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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1905)
r.: tczzlsmd. Tiiur:r.-7. lvz::i::o.! rzrrUAr.Y b. - i. i ; '- c.l; : jtiO still c:mjs:fiiiA?s ci-iATJAEiAn's . shanahah's . :;i.v.:-. , - "EL.UpZ3 TI'B FCLIC5 aasBeaewaaseBjsBssBBsajss V.sjy VSo Aided" Murderer Flore. - bella Was Coldler "nl ';;. Italian -Army,''-;'.' V i- -.l . TOO DiCJ C0AC3 With Every lOc Purchabe ;X7e Give Trading ; Stampb Three Hundred Tons Has Been Washington Good , Roads Ato- :r- ciaio)i Pre;"ts a Dill fbr I, DetUWnjlishways. if Ordsred Chipped on th -.v For every 10-cent purchase" or multiple thereof we will, give you B. & H. Stamps." Pastev these p)a tije back -of a sheet, which . ; contains four pages, which we give you, holding 50 stamps each. -When, you have filled, one; or more pagtt bring them to . us and w will give you. in exchange beautiful Silver arid Chinaware of the' bestr quality. Y(sI will soon secure a handsome Dinner Set and a fujl Supply of high grade SUverware absolotery free, or, as aUtedabove, $2 sash or $2.50 in merchandise for, ; 10 page or 500 stamps. ;, X::- ..-';.- V- : .';.' 'r :) H V -- -'- i - 'i' "V.'' v Next Oriental Uner. H . LARCZ3T GSNCiCN K2NT , Vlncenso Calabretto, the Italian who is wanted on a charge of aiding Joe. Fl orebello to elude the officers after .the murder of .Amelia Blrlanni, was a mem- ttft. ' - . er- -'.;- ) PRISONERS: TO CE PAID BY TIME ALLOWANCES OF CORT MADE FROM PORT - ier .e- . Iv ii , - v e rl 1 1 i Great Increase in TradrCatv-??!. Portland and Far East Irf Past Few Months. ; - ' Tttr hundred ton oT canned neat wilt be carried to Japan on the steam .. ship Numentia, which Is due to arrive , from the orient" on Saturday. Space for the shipment was engaged thia morning. : The meat U coming from Chicago, and la . for the use of the.Japaneae army. It la - the biggest consignment of canned goods ever made from this port to the far east. r The trafflo from the eastern states to the orient by way of Portland la rapidly Increasing.' It Is not so many months ago that dour, wheat and lumber com' prised the entire list of products sent on . - steamers calling (rem this port; but re4 cenuy tney have been,, carrying manurac i tared goods and rasr material at all sorts produced In the middle west, AUan-1 tie and southern state. Chief among these have been tobacco, cotton and ma chinery, . The Japanese! are not meat - consumer to any great extent, out it Is said they are gradually acquiring a . taste for It. . t It the demand la the orient for goods from the eastern states continues to In crease, It will be but a short time before regular liners operating from Portland will be unable to handle all the business. But the local officials of the Portland Asiatic Steamship company say that the 'matter of adding another steamer to the fleet has not yet been given any conald ' e ration. - When It becomes apparent. that . more tonnage Is required, it Is announced - that the matter will be given prompt at - tention. With the large number of tramp .- steamers now on the disengaged list ton ; nage can easily be secured at a reason- . able rate.- i . In the event that the Nteomedla, 'which is barbound at Astoria, does not : put to sea before Saturday, she and the ' Numantla will be in- the - river t the . same time. It will be the first time that two, of the freighters of the line , ever met at the mouth of the Columbia, Heretofore they have been passing one another far out at sea. - - ....... FRIEND TO BUILDERS. Uncle Sam Stag Steem a Oood Customer 'u ' of Shipyards fat Times Past. ; LAcal united .states engineers are 'anxious to know what congress will do with the river and harbor bill. The na tional law makers will adjourn early ' next week, and no appropriation for. the - improvement of navigable waters has been ' made.-. A bill," approved by the river and harbor committee. . has been , drawn up and It la believed that it will be lavorabiy. acted upa by both houses, Tui so" farlhlsTa ouIya'iurmIse. "J If the bill does pass it, la probable that the Orst expenditures made by the "United 8ta tea engineers in this district v . wilt Wto? get the various craft used by them ' (a good -repair.' - Among . those " badly fh need f attention na the snag- .. boat atethloma. Before she can ' be . .placed, -In a good , servlceabla .condition ' it Is said that she wUl have to be fitted - out with new. hull. The steamers Juln- '' .coin and Mended will also have to be ' r given a general overhauling.,' ' - Usually- the government has -one or ' two vessels either building or under ' . going repairs St one of the. local ship ' yards. But Within the last few months a policy of retrenchment has been prsc- " tlced. because it has not been definitely known that any funds would be. a vail - able with which to make improvements. - v Shipbuilders say that the government ,-. tu4 been an, Important factor in , the . .. matter- or. Keeping weir , plains ouay. , Two government dredges, the. Wallows . " for the Snake liver, and Dipper Dredge -Y No. r for the upper Willamette, and a .1. rvev hoat for th engineers' desert ment, were built Portland; in I04. In addition, repair Jjrork was done, for . , the government, tM overhauling given - . the Columbia river bar dredge Chinook having . been the moatextnslve. .- r : CTo?F THE COl,UMBlL loaded Bhip, XMsdaleor rythosaeae, - SeesTesteraay Waea (Beads Xdfte,. When the clouds lifted for a brief , ' moment yesterday afternoon a loaded -ship was sighted oil the mouth of the ' - Columbia t river. The bar is obscured. -. and it Is probable that she will make no ' effort to cross In for a day or two. - . - The vessel 'Is believed to be either the ; British ship Xionsdale or the British ship C" Pythomene, both due. The Lonsdale Is , :- coming from Newcastle, England, by, way of Port Los Angeles.' She left the Cal If oral- port fortius clty-oa.rebauary - ' 11 with a part cargo. Strong southwest - winds have been? blowing during - the past week) and it was supposed the craft -'' would te able to make a good passage - up the -coast. Her freight Is consigned . to Gtrvttl & Eyre. ' , - . J The Pythomene has been but lit days - from Antwerp with a general cargo con s'4; signed "tlir Teylor. Young A Co. , If the ' ' craft proves to be the Pythomene she will haven the- honor of making one .-of the quickest passages from Europe of ''any of the fleet tfi arrive this season.' N The tblg majority lingered six months ; en the voyage. . Last season; however, a' number of the ships completed the - . run jpa trifle more than four months. X i DUTYON DOGS. ; 4, : str. rieaUng' SatiUed e SU Sloaey tf . Aalasal Wag SMglstecM. ', F. H. riemlng js an erroneous In, press Ion was created yesterday by the - story under the tide "Duty en Dogs.' . - "You say t want my money back,' said '.. Mr Fleming this nrbrnlng, "because my dog died. About six months aro I re ceived jthroush ' the oustoro-house an ' English setter pup from Victoria. B ' and was obliged to deposit HO with the . custom officials, with the understanding ' .that If my dog were-eligible to reglstra tlon. and I would produce a certificate from some authorised kennel - club In . America, with a copy of certified pedi-'-- gree; the money would be returned. My dog was registered In the American Field - studbnok. No. tots, and I have made ap rnllcatloa for the return of the money de .posited The dog died, 'however, aswaai ALONG THE WATERFRONT. ttreaklnil loose rom Its moorings last Might the scow used for doing work st ' the Morrison street bridge drifted against, the Merrill boathouse. Aside from breaking the lines connecting the house with the float there was no dam age done. ' - - J. . '- i , The steamer Active was hauled, oat on : ' V;' ' -. - . .,.(. . yinccnso Calebretto. ber of the Italian army. He is a laborer, has lived. for several years In Portland. wag a friend of Fiorebello, and took seri ous risks to shield him from arrest . Tne formal charge against Calabretto, would be "accessory after the fact of the mur der of Amelia Blrlanni. in that he I si st ed Joe -Fiorebello to avoid apprehen- the ways this morning In order to have the bottom of her hull; painted. The schooner .Halcyon, Captain . Mc Donald, arrived laet evening from' San Francisco. Sbs will load lumber at the Eastern mill for the return trip. Work of fitting out the German ship Nomia with lumber was started , this afternoon at the Inman-Poulsen mill. She will carry a cargo to Taku, China, The Oerman-ahlp Carl will complete her cargo for the same destination today. She will take out In the neighborhood of t.OOO.OOO.feet of the product.- Work of loading the steam schooner Nome City -with a. lumber, cargo , la progressing jslpwljf. lShe lsnowi sched uled to sail ror Ban .rearo tomorrow night. . j."---.-, -:T . ', : i t MARINE NOTES. 'Astoria,- Feb. It Arrived : at t and left Up at t a. m' steamer Colombia, from- San- Franctsc. : : -f -Bt. HelensPassed at l:lt steamer Columbia.., - i " Honolulu. Feb. 'IS. .Arrived, schooner Honolulu, from Portland. Astoria. Feb. Z. Bailed at ii noon. steamer Roanoke. 'lor Fort Ls Angeles anq way porus. - .- y ,-. .,. -. . Arrived at noon and len up si p. m., steamer Cascade, from San Fran cisco. Sailed at 1:10 p. o, fteamer Anrelia, for "Ban Francisco.- .Arrived at 4 v.i m.. scnooners Anoy Mahony, from Ban Pedro and Oakland from' San Francisco.-. v v - ,- - Arrived-at 4 p. nv, schooner Polaris, from Ban Pedro. Outside at p. nv, a three-masted Ship and a schooner. ' r s ' - San Francisco, Feb. 11. Sailed, steamer Northland and schooner C; W. Wataon.' fori Portland. - Arrived last night, steamer . 'ueorge Loomls, from Portland., i . -. Astoria. - Feb. o-?;Dar- report; Cap lino down. ' "K .- irL' - cASCAoa vk romr. - The' ateamer ' Cascade- arrived last nlsht from San Franctsee with a 'gen eral cargo,- whleh was discharged at- the Greenwich dock this morning; tne.ves eel is at St Johns taking-iumber fdr h return- tHn. ,Tha car so will be com pleted at St Helens. It ler.sVobable .she will "be ready to sail Sunday afternoon. George Taylor of the firm of Taylor, Youag st Co. is the local agent tor tne Cascade, and reports tnat tne vessel will pxobsbly be kept In commission be- tweenrFortlana and caiiiornia porxs tne mter oart of the spring aad summer. 8ha will carry passehgerk both wys and. will : make an occasional urn to 'Oray's Harbor She Is one-of, the new Craft ' .'-- f ' srTTmATav rmsxasnrs astajtosLT ..... . I, i . . j ; , The- International Balling Ship Own ers' union has advanced nitrate freights from Chile Australia and New Cale donia In air-charter effected on and after February 1, te take effect from July 1. the" advance being Is. dV a ton from Chile and Australia and - Is. -. M. from New Caledonia. A mlnlmnm rate of f - for guano has also .been Axed. The Increase-applies to all vessels In the Union of I.iOO tons, earge capacity and tinder. " ;."'. . ' ' ' : "s '- WIFE BEATER DUCKED BY A VIGILANCE COMMITTEE i- ; . , r hi . ...... r - " . (Jearaal Special ferric) ' .'. : 8s era men te. - Feb. i II A vigilance oommltteet ln Slater's addition to Sacrar mento last night seised Matthew -Herman, who had: been beating his- wife in the street end, L-ed a rope about his waist .and threw him into the Sacra mento river. : After he promised never to repeat the offense he wss drawn but of the chilly wster and given a vigorous beating with laths,, the-men telling blm that he needed something to warm, him '.A party ox wrmd .irons ,we neign bornood r looked ,.on- and. applauded. While-Hermann was struggling -lit .the water, -praying, for- meroy, -the women suggested that. he, be ducked again. 3 (Jenresl Spertal, gfrrke.) Niagara Falls,, Fh. JJ.rire.' this morning seriously damaged powr honee No. lof the Niagara Falls Power Com pany, tying-up the electric light and railwsy systems or tne city. Three em ployee were burned from head to foot by the short-rireuitlng of generators. and will probably die, j- t . . f Over. Three Hundred Idle Men at C Walla Walla. Would Bm'i Given Work.v' , '. , ,-, .'.. tSnelsl .Mspsteh' to' The 'Jearaal.)' . Olytnplav Wash, , Feb. IS, Idle con victs la the state penitentiary may. be employed fy counties .in roadmaklng. according to the terms tofa bill which will be presented to the legislature by the' Washington Good - Rosda , associa tion, perhaps this week. The bill has been carefully drawn;, and covers the subject fully. ;',.' -- '-.'. J .r ". The 'Good Roa'dk 'Association had at tempted several' times to Interest the counties In making roads upon the plsn adopted In other states, and appeal after appeal has been .made to the people' to allow convicts to labor-On the .publlo highways. The warden of the state penitentiary is not allowed to give pris oners permission to labor outside the prison except In brlckmaklng. and no headway haa - been - made with: the scheme. . . . ' - - . t- The bill which Is now ready for In troduction will make It the - duty . of prisoners to work on the roads when desired, and allow the brison warden to pass the men -out "under guard for thaf purpose. .-The law is patiernea sner that of Tennessee,. North Carolina and Missouri, 'Where convicts have been used on roads for year with gratifying results. - An additional provision which' will be welcomed by the convicts themselves Is that for each good day's work don' on the highways two days' time allowance shall be made at the prison. . In other words, the prisoner will have to serve but half his time if given work outside the prison, - while much of the time hundreds are allowed to 11 Idle an J serve full time. At present there are nearly 00 convicts absolutely Idle at the state penitentiary st Walla Walla, the number having Increased so rapidly In recent years that employment could not be provided - for them . all. Under present conditions but 400 can be em ployed to advantage, while, the popula tion now aggregates 11$. '. It is also urged that the employment thus furnished will assist prisoners in 1 being sble to secure "work when re leased, and win give uiern a neouva training -on roadmaklng which will sUnd them to good advantage as cltUens. WHITMAN PREPARING FOR EXPOSITION EXHIBIT v. . ..-r , . , . i y-.-t v;-- i, '(SpeeUl Stspsteh te Tke Joerasl:) ' ! Colfax. Wash Feb. M. The commlt- Itee of 16 recently appointed by the com missioner of the county to poox mio ue matter of a Whitman county exhibit at tha fnrtbObmlns' Lewis and Clark exposi tion, met .yesterday and 'voted to hare John -' McLean ot uajcesaaie piaceo in eharse- of : the exhibit A committee consisting of S. C Armstrong of Colfax; A. sv.McCann or. Farmingion ana . a. Keener of Colton was appointed te as sist in the collection and placing of the exhibit and to assist in securing, spaces for"the exhibit -- - I 1' The floor space in the building has not yet been assigned but It in feared that- it will be impossible to secure space in that building and It la probable that several oountles will go together and erect a county building. ' The committee filed another request for the original appro- . - mm AAA j Umwauaw tm Am MA thought that more than IJ.900 will al lowed.. The enure committee or 10wun the exeeDtlon of J- 8. Klemgard and J. E. Suley of Pullman were, present at yesterday's meeting. ; ; , j RICHEST WOMAN WINS A TWO-DOLLAR PRIZE r' r aoarsal SodHat Service.) . Philadelphia,,',- Feb-S Mrs.--Aane Walker, - the - richest t woman In the world, has-added l to her fortune of 10,006,000 by winning prises for the best beans.- primroses and .mushrooms displayed at the annual meeting of the Pennsylvania Historical society. . . J. . Vaughn Merrick,- a millionaire. likewise won 1 for the cultivating and perfection of modest primrose. - - SNOWSLIDE CARRIES MEN ' I. -! nntifti iinitfti-raisi cinr , UUiKIH MUUlv I Him. OlUt (Seeetsi Inspstek teiThe. JoanaL) '.i Black'Lake, Ida Feb. JJ-Lewis Install and Victor STngllsh, employes- of the Gold Coin mtue. were earrled 1.000-feet down the mountain side yesterday by a' snowslide. Their shoes ud clothes were torn off and both were' badly bruised. The slide was 1 00 feet wide, . ii- . ': sTATZOHAXi BAJTX TO OTXM. -i-.. i ' (Speelal Inepsteb ."to . The Jeensl.) ' Dallas. Or. Feb. IS. The Dallas .Na tional bank ot Dallas will be open for business on March 0. The opening has been delayed for some-time on.aooount of the furniture and flxtureV being de layed - In shipment from the manufac turers, ' Portland people will control the new Institution. B. J. Hayter of this city will be cashier of -the new enter prise,' " .-' . . i; -;-?-- I iTri-' V ''cimmirrm to Asrixvat, " ' - (gpeelsl Dlspstcb W The Jeensl.);', ; Roseburg, , Or- Feb... 23. Eugene, Royer "was committed to the asylum yesterday by Judge Thompson. Today he was taken to Salem. -Royer la from Glendale. - His hobby concerns mining, but- at the same time he acts like a wild beast hiding and ) running at the ht of man. .. . ' y i--.i-y ; . (Rperlal Dlepatrb taf Tta' Joerest ) . Chemawa. Or.. Feb., U. Supt Edwin I. Chalcraf t left last- evening for the Takima Indian reeervatlon in. the state 6f Washington, from whleh point he will bring a large party of Indian pupils to the Chemawa school. Superintendent Lynch having advised him that he .has a party ef pupils ready te transfer. ., CBUUQBB) XV CO: . (Joarnel seeu tsrHe.) Newnort .News. Vs., iFeb.- It. The fnlted State cmisef V1"1 was placed In -commission todAy. The flag ef the eommendins officer was run up to the aecompanthwit of the usual ss Ivite and the mueterlng of the crew of too men en the decks of the wgrshlp. ' ; f lcQiU's . SOe) " A"'' TRAJa. A swell monthly of (aabioa. . ; , Oest - s-eeet copy of ear Faeaton - Saast ' for - Febrn- ; V '"I':- : .' rK, . ... V I, . :RAf. n J,: JJJ 13 t We ha vjus received from New York 500 of . the newest and latest styles in Ladies'. Black Underskirts. , . They are the finest, and best values ever offered in this line. ' We give' you description and prices of some of them' The maerjajs areHrbeau- ' tiful silk snd satin finish and warranted rain or dust proof, and will outwear any silk that will cott you four times the price we ask for them. Every skirt guaranteed not to crack. Just look at the prices? I v " r !i vs T' . 'X'J-i :,Satinc'v95c';V!;;. This is a pretty Underskirt,' '; - with ".' 10-inch,, flounce, two f' straps on same and nine rows stitching around; good valuje for. $1.50. ';.--"..! :; SPECIAL". ..... . . '. ,85e This is th j best pne.made, with v linch flounce, three ( hem . - stitched ruffles 3 inches deep,' ; ,"that would . ke'p ; you "fcuess ing as to goods -being silk, r. 4' and will wear yoit-twice as .;' long;; nothing; like them , for i SPECIAL: .f ;Vi. ; . JP1.95 Irench TOnncl Waists Our ; "entire ' i.ine;'6frAll-Wool French Kjannel Ysts VJ V. "ties' thaT:wi;re;from $1.75- to $3, (Jii4 all : the . leading '"(dark) and; UghtTcolbrs. These are " the twilled gos'Jind we of--B itir theftf" ;f 05 f tomotrt)w "arid ; Saturday ;.4for-'whaion(5 ard', ; ; of the goods would scost' you. 4 Yo choice of py yist )1C "in ty-A fm SMOarTIiT lsSfcyv. Beet American Callooee. yard..3't tt-lnch Stlkollnea V...;.,.....,.Be) t-tnch Comfort OeJlooes,ii,SH K-inch German Callooes-". . A.'.TMgV Light and, Deck Outing Flannels .-.5d lOe Light Outmg Flanbel.. ...TV4S' Cream Outing Flannel v. 5c Good Apron Qlntame ' .'. ,..;.4V) le-lnch Sea Island -Percal es. J. , . x Hosiciy Siler Misses-' and Children's tflbbed ,' Cash mere Hose, all slses special. i.9 Ladles' Black Cashmere Hpae; , mecUl ................ ..15 Tied lee-Shrtra- Ueavjt ineece-LI ned .Ribbed Hose! special... as Ladles', Black Cottea Hose) spl..lOe. Three pair ,'...... .254, sflsses' ' and ' Children's Ftps Ribbed Cotton Hose, all,slaes;speclal, ' three, pair ' ... . . i . a 25 Misses' and Children's Extra Heavy lit and'lxl Ribbed Cotton - .'" ' Hoee; special .'. i ,. . .12Vs Boys' Iron- Clad Hose. ' tular I5c; speelal.,. L.,,94 Inrants Ribbed ,-BUek -f Cashmere Hose, silk heels, and tpee;- - special -.;,.' ,w . .'. ,.... 1 2'e1 Infants; Flak and Blue Fine Ribbed .. Cashmere Hose. . silk heels and , toe?, special,; , . , ..'. .V. .v.20d JURY FINDS WEBER - . GUILTY. OF MURDER - .- '- '- -.. ----- - 1 1 1 i .-.- , '-. . . .. . . Jury Sentences .'Precocious , Youth to Gallows tor Slay- : -.y.-' ' ;(lrig His Mother ; j v Vf ; ''-'v- " ',-':'V;v:' ' (Jeensl Special sVrrtee.) . . Aobarn. . Cel.'. Feb. li.- After being out it hours the Jury in the ease trylny Adolph Weber vor the morder of. his mother brought In' a Verdict lat yes terday . of -murder, in 'the arst . degree without recoramendsUon. '. v , , - v - ,'Toung Weber watched the Jury Hie In. with a- bland - smile upon, his; fsce. Judge .Prewitt. asked .' that, the clerk -record the verdict and as he read it the defendant, crouched In his seel-.. Be yond that he eho wed no outward sign. Although . the court room wss packed, there- wss no sign of approval, over the verdict, but the sentiment wss unsnl mous In approval when the crowd wag once outside the court house. .t Adolph. who. is only 20 years Old. IS u M l n fu : Ars i v v ,,- -i .,- v. i a nrr fiiMrkirn err idtc 4fMM LnfeTeVV Ala VlXeVe Shower Proof $165 ; This, a i wonder for the. price ; , ' it has a 14-inch flounce with two 3-inch ruffles, ' five rows tucking on ruffles and six on , . flounce $2.50 is , the, ' right .!. price for the skirt.: . " SPECIAL ....V.;...fl.65 All But SiIR $l,85 Yon cannot tell them from silk ; and will , wear-you better ; they: have a 14-inch'. flounce . with three 2-irich ruffles, six rows tucking on flounce.; you would- grab-them at $.1- ,.,, special.;;;, 1.85 ; v.,;. t ; ; SILKS AND ( Fane :y Silks, suilable-for-sh.irt waist and suits $1 grade.; V SPECIAL i-', '( . - v.:-.K'v";.-r S i . 65s . Fancy changeable pin-stripe; $1.2 grade. ' SPECIAL. . ,75s New fabric, Messaline TaffeU, black ; value $1.50.' v SPECIAL.T7I,7Tttir.-rTr.Tv;: - Fancy "Embroidered Crepe Etamine,; the latest in waist-. '' V;ing;': 39'c,' quality,; SPECIAL. ;V:.-1C;; i i :V..V.V.23t'; I 56-inch Herringbone vravenette," in black, tan,, gray; ? ' ''guaranteed . rainproof.',' SPECIAL r.v .. i.?1.49 1 "38-inch Invisible Plaid i Cravenette,' in the new 'l brown 'and 't;? gray .effects. ; SPCTAL..Vv,'.'w;;.;..W.LU;.:r-. 40-inch Salt and Pepper .1Jffects;in' mohair suitings, mbst 4 - 8U'taie spring' Wear,-, SPECIAL,". .J. . ; i . . . . .4 . .44" " ' 1 " ' ""3 '" , I " ' ''" " ' ": lidics'iind Children's Undenvear; ; Boys Ekitra Heavy Fleece-lined Shirts and Drawers; ' special'. .,r .s. .25 Boys Heavy Ribbed Shirts an Draw ' era, regular e; special. .. ,X90 Boys' Summer Weight Ribbed Shirts , minx .pcviai , f . AOS? JPndren"albbsdestsJLwithlong . - sleeve, cream color; special... 15d Ladles' J Fleece-Lined Ribbed Gray " Vests and Pants; special.,,... XStf Ladies' -. Ing-Sleeve - ' Knee-Lengtht ' Union Suits: , special .194 Children's Fleece-Lined Ribbed Sleep ing Oarmenta, . with feet; . . sptclal . i . v .... i. :r.S8d Lad tee pert y-Rlbbed-AU-Wool,Oray , VesU, regular $L0; special. .Q84 Cblldreh'r . Fleece-Lined Oray, Union Suits .......... . . i , . 4 .26 Ladles' . All-Wool White Union Suits. r. regular-ll.Hepeclal ...... flH) Boys' Clothing Boys' Two-Piece Cheviot Suits s. ...... 9 1.35 Boys Knee Pants ..194) Boys ' Wool t Sweaters . t . .' 38 1 10. Men's Oolf and Dress K - , 4 accused , of killing ' his father; mother, sister , and "brother and of burning the family, residence at Auburn last Nov embesst'' The! evidence showed that soon after Adelptt left his home on the day of the murder It was destroyed by Are and the. other members of the family perished. The-bodies taken from the ruins proved that mother, father and damrh(er had- been a hot and. the-young brother had been killed by a, blow from a pistol butt. '. Aloph arrived at - the Are before It was 'extinguished,, throwing. Into the flamee a bundle found to contain blood stained - trousers which he had but a iew minutes before exchanged for ' a new' pair, ethls snd other circumstances led .- to his arrest and damaging evi dence waa firoduced of his guilt. He haa never shown one trace of sorrow ever the death of -his' family, but msJii talned g cynical air ef indifference. Some months before the ' murder the Auburn bank was held up and tt.tOO In gold secured by the highwayman.- Clr eumatasces i connected . young Weber with this crime also, and after the tragedy a pail containing the gold taken from the bank was dug up In the Weber barn. . '- . Weber's father was a retired brewer and quite wealthy, Adolph being, the : n r?Ca" 'o '.n;,;:.;; ';? "':0 n JLAeJ Ale A Ul J VH t. fJcrccrUed $Ll5 This is a beauty with a flounce 14 inches 'deep with two ruf fles . 5 inqhes '-deep, lapped -seams; here is an underskirt that would be- - cheap for '. $1.75 r;',:i 'r--' ? special, i . . . . f 1.15 i Italian-Cloth $1.45 $ For -wear this material cannot be beat, the skirt is a picture, " with 12-inch, flounce, two ryf ;; fles 4 inches deep, hemstitch- ed ; you have paid $2.23 for not as gnofl-. ' , ....... SPECIAL -; ... . .. .. .1.45 DRESS .GOODS - . . .V-. : . . .7. -51.11 Comforts Blaiikets nd Spreads A full else Comfort, covered ;wlth good calico, well filed, extra-heavy, I1.2S quality ..-8T fl. Comforts tie A full slse Com - fort, covered - with cambric and i sllhollne stltebed. filled with sanl- tary cotton.-never sold" " forllM than $I.0; sale price. .......05s) 1H Double Blanket, TSc for S8c-rA . double .-Blanket In pay. with red v and blue border, good value st J 5c '.Tar; sale price ...... ...... ..38e II. H Blanket So Mottled and gray Blanket, extra - large sis - snd heavy soft kind, quality; 7a price r.-;.-.xri . . . . . .-. .98? ti.69 Blankets A pure white Blanket, extra large slse for double' . bed. about to : pairs left; will be sold for........ 82.15 Me" Spreads "lo--lIoneycomb"" Spresd, good slse. not a great, many at the , : above . price," for .'. . 59d I.t ; Spreads, lie A. full slse hure , . white . Honeycomb, good , patterns. good value at' Il.i0; sale - price . .,,...,......,.... .984 $10 Spreads 11.15 A fine Msreelllee ' Spread;" targe slse. - some , slightly , soiled; will be closed-out . - . for ..V81J5 sole heir after the death ef the family. Abie counsel was retained and a strong Oght made for the- boy's ' freedom, r He wss Arst tried for the murder -of - his mother.. - i - -- t - . -; ..i CARS TIED UP FOR . . . ' A FORGOTTEN BABY .. (Jesreal soedst serdee.) . St. Paul. Minn.',; Feb. IS. The traffic of Merrlam Park'ear line was badly dis organised for half an hour this- morn lag, all, because an absent minded mother forgot, to- take her baby when she left the car." The woman, whose Mmi1 1s -withheld. ' had been shopping and took the Merrlam iPark car accom panied by a 4-year-old baby1 and a num ber of packages. - She placed the baby In the seat beside her and became absorbed In problem of dress. When she arrived st the corner-she forgot, to take her baby with -her. Several , other ladles were In- the ear. ' Before -the -mistake was discovered the ear turned the cor ner and the mother waa out of sight The r-LflcJ appeared happy ' erd con tented hut when the cat, reached the emf-of the line and the passengers had all left. tWe baby set up a wall which McCairs: PwPattcrrisV The lasset and .'aewest patWrms for fa-Aa4 wtn e -J- lO-lSe). Ask for tkesa,' ' SilRotccn $L35 This is the new material, made , ' with, flounce 12 inches deep, - ruffle on bottom - 4 finches. ; "deep," 5 straps on. flounce; made to sell for $3. ;-' i "',;" r SPECIAL .f 15 ;NcarSilkLW ThessHenll not last fong af the . priee. '.They -are - made from v a soft pretty material with . 12-inch flounce and-two. ruf . fles 3 inches deep six straps , on ' flounce ; . you have paid L$2.75 for them. - - f SPECIAL. flannel and Pcplin ,here is' hot many of them, but " what there -is must "be sold tomorrow , and Saturday, if t. , price 'will help them., Thy" V are. in plain' colors and very , pretty small plaids, they ;are values ; from ' $1, 1o " $1.50. , Your choice- for this ; SPECIAL SALE ;.lf . 65t Feather Pillows 7te Feather Flllows lie A full slse Pillow, covered with good ticking. 76o klndr sale. price ,........48 I1.0I pillows' . to Feather Pillow, eovered with feather root ticking, .large slse, .' filled , with steamed feathers I pounds; sale price, eacn .'.-.. . ................. s Ross Pillows We carry a full and complete line of - Sofa Cushions, made of floe silk . floss i from ...... -V-ly.. .... .23 Fancy Pillow Tops wHr be sold during this sale at half regular price. Window Shades and 4. Flxrhres ic; sale price, i ....... .. , ... . v .25d) r Men's iShirts and Underwear Fine Wpdl 'Underwear. .V.85d 106 Heavy FleeceLlhed" Shirts .".25e lfHcFast Black and Tan Hoee.6H) So Unlsundered .White 8hlrta...29e) 29o Men's Hfivy Wool Socks.. 12Hd . ' ' I' ' proved very embarrassing te the .con ductor and motorman. f eanwhlle the mother bad gone to the Selby Avenue station to demand the return, of the baby. She was so excited that the men , wereinable to learn the clrcemstances. 8 he left the office In a high temper, went mo- the corner and began to stop every car bound in either direction, and with the assistance of a few hoys, the street was blocked by cars. The block ade was- finally lifted by the arrival of the -right earsnd the-woman left with ber baby Wittt strong words of denuncia tion of the-street ear company. - ... ChoUyWheir I saw how big a Ash t had hooked; I teU you, I caught say-. breath.. ! ' Miss. Tartunw-Tou had soar bait f-r that along, too. had yea T PeoeHe Olseypt J. n. RuirVan. f Buttevllle, O , I the peculiar dlesppesraece ef Ms P tut symp'oois ef lndieetl sr I ,,. ness Jlo fr. King's Nw Life - . ssrs: "They are a perfect r - . 1 dlssineea. sour slomsch. f ., i stlfMillcn. etc." irar . . t Cross Pharmacy. Slsm i c " oq the way to te pU...t - . . - . ' " '- I"- i i- v: J v k 4