aahdlrlaloa I of kt 2. Celie M. Prle . end Edwin M tjerlnev Blk Th uhalikUa . ' 3 of tot 2. CeUa M. Prior and Bdwla 8, . McCllncy, So 80; aubdlrlaloa 8 of tot 8, Cell M. Prler aad Bdwla 8. McCllncy.; aubdlrlaloa 4 of tot 2. Cella M. Prler aad Bdwla B. McCllncy. fu.80; eutxllrleton ft nf , hit a. t elle M. Prler aim fcdwla tt. Mo-' ' Cllncr. So.aMl aubdlriaton a of lot t Crila M. Prlrr aad Bdwla 8. McCllncy, 80.70: eub- dlTlaloa T of tot 3, Cella M. Krter and tow la ' . 8. McCllncy. fo.TO: aubdlrlaloa ft of tot 3, ' Cella M. Prler and Edwin 8. McCllncy, -fu.Tu: , ' aubdlrlaloa 8 of tot 3. Cell a M. Prior nod . Edwin 8. McCllncy. to. 70: aubdlriatoa 10 of 8' a Vflia 88 ftirf V834J aCU UTI g, aa3.A. , " fatu: Modlrlaina 11 of tot 3. Cella M. Prior and Kdwla 8. McCllncy, fu.70; aubdlrlaloa 12 at tot 3. Cella M. Prler aad Edwla 8, " McCllncy, fo.To; aubdlrlaloa 18 of tot 3. ' ' Cella M. Prlrr aad Bdwla 8. McCllncy. to.7o: anbdlrUloa U of let 3. Cella M. Prler and , Kdwla 8. McCllncy. f0.7u; nulidlrtaloa 13 of tot 2, Cella M. Prler aad Kdwla ft. Mc- . Cllncy, 80.40. BLOCK 34, aubdlrlaloa 1 ef - , mt la, a. v. nnjnaain, w.ou, auiHioiaioB n ' of tot O. K. C Brouaugk.-fU.SB; aubdlrlaloa , 3 of tot O, K. C. Broaaugk, SO. 36; aubdlrlaloa A. aS L..O u i AS TUna.e.a.uW tAal MA . aiilullola.Uw . ft of tot G, 8. C. Brotuugh, SU.86; aubdlriatoa , t - 'a, ,1 . . I. mm. UK.- ..JuU-UI-. ' w v awa u. afe V. .l uu.., u. vi.uu, wiaw,,mmwvmt T ot tot li, K. C. Bronaugh. 8U.3S; euodlrlaloa a et lot u, b. v. nroaauga,; auoairiaioa , 8 of tot U, K. C. Bronaugh, 80.86; auUllTlaioa : loot lot u, K. -. tirunaugn,; eueainaioa Hot tot O, B. C. Bronaugh, fu.35; aubdlrlaloa 13 of tot O, V.. C. Bronauah, 8U.36; aubdlriatoa - 13 of tot U, K. C. Bronaugb, fa 35; aubdlrlaloa - 14 of tot 0. E. C. Uroneugh, 80.46; aulKltrlaton ', 18 of kit U, K. C. Bronaugh, 80.86; aabdlrlaloa , 17 of tot U, K. C Bronaugh, fu.36; aubdlrlaloa . 18 of tot U, K. C. Broaaugh, fo.36; aubdlrlaloa . . 13 of tot U, B. C. Bronaugh, 8U.36; eubdlrlaloa . ' . 2o of tot O. K. C, Brooaugu. fu.86; 'aubdlrlaloa . 31 of lot O, K.-C. Broaaugh, 80.36; aubdlrlaloa S3 of tot O, E. C. Broaaugh, fu.36; aubdlriaton " 24 of tot 0, K. C Broaaugh, SO. 36; aabdlrlaloa : 35 of tot 0, K. C Bronnugb, SU.36; aubdlrlaloa ' 38 ef tot U. K. C. Hrooaurn. 80.36; aubdlrlaloa . - .37 of tot li, K. C'Krooaugh, SO. 36; aubdlrlaloa u . i. . ., u i, i. .... tnCi . u 1 1 li ' 1.' ' Hi. anlMllrla'lnm 1 nf kit - H. B. C. Broaaugh,. ' ' 8.35: aubdlrlaloa 2 ef tot H, E. C. Brooaugu, XO.H6; eabdlrlatoa S of tot H. B. C Bronaugh, 8U.U6: aubdlrlaloa 4 of tot H, E. C. Bronaugh, -- ..; aubiltrlalon f ot kit Hi K. C Bronaugh. -80..16! aubdlriatoa 8 of tot H, E. C Brooangh, - hii UA. .,HK.IIl,l.d. 1 f L,t 11 V. 41. Hrouauah. V ' 0.Ji; aubdlrlaloa 8 of tot H. K. C. BrouegH, , . ' S0.:b; eubdlrletoa 8 of tot H, K. C. Bronaugh, 8U.36; uuimiTiaaua ll or mt n, k. c. nronauau, . 80.35; nubdtrlatoa 13 of lot' 11, K. C. Brouauiih. " In.;; eundlrlaloa 13 df bit H, K. C. Bronaugh, , 0.33; aubdlrlaloa 14 of tot H, E. C Broaaugh, - a,, . -..,(,1,1.. IK L.r VI V. i Hainauah. fo!.S6; aubdlrlaloa 18 of tot H, H. Cv BronauKb. . 80.33; aulMllrlaloa 17 af tot H, K. C. Brooauiih, ' ' an :uv hdiviai IM mt lot M. K. C Bronaugh. : fo.36; aubdlrlaloa IS of kit H. E. C Brouamtby fo.36; aubdlriaton 3V of tot U. B. C. Bronauga, , au :t6; anhdlrlahui 21 of lot H. K. C. Bronaugn. . ' SU.35; aubdlriatoa 23 of tot H, B. t:. Bronaugh. '. -.. . . l .l,ul. -, 1... II Vlfl BmiumIi. ' bu!:i&; aubdlrlaloa 34 a f tot 11, K. C. Brouaugn, '-' . fu.:5; aubdielstoa 36 of too H. K. v. nroanugn. . BU.36; aubdlriatoa 38 of tot 11, K. C. Broneugu, Sa36; aubdlrlaloa 37 of tot H, B, C, Bronaugh, - , fo.35; aubdlriatoa 3ft ef tot H. K. U. Bronaugh, . aaan. KIAM'K 8b. aubdlriaton 1 of tot A. , -redrrlcli Kggrrt, 30.7o; aubdlriaton t of tot . A. Prederlrk Kggrrt, faTu; aubdlrlaloa 3 uf . - kt . 1-rederlck Bggert. fo.To: aubdlrlaloa 4 ,'. . D Wl A. f IWIIl', .' m-",vj ." " ' , m, 1ft of tot A. Predrrlck Kggrrtv 8.TU; aubdl. t. ... " ri.leu 8- of tot- A, 0- M. Haaaell. Trnetee v fo.To; anbdlriatoa T of lot A. Prederlrk . r Kgge.t,' SU-IO; aubdlriatoa 8 of tot A. Vlli- , ' Uu Labor, fO.Tu; aubdlriaton ft . of .tot A, ' ' , W. LAlgan, eu.iv; auoturwoo JO ,ai aoa A, William lebbe,- 80-TU aubdlriatoa II it , nt A, AUgannn annu, r'"! mrm. . 13 "of tot A, CM. Koaaell. Truatee. f0.1u . nubdiTlatna 13 of lot A, C. M. HuaaeU, True i tie, f0.T3;. attbtUrMon 14 .of . tot A, C. - M. -' RuaacIL Traatee, So lUi aubdieudoe 1. of lot B. W. ii. M, -aad M. A, Hay: SU.7U; . aubdlrUInn 2 ot tot' B. Barah A. -Brown, ' ' fo.lo; aubdlriatoa ft of tot B, C. M. Haaaell, r; . fU.To; aubdlriaton 4 of tot B, Arthur Mather, . fo.TO: euUlirlaloa 6 of lot - B. , Moy Back , 'Hln. fa 70; aubdlriatoa ft ot tot B. C M. ." KiUKclL Traatee, fo.lo; aabdlrlaloa T of tot B. W. P. Burrell. Traatee, fu.Tu: aortk of kt 1. Martha M. Crowrll, fl.OO. BLOCK , sui k,l 1 frank H. Urubb. SO. 76: tot 3. it , l VdUtherlne L. Trrrett.' fo.T6; kt 3.- Margaret , 11. Denholm, ao.70: tot 4. Kargaret n. are bolm. SO.13; tot ft, Margaret H. Denholm, , So. 76: tot 8, Maxwell N. Hamilton, S0.7a .- tut i, eiaawrii a. oihiih, w-' i Margarrt H. Denholm, 8U.T&; kt 8, Margaret 11. Denholm, faTO; lot la Jamra P. Bell, , . faT5: tot 11, Jamea P. Bell, faT5; lot 13. . Margaret H. Deuholm, 8U.T6; kt 13, Margaret . H.-jjAMHolu, IO.70; tot 14, Jamea p. Bell, . : fu.t; tot 1ft, D.-B. McBrlde. Su.tlS; kt 18, Oeorga Btenbonae. fu.85; tot IT, Oeorge Bten booae, SO. 16; tot 18, Donald B. McBrlde, . fa76; tot lu, Donald B. McBrlde, 80.76; tot . 30. Deaald B. McBrlde, 80.751 tot h-4a. D. ' Nairn, SaT6; hit 23, Donald B. McBrlde, . 80.75; tot 23, Donald B. McBrlde. fu.TS: tot 24, C. D. Nairn, fu.T5; tot 35, Bobert Lie-' . Ingataoe. fo.76; kt 38, Bobert Urlugateae, fo. 7ft; lot 37, Robert Llrlngatoaa, fu.16: tot ' 38, Margaret H. Itoabolau S'.16. BLOCK lit. Haanab Maaon, 831.15. ,, BLOCK 38, Harah ' A. Kay, f 14.7a CKBEN'8 ADDITION BLOCK 1, tot 1, Joha .'' - W. Langdoa and wife. W. H. Harnett and wife, fu.Tu: tot 2, Joha W. tangdoa' awl -wife, W. II. Beraett and wife, fu.iu; tot a, ,. ' Joha W. Langdoa aad wife, W. H. Bar net t .V; and wife, Saio tot 4. John W. Lang doe and wire. W. H.i Harnett and wire, so.xa BLOCK 2, tot 1, Juba Langdoa and wife, W. H. i Barnrtt aad -wife, falu; tot 3, John W. . 1 Langdoa' and wife, W. H. Barnrtt and wife, fatu; kit 3, Joba W. Laugdoa aad wife, W. -- H. Barnrtt and wlfet; lot 4, Joha W, . LaBgdoo aad wife, Vf. H. Barnrtt and wlfnr ) fo.eo; lot 8, John W. Langdoa aad wito, . W. H. Harnett and wife,; tot ft. Job if . W. Langdoa and wife, W. H. Barnrtt aad ' wife, fo.70; tot T, Joba W. Laugdoa and wife, :. ' W. H. Barnrtt aad wife, fo. (o; tot 8, Joba ' -' W. Laagdoa aad wife.. W. H. Barnett aud . - wife, faTU. BLOCK, ft, kt 1, Joha W. Langdoa aad Wife. Wi U. Barnett and wife, -fo.Ju; tot 3 Joba W. Langdoa aud .wife, W. H. Barnett aad wife, fo.lo; lot 3, Joha W. Langdoa and wife, W. H. Barnett and . wife, fo.lo; kt 4. Hrnry L. Jobunoo, f0.8; kt 5', John W. Langdoa and wife. W, H. .. . . , m.1 ml. I . a, T-k w Hnrii v.i - in,- fwv, wuuw , Langdoa and wife, W. H. Barnett and wife, fu.Tu: tot 7, John W. Langdoa and wife, w. , H. Barnett aad wife, fo.,0; lot 8. Joha W. " " Langdoa and wife, W. H. Barnett and wife, Su.Tu. BLOCK 4. tot 1, Joha W. Langdoa and ' wife, W. H. Barnett and wife. ,fu.5w; tot 3, Joha W . Langdoa aad wife. W, H, Barnett ami wife. 80.45; lot 3, John W. Langdoa - and wife, AW al. .Barnett and wife. So. 06; ; tot 4. Joba W. Langdoa and wife, W. H. Barnett and wife, to. 80 ; tot 6, John W. Langtton aud wife, W. H. Barnett end arlfe.rr; lot ft. Jeba W. Laagdoa aud wife. v W. H. Barnett and' wife, SO.Y0; lot 7, Juba W. Langdoa and wife, W. H. Barnett and ' wife.- fu.7a BLOCK B, kt. I. John W. ' Iiangdoa aad wife. W. H. Burnett end Wife. .; tot 2. Joba W. Langdoa and .wife, ... - W. H. Barnett and wife, fO.HO; tot ft. Joba W. laiagdon and wife, W. H. Barnrtt and ' T wife, fu.76: lot 4. Jooa w. Langdoa and , wile. W. H. Barnett aad wife. xo.y&; tot ft. John W. Langdoa aad wife. W. 11. Barnett and wife, fo.oo: tot ft, Joha W. Langdoa and , wife, W. H. Barnett and wife, fo.85; tot 7, a John W. Langdoa and wife, W. U. Barnett and arlfe. 80.70: tot 8. John W. Langdoa aad ' wife. W. H. Barnett and wife. SO. to; tot 8,. ' John W Langitoa and wife. W. H. Barnett aad wife, 30. SU; lot 10. Joba W. Latujdoa .and wife, W. H. Barnett and " . wife,, fO.86: lot 11. John' W. Langdoa and wife. W. H. Barnett and wife, Su.H.1; tot 13. John W. Langdoa and. wife, W. H. ' Barnrtt and wlfn, Sa7i; hit 13, .John W. ' lnedon and wife, W. U. Barnett and wife. . tot 14, Joba W. Langdoa and wife? W. H. Barnrtt and wife, fo.wo. BLOCK ft, . 'tot 1., Joba W. Langiton and wife. W. H. Harnett end wife, fawn tot 2. 141 A. Mllla, SO TO; tof 3. Iiydla A. MIIU, J.7f; kal 4. Joba W. LaB5ilon and wlr. W. H. Baractt and wife. S0.7n; tot ft. Joha W. . . laingdoa aad wife. W. H. Barnrtt and wire, tu. 7o: tot a, John W. Langdna and wife, V. II. Barnett and wife, fu. 70; lot T. John . , W. Lena aa wife. W. H, Barnrtt and a.. 1 1 . i. a i h. aar t . . i , w W B.HM,, - a., 9... t . u. nr. r,v " . uaniwa aae - John W. Lanrnna Bed wlfr. W. H, harnett and wife, 80.86; tot 10. Joha W. Langdoa and wlfr. W. II. Barnett and wife. Su.HA: tot 11,' John W. Langiton and wife, W. H. Barnrtt and wife. 0 7"; tot 13, John W. langdna and wlfr, w. H. Barnett end wife, 3".I: tot 13. John W. , tanrdoa and ' wlfr, . W. H. Barnrtt and orlfat fo.To; tot 14, John -W, Langdoa and wife, . H. Barnclt atal ( r. 4 "1