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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1905)
A I ' t . - -t - mmH P"i- . .:- . . ..... . "T- T" USED IN REPORTS Gross Irregularities In State Land X. Agents" Office Overlooked , ,itf Legislature. ' . ,y., INVESTIGATIONS MEANTyp . ,TO BE VINDICATIONS Systematic Speculation in Land ' hw Odeil, Assisted ft-. :r-; ' fTwtcs within two yesrt sroes iregu liritlea committed state land agent's office durlngfhe fnlni-,? of U B Oeer have twn the subject of. Investigation by legislative ccmnjiweej Kadh time tlie reuit, haa been-armaa ; 'of , evidence shawiig clearly Jln."t -,.irt.t.i. fxiamanaeement ef tee -omce. ndV systematic. jseculatkm J"4J r lands and base by' Gen. W. M. Odell., with the apparentionntvanee ataco of ths -state sd agent; peer. Tho profit of theae transactions were ' noua. and the atate . and. peraonalwho, had bought from the atate relying upon Ua title, were the aufferera. BuOhough theae facta have been ea Ubllahed by tha two inveetlgatlona. no - corrective action hrt resulted. In eah Inaunce. latter hearing the, report of lta committee, the leglalature'l has let the matter drop without any attempt V aert the eutea legal rlghte or to call to account thoae who were ccncerned n the tranaactlona. -.- . ' . - . Nothing could hive been wore Ce'or" leas than the report submitted to the legtalatura two yeara ago. . w of the facta dUcovered by the committees Inveatigatlona were set forth, but no ac tion was ' recommenced and the -report ' concluded with the auggestloa that noth lng further need be done. . The report was not presented untU the lsst day of the aeaalon of 10. when the aenatorial struggle was absorbing the attention of the legislators and the public, .; '". : . Xook Uk wbitawaab.. ,.-"., 'At the' session whlth enfled lsst week the aam course M pursued.. The In veatlgating eommittce 'withheld' Ks re sort until the laat day. when It . was read, but without any action or ny i mmtlm of lesal prooeadlnga. The ! t report was more explicit than that pre sented two years before,, but U still ' f.iia n xvv the aubiect fully. There was no proposal tha the sute should atumpt la recoup the loaaea It bad sus tained, and no recommendation of pro eeedinas asainat the ex-agent of the Stat land office. ' Is wnrlbX-CT-PJ? lha 0010 oti tbe"e Investlgctioos were made, by legislatures . overwhelmlnalv RaDublioan, and the of ficial whoaa acts were under scrutiny . belonged to, the same political party. Moreover be-la a cousin of the- last Re publican governor, T- T. Oeer, whose name haa been unpleasantly linked with the tranaactlona under, inveeugaiion. . ': Ytam. the report of thft.Jateat laveatl ntlna committee and from .the teat! raony and evidence Uken, it appears that : durlnar L. B. Gear's incumbency as stats land agent.-Odell occupied desk room In 'Goer's office, and carried en extensive .'Operations 4a-taAe -baa and .Indemnity : a lands. Many people were consequents led to -believe that in dealing With nlru they fwereOeHr With' aproifloerjof tke sUle, and this impression was strength ened by the tcour pursued by user, who turned all aDoUcants-for bass over ta DdelL - ,--. '' j ' , AppUoasts StlslBforAsd. Although the state was in possession tot thousands. of acres sf' base, Geer in formed applicants thai the 'state bad so base, and that In order to gt it they must spply to Odell. - ; - - - Odell charged spplicsvnts from It cents to $1.71 an acre for base, although it was In most cases the property of the state and should have been turned over-by the atate land agent without any coat what ever. It Is s, matter of common; goaslp that Odells- seoflts from these opera tions were over $100,000. Neither of the legislative committees made any report on the question -whether Odell shared "ttls profits with' L. B. -Oeer or anythtv member of the then state administration, --although this was &rtataly a matter demanding inquiry bit account of the persistent rumors that had been afloat for the two years. ' ' . . Attached V9 tno -report of the. lsst in 'Vestlgatlsg committee rs s' large nura ler of letters from applicant for base, 'addressed to 8tate ' Iand Agent Oeer, with his replies.' - Again and again he -informed these applicants that the -states supply of bsse was exhausted, and referred them to General Odell, who, lie aaJd, could furnish base. ' At times, earing: the absence of Odell, Oeer id . vised applicants of the terms upon which Odell would furnish base,- and received Exquisite Tliere a a dlfferance In Cut Alas. The article for merit and approval ha thit eteel blue color and hand rutting of proper depth. And we ar very particular tn have this kind.- far it Wut4sns the consols ecur anil . plaee the reripltnt. . t J li-n, aasln. rjr ntork la so com pute with ealuntve My leu and psttoms itt atfractlva prlren' that oa" cannt fall, to bs tempted -tf a purt'hsao.- "': - - . - A.'&CFdderifieimet. Cor. Third adWaehltg4o ''ts..' jswaisrstii. . srtTamgsnrsui, ' OITZCXAaTe. .'- u ; J Cut Glass s THE remlttanoos In pymt etherefor. The I-evldeoce of thaeloee business reletlous (between Oeer and Odell la ltr an un mistakable. ( " . r ,..- Apparently ths matter -Is again ta bo dropped, nd It U only a question of a little mora, time when all redress will by barrel 4 In affect, If not In Intention. the, legislature s Investigations hava bean little mor then wtiltewaah of transac tion eAitch hava esdlted grave scandal. cau'TT'lba state the lone o. many thou sands of dollars and thrown on the purchasers- of schoojkjanda a heavy and un necessary ouraen oi expense, k - j. 700 ARE-KILLED IN- if. STRFRT FlfiHTINfi ..'' , ....... . . i" - '--.,' r, . (Continued from Page Oris.) "li mothers'' homes with knouta., Hchoel boys foafrtit the poltce and Cossacks in defense of the .glr)s. - Three liundred were arrested.. -1 ; . .- - BailwaVs- converging at Wareaw are completely tied up today. ' The atrlkers havw .destroyed four .locomotives, j me strikers emashed the; wtndows of ' five factories tnis -morning ami jorceo ins men. to aUlt . work. A .company of. in- fkntry fired on. the strikers, r The resalCl is not known. t - - - ' The strike among tne , students ' is spreading ; throughout ' the provinces. Numerous conflicts between poiiqa.sna students are reported. , Nearly . all the schools .of Poland and several, hunttrkd children under If have been srrested.', ) A' SERGIUS' FUNERAL Osrmomy of Blessiag tks Body Oooars, -.r.-i.. . . . Vr "l. ' ' T,.l' Snur mrrJ Moscow. Feb. 13. The ceremony Of blessing .-the body of the Grand Duk 8erglus. waa performed this morning. The. Kiev regiment furnished the. guard at - the Chaudoff monastery .where the funeral services were. held. ..' Immense crowds thronged ths. streets, and troof-a, wer present sverywnera. -. t'-( y MMMTtCM AT , i ' (Joaraal Special Service.) " ' , London, Feb, SS. A memorial service for the Grand Duke Serglus was held today at the Russian church connected with the embassy. . in addition to tne embassy, representatives from King Ed ward. Ambassador Choate, and, other diplomats attended. . - . : ( -i ASKED AND GOT (Continued from Pa re One.) Items came under my bbservatlon and I told him what Mr, Kerry had said they were paid for and he affirmed this state ment of Mr. Berry's to me by sUtlng It wss true the money hsd been paid to Thomas, but that Thomas had since of fered to repay It and. that he, Wakefield, had declined to accept It. That after I had finished the expert lng, the above named items appeared in my report, - . '' - -. i I 'That t have - been engaged In ex- pertlng the books f banks and other large - enterprises for more than 12 years. ' MALCOLM MACAULEY." The affidavit msde bz.JJ3PrldS? follows: . ; , "J, J. B. Bridges, being sworn, ssy: That R. Wakefleld and I formed a part nership to build the drydock, which la now -used by the city of Portland. Thatr Mr, Berry-long the bookkeeper for Wakefleld and also keeping -the books of the 7ftm of . WeKenrteld A Bridges,- In Mr Wakefleli'a flce, -sader the direction. or sir. waaeneia, made ins following entries in- the books of Wake fleld at Bridges, relating to the drydock; towrt: . "March I, IMi, expenses, . J. B. B, "April 11,' 1M, sxpenses, R. W, I2S0. "That I saw the first of said 2te naid by Mr. Berry to Mr. Thomas, who wss st the time a member of the Port of- Portlandand this is bow I cams to aea it: . . "On the day it was paid, but before payment waa made.. Mr..- Berry, the bookkeeper above named, 'phoned to me at Vancouver, Wash., where I ' was at work on the drydock. and asked trie to come to vtho Portland office of Wake fleld early In the afternoon, as- Mr. Thomas wished' to see me here, and I went where requested, snd upon - my arrival first saw Mr. Berry, who said that - Mr. Thomas was in the private office nd wanted to get $2t0, and I anawered Mr. Berry by saying to him that we had no I ISO to pay Mr. Thomas or anyone else, snd naked Mr. Berry. 'What are -we going to" pay. this forr Mr. Berry 'did-'not; give me a definite answer to this .question, snd upon bis invitation, and in fact request, I went with him into the private office, where Mr. Thomas was sitting by a table. -: ."Upon aeelng Mr.. Thomas X ssld: .' -How do you do, Mr. Thomas T" and shook'bands with him. He at ones said: -" Mr. Bridges. I want I J 50. as I am pinched for money and wish to meet a note.' To this 1 anawered we bad no 1350 for Ulntrmetbat I had not received a dollar out of the drydock myself snd declined to agree that he should have any "sumTHr.rhom "persisted thsriie had to have the money and Mr. Berry went out presumably by ths previous di rection of Mr. wakeileid and returneo with what appeared to me to be a hand ful of 20 plecea -and I saw him hand theae 120 pieces to Mr,! Thomas. 1 then left the office. .'..If .. h ' 'T - ' Later Mr. Thomas spoke to me sgsin, saying he waa going i bock east and wanted t2f0 more to pay bis traveling expensea. To this request I said to Mr. Thomas there: ia no use coming to ejft)r,-wl not sanction paying you sny sum, of the d ot any money out .1 cannot see rwhat claim va. fmsinajnonev. and we bad a tew naGrqr4nf "After this l' heard TQtlMl hid been paid snotHer $260 by Mr. Wakefleld and subsequently saw 'Mr. 'Wakefleld and told htm that' it. was wrong for. htm to do so and that r would not atand' It Mr. Wakefleld rr-plietk-asylng wo would net1 have got osrJbls of : extras ' passed without first agreeing t(S psy Thomsa. this money'snd ths money was ' well spentcJVhen the. drydock was done I wsnted an accounting wltrrmy partner, and finally he and 1 employed an expert accountant to go over the' books thor oughly. , ' ;' :." "Mr. W. R. Msckensle wss selected ss this expert, snd through him ths books were exported by. Mr. Mjrauley. After 1h exporting woe finished, as Mr. Wakefield still delayed settling with me, 1 began legsl proceedings baaed 'on-the expert's report In this suit 1 bed not churged myself with sny of the S90 paid Mr. Thomas, as It waa all pid agatnae-my protest. Evidently kaowina this. MrV"TbomoB csms to me on he street and said he was sorry Mr. ((Wakefleld end I were having Ittlsatlon. nil thoa.Ki I Thomaai 'aould aeuie it. but dldn w want mo to bring the ISop Into the raseer.4 aald ha would -pay m 120 oyfhrlstmBS. U0. 1 told htm I would ot srriept sny of It Finslly he begged me so hard to keen the matter from Kln mmAm .uhlln Ikll I Vieldad MlM and tnld Mm to ees my. awysi anT that whatever my attorney .did, woujd be sfrt-Isfif-tory to me. . "Tr ' "Me hw my attorney and; Mads ar rangements with him. - k-- "J. B. BrUDGES." ; ; " .'; .-.' . ' - .;.,,. ' OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. rCHTLAKD, Thousands . i- -;r. by -our 'Drop os a postal, stating ypur lull particulars how to protect an estate ror yourseu. ' AGE .8 CENT3 a day saved each year will PROTECT you for f 1,000.00 and guarantee, you a GOOD INVEST WENT. V . " V .Wy without a Policy? '. v, . .Insure' v"' : OP NEW Write for particulars. Washington BLAIR T. SCOTT. General Manager. i ... . HARRY B. SCOTT Agency Director. , ' .. : 609, 610, 611. 612 "and 613 Charn, of Com. Bldg, Portland, Ore. ENGLAND AND RUSSIA BOTH GET CONCESSIONS i Russian's' . Firing on'? Trawlers r r Justified, But Qreat Brit- . :,:ain Also, Satisfied. v ; -A . V. . .- r. - ! r ' -tfearaal' Special Servtea,)-. '.' 'r. . . Paris, Feb. ,21. It is learned that the report of the Hull Inquiry commission In addition to Justifying the -action ef Admiral Rolestvensky in .firing on. the traw)elra aUo contains other paragraphs j which will satisfy England ano wnicn counterbsJances ths pro-Russian para graphs publlfbsd. . . "v-.' The commission gives no . opinion on ths question of Japanese torpedo boats in the North sea. Ths commissioners refer to ths Russian government engage ment to indemnify ths vf&tlms of .ths horrible accident. ' .' ' v. '' The report was sent today to Ans-R- starf and British governments. .Not be cause It is liable to modifications but because the commissioners do not wish the powers interested to learn the con clusions through the- pressV Tho principal author Is Admiral Svons paun, Austrian, but sll- the commission collaborated in drawing it up. , GUESTS ARE RESCUED FROM BLAZING HOTEL Reading Hostelry' Destroyed by Haines Electric Works Are Afire.; r, 1L ,4. (JooraaL Special Servlee.) Reading, Pa-. Keb.-M. Ths Hotel Penn. one of the largest In this city, toolf nre today. - Many guests were res cued by the heroic efforts Of the firs department. WUb the sxoeption of sev eral carried "but -unconscloua. air the guests and employes escaped unharmed. rb. hotel ,to jaJmost entirely destooysd,. The loss will reach $100,000.;, l.- CHADWICk HAS RESUMED . ' PRACTICE OF MEDICINE ..: ! ' 11 11 ' -: ' .-, (Jauraal Special Server aeveland. Fib. 21 Dt. Xroy 8. Chadwlck has -resumed the praefloo of medicine, making strenuous effotator recoup the fortune lost " through the manipulations ot his wire.-.. "- V-C y. , "AU "I want is work,"- bs said. "I have resumed practle and many old friends are coming biie, My daughter Mary is with my brother's family , In Jacksonville, Fla. ' She applied for' a position as governess Immediately on -larding in New York but did not get ths place. She did not want to return to Cleveland. There was a place for her with my brother. She Is engaged in making maps in a ' lumber company's ofnee. We both must now work," ., Ths doctor talked in- the library of his richly furnished home, sitting In a chair which bore a " ticket catalogue number ' la preparation ef the coming auction sals to satUfy ths creditors of his wife. Every article in tne room is ticketed or scaled by tie. govern ment "' !-". -' ' ft. KING EDWARD ORDERS : MOTOR TURBINE YACHT " v fleoraal aserial gerrlre.) ' London, reb. M. A report that King Edward has placed an - order for ' a r.ntnr tllrhln lBUPch lS being much discussed In society sna'yscnung circles. The new vessel, accoromg 10 re port, ia to be constructed on sltogether different lines to onythlng hitherto em ployed In the royal service, ana win at tain a high rats of speed, approaching 20 knots. Ths tonnsge of ths new craft It la stated, will be large enough to ai low of a magnificent suits of apartments for the use of the king snd his fsmlly. Hla'msiestv has placed the order with a' pHvats-iflrm of shipbuilders on hs Clvdhatlng decided to Ignore ths ad miral f designers on account of the dls tfpp'wntment experienced over the build ing -of the victoria ana wttoert. INDIANA BRIBERY IS V't 'PROBED BY LEGISLATURE i !' - . (JearafI ttpecial sVrTiee.) , indlsnaoolis. Ind. Feb. .22. Detec tlves sre probing the alleged legislative bribery story , told la the house yestsr day, snd are Still looking for; C. A. Baker. There is a persistent rumor that a letter hss beetr- found in Baker's room at tho Danison hotel referring to sn enclosed cheek for $5,000 to bs used st ths legislature. v REVOLUTIONISTS KILL V SERVIAN LANDLORD , L ' -tivarsal Hpeetsl gerrlee.i Ian landed proprietor.' who some time ago was aentence-d to die by Bulgarian revo lutionists, was today aassaainated. The deuth sentence Includes Petruaha's son. but ths latter escaped. - . . .'' nOaTTT-TaTJtn USCUStl. ' i-'" (Josraal Bfieetal.gerrlcs.1 " Blrmlnrhsm. Pen, 21. Up to o'clock this morning tt bodies of minors hsd' been taken from the Virginia mine. Seven Vmoro-corpses are In eight sad will bO'Uken out soon. . It will prob ably bo ths middle of next week before the work of pumping the mine is com pletcd, and mil the oodles recovered. TiiunsDAY- .benefited policy. .cv?v ' , age and we will mail vou ; your family and build up - ". -r -- v r 25 with YORK.? " -v.. OPEN DRAW NUISANCE WILL SOON BE ABATED (Continued from Page One.) ter it will be for v aU - Interest In volved." -r. i - i.-- . . ' Mr. Newbegin submits copy of ths Chicago drawbridge ordinance, in which It la shown that tat elty- council, through a harbormaater, has entire con trol of river traffic through the Chi cago river and its branches, by virtu of the stats law of Illinois. Regula tions 4s to the. time of keeping ths bridges closed differ to suit, ths con venience ef various classes of people who go and com from their work at slightly different hours. To period of tlms diylng which some of r the bridges ar kept closed is ons hour in ths morning and ons hour la ths even ing.' .. v Olsoed Sot Xewrs ia Olcogw. . : All bridges across the main river and Its branches, as far south as Twelfth street and north to Klnxle street sre kept closed from t to 7 o'clock a. m, and from $ to I p. m. Portland, people ask only that the - Willamette river drawbridgeb be closed ons . hour morn ing and evening. Ths East Portland Improvement asso ciation haa again taken up the fight for closed ' drawbridges, and will hold a meeting Jfrtday evening at 7:20 o'clock, at ths court of justice geton, corner of Grand . avenue . and Morrison streets, when It will appoint a committee to call on Judge Webster and lay ths case of the East Portland public before hint. - There Is -nothing In these arguments they are putting forth to th effect that the boat trade will bo damaged by the closing of ths drawbridges sn hour morning . and evening," said Jqseph BuchteL - chairmen of the bridge com mittee of that ' orranlzation. "I have read in' tho accounts that were printed of the river men's meeting, that Mayor Williams . opened with ths - statement that he. waa very poorly Informed on tho question, and could not offer, any Views, that - would be of value In. ths matter. ' If ths . mayor had Just , sst down then and there, . lis would "have been all ' right "... Tho i- proposition ha sftfinrard artvannTd ti fini Iht dram bridges for every boat that whistles for th .draw at all hours, would not afford the relief desired by ths public I can hot see ttlaf such a plan would bo materially different from th one now practiced. ,..'., . ;':.,', 4 -'. , ! Sfew loloj f Boata. A. B. Oraham and Herbert Holmen: acting as a oommltto for the steamboat and mill men, have issued the following instructions lor the guidanos or eaptalna and pilots on freight and ' passenger steamers relative to . th bridge draw question. The rules will bo submlttsd this afternoon Tor ths approval of Judge Webster snd others who ar Interested in the matter: - - y ' -"rirst--Weathef and water conditions favorable, avoid signaling for draw until vessel Is in posluort to pass through. If for any causs you sre de layed after signal has. .been given, 're verse signal, thus Informing bridge- lender to cloe th draw. .-, . Second When steamers - or vessels have passed through ths draw, ; snd an approaching vessel would cause unnec essary delay. . do not .signal, but . wait until accumulated - bridge traffic has passed, as draws will not remain open longer than flvs minutes at ons tlms, "ThirdRemember at all times to svold unnecessary delays, as ths rights of others must bo considered and re spected," ' -T- i . .; ' - ; -V- CO-ED RIOTERS ARE : ROUTED BY KISSES (Continued from Pag One.) lng for th spring track; events took the scrimmage gamely. ;'.' "Kiss every girl of 'em;-klss 'em alL" was the bsUls cry that went np. At first the girts struggled violently. but the horrid men: were Inspired by su- n..)im.. rfnrta ' . .. T .- "Let the mean things nsve tneir own wsy, then," csms ' the rormsl capitals tlon from the leader of the Insurgents FOUR THOUSAND ARE V . ; r DIGGING UPON CANAL f ' - . '.a i,F" . .. ( . ! . j : ' ' (Joorul' Uperisl errlee.) . -r'. i New Tork, reb. 23. Barclay Parson snd .Prof. W. H, Burr, members of ths Panama ranal commission, arriwd today from Colon and reported . work on the camel' mora advanced- in-construction than was anticipated. Four thousand laborers ar now at Work, and 1,000 more were engaged. r 'For sieetBS 1 tLt arest rmhtewtthsjiytbtaiaet fad a.S all ktnda e saMietaas. Mr tonca kat all llr i DHia ar.ajir aa mi aa sraaa. air iwai bbvtbb Ureas s dm ev. Twe imki as a frUae r.eovwadH mSarur a.laathaai Ia wllllnalraa c n ... i a 1 17 wmig tuc tnj .mntir nw mm. .D.rarfvra m yum .now n t .nan inviiaiaiaa fthaai ma hit am aaff.rtaa fro ai aacB tromaln. ' Caes. H. Halsera, U4 S. Its B4. New lera. M. X. '.tV-"- bastfe - i' ThaBowstat: 4 MNOwcAmurno 'PI , fmlBWWs, PcHsbS Tee awaje eeg Wvmt Sirkaa. n wS.a ar Grip., aw, w, fas. arw an) S la balk. Tl smalae tahlM auatsesTeOQ teasel yo sar baafc. 7 . ' Sternog Resaedy Co., Cblesg ef N.T. sol REATII v mt m Evr:.u:a, , February mm ex FRIDAY AND SATURDAY WILL BE THE LAST TWO DAYS, OF OUR GREAT REDUCTION SALE. AFTER WHICH TtiE WILL DISCONTINUE THE BARGAINS NOW OFFERED. . " YOU REALLY SHOULD NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY fTO BUY, FOR PRESENT AS WELL AS FOR FU- ' TURE'NEEPS'-AT. v i. ' f ;';.. " :i-v-.V-' - 'T". - ,-y,,.'. r' THESE ARE A FEW YOU HUNDREDS OF : v ' v . i '.- ' ..... v .': . FOR LIEN r $12 ancl $is Suits and Overcoats ?8.e5 . $18 and $20 Suits and Over-- ': ( "' 1 . coats . ...... ... .:. ' .'. . 913.C5 v $3 and $4 .Troufrs.... .... C2.35.' ; $5 and $6 Trousers. .U. v34M f V $2.00 Hats ....;.gl.35 : f $3.00 Hats t ."i rf.e . '. . m 2.35 -. i $4.90. Shoes ....... iJa.U.fV. 825 . $2.50 Shoes .?l-5 $1.25 Underwear. .75s-; ; $1.00 Shirts ir.....;..C5dj ', 75c Shirts '......'. 60c Shirts v;SO 166 end 160 Third Street, Ntxr Morrison J :'t; :rv. if: Headquarters for , Elastic'; Stockings ''innd.fx.'.. t Trusses LAUE-DAVIS DRUO CO. Third sad Yamhill Stsv . POISOH MEN PAST 60, SAV5 .DK. OSLtK ,.' "';'..( ';. . I '.l; ';H,'.''.'', 'l.'.. (Continued frota Pag Ona) ness of men sbovs 9 years of age and th Invaluable benefit it would be , to commercial, political .and professional life if asi, matter of course.-men stopped work at this age." Continuing he said It might o a gooa plan -to, i chlsfoform men arter . pass- ln. SA . ' '. '" ..-- ' Er. Osier himself Is B years of age and according to his own theory Is within four years or tne .time voir ns Should OS oniorotorsaeo. -:: HANDSOME GIFT FOR WARSHIP WASHINGTON . , Uenraal Speelal Serrlee.) ' blympla. Wash- Feb. II. Th stat of Washington wUl present to the new battleship Washington a handsome and annranriate gift When th ship takes to "tho water March 9vt th shipbuilding m.TAn tn PonnectJcut. A committee or win bs rammed today by the leglala turs to sectrr the gift and so that It is a suitable sum will b sp- prbpriatedTto-pay-th cost of tho-glft ariA tit. .vnenae or xne nimmuw. htm st.rt wtlBon. daughter of ex Benator John t. Wilson, will represent th. atate st th Hunching, and to her Heiisyour . For the remsindcr of this week irid sJJf next we sit going to rnake It ppssible for every famflsrtn Poland who has not one. to own nuchine.' We are making an" extraordinary? special of this ..'r-A-i- "C. & Oevmrwi sens the ramoost sVdipeo SlO aowm,- SLOP a week. Xs : -. .1 ""'1 'x ' ' ' ' ' ' SMaaw 1 11 - UVW 'V. UUU, ti.L .Sy. ' vMSW' 173-iWFif8tSt ... - OF THE MANX GOOD THINGS. WEXL SHOW " OTHERWHEN YOU COME. . . ' ,. 'i .. . FOR DOYS ' $5.00 Suits . . . . . . . f . i. 5435 j f; -V ' $6.00 Overcoats ' fr.i ?3.45 X' 'i 't$1.00' Knee. ots'e.s.LVi'.C.f.TO ' .' J5: Knee PantaV . i; V. . ji ;.89(tZ, 'j:':. -X 50c ; Knee Pants . ..r.m.iid v $1.2 5 Sweaters ". .'....'.U.. ,85i !;:!, V;r , 75c-Sweaters' ..... . . ,4"il.V ..'45d v ''v- $2.00 Shoes ........... ; i-. .'9145 $1.75 Shoes ... ............. if 1.15 : . - - - 60c Golf Caps ........ ,.. . . . . . .35 ; 25c School Caps 25c Ironclad COME-IF ONLY TO LOOli: , ; w j.vt :.;,v I ..''.s,'.v ; v:-;'r -,? ,Uy.,sK ;. ;; TTJT TT : 1T. ' TT vRv T V itXUAtlX OVrTFITTSIlS TO MtN AND EOYS - The Man' v vm: Is Foolish' lxx-.: . . ' v v.t.. ;v.r Wno tries to' mix his owwplnt our paint la thoroughly mixed by machin ery. of pur material, and Is sold at ', cheap as yon can mix It yourself; Try --oar1 Bay Bta to mixed-paints theyar very coa vwtlent, X. ? ! r 7( ' X, V , ' Fisher. T(i6rsen& Co. no sure OBSOSOSf STS. w Teeth Free AH This WccR BostonPclr.lcDentltcV Are cutting prices again, -anil now Is the chance of a lifetime to have your dental work don by these world-rs- nownad spoclallsts, at low pneea. , AU This Weiek Frt K Kxtractins ' Examinations Silver rulings ....':.. .5d , Gold minga.. . ..'. . . . T5 . and. 9X.OO MOO and I18.C Oolo - mm -Crowns ....... ....$3.00 $5.00 tll.00 and IJ0.00 ets of . Teeth S)3.00 to flO.OO .-Com 'In at one and US advanUg of. low rates. All work guaranteed for 10 years, and don by our painless sysT tern, kneys, and used only by. Boston PalnUss Dentist a awl). aTfimnKsT STSflnrT, ' am. amoteo Si Sraak aad OU TosSofmoO. HoursI-.IO a. tn. to p. m. Sunday,! t.V) a. m. to ll:o, p. m.,- ... ..1 Bs snr yea as ia th rigkt plao. will be iivennnshondr"6f nam1tisrth vessel. v ... .,'. ... - V ;. fit Is a. sesy ta aae rise's Oar, for m eesgb. an be nimee ana rami. C.V SEWING MACHINE Tl IS .'. ; . . . . . ....... 15 Hose. ........... 1 this talk aoout aaving rmm iou to S20 sn a piano, and the expenae som salers incur in advlalng ths public of lu ; You Cats' Buy Yixxx v Piano From Us Less v.: ; ' All Unnecessary Expenses , Besides having the largest assortment nf hlrh.erada nianoa in the eltv to select from. We challenge, comparison of orloes Quality of goods considered and Invite the close Inspection of . th purchsslng public. . -, , ' -. Scule Bros; Piano . Co. m Md VI Koanrlsom Co. W, vrk. Every about thawoDdaifnt MAKVCL Wbirtiso Spray B new vasMai artMk J aa sw uraminu 11 b eaiftKit snaiiir lbs 1 ISIkL. aenDt as mhr, kulaMia auas tor flliutr.ud book MM. ItStres .nil n.nii.1.1, mmA rffMllrtna tn. nloablatolaataa. .W ARVaAiOSX. ares swag. asw see-s. I i Down i ' ' $1. Per Week ibrop head, strongly eoastrastsd, . aa!aiy pollaaod, fomr drawers, war. taatod for 19 years la fast, an ta f aew improvements aad a fall gu er as tee. - ."i ;;. '. ',' r. - '. : 7" AU standard ! make xf ' - WltOUl - . S3 -00 down and 91.00 a we. , T Hi Over -n-tcAWwuv m - Wa. v --- -aaasSBwai fc. J I ea $1 V- .-.;.'-:f k - a J ' I' '.5.