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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1905)
V THE OnEGON DAILY JOURNAL, POIITLAID,'" SATURDAY VSZlllllZ. rZLHUARY 11. 1 1- Hyffavt ( - ' t&X'4&&v& - CAN (From th Independent) ONE Sunday evening a year and a half ago, being alon:4n New . Tork.. miles from rajr home town and horn church. I did " that which I had not don for year J act to work to. atudy the column headed '"Religious Notices" In a. dally paper of the day before, solely for the ' purpose tsf selecting from the list' a 2 service Jo attend. .- When I had read the lint through critically the net result. was that I waa so thoroughly disheartened. nnt n w Ainmt mi that.' tnatjtarl "f ' gbjng anywhere. I stayed at homt and j tnU down to think. At length my thoughts arranged , themselves., into the framework of this awtlclo, - In order to get material- at f irst -hand 'for iorh sn article, and also to create about myself n "atinospbse""out. off which I might Imbibe Impressions worth setting forth thus. I did this: During , the weeks of one whole rear, from Jan- anc-to-Janua rjZ ::cllpped .each.BaturTl dayXrora certain daily paper that por tion of the page containing the columns Just referred to. .In order to make the. . list as widely representative as possible, I mad these- clippings not from one paper alone, but successively from each ' on of the U the- Times and Tribune. 4b Ban and Herald, the World and American. " Ordinarily th space so . occupied Is that of about two columns each -week and f,hoa columns contain, on an aver age, something less thin II entries : npleoe. At the end of the year spread this mass of matter out before mo and read it through at a single sitting. With tablet and pencil In hand while doing so I culled from the whole and noted oown la black and whit the items, words and phrsses. - ." -But first, out from the "atmosphere" which this reading generated about me. there bar com "floating soma general - Impressions and inquiries which I bav -fin mill Intrt points, ss thus; Jnnt whit ar th principal trlcka and devices sorted tT Just;, what purpose is this advertising meant to serve, and what la " the net result of it all? , ' ; j There ar some special things, perhaps half a dosen, upon each n -of- which, in j. . turn, stress is laid In the hop that it . 1 will attract a congregation. I-in one .... whol grotip. for example. "all the em phasis Is laid upon the music. In all such advertisements, where It Is evl . dent that th musio Is intended- to be th principal feature., if on were so "" Inclined he might read between th lines th fact that the pastor of th church 'holds but a secondary position to the organist Attention la repeatedly called to the fact that the service wilt be "a musical service with a brief, address." .'. th word brief address being always in 'Italics. I answered on such Advertise ' ment, as it were, by attending on sock service; the service wss on hour and SO " - minutes long, and ihe sermon (!) (which. I timed with my watch) was Just six . ' minutes. - . . : . This music, of course, may be either :.' Instrumental or vocal. Naturally in such eases' th special thing advertised , will b the. jiamea-of . special . instru ments or the names of famous must- elana.- Of the former scarcely any sort is omitted. - Matters continue much as they were at the dedication of Nebuch adnecxsr's Image: th people are bidden "- to "fall down and worship what time they besr th sound of th cornet, flute. . , ,hrp, sackbut psaltery, dulcimer and aH Vliida of, music " fine, notice refers to "a new organ.";, another mentions ."a . string . quartet and organ." another 'boaata of stringed Instruments end a chorus choir;" somewhere a "famous ,' ousrtet wUI be present and King;" some-. where els "the musto will be under th I direction or Professor X. and the sln. tng will be led by Madam Q th favor " Item. oprano."- while, In : stilt a third T'lace, "Herr B., the distinguished cor , netlst. will perform." One church ad vertises a "cellist . and contralto." an other an "Imported tenor," another - a basso soloist."-and atlll another' the ' fart thst there will b "violin maslo and il euphoaloua seloa." . : ' whaUvet they . w is.,- i..-., ., ...... in connection with "tn-nam of. an . church thsr. appeared thlar'The choir will render th Uasf muslo from 'the ' oratorio Ulljah; including th Descent of th rire." ; In others .orrsn volun- ales, organ recitals and early evening organ prelude before the service sre - announced. . On ' emphasises this fact thus: "Organ numbers begin at the alert Cots early and socarg a front j j-, J 7ii , i , i-Li-i.i-i 7 t -I-C1-11-I1 O-O-C-C1-1-1 1-1 r i-"Li" -i. ri.i-i.i-Ln wwmimm m.jwmwwwjww.Xii THE CZAR CHECK THESE FLAMES? seat" I not? on church' whos. special claim to patronage appears to be that "s vesiea cnoir wui marcn 1:1 in. - another-announces that at a, special 'ser vice "Colorado jubilee singers will ren der, gospel soagsv and plantation, melo dies," while, with charming naivete. on boasts of "music by a South Afri can boy choir.". and another that there will be "musio by American Indiana (Blcl - " .. - . . ... '.r From this group, Jn which the ham of. the pieacher- does riot appear at all. th type merges gradually to that. In which ixe appeaf a aa a subordinate per sonage.. Tou may notice, without trying at all, that "sir. Somebody will sing.' whUs by 4ooklwg-cs rof ully- a t on eornec of In notice may., you. ducover the name of the v preacher 7.. or the preacher's name Is .printed In ordinary type, while those' of certain soloists are double capped. And there ar those. In which th two names ar bracketed, as. for example, 'Sermon by!lffr.' (not even RBvVTgo-and-i"luHri tnusTo TtyJ'Fo- feasor. Somebody Else. - from this polat on on comes b easy steps to th point where th sermon 1s .made th sol Important feature of th service- and Is advertised to the. exclu sion of everything -tse.- This- may be either, because It .Is upon a startling theme or by som man whose, nam be speaks startling lsnguage. - Such a dis course itself is called by many names', It may be a "lecture." an "address."; or a "sermon." and the speaker may "preach" or "talk" or "preside," ss oc casion demands.-All this means' that the words announced may be thou of a ttoplc'l. a."aubject." -nhm--or a "text." , . . ... r- f ... . When special : names ar announced there is supposed to be a peculiar draw ing power In the names of strangers from distant lands or cities.. The Rev. Mr. Somebody, of Some Plac Is adver tised; th further from home he happens to be the more noteworthy is mad the rc-TTsctr yicauiuabiy-upon the prlnclplethat 'A prophet is not without honor." etc Once , he is the bishop of So-and-so; sgaln. a returned . missionary ... from Somewhere, or even a layman who has gained popularity, not to say notoriety. In connection with on of these the ex hortation. Is appended: "Do not falU.t beer Mr. - Vou have never heard his superior in expounding th word of Ood." r:, . . As regards the actual tests themselves her are som Instsnces taken at -ran-4 dom and set, forth In terms of their lit eral wording. - They a re all genuine. Not ona Is my own invention. . I could not have invented , them' If I had tried. I am not at all ur thst I got all thatl war singular, nor even that I have chosen 'th most- startling; for, by the tlm that I had Head th list half through . nothing any longsr - looked strange or surprising. When taken out of their setting this la how they look In cold print: ."Beeklnsr Grass for Mules snd Finding Elijah;" "A Great Oulf.'o' too aUly to b mad aa Fixed, one of a aeries of Trumpet Blast Addresses; "Nathan Bald Unto David, Thou Art th Man f or. Th Crack De tective;" "Out ofth IVylng Pan Into the Fir: A Study of a Recent Suicide." '.In most esses where "subjects" are announced without texts ths subject is either so ambiguous a to suggest noth ing definite or ls It )n so lara and general that one eould drfg Into th dis cussion of It almost anything. 'Those that are very larg ar oft eh overwhelming. ; For ; example: ., "The Metaphysics . - f . Bociology." . "Th Changes That Have Taken Place-In Christ lajilty In the Past EIhW Hun dred Years," "What About th Human RaceT or,' Men and Woman." Home tlmea they are bewildering, as, for .ex -smple. "An Interview With a Noted Scientist of 00 B. r." Bometlmea thsy are startling, as. "Th Persistence of Hell." Sometimes they ar Intended to be practical, aa, "How to Succeed; Get a Good Job and Stick to It." Some times they even contain foreign words and phrases; for instane, av missionary sddress op "Th ' Eastern Question CombtenT " And here 4 on I. do not trutte knowriow to classify: "Jastlfica tlon, Adoptloh and Sancflficatlon, with blackboard tllagram'a" 1 . Now and. then a Question' Bog Is ad vertised, and her ar a few "ot the questions to be answered: "Has Ood a Bodyrv-tpeeulBttv at least: "Is the Soul Immortair' certainly fundamen tal; "Am t Greater Than the Universe T etc.' Ist of all there ar astonishing groupings. : For ekampl: "Men Who Think They Know It. All. and a Few Things They Don't Know. Questions An swered." - These two - ar' bracketed: Morning sermon-r"What Js Religion?" evening sermon "A Defens of Violence to Scabs." But this caps th climax: "la Life Worth Living?. AH interested are invited." . , . ' ;" -' I hav also' saved for a paragraph by themselves 4ot ofTrablectaf-pro- logo"- or - "preludes'V to sermons.-.-. Th Introduction of this feature into the service-is a, recent innovation. I think the, reason or It muatt lie where the western editor' thought th reason lay when ha suggested - that . "President Roosevelt would get more people to ' read hlsmessaglf he would"; Incorpbr at In it a column or so about On of his bear hunts." To begin . with startler: 'On advertises "PrologT-Th Carnival 'af JBlooxLz. Another win an swer th question "Whet Ac Our In-spectors-of Police Doing?" while a third wlllapeak.i;ot. .flvsjninutes on "Noted Amerlcan'GamhlergtMonts-1 Carlo.1 -Oflin th "prolog" has to do with som. question currently. .discussed . or some incident described in th columns of the dally press, as for example, "Les sons From th Lynching of 1 Texas Negro." Th season of , th ' political campaign la replete with such aa this: "The DevU in Politics. Is H a Demo crat or1 - a Republican." "Prine Henry's Visit" wss duly noted, as waa also "Th Case of Florence Burns." - Be ginning with the middle of May that year th Martinique disaster claimed at tention; about the middle of, June th coal miner woke Hip to find, himself fa mous; a Jlttle later came th corona tion; -whll scattered . through th list there are a lot of proper names, tncludtng thos of Cectl - Rhodes, Canfleld, Ro land "Mollneaux ' and ' Elisabeth Cady Stanton. ' All of this is supposed to b up-to-date; th effect apparently is to be abreast of tha times. In plain Eng lish it is simply "yellow pulpltlsm.", - Next - after the . nsmes . or speskers and the themes upon whlcinheywm epeak the thing expected to "draw" i th announcement or special sermons on, some specialty .designed to hit off certain special seasons. It is Interest-1 Ing to hot th-way-tn which thes fol - l low tha seasons of the -year. Not eon- tent to follow . alon the course of tbe Christian year., with ita leading feast and fast days, as does th Episcopal church, moat churches ,msk religious epochs of Memorial day. Independence day, national holidays and heroes' birth and death days. On Is so careful -not to miss anything that h observe even St. Valentine's day, whll another ad- . ..n- h. .naohd a. certain Sunday in March on "St. Patrick. th Irishman par excellence." Them too. there wera 'all sorts -of, special services of special "kinds, from lore feasts and sesnces to carnivals and. festivals. Nothing is elthef too saored or too silly to b mad aa "occasion." Th sacrament of th Lord s supper lrBV "nalt., J0L !' welfare" made a function to which "all ar cor-1 'A- " ' c"n.,.ld,ertloB ther" " dlally invited;" efforts to pay debts ar ho ur l' tnPO"lbl to arous mad into "jubUees"; baptism is adver- th6 "t" the jnuitltnd by ordl-tlsed-as a --spectacle." ' whll Sunday na.ry,m"n" nd ththerefofe it ra per scbools 31bl classes and prayer, meet- m'",bAr to ?"? mfn to 1 .M .... .1 irk-. .. bring them into a position where ther air varied performances given with th aid of a tnaglo lantern, on of which la described as "Intensely dramatic and Interesting," another aa " uniqu and delightful enterUlnment." whll atlll a thir haa "an attrantin h uniqu feature" Favorite among thes durlna- th oast vesr has been the retro. auction of-gcenea from 1 th "Passion ti." . . v.n,n..o tihlch th theory seems to be that the plara th thing wherein I'll catch th conscience of the crowd. Now, this list Is by no means exhaust ive; it Is only meant to be Illustrative. Not all th curious things hav been cited; -far from it; they eould not be, Ther were too many of them and some war - not fit. , Som were to vulgar, some were too flippant, som were too sacrilegious. Leaving out of account all questions of good grammar, not to amy of good taste and good judgment I think It Is apparent that even of thoee that hav been quoted th vulgarity and flippancy - ar unpardonable. - Ther seem, to be those who. are careful te stop at nothing save tha limits of their wa Invention. , - , Aa an Instance of , th flippancy of which., soma . men ar capable think- ef this: A discussion is advertised baaed upon th Incident of Abraham sitting In th door of bis tent and Doing visited by two angels; ik-es labeled with th atrlk lng caption, The Hebrew's 'Afternoon at Home." Thos who us such. Uncus- allow no season of th yar - to paae .without due notice, and -bo such notlc Is without its own amount of flippancy: for example, her la a New Yeara - discussion - on "Th Dsrll's Ledger." Indeed, nothing , seems to be considered' sacred.' as - witness "A Criti cism !). f th Lord's Prayer.", Neither th nam of th saviour nor any of his works ar . considered free from hands of violence; for example, on man will discuss . "The Personal ' Rells-ton .of Jesus," another'Th Humor of Jesus" and. another asks. In" type of double else, "Waa Christ a Yogi f 'whatever that may mean. AU these perhaps might be endured, but hardly this:- A Communion Sunday - sermon. : entitled "Chrlsfa Bsnquet Talk." ' And wrhn comes to this I positively draw tha line via: ' A Christmas .sermon on "Ood's Little Boy." Surely, surely. "Fools rush in whsr angels fear to tread.". Now, what earthly purpoee-can all this serve? First, rather, perhaps, what purpose la it meant to serve Th pur pose seem to be twofold, on part of which la honest and on part dishonest First, there Is a frank dealr to acquaint th public 'With th hours and places of warship, th names of preachers and the natur of th service. A few of th notices, perhaps about on tenth, 00a. Lfln themselves to this point And atop at mat. inis wouia seem 10 d legitiT mste; these ar "notice proper, not advertisements.' 1 . i ' r ' The other purpose, end tinder this head must b grouped th other nine tenths. Is ' to draw a crowd. Those in which this is th purpoee ar. "advertise ments" . pur . and simple. -It - Is In pise, then.' to aak. "How does all this advertising matter"dlffer from and how does it compare with that employed by other . people in - other , relations for example, that - relating. not to places of - worship. - but -t- .places - of amuse-ment?,- it seems to m that th very -gam principles sre applied . her as elsewhere, bat without th same effect. Every trick of successful advertising in other departments la imitated, but in no single case is. th Imitation vr ao clever as the original; In fact, it is not often olever at all. , t . . When ingenuity Is absent, then mer exhortation Is resorted to.- Terse phrases ar arranged in terms of hortatory lan guage such , as "Come. ' "Welcome," The Publle Invited." "Strangars . Ar Weteom, -'Everybody 7 Corn." "Sent Free; . Strangers welcome ; "Good Music," "Come," "No Collection; Do Not B Afraid to Come."." Now, I am ready to admit that I am not th pastor 'of a church and - therefor . maybe do not know, what I would do if I war; but I do know that I would not do thla and that, because I know th way it. strikes a layman. This very tone of pleading is in itself a confession of weakness. Be sides, those who adopt it begin at th wrong end of a complicated .process. When people are given somthing to- go to church - for they need no urging t go; to urge them repeatedly to go for something which they learn, time after tint by sad experience they will not get Is to defeat the end in view. . To keep on doing this with- no nobler purpose than merely to attract a crowd la to adopt 4h tone of a. street hawker in front of a dim ' museum, of which.- th '-leading notes are braggadocio and dishonesty. . Again, to approach th matter from a slightly different' view point: Does it pay? It must be noticed In passing that all this costs moneyThese advertise ments ar solicited In th' regular way by regular business agents and ar paid for at stipulated -prices. The regular charge is about 10 centa a line;, th average advertisement has -about f iv lines; there-may be from Ti to IS in each one of tl Issues of each ona. of hair a dosen- pepere in -on city alone. Now,- that represents a good round aum f-ef - money. This can only- "pay"? any church on condition that It brings th right kind of people to that church. But doe it?. I doubt it . On th thr hand. It is perfectly certain that these very methods .detrr many, honeatwjnen from to many others they make religion seem a. silly and. unworthy things.' ' At best, then, the kind of people whom it can Attract would seem to be those, restless spirits wandering through" dry places, seeking rest and finding pone, who never in their lives attach them selves to any church, but in their attend ance malt th rounds of-all the churches. These ar they whom Mr. Beeeher used to call "religious bummers." ' There ar JiMrt so many of them' in th city; they would go to church somewhere anyway; to be induced to go to on is merely to prevent their rolnr to som other. -and even when their attendance is secured aaJ soma on -cnurcn . tney are of little pecuniary advantage to that church, for they, minister neither., to its . financial support nor to its working fore. It 1 worthy of notlc in this connecH tion that no single advertisement ever appears regarding th service - of any Roman Catholic church, and that some of thoee churches in th city. Protestant '""hs, which hav the IsrgesLjweekly c?nfJt,on eTr "f T,r"- Bt aU- ,n . ,7.wiiv-ii uni an arely attended are the same ones which "" Popi to aiien nor invent - a - - waya - of attraotlnr -them. '',. JT60" of th Church " ""7 inis msun- wu mao "" soje 01 an aaoress ny a man r."0"?,01"0?. ouh ! "ff7 we,ntr v-, Mr. Whltelaw Reld. He protested eralnat th modern tendency toward naaUonalism In pulpit advertising and retted the fact that sacred subjects beln treatdn this manner. ,Bald ""'j.. .1'" . . ' L "Probably no other kind of sermon woul reported in th newspapers T But 1 n r"1on r a sermon should i rePorte11t The newspapers ar 'or cJwnlcllng.the MWB, and It is th ?TC.hp." i,ot to t,, of ut to descrlb proper conduct of this !' toteach the congregation things J11"''0 u?lJ' ITT-I-Y 'J C lan 1Prtw'-t work. Th fallacy hers fact that when such an end Is to Jfy mean the process sewom proceeds any - further than th J??; -0P Who com to what they nlnk olna to o a circus ar not go TitJ'.K T ..J." "vef ond time with a aeMoua sermon. A f1-0?? bT.c"cte4'bj', "ou"te" ,rT" - ..i. i Avs w 7 ' u th solemn truth of God. . Four nwmmr STOma. ' - From th Boston Herald. "V It may Intareat women to know that th first jewelry stor wss started In th city of Chang On about t oo yeara ago, Tbe Celeatlal Vsndsrbllts and As tors of that period knew nothing of th fascination of - diamonds, because dia monds wer not In vogu at th B. C period. ' , ' . . Pearls and jade and coral, and other unpolished mineral substance had to content them, and as If to make good th glitter ef riviere and tlraa th prln ceesea of Chang On employed artisans to fashion them th most wonderful gold and stiver ornaments, which In them selves were' far more -Poetry than dia monds. ...-. , - . , - ., 1 . r- i" ... ... . CITY sTOTIC.T. ' CITY TftXAsirUK'g VOTICl OK tALI 0V , BKat rkOFIlTT to n-anaTCXT AB- gr.SSsTlWT. .. -NeU Is txireer (trial that the Aadltor ef the City ef lertlasd haa Iran, cod to . bm s Ut af the elniionC a menu . for the mprvlsz of tnt I,U umt froa the ut line ef tM lirwir mmramd atiwet to the t line of Ut Turautr-fwurth street, aad, that jpuraoant to Mctios II ( '! rhartar or 1 n my or rortlaml. I will, oa stoadaf, th tTth day ef brerr, IHift, at the her ef 10 oVtoca a. at., at' the rat soar ef the City Hall. In the City of Portland. Onroa, offer (or sal at pnblir aarttee to tbe hlshaat Mddw for ruk, aohject to raOVmptloa, the- follow las escribed oareela of real property, to-wit: ltann addltlne to teat IVrtland Rlk S. lot ft. rrask H. Kmllh .1117 Jtlk . aootk 100 feet ef lot S, A. A. ' Krata asm "karti pter or tract of lead Will be sold. errarateir aoe ror a aum not leas I tkaa Ua unpaid umoini tseraon aa4 lutereat and eoat of adrerrlalng aod vale. If more thae ea Bte te orrwe -the land wui he sold to tbe bidder ofterlns to lake the same for the least ajtioant 01 peaaity sua utterest. . vompe utioa win no; - - - Ktret L'poa the senalty for tbe first perl Beeoad-Vpea the penalty for the aatceediny lairw vpos ise me 01 lnrereai. J. . WBRLBIIf. ' ' ' City Treeaarer of tbe rity of Portlaad, PertlaiMl. Oreaoa. January 38. 1BUS. ' - ' t r CTTY TBXAIUBEB'I B0TJCB Or UU tf bbaii rBoriBrr ro rrxauuiBT a- XsatOXTg.- ' Notlea la herahv rirmn hat rh auditor at tba City, ef Portlaad haa transmitted te me a Hat of the - detlnqneot eeeieemeets fur tbe improvlnc of geventoeath street from Celt (est Burth of the north lino of Vauehs atreai to the south 11 no of Marehall street, and that pnraaant te aectloa 4 III ef the charter of the ( Itr uf Portlaad. I will, oa Monday. 1 tbe 17th day ef february. IvoS, . at tbe hoar of 10 .'Clock a. m.. at tbe wear door of the City Hall. la the City of PortUad. Oresos. offer for fcale at nubile auction to tbe hlsheet bidder for raab. euhject ta redemptloo, - tbe folhMrtsg e- ecrioea parrots 01 real properly, ro-wix: twin Aauiiion n t i itt ot r-oriiaao Blk XHA. lot 1. Oeorre Ike. Vol ....S01.TO Blk .!&. lot aV Georea Da Vol.. 444.0A Blk ail. -Jot a, Mary Jacobaoa........ S44.eS Blk 311. lot . William Jacobaoa 81B.20 Blk 411. lot T. William Jaeobeoa....... S0T.62 Blk saa, lot 3, Qeorge AlnaUe EaUte, Helra ef W1.4T Blk 2M.- lot A Gamrn . Alaalla Batata.. . Heirs ef ........ , lsl.M Blk K10, lot .. George Abuuie KeUU, Helra ef. . .i 40. 0 Blk 34,. lot. T, Oeofge. AlnaUe Batata, Helra ef.. M.5 Blk aaa. sorth H fct B, Joseph Eelff... X31.4S tare piece or . treet or iaaa wiu se sam arately and fee a asm not leaa thaa the unpaid aaeeeement tbereoa and Intareat aod eoat of advertising and sale. Tf more thas one,, hid la- err cred .the tasd will he sola te tbe bidder efferlag to Uke the same mr tbe least amount-of penalty-aad latereat. Compe tition will be: ,. - r irei Lpour me penalty ror rae nm penoo. Berond L'Doa tha uanaltT for tha Bueeaedlna rLT?: .. . . .. . . ; . . . .. lairo Lpoa us rata or mrereer. v... ,n .;. ...j. wbri.e1!. V ... '. Clly. Treeaarer ef the rtty of Porf.aad. rortiasa. uresni. January as, ivae.- CITY TKZAIXrBXX'B VOTICl Or.tAtZ 0y BXaX raOKBTY FOB WXITrBHT At- tOTgimiTg. v-, .-f " Notice la hereby - sires that the Auditor of -the City ef Portlaad haa transmitted to me a list of the dellooueot aaassamenta for tbe Improving ef East Sixteenth street, from -the south llae ef Belmoot street to the Berth line ef East Taylor street. ' and that pursuant to eeetloa 413 of 'the charter ef the City of Port land. 1 will, oa Mnaday, tbe 18th day ef March.' 1908. st the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.. at tba west door of the City Hall, la tbe City of Portland, Orecon, offer for sale st public a action, to tbe hlsheet bidder' for cash, sub ject te redemption, the follow tng . described parcels or real property, to-wit: ,. . a iracr er is on lyins neiwees tne nerrs . side Use of Raat Taylor atreet and the-south- aide line ef block I. tmseke. aod between the east aide Una t Esst Blxteenth atreet -and a Ihte'lOO feet ' easterly therefrom and aarallel there- ' ' with. Mary Robertson... .338.113 Each. Place er tract of land will he sold separately and for a sum sot lees thaa the a o oa Id assessment tbereoa and Interest and cost of adTerttatngaed. ualei!lt.-jnorethaa one 'bid Is offered tbe land will be cold ta tbe udder- ef form to-dvke' the same for the least amount or penalty sod Interest. Competi tion will be: . . .. Pint Cpoa the penalty for the ftrat period. Rerond Vdou tha ixn periods.. . ; ;v. inira uptm tna rats er interest.- : " J- B. WERtBIW. City Treasurer ef tbe f II? f Portland. - - Portland, Orettoo. rebrvary 11, 1. - . . .er. CvBTLaTTIOn ' ABS ACCEPT ABCB - Or DI j - rBOYxxxsT or nagvr btbht-.-t Notice 1e hereby' aires that Charles Wsnser, City Knslneer. haa lied In lbs etnee er tne uuderslgsed nonce tbst K. - J. Debuhr, contractor v for the - Improvement of Jeseno street, under the'- provtetoos of ordinance.- No. n,an. as ewapieiod eene alreet num thrTSni. ler line of Mlsslaalppl eaoa te the eester una of Alblna aeenne. . . . - Bald acceptance will ;b' considered hy the Eiecutire Board, at 4 o'clock, oa the ITth day -of February, 1S0B, sod objections to the acceptance of said atreet, er eny part thereof, stay be tiled In the office of the saderala-ned at a ay tlm prior thereto. -. ,tub EXKrvnrR board. . J , By THOS. C. UEVLIW. ''j..---! Auditor of he' City of Portland. Portlan. Oresos. rebmary II. 1905. - COMFLITIOM AVD AOCKPTABCI Or Uf. nommrt -or xast , . obbisob -: gTBXXT.I'-. r -TT""..,.. - Notice la hereby fires that Charles Waaser, City Bnslneer. kaa tiled ' In, the office of the undersigned notice (hat V. F. Lor, contractor for tbe Improvement ef East Mnrrl eou atreet. Snder tbe iirorleUMH ef ordinance ho. 14.323, has .completed said street, from the east llae ot East Thlrty-alsbtb atreet - te tha wast llae ef East Thirty-ninth street. -t--- Maid acceptance will he considered by " the Eieenttre Board at 4 o'clock, on the 17tb day ef rehrnarr. lvns. and abjections to tha acceptance of aald street, of any part thereof, stay be Sled la the eftce of tbe snderalfaaa St sny-ttma prior thereto. JTJHOS. C-CEVLIN. , Itor aftha City of Portland. Portland. Oregon. February 11. jiaue. nu roi tatbI aoaia.: ' Prom th St. Paul Dispatch. ' A bill haa been introduced In ths South Dakota house of representatives by Rep resentative Apland for the adoption of a stat song, whoa author la Stena 81d nell Peterson of Centervtllo.-. When the bill waa first presented, the assistant ciors ox ins nous onerea 10 sing tne ong to th members, but th offer was declined and th song wa referred .to th committee on Immigration. Follow ing is Mr. Peterson's production to be sung to th tun of 'Yes, .We'll Bally 'Bound th Flag, Boys!" .-,.'.. ,, . "Wher th skies beauty beam, ' And th sunsets golden gleam, ' Ther la my horn In South Dakota: r Wher th fields of waving grain - - Raise in glory-to thy name,- - r ,. . Give a cheer for South Dakota, " ' . ... U-iX-e-'-r Chumf? - : -' 1 -All ball to Dakota! with glad heart wt - : sing, .'.'. r '. ..."' ' . . " Till far o'er th pralrlss, our praises -: will. ring; ' ; And within each -patriot heart what 'a ",' ' ,( Joy It doth Impart; . .',;' Hail to th state of South DakoUt I .' :. 4 , ....- r, ....',...- , "Where th western breesea blow, T , Ooldenrod and roses grow. ver the plains of South And th lovely autumn -day . ' Into winter lingering stay . Giving a cheer for South 'Dakota.. "r . ' . -v . '.,.... "Timber land of wealth untold, ... Mines of silver and of gold, ' ' " " "c Ar in the hills of South Dakota; Wonderful thy Cava of Winds,' '. And thy great and famous spring Then glv a cheer tot South Dakota. . "They gather from th qaat, And they gather frpm th west. Becking for home in South Dakota! 1 What a welcome glad and free . , 1 7 From each pioneer you see -Then glv a cheer for South' Dakota, ...... .- .. . . ,v -: - T:ig-th homeland of the fr, ' , ' PatrloU of Liberty, Came -from the.jiomes of Sou th Da- - hot a; 1 - . ' ' ' - .. And the Nation's flac shall war v Long in honor oi th brave - Then give a cheer for Bouth Dakota, ,- c-ty r-r?cfc ...... 1 V , ortY ruAavtTB't vonox or sau or sal rkonxxT roB svwwim As- zsaiczjt'rB. ' NoUce Is hereby givea that the Auditor of the uv run iaa Has traueoutir t . aie a Hit of tha deliuuoaat aawaarata (or oaaatruedae ta sewee la Kefl.y street from the eoiith line of Freaeott street te th sewer la Kerby street at aiaaoa auwet. aad that pureaast te eoctlos 41s ef the charter ef tbe i lly of Portland, I wllL ea Monday, the tTlb day of a'abruary, lUuo. at tbe boar of 10 o ciocs Si .. at the wat doer of the CMy IU1L I tbe City ot PortUad, Orecoa, offer fur aalo at publle aaetUm to tbe felsbeet bidder (oreeah. aulict to reaemptioe, the following --TIW,i pmrrwm at rea uroperty. is-wiii Onual Albloa . Blk a, lot 1, Ambrose B. Oaateabela.. 2 SO Blk . lot S. Ambrose B. Oaateabela...... X4.SU Blk I Ambroe K. ttaatealmla...... M.SO Plk 4, lot Awliroae .,... if lot laroas B. Oantaabela. . Place or tract of Usd wlU a sold eiaraiei.w ann ror a sua sot leaa thaa tbe supald assess meat tbereoa and Interest aad coat of advert lain- and aala. It more thaa cms bid la offered tba toad will ha sold to the bidder -ot taring to take the aome for ths least amount of pa salty sad lateral. . Compe tition will he: . . . . - . . ' "-.-'" ia pmisiiy tor ua sirer pamwi. lecoad tpaawthe penalty for the eucceedisg yvt Nfua. . f '4.4 . J bird Upon the rate of Intereat. . , ,,-. ' B. WKHLKItf. , ' ' City Treaanrer ef the City of Poetland. PortUad, reoa, January- 3s. IftOO. T CITY TBXAgVBZB'l XOTICB Or BALB OF BEAL PXOrEXTT FOB VZUMVJZXT IWIHWTt, .. :. , w .',. -, ... Notice to hereby givea that the Auditor ot the City of . Portland haa transmitted te ma a list of the delinquent assessments for the Improvise of Kelly street from the south line-of Hamilton avenue to the northwesterly line of Macadam road, and - that pursuant , to seetloa '413 of. the charter .of the City ef Portland, I will, oa Monday, tbe 87th day ef reuruary, ivuu, at tne Boor er iv o ciocs a. s.. at ths west dour ef the-tlty Ball. "In tbe City of Portland. Orecon. offer for sale at publle auction to tbe highest blddat for cash, subject to redemption. . tba following described parcels of real property, to-wit: ' TerwIUlfer'st-MoUMeteed . - ' ' ' i ' Blk 1. west AflB feet of lot . TarwllIInF - -"' Land Company .ftOO.tS Blk 1. west .es test ef lot 6, Terwllllger - Land Company T.0t Blk 1, all of lot - lying berweea tbe - , eaat llue of Kelly atreet and a atrabjht " " llae axtendlng from tba Interaectioe of . ' -the easterly Mne of Kelly atreet with tba northwesterly line ef Macadam , road to a pouit la the north' line of ' aald block 1, Terwllllaw HomoVtaad. 1 ' aald point being eqnl-dlarast hetwaaa " ' tbe eaaterly line ef Kelly street and '' tne northwesterly tine of- Maeadam -. ' road. Terwilllger land" Company... . lTt.St ..ubdtvlsion of lots J aad V block t. -" Portland Romoatead " t . Blk s. subdivision 4 ef lot 1, 3. Schmidt M Blk ., auudlvlaloB get lot t Caroline V , Rimer ,.'......;..; " JS ' Each piece or tract of land will be sold separately aed far e 'asm set lees thaa the uapald aeoesament theraos sag latereat - and cost ef -advertising end sale. If more thaa one hid la effersd the msd will be sold te tbe bidder offering te take the same for the least amount ef penalty asd latereat. Comps tittos will he: . . . riret l'poa the penalty for 'the first period. I Seconds Ipon the penalty for the succeeding period.' '...".,',..:'. Third- tTpoa the rate ef Interest, .v i. w. . E. VEKLEIN. ' , ' City Treasurer ef tha City of Portias. Portlaad, Oregoo. January St, 1906. , . , CITY TBIAgVBZK'g BOTICB Or BALB Or BEAL PBOFEBTY I0K IZUBuu7BT AsV " I at the Auditor ef the I traaamltted t me nt - asasaamenu tor . rmtiaMai . atM.t Notice Is horehr sivas that city - ox fort land saa tri ust er toe oeuoxment the Improvtax ef Eaat Twenty -aecond atreet from tha sorth Una of Dunn's sddltios to the sorth Hue ef East Bnraalde- street, asd that fnrouant to section 413 ef tbe charter of the Ity cf Portland, I wilt, on Monday, tha 17th day ef t'otiruary. loi. at- the .hoar ef 10 o'clock a. m., at-4aa. west door of the City Ball, la the City of PortUnd. Orecon, af for for sal st public auction to tbe. alf best bidder for cash, subject to redemption, the following described parcels ef real property, to-wit: ... Dana's Addition to East Portland . RMt a, lot x. Atlas Milllnc Company. .,, T.S Blk , lot 3, Atlee Ulltns Vmpany.... "Ik 8, lot 1. AUaa MHUng Company . '. :. 11J.M OK . west M.2 feet of lot a. Atlas x Mitusg company........... -r... '.;...., le.rt Esch niece or tract ef lead will ha snld separately and foe a aum ' not lews thaa the anpaM aeamainnit ther 00a and talerest and eMt 'of adrertuins' aad sale. If more, than ona bid la .offered 'the land will be sold ta the bidder af ferine to take tha least amount of poaalty aod latereat. Compe- uium win oe: --. , First Unoa the penalty the tha first nerlod. - Becond l'poa the Denaltv for the snecaadlne urliul .. ....... .. . anira ipoa tae rats of mreresr. f I . 1 J. B. WERLEIN, ,'' Ctty Treasurer ef tk City of Portlaad. PortUnd. Orecon, January 38, 1906. , CITTzTBEAgFBXB'g BOTIOTori gALE-DF BEAL raOPIXTY YOB BZUBttVEBT A. Notlce is herahv sires that, the 'Auditor of tha city ei rvrtuuui saa transmit tea to - me s list nt tbe delinquent aeeeasments for eoneurartlns tba sewer In Beat Yamhill street from 78 feet eaat of tha eaat Use ef East Thtrreenth atreet to a connection - with the sewer in East Twalfth street, and that Sue. suant to eeetloa 413 of tha charter ef tba city of Portland. I will, ea Monday, tbe 87th day at reiK-uaryt ivuovai toe sour ot iw e ciocs e, m., at the west door ef the City Hall. In the nt- f Pvrtland. Orecoa, offer for sale st public. suction to in nixnsev ninner ror casa. sunyeet te redemption, the-, follow Ins described naresU ot real piupui ly, WWII . , . Hawthoma Park'- - ' :' Nik xs, lot S. Catherine H. Beck. . . . . .ErT.SO Ult-VtJ. tot I. letOMLlt, Boise ss Cats- - erlne II. Reck... ST Sn aus wij, lot 3. ieuia ti. Boise and Cath erine n. Bees Z3.WI Each Piece ar tract ef land wHIl ho sold separately and ' tor a sum sot less thaa the unpaid assessment tbereoe and intereat aad east nt advertlelnc and sale. If mora than one wa le ottered tbe . land will he sold to the bidder offerine to take tkh same for tbe leaat amount of pe Baity asd latereat. Compo- unnn wiu vm . . .. First unon the nenaltv far tha first nertnd. Second t'aob the lrrnsHr fnr the sinasilliis lnir ipoe the rate ef Inter ear '. J. B. WEBLEIN, ' - City Treaanrer ef tbe City of Portland. Portlaad. Ore'coa. January 38. IMS, . CITY TBXAgVKEB'B NOTICE 0E BAU Or BEAL PBOrEKTY FOB DIXINuUENT AB gXgBstEirri. -w u. re--:- -V ' Notice nt horehr stTn that tha Aadltor of tha City ot Portland hae transmitted t ma a Ust the deilncnent assessmenU for the improving of Russell street from the west line er noes atreet to the west line of Ssn tenbeln arense. and that noma ant to section 413 of the charter of tbe City ef PortUnd,' wiu. vn wniup-r in itil siai vaorusry. iieo, st tse near er 10 o'rmcs B. m., at tne west door of tbe City Hall, Is tbe City of Portland, .recon, offer fnr sal - at public auction to the htebest bidder for cash, anb- Joet te redemption.' th following described parrots 01 reat property, sa-unt: a , , Alblns ' 1 .'-' -'4 . Blk 4. west 60 feet ef lot If. Jobs P.' ' Price Estate, Helra ef f . Blk 4, west 46 fo-t of lot M-Ma'f- mca natate, ateir or... 11. on sacs niece or tract of Ian win sa sold separately and for a anm sot lead thsa the unpaid assessment 1 tbereoa asd intereat asd coat of advertising and aale. tt more than one Did M offered the land WIU he--sold to tbe bidder efferln to take the same for . the least amount ef penalty and interest. Comps- Utlos will he: . - ' ." First Lpon the penalty for the first period. RecoBd L'bob tha nenaltv . foe - tha aurro.i1 In periods. ,.,.- Jiaira Lpoa the rate of interest. J. B. WERXEIN. - City Treasurer of the City of Portland. ' PortUnd. OresaaWassary 38, 1900. 1 art TKXABUBXB'B. NOTICE OF SAXB OF BXAX. PXOFEXTY YOB .SEUVOVEBT Ag gEggHZVTg. ' 'v;" .' ' Notice la herebv etTea th,t f ho i-Hftno r.0 i City of Portland has transmitted to - me a Ust of the delinquent assessments for tbe unprovinc of Rest Twelfth atraet from tbe Booth . line of Powell etreet to 10 feet north nf tha north Una ef Fredericks atreet. and-., that pwrsuaet to eeetloa 413 ef the charter ef the City of Portland, f will, oa Moo day, tba 37th day of February, lBox, at tbe hour ef 10 o'clock a. sv. at I he weet door of tbe Cltr Hall. In the Cltr of PortUnd. Anaaa. offer for sal at public auction to tbe hlcbeet niwT iw sopjovi ia laoeuiptlon, tne folio win- described parcels ef real property, to-wit: -v , . ' . . k ....... Cole's AdcMHoa to Bast PortUad Nik 3, lot , Genres glckafeoaa.......t3rf.4T Blk 8. north 40 feet ef tot 4.. Christ. , Neldenlhell . -, to ft, Each Bleca er tract of land will Ho .m aeparatety - and fee a anm sot -lees thsa the anpald aaauiamont theraos and IbIo-om, and cost of . adveeoslnf and saU. If . more thas one bid le offered the bnd will he sold to Ike bidder offerine to take the same for the leeet amount ef penalty asd latereat.. Ceeape tltloB will be 1 Flrsto-tpn tha penalty fsr the fb-st period. Second t'soa th njaaaltv for tha semeiiai periods. w .. . . -miro i-poa tie rate of intereat. .. . - - - 1. B. WERLEIN. City Tretsnrer ot the City of PortUa. PortUnd, Orecoa, J senary IM, 106. .. ....... --.-.v ..... .... ,',-.. ...-' ' - - . -o . ' '; ' y " "-"' -'' " -' --.--T 7 "".,.. ..''. I . CITY VOnOEB. 1 ooiinxrioY avd AocirraiicB or m PBOTirrr or oobbxtt riiit. Notice Is hereby fleas that -Charles Wasaer, Ctty Ed imot. has died ' III the otaca ef tbe aa.-.m(sedr notice that Hmytb how arg tomuauy, ounuaetor Vor the Improvement ef Corbet sirwt. .under th srorlslosa t ordluaaca No. U,bB, bay eampleted said stpert from the ouster Una of Peaooyer street to the center line at Abernrtby street; a leu front Us renter line of Auhuc street te the caster list ot Baser a met. ; . . . - held acceptance will he considered hy tbe JCiecatlT Board al 4 o'clock, oa dhe ITth day of rebruarr. luos. asd ,tu,H to ih acceptance of aald erreet, se aay part thereof, may be tl.4 the of Be, ef the Mdaralxsea . at sny Ubm prior thereto. ' ',. lag hATTlVB BOARD. - " - . .. B' THOS. X DEVLIN. : . Auditor ef tba City of Vortlaat- PortUnd, Oresos. rebruarr 11. IftOO. , OMtYLETIOB ABS AOOhPTAJlOa OP i.vwnsssxn or goiBXB stuxt. - Notice Is hereby fives that Charles Vsnser. ' ' City Enslneer. haa nWd la - the . of See ef tbe andarsicued so tic that J. V. awseaey, ' " 0 10 tractor tor the Iniproremeat ef Fourth ' street, under the provlalana ef ordinance No. .' -I4.1Hd. baa euupletad aald atraet from tba " south Una of liuusar, street to the Berth 11 ua ef .Woods auaat. .... . - - Bald acceptance will be considered by the- . KjwcutlTa Hoard . at 4 o'clock, on the ITth -day of rebruory. 1900, aad objections to the '' acoeptasce of aald street, or any port thereof, may-e dled-ea- the office of- the sndsrlgBei"T St any tloMr prior thereto. ...".' J v , ! - TUB aiXLXTTlTB BOARD. ' . . . By T1I03. C, DeVUN. - -. Aadltor of the. City ef FnUnd. - ' Portland, Onsos, February h. lBOa,. C0XFXZTI0B AND AOCXFTAMCX OF Dt- rRoyxxiBT, or. east wAraoTo sTBZXT. v.'- . v;' ; -.'t?cS,".'"rDT,Tf fharlee Wasaer. V , City - Emrlaeer. .-. haa (led is , tb4 sfflcs ' ef-the'uuderalfned eetlce that J. R. O'NeiL roatractor for. tba ImarowemeBt of Kmmi -w..k. ; Inftoa atneat. Bader the prorlalons ef oedlnsoe -r-- no. -n,iu,. naa computed aald atreet. from tha eester Hue ef East Thirty-fourth street to the west line of Bunnalde Third addition, .sold aeeeptaae will hot eoealdered by tha V Eaecntlve Board at 4 o'clock, oa the ITth day ef February,:: 190B, ' and objectloss te the acceptance of aald atreet,- or any part thereof, " . siay he died la tba office of thee sndexaissea at any time prior thereto.- '-' ' rt .. ... THE EXKOtlTIVB BOARD. ' ... V. ' ByTUOS. C. DEVUN, i Auditor of, the City st PortUa. "",' PortUnd. Orecoa. February 11. laoo, C0JCPLETI0B ABD - AOCXrTANCX 0r XM- - rEovxiourr . or car THixTT-ziaxTX ' BTBZRi,-' . . -v. ' . 1. ' j, , - ..-z: 4-- Notice ti hereby givea that Charles' Wsaaer, City Bnainaer. .. 'haa - fllod 1a tha - efnea ef tha uudersicaed sot tea that J.' B. 0'Nall, contractor for tbe Improvement ef Beat Thirty elf hth atraet, a Oder the previsions of ordinance No. 14,233, -bee rempleted aald atreet. from the center , line . ef Eaat Wash la toe street te th eeuter line of Belmont street. . sold acceptance will be considered by the - Kxscutlve Board at 4 et'cWk. on tha ITth day of February, J808, sad objections to the acceptance ot aald atreet. -er aay part thereof, may he tied In tha of Ilea at ths udaralned . at ssy time prior thereto. ' , - . . mi lintUTlTS SOlin, v , By thos. c devlin. - " Aadltor ef the City ef Portland. . Portlaad, Orecoa. February It. 1900. OOMTLITIOM - AND ACCEPT AX CX Or Zat- .: rxoyxxxxT or - xait TsaxY-rovxTK . BTXIXT. ' :. '.' . v .'''. .,. ; Notice Is harah stvan that Char lee wanaer. ' City- Enclneer.. has glad la tbe office '--ef the anderalcned . notice that i." B. O'N'ell, '-. contractor for tha Improvement ef Boat Thirty- eostraesor let um ttw'na7t' ' ":1V, J t ".05 !' Bsst Aldi nadar the provialona of eralnance com pic ted aald atraet from .4 : Base Line road to the center ' Alder atreet and from the center line ef Eaat -Taylor atreet t th north - Ua - - ef Bawthome arcsue. - - - - geld acceptance will be considered by the , -Rxecnttve -Board iM o'clock, oa - the ITth , j day ot February. 1808, sad object loos to tbe aeceptaace ot said atreet, er any part thereof, may he filed In the office ef the uaderalcned at any time prior thereto. - TUB EX ECCTIVB BOARD. , ' x f !.. ( . , . By THOS. C- DEVLIN. ; i' Auditor af the City ef - Portlaad. PortUnd, Xlracwn, February 11. IPOs. CITY TBXAgllBEB'B NOTICE OF BAXX T0B .BEAL rxOPEXTY YOB BaXniaiTXeTT AB - - aTOaattaTt. .., - Ketta to herehy -cleea-that the' Asditor -- of the City ef PortUnd has transmitted to n - ' a Hat of tbe delinquent .assessment for th improving" of Water and Hood atreeta, from ' j the south tine pf Clay Street to 100 fee south ot the south Use of Carnthers atreet, - and . that purauaat to section 413 of . the charter ot thi7CttyT0f Portland, IwllU oe Monday, the 18th day ef March. 180&, at the boor ef - 10 o'clock a. 'm., at the west dhor ot the City . Hall In the City ef PortUnd. Orecon, offer . for aale st nubile suction to tbe hlsheet bidder . War cash, subject te redemption, the following I described parcels of real property,--to-witj , - a, tract ot lana lying petween ine sou in Una ef'-"Cley street and -eaetedy ... - " 1 - tension of same and the south Uae - ,1 , of Jefferaoa atreet and easterly ertrn- . j Stbn of- same and between Water .' - street snd west bank of WUUmette'. . - river st low water mark, Portland A . - Willamette Talley Railroad Company. f 1,609.(1 ' Bach piece or parcel of land will be sold separata aad for earn sot leas thas tha ' unpaid ass i ssment theraos ssd latereat asd - ( east of advertlalng and aale. If more than, one bid U offered the land Will be Bold ta tba bidder offering to take the same for tk least amount of penalty and U teres t. Compotl- -'; tlon will he: - , First Upon the penalty for the tret period. - ' Second L'poa ths penalty for the .succeeding . periods.' - ..' ........'.- Third Cpoa ths rat of interest . ' ' ' ' k J. E. WBBMH". flly TreesurAr of the City of PortUad. f. : Portlaad, Orecoa. February 11. 1008. CITY .TBIASTTEZB'S NOTICE' OF gill OF ' . bxax rxorxxrr ro BExnravzn ab. Notice Is hereby elves thst, toe-Auditor ef the City of Portland hee traaamltted to me a lUt of the dellnqnont assessments - for the ' ImprevlBg ef Macadam etreet from the south line ef Crover street to the south Une of b locks US aod 187, CarBthers' AddlUea to the City ef Portland, as laid out by the South PortUnd Real Katate AsaocUtloa, ssd that per suant to section 413 of th charter of tbe City -ef Portland, I will, en Monday, tbe 13th day -of March, 1S0S. at tbe, hour ef 10 o'clock ' e. to. at tha west door efthe City Ball, la -the fflty of Portland, Orecon, offer tor aale at public auction to tbe blfheat bidder for cash, subject to redemption, the following described parcels f real property, to-wit:- . .'arnther'a Addition to tha Ctty ef PortUad td Uid out by .the South Portland Real Estate : Association. ' ' ' Blk l.rrtot l,,Mlltoa W. Smith.. ....llnSM 4 Blk -187, lot 3. Milton. W. Smith f 64 Blk irr, lot a, Ml I to W. Smith...... P8.M Blk 187. tot 4. Mllto W. Smith 103.TT Each nice or tract ef Und will be enld separately and - for . a sum sot less thas . tha . snpald assessment thereon and Intareat and eoett sdvertlslns snd sale. - If mors thas one j hid U offered the Und . will he aald to the bidder effort He to take the same for the least amount of penalty and Interest. Competition will ba: . . - -Ftrat rpon the paealty for the Orit period. -I Second Xpoa the penalty for ths succeeding - serioos. . v- Third Upon th rata of Interest. - . . - J.'.E. WERtEm. -L . City Trea surer of the City of Portland; ' - PortUnd. Orecoa,. February 11, 106. . CTTt IBEAiTJRXB'g NOTICE OT gAXB Or . ; REAL PROrXXtY TOB BEUHAVEVT At. ' BESgl(rTB.. .- ..'...-;-. 5 -. Notice s hereby givea that the Auditor of the ' Ctty el PortUnd haa . transmitted to me a llat nf the- delinquent assessments for ths Improving ef East Thirty-fourth atraet ' from the south line of Hawthorne avenue to ' the sorth Une of Dtrlaioa street. 1 and that'', pursuant to section 413 af the charter of the City of Portland. I will,'- ot) Monday, the 37th dar of Fehruarr. 19o6. at tba hour of id i o'clock A i., at tha west door of the City . Hall, la the city ef Portland. Orecon, offer -foe aale oi aublle enetlo to tha hlcbeet -Md der for cash, subject to redemption, the fnl- -lowing described parcels st, real property, to w1t ' Tract of . lend lylsc between, west line . , of Esnt Thirty-fourth atreethud a line t ' 1W feet west thereof and parallel theea- -'with and between twe lines respectively ITJrt.87 feet snd S34.M feat south sf aed parallel with the. south -Mne of ' gtephena atreet. Owner TJnenows. $10.43 A tract ef laoditylnc hetweaa east Una ef Bast Thirty-fourth street aed a Una " . ion feat eaat thereof and parslleLtbero. . with and batweea a Une 1,271 M feet '' ' ." - south ef snd parallel with the south I :' . ' lias ef Hawthorne e ronae aad tbe north " ' , i line of block A, park View oitended. ' , Owses 1'Bknow ...-ItM - '- Each ptore er tract at Und will, ha asld tely end mr a earn sot leaa thaa tba . unpaid aaseesment thereo aod Intereat and cost of sdvertlslns and asto . U one bid la offered tha Und will ba sold ta se niaaer attivinc no tase toe same foe the iTV JT.??"lL sslty asd Interest. Cows. tltlon will hei i - . Firet t-noe tne penalty for the first nerlod. Reread Leo tha nsoalt ft. w. mZt-l periods. - - ; ' - . XBirw ups ta rate ef Interest. ' ' '. WERLBIN.- Clry Treaanrer of the City -of PortUa. rertlsad. Orecoa, Vsaoary 3. JWS, - , p, - T ' :' " f i