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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1905)
l&CJ. ties. c-zcc:i daily journal poutlaijd. 1 Saturday evening. , febhuarv-11; cm oncn. t ,. m"UI W IKOYCCZT 0 .58X1 -- - w ' . - THITT-Xiaxn' (TITTY . - , XXZI., ., ' I . . '. Nleo k befVl,f (Irca that Ue Coaectl af JrT. .rf "-kBd. tn-egen. at a meeting w vWH o lb. l.t ate; of . coruarr, ipuS, de. " Be.nnicBt, hy ordinance No. I4.4M. -lL. u'""1 -at Thb-tr-elghth " n- tha Booth Hna ef Kim Line road ' TV 149 feurlk llM and A . V ail A a w anapaer prevlrfed hi untune. Ke. U H1 iK."'" Vrt wf kt awl parcel of land .- which aro ejrU4y aad pecnlmrly beaafrled. S,D, TM,' ADDITION ta Portland. 7. Title Guarantee f -' Oanipaari II1XIT; lot 8, Tit la paar, $.: Int IK, mm UoarptaA TVaat 1 lj-.,Til.rjuK VluaJ JJjiaraalaa A Truat loa.paay- M, fet i, vuruutw atk Tra at '- - w m I IV '"' mt 1U, Title Ouaraataa Truat Tltl. Uaaraataa trTrZthZimZr kS f. Tltla UnaraalM a fta w ll0j W IX. Tltla trTirteaT- raatVMBDaiur. lui. Ill Jl: Vi Vui. l!..irT Idl, . i m aa iriiai voaaaavr. - n a, 'S2L- 11- "..i;"-. Tltl. 0-ar." Trt7Ci'r7r T.? l.Tt j!J TltW, Oaaraataa Truat H. Tltla Oaaraitei aa tl . : Campaar. .!.. LOCK ,70,. lot Tlth. tiuaraotaa Trwt Coatpaar. lot . fe!ll!vTrrt2, Tr?.wW": eompaiir: T1. . . T Mry O'Uat; ar Km AX li I r T . 'dw.wu: jnc T. T. oVtn, fllO.M. BLOCK I. tot 1. Mary r. Hurley, llOv.t; lot t. Mary ' . . iK:Ka 'i-ia.1 f.! a'ulfT'tt thaVtpranSat "of Oulld r aTT-T-'. r - - - araar tAfadWtOr' Rarlay. tJn.hflt - ild.TSi lot T. ATM - f W i At K j . J. ootf. 8.0iriot ui.aa in a. aiuia pnwon A(1H HaAaoa. PMI.1. MM. . BLOCK w. jumaon. - l:4'? Ti Walter Webeter.. M.1 1!T. "r'- I VOCK , W 1, Uoa Borlea. uo.MI lot t. Ceraiaa. awiaa, av.uaj anamoaa 14 aahatUa Itaal EaUta Compaay. ti. lot a. A' mm. oiTioea itwt t. aiarjbattaa seal . EHata Caapaay. Mded: andlrMed H lot a. C. OoaUe Ttnerv. . mAviAA u kt I v" -aiaerrri ana.ft eoaaj. . auieaieaf at aioreaaia aMaaaam ta (Be Docket . of city and la aaw dna aad payable at tha affloa ( 'J'y. xreaaarar. IB . uwrul awaey af towfal psoaey ot tha ui uU wlM.4- an Vanaa IeL .no- ir not aaa iraat tna aata at tbu nouce aura are : ceedlaee artll be takea for the eolleetioa of !J T.",a U 'ro7 tba charter it the City of PerHaaaV fur. .rt-r hTaTtuMlr.tin. . .htaTSti. . " , THOfiT3.l!Vo5r I Th .bora a . THoa. a d . Atar af tha Cltr of ParUaad, PertUad. Oregon, rebraary i. 1S0S. nopoixo nfBOTEMZliT ' Pt , BXATZX aTKXXT. 'v - - w at... .e aa. - - - I ir - ' " " . .. T TTTill . a - - r .-. i r ' I . 7". .i. . .. . - ' ' I aauiiau. iw ua ajsnncu a ins dry et Iartl.naL Oreeon. duaae aa iiedkM eiul mm. t H anadl ta Improve bbarer a treat frora tba waat I Una at MlaaiaalDnl aeai ane to eeet lias I ' Maryland ranue, is the febewlnf niaaaar, to wn j full tntereearwT mbaa. 2 n i M ... . a .. i ... . i aaca with wea WKn i.e utr anaiaam a aiana. anacixkoa tlena and aallm.tea. 7 Tblrd Br aeaatrarttaa? waodaa carb la ( eerd.nca with tha City tsgtaaar'a plana, enact. wra none ana eeuaniiea. roarte Hr laying croaawalka la Bccerdenca S..rrl . ... I , U':Z.LJr::ll7 A:rZ.rZr,";-1 -.""T"" w,. mymtrnw-w m trtmmm, i apecincatirma ana astiautaa. . 1 KUtb-By bringing tba enrfaea af tba atraat fall wMth. wlthtuir haaauaa t ta. t.k. I llabed .r.A. " I A ta ..,,,1.!). I J,? thcitl 1 LL?r..J I Bald lWDreremetit ta ba w,i, tee eaaner arm eraioaocee 01 ua wiy niannaiaal mt Tn n r - - - "T" :''- 1 -v-",.t",r" JT." I Vy y T . JSngtarer'i plana aad spaclfleaUoaa for the Im- nroeei ement af Baarer atraat from tba waat Una rf Mlaalaalppl aeesns to tba aaat Una ot Mi irf tha awb m . waa araava, ana ua aaimi.iea ba dona anaT the probabU total oast tbaraof.t TBe coat at eeld Imnenvemen. tn he - - -a provided by tha city charter apoa rr apoa tba prop- rriT aprciauy ana peruiiuir CM aad Wblch la hereby declared ta 'fAVbf.lh- llKJkAa athmwaaW lllmPi4 W -. IfM f Ua T 9 eveana. . . , . 1 cJl r' J''J.nt.S 11 fSS T2e I b. improvement -.l;b cl.- u a travel Improvement, an ah. I lb. maintained, bv Tee - a-iiMiaie iif ene a jeafela lalal I ,Z' "J ZZU mZZZ iJ tha city for a parled ad taw mere, provided; ZZZ.7J iHlZi iJl-.r..X LtfitoreV LZm Zl 1 relrerja S wra tba xalrattoa af e tea af tha City' Bngfneiy, filed AT tba afflea MuafTlahaaaT arr enS" W of tba Aadltor of the City af Portland aa I a7 lrt. ,h?J tb rttay f Jeaaarrr IW. Indoraedi - "Cltrl L!?-.!;. " "" hM.. hi.u - - " . a. loeei uomot. ... r i - pertioa I .error snau sat pen t ...... different ImprsTsmasd bAr mir. rcrioa. . .. L " ' S. .tri-Tir. bJlke teSSif" ' . IZLZSrt!! .VT6.?" - w rXtirt. dreci : . - r ... r : . I l.r he filed le.mrltlna with the nejaerelTeed I Br erdrr i th. iVecT I UI1B BBTa irw . - . - r - Asdlttw rs infina .ft an. naiato a warn rerri.aa. oresos. Mta or rmt pabuoauaa, I , rebraary d. 1H. .1 :,w.. ene.Jr,. e,- a.. a. i - w vatwe vi veeare w eavvaa I "-- XIX AVVB. , . I rJotlea Is asreby given Uat at the meeting , af tba Coanell af tba City of Portland, Oregon; held aa the let day sf Pebmsry. 11K. Ut J. towing reeolntloa was adopted: V-4- Beaolvwd. That the Coondl of the City of -1 Portland. ftNgm, geema It expedient to oito to . . Il.h the areda en Hurheal aeenea et a mine I ,-;paa haadred (100) feet aortb of tba aortb I nuaorea bbo, riny iioui, tea. anata at tna eoata i line af aaat fine street, and deem It expedient I ro rhaage tba grade oa Baebtel avatma at Its! Intersection with East Plan atraat and that It a tha Intentloa of said City Coanell to aa. I lahllab tba grade at said point ooa handred I iioor reel aorta or tna nerin una or aaat nnai . street at one hnadred aad - sevnry-oo " and ..eifui taauia ten boots ins aaas ot etty , - graoea. ana -tnat it m tas intention ok tng city -Connrll to satanllek tha gride at aald point r one sunQTra xiir ieex eonin or TBS " anntb Una of East Pise street at one bnndred flftmliie and fourteen hnndredtbe.. fiaa.ldi I feat above the bene of City gradee. and thai I it ia me mTeniKm or tne v 17 ivanrii re ch.nga tha grade at tba latereectlon of Beat line street and Bnrhtel .venae from one bnailred eerenty and eight tenth. IITO SI feet it H tna intentloa or the city osanen . to abora tba baae-of city gradee to aaa bnndred .veatr-ene and fire tenths ( feat abora I 1 ilC-J. ' . "T":;- i"5.alS" Vl- '" "a IPW ant m tl-7WU nilTI.-yq TO fITf I aiwir. wi. 1,1 h ria eeaeree . . v teaaon.tT.rtcs ayi grade mar be Hied eignea within 10 nr. pakiic.tlon Rv dee S k CVmir-I THOU. d. ftrt. " - . u Andltor sf the Cltr of Port land. ' Portlaad. Oreroa. ., Data of tint pnbUeatloa, Pebrnary 4. IK.. . . , . ., -V-, PBOMfyra nrpaoTrwrifT or win KAJJT ,, or bar TKimrr-tEooiio TBxrr. Notice la hereby glrew. that at the meetle ! m.aee iviKu ot me unr or roruuta, vragoo. held on tba let day af rcbrnary, UMtv Ua na BiiiiiH 1 iee waa aoopteai .1 1 ivedLTbat tba Oonacll of tba City sf I r art land, Oregoo, deeme It expedient out par-m w"" v vrmj, ABB El anaaa n iianrMa ra. mmmmrn aaa. a i m. i 1 1 1st I afl bsl I etwno atreet trma taa easier line .at a Morrlaoa htreot to a antnt lno feet aaarth tha aortb Una of Kaat learriaoa afreet, ia tea niiewinsmanaar. xo-wlli " rirat By grading tba atreet ta the ,Pf" I ' graas aa siiswa y tag . aUkes pat ay tas 1 vtr eviigincer, Indorsed: I Thrrtyareond atreet from the tenter Has af I r.aat hlaa 1 1 aim atreet to a nni.t taa Tee enrth 1 of Iks north Unsjrf Kaat MorHaos street, sad tha eettmatea af tba wnrb to ba dune pad tha Vrehable total reet thercrf." The coat of said Improvement to ba isiml ta provided by ths cltr charter Bona the nroo- spemally and pemllarly benefited therrbTl, rhlch berebr darlareA to he e the . lota, parte thereof had parcela of Aad tyl beft.B the weet Una of E.ef Thirty .arae, "a I H Street dad a Una 100 feet aet tbtfaef ga nnst in. saovs rnaage or I 1 aa 711 ut i Vwii.. ni "S..n"" la wrlMwltb tba a mler-1 . f JnWVi-?.w.7terl .'Tj 1 ,1 ev or an i, meiaew r.iton aetata, it aire of. amu-Bi laying ereeewalka. . aitar). ornitb t, of lot 14. C. W. Pmnd .?.k'M "T "V "HiatrairtiivKe weodea Idewalba n 4ft; tot J, Joha 1. Kleffer, 2t.W . 1?, "7. "rt"- " BIXKCs Id. Kt f, Oeorgs W, F.tee. $24.A: - BBla Imprdramaat ta be pjadat N scenrdsnes tot 4, Nellla C.ta Batten. 24 A tot d J'U'! rbar" Md ordiaanees of lbs City Annie Nalamt, 24 ! Wit I. Annie N.leen PBtlland and the plane, apedflcetieaa and 24.Mlv tot 10, Bchonl Matrlrt No. I. J4.nn eetlmates of Us tttec Enelnaer. filed In the lot IS avhanl tIMtrlct N. 1 I'M a: TZT afftoa sf tha Aadltor of tha dtp of Portland I ' ficbnnl Dt.trlet .No. 1. IM.Mi tot' tai CITY VQTXCn pare nrt therewith, ul Mtm ths aortb In kerrken etreet and ut Um 1M ( aorta thereof Bad MmDri ihml.k Tu hualneer oat l male of the prebabk total vt for the loiprovemeet ot said weet halt af Thlrty-eeaood etreet U $122.00. The plans, apwlflrattoaa aad HUnttM of tha I ty Engineer r. tba Improvement of oald weet I b.lf Bart TBlrty-oecosd street -ars hereby I Aral standi . Meeulvsd. Tbst. tha Aadltor of tha City of Portland ka Bad ba la hereby directed ta give I Bttoo of the profwsed Improv.mrnt of aaM I etoaiuiiefra.jeeo are I net tka a bora Uxp aaar Qled la wrltln wttk tha nleralaae4 rltbta Bn dmrm froa tha UM af tha lint h Ucaltaa af tbla aatlsa. , Br frtar af tha Ooajaefl. ' T ... IHa. C. OTtTUW, AWIItot, af tha Cttr af Pnrt!aa4. rtlaaA doa, Oat a( flm pabUcaclaau rtbnuLrxaiA : ' i . - - ncraoTzxxirr or .. fivao mm, ' I" "J" 1 ' . r'm- "T foUuarlaat rmlutlaa araa aaVaatrd -JT- ' MCogj1 tba Ctt af eortlaa. Oraaoa. ll TpeU!nt aut "'paaaa ta laiprava 6uil atraat tram- tba Uaa af Vaoaha atr- to Ua followln Baa- Frai-iharitrT b tba CM7 ta- BecoaJ ' By eaaali aetln ttaf artlflelat ttaaa tMa. rlth'tha Cttr rarlnaar "? !5-r?3?"- I ..2?ir,?'.rv1,'ellf 'J.V'V -?f 1 lI.TI. " aaaa wiui i ry,.; Si"!S.,,SA W '! I ofOca f tba Aadifc of Ua Clt ot Portland pectftcaUoaa for atraat froaa tba atreot ta' tba aMth tha aaumataa of tha probable total Tha root af aald Imarerametit ta ha - a provided by tha etty charter apoa tha prop v apaciau. jh paoaiiariT aaaaatea tnareDi r tT 4 which la hereby declared la ha all the taereor ana parcel, of land lying 10 feet vaat af arttk the waat Una B( OnlM mtrmmt -n. a aaa annuel lth Una 104 feat eat aaat af and parallel with tha. f Guild etreet and between the north Una of line of Tharaiaa atraat and tbaaoatbjlaa vanaha atraat. . Turn Eaaineer'a aanmate af r tba Brshahl. total coat rr tha ImproraaMat af Mid Ouild aireet la fi,trau.v), The a bar a Improremeaf la to be rl.aj.l aa a ajacada'ia ImDroTemeat and ab.ll ha main. Lined by toe city for a period af tb yeara, proTided that tha awnera of a aw)orlty of the property benefited by aald taiproTenMnt, at an aortlon thereof, ahall not netltioa far a an or dlffareat Impraraaiaat before tba ax plr.tloa of each period. The plena, apeclheatioaa ad'aaUawtaa af tba City Knainaar 'tor tha lBaproreawBt at amid t fch' adopted. "orl bt theAadltor of the City of Portland be and ba la bareby directed o atre notice af ' tba arenaaad Imorareinont of aald atrert aa sroelded by tba city charter. Beatenerraaeea are i net tae asaea lmuretaimant ay ba Bled ta writing with tba andnralgaad wlthla 10 days from the data af tba Brat nahlleatlnn of tBM notice. ipucaooa n o. nonce. By order of tha OonnrlL TM(K rl naTT.itt . . Aaaitar or tha Cltr e Fartiaao. Peaejlend. flreenn. ' Ikate dre emKllAatlnai ilcir'V'Tiui " ' ' r ' aew. -,..-,. awvarvauaja aeu-wTaALax r- w MM 4 X00BD BTUXT. Roua nr aerene aiven uu er a. ff ccU a' rHwtUal. OreioaT wrwiTew. m umw imw UIUBCU OK MO Vliy d Portland. Oregon, deem, it expedient and par pcaaa to Impraed Twee ty second etreet fyon. u aorta una or waahlngtoa street ta tba eoath Una of- Job nana atraat. br brlnaina tba .hir. -7, r. i . j wooden eroeswalks nix feat In width. Bald impraeemast to ba mads la aeoardaaca tk -4.. ee aiut ak. ra. I " ..1 SS-Ti til cTt J 1ZZ12 !IT "i? lt City, fcnaloeer. filed In tha etflce ? . Ml tor or tha city of Portland oa tba - day a! Jannajry, lt4, In dor aad l "City I -Bglnaar'a-planaaa apariaeatlona for tba ImV pro 't meet o Twenty neeoad .traet fraaa thai norU line of W.ahlnaten a traet ta the aonth Ilea, af - Jabnaim atreet and tna aatlmaten -t the probabla taUi Tha aaat at" nl ojpccranjea t ta ba taada as provided by us rA w J.a-e mmi Ua Vr?- !flny . aad peculiarly baaetted STwi. i-Zk. ,ZJT?IaZZ aU . T . land pVrJui with the between a Una 100 feet weet of and tna west line - or Tweni TwntT daMttbfl MO fMt Mdd f d.4 MMliAtl lln ( Twtar-Mcond stnet aMBSAAaUWtgdb-.dI Tba abora tmproeamaat is to be clamed pa 'a Macadam Imnre-ateaant eh.ll k. vwT.T.T-a . . . " . hy ?. V for a partod ef three yeara. provided ' tiM Ity f or a certodTf Jr''u ppiX? SJwanak toffSJ u. majority af Ua property nrovement or any portion Uoa for a aew er different . "r "x . T"1 Po. .periScatlon andveetlm.rea ef S ot b-nloecr for tha Improvement of Iwenty-eeoood atreet are hereby , adopted Rmolved, Tb.t Us Andltor of tha Clt City of Portland an end he la hereby directed to aive I improveaient at said la altv charter. - tr " provided by tha BemoeeUTiBCc. sgalaat rdTv iKvs aces sgalaat tha above improve- the jar ernes aa ana ueancii. - -. - - . J. ' -T.0,ll.0, P?Tl,,.' am a a . aa , raiauniy i. mar Or XA1T . cjvaz hur ai uaioa atebttx. Jtorlce Is baraby given that at tba nteettng ?-.?" , ?f IV 1 1. r(r. gon, nein on vaa et ajar wa reoruary, . 190a. tba followlag reaslntioa was adopted: ' k.70JlJ"UAJSc!i " ntr ? f"''"?' .Ptf' f 'f. .T?i,B . dad I lriaas to sbanga tba ,grde of the Inter. "T.?". -a uL . i luX!m " IS?0!!?. J'S Si.? Cw' trt 5 W. faet abort tag bM af city grades. . "rnlI?--Tbi,v0? '! "5 - f T il-i ... .V. w J". " "w " ea ere - "T. Bemonatranora against the above chene e grade may hs died Is writing with tba aader- aurnea witnia su save rrom ua aata at tna. . .1. r'J'i. . r .-r mi na ' r aw r. ' iiJa. u aa.ra.iia. Portland frea Pate of int publlcatle rebraary a. iua. I0B IKWIB Of KJJfMEBOTA ' ATXWTB. - NaMea la berehr el v. a that the rw,ti 1 ,v rw . r M0. w,,Jr,.rjw tf- tZLVSS. Von? J?""! l.rt.hJrn'nl mjiuir7i,it0i ?u,,r It VT!?, ' 5 r?A""5 14 , for th.on.k H SLrrM' ; a t the .cth line of Preeeott street to nremSel'WVd". "SoT'ld .S. ."I Int. tot aad narce af tond -hik Z7.'.. akatrtsallmalat KeaaamdldT A T a. " . ... -. I1T.1B: tot n. M. B. Thnmoaae a. 1T.1A tot p. M. B. Thomneon. IT.15j tot T. M. ana w wm m Tbomnaoa. BIT.IS: tot P. if. M. iSiowm.. flT.lo; tot ll, M-i E. Tbompeon. lT.ftrint I. M. E. TbompaSn. ilT.15: tot 15.. V. It Thomneon, 917.10. BLOCK IT, tot 1, Ju.ttee rrieaienoer,, ei e, Emmt Rtsss. 1T.11 tot P. John Beekerraai. JIT.I5: tot T. ,-iy int p, Haas Kork. IT.iB; At ' 11. Imclls- Har-rVl.nd l7?16i rt IS. M. Frictaon. HT.lf 1 tot IS inhl n... siner, r.ia. nwn t a. e x. j. , Hcott. let a. nena t ares, e24.eS:- tot . J.mee Borrtiwlck, 124 KS . 124 KS: tot d. Peter r riewerx, ee-i mr vuii. m rl. tTerar. 14 an; At 12. p. Wtobnach. f J4.aa. BIXJCK 9. tot t, Andrew H. Olcv. I24 Mt ikt 4, CslherlBs l. Oleey, 24.j ' t ' tt J. B. McAniley, 24.M; Ut . J.'l yl Ptewart, 124. 93; tot 10, William ft. Crerar. AOlieT, W'Ht ei jo. ri.msri r. pmw, I'M.eo: tot is. nana Poet. SM.WI: north aMk-i iiiatrlet No. 1. 124 n. Total, aasl ia . .1 w 1 ' 1 T rtia a r k'k n v. 1 r.-i m .. . .. . 1 ' 117 ta. nun a n. unr 1. mi .. . . .pacifications tori A statement of a force. Id . bat at half ef aa raced In the lanekeft fli . ti... and bt now dna and Payable tt the nfflce of 1,. r-11. rv..-nr 1. .et . : Lnllad tatea, and If not paid wlthla 30 days from the data af Ibis notice awh pro. ceedlligs will ba taken for tba collection ef tha a. ma aa are provided by tba charter af the litr af . The snore aeeeenment will bear Inrereat In fart (fter the aret paMlcatlsa of thla notice. I riun. V. 1ITUN, '"" Aadltot of tha City of Portlaad. PartUid, Oregon, reeraary I, ipos. . C7TT voncU. -uzmmrt fob ncrtorzxxxT or cox- .' "t ' "TI llalll. '-r7 r t. Notice U hereby (Wea that tha Ceandl of tha City of r-urtUad, Ureioa, at - a Bectlu held en. tha let day f rraruary, IPOS, declared tba aeoreeaarnt by- eMtoaBra No. 14.4M. for the baproYeuMUit , of ( orbtt atrert. froaa "tha auuthweeterlir Hue af Hood atreetto tba north Una of Heynnur arcane. In tha Bwaner pro rtded by .orolnaoca No. lS.eU. apoa each Wl. part af k and parrel of , land whta- are apecUlly and twcaUarly benedteO, U be fcl kiata. li; . , CAKfTHBUr ADDITION T CABUTHair ad BUKK d, B. H. fl feet " , m m. aaa euaak Mate- ajwi.ei , "V at t i. w. ana M. neott, aa.Ol; Jet i T. ttVftaritb, 11,0: lot , Vwl .V- Parrtah, . UT M; lot i hire. Mataeb. IlPi T4; lot t,oha N. bl.tecb U7 (at : int , Ir.nk PoUrfca. II4T.W; ! i ,0"5 Potlrka. 1T0 . BLOCK dfi, bt 1, A. 0. rlamnoad. 170.T; lot J, A. ... U. Haauaond, lh.X(; lot a. DUdaana and Julia U Hammond. ((0.6fl: lot a. IH.danna aad J nil. L. li.mmoad, W.M. BLOCK 44. lot 1, John BpUaaaberacr, fM.SZ; Wt t - Joba Bpltnaaberyer,; lot S. Job. it ".. ; lot 4. Catbarlna K. Therkcbwn, lt 01. - - CABl;TUlia AOUITIOII ta the City at Port , !?'' lM by tha Booth Portland - - Battta aaaaclatloa BLOCK 105. aaat 1U0 t af lot a. Orepm H.llroad A' K.Tlr. tlon Company, tlek 4; lot 4. Oreaoa Rail- - t bBilaatlon Cempaay, lldl.&it BLOCK ' 113i1.t Tb Northera - Conntlea Inreat- meat Traet. LW.. 0.01; tot S. Tba Korth. era Cvnntlee In rest nan t Troat, Ltd..- (02.43; , tot . KUaaberh- A. Thamaa, pa 01; Wt a." fita.hrt5 !. LOCK Wo. Jot 1. JaUo. H. Beyer, $4.2; lot JXIda ' If. Beyer, ts.03; lot a. Ooarga B, and Mlo' V" "ua-wo, ei.vo; jot- ft, Harua lirn-tt'VJi-..1 "At I, AdaUna H-!"- W i-bt t. Ad.Ho. k Wood. .; f?-?,l ' ? Nancy B. Atklnaon Batata. Helra t, TP W; lot d. "Nancy B. AUIn. f? Ut,r Ht.4l. BLOCK 148. tot t,.Orefon it.llroad Kayl(.tloa Com pany, lot t, Oreroa H.llroad A Karicatloa Can pany, fm.n. BLOCK 1SX t jor t h feet ot lot . Arthur K. McBraea. 7.T: aoath ?0 feet of lot t, Arutar V. MrBTJi. Jr04i north SO feet of tot S. . JtTbffantnl. It J Mmwm fttl ml a akan a a. a) 1 .. . - . . k a, eoeeua . aMrer, 24.25; aonth IS feet of tot A Peter Hob. 1 I'.rv .- . a. Peter Hobklrk. P5I.5A. BUKldJ. tot 1. Tha Home, tot ' ft.?.: J4-' bit The rlaaea. I.ljtot 4. The Uoma, fai.10. . BIXH hi j.J?!-'0':. Pra.toa W. Gillette, - 1:3.10; At William H. Churchhlll. . lt.l: tot fi-JM,,i0U.. bfBi.- ,si "t 4,'na. VutS Morgan. 44o.T. BLOCK 1T. tot 1. nanmel E. Wrena, td.tO; tot t, l.W, iJi "b H if tot AanV A. - Kfb, 510.5T; north af tot 1. Anna JC. 2T.'r'? ' A d,Ana A. Br(cb. 2S . VK 1H4. tot . J. Preston W. Gillette. !I,, r.: J?..P,," W Olllstta, HU.UI all of tot lying east at a. Una 100 feet -tsf and parallel with tba weet Una "l .' -"ronton W.' Gillette, tJflli'i" .Prcatoo W. (Mlletta, 0d.80. PORTLAKD HOK8TBAI-BU)CK , wrtb fornla-' B.llroad Conpaay's irtght af MartU Winch, S14.Ui - aoath M ft ! or no i, eeet er orcaen a cell- way, af north srn feet af Wt' 1. aaat af Oeegea A orrgea d t ef way, C. II fornla ' B.llroad Camp i. a aT ay's right aiakey m. unwell . aonta aa eat of tot 1, aaat ef Oreroa A California Callraad (etttnene'a elek. -r u.M a i..k. Md.42; ..north It feat of sttbdlTlaloa I of . At .bt.ry A. Clarke. -$18,08; aoath 46 feet of anbdinaloa B of tot 1, Bona A, Veanf, B4.MI aaMlTleton D ef kt , K.te ft. Montgomery, eol.Off anhdlrlelon 0 of tot X. C. Jorgaaeea. 2 M: sv.bdlTt.toa B of ftiLi' r- J Ml B.t 100 feet af ."bdl-ialoa A s tot - J. H. Beyer. BUO dl. AU ot Oregon California Railroad Com. Jany'a tight af war lying aaat af a Una 00 feet weet af and parallel with tba weet Una at Cerbett atraat and between a Una . 42.5 feat north af and parallel with tba aortb Una of Baacraft avenue and a Una t0 feat soatb of aad parallel with tba aonth Una of Lowell araane, Orafoa A California PA' Companr. d.0J.- BLOCK 5. aaat ' 9 fMt of. eubdMaton A of lot 1, Blcbard C. Prince, 1121.03: aaat 100 font af eubdl- elsloa B of tot leUrhard C. Prince. 10a,it Mat feet of . juMlrtaloa 0 sf lot 1, of anbdlelaloa U 'ef tot i. fusn ax. aaregiey, ut.m aaat 100 feat o. IQIK4. a... aA aV a Jl " -I " "wv, i I J JeT'tJ M.: V iTIL? ni?LT",0"-'.2; "!..I'W",I unca. 1. 7 ? Bleges. f2.Sd; aaat 100 feet sf pnbdlTtsloa A of tot 2. L K rltii ItlUi inn r n aiiiniiTiaie in n x Ana rwn, s 4.1. 00 eeat 100 fee of mibdlvl.loai n nf lot 9 " Portland TraeT CotDpauy of Trregoa. I;i3.M eaat 100 feet of anbdlvtaloa D af tot X. Portland Traet Comnenr of Oreaoa. SMun: east-lOO- fee of eueatlvUleo B of - tot 1. B. Msebatala. ll0B.Ts aaat 100" feet of son dlvl.lon P pf tot I . Hneheteln. 1120 . BLOCK 4. tail 100 feet pf mhdivlaioa 0 of , tot 1, Mary E. MaranalL BlM.Brl : north f. seat 100. feet, of tnndlvleioa D. of t l. Uary 'K. M.rahall. 524.42; aoath 28 feet of 100 feet of - aphdlvhilon O ot . jox . wiiu.m a. rveity, east 100 w .iiiaj Ti.ii'yi m or m a, a. ax. jenaoi and H. MandevlUe. (110.15; eaat 100 feet of subdlvaloar:.r ot lot JL rraak Brbwara- back 41.48 r-eaet -40 " feet -of- mrxTtTtaloa O ot tot 1, Oraavllle C. Ruff, 454. U;, aaet 40 feat of aubdlrlaloa B ef lot 1, GraarlUe 'Raff, 541.42; waat 10 feet of aaat lo5 feet Of anbdlvtaloa fl of tot -1. M. Everett. AO. TT;. weat 10. feet of eaatafOO feet of oab. ,. aivuxvnn u or lot 1, M. Krrreet, 50.44: eaat 100 feet af lot & Bea BelUag. 543S.TT, CARtTHERS' ADDITK to CABTJTHKRr ADDITION to tba City of PortUnd BLOCK , T, Tnotaas B. Edwarda, 1445.40; all of block B lying between two- Unee reaparrlvely 40 feet and 100 feet eaat af aad parallel with - tha waat Una of Oorbeft street. A. P. flmlth, Sftd.TB. BIXrCK 8, weat 40 feet af aortb 3 reel or Block n, Hanaak Caabga. S2o2.02; . waat 40 feet-of Booth 45 feet af btork' 8. O. M. Heywood. 487.18. , BLOCK B2, tot 4. Tha German Barlnga A Loaa Borlety, 5W.45; .all af tot 1 lrlna weat af a Una 104 feet ' rait ot .ad parallel with, tha aaat line af rorbrtt atreet. tba Germaa Bavinrs A Loan nociety,. sxu.4a; tot T, trsnrga wr teardna, ' 5BS.04: all ef tha aortb 51.125 feet af tot ,2 lying -eat of a Una 10O -fast aaat ot sag. parallel with the aaat Una of Corbet! etreet, the tieraaaa Baftsga A Loan Sooiety. 414.44; lot 4. seueetUo PUm.le, 1 10441 ; all Ot tot t lying weat pf a Una 100 feet aaat of and parallel with tha aaat Use of Cor- bett atreet. Frank P. Ollharn 42.44: all af the south I real or let a tying weet of a una ion leet eaax at ana parallel wits tne aaat Has of Orbett atraat. Prank P. Ollham, 1 ei'.et , e w, v. " wi'nnii eivt.ea. nun r i ai, mt a, narman Heiuemper, 4104.P0; mat part or mt s. oiora ni. ta carathera' Addltlea 4a Caratbara' Addlttoa to tba City of Portland conveyed by t. O. Haltkspjner to Herman Heltkemper. recorded la boob 422, page IS, Becord ef Deeda, Multnomah Cauaty. Oreaoa, Hermaa Heltkemper. 48.13: all of block SI. Caru there' Addition to Caratksra' Addlttoa to tka City ot, except that part CMiTryed by J. G. Heit kemper to Herman Haltketopar, racordod la book S23, page 1, Record of Muitnom.a 1 enntr, irraaoa, g, o Heltkemper, siz.oe. . hum:, so. mt in. kf.e n. lot 10, D. Inge He, 9111.02; lot , Corlano I. Wood, 14.54; north H of lot 11, Ouat, J. and Carea uieea. Ml ot; sonta n m 11. onet. j, and Caroline Cerleon, 531. alt lot 12. Ella t. lUbra. 51240. BLOCK 104. at 50 feea- of lot 4. Ibex land Comnenr. 13211: all at e tot 5 tying weet of a Una 100 feet aaat ot . aaq par.ieai wiia iaa eeex one ox 1 OTDet t ..atraat, I net Land Company, 415.44; aaat 50 feet of toiJL- Ibex Land Comnaay, 443.47; all sf tot Trying weet et a Una 100 feet eaat. af ana -parallel with tne ear jin ,( Corbett atreet. Inex LAns mpaay, 44.11 'ell. ..cent eaat Ba . feet, af lot A . II , Wak-h, Jb4.44; all.1 except east 50 feat sf tot a. r. u. waicn. nx.lo. B1.IK K 114, tot a, ttnarei .ua oon u, nrnaeay rretata, Metre of. 540,01: At T. Mary A. Bnlllvant. :tS2.4S: tot a.- Margaret 0. Falling. jot A. Margaret C. Falling. $45.21. BLOCK 125. tot 4. Oooi. B. dud Lillian A. Te Linn, I.VI.TS; tot T, II. r. ana riora V. Urea neck, 24 2S aoath, V of tot 4, Alice U Bowen, l.nll 1.541 orth tt sf tot 4. Charles Honehtne. 5, . Oregon Mortgage Csm- pany. 44.2".' rJl.wi n. yjfi tot 4, I. Alexander I. Pattullo. 42.03; tot 4. Oenrra aeiiaoir m. iinaiRr. ana ptnwen, a.vs; mt e, weerga ntoweil, a I ra. BI-OCK 144, weat v, or lot m. A Dram Dllley, t'JT: weet t af tot T. Irnnra B. flreaorv. X. lAnnrs S. Oregory, tl7r aaat tC af tot- f, Madia A. Wrinkle. in 47; aaat U ef tot a. tot 8, Sadie A. VI I'rlnkle. o.T. BLOCf; 142. lot T, Frank and Mary -Harhaaey, 5T,0t- and Iacv Pb.ttnck, Sot.04; lot 4. Oacar and Lacy Ph. ttocB,, piAn n ina, an a. nopoi. flutten, M.40i tot T, flophta Set ton. 444 .i tot A J"cob lima. 4 4.a-- to. 4. Jamb Bamm. 4411. BIXfk 140. tot . Port land Trnet Company af Oregon, 44. TI: tot T, Portland Truat Company er Oregoo. 54. 4; 'tot 4. David 8., 54 44; tot 4, Dartd 8. Bteermv. $4 Tt. BLOCK 1T4, tot 4, jainea and edits uamamna, S7sa,i mt T, Jai and Edltb Ganmona. ' 51.24: tot A J.i and Edltk Oaeimone, UM; tot 5. James and Edith Gamiaooe, Snd.op. BLOCK ln. lot 4, Frank aad Mary Haekeney, fTP.TT; tot T. Frank and Mary Jla.-k.ne7, Sim. 44; ! a SV.nk and liere llack.n.v lllAM PORTLAND HOMKeTEAh BI0CK I, Berth 110 reex ei mi I, mi imini eieiee rineillf A Onarantes Cnmnany, S1TI M; eon Ik gn feet ef north 1IM feet of tot 1, Thnmaa McMamee, 51.441 Berth 104 feet ef aonth 144 reef of kt 1. A. Gertrnde and Julia B, Mark, fl 14.04; aoath SO feet ef tot I, J.mee aad ball. E. Peterann. tMTia; north 44 feet of vreet 100 feet of tot S, Wra. E. Welprecbett. lit Pui north 50 feet or noma rear or waat I'm reet of tot 4 Ida R. Pt.kea. SnS.POl nenth tt) feet ef weat Ion feet of tot 4, Loniae M. Feeter. 514142: all of a parcel ef Uind tjlag weet of a Hna cn feat eeet of aad parallel with tha eeat Hna ef Corbett street Sad between the seats Una ef Lowell avesas ex leaded eesterly la Its praaaat coaree aod a line 154 feet pertb af and parallel with tba north Una af Bancroft item. City af Part toad, 5442. , BLOCK t. . waat 100 fast of OTIT BOTICXa. . tot 4, Bcbaol IMatrlct No. 1. 990T.dT went 100 . trt of tot 1. Portland Trnat Vumpany at Ore on. IVM.4X BUM K . treat 10 (eat of auhdirteloa A' of tot 4. b "W. Burtab. . , (IM.lo; et lw (eat of aubdlrklea. B of m . nr. Barton, ei.,vi; veet iw reei 'of aubdlrleioa C af lot 4. Jatla A. lllrtch. m an; treat (00 teat of eubdleteloa t of lot 4. FVira I. Dolana. NB.lUi arret Jo" feet af aubdlflaloa B el lot 4. Jul). Ullrich. fTl.M); weet 100 feet of euMIrl.le fat lot i Jalla , i tirica. fn.U: aandlelebMi 1 of kit a, Bvnaa - C. Butler. llot TT; aubdlrUtnn t af tot , U.I Atotech. dTa.alt eabaUrhitoa ef let . Leulee Kruttaar, eMAPTi aubdlrlaloa 4 of tot S. Juha Mler. 9104 M: aatHllrtaka af tot S. Juernb Urbacb, fata i2t aubdlrlaloa of tot . I. Juaaph (irbach, wt.55i rlyht of way at "r e ooearoan saiiway vuuipeay. aoev.eo. ToULdls.lee.UA e atateaaeat Hi' aforeeald aa the Cltr Treaanrer. la towfal meaar of I'nltad U tee, an) If not paid wlthla 10 daya frwa tha data af tbla notice each pre- ceeoinaa wiu aa tahea lor taa eoiieetiea or tha name aa .re provided by tba aaar tor af Ua City -of ' Portlaad.- . ..... The abora naaeaeaient wilt bear tntaraat 10 daya atlex tap Brat publication af thla aoUoa. - THO. a DEVLIN. Auditor af the City ef Iortland. : - PorBd. Oregtw. rebraary 1808- AMlaajfTjTT FOB XXnOTtaixn OP SAM ... TBJXTT-rOTBTX BTBXXT. ; Notice to berebr rim that tha Ooaadl af tba city of Portland, Oregon, -at a aaeethig held oa tba let day ef Vebruaryi IP06. declared the aaaeaameat by ordinaire Na. 14,420. for Ua Improremeat of Eaat Thirty.feartb street from the south Una af Baas Una road to tba Bortb Una of He wt borne are ana, ta Ua me near nra Tloed by ardlnanca No. la.00, apoa each At, part of tot aad Pares! of land which are aperlally sad peculiarly besetted, to be as (a. bL.VNVSIDE BLOCK I, tot M. Julia Doyl. 44U; tot IT. JsUs Doyto, 4.tT: kt Id. j-rad M. Branch, - B42.d5; tot -!., - Prod .M. Branch. 005 BO; tot 14. Prrdertck M. ' Branca, , SiW.kb; tot II. rrederlck hi. Branch. .171.77 BLOCK T, tot 18, Vatola A. Hud sun, PT1.TT; tot IT, Qurtar aad Aaale Peter son. .: kt Id, Beymoor C. Prieadly. pua ftb; tot IB, Osorgs Buttle, $.T0j tot 14, ' trnsteea of Epiacopal fund of the P. g. char ft) - of the dloreeo of Ore yon, K 09: tot . IS, - Pamncl-Andereoo, T1 . ' BLOCK 10. lot . In, Roaa J. Bmltb. BT2.4i tot IT. Boea J. , Bmltb.; ht la, Boea jV smith. e.Sfl; lot 15, . B. Uoore, ang ar- tot 14. J. 8. Moore, ArrA. IB; .. kit IX J. B. - Moore. trt.04. ' BLOCK 17. tot lis Boeaea 1. tto Penning. 7L4d: tot It, L. W. thir.nt, 7; tot' la. Julia Brown, M5.T0: tot 15, M. A. Turkey, .83; tot 14, Minnie Tarwlg, - tru ll; tot IS. Hlanle Varwlg. 71flf. BLOCK 22, eeet lot 18. r. P. Wood, tUtl; aaat - W tot IT. P. P. Wood, tott sd; north 1 I S iVet of aaat H Vat 14. K. P. Wood, 1M.U: weet H tot 14, A, p, Mead, 220.10; weet '4 lot IT. A. P. Mead, llS.dlt beat 14 lot Is, -A. P. Mead. 117.00;. aonth 14 feat st aaei XL lot 14, A. P. Mead, JU.7; tot IS, fT.nb P! Wand. S45.B0; toT 14, rr.nk P. mood. tflO. 27 1 lot IS, Prank 9. Wood. 7S (W.TIL0CK 28, tot 14, X. X. Evaua, 172.24; north 11 feet tot IT, T. A. Evnaa, 522.TS; aouth 22 1-S feet tot IT, L. J. Edwarda. eed.Ol; tot 14, P. K. fiklbbe, fOd-Td: undivided H north 29 few, - tot IS.rToll Tbompano. 48.P3: aootb SIS feat tot 15. K. IV Stewart, liT; aortb V tot 14, K. L. Btawnrt, 5S4.4V; aontb H At 14. Flrat Cringregatioaal church, 144.0ft: tot : IS, Ptrat Cogregatlon.l charcb. -171. 44. . BLOCK SS. tot IS, Frederick c. Dies. 171.42; tot IT. Frederick C. Plra, fdP.lSf tot 14. U W. Doraot, 544.24; tot la, Kato B. Everett. 444.12; tot 14. H. .T, Bmltb at at. S44 lot 13. 1L V. Bmltb ot 4L. 171.44. BLOCK 45, tot TV Cbartoa Pslraa. fTO.TS! tot 4, Jamea r January. ftM.ew; Int . James January, 145.45; tot in. praab A. Tanacbor, 144 0T. I'NNY8IIB BEOOND AUDITION BLOCK 40, tot 4. Andrew Nalaoa, foft.s; lot T, An vdrew Nelson. I71.M. BLOCK M, tot la. Chrutlaa Kretser. ST144; lot IT, Chrlstlaa Kretaer, ot.5Tl tot "14. Kobrrt Lockbead, S44.U: lot If. Robert Lockke.4. 544.87; weat . 1-4 tot li P. U Nlrbola. fJM.ti; weat I I tot 14, P. U Ntrbobt, S22.TS aaat 2 2 tot it. Plarrl L. Banner. 544.44; seat 2 4 tot IS. FUvrl L7 Sumner. e44.44. BLOCK M. tot 20, ITrnaa P. Beyer, 471.42; tot 14, Bar- maa F, Beyer, toSTl; At 14, Harm. a P. " Beyer, 444 26; lot IT, 0. L. Kllnger, 414S; aortb Bi d teal tot 14. Anna Brbmlt, 43.41; aortb K3.4 feet tot IS, Anns achmlt, $4.42; ate. BIS A ' -.a TLakA ta A .U Ata A at . BMJtriAl tyu.mj avrnja, PV jw, evagaay nBaHU, fiHI.tU, oath 60 ttmt lot 14, Flonpnr C, : W-fatr, - E A. W ItBTTrTft-el VaM). Tf aUBBltrT, I lo: ""'h 50 feet lot 14, Ftorencs WeheterSai.dT. - . I t;NNVBlb BIXKTC 1, tot 4. Btinoyle I a ad A I mprovemewt cnmnany, pes.Tb; lot 4, Bun- nyaiaa Laaa imnrovement company, ntx.aa; tot 4. Bunnmlde land A mnrorasnant Odbu paay, 542.21; tot S, unnyHde I And A Im provement Company. 545.(12: tot 2. Carrie B. Goldra, 404.71; lot 1, J.mee D. Wharton, - 471.42. BLOCK 47 tot 4, Maggls- A. Gataka, 571. TT; lot 5. Maggls A. O.t.ka. 44.27 tot ' 4. Magfia. A. Gat.kA 5444T: tot 2, Mra. Tie- ana etitcneii, ee.s, tot" a. at. ixomia, SiW.BB; tot I. Samuel Andareoa, -572.04. b; lot 1, Samuel Andareoa, 172.04. ;K . lot 4, Wm. Maekls, V2.04 tot 5, MackU. 544.15; -tot 4, Wm. Mackle. 5; tot 4, Wm. Mackle. nd.T8; tot 2. WV 4IM.2S: Wm. Mark'.r. It : tot I. Wm. M.rkle. S72.1. BLOCK 14r tot a. Cbaa. 8. trnrham, 472.14; tot 5, Jamie tt. Birrlnrton, 444.2T; ;At -dcuifBsA My Iisrr1ngtoB5d47 tog-A, lAula. R. nownlng. Snn-BTi tot 2. EUeabrth M. Kara, son no; . lot 1. joaepp A. pettlt, !T1.TT. BLOCK 81, tot 4, Margaret Darling, T3.l At 4. Margaret Darling. 54.27 1 tot . H. C Hrdmah. SrW-STifot 8, H. O. llardmaa. ).: 'tot 2. Henry H. rfranb. ., m a, im'J aiiao, BU)CK, 80, tot 4, The Alliance Troat Coat- peny, Lta., jot p, rr.nk uonter, SHR xt; lot 4. T, A, Kvana, . Alfred J. Parker pnd Bimon Engl. a ' tot 2, Alfred J. Parker and Blmoa- England. 464.BT: tot 1. Alfred J. Parker A llama 'England. ITJ.44. BLOCK IT, tot 4,-Pbllllp J. M., 57L1B; tot 5. Margaretta acniener, eoe. 111 wx a, vf uuam, ana r.llM hetk Comfort, 444 24; Jot 8. A. T. Pink ttfB.zn; lot z. mens . Frieda Landnald. 5T2.04. -4. Barbara Ka81ar.x4rtrS4, tot A, Barbara " Ktlffler, : tot 4, ' Preeda IjandbaM. 546.T0; lot 5, Prarda Lnndbald. M4.50; north . h HH p. rreooa xAinanaHi. f m.soi aontb x lot I. Kara U Blngley. t.H,7Ti tot 1. Nora L.. Blngley, 572.04. BTVCK 58. weet H i Harab J. Wetaler. 4o2.04: weat 14 tot Sarah J. Wetaler. KW.B4: at t4 tot 6. J. P. Co1roiia.-tm.tea, 11454; ra.t W lor A n ciuu eu ft.. 1... a w . n rt v, mrmmx.vwi V. e,un ... nem- llton, 544. 40: tot 8. L, L. Carry. 54T.42; tot I UL Cun?. fv.l2; tot l' L U Curry, ;iev, niAiv. oa. m 1, vtm. m. xtowea. 71.44; At 4. Wm. M. Howes, 504.67; tot 5, vm. b. nnwee, son.TUi mt a. wm. M Howes. 542.45; tot 2. Ooorga Kcheeren. 511.04: tot A Gsorgs Bckaaren. 14 44; tot 1, George Bcbeeren. flOB.55; total, 44.0TL21. A statsmtnt af. aforesaid aaeeeamest hat heen ea tared ta tbf Docket sf City Liens snd U bow erne- ana p. v. ate at ti tba office af the City Treaanrer la kwfal money sf ths t'nltsd Stales, and If .San Bald wiUia 20 dava from Ike date af thla notice sorb proceed Inge will be taken for tna collection of the name at era BMvlded by ths re.rter of tha City of PortUnd. The abora aaaeoaaaent will bear Interest' 10 as yi array tag arac paniicatioa at tnia notice. inwi. t;. travi.i, ' Aadltor of the City sf Portland. PortUnd, Oregon, F.braary I, ISoS. SMIAaaTXTT FOB XB0TIKXVT OF KTJaV 8EU, 8TRIXT1 Not tea Is bereby aiven Uat Ua Council ef ,e .7 w 't r,v,, . . enrviins Bern aa tba lat day af February, 1404, deckred the aaeeeament by ordinance No. -14.430. for tha Imnrovement of Rue.cU strset, from the weet line sf ttuntenoeta avenue la Alblna to tba waat una ef Williams aveaoe, in tha manner K Tided by or dl oance Na, 18.444. anna sack part ef kt aad parcel of Und wblch are specially esa peculiarly neneoteA, - to- ba fnllnwa. aia: AI.B1NA BLOCK 41. a. at H At IT, rkrlatlna ew- nirreii, eoe.n; eaax a. ae in. inntTing a., nirreii. iiiti; weer a mt it, wnnaa Doock. 5o24T; weat k tot 1A William Dourk S2 B4. BLOCK 84, Jot 1. J. 8. R raw new. II. aona. f.j mi a. a. n. tfrownewtll 4144 4R; 17. Edmund Hall Batata. HeL Rate t a Helra ef . an. ee. kt 14. Edmund Hall Estate, Helra of. 5412.TK BLOCK SB, waat H tot 1. Flraf nerwegMn-panl.h H. B. Churck. 4204.SA 4 tot I. II rat Norwegi.u-Panlah M. E. Chnrch. , S0A.T4; eaat ta lot 1 Michael sine. Baa TH a.t ta, tot 1, Mic keel mm, 4100.44 tot IT. Nicholas. C, Mergea, 11B.4Tr-tot 14. Nlcbnl.s C. Mergea, 4411.54. BLOCK 40, At Bcbeol Dletrict Na. X 5115.10; lot IT. Rcboel ... n. , oov.rei vox sa, kwh vwxncx Ner Jr 5 44. - ITAVS ADDITION to Us Town of AIMna rwn 4. aaat T2.I feet tot IX, IHjdley Fvaaa, 5474 44; eaat T2 I feet tot 14. Dndley Evans, im 44; aaat T8.4 feel tot 15, Dndlay BAII.UOAD ' 8H0P8 ADDITION BLOCK I. weet ta lot 0, Hlrtm c. Patlee. 5170.44; waat U lot I, Hiram C Pallre, .511. OA eeat H tot 5, The1 Allleqce Truat Company, Lim ited. 831.04: eaat H tot A Tba Alliance Traet Cempany, Limited. 1144 In: south 40 feet tot 4. J. M. Pltteaaee. 411 T4i eenth ion tot t. t alon Trnet A Inreatmeat Company, J. f I42.MI; anntb )n test tot 5, I'nraa Truat AT , Inrratment Company. S14I.M;. tot II. Mary 1 ieari,,fjiiM: iox ri, iranTeiiowo H.ll Aaea. d.ltoa. 8104 TO: Tot 5. ,IMd Feltowe' Halt Aeaoclatton. 4M4PA BLOCK a. undivided - S west 60 feet tot A W. P. Matlock and .wiyer-Baier.fiim.noj nndinoeg 14 weet 44 feet tot 4. W. P. Mattock and Bores Baker. IWMT; aWndrd' Vk weet 50 feet tot 4. The I'lrat National tint 44: ancMvlded H weet 50 feet kt 5, Tba Flrat National Baak, fw 17; rear 40 fact tot A Edward E. and ilella . Pitcher, William f. and Ella U Jacobs'. 8154.42; eeat 40 feet tot 4. Ed weed B. and Delia B. Pllcber, Wllllem t. and Ella U J.coba, 54425; lot 4. Ueergs R. Bcofflna Flare. Helra of. 122 40; smith 104 feet tot T. inline K reenter. 142 Of) weat 14.4 feet milk 1 00 feet tot I. Jullua Kramer. S4 04; eaat 50 feet eon Ik lno feet tot A fleet riojmes, 5104.1)1 tot T, 0. W. Bates. 10 Til w in, c It. rt IU Batata. Heirs nf tltt 44 let a, G. RIU Estate, BJewA sf, 1341.451 an; voTiczs.' '. right sf way, Portland Consolidated Ball way 'Company. 52.244.74. Total. 5k.T41.40. A elalemrnt of aforeeald aeaeaemeat kaa beea catered la tha Docket at t:ity - Ida and k now due and payable 'at too ofSoe of he Cltr Treaaarer, In kwful (nosey of the I'nlted Btatee, and tf not peM wlthla 4 aaya tram the Sale of tbla notice each pro ceedlnaa wlU ba takea for Ue collect toa af tha an aa are penv laird by tha charter of Ue City of Portland. Tba above aaoreemrnt will beer rn tercet 10 days after Us Brat publlrettoa. of thla notion... -TV TUOH. C. DEVLIN. - , ' . Aadltor of tha City af PorUaad.' 1 PertUad, Oregon, rebraary 4. 1405. ASSESSMENT' Ft) TJIPBOTXICXVT . 0T . .,, .- aXCOBO ITREET. - NetW k bereby aire a Uat tba Csanrll of the City ef Portland, Oregon, nt 4 meeting hetg- o-rbaIat days af FcbroaryT'llOB, riaraa we aaaeaameat by erdleeece He. I4,4ae, tor tba Imeroeeuent af ascend atreet. from the renter line of Arthur etreet to Ue north Una ar vteooa atraat, in tba tnaaBar provided by 1BJVTIWCAI 17 b kt. part are specially aa .foliowa. orninaaca no. ls.sna. apea aaea wt, of tot and parcel of wad which are ana peculiarly . assented, to 04 via: . ' ... CARtTHERS ADDITION TO CA RUTH EES ADDITION to tba City . of Port- la ad -BLOCK 44. aortb U eeat lno - feet lot 1. Charles P, Beerker, 5440; -- south U aaat 100 feet tot I, Katie P. Babe ' aelch, 5HT.50; eaat 104 feat tot 2. Katie P. B.henetob. 4140.4t east 144 feet tot 2. Joha P. Captoa, 544.TVI aaat KM feat tot 4. . Joha P. Cap lee, 540.T5. BLOCK 4.1, east 100 . feet tot 1, Addip B. Murray. 542.051 seat 104 feet tot 8, Addle B. Murray, 5.Vkn4; eaat 100 feet tot J, 1 rank U. Una, Bit AT; eeet loo feet tot 4, Orteodo P. 8. Plummer, 410144. , t LOCK 44 aaat 100 feet kt 1, C. R. Bmltk. 72.4I aaet 100 feet tot 2. C. B.- Bmltk, f9.ST; eeet 100 feet At 4 t'L Bmltk, ' B . 1 1 ; MS40 fwoA tot I 4, Cv 4 Bmlin. A peroel af toad lying between tba aortb Una af Wood, atreet aad 4 Una 2o0 feet aonth ef ' and parallel with tha aoath Una af Hooker ; atreet, and between the wast lias af Second- - mreet ana a line jni reel wee rnereor aaa Sarallef therewith, a BV Smltb. SalS.BS. -iLOCK 54. weet U ot I, Fannie E. pled rlch. 5115.44; weet H tot T, Fannie E. Dled--: rwh. 5U.V49: weet 4T feet eaat H lot S, - Laala Cehn, 550.011: west 4T feet ra.t H tot Lnato Ohn. S4B.T4I -wee 104 feet tot A Edward J. Hart. 542. 31; weet 100 feet lot A Joha Csrklah. 541, IT. - BLOCK 64. wet 42 feet ht A Immanuel Baptiat Church, 474.T4; weet 41 feet tot T. Immanuel Baptiat Church, 570.20; weet 44 feet of eeat 44.4 feet-tot 4, nale C. Poet Estate. Helra of. 5410: weet , M feat of eeat 44. B feet tot T, Bnele C. Poet Ketata, Helra of. go TI; west 100 feet tot A . Mary Akrre. 4112.04: wee ton reet tot 5. Philip and Jalla R. lawton. 5123.27. . BLACK 67. waat 60 feet tot A ' Nannie E. Tar lor. SM2.05: weet So feet tot T, Nannie -B. Tay- -Ar, I7S.U2: weet Ba feet of eaat 54 feet tot 4. Abbta (X Jane. 24i weet 50 feet of east 54 feet tot ll Abbto 0. Jane. J2S44; weat 100 feet tot 4. James e oknetoa. 41U 42; west 100 feet tot 4. Jaawa L. Johnstoiu 41TT.54. r A pAJTelof Wad lytBA between the aoath -Uaa sf Porter street and a 'Una 105 feet aonth therefrom and parallel therewith and between tba east Uas or Second street snd a Una loo fart aaet therefrom and HM . therewith, Wlnfl.ld I. Stephens, A parcel ef Und tying between the north . Una af Woedu etreet and a - Has-104 - feet aortb there frem and parallel tbarawltb aad - between ithe aaat Uaa af Second street aad ; a Una 100 feat aaat therefrom aad par- altol therewith. Joseph Blmoa sad Cyras A. IMph. 5140. 44. .......... . Total, 43. - A sutement of aforeeald aasaasmai beea entered la tha Docket of rutv b. aud k bow dna aad payable at Ua ofloa ot the City TMasarar,' In kwfal money of the t ailed Btatee, aad If not paid wlthla SO dara from tba data nf thla notice each am. eeedlnga will ba taken for Ue eelleettea of taa aams as are provided y ua charter eel the Mty of PortlaBd. Tha above aaeeeament -will bene Interest 10 days after tba Aral sahlleatlaa of thla no ties. . IHUfl. (J. XIKVLrilV. Aadltor af tha City ot PortUnd. PortUnd. Oregoa, February i, 1508. ..) ABSESSKIBT FOB I0TKaTZ3ri OF J0KX. 0 ITUOT. .: Notice is hereby alr.n that tha Coanell of the Clty .of .Portland, Oregon, at a meeting held oa tba lat day af February, 1905, derkred tha a ear earn. n by ardlnaaea Ns, 14,4.18, for ths Improvement of Johneoa atreet, from Ua weat Una sf Twentr-fonrth atreet to! tha eeat line 01 iwenry-nrta atrset in ua manner pro vided by ordinance Na. 14040,' upon aai-h tot. part at tot aad parrel of land which are ape H.lly gad peouUarly be nested, to be at follows, tls; ' UNO'S 8ECQND ADMTIOSa-BLOCK. 4. At d. . Matthew Brady, 510.45: lot A Matthew . Brady, 51.54; tot 5. Annie p. Brosa, 514 44: tot A J. A. . Martin, 51T.P8' tot 4, Jesele M. aod. Jatpaa H. Mccracken, 514.54: kt 12. Brerell f. Palmer, I1T.J4; tot IS, Elk Btrnhsns, 129.43: tot IT. Thomas Stephens, 54.81; tot 18, Tbnraas Stephens. 8..I.24. : A parcel of Und lying between tha weet Una of Twenty-fourth atreet and a Una 100 feet Treat therefrom ana parallel therewith ana, batwMa Ue- eath- of "7nbu aire and a Una 100 feet aonth thereof and paralkl therewith, Frederick - A. Krlbe. 814.07. A parcel sf Und lying between two lines reepectlvrly 100 fart and 210 feet weet from aad parallel with tha weat ttne of Twenty fourth atreet and between Ue eearu tine ot Johneoa atreet and a Una 100 feet sputk therefrom and parallel therewith. Drank W. Crowley. 1 23 54 parcel or lana tying between twa lines reepertlrely 810 feet and 200 feet weet from and parallel with tha went line af Twenty. fourth street aad betweca Ua south ttns ot Johneoa atraat and a Una 100 feat aouth ThererroBj and parallel therewith. H. TA. Bargent. 410.45. . .- A parcel of Und tying betweea a' Una 2b0 ex tweea tba aouth Una of Johnson atreet and a Una M0 feet south there from snd parallel therewith, Ths King Kstste, Heir, of, 8181.44. r Total. 5321 44. : A atetexnent of efnreeeld ' aaaeaameat hae boea entered In lbs Docket of City Mens and ta now due sad payable at the office vf fho City Treaeurer. la l.wfnl money of the I'nlted States aed If not paid within 20 daya from tba data of Uk sot Ice sock proceedlnga will be taken for tha collection of the a. me aa are provided by Ua charter ot tha City af PortUnd. Tba abora aa.ea.ment will hear Intereat 10 days after tba. Bret pnhllcatien sf this notice. ,-. - .( TMtin. f, gitMar. Aadltor of the City sf Portlaad. PortUnd,-Oregon. Fehroary 8, 1P05. Abszssxxitt for QfrxoTzxxrr or bet- A BtltK. Notice Is berebr aiven that tha Council of the city st Portland, Oregoa, at a meeting nein sa xas let a.r st reorsarr. lvon. ae- clered ths seaeaemeat by ordinance No. 14,442, for ths Improvement af Bryant Mreet, from Ua aaat Ilea of Wabaeh aveaue to ths weet Una of DeUwara aveaue, Ik tha manner provided by ardlnanca Na 14.147, apoa each tot, part ox mx ana parcel at lane wbicb are apeciany aaa pecnlUrly benefited, to ba aa foflowa, via: AHtHia. xAjirus -nun a is, tut 1. Beta xe Cope. Trnates. 41444; tot A Beth L. Pops. Trueteo, 52 14; aoath 14 1-1 feet st tot 8, - Beth L. Pope, Truetes, 81.04: eoath 14 I A feet ot tot 14, A- Lam pert, 82.44; tot- IT. A. Lsmpert, 5.e; 1st 14. A. Lempert, 542. TB. BLtM'K 14, kt 1, Ralph Feeuey. 84T.P4; tot1 A B.lpb Peeney. ..: aouth 14 1-5 feet of tot A Kaipa reeney, 54 X1; sonta 14 1-4 feet ot tot IA Security Bavlnge A Truat Company, . I lno; tot IT, security Savlngn A Troat ( em- Kny, 58.51; tot 1A Security Savings A Trnet nimny, 523.44. BLACK 14, tot 1, oecaruy ' BevlEga A Truat Company, 524.55; tot A Security BATtBgs Troat Ceanpaay, 44.41 South 14 1-4 feet of tot A Security Barings A Trnet Company. 11.78; Souu t- feet,, of tot 14 J. b. Oaborna. 21: tot IT. J. B. IMboroa, 54.52; kt la. J. U. Oeberno, e8.l. . BLOCK 14, tot 1, Berl 0. Brooaagh, 540.49; ' tot A Earl C. Broaaugh, SB. I south 14 14 ' feat of tot A Earl C. Rreaauah. 42.441 aouth , 14 1-8 feet of kt 14, Barl C. Broaaugh. $2 tw: n ll ajar i v, nron.aga, ss.sii luv. la, aeri C Bronaagh. 84 52. BLOCK IT, kt 1, Jennie W. Dounell. 141.0": tot i Earl C. Bronaagh, 17 lu; aeath 14 1-1 feet of kt A Karl c. Broaauah. AH. So. ChRAUE TRACT BLOCK IS. tot It, Thomas ,. niiot, ext.saj l 14. 1 no maa tv. AUoa. . -iAtdi tot 11, lbeaneA I--IHe, 57 - tot-IX- Thorn, a U hi to. 52AOA BLOCK 14, t ix. Thoreaa u ' Rilot. 1 14.47: tot -14, Thomas L. Eltot. 5 72u tot 11, Thomas X. ; Eliot. J4.18; kt 12. Thomas L. kltot, 515.04. BLOCK 10, tot IVlaosu C Kltot, A14.T4; lot 14. Tm-aiaa L. Eltot, to. of tot 11, Ikomaa 1.. aiiot, siAen; lot 11, Tkoeeaa b. aikit. 44.TA BLOCK T. tot 12, Thomaf U Eltot, ut 14. Tkoanat U. Allot, 410.42; kt I Ibom.a L. Bliot, 8'. 04; kt IA Tbomee L. . 82P.PA BLOCK A tot 1A Ikomaa Kilot. 521.54: tot 14. Thorn.. L. Bitot. S3; tot 11. Thomas L. Kltot, 5v.ll ki Them.. L. E lot. 82.22.1. ARBOR LiDIB BLOCK 12. kt II. Mary M. Mock. 42A4T: tot IA Herv M. Mark. 53.54; ht P, Mery M. Mark, 52.2?; tot 14, Mary M. Mock. 54-IT: tot 14. Mary M. Mock. 54.5; Vt IA Mary-M. Mock. 84ATB. BUH'K 11. kt IA Mary C. Pee 1 1. 140.151-kt 41, Mary t. Ruell, e4T; tot 10, A. Herman, 4448; tot IS, North PactAr Lumber Cempany. 54.57; tot 4. Nurtb PadOn Lumber Cum peny, R Pit tot 11. North Pad 4 I. amber Company, 82B.4. BLOCK lo. tot IX Earl C. Bmnaagh,; tot 1L Earl 0. Bronaurb, 85.84: At In. barl C Bronangh. 84.wl; tot IB, it R. Henitrtrh. 40; tot 14. hi. E. Hendrici, ftCPui k 12. M. B, tfendrlck. 144 .A BI.OCri 4. tot 12 H.lMeil.. Aweet Woetell. 54U.42; tot It. Il.ttle L. Pweet Weatell. 55.14; tot Hattle L 5weet Westell. 5A44;.k4 1k. B. E. Gardners 54 42: kt IA First Preeby. terlaa faeh. 8T SIT kt 18, Flret Presby terlas Church. 24.3A BLOCK A tot 12 Jans la W. Donnell. $38.14, kt 11, Jeomae CITT-. H0T1C18. - W. Donnell, 11,81, tot . Jennie W. Doa nell, St aw, . .. BI RHAOH TRACT BLOCK 14. aarnierded bt - of tot 24, Hereh J. Barrage, 410.40: undivided H tot A. Bar ah J. Hurra ge, and!- wren ox tot za, wmiam n. iorrage.siu.f5v uuJIrlOed t of tot 2:1. WtliUia 11. Barrage. - 83 111 andlvlrtcA -4 t-t tot-A William 11. Burrkge. .1.4S: undivided S of tot 1. VMIIUm 14 tsurrare, 414.47: anmeldcd ' v, of tot z. barab J. 43.4M: undivided V. of tot '1. J. Bnerage. 418 67. HUM hTlt, tot 24. Herah J. and HUH. H. Barrage. 51.47 ; t tot 23, Sarah J. and William II., 54.42; tot 2. Berth J. snd William 11. Bur. rage. 54.54: tot 1. Sarah J. aad William H. , Burrage, 5IB.I0. BLOCK 11, undivided H of tot 24, Serah J. Burrage. 114.7"; andlTlded e of tot 28. Barak J. Rurraga, 1X34; aadl- vim-n m ni , et 24, 1 w llllam 11. Barrage, - 114 TO: amntvtded X. of tot 22. William ll. TT'BuTr.i'nv . WlllUm ll. 122.44; aodivlded 4 of at a, aaraB J. wnrrage, aa.eni anaivioea t of-kit I, Sersk J. Barrage, 42A43. BUICK 4, Int at, aarab J. aad William M Burrage. ' 43A4T: tot 2X Sar.h J. and William H. 1 54.T4; Vt A Barab J. snd William H. Burrage, gn-BU; lot 1. Barah J, and Wll ' ll.m H. burrara, 824.70. BLOCK 8. tot 24, . W. U. KlUlageworth, 818.25; tot BVW. G. . Kllllugaworth, 4U03: tot A W. GTKIlllngs- - wona. fiea; lot 1, vr. u. AUIlDgaworu, SA.14V TotaLSI.444.4A A statement at aforeeald aaaeaamant baa been entered la taa Itoeket ef cut Liana and k now dna and payable at tha of Bee of tba City Treaearer, In lawful money of the I'nlted States sad If not paid Within 50 dara from lbs data of thla antics aura proceedings will ns taea Tar tna eolleettoa or the name aa are arovldsd br tha charier ef the CUT af PortUsd. Tha shore aaeeeament will beer Intereat 14 aays arret taa Bret puMicatka of tnia notica. -c -.., -l nun. x.- yai'ia. - Auditor of ths City af PoriUaA. - PorUaad. Uregva, Ftbrnory 8, 1404. , ASSESSMENT FOB EXTENSION OF - EAST '.;... : .BALltOll.. ITREtT, Notica ta hereby gtraa that tba aaaaaament made by ordlaaaea No, 14.4HI, eatttled: "A a srdlnsnrw sdoptlng Us report sf tbe'-Ttrwere la Uo matter f 'the-pnuan d oentng, kylng snt and- setsbll.hing of Eaat Kalmon atreet from tha waat Use of Eaat 1'hlrtv-elgkth street to tne went pee ot bkMXa ,ii ana 12. Kuanvalde audition. m.klus an at .anient of the - benefits nnd usoiared Set forth la aald report." approved January 8, lWaV- has bees entered against tha several swnera of snd leans Intereated In tba Uad herein described, aa belag ssrvrally Uable there for, la ths Docket bf City Ueos, which said aeaeeameate are made due and payable at Ue fBce of the city Treaanrer. la i'nlted Ntates Kid and eilver coin, nnd anlcaa paid before braary 2o. 1005. tba earn will become delin quent and snch proceedlnga will be taken for the collecttoa of Ua aame aa- wra provided by xna raarier or ue i lty at rortiaao, aaia s.aiaa oient. being aa follow a. to-wit : UMM ADDITION Lot 4, John Good. 440; tot 4; Joha Good. 540.00; tot-10. Joha Good, 544.00: tot 11. John Good. 540.00: tot 11. Joha Good. 540.00; lot IX. Joha Good. 544. ou; lot 14, geaa tioo4. 44U.VUI tat 14..J044 Weed, 81 NNV4IDB ADDITION BLOCK 1 A kt 1, Hulda RteinlHn, 58.00: tot 2, Edith P. Gil bert, 44.04; tot 1. Ellas E. Gilbert, 8400: - tot 4- barbery Wantwlrk. 54.00: tot 5. Leulea A. Mitcregor, 54.0O: tot 4. A. II. Breyman ana eoaa noramervitie,; mt t, a. n. Rrermaa sod Jobs Bommorvtlto. 54.00. BLOCK 11. mt A KaUrrlna A. Martia, SAOO: eeat 17.14 reet sr lot p. n. menus a. Martin, -52.441 weat 25.78 feat af tot 4, Mary J. Klgby, SA.84) tot 10. Mary J. Rlgny, SAOO; tot II, Eilasbeth E. Burnham. 54.00; tot 12, Wllltas A, Macfcaasia, 84.00; tot 12, . W. W. Mlnsr and Nettle J. kllaar, 4.A0; kt 14, .. W. W. Mlngr sad Nettie J. Miner. 54.00. - BLOCK 1A kt 1. Brermaa Bros. 44.71: hit A Brermaa Bros.. 44.74; kt A Breymea Bene., 44To; at VI. oieen, pt.ip; lot a, Breyman Bros 54. T8; lot A B II. Bowmaa, 44. To: tot T. B. H. Bowmaa, 54. IB. BLOCK 14. tot A Grorwa. A. M. Winters snd Berths - Wlatere, S4.T5I tot .4. IJUI.B H. Iraadee Estate, ' Helra ar. 54. Ta; tot 10. UIH.n H. Dnndea Kat.te. Bctra of. 54.TB; tot 11. Geargo A. Beeves. 54.74: tot IA George A. Reevee. 44.2B: Int 18. CUrS A Dickson. 44 TV tot. 14, CUTS A Dlckaoa, 84.75. BI4Cbt 10. lot 1. A. H. Breym.a and Joha Bommee. Tllle, 44 40; tot A A. H. Brermaa and Joha Bommemne, taAn.Wk i. lot a, ft. A, ' Bltnar, 84.40: kt 4. BTSAfoUBa 5. Shaw, 4.40. . ToUl, 548510. . . THOA C. DETMN, Andltor af tha Cltr of Portland. I ' lAiin in inoK r . V .Vj Only Jlouble-Ioicfc ' RaAwbt betweea ttm Missouri River The Chicago-Portland Special, the most luxurious, train in the world. Drawing-room sleepinr cars, dining car, buffet smoking and library car (barber and bath). Less than ttiree days Portland to Chicago, ThroughTrains to Chlcifo are operated dally 4 Iks 8hr?a K. R. Nar. Co., y P.R.rLaod iro at North-Western Mr. to Chknem at from Portland and points la Oregoa aaa Sastsra W'BaBlBgtoa. Dally sxcarsioaa In PuTlman ton Hat alseplnf cars (rem Portland through . to Cbkago without cbaags. 5b B- R1TCMIS. A. 0. SAREBR. Gael Aft. paa. Coast, ' Geeeral Agaat, - . ... C.AN.-W. Rv. C. ARVwTRp at Bti WEINHAUD'S.- City Brewery xVayvaat asm. Btsai Ooaapteta A M aTortAwoat. Oottted Ccer a SpecicSty Twivirmeine , t ' 0H4 lltk aba CarBoUa Bttwata. mm Chicago reet, ra Third street, I aaet psAitctaco. CAi roaiutna, uaa. V ' IA, II gnrna- I a . Ban.Boip rmTAXLTA IK 4 OlEGOn loitjriiirc ''if-- UraonRicinc Trains to the East Daily-3 Tbraagb Pullmaa standard and Anuria t eleeip- . lag cars dally to (Imana. "Chicago, Mpokanei tfiurlat aleeplug 1 cars dally" to Kanaae lltyi Urongh Pullman tonrtat atoenlng ears peraon. ally oonductedl weekly-to t'hleago. Be.-llalag chair cars acU free I to tee Eaat dally, . -UNION.. DEPOT-. Lea tea.. Arrive.. CHICAOO PORTLAND " BPECIAL. " Far tba Bast vU Bust lugtoa. . 4 25 b. 4. Dairy; Dally. ; - . 8P0KANB pt.ter. Far,- Eaatera Waahlng tea. Walla Walla, lee 4:15 p. m. Daiir.v 8:04s. a. ' ktoBr )oeu--d'Atoaie1 and- wrest NorUernl Dally, . i polata. ATLANTIC 'XPRF.KA, For ths Kaat via Moat :tSp;4. Dally. T:15 a, at, -Daily. 1 lugtoa. OalumCla Elver Divialoa. FOR ASTORIA and wart 4w p. ax. polata, eoaneeting with Dallr. A boat 5:00 A m. atmr. for llwaot ' amtl ex. Mandsy. bortb Beach, atr. Uas Haturaay. ax. Baaday. sam,' - A.n-er lortwt p. FOR DATTOXl'Oreson City and T.mhlll Rlverl T .W olnk, stmra. Ruth iad."1 T:O0 4,av T:tf. bv . Dally. ... Modoc. Aah-at. dock. IWeter permitting.! las, Sunday Bnake Rrver Rente. FOB IJCWIRTON Ik and way points from Rlnarla. Waah.. amra, About 4:00 P Dally. 5:40i Daily. Bpukane snd LewUtoa. ex. Ba ex. ri riday, TICKET OFFICE. Third and Waahlogtea. c Teto-, peeue Mais T12. " '7t'f' -W. STINGER, City Ticket Aawat,'', A. L. CRAIG. Genernl Paoaenger Agent. - east SOUTH Leavoa. UNION DEPOT. Arriysa. OVERLAND EXPRESS trains, for Balem. Rose- bum. A.hUnd, Beers meets, Ogden. San Fran- 8:80 5.1 TJ8 a..m etoco, atorstoa, una at getoa. R Pane, New Or lee ne and tba East. Morning train eon Beets - at - Woodbuci dally except Boadar with train - for - Mt. Angel, 41 IT arte a. Brawnaeille. Ilflll- 5 :20 a. 54. 8:00 p. ta. flelA Wrndflug audi Mtros, Albany psaaengor eon- :0t)A m. 4:44 a. neta at Wood Voodaura with O0J" dBJ,' 10:10 4. :a'fl ..-- Mt. Ansel aad aitrer ton krsi. t .na ills .mm aaataa as mmrah ' t Ul 11181 BBmrmmnp-anipp l Bherldan paaaenger. i:ai a. m. Dally. IIDaily. except thindaf. . rartknd Oawago Baburbaa Borfies 44 TamklU AlTWUHa. , iUaraoa atreet. leave PortUnd dailr tor Oawego 7:40 a. sf: ..... 12 50, t:0B, 5:85, 5:20, 4:25,. T:4l. 10:10 p. m. Jially trxcept Sunday) 5:40. 4:80, 5:44. I0.-2A 5. a, at. Butiday only. 10 wo a. m. LesTSs from Sams depot for Dallaa and later- ' mcdl.te points dally texoept suadayl 4:00 Pm. Arrive Portland 10:20 a. m. .ha JodrpeadaDce-MunnKniU Motor Line Operi tee- natty -tr-Mwiuwiithr-aaw--Alrll," eon aectlng wlb Boathera Pnclfio company a track! at Dallaa had Independence, - Flrat-cke fare from Portland to Bserameato and Ban Fraactera 520. bertha SB! Bscoad-rUss ' tars 414. aecoud'Cleaa aertna gx-ou. Tlckata to Eaatera Botnta aad Europe, aloe - Jsiisb, China, ilonolala had Australia. City TKket tiroes corner 1 utra gna wnan lag toa Btrseta. Pbeeet Mala T12. C. W. RTTNGER. - - w. B. COMAN. I Ity Ticket A gear. won. rnsa, Agenx. TIME -"CARD OP TRAINS . Pbrtlandr .; V'NION. DEPOT.' j Departs, I Arrive.. Paget bound Limited, V - 4:45 p. PA., ..." ; "3 ' XM. PA. i,' - -1 -I - . T OO A. 'is.- T.-O0A44. xor lacoxu., pee 1 tie Otrmnla. - Hooth Bend 8:85 A 85. aad Gray a . Harbor points. North Ceelt Limited. for Tacoma, Baattk, Butte. St. PaaL Mln- neanoiic Cblcaeo. New 1:00 s. m. York.' Boat on and Dot A La r,.at ana Bontneaat. - Twrn-CHy Bxnraaa. fai Tacema. Heettte. Baa kane. Helena, Bt. Paul, minneonoiie x nicAse. New lnrk. Bnatna and 11:41 A all points Beet tad boutaeeat. Pa set Bsand - K a nee el nty-rit. Leuls Rpecra for Tacoma, Heettle, Bpoaano, Butts Billies. Denver. Omshs. Kenaai :80 a. m. City, St. lewis nnd all points Aaat aad aoath .cat. All tjiiftne ' dalle eeceea mm mnmim mmmA br.n.-b. A. 1). CHARLTON. Oaaeral Paeeenger Agent. S28 Morrlaoa at., cor. Third. Pwrtkad. Or. Astoria & Columbia J . River Railroad Co. Leaves, TNION DEPOT. Arris ! 8 '00 4.10, Dally. , Far Maygers, Rainier, CU 1 aha ale, Weatn.rt, Cllftotu. Aetorla, War re 11 too, FUeal, -Hammond. ' Pert - Rterena.i tle.rh.rt Park. Meatlik. Aatork aud Seaahurty 11:10 5. at Dally. , T:00 p. at. Dally. dally. 8:40 p. ax. . .,. ..... , Vi MAYO, . - ' G. P. aad P. jL. Aatoria, Or. C A. STEWART. Commercial Ageul. 114 Abtop Pbeos Main ooa. 'J rtekwt OtBwe 188 TaAiw -aM. tawa 888 eak XreanacxsVitlrtatrittki ' aaaf Trail na Dally -.- - FAQT TIME to epoVArffs, rr. fytv pucTTa Tlri trip a r 44 a.- y snoti- . , P -M, laU. fi.aA t.lm Iteturptng rrom uewega. arrivo rwiaex oeiij 453o axo.s 1:55. 8:0574:35, 5:15. T:3S. JM. 11:10 p. m. luily (except ttandayl 8:25, T:.V-V . :. 10:20, 11:45 a. m. Except Moaday, 12 .4 -'-