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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1905)
::i daily jztzziJiiL rcr.TLAi:p; friday evemino,' fesruary ti. itzs. iv ) c: i CTT B on CCS. citt iroTioxa. 'CITT sTOTICXt. CITT JfOTlCEB. CITT BOTICM. CITT 'X. 1. ' ,. of et T faet nf- let , AlUanee Trust . Cam-any. U4., $0.40; ml 68 fret, of- tot ft. feumund B. HllL It.OO; vnt 63 fret of tot Lumuod B. Bill. ..$.00; tnl IB feet if lot 7, Jia P. LewU, $0.4f: im 26 feet f1?' . M- ". $0.40; sat! 73 feet jf, tor 7. Isabella .Jl and, W. A. Uwle, $1.80: east 75 leet of lot i, Isabella B. and , .'V. A. Iwle, $1.60.. BLOCK H. tot 1, Clemens ('reef Esute. Heir of. $1.56; lot . 3, (liwrrt lata!. Heir ef. $1.80; lut . Ado Sinnott, l.u; tot 4. Au Sln- ' nott, $8,10: lut 6, Ana Sinnott, $180! t if . tatl L M ClemeBe Cet EstSt. Heir of. $0 60; west feet of tot 6. Perry !.. Ruher KUt. Heirs of. $1.00. All of .. f BLOCK I, Csrutber' addition to Cru there" , , addition, except- westerly H i fret of la e.ltherly m i feet. J. B. LurkeL $.to. f A tract of land boended aad described al I Ji'lW: Commeortag at Intersection af aul ' . Jlna of Raod ilmt with north Una af Baku atraeii thence easterly en norlh Use of Baker twl 84. teat; thane northerly persuej with Weet aid Uaa of Mondr street 88$ IT'! ieare ujeeterlr parallel with aortk Una of Baker treat to east Una of Hoii etreet; thence aoutberly aa aaat Una of Boo4 treat to bcglouUg, Hory BcheeUad Helra of. $l.oO, CARCTHBRS' ADDITION TO CABt'TOF.RS' ; ADDITION to I ha City of Per Hand BLOCK J, William brourk, $12.65. BLOCK K. Maria J. Baker, 614.23. BLOCK U, Homeopath! Ittwplul tad DUnensary of PotfUsad, 810.00. . BUM K M. Homeopathic Hosplul and Dls- Imieary of Portland, $13.0. BLOCK N. llouM-opathld Hospital and Dispensary af j Cortland, litis. , BLOCK C Homeopathic , Hospital and IMaproMrr of Portland. $16.06. . Block P, undivided Hi of lot 1. Ibex Land . Company, $1.00; andlrlded Mi of lwt t.Ibex a load t'oapanjr, fl.oo; ndlrided H of lot 3. . I fl Land Company, ll.OOi . mdiTidad H of V,'-'!" 4, Ibex La ad Comnaor. t.0O; nndtTlded ', of lot ft, lbca. Lead Company. fl.OO; un divided H ef lot 6, Ibex Land Company. 4I.0; ndlTided H af lot t. Inas Iand l ompany. $1.00; nndlTlded of In a, Ibet , Ind Compaar. $100; aadlrlded af lot. 1, Anna B. C'ooaell. l.0ni aadlrtded H of lot 2, Abb B.'Ceaerli. tl.o6; aodWIded of lot S. Anaa B.. feaaell, tjOO; andiyided la of lot 4, Aaaa B. rsoaell, $1.0": andlelded of lot & Anna B. Coanell, it.OT); aadlrided H of lot . Aaaa B. Conaell, $1.00; andleided H of lot T. Anaa B. Connell. l.0(); BBdiTtdrd U of lot v. . Anna B. t'ornell. $1.00. BLOCK Q. lot L tltra Belt (2.00; anrth feal of wl Clara ' Rell. $0.0: aoatb 41 feet of lot , German VtTlnita Loaa Boetety, fl.M; lot 3, German BaTtnia At Lean. Nnelety, $1 , lot 4. Uerman ' aTtna ft Loaa Kortety, fl.TO; lot ft, Herman Harlan ft lan Booiety, $2.I0; kit . German Haeiaaa ft Lean Borlety, $S(0: aortb t feet of weat feet of lot T, tiermaa BaTlnf ft . - Loaa ftoetety. $0.10; eooth 41 .feet of lot T. German Harlnff ft Lea a Horiety. $2.00: north i B feet of eaet TO feat of M T, Clara Bell, ' .).; aaat TO feet ef let , Clara ' Bell, ' " l.4ft; weat DO feet af lot . F. Oallelmelll. 4.5ft. . JWK B, tiarmaa Bavuia ft Loaa Wadoty. 1.M. . . , A tract of land lylnt beHreaa the aoata Uaa nt Maada atroet and the northerly Una at ...blnrk S2, Cam there' addltloa to Ca rather' :'k addltloa. aa taowa ea the ,ma of Portland . mbllehed -br the Tltlo jUoaranteo ft Truat n.eumay, 1H0S. and between the weat Una of Hood atreet and a Una 40 feet aaat of aad . parallel with the eaat Uaa of Oorbett treat, A. Y. BmltB, 2.6ft. -J , CAJtrTHBRS' ADDITION TO rABCTHERir ADDITION to the City or Portlaad- BlH'K - B. waet 40 feet of north M feat of block K. ' Haanah Caahen. $1 SO: weat 40 feet of tooth ' 48 feet of block B. 0. M. Heewood, $0.40. BUKTK T. Thomae K. Kdwarda, $2.10. BLOCK ae, Emma Auatla. $10.26. BLOCK 40, lot . . tl, K. H. Parker. $1.1: lot 1 B. H. Parker, T $1.85 1 lot . B. R. Parker, $l.0; lot 4. B. H. - Parker, $2.10; eaat 4.2 feet of let ft, K. H. . Parker, $0.10: aaat 4.1 feet of lot i,.R. U. ' Parker, $0.10; eaat 4.2 feet of lot ft B. H. Parker, $0.10; oaat 4.2 feet of lot '8, B. H. Parker. fa).lfl:- weat 2S.S feet of he ft. I W Campbell. $0.50; weat 2B.ft'faet of aoatkt 1T- . ree ot lot a. I. r. Campbell, $0.15; weat 25 feet of eaat 2R.2 feet of lot 5. John BV and r. I. -Mann, $0,45; weat- 2S feet ef oaat 28.2 feet of aonth H of lot . Joha B, and P. I. Mann. $0.20: aaat M feet of weat ftl.8 feet of kit o, tJeorgo Notkaagle, 80.n0: eaat 2 feet of weat 91.8 feet of aooth 1T.8 feet ef lot . George Nothaafle. 80.15; eeat 28 feet of west T. feet of tot 5.. P. V. DeRnff, , f0-' ,mrt n fr' f nooth ' H of lot a. P. W. DeBnff, $0,20: weat 101.8 - feet of north li of lot a. Oermaa Barln -ft , Iaa Bnelety, 1.00: north 8 feet ot watt , nt enoih H of tot 8. Oermaa 8arln ft Loaa V fortety. $0.15; weat 101.8 feet of eowtb H af lot T, German Ba1n ft Loan Borlety, 81.00; - - norrh 101.8 faet of aorta W ot lot T, harah .: Carpenter, $1 00; lot-,8, Oermaa Bartna; ft " iw.-ifv. OAW. buhr 41. eaat 13 feet f tot 1, Joha I. and Iara if. Lanta, 81.60; oo iri n n i. a, ana t- Heott. ao.s lot 2. Thomae H. Smith. $2.iq7 lot $7 Lew M. Parriah. 82.10: lot 4 Ur , 22.10; lot 8. Ferdinand Onadelph. $110: lot ."ft ! and E. L. Larraara. $3.10 aoetk aft feet of tot T, Lotrla P. Bene. $2.00; north , ,1, foot of lot T, Canadian Bettlere Loan ft i p.V tM.. pM tot , Canadian Bet J -dlera- Loan ft Traet Co.. Ltd.. $2.10.- BWCK i?..tJJ L .- -atkhek, 82.10: lot 2, J, M. t .hutkbehr $1.10; lot , Jtwph PollTkiT $21": ,, ''ph Pelleka,. $X10;-lot ft, Frank v , rollrka- $2.1: let 8. Fran Pollrka. $210; . fthertoV Babel, 2210; lot 8, Catherine , ; Babel. $110. BLOCK 43, lot 1. A. G. Ham mond, $Z10: lot B, A. 0. nammood. $2.10; 4 , tot S, Dladaona aad JnNa U Ramnmad. $2.10; f lot 4. Dladanna aad Jilla U Rammaad, $110; tot ft. A. .,Hammold. $2.10; Iota? XT f t . '', M'Oimnad. 22.10: oaat 8 feet of tot T. A. G. ' Hammonds $0.10: eaat 8 feet of lot . A. , IJ: Hammond, $0.10: weat 60 foot of tot T, -Jk,2ior"."8e,5' ''W: 60. faat of lot ' B, Theodora roa,- . $1.00. - A tract of' land betweea bloek 43 and 4ft, Car there' Addition to C rather' Addition, ---aa bet "?- he worth Una of Porta atroet 100 feet aortb thereof and. parallel 4. therewith. A. Q.-Hammowd. (140. . A tract of und between bloeka 43 and 40, .raratnera-Addltloa,- to (rataera Addition, and between the aonth tin of Booker atreet . and a Una 100 feet aonth thereof aad aarailal - therewith. Theodore Roan, fltO. .CARrHKRS' ADDITION TO" CABCTRBRfl ' , ' ADDITION to the Oty of Portland BLOCK 15 ?;. wt 100 feet af lot T, 100 feet at tot 8, W. t. Hmlta, $1.00. BLOCK ' 1 - ! 1 ,", "ltrnberir, $2.10: lot 2. Jnhn fMtaentMmte,. 110; lot 3. oh U. . Brauer. $ 4. Catherine r. Tnerkel--ooa. ": tot . Joaef Fretache, 82.10; tot , - tM l.-hael Berolelt. 82.10; lot tT J. A. - !? i,B' ' A. Croeker. tt.( BLOCK 4.V 4nt 1, Heare B. Baaft. 8110' . fVhoppart ,110: tot 4, Leo fried, $2.10; lot ft. Aha.air J Bartoo, $2.10; tot 8. Aball 2i.5,,.UM,v3-Wl tot T. Aharall K. Bartoo. 82.10; tot ftAbasiU B. Barton. $2.10, BIX1CK J"- Bedlak. 22.10; lot 2. John Bedlak, 12.10; lot 8 . ' Uk. $110;' tot T. Joha Hedlek. 82.10: lot 8 Jn -Bedlak $?ao. . BLOCK 47? teait S . of lot 1. Joaio Darla. $1.09; treat U of lot J?rs- "rt t eaat J, of lot 2, Tnomaa hfelnbere. 80.35. HL' M l Tbomao Melnber $1.06 Tt, feet of eaat M ' tot 2, Pat- rMDrr"'' n,i w llbth Morwnn. . . -r f-l,9s weet -Xe 13 feet of eaet TO 2-8feet I' i B- Oretke. $0.TO; eeat m J -I ' lT!l J" Charlea T. Heywaod. $0 TO; -rt,f? "ert and Mary 1 , Ei.Mc,Sw1?: n1- M Mellaaa . Hua. fl "'" Bnt, $2.10: let ? MelHaa K. Morgan, $1.10: lot 8, Mellaaa K. 10. BLOCK 48. aaat 100 feet of .1'.Li r' ft"1 "ef U. Gothrle, fx 00; 1. r. kL Lloh ten thaler! 80.10s areat feet of tot 2, F. M. UcbW ... thaler, 80.10; eaet 100 feet of north V. of ' ,"f fl-00; aaat 100 feet - !?"!" " Ondley. $1.00; '".. John Dodley, $110; lot 4. Joha rodley '' i K 5' 'rwi" ! A Loaa Borlety. . y $2 lo!' tot 8. Oermaa SaTtna; ft Loaa Bodety lhaler. (I AS; weat T5 feet af tot 8. M. R. Lichtenthalee. $I.U; eaat 81 feet of lot T. i - f- . Uchtenthtler. $0.65: eaat 21 feet of U.' ' -Of ' F- LWitenthalee. $0.55.. BLOCK t H of tot 1. Hana Welaterf $1 0$; A teaet of Und lyln between, two line reaneetleely 200 feat aad 220.8 feet anrth of aad per. 1 VI with the north jlna of Arthur afreet and between the. weat Mae of Water r A " a lino 108 feet weat thereof aad V - p;'?iJ-,n,wrl"'- Androw Hanaon. Jo 00. ' C.ZH.,,ll?,,0,IK,, TO CABOTHEBrr ADDITION to the City of Portland BIXM;K Mendenhnll. $110: tot 4. Edward Mendenhall. ' ' l0!,,,. eUraard Martin, $110; lot , ' v $2. 10( lot T. Heoa Laraen, " $110; anath H af tot ft. Hana Iiaraea, $1.05; e ""I? - M Belinda Dolaa, $1.06. A tract of land lylny between twollne ra - apectleely 200 feat aad 220.8 feet- north of and paranel with the north line af Arthur ... . atreet and between the eaat Una at rrant ' treat aad a lino lot feat eaat of aad para 1 Ml therewith. BeMada Dolaa. $0.M. ' A tract of lead between two llnea reeme tleely 220.8 feet and 241 faat anrth of aad parallel with the north Hon of Anhor atreet ano aeiweeej too weat una af Water atreet ana a ie I'm reet MM . parallel therewith, Bophle hvhad. 80.80. . A iurt at land lying between two llnea r t epeetteely 2205 feet tad 241 faet north ot . aad parallel with north line ot Arthar atreet aad between) tea aaat Una of Front atreet and ' n Una ion feet eaat thereof and aafallat thai with. Jamee Barman. $0.B. 1 A traet ot land lymr hetweaaj two llnea re. 1 epet-MTely 22o,ii ft aad 241 feel anrth of 'end ' parallel wtth, the north lino of Arthar atreet and between tue weat lino af Front atreet and the eet line ot rirat atreet. William eneonei. ii.iu. . A traet at hind rrtae helneen rM Mem - apeetlralr 200 feet and JUOA faeC north of : and- paratlal with the- aorth lie af Arthnt atreet aad between Me weet Una af Front . atreet hnd the eaat line af Fleet atreet . Orn ate Ballwa' ft Narlaatloa Compenr, It To. tAftrTrfKftff ADDITION TO CABfTHKR anniTION to the City of Portland BIXH ho, Int 1. fVipMe Bchad. $2.l; lot 2. fcophl : Behod. 82.10; tot 8, BopMe Bchad. $2.ia; tot d, aophla ftcbad. hat ft, Jaana irarmaa. 82.10, lot 8. F. A. Marqaam. $110; lot T, H. B. le-adley, $2.10; lot h, H. B. Bradley. 53.IU. BLOCK ftl, lot 1. WUUam Fltodner, hi XI; lot 2. WUUam rilednpr, J 10; tot 3, William rilodnir, $X 10; lot 4. William Filed aer, M0; lot ft. WUUam 'ilrduer, $2. 10; tot 0, WUlUm f Uvdnor, X 10; lot T. William t'lledoar, $X10; lut $. WUUam Klladuar, - fill). BLOCK 51 lot 1, Orvaoa Railway ft Karliatlua t'omuanr, ' $3.1w; lot 2. tN-efoa Uailway ft NrlUoa Company, $110; lot 8. Orvcoa Hallway ft 1 Nartaattoa I'unipeny, . 2110; lot 4. Oregon Railway ft Navlgatloa (omuaoy, $110; lot ft. Oregon Railway ft 4 Navigation Company, $2.10; . kit a. Oregon , Ballway A Marlaatloa Company. $110; tot T, Uregoa Hallway A Karlgatloa Uampaay, $2.10; tot h, Uregoa Railway A Karlgatloa Cotu- rany7 $2 10. BUM K i lot I, Alhert Wright, llu; tot X Jultue 11. Harr, $2.10; tot 8. ' WlllUm K. D. Marcar. $llu; lot 4, Ida B. Mercer. $11V! tot ft. Brroo It. Boona. $llo; aeoth H of tot O, F. VVUdl. $1.06; north i . at tot d, Joha V. Lanktn. l.0; tot T, Loala Arnold. $1101 Jot h, Ixwla Arnold, $2.10. BLOCK 64, tot 1. Fraaklla Drake. $110: lot 2, rrankUa Drake, $110,- aodl.ld.-d H of tot a, Kllaa Nelaon. $106; nndtelded M ot lot 8, Hugh W. Nelaoa, fl.uo; lot 4, Jacob Mnlthauf, $110; tot . Mary Taylor. $2.10; tot o. Mary L. Btoet,! $2.10; weat ot tot T, Hormlna , Hachlea, $l.iB;waet H of tot Hermiaa Uachlen, i.Wt aaat hi of tot . T. Naeale K. Taylor,1 $1.05; aaat k ot tot $. Nannie K. Taylor, $1.05. ' BLOCK ti. tot . 1. Bebool Dlatrlct Ho. 1. $110; lot 2. Bcfaool Dlaulct No. 1. $110; lot 8, Braool Dlatrlct . No. 1. $2.10; tot 4. . Bebool Dlatrlct No. 1, 1110; tot 6, Bchool Dlatrlct o. I. ; $2.10; nt -o. tv-bool Dlatrlct No. 1, . $2.10; lot T, Brhool Dlatrlct No. 1," $2.10; lot 8. school Dlatrlct No. 1, 82.10. BLOCK 00, tot 1, Beth L. pope, $110; lot 2. Heth L. Pope,' $110 1 lot 3, Preetoa W. GlUette, $2.10: tot 4, , Mollla Btantord, $2.1": - tot 6, William B. ' Jolly. $2.10; tot ft William B. Jolly. $2.10; - tot T. Martin BVbade. $110; lot . '.Mrtla Brhade. $2.10. .BLOCK 6T. tot 1. 0j P. 8. 'Plnmmer, $110; north A ot tot O. P. B. -. Plnmmer. $1.05 aoaih liof tot 1 A. Qolrlo, $1.00; north H of lot V A. Qulrlo. 81,05; - anath M of tot ft, Hollla Alger, $1.05; Vi 4. Hollla Alger, $110; lot ft. Jamea Li Joha. . atone, $110; lot 8, Jamea L. John tone, 82,10; aonth feet of eaet 8.V feet of tot T, Aevte 0. Jane, $0.10; weat 60 feet of eaut 54.5 feet af tot T. Abble . June. $1.00: weat ftO feef of eaat ftn.5 feet of 4ot 8. Abble ' 0. June, $1.00; north 25 feet of eaat 5 feet of let T, O. P. B. Plnmmer. $0.10; eaat 8.5 . feet of tot 6; 0. p. 8. Plummer. $0.10) weet 60 faet of tot 7, Kannla E. Taylor, $1.00; : weat to feet of lot 8. Nannie E. Taylor, $1.00. BLOCK 0. lot 1, ttoole 0. Poet, Karat, Ilelra of, $&10: lot 2. Hnele C. .Poet. F.tite, Heir df. $110; tot 2, Ottelle Bartach. 8110; tot 4. Ottelle Bartaeb,- $110; tot ft. Phillip and Julia A. Law too, $110; lot 8, Mary -Akere. $2.10; weet 2 feet of lot 7. Immannel Baptlat Chorea. $1.20; wet 42 ' feet, of lot 8. Immannel Baptlat krhnrrh, 41.20) aaat 44 Vi feet of tot T. 8010 C. Poet, atat Helta of. $0.80; eaat 44M faet of Int 8, Bu.l C. Poet Beta to, Helra af. $0 Bo. ' BLOCK M, weat 31.5 feet of aorth 25 feet of tot 1, A. F. Ken aert. $0.26; aonth 25 feet of lot 1, A. P. Neonert, $1.06; eaat T5 feet of north 25 feet of Int 1. Henry Welnhard. ' 80.TK; tot 1 John Wldneea, $2.10: lot S, C. B. LamherBon. $2.10: tot .4. Kmlly J. T. Moore. $2.10: tot 5. John Corklah. $110; lot 6. Kdward 1. Hart. $110: weat of tot 7 Kannla K. Dledrlrh, $1.05; weat H af tot N. Fannie R. Dledrlrh, $1.05; eaat of tot I T, Lonia Cnha, $106; eaat th at tot 8,'Lonl t Cnhn. $1.06. BLOCK 0. lot 1. Jamea . numphrey, $2.10; lot 2, Jamea Ramphrey, , 22.10; lot 8. A. F. Neonert. $2.10: tot 4. ' Bmma B, Iag. $2.10; aaat 80 feet of tot 6. I AO I C, Ron mo, $1.15; eaat 00 feet of lot ' 8. Loala C Rhprno. $1.15: weat 46.8 feat of tot 6. lea bell Bottler. $0.96; weat 48.6 feet of lot 1. laahella Bottler. $0.86;J, tot I. Mo ' Back Rin. $2.1Qi tot . Moy Back Hta, $110. BLOCK $1, tot 1, Michael. MrCalrett. Batata .Heir of. $2.10; tot 2. Oermaa Baring ft Imd Society.' $2.10: aorth 25 feet of lot A. German Baring ft Loaa Society. $1.55; Booth .15 feet of tot It. AnrneU Mark. $0.55; tot 4. Aacvato Marka. $2.f0: lot 5. W. A. ,and s I. B. Lewi. (HO; tot 8. W. A. and I. B. Lewi. $110: tot f. William Xaenaaa, $110; 'lot 8. William Iaeneee. $110. A tract of mad between two line reapee ' tlrelr 200 faat and 230.5 feet north at and : parallel with tap aorth Una ot Arthar atreet ; and Between the weat line of Flrat atreet and a Una 100 feat weat thereof and parallel , therewith, Jamen Homphrey, $0.80. A tract of land between two Unea reaper ttrely 200 feet and 220.5 feet aorth -of and parallel with the north Uaa af Anhor atreet aad. be- , tween the eaet lino of Second atreet and a Una 106 faat aaat thereof and parallel there with. Moy Back Bla. $0.80.. . A ' tract af land between two llnea, ra pectlTely 220 JL faat and 241 feet aorth of- and parallel with the aorth Una of Arthur atreet 4 and . between the weat Una of Flrat atreet and alma 108 feet weat of aad parallel tbere- ,,wlth. Aagaata Marka. $0.80." A tract of lead between twa tinea .reepec tlrelr 220.5 feet and SMI feet north of and , parallel with the. aorth.) In ef Arthur atreet 1 and btaeeu the eaat lloe of Second wtreet i and a Una 106 faet aaat thereof and parallel therewith, W. A. and L B. Leerl. $0.0. -A tract of, land between two line raaper tlealy 220 j feet and 241 faet north af and . parallel with tba north lia of Arthur atreet t and between tho weat Una of Second atreet and n Una 108 feet weat thereof and parallel therewith. IaabeUa Bottle. $0.80. . ' A tract af land between two llnea -reap tleely 220.8 feet and 241 feat aorth af aad . -paranel with tba aorth Una ot Arthar atreet and between tba aaat line of Third atreet and a Una 100 feat eaet thereof and parallel tbere 4 with. Henry Tlmm. $0.80. . A traet of toad between twa llnea ttatwe treely 200 faet aad 220.5 feet north of and : parallel with the north linn of Arthur atroet and between the went lino of Second atreet . and a Una ion faat weat thereof and parallel . therewith, Edgar Poppletoa, 80.80. A traet of land lying between twa llnea ta eoeetieety 20 feat and 220.5 feet north af and parallel with tba aorth Una ot Arthur atreet ; nnd between the eaat Una of Third atreet aad a Una 108 feet aaat thereof and parallel therewith. Anton Blacbofnerger, $0.80. CARI'THBRS' ADDITION TO rARDTHBRN ADDITION to the City ef Portland- BLOCK 43. lot 1. Edward Brady. $2.10: tot 1 Edward Bradr. ' 8110: tot 8. tarael Madwad. II Ill- lot 4, laahella Bottler, 8110; tot 6. Henry Tlmm. 8110; Booth-W of tot 8, CeeelU Tlmm. Ii.un; aoru, it or lot o. anaa t. Hoenirke, 1.06: Tot 7. Edward Brady. $2.10: tot Oara M. Harding. $2.10. BIXCK 62, tot 1. Edgar Poppletoo, $110; lot 2. Bdgar Pop pletoa. $2.10; tot 2, Edgar Poppletoo. 82.10; eaat . Tola reei 01 101 . ratrira Murray, 61. $5: weat 80 feet ef 4ot 4. George F. Hot tier. fO.os: weat a of tot 6. i. Henry Wo! trine. $1.05: went H of tot ft J. Henry Woltrlng. $t.0B nam H or a): eaat U o of lot ft. Anton BlaeoofNerrer, $1.06; eaat of tot . Anton Blarhofberget. $1.05;' tot 7. Theophll BUIrter, ' 8110: nnnth 40 feet of lot 8. Theophll Bill. ter. $1. TO; north 10 feet of tot 8. Anton " Btacnofberter. 80.35. BLOCK 64. north H ' of . tot 1.. Charlea F. Boerker. $1.06; Boot a H of lot 1. Katie F. Beoenelek. $1.06: lot 2. Kltle p. Rabeaelrk, $110; lot 8. John F. Cap lea. $110; lot 4. John F. Canlea, in: .weat an feet ef tot ft. Mikn Rneteln. $1.0: went M feet of lot . Mihn Epateln, $1.90; eaat 1H feet ef tot 6, Anna E. WoV ' trine. $0.15; eaat I014 feet of lot 8. Anaa B. woltrlng. no 10: tot T. Anna n. Wei trine. 82.101 tot 8, Anna E. Woltrlng. 8110. BLOCK i B, m I, Aonie v. ainrrar. lot 2, I Addle B. Mnrrar, $110; tot S. Frank H. . Gran. $110: tot 4. O. P. 8. Plummer. $2.10; nit 23 6-8 feet of tot 6. J. R. 0. Thompson, ' $0.80; weet 72 2-8 feet ef tot B. Jamea Short. a 21.50: eaat 83 6- feet of aonth T4 of lot ft j. R. C. Tlwmpaon. 80.30; weat 72 841 feet or aoata. s ef lot 0. jamea nnort,. go. to; north H of tot ft Addle B. Mnrrar. 81.05: tot 7, Addle B. Murray, $110 lot 8, Joaeph mi, j. i. A traet ef land bounded and oearrfhed aa tnl low: Commencing: at Intereeettoe nt areet lme ef Second atreet with eoath line of Booker atreet. thence another ly to aorth line af Waode atreet, thence weat te eaat tin ef right or way or Oregon canrnraia Be II ' war Com Dene, theeea norther It alone the eaat . lino of aald right ef way to Ita Internectloa with the aonth line of Hooker atreet. thence eaat to bectnalug. C. n. Hmltb. 84B.00. CARTPlrBs ADiynoN to cabctrbbS ADDITION to theTCIty ef Purttond BLOCK T, all ef tot ft lying weat ef Oregan ft ' raHfornia Rathraad Onmpear'a right ef way, Jeremiah Worlck. $1 ; all of tot lying weat ef Oregoa ft California' Rallrnad Com pany' rlgtkt of way. Jeremltb 'Worlck. $1.35; : nil of tot t tying weat ef Oregon ft California Rallrnad Oamoanr'a rlaht of war. Kllaaheth ' Baumgartaer. $1 In: ail of tot 8 lying weet at latiro llfomla Bailroad Camnonr'a right 'Of way. tienriei aanmgartner, ao.Tn. BLOCK B. et S feet -of lot 1 . Jeonla . Rag Lee. $1.70: eaat 85 feet of north 20 Tet or let x, jenuia nug ie, an. an; areat 21.6 feet of tot I. Alhert R. and Kiel B. - Wright, - $0..16l weet 21.6 feet ef eoeth (0 . feet of lot I, Albert B. nd Kiel B. Wright, 80.15; lewths 30 feet ef tot 2. Melleea R. ' Hog. $1.25; north 40 feet of lot 8, Mellaaa R. Rue. 81.70: eoath 10 feet of eaat an feet of lot 8. Albert K. . Wright. 80.80; eaat an feet ef tot 4. Albert E Wright. $1.15: one. la 10 feet of weet 014 feet ef lot 8. Mellaa B. Hug. $0.15; weat 4414 feet of tot 4. Melleea It. Hug. $1.05; all ot tot ft eieent the Oregon ft C11fnrnla Balwond Company' right- ot way. Melleaa E. Hog. $0.8(1; all of lot a eaeept ine vregwn m laiireraia Railroad Company'e right af way, Mellaaa K. Hug. $1.35; anath 30 feet ef tot 8 eaat af Oregoa ft .California Rallrnad Cempany'a ..right nt way, Melhwa R. Rng. 61.00: north 20 feet Of lot 8 eaat af Oregon California ' ftallmad Company' right of war. ' Albert R. and Elle B. Wright. - $O.Tr all of tot 6 eaet ef Oregon ft California Railroad Com pany right nf wy. lAlhert. H. annV Elele - h. Wright. 81M. rVCK a. let l.'rWaoa Railroad ft Nartgatlna Cempaay. $t.1o; tot ' I. oregoa naiiraau et naeigation unmpany, ' $HO tot 8. Oregoa Railroad ft NerlgaUon Comaanr, $2 10; lot 4. Oregon Rallrnad ft NaetgitVia Cempany. $2.H: let ft. Oregon R1lmd ft Nlptln Comoaar. $2.10; tot 6 Oregon Railroad ft Nirlgatton Cempenr. '$110: tot 7. Oregon Rallrnad ft Narlgatioa rnmpane, $2.10; tot $. Oregon Railroad , Navigation' Company, .$8 10. BIOCK 70, ' treat S faet af lot 1 Jeaepk Caha, 90.18; weat 2 feet of lot 2, Joaepk Ota. $010; at 104 5 feet of tot 1, Hue Weber. $2.0o; eeat 104.5 fret of tot 2. Roaa Weber, $100; tot 8. Rnaa Weber. $2.10; lot 4, Roaa Wrher, ti.10; eeat 8 faet ef let ft, Roaa Weber, 11.10; eaat 8 teat of tot g.'Rnoa Weber, 80.10; weet 83.5 feat of eaat 36.6 feet of lot 6. Magdalenl R. , Marlaofr, $0 04; weat .13 1 feet of eaat Id. ft feet of tot 6. Magdalenl R, Marl.lett,. au.oj; want TO feet of lot , Be baatian aad Lydla-Matcher, $146; weat TO feet of tot 6. Bebeatlea and Lydla Matcher. $1.45; aaat H of 4ot 7, Joaeph Coha. 61.05; eaat of tot 8. Joaeph Cohe. $l.t; weal i of lot T. Wllhelmlne Mnehler, $1.05; weat H of v tot 8, 'Wllhelmlne Mnehler. $1.05; north feet of block TO. Unknown Owner, $005. ., BLOCK Tl, weat 81 feet of tot 1. Sarah A. Barnea, $0.ntl: west 81 feet of tot 2. Sarah A. Barnea. 80.80; eaat 76.5. faet of lot 1. Roaa H. Weber. $1.60; aaat 75.6 feet ef .lot 2.. Roaa II. Weher. $1.50; eaat 1 feet 4f tot 8. Roea H. Weber, $1.60; weet 1 eei or mt s, retrjeav Murray, treat 25. feet of tot 4. Patrick Murray, aaat 81 feet ot tot 4V- Lena Apple, aaat ft feet ef, tot 5, Patrice. Murray, aaat ft feet Of tot . Patrick Murree. weet 45.55 feet ef weat KU feet of lot a. Pa trick Murray. $1.80: weat 10L6 feet of tot 6, Craula Tapter. $100; weat 101.6 feet Of BOath 4.45 feet ot let a IImiI, Tentee. . $0.15: ,ct M of lot 7. Mary Jacob. $1.06: v " m a, mary jaeooa, l.n; weat (4 of tot T. Mr. Mark O'Nell, $1. OA; weet hi of let 8. Mra. Mark O'Nell, $1.06; anath feet Of block 71. linknowa Owner. All H CARI'THKRB' ADDITION TO CARCTHERS aduition to the City of PorUnd-BLOCK S 1- 30 feet of north 100 feet of block. Balfour, Guthrie' ft Co.. $1.16; weet 60 feet of eaat 80 feet of north 100 feet ef block. . Louie Tramtoer. $2.0u; weat 20 feet et eaat ' 130 feet af north loo feet ef block. Teretla Naat. $0.80: weat 60 feet of oaat 130 feet of block, Thereea rum, $3.M; porta 42 feet : of -aooth 82 feet ot eaat 08 feet of block. Mary JiirtKnlch. $1.05; weat 50 feet af eaat 180 feet ef aonth an feet o kbwb Jnehaileh.- $1.00: eeet 74 feet' of eoath 50 "mra. hiiuh joanaoa, l no: went 2? '.' .1 -f.' lo feet of aouth 60 feet of 1 block. VlctdVi Geoffrey. 80.50; weat 81 feet ?LT ih0, t north 60 feet of aouth S '00 feet of Utock. Henry H. Meicter. $1.80; i Mat 80 feet of aorth 8 feet af aonth 100 feet ' l htark- HenrriH. Melater. $0.25. BIXX'K TT. aoaUiweet W of block. Joseph 81 moo and Crrn A. fininh aa - MekM.i u - 1.1 l. i Wlnfleld T, Stephen. $4.26; north U of aoethoaBt U ef block. MolUe Stanford, $2.10; "Kf" . ''L nmrtbeart H at block? Brame Nlckol, $2.10; north of annthoaat hi of awra. narraa B. Wallace, 6110; eoath 14 ;f aoatbaaat M af block, E. L. ColawwU, $2.10. ,'. '-.;' A tract of lead bounded aad described a follow: fhnnnln at IiiImim.i 11 . . k Una ef Porter atroet with the weet line of Oregoa ft California Railroad Coapaeya right of way. thence weet 68.T0 feet, thence aouth 100 feet, thence eeat 00.25 teet to weat Una . of Oregoa ft Call fornla Railroad Company' , light of wan thence northwesterly to begiar a. mrvim nan, ,t"-t of land joundad and dtacrlbad aa follows: Commencing at wtaraeetioa of aoath line of Porter atreet with eaat Uaa ef Fourth ; atreet, thence eaat oa aoath Una af Porter atreet 78.23 faet, thence aonth at right angle tn Porter atreet 100 tmt. H, 58.03 feet and parallel with Porter atreet ta ewi una oi eonria atraai. taance aarthwwat 1? 'ffii11'' Thompson Eatate, Heir - A traet of land hannAeA enil it...n i ' i oiiowei. lommeocing at mteraectloa ef aorth line ot Woods ntreet and aaat Uaa of Fourth atreet, being 200 feat aouth . and 60.22 feel et of aonttiweat aorner ef hlork 67. rarntliaea' A H.I it Lw r.wiil..' . .j,., ' thence east oa aorth line of Foarth atreet n. m, imn none iw roat at right anglee to Wood etreet, taeace weat and 108.13 feet to east line at Foarth atreet! Ollrer 0. Holme, $180- , 77 at iraci si am ncmnoea aad -aaacTltied ag follow: Commeelig af tnteraection of j north Up of Wood atreet and. West lloe ot ' Oregon ft California Railroad Gompaay'a rtghi "T. tnenre weet aa north line of Wood re1 17 feet, tbenc north at rarht anglee to Woods atreet to a point 100 feet aorth of ' north line of Wood street, thence east and parallel with the north Uaa of Woode atreet 52.14 feet to point on weet line of Oregon. A ' California Railroad Com parr right of way inence aooTneaaieriy le beguuilng. lhi At, Foster, $186. f.T ""?? deoertbadL as r follow: Cemmenetog on aoath Hns otpor- , rr nt" et toe inieiaeiuoB or roorth atreet' thence weat oa aouth line of porter treet 8T.02 feat to weat Una of eld Foarth atreet attended aoatberly: thence aouth 60 feet oa weet line of old Foarth ntreet extended poathertyi theace eaat aad parallel with aouth line, of Porter atreet J0C.18 feet to weet Uaa, of Foarth atreet; tbenc north wee ter ly t to neainnine. Ellen P . ynppln eo ok ' A ,.trct taBd Ixwoded and described ea follow: Commencing at point ea eaat line ef Fourth atreet 110 feat aoath nnd 84 feet -eaat af aouthweat corner of hint- 87, Car atherr addition ta Carwtber' addition; thence weat 108.18 feat to weat line ef eld Foarth . atreet ,ea tended aoatberly; theace aonth 28 feet oa weat Una of old Foarth etreet 'ex tended; theace eaat 113.82 feet to west Una ex eewrui niwi aa now eaiaoiianeo; thence aorthweeterly to hegtoalag. 0. . SeBeaadaltl Katate. Helra ef. 81.10. A tract of laai. honnded and deocrihed aa follow: Oomaieaeiiig at a point on treat tin of Foarth atreet, aald point. being 160 . faet aoath aad 10.56 feet- eaat of aooAweat career of block 67, Carethefw additloa to . Caratber' addition; thence weat aad parallel - win mu new vi i w ia earaev jto.aa reet to weet lino ef old Foorthr atreet extended v aoatberly; theace aorth ea aald weat Una of . old Foarth etreet 26 feet ; tbeoc east 118.22 : feet to weat lie of Foarth treat: tbeoc aosnnariy v cwguinug, narry a., i A tract of wad honnded end aanoTfned aa follow: Commencing at tub? reaction ef north line ef Woode atreet end weet line ef Foarth , atreet. aald point being 90O feet Booth) and 4 29.78 faet eeat of aoath weat corner of block mi. uarntnere' aooiaoB ta tjniuinoie' eddttlaei ' tbenc weet 138 feet on aorth line ef Wood ' treet T tended weatarly to wast II a of old Foarth atreet. southerly; thence north 100 feet ' oa aald weat line of old Pawrth atreet: thence east aad parallel arlta line of Porter atreet 113.40 feet to Weet ltae ef Poaa-th atreet; thence loaiherly to boglaalng, Charlea eense. ' i- - A tract of land lying holnna tba north line - of Wood atreet and the anath Una of tot ft. block 80. Carethare' addlrtoo to Car. nthera' addition.' and the westerly line of Mono street ana a line ino reet weaterly from and parallel therewith. City ef Port land. 81.40. . CABI THKR8' ADDITION TO CARtiTRRRS n ADDITION 'to the CRy of Portland BliOCK 61. tot 1. B. L. Ray. $2.00; tot 2. Ferdinand itanoorpn, ai.ju; mt a. Joon alntr. 82.00: tot 4, Jaaie G. Hunter. $!.! tot 6, Joha mnir, i.w: m o. Mermen tiettkemper. - aa.m. rie. a ex, amj. The uerman Mar inra ft Loan Society. $2.25; aorth 61 feet of lot 2. T Oermaa Raring ft Loaa (Bo rlety. glflo; aouth 3 reet of tot 2. Frank - P. Cittern. $0.10: tot 3. Freak F. Gllham. -.6100; lot 4. Frank P. Otlhem, $100; lot 6, incB.ii icaei, ti. mi . m. a, eeoanTian eir. male. -tl.NO: lot 7. Georre W ftordnn. 81.55: tot 6. The German Ravrnee a, Imb Society, $1.00. BLOCK 80, lot 1, North ern txmnuea laeaatment Tmat, ji.po; tot 1 ''Northern Counties Ineeetment Troat, 83.35; tot 3; - Northern Oouatiea Inrcatment Treat, 82.40; tot 4. Frank A. Tell. $1.10; lot 5, FranlrA.- Tell. $1.00; tot 6. Frnk A. Tell, 81.201 lot 7, Mary C. Warren, $100; lot 8. Presto W. Gillette, $2.00; lot i, Carrie R. Wood, $108: tot 10. May DIagaTIa, $2.00; north V, of lot II. Gnat J. and ( area Olaen. $1.00: aonth of tot 11. Gnataf A. and Caroline uarieoo. lot ix. c Babla, aa.vii; mi ie, rrnna a. isii. CARI'THERS' ADDITION to the nty ef Port land, as laid ont by the Sooth Portland Real Eatat -Association BLOCK 100. lot 1. Ore Railroad ft Nsrlgatioa Company, $2.00; tot 2. Oregon Railroad ft Naelgattoa Company, !100; tot 3. Oregoa Railroad ft Naelgattoa Company, $2.00; tot 4. Oregon Railroad ft ;.r1tloe,Compr,,-i2 00; let .. Oregon Rallrnad ft Ngt Company, $loO; tot a. tn-egoa Kanroaa at naeigatina tomnany, 82.00: tot 7. Oreana Rallrnad ft NeTleation ympaar, 82.00; tot B. Oregon Rallrnad ft Naeigatlon Company, $100. BLOCK 101. lot 1. I'nlted State Saring ft Loan Conmany .. of Minamata, Sinn: tot 3. s. K. Bcott. II on hit 1 Ibex Tend Comnanr and RAhet-e R. Tbompnna. $2.00; lot 4. IbeT Land Company and Robert H. Thompson. $2.00; tot 5. Eeerd- Ino ft r arret I. aioo: lot 8. J. E. nmtf. goon: tot 7. J. B. Scott. $100; let 8. Fnlted Plate PMTlmm ft Loaa tmnny at Minnesota, gioo. BLOCK 102. tot 1. Llnl C. Wella. $2.00;. lot : 2. Mry France Hurley, $2.00; tot 3. Mary rrancea rntrH-y, e w; lot , - urace L. . Broaaogh, $100; tot ft, S. J. La Prance. $2.00; --tot av a, J. 4 vranear .wnt- aeatwaea 4 , ef tot 7. fheg Iad Company. $l.0; -an- dleiaea h et w ?. anna onaen,. ai.uo; tot A. Jsrjh Insll. 8100. BIOCK 103. lot 1- Peter and Elale Brener, $100; tot 2. Peter and Elale Brener, z.oo; lot a, oregoa Btort- gage Compear, Ltd., $2.00; tot 4, Lffltle Trsim. tloi): tot ft. Moille Stantord. $100: tot d, Molll Stanford. HOO; Vt 7. Mollte tttaefora. 82.00: lot a. Mo lie Btantord 12 ik kijm-K lot. i tot 1. Ibex Ind Comnanr. , $10n; tot 2, tbeg Land Company. $100: lot a than Land Gomoany. ai.oe: lot e. Inei land Oaaapany. $100; eaat 50 feet of tot ft. Ibex Ind Compear, 31.00; eaat 60 feet ef lot 8. Ibex Land Com pa ay, $1.00; all of tot 6 "rent eaat 60 feet, r. G, Welch, go.mi; II nf -tot 8 exeeot eut 60 feet. F. G. Walch. 80,n; tot T. Ihex Und Company, $2.45; tot a. Ibet mm uimnny, kmk k ins. tot 1, Oregoa Railway ft Nangathm Com way. $10; tot 2. Oregon Railway ft Nael - gattoa company.- $170; tot 8, Oregna Rail way ft Naeigatlon Company. $4rt tot 4, Oregna Railway Maeigalioa nemo nr. glin; lot a, oi'iun luiiwir at iioiiiwi oof. i as AO: Int A (Iwm Rail war aV Neelea. iion Cmpny, $2.0T tot T. Oreawn Railway A Kaelaattoa Company, $lr; tot 8. Oregon Rllwf ft N'elgtlnn Company, $2. on. BLOCK ion. nt I, WlllUm M. Gragdry and J. ?. Beach, $100; lot 2. William M. Greg. err ana j. . aeace. aiuo: w a. wnna M. bregory had aU-JTw B-- tiMi tot 4, WlllUm If. Crrrory aad J. T. Beach, $2 00) tot ft. WUUam M. Gregory and J. V. Beach, ' $1.86; 'tot 8, Wllitaa M. Gregory aad J. V. i Belrhr' $l.T0; let T. WUUam M. Gregory and J. V., Beach. $1.66; lot 8. William Gregory .' aad J. T, Beach. $1.86. BIXH K 107, Oregoa Railway ft Narlgatioa Company, $16.85. BLOCK 1UM, lot 1, Thome Burhaaan, $135; tot 2. Thomas J. Cottel. Keute Heir of, 1225; lot 3. Hlchard B. Col Hoe, $2.05; tot 4. Irhard B. CuUlua. $1.80; hit 6. Portland - Truat Company af Oregoa. $2.00; tot d, Port land Truat Compear of' Oregoa. $100; west ,83 1-8 feet of tot 7. Leonard Bchad, $0.65; west S3 1-8 . feet ot lot 8, Leonard Bchad, fD.M; eeat OX 2-8 -faet of tot T, Joha Lewy, 1.K6; eaat M 8-8 faet ef tot 8. John Iwy, 1.36. BliOCK 100, tot 1, Annie B. New ' some. $100; north 37 Mi feet ef lot 1 Robert . William. 1.50; aoath 12V. feet of tot 2, Victoria Fletilger, $o.50; aorth H of tot ft. - Victoria Kleblger, $1.(hi; south H ot lot 8. ' Frank . aad Victoria rieblgnr, $100: ' tot 4. William King. $2.00; all of let '5 except , Oregoa 4 Calffoeola Railroad Company' light ef way. William King, $o.80; ll of tot 4 'except Oregoa ft California Railroad Com- paay right ef war, WlllUm King. $.wi; all ef tot 7 except Oregoa ft California IUII i road Company1 right of way. WUUam R. King, 31-00; all et tot 8 except Oregoa ft ; California Railroad Company 'a light of way, WlllUm R. . King. 81.45. RIXK'K 110, ' lot 1. Henry J. Tbompeoo, Eatate Helra of. $108; lot 2. Beary J, Thompson. Bstst - Heir et.- $2.00; tot 3, D. W. Wakefield, 110O; tot 4. Busaa M. Wallace. 8100; lot . Ferdinand Oundorph. $100rt Ferdl , Band Gnndorpb, $100; tot 7. Ferdinand Gun dorph, $100; tot . rerdlnand Gnndorph, ' 8100. BLOCK 111, all of tot 1 except Ore . goa fti California Railroad Company a right of way. Charlea C. Smith. $1.1 6; aU et lot 2 etrrpt Oregoa A California Rallrnad Com paay'a right of way. Charlea C Smith. $0.30; . all ot tot 3 except Oregon A CaUfornla Rail .'end Comoanr'a rlaht af war. Ohartoa O. ' Smith. $u.7o; all of tot 4 except Oregon ft California Railroad Company 'g right ef way. riiarleal ' C. Xmlth. BH.T5: all of tot . 6 hxeept oregoa ft California Railroad Com- peny ngai or way, t aaiiee t;. . amiin, $3.0O; all of tot 6 exeeptwooegwa A Call ' fornla RoUroad Oomnaay'ri rlxht of - way. : Charlea C. Smith. $10o; all ef tot 7 except Oregoa ft California Railroad Company's right of way. Charlea 0. Smith. $1.eb: all of tot S except Oregoa California 'Rallrnad . Company' right ef pray, Charlea C Smith, I. on . Hiytn.a. lis, lox l, rrea sbeoorsi, loo: lot 1 Fred Rehorat, $100; tot 8, Northern Oonatlea Iaeeatment Treat. Ltd.. S: on; tot 4. Vera Bayaea, $100; tot 5, Vera raea, $1001 tot 4, Northern Ooanttoa la res I meet Traet, Ltd., $100; tot 7, Fred Re horat. gxoo; let , rrea Manorat. gx.iJ. ' BLOCK 113. lot 1. J. Swank. RaUta Heir ef, $100; tot 1 J. Sweek. Butp Helra of, $100; north 40 feet of tot 3. J. Sweek. Ee- , tele Helra et, i.o: aoata J reet ot km. a, M. W. Smith. $0.86; tot 4. M. W. Smith, $100; .wast 45 feet af tot 6, Herman H. Htelnforth. 80.00; eaat 66 feet Of tot ft. V. L. Wrleht. 61.10: lot g. I. W. Sweek. Eatata Helra ef, $100; let 7,-J. W. Sweek, EaUte Helra ef. $2.00; tot 8. J. W. Sweek, Estate ' Helra or. 62.00. BLOCK . int. l.. usorg p. Wathtoa and B. D. Row. $100; tot 1 D. Watklna aad B. D. bVood. gioo; i tot 2, Fraaklla Drake, $100; tot 4. Franklin . Drake. $100; west M ef tot 6. Columbia- la " wumit Comnanr No. 2. 81.00;- weat hk of U tot , Calombla ineeetment lompany wo. a. .. ei.uu, ewec 7 OS e v w, mmtj aeriata, oi-v.'. aut H of lot 6, Mary Lenta. $1.00: un divided 4-5 ol tot T.-. Hannah Bloom. $1.60; . mdleided 4-6 ef lot 8. Hannih Btooea, $1.80; . . u . a -. 1 . m 1 u. 1 .1. wwoieioeil 1-w o I, m --,.., : Mary and B. Bloom. $0.86; oodlrlded 1-6 of lot 8 Mathilda, Jennh. Mary and S. Bloom, 80.85. BLOCK 116, tot 1, The Norther ' Counties Iaeeatasaat Traet, Ltd.. $100; Int The Northern Oonntiea Ineeetment Troat. Ltd., $100: tot 8, EUaabeth A. Tnomaa. 8100; tot 4, Elisabeth A. Thomas, $100; west 00 . feet -of tot ft, Issse Swett. $1.16; eaat 40 . Teat of lot 8, Tneresa erown. u.on; boots : u af te i T. E. Rogers. $1.00: north hi of lot ft Fred L. Bigg aad Stella M. Rlgga, , $1.00: tot T. Byroa P. Cardwell. EaUte Heir ; ot. $100; lot 8, Byroa P. Cardwell. Btt - Hmra or, gxou. bum.b no. mt t. eonn 4 H. aad Mary D. Mlddletoa, $100; tot X Ney , Chnechaaaa. . 82.00: tot 3. Amend W. Reed. i Batata Hetra ot. $100; tot J. Amend W. . Reed. EMato Rein of, $100; lot 6. Margaret 1 c. r aiung. JS-oo; lot a. jiargarei 1 . rauing. glOO: hat TT Marr A. Bullieaat. $100; tot . 8. Bridget and J. D. Kennedy, Estate Heirs ..of. $100. BLOCK 11T. tot 1. Mary franee Hurley, $100; tot , George w. Craw, gioo; . tot 1L Mare- Francea Hurler. 33 00: lot 4. ' Marr Frances Warier. $100; tot ft, Dora Rnraiaar. 3100: tot a. Dora Snraner. 82.00: a tot T, Georae Ribbecke. $2 HO; lot 8, Felix ; Ftndley, $100. . BLOCK 118. lot 1.' Rlleu Mnrphy. $100: lot 2. George. Bukowiky, . ez.ou; Kit a. vame nmei, w.w, av ', Georg Selkirk, $2.00 eaat H ef tot 8, Anal 11 laenlaWeee. 81.00: eaat It of lot 8. Annie M. Jaeobberger. fl.OO; west H of lot 6, Cntheriao Aaa Howe. $Lt; weet ef lot 6, Catherine Ann Howe. $1.00; eaat H et-tot 1 7r"Bobn -R Irk ley. $l,uo; tor. tot 8. John Kirk ley. $1.00; west hi of tot. ' T, Fred 14. Wright, gi.uo; : wen or awn, Fred I. Wrleht. 81.00. RlCBf lift, lot 1. ! Maria C. Walla, $100; lot 1 Untie C, Well. $100: tot 8, J. R. -McAlpln. $100 lot 4. J. 8. MeAJpla. $2 00; lot 5, Benjamin F. and Phoebe J. Johnaoa, $100; tot 6, netrjamin e. ana rnww e. eonnevn, ee.w, tot T. Usalo C Wella. $100 L tot 8, Unit C. Welle. $100." BLOCK 120. tot 1, Ore goa Bailroad ft Neelgattoa Company, $200; lot 2, Oregoa sUUrosd ft Navigation Com. ' pony. $100; lot 3, Oregon Railroad ft Nayl gatloa Company, $2.00; tot 4, Oregon Rail road - Naelgattoa Company, $100; tot 6, - Oregoa Railroad Nrtgatloa Company. $200; tot 6, Uregoa Railroad ft Narlgatioa ' Company, $2.00; tot T Oregon Bailroad ft Naelgatioa Company. $100: '-tot 8, Oregoa : Railroad - ft Naelgattoa Com paay. 6100. BLOCK 121. tot 1. Oregoa Railroad ft Nael gattoa Company, $100 ; lot 2, Oregoa Rll- ; rood NerigatieB Company, $2.00; lot 8, Oregoa Railroad ft Naeigatlon Company, $100; tot 4. Oregon Railroad ft Narlgatioa Company. $2.00; tot 6, Oregon Bailroad ft Narlgatioa Company, $2.00; tot. 0. Oregon Railroad ft Navigation Company, $2.00: tot 7. Oregoa Railroad ft Naelgatioa Company. $2.00; lot 8, Oregon Railroad ft Nartgatloa Com paay. . $2.00. BLOCK 122. lot 1. Ore goa Railroad ft Navigation Company,. $2.00; lot 2, Oregon Railroad A Narlgatioa Com pany. $100; lot 3. Oregon Railroad ft Narl gatioa Company, $100; lot 4. Oregon Rail road ft Navigation Company. $240; lot Oregon Bailroad A Nartgatloa Company. 8100; tot 8. Oregon Railroad ft Navigatto Company. $100; tot 7. Oregoa Railroad ft ' Naelgattoa Company. $2.00: tot 8, Oregoa I Rallrnad ft Narlgatioa Onmpnay. 82.00. BLOCK 123, tot 1. Laura M. Gamnaona, $2.00-, .block 2, leiara M. ttonuaoaa. $100; tot 3, Praeton W. Gillette. $2.00; tot 4, . Treatoa W. GlUetta. $100; tot 6, Arthar G. Cnurcb- toy, $2.00; tot 8. Afthnr O. Church ley, $100; tot 7, Investor' Mortgage Security Cora pa ire, : Ltd.; $100; tot ft, H. I Tempiaton, 31.00. BLOCK 124. tot 1. Carotin Vantine, $100 ' tot X Carolina Taatlne. $100;. lot 3, Amanda ' W. Reed Batata. Hetra ef. $100; tot 4. Amanda W. Reed Estate. Heir of. $2 00; , tot 6. Careltae Vantine, $100; lot 8, Caroliae Vantine. $100; tot 7, Caroline Vantine, . $100; let 3, CaroUoe Vantine. fioo. BLOCK 125. tot 1. A, J. 4Jlhay, $100; lot 2. A. 3. 1 Giey, $100: north of lot 3. Joseph Kell- aea. $1.00; aoath hi ef tot 8. I- ttoldenberg. '$1.00; tot 4, Ada and A. R..Fanno. $100; tot - 5, Oregon Mortgage Company, 3100; , sooth hi of lot 8, Alice L. ' Bower), 31.00; north ' hi of lot 4, Charlea Houghton, ftt.oO; tot 7, H. F. and Flora C. Gcranach, $100; lot 8. Cora B. and 1.1 UUa A. DeLInd, $100. BLOCK 125, tot 1. Jullna H. Berger, $2.00; tot 1 . Ida M. Berger. $100; tot 8, George 8. and , Mlnnla Urlngetou. $100: tot 4. Martha Hen- shaw. $100; tot ft, A. L. Upeoe, $100: tot ' 6. Fred S. Pierce. $2.00; eaet 6T feet of tot 7, Germaa Saving ft Loaa Society, $1.10; eaat 67 feet ot tot ft, Germaa Saving ft Loaa Society, $1.10; weet 43 feet et lot 7. J. H. Brlatow. 80.80; west 43 feet ef tot 6. J. H. - Brlatow. $0.80. BLOCK 12T. tot 1.-. William i E. ie-uk ell. $2 00: lot 2, William E. DrlakelL 82.00; lot 8, Percy H. Blyth. $2.00; tot 4. " Frank and Lonlaa R. Rammelln, $100: lot 6. Winum E. Driskell. $5.80; tot 6. William R. Drlakell. $6.80; tot 7. Jews M. S-ttle- mler. $6 w: tot 8. Ieeac Gernrta. $3.00. BIA1CK 128, east 78 feet of tot 1. Loala Marott. $4.7 ; weet 26 feet Of tot 1, Hannah L. Hardy. $1.16; wen 26 feet of tot 1 ltea' - nth L. Hardy. $1.16: north V of eaat T6 ; feet oVaatot 2, Mary Coleman. $136; snath H et seat 75 feet of tot 2, Bridget Kennedy : and Jan. Kennedy -KUte. Heir of, $135; . tot 3, City of Portland, $5. BO; tot 4, . Ooe gtanr and Fred Tillman, $6.00: tot 6. Marcim . Kuedy, $100; aoath Mi of tot d, Sarah Cob. 1 $1.00; aorth H of tot 6. M. J. Moaa, $1 (; ' tot 7, Foartb Preebyterlaa Chnrch, $2 Oil; tot 6. Fourth Preabrterlaa Chnrch, 3100. BIXXIK 128, tot I. Fred Spigele. $1.00; north -3d faet ef tot. 2. Leroy j. Sarltale. . $1.46; eoath 14 feet of hit 2, Joha Mulr. 80.65; aorth 42 feet ef tot 3, John Mulr, il.aA; aonth 8 feet of to 8. Marieaaa B. Boyd. $0.30; tot 4. Marieaaa B. Boyd. $100; all of tot ft except Oregoa ft California Hall . road Cnmpaay'a right of way, Nanel M. Starr. $15: all of tot $ except ; Oregon ft California Railroad Company'e right of way. ' Nannie M. Starr. $t.H; eaet H of tot 7, Hannah McCarthy. $1.00: eaat Ml of lot 8. Haaaah . McCarthy, $1.00;.,' ,. weet H ef tot 7. . Mr. Martin -A. Bfera, - 31.00; weat hi at tot 6. Mat. Martla A. Klfeva. $L0O. BIMTf 130, all of tot 1 except Oregna ft California Railroad Compeay'e right of way. Charlea Cardlnell. -$; tot 2. Fred W. Prehn, $lon: tot 8. ' Kittle M. Stark.- $100; tot 4. Kittle M. Hi ark 3100: wee a df tot 6. Alice R. Weleier, $l.oft; weat H ef tot 8, AUce H. Welater. e. at 1.0O; at Ml f tot 5. Robert jlvln-otnue, ti OOj eeat V) of tot 8. Robert uvtnretnae, ; eaet t-m lot j. tarael -end Marr Pnntoff, $100; eaat Hi of tot 6. larael and Mary Da a toff. 81.00; wast V. ef tot 7, F. A. P1y. Traetee, $1.00; went U of tot 8. F. A.' Daly. Trustee-. $1.00. BI1CK 131. tot 1. P. Ryan. $3 OO; all of .aoelh Mt of tor f exeeot Oregoa ft California Rallrnad fnmnany right of way. Georg N. Walden. $n.80; all ef anrth v. of !tot 1- eieept Ore pan ft California Rsllraad Cempany'a right - of W7 iolly sK Tr4,.$; aU af let $ ateept Oregon ft CaUforala Railroad Cons paay 'right of wy. PhlUp Lawtonr-ft.fttt; . all af tot 4 except Oregoa ft California Ball, road Campaay'a right ot way, J'bllip Law too, . $1,85; eaat 4ft feet ef let ft except Oregoa ft California Railroad Oeemany's right et : way, EaUlla Smith, $1.00; eaat 40 feet of aouth 20 feet et tot 8 except Oregon A Cali fornia Kail road Company' right ef way, Eatella Smith., $0.30; weat 51 feet of lot $ ; ricrpt Oregoa ft t'sUfornis Railroad tym pany right of way, WlllUm M. Gregory. $1.00; waet 61 feet 'of couth 20 feet of tot except Oregoa A California Railroad Om paey'a right et way, WlllUm M. Upeginry, (0.36; north SO feet of tot 6 except . Oregua ft Callforul Railroad Company's right ot way, John H. Mlddlrton, $l.lo; all of M t . except Oregon A Callforala Railroad Com pany right af way, Jnhn 11. ' MlddfeUin, $1,00; all ot tot 8 except Oregoa A California . Railroad Company' right of way, Olga M. ;Lng. $1.06. BliOCK 132, tot 1. "Laura FauUei, $11 T5; tot 2. Orut Phcgley, $I1.T5; kit 3, All.- J. Pllmplna, $11.75; tot 4. ; Alice . I'llmptoa, $11.75? tot, 5. Anna ' C. Baroft. $100; lot 4 Ida B. Goret $2.00; . tot 7, K. r. Strso. $3.00; tot 8, R- V. U a ftfl ILO lea 1 T8lel A. . Llts; $100; lot 2, Fred A.1 Llta, $2.tM; tot a aniiu . . . ' at, nt.. . . . a IVIIHam e, niiiism jiaraoK, . fi-vw, e-v . Tarant ta ooY lot H. i Irat Methodlat KPlec ' nal Chnrch. Trustee. 311.71: lot 6. First ' MctbodUit Eplecoiial Church, Troatea, $11.76; , hit T. Kred A. Lite. 311.76: lot 8. 1 rvd A. Lit. $11.75. BLOCK 134. lot 1. Adslln - u it m kit 2. Adeline M. I nderwood. $100; tot 3. Nancy B. Athlaaoa Relate, of. $200; . tot 4. Nancy B. " Atkluaoa Ealste, llrlr of. $2.00; tot 6. Sumoar J. Barber, 8100: lot a, aamnrr a. . Barber, $2.00; tot 7, WUUam C. Harmar, $100; lot , William U. . lUrmar. $lu; BUH'K 135, aaat ef lot 1. rrok . Shuck. $l.O0i east hi of tot 2. "Irank V. Khiick II wat la, of tot 1. William 1. Olda, $1,009 west hi ef tot 2. WUUam P, . Olda, $1.00:" north hi of tot S, A. B. and L. Buttner. $1.00; aoUih hi ef tot 3. Dahlel : W. Hoelblng, $1.00; tot 4, Daniel ' W. llioel . bine, a-i iai: Id a Cenreo Stuwall. SKai;- . int a iia,, Mrwil iai: lot T. Alexmnd(r . B. Pattullo. $100; tot 6, AWiaodcr 8. l't tulto, $100. BLOCK 13d, weat irttai tot 1, Mary J. Nelmea. 80.40; eaat Tft feel of tot 1, Anna HerraU, $1.55; tot 2. Colla C. Girvta. $100: tot a, M. w. emita, ij; lot a, si. w. amiuv .""; . mlth. at nr.. w a hi. W. Smith. $100; tot 7, Hi-m-y Welnhard. $2.00: tot 8. Henn Welnhard. $2.00. BLOCK . 137, tot 1. M. W. Smith. $2.00: lot 3. M. W. Smith, $100; ... . . i a , . an aa. t. . . a ml la lot a, m. o DOItfl, tawr eo. -a. " Smith, $100: tot 6, M. ' W. Smith, W-OO; .lot 8, M. Mt. Smith, 8100; tot 7, U. W. Smith. 82.00: lot 8. M. W. Smith. $100. " miv-nr i: lot 1 oreeon Railroad A Navl' aatloa Comnaar. 8100: lot 1 Oregon Rsllrosd A Natlaattm Company. 8100; lot 3, Ore gon Railroad ft Navigation ttoaipany, $100! U jTZiWa.. Rallrnad ft Naviaattoa Com pany, (loo; lot ft. Oregon Railroad ft Navl gitle Company. $100; tor 4, Oregon Rail road ft Navigation Company, 82.0U; tot 7, -Oregon Railroad ft Nxvlgatioa Company. $100; tot A. Oreeow Railroad ft Navlaatloa Com- Kny, $100. BLOCK :. tot 1. Oregon illroad A Navigation Company. $2.00; tot 2. Orrgon Raliroad navigation uompany, . on- lot a Oeeenn ' Railroad ft Navlxa ttoa Cempaay,' $2.00; tot 4. Oregoa Bailroad ft Narlgatioa Company. $2.00; tot ft. Ore gon Rsllrosd ft Navigation company. i.ii; lot . Oregoa Railroad ft Narlgatioa Company, , $2.00; lot 7, Oregoa Railroad ft Narlgatioa (oainanv 31 0O: lot 8. Oregon Railroad ft Narlgatioa Company, $2.00. BLOCK , 140, tot 1. Oregon Railroad ft Navigation company, 810U: tot 8. I Ira eon Railroad ft Navigation . Company. . 82.00; tot 3. Oregon Railroad ft Naelgatioa Company, ' $2,00; tot 4, Oregoa Railroad ft navigation uompany, aa.ieij iot ' 6. Oreeon Railroad ft Navigation Company, ? 2.00; tot 8, Oregon Railroad ft Narlgatioa ompany, 8100; lot 7. Oregon . Railroad ft Navigation Company, $100; tot 8, Oregoa Railroad ft Navigation Company, 8100. i BLOCK 141, tot 1, Oregon Railroad A Navi gation Company, gz.00; lot a, uregoa nau ' road ft Navigatloa Company. $100; lot 3, ' aireeoa Raihnaad A Navlaatlon Comnany. , $100; lot 4, Oregon, Railroad ft Navigatloa Company, $100; tot -ft. Oregoa Bailroad ft Navigatloa Company, $100; tot 6, Oregoa Railroad ft Navigation Compaay, gioo; lot T, Oreaoa Railroad ft Navlaatlon Comnany. ' $200; tot H, Oregon Railroad A Navigation ' amnanv.T 8100. BLOCK 141 tot 1. RlcbArd and fclla Funk, $100: tot X Richard and . K1U rank,' axoo; lot a. marine mary - Taylor, $100; lot 4, Martha Mary Taylor. $2.00; tot 6, Fred Spagele. $2.00; lot 8. eraa Dpaaeee, ecwv, lot I, eoon aaitur. aa.w, , tot 8, John Mulr. $100. BLOCK 143. tot . 1. Oregon Railroad ft Navigation Company. $100; lot 1 Oregon Railroad ft Navigatloa Com near. 6100: lot 3. Oreaon Railroad ft Navigation Company, $2.00; tot 4. Oregon i- Railroad ft Navigation Company. $100; tot 6. Oreaoa Railroad ft Navigation Oompany. ; $100; let 8, Oregon,, Railroad ft, Navigatloa Company, ' $2.00; tot 7, Oregon Railroad ft Nsvrgitlon -Compeny - $2:00; tot 8; Oregon , Railroad Navigation ' Company, az.oo. BLOCK 144, want hi of lot' 1, 1'eter Glbonl, $1.00: weet of lot 2. Peter Glbonl. 81.00; eaat hi of tot 1, S. M. Smith, $1.00; mat hi tt lot 1 e. M. Smith.' $1.00; aaat H lot 3. John Karmiah. 61.00: eaat hi of lot 4 John Korrulsh. $1.00; weat tt of tot 8, Joha P. Harunaa, $1.00; west Mi of tot 4, ' Joha P. Bartroaa, $1.00: lot 5, Mary S. . Mlddletoa. $100: tot ft Mary 8. Mlddleton. J100: weat hi of lot 7, Lenore, S. Gregory, 1.00; eaat H of tot Y, Sadie A. Wrinkle, , fl.oo; eaat " or lot a, bmm a. wrtnaie. 51.00; weet y, et tot 8, A pram irlliey, xi.uu, t, t rt..rr , , , . , u.ihuj a, V' . ul euu.e 1TJ, nra ,a vra,vn bmhwi aa ,' gation Company. $100; tot 1 Oregoa Rail road ft Navigation Company, $100; lot 3, '. Oregon Railroad ft Nartgittoa' Company, e- oa. I. . T . 1 1 A m. ea.wv. ava uiajsa SMiiiwav aa " ' a 1 , Company, $2.00; tot 6, Oregon Railroad A Navigation. Company, $100; tot 6. Oregon Railroad ti- Navtgattoa Company, $100; lot 7, Oregon Railroad ft Navigating Company, $200; tot 8, Oregon Railroad ft Nartgatloa Company, 8100. BLOCK 146, lot 1. Ma tilda Sandstone, 81001 tot x. Matilda Band . atone. 8100: tot 8. Matilda Hand too. 8100; tot 4, Matilda Sandstone. $2.00; tot ft. Ore gon Railroad ft Navigation Compaay. 617.06; lot a. uregoa naiiroea navigation uompany, ' 81T.85: tot T. Oreaoa Railroad ft Navlga ttoa Compaay, $17.65; tot 6, Oregoa Railroad ft navigation company, it.ob. ulam.. it, tot 1, Loala M. AaninwaU. $17.86: lot 1 Sarah V., JEdlth and Samuel L. Campbell. 111.65; tot- '3, Ssrsh V., hvdlth aad Samuel . Campbell, $17.85; tot 4, Sarah V Kdlth . ana namnei u. l ampoeii, aiT.en; jot o. H. J, Tbwmpeon KeUte, Heir or, 31 OO; tot 8, H. J. Thompsoa Batate. Helra of $100i eaat hi et tot T. Adam Cattle. 81.00 eaat Mi of wt 8. Adam CatUn. $1.00; weat Mi of tot 7. Alliance Traet Company ef Dua- oee, Bi-otiana, si.uo; went n m , Ai llsnce Truat Compaay of Dundee, Scotia ad, 6I.0O. BLOCK 143. all ef eaat hi et lot 1. except Oregoa ft Callforala Railroad torn. panya right of way, Abraham Dllley. all of west Mi of tot 1. exeept Oregon ft cailtornu Kaiimaa uompaay right at way, Cyrua Culrian, $0.80; air of aorth H of lot S except Oregna ft California Railroad Com pany a ngnt ot way. rtarvey n. tereen, e"-oe; all of aouth 'Mi ot tot 2 except Oregon ft Call . fornla Railroad Compaay a right of way Lawrence Suand. $o.05; s II of lot 8 except . Oreaon A California Railroad Comoanr'a right af way, Lawrence Strand, $0.40; nil of Hit exeept Oregon at cauiomia Haiiroaa . Camnanr'a rlaht of way. 30.73: lot 5. Lawrence Strand, $100; tot 6, Lawrence Strand, 82.00: aoath hi of eeat hi of lot 7. . Lawrence Strand. $0.60; north Mi ot eaat M of tot 7. Harvey S. B. ureea, o a; weat BO feet or Kit T nsrvev - a. lirwn. 3100: eeat ,". t yrus cuipan, gi oo; weat Ml of tot ft. Abram IHIley, 81.00. BLOCK tn, . lot I. jnnn r. i a plea, gioo north Ml of tot 2. Joha F. Oplea, . $1.00 oath hi of to 2. WlllUm H. Miytor. $1.00 tot 3. WUUam H. Sartor. $100: tot 4. A. Ie Mill. $2.00) ee.t Mi nf tot 6. Fred H. Strong. fl.OO: eaat hi of lot 6. Fred H. Strong. $1.00; weat Mi of tot 6. Christopher Kaufman, $1.00; weat hi af tot . Cbrlete- pner Rsuimsn, i w; bh t, airs, n, a Owen Adair, . $4.56;- lot 8. Mra. , B. - Owene - Adair. 1 34 f. - BIK K 150. lot , Preston W. Gillette. $23.63: lot 2, Marr . Gillette. $22.56; north 40 . feet of lot 8. , F. D. Msttbsws. Trnatee. . 31S.6&-. . sopUi . A , . k, t u W.' . I . KLtlM 11 t. .11 of lot 4 except Oregon A CaUfornla Bailroad eomaamr s riant ot wsy. waiier - e. iciia. rt:B.i.i6; all of lot a weat or tn-egoa ft call roraia rtanroao tmnpaay a rigni et way . J. rarer. 8100: all ot tot eaat ef Oreaon A CallfomU Railroad Compaay' right of way. waiter Kiett, ai.iu; an at mt a weat or uregoa a uurernM Kaiireeii ompany a right of way, Adeline Wild. 30 44; sll ot tot 7 west ef Oregon ft California Railroad Compaay a right ot wsy. joha . B. Wild. 80 ID: all of lot 7 eaat ef Oreaon ft Call for- ale Railroad Cempany'a right of way. Joae phlne U. Orerend. $1.66; all of tot 8 eaat ef Oregoa ft CallfomU Railroad Company rignt ot-way. joeepnioe u. toeienu, BLOCK 16J. lot 1. Oregon naiiroaa at art gattoa Company. $4.65; tot 1 Oregon Rail road m navigatloa vumpany, ea.oo; mt a, Ore roe Railroad A Navigation Comnanr. $4.66; tot 4, Oregoa Railroad ft Navigation Company. $4.55: lot 5. Oregoa Railroad A Navigatloa Company, $22.55; tot 8, Oregon Railroad st nsvigsuoa uimpeay. geaoo; lot 7, Oregoa Rslh-nsd.-ft Nsvlgstlsn Com- nanv 823.5A: lot 8. Oregoa Railroad A Navl- valine Oomnany. 823.50. - BLOCK 151 tot I. Edward Know lea. 8438; anath 20 feet ef lot 1 Arthur K. eiclireeo. (; aorta go feet ot tot 1 Jeaieph C. Bayer. $173: Booth 2H feet of north 37 feet of tot 3. Joaeph C. Bayer. - $2. 80; north P feet of tot 8. Arthur J.. mcrireen. po.nii; Bourn 14 reet ot lot B, refer liotialrk. $1.13; tot 4. Peteeollohklrk. 14 hs: tol A. The Tttla Guarantee ft Trust leurpanv, $4.55: tot 6. The Title Guarantee A Troat company. S4.0: tot 7, Joseph f - Bayer ft Pater Hobkh-k. $4.63: tot 8. Joaenl, . C. Barer ft Peier Hobklrk. $4.55. BUK K 153. tot 1. Victor K. Strode, $4.58; tot 1 Nate Strnde. 4 rvo; mt a, rerdlnand Bar ten r.55; lot 4. Ferdlnsnd Bsrtela. $4 50; Int Oecer and Iau-v, Hhaltark. $1.55: tot 4. Oscar and Lacy Hhaltack. ti.ii; lot I. Frank and Msrr Hscheney. $455: tot 8. Phillip Gevnrte, $4.55. SLOTH, 154. tot I. Ellaaneth A. Thompsoa, $4.M; lot eVUhmhelh A. TkoaiB- aoa, $4.55; lot $, Jamea R. Tbomoeon, $453; tot 4, Jamea-R. Tbompaea. $4.60; lot ft, 'Haaaah C. Stewart, $4.56; tot 8. Hannah C, Stewart. $4.56; tot. 7, EUaabeth A. Thorn, $1.55; tot 8, Elisabeth At 'inoaiaa, 64 ,V. BLOCK 154. tot I. Joha U. HoffuiaBa, $1 .65; tot 2. Haua J. Bt-ksraor. $4.66; lot X KU t . Sabln. 34.66: tot 4, Ella C. SaUIn, $LM; tot 5, John Mulr, $4.56; tot d. Anton nd 'Rnae Bukuweky. $4.50; tot T, John Mulr, $4.56; tot , William M. Ldd.. True lee. $4.&. BLOCK 15d, tot 1, Oregoa Railroad A Navl gattoa Company. $4.56; tojl X Orrgua Rale rvad A Navigation Company, $4.4o; tot 3. Oregoa Railroad A Navigation- Compauy,; 1st 4. Oregoa Railroad ft Navigation Company, 64.66; tot 6, Oregon Railroad A Nsvigatloa Co oi pany; $4.56;. tot . oregoa - Railroad ft Navigation Company, t56; lot I. Oregoa Railroad A Navtgattoa Company, 4.56; tot ft, Oregoa Railroad A Navigatloa IXHnpany, 44,00. hiamjb. 101. tut 1, io Railroad A Navlaatlon Cemiainy, $4.55 2. Oregiin Rllroad navigation company, a 1 ax. i- '1 1 .. B . Hh.. A a. NavlaalLiB Company, $4.35; tot. 4. , Oregoa Rallruad A Navigation Cempaay. $4.66; tot 5. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company, $4.65; tot 6, Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company, $4.55; lut T, Oregoa Railroad A Navigatloa unianv li KA lot ' A (h-rtfon Railroad A Navigation Company,, $4 55. BLOCK It, tot 1, Oregon Railroad A Navigation Compauy, $4J6; tot 2. Oregon Rallmsd A Nsvlgation Company, 4.55; tot 8. Oregoa Railroad A Navlgatton Company, $4.56; tot 4. Oregoa Railroad A Navigation Company, $4.55; hit 6. Oregon Railroad A Navigatloa Company, $4-55; tot 8, Oregoa Railroad ft Navigatloa . . . - mi ll, . . if ,Imaa . 1 1 n, a 1 a 4vmMan. e.uw, . . mti - Navigatloa Company, $4.65; tot 8, Orrgoa Railroad ft Navigation Comiiany, $4.56. BLOCK 150. lot 1. Oregon Railroad, A Navi gation Company. $1.65; tot 2, Orrgon Rail road ft Navtgattoa Company, $ lot ft. Ilaawa 'Ballr.uatl A' Navlaatlon ComPBBy. UK.I! inl af I lrn Railroad ft NaVlXBtiua Company. $4.55, lot 5, Oregon Rwlirued A Navigatloa company, aa.oo; m a. or.T Railroad A Navigation Company. 34.66; tot T OeaeoB Haling, I Be NatlaatiueV CuBlpauy, $4.66; tot 8. Oregon Railroad ft Navigation Company. $4.56. BLOCK 100, tot 1. Albert Frhreninrb, $4-55; tot 2. Albert rehrenUch. $4.56; tot 3. Albert Vehrenbach, $4.56; tot 4. Albert Vrhrenbach. $4-66; tot 6, Albort Fehrenbach, $4.56; lot ft Albert Fehrenbach, UU. La f ilhart Vehrenhach. 84.65: tot ft. Aioert aenraooacJi, r.uu, aian.a 1. Catharine W. Oweaa. $4.66; tot 1 Catb- ... . .... m . . ui oiir . tat Ui elne W (lareaa. 34.52: lot H. Elena Shtrweod. f4.55; tot 4. Elena Sherwood. $f-5&; tot 6, lenry Becke, $4.56; tot 4. Joha flebach, 84.55; tot T, Joha Plebach. $4.65; tot 8, kniaonnal Fund ef the Protestant Eolsespal Church of the lHoceae of Oregoa, truateorf $4.56. BLOCK 102. tot 1, Ferdlnaad Bartalla, ia ISA! tot 3. Ferdinand BarteUa. S4.56: tot 8, Corloae E. Weed. $4.55; tot 4, Corinoe &. Wood. 84.56: tot S. Jacob Kamm. $4.M lot 8. Jacob Kamm, $4.66; tot T. Sophia Sut ton, 84.65, - lot 8, Sophia Sutton, $4ft5-. BIXK-k Ida, Toe Home. $33,60. BLOCK 104. tot 1. The Borne. $4.56; tot 1 The - Untt 84 SSl Lrf 3. The Home. 84.551 lot 4. The Horn. $4.56; tot 6, The Home, $4.55; tot 6, The Home,. $4.56: tot 7, The Home, 84.00; lot a, 'in uome, ju. iw. bilajv-. iu all ef lots I and a. weat of Oregon ft CaU fornla Railroad Company'a right ot .way, Joha and Barbara Wild, $3.75; sll ef lot 1. - llng east at Oregoa ft CaUfornla Railroad : Company's right of way. WUUam L. Grsea, $loo; all of north 20 feet of tot 2. lying eaat of Oregon ft tanromia atsiirosa una nanr'a rlaht of war. WUUam L. Gredn. $0.B; U ot aouth 30 feet ef tot 2, lying eaat et Oregoa ft CaUfornla Railroad Company's right of, way. Leaors B. Grtry. $o.45; sll ef hit 3, lying west of Oregon ft CaU torn Is . Railroad Company'a right of why, Joha and tsaroara vfrm, V i- . a.. m. y "a --- of Oregon ft CaUfornla Railroad Company' right ef way, John and Barbara Wild, $liw; kit ft. Jeme N. FulUlove, 84JV3; lot 4, Jams , N. FaUllove, 41 ao ; lot t, a. r. neunert, ai AS: tot 8. Jacob Cnaar. 64.66. BLOCK 1U tot I, Rosa KimlBsky, $4.56; 'lot 1 Rose Ksmlnsky. 82,40; , tot V J-' .L oftman, S2P.40; tot 4. William F. Holts, $.0; tot , Matthew Beidr, 84.55; tot 6, Joseph Naeer, $4.66; tot 7, Portland 'Irnst tympany, ..... . . . lt a aik. , aa n, iuv , .rr B-I.IIO; JOt o, n. a. ais, a-a.wta, uwi , east Mi df tot 1,' J. C Atnworth, 32.3U; east Mi ot tot 1 J. C. AlMworth. $125; weat Ml f ta 1- Kry" Churchmaa, $126: weat ' af tot X Key (Jtwrehman, $130: -alt: ef lot 8 exeept Oregon ft Califor nia ataiirwaai unauui tibh i. - J i a- luace Truat Company, $4.30; U ef tot 4 except uregoa at twjirornia aasiirosn wm nan. a rlaht of nr. John A. Blunt. 82.05: all ef lot 6 exeept Oregon ft CaUfornla Rail road Comnany' right of way. WUUam J. ' Lehigh. Betat Helra of. $30 1; all ot tot ft lying weet of Oregon ft California Railroad Company ngnt of way, wimam J. -nigu, " Batate Heir of, $10 1; all of tot ft lying eaat of Oregon ft CaUfornla Bailroad Com- , pany' Tight ot way, AUUae Trnet" Com ' pany, $0.60; all Of tot 7, lying weet ef Ore gon -ft California Railroad Compaay' right ' of war." WltUanr .' Lehigh,' Estato Helm oft ?1.S5; aU of- lot -de lying east ofUaregon A attforaia Railroad Oompaay'a right of way. w, r. wirgaua, 7. in; an ot lot a exp OraaThsawa California Railroad Comoanr'a rlahl ef way, W. F. Wlegand, $:i.ia BLOCK 108, tot 1. Presto w. Gillette, $4.55; tot 2, WlllUm H. Chnrehin,-$4.65; lot 8, Melloda K. Murgia, a, oo; tui , ni'iinaa Mi. ai organ. 84.55; tot 5, MeUnda E.' Morgan, $4.66 1. tot 0. niennaa m. morgan, ae.oa; lot t, rreatoa W. Gillette, $4.66; let 8, Preetoa W. Gillette, $4.65. BLOCK 108. tot 1. D. C. Pelton. 84.66: tot 2. D. C. Pelton. 84.56; lot 3, Catherine W. Owens, $4.66; tot 4. Catherine W. Owens, ' 84.66; tot 8. David Stearns, $4.56; tot ft, David '. 8tearn $4. 56 ; lot 7, Portlaad Truat Oom , pany ot Oregon, $4.65: tot 8, Portland Trust Company ef Oregon, 84.66. BLOCK 170, un divided of tot 1. Clem tine aad Lydla Rod ney, $3.45; undivided of lot X ClemtiDe and Lydl Rodney. $.1.46; Undivided of tot 3. leat!ne and I.rdla Rodney. ft3.45: un divided- of tot 4. Clemtine and 'Lydla Rod - ney, 3.o; unaiviaea ot mt 1, tunnes 1 R. Morrl, $1.10: andtrlded U of tot 1 Haa- na M. Morris.; nivlded 44 ot tot 8, Haaaah R. Morrl. $1.10; undivided V of tot 4, Hannah K. Morris, $1.10; tot 6. T W. aad Margaret V. Allen, $4.56; undivided of lot 5. Ik-men tine and LydU Rodney, $3.45; andlrlded at tot 7. Clementina and LydU Rodney. $3. 45, undivided 4, r fet-ffClemeB-tine and Lydla Rodney, $3.45; undivided hi ef tot ft llaonah B. Morria, $1.10; undivided Mi of lot 7. Haanah R. Morrl$1.10; un divided U ot tot 8. Hannah R. Morria. $1.10. - BLOCK 171. tot 1. Oregoa Railroad ft Navi gatloa Company. $4.56;. tot 2. Oregon Rail road ft Naelgattoa Company; $4-65; lot 8, Oregon Railroad ft . Navigation Company, ft. 56; lot 4, Oregon Railroad ft Navigatloa ompany, $4.66; lot t, Oregoa Railroad A Navigatloa Company.' $4.55; tot 8. Oregon ' Railroad ft Navigation Company, $4.66; lot T. Oregon Railroad ft Navigation Company. $4.56; lot 8. Oregon Railroad ft Navigation Compaay, 64.56. BLOCK 171 lot I. Oregoa Railroad 4; Nsrlgatioa Company, $4.55; tot , 2, Oregoa Raih-oad ft Navtgatloe Company. $4.56; tot 3. Oregoa Railroad ft Navigation Company. $445; tot 4, Oregoa Railroad ft : Nsvlgstloa Company. "$4.55; tot 5, Oregoa 1 1 naiiroaa enitiuon wmptn;,. 84.53; lot f- a (Iraeiin Railroad 4V . a, I a. t L.a 1 '..m n. n $4,651 tot- 7. Oregoa Railroad ft Narlgatioa Compaay, $4.56; tot 8. Oregoa Railroad ft Navigation Compaay, $4.56. BLOCK 1 7.1, lot 1. Oregon Railroad A Navigatloa Company, $4.56,' tot 2. Oregon Railroad ft Narlgatioa Company. $4.65; tot 8. Oregon BaUroed ft Navigatloa Company. $4.65; tot 4. Oregon Railroad ft Navigation Company, $4.55; tot ft. Oregon- Railroad, A -Nsvigatioa Company, 84.36: lot 0. Oregon Railroad A Naeleailo. f- t'ompany,. $4.56; lot T, Oregon Railroad A . Navigation vumpany.; lot 8, Oregna r Rsllrosd ft Navigation -Company,' 34.65. . BLOCK 1T4. tot 1. Oregoa Bailroad ft Navi gation Company. $4.56; tot 2, Oregoa Rall- road ft Navigation Company. 34.55;- lot 3, Oregoa . Rsllrosd ft Nsvlgation Company. $4.55; tot 4. Oregon ' RaUriMd ft - Navigatloa ' Company. $4.55; tot ft. Oregon Bailroad ft ' Navigation Company, $4.55; lot 8. Oregoa ' Rallroed ft Navigatloa Company, 84.65; tot 7. Oregon Railroad ft Navigatloa Company, $4.65; tot 8, Oregon Rallrnad ft Navigatloa Company, $4.50. , BLOCK ITS, lot 1, Oregon . Railroad ft Navigation Company, $4.65; tot 3. Oregon Railroad ft Nartgatloa Company, $4.56: lot 3. Oregon Railroad ft NavUatlon Company. $4.55: tot 4, , Oregon Railroad fti navigatloa t ompany. . 4.aa: --lot- 5, Oregon Railroad ft Navigatloa . Com pany, $4.56; lot 8. Oregon Rail road ft Nsvlgsthm Company. $4.55; lot ' 7. Oreaxm Railroad ft Navigation -Company, $4.55; tot 8. Oregoa Railroad A 'Navigation Company, $4,66. . BLOCK 17.. -tot 1. C K. Buell, 31.55: l 't 2. Joha Mulr, $4 53: tot 3. Joha Mulr. $4.55; lot 4. John Mulr, $4.53; tot 5. Joha Mulr. $4.56; tot 8. Joha Muir. $4.65; tot T. Joha Mulr. T4.65; kit 8, C- E. Bueit $1 55. BLOCK 177. tot 1. Ida Mi-Cbe TaswelL $4.55; tot ,2. Ida McCabe TaiWeU. $4.55; lot 8. Joha Mulr, $4 66; lot 4, Joha . Mulr.:. $4.55; hit - 5, Joha Mnir, $4.66; - tot ft John Mulr. $4 55; tot 7. John Mulr. , $4.56;- tot 8. George Taswell. $4.56. BLOCK 178. . undivided Mi of - tot 1, G. 0. Gam mons." $13n: nndlrlded Mi of tot 2. (1. u. (Unrmons, 31 30; and I tided H of lut 3, G. G. (ejmmona. $2.30; undivided M, ot tot 4. O. ' G. t'Gaaiamna. $130; undivided Mi of tot 6. G. O. ' Gammons. 8130: undivided u of tot 6. O. U. Ggmumna, $2.3"; s "divided Mi of tot T. G. O. Gsmmons. $130- nndlrlded U ot tot 8. 0. tt. Gsmmons, ? Hi; nndlrlded ii of tot 1, Jamee snd Edith Gsmmons, - fi.w); andlrlded H of tot 1 Jamee and Edith Gammons. $2.30: undivided Ml of tot 3. Jme ' and Kdlth Gaamon. tin; an divided hi of lot 4. Jamea aad Kdlth Gammons, $230i an dlvlded M, of tot 6. Jamea aad Edith Gam . nema. $130: undivided v, ef tot ft James 'and F.dlth fummone, $2.:h); andivldrd i nf tot T. Jaate and Edith Gammon. $130; ' undivided Ml of tot 8. Jamea had Edith Gam- ' ronna. $2.3(1. PIaTCR 1T. tot L Hamael C. " Wrsnn, $4.55; tot 2, J. F, (n, $4 55; sooth Mr of tot 3. Annie A. Erect, $4.66; Berth 2 of lot ft. Anal Brerk. $4 55; Int 4, AnnU ' Breep, $4 65; tot ft, Thome Schaelder. $4.55; : north Mi tot d. Joseph Beet. $2.: aoath Mi nt tot ft V. 8. Orast Msnrasm. $2 30: lot 7 Thamas Rnrd, $4.36: tot 8. Thoma Bnvd. i $4 55. SIaVTK 1. H nf tot 1 lTlng eeat ef Oregon ft California Ranmad f'owioaay .right af war. I eknewa Owner. $2. el; sll I t lot-4 lrleUj-wotf'0re4e-Llifar Sw 1 RaUread Cempaay'a right et W. Gillette. 'A'! ll ef It a ! ef Oregoa California Ra- 1 right ef way, prealun W. bi. of tot Hy. lying west -of Otoe a t Ralrnar Couipauy right orl way. W. Gillette. $3.3o; all of tot 4 lj v ot (a-egoa ft Calltjenla Rallroed -right ef way, ITvetne W. U- -t'e. . tot 3, Praetoa W. Gillette. $ au: V preetoa W. ullh-tte, $3.55; tot 7. T W. laUlette. al.5b; lot a, Preston V. v toll. 3aS. BIAICK 1N1. tol I, '. lKmahue, -a 66,-k.l 1 C. R. Donahee. 3 l.i tot 3. Preston W. Gillette, 83.05; tot Preetoa W. Gllletl. $U; tot 6, (3ms. ' Donahee. $46;. tot 0, Chae. R. Lt--, $4.65; tot 7. thaa. R. Dunahae. . $.t ; 1 8. Chaa. R- Deashn. $4. 53: i 182, lot 1, Chaa. B. 8. Woed. ft i.. tot R Charles R. 8.. Wood. $IT.7: h-t Charlsa K,; 8. -Wood, 313.JO; ,lt 4K V ' E. . o. bom, j .i.zo; ami 7, luariea r. Wood, "$4.55; lot , Chaflre M. B. V" 34 so. BLOCK 188. tot i, Aaaasato W. a. Batate; Helra of. $4.36; M $ Assnda uoen KetaLe, Heirs et, g.ot; tot a, aeai W. Reed IHstste, Heirs ef, ftJt'vl tot , Aaunda W. Meed he late, Heirs si, $4..' ; lot T. Anuada W. Reed Kaute, i Uei-a , tlT.TO) tot 8, Amaada W. Roe b-te , loir of, $17.70. RLIH K 184. tot 1. Proa i W. Gillette, $4.66; tot 1 Preetoa W. t - tothr, . $4.55 tot 4, Preetoa W, .' Glllet , ?3.30; tot 0, I-reeton W. Gillette. $145; I . , Prestim W. GlUetta, $3.0; tot 8. Prest i W, Olllette. - 84.36. . BLOCK 1Kb. tot Frank and Mary Hackneys $4.66;, -tot rrsna una Mary ttacanry. moo;. Frank aad Mary Hackaey. Frsuk aad Mar Hackaey. 83.80: o;Tt V. Frank gad Mary Hackaey, $4-55 tot ft. Ftf snn aiary tiacxnry, w.oa, ru.ot n. a tot f. Juha Mulr. $48; tot 2, Joha M , $4.55; tot 3,. John Muir, $3.00; tot , Jo Malr. a.0; lot, T. Juha MuU. $45; 1. $. -John Mulr, $4.58. BLOCK . 1ST, tot 1. Joha Mulr. $4.55 tot 2, John 'Mulr, $4.5 ; tot 3,- Joha Mnir. $3.8u; tot , John Muir. f t. 00; let 7, John Mulr. SLASr' tot S. Jon Muir,' $4.55. BLOCK INK, tot , 1. Oreg-n Railroad ft Navigation C-ropany,' 84.66; tot 3. Oregon. Rallread -ft Navigation Comnanv, $156; lot1 3, Orrgon Railroad' ft 'Naviaau. a Company. t$3; tot. 8. Oregon Railroad . Navigation Company, ;; tot' 7. Oregro Rsllrosd ft" Nsvlgation' Company, $4 66; tot 8, -Oregon RaUread ft Navigation ,Compana. i 84.65. BIXhUK-lob. tot 1, Oregoa Rallroed ft . Nsrlgatioa Company, $4.66; tot, 1 Orep Railroad 'ft Navigation CoaipanT. ei.V.; tot 8, Oregon Baurnad Narigsooa, uompany. $3.80; tot 8, Oregon Railroad A Navigation ' Company. $3.80; lot . Tv Oregod RaUroad ft. Karlgatloa Compaay. HAS; lof g. Oregon Railroad . ft Navigation Company. $4i.. FIRST. BTRBtT TERRACES, City of Port-. laaeH Orgpam BLOCK A. tot 1 TTuni W. Jenkins, $4.10;' tot 2, Tho bus W. JeoaJsa. 84.55: tot 3. Tnomaa W. Jenklna. 84-96: tot , 4. Thomas W. Jeakla. $8.66; lot ft, Thomas w( Janklna, 80.85; lot Tnomaa w. eenaiMi. $5.06: tot 7. Ibomae W. Jenkla. $66: let 4. ' Thoma W. Jenkins. $5.50 ;i tot 8. Themes W. Joakins, $5.50; tot 10. A-I.Wllloortie4. gl.10; tot 11, Tnomaa W. Janklna, 64.40. LOCK.B, tot 1, Mary Jaaakiaa, $3.80; tot 2, -" Julia K. Clark, $4.36; tot e, Ida R. Btokea. 4.80: tot 4. Thomas W. Jenkins, 64.30:. : t 6, Thoma W. Jeaklae. $4.80; tot 4, Thomas W. Jenklna, $4.30; lot 7. Joeer -..Chufanater, $3.86; tot 8, M. B. Smith. 84.101- . tot 8, M. B. Smith, $4.35. BUhUK C tot i, -Nathan Coy, $180; tot 2, Nathan Coy, -: $4.10. BLOCK D, west 21 feat ef lot 1. ' ltomer V. Woodworth, $0.86; weat 21 feet ' of tot 1 Homer V. Woodworth, ftojft; east . .127 feet ef tot 1. Tnomaa Schneider. $.6; eaat 127 feet of tot X Vhoaaaa Schneider. . $5.85: tot 3, Thomas Schneider. 8fL66; tot 4, Thomas SV-hnelder, $3.ltt)i lot ft. X. ,T., Borkhart, $4a16. A tract ef mad .lying between two Hana ' respectively 60 -fast aad 130. feet eootb ot v and parallel with aoath Ilea of Lowell arcana and or tween two Unea rpiirtrvely 100 feet i and 127 feet west ef ad parallel With weat -, Una et First atreet, Thoma Schneider, tll'l. ' A tract ot la ad lying between the aontR U-n of LoweU avenaa aad a Uaa 60. teet eeo-a ' of and parallel therewith sod between tn . west Una et Pint atreet and n Una Ua feat : " west af aad parallel therewith, X. T. BtuA bart. $186... ' ' ,' ., All ef lota and 7. btoefe D, Frnt-Streat Tee races. City et Portland, Oregon, lying em of ,a Uaa SO feet aoath otnd paraUel w a the' south line of LssreU aveno and w t of Uaa 127 faet west of and parallel Wi a nhe weat Una of FUnt atreet, iiamar y. Woodworth. $2.10. , r. . -' FIRST STREET TER RACKS. City 'of 1 Port- , land. Orrgon BLOCK D, tot 8. Beeaer V. , Woodworth. $7.86; lot 8, Homor V. Weed worth. $.J0; tot 10, Boeser V. , Woadwon. ; $4.40; lot 11, Uomsr V. Woodworth, 83.70. , BLOCK E, lot 1, rreavark A. Walpola. $145; let 2. Ftodarlck A. Wolpols, $170: tot 3. Frederick iu Wlpoe. BLOCK F. tot 1. FYederlck A. Walpoto. $186; let - 2.. rrederkk. ; A. Walpole, ,46;1 tot 's, . Feeders. A, ' Walpjner7$3,Ks-ot 4A Fsad . sriek A. Walpole, .$4.80rl tot, , JTMartcftv. A. Walpole. $4.60. ) PORTLAND HOMESTEAD BLOCK 1, ,aontb 86 feet ef north 160 fort -of tot 1, Tbomea McNmee,, $2.lm; i north lift feet ef lot 1, ' I sited States Fidelity ft Goa ran tee Cemaany. . $10.10; aoTth 104 tear of soetb 164 - feet of -tot 1. A. Gertrnde and Julia E. Marka, 68J5; eoath 60 feet of tot 1, Jamea amd Kate E. ; Peteraou, 84.3B; aaat TO I sec et . mt 3. Jamea OoUlos, $10.05; north 60 feet of aonth 100 feet of wast 100 faet -at lot 2. Ida B. Btokea, $4.55; aoath 60 feet of west TOO feet ef tot 2. Louisa M. Vooter, $4.56; north 58 feet ef west 100 tact of tot 1 Mra. E. Wleprecht, 86.10; lot 3, Josw-hiae -Crocker, $24.10. BLOCK 2, tot.1. Rae-hel L. Bay, $36.60; tot 1 Portland Troat Coas- Kay of Oregon, $36-80; tot ft, Portland Traet mpaajr of Oregon, $36.80; tot 4. School DUtrict No. 1. 8.H5.80, BLOCK 3. eabdl rlslon 1 at tot U WlllUm T. Natttng. 84.00; mtbdivuloa 2 ef let X. Annie' Nut Una. $4.00; 4r - avbdlvlsloa 2 ef lot 1. Aanle- Nutting, 34.00; subdivision 8 ef lot i.. A. Wolf. 33-66; anbdlvlstoa 4 of tot I, t. Schmidt. 83.B0; aabdlvuion ft nf tot U V. K. Strode. 23JI5; subdivision of tot 1, V. K. hUrede. $8.56; eabdlvlsloa T of tot 1, Edgar B. aad Aa nle F. tlourara, $6.75; nolrvion ft ef art 1, Edgar E. aad Aaala P. Oonraen, $6.75; eub dlvUlon 1 of tot 2. J. Benrr Schada. tS.00; north hM of anbdieiilen 1 af 14 2. Caroline - Klmer. $2.66; aouth Mi of eaAdrrtoton 2 ef tot X Vereae Bollinger, 8166 1 awhdlviatoa 3 of lot 1 Michael BuUut, J.1.46; sobdgvlaioa 4 Ot-Jot X H. -Nob!, $3.46; -'Of lot 1 Caroline Rimer. $i6: aahdfevaion - ot toC 2. -Albert TlompeuawW; snhdl hdl- - VMlos v et mt .. s; "" division - -or tot 2. Franrea 1. hata, 84-56. . tot a, t. ai. aueu.r - sou MOXER'S BCBDtVlSIONS OP LOT 8, BLOCK ( 3. Portland Homestead BLOCK" 2, . ootid i ' vision 1 of tot 3. Susan C, Bwtmr, $ . snbdlvuton 2 of tot 3, Marx Alton rk. it.76; ; subdivision 3 of lot 3. Louis Kracttnoe, $L16; enbdlvMlon 4 at tot ft. John hilar, $AJ6; subdivision ft t tot 3, Juoeph Crbanck. " $136; eubdlvlsloB 8 of lot 3, Jaaapk l r- baock. $3.35; sabdlerstoa 7 of mt ft, Joaeph , . I'rbauck, $3.10; sunclrrhatnn at lot 3, i Joseph rrhauck. $3JM; uhdrrlaa p ef '. lot C Louis Kraettner, $185; JUhdHlatun ID .- - of log 3. rtorenc F. Cook. $2186. . - , PORTLAND HOMIaITIAU BCBDrVTBTOlf -A J " of tot 4, Eva W. Bunch. $4JO; suiatiwMoa : B of tot 4. Bra W. Bartch. $4.30; anbdirMna ' C f tot 4, JaUa A. Cirteh. $4.30; . vuio - D af tot 4. Flora J. Itolson. aahdlvlston E of tot 4. Jolla Varich, . subdivision F of tot 4, Julia Ca-toh, anbdlvlsloa O ef tot 4, Era W. Barton, auhdlvlaion H of tot 4. Eva W. Burteh. BLOCK 4, aonth eO teet or anarrmioa . A et : - tot 1. Cyras B. How let t. $0.80; aonth 80 feet ! -of eabdivatloa B of lot 1, Cyroe E. Ho-wlett. t $146; aorth 80 feet of snbdlvUra A of tot IT Charlea ,W. CottelL $0.T0; Brtrtb 80 feet ! ef abdlvlBtoa B ef tot 1, Charles WrXofZ teU. $125; weet 10 feet et snbdlr liken C- r lot 1, Charlea W, CotteU, - 30J6; -aat 3 : . 100 feet ot snbdlvtstoa 0 ef tot 1, Marx B. 1 Marahait. $3.86: aonth ft feet at weat 10 feet J . ot subdivision 0 ef tot 1. Cyraa E. Bourmtt. , "$i.10; north 37 Mi feet of west 10 feet of! aubdlrlaton C of tot 1. Charlea W. Cattail, -" $0.10: aorth 7Mj feet af east 100 feet of ' aubdlrtaloa D of tot 1, Mary B. Marahall. $O.T0; eoath 36 feet of eaat "100 teet of , ' aobdivlaloa It of tot 1. WlllUm Jj KeUy, J - $0.25; aabdlvletoo I if at 1, J. 8. Jenki and EL' Mandevllle. $4.30; gnbdlriaton F of "tot J. Frank Schwarbaeh. $4.30; west 80. feet of ubdtviton U of tot 1. Patrick ' Murrsv. $1.05; east 20 reet ef west 80 reet ef sabdlvtoton e ef mt l. ai. air et, 80.50, f tot 1, eaet lei geet ot weai-Aw. w a-, Graarllle C. Raff. $146: eeat 80 teet ot anbdlvlsloa B of tot 1. Orssrllto C. Raff aaa. .i an - faet oi aohdlviann H ol f lot j, joan rienoett,, aa a, , A-ui.a, ' $36.80; sabdlvilon A of lot 8. Harsh W. and B. W. FtahevY $2.08; snbdtvmtoa R f tot 3. Sarah W. and B. W, ruber, . $8.06; sooth 2n feet ef enbdlvwrto B ot to 3. -Ssrsh W. and W. Fhaher, $1.36; snath 2 feet nf subdivision Q ef tot 3, Sareh -W, end B. W, -ther, $1J6: north ft feet ot nubdivtsBon B of tot 3, Alfi F. Sears, Jr., $0.30; north ft teet of sabdlvhaton t) 2 ef tot ft Alfred PV Sear. Jr., $0.30; milell i vision C af lot 8. Alfred F. Sear. Jr., $1.10; .sabdlvtevon te-of tot 8, Atfred F. Sears, Jr.. 5l.7tl; . subdivlsloa B st tot 3, Lonlsa K. rrasp. $1.70t sulidlvlslea F ef let 3, George , n,- Wstts. $t.7o; BnhdlvUlen H of tot 3. l--ree W. Watt. 81.70; sntatlelelen M ef s W Watts,; Bnmivmff w ei et Joaepk Ine Krsttlgrr, 41.10; sandleiaton tot 3. Josephine Krattlger. . fti.To; ens n J et lot 3. C, W. I. $I.T8; anh, tot 3. Jot I of tot a1a(aa I division K t tot 8. C. W. Lslrh, $1 Tj nbdlvwtoa L et to 8. Oeeege W. Wstt, .31.70; susoMvlal-a V ef tol 6eorge. W. watt $LIir''ildivlatoo N of lot 3, l-aujas B Presa. $l,7o eahdlvielnn O of tot -t. Alfred FT Sears, Jr.. $1.70: fmhdlvhrh-t P ef tot, 8. Alfred F. Sears. Jr.. ftl.Tn; e- I-vUbsw-A of tot 4. Merchant Natlasml , e- ef PnrtUad. 8.25; sahaMrlslon B et t 4, Mee-hant Nattooal Beak of I'ortUed, I mibtlvvalon C af tot 4,,C. M. B- i. I mtlwflvtatoa D of tot 4. C. M. B- ouMinatoo B ef tot 4, C. M. -sohdlvleioa F of tot 4. Dor I n nNlivtlon 0 of tot 4, Dor f'e uMItiiImi H ef tot 4. Pmll Pra enlwllvtaloa I Of tot 4. f-e-l I eMlv4eln i af tot 4. bul seivtivtaiea K ef tot 4, J t r- -ftl.rO. aslba,:eaT3e-al X (