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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1905)
,1'--- ; t::2 oitnco:. daily journal; postlahd, friday -evening, fedruary iocwcj. citt otic:s. - citt aronoxs, 01ir B0T1CXE, .Cm WOTICiat. CITT X0TICEB. CITT NOTICES. BAttiOAD TIMVTJ-: ' tmt fox nFBOTnmcx or tUT ....J - TJLLBTT.EIQBTB RUIT,' '..""Ir br-retiy glvea that the Council et ruio, Oregon, at anovtlus .., i ....- wM u in; ox reuruary, lpoo. or clared the iimiMil by ordtiiauer- No. 14.4.'ll, rf' (be (UlimiTniMtlK of Kmmt Thlr rth I h from the aouth llae of Baae Um nag . to tba north 11m of Rut Yeniulll etreet. In the maniwr provided hy ordinance. No. 14.222. ' -L!i,,ri!L','h JH,rt of !- of land ...... . fnuu ana peculiarly Mora lira, r . fnlluwe, Ha; , , .-ib' wiuii ADDITION te Portlaad, -"-'" k a, h s. Title fluuiDift . .'' .; ft .TnT ' jompany, na.i-Ts- kit . Titu ' ( Tr"- Compaay, (I2.0T1 tot T , hiW.Uu.rY.."U Tru Company. $4.06; t- , hit . 11. Till (llllranlM A r.... rAmnn .- 8470: lot 11. Tit i. iv.... i- i V : M 10, Tltk) (iuarentee Truat -1 ... 1 Title t.uaraBtee Ai Tmil (Iumii. 47 IB' tot 7. Title iiiunntM x rn.. n.......... aa on. ' ' 1 " Sf. A T, A Treat Company! (IXIBl kit II. Till. . . ., V panr. (16..10: lot in rii. :.... a. n-.,... V: T -;n-P,,'. .. . block ae. Tot t. Titu i-ilV?," Tro,t oBiieny. $07.B4tot 8, ! ."A "uerueiee Truat uompany, iio.iai u i" !Ti,to Manreatee Trout Company. $11.80; -.....tot 13. xuia Uuiuotw 4k Tneet Company, .. lot 11, Title l.ti.raof. Treat nm- . puny. IM SA. fet 10, Title Uuarantee A Triwt 1 . v (iuiraulm A Tn. rvn.,. a aa. l a i) , J"! -Mrut , Traat Cumpaor, T.: lot V "1"fno Treat Ompanr. 0.m; ' Si Onarantoa Truat ComBanjr, .. . .!; lot It, Tit la larajit- Traal Caan. !.. , ; pany, U t3: lot M, Tltla Ouaraata aV Trnat - ' . - CoBianjr. fti.U. BUICK TO. lot , Tttla OuaraWfa ft Trnat Coupanr. 7.aJ: lot , ... Tltio (Iwraara ft, Traat Ooapanj. $.6T: lot lot 12, Tltla ftuarautaa ft Truat Oomuaar. -l.80p lot u. Tltla iiaranta ft Truat Oom- - paay. 4.J: Irrt jo, Tltla OuaraotM Traat .' BAETtk'H lABK AftDITIOft ' to Kaat Port .. land HfW'lf 1 1a i p,u rii, . ,I14.M; lota, raanta . Lorli., 11.1; lot ... Hrrnun Borlaa Katata. Holra of 8.1; i HXaMt Bori-a Batata, Matra of. iSl.lM.. it"' v "T, .": lot U. T HOW0, : r 130.00: lot T. n T anmi mnu mu'sr ft. lot 1. Mary K.'Hurlrr. HM SOrlot J. alarjr r.- Ilurlrf, tV.M. lot 8.- Amra - Rntaon. . v U.T8; lot T. Afroec RobaoDj. B.1. BLOCK y- 4,-lnt 1, Joaala . Booaon. l.a4; lot a. I. , nqou. an oi: lot a, waltw w. wanatar, ' . " 1.44: lot T - Waltaa W WahatW. B.-UtDI ' BLOCK S. It I, Io Borlaa. (Haj.Mi lot a, Hrrnaa Borlaa.- tH at; tmalaldwl H lot 8, V- ... Manna tan kMl Katato niniau. aa. t )a - ioi i, aaannatiaB uaai jsatata lanpaoy. nnauinra v, tat u, '. fluatar TlnaTT. $2.44i BDol-Hdad lot T. r C. Goarar TlnaTT, $.'IB.4Ti total. J1.07S.01. . v : , K - ataUnaaajt -of - afuraaaid kaieaamant baa W-j aDtarad In tba Uorkat of City Men , aad la now llua aad parabla at tk eftea of -CJtxV. Traaaarar, In lawfaf aaoarr 'f tha "7 1 lilted Mtatn, aad If not paid wrthto-W . tfaya from tha data of tala ootloa aark pro ,. , aaodliia-a .will ba takan fur tba eollaoMoa) of - aa mo aa are proTldcd by tba cbartar of - ' tk Clt V Poritaod. . ' . ... ft... - Tba abota aaaraapaant will kaar Intaraat 10 1 mrt rtet tba flrat pnhllaatlOB ot thta ttottca. Aadltor of tba City of I-ortlaad. , , r rorllaad. Orakoo. frbraary S, 180B. ; ... bofoiI ncpsoTXafzirx . or - ikatzx .1- ... TXEXT.. ;,:-.;: . . Kotlf la bcrrby Kim. iht at tba toaetlnc . of tha Coaocll of tba City ot Portland. Oracou, . Iirld oa tna lat day of IVbruary, 1906, Uta followlas raanlutloa waa adoptadi - KmoIt4L That tba Council of tba City of . I'ornauov trraa-uo, aaanw it axpaaiant ana pw .";' '," pnaea to IniproTa BhaTar atraat from tba waat Tj . jlm at MlaalaalnHl arrnua to tha aaat Una ft . . Maryland aTeaaa. In tn touowiaf inaaaac, to--'-wlt: - , . 'Ktrat By'rradlnc tha atraet full width with nil lutaraaetlona down to tba aak-rad aa , -jtt oy too tity Bnginaar. HesndrHy conatructlnc alefewalka la aeeord a v anea wltk tna city Kuglnoer'a plana, apacUlca - llona and aatlmataa. ' -Third By -couatrootlnar woodaa curb lffae . coraam-a with., tho- City t-nfluaara plana, apaca- flraU.HU and aatlmataa. . ' Kuartk Hr laylul croaawalka In amrdatwe with- tha CftT Koa-lnrar-a plana, apedflsatloaa . , and aatlmataa. v riftk By eonatraeflnc atnna and koz (uttai-a arcflmaiica witn tna- uity Enfintcra ptaaa, ' apacirimtloMa and aatlmataa. j 1 With By krlnaln tha anefara of tba atmt , . , Toll width with full Intaraectiooa t tbe eatab . ., lit had arada with (T'Tal, . Bald laiprorament to ba mada In aeeordaaca with tho. rbarrrr and ordlnanrca of tb City ot Portland and tha plana, apaekfloatlona and atl , . .Diatra of tba City Bnainarr, ft lad In . tha-of flea ' of th Aadltar oi tba City of Portland an tha . 4th day jf Jaaaary, Wlft, luikaaad! 31ty - r Knaluaar'a Diana and anrvlflcatlon. far tha Im- proTaiiKHit of BhaTar atraat froia tba waat Una if Mlaalaalpid arpnua. to tha at Una of Mary . . kind arnnfMS and tho aatlmataa ot th work to - a dona and tha nrohahla totak coat theraof.r . fr Tha mat of -aald Improramant to ba aaaaaaad . a prorldad by tha Hty chartar apon tha prop arty anorially aad pamllarlf kanrtltad jiiarTTy ana wnira la nerty dariarad to oa all taa lota, uarta tharaaf aad aareola of land I Tina hatwaaa - a lino lia fat imrih of and parallel.. with, tha nnrra nrw ot vnaTr atiifai ana w mni ito fort aonth of and paralM wltk tba aoath Una r-ef Bharar Itraat and hrtwaaa tba waat Una of Mlaalaalonl aaaano and tha aaat Una of Mary. : . lano aranua. - - - Tha-JCiiclnaar'a aatlmato of thff pmhabla total roat for. tha ImuruTamapt af aaid BhaTar - -;Btra la S.aiS.OO. -. . . . . . . . it Th above ImproTamarit ahall or eiaaard aa,a - aiaaal Imnroaamant and ahall a malatalitad hr t ba city far a partod oF'fpuc yaara. proTtdad. , BaWOTorc that tho owaara of a majority . ol , proparty banafllad by aald iMtproraaMnt or '. portion tbaroof aha 11 not patluoa for a Boat dtfforaat Improramcnt bafora tba aaplraUoa i aoi-k prrlod. Bawaaorc mat tna owaara el a aaajonrr oi tna : or aay Boar or alteration, of Tha blatia. anaHftitlona and aatlmataa of tha : City Knalnaor for tba ImprOTcmaot aald ; tSharar atraet ara baraby adopted. HaaolTrd.' That thai ladlto of. th CKy of - r- Pnrtland ba and ha l karaky dirartad to Ito not lea of tho propnaed Improramant of aald atraet aa nroetded he tha put eharten v ' ' . Ranvniatraneaa ataliwt tka a bora tmprOTCawat . may be niea in wntmc wita tna annerauiaeu 1 1 within 90 daya from tha data of tba flrat pab r. iiraiioa or tnia notieo. .-, . ' By order at tba Connel. , . i- i - THOH. C. mcvuftv ' . . - AMimr or roe i:ut oi ramnn. , ; ' Portland. Oraaoff. - Data of flrat pobllcattoo. . ' , rTOrnary a. jvw. M0P0SID CHAW0I OT KAOX Or BT0K , , . : TBI AYX1TVK. ; 1 Notice W hereby Blrea that at tka noetlne :. oa tha (YniiwII of tha Cite of Poetland. OraMN. ' the lat day of Vekrwary, 10U6, tka loe k lt'wlna reaolntlea waa adopted; .., , RaaolTod. That tha Council of tha flfy rnrtiana, vraaoa, oeema it npeaient to eotalt Uleh tka crada on Bnchtel araoaa aV a- point ' rne . knadred (100V feet noetk of tho narth lino ef Kaat Vina atraet and at a point owe . 'unarm ana ntty limit teet aoata or tho aoath llm of Kaat Pine atraet. and daena It eipedlent to ehanire tba arada on BnrMel aranua at Ita , Interaction with Boat IMne afreet and that It llr tha Intention ot aald City Council to ea . tahttah tha grade at aald point one hundred - 1 100) feet north of the north Una of Haat IMne atraet at one hnndred and eerenty-one and . eight tentbe 171.l faet a bora tho baae of elty ' aradaa. and that It la tha Intention of tha dry Coaaell to eetahllah the grade at aald point : ana hundred fifty (1IM feet aonth of tho aonth Una of'Eaat Pino afreet at one hnndred I tlftywtite"aml fnnrtean hnndredtha faetLabnre tho haaa of rlty gradoa. aad that It la the Intent Inn of the City Ooanrtl to rhanga tho grade at tho Intemeetlon of Eaet . line atraet . and Bnrhtel a Tan no from ana . kindred aeranty and eight tentba (1T0.BI feet ahoa the baae of city gradea to one kandred the naae or city graaea to one aanare y-ono and flra ten tha (IT1.B) feat a bora we of city gradaa., , , ilTed. That the Auditor of lha City ef ' !aTenty the kaee . . ItaanlTi Portland ho and ha la hereby directed to aire ' notice of tha proponed change ef grade of aald atraet. aa nmldrd,hT the charter. ; RenVmetrance aialnet tha abort change nf , grade mar ho filed la writing with tha nnder ' aigned within W dai-a from -the data of tha flrat wnhllcerlon of thla notlcay...,.-. ... oy eruer oi ue inmnci. ... , THO. C. PKVMV, .. c Auditor of the Cltr of Pnrtland. Pnrtlaad. Orcann. ; Data' of flrat pubUcatloa, rhrmry 4, land. . PBOPOaFp IhtPBOTXafriTT OP WIBT MAU . Or CAST TrUBTT-BBCOBO BTBEET. ' ' jTWtlce la kin by glTae) that at the meetiag .t im ceniicll of the City of Portia ad. nrrcon, -tirlrKon tha "lat "day at -k'atirnarT IB00. tha , following raaolutloa waa adopted: KeaolTed. That the rymncU of tke City af Portland. Otvaoo, daeaa It eipedlent and pur poaee to ImpruTa the waat half of Boat. Thirty eecond atraet froa tha crater Una of Beat Mnrrlaoa etreet to point 16a feet Burth of tho north lrn of Kaat Morrlaoa atraet la the following manner, to-wlt: 1 s Flrat By grading the atraet to (be proper f-adeaa ahnwa.hy taa etgkee art. by tba Ity Bnglneer. . . ,. y Meeoud By laytag aroaewalk.'- i ' ' '' Third By caarructleg . woodaa BideWalka wih' woodaa rurha. - "aid imprommajit to aa, Mda la atourdanca ' with tha chartar and ordlaancea of tha Oily. ' of Portland and the plana, apectftcatloae and eatlmatea ef the City. Engineer, filed In the .Jaifflee of fa Aadltor of tl City af Portland . an tha anth day nf jaeaary, litod. Indoraed! "City Xaaineer'a p'-na and aperiricatlnna f , the Imiir'nement the weat half af Eaet t Thirty -aorond arreat fraal lha eamee Una. of Beat Mornana atraet to a Pntat 1M feet aorth of tke. north Una oflaat linrrlaon atraet. and ,- tko eatlBiaiaa of the work as ha dona au4 Ike - probabla total eoat thereof." , The coat of aald Iroarerament to be aainnle :. aa pnnrlded by the dly charter apt tke prew . erty aperlally and Becallariy benefited thereby Bad which la hereby declared to ba all thai , iota, nana tkeeaof and pareele of lend krlna ' ketwean Ibe weat line of Baat Thirty aerand . BUett aad a Una lull feet weat Ihrraaf aad parallel therewith, and between th north Una of But klorrleon atraet and at a Hue 160 faet north thereof aad parallel therewith. Tha Kuglneer'e eetlmate of tha probable total coat for the Impruaement of aald waat ball of JCaat Thlrty-arcond a treat la fl2XUU. Th plana, epectflratlona and aatlmataa ef the my EUKiuaer (or tne improraiueut of aald waat half of Cut, Thirty -ecead -atraet ara berekyH J i . .L . . "I.- . o rw 1 1 . fti . i u. v mm aooitot or ina nj ei Portland be aad he la hereby directed to aire notice of the nroooard lmoroeawit af ealaV atraet aa prorioaa oy too elty charter. namonairancea againac e aoora improvement may ha filed In wrltlua with tba unrieralened wtthln ao dare from the data pf tha flrat pub lic too or win notice.v . - By order of tka Ooundl.- "" . .. . - THOS. C. DBVXn." " '' - ' . Aadltor of tba City ef Portland. -' Portlaad. Orea-oa. Data of flrat pubUcatloa, February d. IS06. rBoroixB ntPBOTEKEirr or cmo ' t Jr TBEET.': 1 - " ' Notice la' hereby given that at tba meetlac of' the Council of the City of. Portland, Ore gon, .neiu oa tnm ia aay at reoruary, IPUO, the followfaig raaolutlaa waa adopted: , Beeolred, That tba Council of the City ef Portland, Oregoa. daema It expedient and purpueee to Improve Guild atraet froat tha north Una at Ttiurmaa atreet to the Weu'ut Una of Vaughn atrtt la the followluc man ner, to-wlt: , , , I lirat Br grading ' the atraet full width to the auk-grade aa glraa by tba City En gineer. . . . , nccono uy conarraeting anioctai atone aide walka la aconrdancd with tha City Kugloear' plana, apeclncatlona and aatiuatea Third Br hrlnalna . tba anrfaee' or ' the atraet full width to Uie aai eubllebed grade wlU macaaam. "aid Improveantnt to be mada In accordaBc with the charter and 'ordlaancea. of tha City of Portland, and the plana, apcctdcaitooa -and aatlmaaoa of the Cltv Knelneee aUA la the otaee of the Auditor of the City of Portland oa tag ' ama aay or January, nam. indorar.. City Euatneer'e plana and aperlficatlona tor the ImpruvemeBt - ot. Guild atraet . from, tba aorta una or 'jaurmaa atraet- to tna (oato line of Vaugha atraet and the earlmanra of the -work tq ba.duoa ,aad tba probable, total eoat thereof. -I- . . .,V. Tba eoat of aald Improvement to be aaaaaaad aa nrovlded hs the eetr rharter anon the Bren- erty apectaHy and peculiarly benefited thereto annr wnira m nerepy oaeiarra to ,oe all tna lota, parte thereof aad parorla of land tying between a line 100 faet weat of and paralli-1 with the waat Una ef Guild atraet and a Una 100 feat aaat of and parallel with the eeat line of Guild atraet aad betwee the aorth line of Thurmaa a treat aad tha aonth Una ef Vanghu etreet. , - -i Tke Enaluear's aatlmato af tka ' nrobable total cost for the improvement of aald Guild atraet la l,0.0u. Tha above Improvement M to be claaaed ai a macadam Imnrovement and ahall ha main. talned- by tha city for a period ot Ire yeere, provided that the owaara of a majority of the property he netted hy aald Improvement, or any portion thereof, aba H not petition fora new or different Improvement before tba ex plratloa of aock period. Tha Diana, eoecincatlona and aatlmataa of tha City Engineer for the rmprovenieBt of aald uuua etreet are aereBy aoopioa. , Ilcaolved, That tha Auditor of tke City of Portland be and be la hereby directed to give notice ef the eronoaed Improvement of aald atraet aa provided by tho city charter. -- Hemoaarrancaa againat tna a nova linproveraant mar be rllad la wall aa? with tha nnderalenad within-BO daya from the data of tha flrat nubueatioa -or tnia notase, . oy . eraer as too i ouncii. - - - ... ..... THtlB. C.-DETL1!. : Auditor of the Cltv of Portland. Portland. Oregon. Data ol Brat pubUcatloa, rabruary f. 1Mb. . PBOrOIES IBTPBOyXBTEVT or " TWUTTT- bxoojTd btbbit. - , - - Notice la hereby given that at tha meeting of the Connel) of the City of Portland, Oregon, held oa the lat day ef February, .1806, tha following reanlutlen waa adopted: KeaolTed, That the Gouncil of the City df Portland, Oregon, daema It expedient and pur- poaae to Improve Twenty-aecoad atraet from the north, line of Waahlngtoa afreet to . the aoath , Hue of Johaaon atrfet, by bringing the roadway full ' width with 1 full Intareectlona to watabUahed arado wlth cruabed rock and eruahad rock acreanluga, and hy eonatructlnd wooden croaawalka six feet In width. Kald Imnrovement to bo made in accordance with the charter and ordlnancee of the City of rortiana ana tne plane, apeclncatlona and eati ma tea of tha City Engineer Bled lnwhe office of the Auditor of the Clrr- of Portland on the 84th day ot Jfcnaary,' lBoS, Indoraed: "City Bngineer'a plana and apoclDcatlona for tha lm-proTement- of Taaenty laewnd atraet from tb north I toe of tyaehlngtoa etreet to the aouth Una of JohnaOn atraet and the eetlmatea of tha. work te fco .done and tho probable': total eoat thereof." ' The coat of aald lmprevemeat to he ' mode aa provided by tba city Charter 'upon, the proneriy; apeciaiiy- ana peculiarly r oanentea thereby end which m hereby declared-to be all the lota, parte thereof and Da recta of land lylag between a Uue 100 feet waat of and parallel with the weat Una of , Twenty-eeeond, eiraet ana a no tuu reel aaat or aua parallel with the eaet llae of Twenty -eecond atraet and between the aorth line of Waahlnaten rtrat and -tho-aoutit -line of Johneo Btri'ct. lit engineer a eaiiinate ot too prooanie total coat for the Improvement, of aald Twenty-aecoad etreet le fl. 400.00. - The above Imnrovement la to be eleaaed as a macadam Improvement and ahall be maintained py taa city roc a per loo of three yearn, provided mat iimt vwam im a majority ai tne properly benefited by aald ImnrovemeBt or any portion thereof, ahall not petition tor a new or different Improvemaat bafora tha eiplratlou of auch period, . -v The plana, apeclncatlona and eetlmatea ef the City engineer for the ImprevoBaent ot laid TweBty-eecond etreet are hereby adopted. ateaoiTea. ' J oat-the Aadltor or the city of rortmna Be ana no le nerenv aireetea to etve notice of the proponed improvement of eeid etreet ee provided by the elty charter, Beajonatraacea againat the a Bore may he died la writing with tha ander- algaed within 20 daya from the date of the orat puDiicatioa or tnia nonce. . Mojorjf Jaatancil.- , . .. TilOB. 0.- DEVLIN. . Aadltor af tho Cltv of Portland. Portlead, Oregon. .Data of , Brat publication. reoruary a, ilea. BOPOaED CKAB0E OP BBADB OP BAIT GLAT BTBEET AT VB10B ATEBTB. Notice la hereby given that at the bmmx epathe Council of the City of Portland. 4 goa, held oa the let day of February, 1006, the following reeolntloB waa adontrd: Beeolved. That the Council of the City ef Portland, Oregoa, dee ma It expedient and pufpoeee ts caange ine graae or the Inter aectlon of tba eaet curb Una ef Union arena. with- the north curb line nf. Beet Clay etreet from 66. l) feet te 06.00 feet aboTa tha -baae of city, eradea. v . . HeaoiTtai iaai tbo Auniior or tna city ef Portland he and ha la hereby -directed to elwa nonce or vac i unei u niqj, ui rnw ot aald atreait .aa nrovlded by the chartar. .... Rrmonatrancaa againat the above change of grade may ne men in writing win tne under. aignea winm so oaya rrom ue oaa ec the flrat publication of tbla notice. . . i ., , -. By oruer in council: . , , TH08. C. DEVLIN, ' - Auditor of tho City of Portland Portland' Oregon. Data of - drat pubUcatloa renruary u. jew. AaEBaBatEHT FOB BEVeB IB? bTLWEEBOTA f AVEmrE,. rt, "Notice M kerehy given that -tha Conacll . the City of Port lend. Oceoui at a-naxerljig held on tho- lat day ot rehrnary, lPOA, declared tha aeeeeameni bt oroinance no. 14.4,'tA., for ho eonatructlon of a acwer in '.Mlnneaota ire- aua rrom the ecu in line or praam tt . atraet to the newer k aharer etrevt,- In the manner provided bt ordinance No, 14.XHD, anon-each lot, pert of lot aad parcel of Uad -which are epeetally end pecaUarly benaftod,, to be a roiiowa. Tie: . . . , . .. MILTNOMAII BtOCK 8. tot , Char lea Bar- tram, go. in; lot a., iiaraey b. Moore, 1IT.16: kit . John C. Thomaa, tlT.llli lot T, Wog,n Aedereon. tlT.16; . lot a, Emma A. Reed. BLtlCK A, lot Ir hl. a Ttmarpaoa. IT. 16; lot ,1, M. B. Thomnaoa, 117.1b: lot ft. M. R. Thnaipeon. 11 7.1ft: lot T. M, t i mown woe. eii.'o; n . m. av TDampeao, J1T.16; lot ll.-hl.- B. Ttvempaon ; llf.iri; lot hi. B. Thorn peon. J1T.16: tot 16, M. B. Thorn noon. 1T 16. BLOCK IT, lot t, Juatlna Fried lander, f lT.lBs- bt ft, Emma Blgga. 17 15: tot B. Joba Bcchatrom, $1T.IK lot T, Amy I. Hea1y.,llT.Ii tot t. Riw Kocfe f 'J-.'UvJ- Mi- A!L,Hber'A 117.16; ., r.ricnp. for in, jonn Gar diner. Ilf.ln, HUK'K 4, int. a. . B. Hcott in. 75: lot 4, Bona Caree. M4.: lot , Jaatca Bortharlrk, 124.M; tot , Peter W, fttawart, S6: lot 10, William R. tVerar. IM.Hfli tot IB. Chrletlan P. Wlehuaeb, fhlt.KD, BLOCK , Vt a, Aadrew H. Olear. 'J4 S6: lt 4. Catherine A. (Hear. tot t i. B. MrAnlley ,124.M tot . e X. Mc Attiiey. t; lot in, nam Del r. Bnoar, St.fti: lot la. David B. Poar,; north ef tot 14. Matbew Patron Eat ate, Hal re ef, a.4n: eontk Ik of la 14. O. B. Pmnd. $12,411: tot 1C Joba t. Kleffer. 24.S. BLOCK 16. lot Bi Urnrg W, Batea, 124.16: tot 4. Nellie Cain Button, B24.M; tot a, Annie Kelann., 114 M; lot . Annie Nelenn. 624.K6; tot K, Bcbonl Dtatrlct No, 1,; tot 11, School Dtatrlct No. 1. tlllaA; Jot a Bchnol Matrlct No. I, (24.16; lot Id. atefaooi Harriet No. I, $24.IW. Total. (Wl AO. A atatement- of atoreeald Aaaaaament " baa ea eorered In the Ux-ket ef City Uena and M new due Bad payable at the office of, the City Trweeerer. to lawful money of -the t hlted Btatea; . and lf not- paid wlthla an daya from the date tt thle notice each pro eeedlnga will - ha taken for tke collection of the aamo ae are provided by tba ekartar ef tke City of Pnrtland. . ,. Tho enove aaaeaameer will near Internet 1ft daya after tke Brat publication of thta notice. irtiK. V, I'KYI.IN. ' ' Ao(lltor f tha city ef Port la ad. Pert laud, Oregea, rebraary B, IPOS, . ABBEUKEBT JOB IktrBOTEXEBT Or 00X ... , , . EIT ITBEET. - Kotlce a hereby glyee that the Council of the city of PorHand, Oregon, at a I meeting held en the lat day of Fvbruery, 1V00, 1 deelarvd the aaaaaament by ordinance No. 14.424. for I h. ImmMnuinl ntf fimllt k. euuthweeterly Una of Hood atraet to the aorth Uno of Hvymourr atanue. In, the manuer pro. Tided by ordloaMa No. lltieio. upon each let. part of tot aad parcel of land which are epedally aad peculiarly bene 6 tad, to be aa tvt Iowa, vial . . - CABl'TIIKRg' ADDITION TO CABL'TMERn4 ADDITION to the City of Portland BLOCK 40. lot 1, B. R, Parker. $81 14 lot 4, E H. Parker. 188.M. BLOCK ' 41, aaat TB feet . Of hit IT Laura B. and Joba I.. Lenta. $10T.T;' weat iT feat of ht 1, W. Bnd M. Scott, $24.oa; lot a. T. ll. Bmlth. $11.02: lot 8, lewla M. Pgrrlak. $147 64: tot i- aire, -'-fc jnuw-- Um.3i llijiciv-aj, lut.. 1. ohu N. Matach. $lld.T4; lot a. John N. , Ma tack. $147. an: lot s. Prank Pollvka. $MT.W ilot 4. Joaaph Pollrka. $170.26. BLOCK 42, let 1. A. U. Hammond. $110.6T; tot' f. A, - . Hammond. $im.22: lot S, Dtadaoaa and Jalla L. Hammond, tot 4. IMadanna aad Julia L. Hammond. $u.6:i. BLOCK 44. ht 1, John Bpltaeubrrger, . $116. 2r tot 8, John Rpltsenherger. $tt2.7S; lot 1. $oh$ -' If.' ' "maar. , $; tot- 4, : Catherine K, - Thrrkelaen, $11 Ml. - , CABUTUBliS' ADDITION to the City ef Port , land, aa laid eat by the Bouth Portland Beel Batata aaaorlatloa BLOCK 106, aaat 106 ' feet of lot I, Oregon Hallroad ft Navlga tlon Company, $14U.U4; lot 4, Oregon Ball mad ft Narlgattoa Company, $161.66. BLOCK , 116. tot 1. The Northern Con ut lea Inreat , uant Traat,' Ltd., $40.01; tot 2,' The North , era CountleelnTeatment Truat, Ltd., $32.43; .Int. B, Elliabetb A. Tbnmaa, $3,041; lot 4, , EUaaheth A. Thomaa. $3.2tt. . BLOCK 124. - lot 1. JuUua H. Beyer, $3.26; lot 2, Ida frU. Beyer, M.03; tot 3 George L B. and Mln w ale Urlngatok, $3.03; lot 4. Marthaflea- - VWJ.. w 1 BMH'K U4. lot L Adallue M. Wood. $3726: . tot 1 Adeline M. Wood. ; W 01 . tot 8. Nancy B, . Atklnaon Batata, llelra of. $T.6n; . lot 4. Nancy B. Atkln aon Batata. Uelre of, $112.44. BLOCK 146, tot 1, Oregoa Hallroad ft Navlgatloe Com baay. $I00.4; lot B, Oregoa Railroad ft 'Navigation Company. $60.TH. BLOCK IRE r north B feet of lot t, Arthur E. MeBreea. $7.79. aouth 20 faet of lot a, Arunr B. htcBrean, $o.4: aorth 20 - feet of lot -B ' Joeenh C. Barer. 11. at: amtk aa tt J - north f Teet of tot $, Joaeuk C. Bayer. $24 2$; aonth IS feet of lot $7 Peter Hob- , t,:J" xo' ' er Hobklrk. lM.ttS. ' BLOCrt IfW. lot 1. Tke Rome, tot J. The Home, $44.8; lot 8. The Home, . 1I9.1U: tot a. The Home, $2.1.10. BUH K loo, lot I. Preatoa WY Olllette. 128.10; iht 2. William If. Cborchhlll, 111.18) lot B.- ltel1ndii E. klorran. $18.18: tot 4. Me- lla'da K. M or ran. $46.78. BLOCK 170. In I. Samuel K.. Wrean.. $4.20; lot 8, . P. Caaa. $3 08; aouth U of lot a, Anna A.' S'J' l,0 8J .Mrta, M S.- Anna A. Pl,Jh 10 Mi dfAnna A. - Brick, $26.64. BIXCK 184. tot 1. Praeton W Olllette, i' $78.ITt lot a. Preatoa W. Gillette. $118.82: aU ot. lot 6, lying eaat of . a Una 100 feet weat of and parallel wttftrthe-weat -Una, of Oorbett atraet.- Preatoa W. Olllette, ,$7.74; lot-a. Preaton W. OUletta, -laud.oo. PORTLAND H0UE8TEAD BLOCK 6. aorth ' 150 feet of tot l,--eeat of Oregoa ft CaU-i fornla Railroad Compaay'a right ot - way. . Martin Wlnck, $314.42: aouth 60 fret of - north 200 faet ef lot 1. aaat a Oregon ft . California Railroad Compeer' a 'right of way; Elmer B. tolwelL $8.88; aouth 30 feet ef . tot 1, eaat -of Oregon, ft California Bailroad - f'wnjPjaya right of way. Mary A. Clarke. $36.22: north 1.1 feet of , aiibdlvlaloa B ef kit 2aMary A. Clarke. $1.08: aouth 4S faet -df aiibdlrlalon K of tot 2. Roar A. Touna. j $64.36; aubdirletDn D of lat 2. - Kate B. Montgomery. $61,07: auhdlrlalon .0 of lot a. E. ), . Jorgenaen, $2n.3; aubdlrlelnn B of lot 2. J. U. Berer. 70.84; eaat 100 feet ot Bohdlvtelna A of lot a. J. R. Beyer. $06.41.1 All of Oregon ft California Hallroad Com-pany'a-Tight of way lying eaat of a line 100 feet weat of aad parallel with the Weat line of Corbet t etreet and between a line ;-'42f feet north of and - parallel with' the , north Une of Bancroft avenue mid a line-30 , feet aouth of and parallel wltk the aouth line of Lowell avenue. Oregon ft California 'Railroad Company, $6.01. BLOCK 8. eaat I 100- feet of anbdlTialon A ot tot 1. Blrhard ' C- Prince, $121.03; eaet 100 feet of anbdl- ; vtalon B of lot 1, Richard 0. Prince, $loo.; rent 100 feet of auhdlTlaloa C of lot 1. John ' M. - Khreglry,. $S7.84; eaat 100 feet of anbdlrlalon D of lot It 0. 'W. Lelck. - 13.64; . eaat 100 feet af euhdlvialoa B of lot 1, ' John Donnerberc, (23.64; eaat ' lial feet of anhdlvlalon V of lot 1. Anna Loutae Htegea. $23.86; eaat, 100 feet of auhdlTlaloa f A of kit a. L. K. Klnn, $23.83; eaataon feet - of aubdlvurion B of tot 3. Ana Finn. $23.66; 1 eaat 100 feet of aubdlvlaloo C of lot- a. . Portland Truat , Company of Oregon, 133.64: - eaat li feet of anhdivtatow' D of -lot 8, Portland Tiaat Cwmpaiir of Orcon, $,Vi.03: eaet lot), feet ef auhdlvlalon B of lot 9. B. MucMteln. $106.67 J. eaat 100 feet of euh dlrlalon F of tot 2,-B. Muchatelo. $120.8. BI.OCK 4, eaat 100 eet of ontMUvlatoa C of tot 1, Mary K. Marahall. $1.M.68: north $.8 feet ef eaat 100 feet ot anbdlrlalon D of Int l. Mary. B. Marahall. $24.63: aoath 86 ; feet aeV eeat 100 feet of atibdlrlaloa D of lot 1, William JT. Kell. J100.17 1 eaet 100 - reel or anbdlrlalon B of tot' 1, J. B. Jenkel -and- H, Ma ndevllle,, $110.18; eeat 100 feet nf Bubdlrlaton- F of tot 1. - Frank ftohware- ak $ae,e-eaaf DO fear at aiihiUvlalaa of tor 1. t.ranrllle c. Ruff. 868.13: eaat BO feet Af anbdlrlalon H. of lot I. Oraavllle -Ruff, $41.83: weat 10 f ret of eeat 100 feet of anbdlrlalon R ef lot 1. M. Erereet. - $0 77; weat 10 feet of eaat 100 feet ot aub- dlrlalon O of tot I. M. Kvereet. $0,4: eaat -100 reel of lot B. '-Ben Benin. 8438.77. CARCTHER8' ADDITION TO CARfJTHEBfJr natMHTitra to tne cny or mrimn bum k T. Thomaa K. Bdwarda. $446. 40 all of block , B lylag between two tinea roe pecfl rely 40 feet and 100 feet eaat of and parallel with the eaat line of Corbett atraet. A. P. Smith. $64.78. BLOCK B. weat 40 feet ef north 13 feet of block B. Hannah Caabenf 8252.62 . "weat "40" feet of aouth 48 feet of block B, O. hf. Ray wood. $87.18. BLOCK 82, kit M, The German Paring, ft Loan Society, $1S.a8: " all of lot 1 lying weat of a Une 100 feet eaat of and parallel wltk tho eaat Una ef -Corbett etreet. the Herman Barlnga ft Loan L Society. 820.40; tot T. Oeorge W. Gordon. rm; an 01 tne aorta ei 120 teet 01 lot lying weat of a Una 100 feat eaat of aad parallel with the eaat Una of Corbett etreet. theuermaa Seringa ft Loea Society. $19.46; tot . Sebaatlaa Plrvale. $164.61; all of tot lying weat pf a line 100 feet eeet of and parallel with the eaat line of Cor , . . . 1. nni,.M at , a . -it A. L the aouth a feet of tot 8 lying weat of a line liny reef eaet or ana parallel wiru-ine eeai . line of Corbett etreet. Frank- . K. -Gllham. $0.2T: tot a, G. W. Gordon. $147.81. BLOCK - 81, kit 8, Herman Heltkemper,. $I04.A0 " that part of tot 8. block 81; la Carutbera . addition to Cam them' Addition to tha fltr of Portland,- conreyed by J. O. Heltkemper to Herman uritaemner. rernraed in book ' 823, page 18. Record of Deed a, Multnomah - t'oontr, Oregoa, Herman Heltkemper. $3,131 air of block 61. Caratbera' Addition to - Carathera Addlttoa to the City of Portland. except that part roarered by J. O. Hell- kemorr to tier man Hcltkempar, recorded In " hook - 323, page 1 Record of Deeda.' Multnomah connty. nregan, J, Q. Helthemner. (12.64. BLOCK SO, lot 10. Met D. Ingalla. $111.02: tot 8, Corlana B. Wood. $14.64; north H of lot 11. Ouat. J. and Caren Olaeu. (3181; enuth H of tot 11. Gnat. J. and Caroline Carlaon. $31.81; kit Jl KIU C. Sabln, (12 B0. BLOCK 104. eaat 60 teet of tot 8. Ibex Land Company, $12.16; all of lot ( lying weat of a Une 100 feet eaat of and parallel -with- the eaet Hne of Corbett - afreet. Ibex Land Company, $19.44! aet 60 feet of tot 8. Ibex Laud Company, (43.67; "all of , lot 4 lying weat of a llae loo feet ., eaat of and parallel with ..the eaat Une of Corbett afreet. 'Ibex lend compear, $4.11; all, except eaat 60 feat, of tot 6. F. O. ' Welch, ,$S8.44: all. except eaat 60 feet, ot tot 8, V. 0. Welch. $172.16. BLOCK 114, ' tot , Bridget end Jotia D. Kennedy Batata, : Metre of. $40.01 : tot 7. Mary A. Balllvant. ' $32.43; tot 6. ' Margaret C Falling, 112.4-1: lot 6, Margaret C. Falling. $46.21. BLOCK - 124. tot . lorn B. and Lillian A. Do Llaa. (34.74; tot T. H. P. and Flora C. Oreeparb. .826.28; -eontk of tot B, Alice I. Bnwea, J 1.61; north H of kit B. Char lea Houghton. 1.62; , tot '6, Oregon Mortgage Com "panr. $3-84 P-LOCK.i m hjt-- a. Alexander S. Pattolln: $3.84; tot " T. Alexander B, PattuUo. $1.08: tot 4. Ceeree Stnwell. 63.03: kt 8. George Stnwell. 8.1.28. BLOCK 144,' weat H Of, lot 8. Abram Dllley, 2.aT: weat of kit T. Ignore B. flregory. $287; $o.47; $i.4T. eaat w or mi 1, name a. wrinkle, eaet H of kit 8, Sadie A. Wrinkle. BLOCK 163. tot T. Frank and Mary M.ekaueT. H.6B - lot - 4. Oeear and I.ecT - Shartwck $58.04; tofA, Oaaak end hoT Hhatluck. $b)30. BLOCK 142, tot 8, Sophia Sutton, $64.40; tot T, Sophia Button, $44.34; 'lot 6, Jacob Kamm. $34. P4; , lot 6, Jaeoh KiM. $41.61. BIXICK 140. lot S. Port- - land Trnat Company of Oregoa. $4.73: kit . ., . 1 -r.n.. nH,n.n a I k .n aa .a. tot 6, David S. Slearna, $4.48: tot S, Darld S. Stearna. $4 73. nun a. no, an e, ea and Kdirh fiammoaa. (T4 46; tot T. Jaa f and, Edith, Oammone, (M. 24; lot-4, Ja and Edith Oammona, $44.34; kit 6. Ja and Edith Gammona. $H4.n. BtICK : man l6. tit 4, Frank and nary nacaaney, (; it T. Frank and Mary TIackeney, $H 44; -!.. a rrank aitif Xlare llackenev BlXn ae PORTLAND HOMKSTEAD BLOCK . r-aortli 118 feet or lof i. i ne i niteu oiaiea noenty ft Ouarantee Company. $171.40) aouth 36 feet of north 160 feet af lot I, Themaa McNamee, $3.88; north 104 feet of aonth 164 feet nf tot 1, A. Gertrude end Jnlla E. Mack. 8116.04; -enath 64) faet of lot I. Jeroca end Katie 1 B. Peterana. (54 fri; aorth 64 feet ef weat 100 feet of kit 2, Mra. B. Wriprerkatt, (II Ktt: north 60 feet ef aoath too feet of weal loo - feet of tot 8. Ida R. Stakea, $08.80; eoulk 64 feet or weat 100 feet ef eat S. Leuiee M. Feeter.- (142.4.1: irof a parcel of lend lying weat of a Hoe 100 feet eaat of and parallel wltk tha eaat lino ef dorhett afreet and between the aonth -line ef Lowell aveaae attended eeeterly la Ita peeeeat eonree aad a Una 164 feet worth nf and parallel with the north line ef Bancroft erenae. City of Pert Und,.$4.ll BLOCK 2, weat 100 feel af tot 4. School Dletrlct No. 1. $347.47: weat 100 faet ef kit B, Portland Traat Company of Ore goa. $:w.48. BLDCK 8, went 1J faet of aubdivlaloa A of tot a. Bad W. Burtcb.; waat lou feet of aubdlvlaloB B of 4. Bra W. Burtrh. $121.00; weal 100 feet ef aubdivlaloa C of lot 4. JulU A. Ullrich. ' (74. Ut); waat luA feet of aubdlvUlon D of " tot 4, FVa-a I. Dolaoo, $H0.-lu; waat 100 feet of aubdlrUloa B of lot 4. Julia Ullrich, $71.60f waat luo feet of aubdivlaloa 9 of let 4, JuUa I'lliirh. $77 62: eubdlrlalon 1 ef tot 8, Suaaa ' C. Butler. $10T.77; eubdlrlalon 8 ef lot 3, . Max A la lock, $78.41: euhdlrlawa 8 of tot 8, Loalae Kruttaer. $n.7; aubdlrlatoa 4 of lot . 8y Joha MWr. $104.2d; auhdlTlaloa at tot , Joaeph Uruach. $W4.M2: aubdlrlatoa of tot ' 8. Joaeph, Drbach, $Nt.t6 right ot way ot City ft Hulairbau Railway Company. (OJ0.6S. -Total. $Ib.S(u8. - - : - - -- -.' A ataUmewt of aforeaald aaaaeatnaat baa beaa entered la tba Docket ef Uty liana f,B,-fe,X U4 IBUhla at tba offlc, of tlie f Ity Treaaurer, lit lawful money of ha Uulted Statee, and If-- aot paid wlthra Ja daya from tba date of thle uollce ouch pro ceedlnge wlU ka takan foe the eollectloa ef the same ae are provided by the charter of the- City of Portland. Tba abeve eeeeeaBMut will bear rotereet 1 daya after tba Bret uubllratloa of thla notice, THUS. C. DEVLIN. - . ' Auditor of the City of Portland. -I - Portlaad. Oregoa, rehruary B, 18U. .- - - A88E18KEBT FOB 1M PBOVEXEXT 0T BAST ..,-(.. TKIBTT-rOUBTX (IBE XT. -.'.,.., ' Notice la kereby given tbat the Council of the City ef Portland, Oregoa. at a meeting held oa the lat day of February, 1106. declared the aaaaaament by ordinance No. 14,428, for the Improvement of Eaat Thirty-fourth etreet from the aoath Une ef Baae Une cued to tho aorta Une of Uawtborae avenue. In the manner pro vided by ordinance No. ,4,088, upon each tot, Bart ef tot and Barrel of faad which are apaclal ly and peculiarly, baaed led, to be aa foi- lowa. via : - - ... BL'NNYIHDB BLOCK i. lot 19 - Julia Doyle, $44.88 tot 17, Julie Doyle. $43.07; tot 14, Fred M. Branch. (tJ.OSi lot 18.. rred ,M. Braach. $46.86; lot 14, lYederlck M. Branch, $44.88; lot 13. Frederick M. Branch. , $71.77. BIXH'K T. kit 18, Vatila A. Hud- ; aoo. $71. T7; lot IT, tjaatar aad Aaale Petar- , eon. $04.86; tot 14, Seymour C. rriendly. 8U8.06; tot IB, George Buttle. $88.70; lot 14, . traateea ef Kpiaeopel fund of the P. K. church af the dtoceae ef Oregon, (nN 84: tot 13, Baauel Anderaoa. $71.44. BLOCK lo, kit 14. kVoae J. Smith, . $72.44; tot V. Bnaa S. Smith. (JO.l.ll lot 14, Bona J. Smith. $04.28; , kat 15, J. B. Moore, $o4.7; tot 14. J. 8. - Moore, - $48 13: lot IS, t. S. Moore, $7804. BLOCK 17, lot 14, Boatoa J. Da ' Peanlnf. $71.44: tot 17. I. W. Durant, 848.67; tot 16. Jnlta Brown. WlO; tot 18,14. A, - Turkey, $46.83; tot 14. - Minnie Varwlg. - (44.711 tot 13, Minnie Varwlg, $71.48. BLOCK 82. eeat lot 18. F. P. Wood. $82,411 aaat , H -tot IT, F. P. Wood, $80.84; north 18 I t 'feet of eaat tot 10. f. P. Wood. $24.33; - weat lot I' A. P. Meed. $20.10) waat 4 lot 17, A. P. Mead. $18.41; waat 14, lot 14. A. P. Mead. $17.08; aonth 14 feet of eaat tt lot 14. A. P. Mead, $20.78; tot 15. Frank p! Wood., (43.48: tot 14. Frank P. Wood. -$48.27; tof 13, Frank P. Wood. $78.04. BLOCK i. kit 14. fc A. Eyana. (72.84; north 11 feat lot tot tot U. T. A. Evana, $22.74; aouth 82 1-3 teet IT, li. J. niwarna, aea.ui; ant 10, r. a. SklKbe, atwj.Ta: ooairiaea nor in zo rem tot 18. loll Thorn oaon. 48.83: aoath 8 1-3 Toil feet lot 16, K. L. Stewart. (14.74: north H . tot 14. K. L. Stewart, $34.48; orath H kit 14, Flrat Congregational church. $34.04; kit .-lo; r irar - uongregaiionai - cnurcn. BLOCK .14- tot 1M. Frederick C. Dlea. (71.44. $71.42; tot. 1T-Freder1rk 0. Dtea. 168.13: tot 14. I. W. Durant, (ott 28: lot 16, Kate E. -Everett. . $48.12; tot 14. H. V.. Smith et iU (44.m- lot IS. H, V. Smith et aL. (71.48. BLOCK 45, tot T. CharkM .Palraa:,- $70.78; -tof S,. Jamaa Jaaaary. $44.28; lot 8. Janice January. $48.46; lot 10, Fraqk A. Tanacber. $44.07. BTNNYSIDB 8BC0ND' ADDITION BLOCK 40. lot S. Aadrew Nabwn. $44 W; lot 7. An drew Nelaoo, (T1.8X. BLOCK 86, let 18, Chrletlan Kretaer, (71.44; lot 17, Cbrtatlaa Kretarr, $44.87;. tot 14. Robert Lockheed. $44.12; tot 15. Booerf Lockheed. (44.371 waat -1-8 lot 18. D. L. Nlchola. $23.48; weat 1-8 . tot 14, D. L- Nlchola. (22.78; eaat S-8 lot 14. Klavel L. Sumner, $.404; eaat 28 lot IS. -NFlavel L. Bumaer. $48.48. BLOCK 68. tot ao, Herman '.- Beyw. (71.43: lot 18, Bar man P. Berer. 844.71: tot. 18. Herman P. Beyer, $48.28;- tot IT. C. L. K linger. $42.66; - aorth 63.4 feet tot 14. Anne Bchnilt. (6.61; . north 63.4 feet lot 18, Anno Scfamit, $4.42; : north 63.4 feet tot 14, Anne Schmlt, (56.46; .' aonth - W-faet L tot 14, Florence C. Wrbatcr. $6.48; aonth AO feat kit 13. Florence C. Web-. . ater. $8.18: aonth 80 faet tot 16, Florence C. Wrhater. $81.47. 6UNNY8IDK BLOCK 1. tot 4. Sttnnyatda Land ,ft ImproTement Company. (44.76; tot 8. Sun- nyaide Ind ft Improvement Company, $43 48; . tot 4, Simnralde Land ft Improvement Cora ' ttanr. 142.23: lot 1. .Snnnyaldo Lead ft Im- jrovemrnt Company, (g-y'l- lo 3r-tirrle B. I Uoklen, xno.TIt tot 1J Jamea 1). Wharton. 171 42. BLOCK 8. tot 4. Maggie A. C.aUka. J 71. 77; tot 6, Maggie A. He tea a, $48.27; kit . Maggie A. Gataka. $44.37: tot 8, Mra. De , Una Mitchell, $46.25: tot 3. B. Lnomla. (nO.An: lot 1. Bamuei Anoeraon. (72.04. BIXKK S. tot 6. Win. Hackle. 172.04: lot 6, - Wm. Mackle. (4B.13; lot 4, Wm. Ifackle, $44.26; lot 8, Wm. ntocftto, $44.78; tot 2. w m. alaeiiie. atw.'ji: mt i. wm. mackle. 72.01. tllARb. in, an u, ..Daa. n, imrnam, 72U8: lot 6. Jesala ft. Harr1naton. (09.27: ' , , . , , , a ., ot. , . . . i, . n..;V. adit uTi.V.r h' iiii..h.i'il aa Tf . T i ua. owMiir'OnT w. uuiaaneiB M, Karn;- ann uo; tot l, joaepo a. i-ettit, $71. TT. BLOCK 21. kit 6. Margaret DarUng. $73.18; tot 6, Margaret DarUng. $48.27; kt . 4. H. V. Haroman.; mt a, H. c. ' Hardman. $04.88: kit 2. Henry H. Stank. , $40.8: lot. 1. Henry It. Stauh. $74.2X - BLOCK . tot o. The Alliance Truat -trm nana. Ltd.. (71.77: tot 6. Frank Hunter. BrtB.-ffr--tot-ov- Erana. (48.89T- kit 8. .Airred s. farxer ana rumon cngiana, auo.To; tot a. Alfred J. Parker aad Simon Knxlaad. $44.67:. tot 1, Alfred J. Parknr ft Simon Eaciaad. (71.44. BLOCK 87. lot 4, Phillip . J. M. Blampeld. (71. 18; lot-6. Margaretta Schleffer, ("14.71: k.t 4, William and Kllxa- ' bath Comfort, (44.28; tot 8. A. T. Fink. r.2n tot 8. Frieda -Lnndhald. (44.71; tot Frieda Lnndhald, -(73.04. BIXK K 44. tot 4. Barbara KnOire. $71.04: kit t. Barbara KntTlcr, $44.67; kit 4, Preeda InndhaM. - (46 To; lot 8. Freeda lnndhald. $44.80; north H mc a. rreoaa uinnoain. e-ia,ao; eouto tot a. Nora U JBlhjrlr-r. (34.T7: lot 1. Nora I. Btngley, (7I.x. BIK'K 83. weat H lot 4. Sarah J. wetalee. xoz.oa; weat H hit 4, Sarah J. Wetator. (60 64: eaat H kit 6. J D. Coleman, tniatee. (18.66: eaat H tot B, J. n. Colemaa. (20.04: lot d. Sin a CI. Ham lltoa, $08.30: kit 4. I.. L. Carry. $47.83; lot 8. L. l. iwri, iib.ib: mt t. u. i. lurry, '. (78.04. BLOCK 64, lot 7, Wat.-M. Rowea, 71.4; lot 67 Wm. M. Howea, (48.67; tot 8, . Wm. II. Ilnwea. (46.70: tot 4. Wm. M. Howea. 843.46: tot 8. Oaorce Scbeeren. 811.04: " tot 8. Oeorge Schearen, $14.43: tot 1. George . Bcnearen. iun.oo: total, A atatemrnt of aforeeald aaaaaament bid been entered In tha Docket of Cltv Lleha aad te now due and parable at tba nfnee of the City Trcaanrar la lawful money of the United Statee, and If aot aald within 80 dare from the date df thla notice auch proceedlnge will be taken tor tha eollectloa ot tne name aa are proviaea by the rharter of the City ot PortUnd. The above aaaeaament will bear lujrreet 10 daya After tha nrar. puniicxtioa or tnia notice. .i. . , j hub. -1;., -..v. ' Auditor of the city of Portland. Portlaad. Oregon. February S. 1908. ASSESSMENT FOB DIPB0VE1CIBT OF B7JB- : . ' BELL BTBEET. Notice la hereby glvea that the Council ef tae ltr of rortiana. ore run. at a meetlna held oa the lat day of February. 1806." decUred. the eaeeeement by ordinance No. 14.430. for the Improrement or uuaaell atreet, rrom the weat lino of Gaatenheln arenue la Alblna to tha Weat lino of WMIIama avaaue. 1n the manner provided by ordinance No, 13.044, upon each tot, pert ef tot and parcel of , land which are apeelally and peculiarly bearltfd, to be aa AI.BINA BLOCK 41, eaat H tot 17. Chrlatlna K. Hirreu, eon ; eaet H mt in. t nriatina K. Blrrell. $72.62;, weat H lot 17, William Douck. $62.67; weat U lot 14, William Donek. (52.04. BLOCK 86, kit 1. J. S. Brownewall, $548.T3: tot a. J, S. 3rnwnewell. $144.68; lot 17. Bdmnd Halt Batata. Helre nf, tia .4, L.. ,a v jt v.. . .. a, of. (41171. BKK 39. weat H lot 1. Flrat , Isorweglao-Daalaa - M. - K.- 4 auech, - 12O0.H0i weat H lot 2. Flrat Norweglaa-Danlek M: K. Church, (44.74; eeat H lot 2. Michael Sine. $58.75; eaat H tot 1. Michael mm. (180.03; hK IT, Nlcbelee Mergee.-$1 16.47 : tot-14, Niche la a C Mergaa. $41824. BLtM'K 80. tot 1. School Dlatrict No. 1, $410.37: k t 8. Sclnad Dlatrict No. 1, $116.10; lot IT. School Dlatrict No. 1, $38.78; tot 18. School Dtatrlct no. i. e-aw oa VAaiav ai"iti PLUCK 4. eaat T2.8 feet tot 13, Dudley Krane. .$478 44; eaat 73 8 feet lot 14. Dud'ey Evana. $134.44; aeer T2.3 feet tot 18, Dudley Evana. (28.22. . BAILROAD 8II0PN ADDITION BLOCK IT. weat H ml a, Hiram C, Patter. (1T0.44; weat H lot 6, Hiram C. Pit tee. $31.03. eeat H kit B, The Alliance Tract Company, Llm- . Had. $31.04; eaat H lot 4. Tka Alliance Treat Company, - Limited. $144.16: Booth feet tot 4. J. M. Pltteeger. $12.74; eontk 100 feet tot T. Union Trnat ft lnvearment Company, .(143.34; aouth loo feet tot 4. Into Treat ft iBTcatment Company. $141.43; kit 11. Mary . Denbel, $23 84- let 10, Oddfelhrwe' Hell Aeee cUtton. (108.74; tot fl. Odd FeUowe' Hall - Aaaociatton. $34482. - BlH IC 4. nndlvtded - N weat SO feet tot fl, W. F. Mattock and Borer Baker. $108.84; andlrlded weat 60 feet tot 8. W. F. Mattock and Boyer Baker. . Bui. 17; undivided t4 weat 60 teet tot 4, Tka - Flrat National Bank. $1o3.68; andlrlded u weat 60 feet tot 6. Tke Ftret Natjoeal Beak. . (i 17; eeat 40 feet tot a. KJaard R. and Delia B. Pitcher, B'llHam J. and F.lla U - Jaenbe. (164.42: eaet 40 feet lot fl, Bdward B. aad Delia K. Pitcher, William 1. and Ella L. Jaeoha. $44 86; kit 4, George B. Scofflne - Katete. Helre ef. $234; aouth lK feet .lot T. Jullna Kraeeier. $142 07; weat 10.4 feet aouth too feet kit S. Jullua Kraemer. $34 n4; . eaat - SO feet aouth li4 feet tot 8, Onet. HolBTee, $104 31; lot T. . W. Batea, $10.71; tot in, C, IL Hill Eatate. Helre ef 8VI 64: 'tot $, C. ,B., Hill Eatate, Hrlra of, 1388.08; right of way. PortUnd Ceneolldated Ballway Company, $.1,244 T4., Total. $0,741.40. A alatemeut of" aforeeald aaaaawaieMt . baa been entered la the Durket of City IJeua aad m new due and payable at the ofnre of the City ' Treeeurer. In lewful money of the I lotted Statee, and df ant paid within - HO daya from the dale nf thla notice auch pro eeedloga wlU he taken for the eollectloa of the eeine-ae are provided by Ibe charter ot the City ef.pnetland. ' The above aaaeaament -will bear rntareat 1$ daya after tba Brat pubileetloa of thla notice.. . THOS. C. DEVLIN. "1 ' Auditor of the City of Portland. ' Portland. Oregon. February B. 1806. r ASSXBSJtENT FOB DtrBOVEXXlIT OF -'BXOOBP STKIIT. :" Notice bi keeebr glvea that tba Council ef the City of Portland. Oregon, at a meeting h.M ,,n h. 1 .... ,f lOtA Am. cured" the aaaeaament hr ordliiance No, 14.4:14. uiii u n-..uicii uy oruinaiow 1.0, ,.,.r for the Improvement of Second etreet. from the center line of Arthur atraet - to the north Hue of We. Hie atraet, in the manner provided hy ordinance Bo, 18,(48. apoa each tot. part of tot aad parcel of land whlrh are apeelally and peculiarly beaeflted. . to... ka . al ituUona. via: CARCTHKRS ADDITION TO CAKTJTHERB ADDITION to .the -City ef Port lend BLOCK 44. aorth H - eeat 10 feet lot I. Charlea F. Hoecher. (47 80: aouth U eaat 100 feet tot 1, Ketle- F. Bake. nelch. (47.80: eaat . 100 feet lot 8, Katie F. Babeaetch. (I50.O4: eaat 100 reel lot 8. : Joha F. Caplea, (40.T8 eaat mo teet lot 4. John F. Caplea. $40.78. BLOCK 46, eaat 100 feet kit 1, Addle B. Murray, Ptt.mi aaat 100 r feet tot 8. Addle B. Murray, (54.68; eaat 100 feet tot 8, Frank H. Grau. $108.67; eaat 100 fact lot 4, Orlando P. a. Plummer, $10844, I BIK-K 44, eaat loO feet tot 1, C E. Smlah, 178.41; eaat Inn feet lot 2, C. E. Smith, (4.t)T; eaat lot) feet tot (, C. K. Smith, (Hl.ll; eaat 10O feat tot 4, C. E. Smita, .$41.74. -' - --A parcel of land tying between the aorth line ef Wood, atraet aad a Una 800 feet acuta ef . and parallel with tha aouth Una of Hooker - atraet. and between the weat Ilea of Second atreet and a Una 100 feet weat thereof aad parallel therewith, C E. Smith. $313.23. . BlX'K 60. weat U lot fl. Fannie B. Died "rich, (118 04; weet k tot T. Fannie B. DledV rich. (118.48: waat 47 feet eaat. Vk tot S, ' l-oute Cohn. $50 00; weat 47 feet eaat V kit T. Louia Cobn. $4076: weat 140 feet tot 6, Jdward I. Hart. $43.31; went 100 faet tot 6, oho Cork lab. $41.17.. BtXtCK 04. weat 42 ' feef lot 8, -Immanuel Baptlat Church, $74.74; weat 42 feet lot 7, Immanuel Baptlat Church, $70.30: weat 88 feet of eaat 44.6 feet tot S. Snala C. Pbet Eatate. Hrlre of. 84.181 weat 14 feet fit eaet 44.6 feet tot T, Suele C. Poet EataU, llelra of. (S.TIi weat 100 feet let 4, -Mary Akera. (112.08: Weat von teet kit B. Philip and Julia' B. Lawton. $123.87. BIaTK 67, waat 60. feet tot 4. Nannie B. Taylor, $43.06: weat 60 feet tot T, Naanla X. Tay lor, $T8 2: waat .60 feet of eaat 64 feet - tot fl. Ahbte . June- F-M Oa: wear 80' faet of eeat .84 feat tot T. Abble O. June, $25.80; weat' ino feet tot 4, Jamea L. Job na ton. $183.83: weat 100 feet tot S, Jamea ,.L. Job na ton. (I7T.8S. - A parcel ef land lying between the anntb -Una ef Porter, atraet and a line 100 feet emitk therefrom and "parallel Therewith and . between 'the eeat Une -er Second atreet and a. llae loo feef eeat therefrom end parallel therewith, Wlafleld T. Stephana, - $348.88.: -. - .. c--A- ,-', - A parcel af land lying between the north -Hne of Wooda atreet and . a line 100 feet aoath therefrdm and parallel therewith aad between the - eaat line of Second atreet and a line 100 feet eaat therefrom, aad par- allel therewith, Joaeph Simon sad Cyrna "A. Dolph. (IH0.68. - .... TotaU $3,2B0.87. ' . A atatement of a foreaald ' aaePaement haa beea entered la the 'Docket ef CHy Uene and la now 'due- and payable at the effloa ef the City Treaaurer. In lawful money ef the Inlted Statee, and If not paid wlthla 80 daya from the date af tbla notice ench pro reedlnga will ba taken for- tke eollectloa ef the name aa are provided by the charter of Xt .City of Pert lend, r- r- The above aaaeaament will bear intereet 10 daya after tba Brat publication ef thla notice. THOS. C. DEVLIN. - Auditor of the City of Portland. Portland. Oregon, February 8, IPOS. A8BES8KENT FOB MFBOVEalXirrWjTHX c--' ': BOB? BTXXXT. ' Notice. 1a hereby given that tba Council of the. City of Portland, Oregon, at a meeting held on tne lat day et February. 1806. declared the aaaeaament by ordinance No, 14.433, for the Improvement of Johaaon atreet, from toe weat line ef Twenty-fourth atreet to tke eaat Una of Twenty-flfth atraet In the manner pro vided by ordinance No, 14.040, upon, each tot, part ot tot and parcel of Und which are ana- clally and peculiarly beneBtad.. to he aa fnllowa. KING'S SECOND APnmOK TtT.OCK".' tnf 4. atattnew Brady,- (lo.aa: kit a, aiattaew Brady. 81.84; kit 6. Annie P.- Broaa. 814.44; , tot 8, J. A. Martin. (1T.B3 mt fl, Jeaaia at. and Jamea K. MoCracken, (14.84: tot Bt. Krerell F. Palmer, (IT.18; tot 13, Ella Stephana, $26.83; lot IT. Thomaa Stephen, $4.31 : tot IS. Thomaa Srepbeaa. $30.28. - A parcel of Und lying between the weat Une of Twenty-fourtb atreet and a llae 10 feet weat therefrom and parallel therewith aau . between the aoath line of Johneon atreer -a Una 100 feet iealh xaarenf aad parallel therewith.- Frederick A. Kribe, 14.67. . A parcel of land lying between two llnea reapectlvrly 100 feet and 210 faet weat from and parallel with the, weat ttne of Twedty fourtb atreet .and hetweea the aoura tine of Job neon atreet and a lino 100 feet aouth - therefrom and Jiarallal tberewiUl, Dennla W. t row icy, fza.DD. k parcel -of lead TrlaaT betweea 1 trnF tinea reapectlrcly 810 feet aud 840 feet weat from and parallel with the waat Una of Tweaty fourth atreet aad hetweea the aouth Una -of Jnbaaoa etreet and a Une 100 feet Booth therefrom and parallel , therewith, 11... A. Sargent. $10.48. ' - . . A parrel of land lying between a- tlne-JbO feet weat of and parallel "With tha weat Una ' of Twenty-fonrtb atreet aad tha eaat line of Cornell road aa ahowa by Lewla ft Drydea'4 map of 'Portland and Vicinity. 1H84. and be tween the Booth line of Johneon etreet and a line too feet aouth therefrom .and parallel SrherewTtb, The King Eatate.; HeCa of, i 181. 44. Total, $321.48. atatement of aforeeald aaaeaament baa been entered In the Docket of City Han and la now due and payable at tha office ot fhe City Treaaurer, la lawful money of the United Statea and If not paid wlthla SO daya from the date of thla notice each proceedlnge WlU be taken for the collection of the name aa are provided by the rharter of the City of PortUnd. -ine aoave aeaeaameaf win near mtereet 10 daya after tba are, publication of thla notice. , , THOS. C. DEVLIN. " I Aadltor of the City, ot Portland. Portlaad. Oregon, February , S. 1806. ASBEBKMEXT FOB ratPBOVIMIaTT Or UT- : Urt BTKXIT. ,.-'-Notice la kerebr gtren that the Conacll of the City of Portland, Oregon, at a meeting held ou 'the lat day of February, 18o6, de clared the eaeeeement by ordinance No. 14,442. for the Improrenient of Bryant atreet. from the eaet line of Wabeah avenue to the Weat lino of Delaware avenue, la the manner provided by ordinance -'No. 14. 137, upon each kit, part of kit and parcel of Und which are apeelally aad peculiarly penentea, to do ao roiiowa, rix; A ft to in LiotxaBj nun a, , a i, oaru xa, lope. Truaten. (14.44; lot -eth L. Pope, Truatee, (2.16; aonth 14 1-3 tret of kit 3, Beth L. l'upe. truatee. $1.04: aouth 14 1-2 f-et af lot 14. A. Lamport, (2.84; lot IT, A. Lamport, $3.80; Ut 14, A. Law pert, $42.T6. BLtM'K 14. tot 1, Ralph Freaey, (47.84; kit ' 8. Ralph rVeney. $4.46; aoath 14 l- feet ot Bit a. KaipB reenay, aa-ai; aouta je i-a feet , ot tot 14, Security Saving. A Truat Company, I $1.46; kit IT, Security Sarluge ft Truat Com- I ' pany, $4.31; kit IS. Security Bavin (a ft Trnat Cotunaay, (2:1. 48. BUICK 16, kit 1. Beeanty I Bavlrge ft 'luat Company, (26.86; lot S, i Security oavlufa"A Traat Company, (4.44; Bouth id 1-8 feet ef tot 8, Security Seringa ' . ft 'J mat Company. (1.T3; eontk 14 1-1 feet of kit Id, J. B. imborae. $2.16; tot IT. i. B. tieborna, (4.32; tot 14. J. 14. Oeborne, $33.61. BLOCK 14. kit 1. Earl C. Brnaaiigb. $4o.46 kit 2. Karl tv'Bfonaugh, $6.80; aouth 14 1-4 feet of. let 8. Karl C Bronaugh, (2.o4 aoath) 14 1-4 feel of lot 14. Karl C. Broaaugh. (244: tot 17, Karl a Bronaugh. (5.37: tot 18. Earl C. bronaugk. (.14.62. BLOCK 17. kit 1, -i-Jeame-W, Dnaiuell. $41.48; lot 8. Bert C. Brotdugh, $7.83; aouth Id 1-8 feev at kit 8, Karl 1' hnainah. 1:1.04. - - Bl'HUAUB TK AC Ir-BLOCK. 18. lot 18, Thomaa X.. r-uoi, b2.bui lof le, -j nomas i. allot. . .1b; lot ll. Timmae I. allot, i nr.; mt Tbmaaa te Blhat. (24k0m BLtrrxf ir kit 1:1. Thomaa L. Eliot. (ia.4i; tot 14, Thomaa L. Eliot, $3.72; tot 11. Thomaa L. Eliot. $4.18; tot 12, Thomaa L. Eliot, ( 04. BUH K lo, Ut 12, Thomaa C Bitot, $14.78: ' tot 14. Thvmaa 1 Eliot, .07; kit 11, Xhomea lU Eltot, (13 34; Vt 18. Thome L Eliot, t $44.74.. BLtH.'K T. tot 13, Thomaa L. Eliot. ' $4X4)1; tot 14, Thomaa U Bitot. $IO.a(.-k)t 1 1, Thomaa L. Eliot, (7.0b: tot 18, Thomaa L. Eltot. (28.82. UIXXK 8, lot 13, Thomaa L. Kllot. (21.88: kit 14. Thomaa t. KUot, $0.84; lot 11, Thomaa L Eliot, $0.81; tot VI. Thomaa' L. Eliot. (2.23 - AKblilt I.OIH1B BLOCK 12. tot 11. Mary M. -Mark. (23.47: act lu. Mary M. Meek, (4,64; lot 8. Mary If. Mock, (3.17; lot 14. Mary M. ' Mock. $4.17) tot 13. Mary M. Mock. $4.60; Ut 11 Mary M. Mock, $4874. BLOCK 11, kit 12. Marr C. Buell. $4o.l8; tot 11, Mery C. Snail, (4.(7: kit 10. A. Harmon, $4.42; tot 16, North Pad 6c Lumber Company. $4.67; - lot la, nerta racine uaan lumpany. ' Cxa. 1-g. a k'aaftte. (J-Aat. I ' - 4.4wt, nvuy ax ju, k iat. svari t;. Pronaaaji $,82: tot 11, Karl 0. Bronaagh, $3.84; lot In. Earl C. Bronaugk, $3.82;tot 16. M, K. Ilendrk'k, $4 8u; Ut 14, kL B. llendrlck, In. So; kt 13. M. X. Hendrtck, $24.83. BLOCK . lot 13. Mattlo L. Sweet Wuetell. $40.42; . M 11. Haltle U Sweet Woaull. $4.14; tot in, Hattl. L Sweet Weetell. (5 44; lot 15, . R. K. Gardner, (5 42; Ut 14. Flrat Preehy. tartan Church. $7 21; tot 18. 'Flrat Prrehr. tartan -Church. (24.24. BIamK S. tot IE W.. Dot Be 11, (34.14; tot 11, Jaaule W. HonnelL 8)11.38; tot 10, Jennie W. Doa- - nell, . (N 88. fiL'KBAOM TRACT BUN'K 18, undivided U ol h-4 M Sarah J. Barrage, (10.80: nndlrided Va uf lot Ei, Sarah J. tturrege. (3.10: undl ..rWifnt of Ut 24. William H. Barrage, (lo uo; undivided f, ot tot 24. William 11 Burtage, .(3 10; undivided 14 of tot. 2. WllUam U. Burrage. (3.48; iwdTrlded W ot tot 1. WlllUm II Burrage, $13.07: andlvlded Vt of kit 2. Barak J. -Burrage, (3.4H; nadlvided U of tot 1, Barak t. Burrage. (18.47.. BLOCK 14. kit 24. Harab i. aad William 11. Burrage. 823.47; tot 23, Sarah J. aad William H. Burrage, $4.42; kit 8, Satab J. aad WllUam II. Bur raga, $4.84; kit 1, Sarah J. and William U. -.Burrage, (IS. HI.- BUM K 11, undivided 14 of lot 24. Barak J. Burrage, $14.70: Nadlvided of kt 23. Sarak J.' Burrage, (X34; andl rlded to of kit 84, WlllUm H. Burrage. (1 4. Tui andlrlded Va of lot 23. William H. Burrage. (3.34: undtvkled W ef Ut 8. WlllUm t7irnilam H Duriaxe, $22.43: undivided S of ii. liurraga.. ga.Ba;unualJaa w e -eae- ar tot 8. Sank J. Burrage, (6.84; undivided A of k-t 1. Sarak J. Burrage (22.43. BLtM'K . mi aa. aaraa a . ana niuiem n nwiur, 834.871 tot 23, Sarah J. aad William H. Burrage. $8.74: kit 8. Sarak J. and William H. Burrage, (4.881-kit 1. Sarak J. aad Wtl 7 Ham H. Burrare, (20. To. HUM E 3, hit 84. W. X Killing. worths (18.36: tot 23. W. 41. - Kllllngeworth. $4.03) kit 2, W. fl. Kiilluga . .JUJftb, 10.44; kit 1. W. tl. KilUnaawprtn, .TAle. Total. (1.444.43. A atatement nf aforeeald leaeaameot baa beefl entered In tae Docket of City LUna and la bow due and payable at tho ofoce of the City Treaaurer, In Uwful money of the United Statee and If net paid wlthla 80 daya from the data of thU notice auch proceedlnge will be taken for the collection of the name aa are provided by the charter of tho City of Portland. The 'above aaaeaament will hear Intereet 10 daya after tba Brat publication ef thla notice, . THOS. C. DBVI.IN. Aadltor of the City of Portland. " Portlaad. Oregoa. February 8. 1806. ASSESSMENT FOB EXTENSION OF . XAIT v ALXOB STBXXT. - ".' ... Kotlce la hereby gtrea that 'the aaaeaament made by ordinance No. 14.881, entitled: "An erdinaece adopting" the- (report of the vlewere la the matter of tbapropiaied opening-; laying out and eatabllehhig of Baat Salmon atraet from tna weal Uar of Kaat Tbirty-elghth atreet to the weet line ot .blocka 11 gnd IE Sannymide - addition. '" making aa aa aeeemaat of the -heneBta aad damageaaet fnrtk. la aald report," approved January 6, lOoA. kaa Been entered aaalnat the aaveval ownera. of and- pereoua Intereated la the lead Bereia aeecrioad as being aeveraiiy itaoie ware, for. la the Docket of City I.lena, which, aald ameaamenta are nude due and payable at the ofdee ef the City Treaaurer. la United Statea gold had allree ceHi, ad-wnleaB paid before February 80,' 1806. tha name will become delln. quent aad each proceedlnge will be tehee for. the eeUertton of the name aa ara provided by the charter "of" the (ity ef Portlaad, aald aaeaee meat, being aa fol tow a, to-wlt t GOOD'S ADDITION lt 8. - Joba Xtoed. $40; tot B. John Good. 840.00: lot lo. Joba Good. 4 840.00: tof.Tl, Joha Good. $40.00: kit 12. joha Goon. e4o.un; mt is, jobs uooa, -'': tot 14, John Good, $40.00; tot 16, John Good, 840.00. SUNN YSIDeV ADDITION BLOCK -18, tor-1;- - Hulda StelBleln, $4.00; tot 3, Edith P. Gil bert. $4.00; lot 8. Ellxa B. Gilbert. $4.00; tot 4; Barbery Weatwlrk. $4,00; kit 1. Loolaa A. McGregor. $4.00; lot, 4. A. H. Breymaa - and John Sommerrtlte. $4 .00; kit T. A. H. . Breymaa and John' Sommervllle. $4.00. BLOCK .11, tot 8, Katharine A. Martin, $4.00: eeat 17.14 feet of kit 8, Katberlno A. Martlu, t2 48; weet 26.72 faet et tot fl, Mary J. tlgby. $3.36: kit 10, Mary J. Klghy, (4.00; . tot 11. Ellxa bath B. Burnham. $4.00; kit 12. William A. Mackeasla, $4.uo; kit 13. W. W. Miner and Nettie J. Miner. $4 00: tot 14, W. W. Miner aad Nettle t. . Miner, 84.00. BLOCK IS, tot 1. Breymaa Broa. 14. 76; lot 2, Breymaa Broa.. $4.76t let 8, Breymaa. Broa.. $4iiB; lot 4. M. Olaea. $4.73: lot 6, . Breyman Broa.. 84.TS: lot 6. B. H. Bowman. (4.75; tot T. B. H. Bowman. (4.78. BLOCK 14. tot 8. George, A. L. Wlntera and Bertha Wlntera. M T6a .tot f. .LIlUaali. Daadee Katate. Hclra of, (4.78; tot 10. Ulllaa 11. Dundee Batata. Helre af. $4.75; lot 11, . George A. Reavea. (4.761 tot 12. Oeorga A. Beavee. (i 70; kt 13, Clara 8. Dlrkaon, (4 75; - tot 14, CUri 8. Dlrkaoa, (4.75. BLOCK o. lot 1, A. II. Breymaa and Joha Sommer- ' Tllle. $4.40; tot 8, A. H. Breymaa and Joba BnmmerTllle, $4-40. BLOCK 18. tot 3, II, A. Rltner, 84.40; kit , 4. ETangellpe B. Shaw, 84.40. Total.' $488.10. - ! - .. THOS, C. DEVLIN. ' -Auditor of tba .City of Portlaad. Felmiary in.) imwi 1!m Only Double-Track Missouri River The Chicago-Portland Special, the most luxunous train in the wtyrld. Drawing-room sleeping cars, dining car, buSet smoking and library car (barber and bath). Less than turn days Portland ts Chicago. ThroughTralnis to Chkaro are operateAdaliy via the Qreton K . R. ft Na. Co., V. P. R.R. and Chicago It Nortfe-Weeter Rjr. ! Chicago from Portland and poiau la Oregoa and Eaatera Waahlngton. " - - - Daily rxcariloni In Puriman toorlit ' gleepingcara from Portland Ibrougb , -to Chicago wilboal chaoge. B. B1TCHIB. A. 0. BASKBR, faaal Agt. Pvt. Ceaet, . feeaerel Agaaf, , t lf..W. By. c. m h.-w. ay. a,. Hirla Baa. tn Tklrd Blraat, Bab fbakcjbco, cai. POBTUlaD, OBS. AALTIMOR (V OHIO IV R. AXXt TRAIN Jl VIAWAHLNOTON I VVEINIURDSir City Brewery . Taarratn " aad " Stoat ' Oompleto Brewery ta . tba . BToxthwsgv, . Bottled Beer Specialty rauratyBB tt.'' Ofllca 13th aJki Barmalda Braota. , . PORTLAND, OBEOON. - . leam oa a. :i r- thicago IK vOREGOn ' tfaiamai' fTTe a era .' 3 TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY . Tbroncb Pntlavaa etaadard aad 4aur.t aeai tna care dally- to Omaha. Cbteere, Saahanei touriet aleenlnar fare dally to Kaaaaa Cltrl rhroagb Pallmaa loartat eleenlng eare (peraaa ally aoadBTted) weekly te Chlcew. Secrlalad chair earn faeeta freak to the Beet dally. UNION DEPOT. Axel CHlCAOn-POraTLAND SPECIAL., For, the Eaat via Xaat - v, Incteo. . -. u :t8 a. av Dally. , 8:91 a, i Dally. 9P0KANB FLTSB. For Raatara Waablaa tea, WalU Walla. Lew Utno, Coear d'Aleae and Great Vortkere polatxv .... . l:U(S DaUy, 4-oaa, I Dally. ATLANTIC EXPRESS. For tho Eaet Tie Baat- 8:1$ B. BL i MSavaiw Oally.--, Dally. OelamVU 8 rear DlrUUa. FOB ASTOBI4 sad' wart sloit fl.jk. pwan weueeting wirniiiaiiy. atmr. for llwace aad. ax. Suaday North Beach, atr. Baa- Saturday 4 boat . - - 4:00 a. BK a. Baaday. aaU. Aah-ot. dock. l0:00 p. m. ! B . ;.r.'. '"' I email) arver Aauta- OR DATTON. Oreeoe City aad Tamhltl Elver Eilnte, atra. Bath aad odoc, Aah-ot. dock. T-ftO a.-aa. 4:44 a. aa. Crlly. aa. Baaday Dallr. ; , 4v$hjjday. t water permittlaml Bnaka Bivar Eeuto. FOB LBWI8TON. Ida., a .a. -and way polo to from ruily. Blparla. vrVaa.. atmra. 'iut " "'-) Spokane and tewtatea.1 About l n. PAT eg. Frioeet IlCk-BT 0FF1CB. Tbh-d and Wiealasxea, Tela- '- ' .' vbooo Mala flf..... -. -., tTT 8T1N0EB, City Tlekef Ageat, . . A. ti. CBAIO. Qeneral Paeaangar Agaat, ' , . EAST via. SOUTH TNIOtT DEPOT. 0VEBLAND XXPBBSS traiaa, for SaUak Beaa k-M i.k, a 8:801 "!I'to'..0l,.l"l.,.frr 'IT a. an, galea. Kl raae. new or- leena aad the Baat, Moraine trala BerM at Woodbara (ally-, exeeat 1 Baaday 8:80 a. ax. wita xraia no - Bit. Angel. Silver to a. BrawagvtlU, llllii. 8 od p. ex. laid. WaadUaf a a aJ : t" - Katroej, Albany naaaeni i' i : '' 10:10 a. Bh, 40 ar-44 a. aa. aect at Waedhorn with Mi. Aaaal aad BUrer-l ton local. a. m. CorvellU 116:64 8. 8:28 a. m - lld:S4 p.av Bkerldaa paaBangai Dally. II Dally, except Snaday. rortaaad-Oawege Bahurkaa Serviee -and Taaxaia : TJrrtotoa.- - Depot Fool of Jef feroeej Street." ' ' ' tMvo Portland dally tor Oeweao T:3S a. aa t It 60. 8:03. 8:26. 6:20. 6 24; T:46. 10 J6 p. m. ' ltol1y--fexerpt Sunday ), 8:30. S:80. fl:3S. 14:84 S:S0 a. m. 166. 8:06. 4:34. 4:16. T:l. I M, 11:14 p. m. Daily (exarpt Bandar) 4 24. 7 24, 1:30. ji:30. 11:46 a. m. Except Moaday. 13 ii p. m. Bandar only. 10:04 a. at. Lea rea from aamo depot for Daltaa aad later, edlate poInU daily fexerpt Baaday! 4:00 p. ax Arnve Pnrtland 10:30 a, m. Tae Didependepee-Manreoatll Mirer - I.tae onarataa dallr to Monmoath aad Air Me. eea. -nee ttne with Sonfbecu Padle eompany'a tracka at liallaa aad - inoereaoeneev --i FTcr-eHaa faaa fmra rortlan ToTacramanST; and Baa Fraarlere (20. bertha 14; areoad-elaam fare $18. aaccnd-eUaa berth (2.60. Tick eta te Paeteee notnra end FnropaJ alaa -laean. China. ITmnlaH hod Anatralla. fltr Ttrbet- Orrlee earer TMnt aid regf-n eea. Pbaao Main TIB.. v r. W. STTNflBrl. -W. at ffafA Ctry Ticket Ageot. ; wen. eaa. a TIME CARD, .-: : ..;': Of ' ' '' v TRAINSS PORTLAND) "IJNI0N D1P0T. . hait Sooad ' LlmrieJ for Taooma. - Seattle OlytepU. SoatB - Bead mi Cray'a Barhat pnlnta. . j Narth Ceaat Llrarted. rer Taenraa. Seattle. Butte, St. Paab Mia nea nolle. Chicago, New Tork. Boatoa and polata Baat and Soutkaaat. Tvrta-Ctty Expreaa. far Teeiaw. Seattle. Spa kane. Heleaa, St. PaaL Mlnneapnlla Chicago. New Tork. Boatoa aad all polnta Baat -aad Sontbeeet., IQIOOC '4.1 AlTAl I latfil BOUTH fef , . I Arrtrea. m TtCOkk.' ' "'I r,,; f'fktB.. i f . -, . , '. -1. ''.; ' .: . v U:4B at, Paget Sound . Kaaaaa ftty-St. LouW Special, for Taerma. Seattle. Sookane. Botto. Bllllaee. Dearer. Omaha. Kaaaaa 8:80 a. re. City, St. Leuia aad au point Baat aad Seeth- aaat. All tralna dA'ly except ea Sooth branch. A. D. CHABLT0N. l- Aartotdat Geeeral reaeeger A read. tt4 Morrtaoo ot.. oar.Tbrrd. Part la aA exa. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. tea Tea. ONION DBPOT. ' irrleae. a ;.t i. ' ' :J, ,.- .v . Bifrl a. aa. Far Mayewra, BaraUe, Dattyv "" Dally... Claukaala.- Weat port, 11:14 a. ox, Cllftoa, Aatorla. War- -. reateai FUveL BaB ' . , ; ' j. - mood. Fort Btevaee. . .. '' Oearbart Park. Beea! da, , o ' Aatorla and tvaatera. ' ; VL;1JT " Sxpraas gAilp. 7 ' '-"'' ' 8:44 p. aa. "'f- .Aatarta aoipa4a,, v r ' ' ' ' " . , t. e. mat. . 0. F. aad P. A, Aatorla. Or. ' C A. 8TBWABT. Commeretsl Ascat, 848 Auto - at. Phono Mala BOS. Ttokat OS ad 188 TolrB BJt,BBi fatal' ak TraBrtascontlntrital -tj - Tralnai Osklly aaV FAST TIME TO WKANB. T. x fATTIv VVX.UTH. MlNNEAPOL.IF. CIUCnO. AND .. "77.. AXL POI.SIB EABT. s Daylight trip thrruh tbw ' Caaeada Sn4 Rocky Biountaina. Fof full parte, ulara, rataa. lulJera, at 4ll an or aeV droaa ' BT. DICXXOXT. City TtctAl aVS -18X Tblrd XtrooS, rorUaoA PREELAr,Di.'ic:::::i Iln the riencat rtxia, fruit aad ga . . , , wi J I . fnaTrorM. . J bovmjiub a. m-rmm . i eoat at irrt carina. Deed eVetr 4 , J Onto. VVBITf TO-OAV. BCM.... i" and MAP rXEB. Dewhafm Irrlgatior and Poerr Carta. aa7,IO-ll-aMriajuu4,Pattte , ' ,