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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1905)
rv . ' : TH3 ' 6nG0M : DAILY JOUSNAU PORTLAND. ' FRID'AY EVENING, -I FEBRUARY ' 84. 1SCX . V ' ' I X: ; , "A v.. CITY, vortou. Wife, $0.70; tot lft. Jobs W. IdtA sad wife, W. II., IuhU asd wile, $0.10; lot 10. .sons W. Laagdoa aad wlfa, W. 11. Barnatt asd wlf, ko.lo. BLOCK 1, lot 1, Joba W. 4 Langduu aud wife. w. U. baruett Bad wire, i tot X. Julia W. Laiigdoa and wit.. W, tt. Baruett asd wife. $; lut 4. John ' W. Langrtou awl wlte, HI. M. Baraett and wlfa, 4U.70; fat 4, John W. Lsngdua and (Ha. . W, H. Harnett sad wilt, fu.'iu: lut ft. Juba W. Lsnfdou and wife, W. H. Bernolt au4 wife, $o.Jo; fat , joha W. Leugdua aad wlla, " W. H. Barnatt awl wile. fto.Vu; lut T. Job W. Langd. and wile. W. H. Baraett aad ' write, o.lo: lut 8, John W. Lengdoo aad ' wl(, W. H. Baroett and wife, : fat a, Juba "W. Leaf doa aad wife, W. U. Baraett aad wife, fu.aai lut 10, Jotin W. Laugdoa aad wife, W. U. Barnett and wlfa, $u.7o; fat 11, jobs W.itangdou aad wlfa, W. H. Baraett aad wife, ko.loi lut 12. Joha W. Laugdua and wlfa, W. H. Baraatt and wife, t '.u: fat 18. Juba W. Laagdoa aad wli. . H- Baraett aad wlfa, 80.10: fat 14. Joha w. Laugdoa aad wlte. W. H. B aad wife, .Ju; lot 1ft. .oka W. Li , aad wife. W. H. Baraett aad wife, ' fat Id, Joha W. Laogdea tad wile, 1 R. Baraett Langdo i u.i"i W. H, Banwtt and wife, BLOCK 1 M I, Joba W. Laagdoa aad wife, W. II. Baraett ' aad wife, $u.u fat 2, Jvba W. Leaf dm aad wife, w. H Baraett aad wife. $0.10; fat U. . Joha W. Langdoa aad wife, W. U. Baraett aad wife; $o.Jo: fat 4, Juba W. Langdou aad wife, W. hi. Baraett aad lot ft. Mi W. Langdon end wife. W.. U. . Baraett aad wife,' ulO fat 0, John W. Lsngdua aad wire, Vi, U. BarneU aad wife, - 90.10: fat T, Joba fr.- Langdoa and wife, ,' W, It, Baraett bad wife. $; fat at. Joba ' w, Lang doa aad wlte, W. H, se ' wte. fU.a. v t . ; , - TCBWILLIOER ' HOMMTKAD BLOCK 1. ..fat 1, . Terwllllfar Land Compear. ' ftalft! fat a. Tarwllllger Land Ouaipan. I0.W; tot Teewlillger Lead Uoaipaajr, 1.U fat 4, fer IUlar Lead cemumur. KJ-lo: fat ft. Terwll- llinr Lead Ceajeaa, ". fat , TerwUllf'f Lead , loaiBBar, ' eu.iui wi T. Terwlllliet lad Coaipauy, fat a. XarwllUder tad Ooatiiaaj, t& u. jo. A-traet of lead Ijrlag betweea kloeke 1 dad S.. TerwllUgec 119wieeteed. aad betwera the aoatk Uae of lejawur aevaue aad tba kortk -Uae at Admiral areiute, lerwlUlfet 4ud Uaay ., . vaa, 1U , , . .. TiaWrLLIGER BOME8TKAD BIXXK f. fat 1. erwuilaer Uad Uompaajr. au.TUj w ', Terwllilaer OottBen, 0.T0! . TerwIIUaer , 'erwllllcer Terwlllljer . Terwilllcer ; Terwll llaer Lead Lead Lead Lead Coaipauj, Ceauaa, , Comuaur, Uoaipaar. au.Tu; mi iu.Tu; fat lo.7o; fat io.TOi fat K.Jo: fat Lead UMUpaa. TrrwllUgrr Lead Oeaioaar, fO.TU. BLOCK lot A, 'ivrwuuirer iaaa, . Ooaipaaty ' 'Oataann Compaoy, a; fat Z. TerwlUlger Land ,, fat , TerarJIllaer Mad Lead Lead Lead Uad Lead Lead . -eat , ' fat . : fett . K . f4. i'". lot 11, . fat 1 w BLOC'lC Terntlllier Yerwllllger Terwllltcer, Yerwllllcer Terwllllfer. tVaapaa, Compear, Oampaar. Compear, Compear, Compear, Tarwuilmr Terwll llllfer Dd Terwllllter Lead Terwllllser Land TerwUllaer Land 4. fat 1. TerwllUfor Lend tvnnpaar, fat a. TerwIIUaer Lead Compear. 1.05; io.B6: 1 : ! i. 4, Terwllllcer , Lead Oampenr, ft, Terwlllifer . Lead ' Comuaur, fat fat 0, Terwllllcer Land . Companr, . . - lot ''fat fat fat T.-', Terwllllcea a, Terwllllter . ft, TerwIIUaer l, - l-erwlliraer 11, TerwIIUder Lena Clora p. nr. UK . Compear,' Lead Companr, Lead Companr, Lead Compear, fat lx, Terwuuer- BLOCK ft. fat 1. TerwIIUaer Lead Com 1, MIM WHIAWUT, U.D: fat 1 Terwl Uler Lead Compear, I fat a. Terwiinger Lfdnd oompanr, 1 lot 4, fat S, fat-. 'fat 7, lot S. fat . . fat 10. Terwllligrr Lend companr. Terwlllifer, Lead Terwllllger Land -Terwlllifer Land Terwlllifer Lend Terwlllifer Lead TerwUlLrer Land Compear, Compear, . tompenr, , Companr, Compear, : uompanr. BLOCK It fat 1. TerwIIUaer Lend Comiienr ft) 46: fat x TerwilUfer Lead Companr, fO.TO; fat 3, Terwlllifer Lend' Companr,. ftO.RO; r fat lot "tot fat fat : fa Terwlllifer- Lena Terwlllifer Jjtnd Terwlllifer , Lend Terwllllger, Jnd Terwlllifer ILend Terwlllifer Lend TerwllUeer IimI Companr, fO.MAr Coaipaar, 0.70; Companr, - 10.70; Companr, fo.70; Companr, . f0.70; Compear, 0.7u; ft I lot uompear. av.TU. BLOCK T. fat 1.. TerwIIUaer lod Com f. eu.ei at a, lYrwiiuger Liana mmpeer, u. io; ; lot' 3, Terwlllifer Lead CompaaTA . fn.70; lot. 4. Terwlllifer Lead Cempaar, $0.70: fat K, Terwlllifer Land Companr, 0.T0; fat S. Terwlllifer Land Oompanr. 16.70; tot T, TerwtlUger Lead Companr. fto.70; fat 8, Ter wlllifer Lead Dnnrpear, ftO.70; . lot . . Ter- wtlhfer Lead- CMnpaarv ftO.TO;. tot- lv Ter wllllger Leod Compear, fO.TO; tot 11, Ter "wllllfer Lead Companr, io.); tot li Ter wllllger Und -Compear, do.fttk BLOCK . Z lot 1, Terwlllifer Lend Companr, 0. TO;. Jot". Terwlllifer Laad Cpmpao, 0 70s, fat S. Ter wlllifer Lead Oonrpenr. . o.70j lot 4, .Tr ' wllllger Land Compear, ' ".70; fat ft, Ter- wllUfer Land Compear .70; fat 6, Ter' ; ' wllllger - Iad Companr. fo.TO; -fat 7. . Ter . wllllger . Lend Compeer, ftn.TO; fat B. - Terwlllifer lnd Compeer. fO.TO. BTXCK ft. ' lot 1. Terwlllifer Land Comnaar, (0.T0; lot . TerwIIUfer Land Compear. 16.70; fat ft. . Terwllllger Land Compear, $0.70; fat 4. Ter- 0.fti fat 1 Terwlllifer Lend Compear, I ' wllllger Land Companr " wllllger Ind - Companr, ' Wllllger lnd Compear. .. j wllllger land Oompanr, ).7n; art o, Ter- 1.70; fat . Ter- J.70;. lot 7, Ter- .7; - fat . Ter- ).T0; lot . Ter- Wllllger Lead onmpanr, . wllllger Land Compear. wllllger Land Cwmpenr, wllllger Lend tflomnenr, wllllger Lead Compenr, ' winiger Lead Compenr. 0.T0; lot 10, Ter- fn.TO; fat 31. Ter- IO.70; I rt.70; J 0.70; : 0.70; : fl.70; : 0.70; ja,, 7er lot II. Ter fat 14. Ter fatljftr Tar fat l, Trr fat IT. -Ter- wllllger Lead Compenr. wllllger- Leud, Compear, wllllger UUI ropipanr. wllllger I ad Companr, wllllger lnd Companr. 0.70: fat 18. Ter- 10.70. BICK 10. rot 1. Terwlllifer Land Compenr, (0.70; lot 9. Terwlllifer Land Cenpanr, 10.70; . fat ft. Terwlllifer Lead Companr, to TO; fat 4, Ter' winiger Lend companr. i,70; loteV-r-Trr- , wllllger Lead Companr, ' wllllger Lead -Compear, wllllger Lead Companr Will I per Land Cnannaee to; mi Ter- 70; fat T. Tar- T0; fat ft. Tar- TO fat ft. Ter- . wllllger Lead Compear, fit. 10; fat 10. Ter " wllllger Land Compenr, o.70; iUITK 11. lot 1. Terwlllifer Lend Cempanrr. fto.ftft; fat l?Z Terwlllteyr lend Companr. M.VH lot ft. . TerwIlllfexlUnd Compear, 0.A0 fat 4, Ter- winiger Lan4i tximpenr, tot f. ''. wllllger IjumI Compenr, fO.M; fat , ; wllllger Land Companr,-- fl.20; fat 7. wllllger Ind Compenr.-1. 05: fat ft. Ter-Ter-Tee- Trr-Ter-Ter-Ter- . wllllger-Lead Compear, 11.00;' fat ft. wllllger Lend Compear, 0.HI;, lot 10, winiger una inmpaar, ' wllllger Lead Companr, . wllllger Iad Compear, 1 wllllger Laad Compear,' ' wllllger Lead Companr, ' wllllger Lead Compear, : wllllger Lend Companr, wllllger Lend Compenr, ' wllllger Lead Compear, wllllger Lend Compenr, " wllllger Lend Compear. i0.75itot 11. 0.70; fat H Ter- fat 13. Tee- fat 14, lot 15 fat la. lot 17, fat 1ft. lot 10. Tar- Ter-Ter-Tar-Ter-Ter- ftrt.70; 0.70; ftO.70; ' lo.70; o.7o; u.To; fat 20. Ter- SO. Ml lot 21. Ter- wllllger Lead Companr, 0.M. BLOCK 12, lot f. Terwlllifer Lend Companr. 0.8ft; fat t. TerwIIMaee Lnd Comaenr. M.Mi lot a. Terwlllifer Land Oompanr. ftO.70; fat 4, Ter- wniifer l Ann twmpanr, ''"! lot o, Ter- winiger iaa twnpenr, wllllger Lend ' Compear, wllllger Land Compeer, wllllger Laad Companr, wllllger Lead Compear, wllllger Land Compear, Wllllger Laod Companr, wllllger Land Compear, wllllger Land Companr, Ter-Ter-Ter-Ter-Ter-Ter. Tee. $0.70! fat ft. O.T0; lot . (1.70; fat 10, 10. 70; fat II. .O.TO; fat 13. fto.TO; fat 1.1. $0 70: fat 14. wn lifer Lean cnmaaar. 1.70; fat 1ft. M a. Pwlgert, ftO.70; fat 14, U. K. Bwlgert. $0.T0i anr. SO.Ift: fat fat 17, Terwllllger Land Oo is, M. n. Bwigrrt. fo.iw.. Terwlllifer Land Companr, wllllger Land Compear, wllllgea Lend Comnenr. . BLOCK IS, I $0.70; fat S, .to; lot a. lot , 4, fat 1ft. fat 0, fat 7. Ter. - ; wllllger' Land Compear, ' Terl wiuiger- : Wllllger - una lonrpanr, Ijpd Companr, Ter-Ter-Ter-Ter-Ter. Wllllger - Lead Companr, fat ft. linger IBd Companr, $0.70; fat ' llllger Land Compear, o.TO) lot 10. Lead Comnaar. ftO.70. BL0CTC 14. fat I. TerwIIUaer lnd Comnaar. to.T0: fat a. -. a, Terwinifer Lend compenr,; wt B, "Terwllllger Land Compeer. $0.70; let 4, Ter ; wllllger 14 ad Compenr, $0T0; fat ft, wllllger Lead Compear; $0.70; fat , wllllger Land Compear, 0.70; fat T. '- wllllger Land Compear, fOTOt fat ft, -Wllllger Lend Compear $0.79 fat 0, t wllllger Lend -CojnaantVi$0.7fl; fat 10, Wllllgef Lead ComnaaT. I0.T0: lot 11. Ter. Ter- Ter-Ter- , Ter Ter Ter- Wllllger Lead Compear- $0.70;- fat 12, Ter ' wllllger land Comiienr. $0.70: fat -13. Tee. .wllllger Land Compear, $0.70; W.t 14, Tergi . winiiPT ,mu , nmpinr, IV, ' Ju, ler- wllllger I -and Compear, $0.70; . fat Id, - Ter .. wllllger Lead Compenr, $0.70; lot IT, Tee , wllllger Lead Cempaar. $0 To; lot la. Ter ' wllllger Lend Comnenr, 0.T0. BLOCK 15. ; lot f. Terwlllifer Lend Cempaar. $O.T0; fat .2. Terwlllifer I -and Compenr. $0.TO; fat ft. - Terwllllger Lend Compenr. fto.70: lot 4. Ter- . wllllrer lad Comneer, f0.T0 fat ft, Ter , wllllger Land CompenrJ 0.T0; fat ft. Ter- , Wllllger Lead (eipenr, $0.T0 fat 7. Ter. i wllllger land Coatpenr, $o.7o; fat . Ter WIUIeM Laad Comnaar. BO TO ai.nrt 1. i. lot jT. Terwlllifer Lead Compear, $0.70; fat a, lerwiinger um (mnpear. ao-TO; let a. Terwiuiger Land compear. ao.TO; fat 4, Ter. . wllllger Lend Companr, $0 70; lot ft, Ter- ' wllllger Land Compenr. $0.70; fat f, Ter Wllllg: laad Cowiiiaar, 0.70J fat T. Ter- ' wllllger , Leod Compear, 0.701 fat ft. Ter wllllger Land Compear. $il.Ta BL0CIT 17. ' fat I. Terwlllifer Land Companr, $0.70: fat , , Terwinifer Lena compear. $0,70; fat ft, Terwlllifer Lend Compear, $0.70; fat 4, Ter- ,iwiinger linq niupmuj, ' 70; fat ft. Ter- wllllg-r Lend Compenr to; lot ex T0 fat 7. Ter. wllllger l.nn nompeer, wllllger Lend Compenr, wllllger lauid Compear, wllllger Lend Compeer, wllllrer Leed Compenr, wlllieer laed Comnenr, w I 4, L I C, Ter. TO; lot H. Ter Ter. O.T0; fat 0. To: fat in. Ter-Ter-Ter-1 TO; fat H. TO; lot R i.ii; t i citt vonozi. BBtbBaBaWamWaf"a wtl lifer wlUWer wllllgt-r WllUfer llllfer Land Companr, 0.70; Lead Compenr, $o.w; Lead tViaipau, ftO.To: Lead Couiuear. to. 70: tot 1&, Trf fat Id. Tar fat IT. Ter fat la, Tr- Lend Cumuenr, ' ftO.To. BLCM'K la. fat 1. Terwllllger Lead Cumaenr. SU.TUI fat 2, Terwllllger Lead Compenr, fU.Tu; tot ft, lerwllliifer Lead Compear, $o-T0; fat 4, Ter wllllger Lead Companr, $0.70; fat ft, Tar- Wllligof ; wlUlger Wllllger wllllger wllllger wllllger uaaa caimpaar,; lot a, ir Laad Cumpeur, ao.lo; - fat, 7, 'Tur Laad . Compenr, $0.70; lot' 8, Ter Lead ' Compear, ' $0.70; - fat 0. Ter Lead Compear, $0.70; fat 10, Ter Land Cemoear. ao.TO. BLOCK 10. fat 1. at. B. Bwlf.rt, $0.u; lot I, V. Bwlfert, $0.o; fat ft, M. K. HwlferL $0.'A; lot 4, 11. K. Bwlfert, $0.70; fat t. Ter wlllifer Lead Compear, $o.7o; fat 8, Ter wllliger Laad Cumpaar, fto.TO; fat T, Ter rllligrr Lead Cumpeny, fto.TO; fat , Ter Lead Cumpeur, ftO.To; fat V, Ter Lead Coupaar, $0.T0; fat 10, Ter Laad Companr, au.To; fat 11, Ter-, Laad Cumpaar, $o.T0; fat IX, Teg Lead Cempeur. fto.TO: fat IX Ter wllllger wllllger wllllger WllUfer WllUfer wlllifer Lead Compear, fto.TO; fat 14, Ter wlllifer Laad Cumpaar, $U.T0; fat 15. M. at. Bwlfert, $O.TOf fat Id, VI. B. Bwlfert, $0.70; lot IT, It. B. Iwlf urt, 0.70; fal la.M,-X. Bwhrert. $0.70. "t L'BIHVI8UN Of PARS Of BLOCK B M'ktBCUKV 2 ANU 4. FLLTOn rABK BLOCK . 2, - aabdlTleloe 2 of fat I, rellz lladleg, $u-ft; eaodlTlalon , 1 1 of fat O. H. B. Lang, $0.$0, BLOCK 4, '.eaMlvtatoa 1 at fat A. tU M- Loaf, fto.oai 2 f fat A. H. B. Leaf,' fu.aa; . aubdlelafaa : aabdlrlaloa a at lot A. tl. at. Long. go. g. t. flOj! a. $o .r: a, . aubdlrlalea eubdlrlaioa eubdlTieioa Jet fat A, H. U. Lung, f fat A- 11. - K. Loaf, of tot A. H. H. Lou. CABBON HKIDHTB RlICa: 83. kit 1. , A. Lareoe balete, urire ef,.ao.; lot , Ellaa A. Ceraua Betato, Metre of, ftO.aS: fat V, Kllaa A. Caraoa fcetate. Heir, of, $o.30; fat 4, Kllaa A. Careoa Belele, Uelra at, ao.afi; fab ft, Ellaa A. Caraua taUli, Helre at. fto.afi; tot , -kllaa A. (araua KaUte. Hrlra ef. ao.36: lot f. KUaa A. Caraoa but., UelreVof, $0.ftu; lut ft, Kllaa A. Caraoai JfatkU, Uelra at, $0.26. BLOCK 24. fat 1. Kllaa A.i Caraoa Eatate. Uelrg of, $0.aft; lot 2, Kllaa' A. Caraoa. Ka- - tale, Uelra of, $0.35; fat ft. BUaa A. Careoa BeUte. Uetra ef. aftft; lot 4. kUlaa A., Car aoa, Batate, Uelra at, $0,115; tot ft. Kllaa A. Careoa KeUte, Helre of, fto.fcl. BLOCK 8ft, fat 1, Kllaa Aw Caraoa Katau, Helre at, $0.70; fat 2, Kllaa A. Caraua Kotate, Ilelre of, $O.T0; fat ft, Kllaa A. Caraea KaUte, Uelra ef, fto.TO; - fat 4, Kllaa A. Caraoa Batata, Uelra of. $o.To; fat ft, Kllaa A. Caraua Ketele, Hflre ef, ftO.Tu; fat ft, KUaa A. Caraoa KaUte, Helre ef, ftO.To; fat 7, Kllaa A, Careoa KeUte, Uelra bf, ftO.To; let B, Kllaa A. Caraoa Kelala, Uelra of, $0.T0; fat , Kllaa A. Careoa KeUte, Uelre ef, $0.70; --fat 10, KUaa A. Caraoa BetaW, Uetra ef, $0.70; - fat It, Kllaa A. Caraoa Keuta, Helre of. ao.TO; - fat 12, Kllaa A. Caraua KaUte, Uelra of, ftu.TU; ' tot -18, Kllaa- AvCareoa -KeUte, Helre af, 80.T0; 'fat 14, Kllaa A. Careea iKeUU, Uelra af, fto.TO; fat 15, Bee Mi Btarfla, $0,70: fat 14, Hoae . U. Hcurgle. O.TO, BLOCK 3d. fat 1, Kllaa A. Careoa Beta M, Helre ef, $0.10; fat 2, Kllaa VA. lxeoa Kaula, Uelra of, $0.56; fat a, KUaa Av Canaa Ketete, Uelra of, 80.86; fat 4, Kllaa A. Caraoa batata, Uelra ef, $1.85; fat ft, KUaa . A., Caraoa Batate, Uelra of, ftO.To; fat ft, Kllaa A. Careon Eaute, Uelra at, ao.TO; lot I, Kllta A. Caraon EaUU, Uelra of. $0.70. BJiOCK 8T, - lot 1, KUaa A. Careoa KeUte, Heir uf, $0,70; t fat 2, BUaa A, Caraua KaUte, Helre of, $0.70; . fat , Kile A. Caraua KeUte, Helre ef, 80.70; fat 4, KUaa A. Caraon Katate, Helra of, $0.70; . fat ft. Kllaa A. Caraoa KeUte, Helre ef, 80.70; .' fat ft, KUaa A. Careoa Kauu,' Helre of. 80.70; lot 7, Kllaa A. Careoa KaUte,rHelre of. $0.70; tot ft. Kllaa A. Careoa Katatai Uelra of, $0.70; 7L. fk 1.' 1 1 -. A d- '.latM l4aeaa tall Hi t , AVw ir. au iigg eaVa mwwum aaa vc, ticue v, -v.wvi j-. tot 10, Kllaa A. Careoa Katate, Uelra af, $0.5$; fan 1, Kllaa A. Careoa Keuu, Helre of, 80.40; lot JZ, Kllaa a. caraoa avute, lieire or, au.ous . tot 18, KUaa A. . Caraua KaUte, Helre of, $0.70; , tot 14, Kllaa A. Caraoa KaUte, Uelra of, 80.70; fat 15, KUaa A. Caraoa BeUU, Uelra of, $0.70; fat 10, KUaa A Careoa Katate, Uelra of, 80.70; :' fat 17, BUaa A. Cataoa KaUte. Helre or, 80.70; - fat 18, Kllaa A. Caraoa Keuta; Hetre of . 80.70; v lot 10, KUaa A. Caraoa KaUte, Heir. of. 80.70; fat 20, KUaa A. Caraoa BeUU, Helre of, 80.70; ;,fat 21, KUaa A. Careoa Keuta, Helre at, 80.70. BLOCK $8. fat 1. KUaa A. Caraon KeUte, - Uelra of, $0.70; Tot 2, Kliaa a. Careen Ka tau, Uelra of, 0.70; fat ft, Kllaa A. Caraoa BeUU, Helre of, $0.70; fat 4, Kllaa A. Caraoa " Keuu, Helre of, $1.05; fat ft, Ellaa A. C.raon Katate, Uelra af, $1.06; fat ft, Kllaa A. Caxaoa " KaUU, Uelra oft, $0.70; fat 7. KUaa A. Caraoa -Katate, Uelra of, $0.70; fat S, KUaa A.' Careoa KaUU, Helre of, $0.70. BLOCK. 89, Ellaa A. - Caraoa BeUU, Helre of, $4.70. BLOCK 40, r Ml, Kllaa A. Ceraua Katau, Holra of, $0.40; fat 2, Bltia A. Caraoa KataU, Uelra of, $0.45; ' fat a, KUaa A. Caraoa Keuu, Uelra af, $0.50; tot 4, Kllaa A. 'Careoa KeUU,,Helra at, $0.55; fat ft, BUaa A, Caraoa Katate, Uetra af, 80.55; tot 4. Kllaa A. Caraon Keuta, Heira of, 80.55; tot 7. KUaa Aw Caraoa Katate, Uelra of. 80.00; :' fat a, Kliaa A. Caraoa KaUU, Halra el. u.TU. " BLOCK Z. tot L Ellaa A. Oaraoa EeUU, Uelra of, $S.0. PUl'i' i, Karl aad Jacob - Welch, 212.10. , . ...... . - ..- . . 6ABBON- HKH4HTB Let P,' KUaa A. Caraoa Keuu, Helre ex. fo.ju: lot q, autaa a. uaraoa Beute. Uelra ef. o.2ft;i fat B, BUaa A. Car aoa KataU. Belra ot, 0.85; fat M. Kliaa A. Careen. EeUte. Helre of. $o.26; fat T, Kllaa A-Uiron KaUU, Belra at, $0 85; lot U, , a. una a, uaraoa aiaute ttejra oi, bub)? m . V. Kllaa A. Caraoa - KataU. Helre ofec.ftd.W: tot W. ttllea A. Caraon KaUU, Uetra of. $9.-2. A trlanguiar tract ef lead lybif betweaa the eeat Hue at tee Portland Willamette Val . ler Baljwar Oompanr'a rlfht of war and tea .' center line of Harrlaoa atreet extended aeat- arlr la lu areeeat eaoraa and the Barak Una . at fluiee Cam then doaaltoa laad ciaUa, W. K. Bmlta, A tract ot laad boaaded and dear rl bed aa ' , folfawa: OomaMaclof at the Interaeetloa of --tba aurtk line of 1 in Ire Ceraikere doaattoa laad claim with tba eeat Bne ef Hood atreet; ; tbeaca eaat elotif aatd doaatioa laud claim U 4 tba weat beak ef the WUlamette rirer at tow water mark: thence aoatberlr along the weat beak af Willamette rlrer u a point 048. 4 feet aoatk ot tba aortb Ilea of tba aald do- aattea laad cUlm; tbeooe , weat 4uo feet; then re north along a atraight Una to where tba name woaldV be Internee ted br - tba aortb Una at Llnceia- atreet If exuuded aaaurl lu areaant --tjonraer Ulanca waatarur l irlr u along - aald azunafaa of the. oortk Una af Lincoln 'etrett to a point 100 tret eaat of tba eaat lrae af Hood atreet; tbeaca aortb 100 feet aloof a Una loo feet eaat ef aad parallel with the eaat line of Jluod atreet; tbaaea '. weat a fans a -Una 100 feet aortb of aad par allel with tea aortb Una ef Lincoln atreet If extended eaaurlr la. the weat Una of Hood - atreet; tbeaca aortb aaw tba eaat line of llood atreet to place of beginning, Portland LamberlBf Uaaafacturliif Companr, 11.30. " A tract af land lrinf. between twa Unee re epectlrelr 60 feet end too feet north af aad parallel with the aortb Una of Lincoln atreet eaten ded aaaUrly aad betweaa tba eeat' Una ef Uded atreet and a Una 100 feat eaat thereof and parallel itLerewlth, Aaale aad Kdward ' Cole, 0.70. - - ' A tract of laad Irlnf betweaa tba aortb Una . ot Laaeota atreet extended eaeterlr and a Una 60 feet north thereof aad parallel therewith aad betweaa tba eaat Una at Hood atreet and v a Una 100 feet eaat af and parallel therewith, Portland Lombarlut Manufacturing Companr, $0.70.- -- .. . . " ' A tract of laad bounded and deeerlbad aa fol fawa: Commanrlnf at a point oa tba - left bank ot the Wlllaawtte rlrer 10 feet eoutk at tba aaotbeaat eoraag of toe pampUg -haaae; .tbeaca weat 100 feet; tbeuce north 2oo feit; thence eeat to the weat beak af Willamette- rirer at lu water mark ; tbeaca up the weet bank of aald rirer tu a point doe eaat of place ot beginning ! tbeaca weet ta place af beginning. Alan a -certain right -at war 10 feet wide extending In e aerUiwratarlr ' direction from aatd tract U tba eeei Una oi Hood a tree t, CU of l'ort- v lead, 25.00. - . . - .- A tract vt land beoaded aad aeecrlbed aa fot ' fawai Commencing at tba aoatbeaat oornCT ef tba Kllaa beta. Cam there uonatloa bud . alarm: theoce weat ta tba eoatkeeet corner af . Caratban' Addition to. the Cltr of Portland aa laid oat br tlie Month Portland Real Batata AeeocUtloo; tbeaca aortb oa tba eaat Una ot aald addltma to the aortbaaat corner of aald t addlttoa; tbeaca weat to tba eaat Una of . Maeadaaj atreet; tbeaca aortb along toe eaet line of 11 ace da in atreet U lu InUraectfaa - wit b tba aortb Una of Lincoln atreet If ca tenated aetedr; Uaeeee eeat atona aald ex teneMa of Llaonln atreet ta 1U UUreecttoa wltb the weat Una ot a tract of land coo- ." nred br U. C. Burreil and wlfa to the Port al nd Laaibering Uanafactarlaf Companr br deed recorded la book 82. page 410, Beenrd .- af Deed. Maltaomak Coaaqr; thence eeatb . to the aoalbweet corner of a tract Con tared br tba Mouth Portland Heal EeUU Aaaorta tie ta tba Portland Laaibering Manufactur ing Companr deed and recorded la book be, Mfe lei, kVecard of Deeda, Maltnomab i rawarr: theuca eaat to tba anrthweat eorner of -the Water Worke .tract, errtfaa ft, townehlp 1 aoutb, rang a I eaat, r uteaietie menuien; " tbaaea eaat ta tba Willamette rlrer at tow water mark: tbeaoe aoath along the maender- kaga of aald rlrer te place of beginning, ear. end except tba rtgut at war at tea roruaaa a Willamette V a liar Ballwar Coufaanr aad . a tract ewaed br Warwl'k. Oregoo ilaUwajr at Karlfatfaa Oeanpenr. 420.00, A tract of lead Iriac betweea tba weet line af the Portland A) WlllametU V'.ller Rall - anad rieaiaanr'e. right M war and tba Wll- ', laaiette rirer and betweea tba aoath bmiadarT' line af a tract owned br the Multnomah frank raetnrr. aecttoa 10, townahlp 1 aoath. . raaga I aee, W41laaetu Meridian, end tte north Una of a tract of toad eeat of the Port lend A Willamette Teller Ba limed Csmeaar'a fight ef wer award br Aatbear Bogge aad Blcbard Btorp, eitaated la aecUoa 10, towa. arilp 1 aoatb. rang, t eaat,- WlllaawtM .Meridian, Marfa Arnald. Trnatee.-ag.lo. . a. tract af laad lrlag betweea two Unee epectleelr 2ft feet and 4S.2S feet eoutk at i aad parallel wltb the aoath fine af a tract of lead t owned by the Multnomah Trunk ' rertnrr, eretina 10, tewnahlp I eoatb. range ' I eaet. 'Willamette Mertdlaa- and between tba tall Baa of Macadam reed and the weet line of the Portland. WUraaeetta- Taller ' Hetlmad Compear . right af war, Marie -Arnold. $0,115. A tract of land bounded erd eeaerlbed aa rnl fawai Cammaadag at the InUreietlea - of the north Una of Terwllllger donation laad claim wltb the weat Hae of Ma. Ibeejee aenth feet; theeca weat dm fee. I taeaoe aertb fteO feetj tbeaoe eeat M0 teat ' CITT 'BOTICZSt. to plaea , af begluniaf. Cltr ef Pertlaaa. $4.ou. A tract, of laad bounded and dcacribed aa tollowa: Co to we net ug at the tuureectfaa '"of the north line ef the Terwllllcr daaaliua land claim with the eeat line bf Macadam rued; tbeaca aoutb 8$ drgreea eaat IW1 feet; theme euulh lit degree weat 1.40 chain. ; ' tbenoa Berth 80 degree, weet 821 teat; thence Tth 2 degreea eaat 1.40 cbalna to piece brfUiaiaf, Joba Klrkler, t-lA- . . A tract of lead bounded aad drerrlbed aa follow.: Cemnaancinf 1VJ feet eouth ef the ,. lateraerlloa of the reel line of Macadam -rued wltb the aorib Hue ef the Terwlllifer, donation laad claim; thence aoutb 80 degree. ' eaet 821 feet; th.nce aortb 27 feet: thence eeeurlj to wreurly beak , af WlllametU rlrer; tbeaca. aortbeeat a leaf - aeld rWrr ITS feet; tkence north 80 degreea weat 42 feet; tbenee aoutb 2 dcfreee 16 mlautee . weat 0X4 feet; thence north 80 degree weat 221 feet; tbeaca aoutb 100.0 feat to place of blniUiif . haiaiiel 1L aad Jamaa U. Durranca, " A tract of laad boaaded aad deacHbed aa foV 3 tow.: Commencing 188 feet aoutb of inter . oertloa of eaat Uue of Maeadaia road witk. ., north Uue af Terwlllifer douatloa laad claim; tbeuca auaU 80 degreea eeat 821 feet; tbenee aortb 27 feet: thrm-e aoatb 8S degree, eaat u .weat beak ef WllUmetta rirer et tow water , amarkt tkence eouth weat a Wag the weat bank of aald rlrer 142 feet; tkence aortb 89 doe greea weet 858 feet; tbeaca north 100.T5 feet to place of befiiinlnf. Char la a. Baeaa ' Katau, Helre af, ftluju. A tract of land boaaded aad Oeeerlbed aa fol- low.: Oomaaenclag at a pelut la tba eaet ' line ef Macadam road 2V3.T6 feet eouth ef the Interaeetloa of tba eaat Una ef Macadam road with, tbr aortb Uae af Terwllllger dor -. aatfaa land claim; tbeuca aoatb along eeat i Uae of Macadam road ae tba north weat earner ; of Ubcrle'e Ibree-eera tract," recorded , fit Beak , page 258, Bacord of lMede, . Mollaumab Couatr; tbeaca eouth 88 ergreea eaat 10.82 cbaina to weet bant et WlllametU . rlrer at low-water mark; tbeaca aetlhiirlr along- the .Weat bank af aald rirer to the V eoutk line of Charlea P. Baeaa BeUU, Uelra of. Tract. aecttoa 10, tawaablp 1 aoatb. reaga 1. eaat,. Willamette Mertdlaa : tbenee weet along toe euwth Uae et the aald . CbarbM P. Beeea KaUU. belra af. tract, U plaea of beg lauing , Muilauauh . Trunk rae- torr.' $21.00. . A tract of laad -Irlnf betweea the eoutk - Una et Multnomah Trunk Kactorr tract, eee . tloa 10, townahlp 1 aeulh, range 1 eaat. Will- . ametu Meridian, and a Uae 28 feet auatb thereof and parallel therewith, and betweea . the eaat Uue of Macadam road aad the weet Uae af the Portland WlXlametU Valtor Kallraad Compear'! eight of wa, Loalaa , Jobna. $0.ft0. A tract af land Irlaf ' betweea two line, reapectlrelr 48.20 feel and 03.2ft feet auuU .' af and parallel with tba aoutb Una ot 'Mult- , Bomab xrunk Pactorr tract, aecUoa 10, town- ; ehlp 1 aoutb, rang. 1 eaat, : WlUametU t Meridian, aad betweea tba eaat line of the Macadam road and tea weat Uae ot tba Port land A WUIamette Valtor aUllroad Oompao'g . right of war, Lou la Oberie, to.fto. A tract et laad Irlaf betweea to Uaea re epecUeelr OS. 2ft fort aad 121.25 feet aoutb of aad paraUel with the eoaU line of Multno- mah Tnuk Paeurr tract, aecttoa ' 10, town ahlp l aoatb, range. 1 eaat, WlllametU 1 Mwldlaa, and betweea the eaat line of Mac adam road and the weet line of Portland A Willamette Valler Bailroad Compao'a right of war, Clara ttoberu. $0jk0- -A tract ef lead lrinf betweea two Uaea re epectlrelr Ixi j(6 feet and 1405 feet aoatb or aad parallel with the eouth Uae of Molt- ' noaiab lrank Pactorr tract, aecttoa 10, town ahlp 1 auatb, range 1 eaat, WlUametU merld- ' laa, aad betweea tba eaat Una of Macadam mad and tba weat line af the Portland WlKl ' aauetu valler HaUway Company right ef f war, Katberlne reldnan, $0.50. '' A tract ef hand lytot betweaa two line re aaecttrely 205.29 fret and 140.25 feet eoutk ' it aad. parallel wltb the aoatb line ot Mult--boauta Trunk "actorr tract, eectfan 10, town - ataip 1 eoutk, range i eaat, WUIamette merid ian, aad betweea tba eaat Una of Macadam ; road aad the weat Una ot the Portland WU ' toaietU Valler Hail way Company 'e right et way, Peter Oberie. $1.00. - AU that portion of a tract ef toad tying weat of the right of way ef tba Portland A WU UmetU Valley Bailroad Com pan bounded and deecrlbed aa fol Iowa: Comuenclcf on to eaat Una of Macadam road at the northwest earner of a 2-ecr tract aard-to KebliUet al.. - recoeded In took M, page Zit, Becord of lieeda, Multnoutah Cbonty; thence eouth 8$ . dewreea 8ft mUuue, eaat 8-75 ehalna; tbeaca : eouth 30 degreea, weat L00 cbalna: tbenee . north Bft degreea 8ft mlnutet, weet a20 ehalna; tbenee north IS degreea 0 mlnutea, eaat 1.07 . ehalna, te place et beglnalng, Jamaa Bennett, - $0.55. . w A tract et land bounded and deacrfhed aa fol- , fawa: Commencing at a point fat tba weat line of toe right ot way. of the Portland A WU '. lametu Valley BaUioad CoaBpaay -which Am 15 feet aortb of the tnlaeaeeUoa of the went line of aald right ot way wUb the aortb Una , oi a one-acre tract -coureyea to jmc .. far, recorded, la book 82, page 208, Becord of Deeda, Multnomah County; tbeaca Berth 88 de greea 16 mlautee. weat loft feet, te Macadam . road; tbeaoe north along the eaat line of Macadam road ft2 feet: tbeaca aoatb 88 di.fot ft mlnutea, eaat 100 feet, U the weat line ot the .aforeaald right of way I tbenee eoatberly along tba aald right ot way to place of be- ' g inntof. AaUaoay Bofg. and Blcbard T. Stora, 6.86. . ' ,. A tract ef land- boaaded aad deecrlbed a follow.: Comiaauclug let - aw threat--eorner of Terwlllifer doaatioa laad claim; tbenee north SB defran $4 mlnutea. weat 14.S cbalna: ,' theare aeuth 2 degreea 15 mlnutea, weat 1.40 ehalna; tbeaca auatb 2 degreea, weet 8.05 cbalna; tbenee eouth 5.14 cbalna; tbeaca eouth 4 degreea. weat 8.11 cbalna: tbeaca eoatb bd dt grace 3S mlbntea. eaet 8.75 cbalna, aa place 'of beginning; tbenee north 88 degreea 85 min ute, weat (JSB feet, te eaat line of the right let . way ot tba Portland WUIamette Valley Hal tread Company; tbenoa eoatberly along raid right of way &&I feet: tbeaca eouth 88 degrees ' S5 mlautee, eeat 264 feet; tbenee aortb 26 de- - grwee, eeat 2.W) chain; thence aortb 22 de- - greea, eaat 4-&x ehalna, te place of beginning, Anthony Kogre aad Blcbard P. Btorp, $12.46. ' A tract of lend boaaded and deecrlbed a folfawa: Commeacreg 218.1 fort north, 12 da- - free 21 minute eeat, ef the north weat eorner ot the refaa two-acre tract, recorded la book O, pare 808. Becord of Deeda, Multnomah ' County; thence eaat 7ft digram, 7 mlnutea eouth. to weet line ot right ef way of the Portland A WllUmetta V alley Bailroad Com . pan; tbenee north 13 degreea, eaat 80 feet, more or fa, to drier way; tuene north 88 de greea, 85V minute weat, along aald dnreway ' to eaat Una of. Macadam read; tbenee aoath 18 . degree., 27 ulna tee weet, ta place of begin ning, 'Emma U Onto, $1.00. - A tract ot land bounded and oeacrthed aa t follow: Cocnmeaclng at aortb weat eorner of the Pagan two-acre tract, recorded la book O, page ftuo. Record or Deed, at all noma a uooaty tbeaca north 18 decree, eeat 60 feet: thence 85 minute, eaat INS feel; eouth 88 degreea tbenee eoatb lit degree, weat 60 feet 60 feet: tbenee aortb 88 degree 31 Ka mlnnta. weet 1 88. ft feet. to alee of beainnlna. Pred Koble, $1.00. A tract of laod ' bounded aad follow - Unanaaeaelnc 50 feet deecrlbed aa IS free 27 mlnutea eaat, and 712 feet aoatk, 80 degree IS mlautee eaat, from aorthweat cor - ner of the- are two-acre tract, recorded Hi book a, peg 8U8, Record of Deeda, Maltaomak County : tbenoa eoatb 80 degreea 18 mlnutea, eaat 117 X feet; tbenee north. 18 degree, eaat KM 4 feetr these north 7ft diaiere- 7 minute. weet 11X8 feet; tbenee aoutb 10 deareea 1ft m Inula, weat Od.7 feet: tbenee north Tft de- . free AO airnuUe, weal T feet; tbeaca eoutk 18 degreea 27 mlnutea, weat 10. 0 feet; tbenoa aoutb 70 degreea 88 mlaaue. eeat 67.4 feet; 1 heuc aoath 10 degreea 15 minute, weet 884 fear toplica of beg Inning, Carrie Klrkler, Ak'traet af uld baUDded aad aerj1bd aa fol low.: Commrnclnf la eegraee 27 UMate - eeat 80 feetfrom the aerthweet eorner ot the raeaa two-arr 1 tract, recoraea in boob v. peg 80S. Becord ot Deeda, Multnomah County; tbonca aortb 12 degreea 27 mlautee, eaat 60 feet; tneace aouta 7U oe greea urn mmaie, ea. 7.ft feet; thence eoatb 10 degreee 15 mln atea, weat MLS feet: tbened nor th 80 degree 13 mlnutea, weat 71.2 feet te place at be ' finning, John Mler. $0.20. . A tract ef bind bounded god deecrlbed eg follewe: Commeacuui 187.S feat aortb et north weet eorner ot toe Pagan two-acre tract, recorded hi book O, page 808, Record ot Deed. Multnomah Cuantrj Ibence aortb IS degreee 27 minute, eaat 44.9 feet; tbenee aoatb TS de greee 7 minute, out 88.4 feet: thence aoath 10 rteeree 15 mlnutea. weat 46 feet: theac north Tft V free ft mlnatea, weet 4o 5 feet, te place of , beginning, Cbariea . uoaaworta. $0.80. A tract of had-hoonded and deeertbed aa Mhai! (Vamauaarkia. 1I0A feet north, la greea 27 minute eeet, froaa northweet corner of the r.faa two-acre tract, eeeoruea ia nona , peg 8U. rweora ot mm, aaitaomaa uoeniy rcor aa wwaaaiewM i M degreee 27 minute, eaat 28.7 eouth degreea ft mlnatea, eaet thence aortb ; feet: tbeaca , 5.ft feet: thence aoatb 10 degree 1ft mtoelea, weat 20,7 feet; tbenee north 78 degree 50 mlaaue, weat 07 feet, te place ef beginning. Leal. Oberie, 80.20. - , ' A tract of toad bounded aad deecrlnad ae (oiiaara! Uminanrtne at the aorthweat - ner f tba Ooudnoug h ft Clark foar-acre tract. ' l curded as nooa r, page eei, anwu oi uena, . aluMmuaaai llmantet tbeaca aorU 2ft deareee. eaat S47 cbalna; the ace eoatb 8S degree. 8S ailBUtea, west 7.2ft chain, to laa weal Bang , of in WUIamette rlrer at faw water mark: ' thence BP the weat bank ef aald ner 2.08 chain; tbenee aortb derree sn mlnutea, V weat 7.14 cbalna, to place el eeftoobif, Catb- aiM rBMM . aa an. A tract et land boand.d and deeerlhed aa fnltowe: Coreaieaclnf at aorthweat earner et 'the Gomouab at Clark fuar-aore tract, re- - carded h booh P, page 407, Kererd ef. llewita. Uiiltewtifc 1 1am n I V - iKene Mmth 24 . wane S-ftd ehalna: tbeaca aoath 81 degraea M k,i.dtM aaat A.Ba ehalna: tneace norm " degree, eaet 4.2ft cbalna: tbeaca aortb ft ae- . free 80 mlnatea. weat 7.14 ehalna, to puce af aeftmrtnf. Brae Infer A Co., $10.60, A treat of land bnanded and OeorrlbH aa folfawa: CammaaHpg 1M ebalne aoatb, 24 de- - greea weat. or eortuweat mraer of ta iooci nonah A Uarb fraw acre tract, rwaetded ra herd '', peg 407, lUiord et Deeda, Multnomah lauli: theac aoath 24 daaraoa. weal 1.11 chain; tbeaca enatb 82 degree, woat .02 ehalna: thence eeatb 75 degreea 1$ mlaetee - eaat 7 cbatna. to the weat bank of tba - .w UMaaetta Hear; tbeaoe atoaf CItT IIOTIOI. af aald rlrer Berth " 25 degreea, aaat 2.40 cbala; tbeuca Berth bo degreee 40 mlnatea, weet chain, ta place of baglnulaf , Lou la Elminaruiao,' $0.80. A tract of laud buaaded aad deeerlhed aa fol fawa:' Commencing north li degreea 27 mln-1 ate, eaat lru.1 teal, from aurthwaat corner of - IM Pagan twe-ecre tract, recorded In bouB U, page 80. Becord ot Deeda, Multnomah County) Uieaee aoath 76 degree 7 uiluutea, east lTa.k ' feet; tbeaoe burtliweeierly !14.ft ieet akmg tu weat Uue Ot In right of way uf the Port lead WlllametU taltoy Kali road Company; tbeuee aortb 76 degree 1 aiuiuu. woat 171.ii ; feet; Umbo aoutb 18 degree. 21 mlautea, weat 04 feet, te slave ef beg uiaiuf, V. A. Poadlcfc, Su.5. - - - A tract ef laad bounded aad deecrlbed ai fol fawa; Comuieactuf al the auathweat caruu of , -the Ooaduuufb at Clara four acre -tract, re- . curded tu buuk P, Bag 407, Ueuurd at Deeua. I Muliaomab County ' lueuee eouth Tft degree lft mi autea, eaat 7.14 cuaiaa: tuene aoria 18 df roa 45 eaiaalee, east lOO I eat: tbeaca aorib 7ft degraa 1ft latuuU, weat a.87 chauia; thence eoutBa2 dog raw, weat 108. aft feet, to place of kef tuning, Portland True! Compaay et Oregoa, $5.30. A tract of land boaaded aad deecrlbed as fol fawa: Cmameuckif al the auathweat earner et , the Oeodmiugh e Clark four-euro tract, re corded la book r, pege, 407, Record et Deed. Mullnomab Cuaatyt taaaee eouth TA degreea 80 Biluute. east 7-Oo citato, to the WlUametU . rirer; tueaoa aoatb 4 digriae. weat 5a. 8 feet; tbenee aortb 71 degreee, 80 mlaatea.weet, to eat ilea ot auoauaw roao; iubbc nurta aa aegrea 47 mlnutea, eeat 41 feet, more or toe, ta piece of begUainf. Charlea Delta. $2.80. A tract ef toad huunued and deavrlbed aa fol fawa: ComaMttcluf al a auka to the eaat Una at Macadam road aft Unka auotherly from U euaibwoat corner ef toe Brick 1 ard tract, eectloe 111, lowaablp 1 aoatb, raaga 1 eaat, WIUaOMtu awnlnn; thence aoath ift degreee. SO auBBiee eaat, parallel wlU aoutb Uae ef. aald Brfck Yard tract, $.15 cbalna to weat - bank bt WUlaaaetW rlrer at faw water mark; , tbeaca ahum weet bank af aald rirer euulh 40 degree, weal 82 Unka; Ibence north 7 de graea. 80 mlautee weet, parallel wltb aoutb Tom of aald Brick Yard tract, $.24 cbalna to the aaat Una of Macadam road; "tneace aorib 80 degree a, eaat 84 Unka, along eaet tine of Maeaoaaa road ft place Of baglnulaf, Jobs . Kiornan, $l.l$. A tract ef land bounded and deecrlbed aa fol fawa; Commencing al aeutheaet corner of btork C, Portlaad BouHMUadi tbeaca eaat U woat lane et Macadam road; tneace northerly along ald weet line of Macadam road to tu inter Uoa wltb the eaet Una of the old county road; tbeaca eoatberly a fang aaat Hoe ef eld county road to tba place ef begtuaiug, iBknojuhraer, $0.10. , v . . A traet et land -bounded and deecrlbed aa fol fawa: Commencing at the eoethweet eorner ef Joba Klaman tract, recorded In book 28, page 4W, Becord of Deeda, Multnomah County; tbaaea aoutb SO degree, weat 150 - feet; I hence aoatb 75 degreea 80 mlaaue, aaat to weat beak of 'WlllametU rlrer at tow water mark,; thence k fang the weal bank ef aald rirer eortb 40 degree, eaat to. aoatb eaat corner ef aald John Kleraaa tract; thence north 76 decree 80 minute, wait utoaf tn eouth line ef aald John Kleraaa tract- u plana et neglnalug, Hiram Terwllllger, $0.80. A tract of Land bounded and described aa fol fawa: Commencing la tba aaat Una of Macad am mad where aame touraecu the weaterly extenafan- la IU prreeat courae toe aortb line af the Keller A Wyman one-acre tract, re corded la book 0, page 302, Ueoord et lleede. Multnomah County; thence efang eaat ime ot ' Macadam road aortb 21 degree. 80 mlnutea, . weet 188.4 feet: tbeaca north 14 degree 10 mta- ' a tea. weet 104.4 feet; thence north 7 degr . JO mlautee, west 1 feet, a toe puce 01 Be . finning; thence eeet T- feet to weat bank of WUIamette rlrer at low water mark; thane aortb along the wait bask - ot aald rlrer 107 . feet; thence weet 781.70 feet to eaat line ot Macadam road; tbenee eoatb 7 degree So mln atea, eat 108.44 feet, to place ef bef Inning, Jobo.W. Lang don, $11.65. - .A tract. of laod boaaded nad deecrlbed as fol- - anara: rxeaaieaelna in the aaat Una of Mac adam road -where aam I tnteraected by the rfortb Uae Of the KeUer A Wyma one-acre - tract, recorded la book O, page 802, Beoord of Deeds, Multnomah County; tbenee northerly along eaat line ef Macadam road aa follow: , North 21 degree SO minute, weet 138.4 feet: tbeaca aortb 14 degreee 10 mlnatea, weet 104.4 feet; thence north 7 degreea 80 mlnutea, weal - 200 feet; tbeaca aortb. 4 decree ft mlaatea, ; weat 80-80 feet as tba place,, ef beglnalng; thanee aaat 740.48 feet to west bank of Wil lamette rlrer at tow water mark tbenee - northerly along the weat bank of aaWl rirer , 800.0 laet; tneace aorta iu ocareea , ate, east 110.7 feet, wore or faee, to eouth Una at Moffatt tract. Becttoa lft, townahlp 1 .aoath, range 1 eaat, WlllametU meridian - thence weat along aoutb Uae of aatd Moffatt . tract te the eeat line of Macadam road; theac eouth afang the eeat line of Macadam road - tovplace of bf lp-nlnay TetwtUlfar, Laad Coru- - pany $40 00. - - i - " J A tract of tend bounded and described as fci- loarat flnmiMW-lai In tba east Uae of Uao- .- adsm. road where aame hi inUreecced by the aortb line of Heller Wymaa ear-acre tract, raeoedad In book O. nace 802. Becord of Deeda, Maltnomab County; thence northerly along east ime of Macadam road aa foifawe: North . 21 defieaa 20 minute, weet 138.4 feet: thence norm i oegreee iu nanuai we - thence north 7 degreea 80 aunnue, weat 170.04 feet a place of beginning; t nance eaat to weet " bank ot WlUemetu rlrer at faw water mark; - tbenee northerly along weat but of aald rlrer 80.15 feet: tbenee weet to eaai una oi mac adam road; thence eoatberly afang eaat line ot Macadam road, aoutb 8 degreea ft m Inn tea, east 80.80 feet; tbeaca aoutb 7 degreea oO mlnatea, eaat 80.00 feet, ta place et beftnnlng , Mary P. Ureen. $7.70. , M A tract of land bounded and described ae foV towa: Commencing at a point la the eaat line ot Macadam road where earn to lntercud " br aortb line of KeUer Wymaa one-acre tract, recorded In book O. page 202, Record of . Deed. Multnomah County; tbenee north along tba eaat Una ef Macadam road aa foltowe: North 21 degraea 80 mlaatea, weat 1M.4 feet; ' thence aortb 14 degreee 10 minute, weet 113.24 feet aa tb place of beginning; thence eaat to weat bank ef Willamette rlrer at tow water mark; theac northerly along weet bank -of aald rleer to eeatb Una of Mary F. Oreea -tract, recorded la bonk 284, page 6S, Becord of Deed, Multnomah County; thence weet Inaa aonlK Una nf aald tract to east line of Macadam road; theac sooth along eeet 1 In of Macadam road te place ef beg tuning, auua K. Barrett, ft.OO. -A tree nf Und heamdad and denerlhed OS foe- 'rm: Commencing at a point la beat Una of Macadam- road Where earn m uwrercteo ty the north line of the Keller A Wyman ; one-aero tract, recorded, la book 0. BBC $02, ' north 21 dgrera 90 minute. Weet 188.4 feet; thence aortb 1 eerreia to minuia. west llll tu rjMkt - tbaaea aaat In west hank oft Wlh 4amtu rlrer at faw water mark; theac t southerly along toe weat nam or earn rirer 800.4 eeet; theac west ieet; ueaca aorta aa daeraa.. wast 25 feet: tneace weet 100 feat; ' tbenee north 23 degre , weat 135.88 feet, t . pucovof beginning, una awtcner. eao.iu. A tract of laad Trlng betweea tba eouth line - of Boaadary atreet aad a weaterly extenafaa . ef mkt In Its present eoaree and a Una 131.40 feet southerly from and paraUel therewith and betweea the west line ot Macadam road aad the d I radon line between sec tloa 16 nd 15. townahlp 1 aeuth, raaga 1 east, WlUam- ett meridian. E. W. B log Item, aad Emma U Corbett, $22.40. . A tract ef bind tying between two lines re spect I rely 181.40 feet and 43.1$ feet eoatb ,of and parallel with eouth line of Boundary . arrant and a w eater It extenafaa of aame tn lu present course and between tbe westerly line ot Macadam read and tbe dlrla loo. line be tweea eectfans 10 and lft, townahlp 1 aoath. range 1 east. WUIamette awioian, jona K. Mlngbaae, True tee. 8,'ie.oo. A tract of land lrina betweea two line - apsrtlrely 443.1$ feet esd SMO-ftS feet enatb of and narallel with aouth Una at Boandarr treat aad a weaterly extermfan af same In lie present courae and Betweea the westerly line ef Macadam road aad tba dtrlelna lln- be tweea aaetfaaa IS aad lft. towashlD 1 aouth. range 1 eaat. WlllametU meridian, CUrtnua (1. amtlk- Bad on. A traet nf land lrhte between two lines ra- . epectlrely OftO.eS fret Bad 028. feet aoath of and parallel with the aoutb Una ot Boundary atreet aad a weaterly extenafaa ot aame la Ha present course and between, the westerly line of Macadam read and tbe dlvtolne Una b- . twawa ssrtloaa 10 sad 16. townebIB 1 aoatb, ' range 1 east, WlUaawtta meridian, Anna li. 97 an ' A tract ef 'land lying between a Una M 5 feet eoatb of and paraUel with aoath Una of Booaasry atreet aaa a weaieriy exia-naniw thereof la lu .present coarse and tbe eouth boundary Una ot tbe TerwUUger donatio ' land clarm, and between tbe west line of (leeaai'e Addlttoa to Portland and the dt- .rlaloa lino betweea sect loo 10 and IS, towo , ehlp 1 soalh, rasg 1 eaet, WlllametU morld- lae. Joha W. Lang don. n.T0. ' A tract ef land bounded aad described as tot- ; Inwei Commencing at a point la ine eaai IMa ad Maeadani road where tba aa me fa in ' teraerted by the enatb line of Keller 4 ' Wyman One-acre traet, rererded m book N, Dan ao4. Becord ef Deeda. Maltnomab County tbenee snath 22 degree, weat 26 feet: tbenee eouth SO degree 20 aitnuree, eaat 100 feet; thence north 23 di grin a. weet SO feet: tneace aortb SO dtTMB 20 mlaatea. eaat 100 feet: tbenoa north 23 degreea, west SO feet: theac aortb SO degreea so ai In a tea, west lot) reel; tbenee enatb 28 degree, eaet 20 fet, to puce ef begmntog . city or ronwna, - A tract ef lend boaaded aad ascribed aa fol fawa: Comnienctng at a eolnt Is tbe weal ' haak af WUIamette rlrer at faw water mark IA1.24 fast Berth of snath line ef Terwllllger deeetfae lend clarm: tbenee aortb M degree 2 mlaates. weet to eaat Una ef Macadam road; . theac north 12 degree, weet 804 tret: tbenee north IT oerre minarea, waar seva : - , ike..a Mrik 41 - Of ankantaa. waaf 70.04 feet; tbenee eoatb 80) agreee 1$ naln etea, eaat 100 feet: tbeaca aortb 21 degraea 27 mtante. wee. 83 feet: tbeace eouth HO de greea ia miaotee, eeet eni ieet re piac ot beginning. Aoba Ualarr Joae Cnmpaar, $40 00. A tract of laad boaaded and deacrlbed as frd- InWai Coaimewevux Cat tb sou threat corner j.-dt tbe TeewlUhrer drsaatfae bind rlalmt tbeaca West $.26 rhalsa: tbenee Berth 14 degree 30 mlnut. eeat I d rhalne: thence eaat d.jr. ehalna u west bank nf Willamette rlrer at faw waur mark; tneace aoath 14 degree SO aitoutea, weat I t chain w pktee e l , i i i, iiwu a. ao A. teW at laad bounded aad escrfbedas tct- (STT K0T1CM, fawa: OomBMncbif where tbe aortb Un. of Tuomaa atepbeu doaatioa' land claim In tar err ta tbe weal bank ot WlllametU rrrer at faw water mark; thence west S.40 ehalna; tbeace aouth 13 degraea. t 4.05 cbalna; theac eaaietly ft.47-ch.ln theac aortb 4.06 chain to place af beginning. aae and except .2 aiT-e eaacrlhed to buuk 2wa, page 72, Becurd of Deeda, Mullnomab County, Luato Arnold, $0.70. . --... ' ' A tract ef land boandrd and deecrlbed a fol- lac CimniaM-lM . a nnlnl 'A Hi faat eon I ft. erly from-wuer tli aouta lbie o Terwllllger , aouaiiua una claim Hiieraeeu tne aaat iiae at Macailam.road. and tteao eaaUrly 124 Jl feet at right augled aa the place of bex Inning; . thence soatbariy 00 feet paraUel wltb the easterly Una of Macadam rued; thence eeat erly 80 'feet to west Un et right of way ot the Portland A WlllametU .Vali.y Railroad Company ; tueno aortherly 80 feet aloof aald . right, of way ; tbenee westerly to place et be flnaluf, Joba Arnold. $1.00. . , A tract of kind bounded end described aa fol towe: Commencing at south weet earner ot ' Louie Arnald tract, eeet ion 16. township 1 aoath, range -1 east. WlUaamtte ejerhllaa; tbeaca couth 18 degrees, eaat 2.27 ehalna; tbeuee eeet $ cbalna to west bauh ef WU . lameMe rlrer at low waur mark; tbeace north . 10 degrees, weet 2.2b chains; tbenc west te place uf beginning, wuitoni and Boalna UV gr, SiOo. ... . ,. A tract of laad boaaded aad deacrlbed aa fol fawa: Commencing al southwest ceree ot tbe William aad Koslna Ueiger tract, aecttoa 15. townalilp 1 aouth, rang 1 east. WIMam- - ette meridian; tbeoce weet 0.00 cbalna; thence . south 14 degraea 80 mlnatea, eaat 1 10 chains tbenoa eaat O.od ehalna; thence north 14 de free SO minutes, weat 1.70 chains, to place , of beglnaUig, California Powder , Weeks, ' 4.5b. - ' . - ,.- . A tract of land lying betweea tbe weat Una ef Macadam road and the eaat Hue ef block. , 80, 87 and S2r Boutbwa Portlaad; Oregon, and betweea the eouthera braindary of tbe TerwlV- ' Uger doaatioa land cUlm aad tbe nortu l(ne of btork 25 and 24. Boulhern Portland. Ore- Ku, aad ato aortb line ot CaraUaa .tract. It. . TomneoB, $106.80. A tract of toad lying betweea tba weat Una - Ot Maeadani read and tba east Una of tots 0. T, aad 0, block ft, Oreeo' Addttfaa to Portlaad, and between tbe aouth Una at th . TerwIUliier dona t to laod claim ami tb eouth line at iota $ and ft, block ft, Ureea's Addlttoa to Portland, School District No, 1, 4.6ft. A tract ef toad Irlnf betweea tbe weet ilea of Pultoa Park and tbe dlrlaloa line betweea sect Ions IS and 15, townahlp 1 aoutb,' rang 1 eeat, WUIamette meridian, aad between, tne aoutb Una ot the Blarln road and the aortb line of btork Id, Pultoa Park, Pultoa Park Laad Company, $10,60. . A traet oi land I rhie .between the weat line et Pultoa Park and tbe dlrlaloa Una between aectioae 21 and 22, townahlp 1 aouth, range 1 eaat, WlUametU meridian, and betweea tbe so in Una of Perth street and tbe aortb line . or tbe atreet on the north aide of Block so, , Pnltoe Park, rultoa Park Compear, $0.0O. A tract of land bounded aad described aa fat- - towa: ' Commencing 10 cbalna weet end 2-B2 chain north, 7 degreea weat, of north eaat cor v ner of block 1, Pulton; tbenee east 2.60 cbalna; tbeace, north degraea, west 2.1 chains; tbenee weal atoaf euulh Una ot Ne vada atreet to ta oolnt north 1 degreea. weet 2.10 chain, front place of beginning; tbeace ' aouth 7 degree, eaat 2J0 chain, to place et beginning, Kate H. Bingham, $2.55. A tract of lead bounded aud deacrlbed sa fol fawa: Commencing 10 ehalna weat of north eaat eorner ot block 1, Pulton: tbenee north 7 . degree, weat 8.02 cbalna, t sou lb Un of , Nevada atreet; tbeaca- west afang snath Un of Neesds street ta east Un nf rhrht of war ef thb MetrnpoUUa Railway Company; tbenee eoatberly aloof east Una of aald right Of way to north Una of block 45, Pultoa Park; thence eaat along north Una of Pulton Parkte place or beginning, 11. W. Corbett UMW, tieira or. ' $50,00. - - " - - ! A tract ef 'land boaaded and deecrlbed a fol- lows: Commencing at ens the sat corner of blorb 4. Pulton; thence easterly along aortb line of Hire rr lew Cemetery, eectfan 22, town BlilB 1 aoutb. ranee 1 eaat. WlUametU merid ian. 1 to west line of Mseadam road: tbeace northerly along west Un of aatd road to aortueaat eorner ot Block a, ru l ton: tnanee aoatnarly afand tbe easterly Una ef block 4. Pulton, te place ef begLotUaf. Ueorga T. and - atary at. ungues, oi.iw, . - - i traet nf land bnanded i and deacrlbed as fol -. low: Commencing 21.80 ebalne weat and chain Berth of south east corner of-TJtomas Htepseoe donatfaa land claim; tbeaca aortb 70 oeareee. west 24 2-2 rod; tbenee aortb 20 decrees, eaat to eaat Una of Canbr atreet tbenee eaat to eaat Un ef Hood atreet; thence nain au NQiawoi nu, irrw ui hh vawm Pultoa Park; tbenee aoath 70 degree, eaat $ chain, nuira or las, to west Una ef Tar far a Perry road; tbeoce aoutb 25 degree, weet ft.02 chain: thence aortb TO dear, wt 10 chain, to ploe at beg Ian fag, Uermaa M.U- ' A tract ot bad boaaded and described a fol lows: Commencing at northeast eorner tot 6, btork 103, Pultoa Park) tbenee north 00 feci : theejr north all desreea. seat 245 feat, to I J stake 00 ieet aouth from south Una Of tb mm HI kf g, 1 S J Six. Baa. sr- t sa-rag w"W airaai r at seaneiu , rang 1 eaat. Willamette meridian! tbeace - Beater ly paraUel wltb aoutb Una of aald MaU- fer Uart to a stake In weat Uae of Tayfar'a errr road: thence anutherly to eaat Una ot brack 108, Pal ton Perk; thence north 100 feet te northeast corner of, aald block 102: tbeace weat 100 fart to place ef beginning, Portland Clay Company, T.T0.. Aa Irregular tract jaf land tylnr betweea tbe eoatb line of block 4, Pulton, and aa easterly extension at the aame In It. present eoun aad tb West line of ' Macadam road; tbe north Uae of Hector Campbell doaatioa hind - rlelm, weaterly line of Macadam road and the eaeterlr line of Tayfar'a Verrr mad. Blr- err lew Cemetery Association, $101.60. A tract or lano lying Derween ui norm nnv of Her for Campbell' a donatfaa lead claim aad tbe enatb boundary of th City of Portland and batweea tbe weat Una of the WlllametU rlrer at faw water mark aad the westerly Ime of Bcone'a Perry road and Taylor's Perry read, ear and except plot 1, aa shown oa tbe map ef Portlaad. Oregon, published by The Title (luarantee A Trust Compaay, Registered, No. 75. Klrerrlew Cemetery Association, $370,00. A tract nf land bounded and deeerlhed se fol--low.: "Commencing at the intersect toe af tba . aortb line of tract deecrlbed a book A, page - SN0, Record of Deeds, Mullnomab County, with east line of,yfar'e Perry road; tbenee aorth- ' erly along aald road 200 feet: tbenee west 00 feet tn east line of Macadam road; tbeace enatb 200 feet; tbenee eest to place of be- inning, Secarlty Barings di Trust Company, 1.40. ' ' A traet Of land bounded aad described aa fol fawa: : Com nraeir.g SO feet aoath and 30 feet - weet ef eoatb west corner ef block M. Pet toa Park; thence eaet 200 feet; llience south . SO feet; tbenee weet 130 feet; tbenee aoutb 4X0 feet; thence weet 130 feet: thence north - 800 feet fe place of beg Inulnf , Bjroa P. Card ,; well KaUU, Uelra of. $43. . , , , . A'traet of toad bounded and dfrwrTrbed) aa fol low: Commencing et th Interaectfaa ef the north Un of Lleoennan tract, recorded In book 01. page- 803, Record of Deede, Multnomah County, wllh the eaat line of old Taylor Perry roed; tbenee north along aald read 200 feeti tkeece east to Willamette rrrer: tbeaca follow ing tbe meandrrma ef aald rlrer to tbe north line of aaat Lfabermaa tract; thence west to ' tlie-place . ot begbuung, ,Ueary B. Dupsot, Virsct of toad bounded and deecrfbed aa fol fawa: Commencing 0 cbalna east and 10 . ehalna south af aorthweat corner ef north east ' quarter .of section 22, township 1 aoath, range - 1 . -Wlllemra asarldlan: thenc t 8 chains: tbenc aoath 0 degrees, west 2.70 chains; tbenee west 4 30 chain to east lira I ot Macadam roed; tbenee northerly afang eaet line of Macadam rod to place of beg Inning. ' Securltr Barings At Trust Company, $10.20. A traet ef land boaaded and described aa fol , Iowa: . Commencing at northweet eorper of ' hlork . Pnltoa Psrk; tbenee north 75 feet; ; thence eeet te weet bank of Willamette rlrer at faw waur mark: tbenee afang the west ; bank f rlrer to northeast eorner ef block D, ' Pnlton Park I tbeace wast to place at bf la Blag. Charles Llebermsn, $4.20. A- tract of lsnd bounded and deaerTbed as fol fawa: Coameactog at aoutbeeet romrr of fat '-4. ' block 1. Pa Una; tbenee eoatberly " afang wet lln of TayWw'e Perry road to a r point Id- feet northerly froej nor I heart eorner ' of block 7, Pultoa; thenc norther lr afang a ' tin MMlkl wltn noelharle lino of block 7. ' Pultoa, to Ite Intersection wltb the aootheriy line f fat ft. btork 1, rultoa. H. J. Kebjei- man, $0.30. . . A tract of toad bounded' gad desrrlried a fol- Um CAn.mMW.ll,. fii 1H chain BOrth- Bnd 13.84 chain weet ' ef eontbeast earner t . Thoarss Stephen donation' land claim; three north 70 or trees, eaat 0.08 chain, to weet bank ef WlUamette rlrer at faw water mark; ; tlaraee afanc weet bank f raid rlrer, aortb ' 40 degreea. eeet 1.40 chains; tbenc aortb $ degree 30 mln a res. east .m chain: tbeoce weat 7.11 chain; tbenee eoatb 4 degree 80 mlsoles. eeet 2. HA chains, to the place ot be- I.mIm 1 Weaeteeo Achmltt. 80.20. A tract of bind bnejaded cad described as rot fawa; Cum bk aelng al three-mile post ta Mac adam read: theare eaat to west bank ef WU i.maria rlrsr st faw water mark: theare -aortb along tbe west beak f said rlrer to snathe at corner or mora -aa, rsiinsi . tbeoce treat efang the oulk.Un f bfark M aad X. Pulton Park, to Macadam road: thertce snath to place ef beglnalng, Tbeodor Menial, an. en. A tract ot laad bnaeded aad described a fr4- . lows: I oanmencing aoria ia oegress. we . a oa efcains, trace sna I nee at earner of Toom Htephena doaatioa land chirm: thence west S.T4 chains: tbenee nortu 83 degree 30mlnetr, weet 222 ehslaa: thence aortb .V degreea lft mlnatea, west I. OS cbalna; tbenee aortb 4 k.are,s SO minute, west .04 chain: aortb 8 deeree 20 mlnatea, weat 2.50 cbatna: tbenc north 21 degreea. weat 2 chelae) theac north 20 degree, west 4 chaise; thence north 43 ibgrna weat 2 2 chains; theare south 24 degreoa, eeat 4 chains; tbenee eoatb 18 dv .reee, eest 4.27 ens In, to pla)w ef be- i Inning, Joseph sad Prank Weber, ftjo.30. , tract at Ud boaaded aad derfbed aa fol faw: Commencing at a point la tb eaat line of Mae dam road where aame la bjter aerted br aeuth Una af Thomas Saaebeaa do- - nation land elahrj: tbeace aortb dagrace SO mlnatea, west 1.7S chains: tbenee north 82 deer Sn ailnulea. weat 1.22 ehama: at mrallel with tbe said donatfaa lend rUIra Una $.74 rbaln to weat bank nf Wtl lamatrs rrrer st faw water sasrh: tbewea crartb erly 10 den era, eaat aaief tne weet . of ( Said rlrer. $4X38 feet; turner wast psrsiasl CITT 0tfl with sad 150 feet eeatb ef the south lln of fhe Tbomaa Stephens donatio land claim to tb eaat line of Mseadam road! thence north along ea.t line of Macadam road to tbe place f beg Inn Inf. Bovlertch L. Maatoay, A waex pf Uad bnoaded and deeertbed aa lAlliu... ( .( sMj t heaf t earner' t li fat 20. block 10, nouthra PortUnd: 'henee H'wect $UA feeti tlvenee aoutb S degrees M Inutee. eaat to nortu line e , , r nertb line of atraet Macadam road; tbenc north thence eta. afang o km! Cine Af I afaof west Has of Macadam road to place ef beglnalng. Joseph Weber., A tract of laad hounded and described aa folfawa! Commencing at Intersection of west line of Macedaia road with eouth lln of be r.da .treat; thence west 214.S feet along aoath line of Ner.da atreet; tbeace eooih ft degrees SO mlnut. aat ftu.25 feeti tneace eaet 214 feet: tneaea norrh b derrreea tto mlnatea. weat If 6rk2S feet, to place et beiaaln(, bUlcbfar Taanler. $1.09. A tract ef land bounded and described as follows: Comnenrlag 15.12 tret aortb. ft de freee 30 minute eaat. from northeast corner of block 1. Pultoa; tneace northerly along tb west line of Mseadam road 306.88 feet; tbmr weet 211. 5 feet; tbenee north 65.05 feet to aoutb Una ef Nerada atreet; tbeace weat 27.69 feet; thence eoutn 120 feet; tbenee eouth 2 degree 64 minutes, ssst 241.88 feet; thence Berth SO degreee 41 Bainatee, cast 211-25 feet, la nUea of heeHnaiaw. Boca Bebse, $7.05. , A tract of toad bounded aad described aa follows: Coramaorlnf 8.87 chain north, oe greee 30 mlnutse east, and 2.82 ehalna weet of Burthesst corner f block I. Pulton; tbenc Weat 103.45 feet', tbeoce aortb 4 aegreee. wl ..i. li I-' ... .1 . .treat: thenc east 103.45 teet; tbeace aoath to plaea ef begfantoaV Charlea D. sad Ellaa Curlslensen, $2.25. A tract ot Usd boaaded and deacrlbed as follows: temmenelBf at aortheaet earner of " block 1. Pultoa; tbeace crest lO chains; these aorta 7 degrees, weat 2.02 ehalna; in oca e, 400.72 feet; tbenog eoatb 2 degree or) ailn- Blee eeet 9AIJU fast: tbanC BOTtb 80 dO- fim 41 miaate. t 211.2ft feetj. tbames Booth degrees 80 minute, eaat 12.13 feet, to piaee ef beglnalng. P. Klinaorfe. $10.00. A tract ot lead bounded ad deacrlbed aa folfawa: Coeimeadng at aoutueaat corner of a,i.k. em a.iM f . . -a ia,Ba want 200 feet te east Una ef Plrat atreet; tbeoce north 800 feet to enatb Una of Logaa atreet; tbsnc east to northwest earner of eahl Work ; theses southerly along west Una ef raid block to place ot Beginning, nmao a ura S9 sa . ,... A tract ef land bmrnded and described aa folfawa: Commencing at southeast eornntof Block otv,, ruiioa rare, ineoie ' km MMik an rest: uaana aaat 200 feet tbenc north 60 feet to pUee of beglnntooy, South Portland Beal Estate Company. tXA J A tract ef land sounded and described aa follows: Commencing at a point 60 feet Booth and 00 feet weet ef northweet corner of block 72. Pultoa Park; tbonce aoatk 250 feat; thmae wear :iho feat: thence aortb 250 feet; tbenee .' Oast 800 fset to plaea of beglnulof. Coogreg ln Kalh laraaL 810.60. ' A- tract of land bounded and deerrfbrd ss foUows:- Commeoelnf l reel souin o. u a..- ArMiiheMtymrsar of block 74, Pulton Parkt tbenee , JJJf aoutb, to Inuraactlpa of north 1m ef Popur treef with weet line of Eighth areooe) theare weal erly to Klereoth arenue; ibence aortb to north line at Bnrace a tract 1 tbenee wet 200 feet; thence aortb to a point 00 f -et aast of northraat eorner of bloc a tea, ninst . t,iA faat tnanaa-north -' $0 "art , thenc out 880 ft; these eoulb 1 teat to place of beginning. Vincent Cook. $82.80.. : A traet of- land bounded and described a foUows: Commencing at nertbeaat eorner of fat ft, block 108, Pultoa Park; tbeaca north 00 feet; tbenee north 40 degree, east SWL4 feet, to aoutb line ot Matager tract, jarettoo 22,, township 1 eoatb. rang 1 eeet, Wlllam 771. . .ui.., warineasterur sarallel wtth wast line of said MeUger tract ta aouth Uae ef llasel atreet; thence west to i a pofat due aortb of northweet corner of bfaek 108. Pulton Park: tbenc aoutb to aorthweat cor ner of as a! block 103: thenc eaat 100 feet to place of beginning Vincent Cook, $10.50. A tract of land lying betweea the eenter lln ef Second atreet If exUnded aoatb la He pree eat courae and the dlrlaloa line betweea sec tion, xi and 22, township 1 eoatb. range 1 east, wniametu saerldlan. Snd h twees a i n 20 feet sooth of and paralfal with south Use of blocks 63. 04 and 05. Pulton Parti,- and tb aortb line of block 03. the iwrtbeesUrly ' and . noruiwestsriy una oa ow-m v. , - - t, g12&. A triangular tract of land Irrnf between 77i iia e Taelora rarrr road, the weaterly Una of Booaaa Perry toad aad th dlrlaloa Una betweea esctloss 21 and . township i aoutb, range 1 eaat. WlUstnetl MertdUn Congrairational Beth aral. $4.06. A. Uact ef Und lying between , the south TT- a..,,. ..inua- and tbe eoatb Una . ot Bouadarr stteaf extended weaterirla tu present courae and betweea the west Use ' ef Second street and tbe dinatoa Mae betweea ' sections lft and 18, township 1 Booth, raage . . wrm.ate liaridiaa. ssrs and axeept r tbe lndermuhfa traet below deacrlbed, Ter- Wllllger laaq vouamiir, e."-" . , A tract ef laad boaaded and deecrlbed as fol- 'Iowa:- CooimrnclOf oa esat side sf Slsrln county read 3.oit feel,, north and 432 feet eaat of south Urn of the Terwlllifer Sooa. ttoo land rUlm where aame u Intersected by tb dietoloo lis betweea east H '"'' xa f id donatfaa land claim; tbeoce souU & degrees 60 mlnutea east 480.2 fet; thsaos ' north 81 degrees 10 mlnaUa eaat 306.7 feet; thm north 6. dearoes 80 mi notes west to the southwesterly Uue ot tbe BlarU eeunty read; tbeace aorthweat 81 degrees 10 nUa utes weat 200.6 feet: tbeace eouth 2 deareee 49 Bllnate west 43.4 feet to plaea of begla. , nlng. OotUleb Indermuhle. 0.10. I ' A tract of laad boaaded and deacrlbed aa fol. tows: Ceaumenctng at northweet eorner et "block 148, Ceruthera' Addlttoa to tbe Cltr of Portland, aa tout out br the South Portlaad Keel Katate Aaeoclatlon; thenc south 200 feet; theses went 400 feet; tbeoce aortb 200 feet; tbeace east 400 feet to place of begin ning. Mr a. B. A. Oweaa Adair, $83.70. A tract et laad bounded and deacrlbed aa fsl- ; lows: Commeoclng at nortbwrat eorwer of . ,u ,,K.' Addlttoa. to the Cltr Of - Por tUudV' a laid out br tbe South Portland Ileal Katate Aaaoctatioe; feet afang th eoatb Uae et Curry street It exuaded wester lr la IU present course; tbeace north 820 teet parallel with tbe west line ef Plrat atreet; tbenee east to the south weat earner ef block 120, Caruthers' Addl ttoa to th Cltr ef Portland aa told oat bribe Mouth Portland Keel KsUU Aaseelstfaa; , tbenc sooth 320 feet to place of beginning, William M. tlregorr , $2.85. All tbe land used and occupied by tb Ore gon d California Bailroad Compenr tor right ot way purposes, except where aald right of . war b faeaUd la street., lying between th. north lino of Ptalce Caruthers' donatfaa land v claim aad tte soutbera boundary ot tbe City of Portland sad betweea the weat bank of Willamette ilrer at tow-water mark end tbe dtnefan Unee between sections 4 and 1, $ sad 10, Oft sad 10, 21 and 22, townahlp 1 ' aoutb, range 1 eaat Willamette Meridian, - Oregoa . -aa CaUforni , aUllroad . Cumpaay, $72 HO ' All' tbe anplated land lylnf between tbe aoatk line ef P. Caruthers' doaattoa bind rlelm aad ' the aouth 'line et Kllaa bath Caratbere; doaa tioa lead claim aad betweea tbe dlrlaloa Una between sect Ions ft aad 10, townahlp 1 aoath, range, 1 east, Willamette Meridian, and th weet line ef Plrat atreet, except two parcels - Of land owned by Mrar'B. A. Oweaa Adair and William M. Gregory. Oregoa Kailway Narlgatfaa Company, -$3.18.08. A tract ef land lying betweaa On easterly extrnsfaa of the north Una ef Caruthers ' street and a lln 160 feet aortb thereof and parallel therewith and betweea thd eaat Una " of Water atreet aad a line M feet eeat thereof , and parallel therewith, Jermlah Klghtet'wa7. Oregon 4V CsUferala Bsllw.y Companr. $041.70. , , .. ..Total. $11,872.46. -' A sutement of .foresaid assessment haa been enured la the Docket ef Cltr Isea. and U now due and parable at the office of the Cltr Treaeurer. In lawful money ef tbe United a, aad if sot nsld within 80 dsra from the data of ,tkls aoUrs, aueb praoeedings wUI be .token for tbe eollertioa of . the same a are provided by the charter of tba City ef Portland. - Tbe ebnee aaaessment will bear Interest 10 dare after tbe first publication ef this a j. a.;' TB08.T. PETUV. -. Auditor of the Cltr ef Portland. Port tond. Oregoa. Pebruary .24. l06i WEINHARD'S '- ale . 4 ' City Brewery ,- . i ; . I . , , - , . ; , 'r aVJT0srt mtA Btoaa) Compteta Brawarr U tba Somerset, Bottled Beer a'Sfredalty ' Rfa. Srs ' v..'' . OaatM LMB aaat atnrnAlaa Stsjaartav PORTLAND. OREOOIt prin Lu:Di:icr.:iG::i N Wl flat rkbeat rrja, fruit an! ttock SBCtLd la -,'!. T-.""tasfsosgn". - earrard eest of OrjoHa MAP I fA.ts . f r?sr r i XT. . f. r J r aUItsVOAS tx. :. 1 . X aboUHIONPCIHC 3 Trains 10 the Ent Diily J : Tbreagh Pullman atandardt and toortst alae '; log car dally to Omaha, Chlcsgo, Spokane) roonat eieeninf cars aaiiy to Kanaaa Cll through Pullman tourlat sleeplnf ears (peri ally coaduetedl weekly to ("h leers. BerUaiaf) chair ears seU free) to tba East dslly. UNION DBPOT. Lrarsa. , Arrir, CHICAGO- PORTLAND SPECIAL, Set tk Esat sis Bant vj, lngtoo. ,. . 111 a. m. B J8B.BX, Dally. Pally, '-e spokanb pi.trn. For Kestem Washlnr ton. Walla Wall. Law 0 :15 p. Da, Dally. ; 0Os,ss, i Dslly. : " tateo. C'oeur d'Alene and '.Oraat .Northernl point. ATLANTIC EXPRESS Per tbs Bast rta Uaat 8:15 s, sja. Dally. . T 13 s. i DaUy. . 1111011. Colamkia ktrer XHrtotoaT POR ASTORIA aad war 8:00 p. BL Afc- ally. JSs? -ex. Siraday. points, connecting wltb stmr. for Ilwar ' aad Nertb Beach, tr. Bsa- naturday. aso-r. I10:0Oj.j TamhiU Klrer SonU. FOR DAYTON City and, Yamhill Blref potnfa, atmre. Butb and f!0 a. sa. Dally. , T:S0a.avf Dally. ' jaoooe. A. an -st. dock. . (Water Permitting! eg. Saadsy Saake Xirsr Beau. l run uisuiua, ioa.el a-an a . and way aolnta fraJrtaiie. Aboot , 5:00 p. 8h ( Dally.. I ex. Prlday. Dally- rtiparu. Wash., snare. Spokaae snd Lewl.ton. as. 8a tarda TICKET 0PPICB. Third and W'aablBfUa. Tsle- y i- aoaa Slain 1 is," V . W,T?NOER' Ticket Afeat, i I A. I CBAJO. General Passesger Agent. , . VIA SOUTH i. UNION DEPOT. OVERLAND EXPRESS trains, tbr Salem, Ross- nurg, Asniano, oaeru meoto. Cedes, Baa Pran tS:.SA, f-M ftvsri else. Stocktoo Los An geies, an raeo, new wr leans and the East, Morninr train eon- BecU at Weodbaral dally , except Bonrtay with, -train tor ML Angel, .8 llrer fas. BrawBwrUle. Spring r s-ba. sryp. at, j : field, Wrodiinf aadj aarroa; Albany Bamenrer e 4:0$ a. sa. 7:20 s, m. )4-.60p. m. aeeta at Wwedbora wtthi 10:108, as ' I Mi.'. Asa-el aad BUrsr ton Jprsl . Corralll ssuneaaar. Bherldan passenger. I US :50 s. 1 S 28 a. I Pertlaad-Oswege aberbaB Swrrioe and Taaxaia i Plraatoa, "mmmm i , - ; Depot tost of Jefferson street. ? -i Leere Portland dally for OlwrI:SII , t 12:60, 2:06, SS. ).- 7:4. I0:14V p, bl Daily (except Sunday), ft:a0, 8 80. 8.3S. 10:26 a, m.; 40, 11:80 sv am.-, ftonday enly :) ' RetnTatnf frem Oswego, srrrre IHl.B1 dsfly ' :S0 a. saT; 1:66, 2:06. 4:86. 0:15, 7:35. 2:65,'. 11:10 P. ra. ' Daifjr (except Soaday)-8:26. 7:26, 0:20, 10:20. 11:46 a. m. Bacsnt Moaday. 13 JB 1 p. m. Sunday oaly, 10 KM a, m. 4 Learea from aame depot for Delias aad rater-, mediate petnU dally (except Baadap) 4:00 p,. av Arrire Portland 10:20 a. m. - Tbe lndrpetKience-aaonmoain merer - uoa . arm tea daUr to Menmaath aad Air He, con nect In with Southern Pacific compeer's tracks at TMIlea aad indaesodenre. .- ' Pint -class far from Pert ad b SeerameaU i snd Baa rranctoro $20. bertbe $A; arenad tare $1. second -class bertbe $3-00, , . TUIr. I- Haatwa aoiaUand BlueSlO, slSS ' Japan, China, Honolulu aad -Australia. . Cltr Ticket Office corner Third aad wean hat ton streeu. Pboaa aula ria. a W. STINOEB, ' " W. B. COMAW. cxty xicsei Agawx, - - wo. TIME CARD 0P Portlcinclx UNION DEPOT. Arrteca. Paget Sound Limited, for - Taeoma, Seattle. OlrmolA,. .Hootb Bead aSfAi and, Gray's .. . Barborl Diets. - Berth Coast United, for - aacoesa. Seattle, Butte. Bt Paul, Min neapolis, Chleafo, New 80 p. a. York, Boatna and points! Bast aad Brmtnesst, I 1 Twin-City Kxnraas, fori Taeama. : Seattle, 8po4 Helena, St. PauLI MlBneapoll Chicago, 11:4 p. avl tmta, New York. Boetoa and all poinU Eaat aad aontbeaat. . Paget Bound - Kansas! Clty-et. Loala SperiaL tor .Tacenrx. Tleattle, Snoka. Butt Blllraga. Dearer. Omaha. Kansas 2:80 a. sa. rtp. a. City. St. Loala and all points Bast aad South east. . AH trains dally except oa Snath branch- A. O. CHARLTON. Assistant Central Paeaenger Agent. ' ta Morrfaen at, ear. Third. Portlaad. Or. "f Astoria & Columbia " River Railroad Go. Lsares, UNION DEPOT. Arrlr Mil Dslly. For Marrera, Bslaler, fla take ate, , Wwrport, Cllftoa. AsWte, Wr- 11 :10 a. aft. Ball. reatoa. PhiTsk Hare- mond. rnrt merer. Uearbart Park. Seaside, Astoria aad Seal ho re. -.-,'' - ' ',- t ' ,s xnres aatly. , ; Aatarta Exjiasa. T:f7p.l Dslly. litflf.BV --- t " " ' J. c unto. "j t y . O.-ti and P. A.. Astoria, Or. C. A. STEWART. Commeret.i Afeat. 24S Alder atreet. Phone Main and, 1 "" 1 Aa. i .aaaa,iii. , a Mavaat naioai ma Third Stt. esas-4 Trnanontlnentaa.l . t aamV TrtmlPlA. OtsJIy - add FAfiT-sTIMD TO "POKAVr. rf. PAtTLv dv ; - A1X hvAkld a--,. , trsyllrht Ulo t t ' Bnd KOtef XBOII-..,. t - I nlara, raiea, fu.o. I, ' 4rr-&r f-fiS,: ?fau after. If lOloat ...i MfaaJswAl laaal" aouTxa. Itl , ""r. I i I - i ,