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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY .EVENING. FDIUJARY U, 18C3. CIJT BOTICZA TT BQTtCBB CITT B0TICIA mm AT LESS SUITS 1:? $3.75"' ' For your choice of over 24$ add - and artflg In Men's Bulta worth reg ularly 4)14.0$ and tlt i. in all the newest colorings and latest cuts and best of fabrics obtainable any- -where, in brown, trays, blues and blacks, checks, stripes and plaids. For your choice of MS Suits worth llt.60, 115.60 and flt.OO, Some in: Prince Albert and frock styles, but most of them n the new swagger ; Yorkshire and Harvard three and four-button sacks, both single and double breasted. . . The assortment la -so large that It is useless to try' and describe them. , . . i .. $8.75 ' Gives you pick of over 10s styles hi -the most up-tordata lines, manufae turnl In Arteries. In the. latest fabrics and colorings. The great est. - grandest .-. assortment ever ' shown In any house In, America. TO STOP SALES 0F VASnifiGfOH LANDS Legislature Besieged With Re austts That Stat Timber 1 Lands Be Held. TO GIVE SCHOOL FUND . . BENEFIT OF INCREASE Cruisers Estimate Value Too Low and Commonwealth Gets, the Worst of It : -t . (KpKl&l Dlspttca to The .Jaaraal.) Dlympla, Wash., Feb. . The Jeslsla tare, is Jwinc . besieged with requests . that the sale of stau timber, lands be : dtseontlnued for five or It rears In or- der that the school funds may be (Wen the, advantage of the lara-e Increase in ,: values , which seems certain 14 oome , wunui a iw years.' rrom the eastern part of the state comes a remonstrance aaatnst further f'tritttrinm m'mn r h atAts'a Uods." the claim being- made ' Ihat there has " been no adequate plan . adopted whereby the true value pf the .lands could be secured lor the school fund. ;'--..'' r. - ; -The state has millions of acres of vsl- 1 . uabie lands, much of it covered with 1 , Immense-stumpaae of the beat timber. ,Tbe land has been appraised and the timber has been estimated by cruisers, whose duty It was to o over the lands carefully and estimate the standing tlm V on each subdivision. This haa been ' dona, and It appeara that in many cases - the stats has received the worst of It .'.: Vtate U Cheated. Crulaers liave" estimated, the timber 100 low in .most cases, and sawmill i . . .vi owners have "taken advantage of it and - made targe suma br taklna 4he timh.. .off the land at a nominal noat.' tt i '. said that In some cases fourvtlmei a. j .. inacn iuuiuct amm oeen U( oil land as t ' was estimated as standing udoi it whan .. . the rulaer went over It. This haa led. , 7 to aiaconient, ana now it ts proposed to , , . top the sale off land and timber alto : . gether for a time. In the meantime ' the resources of the state would be de , f --veloped and the value of every foot of ' timber would Increeae- considerably, no far the state school lands have , " been the cause -of some trouble, it be lag alleged that the rental-value was far , Ala xeewa of that received by the state. -; -, Hut little school land haa been sold so far but thousands of acres of -farmlne ( Jand la held under leae- xmt year inu i 11 wu re-appraiseo, and , ,. t every inataace the rental value was -largely Increased, some of It tenfoM 'While the loss baa been conalde.rabla In ' ' this class of lands the great Item haa been In the timber lands. Just what the legislature will do is not readily conjectured now. . The house haa killed the Wilson os teopath bill, and passed the Tucker bill making It a felony te adulterate milk ; with, formaldehyde, also Russell's bill . fixing a maximum penalty. of HXe tm-:-rhonment for aiding- prisoners to es cape from the penitentiary. Potts' bill making it a felony le obtain money a bank rherka drawn against Imag inary funds. Senator Mnore'a bill requlr- lng betel kltrnens to be kept la a aaa- , iUiy Vendition? passed, -j Cor. Third and Will inaugurate ". its fifth' Week with bargains in Clothing, Hats, that have never been nor never 1 coast ""We must have room arid : f .are the prices that, $1.00 Gloves for. ... '. . j 49 $1.50 Gloves for . ; .; .. 'ft At $.00 Gloves for . . . ..98 Underwear ' $1.00 Wool Underwear - for ...... v;.t 45i $1.25 Wool Underwear T for....v...r......... 63 $1.50 Wool Underwear - i for -74 $2.00 -Wool . Underwear '. . r . for ;;....v...89 $1.50 Shoes for. ...... .951 $2.00 Shoes for. . . . .SJI.aS $2.50 Shoes for. .... .$1.48 $5.00 Shoes for. . . . . .$2.95 The senate has passed the house bill requiring the labeling; 61 food packages and Twlchell'a voters Identification bllL The public printers' bill was amended bj?the addition of a clause appropriating IlilOt to pay the governors secretary for additional work imposed In inspect ing printing requisitions and referred to the committee. A salmon fishery bill duplicator the provisions, of the Oregon act as to li censes In closed season - will be re ported favorably by the bouse commu tes on fisheries."," 4 1 J PLANING MILL WRECKED BY-EXPLODING BOILER 1 (Joarnal "pecUl Rerrlea.t. --. ' Antlgo, Wis., Feb.. J4. The Wonderly 1 111 mi 11 11 1 KaI1 planing mill mwLm " explosion totfcy.' Hnglneer f. T. lugert . .Vivwn V win. m - onnly Injured. . CITf VOTICKS. raorons myaoTurrrr or tinmomi - , gTazzf. . NMW Is herebr ln till st 'the nwwllnc of the Coanrll of the City ef Pnrtlsnd.' Oregon. kld en tlw 15th da? of Trhramrj, 18Qfi. lbs folkiwlnc Msolotloa sdnptrd: RnnlTes. That tb OnuiRll ef th City ef rortlssd, Onvoe. - dmM It iprdtntt and perinea t Improve HkMmare atiwt from the eaat Use of WUItama aTrnoe to the weat lln of 1'ntoa aTeatHi In the following aiann-r to-lt:. rirat bt grooms b. ram mil wmts with fall lot' t m i-tm - to the sUkor ss sot br tho Cttr ,Knglner. drraad .By ronatrm-tlnf woodm aldrwalxa. Third By laying wooden eraaawalka; . Fourth By enoatrsrtlnt box gstters. Bald Improveierst f b swde es senrdanee with tbo charter and nrdiaaiMveof tho City of Portlasd sod th plans. apaclBrarloB and aotlsMtea'et the t'rry Knaiorer aid Is tho offlro of tho Auditor of the City of Portland on the 13th day of rvbrnary, 180B. Indnrard: "City BnaioeVr plana and spnriarationa for th Improvtaurnt of Dkldnor etrort , from th oaat line of Wllllama area 00 to tbe-weat Una of I'slos arenee and th estimate of th. work dose ssd the probaola total east thereof." Th cost of said Isiprovesient te b a fid provided by tho rity charter npne tho prop erty aveetally end peculiarly btneited thereby aaa which ISS hereby derUred to b aU Um Iota, part thereof a a parrels of la ad lying betwera a hoe inn feet north of and parallel with the aorth lln of Bkldnor itreet and line 10O feet sooth of and oarallel with th. aooth lln ef BkldoMre Itreat and between the mat Una of William a re an ssd the karat linei of . tinloa Th Knaineer'a eatlaiat of th omeeM total coat for the ImprovesMBt . of Mid gkldsnr atreat Is Id.sW.OO. - - Th plana. aperlftnitloD and eatleiates ef the rity Bngtneat for th improvement ef said Rkldmor street are hereby adopted. KeaojTea. -last w ssairor or in U-J et Portland be ssd k I hereby directed to five entire of the- pro woof 1 Jmnrevement f said street aa provided by the city charter. neinonarTaBre icainai tse anov improvement iay he tied Is wrltins with the anderaimed wlthla m day from th data f the Irst pah. Hcaiioe 01 ima,noure. By ereer ef the Coenrll. THOg. C' nCTMft. Aadltor ef the City of Portland. Portlasd, Oreeoa. Date e srat sebllcatloa, Pebraary la. 1. ftKAigsifzT ros . rargovThrxxT or K4JT YAMHILL gTKSKT. ts esmpHsncSr with s resolution' adopted at the rrrniar meeting of the t'ooneH, arid Prbrssry Is. Weft, aerie ring the 4 la trie t bene ted by the Improvement et Kaat Tatnulll atreet from tb ea.t curb line of Kaat Water atreet ta the west line of Union arenoe, snd directing the A editor of tb City of Portland to prepare a preliminary earnest npon the tela, blocks and parcel , et load erltbls said dlatrlrt. .. . How. therefore, entice Is hereby glvea that each laiwai lit la now on ale In the ofnee of th Aodltnr ef th City of Portland. and that any eh)erttns tn sock aaneaamest mnat bo Sled In writing with the Aodltcr within Id dara from the Tth day ef March. 1M. the but day of puhltcatlan of ibla notice, ind notice ta f net her given that eaid objection will be heard hy the Coae1tt meeting to he held a the l.tth day of March. I. and ad p. renew aggrieved thereby or Intereated therein mant be preaent at aaM meeting, and are warned not to depart therefram sstil each reaaaraement sss seen cnmnieted, THO. C. PTI,I!. A ad I tee of the City ef Portland. , Date ef arte. psbUca lias rebrasry 14, IMS. Shoes mm UE Burnslde Sts. of the , Great Alteration Sale Shoes and Men's Furnishings will be equaled again on th room we will have, and these will make room. " . Shirts 75c Shirts ' for...... ,..35 $1.00 Shirts' for.. ..V. .45 $155 Shirts for., f?.'... 65 , $2.50 Hats for . . . . . . . . .95 $3.00 Hats for. . ....$1.45 $5.00 Ha.ts for, . . .$2.45 10c Hosiery for.v...i.. 4 15c Hosiery for. . . . . 7 25c-Hosiery for. .11 9l ' $U0 Pantsfor TTT. .... 75 $2.00 Pants for.. ..... .95 $3.00 Pants for...... $1.45 $3.50 Pants for. . . . . .81.95 $5.00. Pants for. . ... .$2.45 CITT VOTICES. . raoroszo "unwman orr Hrroars TXXXaCS. ' Notice la neeehv rwrm that mt tho meeHnv ef the CoojkII of the City of Portland, Oregon, mrm on me jnta oay ex reerearj, lsuo, ta friiowlns raoolntlon was adopted: Keaoirad. That tho Uouacll of . the Citr Portland. Oreaoo. derma It zpedlent sad pur pose to Improy Uelghts terrace from tha p-eat Use of Lownedai street to the esst line of block 40, Carter's addition, la ta fol lowing manner, to-wit: Pint By grading the street te the proper grade s afeowa by the stskes as set by the City engineer. , Second Br bringing the serf a r of tb street fall width with fuU intersections te the eatah Uahod grade with macadam. Third Br ronatrnctlna aldewalka In ac cord DC with th City kuflnror' pUDS, spscr- Bcatlaoa nA Mtlmid Poorta By osatnictlng erosswalks la ae eordance with tb City Kngtseer's pUaa, apoci acatlons and eatimatea. Ifih By eonatructlng atone gutter la ac cord a noa with th City ICaglnoer's plans, sped. acationa and eatimatea. Hlith By ennatructlng elevated sidewalk In accordance with the City Kngiaeer's plana, eprciitcatlona end estimates. he Truth By eonatrueting gnerd fence la ac cordance with tb city Knginear's plans, sped ftcatlon and estimate. KighthBy eooatrscUag woodea earbg as show a by rati mat. Bald Improvement to be made Is accordance with tb charter and ordinances of tb City of Portland and the plana, specific t loo and estimate of the City Engineer gird In th office f tb Aodltnr of th City of Portland en the Inth day of February, lpno. Indorsed: "City F.aglneers plana and aped Ac t tons for tb Improrement- ef Heights terrace from th weat lis of Lownadl atreet to., the .eaat Ho of, block o. Carter'a addition, a ad tb eati matea of the work to be done and the prob able total opat thereof." The eotef said improvement to be I I as provided by tb city charter' epos th property eperially and peculiarly benefited by aaid Improvement and which m hereby declared to be as follows: Lots I, x, 1 and the eaat H of lot T and , block 40; ail of block 7: lot I and 4, block SB; lot It, block as; all In Carter's addition to the City ef Portland: and. all that portion of block K lying west of th wast lln of tmwnsdal atreet If ettended northerly In tta preaent course, and south of s lln 100 feet northerly from and parallel with the. northerly lln of Height ttrraee: and lot. 1, g and a. block am. Is the City of Portlasd: ssd s'.l that nortton of land trine betwera the north line of blork 37 and the coma use 01 blocs as, carter's adldtloa to tbo City or Portlasd. and between tb east line ef seventeenth street If extended northerly ra Its preaent coarse, snd s lln 60-feet west of and parallel with tb weat lln of Hiteentb atreet and all that portion of s parcel ef land lying between tb westerly tin of Halshta terrace snd s line 100 feet weat of and parallel with the west line ef Borcntoonth - street 1 If ettended northerly In It preaent roar, and between tbo snath lln of block te. and tha north line ef block Ss, Carter a addition te th City of Portland. Th Engineer' tlmat ef the pmeeble total coat for tb Improvement ef aald Heights ter race l. a.outMnj. Tb shoe Jtawrovoatelit Is to be classed a macadam imnrovement and shall be main tained by the city far a period ef foot year.. provided by the owners of s majority of to property benefited by aald Impeorraient or sny portion thereof, aha II not petition for e new or different Improvement before the pi ration The plana, apeclnrallona snd eatimatea of the City Ragineer for tb Improvement of said Height terrace are hereby adopted. Resolved. That tbo Aadltor of th City ef Portland be and he la hereby directed to glv notice of the proposed improvement ef said street . provided by the city charter. Hemonatrasees against the above Improve awat may be Sled In writing with the under signed within 30 dara from the date ef j the nrai pooiirstTos or inia -notice. 1 - By enter ef the. Council. THOg. C. PBTMJf. h Auditor ef the Cits of Portland. Portland." Oregon,.. Data of Ant pnbUratlea, FOinTOalAgTIB'S gOTlCa. t Wotlce le hereby glvea that os th ISth day ef Pebrnary. I took up asd empoomled at th City Pound, at No. 3111 Pliteeath atreet, la th city of Portland. Oregon, the following described animate: Sorrel mare, whit trine dows far, white OS both hind feet both h.1 and right bind feet ahod; one brown yearling Jersey heifer ralf; asd aaleaa the owner, or other -person or neranna baring an Interest therein, ahalt claim pons. anion of taa aame, and pay aU mat and charges of the keeping aad-adrenialne them, together with the pound fees on aald. animal, aa provided by ordinance No, nOZi. aa amended, af aald Hit r lwil.u 1 will oa the 27th day of rebniary. loon, v ' ' - . , i inn I ITT -outMI, at No. tl gliteestk. is aaid cits, aell in. .lw. arscrlbed saimals at pubu aacUoa. te.ths ' jBpJI ' ' COST l. Sz&s&Q Overcoats 4" For your pick of 600 styles in kersey, melton, cheviots and ;, fine worsted Overcoats," Every garment worth up to $18.00 and $20.00. We must , sell them thisv week, so come and see what we offer you at this price. : . Gives you choice of over 500 styles and patterns in all the : new . effects in Box; Top. Coats, Rain Coats and Belt . Back Cravenettes. The great-: est ' Overcoat bargain in : Portland. . CITT ITOTIfiBn, highest bidder, te pay the ' costs snd charges for taking as. . kerning asd sdvertlslne such slums is. Dated tabi 20th day of February. JAog.' P. W. BKIU. Poandmsi iter.. etlj01OsTD ntTmoTsxxn ( -max. or Kooxzi Notice Is hereby airen that st the meetlov of the Council of ths City ef PsrtUnd. Ore gon, held oa the lbtb day ef Prbraarj, 18U), the following reaolntlea was adopted: - Besolred, That th Council ,uf tb City of Psrtmnd,y-Oregoa, deem It expedient and purpcuiayn improve Booker street from the esst lln et Third street te the west tormina 1 line of Booker street, la the following manner, to nr: Plrst Itr am dinar the atreet fall width -with fall intersection to th proper obgrsde. iocond By bringing tb surface wf the street full width with fall Intsraections. ts grid with macadam. - mira By constructing woodea siaewsiss is accordance with the Ofty. Knglnesr'a plans, aprrlncstions snd estimates."' fourth By . laying crosawslksv-- .s Kifth By eonatrueting stone gutters. gilts By eonatrueting elevated wooden sine ws Ua Is accordance with the City Koaiseer' pmne, peeiftcstlons asd estimare. nald imnrovement to Or made la accordance with tha charter and ordinances of tb tflty' of Portland and th plana, apeclncsttonr" and eatimatea of the City Kuglneer Sled in the of ce of the Aadltor of the City of. Portland oa tb 1.1th- day of Pbroafy.Zl9a. ... Indorsed: "City Engineer' plana and apeclncatloo for th Improvement ef Hooker atreet from- tb -esst Use of Third street to the west terminal line of Hooker street snd ths eatimatea ef the work te be dene and tha probable total cost thereof." Tbo cost of said Improvement to be aaesssed aa provided by the city charter Bona the property specially- and - peculiarly benefited thereby) sod which ta hereby derlsred to -be all the lots, parts thereof snd parcels ef land lying betwera the west tormlnsl - lln of Hooker street extended north snd south la Its present eonrss and s lln 100 feet esst ef snd parallel with tha eaat Us of Third street asd between s line 100 feet north ef snd parallel with the north tine of Hooker street and a line 100 feet south ef snd parallel with tha strath Hue of Hooker afreet, and a la a parrel of land lying between th north snd eouth lines of Hooker atreet extended westerly In their preaent eourss snd between the west terminal lis of Hooker street snd s - line ion feet Westerly therefrom and parallel there with. S The Engineer' estimate et the probehl total cost for the Improvement et said Hooker street Is tl.K2n.00. The above Improvement la to be (Issued aa a macadam Improvement snd shall be maintained by the city far s period of lea year, pro vided that ths owners of "a . majority of .the property bene ted by aaid - Improvement or any portion thereof shall not petition for a new or different Imprevament before the ex plratloa of such period.-'- - The plans. per I Oca t too and estimates of tb City Engineer for the-. Imnrovement ef aald Booker atreet ere hereby adopted. ' BeoolTed. That the Auditor of the City ef Portland he snd be -te hereby directed to give' 4otlce ef th proposed Improvement ef aald atreet ss proviare ny tse city enrtr. - - -Remonstrsncv sgslnst tb ahoy. Improve ment amy be tied Is writing with the sneer signed within 20 dara from the dsts ef th Brat pnhilcatioe ef thin notice. - By-erder et-th Cesncll. t THOB. C. DgVMN. ' AadlMr of th City f Portland. Portland. Oregon, bat ef Bret publication rebrasry 1ft. lune. BXAseXavnurr 'ros ' xmomm or east mm ran or irm nirn, la compliance with a ' reeslatloa adopted st the regulsr meeung ef the Council, held on tb 1Mb. day of February, 1D0S. declaring the dlatrlrt brnented by the Imnrovement of the esaterly 2H feet of River street from th oath Us of Alblns arena to KM feet Math of tb south lln ef Alblns avenue, and direct ing the Auditor of the City of Portland te trepar a preliminary assessment npna the ta, blocks snd parcel et bind within asld dl.trlct. . , Now, .therefore, notice Is hereby gives tbt each ssaeaament .Is now on lie Is the ofSe of the Auditor of tb City ef -Portland and that any sbjcrtlons to uch aaa aaa meat mnat b tiled In writing with the . Aadltor within III dara from th 7th dar of March. If", the that day of publication of thla police, and notice is further gives that aald objections will he beard by th Cnunclf ar X meting to he held on the l.Vh day of March. lftikV and all per. sonn aggrieved tberehr or Intereated therein mnat be present at aald meeting, snd are warned net t depart therefrom uatil each raesoeosment haa been completes. Tit OB, c. 'rgy t,M, , Aadltor of th City of Portland.' -., Date ef srat pubUcaUos rebrasry 24, 1U6. uxtMMxrt awo axAsWswxiiT rot THS IkLrXOVEktlBT OP hrULTgOMAH . gTgCET, BkOACWAT, - ZAJT THIBD BTBEXT, wBABO ATEBTTg .AID BH-AVXB BTKXXT. ..T'-' , , , . Nolle M hereby gives that tha Coaorll of tne lity or rortiand,- orrgoo, at a meeung held os ths - lbtb day ef February, 10x6, de clared tb. saaeaameal by tb adoption of ordi nance No. 14.44. for tb improrameet ef Mult- somas street. - atroaowtr. Kaat Third- atreeu Urand avenue , and nhavor a tree r; npoa each lot, part of lot and parcel of nd which are apaclally and peculiarly benefited, te he as niHFWP, TIB. - . -.-t, . , Blk UM. lot 1 Tb Oraena Bael Bktats twipssy g. J4XM Blk IIS. lot 4. The Oregpa heal Hut Company 142.14 Blk 111, lot a. The Oreaoa Rosl KaUte Company . ,.. 14X18 Blk 134. lot-4. The Oresoa stosl Katala - t..ompany Blk YM. iPt &, The Oregon Keal Kstst - - Compauy 14.? Blk l:ai, lot 4. The Oregoa Keal Katat - - wmiany ...-.'...,...... J. e Blk !'. lot a, Tb Oregoa Real KeUta Oompaayl. 141.T2 Blk 164. lot' 4. The Oregoa Reel KataU Company 141. TB Blk 154, lot 6, The Oregoa Real Kstste J Coupsuy . 141. Tt Blk ISO. lot 4, Ths Oregoa Rosl Batata Cooipanr ... 141.71 Blk IA8. lot S, Tb Orrgow Baal Estate.' Company ... .141.7. Blk 230, lot 4, K. H. Bobbin. ,....... Jl.81 Msat Portlsnd Blk TsV wt V R. O. Nfufelder. ........ ; ' 114S Blk 78. lot 4. H. C. Krai alder. 124.80 Krasb a Imvt AddlUon te Bast Port land .-. . - . . ..A . Blk 4. let,, Juttoa tasrus Batata. Hstrs of - - TA1S Blk 4. 1st , Jnllu Logwi KaUte, Heirs - f r las.a krra'a Addition te Bast Portland- - Blk K. lot 1, Victor Lend Oompssy.... 'it.TO Blk R, lot X Victor Land Company. ... i 1.S4 Blk K, lot S, .Ruby A. Knott.... ' J-i Blk R. lot 4, Ruby A. himtt. ......... 1S.T1 (lentpal Amlaa ..; Blk 20, pot is, J. M. eoott.,. - 4.1h4 Total I.....,.?....... i ....... r. . ;.$z.xn.ii A ststement. ef sforeasld sssssament baa been entered In th Rocket of the City Liens and is now due sad -payable at "the, office of the City Treaaurer. In lawful money ' of the I'nlted Bute. and If not paid within ho days from (be data of this notice such proceedings .wilt be taken for the collect loo of the earn ss are provided by the charter ef the City of Portland, i r The above sswaeaaMnt will -bear Interest 10 days after the first psblleauea et thla aotlce. ' . i , THOS. 43. PEVLIN. ' Aadltor ef the City ef Portland. Portland. Oregon, bete of first Pusil nation rebrasry y, . lisJo. . . . . - - . AuzsnktyjrT fob bxtzrsiob or xast SATIS STBXET. . Notice la hereby fires that the assesasaen't made by ordinance No. 14.41a. entitled: "Aa ordinance adopting the report ef the viewer la the matter of ths pmpooed opening, Inytag eat and eaubltshlng of KsstjMTia atreet from the eaat line of Keystone addition t the west line of Beat Twenty-eighth atreet, mak ing aa nssessment ef the benefits snd da magna set forth la aald report," approved January IP, ln. ass seen entered against the eevera! owner of and neraon Intereated In tho land herein aeacribed as being everally liable there for, la the Docket- of City Liana, which aald maamtntn an made dim sad na Table at the office ef the City Treasarer, la United Btates M aaa an err roia. and aniess paid before arch . IStaV -the ssms will become dslln- quest snd such proceedings will be taken fur ths ooliertioa of tbo earn, aa are provided by the charter of the City ef Portlsnd, said asssss msnts being aa follows, to-wltl A parcel of land tying between the aorth una ox esst ueura atreal aaa a una 420 feet aorth thereof snd parrs 111 i ' therewith, snd between the east line ef Keystone addition, and the west Use , ef block a. Wynkoop villa, sad Ita ex. tessloe eoutherly In Its preaent eoarar, ' ears sad except that portion of aald . parcel of land dedleated to the public by deed for . street purpoaoa, la lab Rock mas ,.... tS.82 Wrnkuoo Villa . - - Vt Blk .-all that portion ef tot 4 lytag . north Tof th proponed north Use of beat Parla street. CsroUne A. Oouball 2B.afj Blk 4, lot 2. rraaklla B. Turner. 42.00 Blk ,S. sll that portion of tot ft lying - nona-oi too aorta line et tao propaeaa Bnat Vevis a tract.' Oustara Krlckn. . S3. SO Blk- . aU that porton of lot 4 iylnr . . north of the north line of the proposed ' . m Davi atreet Till Oldham....... ' S0.M Blk ft, let 8. Lcbrecbt gtrache ,. 62.U0 Blk ft. lo r Elisabeth K. Wynkoop.... 62.00 llawtherse's First Addition to Kaat ' Port-' land , . ;.. ,. '. Blk .is, -seat tt of lot 12. A. J. and D. U KJrkev Blk 10, south tt et lot 1UL. 1. tat D. U Klrker e."..... BITsroer Mrtk H of lot 12, Kauna f. Blk le. noru''tt'ef''kV'ii.''Bmms''i,r' Turner , Blk 16. lot 10, R. C. Brooks. ....... ...... tllb 1 I. O la U V. - -. - .1 . IN .60 17.00 16.00 13.00 11.00 tilk 1 lot a, Grace H. Hlm.,-..vl. nix io, lot i. j.- a, unosow.t.. Blk IT. lot 1, The Ha wt borne Batata.!., Blk 17, lotC Mlka aad 'Ross Bearkk- ' 1S.B1 1 .f 1T.00 16.U0 r . a.. Blk 17, lot X, Bertha Jsnsea Blk IT. lot diKuasa 8. Hamuel.... Blk IT. lot 8, Krneet tlsnraauyar... jaw 11.00 t.ou 750 00 4.00 t.ou 2 no ' 2.00 A00 4.60 "tt hix it, lot o, s. i. nsna.e. Blk 18. lot L. Mary Heltkemper Blk IK, lot 2, Mary Heltknmpee Blk tfit loc a, Mary t leu temper Blk 1H, lot 4, Wandw Eachelbcher.:.M Blk 18, lot 6, Wendl Kecbelbsrbes..,.. Blk 18, lot t. Wendl Bechelbecher,..'.. Blk 15, lot T, Prank Heltkemper........ Blk 16, lot n. Prank Hritksmpor Blk in, lot t. 0. B. Uettkemiier Blk 15, lot 10, Jp. IL HelUampsr. ...... Blk 16, lot 11, Henry Bwlnt ... Blk 16. north V of lot 12. lira. O. ' A- Tarlor 4 SO Blk 15. south, tt, of lot .42, Frask S tieaneu ....................n......-. 4.M Total eftlSB ' THOS. C DKVLiIri. Auditor of the City ef Portlsnd. ' Portland. Oregon, Data et rirat Pablicatioa rebrasry 23. 1806, rOB EXTZVBIOW or XAST XWXB'1'U.TH gTXXXT. Notice hereby given that the saanasmiait mad by erdlnsne No. 14.414, entitled: "A ordlnnare adopting the report ef the vlewrrs In the matter el tne pmuusaa opening", widea Ibg. laying out and establishing of Bt Twen tieth street from the south line ef Division street to the north line ef Clinton street, mak ing aa assessment or tne oenente aaa osauama art forth la aald report," approved January in. IBOa, aaa pees entered sgainsi tn several owners ef sod persjca Interested la the land herein described ss being severally liable there for. Is tbs Docket ef City Liens, which salt ana as mant are made due aad payable at the office of the City Treasurer, ta United Btatee gold and alive coin, and unless paid nefor March a, 1006, tne earn will become delin quent snd such proceeding will be taken for tbe collection ef the aame ss are provided by the charter ef the City of Portland, nald aeseas mruts being ss follows, to-wlt: " Leebe Addition to the City of Portland Blk I, all that portion of lot S lying . , west ef tbs proposed west Um of V-., atreat- lneanb Cnre- gblne ,.4 Blk I, lot S, I-oeenao Bemenas........ Blk 1. kit 4, Irenus Beinen...... Blk 1, tot ft, Lerenns Bemenaa.j...... . Blk 1. lot S, Lore mo gemenaa k Blk 1, sll tbnt portion of tot T lying ! Til 00 65.110 111.60 81.60 65. U0 ..: west ec tne proponew nan ue oi Beat Twentieth a treat, Lerenns Bsav 78.00 Blk 2, sit that portloa or lot a lying ' , weat of tbe proposed west line of . " Bast Twentieth street, i Charlotte -' I-eaha -'.TXnn Blk 2. lot X, Cbsrlotts Leabe.... , Ml. 00 Blk 2, lot 4. Charlotte Lea bo. . ...... ... . B1.6K Blk 2, lot ft. Bmlly, Doalar. ............ .. Blk 2, lot 4, Kmlly Dosler... ......... , U.OU Blk-iB. sll thst portion ex let 7 lyrag' west of the. proposed west Ha of lbo ,........, ...... ...r. , Lfgap MMdowlsnd T ' Blk 1, tot 1,-Oulseppe Tm Bendettl... , Blk 1, ML Jobs C. A I na worth Blk L lot T, D. r., Joeepbeon " Blk f, let t, D. T. Joaepbeoa , J 10.00 OO.Oi 1I0.0O 110 00 Blk 1 Blk 1 lot I, ir. w. aoaepawm. lot J. I'. V. aooepawm.. ...... lot T. Rmma Anneraoa.'....... lot ft, Emma Anderson........ 00.00 tkt.oo 110.00 Blk 2. Blk 2. j.ToUl' I ....... ,'i,. .. . j. ...... TITOS. C. PKVLIN. ''rr-. atltMe" e he Cllr of IWtlend Portlasd. Oregon, Date ef lrst Publication February B. Jwua, - ... rBOrOBIO 0KAB0B OP 01 ADS Or X0LL4V , DAT ATKBgg, Notice Is hereby given that at the snooting ef the Council of the City of Portland. Or., held en the Inth day ef Pebraary, Itua. the following reenliittoe wa adopted: , . . Reeolved That th Ousdl ef the City of Portland. Cregon, derma It "evpedlest snd purpoaae te change the grade af Hollsday ave nue at tbe center line at wrsaa araaua iron LP4.X reet te l.n revs: At the centre line ef gent Tevtk street from 134.2 feat te 133.4 feet: - At the crater line of Bsst Twelfth, street from 1:r A feet ts 114 1 feetj snd ts eatablleh tb grade In- Holladay avenue at ths weat lln of Eaat Tenth atreet at 1X1 feet, and at tb est line of Bt Tenth atreet at iss.a feet: Af tbe weat lias ef Bsst Twelfth street st 1 1 a At the east Use ef Bast Twelfth atreet si 13 8 feet shove tbs bee of city grade. Thst tbe Aadltor et the City ef Portland he and ka I hereby directed ts girt nUc at the nroponrd change and etiblUhlseqk, ef grades aa provided by tbe charter. Remonstrance againat the shors change et grade may be Bled la writing with the under lgned wit bin 2ti day from lb dsts et th Brat nuhllcstiou of thla aotlce. 1 n. . By order ef tha CounoiL ' ' ' ., ' THOB. C- DKVLtN, ,- Auditor of the City of ItirtUnd. Portland, Oregon. Dsts ef Aral pablicatioa, rrnreary It, luun. . .4- AgtZUhllBT rOB WPBOTEXEBT Or IBOBT . "BTBZZT. ' ' Ketk-e Is hereby given thst lb Council f tha City f Portland, Orrgon,. st a meeting held oa the lat day of February, UI04. declared tlui ameaameut by ordinance No. 14.4aA fori the lin prorement of Front atreet. from M feet aouth ef the soath line of Ijiae atreet to 1M fort north or tse north una. of Lkue atreet. la tbe man ner provided by ordinance Na. 13.M1, uHn eseh lot, part of lot snd parrel of land, which are aneclelly and peculiarly bene 11 ted, to be as ful lowa, yi: PORTLAND BLOCK goS. lot 1. Henry Weln hard. 12.00; lot 2. iirarr Welnhard, I2.UO; . lot A. ileary Wlnhard. 1200; let 4, Henry Welnhard. 12.011; lot ft, Henry Welnbanl, f&Te; kt a. Uaary Watubsrd, 82.0U; lot T, Henry Welnhard. 12.00; lot M. lienry Weill bax.l, axou, HIXKK 104, Smith A Wataoa ' Iron Works, t.15. BIXM'K KIT, lot-1, Huilth ! Wataoa Iron Wotka, 82.00; kit 2. BnUlh A Wataoa' Iron Works, 82.00;. lot' S. Bmltb WatHon'Iron Worka. W.OO; lot 4, bull lb A Wataoa Iron Works.; lot ft, BmHk A "Wataoa Iron Works, fti.00; lot a, Hinltk A Wataoa Iron Worka, 8X00; lot T. Huilth Jk Wataoa. Iron Worka.. KLOo; lot B. Boiith wataoa iron worse, sxuu,. auu lau, ' Boohia' Ball. 81.00: eouth : Kelaschr, 1.00; lot T. R. ' Williams, 82.011; 1ot 8. R. Wllllama, 82.00. BLOCK 12l, north 10 feet of lot. I, Basle It, Parker. U2u; north 20. feet of weat l fret of lot A . Buslo M. Parker. 60.1(1; eaat 80 feet bt peat 40 feet Of lot 1. Bcckl Oordoa, ao SU: eaat 80 feet of west 40 feet of lot 2, Beckis Oordon 80.0U; east 40 feet-ef lot 1,-A. rlsumgardner, fl.16; aorth. 1(1 feet of east 0 feet of lot A A Baamgardner, $0.45; soalh 1 foot ef north 20 feet ef eaat 40 feet of lot 1 Marie Dak. 80.10; south SU feet ' of lot 2. Marie Dske, fl.lft; lot 2. Marie Dsks. 80.65; lot 6. Jacob Mayer, 80. 10; . lot u, Jacob Mayer, IJ.BO; south 80 feet of kit ' T. Jacob Mayer, 81-21); Berth 20 feat ef writ B0 feet ef lot T, Henry H. Mctilnn, 80.4ft; west SO feet of lot 8, Henry K. Mctilnn. 81.00: aorlh 20 feet ef esst 20 feet of lot T. ,' Karie M. Pgrker. 40.1(1; east 20 feat of lot : . Bade M. Parker. 80.40. BUX'K 122. let 1.- M. Gale. $2.00; lot 2. Joseph Simon. .' Trust, ft2.w; lot S. John Clsyton. A0U; kit A Baring A Loan Society. fl.VO. r-k triangular tract of land lying between th . soatherly line ef lot 4, block 122. Portland. - tbe north Use of block 10. Carotbera'"sddl- . tloa te Portland, and a Una 100 feet west of ssd parallel with th West Una et First street. John Clsyton. 80.10. A tract of lend lying between ths Southerly line of lot A block 122, Portland, asd th northerly Una af block 10. Caruthera' addition , te Portland, nnd between tbe east line of Second street and a line 100 feet esst of snd parallel therewith. Having A Loss soots; t et Sea Prasclaca, 81.45. . . '.: PORTLAND-BLOCK 122. kit I. Having A Lea society of Baa Fraadoco. aa.uo; ant a. Baring. A loan society ef Boa Ftsncieao, 8A00; lot f, RosweU B. I amann, 82. Ou; lot 8. Roswell B. Lsmeaa. 82.00. BLOCK 123, kit 1, Joha A. Devlin. 2.U0; lot A Joba A. Devlin. 82. uu; . lot A Ucrman Bavlnga A Loss Society, 12.00; - lot 4. George II. Chance, 82.00; lot lit Rats Headeraoa, 82. 0u; lot A Orvta and htsrgsrrt B. KUog. 12.00; kit T, Orvls Kellog.; lot A Ids B. Olesy. $2.00. RIAk'K 138, lot 1. Lacy A. Dodd Katate, I Mrs ef, 82 oo; kH A Lscy A. Dodd KaUte. Hairs sf, 82.00; tot 8. Ueorge 11. Chance, 82.00; . lot A Ueavg H. Chance, $A00; lot A Stephen Meade K- . 1st. Heir of, $2.00; soath 40 feet of lot A ; Stephen Meade Batata, Bclra of. $I.U north JO feet of lot A a - C. Newcaatle. fo.4u; weat 0 feet ef bit T, C. C. Newcastle, $1.80: west BO feet of tot 8, C. C. Newcaatle. $I.Htf, a. . tn 1mm t nf In 7 Ia. A- llodd IGatete. f Bslrs et 60-16; esst 10 feet of kit A 1-ucy i Av Dodd Katate, Heirs of. $0.1A BLOCK 137, . bet 1, . 1 Joaeshl iosephin A. Klustsrmsn. f2.0Ut lot A tin A. Klostermaa, sx.w; lot A, snra asm At. slurger, x.uu; sit e, .cps imy, 12Aio; tot A Tbomss Bpillmsa, 82. VH; lot A I. L, Rsy, fiuo; sooth 18 2-S feet Jf lot T, K. U Ray, to.tai: aorth 31 14 feet of lot T, , Mary K. Arbuekle. $1.26; tot A Mary B. Artockln, 62. ou. BLOCK LIB, all ef west 100 feet ei block except north 40 feet. Ar guments 1 bar low, $3.20; all of esst 100 feet af block except north fto feet,' Joaephln Hulllvaa. $2. 16: north 30 feet of west 100 feet ef block. Battle Goldsmith, $1.8; south . BO feet of north 00 fret of weat 100 feet of block,- Uaaie A. Klekerds. $1.40; north ' 60 feat of vast 100 feet ef block, Oarar . Mlhnea, $2.00. BIXCK 13B, tot 1, Peter J. Mann, 82. 00; lot A Peter J. Mans. $2.00; lot A Peter J. Mann. $1.76; tot A Mary Robinson' Uatatr. Uoirs of. $0.10; lot A Mary Hoblnaoa Katate, Heir of, $l.Xf- lot A '.Joha W. and He lea Mae Cnrrsa, $2.00; lot T, Peter J. Mann. $2.00; lot A Peter J. Mans? $2.00. BLOCK 140, lot 1. -K. L. . Mesdeabsll Batata, Heirs of. 82.00; tot A Louis F. Chemln Batata, Hatra of. $2.00; lot X Louis . r. Chemln Katate. Heir ef, $2.00: lot A Leal F. Chemln Ktste, Belrs . of 82.00: tot A Bentoa Klllea, $2.00; tot A H. K. Rerohsm, $2.00; tot J. ).. M. Watts, tiOO; Ml, J. A Watts, $2.00. BLOCK 141, it 1. George B. Rsy, $2.O0; lot A Michael I. Ovist, . $2.00; lot A Vhsrles L. psrker, $10ot tot 4. James A Johnstone, $2.00; tot 6. O. ftf- Smith end Bene Bsllls,-$2,004 oath 48 feet et tot A O. At. - Smith and Brno A Ballls, $1.86; aorth t feet pf lot- A Mary Prance Hurley, $11.10; eouth 84 fret et lot T, Mary. Frances Barley. $1.46; north 14 feet ef tot T. Anule hi. Hsrklss, $0.40; lot A Annie . Hsrklus, 82.00. . , CArUJTtlKrhn' ADDITION Tf POBTLAND umick 1, tot i, xnomss uuisesa, wt A Thorn Uulnken, -H let--tot 4A Jobs Cam n bell. $2.10; lot 4. John Campbell, 82 lo; tot ft, William Drouck, $2.10; tot A William Drosck. $2.10: tot T, alary K. Wilson. $2.10; tot 8. Mary K. Wilson, X1. BLOCK A tot .- Kslsms Rlrer.Bonm tmmpasy. $2.10; aorth .-H of -tot A I oarlea Walter. $1.06: south ti of lot A W. J. Pullerto. $l.on; hit A f alaaut Rirer Bnoa Cosipanjr, $2.10 tot A bomas Mans, $2 to; tot A Tbosnss Mann, $2.10; tot a. Thomas Maun, $2.10; tot t, Thomas Mann. $2.10; tot 8, Kslama River Hoooa Company, $2.10. BLOCK A lot.l. T Uodney Uliasn Estate, Heirs f, $210Tlot t, Rodney Gllssa Katate. Heirs of, 42.111; lot A Rodney UUaas KaUte. Heirs of,-. $2.10; lot 4. liather Senofaky, $All tot A, Albert Huber, $2.10; tot B, L. Outhouse Oottel. . $2.lo; tot T, Collets M. Frsser, 82.10; tot A CoUsta M. Fraaer, $2.10. BLOCK 4. tot 1, ' I barlre L. Psikor, $110; tot A Chsrles L. . rnraer, - e..u.- mn en mvmm ' -r. - B2.10: lot A John Luckel et sL$2.10; tot 6, ... H. Wbitsr Morrki. 82.10: tot a, William A. - tlmoiare. $2.1o: tot 7. Ttsrs h J. Iktsnsherry. $2.10; tot A Thsmss Usinesn,-'$A1A BLOCK ft, esst 100 feet of tot 1, Maria Maker. $2.00; west Aft feet of ' tot 1. William Fried oer, . $0.10: west .ft feet ef tot A WlUIsm PI tee ner, $0.10; west 4.6 feat of lot H, William Pliedaer, $0.10; eaat 100 feet of tot A J. W. Bekei, $2.00; eeet loo feet et lot A Perry . Hkr Katate, Heirs ef, $2ts); lot 4, WllUara tiled ner, $2.10; tot 0. WHIUm Filed nor, $2.10; tot A William Ftleduer, 62.10; ... m .. nil nuM. ai in. i. a w,iiii. Flled'ncr. 62.10. BLOCK A tot 1. John Perry. $Xlo; tot -A Deiphlne Whales, 82.10; tot A Bepecrn Hocbfald, $2. to; tot A Wiillsm Fltodner, $2.10; wt . wuuam sueoner. aj in-, tot a. Charles Frltsrh. 82.10: lot T. Lydla B. Taylor, $2.10; tot A Lydis H. Taylor, $2.10. BLOCK T, lot 1, Clare Gold atein, 8A10: tot 2. Alice F. Tkytor, $2.10; wast 3tt feet of tot A Peter Taylor, $0.60; eeet BO feet ef tot A Irving W. Pratt, $!.: tot 4. Peter Taylor. $210: at 6)4 feet of l. n iwe Tarlor. 80.10: east- 44 feet ' ef lot A Peter fay tor, $0,101 weat loO feet . ef kit n, ( .aaa Qiao at aarrni aaoriguge e IVnat Companr. Ltd., 82.00; , weat leu feet of lot . Alfred J Parmer, $2.00; tot A J. W. Hlckmsa, $2.10. - A tract - et tsnd bounded . and de scribed ss follow; - Osmsaencing at a point la ths ssst line ef Second street, ssld paint ' being BO feet south ef tbe Intersection of tbe pouUi line ef Sbernsia atreet with the eset , llae ef aeessd atreet; thence smith along tbe eest Use of Second etreot te a -point . mo feet aenth ef the soath line of Sherman ttraet; thence reet 71.71 feet alosg a line luO feet south ef and parallel with tb loath nllwe-ed 4bermn atreet: thence north 2N.I fet skmg a line 71.71 faet Met of and , parallel with the seat line ef Second atreet: thence north 64 degrees 64 missies west It 6 feat; thesee West 4 feet along a llae 48 feet aouth of nnd parallel with, tbe eouth Hoe ef Bbermsa street; tbenc north 18 feet along . e Uns BA01 feet aaat of asd parallel with . the east Una of gerund atreet; the no weat along a lln 60 feet ennte ef and parallel with tbe south line ef Sherman atreet to the place of beginning, J. W. Hickman. $1,110. A tract ef land bounded snd deaerlbed aa , fellows: Cotsasescing st tbe northwest cor ner of tot A block 7. Carateer'a addition te Portland; thence aouth . along tbe weat ' lln et tots 1 asd A block 7. , Caruthera' addition to Portlasd, to s polat 100 fort uth of snath Uns of Sherman a tract; thence west $4.81 feet along a Use loo fast aouth ef aad parallel with tbe eouth line ef Seer man atreet; tbenc north 22.1 feet along line TI.7I feat eaat of ead parallel wlta he aaat line of Second etreet: thence north 64 degrees B4 minutes weat 16.$ feet; thence west 4 feet along a line 68 feet snath ef and - parallel wltk tne same uns of Rhermsu atreet; thence north alosg a line 61.01 feet .rest ef and parallel with tbs east line ef gecond street to Its Isterarrtloa with tb soath Una of Sherman street: theses ssst slssg tbe south lln of ghermen atreet to place ef beginning. Waller S. U of ford. $1 SO, CARI TUBUS ADDITION TO POHTLAXT rllOCK A tot 1. Rodney nilaaa relate, lleh-s ef. 82.10; tot A Rodney tlllaan Katate, llelr of. $2 10; tot A Rodney Ollaaa Petal. Heirs of. 42.10; tot -4 Lnle May txaael, 82 in aantk ef tot A lail May t'ntlel, Sl.tift; 1 north tt ef tot . Cbarlea W. Cotiel. $1.06; tot A aiodaey kiUssB EaUte, llrlra at, $2.10; , jot 1, uregun company, ft2.uu; mt x, uregon Compsay, 82.00; lot A Oregon Company, fa. Oil,, lot 4, Oregoa Compauy. tZSUi t . u . -y mr. A let a. Johs tot T. Rodney Ollaaa Estate. Heirs of, $5 .10! tot 8, Rudnry Ollaaa Batata, llrlra of, $2.10. . ' . BUH K . tot I, Sarah J. Staaaberry, $110; ' kt 2. Sarah J. Htsnaberry. $210: tot A , Sarah J. Mtansberry. $2.10; tot 4 Sarah 1. , il"0'.lr,, W-lOi tut ft. Sarah J. Stanabsrry. V Je-1'': kH A Sarah J. 8tanberr. $2.10; lot , T. , Sarah J. Bianaberry. $2.10: tot A Sarah J. htsnaberry $a,0. RUICK 10, lokl. Mary ; -. H?".' ,:tJw -' ' HylsuA $2 li h u:r THton. $AI0;tot 4. Msrtla Scbsde, $2.10; tot 6. Chsrles Klrrhncr and StXMi..ta,,T' B. Waleb- $XUi; tot A ' ir-T3,K.l,,",,u,,' TruattWpany. $21". i , - BUM. K II.- 1, ior d oVr,b Uum- J bert, $3.11); lot Joaeph Shank. $2.10: eaat m f ' hlsrtlia A. Cooledga, 11.66; Z . - - 1 y naaaeii nrowa, pujie; . -, weal 20.6 fret or lot a 11. ...11 u. ao.JS; eaat 77 feet of lot 4. Fred Neubauer. I ei 62: west an feet of u s aie J 1 Marmee al an - -. a. . . . ' . . . - ' ---1 - im ir. at weal nw pel , ' i fe5 .' '.7" Semjec, $0.06; eaat 11 feet - of tot 6, Hakell llrowu. $0.10; eaat 6.6 feet . "I -f. i usbU Brown, $0. 10; weat 101 feet ' t of lot A Mary Aug net a Mas rain. $2.00; tot , " 1, .ve-.o r. nciaetneyer, $x.lo; lot S. Otto RoL-eblld $JL10. BIXICK fi tot i. "r ".1"1;. r-4"10- MCai 12. tot 1, ' A. tollln. $210; north tt of tot A Uolenn, 4l.C6: nouth . U of tot L "''. ' o6; let A Mary U ' - 82.10; hit 4. Henrietta Htraoas, ' Adolpb ' Horn A 7n1u-mw.- sx.10: let 4. Henrietta Htraoas. $2.10; lot A Anthony g. Carroll. $2.10; lot. A- AmtOTT. r- Carroll, $2.10; lot T Jobs . Kmery. $il0;, lot 8. John -Kaerr. $2.10. BLOCK' 1 A west A6 feet' of tot 1. "JW: -,?: sA$ fact of west 43 feet . of "tot 1, Louie P. Bene. $0.46; east 33.4 ..i Jeet of west 4$ feet of north ft feet ef tot A Ixhi1sP. Rene. $0.10; aouth 1ft fret ef eaati - .6 fret of tot A Louis 9. Bean, $0.36; nunth -4 font of eaat . 8.1.6 feet of lot I, ': ftoldle Btrell. .lo; north at feet Of eaatja. - 43.6 . fre' ef tot 2. Uoldls Barell, $0.60; 1 f - wast . 43 - feet . ef aoath 46.. feet of lot 2. Roman Catholle ArchMahop pf th Diocese ' , of Oregon. gu.Tft; west 43 (est of tot A i RoBiea Catholic Arrbbishon sf the Dloreae 1 - -"f Oregon. au.bO; north 40 feet of east 4.1.4 fs . , feet of tot I. William BalUa. $1.30; earth ' ee or enat uu.o ten el wt a, AeWts T. , . Bene. $0.46'. esst 43.6 feet of eouth 26 feet' ,; of tot A Bomsn CatboUc Archhlahog of tha - fHocese of On-gua. $0.6; tot 4. Romaa Cathr , elle Archhlahup of ths lMocees of Oregon. ' . $2.Q tot 6, Roman CslboUe Archblsbop of tbe Diocese sf Oregon,, $2.10; lot A Roman ' Catholic Archblsbop sf tb Dloees mi Oregon, . $2.10: tot T. Roman 'Catholic ArrbMskop of1 . the' Dtoeee jifjUregon, 82.10; west 4.4 feet of esst 32 Tret ef south 11 feet af tot' A i . Romaa Catholic Arrhblahop ef the Dtoees . ef Oregon, 80. 10; weat 74.6 feet ef nouth . 11 feet uf tot by Bomsn CathoHe Arrhblabop ' . . ef th Dtoeee ef Oregoa, i$o.3ft; et S3.U4 feet ef let g, William BaJlla. $a6; weat. K2.64 feet ef north 3B feat pf lot A Jennia , Belcher. $1.110. .- BLOCK 1A tot A Pratt - Wbitoomb, $2.10: tot A Pratt W'kltcomh, I $2.lo; tot A Pratt Wkttcomb. 82.10: tot 4.J laaae Hiss. $x.ivi aouth tt ef tot ft, W1U- . lam H. UreafelL . $1.06: east Sd-ft feet eto: north Mi of lot 6. William B. Oreafell, Sii an. . . . w 1 . 1 ... . . T - I - - mv IWT. m . I .m mm V. W V. Stephea Prideaax. $0.75; tot ArAatheny V--, CarrotL $2.10; tot 7. -Anthony F. CsrroU. . , $2.10; lot A alia L. Woodward, $2.10; BIArCK I 16. let 1, rtererg LsngforA $A10; lot 4 A f . George LaagforA - $2.10: tot 8, Parker F. Moray, $2.10; tot A Darby -. 0 Toole, $2.10; tot 1, Thomasine ' P. Scott.7 $2-10; tot A . Thonmstar P. Scott. $210; lot T. aland Q. -Hudson, $A10; tot 8, Maod O, Badnon. 82-Kl. BLOCK IA tot 1. Harriet Mf RtoaunT $2.10; I , tot A Harriet M. Riemsa, $210: tot A Joha . B. Lata. 8X10' tot 4. M. V. Pratt, $2.10: tot A Wllley B. Allen. $2.10; soath of 1 lot' 4. Wilier R. Allen. - sl.UA: north il of -lot A More Bard. $1.06; eaat tt of tot T, t harlea U Parker. $1.06; eeet 'tt or S. Cksrlos L. Parker. 6I.UA: wast U of ft) T. Bliaor O. Harei $1.06; west tt ef tot S.' 1 Kllnur U. Bare, $1.06. BLOCK 17. tot' 1. Mary v. 1 varnnart, sx.iu; tot x, Mary u. ; L. ' Barnbnrt, $210; eaat -100 feet of tot a, ' Ciisrlea 1 Parker, 13. uu; weat 4-62 feet of . ' south tt of tot A Mary E. Arbuekle, $0.M; went 4.62 feet ef Berth tt'ot lot A Bennon, . B. Arbuekle, $XI0; eaat 100 feet ef lot-4.' . William M. Puffer. $2.00; west 4.62 feet of, . tot A Mary R. SmiU. $0.10; tot ft, Mary B. . .Smith, $2.10; aouth tt at tot A Mary R.,1 Arbuekle. $1.06; north tt of tot A Benson I a Arbuekle. 31.06; tot T. Joha J. and Annto' L. Fab I. 8AI0; tot A Joha aad Annie L. I -- Fable, 82.10. BIXX'K IS, lot 1. German Sav-I lag A Loan Society, $AI0; tot A Setk L. Pops. $2.10; lot ft, Charles A l'arker, 82.1o; lot A Charles A Parker, $2.10; west ftO feet ' . of lot A Bahmrl T. Hlnsda. $1.00: eaat ft4.S ' feet of tot ft. Joha Burbey, $1.10; tot A Ben , Selling. Trust re. $2.10; went tt ef totV Joha Qrg heed. $1.06; south t feet eft ' weat tt of tot N, John Geerge Seed. $0.10; , north 48 faet pf weat tt'tof tot A Mary Seed. . $0.86; eaat tt of lot T, William B. aad Fred- ' - evlck J. Joyce. $1.06; east tt of tot A Will- , . lam H. sad Frederick J. Joyce, $1.06. BLOCK IS. tot 1. Frederick D. Mat tbe wa. $2.10; tot . A Frederick IK Matthews. $2. 101 tot a. Mdgar . Pontikiloa. 82.10: tot- 4. Kdxsr Posolston.. v- 82.10:. lot A Mlnsla ' Varwta. 82.10: aoalkrl- ei in affioi,.!.!.: aaa o, iiraawaa uwao.1 Route Hlrs et $210., BLOCK 20, tot 1,' Peter t. Mean. $2.10; tot A Uraksat Glass, -Kstate Heirs of. $2-10; tot A Grahsia GUaa, KaUte Belrr of, $2.10; tot A James J. Al- lard. X2.10: .lot K. Kiln II Beachraat- X2.KI: lot A W. K Bormar, $A10: tot 7. Joha W.I C arras. $2.10; tot A Peter J. Ma SB. $2.10 I CARITHER'S - ADDITION TO CARnTHRRo ADDITION TO THB CITT OP PORTLAND ' " BLOCK A. aU cf north 44 feet of tot 1. ex. eept west 22 feet. Sarah J. McXl trick. $1.40; ' soeth 4 tret et eest DO feet of tot 1, Albert N. ' Poodles. $0.16; west 22 feet ef tot 1, Oregoa - Furniture Manufacturing Company, $0.48; west? " 22 fret ef tot A Oregoa Pornitura Manufue tuting Company. $0.46: all -of tot 9 except west 22 feet,- Albert N. Foadk-k, $1.46; .U ef nertk tt af tot A except wst 14 feet. Cbarlea B. Hall. $l.g0, aU ef soath tt ef tot S except west 14 faet. Nettle A. A Sea. ton. $r.20; west It feet of tot A 0- Cordano. fto.Jki: all ef north tt of tot 4 dscept weat 41.1ft feet, r. K- Illgs, $0.80; aouth 24 feet' ef tot A 0. Owdaaok $0.00: weat 41.18 fart ef aorta u et m a. u. 1 era no. i.u; wrei . to feet 01 of lot o, IHmlnlrk Igrasd. $1.W5 weat &S feet of tot. 4, Margaret CJoogreve, r$I.S0; rest 10 feet of tot A-G. Cordsne, 80 15; rest 1A feet ef lot AG. Oordsne.1 $0.15; lot 1 . iregoner omit are manuTsctorina ' IVimpeny. $2.00; lot , Oregon Pnrnltare Man- . . nfactnrlog tiompany, $2.00. BLOCK B, berth . 23 fret of lot 1, F. W. ntklns. $0.80; aouth 34 feet of - tot i. UssleAppleetoue, $1.16; lot 9. JuUna and Caroline - Walter. $2.n: -Perth tt of tot 3. PnrGsnd Trust Conmany . et, Oregon. $1.00; south tt et lot A A Hoce felA $1-00: tot 4, WlUiam H. ttonrtney, eaat tt of tot a, Jane oi. jonnaione, west tt "I kni - srle A. Walter, a I'.rrr u. Baker. Kstate Heir of. hrest tt kit T. Thomas P. Campbrll.r I .... I,. r lot T. Jacob Btalder. 81.00:- I James T. iisvles, $2.00; kit-A-D.--kterxV4J.aO - lot -IO, "Btrpoen Meaoe. li" neir 01. ei.oo, tot 11, Perry G. Baker, KaUte Heir of. , $1.80: tot IX rrry O. Bafter, . Batata Brlra of. $l.. BLOCK C. lot'l. Perry U, Baker, Katst Heirs of. $2.00; tot 2. .Perry G. Baker. v Katata of.- $200: tot 3, William Wasrher. $2.00; lot A William Wescber. $2.00; tot 6. ),;' Ellro Well. $20u; oth tt kit 0. Archie " asd Csrtottt Rlcbsrdaoo.. T1.00: north tt of tot A A Ongllelrmelil.' KsUta Brlrs kit,, . $1.00; anuth 30 feet ef lot T. J. A. Psrestl. . '$1.16; -north 2 feet of tot T. Kmma and , Jennia Kafks. $0.8": lot A Kmma aad Jennia f Kafka, $2,011. BLtMIK D. west, tt of tot 1, A. W. t beney. J 00; west tt o7 tot 2, k. JL . W. Cheney. tlWrsst tt ef tot 1, Herluble Security Mortgage Inveatment Company, $1,011; seat tt ef tot A- Herluble Security Mortgige Investment Compsny. $1.00; tot 3. Kmlly J. Schneider. $2.U4 Jft 4. Emily ' J Schneider, $200; lot A Nicholas -Scbanail, $A0ti; tot A Philip New, $2.00; lot T. Soma , . C. Butler. $2.; tot 8, Joseph Fink. $2.00. ' BLOCK B. .undivided tt of tot I, London A ,' 1 San KranCHir Bsnk. $1.00: undivided tt of . tot ILoudon A Mas Franctoco Bank. $1.00; .nndlvMed tt of lot f. Iiundce Mortgage A' Truat Investment Compsny. Ltd., $1.00; nn- . divided tt of tot A Dundee Mortgage A Treat ' Investment Cntnpny.,Lt.i.. $10; Tot j rr- - Anendroth. 82 00: tot 4. Cr Abendroth. $2.0; we-tt ef lot 8. Wiillsm H. Baylor, fl.ooj raVt if of lot . Fanny Barry 81.pi); lot AW rannyBarry. $2 nj; south tt f tot 2. Pasay, Barry, $1.00: north tt ef tot T. Jamek Barry.' : 1 00; tot $. James Barry. $2.00. BLOCK, tot lVA 0. LsrkrL $0.70; tot A J. C. . l.ockel'$0.70; lot A J. . Luckel,; - tot 4. J C. Luckel. $0.40; lot B, T. C. LackeL $0,40; tot A C. Lnckel, $0,411; tot T iV'C. Luckel, $0.0J tot A r C. . Lsckrl, 80.85; tot , J.. C. IlckerV $0.40; tot 10 X C. Lncke. $0.0t)t tot 11. 5. C.j Lackell $0.4: tot 12, J. C. Lnckel. $0.40;' toPli T. C Lnckel. ao.70; tot 14, 5. c!, Lnckel. afl.70;. tot 15, J. C. Lackey $0 To; lot 1A.J- Iackl, $0.70: tot 17. Augusta Marka! $0.40; tot 18. Aagnsts Marks, $0.40; . lot 19. Angaata Marka, $0.40: tot 20, Aa- gnats marks, $0.40; tot 91, John B. Eh-gler. 10 ao : sndlvided tt of tot 2A Wiillsm Uoe- tag. $0.36; nodlvlded tt of lot 23. William . Montsg. $0 25; . undivided tt t. tot 24. ' William MonUg. $0.26; undivided U of tot 25. William Hon tag. $o.30: nndlrlded U . of lot 22, Henry Cleave. , $0.36; . undivided 14 of totM, Henry lien re, te 26; undivided 11 of tot 24. Henry Cleave. $o.2.v andltlded ' tt of tot 29. lienry t;ieave. $0.30. BLOCK 1, isaneiis b. ana ye. a. 1-ewta, - I..K1; lot A laabrllsi B. and "W, A. Lwla. , l.u6; saal 60 feat of weat 63 feet of A Matilda A. Baker. $1.00; eaat 60 fee e.t of weat 63 feet ef tot 4. Matilda A. ¬ Baker, $1.00; alt ef tot. $ except weat 64 f feet. Kdmand B. Hill, $0 Mt aU af lot 4 eicepk weet an feet, Edmusd , B. Hill.. ' an.Sfl; undlrlded. tt weat 2 ftet of weat 60 ' feet - Of lot 8, , Lendnn A ft as . Prsnclnce Bank, Ltd.. 80.10; undlrlded tt ef weat 8" f,et of wear JW feet ef tot 4, London- A ' Sen Frasctore Bank. Ltd., $0.10: aadirtded . 14 ef weat 2 feet aK weat ftp feet ef tot A Alliance Treat Company, Ltd.. $0.10; . undivided tt " weat. 3 feet of weat ftO feet of tot 4. AUIseee Treat Company. Ltd.. fn. 10: ssdlrlded tt ef esat 47 feet of tot A - '. Ixindoe- Baa Presrtars Bank, 144., $0 40; undlrlded tt of esat 47 feet of tot S. Tmdo Ban Franctaeo . Bsnk, -Ltd.. to. eft;" as divided tt of eest 47 feet of tot ft. Alllsans ; Treat Compauy. . Lte $0.40; aaslrlded . )4 -. "'is'. -I..' . k . c '